#Idk in both cases the earlier versions of them have longer hair and idk just like
the-punforgiven · 3 months
I feel like from a purely visual standpoint Xrd Leo Whitefang and Manga Noi Dorohedoro are similar flavors of hot, which is weird because Strive Leo Whitefang and Anime Noi Dorohedoro are also similar flavors of hot to each other but also noticeably different flavors of hot compared to their earlier incarnations y'know what I mean?
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osdove · 2 years
📓 8 )
Do you ever write down a summary first for a fic? Like, what you'd put in as the summary on AO3? Anyways, I haven't actually written any of this one yet, but here's the summary:
Zuko’s not sure why the only other student in Master Piandao’s class was a non-bender from the Southern Water Tribe, or why his father has ordered him to wield the boy as a weapon. He does know why the boy’s hair is white, though, just as his sister’s blood burns. Where each of the Four Nations have a vessel of their respective Gods at their disposal, and Fire Lord Sozin has a grand plan to unite them all under the Fire Nation’s rule.
It's definitely something that might be a longer fic, perhaps even a series. I don't think I'll end up writing it since its... a lot, I think about PLANS for it but the research and time and energy I might dedicate to that would be better off on my own original stuff.
The fic would've been about the three vessel characters; Sokka (Yue is a special case, I'll get to her in a bit), Azula, and I didn't settle on an Earthbender, maybe Toph. The Air one.... doesn't exist, because. Y'know.... (Depending on how extensive the story would get, Aang's kid being the vessel would have been it, assuming I would write sequels). A lot of the meat of the fic was about the vessels and how they're dehumanized/weaponized/traumatized by adults around them.
Sokka's arc would've been the most difficult for me to write. If I did go ahead and write it, I'd want to do plenty of research beforehand of similar situations happening in history. Obviously not fantasy-related, or because of child weapons of mass destruction, but there are sadly many examples of children in history being forcibly ripped away from their families and culture by colonizers/fascists. I'd want to approach writing this with respect and grounded realism, instead of just making up whatever.
Azula's arc would have been about her, as the vessel of Agni, being treated as both a deity and a blade to be wielded by the military. LOTS of conflicting stuff in her arc, especially regarding love and fear. I'd say similar to Salt & Ashes (which is WONDERFUL btw) in how she has been raised by Ozai to just.... not be a person. But a bit different, obviously, because her position as Agni is... a unique one.
Earthbender vessel/Toph, probably, would have been hiding with the White Lotus. I haven't thought about her story, but it probably would've had to do with the Fire Nation attempting to capture her and Iroh having more of a role in her story. Katara and Aang have a story here, too, just. Not exactly the same. I'll have to daydream about what their plot would be more. My initial thoughts would be almost the same as canon, except Katara finds Aang a few years earlier instead. But. IDK. I did want Jet to take a more active role here.
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years
So, okay, finally finished what I’ve been working on. In case you’d like to know what it was, it’ll be shown in this post, though for now, here’s a summary and a cut because this’ll be long, and have some images too.
In short: I have picked a few possible faces that I might pick as (real life-) Faceclaims for my muses. Not that I intend to use them much or at all, but I thought it’d be nice to at least for once try and see which faces I would be picking if I were interested in doing so.
I would appreciate hearing other’s thoughts on the matter, though if you don’t want to, that’s okay too of course.
Once more - this post is long, and has a batch of images.
Like said before the cut - this whole thing is not about anything that’ll be a prominent thing on my blogs. I did this mostly for the sake of being able to compare it better, and thought it’d be nice to share it and maybe even get some other opinions.
I’m not gonna name the faces I picked, because I don’t need it to show up in any search and I also don’t see a need for it. If you want to say something to a specific one, you can always go by the order that they’re appearing in this post or, like, describe something of the pose or the picture or whatever. (Example of the first option here, like, ‘I like Starfire #1′ or the likes.)
These edits are not done that well, some at parts a little better or worse than others. I just did them because I was hoping to be able to decide better when the colors actually fit. After each pic, I will list some of my thoughts, probably some pros and cons of the face, that I see, too.
Okay, with that said, on we go!
First off:
I actually had a lot of difficulty to find anyone for her that I’d even consider, more so than for most others. Maybe I’m just feeling too attached to her, but I think I’m just in general having a biiiiiiig difficulty to attach animated/drawn characters to people.
