#If you don't like it that's ok it's my fault
love-byers · 2 days
so as hard as it may be to believe, i was a mileven shipper right up until just before vol 2 of s4 came out. not hardcore twitter mileven, but a shipper nonetheless. i did love will and mike's relationship, maybe even more than mileven, but i never clocked it as romantic. i vividly remember thinking "aww, will and mike would be so cute together but they would never let that happen." and never thought about it again. even when i saw the rain fight and heard "it's not my fault you don't like girls" i was like "ohh wow so will is probably gay" and didn't even think he was in love with mike. i didn't believe that until the s4 trailer said "i think there is someone he likes" and of course, this was because of my own heteronormativity. i dismissed everything i saw and didn't even look for hints because the idea that the writers would allow a gay relationship between two main characters was not even a thought in my head. once i dropped that and started to trust that the writers actually cared and did want queer characters/storylines, everything made sense.
so i went into s4 thinking mileven were gonna be fine and that will was sad and hopelessly in love with mike. i mean fully believing it. so im mindlessly watching s4 e2 and thinking "aww poor will mike is so in love with el he can't pay attention to will" no questions asked.
then the fight happened. when mike blew up and said "you were! you were! you were rolling your eyes, you were moping, you were barely talking you basically sabotaged the whole day" i was like " how do you know that" but still, i dismissed it and barely thought about it.
then it happened. "we're friends! we're. friends." all the alarm bells went off. red flags flew up. my eyebrows furrowed. "ummm what mike? he didn't say you were more than friends. why is he viewing this romantically and why is he being so defensive???"
i was so deep into believing the writers would never let the gay romance happen, but that just couldn't get past me. there's no other way that line can be interpreted. that's a trope that means one thing and one thing only.
my next thought was "ok, this is gonna be like the rain fight. will is gonna be really hurt by this and go silent."
but nope, will claps back with "well we used to be best friends!" and i was stunned. utterly stunned. what is going on here? what is this dynamic? and why is mike more worried about this than finding el? why did he care enough to completely stop walking so he couple blow up at will for not talking?? but still, i was somehow able to let this go. because the writers just wouldn't do that. would they?
the mileven fight happens and i've never wanted to backhand a teenager more in my entire life. i'm reminded of stancy and their whole "i love you" thing
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then THIS happened, and i was thinking more and more that mike doesn't love el romantically. look at his face when will says "whatever you didn't say you can say it to her then". will starts talking but the camera stays focused on mike and will remains blurred. we're supposed to be taking in mikes reaction. he says yes, but frowns and blinks rapidly. will was trying to reassure him, but mike has not been reassured. i don't know how to describe the emotion on his face. it's like you just had a chance to clear up your lie, but you still didn't, and now you're back to thinking about the moment your lie will blow up in your face. it's like his face is saying, "no, i can't just say it to her then because i don't want to."
the scene where they talk on top of the car is what started to make me think mike doesn't love el romantically. his reaction to will saying "it's scary, to say how you really feel. especially to people you care about the most. because..what if they don't like the truth?" he nodded. he felt seen. i remember thinking "ooooh. he doesn't love her and he knows she won't like that" everything made sense. if we apply mike's monologue logic to this, it makes no sense. whatever it is that mike is feeling, he thinks el won't like it. then he supposedly decides that the moment to tell her that is when she's dying?
mike is lying. he was holding back saying how he feels because he knows el won't like it. then when she's dying, he suddenly thinks his feelings are what she wants enough that it'll save her life? whatever he was feeling on top of the car and what he tells her in the monologue are not the same. you don't tell someone something they won't like when they're dying.
and 2 years ago i came to this conclusion without an ounce me believing byler could be canon.
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borzoilover69 · 2 days
just scrolled through your hs2:oot tag, looks great looking forward to it! ^^
yeah about that...
my interest in homestuck other than certain factors of it has been dead for a while. I dont think i have the motivation for it and desire to see that storyline through.
Since its.. on permanent hiatus. I suppose i can just spoil the entire storyline and the determined outcomes of the entire thing? So click below if you wanted to see how THAT story goes.
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HS2:OOT was to take place at the end of the long hiatus of hs2. After crocker targets johns house and burns it to the ground, jake comes back and finds the house, burning. BGD appears to torment Jake, arguing over fault, their relationship, and whether BGD is really saying what dirk would say. BGD also makes mention of the "cosmic asshole in space". As tensions rise, they reach a point where BGD decides to nope the fuck out and kill himself to detach himself from jake.
(ill add the pnale reference in a bit)
Jake has a breakdown.
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After the breakdown, Jake seeks out john. john has just exited roxy and calliopes house (again this took place after the great pause, everything that came out this year-ish wasnt around) and talk over issues, concluding that things HAVE been off. For a long time now. That they have to do something, but what?
Hesitantly, Jake asks about Johns retcon powers. They deliberate, John hesitant even though they are "off canon" these are still their friends. They go back and forth on this before john argues that he doesnt even know WHERE to retcon to. Yet they still give it a try. MEANWHILE.. CRUSIING THROUGH PARADOX SPACE AT THE SPEED OF WHATEVER...
