#If I had been doing 'chapters' this would make a great ending page lmao
xx-akubara-xx · 1 year
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eggymf-archived · 1 year
of paper planes and wildflowers; 01
ft. ominis gaunt with f!reader (series)
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chapter warnings: nsfw, semi-public sex, chaotically embarrassing situations,  mild dubcon, aphrodisiac, feeble attempt at ominis slander for plot(?) purposes, not proofread, unedited
chapter summary:  from teenage gossips to formulating random drinks together with your best friend, everything goes completely awry in the most unexpectedly worst way possible. 
word count: 4k
a/n: i wrote this during 1 am in the morning after a mental breakdown lmao what’s good D:
main masterlist || series masterlist || AO3
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“That’s the seventh time you sighed in the last five minutes.”
You grumbled in response at Natsai’s observation, dropping your forehead flat on the table with a distinct thud, much to Madam Scribner’s chagrin who harshly shushed you with a matching glare. Natsai gave the said librarian an apologetic look before turning towards you again with concern.
"Probably ‘cause of her mum again, I reckon,” Garreth piped, flipping his book to the next page as he scribbled down on his rolled-out parchment. You shuddered in response, recalling that damned Howler you received from your mother prior this week when she found out you had landed yourself in detention with Garreth again. Your mother expected great academic success from you and for you to behave yourself, especially during this year when you’ll be taking your OWLs.
“I’m sure you’ll do great for your OWLs. Despite the trouble you get yourself into, you always excel in your studies anyway,” Natsai comforted, rubbing your shoulder as you let out yet another sigh. Yes, you were having problems with your mum’s incessant reminder of picking a career path, and yes, you were tremendously feeling pressured about acing your OWLs. But there was another problem:  a huge one in fact - so huge you couldn’t even tell your two close friends about it. 
“I’ll be fine, you two. I just have a lot in my mind lately,” you mumbled, laying your cheek flat on the surface of the table while staring at an empty table from the distance. 
“I’d say. You’ve been on the edge eversince that potions incident,” Garreth pointed out, earning a fairly loud snort from you.
“Which potions incident, Garreth? Last time I checked, you’ve had a total of three incidents this month,” you teased.
“Oh shush. It wasn’t that bad!” the ginger-haired Gryffindor laughed. “I’m talking about that one drink we concocted around two to three weeks ago. The one that you drank?”
Your cheeks slightly pinked at the memory: of course you remember that incident. It was the main reason that has caused you to get stuck in this infernal situation, after all.
“Pretty sure it's not the potion, Garreth. I’m assuming this is just my academic stress finally getting to me,” you dismissively reasoned, thus dropping the subject to concentrate on each of your respective tasks.
You half-expected your 5th year to be like the usual: focusing on your studies, literally brewing mischief and greatness with Garreth, sneaking out of the castle grounds to “practice” your duelling (extracurricular activities, as you’d like to call it) with Natsai occasionally tagging along, and so much more. Aside from the utter chaos that was presently occurring within the wizarding world, who would’ve thought that your life would also end up being in a state of frenzy. 
You shouldn’t have had that particular conversation with Garreth back then. You shouldn’t have drank that damned potion either. But in your defense, you wouldn’t have tried anything weird from the ginger-haired boy unless you actually helped him with the concoction. You’re pretty well-versed with various ingredients, priding yourself to be both book smart and pro-active in collecting various ingredients from the highlands yourself. But alas you were still a student - a silly little student making silly little mistakes. Somewhere along the process of making that certain concoction, you had messed up the calculations of the ingredients’ ratio - something that would prove to be rather grave on your part. 
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You and Garreth were hanging out together at the Transfiguration Courtyard after class, the both of you discussing several ingredient combinations as usual. While he scribbled notes on a piece of parchment during the ongoing conversation, you were practicing non-verbal spellcasting for simple charms. However, the conversation took a different turn when you noticed Garreth’s voice slowly faltering as a certain housemate of yours passed by while carrying several thick books. You smirked in realization, calling out the ebony-haired female. Garreth elbowed you harshly, giving you a half-hearted glare. The female turned and smiled towards the both of you in acknowledgment before heading off.
“Blimey, Garreth. Samantha Dale?” you asked, causing him to flush bright pink. “Since when?”
“Last year during potions. That time when Sharp made her switch places with you,” he admitted, causing you to teasingly snicker.
“W-what? It’s not like you haven’t had a crush!” he sputtered.
“I hate to disappoint you but no, I haven’t,” you deadpanned.
“Tell you what, let me ask you this question instead. If you were given the choice, who would you snog in our year?”
“Garreth Weasley, I am NOT answering that!”
“I’ll get the answers right out of you whether you like it or not and you know it. Is it Amit?”
“Is it me?”
You slapped his arm in response, earning a laugh from him.
“I’ll take that as a no. Leander?”
“I’d rather get kissed by a dementor.”
“Touché. Perhaps Sebastian?” 
“Have you seen how he looks at the new 5th year? Poor lad looks like a lovesick crup puppy it makes me sick.”
Garreth paused, deep in thought. His lips curled into a smug grin.
Oh no. This isn’t good. 
“Ominis Gaunt?”
A pregnant silence ensued, your expression utterly mortified. Garreth guffawed at your bewildered state, running away from you as you chased him down. Your face was a bright shade of red - whether it is out of embarrassment, denial, realization, or the fact that you were greatly offended by the mere suggestion, Garreth has already arrived to his own conclusion. He was absolutely never going to live this down. After all, you were normally straightforward especially when it came to your preferences: your hesitation was already an obvious sign to the answer.
Tomfoolery aside, Garreth knew you didn’t really like Ominis. To you, Ominis was a sardonic little gossip. Whenever something of note had occurred and anyone involved passes by, he would often quip about their little secrets or actions alongside his unsolicited opinions. His reputation as a Gaunt also played a part as to why you steered clear of him as much as possible: they were proud, volatile, discriminatory, and has a long history with dark magic.
Everyone in Hogwarts always say that it was impossible for secrets to be kept within the castle walls. If the castle walls have ears, then one of those set of ears most likely belonged to Ominis himself. Unfortunately, that would prove to be a correct statement for your particular little case: a certain male with a particularly strong sense of hearing might’ve picked up on your conversation with Garreth earlier.
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“Are you sure about this?” Garreth asked as you grabbed the phial from the potions table. “You don’t need to be the test subject, you know? We could just get other people to try it out.”
The concoction that you’ve been working on together with Garreth now rests in your hand. The both of you haven’t named it yet, but it was supposed to stimulate the mind to focus better and to give its drinker an energy boost. Given how stressed you are with your academic subjects and the fact that you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown, you didn’t really care as long as the potion did something to improve your performance.
“It’s the weekend tomorrow, Garreth. If this goes wrong, I have two days tops to get better. I doubt I’ll even need to go to the hospital wing though,” you reassured, taking a sip. The liquid was fizzy, tasted like sherbet lemons, and it brought a pleasant little buzz at the back of your head after a while. Garreth stared at you expectantly.
“Hmm. So far, so good. We’ll see what happens for the rest of the day,” you said.
“Grand. I’ll see you later then!”
You and Garreth headed off to your own respective classes. You headed off to the Transfiguration Classroom, feeling increasingly invigorated as the potion took its effect bit by bit. You were rather proud of the concoction you and Garreth had made. It felt as if you chugged a vial of Felix Felicis - nothing would ever go wrong for the day and luck was definitely on your side. 
“Hopefully this little boost lasts until I’m done with all my assignments,” you mumbled to yourself as you entered the Transfiguration Classroom, sitting at one of the vacant desks. Your classmates began to pour in, occupying the remaining seats while you flipped through the pages of your textbook, mulling over the possible lesson for today. Right as Professor Weasley left her office to enter the classroom, the classroom doors barged open revealing the flushed faces Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt.
“Ah, you two are just in time. Please take your seats,” Professor Weasley said. The two panting boys complied, heading to the remaining vacant seats, which was the one right beside you and the other was beside Cressida Blume. The opal-eyed male opted to occupy the one beside you, much to your hidden distress. You were thankful that you didn’t have Garreth as a classmate here - it would’ve been a nightmare seeing his smug little grin and him occasionally making kissy faces to mock the remaining patience right out of your entire being. 
Thankfully, the class was rather uneventful aside from a brief lecture and all of you trying out the Vanishing Spell on several objects. You kept stealing not-so-secret glances at the boy beside you as he made his own attempts, flawlessly executing the spells within a few tries. As much as you hated to admit it, the Gaunts truly did have their own unique allure. Ominis was one of the living proofs - he looked quite elegant and easy on the eyes compared to most of the guys in your year: milky blue eyes, alabaster skin, beauty marks, and dirty blonde hair that was always neatly-styled. He was someone that people would most likely stare at out of admiration.
“You know I can feel you staring at me, right?”
Until he opens his mouth, that is.
“Hmm? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you deadpanned, causing his lips to curl into a knowing smirk. You didn’t like that a single bit, and you wanted this class to end so that you could go about your merry little way avoiding the Gaunt as you always did.
“...On that note, I’ll be assigning you all into pairs. Your partners for this assignment are your current seatmates: I’ll be expecting a 6-inch essay compilation of the Inanimatus Conjurus Spell by next week. Class dismissed.”
Your face fell.
“Is there something the matter?” Professor Weasley asked, noticing your rather upfront reaction. You shook your head vehemently, earning a couple of snorts and giggles from your classmates. You quickly shut your textbook and got up.
“Catch you around. Try compose yourself the next time we sit together, won’t you?” Ominis mocked jokingly as he left. You pointedly stared at his retreating back, silently quelling your mild annoyance.
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For the most part, you stayed out of trouble for the entire day, focusing on your assignments and catching up on advanced self-studying. The drink proved to be quite a success so far - it was nearly as effective as an Invigorating Draught, and it helped you sort out the tricky bits from your assignments without contemplating on it way too much. You’ve been holed up in the library eversince your last period, and you still felt quite energetic. The library was getting more and more empty, with students opting to go to the Great Hall for their dinners or back to their common rooms. Meanwhile you just got out of the Transfiguration Section after getting the necessary reference books for that blasted compiled essay due next week. 
Suddenly, you felt your head throb, causing you to drop the books rather unceremoniously on the table. Good thing Madam Scribner wasn’t nearby or she would’ve chided you for not handling school property with care. You uncapped the phial of the concoction, chugging the last remaining contents. Perhaps the effect was lessening hence the sudden dizzying headache.
Oh but you were dead wrong. It got worse.
You felt your body heat up uncomfortably as your senses began to get more heightened - your breathing is now labored, your clothes felt unbelievably scratchy against your skin, and you felt that oh so familiar sinful tingling in between your legs. Panicked, you glanced around the library, seeing if there’s anyone nearby. You clenched your legs shut almost painfully, trying to steady your erratic breathing and heartbeat.
“Alright, self. Calm down. As long as nobody sees you like this--”
You were snapped out of your inner monologue with an oh-so-familiar posh-toned voice jolting you back into reality.
“Thought I might find you here. About that assignment...”
You inwardly screamed in sheer horror and embarrassment, cursing the bad luck that had befallen your poor self. Ominis sat right beside you, blissfully unaware of your current predicament. You couldn’t even comprehend what the male was saying to you: you were gripping your skirt tightly and biting your lower lips all in a great effort to suppress anything that might be a dead giveaway to your situation. Ominis, however, was a lot more astute than you expected. His eyebrows furrowed, immediately sensing that something was up.
“Why are you holding your breath?”
“O-oh. Uh... I-I was? W-well I-”
“What’s going on with you?” Ominis asked rather harshly. You gulped, trying your best to keep the last bits of sanity in your brain intact. According to your nether regions, Ominis sounded absolutely ravishing when he talks like that, and the remaining rationality within your mind refuses to accept that depraved notion. 
You almost moaned out loud when he touched your forehead with the back of his hand. He, however, wasn’t looking too amused with how unusual you were acting. Ominis frowned, looking rather offended for getting him caught up in this awkward situation. He got up, getting ready to leave.
