mjfass · 2 months
You're developing a crush on the guy who put hot sauce up his ass to impress Priscilla Kelly?
Don’t blame this on me! I don’t know how or why it happened either, okay? I’m scared.
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thewholecrew · 5 months
@headstrongblake said: long may you reign. / octavia & kass, immortal ;)))))
"and why the hell should we listen to you anyways?" one vampire said as he stood forward, breaking from the small group to face her. "you stand there all mighty like you're so much better than us but you're a traitor to your own kind, you care more about those humans and are getting all cozy with those hunters! who knows if you'll turn on us next!" deep wine coloured eyes observed not only him but the others behind him from where she sat comfortably, a single brow raising as she continued her gentle petting along octavia's arm where she sat tensed, leaning close beside her. she could see the protective fire flashing in those beautiful green eyes, an anger brewing in them. there was an anger building within kassy too yet her expression was mild, calm as he ranted and insulted her freely. "you say we, you say us... who else shares your thoughts?" she asked, waiting for others to step forward. only two other male vampires stepped forth and kassy bit back the urge to laugh, dark eyes narrowing a fraction. the nerve and audacity of men.
"those are some heavy claims you speak of. that i am a traitor of my own kind as if this has not always been a safe haven for you? but i have never once been loyal to any of you because of simply what you are and i have always made that clear," her eyes darkened as she slowly rose from her throne, "and now you dare threaten me in my own home when i have done nothing but offer you a safe place away from prying eyes to feed, for the simple request that you respect the rules i've set? i am not holding you hostage, you are not required to stay here if what i offer no longer serves you." her voice was slowly rising, growing more thunderous as her anger began to seep into her tone. there was soft murmurs from the others behind the three men, backing away as she took a step towards them. "you just put this all together to keep the best blood bags for yourself!" one vampire boldly claimed. he was younger than most here, newer to the scene and it showed. the ignant, ungrateful little bastard breaking through the facade he had been wearing to even be allowed in here in the first place.
her most loyal guards took a step forward at the claim yet she raised her hand to still them as she looked down at the man from the raised platform she stood on. "and what if i did?" she challenged despite the anger that shuddered through her at him tagging octavia and grant as blood bags, "what will you do about it?" it was clear these men could not grasp the reason of what she had going on here. she was not keeping octavia nor grant to herself, no one else was given consent to feed on them, they had no interest and that was not her fault, nor theirs, that was the entire damn point of what her club even was about. she smiled at him, dark eyes flashing in a calm rage as her fangs showed, glinting in warning. she had killed those who had threatened her before, who had wished to overthrow her, to take what she created and change it. they were either dust and rubble beneath her boot now or chained up elsewhere for the rest of their pathetic eternal life. the vampires seemed to blanche a little at her challenging question, the man in the middle taking a small step back with a gulp. yet still he dared, "maybe we'll take them for ourselve---"
he didn't even have time to get the sentence out before the loud sound of his body slamming into the wall echoed the room. kassy's glowered up at the vampire, red eyes roaring flames of fury as she held him up tightly by his throat. "if you so much as breathe in their vicinity i will tear your head clean off your body," she threatened in a slow, low growl, enunciating each word with utmost clarity as she watched his hands scrambled to tug at her grip to no avail. she pressed harder on his throat as the wall began to cave behind him before she then tossed him to the side, watching as the other two quickly stepped aside to avoid being hit as he crashed into the ground by their feet. "the three of you have seemed to so clearly misunderstood what the entire concept of this place is about. you do not get to have any of the humans who work here. now get out, if i see any of your faces lingering in the area i will make do on my promise to you."
she took a short step towards them and they scrambled before running off. kassy saw the look the one man gave her before he fled and she knew she would get the chance to kill him and soon. still after showing her strength he would underestimate her, but she'd be ready as she always was. "if anyone else has an issue with the way i run my business then i also implore you to leave of your own free will." it was not a secret to what she has done to those who have crossed her before and most of her customers knew that, had lived long enough to see it the handful of times. silence rang out in the room before she offered them a dark and intimidatingly innocent smile, "good. now, off you go," she dismissed them with a wave and the music roared back to life, everyone dispersing back to their booths.
