#If yall aint breaking every single plot point of a story so you can ship your faves together then like. what r u doing. go have some fun.
loonylooly · 4 months
What I dont get about the acotar fandom in particular is how close minded it is? Like, my other main fandom is like, atleast 75% the fans running because the creators are bad at what they do, but acotar, where honestly..sjm is ALSO bad at what she does, suddenly its like, a crime to have your own interpretation of a character or a ship or whatever the hell. Like guuuyyyssss let's be creativeee! Why even be a fandom if we can't do fan stuff like simple shipping without chaos ensuing, its nuts. Just let people do what they wanna do, ship what they wanna ship, and if you don't like what they're up to, block them and move on? It's just so baffling how set in stone everything seems to be here, but that might just be because I'm not used to it. Idk, seems bizarre to me. Like, "it's not canon!!" who cares broski
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