#If you have no context and just have the hallucination scene; you can squint and *might* find a way make it fit into a possible AU though
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That scene from this anime where the girl (Aira) almost fell off a cliff after a hallucination is a childhood core memory for me for some reason. 😭 (Said hallucination is around 38:47.)
This isn't a crossover AU. I drew it as connverse because I just thought it would be fun.
#If you have no context and just have the hallucination scene; you can squint and *might* find a way make it fit into a possible AU though#(?) Maybe? 😅#Originally was trying to draw them doing a dip while they were dancing and the memory of that specific scene flashed banged me like an#Akira meme#and. Like. I'm seriously having trouble drawing this dance move so I'll just turn this into that scene instead ┐(´ー`)┌ why not#Also practicing eyeball color-picking instead of eyedropping in this one. I still need to practice my eyeballing much more.#I kinda feel a little bad for anyone who wants to see rare Green Legend Ran content in 2025 and find this random Steven Universe instead 😅#connverse#Steven Quartz Universe#Connie Maheswaran#SU#characters as other characters#characters dressed as other characters#Steven Universe
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The Miys, Ch. 114
I’m hoping this chapter find everyone safe and sound. Normally, I wouldn’t start off with something like that, but I am queueing this on 11/5/2020, and a lot has happened in our world. Not just my country, but earthquakes, shootings.. it’s a lot.
Please be safe. My only, most sincere hope, is that reading this can bring you some relief from everything going on. And if you are reading this far after the fact - I’m glad you’re here to read it. I appreciate each and every follower and reader, and I just want you all to be okay.
As always, shoutouts go to @baelpenrose for beta reading this chapter, @raven-fae for being the reason I dared to post my scribbles in public, and @charlylimph-blog for being a bright light in a dark world. Charly, I don’t think you will ever know how much everyone loves you. I mean that. And finally, @zommbiebro for the ever-fun to write character of Jokul. You pushed and pushed to have this character exist, and I’m incredibly glad you did, because he is so much fun to play with.
“Antoine told me that Conor is going back to therapy,” Tyche mentioned nonchalantly as we were heading toward the exercise area.
I arched an eyebrow at her. “What do you mean back to therapy? I didn’t know he ever stopped.”
She flapped a hand at me. “You know what I mean. Not a touchbase appointment, a ‘this isn’t working’ appointment.”
“Ah,” was my sage reply. “Yeah, there was a tense moment. To be fair, though, it’s the first time anything like that has happened since he started seeing someone, and I think it needed to happen.”
“In what world…” she started, hands on her hips as she stopped walking.
Turning, I held up my hand to cut her off. “The last time someone was upset about what has been triggering Conor, I ended up with a busted lip.” I stared at her meaningfully.
She stared blankly for a moment, and I could almost hear her brain whirring. Then her eyes got wide and her mouth narrowed into a small ‘o’. “Oh.”
“Ohhhhhh…. Well that makes sense I guess. So, does that mean you and Maverick…?”
“Yep, group therapy!” I threw my hands up half-heartedly. “And there was much rejoicing. Yay.”
Her gaze snapped over my shoulder and her neck twisted as something caught her attention. “What the…” She blinked furiously before rubbing her eyes and squinting. “I’m hallucinating. I have to be.” Without waiting for me to ask what she meant, she grabbed my shoulders and turned me around.
Now it was my turn to blink. Walking towards, very focused on what looked to be a heated discussion, were none other than Arthur Farro and Jokull Bjornson. But… they weren’t arguing. Both looked to be wearing gym clothes, and I could tell they were sweaty even from so far away. As they got closer, they both also appeared to be bruised, and Jokul was even bleeding from the corner of his mouth. Regardless of all that, the animated way they were talking to each other looked more like a conversation between equals than it did the type of discussion that would lead to….
Well, that would lead to the fight they looked like they already had.
Soon enough, they noticed me and Tyche - it couldn’t have been hard. We were standing in the middle of the corridor, staring in shock and tilting our heads like it would force the scene to make more sense. “Reids!” Arthur greeted as he waved. “I need you two to settle an argument. Fortifications, yay or nay?”
“I thought the sentient bacterium and twelve-foot talking mushrooms were the weirdest thing I would ever see….” Tyche muttered.
I was far more eloquent. “I…. Arthur… this… what?” I sputtered, gesturing frantically between the two men.
Some part of that seemed to make sense, because he glanced at the taller man beside him and just shrugged. “Jokull wanted to practice hand to hand combat, and I’m the only one willing to hit him after the… Exhibition match? Everyone on the ship was nervous for some reason. Well, except Charly, of course.”
Jokull shook his head. “I feel my chances of survival with Farro are far higher than another fight with Miss Harper.”
Arthur eyed him weirdly, clearing his throat. “That’s because there is zero chance of me missing and ripping your throat out by accident, because I don’t bite.”
