#If I wanted normal boring clothes I would go to target!!!!! I want a hoodie that tells people I like a thing!!!!
theoogtree · 8 months
Something to be said about companies wanting to make merch clothes that are "more available" to their fans by which they mean "they just look like regular fucking clothes but if you squint really hard and do your best to reach you can see a hint of a fandom reference in there so no one knows you like a thing and you can pretend to be normal and hobbyless" and I for one think they should go back to slapping a screenshot of a video game right in the middle of a t-shirt
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
I Can Be Your Type
***I wanted to write some fluff, and all of my current requests, except for maybe one, have angst in them in one form or another. SO I decided to complete the prompt that @poppi144 and I discussed during a "party time" here. So this is happening. Enjoy a break from the angst.*** Summary: Asmodeus is bored one day and, more importantly, he doesn't think he can stand looking at the eyesore of Satan's clothing choices for a second longer. A makeover ensues much to the amusement of the other brothers and annoyance of Satan...that is until MC sees it. Asmodeus smiled mischievously as he peaked into Satan's room. Sitting in his chair, peacefully reading a book and enjoying his day, was Asmodeus's target. He giggled to himself and skipped over to him. "Oh, Satan~" Asmo began in a sing-song voice.
Satan's grip noticeably tightened on the book, but he didn't look away from the pages. "What do you need, Asmo? I'm trying to read." A glance at the cover told him that Satan was reading "Cultural Traditions and Practices of the Humans Realm". Asmo's smile grew. This really was perfect. He draped himself over the back of his brother's chair. "I just thought that perhaps we could help each other out! You see, I am extremely bored and want something to do. Preferably, giving you a makeover." The blond sighed as he flipped the page of his book. "Why in Diavolo's name, would I agree to that?" Asmodeus's grin widened as he swiped Satan's book from his hand and waved it in front of his face. "Because I can turn you into MC's type." Satan paused as a blush dusted across his cheeks. Checkmate.
Satan looked at Asmodeus with intrigue. "They have a type?" The Avatar of Lust laughed as he turned towards the door. "Oh, big brother, you have so much to learn if you actually want to stand a chance against me at winning MC's heart," he smiled over his shoulder. "Come on. Let me work my magic." Satan gave Asmodeus a skeptical look, but sighed and rose to his feet. If there was even the slightest chance of this working, it would be worth it. *** It was not worth it. Satan glared at his reflection in the mirror, "I look ridiculous." Asmodeus giggled as he straightened out the leather, hooded jacket that Satan was wearing. "Nonsense! I put this outfit together myself which means you look amazing!" He beamed at Satan as he took a step back and admired his work. "You look dangerous, mysterious, enticing, cool-" "Foolish," Satan cut off and groaned as he fiddled with the leather cord necklace Asmodeus had put on him. "There's no way this will actually work. You just did this to make me look stupid." Asmo gasped and put a hand on his chest in mock offence. "Like I would ever do something like that to my favourite brother!" Satan just gave him an unimpressed look and began to take off the jacket. Asmodeus quickly rushed over to stop him. "Wait, wait, wait! This wasn't a prank. I seriously think this is MC's type! Trust me on this. At least let them see you in it."
Satan frowned and looked in the mirror. He looked like the stereotypical bad boy in all those animes that Levi watches. He was layered in a white t-shirt with a jacket that appeared to be some kind of leather jacket/hoodie hybrid. The jeans weren't bad. He wore skinny jeans on a regular basis. But these were black and had rips on the knees. His normal dress shoes had been replaced with a pair of black Doc Martins. Asmodeus had even gone so far as to stylistically mess up his hair a little with some gel, and add a very subtle touch of eyeliner around his eyes. Was this really what you were attracted to? Satan huffed and turned to Asmodeus. "Fine. But if they laugh, you will regret this Asmodeus." Asmo let out a cheer as he pushed him out of the door. "Yeah, yeah. Doom and gloom. I get it. You know, you're actually very in character for your look right now." Asmodeus dragged Satan down to the living room where you were supposed to be having a game night with the others. "Oh MC~ I've got a lovely gift for you~" He pushed Satan into the middle of the room and dramatically gestured to him. Only you weren't in the living room. Everyone else was, and they thought this was priceless. Laughter filled the room as the brothers doubled over at the sight of Satan scowling in his bad boy outfit. "Y-You, your look finally matches your sin! Holy fuck!" Mammon howled as he struggled to breathe through his laughter. Belphegor nodded and pointed to Mammon as he cackled. "It's like someone just rained on your black parade! You look like you're about to go kick a bunch of puppies!" Levi snorted and lifted up his phone to take a picture, "This is definitely going on Devilgram." Satan growled and took a threatening step towards Levi. Lucifer chuckled and wiped a tear from under his eye. "Calm down now. We wouldn't you to ruin your eyeliner." The laughter doubled in volume as Satan shouted at Lucifer to shut up. Even Beel was laughing along. "Alright, guys I'm ba-" Everyone went quiet as you entered the room holding a tray of cookies. You froze and stared at Satan with wide eyes and your jaw dropped, a slight blush on your cheeks. "S-Satan you look-" A low snarl came from him as he avoided eye contact with you. "Spare me your pretences and just get to the laughing bit. I've had enough of this." "No!" You squeaked out, causing everyone to stare at you. Your face was quite clearly flushed as you sputtered bashfully. "I-I mean, I wouldn't laugh. You look hot! I-I-I mean good! You look good. Very good indeed," you chuckled nervously and averted your eyes. "Oh Diavolo kill me now," you whispered to yourself.
Asmodeus smiled victoriously while the others gaped at you in shock. Satan merely smirked and walked closer to you. "Oh? Do you enjoy my appearance MC?" More flustered noises came from your mouth as you set down the tray. "I certainly don't not like it. It's j-just a good look for you, th-that's all."
Levi looked between the two of you confused. "Wha- MC! He looks like bullies in every high school anime that we've ever watched!" Satan noted with amusement that you seemed to glance at him with even more interest now. "You mean the ones that tease the protagonist, have a soft side, and nine times out ten builds into an enemies-to-lovers plot with an incredible redemption arc? I'm aware," there was an adorable bashful tone to your voice that made Satan smile wider. He approached you and took your hand into his own. "Then perhaps I should let you get to know my soft side more? Would you care to join me over some tea and light reading library?" he lowered his tone into a seductive husky rumble. "I have a thousand poems that have reminded me of you, which I would love to share." The brothers watched in horror as you became even more of a flustered mess and nodded eagerly. "Eh?! But it's game night MC!" Mammon quickly piped in, throwing in a pair of puppy dog eyes for good measure. You barely glanced in his direction. "Lucifer had just beat me out of the round anyway. You guys enjoy the cookies, I'm going to catch up with Satan." The fourth born led you by the hand as he looked back and smirked at the others. "Enjoy your game night, and thanks for the help Asmo." Silence filled the room after you two left.
"Damn. That worked better than intended," Asmo stated with slight envy on his tongue. Mammon glared at him. "Ya had to give him a make-over and make him look like a hunk, didn't ya?" Lucifer leaned back watching the door. "It's unfortunate. Though perhaps not an entirely negative thing. We can learn something from this," everyone looked at Lucifer curiously. For the next two weeks, the House of Lamentation was full of leather jackets and eyeliner.
*** This was so fun to write. I hope you guys enjoyed it 😊***
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Revenge is sweet but a well-timed dick joke is sweeter. xoxo gossip girl. Please supervise one Bucky Barnes on the internet. Questionable music taste. Detention is the price we pay for justice. Bruce Banner is too precious for this world, too pure.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings @vozit​ @littlegasps​ @pilloclock​ @shereadsinquiet​ @downeyreads​ @hermione-grangers-wife​ @individualistfem​
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings ! 🎶🎵I love you biiitch ain't ever gonna stop loving you biiitch 🎵🎶
"Initiate phase one," I added a growly undertone to my whisper, holding my phone inconspicuously, as if I was making a simple phone call. There was no answer but I didn't expect one: I was testing the voice recorder app that I had downloaded for the sole purpose of documenting and relaying the inevitable fall of one Flash Thompson. 
Making my way through the crowd of students during the busiest time of the day, I made the most intrigued and outraged facial expression I possibly could. Spying my targets, I leaned against a nearby wall, putting a hand over my mouth in fake outrage, keeping my eyes wide and trained on the opposite wall. Just as I had predicted, the two sophomore girls started giving me side-eye by minute two of my staring and finally approached me as I contemplated the wall for whole five minutes.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" The brunette asked, her blonde friend hanging a step back.
"Yeah, totally," I mumbled. "I'm, like, shook beyond imagination, but nothing, like, bad."
The girls traded a curious look, seemingly coming to some sort of conclusion. The greedy gleam in their eyes had me internally cheering. "What happened?" The blonde one asked, coming closer.
"I'm not sure if I should tell that to anyone," I stammered, watching them bodily move forward. "Well, okay, I can't keep quiet. But you must never, ever speak of it or I'll get expelled or something," I said nervously. They both nodded so rapidly it reminded me of Funko Pop figurines. "You know the senior guy, Flash? Brown hair, kinda hot?" Again, they both nodded, conspicuously grinning. "I think I just saw him in the closed girls bathroom on the third floor with, like, some brunette from Ms. Johnson's History class," They both gasped. Predictable. "But that's not the worst! They were like, y'know," I made an obscene gesture with my hand and they instantly covered their own mouths with their palms in shock. "And the chick was like 'is it in yet?' and he was like 'yah' and I just closed the door and ran, oh my god I hope they didn't hear me," I squealed at the end, playing the part of a mortified teenager.
All three of us giggled uncomfortably for a moment. The blonde girl stared at me suspiciously. "And what were you doing there?"
I faked a nervous stammer, looking around briefly and showing them my lighter for a moment. They both gasped and nodded in recognition. "Don't tell anybody or my mom is going to have kittens," I pleaded. Both of them nodded solemnly, noticing their own group of friends approach. I used the brief moment to get lost in the river of pupils and by the time they turned around to introduce me, I was already at the opposite part of the hallway.
For the time being, everything seemed peaceful. There were a few giggles and side-eyes directed towards Flash Thompson but nothing out of the ordinary. He was disliked by most of the student population even if nobody dared to admit it outright. I took care to walk around without my earbuds for the day and pulled out my phone to record the most interesting conversations around me whenever I caught the tell tale signs of a gossip mill beginning to run its course around the school.
"Oh my god, I heard about this girl that was caught fucking Flash in the girls bathroom and she literally said 'is it in yet', can you imagine the shock, jeez!"
"Some chick literally just rejected Flash because his dick was too small."
"Rebecca from AP chemistry told me someone saw Flash's micropenis. Poor guy!"
"I wonder if his girlfriend dumped him because he can't do shit, I mean, he doesn't look like the type to eat the kitty."
Those were just the highlights of the Friday afternoon. Come the weekend and the news of Flash's unfortunate condition will make the rounds through every single group chat that the school has and by the time Monday rolls around, nobody will have a clue who started the rumour in the first place. I had to carefully select the girls who were to distribute the rumour and I was happy with the outcome: Marissa and Layla with their squad of chatty, bored rich girls were the perfect choice. I thought they would jump at any opportunity to cause drama and I was right.
It was sufficient to say I was bristling with pride as I cut and compiled the audio track from today's school day before sending it to the group chat.
Clint, Peter and Natasha appeared online as soon as the message delivered and I was delighted at their response. Romanoff's kind words, specifically, made me all warm and mushy inside. I didn't resist the feeling, basked in it even as I did a happy dance around my room. Peter's nonsensical string of emojis was another point of laughter for me. 
It wasn't exactly the smartest way to go about killing Thompson's reputation... Alas, simplicity is the way to success when it comes to large crowds of teenagers. That tiny little vindictive part of me was very much looking forward to the weekend and the results of the inevitable distortion of the rumour I had started. Who knew, maybe by Monday Flash Thompson would not only have a micropenis but horns and hooves as well.
Near bedtime, I had all the avengers send me their regards and thumbs up. I answered the flurry of texts as quickly as I could but there was no point in keeping up with ten or so people constantly streaming their questions, opinions and comments. 
I settled on a single easiest response: pulling my dad's old uni sweatshirt over my tiny lacy pajamas to preserve some modesty, I settled in front of my mirror, turning on my Bluetooth speaker to play "Boss Ass Bitch". In true gen-z fashion, I put on my best resting witch face and solemnly lip-synced to the song's eponymous chorus. My eyeliner was sharp enough to cut paper and my prismatic highlighter glittered enigmatically in the cold light of my blue lava lamp.
The response was, once again, delightful and I genuinely belly-laughed at the adults' attempts to meme after Peter. His blushy face emoji started a whole nother conversation that I didn't participate in but watched from the sidelines with glee, snorting every time his friends and mentors gently teased him about the very obvious crush he harboured on me. 
Seeing Peter starting to go absolutely nuts, I interjected with an offer (more like a dare) of a lip sync battle. He jumped on the bandwagon, immediately going offline to undoubtedly film an epic video of what I thought would be dorky-dancing to some hipster song. I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be a pre-recorded tik tok video of him and Ned fighting with lightsabers while mouthing the words to Fergalicious that played over the Imperial March.
Weirdos. I still followed him on the app, though, it was pretty funny.
Bucky interjected with a very well executed rendition of "Bring Me to Life": he was wearing his full Winter Soldier get-up, complete with an AK-47, dramatically serenading Steve who looked seventeen shades of done with his partner's antics. Wanda's following twenty second voice message consisted of nothing but pure hysterical laughter, summing up everyone's reaction to the video. Bucky was going to go viral one of these days...
Obviously, I had good competition and nobody else seemed to want to participate so I rearranged my surroundings a little bit and stood up at my full height and swapped the old sweatshirt for a cute crop-top hoodie. My thigh-highs were on display and with my make-up, I looked like a proper internet e-girl. I leaned against the mirror as I mouthed along to the song with my best interpretation of the famous Lucifer smirk, seasoned with a tiny bit of angelic innocence: "Doctor, doctor, give me the news, I got a bad case of loving you..."
Needless to say, I won the competition. Eventually Wanda joined in, looking menacing and ominous with her dark clothes and Natasha's red hair flashing somewhere in the background; even Tony did a round (AC/DC as his soundtrack of course) with one of his Iron Man suits but nothing beat my stunt and the reaction that it caused.
I had accidentally called out Bruce with the choice of my song and his teammates gave both of us a lot of cheeky comments about it. We relented and flirted with each other a bit as the conversation flowed into more mundane discussion; I said my good nights somewhere between Tony's bitching about the hobbies of my generation and my nightly skincare routine. The little green heart that I'd become accustomed to over the past few weeks greeted me just as I was about to lock my phone.
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Bruce was really too precious for this world. My crush on him was different than the one on Tony, it mellowed out in comparison. I wanted him to hold me, to stroke my hair, to call me his darling and wrap me up in one of those dorky button-ups that he insisted on wearing in spite of Tony's unwanted, however very valid, fashion advice.
For all that's worth, the scientist probably knew or at least suspected and had the good grace to play along just enough to satisfy my deep need for attention... Without crossing any actual lines. It was frustrating, it was disappointing but I had virtually nothing to complain about. Besides, I didn't want to lose the quirky friendship that we had. Banner was, probably, the least judgemental person I knew and I wasn't about to trade that for an awkwardly stolen kiss.
Monday and Tuesday passed in a flurry of giggling and snorting every time Flash walked by. His girlfriend broke up with him, very publicly, accusing him of cheating and he didn't even deny it - just insulted her and stormed off, leaving even his friends looking lost and clueless. I started dragging Peter and his two pet nerds along with me just about everywhere I went in case Thompson decided to do something stupid again. If judging only by the looks he was throwing our little company, he was on his way to figuring out who began nibbling at his reputation.
The week was coming to an end and the rumour began dying off, slowly. That just didn't sit with me, I wanted the fucker gone. Due to the obvious time constraints, I approached MJ regarding Peter - after a brief argument, we came to an agreement regarding Peter's safety should I need to leave him alone in the hallways or at lunch. 
I needed to do this alone so if I got caught, I won't drag them down with me. Granted, I would probably get something like a suspension and the school will attempt to call my mother (she never picks up) but that's about it. That's where her reputation comes in handy-people consciously avoid dealing with her, she can be that unbearable.
But first, I needed to get a teacher that's on my side. After carefully considering the candidates, I settled on my Social Studies professor - he taught the college-level classes and was overall a very chill, nice dude. And he disliked bullies with a flaming passion. So it didn't take me long to work him into a righteous fury - just a quick chat over a cup of tea in his homeroom and a few pictures of Peter's bruised face, complete with my own pleading puppy eyes. We agreed Mr Davies would "accidentally" leave the teacher's lounge unlocked during third period and I would sneak in. The plan wasn't foolproof but if it worked, not only Flash, but also his whole misogynistic, bigoted family would go down.
As I was leaving, Mr Davies looked up at me with a bright smile: "Give them Hell, alright?" And I suddenly noticed he was, in fact, very attractive. The smile brought out the fine wrinkles around his mouth, the crow's feet around his eyes - he smiled a lot. Silver strands mixed in with the wooden brown of his hair.
I let my eyes slide over him briefly before baring my teeth in return. "I owe you one," I don't know what possessed me to say that. My mouth really had a mind of its own sometimes. The room suddenly became hot.
"Sure," He replied, totally oblivious.
On Friday, I made myself a small nest in the empty classroom opposite the teacher's lounge and sat waiting for the signal from Mr Davies - he'd tap on the door once and I'd quietly go inside the teacher's lounge, retrieve Thompson's file and make my way back to the empty classroom to grab my backpack and carry the file to my locker for further examination. 
The first part went successfully and I managed to snag Thompson's file. It was heavy and hefty, all the evidence of his rowdiness compiled into one flimsy plastic folder. There were A LOT of pink slips and I rejoiced internally: at least there was a paper trail of his exploits. The principal didn't do anything about it which was... If not against the rules then at least frowned upon; the plan was to take copies and anonymously submit them to the school board prompting at least an investigation into the blatant disregard for Flash's immoral and illegal behaviour.