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I did this one a little earlier than when I actually looked through databases for FCs - she here was my choice because on some other pics she has a really wide smile, which is like mandatory for Starfire to have. I didn’t find a good enough pic of her with her smile though, so I took this one and made it instead, and, idk.
+ wide smile + eyes are not too small-ish
- feels kinda too old for my liking? - not that long hair - I think I checked where she appears in and there’s no appearance, look-wise, anywhere that I could use
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Two pics here, glued together so it doesn’t take up too much space, and as you can see I’m not all too constant with colors. And with one of those I actually recolored the dress and her necklace to, to more Starfire-y colors, but yes, you can see that.
+ princess-y attire + better hair-length
- I think where these pics are from is an older thing so the quality probably is bad - I don’t really like her smile all that much if I’m honest
While the next two still are Starfire, they are also Blackfire (you’ll see), so I’m gonna call the next part:
Starfire & Blackfire!
So, if you know the cartoon, you know that in there, Blackfire is basically a recoloring of Starfire. With those next two, I tried just that too, just, with different pictures of the actress.
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Saw her in something I started to watch, and thought she might work for Starfire. And since I felt that she could work that way too, I did a Blackfire-version too.
+ She’s black, which I know many people feel like is a must for an actress for Starfire, or probably any tamaranean. For me personally, though, that doesn’t really matter, I’d recolor whoever I pick into orange skin anyway. + She can at least kinda fit for both parts, as you can see
- I might end up connecting her to that thing I started watching too much, I tend to do that and it’ll be hard to really feel her as my muses then - dark/black hair is a hassle to recolor into something even faintly as bright red as I’d need it for Starfire
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I knew her name still from FC ideas, or fancasts or however it’s called, that people did a longer time ago. I looked her up, and picked some pictures to use.
+ eyes nicely big-enough + expressive face + the hair is long enough to work + the pic I did for Blackfire totally - yes, simply because of it being done in/surroundedby nature - reminds me of the Poison Ivy I once did stuff with both on Starfire and Blackfire, I miss those interactions (or the mun/muse) a lot and just absolutely love that the pic feels like a little like a hinted remembrance for those
- She is, or was, a pretty common pick for stuff in general I think? - I don’t think I found a specific appearance of hers that could work well for my purposes
And that’s done too. Now, which you can probably expect to come next:
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Found her only through a database, just like with Starfire #2 and probably most that are still going to follow, and I felt like her features worked kinda at least.
+ Features (face, eyes etc) kinda work for Blackfire + She’s black, for the reason for this being a + see above
- she’s a model; meaning I can’t exactly pick a movie or w/e and have the same looks in all scenes of those to use - dark/black hair, like said, is a hassle to recolor properly as you can see
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This was a name I found on someone’s fancasts, and I looked through the appearances of the actress to find sometihng that could work. And I only just now realize that on the right pic, I made the hair too blue-ish, but oh well.
+ Her face and eyes kinda work + the clothes (at least in those two pics) are things I could see Blackfire at least accept wearing
- black hair - the eyes are a little small - the medium this appearance is from is old I think, which means bad quality of pics
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I think she’s from a rather well known thing, but I myself don’t know about that so at least I don’t have the problem of associating her to that role.
+ Face and eyes work, at least in these two pics + Clothes work for Blackfire + Her hair is more ‘sleek’ than some of the others in the pics I found, meaning not as many sticking-out hairs to recolor
- In some pics of her I could absolutely not see Blackfire, so I guess it depends a lot on the pose or expression which might mean she’s not that good a fit after all - Comes from a rather well-known thing so even if I myself don’t connect her to it, many others might and I know that when I feel like that I can’t enjoy the FC as much
To finish with the royal siblings, next comes:
Okay, before I get to the pics, lemme just say that oh boy. I seem to have a very mixed idea for him, or maybe that came to be from how I tried to not take someone too old-ish for when Ry’s supposed to be younger than Starfire and Blackfire. Well, you’ll see what I mean - on we go.
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I had the idea of this guy saved for a while already before actually looking for FCs, mostly because the hair just fits pretty well and at that time I looked more for that than an actual face I could accept.
+ the hairstyle fits well + the face is kinda ‘long-ish’ which I feel would be a good thing for Wildfire
- I don’t like his face that much, at least not for Wildfire - He doesn’t quite ‘feel’ right
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Something very different from the one above, as you probably noticed. This is one of 3 somewhat younger ones I picked, because like said earlier he kinda should be a bit younger than Starfire and Blackfire.