“There is zero chance of Charly missing,” I interjected. “And that was once, and you had it coming.”
Arthur continued, ignoring me. “Anyway, it’s not like anyone else on the Ark wanted to spar with me after that little show, either. So, win-win. Besides, he’s not a bad guy when he’s not doing things to make me actively want to kill him.”
Jokull laughed, but I was pretty sure he didn’t realize that Arthur was only half joking. Maybe half.
“Again, I’m sure Charly would spar with you, Arthur,” I pointed out. Tyche choked on laughter.
Arthur just looked at me like I spontaneously grew a third head and it happened to be drooling. “What part of she bites did you miss?”
“That. Was. One! Time!
“Besides, I’ve seen how you small women learned to fight in the After. I don’t know how hard I’d have to hit her to get her to stop biting, and I’d rather not hit a student hard enough to find out.”
Jokull mumbled, “Surprisingly hard, and in a nerve cluster, apparently.”
Both of us looked at him, eyes narrowed. Arthur’s next words came out very slowly. “If you’ve decked Charly, Jokull, you are on a fast track back to ‘let’s try axe versus saber’.”
Jokull turned to me frantically, “Councillor, I wasn’t aware…”
I interrupted him, again. “Arthur, it was that time she chomped his collarbone. Old news.”
Arthur was still scowling. “As long as that was the only time…” He shook his head, clearing the glare from his expression. “Anyway, it’s been kind of fun, actually. We’ve been comparing notes about our experiences in the After. What it was like for our groups, people we skirmished with, things we did to keep our territories safe and our people provided for…”
Jokull nodded, very seriously. “We have discussed several ideas regarding sustainable settlements and potential fortifications once we reach Von, along with distribution of resources and sheltering against winter months.”
“I’m pro-fortification, by the way,” I responded, now that I was caught up on the context of that question.
Arthur scowled at me and shook his head. “Et tu, Sophia? The need for any fortifications is still up in the air, but the rest are really solid.”
“I told you, Farro, fortifications against people are also fortifications against wildlife.”
“And I told You the odds of predators on Von are very low. Grey said so theirself.”
“Moose. I’m talking about moose. We don’t need predators if there are herbivores that large!”
“Grey insists there aren’t any indigenous species larger than Lyric on Von.”
“Have you met a badger? Really…”
As they started arguing, I slowly turned to Tyche, meeting her matching wide-eyed expression. “Did we somehow walk into a parallel universe?”
“I don’t think so?” She turned toward the fierce debate. “For what it’s worth, I’m anti-fortification.”
“SEE!? One of the Weird Sisters has sense!” Arthur crowed triumphantly.
“Councillor Reid is on my side!”
As the debate grew more heated, I whispered to Tyche. “You love fortifications,” I pointed out.
“But that wouldn’t have added fuel to the fire,” she replied, magnanimous as ever.
I rolled my eyes, before trying to shout over the men. “We’re headed to the gym! Stop at a medbay pleasethankyou!”
Arthur waved at the same time that Jokul gave me a thumbs-up, but neither stopped their debate for even a breath.
Shaking my head, I tugged Tyche away. “Boxing today?” She hated boxing.
“Ark to Tyche,” I gently shook her arm to get her attention. “Unarmed workout today. Boxing?”
“Huh?” She snapped her head at me and everything caught up. “What? No. Have you lost your mind?”
“It’s my turn to choose.”
“Just. Not that.”
“Ugh, fine,” I groaned dramatically. “Something with cardio, though. We both could use it with the gravity increases.”
“And what about armed workout.” For all that we were in a relatively peaceful situation, we were far from the only people on the Ark who practiced with weapons on a regular basis.
“Knives, duh.”
“Fighting or throwing?” She glanced at my expression and rolled her eyes. “Throwing. Of course. Why did I bother asking….”
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#the miys#found family#brotp?#science fiction#original science fiction#humans are weird#humans are space orcs#hfy#humans are space fae#humans are amazing#scifi#original scifi#aliens#apocalypse#my writing#fiction#original fiction
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StackedNatural Day 7: 5x03, 6x01
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
September 24, 2021
5x03: Free to Be You and Me
Written by: Jeremy Carver
Directed by: J. Miller Tobin
Original air date: September 24, 2009
Plot Synopsis:
Sam decides to stop hunting but has a hard time after he receives a surprise visit. Dean and Castiel try to find the Archangel Raphael in their bid to stop the Apocalypse.
“Personal space”, the tie fix and the badge flip, explicit substance abuse parallels that will be dropped when inconvenient to the plot, the infamous brothel scene, Raphael's lightning wings, God is an absent father, Sam as Lucifer’s vessel.
My Thoughts:
First multiple episode day!