On my way back I stumbled upon the principal herself which got me not only a stern talking to, but a whole detention for skipping class. Whatever, I was too elated from potentially ruining the life of a dumb fuck who ruined my friend's face.
Surprise came in the face of Mr Davies, who, having heard the commotion in the hallway, stepped out of his class and saw me being lectured by the principal. 
"I'll take her for the detention," I heard the familiar voice behind me. The principal nodded solemnly and I had no choice but to sigh in resignation. "Three thirty, be here," He nodded to me, walking back, looking way too smug for his own good. So I wasn't the only one excited about the successful completion of stage two of my nefarious plan. Cue evil laughter.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Slasher OC: The Hacker
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Full Name: Xander Shawn Rivera (Although none knows his real name as his killer persona)
Nickname(s): Xan, Hackerman, The Hacker, Erron, Cyber Killer, Shawty, BlueRain, Blue
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: New York City, USA
Current Location: New York City
Occupation: As a civilian, he works in the IT department of a company; As his killer persona he is a Dark Web Criminal, Master Hacker, CEO of Online Drug and Weapon Store
Base of operation: New York
Languages: English
Height: 6'3
Weight: 185 lbs
Body Type: Atheltic
Skin Color: Warm Ivory
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: He has an undercut hairstyle, much longer on the top, with bangs covering sometimes one eye
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Eye Color: Smokey grey, giving off eerily serene, sometimes studiously expressionless
Clothing: As his civilian persona, Xander prefers easy clothing that doesn't attract attention, keeping the image of a boring 30s male, he opts for dark jeans, T-shirts with symbols from video games or simple graphic T-shirts, and hoodies in colors of black, dark grey or light grey, dark blue. His shoes of choice are either vans or converse, comfortable and practical. Xander's clothing could be described as nerdy.
As his killer persona, he chooses black clothing or midnight dark blue, black converse, or black high Nikes, a bulletproof vest under his hoodie, utility belt where he has his holster with the bowie knife. He wears a neon blue Purge-like mask to hide his identity, and he upgraded the mask, installing mini-video cameras close to where his eyes are so that he can record any of his murders or information in order to blackmail.
Other features: He has a dragon tattoo on one of his pectorals, a tongue piercing and he has a cock piercing right on the tip also known as Prince Albert piercing, plus his scrotum ring piercing. He also has blue braces. He also has some faint freckless on his nose and around.
Face Claim: Desmond Harrington
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Weapons: Bowie Knife, Beretta 92 Gun, Wilson Combat EDC X9
Scent: He wears Dior Men Cologne Sauvage, the fragrance is announced as radically fresh, raw and noble at the same time. Top notes are Calabrian bergamot and Pepper; middle notes are Sichuan Pepper, Lavender, Pink Pepper, Vetiver, Patchouli, Geranium and elemi; base notes are Ambroxan, Cedar and Labdanum. Other notes of his scent would be tabacoo, a sugary energy drink smell.
Favorite Food: McDonalds, Subway and Burritos
Favorite Drink: Energy drinks, especially the Monster Energy Drink ones
Great knowledge in IT and hacking
Torture methodology
Driving skills
Skilled usage of weaponry
Bulletproof outfit
High intelligence
Computer skills
Murderous expertise
Skill in hand-to-hand combat
Psychopathic nature
Airplane Pilot Skills
The man known as the infamous Hacker was long ago someone completely different.
Xander Shawn Rivera was born into a suburban neighborhood close to New York City, along with his little sister Chloe, their parents being Neil Rivera, their father who worked as a police officer of New York City, and their mother Olivia Rivera working for a company in New York into the logistic department.
Xander had a normal childhood, until when he was 14 when his mother left him, his sister, and his father for a rich man. Neil took care of the two kids, and because his mother left them, Xander started to hold a huge grudge on her, especially that his sister, Chloe told him many times that their mother would come back, and Xander got even more hate on his mother when she wouldn't come to visit them; never present for Chloes birthdays, holidays and such.
In high school, Xander was considered the biggest nerd; awkward and unsure of himself, he was a prime target for the popular kids. He wasn't the strongest in the physical department, being fairly tall for his age and a slender guy, he focused his attention more on learning, especially in the IT, technology, and robotic department of the school.
Being more captured by the cybernetic life, he spends all his free time learning how to hack, getting deeper into the Dark Web. First, he opened an online drug store and in time he started to do trafficking with dangerous weapons too. His father being at work most of the time, he had all the privacy he needed, and none had any suspicions of what he was doing, being seen as the non-interesting guy with social awkward skills.
In the last year of high school, one night while he was working, Xander received a call from the New York Police, telling him how his father was gunned down during an investigation with a drug-dealing gang.
With his father dead and his sister completely devasted, not to mention a plan for what he will do after he finishes high school, Xander came to a blocking point, and his sister left him too, to go live with their mother and her boyfriend, the rich asshole.
Being left all alone, Xander finished high school and took the job position in the USA army in the security and IT department, since all his reviews were exceptional. After a few years of working for the USA army, learning along how to fight, use weapons, and how to fly an airplane, he decided to quit, not satisfied enough with what his line of work offered him. The superiors treated him like shit and he was viewed just as their lap dog.
After he gave up on the army, he got a job at a New York company, but behind the boring nerdy civilian, Xander developed a new persona, that he earned from all around the Dark Web; The Hacker alias Erron.
Continuing with the illegal stores on the dark internet, he also got intrigued by the more horrible parts, like killing, assassins, torture, porn gore, and the list goes on.
Xander understood that there on Dark Web, he had full control of everything, it was his Kingdom and he was the King, he could be whatever he wanted there and he had all the skills and tricks... And his killer persona turned out to be one of the most wanted international criminals in and outside the USA.
As his civilian self, Xander is an introvert to say so, not indulging himself too much in social activities, but he still shows high confidence even as his normal persona. He prefers to keep to himself, being the boring and nerdy Xander Shawn Rivera that is pretty much invisible. It's an image he chose to keep in order not to raise any suspicions of who he really is. Despite being a Master in hacking and IT, he doesn't show it when it comes to his civilian line of work. He has a quote that goes like this: 'Never show your true potential just to be a cheap showoff. Wait for the perfect moment to strike.'
As his killer persona, like most murderers in horror movies, he shares their traits. He is sneaky, intelligent, cruel, aggressive, sadistic, destructive, and brutish by nature. He has no morality, his base of operation being on the Deep Web, where he is doing business. He scops up victims in various ways; down from online dating sites, to posing as a simple seller of a car or phone; he knows what to say to find out more about his victims. Once he tracks you down, he will know everything about you; your name, age, address and even hacking your webcam to cyberstalk you, finding the perfect moment to strike.
As the Hacker, he is very confident, playful, manipulative, and always has a plan B up his sleeves, and if plan B doesn't work, well... get ready for plan C.
The biggest trick is that you don't know anything about who the Hacker is, but he knows everything about you. He is the guy that invades your privacy and knows all your secrets, using all the information against his victims or people that dare to get in his way.
The Hacker is unpredictable, ruthless when he has to be, and extremely possessive of what he owns, because he worked hard for it, and this results in another intense trait of his personality; he is a big workaholic, sometimes forgetting to sleep and eat, especially when he has a huge deal to finish.
The Hackers street smarts and charisma is unmatched and he is one of the toughest criminals to ever walk the streets of America and surfing through the dark web. As the Hacker, he finds it much easier to talk, flirt, and get close to women. It's not necessarily that he is self-conscious, because he is not, and he has an explanation for why as his civilian self he avoids getting too close to the dating game.
'I have to be boring and awkward as to not raise suspicions, besides... why would I need a girlfriend to stick her nose into my business and fuck up everything? Pussy I can find and get anytime and anywhere I want. Thank you very much, motherfucker.'
He also shows traits of narcissism or egomania, loving to be complimented for his work and achievements, hen loves to be praised and acknowledges by those around him that he is the best, which clashes when he has to put on the good civilian mask and pretend he doesn't want to gut everyone's necks around him.
A psychopathic madman with a lust for blood and to be the best in everything he does, he can be considered a big perfectionist, but not in all domains. For example, he is a lame cook and always prefers to get take-outs or food that can be heated into the microwave. He doesn't have time to sleep, much less to spend his time at the stove.
Erron is very blunt and to the point in his conversations, and won't hesitate to tell someone how stupid they are. He lacks empathy and he doesn't work like other people; he is very logical and will use his brain/mind more so than his heart.
All in all, both Xander and Erron are one and the same person, switching personalities.
Selling illegal weapons and drugs
Grand Theft Auto
Snuff Filming
Drug/Weapon trafficking
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Quotes of The Hacker:
'I see you.'
'Lets see who pays the most.'
'I got many things that may interest you. Drugs, Guns, Maybe a young woman. Lets negociate.'
'I am everywhere.'
'Yes. I got your wife. You should have seen her face when I fucked her.'
'You will never win this game.'
'You think you can catch me? The police tried for years. Good luck, pal.'
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Apostate 1
Warnings: violence, further tags to be added in next chapter.
This is dark!(hydra!)Steve and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You notice something about Steve.
Note: Okey dokey. Here’s the long awaited Hydra Steve! There will be a second part and this will be reblogged with tags as well. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. If y’all want the inspo for this one, here it is. Thank you. Love you guys!
Leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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It started with a look. Funny how the eyes could betray so much; elation, devastation, knowing. The dilation of a pupil, the glare of an iris as it caught the light, the dullness that could mute feigned surprise. 
Steve was a bad actor, or perhaps it was an unusual slip. Perhaps there was more to the performance; a secret harboured so long it grew light and easy. That it no longer took great effort to carry.
Or maybe you just looked over at the right moment. Or the wrong, depending on your perspective. He blinked and nodded as he turned back to Tony. He pretended to listen intently as the man stood in his broken armor and recounted his struggle. Hydra agents had destroyed the vault before he could secure it. Your mission was both successful and catastrophic.
While you might have cut another head off the snake, it’s venom remained. All you achieved was the ruin of a city block. The collateral of property and even people. None had died but many were wounded. 
You shook your head as Tony told of how the operative slammed the door closed and the muffled explosion saw to the erasure of thousands of documents. Those which could see the decapitation of Hydra and cauterise the necks before they could heal. But he was too late. You all were. It was as if they knew. As if they expected you.
You hung your head as the image of the golden avenger lingered in your head. He didn’t look very disappointed, only indifferent. You thought of the mission, his hair still askew and the dust still stained all of you as it mingled with your sweat. 
You recalled how Steve appeared so conveniently from behind a pillar after your singular struggle with an enemy. Almost as if he had been watching. As if he were awaiting the outcome before he made his entrance. As if either way it unfolded, it would be a victory for him. 
You must’ve been crazy. You were tired and the adrenaline hazed your mind. The win laced with such loss was hard to swallow. You were desperate for a reason and you could have pinned it on any in the room. It was always hard to accept that it just hadn’t gone to plan.
You peeked at him again. He rubbed his forehead and yawned. The lines deepened below his hairline and around his eyes. No, you must’ve imagined his apathy. It was so unlike him. It was your own subconscious telling you you hadn’t done enough. Your own doubts aimed at another to avoid your own culpability.
“Sorry, am I boring our resident centenarian?” Tony turned on Steve as he closed his mouth. “Where were you? I was calling for you.”
“I was doing my job, same as you,” Steve stood straight and regained his couple inches over Tony. “Seeing to my team, as I always do.” He looked to you. “Isn’t that right?”
You were caught by surprise. You gulped and looked around. Bruce and Clint were worn and barely seemed awake as they stood against the wall, Natasha shook her head and grumbled. “Tony, come on.”
“Come on what?” Tony spat. “He’s standing here like nothing happened. You need to lay down, old man?”
“Tony, it was all of us down there. We all came up short.” Natasha argued. “Hydra… they always have an exit plan. At least, we cut out part of the infection.”
Tony nodded and shook his head. He turned his back on the team and scoffed. “With nothing to show for it.”
“With no lives lost,” She insisted. “With an awareness that they are infiltrating our major cities. With an idea of where to look next.”
“Chicago? Boston? Los Angeles?” He sniffed and pushed his hair back. “Where do we start, Romanoff? There’s six of us and how many of them?”
“Fury will--”
“Fury will complain about paperwork, about marching blindly against an unseen enemy,” Tony barked as he spun back. “Fury isn’t what he used to be. Maybe if we had the files, he’d budge but without them, we got nothing but breath.”
“Tony, she’s right,” Steve intoned. “We know where to look now. We’re not blind.”
“Where do we look, Cap?” Tony turned on him. “Hmm?”
“Right in front of us.” Steve’s jaw twitched. “They’ll be scattering, here in New York. We keep an eye out at the airports. See who’s trying to run and where. We go from there.”
Tony clamped his lips together and sighed. He shrugged and dismissed all of you with a flick of his hand as he crossed to the door. His metal suit retracted all at once and revealed the sweaty black clothes beneath. Showed him to be the man he was; exhausted and wilting.
“Keep your eye out then, Steve,” He snarled. “If you can keep ‘em open long enough.”
You all stood and watched him go silently. When the door slammed you glanced at each other. Tony’s frustration had mounted in the past months. As cells were uncovered in his city, you all witnessed his growing hopelessness. This was just another dent in his armour. Perhaps the deepest.
It was just as the myth went, you cut off one head and another grew. Soon enough, you’d find yourself in the teeth of one or the other.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that something was out of place. Most of all, you couldn’t push away the thought that it was Steve. You kept replaying the scene in your head. A whole week later and it flashed behind your eyes every time they met his. 
He hadn’t been concerned to find you sprawled across the ground with scraps of concrete and metal around you. A dead man draped over you as his life bled out. And you thought of the yawn that riled Tony. Even as the accusations flew, Steve wasn’t bothered. Not enough to get defensive, just enough to try to coax Tony onward. Past this blip. Past this misstep.
So you got in your head to follow him. At first, you kept to his movement in the Tower. His meetings with Fury, with Stark, his little run-ins with his respective colleagues, his training. The usual. Nothing to fuel your suspicions, only to further dismantle your paranoia. 
Yet it lingered.
Then he left for a mission. You couldn’t follow him there, you had your own work. So you passed the days he was gone in paperwork and reconnaissance around the city. Your thoughts of the first avenger faded and a semblance of normality returned until he did. 
You saw him in the halls with Fury. The General was visibly unhappy, not that he was ever overtly cheerful. You turned the corner before you could reach them and listened. Even when the matters should be private, Fury’s anger often precluded him from a hushed conversation. Neither men seemed concerned of being overheard.
“This is all you have to show? It’s nonsense.” Fury said.
“It’s coded,” Steve replied dully. “Don’t you have a team that can crack it? You’re telling me Tony in all his genius can’t decipher a few backwards letters.”
“It’s a single sentence, Rogers,” Fury snorted. “Maybe even half of one. This isn’t a cryptogram.”
“It’s what I got,” Steve huffed. “You sent me in alone, what did you expect?”
“You’ve marched into worse on your own,” Fury growled. “And done more than a single fucking slip of paper.”
“Rich.” Steve retorted. “Tony watches as a whole vault of intelligence is nuked and I bring you back something, anything, and I get lectured like a child.”
“Tony called for back-up, several times, we have the logs, Captain,” Fury sneered. “Including those of your radio silence.”
The air was still as neither man spoke. You could barely breathe. 
“I wasn’t the only one out there,” Steve said quietly. “I wasn’t the only one with a radio. I’m not the only one who lost.”
“But you’re their leader,” Fury returned. “So you need to start acting like it and get your shit together.”
The words were punctuated by sudden footsteps. Fury’s boots clicked away as a shadow neared you. You slid along the wall and dipped into a closet as Steve’s soles scuffed closer. You pulled the door closed quietly and watched through the crack as he passed. He swore under his breath as he punched his own hand.
He stopped, just beyond your door and his steps came to a stop. You heard a soft rustle and swallowed as you listened. The faint ring of a line trying to connect. It stopped and Steve’s voice startled you as it cut through the air.
“Chicago.” Was the only word he said. 
Your brows drew together and the low hum a voice replying in a single syllable was followed by the bloop of the call ending. Steve let out another heavy breath and continued down the hall. Your heart raced as you waited several minutes before emerging. 
What the fuck was that?
Steve once told you not to bring your work home with you. You thought it was laughable coming from him and it still was. You stood across the street from his building. You followed him there from the tower. It was difficult to tail a target trained to look over his shoulder at all times.
You hid in the mouth of the alley, pressed to the wall as you stared at the front doors. What were you going to do? Watch them all night? Wait until the morning when he left? It seemed all a bit preposterous now that you stood there. This was Steve Rogers. A war hero. The first avenger. The saviour of the world.
As the streetlights flipped on, you checked the time and resigned yourself to fleeing with tail tucked. You shouldn’t have followed him. You were being silly. You let your imagination get the best of you. Read into a yawn and a slight tic. Maybe you were due for a vacation.
Then the doors opened and you fell back into shadows. Steve wore a plain grey hoodie and track pants. He stretched his legs before he hopped down the steps. You watched as he bounced in place before setting off in a jog. He was that type. Running around after dark to clear his head. 
You waited until he reached the end of the street before you stepped up to the curb. You stared after him as he disappeared around the corner and you crossed between the cars parked along the road. You strolled up the stairs to the front door of the apartment and swept through the door. You scrolled through the buzzer directory until you found him. Not so obvious as the rest; the initials S.R. beamed back at you on the screen. You took note of the apartment number and walked back out.
You checked your phone as you came around to the fire escape. You figured at least twenty minutes before he returned, likely longer. Closer to an hour, if anything. You took a running start and hopped up to grab the bottom rung of the ladder. You hauled yourself onto the metal platform and started up the steps. You stopped at the first empty apartment.
You tapped on the window and waited. Nothing. You tried the window but it was locked. You took out your pocket knife and poked along the frame. You jammed it between the wood and heard the metal clasp snap. You slid it up carefully and slipped inside, closing it quietly behind you.
You found your way to the door and into the hall. Another floor up and several apartments away. You raced up the stairwell and came out on the next level. You counted your way to his door and listened through the wood. You stirred around in your purse and pulled out the multi tool gifted you by Tony. 
Don’t take your work home with you, the words echoed again.
