#If you want to wrap things up you have till this weekend
pwinkprincess · 2 months
gojo and fucking his babygirl till she cant walk since she keeps stomping off when she has an attitude
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satoru has noticed that you’ve changed. while you’re still his sweet girl, your attitude has gotten worse and worse. it really only comes out when he says something that you hadn't anticipated on hearing. 
after a long exhausting day of being the school’s golden boy and being recorded and having to talk rehearsed lines (‘perks’ of the gojo family funding a sufficient amount towards the school) it was all over. much to his luck, the frat house was completely void when he finally came home一well almost. you were sitting on the L shaped couch, waiting for him like an obedient puppy. he does little to hide his smile when he sees you jump to your feet once you realize he’s home. 
“hi, toru!” you’re smiling so hard and your arms are wrapping around him before he has the chance to fully respond.
“hey, babygirl.” he allows you to hug him. he pats the top of your head while basking in how comforting the interaction feels. “how’d you get here?” he asks. he remembers vividly dropping you off at your section of your dorm two nights ago.
“suguru dropped me off.” the smile quickly washes off of his face. a displeased scowl substitutes the once there smile. 
“i thought i told you to stay away from him?” not only did he tell you to stay away from suguru, but sukuna, choso, and mahito too. it’s not like he didn’t trust you, it’s them who he didn’t trust. innocent, naive, good girls; you’re their type. they would possibly do you even worse than how satoru treats you, and he knows that. that’s why he strives so hard to keep you separated from his friend group.
“he came up t’me, toru.” you explain. “‘nd i told him that i wanted t’see you ‘nd he told me that you were busy but he could drop me off here ‘nd i wait in your room until you came back.” 
even though your explanation seems logical and realistic, he still didn’t want the two of you to interact. no matter the circumstances. he lets out a frustrated groan. he’s too tired to lecture you. he’ll talk your words with a  grain of salt this time. 
“c’mon, baby. ‘m tired.” even with the two of you traveling a short distance upstairs and into his room, you still hold his hand. he doesn’t fight you on it, opting to allow you to do whatever keeps you satisfied.
you sit happily on the edge of the bed while satoru begins stripping out of his clothes. you’re shameless as you take peeks at his body, when did his little shy girl grow so confident?
“uhmm toru, while we were in the car suguru told me about the party that’s happening this saturday.” you comment. your words are hesitant as you bring up the new topic.
“yeah, ryomen is throwin’ it this time.” he nods his head mindlessly. he’s pulling out clothes through his drawers, searching for his plaid pajama pants that aren't folded and tucked in its usual spot.
“he invited me to go.” you squeak out.
satoru chuckles at your admission. “‘m gonna be busy this weekend, so..” he trails off.
“who’s gonna take me to the party then?” you ask in worry.
“no one. ‘cus you’re not going.” satoru pauses his rummaging to look at you. the expression on your face is almost comical. a mixture of shock and confusion is displayed.
“uh-huh, toru. i already told him i’d come.” you say in retaliation.
satoru makes a mental note to address suguru inviting you places without his agreement. usually, satoru usually doesn’t care when suguru offers to the girls he sleeps with, but you’re different.
"you're not going."
“...yes i am.” 
“no you’re not.” satoru replies, sarcasm is etched into his tone and he’s looking at you as if you have three heads.
“why not?!” your voice is rising and you jump up from your spot on his bed. you look up at him with a frown as you question him.
“cause ‘m not gonna be there.” he says it as though it is the clearest thing in the world.
“why does that matter, toru? i can handle goin’ alone.” you’re now defensive and upset. satoru can tell from your tone that you’re about to throw a tantrum and can only sigh as he prepares for the inevitable. 
“‘m not allowin’ you to go to a party thrown by sukuna alone.” he contradicts. 
“toruuuu.” you whine. “you’re being unfair!”
“am i?” he laughs.
you huff and whine some more. satoru ignores your whines, continuing to scavenge for his pants. the pile of clothes on the floor is growing increasingly larger and his drawers are growing bare.
“where the fuck is it?” he says aloud, his eyebrows are furrowed in confusion. 
you stop whining once you realize he’s ignoring you. frustration grows throughout your body as you look up at him with a scowl. you had grown used to satoru caving in quickly and to see him withstanding your antics absolutely enraged you.
“you’re so一stupid! i hate you!” you scream. you stomp towards the closed bedroom door while continuing to utter insults at him. 
there goes the new attitude, the loud yelling, the stomping, the insults. you’ve only done it twice before and satoru has had to put you in your place both times, this time is no different.
before you could even twist the knob, you feel a strong hand grasp the back of your neck. a sharp breath manages to escape your throat when you’re suddenly yanked backwards. it feels like your world is spinning when your back suddenly hits the mattress. 
satoru is quick to climb on top of you, his legs slot on either side of your body. 
there are angry tears pouring from your fierce eyes that soften up once you see the stern expression on his face. 
“shut up.” he’s pulling your dress up to your stomach and shuffling to move to the side of you. he forces your legs open, his crystal blue eyes take notice of the way your panties hug your pussy. he could see a small wet spot seeping through your panties. he roughly yanks your panties down to your  ankles.
“t-toruuu..” you mewl. you know whats about to happen next and you try to brace yourself. 
the wind is almost knocked out of your chest when you feel his rough palm slap down onto your pussy. you flinch and kick your legs out of reflex. you squirm to move away from him which only makes him use his other hand to grab you by your throat. 
“fuckin’. rude. girl.” with every word, he’s slapping your pussy. loud screams escape out of your mouth, you try to shut your legs so that he couldn’t have any more access, satoru huffs out a breath and forcefully opens your legs back up. 
“stop.” his voice is deepened and the solidity is hard to disobey.
you could do nothing but lay there and take the slappings. every time his hand would strike down onto your pussy you would flinch and let out a weak moan. 
“of course you’d start moanin’.” he tuts. he moves from his position and stands at the edge of the bed. he grips your panties that are hanging loosely around your ankles and throws them elsewhere on the bed. he grabs you by your thighs and scoots you until your ass is hanging off the edge.
“i was jus mad, daddy, i didn’t mean anything i said.” you sniffle as you watch his cockhead rub against the entrance of your throbbing pussy.
“jus’ mad, huh?” he mumbles. he rubs his through your wetness for a few moments before sliding inside of you. on a regular day, he would’ve prepped you and made sure you were prepared enough for him to sink his lengthy cock into you. but its hard to be kind to you when you act like such a fucking brat.
“mhmm, d-daddy. was jus’ mad.” there are still tears lingering in your eyes that satoru ignores. “i don’t hate you, daddy.” you add on.
“‘s too late to apologize, babygirl. you know what happens when you act up like that.” 
you bite down on your lip while looking at him with a look of confliction. “‘m sorry.” you whimper. “are you一really mad at me or just a little?” 
“absolutely pissed, babygirl.” he says before snaking his hand back to your neck. he slams your head down onto the mattress and squeezes. 
his hips snaps into you, your wetness is already getting all over his cock and heavy balls <3. from his slapping, you feel sensitive, way more than usual. loud struggling mewls escape from your mouth as his hips speed up.
he keeps his hand around your neck but stops squeezing once his other hand goes to cover both your mouth and nose. “you’ve said enough today, babydoll. shut. the. fuck. up.” with every word, he grinds his cock deeper into your pussy. 
“rude little girl. gonna show you what happens t’girls who piss their daddy off.” he promises.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!reader
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader
Summary: A new relationship means excitement, an uncontrollable craving for each other. When an early morning romp is interrupted with a scheduled weekly meeting, will you be able to keep your hands to yourself when Price begins to drone on? And if you can't, what will your lieutenant lover do once the meeting is over after you've tempted him for far too long?
Word Count: 7.8 k
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“Come on, just a quickie before you gotta go,” you try to bargain as you roll onto your knees on the mattress, moving to straddle yourself over top of Simon’s lap so that he can’t get out of your bed yet. “Promise I'll make it worth your while.”
You sit on his thighs as you wrap your arms around his neck and he grabs onto your hips with those large hands, only his boxers and your panties keeping you apart. Gently you run your fingers through the short, dirty blonde hair at the back of his head before bending down to try enchanting him with your kiss to stay a little longer before you both have to start your day. You know if you can get him going, quick is the last thing it is going to be and all you want is more time in his company. It’s getting harder these days to let him go. 
Your lips meet and he sighs long and deep as he drinks you in. This new development in your relationship is only a couple months in the making, but you already have him in a chokehold that he can't seem to break free from. Goddammit your kiss is like heaven and he wants nothing more than to shove you back into the mattress and get lost in the ecstasy of your body all over again, but obligations of the job that you have so conveniently forgotten about are fast approaching this morning. As much as he hates it, clearly he’s going to have to be the responsible one. Christ, you aren’t making it easy when your pretty eyes are begging him for more as you pull agonizingly slow from his mouth and roll your hips over top of him. 
“We can’t,” he says with an agitated groan as he bites the corner of his lips so the pain will stop him from losing it and leaning back in; if he doesn’t show some restraint now it’s not going to happen. “Officer’s meetin’, ‘member? Don’t wanna start any rumors with our absence, do ya? Rather not have to have a discussion with Price today. So, ya best stop fuckin’ lookin’ at me like that ‘fore ya get us both in trouble. Cause ya know if I get started, I ain’t stoppin’.”
Fuck, is it that time of the week again already? You’ve nearly forgotten the date, so absorbed in having the hulking military lieutenant all to yourself over the weekend. Instantly your heart sinks as you realize that your request isn’t going to get fulfilled now, not if you want to keep this relationship on the down low. No, you don’t want your good thing ruined by stirring up trouble, no matter how much your body still trembles to be beneath him right now.
Fine, your hands are tied at this point, so you’ll just have to be strong and table this till later. Or at least… you’re gonna try. 
“Just can’t get enough of you,” you say, resigning defeatedly as you move to rest your forehead on his.
Eyes shut, he takes a few seconds just to enjoy the closeness with you before he speaks. “Later,” he reassures in a husky whisper. “Not like I can fuckin’ stay away from ya.”
A warm kiss is swiftly pinned to your temple and you sigh defeatedly before you move off of him to sit at his side. He gives you a look before he gets to his feet to find his clothes strewn about the floor, dressing as you watch on with hungry eyes until his body is covered once again. Instantly you are missing the sight of it now that it’s gone. Later already feels like a lifetime away as you fall back against your pillow with a groan and cover your eyes with your arm. 
The sounds of rustling clothes and the jingling of a belt buckle lasts just a few more seconds, followed by the sound of heavy steps before you feel a depression next to you on the bed. A rough hand removes your arm from your face and you are met with those coffee eyes and cheeky smile poking out from beneath his half pulled down mask as he leans over top of you. “See ya at the meetin’, luv,” he says before leaving you with a quick kiss as he rushes to get out the door before that one small action ruins it all and he ends up getting you both caught from sticking around too long.
You watch the door shut behind him and in the silence that follows you can hear the sound of your heartbeat throbbing in your head. How are you meant to keep it together now?
Getting dressed feels like an impossible chore, but eventually you finish and arrive at the conference room with a bit of time to spare before the meeting starts. You enter the space and are immediately dragged into making small talk with a few of the others standing around the conference table, exchanging pleasantries till Price arrives. The heat in your cheeks struggles to dissipate from the morning and it is only made worse as a tall, burly figure enters a couple minutes later and makes his way to the back of the room as if it’s nothing. Your vision constantly darts over to that masked man in the corner as you chat, your pulse keeping your face hot because you can tell that he is doing the same, though the shadow created from the fabric covering his face gives him the advantage in keeping his dark eyes on you.
Trying to force his sight not to linger on you today isn’t an option, not when he can see the product of his kiss still spread through your face. It’s captivating to be in the presence of something like that belongs to only him, so why the hell would he not want to soak you all in? It’s like he is hypnotized. He hasn’t felt like this in a long, long time and to say he isn’t a little obsessed would be a complete lie. Just looking at you gets his pulse racing now and it’s almost instantaneous how he has to adjust the crotch of his pants as they have suddenly gotten a little tight as his body reacts to the sight of yours.
He’s gotta snap out of his insatiable craving right now or this meeting is going to be brutal to try and get through. Moving to the back of the table, he takes his seat to hide the bulge growing in his pants. That’s when a familiar voice rings through the room just the same as it has week after week and Simon feels like he can breathe a little easier.
“Mornin’ everyone,” the distinct voice of your superior is heard over the small crowd. “Let’s get started, shall we. Got things to do.”
Captain Price doesn’t waste any time, arriving precisely on the hour just as he always does and everyone immediately takes their seats just like clockwork. Good, now all he has to do is get through the hour and then you’ll go your separate ways until the end of the day. However, as he looks on as the chairs around the table get filled, he realizes that your usual seat towards the front already has a body sitting in it that isn’t yours and the only free chair left is at the back of the table right next to him.
Your eyes meet and your breath hitches as you see the empty spot beside him and it feels like you can’t get enough oxygen as you make your way over; no sense in prolonging your agony. Simon’s shoulders stiffen as you take your seat, the tension caused from your proximity making his mind hazy, even before Price begins to drone on about nothing of major significance. It’s all just daily reports and mandated updates from around the base, so it doesn’ take long before it all becomes background noise to the beating of his heart in his ears. 
You aren’t fairing any better as your mind begins to wander and it’s in that loss of attention that the trouble starts to brew. 
Sensory-filled memories of the past couple of nights play through your mind on repeat: sweaty, tangled limbs, burning kisses that steal your breath, ecstasy filling you up until all you can do is lay back and let it consume you; it’s the type of euphoria that could make you an addict if you're not careful enough. The vivid sensations associated with the images flooding through your mind chip away at your calm so that about halfway in your sanity has deteriorated. 
You cross your knees over one another and clamp your legs together to stop the ache blossoming between your thighs, but it does nothing to help. You have to do something to ease the agony because you cannot squeeze your legs together any tighter or the danger of you accidentally letting out a moan will become a real threat. Desperately your eyes dart around the room to try and focus on anything in particular, but there is nothing that grabs their attention until they stop back at the table in front of you and out of the corner of your sight you notice the top of Simon's thigh peeking out from under the table. Those juicy bits of his body that you know intimately as they have been pressed between your legs before are a magnet for your sight and suddenly there is a need that is awakened in you.
Fuck, now you have a new problem. The longer you look, the harder it gets. Imagination isn't enough anymore. Shoving your hands into the tight space between your crossed legs you try to bury the feeling, but your desire pleads with you to reach over and get a feel.
Just a little touch won’t hurt, right? 
He probably won’t even notice if you are careful enough, at least that's what you try to convince yourself of so you don't sound so fucking desperate. Maybe giving yourself a little treat will help ease the pain enough that you can move on. As Simon leans back in his chair, trying to adjust his position to keep himself focused on Price, you take that as a sign that you should just go for it.  
Simon notices the way you shift in your seat, inching in closer to the edge of the chair nearest his side. You pause for a few seconds before he catches you moving again and now your shoulders are almost touching. He wonders what you’re up to getting this intimate, but just as the question enters his mind more movement grabs his attention and he watches as you lean in and your shoulder twitches. Then he feels it, a delicate bit of pressure on his thigh that immediately sends him spiraling.
You have reached over and are now running your fingertips over the outer seam on the leg of his pants, but the moment you make the slightest contact with him a yearning blossoms in your chest so strong that you can’t stop yourself and your fingers begin to wander thoughtlessly. Soon you find your touch on the outer edge of his thigh and then the middle and still you can’t force yourself to stop.  
Simon risks a look down into the shadow underneath the table only to see your arm stretched out and your hand creeping in towards the middle of his lap. He pries his sight back up and catches you peeking over at him from the corner of your eye. Your gazes meet and your chest begins to rise and fall more heavily than it had a few seconds ago as you shoot him a tempting look.
Oh, so this is what’s going to happen today; his strength of will is going to be tested. Fuck.
Carefully and quietly, Simon repositions himself in his seat. Without turning his face at all, he inclines his head to the side so that it is nearly pressed against yours. “Ya sure ya wanna start this?” he growls his question in a whisper near your ear, yet he does nothing else as he sits back up straight. 
Your hand continues on undeterred and makes it in between his thighs without any resistance; it’s clear that neither of you were finished with what was trying to be started this morning as a small peak already meets your hand before you’ve even done anything.   
Simon exhales a shaky breath as your hand makes contact with the crotch of his pants and it takes all his willpower to hold steady as you run your hand over the mound just under the zipper. Thank God he’s wearing his jacket today, otherwise the way his chest starts to heave with each labored breath as you stroke your palm consistently over the swell would give him away to everyone here. Behind the mask, his mouth hangs open slightly as he forces himself to quietly pant as if under duress. 
Being this close to him, you can hear the change in his breathing and those subtle deviations in his respiration guide your movements further. You press down and he has to bite his lip until he tastes that first bit of copper to keep himself under control. And yet he doesn't pull your hand away… because he doesn't want to. His pretty thing needs to feel him, he isn’t going to deny that. It’s a risk, but it’s one he is more than willing to take just to keep you locked in this moment with him.
Over and over you go in with insatiable intent, stroking until the tip of his thick cock throbs with his pulse against your touch as a throbbing of your own. The sound of your captain is barely a faint whisper at this point as all of your  awareness is focused solely in the silent tension shared between you and your lover as your hand draws him closer and closer to release just from the pressure alone. 
The tingle in his lap radiates out in waves that make his limbs feel heavy and causes a cold sweat to break out across his skin and just as Simon thinks that he can’t take a second more of stimulation because he’s going to burst, the meeting finally comes to an end. Quickly you have to pull your hand back out of his lap as your fellow officers’ attentions are no longer focused towards the front of the room and you pray that they can’t see the way your body shudders. 
You don’t dare get out of your seat yet; at this point your legs are like jelly and you are sure that if you try to stand you will make a fool of yourself by stumbling around. Instead, you pull out your phone to pretend you are making a note of something important as everyone leisurely files out until all that is left is you and Simon in the empty room. 
He hasn’t said a word since his cautionary question, instead moving out of his seat the moment he could to lean up against the wall near the door with his arms crossed over his broad chest. The last person makes it out and yet he’s still standing there soundlessly as if he is waiting for something, his shadowed gaze locked onto your form. 