“W-wait!” you cried out, tugging at the sleeve of his robes while looking at him with pleading eyes. “P-please help me...”
Ominis quirked an eyebrow, a faint smirk gracing his lips at your begging tone. He turned back towards you, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Oh? And why should I do that?” he sneered.
“Please I... I think I might’ve ingested an a-ah...!” 
“A what?”
“...Aphrodisiac...” you breathed out, shameful tears welling up in your eyes.
Ominis was mortified, a dark shade of pink flushing his usually pale complexion. He cleared his throat while loosening up his necktie in an attempt to diffuse his bashfulness. An aphrodisiac problem was certainly the last thing he would’ve expected from you.
“So you want me to help you... Because you might’ve ingested an aphrodisiac?” he asked, still finding the situation beyond belief.
You sobbed in response, nodding furiously. You felt so utterly humiliated that you were actually on the verge of wailing on the spot. You couldn’t think straight, you were a mess down there, and you were trying your absolute best to get the situation in control. You didn’t want to go to the hospital wing, nor were you even planning to tell Garreth or Natsai about this unfortunate side effect. Your common room wasn’t an option too because it’s a shared dormitory and the Ravenclaw tower was simply too far. Hell, this was one of the worst situations you could ever find yourself in, and there was absolutely no way Ominis would agree to this madness. 
Honestly, you just wanted to stay in a more secluded place to wait for the effects to die out. However, you had no idea where to go and you were desperate enough to ask even Ominis himself.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when he stood up and leaned towards you, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up at his misty blue eyes while his other hand rested on the table surface behind you to support his weight.
“Are you sure you want me to do it?” he breathed. You blushed at the question, your sobs slowly quieting down as you drank the sight of him under the cold moonlight peering from the arched windows.
He was so frustratingly beautiful. So fucking ethereal.
“... Y-yes,” you gulped shakily. “P-please.”
Wait. Do what? What’s fucking happening? What the fuck did I agree on?!
He hummed in response, seemingly satisfied with your answer. 
“Hmm. Perhaps you do want to snog me after all,” he murmured before planting his lips against yours. Your eyelids fluttered shut as you instantly melted into the softness of his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. He lifted you from your seat, making you sit on the table. However, the both of you were interrupted by the sound of heels clacking on the wooden floor. You and Ominis quickly got up, hiding behind one of the nearby bookcases.
Madam Scribner came up to the table, frowning. She grabbed the now haphazardly-placed reference books from the table, tutting about how irresponsible students are with handling books before walking off. 
You and Ominis remained still, listening intently at Madam Scribner’s now dying footsteps. As soon as the exit door was opened and then shut close, Ominis captured your lips once again, pushing you towards the nearest table. The both of you were frantically scrambling, attempting to remove each other’s cloaks while remaining in a passionate lip lock. You sat on the table as soon as you felt the edge of the table top hit the back of your thigh, spreading your legs apart to pull Ominis much closer to you. 
For some odd reason, having Ominis Gaunt right in between your legs felt so fucking right. Your head spun with lustful desire, taking in his addicting scent: a faint combination of patchouli, sandalwood and spearmint candy. He gave one of your breasts a firm squeeze while his tongue intruded your mouth, to which you gladly received by lightly suckling on the wet appendage, earning a groan from him. Ominis ground his hips against yours instinctively, brushing his now visible erection against your still clothed privates. 
His lips then began trailing down from your lips to your jawline, latching itself on a sensitive spot at the crook of your neck. You mewled, teasingly trailing your feet along the back of his legs, finally locking your legs around his hips to further push himself harder against your heated core. His hands harshly gripped your ankles in response, your inner thighs quivering in anticipation as he deftly unclasped your Mary Janes. You kicked them off rather impatiently, slightly raising your hips up as Ominis reached underneath your skirt for the waistband of both your tights and knickers, slowly peeling the article of clothing off your legs.
“Bend over for me,” he growled against your ear, to which you happily complied as you leaned over the table while lifting your skirt up. You shuddered both in delight and relief as the cool air hit the skin of your warm lower regions. Ominis traced a finger on your exposed slit, groaning as globs of your honey-like essence coated his digit. 
“Merlin, you’re fucking soaked...” he moaned, inserting his finger inside your hole, earning a breathy gasp from you as your legs trembled in wanton delight. You felt your juices trickle down your legs as Ominis added another finger inside your core, pumping his digits in and out of you at an increasing speed. You whimpered, slapping your hand over your mouth at the brutality of his fingers. With how sensitive your body was, it wouldn’t take long until you had your sweet release. 
Much to your disappointment, Ominis retracted his fingers away from your heat, licking your juices off his fingers. He groaned at your sweet taste while you sobbed in frustration, swaying your rear as your legs trembled at the lack of stimulation. Ominis swiftly unbuttoned his pants, tugging on the waistband of his briefs to free his painfully erect shaft. You let out a surprised whimper upon feeling the blunt head of the thick appendage stroke itself against your weeping slit, lubricating itself before it dove right into your awaiting pussy with little to no resistance. Your back arched instinctively at the sudden intrusion as you gasped blissfully in sheer unadulterated pleasure.
“A-ah..! F-fuck yes! Mmph..!” you cried out. Ominis slapped a hand against your mouth while the other pinned one of your wrists against your lower back as he plowed his cock inside your pussy.  
“Best to keep it down, don’t you think? Wouldn’t want us to get caught now, do you?” he panted, thrusting deep and fast as you mindlessly moaned with absolutely no shame against his hand. He was right - there were enchanted portraits nearby, wandering ghosts, and prefects right outside the library after all. The thought of someone walking in at any minute made your walls clench, which doesn’t go unnoticed by the alabaster-skinned male as he relished in the spasms and flutters of your inner walls, his cock twitching in pleasure.
“Oh, you are absolutely vile!” he chuckled darkly, slowing himself down momentarily yet still thrusting as deep as he could. You swore your knees almost gave out as the tip of his cock kissed your cervix. 
“You’re quite the filthy little whore, aren’t you? It’s almost as if you want to get caught,” he mocked as your knees shook. You sobbed pathetically with pleasure-filled tears running down your face. He yanked your upper body closer to his, letting his hands wander shamelessly on your curves while peppering the column of your neck with bites and kisses. You blissfully sighed, intoxicated with all the sensations happening on your body all at once. Your bleary eyes widened as his cock brushed against a spot within your weeping hole, your mouth hanging ajar in a loud gasp which caused Ominis to smirk against your neck. He slammed your body back on the table, your breasts flat against the table surface as he aimed for the spot precisely with swift, merciless strokes.
Ominis was absolutely delirious as he listened to the debauched symphony of your helplessly submissive little yelps and moans, wet skin slapping against each other, the sound of the table rocking against the hardwood floors, his own erratic breathing and occasional groans whenever he felt your walls flutter around his swollen member. This was now his new guilty pleasure: reducing his normally put-together, top-achieving, goody-two-shoes of a classmate into nothing but a slut who’s hungry for only his cock. Something about that mere thought completely disintegrates his last remaining shred of principles and rationality in the moment as he mindlessly chased his high, sinful fantasies filling his presently depraved, pussy-drunk mind.
“F-fuck! I... I’m cumming! I’m cumming-!” you babbled as your walls clenched unbelievably tight around his cock, causing Ominis to hiss in pleasure as he pulled out of your quivering hole, pumping his member desperately as spurts of milky white semen landed on your labia. The both of you stilled for a moment, breathless and completely fucked-out.
Ominis quickly tucked his now softening member back into his pants and tidied himself up while you shakily got up from the poor table. You groaned, feeling a slight pain in between your legs as you conjured a clean cloth with your wand, wiping away any stray bodily fluids from your lower regions before vanishing the object away. Ominis leaned against the opposite bookshelf as you put your panties and tights back on, crossing his arms. You glanced at him as you sat on the table, clasping your shoes back on. He was still as pristine as ever, as if your recent activities had never even happened.
“Prefects should be gone by now. Will you be alright going back to your common room alone?” he asked. 
“I think so,” you replied, grimacing slightly at the dull throb of your worn-out hole. Ominis hummed, walking towards the staircase leading to the library exit with his wand up, the tip blinking its signature red light.
“Oh, and Gaunt?” 
“Nothing happened here, alright?”
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chapter 2: what a mess! 🔞 >
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sugoi-and-spice · 4 months
My actual prediction for [REDACTED's] fate at the end of MHA, and just my big ol' meta on the whole situation.
Sadly, I don't think Shigaraki is coming back to life. I really fucking hope he does, but I can't believe it for two weeks and then watch it not happen, I will break . Yeah Horikoshi loves his fake out deaths... But idk, Shigaraki 's body is pretty damn gone. And he tends to pull his punches less when it comes to villains (Twice anyone?!)
I truthfully think the best chance we have of seeing him again is through One for All.
Shigaraki 100% transferred OFA back to Deku with that last bloody fist bump. That moment was a huge part of Horikoshi’s original ending with Bakugo, and I wouldn’t be surprised (or mad) if he decided to try to work it into this new version of his ending.
I think we probably will see Shigaraki again and get some more of that context and closure that we’re looking for, but it will be as a vestige within OFA. That’s my prediction, that’s the best direction that I can imagine this ending going in my little lizard writer brain. And I don’t think I’ll be mad about that. (But idk man, talk to me again in like 2 weeks lol).
I’ve always had a hard time believing that Shigaraki was going to make it out of this series alive. Of course, I’ve always wanted Horikoshi to find a clever way for him to do so without totally betraying his character -- I never believed that Shigaraki should fully join the side of the heroes. It’s just so antithetical to his mission and the message of MHA, nor could he ever just… live a normal life with every crime he committed, and him spending his life in prison would be just as miserable as him dying like this imo, no fucking freedom there. Sure, the simp in me wanted an ending where he got a redemption and life, but I certainly wasn’t optimistic. It would be a HARD fucking thing to do. I certainly don’t know how I would do it if I was in Horikoshi’s shoes, as a fellow professional writer (not just of romance either. I write and edit YA action fiction in my normie job, fun fact). I had hoped Horikoshi would figure it out, and a part of me is obviously hoping that Kurogiri managed to pull some hijinks and somehow warp him away, then he and his friends go on to live like little rats the way they have for the majority of the series, forever, buuuut-
I did always have a feeling he was probably going to go the Vader route.
Honestly, him dying beating the shit out of All for One is a pretty great exit for his character, feels more true than him sacrificing himself for the heroes’ side or humanity’s sake. It is the quickness with which this all occurred, the off-screen rescuing he had by Nana Shimura, and the lack of bodily autonomy in his death that I think is pissing people off. (It’s certainly what’s pissing me off). If we had even just gotten a moment of him having full control of his body again, looking up to the sky and seeing his friends waiting for him as he decayed away – or you know, just a death that lasted longer then two damn pages – I think the reactions wouldn’t be so visceral.
That being said. Horikoshi is a master chef, particularly when it comes to stories of recovering from trauma and getting closure, as well as tying up loose threads imo (remember when everyone though that he FORGOT the traitor plotline? Boy was that an embarrassing time for the fandom lmao),  and this man has been cooking for a while now. MHA has been the best it has ever been in this Final Saga and I don’t think he’s done with this dish just yet, nor do I think he’s done with Shigaraki. Physically? Probably. But everything that Shigaraki represents and stands for in this series, no I don’t think this is the end of that. Just because we didn’t see those moments we wanted in this last chapter, doesn’t mean we won’t see them in the next.
So as shell-shocked as I am right now to see my ultimate comfort character (who I have a tattoo of by the way lol) fade away into dust, I’m gonna trust the process and Horikoshi for now.
It ain’t over til it’s over, as it were.
(And all that being said, I probably will still write a fix it fanfic where he lives instead, regardless of how this is handled lmao)
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rmorde · 5 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Now reading Volume 1 Chapters 7!