You glanced around before you picked the lock swiftly. You eased the door open, careful not to grind the aged hinges. You walked lightly down the short hall to the living room. Frame pictures along the wall placed precisely, a leather chair and patterned couch more suited to another era. No television, only a shelf of books and aged magazines.
You stopped. What exactly were you looking for? You edged around the coffee table and examined every inch of the room. Nothing out of place. You passed by the kitchen and down the hall that led to the bathroom and bedroom respectively. The glow of a screen came from the latter. You frowned. The laptop shone beside the small lamp on the desk.
You looked back into the living room and took a breath. You tapped your toe softly before you entered. You went to the desk and clicked the touch pad. The screensaver washed away and you stared at a plain desktop. Not even a password. It felt all too obvious. Too easy.
The hairs on your neck stood. You peeked over your shoulder. Nothing. You turned back to the laptop and opened the explorer. The files revealed nothing but encrypted Shield docs. You clicked out as a notification popped up in the corner. An email with no sender. You opened it before you could think.
It was gibberish. Coded words. You shook your head and brought up the camera on your phone. You took a picture of the message and and marked it unread before you closed it. You held onto your cell and retreated. 
You left the way you came, mindful to lock the door in your stead. You took a breath before you headed down the stairs and wove your way to the rear exit. You came out by a dumpster and set off behind the row of brick buildings. You dialed your phone as you turned into the alley that led to the next street. It went to voicemail and you tsked.
“Fury. We should talk. Call me as soon as you can.” You didn’t know what else to say so you hung up. 
You looked to the front of the alley, the few dark figures that passed by. You would head home and wait for the call. You suspected your night was far from over. You started forward and your phone vibrated. You kept your step and lifted the screen to answer. 
You were suddenly off your feet as an arm wrapped around you and a hand batted your phone to the ground. You were spun against the brick wall and crushed by an unyielding weight behind you, a knee against your thigh.
“Find anything good?” Steve asked and you tried to turn your head. He caught it and slammed it into the wall, sending stars through your vision. “Too bad you won’t get to share it.”
His thick arm snaked around your throat and he squeezed. You kicked out as you struggled and pushed both of you away from the wall. He barely stumbled as he kept you locked in and your head began to pound.
“S-Steve…” You rasped out.
“I told you, don’t take your work home with you…” His hot breath was the last thing you felt as your vision went black.
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janaikam · 4 years
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You - Collaboration
Day 4 of @luxyweek
Part 3
Read on AO3
There was some force working in XY’s favor because right as he made his realization, his phone went off. One of the first songs he had ever released, Answer Me, blared from his phone. It wasn't the first song he had ever written. No, the first song he wrote his father said it wouldn’t sell and told him the best way to produce music was to have other people do it for you.
XY moved away from the bathroom mirror to check his phone. His father was texting asking to meet for dinner later, which meant yet another boring business meal. Those were never fun because he had to be all serious and stuff, which was the exact opposite of his personality.
Plus he never really needed to be there. His father just told him plans for his career, and they moved on with their lives. It’s not like XY had decisions to make.
XY made bad decisions. That's what his father always said, so it was better to leave it up to other people to decide what was best.
“This has been fun, but I better go before, uhh, before someone recognizes me in these horrid clothes,” XY says quickly, moving to the bathroom door. “Can’t have my fans seeing me like this.”
“Of course. Image is everything. I wouldn’t want to be the one to ruin yours,” Luka said, dryly.
XY smiled. Luka already knew the first things about being a musician.
“I’m glad you understand! It’s definitely nothing against your personal style. Like it’s not all bad. This hoodie is super comfortable. How does something so nice and soft like this exist?” XY stopped his rant, realizing Luka was smirking at him. “Anyways gotta go. This was fun, we should do it again sometime!”
“NO, WE SHOULDN'T!!” he heard Luka yell, but XY was already at the top of the boat.
He dashed off the boat, running towards Le Grand Paris. Being around Luka seemed to have some effect on him that he hated to admit to himself, and he did not need Luka figuring that out.
He would probably use it as blackmail to get XY to buy him anything he wanted. After all, that’s what everyone else wanted.
XY was grateful that he didn’t run into anyone he knew on his run back to the hotel. If his dad found out he was playing dress-up like a little kid, he would get the worst lecture ever.
Thankfully when he returned, he still had about two hours until dinner with his dad, so he pulled out his laptop to play the Sims for a bit to try and distract himself.
It wasn’t until he was deep in a game with two male sims trying to become famous while raising a daughter that he realized he made Luka and himself in the Sims. What made things worse was that the Luka character had a more successful career than him.
Frustrated, XY slammed his laptop shut and threw it on the couch. Clearly, these feelings for Luka weren’t going to go away easily.
That blue-haired wannabe was giving him so much trouble, and he didn’t even know it. He wished that he was right there in his bedroom so XY could yell and give him a piece of his mind. Maybe cuddle a bit. Or even share secrets.
Just so Luka trusted him. Then he would blindside him with feelings. That way XY would have something on Luka.
Yes, that’s what he’ll do. Xavier-Yves Z Roth will make Luka Whatever His Middle Name is Couffaine fall in love with him.
Now all he had to do was figure out how exactly to do it.
The sweet sounds of his own music filled his ears as XY slowly woke up. The slight pain in his back let him know that his position on the couch the previous night was not very comfortable.
XY ignored the pain, moving to check his phone.
There were about ten messages from his father, nine more than he was used to. Most of the messages were questioning his whereabouts, which he found strange. XY hardly leaves his room, so it was easy to find him if someone really needed him.
It wasn’t until he scrolled up to the message from yesterday afternoon that he realized he skipped dinner with his father.
Quickly typing a response back, XY tried to think of an excuse as to why he never made dinner. Outright saying that he was watching rom coms to figure out how to make some guy fall in love with him was probably not the best. Especially considering his father wanted him to stay single, so all the girls would buy his album.
Instead, he lied, saying that he had found a great new song and was planning to record it as soon as possible. It would get his father off his back for a while and give XY more time to figure out what he was going to do.
He wanted to get on this Luka thing as soon as possible, but his movie marathon hadn’t been very successful. While the romcoms gave him some ideas, there were many flaws.
Like for one, two weeks in when the feelings are budding, Luka could find out what XY was doing and then hate him for it. It could ruin everything even if in a few days they made up.
Unfortunately for him, his father replied, saying he would stop by the studio to make sure everything was going alright. Which meant XY actually had to go down to the studio and find a song to record.
Just Great. It was gonna be a long day.
Everything was stupid.
None of the producers knew what they were doing, and XY couldn’t find a song to steal. He found that most of the producers at the record company were very nervous around him and didn’t want to upset him, which in turn just upset him even more.
“You guys can’t do anything right! How hard is it to just help me pick a song for my next album! There’s so much talent out there! Just find someone! I mean it can’t b-”
A knock at the studio door interrupted XY’s ranting, and everyone turned to see Luka there.
All the producers started whispering among themselves. From what XY gathered, “who would dare interrupt XY?”
XY tuned them out and instead focused on Luka. He looked very out of place with a plastic bag on his shoulder and his scruffed up everyday look.
XY couldn’t think of any reason for Luka to show up, but this was perfect. He could woo Luka and record a song for his dad in one fell swoop.
“Luka! What are you doing here?” XY asked, turning on his charm. He needed this to work or else he would have no way to get Luka back for the feelings XY was feeling.
The producers had stopped whispering instead, choosing to watch the interaction between XY and Luka. Their interest in what was happening was really getting on XY’s nerves.
“Could you guys go make music or something? You’re not needed right now,” XY told them, subtly implying that they should leave.
It worked as producers quickly grabbed their things and bolted out the door, leaving just Luka and XY in the studio.
“Uhh, I just dropped by to return your clothes. I don’t really need them, and Juleka was about to sell them online, so I thought you might want them back before she did that.”
XY blinked. XY vaguely remembered the purple haired girl from yesterday. Based on what Luka said, she didn’t seem very cash money to him.
“Oh, uh thanks.” It was weird the effect Luka had on him. One minute his head is filled with so many thoughts and ideas, and then the next it’s just head empty, no thoughts.
Luka handed him the plastic bag with clothes. XY took it and set it down on the floor.
“I couldn’t help but overhear, but were you trying to find a song to steal?” Luka asked, moving to the laptop XY had been looking at.
XY couldn’t help but feel that Luka was accusing him of something, but he had no clue what. It wasn’t like he was doing anything wrong.
“I mean yeah. It’s how I get all of my music. What else am I supposed to do?” XY flopped back into one of the studio chairs. The chair made a slight creak as it took on XY’s full weight.
“You could try writing your own music. You’re less likely to have akumas target you that way.” Luka crossed his arms while taking a deep breath.
“When has an akuma targeted me for stealing music?” XY scoffed.
“Are you…? You’ve got to be kidding me right? I was akumatized because you stole my band’s song!”
XY blinked. “You were? Huh, no idea how I forgot that. So were you a good akuma?”
“Wha-I-what does that even mean!?” XY inwardly smiled as Luka’s face became redder.
“Like did you win?”
Luka gave him a look that said, are you kidding me?
“Considering that you still have your voice, no I did not win.”
“Some akuma you were,” XY scoffed.
XY wasn’t really sure how, but Luka’s face almost looked like a tomato at this point. It was really cartoonish and super adorable.
“Well if Ladybug hadn't stopped me, then you would be mute, and you would somehow have to explain to your fans how you’re still able to ‘sing’ your songs.” Luka smirked as if he was proud of something.
“That’s easy! We would just keep making the music! It’s already what we do. Doesn’t really matter if I can’t hear them.”
XY could practically feel Luka’s anger coming off in waves. If Luka hadn’t taken a deep breath, XY was almost confident an akuma would’ve appeared. Though maybe that wouldn’t be too bad, it would give him an excuse for not having a song for his dad.
“Before I completely lose my cool, Xavier-”
“It’s XY actually.”
“Xavier-Yves. It is in your best interest that you decide to start writing your own music and shut up when other people are talking for crying out loud,” Luka finished. His face started turning back to it’s normal pale color, much to XY’s disappointment.
XY couldn’t help but think Luka looked cuter mad. It was just a fact.
“That’s too much effort. I’ve tried and I suck.”
Luka frowned. It was debatably cuter than when he was angry.
“If you suck, why don’t you try writing one with someone else? I’m sure if you at least have some ideas then someone else could help you polish things,” Luka asked.
XY paused. He’d never thought of doing that before, or really, his dad had never thought of that. He had always said that success was based on individual effort, not a group effort, so help from others was usually out of the question.
“What do you mean? Like a collab?”
Luka shrugged. “Yeah, something like that. I’m sure there’s someone out there who would be willing to work with you.”
That wasn’t necessarily true. Most other artists in Paris had either stolen their work by him, or he’d made fun of them so much that they cut off all contact with XY. Even some of the celebrities his dad produced were willing to risk their contracts just so they wouldn’t have to work with XY.
Perhaps there was still one musician that might help him, XY thought, looking towards Luka.
Putting on his best puppy dog eyes and duck face, XY asked, “Would you collab with me?”
Upon hearing XY’s question, Luka’s face turned into a disgusted one.
“Uh, yeah, I’ll help. But promise me one thing?”
“What?” XY asked eagerly. He would never admit it to Luka, but the thought of working with him made XY extremely excited.
“Never ever make that face again.”
As it turned out, Bob Roth never stopped by the studio. But XY couldn’t have cared less that his father never showed. He had so much fun with Luka that working didn’t even bother him.
It turned out Luka was an amazing guitarist. He was also very talented at the kazoo, making the harsh noise sound very melodic and pleasing to the ear.
The two instruments combined with XY’s sound mixing skills produced an awesome new song that he couldn’t wait to show his father. Even the producers that helped record the song said it was something no one could have ever imagined.
All in all, it was a great experience that XY wanted to do again. Who knew that a new music partner was all one needed to make good music?
When he got back to his room, XY ordered some fried chicken from room service and turned on the TV. He wasn’t really interested in what was on, but he left it on just as background noise. After all, the news could mention him in something amazing he did.
He was just ready to relax from a long day’s work without a care in the world.
Looking over at his bed, XY noticed Luka’s clothes thrown in a pile at the end of the bed. It would be nice of him to return Luka’s things. Especially since Luka returned his clothes instead of letting them be sold online.
XY sighed as he went to pick up the clothes. Luka better give him something in return for all of this.
Maybe he would give him a kiss on the cheek. Now that would be a great payment.
He had almost gathered everything. The last item on the floor was a plain silver bracelet. It was really strange cause all of Luka’s other bracelets were very colorful.
Grabbing the bracelet, it surprisingly turned a soft purple color, and a bright light filled the room. XY had no choice but to cover his eyes, dropping the clothes in his hands.
When the light cleared, there was a green snake thing floating in front of him.
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Dino Gear - Supercop
Read at AO3
That day turned out to be one of the worst days in Lena Luthor’s life. And she had a lot of days were people tried to kill her, including her mother and her bother, she was kidnapped more times than she was comfortable with and she did pretty much looked like a walking target to whatever shit the universe decided to throw her away, but, pushing all of that to the side, that was one of the worst days in her life.
She woke up late, which was a first in her life, after staying awake until very very late talking with Kara over texts. Her friend seemed bored and with insomnia and kept texting her the most random things for hours, going from asking her silly questions like her favourite color to sending pics of animals she found cute. And, for a reason she would like not to adress in the moment, Lena had stayed up with her until her friend finally fell asleep – or at least until she took more than five minutes to text her again. So when her alarm went off at 6am like usual, she didn’t heard it.
Jess saw her basically running to her office two hours after she was supposed to be there, but she was gracefull enough not to mention it while informing Lena of all the things she had pushed on her schedule. Because of her delay, Lena had even more meetings to attend in the afternoon and she had a board meeting and so many meetings that, by the time she exited the last one, she had lost count of which one that was.
She also hadn’t eaten nothing all day. Literally. She was late for work so she had to skip breakfest, she was in a meeting during lunch and another meeting after that. Lena spent all afternoon talking with stubborn, blockhead, white male, and by the time she realized she still had to put some solid food on her body it was already too late to ask Jess to grab her something.
To top all of that - because what more did she needed really? – she had to stay until late at her office, trying to finish some reports and working on some things she had promissed Winn she would take a look at. Not to mention that, in her rush to make everything on time, she didn’t had time to talk with Kara all day, even if she saw that her best friend had texted her more than once through the day. By the time she called her driver, Lena’s head was feeling twice it’s size.
She wanted nothing more than take her uncomfortable clothes off and go to bed. She had a terrible migraine, her body was tired and honestly her bed was just too inviting in the moment.
Lena had managed to take a quick shower and put her old National City University hoodie, and was on her way to pour some wine to herself, when there was a knock on the door. Her heart jumped against her chest at the sudden loud sound in her quiet apartment, but the panic quickly soothe when her brain started to work. There was only one person that would be allowed to go up by security without her being informed before.
What exactly Kara was doing on her door at 00:14am was beyond her, but Lena knew it was better ask her than keep asking herself instead. She sighed, putting down the wine bottle, and started making her way to the door. Lena loved her friend, she really did, but she wasn’t in the mood to entertain her that night. Her head hurt and she was tired, and it wasn’t even wednesday yet.
She took a deep breath before opening the door, ready to break Kara’s excited little heart, but then she had to stop short on her tracks when she took in whatever her friend was wearing.
Her hand instantly flew to her mouth to hide her laugh behind her palm, but it was already too late by the look on Kara’s face.
“Special delivery for miss Luthor!” Kara exclamed in her most cheerful tone, raising her hand that was holding a plastic bag to show her that she had, indeed, something with her.
Lena shook her head, her hand dropping back to the door handle, her smile almost too big to be comfortable. “Please, tell me this isn’t happening right now.”  She said with a scoff.
Kara raised one eyebrow at her, but her smiley face was just too happy for it to stay like that for too long. “You like my dino gear, don’t you?” Her eyes moved up, clearly trying to look at the said clothing item, before coming back to stare at Lena with that bright glint on the blue orbs.
Lena looked at her friend from head to toe, still smiling, and quirked her eyebrows to what she saw. Kara’s bottom half was rather normal, just some old sneackers and a maybe too large grey hoodie pants with CatCo symbol on it, but her top half was something entirely different. She was using what had to be the ugliest sweater Lena had ever saw. It was a dark shade of blue, with a large green and yellow dinosaur on it, and it would have being an attrocity if she wasn’t looking so cute while wearing it. And, in her head, Kara was wearing a black cap with a green dinosaour being mounted by a green smiley alien, full with stars and planets around them and a fluffly coloured woolen ball on top. In the bottom, the phrase “Give me some space” was written in white and red, making everything even better.
Kara looked ridiculous, but, oh so cute. Especially with that easy smile of her and her face full of freckles around her nose that Lena could see thanks to the fact that her friend wasn’t wearing any make up.
“I heard you had a rough day.” Kara offered as an explanation, raising the bag again. “I thought I would show up to make you smile a little bit.” She wiggled her eyebrows and her cap moved along with it. “With kale to help me out.”
Lena couldn’t hold back anymore, she laughed openly now. “Jesus, Kara, you’re the best, I love you.” She shook her head again.
They hadn’t said it before, not even in a friendly way. They had said how much the other meant for each other, how much they cared, how far they would go for each other, but, for some reason, it felt different that time. Lena could hear in her own voice how blunt out honest she was when she spilled the words without thinking. She didn’t sounded like a thankful friend, no. She sounded like a in love fool, like her heart had just spit out of her mouth.
And apparently Kara had also realized it because all laugh and smile left her beautiful face when she stared back at Lena in shock. So Lena also stoped laughing, because clearly her friend was not amused anymore, and her heart started beating fast inside her chest, begging her to find a way to get out of the mess she dug herself and not ruin things for them, because having Kara as her friend was better than not having Kara at all.
“I, uh-“ Lena cleared her throat twice before she was able to speak again. “What’s in the bag?” She clinged visibly to her stupid question and clear attempt to find another thing to talk about.
But Kara wasn’t having it. “What did you just said?”
“What?” Not the best time to play dumb, Lena realized too late. Not the best way to get her out of that mess.
