#Igbt Module Heat Sink
loricooler · 6 months
The Importance of IGBT Module Heat Dissipation for New Energy Vehicles
IGBT Module for Electric Vehicle
IGBT module is an important component of new energy vehicles. In new energy vehicles, the core component of the motor drive part is the IGBT module, the IGBT module occupies about half of the cost of the motor drive system, and the motor drive system accounts for 15–20% of the cost of the vehicle, which means that the IGBT accounts for 7–10% of the cost of the vehicle. And IGBT module is the second highest cost component in addition to the battery, it also determines the energy efficiency of the vehicle.
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IGBT module is a high-power semiconductor component, its loss of power makes it heat more but it should not work at a high temperature for a long time. So the manufacturers must pay attention to the heat dissipation of IGBT module. It is particularly important for IGBT module to select high-performance aluminum electronic heat sink and choose efficient heat dissipation program.
The combined profile heat sink is suitable for IGBT modules, new energy industry, etc.
Lori has long been committed to the research and development and production of various high-power heat sinks such as IGBT heat sinks. We provide customers with efficient and professional new energy heat sinks. For more information about our products and services, please contact us directly.
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e-energyit · 2 years
SIC MOSFETs offer significant advantages in automotive and power management applications | E-energyIT
SIC MOSFETs offer significant advantages in automotive and power management applications
Traditional silicon-based MOSFET technology is maturing and is approaching the theoretical limits of performance. Wide band gap semiconductors with better electrical, thermal and mechanical characteristics can improve the performance of MOSFETs and are a highly sought after alternative technology. Commercial silicon-based power MOSFETs have been around for nearly 40 years and since their introduction, MOSFETs and IGBTs have been the primary power handling control component for switching power supplies and are widely used in power supplies, motor drives and other circuit designs.
However, this success has also led to MOSFETs and IGBTs experiencing what it means to suffer from success instead. With improvements in the overall performance of the products, particularly the significant reduction in on-resistance and switching losses, these semiconductor switches are being used in a wider range of applications. As a result, the market has come to expect more and more performance from these silicon-based MOSFETs and IGBTs.
Although major semiconductor R&D institutes and manufacturers have made great efforts to meet market requirements and further improve MOSFET/ IGBT products, at some point the law of diminishing returns has prevailed. For several years now, despite significant investment, little has been achieved. It is not uncommon for technologies and products to eventually evolve to a stage where the give and take is not proportional, setting the stage for new disruptive approaches and the introduction of new products.
For MOSFET devices, this cycle of disruptive technology innovation is the result of developing and mastering new base materials. Silicon carbide (SiC) based MOSFETs offer superior performance when compared to pure silicon based MOSFETs. Please note that the products used in this comparison test are not development samples or demonstration prototypes, but SiC-based MOSFETs that are already commercially available.
The development of electric and hybrid vehicles (EV/HEV), an important and rapidly growing application area, has benefited from advances in MOSFET technology, which in turn has pushed MOSFET development and manufacturing activity. Regardless of what consumers think, these battery-laden vehicles are not simply a large battery pack connected to several traction motors (hybrids also have a small petrol engine to charge the batteries), but require a large number of electronic modules to drive the system, manage the equipment and perform special functions.
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▪ Power switching conversion systems for electric and hybrid vehicles including.
▪ wheel motor traction inverters (200 kW/up to 20 kHz).
▪ AC input on-board chargers (20 kW/50 kHz-200 kHz).
▪ optional fast charging function (50 kW/50 kHz-200 kHz)
▪ Power supply for auxiliary functions: centre console, battery management control, air conditioning, infotainment system, GPS, internet connection (4 kW/ 50 kHz-200 kHz range)
Why focus on energy efficiency? Range is clearly one of the most important considerations for consumers shopping for electric and hybrid vehicles. Even small improvements in the performance of the inverter can lead to significant improvements in the basic performance indicators that consumers can see in the vehicle.
But it is not just this one factor that requires high energy efficiency, there are a variety of other factors
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▪ lower operating temperatures and increased reliability.
▪ lower heat loads, reducing the amount of heat emitted through radiators, heat sinks, coolants and other technologies.
▪ reduction of charging times and basic power consumption.
▪ the need for greater flexibility in the overall package due to the inherent requirements and limitations of systems with higher operating temperatures.
▪ easier compliance with regulatory requirements.
SiC meets the challenge
Fortunately, SiC offers a pathway to greater energy efficiency and the associated performance improvements. How do SiCMOSFETs differ from mainstream pure silicon MOSFETs in terms of structure and performance? In short, SiCMOSFETs are SiC n + substrates with a SiC n-doped epitaxial layer (also known as a drift layer), as shown in Figure 2. The key parameter on-state resistance RDS(ON) depends heavily on the channel resistance RDrift between the source/base and the drift layer.
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When the RDrift value is given and the junction temperature is 25?C, the actual area of the SiC transistor die is a fraction of the area of the silicon superjunction transistor die, giving a much higher performance of the SiC transistor if the two tubes are made to have the same chip area. Another way to compare SiC and silicon is to use the familiar quality factor (FOM), i.e. RDS(ON) x chip area (the lower the quality factor the better). At 1200V blocking voltage, the SiC MOSFETs have a very small FOM value, about one tenth that of the best high voltage silicon MOSFETs on the market (900V superjunction tubes).
Compared to the silicon-based IGBTs commonly used in traction inverters, the SiC MOSFETs have the following main advantages.
▪ lower switching losses and, at small to medium powers, lower conduction losses
▪ absence of the PN junction voltage drop that IGBTs have.
▪ a SiC device with a robust, fast intrinsic diode, eliminating the need for an external diode; the recovery charge of this intrinsic diode is so small as to be almost negligible
▪ higher operating temperatures (200?C), resulting in reduced cooling requirements and heat dissipation requirements, while improving reliability
▪ Four times the switching frequency of an IGBT with the same energy efficiency, lower weight, size and cost due to fewer passive components and external components.
Experienced engineers know that the power device is only one of many important components of the overall system. To make the design reliable, efficient and cost-effective, it is also necessary to select the right driver for the MOSFET. A suitable driver is one that is specifically designed for the rate of change of current, voltage values and timing constraints that are unique to the target MOSFET and its load. As SiC MOSFET technology has matured, there are many brands of standard drivers on the market that guarantee proper operation of the driver/MOSFET combination.
It is therefore only natural that people are concerned about the ease of driving SiC MOSFETs and more so about the availability of drivers on the market. Excitingly, driving a SiCMOSFET is almost as easy as driving a silicon-based MOSFET, with only 20V gate-source voltage and a maximum drive current of about 2A required to drive an 80mΩ device. Thus, simple standard gate drivers can be used in many cases.
Not just an inference, but a fact
Advances in manufacturing processes sometimes do not guarantee that new technologies will necessarily be industrialised and adopted on a large scale, and SiCMOSFETs are an exception to this rule. SiCMOSFETs are now in high volume production and are being adopted in hybrid and electric vehicles, with tangible results in terms of energy efficiency, performance and operating conditions, which are being transmitted to the circuit level and system level.