+ hair is okay-ish + medieval-ish attire probably could work well for mimicking Wildfire’s usual clothing
- He’s only in an episode or so playing this role, I think the role has like 3 different actors or so over the time whenever he appears as young - This is one of like two or so pics in total I found of his appearing and idk, on both he doesn’t quite feel right, a little too ‘stiff’ or ‘serious’ idk (though I guess Wildfire is that too at times, idk it’s just hard to explain)
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Another one of the younger-ish picks.
+ I like the hair + I think I’m good with his face
- idk how big or small his appearance here is - picture search for the actor’s name is kinda confusing me because on some I think ‘yeah he’s a good fit’ but on some I think ‘what? how could I pick that, no’
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Yes yes, I know, those are many, and I’m sorry. I just couldn’t quite decide and made a few. Besides, it isn’t really that much more than for Starfire or Blackfire when you count those that I did both with too.
+ face can work I think + looks younger
- the hair isn’t quite as long-ish as I’d like it for Wildfire - I don’t think I could find any appearance of him in shows etc that I really could use, look-wise
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And the last one for him.
+ face is ‘long-ish’, which I kinda feel helps + I like his face better than #1
- the first pic looks like he’s a good fit, but on the one on the right it doesn’t quite feel that much like a fit - I’m not sure if he’s from too known stuff as well
Next up:
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This is not really meant as honest consideration, she is feeling too old for what I’d like to see in Starlight - but I had to do an edit of this pic because this kind of blue is totally what Starlight will love to wear eventually (always with other colors too but, yeah) and so I think this one could actually work for a older-ish Starlight, like teenage or something a little further than that
(Also I just need to say that this is probably the best likeness to how I actually imagine Starlight’s hair that I managed to create)
+ hair was nice to recolor + I like her face
- (feeling) too old for how Starlight is at the moment - I think she too comes from a well-known thing
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Please ignore how much I failed at the hair here.
+ the face kinda works + she already has a colorful streak or two in her hair, which could be useful
- from an old thing I think - I’m not sure if I’m completely happy with her face-features
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While I do know the show she’s from, it’s luckily been too long since I watched it for me to actually feel her that connected to the role there. Also obviously I did her hair too rainbow-y here, but, yeah, it does well enough for the idea.
+ I like her face + I’m pretty sure she wears some really nice colorful things throughout the show, and even changes style eventually which means a nice variation
- From a well-known thing - I think by now she is a singer of sorts so maybe too many can’t quite connect her to something else
Okay, since I didn’t do Galfore (honestly I don’t think I could ever find someone fitting even only somewhat), there’s only one left, so you can probably guess who comes now:
It was a little surprising that I had a rather quick time at finding possibilities for him, and while I’m not 100% sold on either of them, I feel like it was the easiest for him out of all my muses.
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I’m running out of things to say to each pic before doing the pro and contra thing.
+ ‘square-y’ face in the way I feel I’d need it + ‘small’ eyes, as in narrowed a bit
- the hair isn’t quite perfect since Moonshot has a bit longer of a hair and more... more messy - I don’t like his face in some of the pics a picture-search gives me
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And another one.
+ face and eyes again fit to what I’d be looking for + a good amount of the pics of a picture-search actually are ones I can see working
- I think he’s from something well-known again - and again the hair with the same reasoning as above, but tbh I don’t think I even can find anyone completely fitting anyway
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I feel like the options I have for Moonshot are all rather similar. Oh well. I mean, that’s kinda the point, right?
+ face works I think + many pics of the result are ones I can see work
- comes from a rather popular thing as far as I can tell - in some angles, or maybe simply at another time of the actor’s life idk, the face doesn’t look that fitting anymore
And that’s it! I kinda doubt anyone actually looks as far as here, though if you do, thank you!
I’d appreciate hearing opinions, if you can see any of them work or not and maybe why. You could even name me other options if you want to.
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starlight-drive-in · 5 years
A Night Out
A Saeran x MC Mystic Messenger one shot fanfiction
Word count: 4470
MC's friends invite her and Saeran out for a night of dancing and drink at a local club. The night goes somewhat smoothly until Saeran finds MC on the receiving end of some unwanted attention.