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Oh. Nice foreshortening!
Have I mentioned before that the art in the manga is amazing? I mean not only is it pretty but the techniques and the visual storytelling!
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This manga really spoils me rotten with beautiful double spreads.
Was Trigun a weekly manga or a monthly comic in the 90's? Like, how is this level of quality maintained every chapter?!
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This sweet apologetic smile. Baby Girl Vash. SOMEONE PLEASE PROTECT HIM!!!
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I love this part because of how the "tech" looks. Maybe I'm just high on nostalgia but if you ask me, the best and most creative visual takes of futuristic technology are from the 90's. OK... 70s to 80's too. BUT 90'S ARE THE BEST!
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LMAO! I remember this! Vash loves teasing his enemies with cheeky notes, doesn't he?
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Dime novels??? Penny dreadfuls?? Gasp! HARLEQUINS?!!
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Also, another amazing nightmare face! But then...
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WHIPLASH! Vash adding levity by hyping himself up. Tho more likely, he is telling the truth. Not that anyone would really believe it with the facade he puts up.
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Oh, wait. I only notice this just now. The Vash's glove design in the manga is what was used in in Tristamp. Only three fingers are covered. In '98, it was all of his fingers are concealed by the glove.
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AH! I REMEMBER THIS! ESPECIALLY HOW IT ENDS! I'm laughing already. Kaite... is not the best navigator.
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Ah Classic Vash. Deflect. Deflect. Deflect.
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Oh... This scene. It's kinda scary how catching Vash off guard is deadly for his attacker. Really highlights how much he has to control all himself all the time. Killing is too easy for him with his abilities. So, he has to exercise strict disciple and caution for the sake of others all the time.
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This is also sad. A kid telling off an adult for not wanting to kill. It really hammers down how awful their world is - that killing is the norm and logical thing to do. Avoiding violence and killing is seen as stupidity.
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This page makes my heart hurt for so many reasons. Vash is suffering physical pain from being shot. However, I think what is more devastating is his ideals being questioned and insulted by a child - someone who should be innocent from the concept of taking lives.
Vash was hurt by what Kaite said. But, I think he also understands why he did it too. It was out of both worry and the unfortunate circumstance of their violent word. Hence, his intense glare at the top of the page then softening into a sheepish look at the bottom.
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Oh wow. Another beautiful art and amazing composition and...
Rem just has strong presence in the manga, doesn't she? It's something that was in Tristamp but kind of lessened in '98.
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Oh... I wish this had not been cut out from '98. I don't think this can be rehashed in Tristamp, can't it? Damn... it deserves to be animated.
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Kudos for '98 in doing a great job animating this page.
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Boo for not doing justice for this page, '98! WHAT THE HELL?! Why was Rem not featured a lot in '98?! At least, Tristamp made up for it... BUT I LIKE REM'S LONG HAIR DESIGN BETTER!
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AH.... Ah? AHHHH?!
Fuck! I forgot. This was not supposed to be funny?! Why did I remember this scene is funny?!
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I read about the filler thing. Didn't expect it to be that much. And yeah, I'm really admiring Nightow's skills with scaling in his art. It really enhances his visual story telling.
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It is slowly dawning on me the differences between '98 and the manga PLUS the similarities between Tristamp and manga.
I guess my memory is not as accurate as I believe. I thought the OOC-ness from '98 is not that much yet. I thought Vash being a horndoggy perv is just a Badlands thing. It's really nice that it is nowhere here in the manga tho and Tristamp.
It begs the question tho, why make Vash like that in '98?
Oh. So Wolfwood's situation and I guess the '98 ending is similar to what happened with the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime? The studio was forced to do an AOE.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Feel better soon.
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benkyoutobentou · 2 months
31 Days of Productivity Reading もう一回!: Day 7
Before: I do have some books that I’m hoping get chosen with this new spinner wheel site, but leaving it up to fate is my favorite pastime.
Starting off strong with the new wheel! Today’s read is going to be the most recent volume of 光が死んだ夏!This isn’t a series that I’m just starting, unlike the majority of options, but one that I’m keeping up with as it releases and had to include because I just couldn’t wait to read it. I initially expected this series to go in a completely different direction than what’s currently happening, but I’ve been really enjoying how it’s turning out, especially in the last volume (volume four).
Also, I plan on making some wagashi today so hopefully I’ll share some pics.
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After: I made anmitsu today! I love it, but it's so much work to put each bowl together that I don't make it very often. The bananas are freshly homegrown from my neighbor's sister's tree! We're not here to talk about dessert though, we're here to talk about manga.
I did indeed finish my volume of 光が死んだ夏 today! I've been following this series since it was just one wee little volume and it quickly became one of my favorites. However, now that the series is getting a little longer, I think I'm noticing some pacing issues. I loved volumes one and two, but three fell a little flat for me. Volume four was fantastic, but this volume slowed down again, with the exception of one or two really great chapters. One thing that really intrigued me about that though was the あとがき where Mokmok Sensei mentioned that volumes one through three were part of one arc and volumes four and five were another arc, so the next volume will start a new arc for the series. Maybe I just don't like the way they end things? Depending on how long the series goes on for, I'm sure that Mokmok Sensei will improve over the course of the series so I'm still holding out that the series end as a whole still has as much of a chance as any other series to land on both feet. I think when the series is nearing its conclusion I might go back and reread the whole thing to see what I think of the pacing when its read altogether. This volume also circled back to something that was mentioned and dropped in volume one or two, which I was really pleased to see, but it was only in the extra chapter which just kind of miffed me. It certainly seemed like something that I would want in the main story, but I understand the constraints of serializing a manga, especially one as lore heavy as this one.
Anyways, I ended up reading 191 pages of manga today to finish my sixth read of the month! I'm honestly really liking this "method" (as if its on purpose lmao) of front loading my manga reads to the beginning of the month. Now I feel like I have the whole rest of the month to focus on reading novels without worrying about getting that manga count up, like what happened last time I did this challenge. Don't let me regret saying that.
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fg083nrt · 7 months
What ships from Naruto do you like, except Kakuhida? I'm asking out of curiosity :)
Also your art makes me want to eat tables!!! RAAH!!!!! (/pos)
This is a surprisingly loaded question because I have so many and some of them span for almost 20 years now.
Also, as usual, disclaimer, since I've seen all the ship wars and holywars, THESE ARE ALL PERSONAL OPINION. PERSONAL OPINION ONLY.
(endless yapping below the cut)
In the past:
My first ship when I was 12 was Pain/Konan, and I think that was the first smut I've ever read like period. I was a big cheerleader of Hinata and Naruto/Hinata because I liked that Hinata just minded her business and stayed in her lane while everyone else was going thru shit (Team 8 had the best work-life balance, I think, they just clocked in and clocked out, no shenanigans). Obviously, Temari/Shikamaru and I loved Neiji/Tenten. I think as a kid these were like really fun dynamics. Once the anime reached the Akatsuki I was all over the Akatsuki LMAO.
But now, as a grown adult, I am almost 99% just KKHD, and Akatsuki ships are like the default absolute truth to me, but recently, I've been obsessed with more Naruto Yuri.
Love Ino/Sakura for that double-income spy who owns a secret flower shop/doctor dynamic; it's just nice. Like I am a firm believer that they could have solved their differences by scissoring or something. Also like, I think their backstory is like an insane missed opportunity (but what's written cannot be unwritten, so whatever) because these pages made me feel like I was reading some kind of josei backstory. Like, go ahead and read these pretending this is not from Naruto, and tell me where do u think this could be from.
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Like "pussy from a girl who treats you like a small stupid animal (good until psychic damage hits)"
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Like, I would be like, this is either a shoujo manga, or the next page is older Sakura crying in the kitchen with a photo of Ino or something, and then by the end of the story, they, like fuck in the field or something while Sakura is like "I can't believe my toxic female friend from school has 4 fingers up my pussy!", but this could just be projecting, but I still like the ship. On a serious note, Sakura being a crybaby who was picked on would have been a fun opportunity to play with her character and create more empathy for Naruto within her, but her role was more like tying the two characters together, which worked well, but lots of people were salty, but it pushed people to support her character more so it evens out.
Tsunade/Shizune is like my next super fave, especially after rewatching the Tsunade arc. Tsunade's character is just so well done when it comes to how people cope with grief by doing destructive things, I loved it; Kishimoto is fantastic at mature story beats like this weaved between magical ninja fights. But yeah I loved their dynamic like Shizune is essentially her attendant/pet girl/assistant who is extremely loyal to her, but also nagging in a way and also Shizune is just very animated and kinda dorky while Tsunade is a calm mommy- sorry a mature rich woman of status who needs to be taken care of (nearly blacked out writing this). Their back and forth is just chef kiss, too. Honestly, I think that's my favourite Naruto arc; the first part of Naruto is great when it comes to mundane details that I now have more appreciation for.
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Their auntie banter!
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And obviously still love Temari/Shikamaru! I loved that Shikamaru was always very tsundere and going on about how much he hates girls, but deep down is actually like, "Me when a bad bitch tells me to do anything." it's a satisfying way to play with his "character flaw". Seeing him go soft on Temari was like a mini character arc within his already happening character arc during Sasuke's pursuit, like we saw him grow up twice, great stuff!
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The entire chapter 235 is just an amazing growth for Shikamaru in elevating the like "men/women" way of thinking to like "what makes a person who they are" way of thinking I really love that. The character is also a great reminder for those afraid of failing btw.
Kakashi/Iruka is my fave, 50% from a historical standpoint; the fact that you can find Kakairu fanfic on Geocities from 2001, and I have some doujins in my collection that are more than 20 years old now is fascinating to me. Love how incredibly loyal the Japanese fans are to Iruka; these guys were holding onto hope for so many years till the Pain arc and then, boom, Studio Pierrot's final Naruto arc!!! It's just incredible fandom history. I love that kinda stuff, love the ship itself too, it's very homey to me, some of the legendary fic they had was fantastic, like entire book's length, incredibly loyal fans.
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holy3cake · 3 months
Twenty Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @lord-aldhelm! :)
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 47, and some of these were absolute fever dreams lmao.
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 297,357 (some of these are multi-chapter, but my current TLK fic is set to be the longest one chapter and word wise)
3. what fandoms do you write for? This doesn't cover all of the fandoms of my AO3 because I wrote a random mixture when I was younger but my main ones currently are:
The Last Kingdom
13 Reasons Why
I've done a few random ones like Sex Ed, Squid Game, TMR, AOTD but the ones above are the main ones I try to stick to!
4. top five fics by kudos:
Your Dreams are my Reality (FNAF)
Don't ever betray me again (Squid Game)
Take Care of me? (AOTD)
Jealousy in the Office (Saw)
One Man's Worst Week is One Man's Greatest Rescue (13RW, this is the first fic I ever wrote so it warms my heart that this is still in the top 5!)
5. do you respond to comments? Yes! If I don't respond on AO3 I respond to people on tumblr, as I tend to seek out people in similar fandoms and make the most amazing friends :)
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I meaaaan no spoilers, but In His Father's footsteps will have an angsty but happy ending. I think the angstiest one I've done so far was Runaway Bride (Saw).
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? A release of toxic masculinity (13RW) was a super sweet one to write, and ended quite happily :).
8. do you get hate on fics? Not exactly, but I have been the target of bots (unfortunately).
9. do you write smut? I used to write nothing but smut lmao and about 9/10 of my fics are smutty, but I'm trying to include a bit more plot these days, mainly as I'm not great at writing smut haha.
10. craziest crossover? Uhhh probably Saw x Titanic? It was a bit bizarre haha, but I did do a 13RW x Circus thing which was also super fun to write.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge, I really hope I haven't!
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Someone asked to translate one of my Squid Games fics into a Chinese version, and I was given the link to the page. It was really nice that they asked and showed me the final product :)
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope, but I do theorise/write snippets with friends sometimes!