CLASSIC EPISODE. I rewatched this one pretty recently but it’s fun to watch it in the context of stacked! Absolutely love that we get to watch Sam meet Lucifer for the first time immediately after watching Sam have his first hallucination of Lucifer in Meet the New Boss yesterday.
This is definitely one of the big Destiel episodes of the early seasons. I forgot that Dean buttoning up Cas’ shirt and fixing his tie, the upside down badge, and the entire brothel scene all happen in the same episode. WHAT a gift to me personally, thank you Jeremy Carver.
I have never once been able to watch the whole brothel scene without laughing out loud. The absolute desperate gay panic on Cas’ face the entire time is hysterical. The fact that Cas mentioned Chastity’s dad and her reaction was to scream like she was being stabbed to death. Hers being the first mention of absent fathers in an episode explicitly paralleling Dean and Cas’ relationship with their missing dads. Triangulation of desire between Dean, Cas, and Chastity if you squint hard enough (or at least in retrospect with November 5th being A Thing That Happened).
Cas’ little smile in the alley while Dean laughs is so precious, and correct me if I’m wrong but I think it’s the first time we see that kind of expression on his face? He’s pretty stoic in season 4 from what I remember.
The two best portrayals of angel wings in this entire show are Cas’ first appearance and Raphael’s lightning wings in this episode. The whole Raphael scene has immaculate vibes. The lighting, the directing, the acting, all off the charts.
It’s so early in their relationship but Dean deciding that he has Cas’ back in his search for God. First instance of capital-F Faith that Dean has displayed. I cry.
Sam’s struggle to maintain his bodily autonomy is so tasty in this episode, it brings me back to my Samgirl days. It’s such a good narrative choice to have Lucifer so casually say he’ll bring him back to life if he kills himself right after he had demon blood literally forced into his mouth. Also, can we talk about the hypocrisy of Lucifer saying that he’ll never trick or lie to Sam when five minutes ago he was pretending to be Sam’s dead girlfriend? That’s fucked, dude.
I was finished writing this part and checking my quotes and the blocking notes after Dean and Cas’ last conversation in the transcript got to me: “DEAN looks over; the shotgun seat is empty. His smile falters.”
Notable/Kickass Lines:
“You knew there was something dark inside of you. Deep down, maybe, but you knew. Maybe that's what got me killed. I was dead from the moment we said hello.”
“So, what, I'm Thelma and you're Louise and we're just going to hold hands and sail off this cliff together?”
“When humans want something really, really bad, we lie.”
“There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. Two, you are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch.”
“God? Didn’t you hear? He’s dead, Castiel. Dead.”
“Maybe one day. But today, you’re my little bitch.”
“I've had more fun with you in the past twenty-four hours than I've had with Sam in years, and you're not that much fun.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.8
IMdB rating: 8.6
6x01: Exile on Main St.
Written by: Sera Gamble
Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
Original air date: September 24, 2010
Plot Synopsis:
Sam is mysteriously released from Hell and seeks out his brother, who is trying to have a normal life. Together the brothers must join forces with their maternal grandfather, Samuel, and begin the fight anew.
Dean pretends to be a PTA dad, Dean almost kills a yorkie, the Campbell Family Business, an abrupt change in the djinn lore for plot convenience.
My Thoughts:
I know that Dean is a good liar because it’s a necessary part of being a hunter but it is almost tragic how easy it is for him to lie to Lisa and how easily she accepts it. I think she knows he's lying but just doesn't really care.
Obviously in this episode he isn’t actually happy but I still got super pissed halfway through thinking about how they’ve been telling us for TEN YEARS that what he really wanted was to settle down with a family and then. You know. Rebar.
Seeing him pull out John’s old leather jacket gave me visceral flashbacks (flash-forwards?) to Cas’ trenchcoat in the trunk of the Impala. He really just carries around the coats of people who have abandoned him, huh?
I remembered the salient points of this episode (Sam, the Campbells) but completely forgot what happened in the monster plot so the Azazel jumpscare got me, haha. Also fully forgot that Bobby had known Sam was alive and didn’t tell Dean and I felt so betrayed personally. So miserable for Dean that he got what he wanted and all it did was make him more unhappy. Watching this back-to-back with Free to Be You and Me was whiplash. He was so much happier hanging out with Cas hours away from almost certain death than he is with Lisa or when Sam comes back from the dead. They didn’t even hug!! Dean, that’s your brotherson! Come on!
I like the soulless Sam arc. He’s just off enough from previous seasons to be eerie but it isn’t overplayed. The Campbells are annoying as hell though. I know it’s on purpose and they’re supposed to be irritating but like. Stop microaggressing my favourite boy! Let him play golf!
This is kind of a bummer episode but the thing that made me saddest was watching his nightmare hallucination of Ben drinking Azazel’s blood and thinking “oh no, his biggest fear is losing another son to demon blood”. :(.
