#If I Could Turn Back Time
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lily-s-world · 1 month ago
There is a small part of me that feels sadness when I watch shows like XO Kitty or Heartstopper because I never had the opportunity to experience my teenage years like that - cute first loves, good friends, exploring your sexuality. All I got was family trauma and growing fast to deal with said trauma.
I'm so happy that teenagers nowadays have the opportunity to do this, but like Jonathan Bailey said about Heartstopper, it makes you mourn the years you didn't have.
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eightiesgalaxy · 1 year ago
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zombocomme · 1 month ago
Between the Lines Au Bonus Episode: Older Men Do it Better.
Copia is rolling up to the costume party... he sees Jim wearing something absolutely slutty... and so, is Copia...
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...so, Copia slams back his un-spiked orange juice, confidently strides up to the clergy man... he taps his shoulder twice. Jim turns around, looks up and down at the fit with a cocked brow and a crooked smile. Deadpan, Copia pulls out the ol' Batusi...
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Jim giggles at the absolute dork of a man he has fallen in love with. The confidence. The quality. The throwbacks, the memes!... half hard and biting his lip Jim watches on with the crowd.
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No one can look away. None dare to look away...No one can resist the virile sexual tension of his movements and grace... and Jim is feeling anxious and needy suddenly...
It's like a mating dance. It works every time...
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Copia wins the costume contest. Afterwards he scoops Jim into his arms and jumps out a windows and flies away into the night
"I can't believe you pulled out the Batusi!" Jim laughs as they hurdle through the city until tumbling into Copias penthouse suite.
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"I have something else in my bat belt to pull out" Copia smirks.
Jim scrunches his eyebrows and huffs a laugh, inspecting the belt with his fingers...
Later, Jim has his feet in the air, and is screaming, "Golly gee willickers, holy hamstrings Batman!"
Copia nuts instantly...
As they lay there panting Jim asks "So what made you decide to pull out the Batusi?"
Copia smirks, throwing an arm around Jim like he's tucking a Hollywood starlette under his arm, "What? I miss the sixties."
The end.
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For full batusi video, click below 👇
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borrowedtimeandspace · 27 days ago
Nightmares in the Cupboard
AU: The Donna Trilogy | If I Could Turn Back Time
Word Count: 1,744
Note: Checking in with the Doctor is going to start flying through time as well from now on. At least this one has some semblance of g/t actually in it!
Slight pediophobia warning toward the end
London, 2011
It brought a gentle smile to the Doctor's face, seeing the awe brighten up the anxious 8-year-old George's eyes. Using his sonic screwdriver to make all his toys come to life along the floor around his bed must have seemed like magic to the kid.
“Huh? That's better,” said the Doctor, relieved to finally see George's demeanor relax from the terror he'd seen previously. “No tears from George, that's what I've heard. Go on, give us a smile. There's a brave little soldier.”
A light nudge from the Doctor finally tore the kid's gaze away from his whirring toys. He looked back at the odd, bowtie-wearing man with no small amount of trepidation before letting his attention return to the enchanting show all around. The Doctor did his best to not take it to heart. By now, he was quite certain he'd found the child who had somehow managed to get a message all the way out to the TARDIS floating in deep space, a distress call like none he'd received in a long time.
“Please save me from the monsters!”
Bit rusty at this, the Doctor reckoned he was. It wasn't every day he was left alone to comfort a scared child, but his father Alex had been pulled out of George's bedroom to have a chat with the landlord who'd dropped by unannounced. Someone had to occupy George to keep him from having to listen to that unpleasantness, and the Doctor took it upon himself.
Besides… he'd seen that look in George's eyes before. The way he'd flinched when he introduced himself as the Doctor, and how nervous George was to speak to him even as he made an effort to be endearing. It dusted off a few old memories of when he was a different man.
“I hear you've had trouble sleeping, George.”
The child gave a few blinks in the Doctor's direction, unsure of where he was going with this. He was, after all, under the impression that his parents had called this new grown-up in to have him looked at or taken away because of all his fearful behavior. The way the Doctor heard it from Alex, it was near constant, and they were indeed worried about the impact it might have on George's health to be so scared all the time. It was only natural that they sought professional help.