Remember the version of Saeran we get at the end of day 9? The one that's not Ray, or the good end Saeran but not quite the Suit! Saeran MC had been dealing with either? I wanted to explore that version of Saeran a little more. He's still rough, he doesn't know how this stuff works, he doesn't know how to be soft but he greatly regrets what he did to MC and knows he will do anything to protect her. Whether that means staying away from her as he promises in the route or in this case, coming to her rescue.
This fic is written in the same "universe" and with the same characters as my fic "First Impressions" but can be read as a standalone work.
AO3 Link (refer here for tags/warnings)
I totally forgot to cross post this here the other day. 
I took a break from my multi-chapter fics to finally get this idea that's been in my head forever down on paper -er- screen? It ended up taking longer and being longer than I thought it would. I really hope you enjoy it! -- MC sits idly at her and Saeran’s kitchen table, sipping her morning coffee and catching up on both the RFA chatroom logs and the group chat she has with her friends from before the RFA. The RFA seems up to the usual, Jumin and Jaehee are on their way to work, Zen’s already back from his morning run and Seven, Jihyun and Yoosung have yet to appear - probably sleeping in a bit. As for Saeran, he ran out to the store after realizing he was missing an ingredient for breakfast and even though MC insisted it was ok he, of course, had to keep his promise of crepes for breakfast he had made her the night before.
She switches to her other friends’ group chat, which seems to be a little busier.
Minji: “Work is kicking my ass this week. I could really use a night out.��
Youngmi: “Friday? The old club? Jinwo you in? Help your girl de-stress?”
Jinwo: “Sounds good’
Youngmi: “MC? You and Saeran in?”
MC stares at her screen apprehensively as she takes another sip of coffee.
MC: “Idk guys, it’s been a loooong time since I’ve been out like that.”
Youngmi: “Yea, ok so even more reason to go.”
MC: “I’ll have to see what Saeran says when he gets home, I doubt he’s ever been to a club.”
Jinwo: “You know that guy would do anything for you! I’m sure he’d be willing to give it a shot.”
“Ya got me there,” MC says aloud to no one while typing her response.
MC: “I’ll let you guys know.”
MC sighs into her coffee, contemplating. It’s not that she doesn’t want to go out with her friends and Saeran, she does. In fact, she’d love to dance the night away with some of her favorite people and especially with Saeran. But, she’s not sure if he’d be up for all the noise, the people, the loud music. She understands how intimidating that could be for him. She groans, conflicted.
A light touch on her shoulder jolts her out of her thoughts “What’s wrong, Angel?” Saeran asks concerned.
“Holy shit you scared me, I didn’t even hear you come in!” MC exclaims, startled. He smiles apologetically while unpacking the grocery bag. “How was the store?”
“Good! I got everything I need so I can finally make those crepes I promised you!” He smiles sweetly.
“You know you didn't have to go get all that, we could have just had cereal baby.”
“But then I’d be breaking a promise!” he says, kissing her forehead before turning toward the kitchen. She follows him, hoping he’ll at least allow her to help.
“So what were you thinking about when I got home? You seemed really stressed about something,” he asks again.
There’s no hiding from him, she might as well just come out and tell him. “Well… Youngmi, Jinwo, and Minji want to to go to the club this weekend and… they wanted to know if we wanted to go with them?”
“Like a dance club?”
“Yea, we used to go there in college but I haven't been there in a while, I completely understand if you don’t want to go though! It’s loud, there’s going to be a lot of people there and I wouldn't want you to get overwhelmed or anything and…”
“I’ll go!” he interrupts
She stares at him for a minute, surprised he welcomed the idea so quickly. “A-are you sure? I promise I won’t be offended or angry if you don’t want to.”
“N-no, no I want to go! I want to try new things, especially if it’s something you enjoy.” He turns to her and gently strokes her cheek, “I want to experience everything with you.”
She can’t even attempt to hide the smile that covers her face in an instant, she leans into his touch, blushing. “Then, it’s a date.” He smiles back at her before turning to mix the crepe batter.
The end of the week has arrived. MC goes all out on her look, excited for a night out after so long. A lot has changed since the last time she went out with Minji and Youngmi but their friendship had stayed the same. She smiles in the mirror as she applies her fake eyelashes, the finishing touch on her look she had chosen from a slew of make-up tutorials on Metube. She styles her hair into large voluminous curls. How long has it been since she’s done it this way?
