#If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin
smol-mighty0 · 2 months
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If We Have Each Other- 1/2 🫂
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 7 months
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myth-blossom · 2 years
So can we have one about Alec Benjamin-If we have eachother with 47 and 06 as they were still in the facility? Wanna see some brotherhood thing🥺
Hi! Thank you for your request, that’s a beautiful song. Hope you like what came to mind! :)
The old mattress creaked under 6’s weight as he stretched upon it with a sigh. He had just returned from yet another assassination ordered by Father, his fourth job that month. After weeks of forced isolation, 6 was finally allowed to join his normal sleeping quarters once more. He didn’t realize how much he missed his old bunk until his head hit the thin pillow. 
The killings didn’t trouble him, necessarily, though he wasn’t fond of working those jobs alone. 6 wanted to work more with 47 so they could work on their plan to escape the Institute, once and for all. He didn’t realize how much he missed his brother until he was forced to spend a month without him. It was by Father’s orders that he had to spend time away from 47 and the others, until he felt 6 had learned some sort of lesson for his latest disobedience.
Ort-Meyer ordered random searches of the asylum on occasion, despite the possibilities for contraband within its walls being slim to none. It seemed even more ridiculous considering the guards always confronted 6 about returning items leftover from his travels. Weapons were risky, of course, but they wouldn’t even let him keep a near-empty pack of cigarettes, for God’s sake.
Unfortunately, one of Father’s random searches led to the discovery of his secret stash. The items in his collection were deadlier and more valuable than any drug or weapon they could conceive: they were his books. 6 had accumulated his own private library one book at a time, smuggling them past the guards when he returned from assassinations. 
6 took an interest in reading a few years before, when Father’s worry lessened over another escape attempt by 6 and 47. Weeks after Ort-Meyer’s men salted the earth of the community that dared to show the brothers kindness, he felt enough time had passed that his subjects had learned their lesson. Besides, he needed more funds for the Institute, so he sent his most effective assassins across the world to do what they did best.
6 was at the airport for their return when he swiped a small paperback for the flight home. He instantly became engrossed and decided he wanted to keep it, so he sought to sneak the book past the guards at check-in. 47 didn’t understand 6’s sudden interest in reading, but he recognized how much it meant to his brother for him to risk more punishment. He aided 6 with distracting the guards while his brother smuggled the book inside the Institute.
It became a habit of his after that: 6 would travel with 47 to assassinate some unfortunate soul, then find a new book to add to his stash. One of them would cause a distraction while the other quietly carried the book inside. Reading broke the monotony of 6’s existence at the Institute and fueled his desire to know more of the world beyond, to experience a life of his own volition. 
The books gave 6 hope. Father wouldn’t stand for that.
“Welcome back, 6.” 47 leaned against the top bunk as 6 folded his arms behind his head. 
“Hello, brother.”
“Are you here to stay?”
“So it seems.”
47 nodded. “What was your punishment?”
“Fewer meals, isolation, and a bonfire, unfortunately.”
“So there was nothing left?”
“Not that I saw.” 6 sat up and swung his legs off the bed. “There wasn’t a single page left under the floorboards.”
“I’m sorry, 6. I know your books meant something to you.”
6 nodded. “Yes. I was a fool for thinking I could keep them forever.”
47’s eyes followed the other subject in the room as he exited into the hallway, leaving 47 briefly alone with 6. 47 approached the empty bottom bunk across from his brother and knelt by the mattress, reaching beneath to where he had cut into the material. He extracted the hidden item and tossed it, landing it in 6’s lap.
“47, how did you…“ 6 huffed in surprise as he examined the book in his lap. “Where did you get this?”
“From an anonymous donor.” 47 offered a small smirk. “They couldn’t use it anymore.”
“This is risky, you know.”
“Yes. But you need it,” he said matter-of-factly.
6 smiled to himself. He flipped through the worn copy of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the last book they smuggled in but he never got to read.
“47…thank you. I won’t forget this.”
His brother nodded. “Just do us both a favor, 6.”
“What’s that?”
“Find a better hiding spot.”
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mathitas · 2 months
I would love to see this prompt and I have recently been reading your works which are amazing btw can’t wait for the next one!
Prompt: Will solace and Kayla Knowles singing If we have Each Other By Alec Benjamin at campfire.
Thank you so much, I love this suggestion! This means a lot to me.