Notable/Kickass Lines:
“You wanted a family. You have for a long time, maybe the whole time.”
“My God, you have delicate features for a hunter.”
“I should've known that if I stayed with you that something would come, because something always does. But I was stupid and reckless and...You can't outrun your past.”
“You know, you had ancestors hacking the heads off vamps on the Mayflower.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 7.4
IMdB rating: 7.8
In Conclusion: Trying to find time to watch 2 episodes today was tricky. I am anticipating a lot of late nights in October and November when we hit 4 episodes a day regularly. RIP.
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#Stackednatural#supernatural#spn#5x03#Free to Be You and Me#6x01#Exile on Main Street#gonna completely fuck my sleep schedule this year I guess!
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I found this on my computer with no context:
Fan Fic Ideas:
Adrien and marionette kiss, but like its not good and they loose interest in each other.
Chloe starts vaping and dabbing and increases in popularity 1000%
The owl principle guy shaves his beard and is like, low-key attractive, and him and Mr. Busty-ayyy get it on
Sonic gets akumatized
Chapter One
Incident of the Crime —3:17pm
It started out as an accident. One fateful day, within the shade of the towering Eiffel tower, tragedy struck. A crowd quickly drew around the scene, only to be barred back by police tape and sirens. People with cell phones flashed pictures and the story was nearly viral. The paramedics skidded onto the scene in their ambulance before the TV crews could swarm, but the damage was done. None of the noise of the crowd or officers could drown out the sorrowful crying.
The EMTs quickly cleaned and bandaged the bloodied knees of Nino and Adrian, who were still reeling form the collision. Nino clutched his wound and gingerly was assisted out of his skates. Adrian kept trying to sit up, asking where his bicycle was, but the paramedics urged him to lay down.
“A-Adrien,” Nino stammered, “What happened?”
Adrien, still lying prone, craned his head about to assess what they collided with. Strewn across the pavement was hundreds glittering circlets. The boy squinted, trying to focus.
“Wedding Rings?” he questioned, groggily.
A police officer scooped one of the rings of the ground. It was cartoonishly large in his hand, polished smooth with no discerning features other wise. He gave a wary look the injured boys.
“Don’t tell me you boys have been shoplifting…” the officer started.
Nino broke, “N-no sir! We were just riding a long, talking about girls—“ he blushed, realized he was oversharing, but continued on determined, “when all of a sudden something blew past us.”
Adrien closed his eyes. The pain was beginning to settle in now that his adrenaline was fading. It was coming back to him.
“That’s right, officer. I thought it was a mailbox or an ice cream stand. First there was nothing, and then a wall of blue…” Adrien recalled.
One of the paramedics stood, “You boys are lucky to be alive. From what i’m seeing, you could’ve been swiped by a car…”
The boys were ushered into the ambulance. The EMTs recommended they go to the hospital, just to be safe and make sure there was no internal damage, but that the boys appeared to be fine. Adrien was only half listening. Instead, he felt a strange tingling around his miraculous ring, the way he always did when trouble was brewing.
Seven blocks away — 3:43 pm
The creature hobbled behind the safety of a garbage can, its legs weary from the 500m spill it took. The children had come out of seemingly nowhere on their bikes, and it simply could not stop in time.
The creature looked to its shaking, clammy hands to the singular brandished ring. It had welded hundreds before, but now it carried only one.
One is all I need…. It thought between weighted breaths.
The strangest thing happened next. A single butterfly drifted down in a stray sunbeam that illuminated the grungy backstreet. The creature swore it was hallucinating.
The butterfly nestled itself onto the soft knitted palm with the ring. It rested there for a moment, then seemingly melded into the fabric. A cold rush of air overcame the creature, and it watched in horror as the coloration of its blue fur slowly changed to a sickly plum.
its heart pounding, a voice came to the creature paralyzed behind the dumpster.
“Greetings. I am Hawkmoth. Your little joyride was quite amusing, if not for those bratty children…”
“I almost died…” came a croaked response
the voice continued, “Yes, but I will give you strength anew so that you may run once again, tiny marsupial. All I ask is that you return Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous to me!!”
“What the hell is a miraculous?”
“Umm… its like a personal token of sorts. They grant the incredible power that I desire. You are to retrieved Ladybugs earring and Chat Noirs ring.”
The creature perked up “Ring?”
“Yes, my child. Now go and take great precaution. Your adversaries are quite powerful.”
“No…” the creature spoke in a hushed whisper.
Hawkmoth faltered, “No?”
“No precautions…” the creature stood, empowers by the darkness surging through his veins. This voice was alien and his cause was confusing, but the creature knew what it must do. With all the certainty and determination it could muster it braced its oddly-human legs that had already healed over.
After some startling confusion. Turns out @sirwrenduranrun wrote it.
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