A SHIP GOES DARK. DAVEBOT: hey is it getting dark in here or what DAVEBOT: what the fuck is happening ARADIA: oh dear we've run out of time DAVEBOT: no no fuck this wasnt supposed to happen shit. DAVEBOT: aradia the fuck are you talking about ARADIA: we've run out of time, i'm sorry dave. DAVEBOT: i thought doomed timelines were for the game only DAVEBOT: the whole fucking point of this was that we were going to get out DAVEBOT: we were supposed to get out DAVEBOT: shit callie what the hells going on
Jades body stiffens and falls limp.
Retconning without purpose brings them to a blank space. Specifically, the black hole in which alt calliope resides. And man is she PISSED. Shes vague, condescending, and focuses on the fact they were "comfortable" and "safe". This is met by profuse denials, they want things to happen and "hasnt nothing been happening enough?"
CALLIOPE: The page and the heir were to remain. JOHN: ok. shut up.
[bickering later ]
JOHN: ok, i don't really care though, because clearly none of this is right!! this is the most garbage i've ever heard!!! They argue and bicker, and even fight somewhat. Calliope kicks their asses royally, and yet their defiance raises an eyebrow. They decide to do a trade deal. Calliope will grant them a set amount of time and they must defeat or at least put a stop to Jakes cosmic ex. If they fail to do that, she will take ultimate control and send them all back.
Calliope sends them back to a point before dave ascended and before the wormhole closed. Its a bright sunny day, and jake appears a little bit after john does. When asked, he said that calliope was asking him for something. John doesnt ask what.
John asks out of the blue if they can head to karkats house. When asked why, he talks about johns situation and the guilt he vaguely references from their last conversation. karkat isnt fully part of the revolution yet, and since the happy nuptials of jade and dave, hes been staying home and bedrotting. Isolated from human society and the new troll society, he prefers it that way as he lacks aim or purpose.
They ask for his help, explaining their situation. "We need your help beating my cosmic ex." "WHAT THE FUCK SORT OF COCAINE DID YOU TWO DO. THAT SOUNDS LIKE BULLSHIT. REPEAT WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAID TO YOUR LOCAL PSYCHOLOGIST." He also goes into the whole "thing with dave" (writing by august)
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Karkat isnt budging, bringing up multiple points on why he shouldnt go, even if what theyre saying is true. This could really honestly be a cosmic fuck over. So when in doubt, reverse psych it out. John nonchalantly says ok, thats fine. We are going to respect your decision here. And karkat gets mad. REALLY. REALLY. MAD.
They end up reverse psychologying him into thinking its a personal FAVOUR that hes doing them by making sure they dont asphyxiate on dead air in space. Karkat and john talk about stuff happening, while Jake says he has to run a few errands. Karkat bringing up more questions about how easily john is doing this, john fumbling but probing more into what this pre-revolution karkat thinks to try and understand what the other karkat was on about. Jake returns, and the ship is ready to go.
this music
[Cue flash that shows the ship, then the town zooming out as. callback to when janes house entered the medium, and then zoom in on the ship as it takes off, entering through the wormhole into paradox space. Sollux on the roof gets blown over by the breeze, watching them. Inside the wormhole, Jake celebrates and highfives John before walking out, leaving karkat behind as he stares up into the soaring heavens. The perspective switches to the front of jakes ship, showing that its more reminiscent of a large battleship before it switches to dirks ship, flying through space he looks up at the screen. Slow pan over the members of the cast going to be relevant, terezi in front of a board of pinned papers and threads, rose watering plants, a timelapse of jakes ship and its occupants setting up and personallising the space. Alt calliope, davebot, the meat crew. etc. Cut to black and fade in text: HS2:OOT]
Ill put more later. But that was all of act one. maybe ill put up act two and other plotpoints later in another post along with the exclusive business.
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l1li4n · 2 days
ok so i know i disappeared again. but i have thoughts about the austrian gp and yes specifically about that incident. whatever happened, was both of their faults. the ratio may be different but this is racing. things like this always happen. they're always going to happen. people saying that max should've let lando pass, are you actually being fr? do you what sport this is? if he let lando pass he might as well retire. and lando in the press saying that they'll be friends only if max apologies?? like lan, i love you but that's not "friendship" is it? look i'm not saying that it wasn't max's fault. it was. it was lando's fault too. just because he's a popular driver and the other is a "villain", all the hate is being funnelled towards the latter. and don't get me wrong i understand that lando was frustrated and that he was very disappointed. but again THIS IS RACING. stuff like this is always gonna happen. heck it happened in the last race. it happens in almost all races. basically it just made me sad that after the video of max saying lando is his best friend on track, lando goes on to say in the pen that'll they'll only remain friends if he apologies. when i think it's common knowledge that max struggles with friendships, especially on the grid.
(edit: one of my mutuals told me as to how what a lot of lando has said has been translated from here to there. from what i first saw and read people were saying how he wouldn't be friends with max if he didn't apologize. but that's not what he said. he said he would simply lose some respect. which again, in the moment, understandable.)
and also i do totally, totally understand lando's frustration. and whatever he said was probably in the heat of the moment. they'll talk it out and it'll be fine. stuff like this has happened before as well.
and congratulations to george, oscar and carlos ofc. this meant so much to carlos as the shitshow that was spain. and ofc it meant a lot to merc too after the win for lewis too last race. i'm glad they're somewhat getting it together.
i'm sure they're fine since they're, yk, ADULTS. we all should honestly stop with all the hatred towards both of them. it's stupid and childish.
