#If they can’t have wishes they realized dude was the lucky lamp so they gotta demand him to grant him good fortune
It’s Tough to be a God
here’s Kyle pondering on many things like he and Stanley wondering on where to go out, trying to convince Fred not to steal his golden whistle to go to alternative dimensions watching over the forest near the railway, he got into an a scruffle again the list drags on
also not so fun fact Kyle doesn’t wear his hair long after a majority of time with the scientists along with passengers, workers and just other folks constantly touching, grabbing, yanking even cutting his hair off when he was asleep under the belief it would grant them magical properties or protection or for examination (some stranger chopped his hair off when he was sleeping in humaniod au)
so for his own safety (though Kyle laughs and saids it was a hassle to take care of) he keeps it as short as possible though he once wore it long when he was inside the lamp cause I refuse to believe it gotta let Kyle go off so easily, he’s bonded to it so I imagine this pic takes place in the future when he isn’t so much if a danger magnet but also cause my mind is like “LONG HAIR KYLE LONG HAIR KYLE-“
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ᴘʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴄᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇs ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ
ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (𝟷𝟾+)
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: (ANON) Soft romantic Valentine’s Day sex with Peter, bonus points if it’s their first time.. or maybe their first Valentine’s Day being married 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (since it’s way past v-day, i did like a tony’s gala/charity party thing hope that’s ok)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: smut 18+, super fluffy and silly smut, virginsssss
Tw: harassment/sexual assault
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: hey bug I’m still trying to get used to the whole writer thing it’s still a pretty new concept but thank you for being so patient with me! I tried to make this a realistic when it comes to first time sex as possible, it pretty awkward and goofy, a little sudden, but i think it’s pretty cute
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Peter couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You moved so gracefully between the bodies of rich chatty folk. Now that you both were adults it was mandatory according to Tony that you guys had to attend these things. Peter wished he could go back to when you two would watch Star Wars and play video games up in your room during these boring parties.
“Dude, you gotta just grow a pair and ask her on a date,” Sam interrupted.
“Come on man. It’s not that easy,” he argued.
“Yeah it is; you just go up to her and say, ‘Hey I think you’re hot, I’m in love with you, Let’s fuck’,” Sam joked.
“Hey, no. They’re virgins. They don’t ‘fuck’,” Nat said amusingly. 
“What! No- I- uh,” Peter stammered over his words heavily as Nat, Sam, Bucky and Steve laughed around him; not at him of course, well maybe Sam. 
“Hey man it’s ok,” Steve reassured.
“Yeah, Steve is still a virgin,” Bucky joked, making Steve push him unamused.
“Seriously though, it’s ok having not done anything. Virginity and purity culture is gross and weird and way too fetishized nowadays. You do it when you feel comfortable and with someone you completely trust; and remember just like everything else, practice makes perfect,” Nat winked at Peter, making him blush. 
Peter thought about it and honestly he trusted you the most with his life. It wasn’t a secret that Peter really liked you; well apparently it was a secret to you. He was so in love with you but he was positive you didn’t feel the same way. You were so beautiful there was no way in your right mind that you’d even look in his direction.
You were talking with some douche at the bar. Peter hated how close he was standing to you. He didn’t think he deserved someone as special as you but he certainly knew that someone like that guy didn’t deserve even your attention let alone a conversation. Although looking at it, it seems like you’re just listening and he’s yapping away.
“You’re like one of the hottest bitches I’ve ever met,” the guy slurred.
You’ve been stuck with this guy for the past twenty minutes. Every time you think you could slip away he tugged your arm and pulled you back in. this guy was drunk off his ass and every slurred word went through one ear and out the other. 
“I need to use the restroom, excuse me,” you tried to leave.
“That’s not gonna work on me princess, come here,” he grabbed your waist and you moved your hands between your bodies.
“Hey, what the hell?” Peter said, noticing the commotion between you and that guy.
The guys looked over and saw that you were clearly uncomfortable and none of them were having it. Peter especially was fuming. This guy's hands were all over you and he knows you didn’t let him. His face buried uncomfortably in your neck and your face held a fearful look. Peter stomped through the crowd to help you.