The Doctor offered George another smile. “That's alright. Perfectly normal, in fact, especially when things are scary.”
George's little brow pinched in confusion. That wasn't at all what he'd expected a doctor to say at all. He tilted his head, intrigued, as the Doctor glanced toward the slightly open door before leaning down to be closer to George's level. 
“Y’know, I had this friend, once,” the Doctor whispered. “And she had trouble sleeping, too. She saw some scary things and had lots of nightmares, and she was all grown up!”
“Really?” George's eyes widened. “Even though she was big?”
The Doctor hesitated, but admitted, “Well… Actually, she was very, very small. Smaller than you, in fact.” He reached up a finger to lightly boop George on the nose, making him blink again. Then he barrelled on before the child could think to question such a statement. “But the point is, it's nothing to be ashamed of. And who said anything about needing to be big, to be brave? Hey?”
The boy seemed to take a moment to consider the Doctor's words, and wonder about what exactly made him so different from what he thought he would be.
“Right!” declared the Doctor as he slid off of George's bed, eager to change the subject (disregarding the fact that he'd brought it up in the first place) and get to business. “Let's open this cupboard, eh?”
With the child somewhat cheered up and distracted, it was time to focus on what seemed to be the hub of all his fears. The cupboard. Of course, it was a perfectly ordinary cupboard, made of wood and topped with toys and all. Alex had explained that he and his wife had started to use it as a repository for all that scared George. Out of sight, out of mind; that seemed to be the idea. 
But if there was anything at all that could frighten George so strongly that his pleas could reach across time and space, then it was worth looking into.
“Now, there's nothing to be…” the Doctor began to say as he raised his sonic screwdriver to scan the cupboard, but he trailed off. The sonic reacted to whatever was in the cupboard with an urgency that the Doctor hadn't seen in a long time, its buzzes occurring in short pops that rose and rose in pitch. 
“Off the scale!” he found himself whispering over and over as he backed off and sat down at the edge of George's bed. He ran a shaking hand through his flop of brown hair and stared at the cupboard with wide hazel eyes.
It was the Doctor's turn to be scared.
Quite a harrowing experience, being sucked into a cupboard. Particularly by an eight-year-old of unknown origin who seemed to have brought it about.
Alex was taking it incredibly poorly, shaking as he tried to stand. He clung to the edge of the table in the middle of the spacious, dimly lit parlor he and the Doctor suddenly found themselves in, while the Doctor was already on his feet and inspecting everything.
“We went into the cupboard,” whimpered Alex as he struggled to come to grips with it all. Pulling himself to his feet, his head went on a swivel. Nothing was familiar, and what was more pressing on his mind: “How can it be bigger in here??”
“More common than you'd think, actually,” replied the Doctor with a baffling level of nonchalance. “You okay?”
Alex stared at the Doctor for a second. Nothing made sense to him, but the Doctor seemed to understand. Or at least take it in stride. So he had to ask, “Where are we?”
“Obvious, isn't it?”
“Doll's house,” stated the Doctor matter-of-factly while he circled the dining table. “We're inside the doll's house.”
“The doll's house?” Alex echoed, finding himself following the Doctor's path until he stood across the table from him, leaning against the chairs for some form of grounding in this whole mad situation.
“Yeah, in the cupboard in your flat. The doll's house.” The Doctor almost began to sound annoyed by having to repeat himself.
“No, look. Slow down, would you?” Alex all but begged the Doctor. None of this made any sense, and he hoped that he could get a proper explanation.
Instead, he got a bunch of the table's dressings tossed into his arms, including plates, cups, saucers, and a whole chicken. All while the Doctor pointed out that each and every thing had been carved from wood and painted to look real.
“Trust me!” exclaimed the Doctor when he decided he'd demonstrated his point. “I know when I'm in a doll's house. Had a friend who lived in one for a good while– though hers wasn't quite as big as yours. And I didn't do her the indignity of serving her wooden food!” He took up a wooden melon to emphasize, waving it about in Alex’s face.