Eventually you calm yourself enough to make it out of your seat and back onto your feet without falling. You take a few steps to leave and you nearly make it out of the room before the door is promptly pushed shut in your face and Simon places himself directly between you and the exit. Instantly you are stopped in your tracks and you stand there curiously as that familiar click from the lock being engaged is heard and the room falls silent, not even the sound of people coming and going can be heard on this side of the door. 
“What was that, hmm?” he asks in fake anger, his bright eyes giving him away even with the mask covering the majority of his features.
You shrug. “What are we talking about?” you ask in return with a tilt of your head. Ever the little actress, it seems.
He chuckles deeply as a spark flashes through the irises of his eyes to make them shine the way an animal’s does before it goes in for the kill. You know exactly what that look means. “Playin’ games, are ya?” he asks. “Or did ya already forget the way you were just tryin’ to make me come?”
“Is there a problem?” you ask back as the corner of your lip upturns ever so subtly. 
He takes a step towards you and you move back with it; another and you do the same. This continues only a few more paces until you run out of space and back into the edge of the table, allowing Simon to move in without a problem until his body is within a few feet of yours. Reaching out with one of those large hands he wraps it around your wrist and pulls your arm forward into him. 
“Oh, we ‘ave a big fuckin’ problem now, sweet,” he groans as he takes your hand and pins the palm just to the side of the zipper on his pants. You don’t even have to look down to know what he’s talking about as there is a hard, stiff peak that meets your touch; the tip of his cock strains against your hand as he presses your palm down over it. “See what ya did?” 
An unintentional moan escapes your lips at the feeling that you try to disguise with a cough, but Simon has already caught it. With a hook of his thumb under the cloth of his mask, he pries it up off of his mouth and in the same motion he jerks your arm past his body to pull you in the miniscule distance still between you both so that you are now plastered to his chest. Since his mask isn’t an issue anymore, his hand captures your chin in its grip and he holds on firmly. 
The intense domination of the movement feels like an ambush on your sanity and with that one simple motion he already has your heart fluttering just like he wants. You’ve played your little game and gotten him riled up, and it’s got him craving you so bad he can hardly keep his thoughts straight. Now it’s his turn at it and he isn’t going to stop until he has chipped away at your resolve so that you want him just as badly. 
Keeping his grip tight on your chin he cocks your head to the side to move it out of his way as he leans his face in towards the soft, tender skin that has been revealed to him just under your jawline. 
“Now, how’re we gonna fix this? Can’t go ‘round wit this thing at full attention,” his balmy breath travels over your skin as his lips rub along the side of your neck, the tip of his nose catching that sweet spot just behind your earlobe. 
The very faint stumble covering the lower half of his face prickles your skin as he presses his lips against you gently at first to let the feather-light pressure tantalize the flesh around that pulsing vein under your jawbone. He can feel it begin to race under his touch the quicker your heart pumps and he has to force himself to take a breath. To observe the physical reaction you have to him, to feel the way you come alive in his hands, it’s enough to bring him to his knees and if he isn’t careful he can easily lose himself.     
“Ya owe me–” he trails his kisses upward until his lips are pressed along your jaw “for–” those heated kisses keep going over the contour until he hovers right over your mouth, lips ghosting over yours just out of reach “–all that teasin’.”
You attempt to move in and collapse the distance between your mouths to zero, but his hold on your face keeps you at bay. Again you struggle to embrace his mouth and again he pulls you back and it’s clear what the game is now. If you want his kiss on your lips, you are going to have to meet his conditions. 
“What do you want?” you ask coyly as if there is anything else that he could possibly be after at this moment. 
Simon runs the tip of his stout tongue over the middle of his bottom lip as he stares at yours, the skin on your mouth growing redder with each erratic inhale of breath you take, before he drifts his gaze back up the short distance to your eyes. He admires how they shimmer with unspoken wants as he meets them again. 
You know full well that the door is locked, Simon is certain you heard him secure it since you were close. That means you both are cut off from the rest of the base while in here and with the meeting over, there is no reason for anyone to come around. The room is yours for as long as you want.
“Well, we’re all alone, luv,” he says. 
“Mmhmm,” you agree as if he’s asked a question.
Taking both his hands, he cradles the back of your head as his thumbs rest against your cheeks and he takes a step so that his hips block your body against the table. He inches in ever so carefully, making sure that his lips will not touch yours, but be just close enough that the agony caused from their proximity will make you fucking burn to feel them. It’s a game that he has perfected over his time with you and one he prides himself on being the master of. 
“Ya know what I fuckin’ want.” 
The heat from his warm breath wafts over your lips to make them tingle from the change in temperature. This close you can finally catch the scent of his natural musk mixing with the sharp notes of his spicy cologne and the smell reminds you of your sheets where the fragrance still lingers. It is overwhelming your senses until you feel delirious and out of control. 
“Wanna take ya on this fuckin’ table,” he breathes into your face in a growl the comes from somewhere deep inside. “Can’t wait.”
His voice is pure sex on a good day, but in these moments when his full attention is on you as he plays up the sultry notes of his tone to match his growing need, you can’t help the way you squeeze your legs together as a shudder of pleasure runs like icy water straight through to your core. 
“Undo - your - pants,” he orders, his deep, heavily accented voice breathy, but firm. “Now.”
Your pulse is pounding in your ears with your short, quick breaths and he takes the moment to tempt you further by having the tip of his tongue gracefully slither out of his mouth to catch the edge of your upper lip, lightly grazing the inner bit so that you shiver and it takes all your strength not to buckle at your knees and stumble in his grasp.  
Finally gaining control of your limbs through the haze spreading in your mind you move your hands over your abdomen, using touch alone to find the fastener at the front of your pants as he holds your head in place, forcing you to keep your eyes focused on him. Finally you locate the button and as swiftly as your shaky fingers can manage, you fidget with it till it opens and you can guide down the zipper. 
A ravenous grin spreads across Simon’s lips at the sound of your clothes being shed. It’s Pavlovian the way it immediately makes his mouth salivate with anticipation as he knows that soon he is about to enjoy a feast that includes all your delicious curves ready and begging for his special brand of ecstasy.
You’ve done what he’s asked and now you desperately want your reward, but you should know by now it isn’t going to be that easy. He is a man of mutual obsession and you’ve only barely just started to ache with the overwhelming intensity that he wants; he needs you in shambles just like he’s had to be this whole time as you stroked him under the table.  
“Please,” you plead tacitly as multiple words seem too cumbersome to have in your mouth.
Simon shakes his head. “Not yet. Push ‘em down,” he demands. “Take ‘em off.”   
You scramble to follow his dictation and grab onto the waistband of your pants, jerking them down over the curve of your rear and continuing until they are past your calves, slipping out of your boots so that you can step out of the fabric now bunched at your ankles. You stand back up straight and immediately those rough fingers are outlining the band on your panties just below the hem of your shirt and each time they graze over the tender skin of your pelvis, you gasp inaudibly into his face as the electricity from his touch makes your skin tingle. 
As one hand plays, the other that is cradled at the base of your skull draws your face to him. “Ya got me wantin’ ya so bad it fuckin’ stings,” he admits. “Is that what ya want, sweetheart? Ya want me a goddamn mess wheneva you’re around?”
His thumb tugs at the corner of your mouth as he drags it over your bottom lip and the action takes your breath so you have to forcefully catch it. “I want you to want me as bad as I want you,” you answer as your heartbeat hiccups in your chest.
Simon chuckles. “Greedy girl,” he says, drawing out the words, his voice getting more and more gravely. “Ya know how fuckin’ hard I was strugglin’ to not just throw ya on the table and take right there in front a everyone? Ya got me outta my goddamn mind insane for ya with just a touch.”
You look up at him with starry eyes, the kind of sight that makes him feel like you think he’s hung the fucking moon for you. “Take…me now…” you beg.
He can feel you tremble in his hands as you plead for your sanity and it pushes him to his breaking point. “That what ya want?” he asks. “Let me hear it, sweet.”
You nod without even having to think about it. “Please, Simon. Please. I haven’t stopped needin you since this morning. Just give it to me.”
Fuckin’ hell he is going to absolutely wreck you after that.
Tilting his head to one side he moves in and with a sharp inhale of breath before the plunge, he hauls your mouth to his and crashes his lips on yours. The deadly potency in his embrace knocks the little bit of air you just drew in from your lungs and in an instant you are left gasping for breath again while not wanting him to pull away.  
That huge, hulking body with all of its bulky muscles overwhelms your own as he pins himself harder against you, pushing your hips together to grind that stiff peak roughly against you with rocking movements, hips rolling into you again and again until you join him as your frantic fingers rip the jacket off his shoulders and down his arm so that you can feel his skin under your hands.   
His mouth is insatiable, stealing sloppy, desperate kisses one after another until your lips burn from the abrasion. The contrast between the rough way he embraces you with the delicately smooth feel of his lips is a sensory overload in the best way. Those long fingers of both of his hands are now tangled in the strands of your hair at the back of your head, not wanting to give you the chance to get away from the harshness of his lips as he claims your mouth as his. 
You match his energy and your fingers find the hem of his mask that still clings to his face and you slip them up underneath to pry it off the rest of the way so that you can caress the back of his head and make him buckle from the shiver as you run your fingertips over his scalp. He holds you tighter as a blunt grunt of pleasure vibrates up from his chest and he breathes it into your open mouth for you to swallow down. He is so caught up in the passion of the moment that he nips aggressively at your lower lip until you gasp as it stings so good. 
The warmth from his breath tingles along the raw skin of your mouth as he buries his nose in your cheek the harder he pushes in. No matter how close you are, it isn’t enough; he wants…no he needs to be closer. He isn’t sure yet if he likes being the type of man that goes feral with an insatiable appetite for his lover, but if you are going to be greedy with wanting his attention he is going to be greedy in the way he reciprocates it.
You are suddenly on the move as Simon easily slides his strong hands up under your arms and picks you up to set you on top of the sturdy table, tugging behind your knees to pull you forward so that you are at the very edge of the surface. You hadn’t realized how warm you are until the instant the cool table touches the bare skin on the back of your legs.
A hum vibrates in his chest as he rubs the length of your thighs before he lockes his hands around them to pry them apart and moving in with his palm, he slides it up into the crotch of your panties and cups his wide hand up over your sex.
“F-fuck,” you whimper as he presses down to pin your lips up into your clit. “I need…I need…”
“Whatcha need, sweet?” he asks through panting breaths as he pulls back and pushes in again, making you squeak out a high pitched whine. “Tell me, use your words.”
You swallow hard. “Need… your fingers…” you struggle to say as he does the same maneuver again.
“Does that sweet little clit need my attention?” he asks. “Achin’ for my touch? Ya think I should jus’ give it to ya after the mess ya made a me when I couldn’t even get at ya yet?”
He keeps his hand pinned down and the pressure makes your hips buck in reaction. “I know… I know…” you stammer out the sloppy confession as you fight to create any words at all. “Couldn’t help it.”
If he had been in a more calm state, he would have liked to tell you to get yourself started to see how you’d follow his directions, and then if you did a good enough job he would come in, but Simon wants to feel you just as much as you crave his touch. The strangle you have on his sanity is making him lose it fast and there isn’t much time he is going to be able to spare, but even in his inebriated state as he slowly drowns in your ecstasy, his mind concocts a devilish plan. 
Maybe he can have both his cake and finger it too.
Suddenly he takes your hand in his, wrapping his larger one over top while making you match the way his two middle fingers stick out with yours, and forces them both to descend down the tingling skin of your lower abdomen into the front of your underwear as he rests against you with foreheads touching. Working your combined fingers in tandem, Simon parts through the lips of your pussy and moves both sets right up against that tiny bundle of nerves just above your core.
“Already wet, pretty girl?” he groans with a hiss as his finger makes contact with a bit of warm moisture once inside. “Not enough, though. I want ya fuckin’ drippin’ for me. And we’re gonna do this how I want. Now we’re gonna make ya a mess so I don’t feel so alone.”
It hasn’t left his mind that this isn’t the safest place to be, that even though the room is only used on those weekly occasions when Price gathers his personnel to keep everyone up to speed, even though the space is vacated and the door locked, there is no guarantee that someone won’t try and get in. He has to be quick, but he is going to do this right. 
Simon expertly guides your finger over your clit in that very distinct way that he does it, rubbing in concise circles over the nub with both of your fingers, using a bit of light pressure as your knees fall apart to give him more access and it doesn’t take long until your mouth falls open so that all those pretty sounds can escape unhindered just as you know he likes.
Their sound only adds fuel to his desire. Having him pilot your movements, forcing you to pleasure yourself under his control, adds another level of euphoria that he had not previously thought possible. Fuck, does he feel powerful to take you like this, both of you working together until your wetness dribbles down his fingers as the heat warms his hand.  
His face is so close to yours that he can use your breath to fill his lungs as he runs out of air; the only thing he wants to sustain his life at this moment. Breathing you in, tasting you, feeling you; he only wants to be consumed by you like a man possessed. He has never needed anyone in the way he needs you and the more he causes you to sing, the more he has to be sure that no one else can ever satisfy you the way that he can. It’s his mission now to completely ruin you for anyone else.
Your legs start to shake as the pressure continues to build from the sensitivity and your calves crush his hips as a pitiful whimper you let out sends him over the edge and drives him insane in his already weakened state. There is no stopping the feral part of his brain from taking over to guide his movements and suddenly your clit isn’t the only thing he wants to play with; he needs to fill you.
You can feel your hand on the move, slithering down until the tips of both your fingers reach your entrance. And quickly they ascend up into you to stretch you out as your legs vibrate, the flood of blood to your cheeks making your face burn like you’re on fire as he keeps shoving up inside until he reaches the amalgamation of your combined knuckles. He keeps his eyesight down to watch the way your hands make your panties bulge as your pussy is filled with the both of you.
The unexpected fullness causes your back to arch and your head to fall back as you struggle to stifle a desperately loud cry from being stretched. Instantly Simon drags your head up and harshly connects your lips with overwhelming savagery to stop the sound from getting out, sucking it down his throat with his mouth pressed to you so securely as you continue to groan in short bursts until you finally are able to calm yourself enough to keep your volume down.  
Your body grips both of your fingers tight as he begins to rhythmically work at your G spot with rough and intense movements, unable to calm down. The harder he goes the more dampness covers the fingers inside you and it drips down onto the back of his hand and begins to stick to the inside of your thighs. Your walls flutter around his fingers the more they swell and that lets him know that you’re close. His pulse is racing to feel it, that moment you come; no single sensation ever gives him more pleasure than being the reason you fall apart.
Your hips begin to grind onto your hands for more friction. “Fuck…fuck…” you mutter in agony under your breath. It’s nearly there, just a bit more. 
Stroking and grinding, stroking and grinding, it feels like an eternity stuck at the edge of that cliff as the warmth gathering in the pit of your stomach grows in intensity, but suddenly and without warning, like a wave washing over you, that warmth reaches its peak and shoots through you as you fall over the edge.  
Simon makes you ride out your orgasm on your fingers until you settle and only then does he gently pull your hands out from your still quivering core and up out of your panites, never letting you go. He holds them up and your fingers glisten with the product of his work under the fluorescent lighting. After taking a few seconds just to admire the way they look he locks eyes with you and holds your gaze as he brings those coated digits on your hand straight up to his mouth and sucks them inside that wet cavern. He uses his tongue to swirl around your fingers to clean them, sucking on them thoroughly to get all the taste of you off and you nearly faint from the erotic nature of his action. 
The way he has no shame when it comes to enjoying every bit of you is staggering to behold. He is insatiable and you can’t get enough.
Giving your hand back, Simon steps up right against you between your legs as his hand slips between your bodies and he shifts his hips slightly so that he can undo his belt buckle, then the button on his jeans, and finally pull down the zipper. Sticking his hand inside the shadowed recesses of his boxers, he pulls out and releases that thick, veiny appendage that has been throbbing for far too long without relief. It stands at attention and bobs with his pulse, a mouth-watering view of all that girth ready just for you. 
The knuckle of his finger bushes over your still overly sensitive cunt as he hooks the digit into the seam at the crotch of your ruined panties and jerks them to the side out of his way before the tip of his cock presses into your petals. So slowly he guides himself past that first barrier in through your lips and carefully he strokes his cock in your cum, coating himself in the heated moisture his touch produced. 
Calloused fingers suddenly divide through the strands of your hair at the back of your head so that his grip is securely woven into you as the others dig into your hip. “You drive me wild, pretty girl,” he says with covetous aggression, “but if ya ain’t careful, I may not be able to contain myself like I did today. So unless ya want me ta fuck ya in front a everyone, you’re gonna wait till we’re alone to start things, yeah?”
You nod in agreement.
“Then I’ll make sure ta get ya so fuckin’ good,” he whispers as he pulls out just enough so that he adjust himself to align his swollen tip with your entrance. “Won’t let ya go till you’re satisfied, promise.” 
He prods against the opening, pushing up against it until you feel drunk on the feeling of anticipation as you wait impatiently for when he finally thrusts hard enough to get all that girth in. “Lift your hips,” he hurriedly demands and you lean back on your hands to help angle your pelvis upward.
Those coffee-colored eyes meet yours one last time as his hand gives your hair a tug. “Let’s finish this right, yeah?” he breathes and his hips snap forward as he pulls yours down.
The moment the tip breaks through the threshold of your body you both involuntarily share a gasp between your open mouths. You are so wet and clearly more than ready to take him, but he still has to pace himself getting in or else he’s going to come before he’s had a chance to really fuck you good. Still your body sucks him in every single inch he gives you until he reaches the base of his shaft where he pauses. 
The width of his cock pushes against your walls until they form around the contours perfectly and his hand on your hip burrows harder into the skin in an attempt to let any other feeling get through the overwhelming sensation of being inside you so that he can last. He focuses back on your face where your eyes are shut tight and something about that just won’t do. He wants those blown-out pupils that rest behind closed lids to be fixated on him as if he is the only thing in the entire fuckin’ world that you crave to look at.
Because you are the only thing in his.  
“Eh, eyes on me, sweet,” he growls desperately to get your attention back. “Need ta fuckin’ see ‘em. That’s it, just like that.”