“Hey man, get your hands off of her,” Peter said sternly. 
“Oh, ho, ho. Cute,” the guy mocked.
“Lay off kid. Help a brother out,” he slurred.
“Peter,” you whispered desperately.
“She doesn’t seem interested, so back off,” Peter pushed him. 
“I’m not gonna tell you again, kid. Leave us alone, sometimes women might not say what they want but they always want it,” he growled disgustingly. Peter looked at you and saw nothing but terror and fright; there was no way in hell he was leaving you.
“Hey, man. We’re gonna give you ten seconds to get the fuck out here,” Nat said intimidatingly; but with a man’s misogynistic ego that big he surprisingly didn’t back down.
“Now,” Steve’s voice boomed loudly towering over him.
“What are you gonna about it?” he mocked.
Bucky wasn’t having it either and grabbed his collared-shirt with his metal and dragged him towards the exit. 
“If I ever see your ugly ass face again, I’ll kill you,” Bucky’s voice shook the man and he scurried away.
You looked at Peter and hugged him tightly softly crying into his shoulder. He held you tightly and whispered softly in your ear soothing you. You couldn’t get rid of him and you didn’t want to think about what could’ve happened if Peter and the rest of the guys didn’t help you.
“Sorry, for the ruckus,” you whispered, noticing the people watching confusedly at you guys.
“Don’t be, guy was a total piece of shit. Are you ok?”
“Can we just leave?” you asked him.
“Of course,” Peter held your hand tightly and led towards the elevator.
“Hey kids, you guys ok? Steve told me what happened,” Tony asked you two.
“We’re gonna go upstairs now,” Peter told him quietly.
“Of course,” Tony said remorsefully.
“Kid?” Tony whispered to Peter, “Use protection.”
“Seriously, Mr. Stark?”
“Hey, I’m kidding. I’m kidding; take care of her will ya?”
“Your room or mine?” Peter asked you.
“Can we watch a movie or something?”
Peter gave you his clothes for you to change comfortably in and you went to the bathroom to change. In the meantime Peter too changed into a tight black shirt and sweats. Suddenly he heard the door open slightly and you peeked your head out worriedly.
“Uh Pete,” you called him.
“Is everything alright?”
“The uh, the pants you gave me? They don’t fit,” you whispered shyly.
“Oh no, uh ok hold on,” Peter scurried to find another pair.
You opened the door wider tugging his shirt in holes it might cover your modesty; this was the most undressed you’ve ever been in front of a boy. Peter looked back at you frantically but definitely did a double take seeing your bare legs so exposed. 
“Sorry, I can’t seem to find anything,” he stuttered a bit.
“It’s ok, the shirt’s pretty long,” you tiptoed to the bed covering yourself with the blanket.
“Sorry about you know,” he sat with you.
“It’s ok. I just kinda wish I was more like Nat. You know then maybe I wouldn’t have been in that situation, I’d be able to kick his butt,” you chuckled. But Peter didn’t.
“Hey, you weren’t in that situation because you weren’t physically strong, it was because that guy was the scum of the earth.”
“Thanks, Pete,” you placed your hand on top of his; Peter’s stomach flipped when you did. 
“Peter?” you asked him.
“You’re staring,” you smiled.
“Sorry,” he looked away shyly. 
You and Peter sat on the bed as a movie played. It was one of your favorites and you couldn’t help marvel at the best scenes; your laugh was infectious. Peter couldn’t help but ogle at you. He thought you were so beautiful and funny. He wonders why you’ve never had a boyfriend. Any guy would be so lucky to be yours; expect that fucker who put his hands on you
“Y/n?” he asked sheepishly.
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend? If you don’t want to answer it’s ok, I realize that probably sounds invasive, and-”
“It’s ok. I uh- I don’t know. I guess guys don’t like me like that? What about you, you haven’t dated since MJ.”
“I- uh, ok uh- Ok you got me there,” he laughed. 
“It’s just I asked because you’re uh, well, it’s no secret you’re very pretty, Y/n. Any guy would be so lucky to be your boyfriend,” Peter blushed.
