#Ignoran Teachers
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I'm back >:) with a fun question this time.
If BW were to take place in the planet of Manas(where MotH takes place), what class of magic would each of the main cast get? Like necromancer, wizard, etc.
And what about if MotH were to take in New Tenesse? Which class would each one get?
Hmm...this is quite difficult to do without breaking too much canon, but I'll try my best.
Albus wouldn't have been ousted as someone to be hated or despised. That being said, he'd definitely become some sort of soldier. Maybe a warrior of Fusfeimyol, most likely specializing in offensive boosting enchantments and other battle spells. Fighting, not to survive, but for the thrill solely. He'd be a Battlemage.
Devlin wouldn't be designing weapons. I actually think he'd let his creativity shine in the way it wants and become a toy maker. Technically, still an artificer, just in a more fantastical and in a profession he enjoys much more.
Faith would become a school teacher in the impoverished nations like Fusfeimyol. She'd probably run into Albus at some point. Actually that's pretty cute now that I think about it lol! The Gladiator and the School Teacher. Adorable.
Now, let's move to the MotH cast! This was a bit trickier so I wrote out their stories in this world.
Zed would be considered weak by most standards for Paladins. However, his heritage would anoint him a great deal of prestige. In this AU where the MotH characters are swapped with BW characters, I would say that Zed would be a son of the Paladin King. But not just any Paladin King, a king who would be assassinated, most likely by the Triad, and force Zed to escape into hiding. If the Triad were to ever catch him, he'd be killed, or worse...this makes Zed a nomadic warrior with no clan or family to call his own. Constantly running, or else he'll suffer the same fate as the rest of his family.
Raze would probably have completely different powers. She might not even be a star captain considering the relationship between New Tennessee and the Landstar. Raze would most likely be one of the founding Paladins, or at least one of their children. She could be a Sister Paladin, or a Knight Sargent, until meeting Magreos. Together they'd most likely try to start a clan and succeed actually. Magreos would be able to vent his violent tendencies in combat as a sort of sharp relief, however that could spell bad news for their relationship moving forward...
Makkaro would be a Knight for sure. While he is smart, he's not technically minded. No, instead he is on the side of justice and fighting for honor and truth. Makkaro, being as smart as he is however, would make him a target for the Triad to be watchful. They like keeping their fighters dumb. They don't think, they kill. Makkaro doing both is a dangerous combination. Even more so when Makkaro inevitably picks up reading when he falls in love with the Paladin King's daughter (Gienne), resulting in him getting captured by the Triad who scramble his mind and make him black out all of it, before sending him back to his family under the guise that he suffered some form of demonic attack and physical trauma which developed in the form of Amnesia. From that point on, Makkaro would be afraid to do any more fighting, in fear of what might happen.
Gienne, as I said would be the Paladin Kings daughter. She might actually be inducted into the Triad, given her position and intelligence, but I think Makkaro would make her see passed that. This of course would lead to Triad interference again, where they would make her hate Makkaro and want nothing to do with such a sniveling coward who can't pick up a sword and doesn't even remember her. After that, she'd be sent back to her blissfully happy life as a princess.
Sorry for how long this all was! You may have noticed how depressing the lives of the MotH characters are on New Tennessee. Surprise surprise, it's not a happy world lol While a lot of clans do enjoy the thrill of hunting monsters and being blissfully ignorant of those in power behind the scenes manipulating everyone, characters with as much importance and personality as these would typically get screwed over. And fast too.
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Repetition can be used to create pattern in and artwork it can also relate to the imagery used. The use of repeated colour, images, etc. can help create a sense of unity for an artwork.
In design the use of rhythm and repetition go hand in hand. They work to create unity (repetition) and give the viewer something to follow with their eyes (rhythm) these steps can be applyed when creating an artwork.
There are diffrent types of rhythm, random and regular, regular has a noticeable pattern to it and random doesn't. Regular can be the same shape repeated, random has repeated elements, colour for example, to the eye there dosent seem to be a pattern but their is.
Example of Regular 🔽
Stack by Donald Judd
It has repeated pattern, in perfect form, no verity simply the same thing repeated. The boxes are the same spacing apart, everything is regulated to create the ignoranic work he was going for. The use of regular rhythm helped Judd do this by showing a lack of variety in knowledge, form and materials.
Example of Regular 🔽
Broadway boogie woogie by Piet Mondrain
Here Mondrain has created what seems to be a non repeated pattern, but the peice still has rhythm, its random as its not obvious to the eye. The use of shape and colour are what give this artwork its rhythm, the use of lines, squares and the repotision of the colours create the rhythm in this work.
Examples of Repetition 🔽
Campbells soup by Andy Warhol
Warhol is one of the most famous pop artists and many of his works rely on the use of repetitive imagery. Simply repeating the same image exactly each time, tapping into views on consumerism, which also relates to repetition in everyday life. Seeing the images of everyday life, images you see in adverts, super markets etc.
Golcanada by Rene Maghritte 🔽
Unlike Warhol the works of Maghritte dont use everyday imagery. It does however use repetitive imagery very well. This artwork used repetition in a surrealist way, creating a strange and unusual image using the repeated imagery of the floating people.
Rhythm and Repetition have there place in art as they need the fundamentals elements of art, form, line, colour, shape, texture and value.
