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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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Final image of the completed space
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
Degree Show Proposal
For the degree show I want to have a participatory aspect for the viewers, I have chosen to do this through a couple of different routes. One is a large 6ft fabric hat that can be folded again and again by engaging audience members, this means that to be able to comfortably have people be on the floor I will need ample space around the fabric hat. I hope this participatory element engages the audience to be at floor level and change the dynamic of the space.
The second participatory aspect to the work will be a plinth with a form that holds paper hats. These paper hats will be a kind of souvenir that people will be able to take away with them. The plinth will be adorned with both a poster with a QR code that people will be able to scan once they place their souvenirs in a joyful place that resonates with them. This is to take the concept back to where it began, with my summer project where I placed paper hats around the places I visited, to in hopes spark a joyful/thoughtful moment for passers-by. The second adornment to the plinth will be a pocket that contains programs with instructions on how to fold the larger fabric hat, it will have step by step instructions to help the participants be independent in their creativity.
The third part of the exhibition will be the on-going paper hats sculptures I have been making throughout the year, these will be displayed on a board, hung on panel pins in rows, showing the repetitive nature to the work and to conceptually represent that by having them in these rigid/repetitive rows. This is to create a visual representation for the viewer of the repetitive work I have done throughout the year, by having these repeating visuals I hope it showcases this to the viewer.
The fourth and final element to my degree show is the room for conversation, an environment that strives to be a space where people are able to communicate their best moments, to take it back to the train ticket material the hats are made out of, I will also be attaching a small roll of plain ticket paper to the wall where people can discuss their best experiences they have had on a train. Keeping the joyful, happy experience at the four front of the work.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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Buissness cards and flyer in the space.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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This time everything was up i just had some instructional stickers to put up.
I wanted them big enough that people far away were able to read ot and would maybe be intrigued to come over.
I didnt want too lenthy of a sentence as the art was the main focus.
I think the stickers work really well and emulated the type you get on the train tickets, bold and black.
I also added my large paper poster ticket to try and push my following for my social media and have people be able to contact me.
It means people can follow or email right there and there is less forgetting as its in the moment.
All the elements have this tyoe of urgency of being there and having to take part whilest your in the space. I like this as each person will have a similar experience but be sharing either their own story (on the roll) taking part in the hat folding or simply lokking at the art.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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It wasnt as easy as before, the boards were made of different wood which prove to be very difficult to hammer in the nails, due to the structural beams inside of the wall the wall was different depths.
I had also significantly upped the number of nails that i was putting in the boards, in the end 552 nails and hats were hung.
I did try other methods such a thinner pins and a pin pusher but the wall was too thick for it to work, the pins just kept falling out.
In the future i would build my own structure to nail things into, unfortunately that wasnt an option this time around as it was installed in the college and in order to have the walls cohesive they were erected by the technicians.
I could in the future howerver play around with diffrebt ways of displaying them, this time i simply didnt have the spare time to build a new structure to put them on. This might have been an option if i new about the complications sooner, or that the walls were goimg to be hollow with suports inside.
The good news is that they are up and the till roll screwed perfectly, just leaning out the wall at a lovley 45 degree angle, this was purposefully done to make sure the paper would be able to move around the central dowel.
The plinth also fit the hats for sale perfectly making the space feel cohisive and clean. No rough edges poking oit anywhere.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
The theory for this project is based apon my dissertation theory, on paticipatory art and viewer experience.
Dissertasion link
Summery of theory
The research includes a thorough analysis of theories such as Postmodernism, the Conceptual Art Movement, and Interactive art, incorporating a study of relevant artifacts and a review of literature related to the research focus.
Theriosts such as Claire Bishop and her book titled Participation played a key part in my understanding of participation as an art fprm. The book had interesting quotes from multiple artist which i found inspiring.
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I like the cultural significance of removing the artist from being the creator and letting the audience inside the artist brain, not simply viewing the art.
Post modernism is questioning the master narrative, rejecting that the idea of knowledge and history can be fully encompassed in theory and embracing the temporary.
Overturning the thought that art can only have one meaning and adopting that the audience can determine a new meaning outwith the artists original concept.
Interactive art giving the audience a way to participate and become actively giving the audience controll in the outcome of the work. Relating back to the post modern theory of art not having a proper meaning untill out of the artist studio and into the public view. Letting people actively partake in the makimg of the art gives some power back to the people who consume it. Making it a memorable experience and individual to the person. Giving multiple meanings to the artwork, more than the original intent by the artist.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
Yoko Ono- Wish Tree
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The wish tree is the evolution of Ono's childhood memories, she used to go to the temple and write a wish on a peice of paper, she would hang that paper on the tree. Ono wanted to translate that to the artworld.
Ono has done this exhabition many times since its debut in 1996, there is now over 1 million wishes she has collected from the trees. The power people feel when able to express their emotions must be freeing. To know that you have put that energy out there and that you have left it to fait is very true to the works origin. Letting the gods choose so to speak. Writing can be a cathartic thing, people write to get thoughts out of their head, express emotion in song writing or poetry and is something that is even prescribed to help with mental health and well being.
