#If you vote/support Trump please block me or move away from my blog
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colorfulplasma · 27 days ago
Mmmm the irony & juxtaposition of every political decision going on while studying in the middle of US Government
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dastardly-espionage · 1 month ago
𓆩 Bonjour.
𓆩 I am the Spy. Currently affiliated with the RED Team, though that could change in the blink of an eye.
“I never really was on your side.” 🥀
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❇ A TF2 comic, game and headcanon focused rp and ask blog for the SPY of Team Fortress 2.
❇ ꒰A Warning: This blog is run by an adult that is 18+, and over 21. This blog will contain subjects/conversations pertaining to: War, blood, gore, torture, trauma, smoking, absent fathers, neglect, childhood abuse/trauma, mental illness, addictions, gore, swearing, sexual comments and situations and flirting in character.꒱
❇ Viewer discretion is advised. Minors may interact at their own discretion. Curate your own internet experience.
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❇ SPY is a man of mystery, an enigma wrapped behind a balaclava and a finely tailored suit. Is he here as a friend or foe? What truly does he want from you? Only time and a well polished balisong will tell...
❇ The SPY uses he/him and they/them pronouns. He is 46 years old. Currently, he has no relationship but was in a relationship for several years with SCOUT'S MA.
❇ The SCOUT [Jeremy Willis] is his biological son. Though, it is very likely that he has more biological and half biological children out there. He's a man that is poor with commitments and staying in relationships, but has many one night stands and flings.
❇ Currently, Spy is dating the SOLDIER.
❇ SPY can be a bit of a bastard, cold-hearted and stoic. Though underneath his layers, he is loyal, kind and cares greatly for those few he's let into his life.
❇ More info for the Mun is below.
●Now, onto some of the more important things. The Mun behind this blog is 18+ and over 21. You'll find my official warning a few scrolls above.
●Please call me Tony. I use he/him pronouns, and am autistic, along with other mental illnesses.
●This is not my only rp/ask blog. Hence, the activity here will be sporadic and low activity. It is not likely I will share my other rp/ask blogs unless I trust/know you.
●This is a drama free space. If you're one of the cunts that's come from the situation involving those screenshots, kindly go away. What you know of the situation is very little-considering you weren't there- and I do not care to continue this, considering it's been about six months.
●If the above statement makes you annoyed and/or unhappy, block me and move on. I am not here to cater to your needs, nor hide away.
●By now, the reader has likely guessed that the Mun is straightforward and seems blunt, but that is merely how I present when I need to be firm.
●DO NOT INTERACT: Get the fuck out. Don't even look at my blog. If you support/voted for trump, if you've come to start drama, harassment, trouble. If you're a nzi, a pdo, a pro/comshipper, and if you ship Spy/Scout.
●I blog liberally. I block if you give me off vibes. I block even if we've had no interactions.
●Anons/asks are a privilege. Kindly do not abuse them and get that privilege taken away.
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bustedbernie · 4 years ago
what do you have to say to a leftist who has most of the same criticisms of the Democratic Party as other leftists, but who has also voted for them in every election in which she's been eligible? "well you didn't vote dumbass" like, literally can't be the sum of your defense for every Democratic political failure, can it?
To be patient, that patience brings fruit. Large-scale change happens over timescales that exceed a presidency or two and if you’re not invested in the long-haul, you’re going to be disappointed. To hold officials accountable, write letters, show up to council meetings and other easily-accessible things, even go to congressional offices. And be aware that what we say and do can affect others and their perceptions. That a lot of what Bernie Bros said in the primaries were directly copy/pasted by republicans to attack us (and it worked in a lot of places) hah. That getting voter participation way up is one of our largest goals regardless of where you sit on the left and being hyper-critical of democrats, calling them failures or corrupt, just doesn’t help that cause. And on that point, democrats have universally excelled at expanding voter access in every place they’ve been empowered to do so. But then, I also don’t think democratic failures as presented by leftists are often democratic failures at all. 
The ACA is pointed to sometimes as a democratic failure by this type, but I just don’t see it as a failure. It was a massive step forward. I think too, on this issue, people see the UK with its NHS, Canada with its various provincial single-payer plans, or France with its Sécurité-Sociale and they want something like that here. But, all of those systems were constructed over time and continue to evolve. And we’re not starting in the aftermath of the war. I think our efforts also need to be framed in the context of our politics. And that’s just not a pill that’s easy for this type to swallow. I mean, how can democrats have failed truly in the last 10 years when Mitch McConnell hasn’t even allowed votes on the most basic of democratic proposals? Are democrats really failing or have we been deprived of the power to make effective change? Despite that, we made some decent progress just with Obama at the helm. When they criticize us for being happy that Trump is gone, are you (or your friend) forgetting that Obama DID somehow get some good things through? It was less stressful? That there was that hope that we could keep making those changes as time passed? 