A comparison test between a SIC MOSFET and a silicon IGBT was done with an 80kW traction motor inverter power module for hybrid and electric vehicles and the results showed that the 650V SIC MOSFET far outperformed the silicon IGBT in many key parameters. this three-phase inverter module uses a bipolar PWM control topology with synchronous rectification mode. Both devices are sized for junction temperatures of less than 80% of the absolute maximum rated junction temperature. The silicon IGBT scheme uses four parallel 650V/200A IGBTs and associated silicon diodes of the same rating for current continuation; the SIC MOSFET-based scheme design uses seven parallel 650V/100A SiC MOSFETs without any external diodes (only intrinsic diodes are used); rated at 480 Arms (10 seconds) peak power and 230 Arms normal load. Arms. other operating conditions are
▪ DC circuit voltage: 400 Vdc
▪ Switching frequency: 16kHz
▪ SiCVgs voltage +20V/-5V, IGBT Vge voltage ±15V
▪ Coolant temperature: 85°C
▪ RthJ-C(IGBT-die)=0.4°C/W; RthJ-C(SiC-die)=1.25°C/W
▪ Tj ≤ 80% × Tjmax°C under any condition
The following table shows typical power losses at rated peak power.
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Notice that SiC MOSFETs show a significant improvement in almost all power loss parameters compared to silicon-based IGBTs. When the MOSFETs are connected in parallel, the resulting RDS(ON) on-resistance divided by the number of MOSFETs results in near-zero conduction losses, so that the SiC MOSFETs have lower conduction losses than the IGBTs. conversely, when the IGBTs are connected in parallel, the resulting VCE(SAT) voltage does not drop linearly and the minimum conduction voltage drop is limited to a range of approximately 0.8 to 1 V.
It is easy to see that the SiC-based MOSFET solution has much lower power losses over the entire load range. Due to the low on-state voltage drop, the on-state losses of these MOSFETs are also reduced from 125 W to 55 W at 100 % load.
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At low loads, SiC devices are up to 3% more energy efficient than silicon IGBTs; over the entire load range, the total energy efficiency is at least 1% higher. Although 1 % may not seem like much, for this power class, 1 % represents high power consumption, dissipated power and heat dissipation. Engineers know that high temperatures are the enemy of long-lasting performance and reliability. In addition, high energy efficiency extends the range of electric vehicles, which is a value proposition valued by car manufacturers and consumers alike. Comparing the junction temperatures of SiC and IGBT at 16 kHz switching frequency, from low to full load, it is clear that SiC is the winner, with coolant temperatures of 85?C for both, as shown in Figure 4. The data suggests that because of the high losses, the IGBT cooling system must be more efficient.
Under peak power pulse conditions, SiC MOSFET conduction losses are higher than those of IGBTs. To keep the junction temperature below the maximum junction temperature (typically 80% of Tjmax at 200?C), we limit the size of the SiC MOSFET, which then has the following advantages.
▪ Small chip area for more compact solutions.
▪ much lower power losses at low and medium loads
▪ longer battery life, extending the range of the vehicle.
▪ lower losses at full load for smaller cooling solutions
▪ Small temperature differences between junction temperature Tj and coolant temperature Tfluid over the entire load range for increased reliability.
These features and benefits offer tangible benefits to the user, such as at least a 1% improvement in energy efficiency (75% reduction in losses); smaller and lighter cooling systems on the inverter side (approx. 80% reduction); and smaller and lighter power supply modules (50% reduction).
Cost considerations
When discussing technological advances and the benefits they bring, any discussion that does not take cost into account is one-sided. Currently, SiCMOSFETs cost 4-5 times more than silicon IGBTs, however, the savings in bill of materials, cooling system and energy consumption of SiCMOSFETs, which reduce the total system cost, can often offset the cost difference of these base components. Over the next 2-5 years, as the industry moves to larger diameter wafers, which have already begun to transition, this price gap should drop to 3x or even 2.5x and the quality factor RDSON × area will improve and yields will increase. In the long term, costs will continue to fall over the next 5-10 years as these parameters improve.
SiC power switches offer the promise of improved performance and at the same time turn these hopes into reality with few design trade-offs in application and installation. As automakers ramp up development of hybrids, electric vehicles and many associated power modules, as well as other high-power motor-centric applications, SiC power switches can play an important role in successful designs, bringing huge advances to the system level even if the pace of improvement is small.
Prepare your supply chain
Buyers of electronic components must now be prepared for future prices, extended delivery time, and continuous challenge of the supply chain. Looking forward to the future, if the price and delivery time continues to increase, the procurement of JIT may become increasingly inevitable. On the contrary, buyers may need to adopt the "just in case" business model, holding excess inventory and finished products to prevent the long -term preparation period and the supply chain interruption.
As the shortage and the interruption of the supply chain continue, communication with customers and suppliers will be essential. Regular communication with suppliers will help buyers prepare for extension of delivery time, and always understand the changing market conditions at any time. Regular communication with customers will help customers manage the expectations of potential delays, rising prices and increased delivery time. This is essential to ease the impact of this news or at least ensure that customers will not be taken attention to the sudden changes in this chaotic market.
Most importantly, buyers of electronic components must take measures to expand and improve their supplier network. In this era, managing your supply chain requires every link to work as a cohesive unit. The distributor of the agent rather than a partner cannot withstand the storm of this market. Communication and transparency are essential for management and planning. In E-energy Holding Limited, we use the following ways to hedge these market conditions for customers:
Our supplier network has been reviewed and improved for more than ten years.
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Our procurement is concentrated in franchise and manufacturer direct sales.
Our customer manager is committed to providing the highest level of services, communication and transparency. In addition to simply receiving orders, your customer manager will also help you develop solutions, planned inventory and delivery plans, maintain the inventory level of regular procurement, and ensure the authenticity of your parts.
Add E-energy Holding Limited to the list of suppliers approved by you, and let our team help you make strategic and wise procurement decisions.
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anadiauto · 2 years
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IGBT FS-S300R12KE3_S1 Repairing Services in Nashik
Our experts provide the best Industrial Automation Products Repair Service and customer support in the industry. We know because our customers have told us so. We have listened to your suggestions and have made our service better. You can trust us to do the job right the first time. If you are looking for the best SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IGBT FS-S300R12KE3_S1 Repairing Services in your city, so Anadi Automation is the best choice for you to contact us at +91 9822444915.
EconoPACK™ SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IGBT FS-S300R12KE3_S1 module. Please also find our EconoPACK+ SKIM455GD12T4DM1 AAYLE01.
Features: Easy separation of DC and AC, Optimized thermal resistance case to the heat sink, Highest power density for compact inverter designs.