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msmargaretmurry · 2 days
for the i wish you would write meme, post scf winner's room? if you're into winner's room. if not, your thoughts on post scf mattdrai break up to future fic exes to lovers
ok so i'm not NOT into winner's room, but i have to be in the exact right mood to vibe with it, you know? i'll read and enjoy it but don't think i'll ever write it because i get way too caught up in the logistics + consent issues when i am the one pulling the strings. like my immediate thought here is, when is anyone going to have time for a winner's room sesh admist all the celebrating??? i totally get the appeal of the concept but i think you'd need someone more able to commit to the bit than i am to figure out how to write it 🙈
so: post-scf breakup to futurefic makeup!
i do think matthew winning the cup is such a delicious moment for a breakup because while it is a totally logical place to realize, yeah okay this conflict of interest is too big to overcome, it still feels like a petty kneejerk sore loser reaction. like, oh, you beat me for the cup? well , fuck you, you can't have me anymore, and i hope that sucks for you. and even if that's not what leon would think/feel when he's not drowning in grief and frustration, it's what he feels in that very specific awful moment, and then it's done, and he has to hold onto that grudge so tightly for years to justify it.
there are several fics already of the "they end of on the same team later in their careers" genre but that's fine, we can have another one. i think it would be great here. it's been long enough that leon losing the cup to matthew and the whole rivalry there is kind of like, well, people assume that he's over it. it's been years! he didn't have florida in his nmc! he must be fine with going there! and sure, he's fine with going to the team, it's just matthew he has a problem with. also kinda has a problem with the return his team got for him, like, they had to retain salary for florida to take him, which is just embarrassing. he's having a kind of off season, that doesn't mean he's not worth his paycheck.
and oooh, it's rough. not because matthew is awkward around him, but because matthew is picture perfect cordial friendly welcoming committee. he's shaking leon's hand, welcoming him to the team, introducing him to guys and cracking jokes about how obviously everyone already knows who leon is. but none of them know the real history between leon and matthew, and it is both a relief and a special kind of excruciating to have to act like this is just a fully fresh start. he's the new guy in the room; he won't be afforded the grace to hold a grudge anymore. it's up to him to make a good impression. he's never been very good at not wearing his heart on his sleeve, but he has to try.
insert here a painful slow burn reconciliation where leon tries to be friends and runs smack into the emotional wall matthew has thrown up against him — acting the part of the welcoming committee and being actually glad that leon's here are two totally separate things. and leon is wrong about no one knowing about their history, too (he learns, mortifyingly, one night when samuel corners him with some mild threats about how he needs to treat matthew). of course he makes friends on the team but it sucks because everyone loves matthew so much that it's hard to feel like anyone is really in his corner. he misses being on a team that loved him that much.
but ofc things will slowly thaw and matthew will start slowly making genuine efforts instead of just performative efforts to include him in team stuff, and he starts getting his groove back on the ice, and eventually things will come to a head where maybe leon (drunk, in his feelings for whatever reason) tries to kiss matthew, which matthew is NOT having, and they finally have the big fight they need to have — best day of my life and you tried to make me feel shitty about it; yeah well worst day of my life and it was your fault, etc — and once they're finally being honest they can finally, tentatively work their way back to each other. and bone tenderly about it.
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mollyrolls · 22 hours
hey cupid! ☆ iwaizumi h. x reader
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3. 1-0 Iwaizumi
warnings: kys jokes, language, angst
prev. / mlist. / next
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Iwaizumi had known Bokuto would be nervous. He had made allowances for it throughout the day, working in time for minor panics.
He had thought by the time they made it to the restaurant the nerves would have settled. But it seems that all that work was for naught.
Bokuto's wringing his hands and muttering under his breath, stealing glances at the door sporadically. 
Iwaizumi looks at him knowingly before leaning back in his chair. It's subtle, but the swing of his arm around Bokuto's shoulders cages them in. He makes his presence known in his actions rather than words. He’s never been good at that part.
And Bokuto gets that.
"Thank you for being here. I don't know what I'd do without you."
A simple squeeze. “What can I say. I'm the greatest."
Bokuto laughs hoarsely, still coming down to Earth. Iwaizumi stays.
A beat or two passes, and finally Bokuto lets out a rough exhale. "Ok. I'm ok. How are you feeling?”
He thinks for a moment. “I’m fine. Hungry.”
Bokuto seems disappointed by that response. “I mean about your date. Are you not at least a little bit excited?”
He shrugs. “What happens happens. I’m here for you.”
“Always the romantic Iwa. No wonder girls are head over heels for you.”
His hand goes to his chest. “Ouch, Bokuto! That’s a low blow.”
A grin cracks over Bokuto’s face. “Well, I mean it's not my fault tha-”
But the sentence falls off his lips as he looks over Iwaizumi’s shoulder. The other two have finally arrived, and he hears Bokuto’s throat clearing, willing oxygen back into his lungs. 
Iwaizumi vaguely recognizes Akaashi from old pictures, but he’s never seen her before.
There’s no denying that the girl Akaashi brought is pretty. Her smile at the hostess who points them to the table, the color of her dress and how it compliments her skin, the way she carries herself; it’s alluring. 
Her eyes settle and just slightly examine him. He doesn’t know what she saw, but what he does know is the twist in his chest that comes when she averts her gaze and whispers something to Akaashi.
