#Idk it just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me it feels so cold and gray and hostile but I'll work my way through it I'm sure
bumblingbabooshka · 22 days
thoughts on saavik?
I don't know anything about Saavik v_v I really love these two posts about her though! X and X I think about these posts often and whenever I do I feel like I want to draw!
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ectogeo-art · 5 months
Dying to know if Sub Rosa sloanshir is just the phrase or if it's related to the TNG ep...!
(WIP ask game)
Thanks for asking, hehe! It's def related to the TNG ep. XD It's not 1:1 but it very much involves trying to craft a scenario in which Sloan's ghost is haunting Julian Bashir and manipulating him with sex dreams, lmao. <3 It also draws on elements of other Star Trek possession plots, bc I'm unoriginal.
So! Sloan dies in Extreme Measures, we all saw it happen. But WHAT IF he had a backup plan to use similar tech as was used in The Passenger to stow himself away in Julian Bashir's mind? Surely Julian touched his skin at some point after he'd died, maybe to remove the mind probe thingy or maybe while moving the body or something, idk, this is tbd (need to rewatch the episode lol).
Anyway, the fic is set post-canon. Julian and Ezri break up immediately and Julian heads to Cardassia. He lives with Garak, and they are locked into a mutual pining stalemate. The Garashir tension is obvs insane, and so it doesn't really faze Julian when he starts having weirdly lucid sex dreams where he can't see who he's sleeping with. (Maybe whoever it is is behind him, or maybe he's blindfolded in the dream, or maybe the lights are out in the dream, or maybe whatever the reasoning is in Sub Rosa, who knows. This is also tbd.)
Eventually Sloan starts figuring out how to control Julian's body more completely and Garak starts to realize something's very wrong. And then, in some order, they gotta defeat Sloan and they gotta kiss each other on the mouth. I have some ideas, but the outline gets very iffy there in the middle/end lmao. I've written about 3k words so far, which is A LOT for me.
Here's how the fic starts, pending me rewatching the ep to see if this makes sense (I think this fic will be funniest if it's canon compliant, so that is a high priority lmao).
Sloan was lying dead on the table. Julian knew that if they hadn’t captured him and made him feel so cornered, Sloan would still be alive. But he didn’t feel any guilt. Only relief that his reckless plan hadn’t gotten anyone but Sloan killed.
He waved off the nurse who was trying to scan him, and went across the room to Sloan’s deathbed. 
Julian began peeling the electrodes away from Sloan’s temples. He didn’t intend to let the Romulan mind probe get confiscated and investigated. But as soon as the pads of his fingers alit on Sloan’s skin, he jumped back like he’d been shocked.
“What’s wrong?”
For a millisecond, the cold skin of Sloan’s corpse had felt warm, like a lightning bolt of heat had flashed through it. But when he reached out again, he didn’t notice anything strange about the temperature of the body.
“Nothing. I’m just imagining things.”
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andy-888 · 2 years
Sharing my impressions while watching Star Trek TOS for the first time even if I'm already on s3 pt5.
Ok we all agree Kirk is the sun and Spock the Moon in this duo, BUT I disagree. While yes at first sight and in a superficial level this is true, I actually think deep down in soul Kirk is that soldier boy who follows the rules and if needed he can be cold and a bit violent if I may add, while Spock is this hippie scientist who is actually a rebel and soft at heart even if is not rational.
In the second half of s3 I started to feel like Kirk behaved more like a good soldier of the federation. Cold and only focused on the goal, a tired captain who lost the spark after seeing too much. Spock on the other hand feels like he learned more to follow intuition and finding other races emotions fascinating only turning into blind logic when he is actually in panic like whenever Kirk disappears.
I think all this was actually kinda reflected in the Mirror episode where mirror Spock from the start feels like he doesn't want to destroy planets, he just follows orders till Kirk actually shows him there's another way and even suggested to take command by force (reminder this spock didnt want to be captain or own a ship he just wanted to do his science stuff. Closeted hippie). Mirror Kirk stays the same and tbh I can't totally fault Spock for not intervening (tbh the show doesn't shows us much of this side) also Mirror Kirk never gives the feel that he doubts that his methods are wrong so it makes me think it was his personality and Spock wouldn't be able to change it (maybe Mirror Spock could but we will never know)
Idk I feel like in the end of s3 you can actually see the toll that this 5 year mission is taking on Jim and Spock, but Jim in a more negative as he is the captain. :(
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superemeralds · 8 months
🌷How will they deal with saying goodbye?
👯‍♀️How often do they see the others? Their other friends, too?