14. all time favorite ship? Oooooh difficult one. I mean I really have only started getting into it recently but Aethelstan x Osbert from TLK have me gripped even though it's a rarepair, and Charlie and Alex from 13RW are my lifeblood.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Uhhhh there's a few lmao. There's a couple of Saw ones that I really want to get back to, but the inspiration hasn't returned just yet.
16. what are your writing strengths? I would like to say descriptions (imagery wise) and maybe light smut?
17. what are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with dialogue even though most of my fics are dialogue heavy lmao.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? I don't mind reading it, but I don't write it myself. There's no particular reason I don't write it, it just hasn't come up.
19. first fandom you wrote in? 13 Reasons Why! And it helped me through a really rough patch in my life, so I'll always be intensely thankful for the people I met at that time with Chalex (@aeonwing-blog @closetfascination)
20. favorite fic you've written? I have mixed feelings about it, but I really love my FNAF one for the couple, I just felt I rushed the story a bit lol. And maybe it's just because I adore the fandom so much, but my Last Kingdom one has a GRIP on me.
My AO3, in case you're interested in any of this madness:
No pressure tags: @aeonwing-blog @closetfascination @jayalover @book-and-music-lover
@waterfallsilverberrywrites @redacted-thething @lancedoncrimsonwings @cheesyficwriter @persephones-journey @billystoilet
and anyone else that would like to participate!
I've tagged a few of my favourite writers that have been with me through the fandoms, just wanted to say an extra thank you for your works <3
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yamatossideboob · 4 months
One Piece 1116 spoilers!
My spottings this week:
Yamato's taking his time getting ready for his field trip but whatever as long as he's on page. ily Yamtoe!!!!! hi Otsuru!!!
Struggling to remember here, were the Ancient Weapons known at all to the greater public? even as myths or historical fact? either way they are now lmfao
There's something so unsettling about seeing Imu looking up at that portrait, and I can't articulate why... it's weirdly human coming from someone/thing who's previously been so removed from humanity.
aww Ingram, Karoo, its okay lads, shes on board a sky ship fleeing political retaliation with an albatross man and Monsieur Mangetot
i do hope we get a moment with Vivi seeing her own missing persons poster. or! or! her own wanted poster??
okay I'm really glad we now know this stolen Mother Flame business, AND finally get confirmation that the weapon used to destroy Lulusia IS an Ancient Weapon, and Uranus to boot! This is immense!!! Aside from the confirmations, this also potentially puts a cap on any AW use since their fuel source is clearly limited, which stops them from like. breaking the OP endgame bc why else wouldn't the WG just spam it constantly lol. Althoughhhhhh since York is still likely to make it off Egghead, and she surely knows how to recreate it, I could well be wrong...
also wow York is even worse than we thought
One Punch King????? howrya mate!
srsly though, the knowledge of what really happened to Lulusia reaching the public is gonna be the fucking cherry on the Fuck The WG sundae coming very soon
This is such a packed chapter and yet *this* is the moment I've been waiting for.
I've said before on here how I wished the link between Vegapunk and the extermination of Lulusia was emphasised more. The parallels between Vegapunk's innovations and real life scientists having their work used for evil purposes is too great, and while OP isn't quite the series to explore a subject like that as it deserves, I'd been holding out hope that this manga would at least lampshade it, if not have Vegapunk address this. I can be satisfied with this. I am glad Vegapunk understands what his work lead to, even if he never meant for it to. Such is the price of capital and the state dictating scientific development babes.
also damn I hope that little panel of Momo and Kinemon means they won't be completely caught unawares by the Blackbeard gang showing up to pilfer Pluton a.a ;;;
ah yes hi Mr Oral Fixation, good to see you as always sexy
aaaaaaaaaand hi Shirohoshi. I forget if you know *you're* an Ancient Weapon too lmao
actually yeah Joyboy why DID you preserve the Ancient Weapons whats that about hmmm
Sengoku trying to off himself by onigiri choking to avoid questions about wtf he knows about the Elders and Void Century
Akainu maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
I still hate how cute you are York. stop being horrible.
Man I can't wait to see how the hell Stella pulled this off lmao
(I'd heard the theory wrt the transponder and the robo but I didn't believe it fsr 💀)
So this will take the heat off the giants and Strawhats long enough for them to gtfo, I guess the Ancient Robo will meet its end here by Elder claws? I hope at least we find out what its connection to Joyboy is before it gets scrapped
Rayleigh soused as a student during Rag Week, I hope he shows up again in a more long-term way sooooooooooooooon
AND another chapter next week!! this absurd ridiculous gargantuan lore drop keeps on chugging!!! What will we learn next? What cameos shall we have? Will the Ancient Robo actually do something beyond one (1) panel?
Tune in next time nakama! Til next time! 💪✖️
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meruz · 2 years
im gonna reply to some asks but not that many bc the last time i tried to type up one of these posts i accidentally closed the tab and lost like several paragraphs so now im scared
lots of heavypaint questions
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its the fan tool on heavypaint!! which is a free drawing app that i love a lot. and the fan tool is my fave its kind of a crutch actually im trying to use other tools gkfdhgsdg but its so fun i can do a whole painting using it exclusively. heres a video of it in action while i mess w the configuration options. u can slide the noise jitter up and down so its more or less streaky hehe ^^
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thank you!!! heavypaint ROCKS!!!!! I love it... its like the only art program ill be a shameless shill for lol
also im flattered you think of my art while playing splat...i should draw more splat i feel like i havent done enough.
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my phone!! I have a samsung galaxy note 20 that I am still not done paying off LMAO.... but I've been a galaxy note user for years. combined with heavypaint its a shockingly good mobile sketchbook.
I'm sorry it's crashing on your tablet... I don't have a tablet so I don't really have an advice. Unfortunately because HP is a small dev app it can be kind of finicky... especially in between updates. I think if you reached out to vaughn ling/heavypoly he'd probably respond though! he seems to keep up with the community pretty well.
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@hellisrealsign nice nice.. I'm glad our tastes match up a little! hopefully that means you don't mind my frequent fandom jumping LOL. I promise to always be true to my homestuck-loving infinity-train-loving self.
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idk is it worth it to read any shounen manga for female side characters?????? (??) HEAVILY DEBATABLE. on one hand the casual observer would say no but on the other hand femslash shippers are the strongest people on god's green earth and will endure great tortures for paltry table scraps.
I think mha is a good manga but it's still a shounen, some of the tropes they squeeze the girls into kind of suck. I can kind of put my annoyance aside because regardless im still a big fan of cool fight scenes and the power of friendship but I think your mileage will vary depending on how much tolerance you have for that kind of story...? There's an awful lot of chapters afterall. I will say this: though toga and ochako aren't the main characters they're not in the background either. the path of their relationship spans multiple arcs across the entire manga and is both plot relevant and relevant to the greater themes/thesis of the story. it's pretty clear that the mangaka and editorial team are dedicated to giving these characters the time and page space to play out. it's not perfect but thats better than a decent amount of big shounen femslash in my opinion? shrugs
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Thank you! for both the compliments and the concern. but I want to assure you that... to be perfectly honest I don't think I'll ever stop posting my art regardless of AI. I don't want to make this into a hot take like this is an entirely personal opinion and I don't expect any other artists to share my position but: Everything about my art that I consider valuable is inherently impossible for AI to replicate and everything about my art that is replicable and monetizable is not something I'm interested in owning or protecting. (this is also why at the end of the day i dont really care that much about art theft, tracing etc. and i think 90% of the time style theft is just silly)
I believe art should be freely shared and to restrict that is to make art into a product which is morally despicable and moreover uninteresting... to me. lol. I DO RECOGNIZE HOWEVER I'm very lucky to have both more of an online audience than I even want + a fulltime job that takes the pressure off any of my other art to make money. it's totally valid for other artists to have differing opinions on this especially depending on personal circumstances. AND also I make art that is primarily a product above all else for work everyday so im a hypocrite but. yeah thats my two cents.
I love posting art online LOL. I do it because its fun for me.
HAPPY NEAR YEAR!!!!!!!!!11111111
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ir0nskin · 11 months
Doing a Last Wars reread, might post some more thoughts.
Spoilers ahead.
While Monsoon ends up being pretty pathetic, I think he starts out rather nicely. He takes Ouu by surprise and causes massive damage to their key players and distrupts any kind of strategy they could come up with.
Yoshi forgot how old Hiros kids are, and how many pups Lydia and Jerome had, lol. Maybe I'll headcanon they had a second smaller litter, and it was 3 of the older pups that got killed. (Lenov, Akira and the other one.
I like that Hiro sacrifices himself for Gin. I don't like that Hiro is dead, but its a nice drawback to GDW (Might of just been anime only? I dont remember) that becuase he lost his own father, he goes out of his way to protect his "new father" - the father of Ouu.
Kurotora is agressive as fuck but hes pretty useless in his old age
"Paradise has fallen" is one of my favourite pages in all of Ginga. Its just cool.
I like the Cross took the pups to safety at Daisukes house. But wasn't that village destroyed/uninhabitable from the events of GDOrion???
Gin should of dropped Orion over the cliff in GDO.
I'm all for having a protaganist that doesn't do what hes told and does his own thing, but they usually grow and learn from their mistakes (while keeping their "ill do it my way") and Orion...literally doesn't.
Bob is pathetic baby man.
Chapter 49. The beginning of the awful sickle saga..... It is nice that the dogs recognise they have better chances with a human weapon, like how they had better chances with Gohei's gun in GNG.
Kyou and Rocket literally forgot about Ken lmao poor guy
Uhh it was George/Jouji who couldn't save Minnie from the River not Ken? Chapter 60 makes it sound like Jouji gave up on watching Minnie and Ken had to go save her but couldn't.
"He was a teacher and guide to Tesshin in place of his father" Tesshin was raised by Ouu not the Koga Elder....I do like how Kurojacki and the Koga pack came to collect The Elder as he died. I would say living to 31 is a stretch to any normal dog, but look at Bobi the dog who lived on a farm in Portugal.
I like Zion, he's an okay addition to the Ginga gang, but its sad hes not really his own character, just a translator. And all he does is follow Sirius around because ""family""
I'm half with Sirius, half with Orion. Bears and dogs can/could co exist on the mountain, but like....thats regular bears. Bears who are just being normal bears. Monsoon and his brothers started a war with Ouu. There is a big grudge against ALL bears with Ouu, but perhaps that could of been left buried.
The last page of C72 is really nice.
Here comes to infamous sickle battle. Its mine! mine!!! mine 1!!! It would of been better if the dogs kept the sickle moving intentionally...to keep Monsoon guessing who has it next and keep him confused rather than squabbling like children over who gets a turn on the xbox
Everyone is desparate to become an "Ouu legend." Ouu has become nothing more than propaganda.
Sasuke should of died tbh.
I do like how the humans are taking action this time. They didn't do much in Akakabuto's time, but now they recognise the same thing is happening again and they are ready to help.
Akame should of died. This was a GREAT spot for it. His death should of been the last straw for Orion/Sirius. I'll forever HC that he died here lol.
It's sweet that Cross takes care of Tesshin, she did raise him along side her pups afterall.
"He's just as intense as his grand father, Riki!" Orion is nothing like Riki?? Orion is a brat. He was given control over an army just because of who his family is. He's never earned anything, not even respect. He's spent the entirety of the manga arguing and disobeying orders from those higher up than him who he's suppose to ""respect."" He's had to be bullied into not doing anything stupid while the army recovers. He is keeping a promise he made, but doesn't excuse his tantrums.
The way Monsoon acts sometimes reminds me of that baby from Spirited Away.
It is nice that hes different from Akakabuto. he has PTSD/Flashbacks, wants to get revenge and eat all the dogs that hurt. Scared of humans and tries to play around it. Akakabuto kept out of the humans way but didn't hesitate to turn them to paste if he found them in the mountains. Monsoon doesn't even try to attack humans. He has conflicting feelings.