The boy laughs at her comment, and Hajime notices Bokuto’s throat clear again, and his hands nervously wiping on his pants.
Once the pair reaches the table, pleasantries are passed. He thinks of it one second too late, and before he can pull her chair out she’s already sitting, smoothing her dress out around her.
He curses himself, knowing he should have been more prepared for that. He can’t help that he was distracted. 
Next to him, Bokuto and Akaashi are caught in a thick tension, neither one quite sure how to greet the other. He pauses, unsure of how to help, and looks at her to gauge her response.
Her reaction is not what he expected. She wears a small, private smile and watches the moment continue. It seems like she has no intention of stopping it, whereas Iwaizumi wants nothing more than to intervene before it becomes uncomfortable.
As if she can hear his internal debate, she looks up at him. He gestures to them silently, asking if he should do something. She shakes her head no.
He chooses to sit down, maybe scraping his chair a little louder than he otherwise might. It’s enough to break the two from their gaze. As they sit she exhales with a roll of her eyes, as if interrupting a painful moment was a crime. 
He returns her expression with a smile, not quite challenging her but enough to stand his ground.
“I’m glad you guys invited us,” Bokuto’s voice cuts through their staring contest. “How do you know each other?”
She startles, before smiling and looking over at her friend. “We vaguely knew each other in high school but then trauma bonded over an English class last year.”
“What? I can’t believe I didn’t know you before, I thought I knew everyone at school!” Bokuto laments, but she dismisses it with a wave.
They chat on, and her voice is nice in Hajime’s ears. He finds himself surprised at her demeanor, not nearly the soft-spoken girl he had assumed. He likes it.
Engaged by his thoughts, he doesn’t notice Bokuto calling him. 
“I’m trying to introduce you man, cmon!”
Hajime grins almost sheepishly, embarrassed that he got caught. Bokuto leans on him, then turns to her. “This is Iwaizumi Hajime.” 
She grins. “So I’ve heard.”
“Oh, you've heard about me?” The notion makes him laugh because surely anything she’s heard has come from Oikawa. So, nothing good.
“No. Just heard.”
His eyebrows pinch. She keeps smiling, with seemingly no malicious intent behind her words.
“Well, I haven’t heard about you. What are you majoring in?”
“Ugh, I’m undeclared. Probably will end up with a literature degree of some kind, but I really don’t want to.”
She twirls around her glass, lost in her own thoughts at the idea of that future. Hajime feels the need to repair something.
“If you want, you can always join the kinesiology program. It’s small but rewarding, and we always need new people.”
She smirks. “Do you always use dates as recruitment opportunities?”
Iwaizumi balks, not realizing he made such a faux pas. His reaction makes her grin wider. He feels like everything just got turned upside down.
“Ignore her, she thinks that kind of thing is funny.”
Akaashi interrupts, looking at her pointedly. She pouts at him for ruining her fun. 
“Oh, Iwa does too! He always tells me to kill myself.” Bokuto replies, with more enthusiasm than one should have when saying something like that.
Iwaizumi wants everything to stop for a second.
“She does too. I think it was the last thing in our texts, actually.” Akaashi replies, fishing out his phone to check. She leans over and snatches it away, embarrassment creeping up her neck.
“Um, anyway,” she swallows nervously, desperately trying to get the conversation away from that topic.
“Do you guys know what you’re going to order?” 
She must have just asked the first thing that came to mind, since they’re at a nabe restaurant. Obviously, they were going to get the same thing.
So, he laughs. He figured she was making a joke. When she stares at him with murderous intent in her eyes, he's not sure why.
Then when her expression doesn't falter, he wonders if she’s testing him again. “What? Were you not joking?”
“I don’t know what you're talking about.”
She seems genuinely confused. Hajime guesses she wasn't doing a bit after all.
“We’re having nabemono, why would you order anything else?” He didn't mean for it to be condescending, but she certainly takes it that way.
With a cross of her arms, she bites back hard. “I’m vegetarian."
“How was I supposed to know that?”
“I didn't say you were.”
“Then why are you mad?”
“Because you just laughed at me for no reason, and then started fighting with me over, I guess nothing?”
“Okay. Sorry.” Iwaizuimi chooses to disengage from the conversation before it gets any worse than it is. He thought that they had their dry senses of humor in common, but maybe he's being too brash.
She scoffs under her breath and Iwaizumi can make out the muttered ‘unbelievable’ as she faces Akaashi. 
He doesn’t know what just shifted, but the tension between them is no longer playful.
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It seems like the universe decided to pull an opposite day on Iwaizumi. He thought the goal of this night was to let Bokuto and Akaashi talk one-on-one, but she seems to vehemently disagree. Every time a topic comes up, she jumps on it and won’t let it go.
He keeps motioning at her to leave them alone, but she’s either really blind or ignoring him. Eventually, he taps her on her wrist to get her attention.
It backfires.
Jerking around at the sudden contact, she yanks her hand away. “What?”
“I’m just trying to talk to you.” He says, not entirely a lie. 
She glances to the side pointedly, silently communicating something Iwaizumi does not pick up on. When he looks blankly back at her, waiting for clarification, she just returns to the conversation with a huff.
He wants to pass it off as just another odd exchange, but she seems hell-bent on fighting with him and ignoring everything he’s saying.
