#If you want him to be masculine or feminine or androgynous idc
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outromoony · 3 months ago
I saw a TikTok earlier that asked for a Sirius headcanon they can't stand, and all the comments were: "I hate the over-feminization of him!" but I didn't see a SINGLE one saying: "I hate the over-villainization of him just for leaving his abusive household as a CHILD." And that shows me what these people's priorities are.
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halfblood-princes · 2 years ago
flo intro post !!
hola !!  my name es caridad ,  pero yo también go by flo !  my full name es caridad garcia ,  el estado de la florida !  i primarily use he / him pronouns ,  pero any pronouns are good y encouraged !!!  all terms / nouns are fine as well ,  in fact ,   i prefer people switch it up !  don ‘ t be boring :p
i don ‘ t exactly have a role .  i live in the statehouse  ( an area of the headspace )  with the other states / cities / etc !  i ‘ m an introject of el estado de la florida en el estados unidos y my source es también a fanfiction called  “ obedient “ ,  which es a smut fanfic based on ben brainard ‘ s “ the table “ series on tiktok / youtube .  i hold memories from both , también my own “ non - canon “ memories .  pero ,  i do not hold the same politics as my state es associated with . education es múy importante ,  love es love ,  trans women are women ,  trans men are men ,  nonbinary people are nonbinary ,  fuck nazis  ( all alt right ppl are fascists y nazis ,  idc . )  ,  gun control ,  abolish the police ,  socialism ,  etc etc etc .
i ‘ m physically around 23 - ish ,  y i don ‘ t know my real age o birthday .  también i don ‘ t celebrate my state day porque it ‘ s un poco dumb :p
i present as cubano ,  colombian ,  y mexican ,  y i speak español ,  english y français !  ( my spoken french es TERRIBLE ,  y my accent es even worse ,  pero i understand it ! )  i prefer to talk en español ,  pero i ‘ ll speak english if it ‘ s necessary !  ( i still insert español words ! fuck you ,  i refuse to speak only english !! #spanglish4life )
i identify as pansexual ,  demiromantic y demisexual ,  y my gender is  “ yes “  .  ( i want to find xenogenders ,  they seem neat :p ) i get a lot of dysphoria from presenting feminine ,  o even androgynous ,  y i prefer to look masculine which leads a lot of people to assume i ‘ m cis ,  i ‘ m not !!  ( pero ,  i ‘ m not trans either , i ‘ m somewhere in between . ))  i like fucking with gender in ways other than presentation !!  también ,  i ‘ m in a relationship with louisiane from @ccssystem​ !!!  <3333333333333
POR FAVOR use tone tags around me !!  i can ‘ t understand tone por mierda !! i ‘ m bad at using them for myself ,  pero please use them when talking to me !!  i try my best to indicate tone , pero i don ‘ t even know what tone i ‘ m using half the time !!  adhdtism has a múy fort chokehold on me !!!!  i also have very bad rsd  ( rejection sensitive dysphoria )  y dpd (dependent personality disorder )  !!  por favor be gentíl !!!  i can ‘ t handle it !!!  ( / lh )  y i have dissociative disorder !  ( not did , it ‘ s different ! )  i have a very hard time staying connected to reality y am very disconnected from myself a lot of the time !!  please try to be understanding !!!  i can ‘ t control it !!  i have a very hard time asking for help ,  pero i ‘ m doing my best to get better at it !  again , por favor try to be understanding !!  i ‘ m doing my best !!!  / g
i really really really like disney !!!  i very much prefer watching them en español o français ,  depending on the movie .  my favorite es la bella y la bestia !!!!! <3333333
here ’ s the link to my playlist ,  y here ‘ s my pinterest board !!  y below es my face claim !!
Tumblr media
gracias for reading !!  <33 !!
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xivvins · 21 days ago
Okay well due to high demand (like. three people asking for it) I will post some headcanons. Bc who am I to deny the people what they want?