“Thanks, Peter. I don’t know, guys are just too,” you couldn’t necessarily find the words.
“Obnoxious, irritating, rude, aggressive,” he finished making you laugh. 
“No, well, yes, but I guess the word would be… overbearing. Guys are so pretentious, you know. And not to mention they want everything but the kitchen sink in a girl. And I don’t have that. Guys don’t look at me and think, ‘Wow, she's the most beautiful girl ever. I want to date her’,” you explained with a faint chuckle. 
“I think that,” Peter blurted out.
“Well, then I wish more guys were like you, Peter,” you said smoothly. 
You and Peter both hadn’t realized the space between you two closing in. Your faces were mere inches apart and you both felt hot and flushed, yet neither one of your wanted to pull away. The sound of the movie playing in the background was drowned out for a second but now it was almost as if it was the loudest thing bursting your eardrums. 
You quickly snapped your head back to the TV breathing out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You could see the disappointment on Peter’s face when you did out of the corner of your eye but you didn’t think it was appropriate right now. Besides, the last thing you wanted to do was kiss a boy after what happened downstairs. 
You crawled back and tucked the rest of your body under the sheets and Peter did too. You felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest; terrified that with his heightened senses he could hear your heartbeat. 
He could; and that made his beat faster too.
You two watched the movie in silence after getting yourselves comfortable. Peter’s lights were off and a small lamp along with the bright TV was the only thing illuminating the room. It felt small but you managed. 
You felt like you couldn’t focus on the movie with Peter laying so close to you. You could practically feel his body heat radiating off of him and you wished so badly that you had the courage to tell him how much you liked him. 
You didn’t think he liked you back but after what he said about wanting to date you, you weren’t so doubtful that he felt that way too now. You finally started focusing on the movie again trying your best to not think about Peter but that didn’t help at all considering the two characters … kissing, if that’s what you want to call it.
Your eyes slightly widen seeing the man’s hand crawl up the woman’s shirt. Her gasps and moans seemed louder than you remembered. You could see Peter shifted beside you as the things on the screen became more and more heated. 
“I forgot about this scene,” you cringed at yourself.
“It’s ok, you uh, do you want to watch a different movie?”
“Sure,” you squeaked.
Peter put a new movie on but neither of you could get the images out of your heads. Without the other knowing, you both wondered what it would be like, feel like if Peter’s hands roamed your body that way. Bringing goosebumps to your skin. The way your soft gasps and moans would sound against the shell of Peter’s ear. 
You couldn’t help the wetness pooling between your thighs wondering what Peter would do first. You wondered if he’d ever been with another girl and if he did, well that didn’t sit right with you. You swallowed and unbeknownst to you Peter could sense everything. 
He knew how much your breathing quickened after. He could feel the rapid beating of your heartbeat after watching only seconds of that scene. He could smell the sweet arousal coming out of you as you softly clenched your thighs in a desperate attempt to stop the feeling. 
He shifted beside you embarrassed that he was thinking about these things with you. You would hate him if you found out. But you would really?
“Can I ask you something? Promise you won’t get mad?” Oh no. You were really doing this?
“I could never get mad at you,” he said sincerely.
“Have you ever, you know, done it?” you asked shyly.
“Oh, uh no actually. MJ and I never really talked about that and we broke up before really anything happened.”
“Oh, cool.” 
There was awkward silence between you two not really knowing what was to come next. You wanted him, bad. You just got this urge suddenly to feel him, know what he sounded like. You felt a bit embarrassed and thought there was no way he was gonna want to do anything like that with you.
“Do you wanna…?” Or maybe so.
“Only if you want to.”
“Is that bad that I kinda do? Look,” Peter faced you more comfortably and closer, “I really like you. Like a lot. I know I probably shouldn’t and it’s like super inappropriate right now but I can’t help it. You’re like the most beautiful and most perfect girl I’ve ever met. And I really want to show you but I’d never do anything to hurt you or make you uncomfortable.”
“Peter, I really like you too. There’s no one I trust more than you, seriously,” you sat on your knees facing him too. You smiled at each other warmly and you started to feel warmer than before.