You open your eyes and your aching gaze renders Simon speechless. How in the fuck did he get so lucky to call you his and why in the hell didn’t he make that happen sooner? Without any more of a pause he begins to thrust in and out of you with a ferocity that makes your body burn as his desire overtakes him. Each stroke stretches you out more until the sting subsides and all that’s left is the satisfying euphoria that comes with being filled so full.
Your cheeks feel like they are glowing and on fire as thrusts after thrust he pounds into you, stretching you and filling you to the brim on all of his passion for your body as the sound of slapping skin against skin fills the silent space, accentuated by the sound of threads snapping as your panties are stretched to the point of ripping. Panting heavily into your face with mouth open, chest heaving up and down with laborious breaths, Simon unleashes himself upon you.
“Fuck,” he says, jaw hanging slack with desire, “wish ya could see how pretty ya look right now.”
Harder and harder he thrusts into you until the table begins to rock with him as he shoves his fat cock as far up into you it almost hits the back of your cervix. He desperately tries to keep the pace even, but it is reaching the point of no return.  
“Ya feel so fuckin’ good, baby,” he stutters with a groan low and guttural as he starts the feel that pressure again building at the base of his spine, ready to shoot through him at any second of he keeps this up. “So fuckin’ good. Can’t ever get enough of ya.”
You buck against him, meeting his movements with your own as you use your legs wrapped around his hips as leverage. The risky nature of your triste barely registers anymore as the stimulation from his cock hitting that sweet spot over and over again inside you clouds all your thoughts except one: the need to come. And it is fast approaching the longer he goes until it is right fucking there; all he has to do is keep going.
“Shit, don’t stop Simon,” you plead in distress to him, your toes curling into the air as you focus on your erratic breathing. 
“Tha’s it, sweet, come for me,” he growls, “Come all over my fuckin’ cock.” 
His pace is relentless as he pumps with those powerful thrusts that bury him deep within you, unyielding and relentless with his need to render you completely satisfied. And just like that everything comes to a head with a shudder as your orgasm rockets through you fiery hot, making your body writhe in his grasp. You squeak out in a whine before you clamp your lips together tight to make sure you can stay as quiet as you can as you ride out the depth of your pleasure on his cock. God, it doesn’t stop, second after second it just keeps building stronger and stronger. Simon does not let up and soon you are whining from the over-stimulation.
He isn’t far behind though and it doesn’t take many more strong thrusts until the warmth that had been building to this point twice now finally shoots through his body, coursing like a burning river of fire through his veins as he rips his cock out of you and through your thighs as he pulls up your shirt over your tits to cover your stomach in sticky semen as he comes hard.
Leaning forward, Simon opens his mouth and latches it fully onto your collarbone through the fabric of your shirt, digging his teeth into the muscle to keep himself quiet as he milks himself dry with your thighs. He grinds up into those juicy bits of your legs as he grunts laboriously into the muscle of your shoulder so that it vibrates from the intensity while his wide hips continue rolling upward until he has nothing left to give and his shoulders slump forward with exhaustion as he comes to a stop.   
The muscles of his arms are shaking as he releases your shoulder from his mouth. “Goddamn, sweetheart,” he says out of breath, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close, “I ain’t ever been to a meetin’ that ended this way, but Christ should they.” 
You chuckle as you incline up into his face to catch his mouth in your embrace. Releasing his lips, you are met with a contented smile as he strokes your cheek sweetly with his thumb. You both know you need leave, you’ve spent too much time here already, but Simon just can’t let you go. At least, not yet. Not when you look so good in that post-coital hazy state of bliss that it makes his heart flutter.  
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ynbabe · 1 month
Cute situations w/ f1 drivers- ep2.
Asking the drivers if they 'wanna nap?'
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"Wanna nap?" You asked the man as soon as he stepped into his hotel room, tired and eyes red. You knew Ferrari wasn't some winter wonderland but you didn't know why Charles put up with it.
You had been close friends with the man, since before he'd started f3 too, you knew he bled Ferrari red but this wasn't bleeding this was suicide.
Nonetheless, you were there for him, every weekend, only today there wasn't much to do, he had just come back from some meetings. He looked at you and hummed, taking off team-issued merch and throwing himself on the bed beside you.
You turned on some sad Adele song and faded into sleep, holding the boy close to you, his head resting on the curve of your neck.
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"Wanna nap?" You asked Carlos as you both walked into his drivers' room, it was early in the morning at the Las Vegas GP and just as the year before they had messed up the timings and the drivers had to wait till four-thirty in the morning to get on with the programme.
Knowing the both of you, you were sure if you hadn't extended the offer the both of you would have ended up doom-scrolling through Netflix looking for some show to watch fighting off sleep.
"What?" He asked, shocked at the offer for a second before raising his browns and winking at you, "You finally feel my charm didn't you?" he laughed as he climbed onto the small and rickety bed next to you. "Smooth operator strikes again," he praised himself, pulling you close to him, enveloping you in his arms as the big spoon.
You groaned and kicked his shin, making him complain, "Dude you're so fucking lame!" You made fun of the older man who only replied with terrorism (tickling you,) "S-top, stop, I'm sorry," you laughed, trying to escape the death grip he had on you, eventually getting him to stop.
He let you catch your breath as he set an alarm, before trapping you in his warm arms again, both drifting into a comfortable sleep.
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It was way past midnight but you couldn't sleep, unable to get yourself out of the party high, too drunk to rest your brain. Thankfully you weren't the only one.
There was a barrage of knocks on your hotel room, a slurred voice with a British accent begging to be let in. "Y/n/nnnnn, I can't sleep," he cried once in the room, stumbling over nothing as you both made your way to your bed.
You giggled as he fell, brushing his hands over the cold blanket. You joined him, crawling onto the bed slowly as the room around you spun. You laid on your back, clinging onto the bed for dear life.
Lando noticed and piled on top of you, making you raise a question brow. "So you don't fall off," he muttered, his face buried in your chest.
"Ohhhh, that makes sense," you said, understanding his thought process as the spinning slowed down. "We should nap," you said out loud, eyes shutting due to the comforting warm weight on top of you.
Lando hummed in return, wrapping his hands around your waist, as you pulled one hand up to his and another grabbing his curls for extra support.
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There were two things everyone knew about Oscar, he hated waking up early and he loved sleeping. So when his trainer woke him up on a perfectly cosy yet cool Monday morning to exercise, he nearly wanted to kill the man, only stopping because that would take much more effort than simply going through with the workout.
Your apartment was closer to the gym than his, so he happily invited himself in to bitch and moan about his trainer and how that man must have hated him.
Rolling at your friend's antics, you pushed away your laptop, walking from the dining table to where he was sitting on your sofa.
"Wanna nap?" You had barely finished your question when you were pulled onto the Australian.
"I thought you'd never ask," he whispered, as he shuffled on the narrow sofa to get comfortable, you still on top of him, his arms wrapped around your waist and your face buried in his neck.
"Are you using me as a teddy bear?" You asked incredulously, trying to get up to no avail as the man's grip on you was far too strong.
"Yes, now let me sleep," he murmured, already half gone.
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George had a habit of pushing himself too far, ever since he was a child. When you guys had just newly become friends, the boy had spent hours trying to find out what exactly you liked and didn't, stalking your Instagram and your family's Facebook.
You had found it endearing but also concerning how he always wanted to be perfect. So when you walked into his house at midnight (you got a key made- there's a reason the both of you got along so well,) and found him staring unblinkingly at his laptop and a large mess of papers spread across the wooden coffee table.
"Dude, what is wrong with you," You whisper-yelled at the man making him jump, pressing a hand to his chest.
"Me? What is wrong with you?" He yelled, panting as you jumped over the back of the couch, sitting right next to him, ruffling through the papers much to his chagrin.
"Shut it, Georgie boy," you smirked at him using the nick name he hated. “What are you even doing, it’s so late?” You asked looking at the taller man who started off in a rant about the car and everything he was doing wrong, making you slide down on the sofa till you head was resting on the backrest. You lifted your feet up to rest them on the coffee table, making George rush to move a stack of papers so they wouldn’t be under your feet.
Perfect. You grabbed the man’s shoulders and made his head rest on your lap.
“What on earth are you doing!” He yelled more than asked, trying to get up but you doubled down.
“George you need to sleep,” you deadpanned as he tried to make you let him go, knowing his pleas fell on deaf ears he gave up.
You raised your brow, “wanna nap?” You asked teasing the boy.
“Only for a few minutes,” he pressed, making himself comfortable, while you tangled your fingers in his hair, “maybe more then,” he sighed and let his eyes shut, slightly watering and finally fell asleep.
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Lewis had never been a friend to you, he was more like an annoying yet caring older brother or like a fun uncle of sorts. The man was fiercely protective of his friends, even those whom he saw in animosity.
But you were different, Lewis would steal your coffee, eat your food, and push you around but he'd also sneak you Red Bull (much to his disgust,) into his driver's room during late races, walk you to your hotel room after parties and get you souvenirs from races you couldn't be at. Similarly, you loved to annoy the man, stealing his expensive jackets, which looked hilarious due to the size difference, stealing his headphones and running away with them and most importantly coming to him with your problems day or night.
So no, Lewis wasn't surprised when you showed up to his driver's room in the middle of the day, even though Toto had revoked your pass for the day (for bullying George, but it was worth it,). He was ready to tease you but then he saw your eyes, red and tears flowing down your face.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" He immediately came up to you, giving you a once-over to see if you were injured. "Did someone say something, are you hurt?" He asked panicking at your silence. You simply wrapped your arms around the older man, hiding your face in his chest, quietly sobbing and sniffling.
He walked you both to the sofa in his room, seating you down, trying to wipe your tears, "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked as you finally calmed down, using his arm as support to sit up.
You cleared your throat, "No, I just wanna nap," you hiccuped slightly.
"Okay," he leaned back so you could rest your head on his shoulder, giving you one of his airpods to relax, which you gladly accepted.
Lance & Fernando (they aren't always gonna be together but the situations... THE SITUATIONS WRITE THEMSELVES)
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"Oh honey that’s not," Lance said pointing to your coloured hair (matching with Alex) and thats how the conversation had started and had ended in a cat fight.
“At least I’m not a nepo baby,” you yelled as you threw a basket of oranges at him, which he dodged, darn those f1 reflexes. The basket itself smacked him square in the face, leaving a red indent across his nose. He glared for a second before jumping over the table you were fighting across and pulled your hair. “Owww, you bitch”
You bit his hands in defence, to which he kicked your shin, screaming you launched yourself at him, crashing the both of you to the ground, “oh my god, okay, truce, truce,” he panted, pushing you off him.
“Just so you can catch your breath,” you retorted making him mock you. In reality, you were definitely much more tired than he was. You were struggling to catch your breath, your head killing you where he grabbed a large chunk of your hair.
You turned to look at him, resting your head on his stretched arm, he was massaging his nose, the bruise turning purple now, “well that was fun,” he turned to face you.
“Sooooo fun,” you rolled your eyes, “wanna nap? My heads killing me,” you are far him in accusation but he glared right back pointing to his swollen nose.
“Sure,” he shrugged, shifting closer to you and closing his eyes. You opened your mouth to make a joke but were interrupted, “there are like a million oranges on the floor right now, I’ll throw one at you,” you accepted defeat and fell into a comfortable sleep.
That’s how Fernando found the both of you, slightly scowling but fast asleep, he took a picture for blackmail’s sake and placed a blanket over the two of you.
PT-2 w/ Max, Logan, Alex, Daniel, Yuki, Pierre, Esteban, Zhou.
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najenvhs · 1 month
hi sweetheart🫶
can I request bff!mark + dry humping while watching movies
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mdi ! afab reader ! (i love this hehehe)
you and mark always have sleepovers, watching movie playing games listing to music. your families were super close and the both of you grew up together, but since your parents were out of town for the weekend you invited mark over
“so we are rewatching Spiderman right?” mark asks half as a joke but you know he’s serious.
“we watched that like a couple weeks ago” you sigh to yourself as you were in the kitchen making popcorn, you love the movies but you you’ve had enough.
“listen how about for a change we watch a girlie movie” you say with a smile on your face.
“fine, but next movie i call being a spider man movie” mark says rolling his eyes.
the thing is girlie (romcoms/ romance) movies always get you a little horny… they are always so cute and always about finding the one you will love, even if its them going though hardships or trying something new- the main character will always at the end of the story find love and 99.9% of the time have sex at the end.
you guys finished the movie you were watching and didnt really say much about it. watching romance movies with mark is nothing new but- watching romance movies with mark alone in your house is definitely new.
“that was cute” you say braking the silence.
“yeah it was funny- anways next movie?” mark says our of awkwardness and adjusting himself next to you.
you got back up to make more popcorn as he started the movie. you sat the food down on the table in front of the couch and since you were slightly bent over. in that same motion you leaned back to sit back down on the couch. but when you sat back it was not soft and fluffly.
“y/n” mark yelped
“oh god mark im so sorry” you said in a panic as you tried to get up but he wrapped your arm around ur waist making you sit right on top of him.
“y/n, could you say like this for a second” he said into your back.
“o-oh um yeah” you responded.
you sat there for a good couple of minutes watching the beginning of spider-man till you moved trying to get up again but that single movement make mark moan.
you couldn’t believe it, it shocked you down your spine and made you really aware of what you were sitting on.
“y/n please don’t move, im sorry” he says, you could tell he felt so apologetic.
“should i help?” you said quietly.
“what?” he responds quickly “no… no no no absolutely not”
“what if i wanted to” you said.
“i jus- f-fuck” he moans, you didnt care, you yourself were in a mood too and after feeling how hard he was you couldn’t help but move.
you started off slow, you didn’t want to overwhelm him or make him cum fast since you wanted to enjoy this too. “m-mark” you moaned out as you made little movements on top of him.
“y/n…” mark said, he moved your hair so that he had access to kiss the nape of your neck as you sat on top of him like a chair.
you move your lower body in slow circle movements to get him started. you knew this was going to be a bumpy ride so you place your hands on both of marks thighs to hold yourself up as you work yourself on him.
“you are doing so good y/n” he moans, he uses the hand that was wrapped around your stomach so snake it up into your shirt. he finds one of your tits and try’s to work on it while your moving on him. as he using his other hand to hold you down so he can meet you through the layers of thin clothing.
“a-ah” you push your ass down on him much as you could trying to fit yourself onto him like putting on a pair of tight shoes. you throw ur head forward in pleasure and to put all your strength in your legs.
“f-fuck y/n, your so f-fucking hot” mark shutters as he still chases after your back to leave hot kisses all over it. you change your rhythm to back and forth motions, you could feel him trying to meet your change.
you never really thought you would be doing this with mark, you had some feelings for him in the past but never let it get the best of you. seeing your best friend as a boy, a man was something really hard for you till today.
“f-fuck m-mark your so big” you say, feeling the length of him though clothing was making you wish that the layer wasnt there.
“y/n- i’m gonna cum” he grunted as he places both his hands on your hips so he could control your movements
“m-me to mark” you yelped trying to move as much as you could on top of him.
“f-fuck” he moaned loudly right into your ear as he spilled out in his pants. and you following right behind him.
he wraps his arms around your stomach pulling you in just to sit on top of him as you both come down for your high in  silence.
“so, what was that…” mark finally says, still holding on to you.
“i dont know but it was good, like really good, lik-“ you said but got cut off by mark.
“y/n please stop or im gonna actually want to fuck you” mark says resting his head on your back.
you twist your arm around in a awkward manner to reach his head, “if it means less clothes next time then i wouldnt mind”
and with that the two just laugh a little, clean up and try to at least finish the movie without any sexual glances at each other.
an: hiii i hit 127 followers so i thought i would respond to some requests as much as i could ^_^
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heyhihellosworld · 1 year
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Charles Leclerc x reader
Word count: 2.8k
Summary: Your Charles supporter in every high and low, always there to celebrate and help him in every way possible
Warnings: Fluff, Smut (almost only smut), a little angst
Notes: First time I publish any work for Charleees and this became just smut basically. I didn't really have any plot, just started with the smut so it became a little weird but anyway. I still struggle writing smut so this is not great but I feel like it's getting better every time at least
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"That was really... impressive" you smiled sarcastically, catching his annoyed face getting even more so as his eyes rolled. "Can you just not" he sighed, stopping in front of you and wiping his face off the sweat with the towel he'd received after quali.
"What, I'm just speaking facts"
Charles didn't answer that, he just narrowed his eyes before drinking big sips from his water bottle. "Seriously" you hummed, wanting to push his buttons even though you knew it wasn't the smartest seeing as he was already annoyed.
"It is impressive, crashing two days in a row. Wow, I'm just so excited to see what you will do tomorrow. Maybe crash?"
Charles let out a grunt, staring at you really unimpressed by your attitude as you gave him your famous smirk. That smirk that he hated and loved at the same time because even if it could get on his nerves in situations like these, that smirk was also the thing he loved about you.
"You know just what to say to cheer a man up huh" he spoke monotony, not even looking at you as he whipped up his phone "Oh I do" you tilled, looking at him with a teasing expression but he only shook his head.
"You know, Carlos' girlfriend hugs him or comforts him when he fails" He spoke lowly, almost accusingly as he gathered his stuff.
"Lucky Carlos" you hummed, smiling at your boyfriend who finally let out a chuckle. The frown on his beautiful face melting off and relaxing
You moved to him, erasing the meter of space between you as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"You know I support you and I will listen to your rant all evening so I gotta have some fun as well. You know I love you and think you are the best driver in the world" you tutted, pecking his lips as he smiled "That sounded so sincere darling" he hummed making you laugh, kissing him again "It was"
Race weekends were a thrill. You loved them and hated them at the same time. Being at the grid was a vibe in itself, something hard to describe but being so close to the action also meant close to the danger. You loved racing but you hated the risks and seeing your boyfriend in the action left you with a never-ending anxiety. But you knew it was his dream so you had no choice but to support him and swallow your worries.
Ferrari was his dream but also his curse. The never-ending struggles and the pressure he put on himself made him overworked and twitchy but you also knew he loved all aspects of racing and he truly believed he could achieve great things with the team. You didn't doubt it but the road there was long and it took effort, not only from Charles and the team but for you too.
