#If anything the man the myth the legend Harlan would tell me to be pettier
professorofcosplay · 4 days
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I made you all a friend! It’s Hate Slate AM! And he’s looking so glAM so far! I’m torn between keeping him in this bowl with the crystals or moving him into like a little terrarium with sand and more drab rocks like the book/comic maybe even finding some mini people from the hobby store... what do you think?
I’m planning on finishing the rest of the Hate monologue on his back after I wrap up some gift and owed art but I figured I’d put the iconic part on the front since it’s a bit of a squeeze. Of course he’d want to make Ted go through all the trouble of walking around to read the rest! Fun backstory fact: the crystals and bowl were gifts from my shitty non-consent-respecting ex so this suits “wonderful” memories we have together! Hate! Hate!
1 like= 1 kiss on AM’s head
1 reblog = 1 ex given to AM as a birthday present to make into a great soft jelly thing
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