“Can I kiss you?” Peter whispered.
Peter inches closer to you and gently cupped your jaw pulling you in to kiss you. Your eyes fluttered close and butterflies erupted in your stomach. You moved your knee to move closer to him unfortunately directly on top of the remote. 
The volume turned up and startled you both, the laughter and music from the cartoon on the TV echoing in the room. You pulled back sharply, accidentally biting Peter’s lip but he didn’t seem to care all that much as he grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. 
“I’m so sorry! I think I bit your lip,” you panicked and cringed.
“It’s ok, it’s ok,” he laughed; his laugh was so charming and contagious you could help but giggle too. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeated.
“Don’t be, it was an accident,” he chuckled.
“Now where were we,” he smirked and leaned in to kiss you again. 
Your hands went through his hair and you sighed contently as his lips moved perfectly against. You kissed people before but they’ve never felt this amazing. Peter’s tongue pushed past your lips and you gladly let him in. You melted against him and he placed his hand on your back and pushed back slowly to lay your back against the bed. 
That didn’t work out because you weren’t really in a good position to lay down without moving so you tumbled to the floor making Peter gasp.
“Are you ok?” he laughed.
You head shot up from the ground with a big dopey smile on your face. You crawled back up to bed laughing.
“I’m ok, just took me by surprise,” you giggled.
“Sorry, the mood’s totally ruined now I guess,” he smiled sadly.
“Well, I still wouldn’t mind if we tried one more time,” you said timidly.
“Yeah?” you nodded.
“Ok, uh can I uh, is this ok?” Peter had you straddling his lap and your stomach fluttered with anticipation and arousal.  
“More than.”
Peter leaned up and kissed you again, his fingertips sneaking up your shirt and grazing the soft skin of your belly. Your body shudders but you wanted more. You wanted him to make you squirm and wiggle. 
Peter tugged on the hem of the shirt silently asking if he could remove it. You hesitated but eventually lifted your arms up to let him undress you. Your skin was bare in front of him and this was the first you’d ever been shirtless in front of anyone.
Your arms instinctively covered your chest in modesty but Peter grabbed your hands and smiled softly letting you know that there was nothing to hide. You swallowed hard. Nervous about the current situation. You weren’t scared, you were far from it, but it seemed no matter how many times you imagined this, how many times you went over in your head what you would do, you still felt unprepared and clueless about what to do.
“Do you want to stop?” Peter whispered.
“No, I just don’t know what to do,” you giggled.
“I uh, I can kiss you again,” he suggested, making you nod your head.
Peter captured your lips in a kiss once again, he felt like he could stay like this in your arms and you in his forever. He lifted his own shirt and you were taken by surprise considering you’ve never actually since completely shirtless. There were times when his shirt would rise with his hoodie being taken off but never fully off and it’s all of its muscle glory. 
“Peter,” you breathed out.
“Yeah?” he smirked.
You rubbed your gentle hands faintly across his torso and chest marveling at his physique. 
“I didn’t realize how uh, fit, you are,” you gasped.
“It kinda came with the bite, and training of course,” he grinned. 
“I mean look at you; you are even more beautiful than I imagined,” he said.
He leaned forward and kissed along your chest, his hands roaming over your skin. Your breathing became heavy and your hands rested awkwardly on Peter’s shoulders. 
“Relax, princess. I got you. I promise I’m gonna take really good care of you,” he laid you down again, sideways his time so you wouldn’t fall off the bed again. 
He kissed you again before trailing his lips down your throat. You bit your lip smiling basking in the feeling of Peter’s lips against your burning skin. 
“Peter, please. I need more,” you whined. 
“Like…?” he trailed.
“I’m ready. For you,” you whispered against his lips.
Peter groaned and crawled over you eagerly and opened the drawer grabbing a condom. His torso was directly over your head and you took that opportunity to treat him the same way pressing kisses to his torso. 
“Baby,” he snickered.
“What, you don’t like my kisses?” you smiled.
“I love your kisses,” he smirked.