The day in honor Charles started at pole but there wasn't much denying that he had had a tough weekend so far, pole in both qualifying but also in the wall two times which of course took a lot of confidence.
The race was boring to say the least, nothing happening and Red bull being far top left little to no excitement in the top two. The real fight was between Charles and Alonso, Charles managing all the way to the podium.
You bubbled with joy as you watched him celebrate on the podium, spraying Champagne and laughing before he came down again. A large smile and Champaign covering his already sweaty face.
"You did it" you grinned, hugging him tightly as he entered the garage again. "I did, not the wall today eh" he grinned smugly, kissing you passionately before you pushed him off not wanting to be too much in the public eye.
You celebrated with the rest of the grid in a club that evening, not wanting to let Charles miss out on the fun just because you were there even if the Monegasque had been more tempted to stay in the hotel-room.
Charles was glued to your side the whole evening, kissing your shoulders, grabbing your ass whenever you were out of sight and always finding an excuse to touch you. Not that you were complaining but he was touchier than usual.
"What's with you today Char? Go out and party" Pierre joked, shoving his friend in the shoulder as he sat on a small couch-group with you and a couple of others. "No no, don't feel like it" Charles dismissed. "What's with him?" Pierre asked directed to you but Charles answered anyway, eyes rolling at his friend "It's nothing with me" he chuckled, shaking his head at the Frenchman who didn't let up
"He is just a bit needy" you smiled, grinning at Charles who glared at you whilst Pierre laughed out loud, raising his hands in surrender "Don't let me stand in your way mate" he chuckled, backing away winking at both of you.
"For real?" Charles sighed unimpressed, looking at you with tired eyes as you couldn't contain your laughter. "But it's true, isn't it Char?" you hummed, teasingly tracing your fingertips up over his thigh, smirking at the way his breath hitched when your fingers danced over his bulge.
"Maybe" he murmured, shoving your hand away with a warning glare.
"It's nothing wrong with it baby" you grinned, mocking him with your expression.
"Shush you" he muttered, shoving you away from him whilst you laughed.
It didn't take long for Charles to run out of patience, especially not since you seemed to find a way to tease him in every way possible so when you arrived at the hotel it didn't surprise you when he immediately attacked you with kisses, eyes asking you to help him out.
"Aww" you mocked, a pout on your lips as you jerked him off faster "you're so needy baby" you hummed. Every time your hand went to his tip your thumb slid over his tip making him release the most amazing sounds.
He looked so beautiful when he was like this. All needy and vulnerable for you. His eyes were hooded, lips parted and his brow furrowed in concentration. A thin layer of sweat covered his body as he tried to let you do your thing despite his itching muscles and need to touch you.
He was close, you could clearly tell by the way his things tensed and bucked into your hand. "Y/n, baby, please" he gasped out, only making you speed up your movements. When your other hand made its way to gently touch his balls he was gone.
He threw his head back, eyes rolling as he stuttered out moans, quickly coming undone. The thought about stopping crossed your mind but the look on his face, begging you to not, made you finish him off.
Your lips hushed the sounds coming from his lips loud enough to be heard to the rooms around you and you knew he would be teased to death the next day if they heard him.
"Yes Charlie, that's it, come for me" you whispered, his eyes closing as he came over his stomach, body trembling as he breathed hard trying to catch his breath.
He stayed in the same position for a while, trying to stabilize his breath as you observed him. Sometimes you couldn't believe that out of all the people on this earth he chose you to be with, looking at him like this made you feel like he was something extreme. So beautiful you couldn't even describe it, lips parted, eyes hooded and skin shimmering in the late evening-light.
Soon enough he started to move, breaking you out of your little bubble. He got up on his knees, wraling the small way it was to where you were sitting crossed legged just right beside him before he gently pushed you down on the soft mattress. The playful grin he had on his face made you giggle as you fell on your back, inviting him to get on top of you.
"Stop laughing" he pouted, seemingly offended but the smile he couldn't hide betrayed him. "Sorry sorry" you smiled, patting his shoulder reassuringly as he hovered over you.
His smile mirrored yours, his dreamy eyes smiling too. "Wanna take care of you too" he murmured, his breath fanning your ear.'making you shiver. "Do whatever you want" you softly hummed back, gently running your fingers through his soft hair.
The way his eyes fell shut at the sensation and his neck craned into your touch made it clear that you were the one in charge tonight, he wanted you to take charge and he'd happily obey.
You let him be for a second, his lips kissing over your shoulder and neck as his fingers teasingly traced your panties. Fingers dipping into the waistband before disappearing to gently caress the soft skin on your tummy. When you let out a grunt of annoyance he immediately threw a glance at you, smirking as he got the memo.
You couldn't help but to let out a moan as his fingers finally dipped down into your panties. His slick fingers spread your wetness around before gently playing small precise circles on your clit. He loved watching your face whenever he was touching you, relishing in pride that he made you feel that way, that he could make you cum and become fuzzy for him.
His fingers found your entrance, slowly flicking into you making your mouth fall open. Your body wriggle around, trying to get away from his skillful fingers as it felt too good. His thumb connecting to your clit made the dam break as you pushed his hand away. Challenging him with your look as he whined, wanting to make you cum.
He immediately fell quiet when he saw your look, your hand wrapping delicately around his throat as you kissed over his jaw. "What was that huh?" you hummed, feeding on the sound he let past his lips. "Nothing" he hummed quickly, eyes fleeting over you as a wicked smirk crawled over your face. You loved this power-balance you had. Having Charles dominate you was always bound to be thrilling but you also loved being the one in charge. Having him following your demands was a rare type of power, of course built on complete trust. But you also loved how you sometimes didn't need to have any power, you could just be you, together.
Today was your chance to take the reins though, feeling like it had been a while since you did last since Charles had gone through a period of wanting control, which you didn't mind at all but it did feel great to take charge now.
Your fingers tightened slightly around his throat, not hard enough to choke him for real, just to mark your dominance.
"Thought so" you smirked, flipping him around so you were on top. You gave him a cheeky smile as your mouth trailed a path of kisses down his chest and over his navel, kissing over his abs and v-line as he breathed hard. Your mouth graced over his rock-hard dick but you ignored it for the time being, wanting to tease him slightly.
"Y/n please" he pleaded, hips rutting to get close to your mouth but you just chuckled, pressing his hips down on the sheet as you licked over his abs. "What is it baby?" you hummed in a mocking tone, innocent eyes blinking up at him as you licked up his chest before hanging your face close to his.
"What do you want, Charlie?" you hummed again, breathing over his face because you knew it drove him crazy, along with calling him Charlie that you knew turned him on when in this situation. "Want you to touch me, fuck me, please" he hurried out, his hands gripping onto your hips hard.
"Aww are you needy again" you teased, kissing over his cheek as he tried to calm down his shallow breathing. "Please y/n" he whined, trying to position you over his dick with his hands but you only tutted at him "No no" you chuckled, slapping his hands away.
He looked so fragile and vulnerable in the way he laid there, trying to obey your wishes whilst fighting to not break. His eyes were glossy, body twitchy and lips swollen from biting at them. You took pity on him as he wriggled, uncomfortably hard and face contorting.
"Aw baby, look at you" you mocked, wrapping your fingers around his dick softly which made him gasp out a moan, eyes squeezing together.
"Fuck, I hate when you are bratty like this" Charles moaned out, making you chuckle at him, smirking cheekily. "You do?" you teased, jerking him off slightly quicker, relishing in the sharp breath he breathed in before letting his head fall back into the pillows
"I really do, but I love it too" he murmured, biting his lip so hard it would draw blood "Oh I know you do Charlie, the submissive part of you love to be under my mercy. But the dominant part wants to punish me, doesn't it?"
"It really does" he gritted out as your thumb rubbed over his sensitive tip "Oh but I know you love this so much right now Char, just laying here and taking what I give you, letting me control you" your voice was thick, seductive and sweet as sugar as he nodded "I do love it"
You chuckled again, slowly stroking him before stopping completely not wanting him to cum like this.
You kissed his lips sweetly, his lips melting into yours as you lined him up with you, slowly rubbing his dick over your wetness. When you started to sink down on him he broke the kiss, gasping in symphony with you as you sank down all the way, taking him to the hilt.
"Fuck baby" he moaned, blinking quickly as you stroke his cheek, breathing heavily into his neck, your hips moving in circles, letting yourself get used to him.
After a few seconds of kissing and snogging you sat up so you straddled him for real, your hands planted firmly on his strong chest as you started to move more firmly on him.
His hands on your hips simply stayed still, you not letting him control your movements as you quickened your pace before slowing down, rolling your hips to create the best pattern for both of your pleasure.
Both of your moans bounced around in the hotel-room. No longer being able to think long enough to cover either of your mouths as the sounds got stronger and louder the longer you rode him.
"Fuck fuck y/n, I'm close, please" he blabbered, blinking up at you with the most pleasure struck look you'd ever seen on him. "It's okay baby" you hummed, going faster over him, slamming your hips down on his every time he bottomed out inside of you.
"A-are you close?" he asked softly. You nodded, stilling your hips for a moment as you took a grip on his hand, leading it to your pussy and firmly placing his fingers on your clit. Charles didn't need more instructions than that as you started moving again, rubbing firm precise circles over your clit in the way he knew drove you crazy, and tonight was no different.
It got harder to move smoothly as you felt your orgasm approaching quickly, your head dropping as your moans became louder. Your eyes found his, asking him to help you and he understood, meeting your thrusts with his own making him feel even bigger and reach even deeper inside of you. You angled your hip, trying to hit the perfect spot and when you did find it, it didn't take long for your eyes to roll as your orgasm flooded over you, taking Charles with you as he moaned out loud, not caring anymore.
It took a few minutes for you both to calm down and regain your normal breath. You lead him to the shower, taking turns in gently washing each-other to get rid of the sticky feeling of sex.
You wrapped yourself in his arms, peppering his face with kisses as he chuckled, wrapping you tightly to his chest. "Love you amor" he whispered, his characteristic smile playing on his lips. "Love you to Char" you hummed, stroking beads of hair out of his tired face "Love you even if you drive in to the wall" you smiled, catching his eyes roll before chuckling in defeat "as long as you don't hurt yourself of course" you added, kissing his nose sweetly.
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taurussbabe · 9 months
give you my wild, give you a child
note: it's been so long since i've posted anything, missing posting and you guys, so here it is a charles fic 🎀🫶 word count: 1,3 k
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You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. This is it. You were pregnant, you were going to have a baby, with charles. The adrenaline of the situation got to you and you started crying. Your heard immediately thought ‘hormones’ following by a thought of the amount of times you were going to be able to use that excuse. You laughed at that, but also laughed of happiness, your hand coming to rest on your stomach as you looked down.
“hi baby” you whispered ever so gently.
You wanted to tell charles, you wished he was here, next to you, but he wasn’t, he was in Italy. This weekend was going to be special for charles, it was monza, everyone knew how much monza meant to Ferrari. You though about calling him but decided against it, after all, it could affect his racing or his focus and that was the last thing you wanted.
Keeping it a secret from him was harder than you expected, every time he’d call, you had to bite your tongue not to say it. You had decided you were going to plan something special, not telling him over the phone.
You sat on your couch watching the race, on the edge of your seat, charles had managed to snatch P2 yesterday and you were so proud of him, but you knew he wanted more. Luckily for him, the monza curse struck again and Verstappen had to retire the race, leaving your boyfriend in P1.
You didn’t want to get very excited because it was Ferrari, a simple strategy mistake and charles could loose the highest place on the podium, but he didn’t. you watched proudly as you boyfriend lifted his champagne bottle, spraying all the tifosi there watching him.
You had tried to stay awake till he got home, but sleep got the best of you, because when you woke up, you were no longer in your couch, wrapped around your blanket, you were in bed, charles arm wrapped around your waist, his hand stroking you back and his eyes glued to yours.
“good morning, mon ange” he whispered and you swore you felt butterflies in your tummy, you wondered if the baby feels it too, or something like that.
“good morning, I’m so proud of you, like bursting out of pride” you kissed him fearlessly, pouring out every bit of your love for him
“wow, if you’re like this when I win, then I should win more often” he joked “did you watch me?”
“of course I did, you were so great” you placed your hand on your stomach but quickly realized your mistake and placed it on his cheek
He kissed you again before he quickly sat up “I am making YOU breakfast” he brushed your leg softly and disappeared down the hallway.
After eating breakfast, you were going to finally tell him, but he had other ideas “I’m gonna shower, I didn’t do it last night because you were asleep, but I smell like champagne” he gave you a peck on your lips and left without saying another word.
You heard the shower stop as you sat anxiously on the bed, a small box next to you. He finally came out of the shower and you couldn’t help but eye him up and down, I mean, the guy looked like a Greek god, water still dripping and his chest fully exposed with a towel hanging around his hips
“oh, I didn’t know you were here” he leaned down to kiss the top of your head “are you ok? What is that?” he pointed to the box
“sit” you said seriously and he chuckled gently before realizing your tone was serious and sitting down, his face immediately dropping
“are you ok?” he grabbed your hands and gave them a tight squeeze “please talk to me”
“I have something for you” you handed him the box, and watched closely his reaction while opening it
Inside, he found a small Ferrari onesie with the name Leclerc on the back. You hoped for any kind of reaction, anything really, but he only smiled at you.
“aw, you bought something for Chiara? It’s cute but I think it’s a bit too small for her” he said and you were a bit incredulous how he didn’t got it but still managed to pull a laugh at his assumption that it was for his best friend’s baby.
That was the thing with charles though, no matter how scared or nervous you were, he always found a way to make you laugh, and you loved it.
“the thing is.. this is not for Chiara” you placed his hand on your stomach and a tear escaped your eyes
“wait.. really?” he asked, his eyes getting full of tears now “like, really?” those were the only words coming out of his mouth and honestly you couldn’t judge because you couldn’t say anything, you could only nod at him
Next thing you know, charles was pulling you in for a kiss, one that left you breathless. He picked you up and spun you around, pulling you up so your legs wrapped around him. Both of your hands came to his face and cleaned the few tears that laid on his cheeks and he mimicked your movements by kissing every inch of your cheeks til there was no tears
“Are you sure?” he asked and you climbed out of his arms to show him the test you had in your bag
“pretty sure” you both stayed still for a moment, this was going to happen, you and charles were going to be parents. As you both started to realize this, you couldn’t help but wonder how you had gotten so lucky in life. “Are you happy?”
He took a few steps in your direction and pulled you in close to him, close enough that you could feel in breath on you “of course I am, you make me the happiest, I love you so much, mon amour, and I promise, I will be the best father”
“I know” you whispered, only loud enough so he could hear.
“no, I mean it, I’m gonna be the best, I’ll always be there and I’ll never, EVER, gonna let anything happen to the two of you, ever, you’re my world” he walked with you so your back fell into the mattress, his fingers playing with the hem of your (his) shirt, lifting it up enough so that he could see your belly, reaching to touch it, kneeling in front of you, his lips connecting with your stomach, whispering something to the baby, something you couldn’t even hear yourself. You immediately started crying when you saw him shed a tear, him immediately rising up to his feet, his hands on your shoulders “why are you crying? Are you okay, mon ange?”
“Yes, yes, I just… I was so scared of how you were going to react and… you know” you moved your hands around, stopping when he started laughing. “Why are you laughing?”
“Because you’re adorable, and I love you too much” you simply smiled and let him kiss you, for a second there you forgot he was still in a towel and just realized how gorgeous and hot the man in front of you was, you must have been staring because you noticed him smirking at you, kissing you, letting his hands wonder around you, but you couldn’t help but notice how he was being a little more careful with you, too careful.
“what are you doing?” you pulled back
“kissing you…I’m sorry, did I misread the signs?”
“no, I want this” you point up and down at him “but I don’t want you to hold back”
“I’m sorry, I’m just scared to hurt you or the baby” you smiled fondly at him and kissed his jaw
“that’s cute, but I want you, and I don’t want you told back, please”
“I won’t, then” he picked you up, his towel dropping when he got the both of you in the bedroom. You didn’t know why you were so scared, this was charles, it was always going to be okay”
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verstappen-cult · 3 months
Max is upset when you can't be at his side when the race weekend starts. Then when you're back to his side, I guarantee you can't not leave his side at all. This boy is going to stick with you like a koala till he's satisfied
You couldn't join Max the past weekend in Australia due to your work and now you regret it so much. You could’ve just asked your boss for a few days off and she would have said yes, and you could have been by his side during the fiasco that was the Australian Grand Prix.
Max was a little upset when you told him that you would not be in Australia, but after a long conversation — that ended up with you promising to be in Suzuka — he understood. 
Max has to make a quick stop in Monaco to pick a few things before flying to Japan, so you planned to wait for him with a delicious dinner and his favorite dessert. But you didn’t even have time to go to the grocery store because Max decided to arrive earlier, much earlier.
“What do you mean you’re outside?” You squeal, putting on your sneakers. “Outside of where?” You hold your phone between your cheek and shoulder as you grab your bag, waving goodbye to your friends.
“The pilates studio.” He simply says. 
“No, you’re in Australia.”
He laughs, “No, I’m in Monaco.”
“No becau—” You stop dead in your tracks when you step outside because he is, in fact, there, leaning against his car. “Max!”
He opens his arms and you don’t waste any time, colliding against his body. You drop everything just to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“I missed you so much.” You whisper against his neck, and you feel his smile when he kisses your cheek. 
“I couldn’t stay there any longer,” He shrugs, grabbing your things from the floor. “I missed my lucky charm this weekend.”
Your smile fades at the memory of Sunday’s race. “I’m sorry for what happened.” Max shrugs again, dismissing the topic with a wave of his hand. “How are you feeling?”
“These things happen. I won’t lie and say that I don’t care but we can’t cry about it, the team’s working on fixing everything and we’ll be back stronger than ever.”
You kiss him because there’s nothing else you could do. Hearing him talk that way when you know the old Max would have been beating himself up means everything to you.
“What was that for?” He chuckles when you pull away, a faint blush on his cheeks. 
“What? I can’t kiss my boyfriend now?” He rolls his eyes but leans to leave a chaste kiss on your lips. “Can you drop me off at the grocery store? I need to buy a few things for dinner.”