Before Alex could even begin to comprehend what the hell the Doctor was even talking about, the melon was added to the pile of fake food and cutlery in his arms. The Doctor whirled around, spotting an open door. “And hers certainly didn't have separate rooms and corridors,” he commented as he began confidently striding out of the room.
Alex dropped everything in his arms in a panic, and he hurried after the Doctor. He was still confused beyond belief, shaken by the feeling of forgetting that his wife Claire couldn't have kids. Frightened by the idea that George– the boy who he always thought was his and Claire's– might not be theirs at all. But if the Doctor had even a single clue about what was going on and what to do, then Alex had no choice but to stick with him.
Prodding the Doctor for answers in regard to George only got even more confusing explanations; something about perception filters and altered memories, things Alex could barely understand. Still, following him and listening to him try and make sense of the situation calmed Alex down enough to start to put together the signs that he recognized. The lights, the sound of the lift…things he knew that George feared that seemed all too present in this world of the doll house. 
Whatever was going on, he had to at least try to help. He and the Doctor were stuck in the same boat, it seemed, and George was still out there probably scared to death.
A creaking door and a child's laughter drew Alex and the Doctor's attention just when they were starting to put together more clues. It came from behind them, and they slowly turned around to find a man-sized wooden doll standing in a doorway. Its beady eyes stared at them as it shambled into the room.
They jumped to their feet and began backing away. The Doctor brought out a strange device that buzzed and shone a green light at the end, but it did absolutely nothing to slow down the creepy doll.
“Tell ya what,” the Doctor murmured shakily as he gave up on that idea. “That friend of mine, her house had significantly fewer creepy, menacing dolls wandering about!”
“Well, what do we do??” urged Alex, noticing the corner he and the Doctor were being backed into.
Light on his feet as ever, the Doctor jumped further back and threw open a nearby door. It wasn't an exit, but a closet, and from it he pulled out the largest pair of plastic paper-craft scissors that Alex had ever seen. Aiming the blunt point at the doll, the Doctor gave it a solid push, and it stumbled back a few feet. 
The Doctor further saved Alex from having to think about that as he made a break for the room's exit, and he followed just behind. Alex did his best to ignore the way the doll spoke with unmoving lips, insisting in its chilling childlike voice that it only wanted to play.
If Alex survived this, Claire would never believe a word of it.
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... morning music ...
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chers-cheekbones · 18 days ago
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Cher performing If I Could Turn Back Time at the Saturday Night Live 50th anniversary homecoming concert ❤️❤️❤️
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soulinkpoetry · 11 months ago
You deserve all the warmth a sun has to offer.
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amc-minx · 8 months ago
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The good ol’ days. 😍
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beargyufairy · 1 year ago
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
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touching-grass-is-not-enough · 11 months ago
There is not a day that goes by that I do not reap the repercussions of watching ouran high school host club at the ripe age of twelve
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rickollie · 9 days ago
Turn Back Time? No. I Wouldn't Have Missed It for the World!
"What advice would you give your teenage self," asked Daily Prompt today. I wouldn't have missed it for the world, would you? #dailyprompt #sundaysermon #loveisntlost #livinglife #lovelife #sundaymorning #psychiatrytoday #foodforthought #missyou #iloveyouiknow #lostlove #writerslife #goodreads #qotd
What Advice would you give to your Teenage Self? – DP QOTD I was asked this question last year as well in a ‘Meet Me‘ interview by my therapist, Agnieszka Rdesinska. She had turned the tables on me knowing that I write about people here by writing about me as a part of my healing journey. Rick Ollie We all wonder in silence of turning back time and what we’d do differently in hopes of making…
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lopezpierce · 1 year ago
If I could turn back time
After a terrible accident, Santana ends up in a coma. One that has lasted over 3 years. Brittany is determined to make that time machine she was obsessed with as a teen to save Santana.
Attempt 1:
Brittany opened her eyes slowly trying to focus on the ceiling. Her vision was blurry and her head was pounding. The pain was excruciating. She closed her eyes again and let the flutter back open slowly. She was still dazed, but her vision was a little better.