You watched him stand up and slowly pulled his sweats and boxers down. He kept his eyes trained on you making sure he wasn’t gonna scare you or anything. He saw your face fill with fear, confusion, shock; it didn’t matter so he pulled his pants quickly back up. 
“Wait,” you shouted.
“What happened?” you were confused. You thought things were going well, you were excited and aroused when Peter pulled his pants down. The sight of his impressive member surprising you and making you wetter.
“I thought you were uncomfortable,” Peter panicked.
“No! Please Peter! I want to have sex with you so bad!” you shouted dramatically making him laugh.
“Please take your pants off again,” you crawled up to him and grabbed his neck pulling him close. 
“As you wish, baby,” he kissed you and quickly wiggled out of his pants. You took the condom in your hand and carefully tore the foil. You pulled the ring of latex out unsure of what to do next. Peter gently tilted your head up and kissed you softly before taking the condom from your hands.
“I got this, you just get ready and sit pretty for me,” his words made you shudder. You quickly sat back and practically tore off your panties, tossing them across the room. You could see the light in Peter’s eyes started to fade and you could tell he was getting nervous. 
“Hey, having second thoughts?” you asked softly.
“No, it’s just, I don't really know what I’m doing either,” he stammered.
“Well, I don’t really have anyone to compare, so,” you reassured him.
“I just don’t wanna ruin anything. What if I'm not good?” he said.
“Well, practice makes perfect. So let’s start practicing!” you cheered. 
Peter bit his lip and pumped his aching cock a few times. You settled back and opened your legs a bit and Peter settled himself in. His hands trembled as he grabbed his dick and lined it up to your entrance and your breathing quickened. 
He slid past your folds quite rapidly and you grunted. Peter noticed the discomfort and his hips pulled back too far causing his member to slip out. You giggled but Peter grunted. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok,” you pulled him close and kissed his nose. 
“Don’t freak out, baby,” you nuzzled your nose against his.
Peter kissed you softly, “You’re too good to me.”
Peter tried again and slowly passed your slicks folds. You moaned softly feeling his girth and Peter’s eyes screwed shut. He dipped his head in the crook of your neck and nibbled on the skin of your ear. You wrapped your legs around his hips pulling closer and Peter grunted.
“Fuck, Y/n. You feel so good,” he moaned.
“Peter,” you moaned.
Peter hips snapped into you rapidly and your moans got louder. His hand reached for yours and intertwined his fingers with yours. He kissed you again before his body trembled over yours. His hips suddenly stopped and he fell forward.
“Pete?” you whispered.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. You felt so good I couldn’t hold back,” Peter whined.
“It’s ok,” you giggled.
“No it’s not,” he grumbled. 
“It’s fine Pete, it was our first time. Don’t sweat it,” you smiled.
“No, sit back, princess. I promised I was gonna take care of you and I fully. Intend. On keeping that promise,” he kissed you in between words. 
You fell back and Peter trailed kisses down your front. His hands rubbed your thighs softly pressing faint kisses to the inside of them. Peter looked admirably between your thighs. He licked his lips and looked up at you almost innocently making your stomach flip at the sight.
“Fuck,” Peter whispered before licking up your slit.
“Peter,” you gasped.
He flicked his tongue over your clit and your hips jolted forward. You wiggled and moved under him gasping and whimpering his name. Peter used his strength and pressed your hips down hard as he continued to eat you out. 
Your hands flew to his hair tugging and pulling his fluffy curly hair. Your chest moved up and down hastily and sweat lined your forehead. You sat on your elbows and looked down to Peter who’s eyes were closed and his face immensely flushed, cheeks redden. 
His eyes opened and stared directly into your eyes. He came up for a second and smiled cheekily before dipping his tongue passed your entrance once again. The pressure in the pit of your stomach built up and up and up, until finally it snapped and your body arched in pleasure. 
You moaned and shrieked Peter’s name feeling ecstatic, overwhelmed with absolute pleasure. 
“Feeling good?” Peter got up wiping your cum off his chin. 
“Oh my goodness, Pete. You gotta do that again!” he laughed before kissing you.