I think it’s also facetious when they spend so much time talking about democratic failures. Regardless of whether or not this particular friend votes, there are many others like them that don’t. Doesn’t this friend bear some of the onus for these “failures” for not getting others like them to vote Democratic? Democrats have routinely been punished for progressive legislation proposals since the 90s. Part of why the ACA was such a massive win was due to the leftover bruises from when Clinton tried to pass his healthcare proposals. What is this friend doing to change the environment to make these proposals less scary? How do you get people that are open-minded to making changes but who currently are comfortable with the system on board? Because Bernie’s “ban private insurance” chased a lot of folks that would perhaps be in favor of wide healthcare reform away. Or “Castro was chill, he taught people to read...” This is a pretty consistent thing leftists do. If we aren’t meeting people where they are and where they are now, how can we win? 
I guess I’d tell your friend that democrats already do reflect on their failures and it’s an attribute that is built into the party apparatus. I’d ask them why they fail to reflect on their own failures, the failures of the progressive caucus in the most general sense, and the failure of the left itself to take accountability? At what point is this “democratic failure” just a projection to escape accountability? Because I’ve noticed that when AOC says most people in swing districts that supported M4A got reelected, she blocks people on twitter for pointing out that many of those “swing-districts” she cites are D+20 districts. Xochitl Torres-Small was hurt by AOC and Bernie Sanders in a R+2/5 district. How do leftists think anything we want (yes, we, because even most “moderate” dems want many of the same things as the leftists despite their claims), without those marginal districts? And how do we win the Senate at all if we can’t field candidates that can win state-wide? 
I think me and lot of the folks that follow this blog do call themselves leftists, or would call themselves leftists, but don’t want to associate with very vocal people like your friend because though we may be pleased that they are voting well, we are frustrated that this friend is hurting us in other ways. We are frustrated that they call our policy accomplishments half-measures or failures. We are frustrated by how many of our leftist allies are willing to sacrifice the need for social justice for perceived economic gains. There are so many domains and areas where we could really increase our margins that are stymied because we get written off as extreme. Progressives that have won council seats now talk about how getting progressive legislation is almost impossible with progressive language (and i use progressive to reference Bernie Sanders-type followers). Yet, they note that you can start making progress with other language. Parking minimums can be voted away by talking about more liberty for development, options for renters and owners, a healthier market, etc. “Incentive programs” are easier to pass than a new tax. Maybe leftists see these things as failures and an abortion of progressive values. But I think we see it as getting things done in a way that CAN be done, and be done now. 
I would ask your friend to look to examples where incrementalism has helped cement democratic power and led to real, physical changes. In this country, the slow embracing of public transit by a larger number of people is a good example. Those first light rail lines in Denver, Houston and Phoenix were heated. Pulling teeth. Sometimes even violent rhetoric was used. For a silly little train. But once you get that first little segment of light rail, over a decade or so, people adjust and it’s not so bad. Then they might even want it to serve THEIR neighborhood. Maybe so they could get to an airport without driving, or see a ball game without parking, or get drinks with friends and enjoy the conversation rather than pay attention to the road. They might even want to use it to get to and from work everyday. Or to run errands. And that’s exactly what has happened in each of those cities. Phoenix in particular defeated a Koch-backed ballot measure and voted to fund multi-mile extensions to its system and begin planning even more. Hopefully, in two more decades, those will bear lots of fruit, leading to more sustainable, humane cities, that are more accessible, cleaner, and dense. We also saw Maricopa County vote blue. Small things, over time, add up. Change happens. Attitudes move.  We can do that with healthcare. If we can get a public option added to the ACA, it will just naturally expose how wasteful insurance actually is. People will be more likely to buy into it. And it will help build trust with people who “don’t want the government involved with my doctor.” And given how we’ve seen the politics shift just since the ACA was passed, something akin to M4A would likely be right around the corner. 
So yeah, hold democrats accountable. But the thing is, we already mostly do that. I’d tell them to remember who the real enemy is, and if they are criticizing Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or whomever more than they criticize Mitch McConnell and his fascist army, then i have to doubt how progressive your friend is in the first place, regardless of their voting habit. 