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shunlongwei · 3 years
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Mitsubishi CM200DY-24H Https://www.slw-ele.com; Email: [email protected]
#CM200DY-24H Mitsubishi CM200DY-24H New IGBT: 200A1200V, CM200DY-24H pictures, CM200DY-24H price, #CM200DY-24H supplier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: [email protected]
CM200DY-24H Description
CM200DY-24H can produce tremendous power of up to 1200V or 200A at only 0.88lbs. It has modules where each contains two IGBT transistors individually having a very unique and robust fast recovery freewheeling Diode, eliminating flybacks or voltage spikes that may occur during induction loading. The interconnects and components of this Transistor module are secluded from a heat sinking base plate, which makes it less complex with better thermal management. CM200DY-24H also has low drive power and low VCE(sat). It is apt for high frequency operation which can range between 20 and 25 kHz. Manufactured by Mitsubishi, it is indeed a high quality flexible transistor module that also works best with applications such as AC and DC motor drives, welding machines and laser power supplies.
CM200DY-24H  0.88 lbs
CM200DY-24H could be used in AC Motor Control, Motion/Servo Control, UPS, Welding Power Supplies
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decisionforsight · 3 years
Global Power Electronics Market
Global Power Electronics Market Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends and Forecast 2020-2030
The global power electronics market size was accounted at USD 24.5 billion in 2020, and is expected to reach USD 40.6 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 5.2%.Power electronics is an area that includes the study, analysis, and designing of various circuits that are capable of controlling and converting electrical energy from one form to another with the help of semiconductor devices. It helps in power management in order to enhance energy conservation in numerous uses such as industrial systems, electric vehicles, and consumer electronics. Power electronics devices have certain advantages including optimum forward and reverse backing capabilities, simplified circuits, and compact designs. Furthermore, other applications of power electronics devices include connection of renewable energy resources to power grids, transportation in electric locomotives, motor drives and illumination. The major use of power electronics devices is heat sinking as well as soft starting of equipment deploying power electronics devices. The various power electronics devices include insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), power metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), diodes, thyristors, and silicon controlled rectifiers. The global power electronics market size was accounted at USD 24.5 billion in 2020, and is expected to reach USD 40.6 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 5.2%.   
Download Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.decisionforesight.com/request-sample/DFS020281
Market Dynamics and Factors:
Rapid growth in the use of renewable energy, increase in the adoption of electric vehicles, and the surge in industries like automotive, industrial, consumer electronics, and ICT are the major factors driving the market across the globe. Additionally, the rising focus on enhancing the power infrastructure and the growing trend of energy harvesting technologies is also augmenting the market growth of power electronic during the forecast period. However, current leakage at high temperatures and high infrastructure deployment cost are hampering the market growth of power electronics devices. Furthermore, proactive government initiatives to establish high voltage direct current (HVDC) and smart grid utilizing power devices for power conversation are expected to provide lucrative opportunities for the market to grow in the coming future. The increasing demand for HVDC grids in countries like China and India and the adoption of Greenfield projects for generating energy from renewable sources are anticipated to further drive the growth of the power electronics market.
Market Segmentation:
Global Power Electronics Market – By Material
Silicon Carbide
Gallium Nitride
Global Power Electronics Market – By Device Type 
Power IC
Power Module
Power Discrete
Global Power Electronics Market – By Applications 
Consumer Electronic
Aerospace & Defence
Global Power Electronics Market – By Geography
North America
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East
New Business Strategies, Challenges & Policies are mentioned in Table of Content, Request TOC at @ https://www.decisionforesight.com/toc-request/DFS020281
Geographic Analysis:
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global power electronics market in terms of market share during the forecast period followed by North America. The growth of the market in APAC is mainly attributed to technological advancements and increased focus towards the use of renewable energy sources across various industrial verticals across the region. For instance, in 2016, the government of India announced the construction of solar power projects with 4,000 MW worth capacity under the National Solar Mission. This was mainly due to the government’s interest in providing low cost renewable power to the rural and underserved population. Moreover, the rise of the consumer electronics, ICT, automotive, and industrial sector in various APAC countries like China, India, Japan, and South Korea has also contributed significantly to the market growth of the power electronics devices in the region. Power electronics plays a crucial role in electric vehicles in speed control at high voltages and enhancing efficiency. For instance, the U.S. has the largest consumer base of electric cars, because of strict emission rules in the region. In 2015, about 400,000 electric cars were in stock in the nation. This is a major factor attributing to the market growth of power electronics in the North American region. 
 Competitive Scenario:
The key players operating in the global power electronics industry are –
Texas Instruments, Qualcomm Inc., Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Toshiba, Hitachi, Fuji Electric, Renesas Electronic Corporation, ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Microsemi Corporation, and ABB Ltd.
Connect to Analyst @ https://www.decisionforesight.com/speak-analyst/DFS020281
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atsthermal · 4 years
Industry Developments: Thermal Management Solutions for IGBT Modules
Power electronics devices are vital for the efficient generation, conversion, transmission and distribution of electric power. Power technologies are being used to improve energy efficiency, reliability, and control. Some experts expect that one day all electrical power will flow through a power semiconductor device at least once. [1]
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Fig. 1. An IGBT module with rated current of 1,200 A and max voltage of 3,300 V. [2]
Among the more widely adapted high-voltage, high-power devices are IGBT. An IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) is a solid-state switch that allows power to flow in the ‘On’ state and stops power flow when it is in the ‘Off’ state.
More specifically, an IGBT works by applying voltage to a semiconductor component, changing its properties to block or create an electrical path. An IGBT combines an insulated gate input and bipolar output to provide a reliable power switch for medium frequency (5-50 kHz) and high voltage (200-2,000 V) applications. [3]
Large IGBT modules typically consist of many devices in parallel and can have very high current-handling capabilities in the order of hundreds of amperes with blocking voltages of 6,500 V. These IGBT can control loads of hundreds of kilowatts. [4]
Among the many areas where IGBT are used in high power applications are:Electric and hybrid-electric vehicles; Battery chargers and charging stations; Electric buses, trams, and trolleys; Appliance motor drives; Switch and uninterruptible power supplies; Power factor correction converters; Traction motor controls; Solar and wind power inverters; Induction heating; and Medical diagnostic devices.
Thermal Management Needs and Solutions
IGBT generate significant heat and can be affected by excess thermal energy. Using air cooling techniques, e.g. heat sinks, for high-power dissipating IGBT can be impractical because of the large sizes the sinks require to manage the high volumes of heat.
Liquid cooling provides heat transfer coefficients several orders of magnitude higher than convection cooling, thus enabling much higher power densities and more compact module and inverter solutions.
While there is sometimes a reluctance to use liquid cooling in the power electronics industry, it is essential to meet many of today’s IGBT thermal management needs. The automotive industry has been using liquid cooling for internal combustion engines for more than a century and the idea of using liquid cooling for power electronics in an automotive application is now considered a non-issue. [5]
Liquid cooling methods for IGBT include cold plates, heat pipes, turbulators and vapor cooling loops.
Cold Plates
Cold plates provide localized cooling of power electronics by transferring heat from the device to a liquid that flows to a remote heat exchanger and dissipates into either the ambient or to another liquid in a secondary cooling system. Compared to air cooling, liquid cold plates provide more efficient performance and enable major reductions in the volume and weight of power electronics systems.