He can’t think of anything he’s done to deserve this treatment, but it's sitting with him the wrong way. 
Sure, sometimes people don't hit it off immediately, but Iwaizumi has never felt this level of hostility from someone right after meeting them.
And just to rub salt in the wound, she turns and whispers to Akaashi again. They share another private moment, alienating him and Bo on the other side. He feels his blood start to boil.
“Something funny?”
Fine. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Sue him.
But after weaseling her way under his skin, pressing every button he didn't even know he had, and ruining Bokuto's chances of a good night, he wasn't going to let it slide anymore.
She bristles like an angry cat at the call-out.
“Nothing that concerns you, Iwaizumi.”
She uses his name as if it were a bad thing, a dirty word. 
The tension between them is mounting to an insurmountable degree and when Iwaizumi is about to retort, Bokuto and Akaashi laugh.
Like he said. Opposite day.
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She’s chattering on with Bokuto and Akaashi about some movie that’s coming out. There are soft murmurs and jokes passed over quiet bites, and it feels for a moment that things are going the way they’re supposed to. 
Akaashi seems the most invested in the discussion, and when he talks, Bokuto listens. It's nice. It’s how it should be. 
Hajime notices how she quietly slips out of the conversation, and right as he’s about to thank her for leaving the date to their date, she glares at him.
Like he was the one in the wrong.
“What problem could you possibly have now?” His temper is growing short and he doesn't have the energy for more sideways glances.
She glances back and forth, but Bokuto is keeping Akaashi animated. They’re not paying attention to anyone else. 
“I don’t have any problems,” she mutters back, “but you clearly do.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“God, I don’t know. There’s some barge pole up your ass keeping you from having a good time, and you’re sucking the life out of the conversation by constantly staying silent. Not to mention you keep staring at me like I just killed your puppy. What are those if not problems?”
Their voices are starting to raise just slightly, enough to make Bokuto and Akaashi pause their conversation. She smiles sweetly at Iwaizumi and rejoins the conversation. Of course.
For the rest of the night, he just nods and listens to the conversation, hands gripping his thighs as a way to take out some of the tension she instills in him.
By the time the check is paid, Iwaizumi is relishing in the fact that he’ll never have to see her again. But since she’s so good at getting under his skin, she can’t resist doing it one more time.
When they’re all walking out, she grabs onto his elbow and holds him back.
Pulling away from her touch, Iwa tries to glare at her.
He does not get a response.
In fact, she is not even looking at him. Her eyes are glued in front of her.
Bokuto and Akaashi are walking towards the doors, staggered significantly. They both try and make moves to meet up with the other, but visibly hold themselves back.
iwaizumi can feel the despair starting to bubble around Bokuto, from wanting something so much but being unsure how to get it.
He looks down at her again and she looks distraught, probably in realization of what she’s done. 
Selfishly, he can't resist one more jab.
“Are you satisfied?” “Okay, what is wrong with you?”
They both speak at the same time and are completely thrown by the other’s question. Iwaizumi can answer first.
“Nothing is wrong with me, I’m just pissed that my friend just had a terrible date because you would not stop talking through it. So, are you satisfied?”
Her jaw drops. And as if he would expect anything less at this point, her response is outrage. 
“I cannot believe you just said that." Her laugh is bitter, heartless. "I did not talk through the whole thing, I was being a part of the conversation. You should try it sometime.”
“I wouldn’t call dictating every other sentence as just ‘part of the conversation’. You didn’t let Bokuto and Akaashi have a moment alone to have their date.”
He bites out the last words, hoping she can finally understand what she did.
“I absolutely did! In fact, I remember you being the reason their conversation got cut short because you decided to get on me for something I didn’t fucking do.” 
“Yes, you fucking did.”
Iwaizumi can feel himself being mean, but can’t make himself stop. She makes him lose all his self-control.
“I asked you what your problem is because you were making fun of me and Bokuto directly in front of us. I thought we left giggling and secrets behind in middle school.” 
Her demeanor cracks for just a moment, revealing a small weakness, but it's gone just as quickly. He pushes on.
“All the little whispers and glances? Just because you’re not saying things out loud doesn't mean we’re dumb enough not to notice it.”
“I don’t know what kind of sick game you're playing with this, dangling Akaashi in front of Bo and then monopolizing all of his time, but saying you're here to help them is ridiculous. You might as well date Akaashi at this rate.” 
That seemed to have pushed her over some edge. There is nothing but fury in her eyes and she forces him to take the brunt of her wrath. He’s unimpressed.  
“You are ridiculous.”
Her words are full of malice, hands curling into fists.
“You think leaving these two men, who are clearly nervous wrecks, sitting alone with no one guiding the conversation is the way to go? How can you not see that your stupid idea would be driving them further apart?”
“You don't know that they wouldn’t find things to talk about because you didn’t let them speak.” 
Hajime notices momentarily how close they are to one another. He’s practically on top of her, but he can't move away because she would certainly take it as a sign of defeat. 
And like hell he’s letting her win this.
She’s about to retort when her phone buzzes. There’s a moment of hesitation as she chooses whether or not to check it, but her curiosity wins out.
1-0, Iwaizumi.
Her ire is suddenly replaced with something indiscernible. She turns on her heel, quickly grabbing her things.