returning to her seat an amused smile broke across her lips at the look on both grant and octavia's faces. she reached out to gently stroke her girls cheek to soothe her expression, dark eyes softening with adoration as her palm was nuzzled into. long may you reign, she murmured and kassy couldn't help the dark chuckle that escaped her. "oh, and i do intend to," she replied, leaning in to brush her lips against her girls in a teasing kiss, "so long as you're here by my side," she whispered before pulling back to hear grant clear his throat. she smirked, reaching out to touch his face as well, dark eyes sparkling as he still tensed whenever she touched him, "ah yes, and with you here too of course," she added belatedly in a playful tone that had grant rolling his eyes.
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pine-needle-scuffle · 6 months
god, im just tired and kinda upset
don't know what to do with myself
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reckless-lambert · 2 months
Idk it might be because I have 0 respect for my culture or our world as a whole, but I never ever understood those hcs of " this fictional furry character is actually mexican!" I just don't get ANY urge to connect fiction with irl, like... they are lil fictional characters in their own lil world with their own lil countries
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She likes Tim Burton’s: A Nightmare Before Christmas, the Arctic Monkeys, plays guitar, and likes Madilyn Mei.
Do you sillies think she’s queer?😭😭😭
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superfluouskeys · 8 months
Oh I am Looking at those oneus tour dates,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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rosicheeks · 11 months
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polteergeistt · 6 months
boutta go lana del rey on these bad boys
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makedamnsvre · 2 years
everyone thinks the dr characters that would be the biggest mcr fans are ibuki or nagito when you KNOW it would have been junko. so sad that she died in 2010 she would have loved to witness the breakup.
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faun-buns · 1 year
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nuks · 1 month
the way I wanna make an oc based off a courage the cowardly dog episode 😭😭
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leo-kinnie · 6 months
Hi I’m a big fan of your blog , I love how you draw the characters! I was wondering how do you draw human and turtles ?
I wanna get better drawing them but I always struggle when it comes to the bodies ? Do you have any tips or tutorial? if not no worries! Hope you’re doing ok ! ⭐️anon
bodies are HARD to draw man i feel you.
[as much help as i can offer under the cut]
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I always tell people this but when you're doing arms, draw a circle where the wrist and the shoulder/armpit are and connect them with a line. After that, create a second line from the MIDDLE of the 1st line thats about half the length of the original line. That is where u put the elbow.
Then I draw the arm / hand in the sketch!! I ALWAYS draw the entire palm of the hand even if its hidden behind an item. It will help you track where to put the thumb.
This trick also works with the legs!! It helps you know where to put knees.
(Also keep in mind that if the angle of the piece is different, the length of the 2nd line will ALSO be different. Try to do what looks right)
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And assuming ur gonna be drawing clothes LOL i would actually focus LESS on drawing the actual body (like the muscles / different body sections i mean?) and focus more on shape language of clothes!
When I wanna describe someone being lax, I tend to draw them leaning the top of their body backwards like I did here with donnie. When ur drawing clothes, i high reccomend oversimplify the shit out of wrinkles with CURVES and LINES
Curves (1) are SIMPLE arches in the overall shape. Do not do 2 arches in the same curve, it WILL fuck you up. Just do 1 arch for now until you get comfortable experimenting.
Lines (2) are straight lines in (usually) the same direction. I always try to make the lines point to the ground because of gravity :)
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my last advice is to USE REFERENCES for poses.
You dont gotta trace or use the EXACT pose, but finding poses to sketch out and then work with on your own Will help you in getting more comfortable free styling body positions.
I highly recommend browsing pinterest bc i find a Lot of poses there I use all the time (and if ur looking for something fun and dynamic, I would look up 'spiderman drawing poses' !)
i hope any of this helped!! <:)
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zapsoda · 2 months
i have this idea for a really ambitious drawing that i know i will not be able to do justice but- and this is a double edged sword -the only person it would ever possibly appeal to is me
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manchesterau · 17 days
the way i want to write but i dont at the same time
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i-am-dulaman · 1 year
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jwowwsboobs · 6 months
i want 2 get my bullet belt finally but im scared
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