“You-“ Kara pointed at her with a shaking finger and wide eyes. “You said you- You said- You just...” Ok, so clearly she wasn’t the only one who had no idea what to say. “You said you love me.” Kara whispered the words almost in reverence.
Lena wanted to play dumb again, at least she would be able to buy her some time before having to answer the though questions, but she doubted that saying ‘No, I didn’t’ was going to sound any better than whatever crap she could come up with. Her brain was way too tired for that conversation to be happening.
So she went all the way around. “Yes, I did.” Lena crossed her arms in front of her chest, trying to embrace herself for the impact.
“Wow.” Kara whispered in awe while nodding along with it. “That’s some big news.”
“Kara, look, I’m sorry. I haven’t slept very well and I also didn’t eat anything all day, and I really want to go to bed, so...” It was the lamest excuse she ever gave anyone, but she couldn’t think straight when Kara was staring at her like that. It made her inside all mushy and warm, and it made her really nervous.
“I love you too.”
“I love you too, Lena.” Kara repeated, her growing smile getting bigger and bigger by the second. “As like more than friends kind of love you.”
“You really do?” Lena never felt more nervous or hopefull in her entire life before and it showed on how low her voice became suddenly, the words barely audible for any human.
But Kara smiled at her again and, with a wink, said: “Well, I did used this thing in public, didn’t I?”
The CEO chuckled and shook her head. “To be fair, I think you would use it regardless.”
“That’s not the point here.” They shared a light moment where they both giggled like school girls about to kiss their crush, but suddenly Kara became very serious and she looked even more nervous than before.
“What?” It was ringing way too many bells inside her head and Lena didn’t liked it.
Kara’s eyes suddenly filled with tears and she looked down at her dirty sneakers so she wouldn’t have to see Lena’s reaction to what she was about to say. “I- Lena, I can’t do this, not without telling you the whole truth, it’s not fair with you and...”
“Kara.” Lena interrupted her gently. She hesitated only for a second before she reached out to grab Kara’s hand that wasn’t grasping the bag. The brunette coaxed her to come foward, but the blonde only followed her once she looked around and realized she was still literally standing in the hallway. “I think I know what...”
“I’m Supergirl.” Kara blurred out suddenly. She was still looking down, but after her outburst she looked up to meet the emerald eyes that made her feel so many things. Lena had raised her eyebrows, but she didn’t let go of her hand, so she took it as a good sign. “I’m Supergirl and I love you, Lena.” She stated, straightening her posture and stuffing her chest to give the impression that she was more confident than she really was.
Lena’s eyes softened and she took a step back, than another one, until she finally raised her other hand to push a stray of hair behind her ear, the touch almost making Kara combust in place. “I knew the first part, just for the record.” She claimed with a little amusement. “Quite hard to miss it. The rest is kind of surprising, not going to lie.”
“I really want to kiss you right now.”
“Kara, I don’t want you to take it the wrong way, really.” Lena paused and bit her bottom lip. For a second, the hero thought she was about to be rejected, but then she saw the corners of Lena’s mouth trembling slightly as she fought a smile. “But it’s really hard to take you serious when you’re wearing this hat and this sweater.”
Kara nodded and pretended to think for a second. “I can compromise with the hat, but I really like this sweater.”
Lena chuckled softly. “I think you look quite cute with it.” She raised both hands, using one to remove Kara’s Alien-Mounting-A-Dinosaur gear and the other one to brush the blonde curls away from her face. Her heart swell with love when Kara closed her eyes and leaned to her touch. “I will never say it again, so you better save this in your memory, but I did enjoyed the dino gear too. It made me smile.”
“That’s all I want.” Kara confessed as she leaned for their first kiss.
A week later, after Kara convinced Lena to a late walk through her block, people would see Lena using the dino gear while trying to convince Kara that she wasn’t cold enough to use the damn sweater.
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leejeongz · 6 years
Stray kids ideal types *my opinion*
Bang Chan:
He probably wouldn’t care for looks, maybe finding less stereotypical things attractive, such as you being taller than him. He’d want someone with a complex mind, someone who he can explore and not get bored of after finding everything out about them in 1 chat. Not gonna lie I see him more with someone who’s not Korean but who knows?? Someone understanding and someone willing to comprise, that would be a big one for Chris. To him it’s important for the pair of you to make time for each other but also have time apart, to have time to work separately. But also someone fun, someone willing to go on a spontaneous adventure, but at the same time someone who’s down to chill, to listen to music with him and someone for him to feel at home in comfortable silence with.
He probably likes people who are usually quite shy but not to the point where they don’t talk to anyone. The type to talk to old ladies on the bus but never initiating the conversation even if they want to. The type who, at school, sat near to the front and got on well with the teacher because they never did anything wrong.
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The duality king himself probably wants someone just like that. Classy but cute, sexy but charming. Can switch it up just like that: adaptable I guess. Someone who is quiet but pretty “normal.” I feel he’d like someone who can also sing, professionally or not. Perhaps this is just from his position within the group but I believe he’d want someone to look after, someone to not necessarily baby but someone he can be “the man” with. He’d probably prefer someone smaller than him for that reason, perhaps just a few inches smaller. He’d love someone intelligent, like school smart not street smart. Someone who listens well and someone who, on a whole, is heartwarming.
I think he’d like someone with brown eyes and naturally dark hair that goes past the shoulders. Straight or curly hair he doesn’t care. Someone who takes care of their appearance and does simple things like paint their nails or ware a watch, just to change things up and not just be a plain Jane.
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Lee Know:
First of all someone who can eat, like he wants someone that loves their food I think. Great fashion sense is a must, possibly more of a classier and rich taste than anything else. Someone who looks clean and tidy on the week days, but when it’s just you and him, messy hair and leggings are perfect. Probably want someone to keep him on his toes, their personality filled with fire and sass, but also sometimes being soft too. He’s the type of guy to want to have a best friend type of s/o, someone he can laugh and joke with as well as cuddle up with. He’s probably really picky about appearance, or so he says, definitely someone who thinks that if he isn’t physically attracted to you that there’s no point (until he learns 🥴.)
He’s definitely the type who goes for people with a good sense of humour. Without that you’re pretty much dead to him let be real. He wants someone who he can tease but also someone who’s confident enough to tease him back, someone who’s sure of themselves and isn’t particularly insecure about a lot of things. He’d find it real hot if you could just be like “bitch I know I’m fabulous step tf aside”
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Trying to avoid the cliche cute because to me I feel like he might want someone more like his “dark side.” But nevertheless he’s probably want someone cute behind closed doors, only for him. He’d be so damn attracted to someone giving off cold vibes, he lives for the chase. Effortlessly fashionable, someone who throws on a hoodie and some pants/ a skirt and look fucking amazing. I still think he’d want someone younger, a mature person who could still take care of him in the same way that he could take care of you. I feel like someone who was unique in their sense of humour (like Minho) would be great for Changbin, it would drive him crazy not knowing the next thing to come out of your mouth or why you are laughing to yourself.
He’s probably attracted to people who are willing to know everything about him, who are willing to learn new things for him because he is for you. Someone who likes him and no one else, he wants you for himself and hopes you feel the same about him.
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I was going to say someone who is the perfect combination of looks and personality but that’s not to say Hyunjin cares about looks. He actually probably cares minimally for looks, definitely more attracted to someone’s personality. Saying that, I think he’d want someone who was cute but that’s it. He’d probably want someone who’s bright and bubbly, someone who’s humour isn’t dark but instead fun and upbeat. Someone who loves dogs!!! Not the most important thing but he’d want someone confident when talking to others. He’d want someone who’s a good listener, someone who gives good advice and can keep secrets. Someone who likes him for him, not just his looks or whatever.
He probably likes people who have a lot of quirky, well hidden secrets, the mysterious type even though they have a lot of friends. He’d love to be the guy to know everything about you, stuff that other people don’t know. Someone who will make him feel just special as he makes you.
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Definitely someone who’s bubbly. Like maybe they’re quiet with other people but they unleash their real personality only with him. Younger or older, he doesn’t care but he wants pet names to be involved that match the age. I feel like height wouldn’t matter either. He’d probably want someone who lives life on the edge, someone who takes risks and doesn’t have many fears (unlike him lmao.) He’d probably find it cute if you read or do puzzles or write!!! Or just generally passionate about something he could potentially have an interest in. Someone he could help with work and someone who would help him with work respectively. He’d like someone cool, someone that knows they are cool and that other people know as “the cool kid.”
This might sound odd but I feel like he’d be attracted to people who like junk food. Someone who doesn’t care for diets or healthy eating but will still join him at the gym to both burn off some of what you just put on at the pizza place, you know? Probably finds it cute if you like weird food combinations like milkshake and fries or curry and cheese or something like that.
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I feel like Felix would want someone who’s in touch with their emotions, someone he can look after while they tell him all what’s wrong, as a sign of trust. Someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously too, will laugh if they fall or do something embarrassing. Also a little bit of a dare devil, would do something like bungee jumping with him, but they’ll beg to go first. Probably someone a little disorganised but still someone who knows what they want. I feel like he’d go for someone shorter with a younger-looking face. I also feel he’d be happier with someone who could speak English with him, but if you spoke another language he’d find that real cute.
Felix would love it if you could pull off just simply a pair of shorts, a tee and flip flops or something summery like that. Also graphic tees. I feel like he’d want someone with short blonde hair maybe whose face always looks pure and natural. Someone who’s colourful and bright and isn’t afraid to experiment with the colour of their clothes or even their hair sometimes.
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It might be a weird thing to say but I feel seungmin would want someone that didn’t care for fashion or football or the social norm or whatever. He’d want someone that’s their own individual person, a interesting character built inside of a magnificent work of art. Someone clever would suit Seungmin well, the type of person that does really well on tests because they care and because they revise. He’d probably want to get to know someone well before dating them too, as well as the other person having an in depth understanding of him too. Maybe someone open to knew ideas, someone who’s not narrow minded and someone who can speak their mind while having respect for everyone.
Someone who takes pride in themselves I think Seungmin would like, someone who always tries and doesn’t give up on their ideas. Probably someone with a mature sense of humour, someone that rolls their eyes at dad jokes, unless it’s Seungmin who says it. Possibly someone who’s good with kids.
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Jeongin is the type to fall for the class clown. Someone that constantly keeps him smiling and is the easy target for his meaningless teasing and joking. I actually think he’d want someone older, but only like a year maybe. He’d love if you were free spirit and lived without a care in the world for anything other than for that that meant the most to you. Probably likes it when people are close with their family and their friends, not particularly popular, not partying at night and being around lots of people all the time but actually respecting their close circle and not really moving out of it. Someone with pretty hands?? Much like his own, I feel he’d want someone with a pretty smile, possibly with braces but that’s no biggie of course. Someone who looks clean but not necessarily put together, baggy dungarees and a sweater are his favourite look.
He probably likes someone who quiet immature and finds the most ridiculous things funny but wouldn’t draw attention to themselves when laughing at it. Probably loves seeing you laughing with your friends or trying to hold in your laugh when someone falls. Also someone who plays games, console like him.
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Gifs aren’t mine
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swinterr · 5 years
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People in Twitter are twitting about a video of Val’s reaction when she saw Shawn and Camila, she received mixed comments about her reaction.
Her parents are really protective about her, even her siblings mostly Vernon. Her Dad and Mom doesn’t understand what’s happening between them, they all thought that Shawn is gonna be Valerie’s forever.
Of course Shawn saw the video. He’s not stupid, he knows that he’s hurting Val.
He also saw the message Valerie send him but he didn’t read the it because he knows he cannot stop himself on answering back.
He loves Valerie so much, but he has to do this.
When he first play the video the first came to his mind is that Valerie looks so pretty, very pretty. Valerie isn’t really like those blonde, long legged, orange tan (well she is tan but not oramge tan). She looks like a goddess. She’s perfect.
Then he saw Vernon from the background, Shawn gets along well with Valerie’s family well but Vernon is the hardest one to get along. He is scared genuinely of Vernon.
The time when Brian told him that Valerie broke up with him, he excused himself on sound check saying he wasn’t feeling well. He went back to his hotel and cried holding Valerie sweater in his chest.
He cried for the half of the day. He only went out when it’s Q&A.
He really wants to fix this but he can’t, it’s too fucked up to be fixed. He feels so powerless.
Valerie feels awful when she got back home.
She didn’t ate dinner instead she spend her whole evening, well half of it, on the gym boxing with Vernon is a good exercise but she did her exercises alone, she did it without a trainer while Vernon does cardio. Actually she didn’t even do her exercises, she just keeps punching the punching bag until her knuckles bleed, until they severely bleed. Her mom has to take her to the nearest clinic to aid her bloody knuckles.
“Val, you’re knuckles are going to bleed if you keep doing this. Stop it you’re hurting yourself.” Vernon tried reasoning with Valerie, growing more and more concerned about her and her new obsession with puching the punching bag carelessly.
“No, it’s either I ruined this punching bag or I do more stupider sh!t than this.” Valerie’s voice is quiet and cold, She always had a my-voice-is-so-soft-and-I-will-not-raise-my-voice-on-anyone-bc-that’s-rude-attitude.
“Can you at least where gloves, hand wrap is not enough you know.” Vernon reminder her.
Valerie didn’t listen and brought her fists close to her face, finding her aim and released all of her pent up anger, frustrations and pain out through quick, sharp punches, showing no mercy on the already worn punching bag wanting to release all the pain she felt in the past few weeks. Sweat glistened every inch of her body, especially in her face.
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Vernon can’t even distinguish if that even is sweat or tears, her curly hair sticking to her back, arms and all angles of her face.
Val could her Vernon stopping her in the background but she didn’t listen.
Soon the punching bag falls from where it’s hanging. And Valerie knuckles are bleeding.
“Dammit Valerie! You’re bleeding! Mom!” Vernon shouts.
Ever since Val and Shawn broke up Vernon is more over-protective of Val.
She really wants to go back to Toronto, but Toronto has too much memories for her to handle. She wishes that Bella and Gigi are here with her. She’s lucky enough to have a thought, loving and caring Anwar Hadid by her side.
Gigi, Bella and Anwar (even though they live near), Aaliyah, Ana, Lauren and Dylan (her friends back home), Kiera and Darius (her dorm mates) are texting her everyday saying that everything gonna be alright and Shawn’s a dick.
She can’t wait to go back to Massachusetts and receive pity looks. Insert sarcasm.
She just needs to wait few more days until they are schedule free.
Valerie hadn’t spoken to anyone since they came back from downtown Los Angles (besided her mom and Vernon who approach her). She is currently laying in her king sized bed.
Staring at the clock, watching it tick by. 11 o’clock in the night, she should be asleep by now but her mind is somewhere far away. Far away from all this drama and chaos that is currently happening in her life.
Sobbing her heart out. Puffy eyes and runny nose are they best description of Valerie right now. Maybe a fever in the morning too.
She never wanted to end their relationship like this. To be honest they can survive this relationship, Valerie is just tired of being treated like this.
Don’t get me wrong, Shawn’s a great boyfriend but he focuses on his career more than their relationship.
People though they are perfect for each other. She thought that Shawn will be THE ONE. Her grandparents from her mother and father’s side already met and approve of Shawn even the ones who live in Florence.
She genuinely believe that they are ment to be together but jealousy got her. Her insecurities got her.
Her heart still aches profoundly with pain. She miss her so much but it’s so unfair that he moved in that quickly.
Valerie, Shawn and Camila are trending right now. Everything seems so chaotic. Her sobs still fills her big room.
Instagram stans are making up the craziest sh!ts right, some makes her laugh and some are true that makes her cry hard.
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@queenval to be honest val is the greatest thing that ever happend to shawn. i love shawn sm but he stupid!!
Shawn is the greatest thing that ever happend to her.
Shawn’s fans been calling him out because of his stupid moves. Many of her fans are still supporting Valerie even if they are not together anymore.
Valerie shakily reaches for her phone she usually listens to His music when she’s sad, but at this state listening to His music will make her more sad than ever.
Malibu Nights by LANY played. Is it ironic that she is listening to Malibu Nights heartbroken and she really wants to go to Malibu. Its just a 40 minute car ride. She can survive right?
She brought a beach house recently somewhere in Pacific Coast Highway. She brought it the exact day Shawn left Canada to continue his tour, Valerie brought the house because when she will visit Shawn on his tour this will be their hiding place.
People say that Valerie have it all; Brains, Beauty, Wealth but everything means nothing if you aren’t happy right?
Decided to spent the rest of her days in Malibu. Valerie picked this big ass box that has been sent to her by a company. She didn’t even bother to read what company it is all she knows that is a clothing company. Few shoes, hoodies and her underwears on her bag.
She dressed herself into a pair of jeans and a shirt, hoodie on her arm incase she’ll needs it.
Everyone is asleep so this should be the perfect time to sneak out, she closed her room door quietly as she held the big box on her hands, struggling to balance it and keys and a Gucci bagpack filled with he laptop, personal needs, medicines and this tiny vape pen she got from Anwar.
Valerie isn’t the type of girl who does wild stuffs, stuff like normal teenagers do. Maybe that’s the reason why they broke up, she’s too boring for him.
Well now that they are over, Valerie wants to do the things she didn’t do when they were together. Things teenagers would do.
Now she be vaping, she wants to have tattooes too. Val got a rose tattoo behind her ear on her 19th birthday. She wants to add more.
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Valerie successfully got down from the 3rd floor, her room, to the ground floor.
She wants to do things that she hasn’t done yet. She opened her parents wine cellar and pulled out a bottle of Pinot Noir with a three bottles of beer and a big bottle of her father’s whiskey.
She didn’t really want to steal this alcoholic beverage but she know that many shops out there knows her and has a high possibility that they will post pictures about her underage and buying drinks.
She puts the bottles on her bag, wanting to go to Malibu quickly, she runs towards their garage, mentally kicking herself for having a loud foot steps.
For Valerie if is she’s sad or disappointed she chooses to be alone. Being with herself alone is always the best part of her day or best time of her day.
Valerie picked the black Mercedes-Benz G wagon.
She puts her things in the passengers seat and zoomed off to Malibu.