Keep in mind I can’t fucking write without rambling and going way off track so I’m sorry lol
So first and foremost; I think all the other poets would ultimately be accepting/supportive, despite their reservations or their misinformed views. I know it’s 1959 and they’re a bunch of teen boys yada yada, honestly idc. In fact, I think it would be wildly out of character for them to be intentionally rude or hateful towards their friend. They are very protective over Knox, in particular (which is especially clear in the book, imo) so I think the poets would be very scared for her, if anything. They’d definitely refer to her as a girl in private, but obviously not just casually out and about.
Also I don’t think Knox would’ve ever discovered her identity had it not been for another, maybe older, queer person talking to her about it, if that makes sense. Like her describing the feeling and them introducing her to the concept of her being lgbt. (Sorry if I’m not explaining that great, if you couldn’t already tell it’s hard for me to write these thoughts down lolol. I digress). Maybe McAllister (just based on the car scene in the book, it seems like they have a familial/friendly relationship. Idk I could make a whole other post about McAllister lmao) or Keating, but I don’t think Knox would’ve ever come to the conclusion/connected the dots on her own.
I think if Knox were to choose a new, more feminine name, it should mean mountain or something along those lines. The name Knox means hill and a mountain is stronger/larger/more imposing than a hill but still they are two similar things. Something about her being the same but feeling more fortified in her identity, yk? Maybe like. Shaila or Sierra, but honestly I’m not a huge fan of those two so idk lol.
So I’m like. 100% sure that Welton has a strict dress code that wouldn’t leave room for experimentation with looks. I think if Knox were to be offered this freedom, though, she’d absolutely take it. Not that she’s necessarily uncomfortable dressing in a more masculine/boyish way, but I just get the feeling that she’d at least want to try out being more feminine. Knox doesn’t read as the type, to me, to try and suppress herself once she’s figured herself out, yk? Honestly I’m not quite sure what her style/look would be if she were able to choose whatever she wanted. Though, I have a feeling that she’d lean towards a more androgynous look (nothing to really back that up though)
I think Knox would be a lesbian lol. I mean, it’s canon that Knox is obsessed with Chris but. I personally would like to see that energy being channeled into just appreciating women in general. I like to think that discovering her identity would give her a newfound perspective on womanhood. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to dance around the fact that canon Knox is a huge fucking freak and the fact that both the dps book and movie treat its women characters like a joke. But yk how it is.
If I could’ve rewritten Knox’s character (once again I could make a WHOLE other post on that), I’d take all his unnecessary creepiness and turned it into awkwardness, and him learning to overcome that in the name of love or whatever. I feel like that was the goal with his character and the writers just fucking missed the mark so bad. So, in my hc, Knox is a huge lesbian girfailure. She’s always been really awkward around girls and doesn’t really know how to flirt or interact with them. Nonetheless, when she develops her feeling for Chris, she’s absolutely desperate to be cool and chivalrous and whatnot.
Anyway what I’m trying to say is I think transness would’ve saved Knox’s character lolol. Okay that’s all I have to say I think. Thanks for showing interest.
You people couldn’t handle my transfem Knox agenda (I’m embarrassed to post about it)
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poems-of-a-lover · 2 years ago
1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17
ooooo i love when ppl ask me a ton at once they're so fun /gen
1: do you enjoy playing with a boys hair? in theory!!! ive never done it but it just. it seems so fun. it's so cute.
3: what's a cute quirk that your crush/boyfriend has? im single sadly kfhdkfhdkfj also don't have like a big crush on anyone. i gotta have a crush. agh.