Thats it for stuff on Sff Reader, ill have to go to Fantas blog to read from 121-end
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justmybookthots · 9 months
Clockwork Angel & Clockwork Prince
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I am low-key crying.
I should not have ranked my top 30 books of this year so early. But how was I supposed to know that I would love new books in the last week of December? I am literally 3 days away from 2024.
I mean, I knew all along that the Infernal Devices was Cassandra Clare's magnum opus, and I had high expectations of it. Even so, I was convinced I was currently in a reading slump and I wasn't keen on picking this up while in this state. But finally one night I pushed past the prologue to the first chapter and that was it. I got fucking hooked. Colour me shocked because I thought that nothing could take me out of my slump but something about the writing/plot in this book was SO interesting. The beginning where Tessa gets taken by the Dark Sisters and everything it led to had me in a vice. 
I finished the first book in one sitting. Lmao. That night, I finished all 900 pages on my e-reader and I was like: Jesus. Was I ever really in a slump, or were the books I was reading before just not doing it for me? Because I've been reading Two Twisted Crowns (am about 30-40% in?) and I didn't find any fault in the plot, but I couldn't understand why I couldn't focus. 
I need to make one thing straight, though, about this series: I loved it not for the reasons people loved it. I know people laud this series for Will Herondale. I… do not care about Will Herondale. The boy I care about is Jem Carstairs.
It's crazy because I'd read the Infernal Devices before as a teen and while I'd liked Jem more than Will even then, I never really gravitated much to either hero. But this time, I'm obsessed. Absolutely obsessed. He had me kicking my feet and squealing. He was so sweet compared to Will. Some of my favourite parts about him:
Will, Tessa thought, would have been angry if she’d said that to him, but Jem just looked at her intently (We stan a kind, patient and emotionally mature man)
“And you’ve never asked him (William) why?” “If he wanted me to know, he’d tell me,” Jem said. “You asked why I think he tolerates me better than other people. I’d imagine it’s precisely because I’ve never asked him why.” He smiled at her, wryly.
And sooooooo many more scenes of him that I loved in the sequel:
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And then later: 
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He is such a gentleman, I AM CRYING.
Also, I told myself I would take my time to read the 2nd book because I didn't want to finish it so fast, but idiot that I am, I finished it again (almost) over one night. IT IS INSANE TO THINK I WAS IN A BOOK RUT AND NOW I HAVE TO ACTUALLY STOP MYSELF FROM READING TOO FAST.
Man, I feel so jealous of people who are able to easily enjoy most of their books the way I did this. I rarely enjoy books so much because I am so, so, so picky. And the WEIRDEST part? Ever since I finished Crooked Kingdom and the Stolen Heir (which are my favourites this year), the only books for the rest of 2023 that have made me feel a fraction of this engagement are by Cassandra Clare. I don't understand it. I never liked Cassie as a teen. Why am I enjoying her stuff so much now?
THAT SAID, I don't want to touch the last book in the Infernal Devices right now. T_T This is the angstiest book in the whole series, especially when it comes to Jem. I know his illness took a turn for the worse and he was presumed to have died at the end (though he didn't) but I can't. I can't bear to watch him suffer. I can't bear to watch his engagement with Tessa nose-dive. 
I know this is nothing like my normal reviews because I'm just gushing about Jem and not about the rest of the book (which was GREAT. Do not get me wrong. I loved Charlotte, Henry and Sophie). But my brain is not screwed on straight right now and I… have no words. Nonetheless, I will try to get my thoughts in order. Just some mild complaints:
I think that Jessamine could have had a better arc than what she got. Given her backstory and the trauma she endured as a child, I had hopes for her besides playing the "unlikeable antagonist". Right now, as of the end of Book 2, that is still her primary role in the story. 
I may love Jem and Tessa, but I need to say that the romance for EVERYONE was not very well-done. I found that both Will and Jem developed feelings for Tessa really early, and VERY STRONG ones, and I'm still confused how that even transpired. This was the same problem I had with the Mortal Instruments, but I had assumed it would have been better for this trilogy since it's Cassie's best work. Alas, the same issue occurred.
The twist about who the Magister was was a liiiiiiitle underwhelming. I was hoping for more.
I don't like or dislike Will. I do not care.
Am a little surprised that the ending of the 2nd book was pretty anticlimactic action-wise. The climax was really just about the romance, which… is interesting. 
This is as much cogency as I'm giving this review. I need to recover from this series, thank you. 😣 While I'm too lazy to try to figure out how it fits in the top 30 (which will need adjusting), the books belong there for SURE.
- 29 Dec 2023
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madraleen · 1 year
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Chainsaw Man - Tatsuki Fujimoto   Ch. 98-132: A Disappointed Commentary and Overall Impressions.
LISTEN. If you’re as sensitive about your faves as I am, don’t read this. I’m bummed with Part 2 and it shows. (But, hey, I’m looking forward to reading more?)
-This Asa has had more introspection in twenty pages than Denji has had in his entire lifetime (this is a neutral comment).
-Did she accidentally squash Chicken Devil omg
-Holy shit, this escalated. Mr Tanaka, really now?
-I kinda like Yoru. And Yoru alone.
-Your goal is to defeat Chainsaw Man and mine is to actually see him... I don’t care about Asa that much.
-Oh Denji, u in Asa’s manga too?
-I like Denji, give me more Denji, omg, this is my nightmare scenario of endless chapters focused on characters you’re not interested in, I’ve feared this for a while.
-Where is everyone? Why has everyone left Denji alone? Like, in life.
-I don’t like that Denji is a side-character!
-Pls, Nayuta, save the story :’(
-At anyone who might be reading this and is enjoying the story: I am very, very happy that you do, I’m jealous. I am so disappointed though. I’m disappointed that Denji is not the MC, yes, but also, Asa is not compelling to me, there’s no side-characters with spark and just life, the setting is underwhelming - a school after Public Safety, I don’t see any interesting dynamics right now. Basically, what compelled me in the first arc just isn’t here. I see people saying to wait, that things will peak and twist and turn, and, well, yes, of course they might, but that doesn’t make up for the things that haven’t worked for me so far. But yes, please reframe those things, please, make me eat my words and shock me into adoring the arc! I beg! I beg to be wrong!
-There’s a lot of bread crumbs for the future, I won’t deny that. Yoshida’s random organization, Nayuta herself, the prophecy, the contract with Power of course, but... give us something concrete :’(.
-In a weird way though, it has me wanting to read on and on and then some, just to see Denji and see where on earth this is going.
-Why drown it, bitch. Why drown the cat, bitch.
-”Solitude and companionship... I’m afraid of both!” I mean, same.
-The Falling Devil ala chef, great, I like that.
-And you would care if the Devil’s a thief... why exactly, Denji boy?
-Yes, bb, yes, bring up Denji’s trauma, bring up Power and Aki, finally. God, I miss them. But yay, finally, quality time with Denji!
-Chainsaw be like “I wanna have sex!” and Asa be like “yeah, nvm, just let me fall.”
-They are ON A PLATE, nice. See, I’m lots more ameliorable when Denji is around and denji-ing.
-Actually content now that Denji’s been around for a few chapters in a row, lmao.
-Looking forward to seeing who “fake Chainsaw” is. An actual other Chainsaw? Denji from the future? Who knows.
-War Devil might win in the prophesy and prevent the Age of Devils, got it. Yoru, you’re up.
-And now Nayuta has the spotlight, phew, I can breathe again. And more Denji! We’re ending the binge-read on a positive note.
Overall Impressions: Part 1: Love and adoration, fun, ridiculousness, excitement, pain and heartbreak, shock and respect. Sometimes the plot gets convoluted. Denji, Aki and Power are one of my favorite gangs. I love all the side-characters, I love Denji, I love the character development, I love to hate Makima, I love the panel composition. Part 2: I’m bummed and curious. Not enough Denji, but I’m delighted when Denji and Nayuta appear. For the moment weak side-characters. Lots of hints for potentially exciting things to come. Lacks the visual oomph of Part 1 because of lackluster setting. I don’t vibe with Asa.
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7th Dimension (Chapter 7.9)
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7TH DIMENSION WATTPAD VERSION (LINK)  (I am entirely ahead on this site now. 7th Dimension on Wattpad has now accumulated more than 10 chapters even before I published this one tonight. There are minimal scenes back in the previous chapters which has been altered there, so sorry about to those who only read my updates through Tumblr because there might be some differences in Satoru’s characteristics which has been changed on Wattpad already, yet y'all are bound to read the altercations in further chapters. Heehee.)
Characters: Gojo Satoru x Small!Naive!Fem!Foreign!Reader | THIS IS A MULTI-CHAPTER FIC. THIS IS AN X READER FANFIC WHO HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE DIMENSION OF JUJUTSU KAISEN | (Trust me, you'll live. I hope?)
Summary: (End of Chapter 7. Part 10) Mind Training with Gojo Satoru had been beneficial to the both of you. You were given a mission to bake him sweets and in return of earning a 10/10 rating from the Great Teacher Gojo would result for a Shopping Spree treat from the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer alive. Additional Summary for this chapter: All good things come to an end. Yet, the days hereafter might hold something more for both. One which consisted of utter perplexity, interest and mirth rather than today. 
Warnings: Somehow kinda soft Satoru? I mean, you'll understand why. Tiny-Chan is being sweet through words? It's subtle though. This ain't fully candy-sweet yet and I'm terribly waiting for the moment they would be. (T_T) Just the word Damn? | Just imagine the bandage scene gifs included here are the ones he currently has. Not the ones he had via JJK0, alright? Basically, the black ones that he has right now is what he really have with Tiny-chan.
7th Dimension Taglist: @dailystsg (Send me an ask or message if you want to be added or removed, bb’s!)
Words: 5k+
Disclaimer: PNG's or pictures used in edits, also those posted are not mine especially the GIF's. (I dunno how to make GIFs 😭) I only own the plot of 7th Dimension. But, not Jujutsu Kaisen's storyline and the characters themselves. OG characters are created by me and will be stated during my brief author's notes. I apologize for the typos or grammatical errors by the way! English isn't my first language so I'm so sorry in advance! Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be for the sake of the story. Please do not post/copy any of my writings/works anywhere.
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THE SUNBEAM OF THE AFTERNOON SCINTILLATED THROUGH YOUR SKINS; the warm heat of the sun looming over you and Satoru, at odds with the brisk breeze as you crossed the threshold within the boundaries of Tokyo Jujutsu High.
It was a maunder through the pavements, mosey on up back to where you were guaranteed to be headed. Back at Satoru's sleeping quarters heisted for the meantime. This seemed like a thorough dawdle with the white-haired Jujutsu Sorcerer. Worth to be painted a word picture of a leisure walk as if you weren't aware that Satoru was not entirely damned late enough for whatever meeting or assembly he had.
Needless to say, the latter did not give a damn or two on it at all; the negligence he had with time involve. You've eventually adhered to the necessity of his wanted presence, considering the idea that he was of paramount importance with the denomination he had been gloating, one worth to be printed as a front page headline of the newspaper like Spiderman has finally revealed his face to the world.
The Strongest. Two words. Twelve letters. It wasn't difficult to comprehend yet the description felt like the panjandrum of the century. Was he really the only one in his world? Did he not have a partner for help then or rather another person who was worth to be entitled as the second?
Satoru was ensured to be chastised that his dilatory punctuality had involved to be taken by an irrelevant woman in their world who'd just needed to be chaperoned out for shopping.
Everything had been equanimous walking through the borderline hills towards the institute; the quietude for Satoru's congenial company unusual to his incessant badinages sent here and there. This chop and change regarding with his behavior making you chew-over that he was reflecting over his own thoughts for whatever concerns or matters he was dwelling about. 
You knew you were on the sly upon giving him inquisitive ganders, sneaking glimpses walking alongside of him. Your face partially hidden behind the top portion of your Neko soft toy, over-scrutinizing this whole comforting tranquility that has been settled between you both when in fact, Satoru has been experiencing that zany, homely atmosphere again. The restful lull enwreath with amenity when he has held you in his arms back at that time during the Hatagaya incident for which always has him in a woolly thinking.
