#If they had met in real life Johnny would have tried to bully V into something
sydneighsays · 6 months
I'm going to start posting my cyberpunk animatics on here too.
Here's 1/3 💕
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They're trying to convince Nibbles that they have a city to burn.
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blepbaek · 6 years
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*.·:·.☽✧Johnny ✧☾.·:·.*
character bio
character: Johnny Seo
○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: John Seo
meaning: Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name John is: Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor.
pronunciation: /dʒɒn/
nickname(s): Johnny, ferret, noodle
age: 23
birthday: January 9th
star sign: Capricorn
star signs traits:
hometown: Chicago, USA
occupation: Vet
○ f a m i l y
mother: Mary Seo née Garner
Johnny and his mother used to get on very well. They were always very close until he reached about 11. That’s when the abuse happened when Johnny skipped a bible study school to go to the playground with his friends. After that, she stopped being close with him and hardly spoke to him unless she had to at events, dinner time and to shout at him. His mother was more of a mental abuser than a physical.
father: Joshua Seo
Johnny always found his father quite cold. They were never close, he was only interested in Johnny when he thought of the grandkids he could have and the greatness he could bring to the family. After the incident, his father became worse and was often the one the inflicted the physical abuse, he often lashed out on him when something went wrong that had nothing to do with Johnny.
He isn’t in contact with any of his parents now.
★ Unknown sibling
His mother was pregnant when he left home. He never found out whether it was a boy or a girl or whether it even survived.
aunts + uncles:
★ Joseph and Juliette Seo
His aunt and uncle never liked him. They disliked him from the moment they first met him. They didn’t know about the abuse he was receiving but Johnny doubted they would have cared if they had known.
★ Audrey Garner
The only family member that was ever nice to him. She lived alone and never married and hated the heavy practice of religion that his parents did. She always offered him a small safe haven. After she moved away, he felt truly alone. Johnny found out she had passed after a supposed mugging a month or so after moving in with Jaehyun when he was 20. Audrey had managed to track him down and sent him all her remaining money in her will, telling him to do with it what he wished.
★ Chloe and Adam Seo
His cousins often look down on him. They’re the perfect straight-A students that want to be a teacher and a doctor and have a perfect family of their own. They’re the perfect children for a heavily religious family. Johnny always tried to avoid them when he came into contact with them as they tended to bully him often. Adam once beat him up while Chloe just laughed.
other family members:
★ Charity Seo
His grandmother never cared about him. Never bought him birthday or Christmas presents. Never acknowledged him whenever she came to visit. Johnny didn’t know why she disliked him so much, as she acted like this before the incident. Afterwards, she was worse.
○ f r i e n d s h i p s
❇︎Mark Lee
Johnny met Mark when the other boy was only around 10; before the beatings started. Johnny acted like an older brother to him and they became close very quickly. Johnny found happiness with Mark and constantly tried to get away from home to hang out with him. Once Johnny left home, he knew exactly where to go. Mark’s family took him in instantly and treated him like their own. Even to this day Mark and Johnny remain best friends and constantly tell each other everything.
❇︎Jaehyun Jung
Johnny met Jaehyun when the other boy auditioned for Mark’s mother’s company that Johnny was a part of. Johnny found his vocals amazing and asked him to teach him, in return Johnny would teach Jaehyun piano, a skill he’d known since he was young. Jaehyun came in complaining that he needed a roommate quickly because he couldn’t pay the rent of his apartment alone, Johnny offered as he felt he should leave Mark’s family home soon. They came closer after Johnny moved in and still live with each other now. Johnny feels thankful to Jaehyun for letting him move in.
❇︎Doyoung Kim, Yuta Nakamoto & Jungwoo Kim
Boys from the company that Johnny always hung around with. Doyoung and he always tease each other but he knows he’d be there for him no matter what. Johnny and Yuta always play pranks on everyone and are constantly being called little devils by others at the company. Johnny wants to protect Jungwoo and thinks of him as a little brother, even if one-time Jungwoo almost murdered him when he was mad after a prank him and Yuta had played. He remains friends with them still.