More Examples of Repetition
Recurrence can be seen as boring and still. Other elements can help carry an artwork, such as scale, quantity and colour. This is why its so tied to the elements of art.
Take Yayoi Kusama, a multimedia artist that has one thing in common with all her work, dots.
No matter what she creates dots are a repeating factor. This became an instant reconisable feture of her work and solidified her identity as an artist. She has been doing this for over 60 years and has showen how to do consistency at its finest becoming on of the faces in Japanese contemporary art.
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I don’t speak Spanish but I love this old video. I love when the interviewer show her a pic of the guy and ask Chris what she thinks. Chris is like I’m gay and the guy looks like my dad.
Btw Maha you can be tc spanish teacher. They can hire you.
YES! im 100% down for that 🤣 Canola's spanish is not that bad tho oO but i can help them practice all they want
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«Mañana 1 de octubre se cumplen 30 años de la publicación de Matilda en Londres por la editorial Jonathan Cape, con ilustraciones de Quentin Blake.» .
Si hay algo que convierte en especial a Roald Dahl, es que a través de muchos de sus libros consiguió contar las historias desde la perspectiva de los niños. Sus protagonistas, como es el caso de Matilda, son inteligentes, astutos y se enfrentan a los adultos. Matilda, publicado por primera vez en 1988, es uno de sus títulos icónicos. Una de esas historias que son para siempre y que viajan de generación en generación. Con más de 200 millones de libros vendidos en todo el mundo, Matilda es una de las obras más reconocidas de la literatura infantil y juvenil.
Cubierta de: ‘Matilda? (Colección Alfaguara Clásicos)
Cubierta de: ‘Matilda’ (Primera edición en inglés 1988)
La historia comienza en una pequeña aldea de Buckinghamshire , Matilda Wormwood es una niña de cinco años y medio de inusual precocidad , pero a menudo es maltratada o descuidada por sus padres y su hermano mayor Michael. En represalia, recurre a travesuras como pegarse el sombrero de su padre a la cabeza, esconder el loro de un amigo en la chimenea para simular un ladrón o fantasma, y blanqueando secretamente el cabello de su padre. Matilda ha leído una variedad de libros de diferentes autores, especialmente a la edad de cuatro años, cuando leyó muchos en seis meses. En la escuela, Matilda se hace amiga de su maestra, Jennifer Honey, quien queda asombrada por las habilidades intelectuales de Matilda. Ella trata de llevarla a una clase superior, pero la directora, la tiránica Agatha Trunchbull, la rechaza. La señorita Honey también intenta hablar con el señor y la señora Wormwood sobre la inteligencia de Matilda, pero la ignoran.
Evidentemente pasan muchas aventuras muy divertidas y como estoy casi seguro que todos habéis leído el libro os contaré lo más importante:
…Y así la señorita Honey y Matilda viven felices para siempre. .
Una última información antes de despedir esta reseña. En Inglaterra la Editorial Penguin va ha hacer unas ediciones especiales del libro de Matilda con nuevas portadas muy chulas en las que podemos ver a Matilda con 30 años. Para los que estéis interesados os paso el enlace: https://www.penguin.co.uk/search-results.html?q=Matilda+at+30
Roald Dahl
El autor: Roald Dahl nació el 13 de septiembre de 1916 en un pueblecito de Gales (Gran Bretaña) llamado Llandaff en el seno de una familia acomodada de origen noruego. A los cuatro años pierde a su padre y a los siete entra por primera vez en contacto con el rígido sistema educativo británico que deja reflejado en algunos de sus libros, por ejemplo, en Matilda y en Boy. Terminado el Bachillerato y en contra de las recomendaciones de su madre para que cursara estudios universitarios, empieza a trabajar en la compañía multinacional petrolífera Shell, en África. En este continente le sorprende la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después de un entrenamiento de ocho meses, se convierte en piloto de aviación en la Royal Air Force; fue derribado en combate y tuvo que pasar seis meses hospitalizado. Después fue destinado a Londres y en Washington empezó a escribir sus aventuras de guerra. Su entrada en el mundo de la literatura infantil estuvo motivada por los cuentos que narraba a sus cuatro hijos. En 1964 publica su primera obra, Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate a las que siguieron James y el melocotón gigante, Matilda, El gigante bonachón, Agu Trot, Las brujas y Relatos de lo inesperado. También escribió guiones para películas, como el de Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968); concibió personajes famosos como los Gremlins, y algunas de sus obras han sido llevadas al cine. Roald Dahl murió en Oxford, a los 74 años de edad. .
El libro: Matilda (título original: Matilda, 1988) ha sido publicado por la Editorial Alfaguara en su Colección Alfaguara Clásicos. Traducción del inglés de Pedro Barbadillo e ilustraciones de Quentin Blake. Encuadernado en tapa dura tiene 248 páginas.
Cómpralo a través de este enlace con Casa del Libro.
Como complemento pongo el vídeo realizado por la editorial con motivo del 30º aniversario de la publicación de Matilda.
. Para saber más: https://www.roalddahl.com/home/teachers
“Matilda”, de Roald Dahl «Mañana 1 de octubre se cumplen 30 años de la publicación de Matilda en Londres por la editorial…
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