"Got somethin' to say, Tiny-Chan?" Satoru divulged to your incessant, sly glimpses. He spouted upon a question out of the blue, nipping in the bud of the silence that was starting to grow familiar as the clock ticked by. An over free sense that he'd ruminated for a time being; for a cordial tranquility he had not asked for; a sensibility that always leaves him feeling strange. 
"Huh? What do you mean, Satoru?" you've blurted out of the blue, partially lost in your own faraway land for a second or two, dubious that he was actually and entirely aware that you were sneaking in glimpses when he wasn't even looking at all.
"You seem like you have somethin' in mind, though." he bluntly put it that way, shrugging to himself before he pressed on with his candidness, "---unless, you're keepin' them to yourself? You do know you're bound to spit those secrecy of yours when I'm with you until you're aggravated enough to pull all of my hairs out. I'm not one to heap praise on any lie when it comes to you," pause. "---To put it simply, you're actually just beginning to stare a lot. Heh."
The white-haired sorcerer fiddled along the contents of his pockets. One hand aimlessly shoved inside as he gave a minimal smile that you've briefly laid your eyes upon. The other grasping along the handles of all your tremendous amount of paper bags that he surprisingly held for you. His focal point just straight ahead. 
With a scratch to the head, caught in an disoriented phase that came with a stutter from his frank mouth, "Ah---Eh---Hm, was I? Uh---" Peering up at him from the sides, the glint in your eyes irreproachable. A school of thought that calls into question for how their abilities functioned at all. The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer hummed in return to acknowledge you. His subtle genial smile relentless as he was anticipating your intriguing questions about Jujutsu every now and then during the day spent with him. 
To be honest, Satoru subtly hoped it wasn't one he'd experienced prior to when he felt strangely awkward. A weird fortuity he'd never been familiarized in because he was Satoru Gojo. He was a man; a shameless one to be exact. Yet, you have made him feel rather fiddly not long ago.
"---If you could actually teleport by the way, then why didn't we just---well, since you're late to whatever it is you're needed to go to..." You've consciously trailed off, thoughts going nowhere and not knowing if you were making sense, testing the waters upon a subject that has been outlandish when it would be engaged in a conversation back in your rightful dimension. One ought for humanity to interpret as if you were of cuckoo. 
To Satoru's world, it was simply a conventional, homespun scenario. 
"Ah, Spatial Manipulation, you say?" Gojo uttered as a matter of fact. The pitter-patters of his footfall appeasing to the rhythmic thrums of your heartbeat once you've apathetically responded. Pitch all wordly-wise for him to smirk on to.
"I've said what I said. Teleporting. It kinda' has the same function."
"To your sporadic brain and non-sorcerer perspective, it might be called teleporting. But, to us, Jujutsu Sorcerer's, it's Spatial Manipulation." his tone was jovial as he stood corrected, dancing along his words to your mullish prudence.
"Whatever you say then."
The latter gave a second through his brief deliberation, not wanting you to see that the question has caught him off guard. Your query being asked also to himself, yet he kept his cynicisms to his own, "Hm, First off, you wanted to take the train." he vaguely and quickly responded without any second thoughts. Before you could've opened your mouth to speak, he raced you off to your canny objections, "---Well, I assumed you were."
"But, you could've saved time?" Hugging the stuff toy closer to you. A knot upon your brows formed with your lower lip jutted out in a pout, mulling over the thought.
"Yet, isn't that what you wanted? To take the train?"
Satoru lightheartedly pressed on, repeating his latter sentence. It was giving off the impression that he was obstinate over his own opinions and was telling himself that and not to you. Thus, which held the furrow along your brows rather much tighter. Gojo appeared to be stressing on the idea or was probably just playing with you that he had to think you could also be one to blame for his intentional irresponsibility that he has welcomed to his harum-scarum ways.
You've reached a hand to scratch your nape, wondering why he was keeping the notion as a close-minded opinion, "I didn't actually say that---you know what? You're having a habit on putting words in my mouth. You just assumed I was because I haven't been to Japan. Ever."
"Ah, really now?" he sounded ingenuine as he asked, seeming to be feigning the skepticism and satirical sense of humor dancing through his words, "---weren't you actually skipping and mentally screeching like a child once you've seen the train?"
He's very much aware of his surroundings. Too mindful. Your mouth was kept shut as the words echoed in your brain. The subtle scrunch of your nose overflowing with aggravation for being culpable to Satoru's insane insights of his surroundings. Definitely, an ability you were starting to be suspicious of unless he was just utterly sensitive to the happenings that encompassed around him. All images were being reminisced to that particular moment where you were rooted to the spot from the Pokemon characters painted and printed along the interior layers of the train you've boarded in with him. 
"They've designed Jigglypuff, Skitty and Togepi well." you murmured rather softly, an admittance that wasn't meant to be heard as your mouth and words were muffled. 
Satoru couldn't help the smirtle that has been drawn to his face. All the while, his pitch was astute when he voiced out a quip, "Ah. That was an expected line from you. You're fond of another fluffy little thing." he'd began to pull on your leg, repossessing the prevalent jocularity he was having with you prior to the day rather than the easement that leaves him otherwordly unsettled. 
"---Let me raise you a fact, Tiny-Chan. Digimon's so much better." 
You've blinked to yourself upon hearing that come from him, slipping on a hop to your own place when you've taken a pause, delaying alongside Satoru who'd expressed his resonating curiosities, figuring out that the tiny, foreign woman he's with has briefly bounced on the soles of her feet, enfolding the Neko Stuff toy closer to you like you were starting to engage in a battle, "Excuse me---Is this another debate, you want?" 
Satoru blinked behind his Stygian sunglasses, pausing midway upon his drift away; his satirizing beams faltering before it grew into a wide, toothy grin that you've grown accustomed during the time being, "Hehe. Ting! Ting! Ting!" he pointed his fingers up above in steady counts to eulogize through your anticipations for his behaviors you've started to verse in, "---You got that correct! Hate to break this to ya' but I'm not backing down on this one. You're in for a verbal debate with the strongest!"
You've given him a grimace that has been purely frolicsome to begin with for his jocose altercations which always ends up in prolix piffles, "Eh! But, you never really do back down on our verbal debates anyway nor do you accept defeat! It's always an endless round!"
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Tokyo Jujutsu High's ambiance was as hushed as it ever was. Satoru was roaring with laughter at his own childish witticisms that ensued to your own flounders. It was an interminable hooey that contradicted to your contretemps as you've both wandered further deep into Tokyo Jujutsu High. Footsteps going pit-a-pat as it lightly tapped along the nicely bricked built pavements. 
The cluster of your planned malarkeys were set to a stop. Your attentiveness stowed upon Satoru's fingers that kept tinkering inside his pocket as he was dragging on with his balderdash, not having the faintest that you were letting him win on this one. Well, he always insisted and have been stubborn to withhold his verbal triumphs. 
Once you were both situated under a tall, big, Japanese maple tree---being shut out by the heat of sunlight. Satoru had dug out his blindfolds from his pocket. The soft, Stygian fabric wafting through the borial breath of wind that drifted in definite directions, sheltered by the shade cloaking you from its shadows as you were both only a few meters away from the center of the wide-ranging institute. 
It was finally time-out.
"Satoru?~" you've accepted the paper bags in his hand when he'd outreached them out for you to take and finally give them all, lately fathoming how it was a plethora of his gratuity being given until they were all handled. Unbeknownst to you, the timbre lulling along the mere call of his name sounded utterly pulpous and benevolent. Unreasonably benign for Satoru to even give chaff to. All of a sudden, the flurry of air have been thawed for no reason; a reason that Satoru have been depriving himself upon perception. 
The white-haired Jujutsu Sorcerer felt the warm gust swallow him whole, kept inside the arcane notation he was having. An intonation he somehow found...saccharine. He haven't realized that he'd match up with your own pitch and eventually used the one that also made your toes sweaty and soles jittery, reciprocating what was being given as you've also felt the same way. 
"Yes, Tiny-Chan?~"
"You're putting the blindfolds back on now?" Thoroughly filled with artless curiosity, you've cocked your head to the sides, still wondering why the Sensei have been switching them from time to time and not having an ounce of knowledge regarding about the reason behind it; when he wears it or when he doesn't and why he wears it as well. 
This day had not been enough to read him through. Satoru Gojo is still an enigma; a paradox you've got yet to discover, a riddle you've needed to cudgel your brains out for this one. His background history entirely a closed-book needed to find the key to somewhere stowed away out there for you to hunt for.
Little did you know, it was also the same for you as for Satoru's perspective over the whole thing because your existence was one of the most difficult conundrums for the strongest. 
You were standing before him, utmost intrigued. Your childlike curiosity, a guileless flicker and dazzle within your eyes that surrounded you when you were gazing upon his face. Satoru knew you were engrossed over his presence. Though, he was oblivious to that heart beating within you. It skipped tethering, deafening beats when he'd sweep his sunglasses off his face in a slipshod manner. 
He'd blinded you with his beauty, rendering sightless for your surroundings and only to him, alone. Being immersed by the firmament he'd provided. The welkin you've started to traipse upon when you've fully had another chance of seeing the entirety of his face, without anything hindering Satoru's sight. 
It always leaves you in a magical reverie. How one can look utterly heavenly for a person to exist. He probably wasn't real. No man could be of paradise. You've rapidly blinked, packing up the daydream he has been pig-ignorant of---or he knew how the sum of his unhindered face alone could affect you in every way when you've gotten a gist of his wide, grin when you were distracted by appreciating Gojo Satoru in the flesh as he continued to yap. His hand holding onto his sunglasses while the other was his blindfolds. 
"Yep! I'm meeting with Principal Yaga and that old man anyways," he extolled with a shortened pause, perceiving a figure meters away without even bothering to turn his head to. It was beyond one for a normal person to know anyway who'd not been gifted by the six-eyes. Hence, this figure was Megumi Fushiguro, his first-year student based from his extrasensory perceptions. Satoru was having the best standpoint because there was no blockades over his sight now. "---I doubt they'll be asking about you yet because I made your presence utterly discrete for them to notice. Aren't I the best?" he yammered on, his succeeding sentences fading away in a whispered self-thought, "---Unless, Ijichi began to fink out in just a matter of hours..."
"Your eyes---," you've started off, mind in a state of stupefaction but also conscious of the veridicality that was guaranteed to slip through the tip of your tongue, the euphoria of your day fueling your heart into spouting reckless honesty that pledges to the confidence being consumed. 
Satoru was sharp-witted to cut you off with his witty, pompous remark. His grin growing wider like a Cheshire cat, "---are pretty. I know. There's no need for you to say it out loud. You should at least, humble me a little."
You've blinked another, shunning off to his haughtiness with absolute innocence that enveloped around you. A guileless spirit that girdled the emanations of this abrupt personality or response he'd created out of you from his unanticipated parade of his heavenly bare face.
"I wouldn't call it that way. It's pretty-basic. Hm. They're...a pair of spellbinding paradise, Satoru." A moment of pause. You've taken a calming breath out of your nose, smiling the brightest as you've dragged on. The end of your sentence being hummed while you've mused, thinking of better terms to get what was needed to be uttered out of nowhere, definitions that was certainly taken out of the dictionary to create a better meaning of the word 'beautiful'. 
"---Definitely too good to be true. If I could honestly assess them,"
Thus, the verity over your words---how you've run your mouth off for him, your reckless and impulsive honesty was a curse he would want to eradicate.
This felt more of a special grade malison or hoodoo than all those he had ever fought. 
"---I'm claiming it to be of stellar."
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Blithesome whispered in the breeze. Satoru's white, luscious locks rippling through the zephyrs. His reticence imbibing the mellowness of the atmosphere; his taciturnity tumultuous for you to analyze on. A stifled smile forming the ends of your lips as you've went on with your candor. 