You fall into an easy conversation as he drives through the streets of Monaco. He tells you about everything that's wrong with the car and what they’re doing to fix those issues and, in return, you tell him what you’ve been doing in his absence, and how much the cats miss him. 
Soon enough, you reached your destination. 
“Okay, I won’t be long. You can go home and—what are you doing?”
“I’ll come with you.”
“No, you’re going home to rest.” But he doesn’t listen. Max just gets out of the car, opens the door and helps you out. “Max.”
He groans, “I just,” He drops his head slightly forward. “I missed you so much, I don’t want to leave you.”
Your heart melts and you can’t say no to him, not when he’s looking like a lost puppy in front of you, so you simply take his hand, dragging him inside.
Of course you don’t miss the way his whole face lights up. 
You end up arguing in the milk aisle because Max doesn’t leave your side, not when you try to move away to grab something you need and definitely not when you bump into one of your friends who you haven’t seen in a while, so you’re unable to hug her. 
The argument ends with you pinned against the store shelves with Max whispering filthy things in your ear. You only pull away when the store manager clears his throat saying that “if you don’t stop right now, you’re gonna be banned for life.”
You think that once at home Max will want to take a rest, forgetting about you, but, to your surprise, he just takes a quick shower before joining you in the kitchen. 
You cook dinner together, with a few kisses and ear scratches to the cats. And then you eat together, talking about everything and nothing at all, enjoying each other’s company. 
Of course Max doesn’t let you shower alone, he joins you there too.
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honeyboylovee · 6 months
‘Sleep well, baby’
Pairing: Wonwoo x gn!reader
Word count: 600ish
Genre: established relationship!AU, fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: I had this in my drafts for way too long. I had my exams and just couldn’t finish it. So here it is now that I’ve a little time. Feedbacks are very appreciated. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading.
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The sound of the elevator dinging reaches your ears. You have reached your floor. With the last ounce of energy you have in yourself, you drag your aching feet till you reach your apartment door.
As you enter, you notice Wonwoo’s shoes in the shoe rack. He is home early today, you think. You take off your shoes and hang your coat before moving towards the kitchen. You’re hungry and there’s food. That’s all you see. The last meal you had was seven hours ago. You really have faced the consequences of not carrying a snack to your work today.
He’s wearing his headphones and the bright light from his monitor illuminates his face. He doesn’t notice you yet. On reaching near his gaming chair, you gently place your hand on his shoulder so you don’t startle him. His attention shifts from the game and almost immediately, his smile that you love so much graces his face.
He pulls you on his lap and wraps his arms around your waist. Soon after, he saves his progress in the game that he was playing and exits it. Now all his attention is focused on you.
‘How was your day, baby?’, he asks you.
‘Long, like really fucking long. I haven’t even showered yet because I was starving and just wanted to eat.’
‘Hm…I understand. You worked for almost 12 hours today, didn’t you?’
‘Yes, I did! And you know what, my lame excuse of a boss still thinks that’s not enough.’, you say with a raised voice as you let your frustration out.
‘No way! Does he want you to live in your cubicle now?’, Wonwoo exclaims, completely invested in your rant about your senior.
You chuckle at his comment. If there’s one thing Wonwoo is the best at, it is to validate your frustration. He never makes you feel unheard even though sometimes your rants become repetitive.
‘I don’t knowww’, you whine, as you snuggle your head into his shoulder. The warmth he radiates immediately comforts you. One of his palms shifts to draw little shapes on your arm. On nights like these, all you want to do is to sleep in his arms with his scent and warmth engulfing you. The rythmic thumping of his heart calms you down.
‘Want me to run a bath for you, baby?’
‘Mhm no, gonna shower real quick..’, you say as you get up from his lap.
‘Gonna wait for you in the bedroom, hm?’, he says sweetly.
‘Yeah baby, I’ll be super quick so I can be in bed faster’
Shower was tiring, to say the least. All you did was stand under the showerhead for ten minutes like that would get rid of all the dirt from the day. As you got out, you saw Wonwoo laying on the bed with his phone and his glasses on. He was wearing a white shirt looking comfy as ever. You rushed the process of putting on your night clothes. And now, you could be in bed. Finally, you could be with your boyfriend who looked so comfy from afar.
‘This is the best part of my day’, you whispered.
‘Sleep well, baby’, he told you, eager for you to get some rest.
As you slipped into a slumber listening to his heart beat, Wonwoo made a mental point to let you sleep in on the weekend and get your favourite food delivered.
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comicalgrievance · 5 months
threesome w ceo!nanami and a clueless intern!choso
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ft. fem!reader, ceo!nanami kento, clueless intern!choso kamo
pls do not interact if you're a minor! xx
tagging my fave pookies: @navi-n0 @milkpup @honey-peachjar
content: threesome (mmf), p in v sex, unprotected sex (dont be silly, wrap your willy), oral (m + f receiving), fucking ur coworkers in the office, ceo!nanami kento, intern!choso kamo, virgin!choso (IMPLIED), def age gap BUT EVERYONE IS OVER 21+, i wrote that choso has a huge dick cause it's true (don't argue with me, argue with the wall)
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you've been working for nanami for around 6 months, and fucking him for about 4 of those months. this started on one particular night, dropping off paperwork in his office on your way out, when he asked you to stay to help him go over something.
next thing you knew you were bent over his desk, with his mouth lapping at your clit... now this became a regular thing for the both of you, ending the day splayed out all over his desk as he has his way with you
"fuck princess you're so tight for me today... been waiting all weekend to see me again?" as he's grabbing you by the hair while he's ABSOLUTELY pounding into you... except this night, the new intern, choso kamo, had accidentally walked in on both of you. kento had stupidly forgot that he asked to see choso after the day was over. choso laid eyes on both of you, face burning bright red and immediately slamming the door shut and running off.
after that incident you had noticed choso and kento talking more, and choso staring at you a whole lot more than normal. one night, while giving kento head he posed a question at you. "what do you think of the new intern?" you look up at him, licking a stripe on the underside of his cock as you sit back up on his desk, not sure where this question is going...
"he's cute, seems a little awkward and shy" you state, whining as he rubs the tip of his cock up and down your slit (listen panties would already be off at this rate let's be so REAL)
"he's definitely into you... wants to please you too... i thought at some point i could invite him to join us so i could teach him. that sound good to you princess?" and suddenly you're the one bright red. you hadn't thought about it at all till this moment, but thinking about it now... you're definitely attracted to the idea of having both of them pleasing and touching you... you nod and he just smiles back at you, thrusting into you.
so the next day rolls around, and you're waiting in kento's office, said he was gonna go grab choso and that they'd be back for you. they both walk in, choso unable to make eye contact with you as he goes to sit in the chair in the corner. kento comes up behind you, rubbing on your shoulders as he chuckles lightly
"princess, why don't you go show him what you can do with your mouth... get him warmed up" and choso, for the first time, looks up at the both of you with the widest eyes. you chuckle at him and make your way to him, tilting his head up to look at you... you've never really paid much attention to him but he is gorgeous
"if it's too much, you tell me to stop okay?" you say as you begin to pepper kisses down his body, starting at his lips, down to his jaw and neck, down his chest, all the way till you are face to face with the erection BULGING through his pants. you palm him through his pants, he whines at you. you unzip his pants and pulls down his pants, and his cock springs up onto his stomach. his cock is HUGE, bigger than kento's, but not as girthy. you have an amused smile on your face as you turn back to look at kento, who looks quite impressed.
you start choso by placing a tentative kiss on the top of his cock, and god he is already SQUIRMING. leaking pre-cum from the lightest of touches, you grabbing him by the base of his cock before putting it in your mouth. you go all the way down on him, the tip of his cock pressing up against the back of your throat, as you struggle to put him all the way in... and choso is just EATING THIS UP, he is groaning, moaning, squirming, ALL OF THE ABOVE.
in your attempts to give him the best head he's ever had in his life (first time he's gotten head probably) you don't even notice kento pulling his chair around to get a better view. "choso, you can push down on her head. i know she can do better than that." OH BOY
you look up at choso, wide-eyed and mouth open trying to form words, when he fails all he does is nod at his boss (he definitely thinks he's dreaming right now) and places his hands on your head gently. he looks at you nervously, but as soon as you give him a nod that it's okay, he is pushing your head DOWN onto him. you gag around him and choso is just groaning, eyes shut TIGHT. he didn't know how messy he'd like it till he saw the spit coming out of your mouth as you came back up for air. he was soooo fucking close
"i can tell you're close choso, facefuck her and finish in her throat... then i can teach you to return the favor" and choso doesn't hesitate this time, grabbing you by the hair and thrusting his hips and cock up into your mouth... it's not long before he's cumming, filling your throat and mouth up with his cum (of course you swallow, SPITTERS ARE QUITTERS)
"fuck, that felt so fucking good, but i need a minute... you are such an angel though, i promise i'll do my best to return the favor" choso says to you as you get up to go sit on kento's lap... this was definitely something you could agree to regularly
oh lordy... pookies this was a LOT but i have plans for a part two TRUST ME... anyways i'm horny BYE
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
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a/n absolutely self indulgent because no joke I woke up last night from the most insane nightmare and the first thing I called out to was Simon so here's some fever dream goodness for you. ✨🫴🏼
summary: Simon comfort reader after a nightmare.
warning: nightmares lol
It was a strange feeling to be the victim of your mind. You could go out there on the battlefield and turn it all off. You could be fearless and deadly. Many shivered when they walked by. You could turn it off. Could pull on a mask and be someone you failed to recognize. But at night, when you were back at the safety of the base and no specific tasks kept you awake, you felt so helpless that you wanted to weep.
Sure, almost everyone had nightmares. Yes, they weren't real. A mix of subconsciously selected images. But there was just something so specific about them. It was so painful, real, and raw that it had you waking up night after night with a rapidly beating heart. Or even worse, covered in sweat as you jolted up with a scream. Those nights were the hardest because you weren't able to find sleep again. Every shadow seemed to be hunting you. Every sound made you flinch as you counted the moments till sunrise.
"Sugar?", your name being called out made you blink a couple of times. Right, shit, a debrief. You quickly scanned the room. All eyes were on you. You needed to come up with something. Something that would land regardless. "We can always just try what most of the team believes is the right...", you started, "What most team believes about barbecue? Right boys, what's your thoughts on grilled sausages?" Price called out, earning a handful of chuckles. A barbecue? Had you been that out of it? This was supposed to be a debrief for the last mission...
"The only flaw was the way we entered. He wants to try to regroup". Ghost's low voice rang from beside you. "Price's wife is celebrating her birthday this weekend and wants us over for a barbecue." You turned your head toward him slightly. His arms were crossed over his chest, his head facing forward towards the team, but because of the mask, it was impossible to see him speaking. "Thank you," you muttered back, running a hand over your face. "You're sick or something?", Ghost asked once again. Maybe you were just imagining him speaking. A man never spoke that much. "Maybe you should go to the medical bay," he suggested, and you shook your head. "Nothing a couple of hours of sleep can't fix," you gave Simon a tight smile as you pulled back from the wall you two had been standing by. Just before you could fully step away from his reach, Ghost swiftly wrapped his palm around your upper arm. "You don't have to tell me, but at least talk to one of the boys. Johnny might...", but you cut him off by placing your hand over his chest, "I'm fine, Ghost, nothing happened." His eyes told you that he didn't believe a word you said but admitting that you struggled to sleep and even more so avoided sleeping because of the nightmares, no... That made you feel too childish.
But Simon wasn't stupid. He had an eye for little things. Little changes. Little energy waves, if you will. And everything about you has been screaming wrong for weeks now. You two weren't together, but he always treated you differently. Not because you were a female. No. Just because you respected his boundaries. Respected his privacy. Ghost still remembered that one night when he was enjoying his two-am tea and you stumbled into the kitchen. A long shirt was the only thing on your body. He had been in a particularly broody mood that night, so even when you asked him a couple of questions, he simply stared at you and said nothing. He was waiting for you to roll your eyes or call him an asshole. But instead, you smiled and started explaining to him how you enjoyed your instant ramen. Without realizing it, Simon found himself smiling beneath his mask. You were babbling about how Price would kill you if he saw the amount of cheese you put in your bowl. "You will not turn me in, right?", you had asked, a handful of shredded cheese in your hand. Simon had simply tilted his head to the side, and you had taken it as a yes, shoving the cheese in your mouth as you giggled.
That side of you had been long gone. Your face has grown slightly ashy. Your eyes were dull. You could barely keep up with a conversation. Yes, you still managed to perform amazingly during missions, but they chipped at the last bits of your strength, and it showed.
If Simon was being honest, he knew what this was about. Your room was next to his on the base, and the walls weren't particularly thick. So it was almost a nightly thing. He just laid there, listening to you whimper. Panting once you were lucky enough to claw yourself out of the nightmare.
He had wanted to come knocking more than once. He almost always found himself with a hand on the doorknob, but he always stopped. Because who was he to comfort someone? He wasn't a big teddy bear. No, Ghost was a man with a past just as brutal and controlling. One that also hunted him from time to time.
Just tonight, it all seemed ten times worse. Simon tried to occupy himself with a handful of paperwork and reports he had to finalize, but your bed was right by the wall where his desk was. Every turn. Every rustle of the sheets. The uneven breathing. Simon gripped his pen tighter. But then, as silent as a wind, a light, "Please," cut through the silence. Simon stared at the wall ahead of him. It was as if the words were engraved on it. Telling himself over and over that he didn't need to get involved. This wasn't his business. He didn't have the right to just walk in. That he...
Ghost pushed back, the chair scraped against the wooden floor. Three long strides, and he was out of his room. Another three to get to your door. It took him a heartbeat to press the door handle down. He wasn't prepared to see your sprawled-out form. The sheets were now mostly laying on the floor. Your scrunched-up face. Hands digging into the mattress. That broke something deep within Simon.
He moved quietly, not wanting to startle you, and just as much, hoping that you would wake up on your own. But your body twisted and turned. The skin growing clammy. It was one of the longest nightmares you had ever had. Not that he was counting, but from the nights he had heard you, this seemed one of the worst. Ghost's mind blanked as he sat on the edge of the bed. What had his mother once said? Shake to wake up, or try to gently pull someone back. No one played nice in the army. You either took it or you ate shit. But still, Simon's cracked and scared hands carefully moved to run up and down your hand.
Another cry slipped past your lips. Simon wished he could kill the person holding you hostage in your sleep. "It's okay," he muttered, trying to remember what comforting someone even felt like. The words felt strange on his lips. "Sug, wake up; it's just a dream," he muttered, pressing slightly deeper into your skin. But it was nothing. Your sweat-soaked face was now covered by stands of hair that had awkwardly stuck all over, but Simon didn't care. He had been in this same place way too many times.
"Y/N," he breathed, moving to clasp your face between his palms, stopping your movement. A breath. One. Two. Your eyes snapped open. A painful inhale pierces your lungs. Hands coming up to grasp Ghost's wrist as your nails dug into his skin. Yet in all of that, it was your frightened eyes that hurt Simon the most. Eyes that now looked so helpless. So desperate. So lost. So in need.
"Simon," you muttered as one wave of panic got overridden by another. "I mean, lieutenant," you muttered, and Ghost couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Seriously? Now of all times, you decide to call me lieutenant." You never addressed him like that. Unless you were pissed off at him and Simon highly doubted, that was the case now.
"I'm sorry," you muttered, brushing your hands through your damp hair. "Did I wake you? Fuck, I'm...", but Simon didn't seem to listen as he leaned over to unlace his boots. Your shivering frame unsettled him. And maybe it was his primal need to protect all women who had ever been in harm's way. Or maybe it was that stupid warm feeling that flared when he was next to you, but when Simon looked at you once again, he simply motioned for you to scoot over.
"What are you..." you muttered in confusion. "You are still shaking, and that looked like one fucked nightmare," Ghost said bluntly as he slowly got comfortable in your bed. You knew that he was a kindhearted person under that cold mask, but this. You were convinced you ground his gears, and now... "You don't fancy lying down?", he asked, almost in a teasing way, making you blink again. You could still feel the aftermath of your dream. Pumping through your veins.
Maybe this was a dream too. Was there a way to fall from one dream to another? But then the same flickering images of the dream you just had came flooding back. One breath . Another. Your hands instantly reached for the man lying not far from you. Were there rules? Things you shouldn't do? You didn't seem to care as you snaked your hands around his neck, pressing yourself closer to him. His warmth seeped through your skin. The rapid heart was now beating against a much steadier chest. "Simon," you muttered. And you knew that he hated it when people called out his name like that. He hated when they dug his identity to the surface, but you needed him. You needed Simon, not Ghost, not your LT.
"Right here, doll," he breathed. "Simon," you muttered once more. His hands had now matched yours; they had just found shelter against your hips. Rubbing slow circles there. "Please," you breathed out. Not sure as to what you were calling out for, but knowing real well that Simon was the realest thing in your universe now. "I've got you, ya? I'm holding you right now. Whoever chased you in your sleep won't get to you now", Ghost said firmly, "I won't let them."
You sighed again on his shoulders, holding him as tightly as you possibly could. "What do you need, Sug?", Simon asked in a much calmer tone now. "Talk to me," you muttered. "Just..."—you almost didn't know how to explain it. Your mind was still holding you hostage. You needed new images. New stories to fill your senses. Draw up new patterns. And Ghost surprisingly didn't miss a beat: "You know Johnny was trying to convince me today that microwaving water is a way of making tea." You lifted your head off Simon's shoulder, leaning back slightly to catch his gaze. "I know; I looked at him the way you are looking at me now," Ghost stated with a huff. "I told him that fuck his war crimes, his soul is going to hell for that alone," Simon added with a shake of his head, and you felt your lips tugging upwards slightly until a light chuckle slipped past them.
"I'm glad you find it funny because I saw it as a disgrace to England itself." His accent thickened, and you could almost hear the smile on his lips as he spoke. You chuckled slightly. "He is a disgrace to this team," you said with a serious look on your face, and Simon was quite the match. "I'll talk to Price in the morning. We'll send him to Neverland." Cackling, you leaned against Simon's chest; his much bigger palms quickly moved to run up and down your back.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked after a moment of silence, but you quickly shook your head. The last thing you needed was to go back. You felt Ghost nodding slightly, "We can talk when you want," his fingers reaching up to comb your hair. "For now, you are safe. I will always keep you safe". The last word came out more like a whisper, but you still caught on to it.