🖤Free space! Ask what you like, or request a random headcanon
<- hit us with your weirdest shot?
🌷shadow and omega b oth have very complicated relationships w the concept of good bye. they don't really age or die? omega specifically has the advantage of having very limited emotion and a highly logic mind, so he would not waste energy mourning and accept when things end. Shadow is def still trying to figure it all out. as of rn in universe ofc he doesn't have to think abt it much yet, he's doing his best to prevent his friends from harm right now, and he'd rather just face the problems as they happen. especially in shth he learned that theres no use thinking about the what ifs, because there's a right now that needs to be dealt with. the more he thinks about what differenciates him from others the less he can concentrate on what matters: the things he's got in common. like the ground beneath their feet, the star they orbit around, the wind that blows in their faces... He knows about the inevitability of death enough through maria, and he will try his best to not make the same mistake twice. he's determined to move on. ofc its easier said than done, especially in the conceptual event that rouge would fall in combat or even worse.. because of a mistake that he made.. but there are so many possibilities that i could analyze we'd be here for ever.........
rouge herself i think hasdealt with loss before, and she might have had some history with people that she has cut out of her lives. it might seem cold but i think she as a person has mastered the art of severing. whether its healthy is not the question rn... she def has a very soft spot for shadow and omega, tho as stated above these two are really hard to kill so there's not much to worry about in that regard, if anything it's a worry that might not plague her right now, but eventually she's going to think about what it means to be the one that's being severed by forces beyond anyone's control
anyways i dont wanna get existential this morning so this is where i stop
👯‍♀️I headcanon rouge has some friends she regularly meets in her bar (i'll let it be open if it actually belongs to her or if she's just a regular) and she would def visit knuckles every now and then. not saying she'd like. actually talk to him tho. might just lurk in a bush and stare at the master emerald
omega is a tough one to think about tbh. i admittedly don't have too many thoughts on him outside of being part of the team... this is telling me i need to dig more into his individual character tbh. what would he do for fun? when not with the otehr two?? Maybe he actually is like a gamer playing shooters and made friends in voice chat. no one believes him when he introduced himself as killermachine, they think its just a nickname
shadow likes solitude, but i really like that one bit in the recent twitter take over where he and knuckles stood in the forest for hours watching the plants and animals and hwo the light changes throughout the day while going through the leaves etc etc... theyre both very connected to nature in their own ways and i think they could bond over that. also about how they both prefer solitude. they can be alone together! they dont need any words, they can just exist next to eachother for a few hours and feel good about it. he also most surely hangs out with sonic every now and then. hangingout being racing and having a good fight together. though im sure sonic can eventually convince him to spend proper time together. for example making a race into a trekking tour where they go random places sonic knows or doesnt know yet, and they learn about the culture and obviously the food. shadow does seem like someone who'd like to learn about the planet, and sonic's the type of guy who's super eager to have someone to show around and explore with that can keep up!
🖤oh man idk weirdness is super subjective. uh. i wrote a fanfic once about how team dark and team sonic have a bowling competition
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Started watching SNW season 2 episode 3 and my eyes literally glazed over the moment they both came out in matching all black hoodie-leather jacket-jeans outfits and I couldn’t keep watching after that
#it was TOOO BOOOOORING for me............I want to see HIJINKS I don't care about augments or war or whatever#the augment thing was fine in the last episode bc it also had a courtoom drama and I /do/ like courtroom dramas and mystery plots#but this one was just La'an and [redacted] having a very boring date on modern day Earth which ties into something something augments Khan#the only fun part was Pelia v_v#my opinion is very biased I really can't stand more grimdark metallic war depression type plots#I skip a lot of the borg stuff on Voyager for that reason ... I'm an early seasons silliness type of guy#I hope the next episode of SNW gets back to aliens and hijinks and people in bright clothing trying to worm their way outta THIS mess#idk if this episode is fun for people who actually do care about/understand the khan stuff and the augments stuff#but please don't explain it to me v_v it will never penetrate my heart#idk how to describe 'grimdark metallic' but it's like Picard...it doesn't feel warm. It's glossy and cold.#I don't like that vibe for star trek v_v#also THIS is what it looks like when I'm not having fun so you see I was telling the truth when I said I had fun the last episode#even though I was making fun of it relentlessly...episodes can be fun-bad and I'll still thoroughly enjoy them I just couldn't get into this#please!!!! -dying- please...the goofs and gags.....#livetweeting#please star trek...the STRANGE (NEW) worlds.....not shitty earth...I'm ON shitty earth!!!
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