She felt tears start to form as the now familiar burn caused her to shut
her eyes for a moment and stop at the side of the expressway she like crying. For her crying is good for her mental health because crying can help reduce pain. Oxytocin is a hormone that promotes feelings of love and Endorphins help relieve pain. These two make people feel good and may also ease both physical and emotional pain.
But sometimes crying too much can also be bad for her, too much crying can lead to depression and she doesn’t want that. All she wants is to move on and live a happy life.
But moving on takes a lot of time.
The whole drive was quiet except for the radio and her quiet sobs.
She stopped on Target along the way to pick up some food for the next few days.
Valerie pulls up on the parking lot. The Californian cold wind creeps on her arm, regretting not wearing a hood and leaving it at the car.
Valerie pulls out the vape pen as she walks along the entrance of Target, she holds it to her mouth, tasting the vanilla flavored vape before releasing it. She lets out a deep sigh with some vapor leaving along her mouth and nose she continues this few times and stopping as she enters the shop.
She just pick up fruits for breakfast, pasta, vegetables and chicken for dinner, chocolate flavored milk, a gallon of water and eggs. She likes cooking, she doesn’t buy a lot of processed foods and microwaveble foods. She payed the cashier keeps giving her looks, is it because the cashier knows her or because she is the front page of one of the magazines on the counter.
“Is this you?” the cashier ask as she types something on the computer.
“Nope.” Valerie answers back as puts the goods she brought on a biodegradable bag and puts it back to the cart.
She walk back to her car and few teenagers curiously stares at her. She struggles to put the groceries on the car because it has a big tires and obviously a tall car competed to her 5’6 self.
She finally sees her house on the view.
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Her gates open, headlights giving her the view of her house as well as the Pacific Ocean. The entryway features a reclaimed European fountain and big door that open to opulent interiors.
Her house looks so homey yet loney. She is used to go on a vacation with her family or family or with Shawn.
She inserts the keys while struggling to lift her heavy backpack filled with alcoholic drinks the big box and groceries she brought are stacked upon each other.
She enters her new house, she walks on the hardwood floors pushing the box with the groceries on top, she stares at vaulted ceiling and sees a Indian stone fireplace and custom designed sitting area.
For her, a house with a fireplace and a big couch is a must.
The balcony is a sliding door that has a view of the Malibu Coast.
Valerie finally fixed her clothes on her closet, turns out the box is from Gucci. Now she has a Gucci filled closet. Yey!
Her refrigerator is filled with groceries. Yey!
It’s already 12:34 am and she is still wide awake. She sits on her couch as she finds for her cell.
She looked everywhere, her hoodie, her bag, her car, on the closet even the refrigerator.
She left it on Bel Air. Yey!
She doesn’t have anything to do she she just drinks the alcohol she brought lol! Her TV still doesn’t have any channels and her house doesn’t have a wifi.
Valerie drinks the vodka shot in one gulp, ignoring the burning sensation in her throat caused by the strong liquor.
“I love you so much why did you do this to me!” she gulped the vodka down.
“I wish I didn’t love you! But I did I’m so stupid!” she gulped the other one.
“I don’t wanna date anyone anymore!” and another one.
Despite this, Valerie’s body feels more relaxed and her mind feels lighter and more problem free. It took her couple vodka shots for achieve this but it was worth it.
The bottle is nearly empty so she just decided to drink the bottle.
It’s a quarter past midnight. The buzz has worn off, now she is just dead ass drunk.
She miraculously arrived at her room, passing the stairs and remembering her room is a miracle.
As much as she wanted to sleep she washes her face and brushed her teeth and changes in a bougee Gucci pajama and sleep on her big bed with the view of the sea like a baby.
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Alcohol can really make you forget everything temporarily even pain.
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ukulelecal · 6 years
Now That I’m Home
In which Calum is home now and fully intends on making up for lost time.
Warnings: none i don’t think?
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Requested By: @spoodermain
“could I request just like major fluff?? like maybe he’s back and it’s just cute domestic stuff like washing dishes and doing laundry and taking duke out for a walk and cooking dinner and lots of love and uwus?“
A/N: i assume you wanted this as like a pt 2 of Vlogger? bc thats what i did lol 
Requests are OPEN!
*Gif not mine*
Read this first!
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Finally, Calum was home.
You nearly knocked him over when he got home, running at full speed to give him a hug. He had laughed it off, smashing his lips against yours and mumbling about how much you missed each other. Later that very night, Calum found out that you did indeed buy the pretty lingerie set from Victoria’s Secret, since you had made a point of wearing it under your clothes the day he got back, but needless to say, it ended up on the floor pretty quickly.
In the remaining time he was on tour after you sent him the first video, you sent him a couple more. One was of you in Target; you spent about two hours there, even though the video wasn’t that long, just messing around and talking about random things. Another was entirely about Duke, taking him for a walk and playing with him in the backyard. Calum actually cried watching that one.
But now he was home, and he didn’t have to watch you do these things through a screen anymore. He could do them with you. He could fuck around in Target with you, play with Duke with you, have Cinnabon with you. Everything you had to do without him, he could finally be there to do it with you.
And he fully intended on doing just that.
Calum’s eyes fluttered open at around nine A.M. on a Sunday. Glancing at you, he realized you were still asleep, curled up against his chest. He grinned at the sight, and decided to let you sleep a little longer. You both stayed up far too late the night before watching Criminal Minds, and he wasn’t sure how he wasn’t still out like a light.
He closed his eyes again, trying to fall back asleep. The attempt was futile; once he was up, he was up. As much as he wanted to let you sleep, he decided he was bored about ten minutes later, and started pressing light kisses to the side of your neck to wake you up.
You woke with a giggle escaping your lips, head turning to see Calum. He grinned down at you, his lips going to yours instead of your neck this time.
“Good morning,” you mumbled, intertwining your fingers with his hand that was resting on your belly.
“Good morning,” he repeated, thumb casually caressing the skin of your knuckles. “We should do some laundry today, I’m running out of pants.”
“We?” You snorted. It was normally just one of you doing laundry, it wasn’t exactly a two person job. Calum always helped out with it when he was home, so you wouldn’t always have to do it on your own. “Besides, you don’t need to wear pants. I like you without them.”
He playfully kicked your leg, causing you to giggle.
“I need them every once in a while,” he mumbled with a grin. “And, yes, we.”
“Laundry does not require both of us, Cal, I can do it,” you chuckled, finally rolling over to face him so you didn’t have to crane your neck.
“Yeah, but I require being with you at all times, and therefore we need to do it together,” he pouted, adjusting his arms around your waist. He was away for far too long, and he didn’t want to miss out on anything, even the not so exciting things like laundry.
You smiled warmly, leaning forward and pecking his lips.
“You’re adorable,” you mused, causing his cheeks to tint pink. “How about we have some breakfast and then we’ll do the laundry?”
He nodded, and you untangled yourselves from each other and climbed out of bed. Heading to the kitchen, you grabbed some cereal for yourself and Calum stuck to munching on a granola bar.
Breakfast went by quickly, and you and Calum started to gather all of your dirty clothes, separating them into piles. You helped each other put the first load into the washing machine and get it going. Then, all you had to do was wait.
Calum plopped himself onto the floor, back against the wall with his legs spread open. He looked up at you with a grin, opening his arms as a signal for you to join him. You laughed softly at him, but did as he asked, sitting down with your back against his chest.
“Any particular reason we’re sitting on the floor?” You asked, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Not really,” he sniggered. “Just feel like it.”
“Fair enough, I guess.” You slipped your phone from the pocket of your hoodie, opening your camera. “We’re taking selfies if we’re sitting here, then.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Many pictures followed in your time waiting for the wash to be done. There was a pretty big variety, from smiling to him licking your face to pulling serious, model-like faces. Your favorite happened to be one where you both pulled the strings of your hoodies taught, causing the hoods to scrunch up and only your eyes were visible. You changed it to your lock screen, causing Calum to grin and kiss your cheek.
The washing machine beeped, signalling the load was done. You both got up off the floor, transferring the wet clothes to the dryer.
“How about we take Duke for a walk while the dryer is going, grab some lunch while we’re out?” You offered once it started.
“Sounds good,” he replied, grabbing your hand and walking with you towards your bedroom. You both changed and made yourselves more presentable, then heading out to find your dog.
“Duke!” Calum called, grabbing the leash from where it hung on the wall. “We’re going for a walk, bud!”
Duke was intrigued as soon as he heard the word “walk”; he knew what it meant. With a yap, he scurried over to where you and Calum stood, and Calum bent down to clip the leash onto his collar.
Once you and Calum slipped some shoes on, the three of you were out the door.
Calum slipped his hand that wasn’t holding the leash into yours, intertwining your fingers with ease. You grinned up at him, and returned the action, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
This was one of your favorite things to do. Just you, Calum, and Duke, spending time together, your own little family. It made your heart warm, thinking about how lucky you were to have this life.
“Our usual for lunch?” Calum asked once you got into town.
“Duh,” you teased, receiving you a playful nudge to the shoulder.
Whenever you and Calum went out for lunch, you always went to the same little café that served the best paninis you ever had, and something about the iced coffee just made it stand out from the rest. The employees there knew you by name, and they had your usual orders memorized. It was like a second home.
You and Calum had a lot of “usuals,” or traditions. There was your lunch café and Cinnabon at the mall, along with the bakery you always got donuts from whenever one of you was having a bad day, and the thrift shop you and Calum liked to go to late on Friday nights and mess around. You hoped these traditions never stopped.
You approached the café, the familiar smell of coffee practically coming through the doors. You walked up to an empty table on the patio, a perfect spot for looking out at the city.
“I’ll go get our food, you hold the table?” Calum suggested. You nodded in response, taking Duke’s leash from him.
“You know what I want,” you laughed, and he pecked your lips before heading inside.
You bent down and rubbed Duke’s head, who had taken to laying on the ground.
Soon enough, Calum came back out with two plates of food and two drinks, and he carefully set them down on the table.
“Thank you, waiter,” you teased, and Calum shook his head at you with a grin. Calum took the seat across from you.
“Everyone says hi, by the way,” he chuckled.
The two of you ate and chatted, about what you were going to do once you got home. The plan ended up basically being cuddle until dinnertime, when you would make one of your favorite chicken dishes.
After you ate and walked back home, your cuddle session was quick to commence. Calum kicked his shoes off and flopped down on the couch, making grabby hands at you until you came over. He gladly pulled you practically on top of him, your cheek pressed right above his heart and his arms securely locked around your waist.
“I love you, Cal,” you mumbled softly, lips grazing over the fabric of his shirt. He hummed in content, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
“I love you, too, baby girl.”
It was quiet after that.
Neither of you realized it, but you both ended up drifting off to sleep, your late night from the night before catching up to you. It wasn’t until around 7:15 that your eyes fluttered open, realizing it was starting to get dark.
Deciding to wake him up like he woke you up that morning, you pressed gentle kisses to the column of his neck and his jaw. He grumbled out something incoherent, and brought one hand up to rub his eyes.
“Fuck, what time is it?” He murmured, finally peeling his eyes open.
“It’s 7:15, bubba,” you answered, grinning sleepily. “We should make dinner.”
He nodded in agreement, loosening his grip around your waist to let you stand up. Almost hesitantly, you climbed off of him and stood; you had been so comfortable and warm, a part of you wanted to just forget about dinner and cuddle all night long.
Calum followed suit, stretching his arms far above his head and groaning.
“Alright, chicken?” He questioned once he stopped, and you giggled and nodded in response.
The two of you made your way into the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients, piling them up on the counter.
“Alexa! Play 5 Seconds of Summer!” You called out, the same way you did in your video. Calum smiled widely, looking over at you with eyes full of adoration. He then did the same thing he thought about doing when he watched the video; he walked over to you, picked you up and spun you around.
You giggled, clinging onto him.
“Put me down!” You eventually squealed out, and Calum set you on your feet with a laugh, and wasted no time in kissing you immediately after.
Your fingers instinctively found his hair, tangling themselves in his curls. The two of you stayed like that for longer than you intended, lips moving effortlessly against each other, until you finally got dinner started.
You and Calum worked side by side, both of you singing and dancing along to the music playing from the speakers. You would bump your hip against his occasionally, which always earned you a kiss on the cheek.
Once the meal was made, you opened up a bottle of wine while Calum set the table, and then you sat down to eat. Biting into your food, you hummed in satisfaction.
“I’d say it was a success,” you said after you swallowed, and Calum mumbled out an agreement.
“I love doing this stuff, you know?” Calum said after a few minutes, setting his fork down on his plate. “Cooking dinner at home with you and all that.”
You smiled sweetly, reaching across the table to grab his hand.
“I do too.”
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winchesterandpie · 6 years
The Curious Case of the Missing Sweatshirt (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1214
Warnings: None
A/N: Here is the first one-shot of the slew of “The Curious Case of the Missing Sweatshirt.” They’ll be unlinked to each other, and with a variety of characters. I hope you all enjoy the “sweatshirt thief significant other” trope as much as I do! Enjoy! Feedback is appreciated, and I’m open to suggestions for what else you want to see. Is there any interest in angst in further parts? Angst with fluffy endings? Gif is not mine. Love you guys!
It was a peaceful Saturday morning, and I was minding my own business. The bacon was frying happily in the skillet, a waffle was nearly ready, and the hot chocolate was almost the perfect temperature. Then, of course, all hell broke loose, as it is wont to do when all is running smoothly.
“Morning, L/N,” Nat greeted me sleepily. And then all at once, the assassin came fully alert, focusing in on the hoodie I wore. “Is that… Barnes’s sweatshirt?”
“... It’s… it’s a possibility…”  I turned back to the stovetop, feeling my cheeks heat up.
“How’d you get ahold of it, Y/N?”  The level of suggestiveness in her tone made my face even warmer.
“... I don’t remember.” That was a lie. I most definitely remembered, in high-definition clarity, exactly how I acquired the sweatshirt.
The air was suffocating me. Ash fell in a thick blanket on the ruins around me. With a groan, I tried and failed to push myself to my feet. I realized my hand was clutched to my abdomen and lifted it to examination.
Blood. Blood was everywhere. It spilled from my stomach. It covered my hand. Its stench filled my nostrils. The last thing I remembered, our cover had been blown. We had been trying to pass as a pair of civilians on a vacation. The target was an arms dealer, selling their weapons exclusively to Hydra, and they’d found us out.
The world around me blurred in and out of focus. Suddenly, out of the ash and fire, a shape came towards me.  
“Hey,” a familiar voice said, kneeling down at my side. “Hey, don’t close those eyes on me, L/N.”
“Barnes,” I coughed out.
“Yeah, it’s me. I’m right here. We’re gonna get you back to the compound, and Bruce is gonna fix you up. You’re gonna be fine.” In an attempt to staunch the flow of blood, he pulled off his hoodie, balling it up and pressing it over the gaping hole. Two arms slid under me, lifting and cradling me against a broad chest. “Just hang on, ok?”
“Not sure I can do that.”
“Well, ya gotta, doll. Who else is gonna give me a hard time?”
“Sam, probably.” “I suppose you’re not wrong,” he chuckled. “Somehow I just prefer it when you do the teasing.”
“I’ll see what I can do, then.” I grinned slightly, my heavy eyelids drooping shut.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, nuh uh, doll.”  Summoning all my strength, I forced my eyes open a slit. “No closing your eyes just yet.”
“But m’tired, Bucky.”
“Just a little longer, Y/N. Just hang on…” His voice faded out, and I couldn’t hold on.
Blinding, white light was all I saw at first when my eyes opened again. Slowly, they adjusted, and I realized I was in the compound’s med center. On the chair to my left was a bloodied hoodie. On the right was a dozing Bucky. Trying to push myself up, I quickly fell back, letting out a grunt of pain which put Bucky immediately on alert.
“Hey,” he said, relaxing once his brain caught up to what was going on. “How’re you feeling?”
“Just great. Y’know, I was just hoping that a building would collapse on me, so I’m doing really well now that I can check that one off the bucket list.” He grinned at that for a moment.
“You had me goin’ there for a minute, doll.”
“I must’ve if I got you to sacrifice your sweatshirt for me.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a small grin playing at the corners of his lips. “Least I can do is wash it for you.”
“Not sure it’s salvageable at this point, you don’t gotta waste your effort.”
“Bucky, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s getting blood out of clothes.”
“S’long as you promise not to scare me like that again, alright?”
I had successfully got the blood out of the sweatshirt, that much was no problem. It just… never found its way back to Bucky. I couldn’t help it - it was a comfy sweatshirt, notwithstanding the hell it’d been through in saving my life. Definitely not because the man’s presence was comforting and the sweatshirt was something like an extension of that. Nope, not that.
“Well, it’d be a shame if Barnes came looking for it.” Nat paused, filling a mug with coffee and taking a sip before continuing. “Looks better on you.”
“He’s out running. I should have time to eat breakfast and change before he gets back.” I moved with my food to sit at the kitchen island across from Nat.
“Ah, so you’re being sneaky with it.”
“Not sne-- Well--” There was no plausible defense I could invent. “Ok, yes. A little bit. But that’s beside the point.” “Is it, though?” Just then, the door to the living room opened, carrying in the voice of a certain pair of super soldiers and a very noisy bird.  My eyes went wide, and I looked to Nat for help.
She only laughed and said, “You’ll have to face him sooner or later. Good luck,” as she slipped out of the room. That wasn’t particularly reassuring.
“Yeah, I’ll go shower in a minute, but I’m starvin’ right now.” That was Bucky. Oh no. On the plus side, at least Sam and Steve wouldn’t also be present to tease me about it later. Subconsciously, I made myself as small as I could, hoping against all hope to go unnoticed as I ate quietly. It didn’t work. At all.
“Mornin’, doll,” he greeted cheerfully as he came into the kitchen. Act normal, you can do this.
“Hey. How was your run?” There, see? You can survive this.
“Boring. Same view as always.”
“Well that’s a shame.”
“Yeah. But I’ve got a better view now, so it’s alright.” Was he… flirting? With me? I was not prepared for this! “Is that… my sweatshirt?” Oh no. Quick! Come up with an excuse!
“Ummm... “ I looked down at it in false surprise. “Oh, I guess it is! I just got all the blood out of it last night, and I guess this morning I just grabbed a sweatshirt without looking.” That wasn’t half bad. Hopefully he bought it.