She wears a skin-tight black sheath dress that has a subtle sparkle to it when she moves, along with a pair of tall yet comfortable heels she’s had for years. A simple black choker adorns her neck and a pair of large hoop earrings dangle from her ears.
She takes a long took at herself in the mirror - as well as a couple selfies before a light knock at the door pulls her from her private photoshoot.
“Can I come in?” Saeran asks calmly from the hallway “I need to do my hair.”
“Yup! You’re good!” She shouts.
He opens the door to find her bent slightly over the sink, applying a lip gloss and stops in the doorway as she turns to face him.
“So, what do you think?” She asks him, doing a little twirl so he can see the sparkles on her dress.
His eyes sweep over her form, she looks stunning. She always does of course but wow, the way the dress hugged all her perfect curves, the way her long brown hair swayed as she turned. He still wasn’t sure if he believed in a god or not but if there was one then he’d have to thank them for the fact that this beauty - this absolute goddess - was his.
“Y-you look…” how was he even supposed to put into words how much her appearance floored him? She looks at him expectantly. “Wow.” is all he says but the way he says it so breathlessly with a look of complete speechlessness on his face is more than enough to satisfy her.
She smiles, “Not too bad there yourself, handsome.” She says closing the few strides between them and taking in his crisp deep pink button-down shirt, black fade wash jeans and shiny leather boots as well as a belt to match. He has his sleeves rolled up neatly to his elbows and the top few buttons have been left undone affording her a peek at his collarbone and chest. Something else seems different about him too.
“Are you wearing eyeliner?” She ask, impressed.
“Maybe a little.” He admits.
“Well you look amazing, I’d kiss you but I’d get gloss on your lips.” She says apologetically.
So he kisses her instead, “What’s a little more makeup?” he chuckles as he rubs his lips together, spreading the gloss. “Hey wait a minute, since when are you taller than me?” he asks looking up at her just slightly.
“Since I put these heels on?”
He looks down at her feet, “Ok, yes. That would explain it, you’ll be ok in those? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“Nah! I’ll be fine baby, don’t worry! These are my trusty clubbing heels! Comfort and style!” She says, posing dramatically.
“Yea… you’ve been hanging out with Saeyoung waaaay too much,” He replies jokingly rolling his eyes.
“Oh! You know what? He probably knows the best place to get comfortable heels!”
“You’re… probably right.” Saeran admits, while he combs the knots out of his curly waves, “You should ask him about it.”
“I will! But not tonight, tonight is about you and me dancing our asses off… plus a couple friends.”
“You realize, I’ve never danced... like that, right?” He asks.
“Have you danced at all?” She inquires, trying to picture any version of him getting his groove on amongst strobe lights.
“At Mint Eye, we sometimes had parties for holidays and such so I know a little ballroom, but somehow I don't think that's going to help me out tonight.”
“Is that why you were always so dressed up?” She mutters mostly to herself, “But yea, not so much. No worries! Just follow my lead, it shouldn’t be too hard to get the hang of?” She hopes.
If he’s nervous he’s definitely not showing it. She thinks to herself watching her boyfriend check himself in the mirror one last time before following her out of the bathroom.
The five of them arrive at the club successfully and excitedly. Well, for the most part at least. It seems that after leaving the comfort and safety of their apartment, Saeran realized the full weight of exactly where they were going. And - if his leg bobbing continuously throughout their Uber ride here has been any indication - he was now feeling the nervousness that MC had expected from him earlier. She had given him a concerned look, but he shook it off and smiled reassuringly.
Nevertheless, they were there. Steady, up-beat rhythms pulsed while the five of them crossed over the threshold and into the club. MC, Youngmi and Minji shared a look and squeed excitedly as if they were telepathically connected that Jinwo and Saeran were left out of before they headed off to the bar.
“What was that?” Saeran asks Jinwo loudly over the sound of the music.
“Dude, I couldn't tell you if I tried. They’ve been friends so long they just kinda know what each other are thinking sometimes.” He answers as the two of them follow the girls.
“I guess I can understand that.” Saeran shrugs catching up to MC at the bar just in time for her to turn around with two drinks in her hand. She hands him one. “This is my favorite drink ever and you have to try it. Plus, if you don’t like it I get two!”