All words were put to a stop from your staggering speech with Satoru placing his sunglasses back inside his pockets. His own Sable blindfolds halting mid-way across his vision when you had to peek to the side, admiring how he was entirely a beauty created by the heavens. The genuineness unconfined from the glint in your eyes that the strongest had given a glimpse to, gaping through it all as if he was at a loss for words for the first time in forever. 
I know. It's the prettiest; basically the most beautiful out of all anyways. His dormant thoughts filled the empty ravines, ringing in nothing but hushed echoes that couldn't be uttered out of his boisterous mouth. 
That was what he wanted to say; that was what Satoru Gojo needed and supposed to proclaim out loud and not this shushed state he was currently in. 
Satoru couldn't get a grip on what he wanted to say as if his tongue has been cut-off all of a sudden. He couldn't believe it nor did he wanted to acknowledge or accept it that he couldn't retaliate from the words that left your mouth for the first time in his life; for the first damned moment in his life did he become soft---bashful over a cracker-barrel wisdom commented by a mere woman. This unidentified non-sorcerer who'd existed out of the blue during the heaps of calamity through the issues of the Jujutsu Society. 
A woman; one that was bound to experience such demise if she was not protected. 
Satoru blinked before you, caught in the wrong foot for hearing your sheer frankness that has possessed you in such a surprising time. His blindfolds already halfway through when he'd suddenly felt a rush of warmth spread across his face, one that comported himself into expressing a gape as he was concentrated over the fabric that drifted and went along with the breeze of the atmosphere out in Tokyo Jujutsu High. An annoying warmth that he wanted to slap himself on the face because it left him in a fit of pique, breaking from his tough masquerade and unveiling the empathetic sensitivity that begun to froth.
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Damn it.
"Just wanna be frank this once since it'll serve as my gracious payment for today. An eye for an eye. Or must I say..." you've begun to trail off, getting a glimpse of the strongest appearing to be taken aback. Such an unforeseen position you've recognized him to be in. The utmost opposite of his usual demeanor that you had the opportunity to see; a remarkable occasion that nobody---no one had ever seen which emanated a warm beam that has spread across your face, summery than the sun can ever be.
"---An honest feedback for an honest feedback. Heehee! Enjoy those Ice Cream Mochis I made just for you, Satoru!" 
A stifled giggle went straight passed your lips with Satoru stopping on his tracks and actions. Gathering all the paper bags on one hand with your giant Neko stuff toy in the other, you've taken one bounce in place, exerting effort and a succeeding audible huff before turning upon the heels of your feet, evacuating from Satoru's presence when the cognizance of your own actions begun to thwack you in the face. 
"---Bye-bye!" you immediately exclaimed your regards, knowing well now where his dormitory was and what building it is within the institute. Though, the locations you were only habituated of had been his room, the kitchen and what particular classroom does he teaches with his students. Other than that, the institute was still a whole mystery for how far-reaching it felt like it was. 
All your hands were full and it was hilarious for anyone to see. You've hugged all the gifts and prizes to yourself, briskly walking away with a suppressing giggle when you haven't heard a word from Satoru nor did he have the short time to respond. Before you could actually say knife, you had already turned your heels in the midst of darting away from the whammy he was in. 
Much to both of your stupefied predicaments, Satoru kept track upon your sprint. Mouth still bizarrely zipped. His stellar eyes stuck on you alone. A gesture that have been an essential nature he'd hardly regarded until this exact moment where the heat felt too palpable to restrain from, a harrowing concern that leaves him overwrought, "---Oh, take care and be safe! Thank you so much for today!"
Take care. Be safe. Thank you so much.
Satoru Gojo felt the heat rise to his face, further and further through chasmic gaps. Free-flowing towards chasms he never expected to. Parts of his face that weren't meant to take a tour. Last time he'd checked as he bore in mind, the Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer hadn't remembered a time nor a split second where he had heard such compassion, genuine care and appreciation which fostered him during a day as if he was meant to be treasured, someone who was human and not as some weapon or armament to be used to.
The man never did remember. He tried to summoned up all moments but ended up reminiscing on nothing other than the care he'd accumulated from both of his closest friends who knew him better from the bottom of his heart. 
Because being the strongest meant he had everything worked out; being the invincible meant that he was to be regardful of everything to the point of nursing for himself, mindful that no matter how many allies you've got, if a Jujutsu Sorcerer dies then he or she dies alone. It was an inevitable chore from the day he was born to his world to claim the supremacy of what his real abilities hold for him. How his birth played a vital role in the evolution of the Jujutsu Society. 
Hence, hearing the tenderhearted words chanted out of your mouth in the most genuine timbre he'd heard has set him off in an unfamiliar demeanor he never expected. 
"Eh? T-Tiny-Chan! Come back! I still have something to say!" 
Satoru heard himself well and clear. Did he just stammer a little over your sudden flowery truth? Those paltry adulations that has been unlooked for, igniting a prompting speech impediment over him when it wasn't meant to happen anyways. 
"Your chatters are endless! There's never a time you've got nothing to say!"
That's not true. He'd heard his innermost thoughts reiterated for himself, taking all the exuberance you were offering and the existent portrait you were welcoming him with. He'd become aware and caught sight over that faint wave of your hand that settled around Neko-San, apparently its giant size were burdensome enough to flaunt the simplest gestures because of the plethora of gifts equipped within the bundle of your arms. 
"---Stop being lazy and go where ever it is you're needed to be. Bye!"
As expected, Fushiguro was in repose as he divagated within the expanse of the institution. The inheritor of the Ten Shadows Technique had an apathetic expression on his face when you've passed by him, eyeing everything what you were holding to yourself. He hadn't been given the opportunity to see your face nor did he see that you were peeking through the arm of your soft toy when you acknowledged his presence.
"Sea-Urchin!---I mean, Hi, Megumi!" 
Megumi scrutinized your form through his thick eyelashes, giving a second of incertitude before he responded with a stolic tonality of his voice, giving you a slight bow of recognition once he ceased from his deliberate wanders. Even through a distance, he was aware that you were with Gojo. Obviously. The black-haired Jujutsu Sorcerer witnessing those melodious giggle he subtly heard from a distance. The tiny hops with every step you've taken as you've drifted away from his Sensei who hollered out loud for you to come back, making the first-year student critically assess what was happening. 
"Eigo-San." Fushiguro apathetically regarded, continuously straight-faced. 
Once you were far enough, your figure miniscule to be detected from the position that they were in. He'd approached Gojo, assessing through the glance he'd given to his Sensei who was aimlessly fondling with his Stygian blindfold grazing around the tips of his fingers, not knowing what his expressions was as it was apathetic nor indistinguishable. The teacher's countenance inscrutable, giving little away. 
Satoru knew Megumi was around the corner and had to at least grab a hold of himself after that abrupt honesty you have given him. 
"Gojo-Sensei," Fushiguro acknowledged the teacher. Satoru's bare face par for the course of Megumi's anticipations because the first year knew already how he looked like with or without the blindfolds on unlike the previous first years---who were now second years---had no idea prior to that particular day on how Gojo appeared to look like without it when he managed to blow the gaff over the eyes he masked. 
"Oh, Megumi!" Satoru stated with a smile plastered on his face, warm and cordial for his student. He'd veiled his previous pneuma deftly. He cloaked in the frontage he usually had with his students. He'd begun to tie his blindfolds back, wringing a hand through the fluff of his locks with the spaces of his fingers, going over his forehead and through his hair being arranged in barbs with the undercut shown against the nape of his neck as he did so.
"Did you enjoy the day with Eigo-San?"
The lids of Gojo's eyes began to nictate through the fabric that concealed his eyes. Megumi's precipitated query making him wonder why he was being asked by a question that was obviously out of the box to begin with from the juvenile who was always outwardly stoic and calculating. 
"Huh? What's with the sudden question?" he blinked another through the clothing that covered his eyes. Megumi avoided his gaze and also had been like he dwelled from the abrupt question he had given, wondering why he even had to ask. The first- year probably regretted it as well when Gojo abruptly began to poke borak over a mere question that should've been out of his concerns. He grinned from ear to ear, instantly stepping a foot forward to clung an arm around the student's shoulders with a grin.
"---Had you missed me then?!"
"I knew I shouldn't have asked. It's a personal question anyway. Tch." Fushiguro deadpanned and grumbled, scowling to himself and wondering why Gojo ignored the subject, looking as though he was desisting from a simple inquiry that was answerable by a yes or no. At the same time, his first-year student was pulling out all the stops for the tight, lanky arm that clutched around his shoulders, "Oi, Megumi-Kun!" Satoru tauntingly chided, chuckling here and there before his student's lackadaisical honesty made him inquisitive about what he really wanted to say for the second time around.
"I already know the answer, Sensei. That's good to hear. Y-You need to stop wrestling me around now." 
Fushiguro elucidated out of nowhere, huffing out an exasperated breath when Gojo began to tussle him over like a kid and dragged him to anywhere he wanted. Obviously, the black-haired student was opposed to the confining space that his Sensei was giving him. Megumi's face unexpressive nor could he know what he was thinking from his own analytics other than a deepened grimace that Satoru habitually sees every day. 
"The answer to what? I didn't even said anything! Huh?" Gojo ceased the scuffles he was giving to Megumi. The first year peeved to the bones when he'd taken a hand to stressfully scratch along the back of his head, a deep frown of annoyance as he sighed out an audible breath of exasperation once he was out of the Sensei's hold. 
Little did Gojo know, his ears and cheeks had a tint. It emancipated hues of crimson that were a perpetual undertone which he was unheeded for when you've taken your flight before Megumi could even put one's oar to whatever it is you were having with the Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer. Those tinge of warmth that enveloped in mantled shadows no matter how Gojo endeavored the guise he tried to play. 
That particular eccentric, warmth throwing him off, unrecognizable for the emotions he ignored once Megumi have been on sight. He had never been aware of it nor did he perceive that he was experiencing one. Yet, his first year student found it utterly peculiar for such an odd image of his Sensei seeming to be in a flustered state that had to be too good to be true and difficult to process for those who were accustomed to the usual spirits that Satoru provided for them. 
If Megumi was an idiot, he would've blamed the sun that has probably given Gojo that strange flush over his face, the scarlet hues that gathered in trails over his own skin. 
But, he believed he wasn't a halfwit or a simpleton as he claimed how his two friends were. Let alone, including the Sensei's ignorance through it all. 
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Hey, it's Tata! We can talk if ya' want or be added in the 7th Dimension taglist~ Just send an ask if ya' want to! Stay hydrated all the time and I hope you're having a great day ahead!
Much love,
Tata XoXo
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masondeaver · 2 years
hellooo, idk if you're really plannin on answering asks but I'd figured I'd give it a shot anyway :D I recently came up with an idea for a novel that I've been having a lot of fun with so far, but I was just wondering if you had any like...tips for actually planning something like this out? I've only really done short stories before so working on something I hope to turn into an actual novel is...perhaps a bit daunting lmao. So far I've just been writing an outline chapter-by-chapter but I feel that proooobably isn't the most efficient way to go about it, haha. So any tips would be great!
Ok ty that's all I've been a fan of your work for a while now <3
hey! tbh idk what i plan to do with this account, but answering messages seems fun!
i think it's important to stress here that there is no singular way to write a book. four full novels in, and every single time has been different. so what works for someone else, or might've worked for you in the past, might not work for this project. i really encourage experimentation, and figuring out what and how you like to write.
all of that said, i see nothing wrong with chapter by chapter outlines, at least for now. i'm sure there's a point where it might feel like writing the outline is keeping you from moving forward with the actual book. but having a outline is never a bad thing. it's a map for the story, and we like maps!
so make your outline, i'd say get to the end because then you'll have a full picture in front of you. with the end in mind, you can set up character arcs and motivations, hint at what's to come. as far as getting started, it's as simple as that.
okay, 'simple' might be the wrong word, but there's nothing you can do to begin a novel (or any project) except for actually start it. write those first few words, make a sentence, then a paragraph. rinse and repeat until you have pages, and the chapters, and suddenly, you'll reach the end. there's a lot of fear in starting something, but making something new should never scare you. it's a wonderful thing to create something, it's magical, a skill that not everyone has. appreciate the thing that you're doing. and hey, the beauty is that it's only a first draft. so if you hate it, you can fix it later.