“Mmm, makes sense.” There was a glint in his eye that I hadn’t seen before. I don’t think he bought it. “Looks good on ya, doll. Maybe you should keep it.”
“See, I would but…” I trailed off, not knowing how to finish that sentence without incriminating myself.
“But I promised I’d get it back to you,” I fudged, then sighed as he raised an eyebrow. “Alright, and it doesn’t smell like you anymore.”
With a shrug, he turned to the fridge and pulled out the milk, in effect ignoring my admission. It wasn’t the reaction I’d been hoping for, but I didn’t really know exactly what I hoped would happen. He poured himself a bowl of cereal, and the awkward silence only got louder. Bowl in hand, he made is way to the door, pausing in the doorway.
“Keep it. Looks good on you.” His eyes were playful, but the glint in them hinted to something I couldn’t put my finger on. “I’ll see ya around, doll.”
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vriskaserbet · 6 years
Uncle Gino.
Summary: Gino Fratelli thought of himself as a fearsome member of the mafia, as he was the second-in-command, the bosses right hand man. He had worked hard to obtain his position, climbing up a dangerous ladder to become more then an average grunt and for what was his reward? His ultimate position?
Becoming the worlds most gun-experienced babysitter.
Rating: General audience. 
Warnings: N/A.
Characters: Gino, Shelby, Smack, Pent, etc!
Tags: Fluff, domestic, domestic fluff, shopping, coming out, genderfluid gino, canon trans characters (aka pent), etc
Ao3 link: Right here!
‘Gino Fratelli lit his cigar. He took a deep inhale, savoring it’s warmth for some time before blowing it out of his open car window. He kept his engine on, ready and waiting to go. He parked far from the location, keeping a low profile from the normal, everyday citizens, as they went about their peaceful days. He regarded them as simple idiots, all just in the way of getting what he needed. Soon, his target would be coming down the street, package in possession, with two body guards to keep her safe. His job was to take that package to the… to the… I know, his job was to take it to shop. If not, he could face big trouble from the boss. Luckily, Gino was the absolute best at what he did. Nothing would stop him from- ‘
Gino let out a long groan, stopping his internal monologue as he rested his head on the car wheel. Even at his best, his own imagination couldn’t mask the sheer ridiculous job he had. He joined the mafia, expecting a life of crime, of danger, of shootouts and violence, all to get that sweet cash. When he first joined, that was the life he had lead, even beginning to climb up the ladders of hierarchy, soon becoming more than just an average grunt.
But now, as the bosses’ right-hand man and second-in-command, his main job and duty was to care for the boss’s daughter. Which did sound exciting at first, something incredibly important, but it was nothing but boring, everyday duties. Today, he was expected to pick her up as always, then drive to the local Blockbuster to return some DVD, before the due date expired. Then, he would have to bring her home, make sure she did her homework and make her a snack. That was it. That was his job. He was paid money for that. Lots of money. He had ended up becoming a glorified babysitter who could use a gun.
“Why did my life end up like this,” he grumbled to himself. He lifted his head up, glancing at the streets. Sure enough, he could see the kid. As he expected, her two best friends were right by her side as always, despite the fact they went to a different school. The two schools were quite a distance from each other, yet they always walked her to Gino’s car, then spent their day together. It was sweet, if he was being honest.
He waited patiently until they reached his car, where they all climbed into the backseat.
“Hey there kiddos. How are ya?” He titled his rear-view mirror, so he could get a good look of all three of them.
Shelby sat in the middle as always, smiling so sweetly and cutely. Her long, pink hair was kept into a tight ponytail. Due to going to an elite private school, she wore a uniform: a clean looking white blouse with a black ribbon, a plaid gray skirt, white stockings and little black Mary Janes on her feet. She had a pink backpack that was always falling off her shoulders, with little charms of animals attached to the side and stickers all over the back. In all honesty, it was difficult to imagine she really was the daughter of an infamous mafia.
Smack was to her left, who went a normal public school. He kept his blue hair in an afro, though the front was a little too long, the curls obscuring his eyes just a bit. Which was a shame, since he had heterochromia, his left eye being green and his right eye being blue, giving him a unique look. As it was hitting the winter months, he wore an oversized dark blue hoodie to keep him warm, a pair of old blue jeans and black sneakers. He had a bright red backpack, with those Super Mario characters on the back. Smack was a good kid, smart for his age, though he only came out of his shell when it was just Shelby and Pent. Otherwise, he was incredibly shy, introverted and quiet.
Speaking of Pent, he sat on the far right. He had short two-toned hair, his left side red and his right-side purple. He wore an old red sweater, one that had holes on the sleeves and was obviously too thin to help. His gray pants didn’t help either, since there were big holes on the knees. He was a skinny kid too, so everything worked against him. At least his red sneakers seemed fine, though clearly old, the markings on the side faded. He had a generic black backpack, with no design or pattern on it. Pent was like Smack, though he seemingly stayed rather soft spoken and shy most of the time. Gino liked Pent, since the kid was too damn nice and kind for his own good.
“We’re good, Uncle Gino!” Shelby said, swinging her feet happily.
“You got that DVD?” She took off her backpack and rummaged through it for a minute, pulling out a DVD. The cover had colorful characters on it, clearly some type of animated movie or show.
“Yeah! Don’t worry, I didn’t forget it!”
“Okay, good. Let’s get going. I’ll turn on the radio.”
He began his drive to Blockbuster, following his promise. Most kids would want the boring kiddy stations on, or something that played mindless pop songs. But, not little Shelby. He tuned into the hard rock station, chuckling as Shelby happily enjoyed the intense music. While focused on driving, he would look back to check on them.
They were all talking about their usual imaginative stories, Pent showing off his notebook filled with new drawings, Smack and Shelby sharing their suggestions and ideas. They were always smiling and laughing amongst each other.
‘Cute little bastards.’ He thought to himself, pulling into the Blockbuster parking lot. He turned off the TV, stepping out. The trio paused to put their stuff into their backpacks, then hopped out of the car. He didn’t miss how Pent immediately began shivering in the cold.
“Alright, let’s go.”
“Can I rent another DVD, please?”
“’Course ya can.” One of his duties was to buy whatever she needed or wanted, with little to no limits. He even had his own wallet for his shopping duties, refilled constantly whenever he even took two steps out of the house. As one could imagine, it was stuffed with money and credit cards.
“Thank you so much, Uncle Gino!” Yet, Shelby never acted like a spoiled brat. She was always so grateful for any and all gifts, despite her luxurious lifestyle. Gino was grateful that out of all the kids in the world, he actually got a decent one.
They entered the Blockbuster. They stayed close to Gino as he returned the DVD, though ran off the second he told them to find something. He sighed, watching them closely. They hurried to the section for kids, taking a bit of time to look around. Gino let himself browse the adult section for a moment, checking the latest comedies and dramas until he felt one of them tug at his pants.
It was Pent, avoiding eye contact aggressively. “We want to rent this one, if it’s okay.” It was one of the VHS tapes, of that Pokémon show they all went nuts about. The other two were nearby, distracted for a moment as they talked amongst themselves.
“Oh yeah, sure kid. C’mon, let’s go pay.”
“Thank you so much, Uncle Gino- “ Pent immediately blushed, shrinking back. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t- “
Gino laughed it off, giving him a smile. “Aw, it ain’t no problem kid. Ya can call me Uncle Gino, it’s no big deal. I’m not even Shelby’s uncle, y’know. She just calls me that.” Pent mutely nodded, still somewhat unsure.
“Yo, Shelby! Smack! We payin’ now!” He grabbed himself one of the dramas, walking to pay. All the while, he kept glancing at Pent, with his shy little smile. By the time they left Blockbuster, he had made his decision.
“Hey kids, wanna hit the mall? I need to buy some clothes.”
“Okay!” they all chirped in response, climbing into the back of the car again.
“Hey, why are we in the kids’ section? I don’t need any more clothes, thank you though.” Shelby said, looking around the Macys.
“Yeah, I thought you were gonna buy yourself stuff.” Smack commented.
“Nah, I’m not buyin’ for me. Or for you, Shelby.” The trio titled their heads, confused. “Pent, you definitely need some new clothes. Get whatever you want.”
Immediately, the poor kid began going into a nervous frenzy.
“I-I’m fine, Gino, it’s okay, I don’t need anything- “ he paused, when Gino held up his hand.
“Hey, Smack, Shelby. How ‘bout to explore the store, look around. I’ll give ya a text when we’re done, okay?” They nodded, holding hands as they ran off. Once they were alone, Gino put a hand on Pent’s shoulder, bringing him close.
Gino talked softly. “Look, I know your real shy ‘bout this sort of thing. Your parents probably raise you to be like that.” Internally, he doubted the actual intentions of Pent’s probably shitty parents, but he continued without pause. “But, you’re clearly getting cold in those old clothes. I don’t want you getting sick.”
“But… but, Shelby doesn’t need to wear that stuff!”
“Well, Shelby is a walking furnace. Besides, when she’s out of that uniform, y’know what she wears?”
“A sweater…”
“Exactly. Even Shelby has to dress for the cold… sometimes, at least. C’mon kid, let’s get a few things for you.” He paused, then grinned. “I’ll treat you to Cinnabon if you do.”
Immediately, Pent was swayed. For as much as he turned down any sort of help or gift, he couldn’t hold back from accepting any sort of food. “…Okay, but only if Shelby and Smack can get some to.”
“If I only got you Cinnabon, I’d have a little kid revolution at my hands. Besides, I want some damn Cinnabon.”
Pent hesitantly began looking around the clothes, checking the price tag of anything he liked.
“C’mon, you know money ain’t an issue. Don’t freak out about the price, just fine what you like.”
“Here, how ‘bout this?” Gino pulled out a brown sweater, one that seemed thick to keep Pent warm, but not too thick. “Like it?”
“Yeah… it’s nice.”
“Alright, we’ll get it. But we ain’t done yet, let’s get a few more. And some pants to.” Pent nodded, not complaining this time.
While it was somewhat difficult at first, Gino managed to find three more good sweaters, two pairs of pants and even convinced the kid to get himself a Sonic T-shirt. At the T-shirt section, he began to notice Pent’s eyes were wandering… over to the girl’s section.
“You want somethin’ there?”
Pent immediately froze, focusing back to the boy section.
“N-No, I thought I saw Shelby. Hahaha, like I would wear that stuff! That’s… that’s for girls, y’know!” Pent nervously laughed, coughing into his hand as he folded up the Sonic t-shirt. “That’s the only thing I want here, we can go pay here.”
“Hey. Kid.” Pent paused, nervously fidgeting with the T-shirt in his hand. Gino looked around, noticing there were no nearby customer. He kneeled down to Pent’s level, resting a hand on his shoulder again.
“If ya want something… go get it. If someone in there tries to give you a hard time, we’ll just say it’s for your sister, okay?” Pent was an only child, but it wasn’t like any stranger would know that. “And you and me both know Shelby and Smack would never judge ya. Hell, I’m pretty sure whenever you guys play pretend, you all just swap clothes like crazy.”
Pent tightened his grip on the fabric. “I really… I really want to.” Pent admitted. “I… I don’t mind, dressing in what the… the boys in my school wear. I even really love wearing suits, when I go somewhere fancy. But… but, I just want… want to wear some… girl clothes to. Like a skirt… or something pink, something cute like… like what Shelby wears.” His face flushed red. “She’s so pretty… she lets me wear her stuff sometimes, yeah. S-She wouldn’t care. And Smack wouldn’t care… but… but I just don’t get it.”
He sighed, running a hand through his two-toned hair. “D-Do you ever… ever feel like… like you’re not really a boy but you still feel okay with… boy clothes? And being called he, y’know? In fact, being called she would be weird, y’know? Like… like you’re a girl, but in your own special way?”
Gino swallowed all his years of repression, just for this one moment. “Actually? I can relate.”
Pent turned to him immediately. “R-Really? You’re not just saying that, just so I can feel better, right?”
Gino shook his head. “Well, I can’t say I feel the exact same way. But, I can get it. Sometimes… I really don’t feel like a man. Sometimes… I’m more like a woman. Or both. Or really nothing. Or just a bit of everything. But y’know, I like wearing my ties and my pants and my vest. Most of the time, being called a he? It’s all good. No problem. So…” Gino tapped Pent’s shoulder again.
“You can be a girl in your own special way. I can be a woman in my own special way to, okay? No big deal. Feeling better?”
Pent, for once, gave a true smile towards Gino. Not a shy one, not a forced one, or one that was troubled, with his big eyebrows giving him away. He gave a truly happy one, his usual storm of anxieties and worries off of his mind for one moment.
“Yeah! I feel a lot better… Aunt Gino.”
Gino felt like he was shot fifty times through the chest, but in the best way possible. “Kid, you’re too fuckin’ nice.” Pent just giggled in response.
“C’mon, let’s go get you some cute ass clothes.”
Gino found a striped pink and white shirt, two pairs of white skirts, a frilly blue dress and even found a little pink ribbon hairclip. He had never felt so satisfied paying for anything in his whole life.
After reuniting with Smack and Shelby, they enjoyed a meal of sugary cinnamon rolls before heading back to Shelby’s home. There, Pent showed his purchase, much to the delight of his two friends. Gino was overjoyed how those two had created such a safe place for Pent, letting him enjoy all the parts of himself without shame or judgement.
As they worked on their homework, Pent wore his pink shirt, white skirt and hairclip proudly. The moment they were done, they went outside to play their usual games, laughing amongst themselves in the large garden. They watched their tape, played their usual mix of games on the GameCube, had their dinner and worked more and more on their stories.
Sadly, it finally came time to take the two home. Pent put on his new sweater and pants on, leaving his feminine clothes with Shelby, who promised to keep them safe in her room. She then said her goodbyes, via two lung-crushing hugs, then he drove off into their neighborhood. Smack and Pent were actually neighbors, thus it made the whole process easy for him.
When he arrived at their houses, Pent unbuckled his seatbelt. “Thanks for driving us home, Gino! Have a good night and drive home safely!”
Smack smiled. “Hey Pent, I’ll be out in one minute. I wanna talk to Gino alone. I realized on the way here I left something at Shelby’s house, so I’m just gonna tell him what it is for tomorrow.”
“Okay! See you in the backyard!” Pent hopped off and entered his home. Once he entered his front yard, Smack unbuckled his seat belt, hopping into the free front seat.
“Hey. I just wanna say… thanks for being understanding about Pent.”
“It’s no problem, really. Did you already know about this?”
Smack nodded. “Yeah, Shelby and I knew about this for a while now. Pent’s too nervous and anxious to really accept what he is, but he’s making good progress. I’m just glad he knows he has one more person on his side.” Smack turned to him, giving him a bright smile.
“Also, I totally heard him call you Uncle Gino. Mind if I do it to?”
“’Course, kid. Anytime.”
“Awesome! And to be honest… I actually did forget something over there. Can you remind Shelby to find my notebook, the one with the pony stickers on it? She can give it to me during recess.”
Gino nodded, then paused. “…Wait, you two go to different schools- “
Smack quickly opened the door. “WELL, I better not keep you late! Bye, Uncle Gino!” Smack ran to his house at the speed of a true kid in trouble.
He blinked, before letting out a loud bark of laughter. He stayed parked for another minute, snickering and laughing to himself, before he composed himself enough to start driving again. Oh, the idea of Shelby sneaking off every recess to spend time with her best friends was just too perfect. It was exactly the kind of stunt she’d pull. For someone so sweet, she wasn’t afraid to get sneaky at times. He was lying to himself, he could absolutely see how Shelby was the boss’s daughter.
“Welcome home, Uncle Gino!” She gave him a powerful tackle hug, though he had long since grown immune to her strength, managing to stay mostly still. He still wobbled somewhat, but only somewhat.
“Oof! I was barely gone a few minutes, kiddo.” He patted her on the back, closing the door behind him. She hopped off his chest, letting him lock it tight. He glanced at his watch, noticing it was getting a little close to her bedtime.
“Alright kiddo, wanna start getting ready for bed now?”
“Mmm, okay. I’ll go brush my teeth!”
“Alright. Let me get changed and I’ll tuck you in, okay?”
After undressing out of his work clothes, he put on a black T-shirt and an old pair of sweatpants. He had his own room in the house, due to his job. Despite some of his frustrations with his work, he did enjoy the luxury of the large, spacious room, especially with the fancy ass bathroom and wide closet space.
He entered Shelby’s room, finding her sitting on the bed. Finally, she seemed to be tired, rubbing her eyes and yawning. First, he plugged in her night light, since she was still scared to sleep in the dark alone. He pulled her blanket and comforter up to her chest, ensuring she was comfortably tucked. He went over to the shelves where she kept her stuffed animals. Unless in a particular mood, she randomly picked one every night, so they could ‘all get a chance.’ Or something like that, if he remembered right.
He picked up a Garfield. “This fine?”
“Yeah!” He gave it to her, that she hugged in her arms. With that, the bedtime routine was done.
“Okay, you need anything else?”
“No, I’m good…” she yawned again.
“Alright then. Sleep tight, flip your pillow to the cool side, good night and remember, make sure to fight off any nightmares with a crowbar, ‘kay?”
She nodded. “’Kay, Uncle Gino. Good night!”
He began to walk out of her room, but as he was about to shut the door behind him, he paused, for a long moment.
“Hey Shelby?”
“Mmm… what is it?” she asked.
“…I love you.” Shelby smiled slowly, the kind of cute, tired smile that would pierce through even the darkest heart.
“I love you to, Uncle Gino.”
Gino walked into his room, laid on his bed, realizing something both profoundly horrible and profoundly great.
He loved this. He loved his job. He loved every moment of being a glorified babysitter. Not for any of the perks, like the money or the room or the security, but the actual work of taking care of Shelby. Not just Shelby either, Pent and Smack to. He loved being called Uncle Gino and Aunt Gino, getting to spend every day with the little ankle biters, seeing them happy, seeing them play and hearing their laughs. It was the best job he had ever gotten in the world and it was something he wouldn’t trade for anything, not even his biggest dreams or desires.