If we have each other, Cabin 7
Being a child of Apollo wasn't easy. Even before the battle of Manhattan, even before most of them died, it wasn't easy.
You're constantly healing everyone; you forget to heal yourself too.
But after all they've been through, they learn to heal each other and themselves together.
What's left of Cabin 7 is sitting by the campfire. It feels lonely: they used to get these nights to sing together, and there'd be so many; it was always a mess.
Now, it was not. It was quiet, it was calm, and it was empty.
Will and Kayla are sitting next to each other: next to Kayla, there's Austin.
Will, as the new head counselor, wanted to make this right. They used to have fun on nights like this, right? But now all that was left was grieving.
Gods, what was he supposed to do?
He looked over to his sister, who was humming a song.
"What is it?" Everyone was now focusing on them instead as the warmth of the campfire lit them up.
"There was this song Michael always listened to..." Everyone's interest picked up.
She looked at her new eldest brother, "I was thinking that it makes me think of you. Of all of us." "'If we have each other' by Alec Benjamin, right?" a camper said fondly, wearing a bittersweet smile.
Kayla started to sing it, and for a while everyone was listening to her.
Soon, Will joined her.
Their voices echoed together through the night. And even tho they had spent another day healing everyone but themselves, they were good.
It wasn't always like this, they often fought. Especially now that Will had this new authority, they were always fighting. But they knew what they were singing was true.
So Will held her hand as he sang:
'So I'm thankful for my sister even tho sometimes we fight
When high school wasn't easy she's the reason I survived
I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry
So I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side
I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side
I wrote this verse to tell her that...'
A vow of brotherly love, a vow of loyalty through the hard times. Life was hard and lonely for a child of Apollo, but one thing was true: they were gonna be there for each other when they couldn't be there for themselves.
And they were right: 'When the world's not perfect, when the world's not kind, if we have each other, then we'll both be fine.'
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the last verse of if we have each other by alec benjamin for Anakin and Ahsoka...........
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locitapurplepink · 1 year
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If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin
I think this song pretty fit with my favorite twins, Sheldon & Missy Cooper since I watched this series for the first time during the pandamic if I'm not wrong. Hope you guys like this one.
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myththefangirl · 1 year
After the Flood
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A little chapter I wrote based off this post.
"Ugly business back there, wasn't it?"
His words were easily heard over the crashing waves. Making Aziraphale turn his head toward him, still sitting on his rock. His blue eyes wide for a moment until it dropped to a frown.
"Oh, it's only you."
"I'm a demon." Crawley hissed, a little offended as he stepped toward the rock. "Aren't you meant to be intimidated?"
Aziraphale made a complicated face without a word, and turned away from him. His eyes were trained on the sea before him once more as Crawley took a seat on the far end of his rock. His curly white hair and robes were the same- and had been the same since the second he'd met the angel. Though his demeanor was off- disturbed. But Crawley didn't know what else to say, so he peeled his eyes off the angel and turned to the direction the angel was facing. They were looking out to the sea, and it was a nice sight, actually.
The sun reflected on the sea, waves crashed below them. The wind wasn't strong, but it waved Crawley's long hair. The angel beside him sat up straight, proper as ever. But he personally found the view a little calming, and let himself slouch as he spoke, breaking the silence.
"Quite the view you got here."
"I suppose."
"What made you come all the way out here?" He questioned.
"I couldn't be near the ark." The angel said quietly. "It made me feel guilty."
Well, fuck, angel.
Crawley inhaled sharply. "You said it yourself- that wasn't your decision."
Aziraphale's face twisted in worry as he fumbled with his hands, looking down. "But it was my side. Even if it was the ineffable plan, I couldn't..."
"I know." The words spilled out of Crawley before he could think and stop them. The demon slid across the rock, getting closer, hands gripping the edge of the stone. As if someone might hear them. But other than on a big boat- very far away- there wasn't anyone else in the world. Crawley scrunched up his nose in what he hoped was an amusing manner. "The ark's just smelly anyway. With those humans and all the animals."
The angel chuckled. "Yes-." His head snapped up, then toward him. "Wait, how would you know that?"
"You really think this piece of land has been around since the flood began, angel? I needed someplace to stay."
"You were on the ark?"
"Since it began to rain." He confirmed.
Aziraphale looked more surprised than outraged. "No wonder I smelt something! I should've known it was you. How did you hide so well?"