❇︎Hansol Ji
Johnny and Hansol used to be inseparable for a while. They were constantly together along with Yuta and often got called the ‘twin towers’ due to their heights. Hansol was quiet but Johnny could bring out the loud and hyper side of him. Johnny considered him a best friend for a long time and told him everything. After an incident concerning Hansol and Yuta, Hansol moved without warning and fell out of touch with them. Johnny misses him a lot and wishes to come into contact with him again.
❇︎Kun Qian
Johnny helped Kun out when he first moved as he couldn’t speak the language very well and often get rather shy and anxious around people and didn’t speak up. Johnny gave Kun lessons and the two grew close. One time during their lessons, Kun attempted to kiss the other boy but he moved away and denied it. It turned out that Kun had a crush on him and had for a small while but after finding out Johnny didn’t feel the same he decided to not push the matter further. The two didn’t let the unrequited feelings get in between them and still remain close friends, just friends, today.
❇︎Sehun Oh
Johnny has known Sehun since he can remember. The younger boy’s family actually attended an event that Johnny’s family did and Johnny and Sehun immediately came close after going on an adventure together and both ending up being stung by nettles and bees several times. Johnny didn’t go to Sehun after what happened to him because he was scared Sehun’s mother would contact his family to try and sort it out and when he told Sehun, he agreed with him but said he was always welcome at his home anyway. Johnny was one of Sehun’s best men at his wedding and he still can’t believe he has settled down. They still remain best friends despite not seeing much of each other.
❇︎The kids
Johnny calls Chenle, Jaemin and Yangyang the kids as his basically tries to be their father. He met Chenle through Kun after he arrived at the company, he also couldn’t speak much and so Johnny helped him like he did Kun. Johnny met Jaemin through Mark, he is the one he has known the longest, the two had known each other before Jaemin arrived at the company and Johnny absolutely found the boy adorable, even if he was a flit. Yangyang, he met through Jaemin. He was quiet and shy at first but after coming out his shell Johnny and Yangyang often joke around together and he really likes him. Johnny loves his ‘kids’ and is happy to see them growing up so well.
❇︎Sunny, Yeri and Min Lee
Mark’s family were like Johnny’s second family even before they took him in and afterwards they became even more so. They took him in with open arms and treated him like one of the family and still do today. Sunny did so much for him such as buy him new things he didn’t take from home and pay for therapy for him. Yeri acted as though Johnny was her real big brother and often teased him a lot. Min helped him through a lot of his trauma and was there for him. Johnny now considers them more his family than his actual blood family.
❊ He had a poodle named Flower when he was younger but she was given away just after the incident to a family down the road from him.
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: Gay
past relationships:
current relationship status:
Johnny was slightly intimidated by Cas when he first met him. Even if he thought he was utterly gorgeous, he was far too flirty and Johnny didn’t think they would ever happen. It came as a shock to Johnny when he found himself opening up to the other boy and found there was a softer more adorable side to him. Johnny couldn’t be happier to have him in his life and even though he was terrified at first as he thought Cas wouldn’t really want him, especially after showing him his several scars because he seemed so out of his league. Although it still scares Johnny sometimes, he trusts Cas enough to know he wouldn’t ditch him over something like that, especially now that he has moved in. Johnny doesn’t want a life without Cas and he utterly adores him and wants to be with him for the rest of his life.
○ f a c t s
any disorders:
☞ Did suffer from light PTSD after the beatings from his parents but after therapy that Sunny paid for, the disorder has lessened a lot, although he does still have some nightmares.
any past or current illnesses:
☞ N/A
accent: Johnny speaks with a typical American accent but with a rather heavy lisp that makes his pronunciation of words different to others, he tries to hide it as much as he can but it’s still very noticeable.
appearance: Johnny is rather lanky due to his height and has very long legs. He is rather muscular but you wouldn’t be able to tell under his clothes.
style: Johnny goes between two looks; a rocker look with band t-shirts and ripped jeans or a comfy look with gigantic jumpers and cardigans and oversized t-shirts.