Gino very slowly reached for the nearest pillow. With a gentle grasp, he gently covered his face with the pillow. He then, let out a loud, muffled scream.
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answer all the ones you wanna
Thank you Anon!! It’s been a DAY and I’m glad to get my mind off everything I need to be doing to do this
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?~Becca2. Are you outgoing or shy?~Depends on the situation, if I’m with friends I’m much much more outgoing. In general it depends on my mood and type of situation, but it’s probably 50/503. Who are you looking forward to seeing?~Olu! It’s been so long and he’s so good4. Are you easy to get along with?~I don’t really know. I think I can be pretty easy to get along with, but if we differ on something important to me or I have something against you I’m a huge bitch5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?~If she wasn’t also very drunk then probalby6. What kind of people are you attracted to?~Sarcastic assholes7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?~Maybe/I suppose8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?~(This kinds implies there are two genders that are opposites and that’s not the case but I’ll pretend this says what guy) Zach actually because I forgot to venmo him9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?~Nope10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?~I genuinely can’t remember11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?~”Yay!! I’m reading your blog now actually”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?~1. “Hall of Mirrors” - The Distillers~2. “Dancing in the Moonlight” - King Harvest~3. “Within You Without You” - The Beatles~4. “I Think You Nose Is Bleeding” - The Front Bottoms~5. “Trampoline” - The Front Bottoms13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?~Usually only someone I’m interested in14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?~Fuck yes I do15. What good thing happened this summer?~I went to Virginia Beach on vacation with my friends16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?~yeah17. Do you think there is life on other planets?~Yup18. Do you still talk to your first crush?~Oh hell no19. Do you like bubble baths?~I used to, haven’t taken one in a very long time20. Do you like your neighbors?~Nope21. What are you bad habits?~Oh we don’t have time for all of them, but: biting my fingernails, procrastination, isolation, drinking, smoking, in general bad coping mechanisms, etc.22. Where would you like to travel?~Europe!23. Do you have trust issues?~Oh hell yes24. Favorite part of your daily routine?~Laying down at night to go to sleep25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?~My thighs26. What do you do when you wake up?~Think about how much more sleep I can get without being late27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?~A little darker because this bitch can’t tan28. Who are you most comfortable around?~My close friends29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?~Ex’s? You assume more than one fool has made this mistake30. Do you ever want to get married?~Yea one day31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?~A little one but it’s sad32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?~Robert Downy Jr. and Halsey33. Spell your name with your chin.~ cy45isina (yikes)34. Do you play sports? What sports?~No I can’t sport35. Would you rather live without TV or music?~Omg that’s the nightmare scenario. I guess music36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?~Oh that’s practically my life motto37. What do you say during awkward silences?~I usually make a weird noise or something stupid to break the ice (like doing my Ben routine) or say something random38. Describe your dream girl/guy?~amazing hair, smart, funny, sarcastic asshole, ambitious, dedicated, responsible, reliable39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?~Hot Topic and Target40. What do you want to do after high school?~I mean I’m already doing it, college41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?~Not everyone, but most people42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?~Usually that I’m upset43. Do you smile at strangers?~Depending on my mood, yes44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?~Bottoms of the ocean45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?~Usually the fact that this bitch needs money, or my anxiety46. What are you paranoid about?~Oh everything, it’s mostly stuff related to my anxiety and insecurities47. Have you ever been high?~Yup48. Have you ever been drunk?~Yup49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?~I don’t think so50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?~Black and gray (because this bitch wears two hoodies at the same time)51. Ever wished you were someone else?~When I was younger probably52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?~My mental health status53. Favourite makeup brand?~Um what (this bitch don’t use makeup)54. Favourite store?~Hot Topic55. Favourite blog?~Actual blog: Eileen’s~Tumblr blog: So many but either slime-tony or color-me-erika56. Favourite colour?~Blue57. Favourite food? ~My mom’s mashed potatos58. Last thing you ate?~McDonald’s fries and nugs59. First thing you ate this morning?~Nothing lol, for lunch I had bonchon chicken and fries60. Ever won a competition? For what?~I mean I was valedictorian if that counts? So I guess I won for being able to take test and bullshit assignments 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?~Nope62. Been arrested? For what?~Nope63. Ever been in love? ~Yup64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?~Oh boy. I was in like preschool I think, maybe kindergarden, and me and this boy didn’t know what kissing was other than that adults did it and we were like yea sure this is normal so we kissed sometimes like under tables and shit and looking back super weird thing to do. I don’t remember the first kiss, but it was something like that. My first kiss as not a small small child was Alex I think and boy was that a mistake65. Are you hungry right now?~Nah66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?~(Tumblr friends are real friends) I don’t have friends specific to tumblr I think67. Facebook or Twitter?~Facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr?~Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?~Yup, FRIENDS70. Names of your bestfriends? ~I’d call them my closest friends, in no particular order: Eileen, Joe, Erika, Zach, Kim, Alex, Becca, Mars, Tiffany, Sloane, (I want to put Lex on this list too but we don’t talk as much so I don’t know if she sees me as one of her closest friends but I adore her)71. Craving something? What?~Not that I can think of72. What colour are your towels?~Blue, Green, and White72. How many pillows do you sleep with?~Usually 3 (Because they be flat boys)73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?~Yup!74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?~I got rid of most of them when I was younger (I have no idea why I did that I was a total idiot) but anyway no clue because my life is a mess75. Favourite animal?~Honey Badger76. What colour is your underwear?~You assume I’m wearing underwear77. Chocolate or Vanilla?~Ice Cream: Vanilla~Milkshake: Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour?~Banan-a-Peel'n79. What colour shirt are you wearing?~Again you assume I have clothes on80. What colour pants?~See answer above81. Favourite tv show?~SOAP82. Favourite movie?~Noises Off83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?~Mean Girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?~Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?~Damien86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?~Dory87. First person you talked to today?~My mom88. Last person you talked to today?~Eileen89. Name a person you hate?~Anna90. Name a person you love?~Tiffany91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?~Oh so many people92. In a fight with someone?~I don’t think so93. How many sweatpants do you have?~Like 4?94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?~5 hoodies? 4 sweatshirts?95. Last movie you watched?~Descendents 296. Favourite actress?~Betty White97. Favourite actor?~Jason Bateman98. Do you tan a lot?~Not at all99. Have any pets?~Sadly no100. How are you feeling?~Not great but I’m still here101. Do you type fast?~Not really?102. Do you regret anything from your past?~I regret a bunch of stupid things103. Can you spell well?~Not at al104. Do you miss anyone from your past?~Yea, sometimes105. Ever been to a bonfire party?~I was at a bonfire but I wouldn’t call it a party106. Ever broken someone’s heart?~Not to my knowledge107. Have you ever been on a horse?~Yes108. What should you be doing?~One of the many many things on the spring break to do list109. Is something irritating you right now?~Oh many things110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?~Oh yea111. Do you have trust issues?~I think this was already asked, but yes112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?~I can’t even remember, but I think Mars, Jake, and Arianne when I was high113. What was your childhood nickname?~Tina114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?~Yup115. Do you play the Wii?~I used to116. Are you listening to music right now?~Nope117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?~Yup118. Do you like Chinese food?~Fuck yes119. Favourite book?~This is a book by: Demetri Martin120. Are you afraid of the dark?~Yea121. Are you mean?~I can be122. Is cheating ever okay?~No, never123. Can you keep white shoes clean?~Nope124. Do you believe in love at first sight?~Yes I’m certain that it happens all the time125. Do you believe in true love?~Yea126. Are you currently bored?~A little127. What makes you happy?~being with my friends128. Would you change your name?~Maybe129. What your zodiac sign?~Gemini130. Do you like subway?~Occasionally (I like the way it smells more than I like the food)131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?~Tell them I’m sorry but I don’t feel the same way132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?~Again with the repeat questions133. Favourite lyrics right now?~”It’s fine, I’m fine, It’s fine”134. Can you count to one million?~I mean I suppose but at what cost135. Dumbest lie you ever told?~”I’m fine”136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?~Always closed137. How tall are you?~5′5138. Curly or Straight hair?~Straight139. Brunette or Blonde?~Brunette140. Summer or Winter?~Summer141. Night or Day?~Night142. Favourite month?~May or December143. Are you a vegetarian?~Hell no I couldn’t144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?~Milk choclate145. Tea or Coffee?~Coffee146. Was today a good day?~Not really, but it was ok147. Mars or Snickers?~Neither148. What’s your favourite quote?~”It’s gonna take a long time…and then it’s perfect”149. Do you believe in ghosts?~Fuck yea150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?~”I’m currently in the thick of the most confusing and terrifying time of my life” BIG MOOD
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bad-idealist · 7 years
Icarus heights (The intro to a story about superheroes and villains, think X men meets Farcry) Enjoy :)
The evening sky was dim, the grey obelisk that was Icarus heights rose far above the neon haze of the cityscape. The only source of light on the buildings matte skin being a single tacked on-sign, bright blue, that read “Long live the king”. Its bold words flickered faintly, taunting the world below, and bathing the rooms behind it in a seas of light. If one were to view it from street level the words would be barely legible, as if to further cement its status as above the people, and the many corpses of buildings, scrapped to make way for its construction, served as a reminder that it was an unstoppable force, an inevitability, and that’s its occupants cared not for the struggles of the common folk.
Much harder to notice, was the small veiled figure clinging to the face of the tower, carefully scaling it like a determined flea on the back of a great hound. The winds were getting stronger with every foot he ascended, and the first droplets of an oncoming storm had already soaked into his crude fabric mask. He had lost count of what floor he was at a while back, every pane looked identical, and he was surprised he hadn’t been seen by now. For all the goons the bastard has they aren’t the brightest. He amused himself with the ridiculousness of the situation, but the soft roar of distant thunder prompted him to make fast his ascent. He counted the remaining floors till the top. Around 5 left. With the storm fast approaching he couldn’t stay out in the open, he’d have to scale the rest from the inside. He’d hoped to conserve his energy and save himself for his target, but his suction cups couldn’t operate if the glass was slicked with rain. So he took a reluctant breath, concentrated and slowly phased himself through the black window. The room he landed in was empty, Thank god, and lavishly unassuming. He patted himself down to ensure he had brought all of his effects through with him, phasing required total focus, and having only possessed such a trait for a month he had not long to master it. Dagger-check, clothes-check, Gun….
He frantically checked the many pockets that lined his homemade cloak. It wasn’t there. He imagined the silenced pistol tumbling down from the high-rise and knocking some innocent out cold. He’d have to find it again after, if he survived. There was little time to examine the room as the grumbling of guards could be heard nearby. And soon enough the door to the room swung open, and the cloaked boy dove beneath the room’s central table. The grumbling stopped, Had they seen him? Their heavy footsteps grew closer, so he silently unsheathed the small dagger from his boot.
“Nothing. The boss don’t pay us enough for this, what’s he so paranoid about anyways?”
The voices where clear now, and the table creaked as one of the men leaned on it. The boy decided he may as well practice with the dagger, he’ll need it.
“Me” he growled as menacingly as he could, before leaping out over the table and slashing at the nearest one’s neck. He dropped his rifle and went to scream, but the boy muffled him with a gloved hand. The second guard swung. Only to have his fist slip through the boy. Who quickly dispatched him in similar fashion to his companion. He considered picking up the firearm, but hesitated. That would just draw attention to himself. He then noticed just how much blood splattered his garments. Good thing he was wearing red. Down the sleek halls he lurked, having to find each new floor’s entrance due to the peculiar lack of an elevator or consistent stairwell. By this point the storm was gaining momentum, thunder shook the air, lightning danced across the tower’s metal frame. And the sounds of blood hitting floorboard were masked by the spattering of rain against the windows, which were just as dulled from the inside.  The guards were definitely not the brightest, the invader thought as he silently carved through three more who were previously engaged in a poker match. There wasn’t far to go now.  By the time he’d gotten to the entrance to the final floor he was dripping in the blood of what must’ve been twenty men. But that didn’t matter. He’d made it. He assumed there was no more need for stealth, How many guards could the man have? He lightly tried the ornate double doors. Locked. So, now in a rush to finally meet his prey he walked through the sturdy oak, and into a penthouse. It was modern and geometric in design, oddly homely compared to the rest of the place. The centre being a rather large fireplace, paired with a grand leather chair with its back to the entrance. In which sat the one this whole ordeal was about.
The boy hadn’t been noticed, and so slowly crept towards the chair. Dagger in hand.
“Hello. Mr ashton.” Came a smooth, confident call. “Although amongst my men you’ve become known as ‘The wraith’.”
Was he mocking him? It was hard to tell. The boy approached the chair. Teeth grit and arm raised.  “Yeah well your thugs aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.” Came the boy’s retort. “Besides, I saw the sign. The king? Really?”
“Oh don’t you like it? I thought the blue would brighten up the place.” The chair rotated, like something from a spy movie, to reveal a slick looking young man in a rather luxurious suit. He leaned forwards, almost eagerly and continued “And to you. I am the king.” The boys patience had worn thing. He held the dagger to the tyrants neck, only pausing for one last question.  “Why?”
“ Why the tower, the guards, the gangs in the streets? Why did you take our city from us?” The man chuckled. “If I recall correctly when people like yourself started popping up you weren’t exactly considered welcome, normal people don’t want you in their city. I on the other hand, say everyone is welcome, provided you know your place.”
“You left the streets in ruin and hundreds dead!” The boy growled. Only to be met with a condescending look and retort. “Actually, I said live however you see fit, provided they follow one rule: Don’t fuck with the king, you people did the rest yourself.”
“Yeah whatever” Said the boy, and thrust the dagger forth. It froze.  Just shy of the self proclaimed king’s chest.  His entire body froze, and a sarcastic clapping could be heard from behind. “You know I didn’t expect you to buy such a cliché mob boss shtick but wow! You are STUPID.” The voice, which couldn’t have been much older than the boy’s was almost hysterical. The boy’s head turned, not of his own will, to face his speaker. It was another young lad, not much older than himself, donned in a simple hoodie and some cheap jeans. Who the fuck are you? The boy thought, but couldn’t bring his lips to move.  “My name is Stane, Christian Stane. And I’m the king.” Was he in his head? The boy willed himself to move, but to no avail. “Yes I am.  pretty cool huh?” Stane looked his captive up and down amusedly, trying not to laugh. “You like my puppet?” He gestured to the man in the chair who, simply sat blank faced and dead eyed. “I think it’s great” It spoke.
“See, he even answers when spoken to. So speak up.” It was hard to tell if he was mocking or genuinely expected him to sleep.  The former was confirmed when he once more laughed and moved even closer to the paralyzed boy. “But what he said was true, I’m simply acting in my best interest, the people down there don’t seem to have the biggest sense of community either.” He paused, composing himself for a second. “Ok you’ve been a massive pain in my ass lately, and now your beginning to bore me. Say what you need to say. I’m gonna kill you regardless.” He drew a chrome handgun and squared it at the boys forehead.
“YOU GODDAMN PHSYCOPATH!” The boy roared, surprised at his own ability to speak again. He went to say more But his lips tightly sealed before he could get the words out. Stane frowned in mock hurt. But his words were thick with genuine rage. “ I can assure you I am NOT a psychopath.” The boy felt his legs move, but not how he wanted to. Instead they walked him towards the large window overlooking the murky skyline. The windows here were clear from inside, allowing for perfect view of the entire city.  Once there the boy turned to face Stane “Psychopaths feel no emotion. But what I’m about to do is gonna make me real happy. There was a gunshot, but no pain, no nothing.  The bullet had phased  through him. Without him focusing on it. “Good” Stane chuckled, “Your blood everywhere would just ruin the whole vibe of the room ya’ know.” Just as the helpless wraith realised what he meant, a second shot was fired.  Directly into his gut. He fell back, phasing through the window and into the cold storm.  Stane chuckled, then sighed . He went to watch the body plummet. But couldn’t make it out amongst the rain. Slightly annoyed, but satisfied he watched the lightning strike the rooftops and he recited the blue neon reflected against the many buildings. “Long live the king”.
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marsandrew333 · 7 years
“A Fight In The Woods”
The night is silent as Jason walks through the woods just as he likes it. Nothing makes a noise except the wind that blows through the trees making them rustle, rippling through his clothes like a ghost. He shoves his hands in his jacket pockets because even with the leather gloves he wore they were starting to feel a bit cold. He buries the lower part of his face into the scarf around him, desperate to get a bit of warmth. This was one of the coldest nights of the year, maybe even of the decade. Ever since the world plunged into chaos, the world was getting colder and colder. But that never seemed to bother him before now.
Maybe it was the fact that he wasn’t actually normal anymore after the event that took place 10 years ago. A lot of them weren’t normal anymore. That day, when the sky had turned dark and clouded, thunder storms roared over the entire world. The gods were having a battle that day; a battle that shook the world and killed millions of people. How did he know it was the gods who fought that day? Because he saw them with his very own eyes, their blood shined like that of gold as some bled to death. The ones that changed were mostly kids and early teens.
How it was uncontrollable at first, how they could hurt someone without even realizing it. It’s horrifying for a child, almost traumatic. Jason was only 8 when it happened. He doesn’t really know what curse he had. The only thing he knew was that he loses himself when he gets too angry and when he comes to, there are corpses littering the ground behind him; and his body covered with blood.
His hair had turned an ashen gray and his eyes a bright yellow, and he noticed that he had gotten stronger and faster. But a low temper came with those and that’s how he loses himself. He lives in a cave nearby in the forest, far from the refugee camps, where most survivors have gone after it all happened. Even the ones that changed had taken refuge, but they are ignored by the normal people.
A noise catches his attention. It was to his far left, then another to his far right. There were a lot of them. Some of the gifted, as he liked to call them, had turned savage and blood thirsty, mad with power and these things could be a group of them. He stands still, waiting for them to make the first move. For a moment everything becomes still, then something small flies towards him. Catching it in mid air when it was close enough to him, he saw that it was a blow dart. Either it was poison or something that could make you sleep for hours, long enough for them to kill you.
He crushes it easily and lets the broken pieces fall to the ground. In the moonlight he scans the area seeing about 10 human figures hidden behind trees and bushes; all looking at him, all waiting for his reaction. “You should all get away while you still can you know,” Jason says to them, “anyone willing to anger me dies.” They didn’t make a move, and Jason didn’t care as he starts to walk again.