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ghiraheeheeheem · 8 years ago
I know exactly what you are talking about. As a conservative I have often been the target of this hatred towards any outside of the "we." It is a collectivist mentality where they. Collectivism BREEDS hatred, it's why I don't like socialism (though some aspects of socialism are needed, most end up being toxic & destructive due to this collectivism). I have watched just pages and pages of hatred targeting me on this and news sites, and Berkeley... well... that was people cheering as [continued-]
-they set fire to a building with PEOPLE STILL INSIDE and beat a guy into a coma for not even sharing my views but wanting to LISTEN to someone who shares some of my views. Thousands of these people cheering. It’s fucking terrifying to me that happens in my own damn country for having anything like what I believe. We’re supposed to believe EVERYONE has the right to think and say what they wish no matter how horrible it might be, and this is just a fairly moderate gay Republican provocateur. 
Tumblr’s far left collectivists. Because conservatives need to be beaten since they’re Nazis according to Antifa’s own site. By that logic it’s okay for Conservatives to beat up all left-wingers because they’re all Sovietists. And what’s insane is Antifa is filled with anarchy-communists, they were waving the actual soviet flag as they burned down buildings and beat a man into a coma with a flagpole while he’s unconscious. Just… it’s a fucking nightmare with some of this. 
I’m just kinda letting off steam at this point but seriously, it’s bad. It really doesn’t help that media constantly tries to paint anyone supporting Trump as racists, that it takes the smallest group, who while having terrible ideas at least respect the First Amendment and are non-violent, and tries to paint everyone as part of it. It’s just… and people don’t seem to understand that this is why people voted Trump, because they felt oppressed by all sides and their voices weren’t being heard, now you want to silence them completely. 
Again this is getting really rant-filled and I’m sorry. I just needed to get this off my chest and that post was something that just brought it rolling out like a waterfall. I’m just told to shut up and my opinion doesn’t matter by this site. It’s a Nazi sexist misogynistic racist fascist ideology even though I’m an egalitarian individualist who hates putting people into groups. I’m just glad we’re finally moving away from this identity-driven ideology. 
Thank you for listening and stuff. If I missed an Anon please just screen shot it and block it out. I am happy to talk to people about this in IM but I do not want it being wide spread because I anticipate a severe response. Sincerely, An individualist egalitarian conservative who hesitantly supports God Emperor Donald J. Trump and enjoys offensive jokes such as that Nazi skit from Fawlty Towers, likes to acknowledge and laugh about these things, move past them rather than hide from them.
Thank you for sending this. I consider myself a staunch liberal, and I have even made my fair share of jabs at conservativism truth be told, but I have no qualms about admitting there is a great excess of aggression, hate, and intolerance from the end of every spectrum, and liberals are far from exempt.
As a liberal, I’m sure that there are many things that you and I disagree on, but I am sorry that you have been a victim of ridicule and aggression for your perspectives. With few extreme/intolerant exceptions, I think everyone should have a right to state their opinions calmly and rationally and in turn be treated with respect even in the face of disagreement.
There are many things I like about Tumblr and the information and perspectives that I have gained from being on here, but there are also things on Tumblr that drive me insane. Such as the anti-privileged-humans mentality that is running rampant that makes jokes out of hateful perspectives. 
I also agree that people are here, definitely some more than others, are very quick to slap labels on people that are far from applicable. For instance they’ve really taken a liking to the word “Nazi” as of late. Yes, there are real Nazis and yes, some of the people making headlines are, in fact, real Nazis. But they are pointing fingers at anyone whose views contrast their own like a goddamn witch hunt and it (as usual on here) is getting really out of hand. 
Add that to the list of things that annoy me on Tumblr is people don’t know when to stop… 
Moving on, I think the fact that you enjoy offensive jokes is a whole new can of worms, and I am not going to address it in this post, only point out that I think it is a separate issue entirely.
I’m glad that my blog is safe enough that you feel comfortable telling me this, anon or not. I can see you are frustrated, but I appreciate that in spite of this, you aren’t slinging mud or even making broad generalizations about liberals, and it takes a lot to keep that kind of calm in the face of people being disrespectful and cruel. I have a lot of respect for that. Honestly some days it’s more than I can say for myself…
Thank you again for your perspective. 
I ask my followers if you are going to reply to either me or the anon, please keep it rational and respectful. I don’t want any vitriol or lashing out on this post. If you can’t debate calmly, then make your own post instead.
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