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1d1195 · 2 months
sam you are the sweetest person in the world actually, thank you so much🫶
STEAL MY GIRL MUSIC VIDEO IS SUCH A NICHE THING I FEEL LIKE ITS ALMOST AN INSIDE JOKE it’s sooooo funny every time i watch it i’m just laughing SO REAL WITH LOUIS AND THE CHIMP i remember watching it for the first time and seeing harry in the fucking trench coat and genuinely getting worried like “hmmm it’s too hot for that, hope he’s okay😕” BABHSHAHAHAHAHA zayn and the sumo wrestlers ALWAYS gets me
IM ACTUALLY LAUGHING SOOOO HARD AT THE "SAMANTHA -🎶" YOU GET ME😭😭 i think i read all dolcezza like the same week you posted the last part, and it’s a good thing i did cause ooooo girl….😮‍💨😮‍💨you woulda drove me crazy
I THINK I SAID THIS ONCE BUT IM NOT SURE AND IF I DID IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO BUTTTT THE SERIES THAT BROUGHT ME TO YOUR PAGE WAS ACTUALLY MADE TO BE🥹🥹🥹🥹 and i came from PART 1 !!!!! (ironic considering my aversion to waiting lol) i tuned in every week to read the new part and back then you were updating on sundays and i stg i would get soooo giddy (i was in SHAMBLESSS between chapters having to wait a week😭) and yea…after that series ive been stuck here like a leech LMAO
on the topic of waiting on chapters i started traditional like right after you’d posted the second to last chapter and O.M.G. AHAHAHAH ITS SO FUNNY LOOKING BACK BUT I WAS ACTUALLY GLUEDDD TO MY PHONE👀👀 WAITING FOR THE NEXT PART CAUSE THEY HAD GOT IN THAT FIGHT AND I WAS SOOO HOOKED and then i woke up one morning and it was out, guess how i spent my breakfast & coffee time😭
i’m just rambling at this point BUT YES !!! YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW APPRECIATED YOU ARE !!! i remember back then i wasn’t doing the best and lots of things were changing but i always looked forward to reading the newest chapter. i read in one of your recent asks about how you decide what you write based on engagement (which makes total sense) but you feel like you get a lot of non-interacting readers. this is true and it really sucks but i guess it’s the reality of posting on a website like this. however, i will gladly take the time to say what they won’t and AHHHH SAM YOURE AN AMAZING WRITER I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR FEEDING US YOU MATTER SOOOO MUCH MORE THAN YOU KNOW 💕💕💕💕💘💘💘💘💘💝💝💝💝💝💖💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗
i cried while finished “Love & Other Words” 😪omg i didn’t see that coming but it was SOOOO. GOOD. like….i sat and stared at the book with a small smile after i finished it kind of good. i will DEF been rereading that I LOVE THEM😭😭 THAT SCENE WHERE HE SAID “I’ll take anything you give me. Is that pathetic?” I SCREAMED they’re so precious and i looooveddd the way it was written!!! i just sped through it and i love when books feel like that
it has also been storming here, like so bad the electricity went out a few weeks ago and if u go out when it’s sunny you will melt. not a fan of summer right now🙄 SO happy to hear you’re feeling more relaxed, hopefully that stays till at least the end of summer. pasta is yummy !! i like my pasta dishes w a lotttttaaaa cheese :)) ive been boring too, dw. just a lotta reading on my end cause i am notttt in the mood to talk to anyone lately, vry antisocial (i also started my period last night ??? maybe that why lmfao😭)
sorry for this behemoth of an ask, thank you for chatting HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY LOVE YOU <33333333
I DREAM about Harry in that trench coat. A fashion icon. I love him so much in that (and everything). I totally forgot all about the sumo wrestler piece of it I was so focused on the chimp and Louis. Louis' smile in that is my FAVORITE thing in the world. It was SO pure.
hehehehehe well, I'm happy to report that Part II of Most will be up tomorrow afternoon. She's longer than I thought I could do but here we are. After writing it, I think Part 1 and Part 2 would be a good read. I don't think it will drive you crazy the way Dolcezza would have drove you crazy.
OMG. I apologize if you DID say it, but I feel like this is new information to me. I'm so so sorry if I forgot. BUT STILL. I haven't thought about Made to Be in a REALLY long time 😭 I loved it for so long after I finished writing it. It was a huge part of my life. You've been here for a while, that's so cute and nice to hear 💕 I'm so glad you liked it
You are so so sweet. I am so grateful for you compliments.
IS THAT PATHETIC made me want to SCREAM too. I love Elliot so goddamn much I could CRY. He is my ideal man. My new story is Love & Other Words coded for sure 🙈 I didn't mean for it to happen but then I think I told you I got it back from letting my sister borrow it and I couldn't stop rereading the whole "I'm pathetic part" like OMG I'm 😭😭 so distraught about it STILL. Everything about that book is perfect.
I am summer's least favorite fan. The heat makes me so sticky and gross feeling. Also, I don't look good in summer clothes (or I feel gross about myself, whatever) ANYWAY. I love a good antisocial mood tbh. I feel so obligated to be on and around everyone all the time. And what's worse is I let myself be available. I JUST started getting better at not checking my work email outside of work hours. My sister and mom need me LITERALLY all the time. My bf and I are home at the same time so I just never get a MINUTE to myself. I have to like hide in my own apartment to get any alone time. So yeah. I can't get my brain to shut off lately to read but I've been doing some hard work on the writing here so I'm hoping that will help--also been doing a GREAT job binging TV. I think I just want to keep reading romance stuff and not all the like "interesting" books I've bought and haven't read 😭 It's the only way I'm going to get through this bookshelf of mine 😂
I love the chatting and the long asks so no need to apologize or thank me. I hope you have a fantastic Monday! LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💕
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makeste · 3 years
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all, “Kirishima please take Hagakure and Aoyama and put them away somewhere out of sight until we’re finally ready for the U.A. Traitor Plot.” Shouto was all “HEY DEKU DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT MAYBE YOU WANDERING THE STREETS LOOKING LIKE A GOTH PRAYING MANTIS IS EXACTLY WHAT AFO WANTS.” Deku was all “I’M SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY CRUSHING MARTYR COMPLEX AND ACCUMULATED TRAUMA.” Mineta was all “HEY DEKU YOU SWEET THANG, IF I COULD REARRANGE THE ALPHABET I’D PUT ‘U’ AND ‘I’ TOGETHER, ANYWAYS HMU 💖”, or at least that’s what fandom apparently thought he said. Everyone was all “WELL SINCE WE’RE BACK HERE IN KAMINO WE SHOULD DO THE THING” and did the whole “launching someone into the air to save someone by dramatically grabbing their hand” thing that everybody fucking loves to do in Kamino so damn much. Iida was all “[bombards me and Deku with feels].” Deku was all, “ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू).” I was all, “(;*△*;).” Horikoshi was all, “my work here is done.”
Today on BnHA: 
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oh my god.
so I finally went back to look at what I wrote up for 321 last week, and it’s a hot fucking mess lol, and I really don’t want to deal with that right now, so we’re just gonna skip it and go back sometime in the next few days or something because I really want to read the new chapter and I have no self control. I’M SORRY IIDA
oh my god he’s breaking out the narration word bubbles oh my god. shit is about to get epic isn’t it
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has there ever been a chapter that opened with these that WASN’T epic? serious question. anyways all aboard the Feels Express I guess
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I saved a bunch of other crying kaomojis when I was looking for ones to use in the “previously on” summary, and right now it’s looking like that was a good fucking decision you guys. if I’m going to be an emotional wreck I might as well do it in style ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
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(ETA: it’s like. maybe my second favorite lol. A HUG WOULD HAVE PUT IT IN FIRST, I’M JUST SAYING.)
anyway so Ochako is releasing Iida, which is actually hilarious, because idk if you all know this but Iida can’t fucking fly you guys
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like, I assume Ochako released him because she already knew that Kirishima was in place to catch him, but I really love this split-second of panic on Iida’s part where he’s all “HMM, IS OCHAKO TRYING TO KILL ME, ACTUALLY”
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that’s some plus fucking ultra on Ochako’s part right there. “IF THEY DIE THEY DIE” goddamn girl did you leave your chill in the same locker as Momo or what
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oh my gosh he is curled up so small you guys oh my fucking lord
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Ochako is the U.A. Traitor confirmed. Hagakure I am so sorry I doubted you. Ochako get over here. so are you Toga now or what
anyway so now everyone is running over before Iida can react to this casual announcement of his attempted murder. and now Mina is taking her turn, and Horikoshi is all “HEY BTW IS MINA CRYING ON THE LIST OF THINGS THAT MAKE YOU CRY?” and of fucking course it is, you bastard. I’m not made of stone
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( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥)
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THEY’RE JUST DEKU AND KACCHAN. holy shit you guys. because oh my god, but it’s like when Deku was talking to the Vestiges about saving Tomura, and he turned into his little child self because his heart and intentions were so pure?? and it’s like that again, except that we’re seeing them as their child selves because that’s who they are to each other?? like, not that they actually see each other as children, but just, they can see past all of the stuff on the outside and see each other to their cores, to who they are inside, and when they look at each other they each simply see the other boy that they’ve known their whole entire life. idk?? does that make sense??? DOES ANY OF THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE I DON’T KNOW WHAT WORDS ARE ANYMORE I’M JUST SWIMMING IN FEELS OKAY. I’M TRYING HERE
they’re just boys, is what I’m trying to say, I guess. just Deku and Kacchan. all the walls are down, all the gaps are bridged, and all it is is the one boy reaching out and connecting with the other, and just,,, (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
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─=≡Σ((( つ ◕o◕ )つ
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ARE YOU GONNA HUG!??!?!?!?! I AM NOT OKAY!!!!!!! !!!hgk
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sure let’s cut to Thirteen then, yay. I mean I’m glad they’re alive lol, don’t get me wrong
(ETA: I think that might have sounded a bit sarcastic so I just want to clarify that I really am happy Thirteen is alive and on the job again lol.)
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it’s just that if your name doesn’t begin with Baku or Deku I honestly am not interested for just these next five minutes okay lol. like I’m just gonna be completely honest. I am too invested lol, please, they were having a moment, JUST LET ME HAVE THIS PLEASE
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I’m literally not even reading the speech bubbles though omg I’m so sorry. I really hope there is not a quiz, I promise I will come back to it later scroll scroll scroll
okay so they brought him back to U.A. and he’s all tired and out of it yes
oh goody Hagakure knows all about the security system
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(ETA: is it just me or is Horikoshi really laying it on thick with the hints about these two guys lately? I’m on to you sir.)
ffs Deku
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-- holy shit, what??!
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they know?? how did they find out??! holy shit???
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I’m about to cancel the whole of Japan lmao. fucking try me dudes
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“a ticking time bomb” tell you what, this man is just asking to be punched in the face. literally begging for it omg
(ETA: I have been advised that I misread this part; Rat Principal told everyone how safe U.A. was, but he’s not the one who ratted out Deku; that was “the rumors”, apparently. which, if I had to guess, were probably started by AFO.)
oh I see, so it’s to be Feels, Part II then
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he looks so sad and tired and lonely and she goes right for the hand, god bless. though if Kacchan’s not gonna hug him, you’d think someone would at least. or is it because he still smells bad. hmm
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(ETA: just to clarify the reason for my rambling here, I was really waiting for the hero name reveal and the presumed deeper meaning behind it lol. but I guess that is a conversation still to come! and we still need Deku’s response to the apology too for that matter. lots to look forward to still.)
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