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Fig. 2. Cold Plates are used to keep chip temperatures lower inside modular IGBT component packages. (Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.) [6]
High switching frequencies and voltages result in IGBT dissipating higher power at the die level. Thus, the goal for cooling IGBT with cold plates is typically to get the lowest semiconductor temperature possible, as well as a minimum temperature gradient from one module to the next. They provide efficient heat transfer between the cold plate contact area and the IGBT base plate.
Uniquely manufactured IGBT cold plates from Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS) feature a higher performance mini-channel design. For example, the CP-1000 model cold plate, at a flow rate of 4 L/min, can transfer 1 kW of heat at 5°C temperature difference between the cold plate base and the inlet fluid temperature.
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Fig. 3. A superior quality, vacuum-brazed cold plate from Mersen. [7]
Mersen S.A. provides vacuum-brazed cold plates specially dedicated to the needs of industrial drives. The vacuum–brazing technology insures metal-to-metal, flux-free joints ensuring leak-free, high-performance results. [7]
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Fig. 4. IGBT-cooling base plates are available with multiple metal substrates and with low cost fin and pin features. [8]
Base plates (without liquids) are also available for IGBT cooling. One supplier is Wolverine MicroCool. Wolverine’s base plates provide efficient heat transfer in part because of their patented Micro Deformation Technology (MDT), which enables a wide variety of fin, pin and micro-channel geometries in a low-cost process. Because of this technology, the base plates have a very low pressure drop without compromising thermal conductivity. [8]
A turbulator is a cooler assembly designed to ensure all chips in a series of IGBT modules are cooled equally and efficiently. The concept enables tailored cooling, if hot spots need extra attention, and is accomplished by designing the liquid cooling channels individually.
The Mentor ShowerPower plastic part (pictured below in blue) has several cooling cells in the ‘X’ and ‘Y’ directions and needs a manifold structure on the backside of the plastic part. This ensures that each cooling cell receives water at the same temperature. [9]
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Fig. 5. The turbulator concept ensures that all chips a series of IGBT modules are cooled equally. [9]
Turbulator designs like the ShowerPower provide many benefits. By homogeneously cooling flat IGBT baseplates and modules, they eliminate temperature gradients to allow the paralleling of many power chips.
Direct Liquid Cooling
Unlike cold plates, whose metal enclosures contact the base of an IGBT with a TIM (thermal interface material) in between, the concept of direct liquid cooling puts the liquid in contact with integral fins on IGBT base.
By arranging the fins in a high-density configuration directly beneath the power chip, which is a heat-generating body, the capacity for heat dissipation between the fins and the cooling liquid is increased. The result is that the thermal resistance between the power chip and the cooling liquid is reduced by approximately 30% compared to that of the conventional structure. [10]
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Fig. 6. Cross-sectional comparison of conventional cold plate structure and direct liquid cooling structure. [10]
Vapor Cooling
Evaporative cooling technology increases power densities for high power electronics by more than two times according to Parker, which provides a two-phase evaporative liquid cooling system. The technology uses a noncorrosive, non-conductive fluid which vaporizes and cools hot surfaces on contact. [11]
The system uses a small pump to deliver just enough coolant to the evaporator – usually a series of one or more cold plates optimized to acquire the heat from the device(s). In so doing, the two-phase coolant begins to vaporize, maintaining a cool uniform temperature on the surface of the device. The vaporized coolant is then pumped to a heat exchanger where it rejects the heat to the ambient and condenses back into a liquid, completing the cycle.
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Figure 7: High=-performance two-phase evaporative cooling allows twice the density of high-power electronics. [11]
Integrating the high-heat removal of two-phase technology with the reliability of low-flow liquid pumping, Parker’s system is highly modular (hot swappable) and scalable. The cooling process continuously cycles the refrigerant within a sealed, closed-loop system to cool a wide range of systems, including power electronics, motors, transformers, and high-efficiency. It simplifies the plumbing and reduces the overall weight, giving it an excellent thermal performance/cost ratio.
Heat Pipes
Another IGBT cooling method is based on standard heat pipes. A series of pipes are embedded in a metal plate under the power semiconductor and extend from the plate to a remote fin stack. Heat from the semiconductor is absorbed by the heat pipes and transported to the fins, which are cooled by natural or forced (fan) convection.
An example of this system is Therma-Charge from Aavid Thermacore. In this system, the IGBT are mounted on both sides of the plate. [12]
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Fig. 8. Heat pipes embedded in the plate carry heat to an air-cooled fin section. [12]
References 1. EPE and ECPE “Position paper on Energy Efficiency – the role of Power Electronics,” Summary of results from European Workshop on Energy Efficiency – the role of Power Electronics, Brussels, Belgium, Feb 2007 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulated-gate_bipolar_transistor 3. On Electronics, https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/HBD871-D.PDF 4. Future Electronics, http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/transistors/igbt-transistor.aspx 5. Mentor Graphics, https://www.mentor.com/products/mechanical/engineering-edge/volume4/issue1/showerpower-turbulator-keeps-IGBT-cool 6. Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS), https://www.qats.com/Products/Liquid-Cooling/Cold-Plates 7. Mersen, http://ep-us.mersen.com/us/products/catalog/line/vacuum-brazed-cold-plates-3-igbt-1064x624mm/ 8. Wolverine MicroCool, https://www.microcooling.com/our-products/base-plate-products/igbt-base-plate-products/ 9. Mentor Graphics, https://www.mentor.com/products/mechanical/engineering-edge/volume4/issue1/showerpower-turbulator-keeps-IGBT-cool 10. Fuji Electric, http://www.fujielectric.com/company/tech/pdf/58-02/FER-58-2-055-2012.pdf 11. Parker, https://www.parker.com/literature/CIC%20Group/Precision%20Cooling/New %20literature/Two_Phase_Evaporative_Precision_Cooling_Systems.pdf 12. Aavid Thermacore, http://www.thermacore.com/applications/power-electronics-cooling.aspx
For more information about Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS) products and thermal management consulting and design services, visit www.qats.com or contact ATS at 781.769.2800 or [email protected].
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cnweiken001 · 5 years
Use of inverter
1. Have a good ground wire
  The ground wire of the factory is rarely broken, but once broken, the inverter is easily burned. Because if one of the motors leaks electricity, and the ground wire of the factory just breaks, the strong current will be reversed into the inverter's main board via the inverter's ground wire, causing a strong current to ignite and damage the main board terminals. Therefore, have a good ground wire.
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2. Prevent the inverter from being disturbed
  When the inverter is running, it looks like a strong power jammer, and the source of the interference is on the 6 IGBT tubes of the output module. The switching power supply of some inverters will also cause some interference. The power and motor wires are the antennas of the jammer. If the ground wire is poorly grounded, the interference signal can also be sent through the ground wire connected to the shell. Big.
  The interference signal of the inverter will not only interfere with the surrounding electronic equipment, but also the inverter itself. Some inverters have the function of preventing interference signal radiation and input, and some inverters have no anti-interference function. If the control system uses the inverter while there are some electronic devices that rely on analog signals and pulse signals to communicate, such as computers, man-machine interfaces, sensors, etc., anti-interference measures must be considered when purchasing the inverter and wiring.