height: 6’3
☞Several across his body from the beatings he received from his parents
☞One severe one on his chest from the last beating before he left home
☞A few self-inflicted ones on his wrist
☞His birthmark on his arm which looks like a bruise
☞One on each ear
beliefs: Johnny is really not religious, and after his childhood believes that your blood family isn’t your family unless they act like it
○ b i o g r a p h y
For the first 10 or so years of his life, Johnny lived the high life. His parents were well off citizens in their small neighbourhood with good jobs and paid for Johnny to have a good education; which included a Sunday school as his family and town were highly religious. Young Johnny never cared about religion but obliged anyway, he never wanted to disappoint his parents. Johnny had wanted to be a vet since he was younger but his father told him to try and be a government man and focus on people rather than animals. On the fateful Sunday were Johnny and two other boys from his Sunday school decided to skip, his life changed. He got his puppy Flower taken away and all his privileges and became the target for his parent's anger. They stopped buying him expensive clothing and presents and didn’t give him dinner money, forcing him to go hungry at school. Johnny told his best friend Mark what was happening, Mark immediately informed his brother Min; someone who went to the same school as Johnny at the time, to take an extra lunch. Johnny was 16 when he left home, meaning he endured 5 or so years of being his parent's punching bag. He left home after his father slashed him with a cut piece of glass and allowed him to bleed on the floor. If it wasn’t for Mark walking in on that moment, Johnny would have died. Johnny spent 4/5 years with Mark’s family, even visiting their hometown of Canada with them, he truly became part of the family but after turning 21 Johnny thought he should start looking for a place of his own. During the time he was with Mark’s family, he became a part of their families entertainment company and became heavily interested in music and further developed his piano skills from when he was younger. It was there he met Jaehyun, and around a year later, he moved in with him after the boy complained about needing a roommate. After his aunts passing, Johnny used the money from her will to finally go to University and become a vet. Recently, Johnny has passed his final exams and has gained a job at a local vet he trained at while on his course. Right now, Johnny couldn’t be happier. He is in love and is surrounded by his closest and best friends.
school life:
Before everything happened to him, Johnny was a good and bright student with straight A’s and at the top of his class for everything. Yet after, he slipped. He didn’t concentrate as much and just about passed high school thanks to tutoring from Min once he moved in. Johnny didn’t go to college and instead spent a few years at the entertainment company and working part-time in a bar. Then he went to university after completing a few month online programmes to allow him to enter. He passed his exams with flying colours despite his nerves.
dreams + aspirations:
▹To be a qualified Vet✓
▹To work in a proper Vet✓
▹Perform piano in front of a crowd✓
▹Get a new puppy
▹Find his true love✓
▹Move into a small home
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾Scented candles
✾Stinging things
talents / skills:
✾Singing / Rapping
movie: Lion King
food: Hot Dog
drink: Green Tea
book: A Passage To India - E.M. Forster
character: No Face - Spirited Away
game: The Legend of Zelda series
tv show: Supernatural
band / singer: The Beatles
colour: Blue
song: Yesterday - The Beatles
place: His window seat in his room
season: Summer
quirks + habits:
✾Biting his lips
✾Trying to make himself seem small
✾Losing Cas
✾Breaking friends with Jae, Mark etc
✾His parents finding him
usual mood: Rather sleep but happy
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke?
Did once, but never again
do they drink?
Occasionally but not a lot due to his father being a heavy drinker and that causing most of the beatings.
- what are they like drunk?
Johnny gets rather flirty and clingy when he is drunk and likes hugging and holding people.
do they do any drugs?
Did once, but never again.
do they have to take any medication?
He was on a small dose of anti-depressants but only for a short while
notable objects:
▫︎A friendship bracelet him and mark have had for years
▫︎A small picture of his aunt and him
▫︎His earrings he always wears
Hogwarts house? Gryffindor
patronus? Ferret
if they could live in a fictional place, where? Pride rock
faceclaim:: Johnny Seo
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