Writing can also be used to remember good memories or new ones, people sending post cards from travels and such. I want to have an element of this in my degree show. To have people remember good memories and share them with eachother, to be able to read otjers and see if there is similar experiences or make people think about the thing people hold importance too.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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Here i have used the step by step guide images i took to create a riso printed flyer.
The flyer has the images on the front and a list of instructions on the back, it also contains a QR code to a live google dock.
This allows people to upload a photo of their own paper hat in their happy place. I wanted this element to be able to create a sense of community, almost a socially engaged artwork that has people thinking and engaging with the work and eachother.
The flyers will later have attached a small print out of my promotional poster. This has been inspired both by my promotion module and artists such as Allan Kaprow.
I say this because the tickets attached will be a way to be promoted as they contain the details of my instagram, aswell as its very own QR code to the insta for people to find my page easy. They also may be found by members of the public depending on whwre the individuals happy places are.
This is inspired by artist such as Kaprow, giving my audience all the materials they need to interact with the work.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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This is the fabric hat in action in the test site. It went to plan and worked in action. It was nice to see others standimg aroind and being inquisitive about what was going on.
I did exactly what i wanted and had people participating in a share experience with the object.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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I used my test site as a way to formulate how the hats would be displayed. I found that using nails and hanging the hats worked really well.
I had a regimented feeling and displayed the repetitive nature of the work well. This i felt lead back to its origami beginnings showing the progression of my ability to fold the hats.
I think i will use this method when installing for degree show, i may alter the shape of the layout into a rectangle. I want to do this to emulate the shape that the train ticket started.
Overall i do like the look of the hats, it feels polished and clean.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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Here i have made a wall mount for a ticket of till roll. My hope for the till roll is to keep the mokds hight and have people share their favourite train memory, creating an opertunity for people to share with eachother.
The act of writing can be so personal but in this case i want to tkgakae that out. I want people to read others stories and share in that moment with them.
Once you learn about something its not your lived experience but it is an experience in its self just to know this information about someone. I hope that this will keep spirits high and keep people smiling at these happy shared stories.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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I had created a poster for my promotion module and put them up around the town and college building.
I then thought that if i shrunk them down to look more like a real train ticket i could use them to be thw materials for one of my interactive elements of my degree show, as well as a buissness card.
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I did try to print them smaller, closer to buissness card size, but i had problems with the scan-ability of the QR code.
I dont think the larger size takes away from the fact its a buissness card, i think that it feels like when i pit my train ticket in my wallet for safe keeping.
I chose to have them made from regular printer paper as this is how the real tickets are and i wanted that same feeling in the hand.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
Here i am testing the folding hat in the 7th floor gallery. I wanted to make sure the hat was able to stand on its own and that it would be easy enough for people to move and navigate.
I found that the hat held its shape well and the pva really helped the fabric retain the memory of the folds.
I ironed the folds in aswell to ensure they all went in the corect direction, giving it just a little bit more stability with the sharper edge.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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I tried to display the fabric hat on a plinth and although it looked good and i liked how the fabric drapped. I really wanted an onsite interactive element for my audience to participate in.
I think that its important as it again allows for that thinking time, whither the audience is thinking about the art or anything else. I wanted for it to allow space for mindfulness or collaboration between diffrent participants, creating a sense of community around the hat.
I think this is important as it goes back to the origins of origami, how most if not all Japanese citizens are tought this skill and how it links to knowing your surroundings and yourself better the more you so it.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
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The hat was made from 6ft X 3ft folded peice of canvas.
I spread pva on the inside and flattened the two sides together using 2 wall boards.
I then had to find heavy objects to place atop the boards to keep the canvas flat, and really connect the two peices together.
The pva helped the fabric not ony stick but meant once folded would create memory of the folds.
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creative--enquiry · 8 months ago
Participation Artworks
Roman Ondak
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This artwork by Ondak is titled measuring the universe. The artwork invites an audience into an empty gallery space where they are instructed to mark their height and date of visit on the wall. They have free will to not also, making the paticipatory element of this work truly spontaneous.
He wanted to blurr the boundaries between art and everyday life. Taking insperation from when family members mesure children, just as he does for his 2 sons. He wanted to take this everyday activity that takes a marginal thing and transform it into something bigger. Connecting the people in the gallery in a shared experince that also documents the passage of time and the change in is over time. Hence the name of the peice it suggests we mesure the universe on our own terms and change our experience as we grow.
Marina Abramovic
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The Artist is Present, 2010, is an artwork where Abramovic explores the boundaries of performance art. An artwork where she invites audience members to sit oposite her and make eye contact with no talking. This challenges the audience to think, they arent told what the art is, its independent to that person, a personal experience.
It also breakes the consumerism of art as there is no art to be of monetizable value. Personal experience cant be sold, you camt put a price on vulnerability.
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