“What the fuck?” She looked around with more focus and scared herself a little. She was at her parents’ house. There was no reason for her to be here. She should have been in New York. “Oh my god…I hope I didn’t blow the lab up…”
She sat up on bed and put her head in her hands. “There is no way anything could have exploded. My calculations we perfect…Well, perfect in theory.” Santana would have known what to do. She would have been calm. She would have….She would have just been. 
Brittany lifted her head up and looked down at her hand. She started to panic when she didn’t see her wedding ring. Something really must have gone wrong. She stood up and examined her body…there was no physical harm. But there was something different.
She walked over towards her dresser to look in the mirror, “Holy Shit…” Her hair was a good bit longer, her eyes weren’t as tired, and her abs were SUPER tight again…She must have miscalculated. She didn’t look any older than 18. “I went way too far back.”
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madeinkorea-blbambeyond · 10 months ago
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borrowedtimeandspace · 8 months ago
A Hard Day's Night
From this list of g/t prompts
Part 2 of 2. [Part 1]
AU: The Donna Trilogy side story; set during the interlude, 'If I Could Turn Back Time'
Note: I think I've decided this will be added to Tales from the Vortex, since this doesn't directly affect the events of IICTBT. It features a character that will be introduced in that story, but I think adding it to the interlude will interrupt the flow. I do love it though and it's canon to the story!
Not wanting to stare, Dan set about re-stacking the cans remaining on the shelf so they wouldn't tumble like that again. He could practically feel that tiny, intense stare as he casually moved things that must have been incredibly heavy to the much smaller man.
Dan did a double take when he removed the last few cans and found something in the gap behind them. Leaning in for a closer look, it looked rather like a tiny knapsack. Though, to the man who Dan reckoned to be about five inches tall, he supposed it was rather big. Wide set and half full, with a packet of honey strapped to the back of it like campers’ equipment.
Cutting his eyes back over, the man’s posture had completely tensed up now that Dan had found what must be his belongings.
Dan held his breath as he reached for the bag and pinched the corner of the honey packet. It was tied down tightly enough to take the bag with it when he lifted it up. 
“Just bringin’ it to ya,'' Dan murmured, awed to find that the little pack was hardly any heavier than the honey would be on its own. It really put the world from this man's point of view in perspective for Dan. He could only imagine how long that honey would last for someone so small.
He gently carried it over to the man, who sent him a suspicious look but snatched the pack out of his fingers. Dan took his hand back and returned to what he was doing, shelving cans and checking the ones that fell for dents. As he did, he watched the bloke out of the corner of his eye. He turned over the knapsack to inspect it for damage or disturbance before carefully sliding it under his knee to take pressure off his injury.
Soon enough the cans were no longer a distraction from all the questions Dan had about this fella. Anybody would be curious about him, where he came from, what exactly he was if not an alien, why he was so small, how he could heal from injuries so fast. They might pester him about such things while he was laid up, unable to evade the interrogation very easily.
Not Dan Lewis.
“Low on food, are ya?” he quietly prodded.
The way those tiny shoulders stiffened and the man continued to avoid eye contact told Dan he'd hit the nail on the head. Dan gave a small smile anyway.
“You're in the right place if you are. Plenty of food here that'll last ya a while. Y'know, I think we've got some pastina that just came in, should be perfect for ya. Hang on.” 
With that, Dan pushed himself up to stand, and did his best to ignore the stomach-sinking feeling of completely looming over the bloke who definitely had wide eyes on him now. He strode quickly to the shelf he'd been stocking to find what he'd promised. The box was small enough to find easily among the other pastas, so it didn't take very long at all to find. Dan peered through the little viewing window in the box to see the teeny-tiny star shapes of the pasta within, and nodded to himself.
He was surprised to make his way back to the little fella to find that he'd managed to stand. His weight wasn't quite on his injured leg yet as he leaned against the nearby can, but he seemed to have tracked Dan's movements since he walked away. That was a guess on Dan's part, considering the way those cobalt eyes were glued to him. 
Taking a knee by the shelf once again, Dan carefully opened the box and angled it in such a way that the pasta was carefully shifted to just meet the short end. Then he held the box against the shelf's edge so the man could inspect the offered food.