5: do you prefer to have boys lie on your chest, shoulder or lap? UMMMMM if i ever had a boy lay on me i would probably prefer lap tbh, i would want him closer than laying on my shoulder but also im incredibly fuckin small so laying on my chest would probably stop my breathing KFHSKFHDKFJ also i would wanna wait until i get top surgery just bc awkward yknow
8: are you gay or bi? im gay!! i love men <3
10: are you more sporty or artsy, and do you prefer more sporty or artsy boys? im artsy for sure, i used to be into sports but not much anymore tbh, and i don't rlly have a preference with guys!! like idc tbh i think they're cute either way
15: expose who you have a tumblr crush on. idk man i answered this earlier but i. i don't know. KFHDKFHDKFJD I COULD NOT TELL U IF I HAVE A CRUSH ON ANYONE I CANT TELKFJDKFHDKFJF
16: talk about the boy who made you realize you like boys. we were in band together, his name was gilbert and he was tall and had black curly hair and glasses and a nice accent and it was so kghdkfhdkfjdk he was kinda both my trans and gay awakening tbh
17: do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous boys? i answered this too!! that's so fun jfhdifhdlfj i don't lean strongly to whatever side but slightly more to masc guys
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cookiedoei · 4 years ago
(Spelling and grammar mistakes)
Not me NOW feeling dysphoric over a name I literally chose to feel more feminine, like... 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 I'm so confused?????? Also same thing with pronouns I was like yep she/her they/them but now I feel like people only refer to my using them because they see it as a formality like I've literally been told I'm "playing dress up".
Idc if I'm making sence or if anyone reads I kinda just wanna write and sort stuff out here, I'veposted like only twice anyway so idc.
They/they great perfect love them
She/ her why are you using them for me? As in not in a angry way like if you're using it because you think it's a valid set of pronouns, want to switch stuff up ext... 😳 honestly love you, like frfr
He/him wow, so here we are. It's funny as a child I was never viewed as a girl or boy but that's mostly due to varying factors that I don't feel comfortable listing atm. I love them but only if (this is going to get really complicated)
The person viewes me as as person who doesn't fit into the binary but doesn't identify as non-binary (🙃 idk I rlly don't) , and doesn't view me as "male enby" or a "gentle'them" (I don't like either term when referring 2 me) more just like a person who completely has NOTHING 2 DO WITH THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER, LIKE I REALLY AM NOT APART OF IT SO LEAVE ME OUT OF IT?!
If so then then I love them as much as they/them and 😚🖤 thank u for using the set
Like I understand that when i dress I either dress hyperfem or andrognous but IWHIWIFVWIFHWIDHD idk I rlly don't know.
Like at this point the only reason I'm trynna look (not dress more like with makeup) androgynous is because I feel like its the only way I can wear certain clothes that I love without being perceived as a certain thing?
For a period of time I identified as a girl and I liked girls so I idetified as a lesbian. Great cool.
Then I was like nope "I'm defo a boy but I don't like girls anymore I kinda like boy- nope" and I convinced myself I was just exploring since I'm still young but not even in a self hatred way more a, hold on sexuality is fluid but we should figure out ur gender? Idek
(Now i realize I'm abrosexual )
Damn writing this helped I feel like I want to use
He/him and they/they pronouns (like I thougt did) but sometimes I like she/her like when I'm dressed more femme.
I want to present masculine in terms of my features that are considered "masculine" like keep them or enhance them (like flat chest, sharp jawline, abs...-the ones i barely have-) but continue to wear more feminine clothing and (hopefully I can feel more comfortable in wearing feminine clothing and stop caring how people view me) and then also keep my (kinda) gender neutral wolf cut so that all together my look will look more of what I see for MYSELF, NOBODY ELSE JUST HOW I WANT TO PRESENT as androgynous or how I feel comfortable expressing my take on androgyny.
Sexuality yeah I'm abro
When I feel like nothing (because I dont feel connected to gender ) but a girl - girls and nbs
When I feel like nothing (because I dont feel connected to gender ) but a boy - boys and nbs
When I feel like nothing - all genders
Masculine terms - handsome, king, ect I love them all 🖤
Feminine terms- on very few days I'll like them but I'LL ALWAYS LOVE "pretty" especially if it's "pretty boy" 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 THE EUPHORIA HONESTLY IF I COULD NAME MY GENDER IT WOUKD BE PRETTY BOY BUT NOT RLLY A BOY ISTG WHDJEUDV.🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 ahhh I feel rlly happy
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