Saeran smiles and takes the sip offered to him before taking the glass out of his hand. The drink tastes fruity and sweet and he understands why it's her favorite.
“You like it?!” She asks excitedly. He smiles and nods, thinking how cute it is that she is happy to share something new with him and he’s all too happy to oblige her, each new thing he learns about her is a treasure to him, even something as trivial as this.
It’s now that he turns to fully take in his surroundings. As promised, the club is busy and will probably only get busier as the night goes on. The music is loud and thumps in his chest, it's a little intimidating, and a little exciting as well. A lot of people are dancing; pairs and groups of friends, couples. The way the couples dance though - gyrating and grinding on each other. His cheeks take on a dusting of pink just thinking about other people seeing him doing that with MC. What would her friends think of him? But then again, what would be like, having her on him like that? They were no strangers to a bit of PDA here and then but this, this was something completely different. Did she dance like that? Did she want him to dance like that?!
His conflicted mind runs back and forth between how nice it would be and how absolutely terrifying it would be. What if he messed up? What if he did it wrong? What if he made a fool of himself in front of her and her friends and all these other people who seemed to know exactly what they were doing?
“Come on babe,” MC takes his hand and leads him around the perimeter of the crowd. “Jinwo got us a table.”
The table is more of a half-circle couch with a coffee table, the five sit down and get comfortable as they sip their first drinks of the night. Saeran’s anxiety fizzles away a bit as he sips his drink and gets settled in - his arm linked with MC’s as she catches up with her friends while she gently caresses his arm. Ok, this isn’t too bad, not bad at all really. I can do this. He thinks to himself.
Of course, not even a minute later Youngmi sets down her glass, springs to her feet, grabbing both MC and Minji by the hands that are not currently latched onto their boyfriends and declares, “Ok ladies! It’s time to dance!”
The other two girls are more than eager to follow along, Jinwo is as well, getting up with his girlfriend. Saeran is apprehensive, to say the least.
“Saeran, you in?” Youngmi prods cheerfully
“Ummmm,” Saeran starts, eye darting over to MC, “I don't know if…”
“That’s fine! No worries!” MC says, taking her seat again. “I can stay with you!”
“No!” Saeran exclaims. “No, go hang out with your friends. I really want you to have a good time tonight, I’m just… scared. That sounds so stupid.”
MC gets up again and kisses him on the forehead, “It’s not stupid my love, It’s ok to be scared. To be honest, I'm super proud of you for coming out tonight.”
He gives her a half-hearted smile, "Thank you. Now, go have fun with Youngmi and the others. I'll be fine here, I promise."
MC studies his face for a moment finding no betrayal in his words, "Ok, I love you!" She says, backstepping to catch up with her friends.
"I love you too!" He shouts over the music as he watches her blend into the crowd.
He loses track of her pretty quickly and has to stop himself from letting the panic boil up in him over not being able to keep track of her. She's going to be fine, she's with her friends and Jinwo would never let anyone hurt her, or Youngmi for that matter. She could probably kick anyone's ass. He notes with a chuckle.
He leans back and takes out his phone in an attempt to get his mind off things and enters the RFA chatroom.
-- Saeran has entered the chatroom --
Saeyoung: Hey bro!
Zen: Hey Saeran!
Saeran: Hi guys ^^
Saeyoung: Aren't you out with MC right now?
Zen: Oh yeah! The club! Maybe they haven't left yet
Saeyoung: they definitely did
Saeran: And how exactly, do you know that?
Saeyoung: uhhhh good guess?
Saeran: …
Saeyoung: plz don't hurt me
Saeyoung: I was just concerned and I wanted to make sure you got there ok!
Saeran: Tracked the Uber driver?
Saeyoung: noooooo
Saeran: …
Saeyoung: maaaaaaybe
Saeran: …
Saeyoung: ok yea
Saeran: See? was that so hard to admit?
Zen: Ok, ok but if you guys are there already, then what are you doing in the chat? lmao
Saeran: Umm… well
Saeyoung: He’s shy
Saeran: I don’t exactly know how to dance…
Saeran: Like this
Zen: Just go with your instincts
Zen: Feel the music!
Saeyoung: And maybe something else too <3
Zen: I mean
Saeyoung: oo you’re so authoritative when you use my full name
Zen: Stop that!
Zen: Saeran is a gentleman!