Crawley snorted. When had the angel gotten closer? "Have you forgotten I'm a serpent?"
"But you're huge. Surely I would've spotted you- or one of the humans."
He pointed to himself. "Demon. Stuff like physics don't apply to me. I could dance on a pin, if I wanted to."
With another chuckle, Aziraphale rolled his eyes. He seemed more amused than anything, now. With only a minor hint of annoyance- it was a win, in Crawley's book. "Well, then, I suppose I'll be sure to look for you and say hello."
"Very angelic of you, angel."
Crawley's endless mocking didn't detour Aziraphale from having a pleasant conversation with him. On the contrary, the angel gave his rebuttals, laughed, and mocked back just the same. Which only peeked Crawley's interest further- an interest he'd held since Aziraphale shielded him from the rain in Eden. Because he knew pretty much everyone was unbearable- but he'd also discovered that Aziraphale was the fun kind to be around.
"You know," Crawley took advantage of the silence. How long had the two of them been sitting on that rock and talking? "You and I aren't so different after all, Aziraphale."
The angel scoffed. "Crawley, ofcourse we are. We're an angel and a demon- complete opposites."
"Eh- not really. We're pretty similar if you think about it. We came from the same stock after all. We're basically coworkers."
"It's nothing like that."
Crawley shrugged. "If you say so.
"Ofcourse I say so!"
"Aziraphale, you don't have to be on guard with me." Crawley turned to him, resting his head on his hand as he spoke. "We've know each other-"
"For only a few centuries."
The demon rolled his yellow slitted eyes. "'M point is, if I was going to do something to you I would've done it by now, wouldn't I?" He said a little briskly before taking a pause. "And anyway, you must like me atleast a little bit. I mean, I'm pretty much the only one on this Earth to talk to."
Even before the flood.
Aziraphale didn't say anything.
"Anyway," Crawley pondered for a second, eyes flicking back to the sun's reflection on the water. "I bet you have tons of friends Up there." The demon couldn't have been the only one to every enjoy his company, after all.
"Actually, I've never... Fit in with the other angels." Aziraphale said slowly.
"You're fucking with me."
"Am not- and do watch your language."
"'M not sorry. But continue."
"There's nothing to continue, Crawley, I'm just stating that I don't have a lot of friends in heaven, that's all." The angel snapped briskly.
As a demon, his first instinct was to snap back, and he would've, had it been anyone else. But he kept quiet instead. He'd struck a cord. Asked a question he shouldn't have. But worst of all- regretted doing so this time.
He knew he'd let the silence linger on for long enough. "If it makes you feel better..." Crawley scowled at himself, though the words spilled out of him before he could stop them. "You're the person I talk to the most these days."
A small smile made it's way onto the angel's face as he faced him again. His voice soft, genuine. "You know, It's not so lonley with you around, Crawley."
"Likewise, angel."
The silence resumed, but this one didn't make the demon anxious. On the contrary, if was peaceful. Just sitting there, watching the wave crash and the remaining birds fly back and forth from island to island.
He hadn't noticed how close he had gotten to the angel, or rather, how close the angel had gotten to him. But he noticed now, and he also noticed how close the sides of their hands were. Even if he wasn't directly touching him, he could feel the angel's warmth. Still looking ahead, Crawley sllid his hand, until it was actually touching Aziraphale's.
He turned, only to catch Aziraphale looking down, his eyes going wide before looking into the demon's again.
"I think I better go." The angel stood up quickly, stumbling, the warmth was ripped away from Crawley.
"Where are you going?" Crawley jumped up after him.
"No!" Aziraphale cried as his wings appeared. "I have to.... To- go."
Aziraphale backed up as the demon took a curious step closer. "Heaven. Assignment."
"Maybe I could help."
"Goodbye Crawley." Aziraphale took off as quickly as he had opened his wings.
Crawley sighed, more confused than anything as he watched the angel in the sky. He grew smaller and smaller in the sky. Until Crawley couldn't see him whatsoever- and he felt so alone again. He let his knees weaken, and fell back to sit down on the rock again. Whispering even though he knew the angel wouldn't hear him.
"Til next time, Angel."
Thought I'd post this here too since it's only like 1200 words. I wasn't planning on writing today, but just like everyone else, I became rabid after I saw that picture. Hoped you liked this chapter, as well as the music that goes with it.