"Simon," you muttered, earning a hum in return,"If you... could you stay?" You were so glad your room was only dimly lit because your cheeks felt as if they were on fire. Ghost let out a slight chuckle. "Does it look to you as if I'm about to go?", he questioned your statement in an almost self-explanatory manner, "Way too comfortable to move now, love." His arms held onto you just a bit tighter, and you didn't skip a beat to do the same. "Thank you," you said softly, knowing that this deserved way more and better words. "Say less; you know I've got you," Simon pressed a tender kiss on your hair, "Now sleep." Reaching to the side, he pulled the blanket over the two of you. "Can you play with my hair?", you said through a yawn. "Already so fucking demanding," Simon chuckled, yet his fingers threaded through your hair straight away.
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laiiaaa · 9 months
in need of more dad!carmy cause oml
him walkin in on the girls doing something they're not supposed to be doin :0 but ofc he can't manage to stay upset at them for long
He’s got the biggest soft spot in the world for his girls and he really can’t help it, especially when they’re young. They’re always up to something, usually because Rory’s a little shit (she takes after you) and Jack’s just trying to copy after her big sister.
You’re fast asleep one night when he’s wide awake. Just nerves, kinks in the road with The Bear, thoughts of Mikey’s birthday approaching, anxiety bubbling up that he doesn’t want to worry you with. So he heads downstairs to sit outside and clear his head with some fresh air—
Only to find Rory and Jack in the living room, on the floor, your sneaky bag of candy—the one reserved for you, that you pick at once the girls are off to bed and you’re cozied up on the couch with Carmen, chatting about your days between sweets—dispersed on the floor.
They don’t even notice his presence till he speaks up:
“What’s goin’ on here?”
They both look up, entirely spooked at their dad standing feet away.
“You two should be in bed.”
“But Dad,” Rory whines, “We don’t even have school tomorrow.” She puts on that pout she knows will have him cooing at her, and Jack follows right behind. “We were just looking, I promise.”
“Just lookin’, huh?”
“You know that’s your mother’s, right? That’s her candy you’re stealin’?”
Jack frowns, puts her big brown doe eyes to work. “Mommy lets us have some all the time.”
“Don’t lie t’me, Jacqueline.” One hand of his rests at his hip, the other swiping at his mouth as he fidgets. “You lyin’ t’me?”
He looks back and forth between his girls—his babies, really, because even though they’ve grown out of diapers and go to school on the weekdays, he still can’t fathom them as anything but his baby girls. So small, and so adorable, with tiny pouts and tiny hands and tiny giggles. They’re just so sweet.
“Not lyin’, Daddy.”
“She’s not,” Rory agrees. “Promise.”
He must be going soft. If Richie knew, he’d never hear the end of it, what with his heart going to mush at his girls, how he sees you in them both, how just a simple and meek little promise has his irritation going smooth and his lungs letting out a sigh before he cleans them up and carries them to bed—after they get one more piece of candy, of course, because who is he to deny them a little joy?
Carmen tells you the short of it by morning, limbs tangled together.
“You’re too easy on ‘em,” you giggle, “Such a softie. And they know it.”
“I’m not, y’know, soft, I’m just—”
“Bear, you let them get away with everything—”
“No I don’t—”
“If you say so,” you tease, letting the matter settle with your lips pressed sweetly against his, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you just a little closer. “It’s gonna come back ‘n bite you, though.”
“I’ll be alright, baby.” Another gentle trail of kisses, along your jaw, down to your neck, fading away at your collarbone. He’d kiss you all day if you’d let him.
“Hm.” Your nails scratch gently along his back, and you press your fingertips into the tender muscles of his back as he buries himself into your neck. “Are you making waffles today?”
A muffled groan escapes him, and he peeks up at you. “Thought you said you were doin’ breakfast today?”
You pout, and it looks awfully familiar to him. “Next weekend?”
“Next weekend, huh?”
And oh, how the irony dawns on him, and oh, how little he cares. But why would he? How could he say no to you, or the girls you’ve brought into his life, when you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him—when you love him like you do?
With a brief stretch and a deepened kiss with your hands in his hair, he lifts himself out of bed as you trail close behind, your touch a comfort unlike anything else. And when you shimmy into your seat at the counter, laughing with him over your cup of coffee, watching sweetly as he prepares breakfast before the girls scurry into the kitchen, he knows:
He wouldn’t change a thing.
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urfavstargirl1 · 2 years
rainy daze - an eddie munson one shot
eddie munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie takes you back to his trailer on a rainy fall day to cuddle, watch movies, and makeout have fun
ao3 link
Cw: inexperienced!reader with strict parents, fluff, kissing, like ooey gooey fluff, teasing, rainy day hangs with bf!Eddie, meeting Wayne for the first time, nudity
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You and Eddie had made plans to hang out after school today. You thought about going to the movies or hanging out at StarCourt, that is until the day finally arrived and by last period it still hadn’t stopped raining. 
It was a cool autumn day and the rainfall was welcomed, but all it made you want to do was cuddle up on the couch to a movie and a box of pizza. But as long as you were with Eddie, you didn’t really care what you did.
You and Eddie had recently started dating. The circles you ran in overlapped and after having seen him at enough social functions, you got to talking and started getting closer till one day, it became just the two of you. 
You had gone out on several dates and you were sure to become boyfriend and girlfriend soon, but he still hadn’t kissed you, yet. He definitely tried, but you were so nervous because of your lack of experience that anytime he tried to get close enough, you dodged his advances or made some excuse to avoid him. 
You were worried he would start to think you weren’t interested in him in that way, which couldn’t be more wrong, but it was too embarrassing to admit the truth. For the time being, he was being respectful enough of your space, but the anticipation of things escalating was eating at you. You tried not to let the thoughts consume you too much. Today would be about spending time with Eddie and not putting any pressure on yourself to do anything you’re not ready for. 
You and Eddie had passed notes between classes and agreed that he would meet you up at your locker after school and head over to his trailer to hang out. When your last class of the day let out, you eagerly skipped over to your locker. It was Friday, so you switched out some items you wouldn’t need for the weekend with items you did.
After being in the zone, deciding between books, a pair of arms slinks their way around your waist and a certain someone’s chin finds its place along your shoulder. 
“Hey sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice cooes in your ear.
You jump slightly, not having heard him approach. You turn your head slightly and see his beautiful brown eyes lovingly gaze into yours. You press a chaste kiss to his cheek. “Hi Eddie.”
“You ready to go?”
“Yeah, just need to get some things from my locker,” you say as you pack up the remaining items into your backpack. 
Eddie squeezes you tighter, making you giggle. He presses a kiss to your temple, with an audible, “mwah”,  before unraveling his arms. 
You close the locker door and zip up your backpack. Before you can even sling it over your shoulder, Eddie swipes it from you and slings it over his.
You scoff, “Eddie, I can carry my own backpack.”
“Yeah, I know. Wouldn’t want those precious little arms of yours getting tired though,” Eddie explains as he wiggles his fingers along your arms, making you laugh from the ticklish sensation.
“C’mon,” Eddie leads and the two of you start walking down the hall, walking across the rest of Hawkins High to get to the student parking lot.
“How was your day sweetheart?” Eddie asks as he wraps an arm around your waist. You reciprocate the gesture and lean into his touch.
“It was good. The heater wasn’t working in half of my classes so it was kind of cold. But, in my English class I got that essay I was really stressed about back and I ended up getting a B+ on it!”
“Hey look at you, my smart girl. I told you you’d do great on it.” Eddie cheers as he looks down at you.
“Thanks Eddie,” you blush, “How was your day?”
“It was alright. I was practically army crawling my way through a test in Ms.O’Donnell’s class.”
“Oh, no! That bad?”
“Yeah, it’s whatever though. And then some of the guys from Hellfire club wanted to hang out tonight but I told them I couldn’t. Already made plans with my girl.”
“Your girl,” you smirk at him teasingly.
Suddenly, a large clap of thunder roars outside, slightly rattling the lights hanging overhead.
“That can’t be good,” you say worriedly. There aren’t any windows in the halls, so you have no idea how bad the weather is outside.
“It’s ok darling, you’re safe with me,” Eddie nuzzles his cheek against the top of your head.
You continue walking with Eddie and as you reach the main doors you see a heavy rain pouring outside. You look at Eddie with concern. A flash of lighting splays across the dark clouds. The rain comes down harder and faster, making it hard to see past a few yards.
You consider waiting out the storm. It’s been raining all day, but not like this. Maybe the intense part will pass soon. You and Eddie decide to wait around a bit to test the theory. You lean against the wall, Eddie caging you in with his arms. You talk about little things to pass the time, twirling your finger in his hair or tracing your fingers along his arms.
At a certain point, a few of the Hellfire boys run into you and say hi to Eddie. They tease him for ditching them for you, but Eddie gives it to them right back and you smile at the boyish camaraderie. 
After twenty or thirty minutes have passed, the rain barely slows down. It was still coming down hard, but you could at least see further into the horizon. Eddie’s stomach begins to rumble and you look up at him. You reach forward and rub your hand along the fabric covering the taut skin.
“Are you hungry?”
Eddie nods and exhales through his nose, “Yeah, little bit.”
You look out the window. “Should we just chance it and get out of here? I don’t think the rain is gonna slow down anytime soon.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right.”
“Will you be okay to drive in the rain like this?”
“Yeah, I’ll be alright,” Eddie smiles as you brush your fingers through his bangs. “I’m parked all the way at the edge of the lot though. Up for a little adventure?”
“Always,” you wink.
Eddie grabs your hand and leads you to the door, “Ready to make a run for it?”
You nod and the two of you run out the door and across the parking lot. You dodge a few other students waiting under their umbrellas or cars slowly milling about the parking lot. You bolt across the lot, splashing in the newly formed puddles.
You shriek as you feel your Converse submerge completely in one particularly deep puddle. As you keep running, you feel the rain dampen your sweater and jeans. The cold water pelting against your skin. Eddie holds your hand tightly as you two run in the pouring rain. 
By the time you make it inside the van, both of your clothes are drenched. Your hair drips with water along the seats.
“Eddie,” You whine as you laugh at the sight of his hair clinging to his pale skin. He runs a finger through his hair and it flops back down. Little droplets of water hang off his nose and eyelashes. You lean over and press a kiss on his cheek, hand cupping it afterward. He smiles down at you. 
“We’re soaking wet,” You say as you feel a shiver run through your skin, “And it’s cold.” 
Eddie removes your hand and thumb rubbing over his cheek and presses his lips to the back of your hand. Eddie starts the car and maneuvers the buttons on the dash to turn on the heater.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll get us somewhere warm and dry,” he says as he looks in the rearview mirror. 
He expertly pulls out of the parking lot and carefully makes his way to the main road. As they travel further away from the school, the rain dulls to an incessant pitter patter along the car windows. 
Black Sabbath plays along the van sound system. The slower songs paired with the gloomy skies outside and the white noise of the raindrops along the glass lull you to a light sleep. When Eddie notices, he looks over at you and smiles in awe.
When you arrive at the trailer, the rain is still pouring, but the skies aren’t as dark or tinged with strikes of lighting. 
Eddie nudges you awake and you flutter your eyes open.
“We’re here sweetheart,” he says and you adjust to your new surroundings. You stretch out your arms and unbuckle your seatbelt. 
You both rush outside and Eddie opens the door for you. You step through carefully, not wanting to drag in any water or mud.
“Hey Uncle Wayne,” Eddie calls out from behind you. You look up and see an older man with gray hair and a gray mustache sitting on the couch in front of you. “I brought someone over.”
“You two get caught in the rain?” Wayne asks as he lifts himself up from the couch.
You’ve been over to the trailer before but Wayne was usually out at work. Your eyes widen at the realization that you’re going to be meeting Eddie’s uncle for the first time, in a state like this no less.
“Yeah we did. Y/N this is my Uncle Wayne. Uncle Wayne this is Y/N,” Eddie announces as he shuts the door and takes off his shoes.
Wayne stands in front of you, “So this is the famous Y/N I've been hearing so much about.”
Your eyes widen and you look over at Eddie who’s shaking off his jacket.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Munson,” you greet with a smile as you reach out to shake his hand. 
“Please, Mr. Munson was my father, call me Wayne,” Wayne smiles.
Out of respect, you know you probably will not be calling him Wayne but you nod as if you will.
“I apologize for showing up unannounced. The rain kind of put a damper on our plans.”
“No worries dear, make yourself at home.”
“Thank you sir.” You smile at him.
“I did some grocery shopping earlier so the two of you are more than welcome to anything in the kitchen,” Wayne looks from you to Eddie before making his way back to the couch.
Eddie nods and you thank Wayne again. You look at Eddie pointedly and whisper, “Eddie, say thanks to your uncle.”
“What? It’s fine. I don’t need to–”
“Yes you do. It’s the polite thing to do.”
Eddie exhales, “Thanks Uncle Wayne.”
Wayne chuckles and smiles at the two of you, “No problem son. I head out for work later so make yourselves at home.”
“C’mon,” Eddie grumbles as you remove your shoes.
Eddie leads you over to his room and starts rummaging through his drawers. 
He gives you a messy pile of clothes, “Here, you can change into these.”
You look up into his eyes and briefly scan the room. “Um, I’m gonna go to the bathroom”
Eddie slightly cocks his head to the side and frowns, “Okay”
You make your way into the small bathroom. You turn the fluorescent light on and close the door behind you. You lock it and proceed to look at yourself in the murky mirror. Your makeup miraculously hasn’t been ruined, but your hair is wet like you just got out of the shower. 
You slowly peel off your soaking wet sweater and wring it out in the sink. You search around for a towel and find an extra one under the sink. You dab at your cold wet skin and shiver from the exposure to the air. Your bra is slightly damp, but dry enough to keep on. 
You place the faded black tee shirt with a gray skull and skeletons that says black sabbath underneath on. The worn cotton feels warm and dry on your smooth skin. You bring the collar to your nose and smile as you breathe in the scent.
Just like Eddie.
You peel off your socks and jeans. The chafing of the wet raw denim against your skin leaves it smooth and cold. You pat down your legs with the towel and unfold the other garment he gave you. The black and white checkered bottoms appear to be what you can only assume are boxer shorts. 
The thought of wearing them brings a nervous flush to your face. Even though they’re presumably clean, these are the sort of thing that Eddie probably wears as underwear which feels incredibly intimate to wear now, even over your own underwear. 
You take a deep breath in and put them on anyway, not having much of a choice in terms of dry clothing. You look at yourself in the mirror once more. If you would’ve known a month ago that you would be standing in Eddie Munson’s bathroom, wearing his clothing, you might have laughed at the thought, but now, here you are, nervously giddy about it all. 
You move over and drape your wet clothing flat along the bathtub. You gather the towel and use it to wring out and dry off the rest of your hair. When you’re finally satisfied with your appearance, you walk out of the bathroom and slowly pad your way over to Eddie’s room. 
“Eddie,” You softly call out, “I’m done with the bath…room.”
You stop short in the doorway as you see Eddie’s bareback. He’s fixing his hair in the mirror across from the doorway while wearing nothing but flannel pajama pants. 
You’re frozen in place as you see the muscles contract with every movement of his arms. Eddie spots you in the reflection and smiles, gaze lingering at the exposed skin of your legs. You cross one arm across your stomach to grab onto the other arm.
He turns around and walks over to you. Your gaze travels to his smooth chest and soft stomach and all the tattoos that adorn his milky skin in between. 
“Hey sweetheart, are the clothes okay?” He asks as he brings you in for a hug. Your cheek pressed against the surprisingly warm and dry skin of his chest. God does he feel good.
You nod and hum as you nuzzle your cheek against his chest. “Mhm.”
Eddie chuckles and you can feel it vibrate in his body. You pull away slightly and smile up at him.
“You can keep the shirt, you know.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, you’re my girl, you deserve to have my favorite sabbath shirt.”
“Oh,” you whisper with wide eyes, realizing the implications of his words. “Thanks Eddie.”
“You feeling better sweetheart?”
“Mhm,” You nod as Eddie walks past you toward the door way.
“By the way, I used one of the towels from under the sink,” You say, thinking Eddie was going to the bathroom.
“That’s okay,” he replies and shuts the door to his room. 
You gulp. A shiver runs down your spine, but it’s not from the cold. In fact, your skin is ablaze and without looking in the mirror, is presumably red from the way it feels.
“Your uncle let’s you bring girls over? And allows you to be alone with them in your room? With the door closed?” You ask as Eddie opens the doors to his closet and searches through it.
“Uh, yeah, I guess. When you put it like that.”
You don't want to state the obvious, but dear god is it astounding to you that something like this is happening. That something like this is possible for other people because there is no way in hell anything like this could transpire under your parent’s roof.
A loud clap of thunder fills the air and you jump slightly from the noise. Eddie looks over at you and you press your lips together to force a smile. 
He walks over to you and places his hands on you shoulders. The sight of his damp hair and uncovered skin paired with his proximity is intoxicating. You feel like you can hardly breathe or might pass out. You try to focus instead on his big puppy dog brown eyes.
“You okay?”
You nod. Eddie’s eyes move to the bed next to you. “C’mon.”
He lets go and walks over to the side of the bed. He climbs onto it and you can see the lines of his muscles flexing as he does so. He sits against the bedframe and the skin of his stomach settles into adorable lines.
Your feet are glued to the ground as you observe Eddie. He seems so comfortable. How could anyone be comfortable in the presence of someone of the opposite sex? How could anyone be so comfortable in such an intimate setting?
“C’mere,” Eddie says as he pats the space next to him.
Eddie wants you to be on the bed… with him?
You slowly make your way over, because you do want to be on the bed with him too, but it’s so nerve wracking. You walk to the other side of the bed and stare at it blankly. 
“C’mon,” Eddie coaxes as he peels back the comforter and runs his hand along the sheets.
You gulps and climb onto the bed. You sit down, with your back against the headboard, at a respectable distance from him. You avoid his gaze and close your eyes, taking a deep breath in. You try to calm yourself down and pray that Eddie can’t hear how loud and fast your heart is racing.