Without any warning, one runs towards him with a blade in hand. When it was close enough, it swung a wide arc. Jason just took a casual step back, avoiding the blade by mere inches. None of the others tried to move which gave Jason the chance to focus on the one attacking him. He then starts to notice that it’s a girl that’s attacking him. She wore a black hoodie, and jeans. Her hair was in a pony tail and the blade was a short sword.
She was slow to him, her movements were predictable that was until, she spun and the blade vanished and so did she. Then out of nowhere, she was suddenly really close to him and pushed the blade into his stomach. Everything suddenly slowed down, as Jason stared at the sword that was in him, his white jacket already getting soaked in his own blood. Raising his head he saw the girl smile, as he looked around the 9 others were still waiting. He gripped the blade with his bare hands and started to pull it out.
The pain was dull, as he started to black out. He tried to fight it, “Get as far from me as possible.” He whispered to the girl. She looked confused at first before he completely blacked out. Jason fell to his knees and slumped, head down. The girl pulled out her blade and turned to walk back to her companions. “He’s not dead yet!” one of them shouted alerting the girl. She turned back to Jason to see the wound that she made was knitting itself back together. The Blood was going back into the wound as well, almost as if time was going backwards.
Jason woke up but his eyes glowed this time. Bright yellow, his pupils turning into slits. Black smoke started to come from his hands. He placed his fist side to side and separated them slowly. A rod started to form, on the side a blade emerged. It was a scythe with crude features. The rod pure black so dark it looked like it was sucking up the bits of light around them. The blade had jagged teeth like bevel as if it was made to tear flesh instead of making a clean cut.
The girl looked horrified as Jason stood up. She started to back away slowly, but without any warning Jason sprinted towards her, the blade behind him. When we has close, he drove the blunted end of the scythe into her stomach knocking the wind out of her. She gagged and flew until she crashed into a tree. The others were too stunned to move, to save one of their own. Fear was in the back of their minds, holding them down on where they stood.
Jason stood up straight and slowly walked towards the girl. She was leaning on the tree as she sat on the ground; blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. She looked at him in fear, her eyes widening in horror. “Please don’t,” She pleaded putting a hand in front of her, “I’ve had enough.”
Jason stopped about 3 feet way from her. “What’s your name?” Jason asked but his voice was different from before when he warned them. It had a darker tone, an echo as if there were two of him in one body. “Evanny.” She answered.
“I’ll make sure I remember you.” He told her as he brought the blade back and swung hard. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see it coming. She waited and waited until a small prick of pain touched her cheek. She opened her eyes to see Stephen her twin blocking the blade with his long sword, barely. The target was barely making any effort, while her brother was sweating just from blocking this one strike. “Somebody get my sister out of here now!!!” Stephen exclaimed loudly. One of them quickly ran and carried her away. When he noticed she was gone, he moved the blade upwards and backed away.
“Who are you?” Jason asked.
“It won’t matter if I kill you.” Stephen said with conviction.
Jason smiled, sending a chill down Stephen’s spine. “You are very much welcome to try.” Jason said spreading his arms wide.  Stephen ran towards him, and jumped, planning to strike from above. Jason just looked at him as the blade was brought down. He easily blocks it, looking bored. “Can you be any slower mate?” He pushed him away and readied himself. The blade was gone making him only wielding a staff now.
He rushed Stephen, striking from every direction. Stephen could barely keep up. Jason faked a strike and he fell for it. He drove the butt of the staff into Stephen’s gut and knocked the long sword out of his hands, making it vanish. “Figured that weapon was like mine.” Jason said before striking Stephen on the face then the shoulder, the knees and then thrusting the staff right through his thigh. He screamed in pain. “Why won’t your friends help you?”
Jason then took a quick step back pulling out the staff out of his opponent’s thigh as an arrow flew right where his head was. Before he could balance himself, a bulky guy came out of nowhere, bringing an axe down on him. He barely dodged that too. The blade burying into the ground. He looked at the guy and saw him glaring. Jason brought out the blade again and tried to end this one but for the second time Stephen blocked it.
He backed away a safe distance. “Looks like I spoke prematurely.” Jason scanned the area once more. The other 6 that had yet to show themselves were gone. He looked for the one that shot the arrow and saw her perched on a branch high up the trees a hundred feet away. The guy with the axe pulled the blade out of the ground, while the one with the long sword was somewhat limber-ring up, the wound that he made gone.
“You heal fast, long sword.” Jason said making his scythe vanish.
“Why are you putting away your weapon? Giving up?” Stephen asked.
“On the contrary, I’m getting serious.” With that Jason threw a knife from out of nowhere towards the guy with the axe. The knife was thrown so hard it buried itself into the blade. They didn’t notice that the knife was linked with a chain that vanished into Jason’s jacket sleeve. He pulled with immense strength making the guy lose his balance in surprise. With unbelievable speed Jason sprinted towards him and knocked him out.
Stephen tried to strike, but Jason pulled axe guy in front of him, making a human shield. Stephen hesitated and that gave Jason an opening. This time he had a sword much like Stephen’s and slashed horizontally. It opened him up but when he tried to finish him, an arrow was flying towards him so he had to dodge again. “It’s really hard to kill all of you.”
Stephen stood up smirking, “Didn’t think you would actually admit it.” He said.
“I am not a prideful fool who can’t admit he is having a hard time.” Jason defended, making yet again his sword vanish. In its place a bow was in his hands. Stephen’s eyes widen, shock plaid on his face. Jason pulled back the bow string, 3 arrows appeared out of nowhere, and aimed at the archer that was far away. He could still see them, now slowly moving down probably trying to get out of the way. “A good ranged support is the reason for my hard time.”
He fired and all the arrows went flying. The weird thing was that they didn’t fly straight, as if they were alive and for an instant, Stephen saw them turn into black ravens going for his friend. Jason smiled as his arrows got closer. But something surprised him again. Two people cut down two of his arrows and one caught it in his hands and broke it in two.
“Of course the others now start to help.” Jason said sighing. “Now there are seven of you, makes me wonder if the other three are healers or something along those lines.” A grunt caught Jason’s attention; it was the one who used the Axe. Stephen still held his wound but he was standing up straighter now, meaning he was already healing.
“Just how many weapons do you have?” He asked in disbelief.
“Think of an army back in the dark ages and every unique weapon they have known to man, that’s how many I have.” He answered, looking around his surroundings, searching for the other 3. When he looked back at Stephen he had a shock look on him. I mean who wouldn’t be, he just told him they were fighting a one man army. “So far that sister of yours was the only one that has ever injured me since 10 years ago.”
“Then I will be the second one!” Someone said loudly. When Jason looked to who it was, a guy with blond hair and silver gauntlets was falling towards him. When he was close enough he punched downward where Jason stood. Without even flinching he made a shield appear and blocked it. When it made contact it didn’t even make Jason move an inch.
The teen landed on the ground his fist still on Jason’s shield. Lowering the shield he stared at the guy with his cat like eyes. “You’re the berserker I presume.” Without any reply he started to punch again and again angrily. Jason pushed him back using the shield making him stumble. With a short sword in his other hand Jason attacked. The teen tried to block but Jason was too fast making cuts on his arm and legs, his torso and shoulders. Not deep ones but they were enough to make him stagger in every step. Out of nowhere Axe guy came with a crushing blow. Jason dodged and used the shield to punch him in the gut knocking the wind out of him.
Arrows flew towards him again and this time he used his shield to block them. They all buried into the shield. “Now this is almost how a group should fight.” Jason said happily making sure everyone there heard him. “Now where are the other two that stopped my arrows?” Not even seconds later two figures moving fast came from his left. Turns out they were twins. They each held two daggers. Jason made his shield and sword vanish and replaced them with daggers of his own. “You two must be the group’s best fighters.” They didn’t answer and only started to strike him.
Blades started to clash and sparks flew. Even though they were coming from all sides, he parried and dodged every blow. Then all of a sudden they stopped, his blades stopping theirs, the twins both having frustrated looks, while Jason had one of satisfaction. “I was right you two are the best fighters of the group.” He said as he looked both of the in the eyes. This fight actually made him sweat and a bit out of breath.
When he was about to move again chains appeared out of nowhere wrapping themselves around him. The twins backed away, leaving him to be bound to the ground where the chains came from. They glowed gold and moved with speed. Once he could no longer move they tightened around him, bringing him to his knees. He struggled but to no avail.
“Don’t bother,” A girl’s voice said, he saw that it was Evanny. Behind her were three others, a guy and two girls, the three that he was looking for. “Our friends here are healers and a mage, with both the healers help the mage made those chains which can even hold a god, we know, we’ve tried.” She said smugly.
Jason looked at her and smiled, “Bravo, now you can kill me.” He said very much unafraid. This took the whole group by surprise. Without another word Evanny pulled out a dart from her pocket and walked towards Jason, she was the only one who wasn’t surprised at his lack of fear. She walked towards him and he in turn looked at her. Their eyes didn’t leave each other. “At first we wanted you dead,” She started to say, “but now plans have changed.” She stabbed him in the neck with the dart. This made him feel feint, eyes getting heavy, “You might wake up with a bit of a head ache.” Was the last thing he heard before he finally blacked out.
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meltlilies · 7 years
he's like a hurricane, trouble's his middle name;
raywood | 1.7k | fahc / past implied illegal box
most couples, when they share clothes, have their friends make a couple jokes at their expense and realize how physically different they are.
however, in typical melodramatic fashion, ray and ryan cause a citywide police blockade and chase, destroy a business linage with one bullet and break gavin's nose.
on AO3
honestly, special thanks to @michaelsgavin and @juggey for retweeting ray in ryan’s jacket one day, which lead to me commissioning some art from sami and then writing this. enjoy! it’s my first ragehappy fic, i hope it’s a good one!
Ray’s pretty fucking sure that the cops of Los Santos must’ve paid to get onto the force, because these assholes definitely didn’t make their way through an entire college degree; Ray thinks himself pretty damn smart despite getting a GED the very first time he got the chance, but these goons are, some-fucking-how, stupider than Gavin is on a bad day (or an old crew member, on a good).  
 “It’s the Vagabond!” No, it’s Brownman in his jacket. I don’t even have half the muscle mass or ass he does. “Call in the SWAT team!” I’m gonna kick Ryan’s ass for taking my hoodie from the safe house. How the fuck does that thing even fit him? He’s a human dorito that’s a good two or three sizes bigger than me, he’s gonna look like an asshole. Well, a bigger one than usual.
 Today, was supposed to be a nice, clean hit. Get to a rooftop, pop some rich kid’s entitled head off. Now he’s got half the police department on his ass because he and his morally repugnant (better) half had to give the old clothes switcheroo. Ray has spent the better part of a fucking year beating around the bush about how close he and the hurricane of a mercenary, the Vagabond, and this is gonna ruin everything. He can already see Gavin's smug fucking face. God damn it. He just revs of the engine of the bike he just stole, trying to get to his position before the cops actually come to their senses and attempt to do their fucking jobs right for once in their lives.
 He's a little early for the time he'd been given despite his hectic encounter--this wasn't a fakes job, he just was bored in their downtime and some old friends asked for a favor--so he set to slowly putting his rifle together; the rendezvous point had originally been but a couple avenues down from the safe house he was currently housed up in with tall dark and scary, but the unexpected police convention in the 7/11 he'd planning to get a monster and a couple donuts from made for some good time to kill. 
 Apparently most of the downtown area was under surveillance for the Vagabond.
 They can have fun looking for what isn't there. 
 Now, back to the scheduled actual homicide. Ray takes a breath, and looks into scope, taking in the all glass building where his target's supposed to making some kind of business deal that'll probably make him ever richer than he needs to be; there's too much movement, too many faces and bodies blocking what he needs to see and he goes to grab his phone to check the reference picture when--
~♫ here he is, the biggest douche in the uuuuuuniverse ♫~
[11:47:87] gavinofree: Y'know, most people don't raise hell on their walks of shame.
[11:48:72] gavinofree: Is keeping each other's jackets a consolation prize for the worst sex of your lives?
[11:49:32] gavinofree: Sorry, Rye's life. 
[11:51:81] gavinofree: I called it, by the way. I knew you two were shagging! {attachment the_smug_gavin_face.jpeg}
It takes Ray a good moment to collect himself, and not consider kicking Gavin's ass. He settles on ruining the mountain that is his nose, less collateral damage that way. 
[11:59:69] brownman: you use the word shagging between ryan and i's names ever again and i will permanently change your legal name to austin randy powers
[12:00:13] brownman: also i'm gonna go independence day on your god damn nose when i get back to the penthouse
[12:00:77] brownman: say goodbye to your sharkfin face, asshole
[12:01:42] gavinofree: You're gonna throw tea on my face, wot?
[12:01:57] brownman: the movie, with will smith
[12:01:88] brownman: i'm gonna hit you again, for not seeing the classic film
[12:02:07] brownman: you're a god damn travesty
  He sighs, quickly taking a look at his mark's picture. The breeze is strong up here, and he has to zip up--Ryan's jacket that is way too big and baggy on him and makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside like when he perfects a game or snipes through five people with one bullet or makes Gavin knock into something expensive in the penthouse and watches Geoff tear him an absolutely new one--so the flaps in the wind don't throw off his aim. 
  He crouches, ever so slightly, mentally calculating the allowances he's got to make to get the shot perfectly. Align his back, angle the barrel straight, angle a few degrees off to the side. 
  The asshole goes up to the window--wall? he doesn't fucking know how these stupid yuppie skyscrapers work--and right into his crosshairs. Perfect.
  It's almost beautiful for a split second, the glass shattering like the beautiful lovechild of a snowflake and a spiderweb, before it all goes red and the entire board room goes into a panic. Ray shakes himself out of his dramatic and poetic stupor, to first take his rifle apart, pack it up and fucking book it out of here, then to send a text.
  [12:17:49] brownman: okay, quick question
[12:17:69] brownman: i wanna do this the right way myself
[12:18:09] brownman: actually two questions
[12:18:99] brownman: can you grab michael for like, a minute when i get to the penthouse and how do you throw a good like one-two punch
[12:19:86] BMVagabond: I have a feeling these two things are very interconnected. Do you mean like, grab as in distract or grab as in hold him down because I can do both.
[12:21:19] brownman: you're not wrong
[12:21:52] brownman: whichever works, i doubt michael's gonna stop gavin from getting his ass kicked
[12:21:97] brownman: like baseball is for normal americans, seeing gavin get his just desserts is the crew's national pastime
[12:22:22] brownman: now give me those punchy deets
[12:23:44] BMVagabond: Okay, I'm just gonna send you a video, it's quicker. Let me hide in the bathroom real quick.
[12:23:77] brownman: make sure you make lots of moaning noises, pretend to have phone sex with me
[12:24:01] brownman: let the visual of my sensual unfit skinny body rock your dick, babe
[12:27:88] BMVagabond {Attached fist_vid_for_ray.mp4} Okay. 1: I didn't know we were at babe level, good to know. 2: I never want to read or listen to you stay those words ever again or I'm going to have to break up with you and find a more eloquent boyfriend. A real wordsmith. 
[12:28:31] brownman: aw babe don't hurt me like this, you haven't even gotten to the rest of my horrible personality traits
[12:39:21] brownman: WAIT DID YOU SAY BOYFRIEND
  Ray proceeds to spend the rest of his commute--he ties the jacket around his waist, goes and eats about seven burgers for lunch and takes the subway all the way back to his actual home, like a proper member of society--practicing making a proper fist along with swinging whenever there isn't someone next to him and mentally screaming because Ryan just used the word.
  The big old word.
 The b word. 
  Hoo boy. Oh man, he'll deal with that later when he doesn't have a smug British invasion of privacy to stop.
  Ryan greets him as the door and it takes a lot for Ray not to burst into laughter at the sight before him. He's honestly amazed that the man even managed to get the thing on his arms, much less zip it all the way up; he looks like someone had the misfortune of putting a condom on an eggplant in health class, and it's equally jarring that he's in such a bright color too. 
  "Hey, you give that back right now mister. You're gonna ruin the elastic--big bad Vagabond and boyfriend or not, I can't have you going around and besmirching my aesthetic all willy-nilly. I work very hard to look like garbage, I'll have you know." 
  "Those are some big words and if I didn't know better, I'd say you read a thesaurus since your last text."
  "You better know better. Please, you know I never learned how to read." He just tugs on the older man's sleeve--well, his sleeve, whatever--with an almost pout. "Give it back. I don't wanna get Gavin's blood on your good jacket when I break his nose." Ryan shrugs in a 'fair enough' way and they exchange jackets. Ray's a little pissed about the sleeves being slightly stretched out, but a good wash would fix it (but a wash would get rid of the weird scent of gunpowder and cologne that Ryan has on him and that would absolutely lowkey upset Ray--maybe he should just, do this again). He's about to take the first step to giving that smug asshole a good what for, when Ryan grabs his shoulder and he spins on his heel. "What."
  "So you gotta keep your hands level with your shoulders, right--" Ryan gets behind Ray, and positions him properly. "--and have a wide stance. Twist your hips a bit when you swing and you'll have more power behind your strikes. Lead with a quick jab to daze him, and then give him a right cross." A couple demonstrations and Ray leaves--no, saunters out of the room--ready to strike. 
  Ryan's halfway through a sip of Diet Coke when he hears a distinct sound of a dying bird squawk, follow by the sound of the same bird hitting the carpeted floor of the living room floor. Geoff, walks in and sighs.
  "If you two are gonna start dating, you better keep each other on a leash. 'Cause I can't afford Gavin getting sent to the hospital every other week because you two decided to double team him."
  "Duly noted." And in that moment, Gavin comes in clutching the ruins of his once great and large nose.
  "Geoffrey, Ray broke my nose, he's being a prick--" His whining is drowned out by both Jeremy and Michael, cackling and obviously video taping the whole thing. 
  Michael replays the whole thing for Ryan, and it's a pretty good first try. 
  They find Ray sulking on the couch, playing one handed tetris while the other is wrapped in an ice pack. 
  "His stupid face hurt my hand."
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