  Preventing the inverter from being disturbed is a complicated issue. Different methods should be adopted in accordance with the site conditions. The first is to add reactors, filters, control lines and magnetic loops. The second is to use shielded wires. The third is to put the inverter in the iron cabinet. The fourth is to put the incoming and outgoing power cords in iron pipes. Fifth, do not run control lines together with power lines. Six is ​​to lower the carrier frequency. Seventh, there is a good grounding wire, but it should be noted that the common end of many inverter control lines cannot be grounded.
3.Pressure thermistor on the air switch at the input end of the inverter
  The quality of power supply of some enterprises is not very high. When the power supply line fails, the high-voltage power output easily burns the inverter and related electronic equipment. In order to effectively solve this problem, a passive protection method can be adopted, that is, a pressure sensitive resistor (821K for 380V, 220V471K) on the air switch of the inverter or the input end of the instrument. The air switch trips, which protects the inverter and greatly reduces the failure rate of the inverter.
4. Try not to install the inverter on the equipment with vibration. When the inverter is installed on the tobacco equipment with vibration (such as vibrating trough, roller, etc.) for a period of time, the connection screws of the main circuit and the fastening screws of the module are easy. Loose, which shortens the life of the inverter.
5. Frequent maintenance of the inverter module. Inspect the inverter module regularly, especially the maintenance of the cooling fan. Because the cooling fan has high power and high speed, in the dusty working environment, it is easy to cause the radiator exhaust hole to be blocked. Dirty internal circuit board, failure of thermal grease, shortening the life of inverter heat sink, etc.
6. Replace the main board of the inverter. The main thing that the inverter is afraid of is the damage to the main board. There are many reasons for the damage to the main board, such as high ambient temperature, high static electricity, large interference (such as contactors with frequent movement nearby), module explosion, etc. Failure of electromagnetic waves and switching power supply can easily damage the inverter's motherboard. When the inverter has a main board failure, some display communication failures, some display is normal but no output, and some are the maximum output when the machine is turned on, which is not controlled. The parameters can be restored to the factory values ​​for testing. If the parameters are still invalid or the parameters cannot be turned on, you can only replace the motherboard.
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blog-markjohnson07 · 4 years
COVID-19 UPDATE : Global Pin Fin Heat Sink for IGBT Market is Thriving with Rising Latest Trends by 2025
Facto Market Insights has skillfully compiled this latest research report titled Pin Fin Heat Sink for IGBT Market, to its wide online repository. This assessment focusing on the pin fin heat sink for IGBT market would deliver precise insight about different market factors such market size, revenue, growth forecast and competitive landscape during the period 2019 and 2025. Readers would be enlightened to receive high-data statistics that can be utilized for structuring future developments, with an aim to enhance revenue and contribute to the growth of the overall pin fin heat sink for IGBT market.
Get a Sample PDF of this Market Report at https://www.factomarketinsights.com/sample/178
Cold forging is one of the most used manufacturing techniques for pin fin heat sinks. Cold forging is a manufacturing process in which the aluminum or copper heat sink is formed by using localized compressed forces. Fin arrays are designed by forcing raw material into a molding die by a punch. The process confirms that no air bubbles, porosity, or any other impurities are stuck inside the material and thus, produces extremely high-quality products. A cold forged heatsink is a good alternative to casting to form complex shapes with excellent thermal conductivity. Some of the striking benefits of forging include high strength, superior surface finish, structural rigidity, close tolerance capabilities, continuity of shape, and high uniformity of material.
The factors that drive the growth of the global pin fin heat sink for IGBT market include increase in need for effective cooling of the consumer electronics by proper heat dissipation method, followed by increase in demand for huge power supply due to growing population and digitization. Furthermore, rise in demand for pin fin heat sinks owing to multiple advantages such as higher volumetric efficiency and low cost over other types of heat sinks are also expected to fuel the market growth.. In addition, increase in use of IGBT modules in the automotive field for HEVs and hybrid pin fin heat sink are expected to provide lucrative opportunities for the pin fin heat sink for IGBT market during the forecast period. However, low capacity utilization of pin fin heat sink manufacturers is affecting the growth of this market.
The global pin fin heat sink for IGBT market is segmented based on material type and region. Based on material type, it is bifurcated into copper and aluminum. By region, it is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at https://www.factomarketinsights.com/report/178/pin-fin-heat-sink-for-isbt-market-amr
The global pin fin heat sink for IGBT market is dominated by players such as Apex Microtechnology, Aavid Thermalloy LLC, Honeywell International Inc., Comair Rotron, CUI Inc., Advanced Thermal Solutions, Kunshan Googe Metal Products Co. Ltd., Allbrass Industrial, The Brass Forging Company, and others.
KEY BENEFITS FOR STAKEHOLDERS • This study comprises analytical depiction of the global pin fin heat sink for IGBT market along with the current trends and future estimations to depict the imminent investment pockets. • The overall market potential is determined to understand the profitable trends to gain a stronger coverage in the market. • The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities with a detailed impact analysis. • The current market is quantitatively analyzed from 2018 to 2025 to highlight the financial competency of the global pin fin heat sink for IGBT market. • Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of the buyers and suppliers.
KEY MARKET SEGMENTS BY MATERIAL TYPE • Copper • Aluminum BY REGION • North America o U.S. o Canada o Mexico • Europe o UK o Germany o France o Italy o Rest of Europe • Asia-Pacific o China o Japan o India o Rest of Asia-Pacific • LAMEA o Latin America o Middle East o Africa
KEY MARKET PLAYERS PROFILED • Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) • Apex Microtechnology • Aavid Thermalloy, LLC • Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. • Allbrass Industrial The Brass • CUI Inc • Comair Rotron • Honeywell International Inc • Kunshan Googe Metal Products Co., Ltd.
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Analysis of the criteria for selecting MOS tube package
First, temperature rise and thermal design are the most basic requirements for packaging
Different package sizes have different thermal resistance and dissipated power. In addition to considering the system's heat dissipation conditions and ambient temperature, such as whether there is air cooling, the shape and size of the radiator, and whether the environment is closed, the basic principle is to ensure power. Under the premise of temperature rise and system efficiency of the MOS tube, a more general power MOS tube with parameters and packages is selected.
Second, the system size limit
Some electronic systems are subject to the size and internal height of the PCB. For example, the module power supply of the communication system is usually packaged in DFN5*6 or DFN3*3 due to the height limitation; in some ACDC power supplies, the ultra-thin design or due to the outer casing Restriction, the power MOS pin of the TO220 package is directly inserted into the root during assembly, and the height limit cannot be used in the TO247 package. Some ultra-thin designs directly bend the device pins flat, which complicates the design process.
Third, the company's production process
The TO220 has two kinds of packages: bare metal package and full plastic package. The exposed metal package has small thermal resistance and strong heat dissipation capability. However, in the production process, it is necessary to add insulation sinks. The production process is complicated and costly, and the thermal resistance of the plastic package is high. Large, low heat dissipation, but the production process is simple.
In order to reduce the manual process of the lock screw, in recent years, some electronic systems have clamped the power MOS tube in the heat sink, so that a new package form for removing the upper part of the hole of the conventional TO220 appears, and also reduces The height of the small device.