“Whenever you’re done throwing whatever pity party is happening right here,” she calls out behind her, “You should sort your own shit out and realize you're not a martyr.”
She stops right in front of him and bores into his eyes.
“You fucked up too tonight, so don’t take it out on me because you don’t know how to be helpful.”
With that, she brushes past him without a second glance.
Iwaizumi is hot on her trail, refusing to let that be the last word of the night. As he calls out to her, she pushes open the door. He’s so focused that he doesn’t notice her abruptly stop, staring out into the road.
Just dodging a collision, he skates around her and turns to see what she’s seeing.
Bokuto and Akaashi are mirror images, looking down at the road, hands stuffed in pockets. Hearing the doors open, they twist their heads up, a silent plea. 
Her moves are instinctual, coming up beside Akaashi with a worried glance. 
They speak in hushed tones but Iwaizumi stoutly ignores her, moving over to grab Bokuto’s shoulder.
“Everything okay?” He mutters, and Bokuto makes a strained sound. He makes no signs of elaborating.
After a moment she faces them again, a smile painted on that doesn’t quite meet the eyes. 
“Thanks for dinner guys, it was nice. We’ll see you soon, okay?” 
Her tone makes it clear that it is not a question. Bokuto and Iwaizumi both nod, not sure of anything else to say.
She doesn’t bother looking at him but waves to Bokuto, and she and Akaashi turn and disappear into the night. Hajime pretends not to notice the small strokes she’s making along Akaashi’s arm, trying to soothe him. 
Once they are out of sight Bokuto lets out a sigh, somewhat pained and somewhat relieved.
“Do you wanna drink?”
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taglist: open! fill out here
@chemiru, @whosmarjj, @seroh, @skrunkly-soaked-rat
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fashion-foxy · 2 days
You know something that's odd to me? How weirdly the child of the Beauty and the Beast get handled in media. (Obviously, my only examples are EAH and Descendants, but walk with me on this.)
The Beauty is someone who will, for better or for worse, always see the best in everyone. They are kind and good-natured but is usually someone who still holds people accountable for their actions and intentions, not what the Beauty thinks their intentions are.
The Beast is someone who typically does not look past the surface level of a person out of stupidity or willful ignorance. The Beast is also very selfish ,closed-minded , and stubborn. Unfortunately , that means in retellings, the Beast is the only one to go a character arc, and the Beauty comes off as judgmental or too forgiving.
Both characters being foils means that it could be a bit challenging to portray a character that is a result of both of those personalities, but if done right, it creates a very interesting character!
So, what did EAH and Descendants do with what they were given?!
Well, for starters, a bad job, but you already knew that. Let's take a look at Rosabella Beauty and Benjamin Florian No Last Name Given. (Idk most Descendants characters don't have last names)
Rosabella is judgemental, which could definitely actually be a super cool thing that she got from her dad, but based off the fact that she didn't go on an arc and it didn't get presented as a character flaw, I suspect this was accidental. Which is real shame. It would've been a really cool concept to explore Rosabella actually being the Beast.
She is also, by not getting any meaningful character development, giving off major 'I could fix him' vibes with Daring. Except, she's ignoring what's actually wrong in his life and looking at surface level interpretations of what she thinks he's like. Then, deciding he's a self-centered narcissist who she needs to fix so he meets her standards. Hey, wait a spell. She kind of seems to embody more of the Beast characteristics than the Beauty's. I wonder if the writers might have had other plans but were forced to change her into something else or perhaps Mattel wanted to sell a doll of her and Daring so they had to awkwardly force a relationship and not use their original plans?
Ben is way too forgiving. When we first see him, he says that he wants to give the Isle kids (kids who were born to villians who've been trapped in a magic prison all their life) a chance at a normal life, which is great! It's probably one of the best things a 16 year old king could do. So when's the next time he forgives someone? When he tells Mal that he knows she drugged him. So, it's at this point where you kinda realize that he isn't being too forgiving he's trapped in an abusive relationship. Once he sees that Mal realizes the implications of that, he goes back on it, and he tells her that it's not that big of a deal that it's ok that he still loves her.
When's the next time something like this happens? When Mal tries to erase some of his memories after catching her lying about using magic. He obviously yells at her because that's a fucked up thing to do. She downplays the situation and makes excuses. Shortly after, she runs back to the Isle. Ben, assuming that she had the best intentions, blames himself and ultimately gets kidnapped and then drugged again. All of these interactions are all portrayed as 'his fault' and that he'd deserved everything that happened to him because he was holding Mal responsible for her actions. In the third movie, he even stops doing it. Hades asks him why an Auradon kid gets to be excused and why everyone on the Isle doesn't, and he looks at Mal but ignores the question. Mal doesn't answer because she's the reason this Auradon person (Audrey) is hurt because she ruined her life and is currently being excused by everyone, including the writers, but Audrey won't. Ben definitely won't.
So, aren't these the best portrayals of the Beauty and the Beast characteristics? Because mixing the traits incorrectly. If Ben was given more Beast characteristics than just roaring sometimes. Mal wouldn't be abusive if their were actually moments where Ben was being unreasonable and too quick to draw surface level conclusions.
Rosabella wouldn't come off as rude and judgemental if she was given more Beauty characteristics. If Daring was actually self-centered and Rosabella considered others and thought about others instead of drawing conclusions.