“How was that?”
“Better than I imagined,” you cupped his face.
“I lo-” Peter stopped himself.
“I love you,” you whispered, finishing his sentence. 
“Good, because I love you too, so much,” he kissed you. Peter tucked you in his bed and crawled beside you holding you close.
“Thank you,” you kissed his jaw.
“For what?”
“For the best night ever,” you ggiled.
“Anytime. Like you said, practice makes perfect.”
“Oh, yeah. I cannot wait until we practice again.”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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|Chaos makes a muse|
hi! is it possible for me to request a horror au oneshot with jb where the reader gets kidnapped or something and she gets hurt then when he finds her he gets rlly protective and realizes how much he loves her with a fluffy ending? Have a good day :)
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It has been five months since Y/N and JB were seeing each other, apparently their relationship was getting stronger by everyday. However Y/N was working in a bakery shop that Jaebeom used to visit most of the time. 
12 pm 
You were still busy serving customers when you felt your phone buzz into your pocket, quickly heading to the employees exit door you answered the call. 
‘Y/N we need to talk, come outside.’ JB said in a serious tone.
With a deep sigh you told him to wait a few minutes, you went to the locker room to apply some lip balm and fix your messy bun. Thus, you had a really long day and all you wished for was to see him, obviously he was your everything, so lately with all these family reunions barging about their daughters getting married to rich guys and them being lucky to do so, you grew sick of hearing the same stories all the time you’d visit your parents. In fact as much as you hated these stereotype fairy tails you became interested, starting a family with JB has become one of your goals. Nevertheless you were unable to discuss this matter with him.
You checked your reflection on the small hanging mirror one more time before you made your way outside the bakery shop. Tiny drops of sweat were running down your chest due to the high temperature outside, you smiled widely once you caught his good looking sight. You slowly approached each other.
“Babe I missed you.” You attacked him with a hug.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment. “Uh yeah me too, listen there’s something I need to tell you.” 
You curved an eyebrow and nodded. 
“You know that you mean the world to me and I’ve enjoyed your company all these months....but I don’t think we’re gonna work out like this.” He held your hands in his.
Your heart aches when these words left his mouth. “What do you mean we’re not gonna work out? what about all these months we spent together?”
“I don’t know but I might move to the US to run my father’s company it’s just my life’s a mess right now, you deserve someone better than me y/n.” His face show unhappiness. You dryly swallowed feeling a lamp in your throat. 
“But I really want to be with you, we can face struggles hand in hand..” You tried your best not to cry. 
He cupped your face with both hands. “I know baby girl, but it’s best for us to stop seeing each other.” 
With that being said, you pushed him away. “Alright, if that’s what you think...don’t ever come near me again, I don’t wanna see your face.” 
He tried to grab your wrist but you yanked his hand while running back inside. Once you made it to the locker room your broke in tears. 
-One hour before the end of your shift-
After your little argument with JB you decided to wipe your tears and move on with your life, you thought that all you have to do is live the moment and work hard for a brilliant future. Apart from all that being done, you and your work mate Elena were the only ones left in the shop performing your final duties before closing. 
“You good?” Elena asked with full concern. 
Forcing on a fake smile you say. “Yeah thanks.”
“Come on I heard you crying earlier...you can tell me about it instead of bottling it inside.” She patted your back. 
You shook your head. “Me and JB are no longer- omg behind you!” 
“What? who’s behind me?” Elena’s eyes widened once she turned back. “Aaaaah!” she panicked once she saw a group of thugs holding their guns to our direction. 
You forget to breath for a second when they surrounded the two of you leaving  no space for you to escape, you held each other with fear and stood still. 
Your heart beats were going unstable, yet you decided to bravely stood up for them. “You want money? okay have it! but don’t hurt us.”
A tattooed dude with men bun approached you while laughing. “How about you shut your dumb ass mouth before I shut it for you, we are here for her but since you are a witness.....” He licked his dirty lips while eyeing you up and down. “We can’t leave you behind.”
“I promise we won’t turn you out to the police, just take the money and let us go.” You stuttered. 