“Why are you so far away?” Eddie pouts, outstretching his arms, opening and closing his grabby hands to scoop you up and bring you closer to him. “C’mere.”
You open your eyes and look at him nervously. Your legs drape over his lap and he runs his fingers along your shins.
Eddie just his bottom lip out, “Am I that scary you want to be so far away?”
“No I just—“
“I promise I won’t bite,” Eddie says and leans forward lips inches away from yours, “unless you want me to.”
You gasp and look at his shit eating grin with wide eyes. 
Your lashes flutter rapidly and heat spreads through your chest. You shake your head and run your hand over your face. He’s so close you can smell him. That mixture of musk emanating from his bare skin, cigarette smoke from the nearby ashtray, and mint on his breath is altogether intoxicating.
“I just want to be close to you, is that okay?”
You peek at him between your fingers. Eddie gingerly brushes his fingers along your own and slowly peels them away. He holds them in his own between your laps. 
“Are you okay?”
You look down at your lap. Your brows furrowed in concentration. How do you tell someone that their presence makes you nervous? How do you reconcile the fact that you want to touch someone so badly but feel some unknown force won’t let you.
“Yeah,” You reply.
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” you say in a high pitch, “Um just nervous I guess.”
“Nervous? Why's that?”
You look up at him and cocks a brow. You flicker your eyes up and down his torso. You wave your hand and look around the room, “I mean look at us.”
Eddie raises a brow, “What about it?”
“I know this might be normal for you but this is not normal for me.”
“I know, but you’re doing so well.” Eddys ducks his head down slightly and peers up at her. She looks into his precious pleading brown eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that,” You wave a hand in front of his face.
“Like what?” He smugly grins.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about! You’re doing it right now!”
“I really don’t Y/N”
You huffs, “You know the look Eddie. The soft dazzling eyes. The pouty expressive lips.”
Eddie smirks and you scowl.
“You know why I do it?” Eddie leans closer
You jerk your head back slightly and look at him in confusion.
“I do it because I know how much you like it.”
You scoff, “What? Who says I like any of it? You must be out of your mind Munson.”
You press your pointer finger to his forehead to push it away, but Eddie grabs your hand by the wrist and turns it so your palm faces you. He brings your hand to your chest right above your heart.
“Oh yeah? Then what else could be making your heart beat like that?”
You’re frozen in Eddie’s touch. How could he possibly know?
“What else could bring such an adorable pink flush to those sweet little cheeks,” he says as he cups your face. 
You smile at the touch, flustered by his observation but touched by his care.
You look up at him and he’s looking down at you with adoration. 
“What’s going on princess,” he whispers as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.” He asks as his hand drops down to your waist. He rubs circles with his thumb over the fabric of your new shirt.
You furrow your brows in concentration, figuring out the right thing to say. 
“I…I like being here with you. And being like this,” You gesture towards your intertwined ligaments, “It’s just really new for me though. It can be a lot to handle sometimes.”
“That’s okay. Whatever you’re comfortable with, we can do that. Just say the word and I’ll do anything you ask.”
You gaze into his eyes and see a deep sincerity. 
“That means if you want me close,” He leans so far forward that your foreheads and noses touch but both your eyes are open so his look like they merge into one and the sight makes you giggle, “Then I can be close.”
He pulls away and leans dramatically backward. In a silly voice he says, “And if you want me far I can be far away.”
You lean over and grab him by the shoulders, pulling him back to you. You smile as you look into his eyes and whisper, “Close… I want you close.”
He shifts his torso to face you, “Yeah? How close?”
He presses his weight onto one hand and uses his upper body strength to climb on top of you. You shift your body down the mattress so you lie down with your head resting on the pillow.
His body hovers above you, arms fully outstretched and locked as if he were about to do a pushup. “This close?”
“Closer,” you giggle.
He leans forward a few inches. “This close?”
“Closer,” you whisper.
And suddenly, like a switch flipped on, you need Eddie. You need every inch of his skin to be touching every inch of your skin. You need the weight of his body on yours. You need your fingers to comb through the waves of that luscious head of hair. You need… Eddie’s lips on yours. And you need it right now.
“Like this?” Eddie asks, this time, close enough that his lips brush yours with every word he speaks. 
He’s far enough away that you can still look at him and lock eyes with him. 
“Closer,” you whisper before fluttering your eyelids close and letting Eddie close the distance between you. He leans down and presses the weight of his body against yours. He brushes a gentle kiss to your lips. The pressure is light letting you relish in the pillow softness of his lips. 
He pulls away and goes back in for another kiss, this time with more pressure. Your hands crawl up to the sides of his head, fingers combing through his hair. 
“More,” you whisper against his lips. 
“Hm?” he pulls back and looks at you for confirmation. 
Your fingers move down to the base of his throat. “I want more. I’m… I’m ready for more Eddie.”
Hunger takes over those big brown eyes you love, till it’s nothing but pupils blown out with lust. 
“Ask and you shall receive princess,” Eddie whispers with a cocky grin before leaning down again.
He presses his lips against yours and he begins to move his lips. Instinctively, you move your lips against his. You let your lips explore his till their movement settles in on a perfect rhythm. 
You bring your chest up to meet his and return your fingers to their rightful place between tufts of his hair. You pull lightly at the scalp, eliciting a groan from Eddie which vibrates its way into your own mouth. The sensation makes you let out a small gasp. 
Eddie chuckles at the sound, admiring the way you’re enjoying yourself. He uses one hand to feel against your skin. He places his hand along your waist, squeezing it as he brings it closer to his own. You moan into the kiss and Eddie smiles.
“You like that?” Eddie asks between kisses.
“Mhm,” is the best response you’re capable of.
Once you’re at a comfortable pace, Eddie kicks things up a notch and starts swiping his tongue along your bottom lip. You gasp as the unexpected sensation, and Eddie uses the moment to gain entrance to your mouth. You imitate his movements and move your lips and tongue to explore his. 
“God you taste so good,” You whine along his lips. Eddie smirks and deepens the kiss. Your lips become a game of touch and go, heat emanating from your skin. His touch is needy and fervent and yours is hungry and demanding. 
But then Eddie begins to slow down the pace and you’re slightly confused. The confusion continues when Eddie pulls away. You whimper at the loss of contact till you feel it replaced by the touch of his lips along the skin of your cheek, then your jaw, and finally along your neck.
Eddie places sloppy kisses along your neck. His lips go down in an open mouthed kiss along your throat. He presses more kisses in various spots till a certain one elicits a particularly loud gasp from your throat. 
You look at Eddie, chest heaving at your breathlessness. He smiles determinedly before returning back to that same place and putting another open-mouthed kiss along it. A moan threatens to bubble up in your throat, but you push it down. 
“Wanna hear you,” Eddie mumbles along your skin before he begins nipping at the sensitive spot. He licks a stripe and begins sucking at the spot. 
You faintly gasp, picking up on what he’s doing.
“Eddie,” you breathlessly call out. He hums along your skin in acknowledgment. 
“Are you giving me a hickey?”
He looks up at you, eyes glossy and in a daze, “Yeah, if that’s okay?”
“It feels good, but what if someone sees it?”
Eddie presses a light kiss to the spot on your neck that hasn’t been touched enough for a bruise to form yet. 
“That’s kinda the point baby. Want everyone to know who you belong to.” Eddie leans forward and presses a kiss to your lips. 
“No, I mean like, what if my parents see. I can’t exactly hide it when it's all the way up here,” you point to the area on your neck. 
“Guess I’ll just have to choose some more prime real estate,” he teases. 
He kisses you and you two make out for a little while longer before Eddie asks if he can take off your shirt. When you let him, you feel like something shifts. Like he’s not just seeing a new side of you, but you're seeing a new side of him too and even a new side of yourself.
The feeling of his skin on yours is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It feels so perfect to be touching him in this way. And while you’ve never gotten a hickey before, you feel somewhat proud and excited at having many to wake up to on your chest tomorrow morning. You’ll just need to make sure to wear a high collared top at home. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon and evening making out with Eddie. At a certain point, the rain slows down and you don’t even register that Wayne has gone till you go out to the living room and call to order a pizza. 
You and Eddie hang out on the couch and watch a scary movie as the sun sets. You lay down on him, with a blanket draped over your bodies. You kiss him at any and all random moments. You’re thrilled at the fact that you can now kiss Eddie Munson at any moment you desire which now feels like every waking second.  
After the pizza arrives and you’ve downed the majority of the box, saving a few slices for Wayne, you go back to his room to mess around even more. Despite being nervous before, you were glad you took the leap of faith and went to that next level with Eddie.
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velvetmud · 1 year
ok that pic u reblogged of the polaroid in the wallet -- reader slips a naughty pic into dbf!joel's wallet and he doesn't find it till he's buying a round of beers for you and your dad and nearly chokes. your dad is somewhere between teasing and admonishing "have you got a secret girlfriend?" and "maybe keep that a little more hidden, I know my kid's an adult but she does not need to know about my friend's sex life" all the while you're smirking and Joel's getting redder and redder
yes yes yes !!!based off this nsfw favorite 😵‍💫🥵
warning(s): 18+ themes, age difference, alcohol, spanking(mention), bj(mention), dbf joel (a personal fave)
Joel is laughing at some joke he knows he wouldn’t be laughing at if he were sober. Has to wipe the leftover foam on the corners of his lips from how eagerly he gulped down the last sip of beer waiting at the bottom of his glass.
It goes down his belly nicely—floods Joel with a subtle new sense of confidence from the buzz. Even though it still feels like there wasn’t enough alcohol in the world that’ll loosen him up enough to stare across their booth directly at the girl he’s been fucking every weekend for the past three months along with her own goddamn father, also known as his very own goddamn best friend.
Joel can one hundred percent comprehend how dirty, how sick it is to pursue her in the first place, and to let it get as far as it has. But at some point, he decides there’s no sense sinning only halfway.
If his best friend’s own baby girl, his pride and joy wants to spend her weekends bouncing in his bed and on his cock, then fuck yeah. So be it.
Whenever she gets down on her knees, she’ll suck him dry until he fucking weeps. Yeah. Grown ass man, getting his dick sucked for possibly the five hundredth time in the entirety of his life, but yet still finds himself acting this unstable, this erratic whenever she wets those lips he could kiss all night long, then mumbles something under her breath about how much she craves another taste. Making his libido uncharacteristically wild witnessing her frequent sex drives unravel. The depravity in every touch, every movement.
Like she wouldn’t breathe again unless her lips were wrapped around and sealed like a vacuum around his clothed growing bulge, clawing at his stubborn belt.
It’s gone as far as collecting a neat little album of Polaroids he himself has snapped of her. Whether she poses for him or is too blissfully lost in the moment, he’ll tease her with a taunt of ’say cheese’ before she’s hearing that click and blinks from the quick flash. Bites down her lower lip while he ripped the photograph out right when it printed. She’ll turn her head back and smile towards him with a wicked, devious grin that might as well say I know exactly what this does to you. What I’ve done to you.
His photo collection has grown since they started this arrangement. Half the photos consisted of him showing off the lewd aftermath while his cum oozed between her legs, or the stinging red handprints he’s left on the globes of her ass. Might even be one or two risky ones with their faces captured clear as day, kissing with passion after another round devouring her in his sheets.
Their album of dirty secrets always stays buried under his bed, locked up and secluded from the world. Only coming out from hiding whenever Joel felt like doing a little reminiscing of the times they’ve shared together late in bed at night. Ending him with sticky fingers, a guilty conscience, and his twitchy cock finally giving him a fucking break. It does things to him that no blue pill ever could.
There’s enough spank bank material and physical evidence of all his sins to grant him a one way ticket straight to hell, and Joel has accepted that.
No one else but her knew where the pictures were stored, nor of their mere existence. Each photograph was stashed together in some old vintage tin that looked like it could belong at a grandma’s home to store more innocent contents. Preferably not dirty Polaroid shots of every one of Joel’s fantasies he’s lived out inside his best friend’s daughter.
She was poison, disguised like a pretty piece of candy just dangling right in front of him. Pulls him in like he’s a golden retriever begging its owner on a goddamn leash.
Fuck, it’s time he really stop thinking about that.
He’d been doing a somewhat decent job these past few months so far. Keeping her out of his periphery whenever he spent some time quality guy time with her father in their home. All the while, images of her naked frame above him (on the nights he’d beg her to get on top) feel like they’ve been tattooed to part of his brain, and he nearly has to beg his dick to forget she even exists in the vicinity.
But after getting roped up in their family plans for this Saturday night (against his will), he won’t get to feel those nails drag down his back while she wails underneath him tonight. No—instead of that, he gets to guzzle down as much beer as his gut could handle in his forties to make it through the evening, sandwiched next to both of them at the same fucking time. Fuck.
“Next round’s on me,” Joel announced to the table, hoping the leftover self pity and humiliation will wither away with the more he drank. He gets up from their booth and idly pats the butt pocket of his jeans to feel for his wallet, oblivious as to why her face seems to light up all the sudden in the corner of his eye in some sort of amusement. Like she’s in on some joke that he sure as hell isn’t. Story of his life.
Her eyes dance across his figure, checking him out head to toe the way she does when they’re alone shedding each of their clothes off. How much it makes him long to punish her for doing all of this to him, making him strip down his pre-existing morals of being a good man and a decent friend just to pin her down and make her cum and take the bait.
She slides her empty glass over and simply says, “I’ll take another Cosmo.”
Her dad chimes in, hardly ungluing his eyes from the game glaring on the TV. “Get a side of some fries for us too, Miller. Don’t you know anything about wining and dining?”
Joel sighed and rolls his eyes, choosing to ignore the ridiculous level of irony hidden between the lines in his friend’s jab. Yeah actually, I do. It’s working out great on your daughter. She’ll probably invite herself back to my place tonight, if you aren’t too careful.
“Just come up and order yourselves, for Christ sake.”
The snickering from her dad doesn’t let up as they follow Joel up to the counter. On the way, she pokes him with her fingers in the middle of his back. Knowing there’s likely some scarring still engraved in his skin from her nails last weekend. He shivers just feeling her make even the smallest, shortest contact in public like this. Next to her father like this.
Joel knows his ass is on the line if God forbid they get caught. She had every ounce of power and freedom to turn him to mush at the drop of a goddamn hat, whether she was doing something as innocent and carefree as smiling or bending over.
“One Cosmo, two whiskey’s, neat, and a side of fries.”
He grabs his wallet and flips it open, sliding his ID out of the front pocket (even if he’s to the point of graying) and flashed it towards the bartender. He gives him his total, and before Joel can pay, the other shoe drops.
“Whoa whoa whoa, dude. Who’s the unlucky lady?” her dad laughs, all the sudden pointing downwards at Joel’s wallet in his hands.
His eyes travel down to whatever her dad was so flabbergasted by. It barely takes a split second long of a glance for him realize that he is so very fucked.
And as if he thinks Joel didn’t hear him the first time, didn’t just unknowingly traumatize himself by pointing at a photo of his own daughter’s back while she’s lying in Joel’s bed, and he goes and pesters him some more. “She some secret girlfriend, or what?”
The frog in his throat betrays him, choking on nothing but air while he’s riddled with utter humiliation as he stubbornly yanks his card out to hurry up and pay. Fumbles when he finally gets his receipt and quickly stashed it back. If only his pockets went deep enough.
He looks over at her, baffled by her mischeviously guilty silence, finding how much she’s amused by this, by the risk of being found out.
Joel goes for what he knows.
Deny, deny, deny.
Trying to scoff and laugh at the same time to make it more convincing, he stuffs his receipt in his pockets. “What? No. No, there’s no secret anything, Jesus….”
“What’s wrong, Joel? You feeling okay?“
Right when he thinks he has a sliver of control in the situation, the culprit looks at him with her shit eating grin, knowing he’s suffered at the hands of one of her master plans to get him fucked. Other than lifting her skirt up a little too high at family dinners once in a while, this has to be the most dangerous prank by far.
“Good. Great, actually. Looking forward to that drink.”
“I bet you are.”
Once they’ve been seated and served there’s a noticeably pregnant silence that Joel will overthink about and regret allowing it to have happen for his remaining lifetime.
Her dad attempts to fill the silence that he didn’t understand, luckily blind to any context of what the Polaroid actually was. And God forbid didn’t recognize the panties she owned and wore, or her distinguishable hair splayed out down her naked back.
He thinks he’s being quiet enough to block it out from his daughter’s ears when he whispers, “Look, man, you’re embarrassed. It’s private, I get it. For s’long as I’ve known you you’ve barely ever talked about women. S’just weird to see a naked chick in your wallet outta the blue, you know?”
He downs his whiskey right as it reaches their table, doesn’t let it sit untouched for even a second—as it warms his chest and tingles in his belly, he sees that not-so-innocent face smiling behind her glass.
“Uh-huh. Must be pretty weird.”
And for the cherry on top of all the mortification he’d experienced tonight, right when he thinks it’s come to an end, that he gets a goddamn break from the close calls—her dad opens his mouth to haunt him yet again.
“Maybe keep your little trophies a little more hidden next time. I know my kid’s an adult and all, but she does not need to know about my buddy’s sex life.”
thank you for the love and kindness and support:)it means more than you know
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 10 months
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TR Daddys HC : Father and Daughter Dates Ft. Baji, Sanzu, Rindou, Nahoya, Taiju, Hanma, Ran and Hakkai WC: 2600+ Masterlist Resident: @enchantedforest-network TW: TR men being the best daddies to there little princess's
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A place that he got a bit of peace of mind and it wasn’t church it was the aquarium. No matter the time in the day he loved seeing the different types of fish swimming around. He got to share his enjoyment of the Aquarium with his daughter. Taiju took time out of his schedule to take his daughter out for the day.He asked her where she wanted to go on the father and daughter outing. The first place she said was to the Aquarium. Her eyes gleamed at the large tanks filled with a variety of fishes. Some that were way bigger than her. “Daddy look!” she tugged at his hand bringing him to the large fish tank with a variety of different sharks.  
“I see.” he looked down at his daughter then back at the at tank seeing the large majestic creatures swimming.