After more suspicious glances between the pasta and Dan, he gently insisted, “Well, go on. Y’don’t have to take it, but it won't bite youse.”
The man puffed up a bit at the implication that he was scared, and so limped the few steps toward the box. One tiny hand reached in to scoop up a fistful of the pastina to look at it more closely. Indignation seemed to melt into bafflement as he pinched one miniscule star shape between his fingers. It was just about the size of his eye, which was quite small indeed.
“The hell…?” he muttered.
Thinking it might be something new for the fella, Dan explained, “It's pasta. It's all hard and tough now, but it softens up when ya boil–,”
“I know what pasta is,” snapped the man, but his tone wasn't quite as sharp as before. “Just never seen any like this before.”
Dan blinked and did his best to hide the amusement he could feel tugging at his features. He rather liked the wee fella’s attitude, now that he was seeing more of it.
“If you want it, take as much as ya like,” he offered. “It'll keep for ages. I think it's good in soups if you can cook it down in some broth. Add whatever ya like to it, then…”
He trailed off awkwardly, finding himself once again locked in a sidelong stare from the bloke. Less wary than the others, though, Dan noticed. This time, he looked bemused.
Before Dan could read any further into it, the guy shook his little head and tossed his handful of pasta back in the box, muttering something too quiet for Dan to hear. He untied something from his belt and rolled it out to reveal a drawstring sack about the size of his torso. Still grumbling, he held the sack near the box and swiftly scooped up enough pastina to fill it.
Dan moved the box out of the way once he seemed to be done, hefting the miniature bag to rest on the shelf as he cinched and tied it securely shut.
“Name's Dan, by the way,” he finally introduced himself. Or tried to, since the most acknowledgement he got was a flat glance from the man as he turned to pack the full pouch into his knapsack. Dan noticed his limp had nearly gone, and he didn't seem to have any trouble crouching with weight on both of his legs. That had to be a good sign!
“Alright in there, Dan?”
Wilma's voice calling in through the door sent a jolt through both men. The smaller one jumped to his feet, knapsack still in hand. Once again he was tense from head to toe, and it didn't take a genius to guess why. He'd been wary enough with just Dan around, but to add another human into the mix would make anyone so small feel completely outmatched.
The desperate, almost pleading look sent Dan's way sealed the deal. He gave the fella a subtle nod, then rose to his feet.
“Alright,” Dan replied to Wilma, stepping away from the shelf and toward the open door where his resigned associate was turning the corner. “Didn't get very much unpacked, though. Whatever whoppers ya had in here before us stacked some cans all creatively, been cleaning up after ‘em.
The look of resignation that carried over from the conversation Wilma had been having over the phone melted into an amused smile. “Kids these days gotta have their art,” she shrugged.
Dan grinned and made his way back to the food left to unpack, glancing between the shelves toward one in particular. Only the cans were left, with no trace at all that a tiny man had been standing there moments ago.
“Finally taking something home, are we, Daniel?” Wilma prodded.
He blinked at her, but his “Eh?” caught in his throat when he realized he was still holding the opened box of pastina. Thinking quick, he nodded.
“Seen a few recipes for this stuff, thought I might give it a go,” he said sheepishly.
Wilma gave a resolute nod and stepped past him to pluck something from a different shelf. “That'll go nicely with this chicken broth. Catch.”
She tossed the container his way, and he just managed to snag it out of the air while keeping his grip on the pastina box.
“I expect to hear all about this tasty meal of yours next time I see ya,” she asserted with a look that was kind yet brooked no argument.
Dan decided it was best to simply nod and accept it. Ever since he started volunteering, Wilma tried to get him to put aside his pride and bring home something for his own admittedly-bare pantry. His cover-up for the strange encounter he'd just had seemed to give her the green light to encourage him even more strongly.
“Alright, Wilma,” he sighed, his way of thanks. “I'll take these home.”
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davidtennantgenderenvy · 1 year ago
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Ineffable Husbands/If I Could Turn Back Time (Cher)
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blodgmonster · 3 months ago
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Behold the REALEST comment on YouTube.
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