You can also find it (& more) on my Wattpad.
Edit: Here it is on Ao3.
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me messing up the lyrics anytime i try to sing “if we have each other”
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rosemusictime · 7 months
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eslemkenobi · 1 year
dünya mükkemel olmadığında, nazik olmadığında eğer birbirimize sahipsek iyi oluruz
elini tutacağım, senin için orada olacağımı bilmelisin
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My school has us read books or writing in genral in order to pass the grade ( which is extremely stupid btw) I read alec benjamin lyrics and it worked
do what you must with this information
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you-just-said-that · 5 months
Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other
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curoopeez · 1 year
back from the doctor and honestly I just wasted my time because the drusic viceo I finally managed to watch just fixed everything wrong with me
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Good night to you all, amazing souls! 🖤🌙
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awoken-lights · 2 years
A soft hum filled the apartment as the light of the setting sun fell through the rose pink curtains, bathing the living rooms in a soft warm. Rosemary moved throughout her home with a graceful ease, swaying a little as she walked, her eyes on the new bouquet of flowers that she’d just recently been given. They were a little wilted, and she knew the sheepish guardian who had given them to her had done so because they thought the plants could be saved, but didn’t know how to do so.
They weren’t in terrible danger, having just suffered from lack of proper sunlight and over-watering (likely the guardians’ attempt to save the poor blossoms without realizing the true issue). Still, she was glad that, amidst all of the fighting, she could do something to help breath life back into a living thing.
Placing the vase in the kitchen window, where the sunlight would reach it perfectly, Rosemary put together a little something in the water of the vase that would help boost the flowers, helping them bloom beautifully once more. The pruning was necessary, though not as bad as she’d first thought upon seeing them initially. The most bruised petals would be removed to let the other soak up the sunlight, and there was a bit of rot in a couple of the stems that she could remove and repair with a little time.
Beginning her work, she simply smiled brighter when she heard the door open, “Hello, Kelpie.” Not looking over her shoulder so as to avoid breaking her focus, she heard a quiet huff and the sound of her brother placing something down, before setting something else (a bag from the sound of it) on her dining table.
“Hey, Rosie.” His voice was quiet, calm and soothing like gentle waves, similar and yet different from her own voice that was far more similar to a light breeze. “Another salvaging project?”
An affirmative hum is given, and a soft huff is returned. The peace that filled the space between then was quiet, as always, given their natures. She pruned, gently cooing to the flowers, speaking under her breath to encourage them back to full bloom. Kelpie set out plates and prepared a supper of ropa vieja for them. It was a fairly simple meal, but one that meant quite a lot to them, as it was the first meal they shared upon remembering being family.
The vase set properly, Rosemary went to sweep the cuttings into the trash. Her hand slipped, breathing coming in short, desperate gasps, and Kelpie was by her side in an instant. Wrapping his arm around his sister, he pulled her too his chest, rubbing her back as he did. There was little he could do in these moments, when the roots of the Io blooms seemed to awaken and move, squeezing her heart and lungs. So he held her, and hoped that it helped, humming soothingly for her as she focused on grounding herself, on weathering the storm.
Minutes passed, though neither paid attention to the time, not even when the soft pinks that filled the room turned to pale lavender.
When her breathing evened out, Rosemary let herself stay for a moment, before brushing the flower cuttings into the trash. Looking up at her brother, she offered a shaky, but grateful smile. “Thank you.” For helping her, and for bringing her food.
Knocking his head against hers gentle, he gave her as reassuring a smile as he could. “Of course.” Helping her stand steadily, he paused before the table, “Shall we put something on while we eat? Music, or a show?”
Humming quietly, she nodded. “I hear there’s a new baking show that Dust has been watching. Perhaps we could try it out?” At her brothers agreement, Rosemary tucked herself into her couch and got the show started, while Kelpie brought the food over on trays and settled in next to her. She didn’t say it aloud, but she was grateful to eat comfortably, especially after such an episode.
Neither said much, though they never truly felt the need to. Peace, and simply knowing each other as well as they did often made words unnecessary, but that didn’t mean these moments of quiet, where they could live simply and pretend they didn’t fight in an unending war, meant everything to them.
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crocodilenjoyer · 8 months
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he's our little brother. take care of him.
anne carson - antigone / alec benjamin - if we have each other / dan pearce - single dad laughing: the best of year one / kodaline - brother
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