His daughter saw some kids running to the touch pool where some of the rays and other sea creatures were. “Daddy can we go over there?!” she pointed  to the crowded area of kids. After agreeing to his daughter's request she snuggled her way into the touch pool, her hands reaching into the water as she was able to touch the ray swimming by. “It's so slimy!” she chuckled as she waited to touch the starfish. 
After going to every touch pool at the aquarium and seeing every exhibit twice, Taiju took his little one to the gift shop where she picked out an item. “Do you need help carrying it?” Taiju took small steps seeing his daughter's arms wrapped around the large shark stuffed animal that was almost as big as her. 
“It’s okay I got it daddy!” His daughter held on tightly to the plushie. It was still taking her sometime to walk since she was still tiny. Taiju decided to pick up his little one while he carried her as she still held onto the plushie. The car was parked pretty far at this rate his daughter was walking, it would have taken a while for them to get to the car. “I gotcha.” Taiju spoke, the sun was beginning to set. “Let me quiz ya which sea creature is green, they can lay eggs on the beach and live to be 100 years old?”
“That’s easy! A sea turtle!” She exclaimed.
During the walk to the car Taiju continued with his talk to his daughter quizzing her on all the sea creatures they saw at the Aquarium.
For the past few weekend’s when he wasn’t busy at a shoot he made time to take his daughter out. One thing he saw his daughter peak interest in was watching him bowl. Hakkai watched his daughter place the bowling ball on the kids ramp. “Alright sweetie you got this.” Hakkai crouches down next to his daughter. “Let's see how many you can knock down this time.” he patted his daughter's head. “You got this.” 
His daughter pushed the bowling ball down the kids ramp. They both watched the ball rolling down the aisle. They both watch as a few pins drop. “ I did it! Dad did you see did you see!?”  she jumped around excitedly.
“You did see I knew you could do it!” Hakkai proudly spoke, giving her a hug. 
“Dad when I get really good I’m going to do the same silly pose like you when you bowl.” she chuckled.
“It's not that silly.” he began scratching the back of his neck. 
His daughter began to imitate the pose she saw throughout the years. When she strikes the pose he closes his eyes, chuckling she was right.. “see dad it made you laugh.”
“Okay you're right but when I do that pose I always get a strike.Why don’t you try it.” Hakkai suggested it to her.
She placed the bowling ball on the ramp once more. When she pushed the ball she automatically did the pose holding it. Hakkai smirked as his daughter held the pose then watched the bowling ball going down the aisle. The pins began to go down one by one till they were all down. “It worked!!!!” “Alright!” picking her up and twirling her around. “I’m proud of you sweetie! 
“Wow.” his daughter was speechless as the ice cream dish was placed in front of her. “I can eat it all?” “Of course, we just can’t let your mom know.” his elbows rested on the table with a grin on his face. He promised his wife no sweets before they both arrived back home. But he couldn’t help but cave in when he saw her looking at the ice cream shop on the way home. It was a bit of a reward for her. “Secret between me and you right kiddo?” holding his pinky out towards her. Her little pinky wrapping around his “secret!” She was already talking about spoonfuls enjoying the mixture of vanilla and chocolate ice cream. “Papa, did  you want some?” she asked as she had a spoonful of the ice towards him. “You know I can’t turn down ice cream now.” he accepted the ice cream spoonful. “Isn’t it yummy?!” happily asking her papa. “Mhmm” he swallowed the ice cream. “That’s really good, it was a good thing we stopped here huh.” “Here, have another bite.” She brought another spoonful to him. He accepted the other bite. “Okay okay enough for me I want you to enjoy it.” “But I want to share it with you, papa!” she pouted slightly.
He was lucky his daughter wasn't bad. He thanked his wife for teaching her manners and sharing with others. She also had her moments at school when she heard her cousin getting picked on, the little Nahoya inside of her and defended her cousin. The reason Nahoya had to pick her up from school today. He was proud of his daughter that she had that spark in her. 
“You made me proud today kiddo. They way you handled a bully for your cousin today you proudly held the Kuwata name up high.” 
“So if I beat up another kid I will get more ice cream?” she asked. “Well depending on the circumstances.” He laughed.
“Dad, do you have to be so embarassing?” his daughter ducked her head. “Oh I’m sorry am I embarrassing you my pretty princess?” he raised his brow, smirking. Oh yeah he was embarassing his pre teen daughter. He saw a few kids around her age and they chuckled at the interaction he was having with his daughter.. When did his daughter stop thinking he was cool?  She was in the awkward stage in her life where hanging out with her parents was lame. Hanma from the time she was younger till now always took her to the pier and they would play in the arcade, ride the ferris wheel and the same photo booth would take a photo together.  “Sorry I’m not cool anymore.” “Dad.” She covered her face. 
“Fine, well what do you wanna do then?” Hanma asked his daughter. “You used to like doing all this, now I don't know what you like.”
She still did like doing these things. “I do it just, can you not call me princess...” “Alright if you stop acting all embarrassed to hang out with your old man I will stop calling your princess in public deal?” “Deal.” she nodded. 
The moment they got onto the ferris wheel it was always something his daughter enjoyed as she was able to see everything on the pier. In that moment looking at his daughter he saw her as the little girl who tugged his hand around everywhere, who used to call him daddy or her favorite person in the world. But she was getting older and he didn't like it but he guessed that was a part he had to learn to deal with, letting her be her own person as she got older. His daughter looked over at him and she could see the bit of bum look on his face. “Hey dad.” “Yeah.” he was snapping out of his daze. “I know I don’t say it often like I used to but thank you for taking me out.” His daughter gave him a smile.  Hanma appreciated his daughter's words and made him feel a bit better. After they got off the ferris wheel “Do you wanna take a photo?” She looked over at the old photo booth. “You want to take a picture with me?” he spoke in a chuckling sarcastic tone. “I guess I could spare you sometime.” he gave her a smile as they both walked to the photo booth.
Sanzu’s daughters' tea parties were for exclusive people who lived in their home. He was invited along with the 5 stuffed animals. He sat at the small table and chairs, his knees close to his chest. “Would you care for some tea daddy?” his daughter held the teapot in her hand. “Of course I would love some.” he held the tea cup as she began to pretend to pour the tear in his cup. 
“Be careful it is hot!” she said she began to pretend to pour the other tea cup for her other guest. He watched his daughter pretend to take a sip of her tea “This is good isn’t daddy?” “Oh yeah it’s great.” he pretended to take a sip “It’s the best I ever had.”
“Daddy I have a surprise for you! But you have to close your eyes okay?” she said. “A surprise for me? What is it?” he asked. “She walked up to him she grabbed his hands and then over his eyes “It’s a silly surprise. No peeking!” She ran out of the room. Sanzu heard his little one exiting the room he was unsure of which room she was going into. For a few moments he heard her footsteps coming back into her room. She placed something in front of him. “Okay open them now!” When Sanzu removed his hands from his eyes he could see the familiar box he knew so well. ‘Cozy Corner’ he read on the pastry box. Opening the box to see the strawberry swirl cheesecake. “This is where you and mommy went this morning huh?” “Yup! I told her I wanted this for our tea party!” she gave him a wide grin. ‘Oh hell yea’ he thought to himself. “Lets go dig in this kitchen.”he grabbed the box and began to head towards the kitchen. He sat his daughter on the counter as he served two pieces for him and his daughter.  Both of them began to enjoy the delicious cheesecake. “You sure know how to throw a tea party.” “Mhmm!!” She had her cheeks stuffed with cheesecake. 
“You can run but you cannot hide.” Baji called out as he hid behind the wall. The room was completely dark there were splatters of glow in the dark paint everywhere. He held his laser gun in his hand. His daughter was very competitive with him. Who would be the one to privilege this victory. Chifuyu and Kazutora were out of the battle; it just came down to him and his daughter.  “Better like you can run but you cannot hide dad.” She shoulders back on the other side of the room crouching down. “Oh yeah well then face me like man coward.” he said taunting her thinking she would come out “I'm a girl!” she shouted. “I know what you're doing Mr. Keisuke.” “Oi that’s dad to you!” he proceeded with caution watching all around him making sure he would get a surprise attack from him. The battle was becoming intense. As the booth crept closer without knowing. Baji's hearing footsteps he turned “there ya are.” he pointed his gun and his daughter dodged out the way. “Dammit”
“Too slow!” she pointed her at him and missed as he moved out the way. Both of them went back and forth with one another until Baji got the final hit. “Who is slow now?” he smirked His daughter squinted her eyes. “You got lucky that's all that was.” She took off the vest. “Next time I will get the last hit.” “Well then I guess I will have to watch my back then,” he ruffled his daughter's hair. “Better yet let's do teams I beat, we can beat anyone on another team.” 
“Hell yeah! Oh I mean yeah that sounds cool.” she tried to play it off. Baji laughed at his laughter trying to cover up and she let a light curse word out. “Easy now I ain't your mom I’ll let it slide every now and then.” 
It was a rainy day and they were supposed to go to the park but their plans were canceled. Seeing the bummed look on his little princess face they decided to have their father and daughter date in doors.There was nothing more Ran loved to do than watch his daughter's favorite movies with her. Both of them were in comfortable clothing and a blanket was on her lap. They decided to watch a new movie that was just released. Ran and her saw the previews and were excited to watch it. “You ready?” he smile holding the remote
“Yea!” she had the large bowl of popcorn on her lap.
The more the movie progressed Ran watched his daughter as she didn’t move her eyes were on the tv. The more he watched he noticed there was a touching sad scene in the movie. He saw her eyes slightly watering up, she began to wipe her eye softly sniffling. “That’s so sad daddy.” “You okay princess?” he asked. “She misses her daddy and mommy.” she wiped her eyes again. “What if they don’t find her and she is all by herself forever.” he saw her bottom lip sticking out more. 
It didn’t take Ran long to scoop her up and comfort her. “I know but she will find her mommy and daddy soon.” he was hoping that's how it ended  “no need to cry princess I’m sure she will be happy at the end.” he dried her eyes kissing her temple.He was patting her back trying to soother her but he didn't realize it put her to sleep. As the movie continued Ran was relieved that the movie ended with a happy ending. “See the movie-” Ran looked down to see her asleep. Turning off the t.v. he laid on the couch with his daughter resting on her chest he brought the covers up covering her. He was rubbing her back he let out a content breath he leaned forward kissing the top of her head. He closed his eyes as he took a nap with her.
“Daddy you can’t move.” his fingers were widely spreaded on the counter. His daughter was carefully painting his nails. Very bold pink lacquer was coating his nails.
When it came to his little angel he couldn’t not deny any request. This was going to take him forever to get off his nails. “You missed a spot.” He pointed his head in the direction where his daughter missed an area on his nail. “Oh!” She began coating the area. She was humming as she continued to finish the rest of his fingers. The nails were slightly messy but seeing how proud his daughter looked at her work was all worth it. “What do you think daddy?!” she asked him.
“They look great, baby. Now what do I do now?” he asked her. “You have to wait till they dry or they will get messed up! So keep them wide apart.”  she closed up the polish. “Do you think if I ask uncle Ran if he wants his nails done he would?”  “He would if you ask him.” Rindou gave her a small smile. He watched as his daughter walked out of the room and she came back with some of her moms makeup. “What are you doing with mommy's make-up?”
“Imma give you a makeover!” she grabbed the make up brush dipping it into the pink eyeshadow. “Close your eyes daddy.”
Rindou closed his feeling the makeup’s brush being pressed against his eyelid. ‘Anything for my angel.’ He said to himself.
“Daddy you look so pretty!!!” She put the makeup brush down and brought the mirror to his face.
“You dad an amazing job angel.” Giving her a small his face. Even if he looked like a hot mess he did it for her. “Okay my turn to make you look like a princess.” He grabbed a pretty pastel pink nail polish and began to pain her nails.
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Tagging: @intheafterall @the-haitani-baton @galactict3a @stygianoir @ratlovecat @niko-ash @kira-rrh @iluv-ace
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mazdoe · 2 years
5 More Minutes 
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem! Girlfriend reader.
Summary: It's your first time waking up next to Wednesday, and she gets unusually cuddly.
Warnings: Non just Fluff. Possessive Wednesday. Aged up Wednesday to 18. Englisch is not my first Language.
You feel the blanket shift around you, striping you of warmth and comfort, "Just 5 more minutes Thing" Wednesday demands as her hands find their way around your waist, hauling you´r still sleeping form closer to her chest.
Finally waving Thing off for good, Wednesday nestled her hear head in the back of you neck breathing in your sweet scent. Leaving a trail of small pecks there before drifting off to sleep once again, it was the weekend after all and for the first time in her live she feels like sleeping in is a good idea, even tho she tells herself it's only because you are so fragile and weak that you need the extra sleep.
Wednesday has been up for several minutes when you began to stiere awake in her arms.
Rolling around till you face her. A smile tugging at your Lips as you feel her intense stare. "Good Morning my little Nightmare" you exclaim happily, staring right into the raven-haired girls eyes.
For some time she stays silent, just drinking in your beauty before she inches closer, hands reaching out to cup your face.
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks at Wednesday's intense gaze. As she leaned in closer, your breath mingling with hers as she carefully brushes her lips against yours. "I find you most enchanting Cara Mia".
with a slight jerk she pulls you onto her lap, wrapping her arms tight around your torso, while your hand rest on her chest as Enid stormed in "Y/N we need your help with this years poe cup planning"
"No!" Wednesday almost growled. "She stays here!"
"I am sorry Enid but I think I have to stay here for now" you give her an apologetic smile before turning your gaze back to Wednesday.
"Oh ok" Enid whispers as she hurry´s out of the room. In the corner of your eye you see Wednesday still staring daggers at were Enid stood just a second ago. In an stamp to soothe her you peper kisses along her cheek.
"You know I kinda like it when you get possessive, but right now I kinda just want to cuddle more" with that she pulls your head onto her chest pressing kisses to you forehead while her Hands stroke along your back coaxing you into sleep.
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dual1pa · 5 months
first date with eddie (headcannons)
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warnings: overall fluff, makeout, touching, language
eddie munson x reader using she/her pronouns
Eddie was scared shitless to ask her out 
And when he finally grew the balls to ask her, he was quite shocked that she said yes 
They’ve been friends forever 
It started out as a harmless and romanticless relationship
They both considered themselves just best friends
Nothing more and nothing less
Eddie’s feelings for her didn’t bloom until the beginning of high school 
However, it wasn’t until their senior year (his 2nd senior year) that he started seeing her as a girlfriend 
Little did he know she felt the same 
She tried to show flirty signs for years, but he didn’t notice
The playful shoves or the arm in arm walks 
She joined his Hellfire Club at school - even though she had no idea how to play the game 
She just enjoyed watching Eddie have fun 
He even made her a one-of-a-kind shirt where the little devil had a pair of sunglasses on it 
Ones similar to the ones she wore on a daily basis 
That’s when her love for him grew fonder
One Friday, Eddie was going to ask her out while she was switching her morning textbooks for the afternoon 
He watched from afar as she walked up to her locker, put in her code, and start unloading her bag 
She was wearing a pair of denim jeans, oversized sweater, and her hair tied loosely in a pink scrunchie 
He walked up to her with a smile
“Hi, Eds,” she smiled
She was the only person that could call him that 
“Hey,” he said 
She had a concerned look on her face 
“Everything okay?” she asked
“Oh yeah, everything’s great. How was your classes?” he tucked a piece of hair behind his ear
“They were alright, happy that it’s the weekend.” 
“Hey, listen, Uh-” 
He kept pausing and rubbing the back of his neck
He was nervous as fuck
“There’s a new Friday the 13th movie out tonight, wanna go see it with me? Like, a date?” 
She blushed, no one asked her out in a while - not anyone she felt something for
“Of course I’ll go out with you, Eds.” 
His eyes lit up, all he wanted to do was cheer loudly and dance around the busy hallway 
“Great! Uh- awesome. I’ll pick you up at 7:30,” he smiled and walked her to her next class, not caring if he was late to his own. 
While she sat in class, she couldn’t concentrate on algebra
The only thing on her mind was Eddie
The more she thought about him, the more she wanted him
She cursed at herself why she didn’t make a better move earlier 
She couldn’t wait till their date
When he got home from school, he stood in front of his closet trying to figure out what he should wear - she was doing the absolute same
He decided on black jeans, white shirt and her a white skirt, pink shirt and a sweater
She was waiting on her deck when he pulled up her driveway in his white van
He, of course, had his favorite Metallica song blaring from the speaker - making her giggle 
“You look beautiful,” he said
“And you as well” 
The two sat in silence - awkward silence - as he drove to the Starcourt Mall 
Noramlly, the mall isn’t Eddie’s scene 
Too many people, stores that aren’t his type, music he doesn’t like plays throughout the mall 
“I can’t get away from this shit pop music!” he would say she “forced” him to help her find a homecoming dress 
He secretly loved it 
He winced at he saw the parking lot as he pulled in
“We don’t have to be here, I’m okay just-” 
“No,” he interrupted, “I want to take you to see this movie.” 
She smiled and grabbed his hand that was placed on his shaking leg. 
As they walked towards the large building, she grabbed his hand 
This was a date afterall 
He held the door open for her and motioned for her to go in first 
“A true gentleman.” she said
He smiled wide and threw his arm over her shoulder, and hers around his waist 
He paid for both tickets 
He found you a seat in the corner as it was a fully sold-out theater 
He felt so protective of her when she got scared from one of the scenes 
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close
“I really wanna kiss you right now,” he whispered in her ear
She blushed, “There’s someone right next to us, behind us, and in front of us!” 
“Fuck ‘em,” he said, grabbing her chin and planting on right on her 
Of course, once they started, they couldn’t stop. 
They got a few looks and a couple of rude grunts from people who were simply trying to enjoy the slasher film. 
“Why don’t we get outta here?” 
Eddie grabbed her hand and they ran out of the theater, out of the mall, and into the dark parking lot. 
It was late and most shoppers went home except for the movie goers - who were all inside
They were alone 
He pushed her up against his van and continued what he was doing in the theater 
Except he was way more handsy 
Her hands were everywhere
His hair 
His hips 
His neck
His face
His chest 
“Should have done this sooner,” he laughed in her mouth 
“We didn’t know and we were both too chicken shit to do anything about it,” she joked, “Take me home, Eds. Stay with me tonight.”
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