Fourth, cost control
In some cost-sensitive applications such as desktop boards and boards, power MOS tubes in DPAK packages are often used because of the low cost of such packages.
Therefore, when selecting the package of the power MOS tube, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the above factors in combination with the style of the company and the characteristics of the product.
Fifth, select the pressure-resistant BVDSS
In most cases, because the input voltage of the designed electronic system is relatively fixed, the company selects some item numbers of specific suppliers, and the rated voltage of the product is also fixed.
The breakdown voltage BVDSS of the power MOS tube in the datasheet has certain test conditions, has different values ​​under different conditions, and the BVDSS has a positive temperature coefficient, which is considered in combination with these factors in practical applications.
Many materials and literature often mention that if the maximum peak voltage of the VDS of the power MOS transistor in the system is greater than BVDSS, even if the spike voltage lasts only a few or dozens of ns, the power MOS transistor will enter an avalanche. damage.
Unlike triodes and IGBTs, power MOS tubes have the ability to resist avalanche, and the avalanche energy of many large semiconductor company power MOS tubes is fully inspected and 100% detected on the production line, which is a guarantee in the data. The measured value, the avalanche voltage usually occurs in 1.2 to 1.3 times of BVDSS, and the duration is usually μs or even ms, so the spike voltage that lasts only a few or dozens of ns and is much lower than the avalanche voltage is not Damage to the power MOS tube.
Sixth, select VTH from the driving voltage
The driving voltages of the power MOS tubes of different electronic systems are not the same. The AC/DC power supply usually uses a driving voltage of 12V, and the motherboard DC/DC converter of the notebook uses a driving voltage of 5V. Therefore, different thresholds should be selected according to the driving voltage of the system. Power MOS transistor with voltage VTH.
The threshold voltage VTH of the power MOS transistor in the data table also has certain test conditions, having different values ​​under different conditions, and VTH has a negative temperature coefficient. Different driving voltages VGS correspond to different on-resistances. In practical applications, temperature changes should be considered, both to ensure that the power MOS transistor is fully turned on, and at the same time to ensure the peak coupled to the G pole during the turn-off process. The pulse does not falsely trigger to produce a through or short circuit.
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heatscapeinc-blog · 6 years
All you wanted to know about heatpipe, extruded and custom heatsinks
A heatsink is a device which aptly transfers heat from an electronic device to a fluid, which can either be air or even other liquid coolant. It is due to the amazing function of this component that you can check the external heat or surface heat of an electronic device. 
There are many kinds of heatsinks; however, in this piece of information I will be telling you about heatpipe heatsinks, extruded heatsinks and custom heatsinks.
1. Heatpipe heatsinks: This kind of heatsink works upon the general principle of thermal conductivity along phase transition while carrying or transferring heat from an electric component to fluid media. You will commonly find this type in laptops. Now let me tell you about the process of heat transfer, the major part of it takes place at the interface of liquid coolant plus the heated surface.
 With the help of a heat pipe system, it lets the liquid absorb or gather as much of heat as possible. This finally leads to a phase where the liquid is changed into vapors. The vapors then travel via heatpipe sink and then reach cold interface and after that due to dissipation of heat, it changes to liquid again.
2. Extruded heatsink: This one offers a larger surface area to remove or transfer heat from devices as compared to a heatpipe heatsinks. You will find this one in high-power consuming semiconductors, IGBTs, diodes,   RF power transistors, thyristor modules, power amplifiers, inverter power modules plus many other devices. 
For a component which offers such a vast application, it becomes important for a buyer to completely understand his/her needs and compliance of heatsink with it.
3. Custom heatsinks: This type generally includes  heatpipe assemblies, stacked and folded fin heatsinks, extrusion heatsinks, vapor chamber heatsinks, active heatsink, optics heatsinks, skived fin heatsink and PCI-E heatsinks.  Aside from this, you can also get advanced metal fabrication for enhancing function of your custom heatsink. They are perfect for all those people whose requirements are not met by the standard heatsinks available in the market.
If you are looking for a specialist in heatsinks then get in touch with The Heatscape. 
They know all the ins and outs of heatsinks. They have evolved from a small concern to be an expert in thermal engineering. You can go here to know more about them.About the Author:This article is written by expert at Heatscape Inc. 
To know more about our products custom heatsinks, stacked and folded fin heatsinks, heatpipe assemblies, vapour chamber heatsinks, extrusion heatsinks, active heatsink solutions, skived fin heatsinks, advanced metal fabrication , pci e heatsinks, optics heatsinks and more, Please give us a call at 408-778-4615 now or visit our website at: https://heatscape.com/
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e-energyit · 2 years
Summary of commonly used power semiconductor devices|E-energy
Summary of commonly used power semiconductor devices
1.MCT(MOS Controlled Thyristor)
MCT is a new MOS and bipolar composite device. As shown in the figure above, MCT is a high impedance MOSFET, low drive figure MCT power, fast switching speed characteristics and SCR high voltage, high current characteristics combined together to form a high power, high voltage, fast full control type devices. In essence, MCT is a MOS gate-controlled SCR, which can be turned on or off by adding a narrow pulse to the gate, and it consists of numerous single cells in parallel.
2.IGCT (Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors)
IGCT is a new type of device developed by combining IGBT and GTO technologies on the basis of SCR technology, which is suitable for high-voltage and large-capacity inverter systems, and is a new type of power semiconductor device used in giant power electronics packages.
IGCT is a GTO chip integrated with anti-parallel diode and gate driver circuit, and then connected with its gate driver in a low inductance way at the periphery, combining the advantages of stable turn-off capability of transistor and low pass-state loss of SCR. The SCR's performance is utilized in the on-state phase and the transistor's characteristics are presented in the off-state phase.
3.IEGT (Injection Enhanced Gate Transistor)
IEGT is an IGBT series power electronic device with withstand voltage of 4kV or more, which has made a leap forward in the development of large-capacity power electronic devices by adopting the structure of enhanced injection to achieve low pass-state voltage. It has the characteristics of low loss, high speed operation, high voltage withstand, active gate drive intelligence, etc., as well as the use of trench structure and multi-chip parallel connection and self-equalizing current characteristics, so it has the potential to further expand the current capacity. In addition, many derivatives are available in modular packages, which are expected in large and medium capacity converter applications.
4.IPEM (Integrated Power Elactronics Modules)
IPEM is a module that integrates many devices of power electronics devices together. It starts with the semiconductor devices MOSFET, IGBT or MCT and diode chips packaged together to form a building block unit, and then these building block units are iterated onto an open-hole, high conductivity insulating ceramic substrate, under which are copper substrates, beryllium oxide ceramic and heat sinks in turn. IPEM realizes the intelligence and modularity of power electronics technology, greatly reduces circuit wiring inductance, system noise and parasitic oscillation, and improves system efficiency and reliability.
5.PEBB (Power Electric Building Block)
A typical PEBB (Power Electric Building Block) is an integrated device or module that can handle electrical energy developed on the basis of IPEM, which is not a specific semiconductor device, but an integration of different devices and technologies designed according to the optimal circuit structure and system structure.