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(and I mean, he's not entirely wrong.)
So here's a list of what they complain about in each song:
LOOK DOWN: the prison system sucks
PROLOGUE: the life of an exconvict sucks
VALJEAN'S SOLILOQUY: this guy is too nice how dare he? And also the prison system still sucks.
AT THE END OF THE DAY: my workplace is full of cunts
I DREAMED A DREAM: men are the worst
LOVELY LADIES: selling my necklace, hair and becoming a prostitute to help my child is something that I have all the right to be mad about (she's completely right, Fantine you deserved sooooo much better queen)
FANTINE'S ARREST: (to the bourgeoisie asshole) stop dehumanizing me I will fight you (to javert) your justice is not fair (to Jean Valjean) It's kinda your fault that im in this situation tbh
THE RUNAWAY CART: (javert) YO HOMIE WTF ARE YOU HULK? [suspecting]or are you buff because of slavery?.....
WHO AM I?: Oh poo! Now I have to choose between lying (it will make god sad) or going back to jail (hundreds of people will lose their jobs and end up living in misery by my actions) Fuck them workers, im an honest man, lets save that one innocent man.
THE TRIAL: the justice system is flawed. Look at my sick ass tattoo in my chest. Ok nvm im going to se Fantine fuck you all.
FANTINE'S DEATH: I will never see my daughter again this is so unfair (it really is)
THE CONFRONTATION: (Jean Valjean) Javert could you FUCKING WAIT A SECOND! I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO DO(Javert) Im going to drop all my lore in two lines that you will not get cause were all singing at the same time; and NO, you can't just go, WTF?
MASTER OF THE HOUSE: Madam Thenardier has a solo just to talk shit about his husband (and he deserves every bit of it)
THE BARGAIN: (Thenardiers) NO, OF COURSE YOU CAN'T TAKE OUR LITTLE TREASURE AWAY -unless you pay for her, that is-
THE ROBBERY: (Eponine) FUCK YOU MARIUS MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! (Javert) Ewwww... i hate criminals! and also poor people. Same thing to me, really.
STARS: I'm so obsessed with that fugitive that it's starting to blur into an homoerotic desire. Also HOW DARE HE to be free? I will hunt him for sport
EPONINE'S ERRAND: (Eponine) So now I have to help YOU, the boy im in love with to find a random girl? ALSO WTF DON'T GIVE ME MONEY YOU ASSHOLE.
ABC CAFE: (Enjolras) STOP WHINING MARIUS, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR NON EXISTENT LOVE LIFE, WE ARE PLANNING A REVOLUTION HERE, YOU KNOW? Also please guys can we take this thing seriously? Please please please :(
DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING?: (the people, obviously) time to eat the rich or die trying!
RUE PLUMMET/IN MY LIFE: (Cosette) father, ur cool to be around and all that but.... Who the fuck are you? And why do we act like we are convicts running from the law (cause ur dad kinda is, sweetie)
A HEART FULL OF LOVE: (Eponine) It fucking sucks to have helped my crush find the girl he's in love with[who would have thought?] Guess I will look at them longingly from like five feet away while they confess their love for each other and purposefully ignore me.
THE ATTACK ON RUE PLUMMET: (Eponine) GODAMNIT they will think I'm one of those assholes I have to do something! Go away or I'll scream IM INSANE I WILL FUCKING DO IT. Also fuck you dad. (Babet) I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THE LORE, GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY THENARDIER (Thenardier) Im surrounded by idiots! (Jean Valjean) TIME TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, FUCK EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO SEE MY DOWNFALL.
ONE DAY MORE: (Jean Valjean) Kinda sucks to have to run from the law [yeah homie we noticed that] (Marius & Cosette) OH NO! I'LL BE SEPARATED FROM THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THAT I MET A WEEK AGO. WHAT A GREAT TRAGEDY (Eponine) Marius still doesnt care about me. (Enjolras) He's not complaining, he's having the best time of his life. Good for him. Enjoy it while it lasts, citizen! (Javert) Guess I'll go as a spy with this cool new outfit. [Again, not a complain but important to notice]
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we have a wedding on the 13th and AGES ago I asked my sister to babysit and I SENT HER A CALENDAR INVITE bc a wedding is a long time and also you can't just decide not to go at the last minute
and like 4 days ago she texts me that she has a work thing and IT'S ALSO HER SISTER IN LAW'S BIRTHDAY, which... the work thing, I guess that's ok, even though I did send her a calendar invite! but the sister in law thing? sorry you don't know when her birthdya is but like, you told me you'd babysit!!! That's your problem babe!!! It is not my fault that you double booked, and you booked us first! There was a CALENDAR INVITE.
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Narinilltih incorrect quotes
Narinder: *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
Lillith : What did you do?!
Narinder: NOBODY DIED!
Narinder: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Lillith : You and me!
Narinder: *tearing up* Ok.
Lillith : I can’t believe my birth certificate says F...
Lillith : ...How did I fail being born?
Lillith : As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Narinder: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Narinder: What is wrong with you?
Lillith : Many, many things...
Lillith : And most of them are your fucking fault.
Lillith : Narinder, when’s your birthday?
Narinder: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?
Lillith : …So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Lillith : Narinder is playing hard to get.
Lillith : Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Narinder: *watching the cult's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand?
Lillith : I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list.