He scoffed. “Bitch shut your fucking mouth, one last warning.” Gritting his teeth he grip Elena’s neck while she yelled, you tried to help her but another man held you back. “Let her go you scumbag.” You yelled. 
“Long time no see mami, you thought our deal’s over? that you can run away without paying your debt? well you’re wrong muffin.” He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
She cried. “I swear I don’t have the money...please I’m sorry I will pay you back your money...this is between us let her go she has nothing to do with this I’m begging you.”
“Of course you don’t have $200,000 that’s why I came here today, both of you are coming with me tonight.” He sniffed Elena’s hair. 
You looked at her surprisingly, you never imagined that she that kind of person who would do illegal stuffs just for money now look at the trouble she caused. 
With a deep breath you say. “Listen I...I have some savings...I can give you my credit card details.” 
“How much do you have shawty?” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
Clearing you throat. “$250,000.” Elena shook her head in disbelief.
“Your credit card now.” He raged at you. 
Bringing your wallet from the locker room one of the thugs went with you, cursing under your breath you pretend to search inside your bag but instead you were dialing 911, unlucky you it was on speaker so you got exposed. 
“You slut pray for your life now, move!” He grabbed your hair tightly dragging you down so you were pulled through the floor. You screamed at the top of your lungs. “Boss she called the police.” You were thrown at their boss’s feet. 
He cursed in Italian. “You think you are smart?Ah I’m gonna have to ruin your beautiful face sadly.” with that being told he slapped you making your bottom lip bleed. “Take them to the van now!” he outraged. 
-No where to be found-
You woke up to Elena’s whimpering, to your shock both of your were tightly tied to separated chairs with tape on your mouth. Thus, your wrists were hurting due to the rope’s sharp material, trying your best not to cry you shut your eyes hoping this was all a bad dream. How your life turned upside down within a minute after JB gave up on you, now you wished he was there for you to end this nightmare. 
“Now ladies we’re gonna have some fun.” Their boss says while holding a leather whip. 
One of them took off the tape from your mouth letting you have a few sips of water. “Good girl.” 
“Since y’all can’t pay back the money, you’re gonna have to chose other payment methods...Elena knows already.” He sent her a death glare. 
They untied your wrists and forced you to stand up. “You’re gonna strip for our boss.” 
At this moment your blood starts boiling, temperature arising your hands formed into fists. “Okay..” you whispered while approaching his ugly figure sitting on a chair. 
“Let me see what you got.” He smirked. 
You made a disgusted face and say. “This.” with that being said you kicked him off the chair and spat on him. “You’re the definition of disgust.” 
In a blink one of his men forced you on your knees while gripping your hair. Their boss finally went back on his feet with an angry face, you gulped in fear regretting the moment you thought you’d smarten up, now you’ll end up being hurt. “Tie her arms back facing me NOW!” He shouted at his men. Them doing as told, you tried to fight them but they were way too strong, you gritted your teeth when you felt the back of your shirt tore apart letting the cold air hit your bare skin. You could see stars when the whip came in contact with your skin, and that being repeated forcefully creating more pain.
“That’s what you get *whip* you think you’re smart? *whip* Imma teach you a lesson that you’ll never forget *whip* you dumb bitch.” He yells each time he hit your skin with the leather whip.You on the other hand was slowly loosing it.
-Jaebum’s P.O.V- 
After y/n and I had our argument that day I haven’t heard from her ever since, which has got me worried about her, I was being a coward when I pushed her away from my life, didn’t know what has gotten into me that day more likely my father was putting a lot of pressure on me asking me to give up on her and move on to the US. Yet he was wrong, from now on I’m gonna follow what my heart wants. 
I was staring at a diamond ring that I bought a while ago for y/n, deeply thinking  before my phone ringtone shook me off my thoughts quickly answering, hoping it was her. 
“Hey.” I said.
“JAE! It’s me Elena...please you gotta help us! they are hurting y/n.” A crying female’s voice caught me off guard. 
I panicked while asking her too many questions. “Wait..hold on what happen? where are you now? calm down okay...can you describe the place you are in?” 