A typical PEBB is shown in the figure above. Although it looks like a power semiconductor module, a PEBB includes not only power semiconductor devices, but also gate drive circuits, level translation, sensors, protection circuits, power supplies and passive devices. Through these two interfaces, several PEBBs can form power electronic systems. These systems can be as simple as a small DC-DC converter or as complex as a large distributed power system. The number of PEBBs in a system can range from one to any number. Multiple PEBB modules working together can perform system-level functions such as voltage conversion, energy storage and conversion, and cathodic resistance matching, etc. The most important feature of PEBB is its versatility.
6. Super Power SCR
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Since the introduction of SCR, its power capacity has increased by nearly 3000 times. Now many countries have been able to produce 8kV/4kA SCRs stably. 8kV/4kA and 6kV/6kA light-triggered SCRs (LTT) are now in production in Japan. The United States and Europe mainly produce electrically triggered SCR. recent decade, due to the rapid development of self-closing devices, SCR applications have shrunk, but, due to its high voltage, high current characteristics, it still occupies a very important position in HVDC, static reactive power compensation (SVC), high-power DC power supply and ultra-high-power and high-voltage variable frequency speed control applications. It is expected that in the next few years, SCR will continue to develop in high-voltage, high-current applications.
7. Pulse power closure switch SCR
This device is particularly suitable for the transmission of very strong peak power (several MW), very short duration (several ns) discharge closure switch applications, such as: lasers, high-intensity lighting, discharge ignition, electromagnetic transmitters and radar modulators. The device can be opened quickly at a high voltage of several kV, does not require discharge electrodes, has a long service life, small size, relatively low price, and is expected to replace the current application of high-voltage ion gate, ignition tube, spark gap switch or vacuum switch.
8. New GTO devices - integrated gate commutation SCR
Currently there are two conventional GTO alternatives: high-power IGBT modules, new GTO-derived devices - integrated gate commutation IGCTSCR. IGCTSCR is a new high-power devices, compared with conventional GTOSCR, it has many excellent characteristics, such as, without buffer circuit to achieve reliable shutdown, short storage time, high turn-on capability, turn-off gate charge and The application system (including all devices and peripheral components such as anode reactors and buffer capacitors, etc.) has low total power loss, etc.
9. IGBT (Trench IGBT) modules
The IGBT cells in today's high-power IGBT modules usually use trench gate structure IGBTs, which are usually processed with 1μm accuracy compared to flat gate structure, thus greatly improving cell density. The presence of gate trench eliminates the junction-type field effect transistor effect between adjacent cells in planar gate devices, and introduces a certain electron injection effect, which makes the on-state resistance decrease. The conditions are created for increasing the thickness of the long base region and improving the device withstand voltage. Therefore, the high-voltage and high-current IGBT devices that have emerged in recent years all adopt this structure.
10.IEGT (Injection Enhanced Gate Trangistor)
In recent years, Toshiba of Japan has developed IEGT, which, like IGBT, is also divided into two structures: planar gate and trench gate, with the former product coming out soon and the latter still under development. 2 orders of magnitude lower) and higher operating frequency. In addition, the device adopts a flat crimped electrode lead structure, which can be expected to have high reliability.
11.MOS Gated SCR
MOS gate-controlled SCR makes full use of the good pass-state characteristics of SCR, excellent turn-on and turn-off characteristics, and is expected to have excellent self-shutdown dynamic characteristics, very low pass-state voltage drop and high voltage resistance, becoming a promising high-voltage high power device for future development in power devices and power systems. There are three main MOS gated SCR structures: MCT, BRT, and EST, of which EST is probably the most promising structure in MOS. However, it will take quite a long time for this device to really become a commercial and practical device and reach the level of replacing GTO.
12.GaAs diode
With the increasing frequency of converter switching, the requirements for fast recovery diodes have also increased. It is known to have superior high-frequency switching characteristics than silicon diodes, but due to process technology and other reasons, GaAs diodes have a lower withstand voltage, the practical application is limited. To meet the needs of high-voltage, high-speed, high-efficiency and low-EMI applications, high-voltage GaAs high-frequency rectifier diodes have been successfully developed at Motorola. Compared with silicon fast recovery diodes, the significant features of this new diode are: small reverse leakage current change with temperature, low switching losses, and good reverse recovery characteristics.
13.SiC power devices
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In the power devices made of new semiconductor materials, the most promising is the SiC power devices. Its performance index is an order of magnitude higher than GaAs devices. Compared with other semiconductor materials, SiC has the following excellent physical characteristics: high band width, high saturation electron drift rate, high breakdown strength, low dielectric constant and high thermal conductivity. These excellent physical properties make SiC an ideal semiconductor material for high temperature, high frequency, and high power applications. Under the same withstand voltage and current conditions, the drift region resistance of SiC devices is 200 times lower than that of silicon, and even the on-state voltage drop of high withstand voltage SiC field-effect tubes is much lower than that of unipolar and bipolar silicon devices. Moreover, the switching time of SiC devices can reach the order of 10nS and has a very superior FBSOA.
Prepare your supply chain
Buyers of electronic components must now be prepared for future prices, extended delivery time, and continuous challenge of the supply chain. Looking forward to the future, if the price and delivery time continues to increase, the procurement of JIT may become increasingly inevitable. On the contrary, buyers may need to adopt the "just in case" business model, holding excess inventory and finished products to prevent the long -term preparation period and the supply chain interruption.
As the shortage and the interruption of the supply chain continue, communication with customers and suppliers will be essential. Regular communication with suppliers will help buyers prepare for extension of delivery time, and always understand the changing market conditions at any time. Regular communication with customers will help customers manage the expectations of potential delays, rising prices and increased delivery time. This is essential to ease the impact of this news or at least ensure that customers will not be taken attention to the sudden changes in this chaotic market.
Most importantly, buyers of electronic components must take measures to expand and improve their supplier network. In this era, managing your supply chain requires every link to work as a cohesive unit. The distributor of the agent rather than a partner cannot withstand the storm of this market. Communication and transparency are essential for management and planning. In E-energy Holding Limited, we use the following ways to hedge these market conditions for customers:
Our supplier network has been reviewed and improved for more than ten years.
Our strategic location around the world enables us to access and review the company's headquarters before making a purchase decision.
E-energy Holding Limited cooperates with a well -represented testing agency to conduct in -depth inspections and tests before delivering parts to our customers.
Our procurement is concentrated in franchise and manufacturer direct sales.
Our customer manager is committed to providing the highest level of services, communication and transparency. In addition to simply receiving orders, your customer manager will also help you develop solutions, planned inventory and delivery plans, maintain the inventory level of regular procurement, and ensure the authenticity of your parts.
Add E-energy Holding Limited to the list of suppliers approved by you, and let our team help you make strategic and wise procurement decisions.