Lillith : ...My man Narinder just killed a goldfish.
Narinder: *licking their lips* Yup. Delicious.
Lillith : That was so hot, Narinder.
Narinder: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Lillith : I'm so in love with you.
Narinder: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Lillith : That's great, Narinder. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years. (And have 9 kids)
Lillith : Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.
Narinder: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Narinder: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?
Lillith : Nope, there's 26.
Narinder: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.
Lillith : Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.
Narinder: You'll get the D later ;).
Narinder: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Lillith : *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Narinder: That one. I want that one.
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arrowfox1 · 4 months
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You know what I'm up at 5am thinking this stuff again. So I dug out the drawins I had and played them out. Yes there all part of my au recurring tower and yes there all unfinished and no I suck at noisette drawings and that's why she's not here. Idc if they look bad or not anymore because I want my au to be real and I'm taking this too slowly I feel. Also the building one is newer and is called sound studios (brought to you by NTV) and it's my own design I came up with myself cause I used to do drawings of buildings. (I also want to make other buildings like a log cabin for vigi and some of scenes and maybe write a story better then the one I wrote when making this au.)
(I hate 5am thoughts. Hurt my head and I can't sleep because I thought something and it bugged me so much..)
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behold: my least favorite string of words in the entirety of Tears of the Kingdom.
#totk critical#totk#tloz#gerudos#when will my brain return from the imprisoning war....#I just stumbled upon it again doing research yesterday and....#there's so many layers as to why it aggravates me#that it's spoken from the perspective of a masked woman as to embody all gerudos while removing her own identity#in the context of her loyalty to rauru as well#that giving birth to a bad man makes you responsible for his actions (he's not a toddler anymore he's an adult ok)#or more metaphorically that your initial conflict with hyrule makes you Sinful and cursed and you must Feel Bad Now *shame shame*#that she's passing on that ageless guilt with no expiration date onto the shoulders of *a teenager* and it's considered GOOD???#(wind waker shaking crying right now)#ALL OF THAT to prop her up to swear her loyalty to the people planning to go murder their ancient king (sure he's a Bad but still???)#using some sort of weird ass original sin scenario that is arguably not any gerudo's fault but Ganondorf's#(or if it is then it's not shown so ???)#the vibes are so so so off I just really !!!!! don't like#this is stuff like this that makes me reject that it's a good story about alliances being formed in good faith#because this is just manipulative#maybe the alliance angle everyone's stronger together was the intention but the execution is another story entirely#gerudos never benefited from ganondorf's actions also#so it's not even a case of making reparations for the way you benefit from systemic oppression due to your ancestor's actions#gerudos won literally nothing in ganondorf's war#apparently he even subjugated them if they weren't on his side (like.... a king would.... not to excuse it but the double standard here)#so it just instrumentalizes the ageless sin of motherhood + suffering under a bad monarch billion of years ago for war#so uhhh.... yeah that's not... that's pretty bad imo#the gerudo girl could have went “hey girl this man used us and still hurt us to this day let's kick his ass once and for all”#and this would have been a different story entirely#a little cheap but not.... That Bad
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martyrbat · 6 months
i think you can tell a lot about a person if they like kelley jones' art or not. for example, if they dont it's because theyre scared of whimsy and joy
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jade-len · 7 days
Me, fully prepared to be a little ass: If I were a horrible person and killed a bunch of people, would you report me to the police? lol
My older brother: Even if you were a monster, i'd protect you. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to hate or punish you. You turning out that way would be my fault because I should've been a better sibling. In the end, you'll always be my responsibility, and more importantly, my younger brother. I'll always love you.
Me, about to fucking bawl my eyes out: Hey what the fuck
so anyways after careful consideration and recollecting, that's how i came to the devastating realization that my older brother was a yue qingyuan kinnie.
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reanimatedgh0ul · 2 months
my fenton family + vlad height hcs be upon ye
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asmo-cosmetics · 2 months
when i say i ship asrian what i need you to understand is that i mean i want asra to apologize and beg for julian back. possibly in messy tears
#you can't convince me he wasn't the shittiest most manipulative awful boyfriend ever. no one understands me#as always debate and arguments are not welcome on my posts and you will be blocked#but like. listen ok. my headcanon is basically that they were fwb (for a rlly long time)#and julian fell in love with him because of course he did#and asra knew even before he ever admitted it because julian is obvious af#but asra was essentially just using julian and specifically dominating julian as an outlet to feel powerful#so the whole dynamic was basically humiliating for julian because they both knew that he loved asra and they both knew that asra#was using him for sex#but then asra actually did slowly start to fall in love with julian#which julian would obviously never notice because he hates himself#so it was pretty easy to hide. so asra hid it because he hated the thought of being vulnerable in front of julian#and then eventually let julian leave him with his whole dramatic shit of 'asra you deserve better'#and he couldn't say anything because he knew it was his fault#because that was what asra had made him believe#and then finds a way to twist it in his head to basically what he told mc in julian's route#that julian was 'deciding what's best for him'#instead of admitting that he was in love but he couldn't admit it because he thought he was above someone like julian#asrian#the arcana#wank //#<- i don't really see it as wank but i also really do not want asra stans bitching on my posts 🙏
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vcrnons · 10 months
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VERNON | 'Snap Shoot' @ MCOUNTDOWN 19.09.19
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