Jogging to my car I called one of my friends to help me track their location through the phone call, driving in a high speed my whole focus was on rescuing her, tho I had no clue what was going on, but one thing I was sure about that these motherfuckers were gonna pay for everything.
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Not so long I received the location, biting my lip from frustration. “Hang on babe, here I come.”
-End of JB’s P.O.V- 
Back to you, Elena was getting punished when they found her using their phone. Tears were running down your cheek, feeling a sting in your heart because you were unable to help her. “I’m so sorry..” you mumbled while keeping eye contact with her. The room was filled with cries and sorrow.
“Now who’s gonna save your ass?” The thug says while laughing. 
“Well, that’s gonna be me.” A familiar voice caught you off guard. Your heart beats fastened when you figured who it was, Jaebum. 
“Who the fuck are you? get him!” 
Hopefully you the rope was a little long so you twisted your arms just to see the love of your life. A wide smile formed on your lips when you met his gaze. 
“Right I haven’t introduced myself..” Jb itched his eyebrow with one hand, his other was behind his back. Quickly pulling a nail bat he hit the thug’s face hard. “I’m your worst nightmare motherfucker.” 
JB hurried to you with a worried face while untying you, once your wrists were free you fell into his arms. “Easy there sweetie, you’re gonna be okay.” He kissed your forehead. Wrapping his hands around your back you whimpered in pain and backed away from him. “What’s wrong y/n?” He reached to you but you yanked his arm, this time he didn’t back away in fact he grabbed your wrists and slowly turned you to back face him. “Oh my god...” 
“Who did this to you!?” JB held both your shoulders while gritting his teeth. “It’s him..” With that being said, JB jumped on the same guy that was hit throwing punches on his face. “She’s just a women asshole!!!” 
As much as you wanted the jerk to pay for what he did to you, it wasn’t fair to watch him die under your lover’s hands. “Enough Jae!!!” You yelled. 
Apparently JB weren’t buying any of this, he was getting more aggressive. Holding his nail bat he kept hitting the thug’s back till he bled. “No one hurts her and gets to live!” Other scumbags were coming at him but he eliminated them with each smack on the face. Not too long the police came and took the criminals away, and provided first aid service. 
-A week after-
After the incident you stayed a few days at the hospital till your wounds fully recovered. Everyday JB would bring you rose bouquets and chocolate, sometimes he would stay the night while holding your hand. 
At the moment you were staying at his apartment since he insisted on taking care of you. You appreciated everything that he did for you yet you was still mad at him. Laying down the sofa you were eating ice cream while watching a tv show. 
“Hey y/n come with me.”JB said with a slight smile. 
You pouted cus you couldn’t finish your ice cream. “Where?”
“Trust me, it’s a surprise.” He held your chin slowly leaning in. 
You knew he was going to kiss you but you placed your finger on his lips. “You’re not getting any kisses just yet.” 
“Oh why not? don’t I deserve sum...”He narrowed his eyebrows. “It’s alright lets go bae.” 
He led the way to his bedroom, once you walked inside your jaw dropped.
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 You turned to face him but he bent on one knee holding a ring box. You gasped in shock. 
“Yeah..I know it’s too late, I almost loosed you..I realized that my life without you is useless...so um haha...Will you marry me y/n?” He says in a cheerful tone. 
You laughed at how cute he sounded, tears formed in your eyes due to happiness. Finally your wish came true. “Yes.” hearing your answer he stood up to spin you around. “Oh you’re making me dizzy haha..”
“Sorry...I love you so much.” He caressed your hair.
“I love you too, now...” You whispered before you planted a kiss on his lips. 
He made a pouting face. “Oh man finally I get to taste your cherry lips again.” 
“Don’t be dramatic.” You suppressed a laugh before you crawled on bed. Following after you he rubbed your back gently. “Do they still hurt?” 
“A little.” You hummed. 
“I could kiss all your wounds babe, you’re safe and I’m always by your side.” He assured before kissing your lips again. 
*Happy ending Yay!* 
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~So I hope you enjoy reading, always feel free to request. 
(Gifs not mine.)
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