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anadiauto · 2 years
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IGBT FS-S300R12KE3_S1 Repairing Services in Nashik
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Our experts provide the best Industrial Automation Products Repair Service and customer support in the industry. We know because our customers have told us so. We have listened to your suggestions and have made our service better. You can trust us to do the job right the first time. If you are looking for the best SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IGBT FS-S300R12KE3_S1 Repairing Services in your city, so Anadi Automation is the best choice for you to contact us at +91 9822444915.
EconoPACK™ SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IGBT FS-S300R12KE3_S1 module. Please also find our EconoPACK+ SKIM455GD12T4DM1 AAYLE01.
Features: Easy separation of DC and AC, Optimized thermal resistance case to heat sink, Highest power density for compact inverter designs.
Call: +91 9822444915
Visit: https://www.anadiautomation.com/product/kai07-fs-s300r12ke3_s1-rebox/Njc3OQ==
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shunlongwei · 3 years
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Mitsubishi CM300DY-24H Https://www.slw-ele.com; Email: [email protected]
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#CM300DY-24H Mitsubishi CM300DY-24H New Dual IGBTMOD™ H-Series Module 300 Amperes/1200 Volts, CM300DY-24H pictures, CM300DY-24H price, #CM300DY-24H supplier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: [email protected]
CM300DY-24H Description:
Powerex IGBTMOD™ Modules are designed for use in switching applications. Each module consists of two IGBT Transistors in a half-bridge configuration with each Transistor having a reverseconnected super-fast recovery free-wheel Diode. All components and interconnects are isolated from the heat sinking baseplate, 
offering simplified system assembly and thermal management.
. Low Drive Power
. Low VCE(sat)
. Discrete Super-Fast Recovery
  (135ns) Free-Wheel Diode
. High Frequency Operation
. Isolated Baseplate for Easy
  Heat Sinking
. AC Motor Control
. Motion/Servo Control
. Welding Power Supplies
. Laser Power Supplies
Ordering Information:
Example: Select the complete part module number you desire from the table below -i.e. CM300DY-24H is
a 1200V (VCES), 300 Ampere Dual IGBTMOD™ Power Module.
Junction Temperature Tj –40 to 150 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg –40 to 125 °C
Collector-Emitter Voltage (G-E SHORT) VCES 1200 Volts
Gate-Emitter Voltage VGES ±20 Volts
Collector Current IC 300 Amperes
Peak Collector Current ICM 600* Amperes
Diode Forward Current IF 300 Amperes
Diode Forward Surge Current IFM 600* Amperes
Power Dissipation Pd 2100 Watts
Max. Mounting Torque M6 Terminal Screws – 26 in-lb
Max. Mounting Torque M6 Mounting Screws – 26 in-lb
Module Weight (Typical) – 500 Grams
V Isolation VRMS 2500 Volts
Dual IGBTMOD™ H-Series Module 300 Amperes/1200 Volts
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shunlongwei · 3 years
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Mitsubishi CM100DU-12F Https://www.slw-ele.com; Email: [email protected]
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#CM100DU-12F Mitsubishi CM100DU-12F New 100A/600V/IGBT/2U; Module Transistor N Channel 100 A 600 V 350 W 600 V Module, CM100DU-12F pictures, CM100DU-12F price, #CM100DU-12F supplier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: [email protected]
CM100DU-12F Features: .Low Drive Power .Low VCE(sat) .Discrete Super-Fast Recovery Free-Wheel Diode .Isolated Baseplate for Easy Heat Sinking Applications: .AC Motor Control .UPS□ Battery Powered Supplies Ordering Information:Example: Select the completemodule number you desire fromthe table - i.e. CM100DU-12F is a600V (VCES), 100 Ampere DualIGBTMOD™ Power Module.
DC Collector Current 100A
Collector Emitter Voltage Vces 600V
Power Dissipation Pd 350W
Collector Emitter Voltage V(br)ceo 600V
Transistor Case Style Module
No. of Pins 7
Operating Temperature Max 150°C
Operating Temperature Min -40 °C
SVHC To Be Advised
100A/600V/IGBT/2U; Module Transistor N Channel 100 A 600 V 350 W 600 V Module
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shunlongwei · 3 years
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Powerex CM400DU-5F Https://www.slw-ele.com; Email: [email protected]
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#CM400DU-5F Powerex CM400DU-5F New Trench Gate Design Dual IGBTMOD™ 400 Amperes/250 Volts, CM400DU-5F pictures, CM400DU-5F price, #CM400DU-5F supplier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: [email protected]
Powerex IGBTMOD™ Modules
are designed for use in switching
applications. Each module consists
of two IGBT Transistors in a halfbridge configuration with each Transistor having a reverse-connected
super-fast recovery free-wheel Diode. All components and interconnects are isolated from the
heat sinking baseplate, offering simplified system assembly and thermal management.
.Low Drive Power
.Low VCE(sat)
.Discrete Super-Fast Recovery
Free-Wheel Diode
.Isolated Baseplate for Easy
Heat Sinking
.AC Motor Control
.Motion/Servo Control
.Welding Power Supplies
.Laser Power Supplies
Ordering Information:
Example: Select the complete module number you desire from the table - i.e. CM400DU-5F is a 250V (VCES), 400 Ampere Dual IGBTMOD™ Power Module.
Junction Temperature Tj -40 to 150 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to 125 °C
Collector-Emitter Voltage (G-E SHORT) VCES 250 Volts
Gate-Emitter Voltage (C-E SHORT) VGES ±20 Volts
Collector Current (Tc = 25°C) IC 400 Amperes
Peak Collector Current (Tj ≤ 150°C) ICM 800* Amperes
Emitter Current** (Tc = 25°C) IE 400 Amperes
Peak Emitter Current** IEM 800* Amperes
Maximum Collector Dissipation (Tc = 25°C) Pc 890 Watts
Weight 400 Grams
Isolation Voltage (Main Terminal to Baseplate, AC 1 min.) Viso 2500 Volts
Trench Gate Design Dual IGBTMOD™ 400 Amperes/250 Volts
0 notes
shunlongwei · 3 years
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MITSUBISHI CM400DY1-12E Https://www.slw-ele.com; Email: [email protected]
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#CM400DY1-12E Mitsubishi CM400DY1-12E New Example: Select the complete part module number you desire from the table below -i.e. CM400DY-12H is a 600V (VCES), 400 Ampere Dual IGBT Module., CM400DY1-12E pictures, CM400DY1-12E price, #CM400DY1-12E supplier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: [email protected]
CM400DY1-12E Description:
Mitsubishi IGBT Modules are designed for use in switching applications. Each module consists of two
IGBTs in a half-bridge configuration
with each Transistor having a reverse-connected super-fast recovery free-wheel Diode. All components and interconnects are isolated from the heat sinking baseplate, offering simplified system assembly and thermal management.
. Low Drive Power
. Low VCE(sat)
. Discrete Super-Fast Recovery
Free-Wheel Diode
. High Frequency Operation
. Isolated Baseplate for Easy
Heat Sinking
. AC Motor Control
. Motion/Servo Control
. Welding Power Supplies
Example: Select the complete part module number you desire from the table below -i.e. CM400DY-12H is a 600V (VCES), 400 Ampere Dual IGBT Module.
0 notes