Saeyoung: Is part of being a gentleman not giving a lady what she wants?
Saeran: Please stop
Saeyoung: srry
Zen: but for real, you should go dance with MC. I'm sure she wants to dance
Saeran: She is dancing
Zen: Without you?
Saeran: She’s with her friends.
Saeyoung: Oh no
Saeran: Oh no?
Saeyoung: Saeran!
Saeran: WHAT
Saeyoung: Do you need me to come?
Saeran: No? I’m fine
Saeyoung: I could teach you!
Saeyoung: but I’d have to charge
Saeran: ughhh
Saeyoung: MC has a single friend doesn't she?
Saeran: you are NOT coming here
Saeyoung: then go dance with your girlfriend!
Saeyoung: or I’ll come dance with her for you
Saeran: You wouldn’t dare
Saeyoung: or would I?
Saeran: >:(
Saeyoung: lololol
Zen: I’m not sure if you’re helping ^^;
Saeran: I’m leaving
Saeyoung: To go dance with MC?
Saeran: ...Maybe
Zen: Good luck!
-- Saeran has left the chatroom --
Saeran drops his phone into his lap and his head into his hands. Maybe his brother and Zen had a point. MC probably did want to dance with her friends but knowing her, she probably wanted to dance with him a lot more. His heart swells a bit at the thought, She wanted him. She always wanted him and he was still getting used to that. He sits back, takes a deep breath and stands, beginning his search in the crowd for her.
He finds her pretty quickly, dancing with her arms around Youngmi and for a minute he can’t believe he was willing to miss out on dancing with the hottest girl here. Her back is turned to him. Youngmi sees him first and smiles at him as he sneaks up behind her. Silently placing his hands on her hips and whispers in her ear, “Hey Angel.”
MC spins around quickly transferring her arms from Youngmi to him, “Saeran!” She exclaims excitedly, planting a kiss on his unexpecting lips before realization dawns on her.
“Is everything ok?!” She shouts over the music.
He smiles, “Everything’s fine!” He replies, “I just… wanted to come be with you.”
“What changed your mind?”
“Saeyoung said if I didn’t go dance with you he’d do it himself.” He admits.
She giggles, “Yup, ok that would do it.”
“And also…” He trails off, running his hands over the length of her sides, “I couldn't let Youngmi have all the pleasure of dancing with all of this.” he leans in and returns her kiss from a minute ago.
“Hey what's gotten into you, mister?” she talks into his ear.
“Mmm, you,” he says simply, making her smile.
Saeran quickly learns that club dancing is not that hard, at least not with MC there. Hard to keep himself from getting too excited maybe but the actual “dancing” part? Piece of cake. He’s glad his brother gave him the extra kick in the rear to actually do it. He’s never seen MC quite like this before, getting to see her enjoy something she loves with him by her side? That would be worth it even if he had to make a fool of himself.
He’s not even sure how long they’ve been there but eventually nature calls. “I’ll be right back, ok? I have to go to the bathroom.” He tells her, “Will you be ok on your own?”
She nods enthusiastically, “Yea! Don’t worry, I’m gonna go get another drink!”
He feels a bit apprehensive leaving her alone but it’s only for a few minutes and she had assured him earlier that nothing sketchy had ever happened in all the years she and her friends have been coming here. It would be fine, right? Yea, it would be fine and so with that, he’s off to locate the bathroom.
MC takes a seat at the bar and orders another of her favorite cocktails. Taking it gently from the bartender, she sips it down a bit before swiveling in her stool to search for her friends. But before she can locate them her view of the crowd is blocked by a tall figure.
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing all alone here.” The man asks in what he most likely intends to be a sultry voice.
“Oh,” MC starts, “I’m not alone, I’m here with my friends and my boyfriend.”
He scoffs, “Boyfriend? You mean that skinny little shit I saw you dancing with earlier? The kid looked like he was about to piss himself.” “Ok, I’m done talking to you,” MC says angrily and attempts to get up from her seat.
He pushes her back down, “Shame because I’m not done talking to you,” He says roughly.
MC scowls at him, frantically trying to search for a friendly face amongst the crowd around his imposing figure.
“Ya know If your boyfriend was a real man he’d know better than to leave you alone dressed like this.” He says into her ear, trailing one finger up her thigh.
MC is paralyzed, her mind is screaming at her to fight back, toss her drink, scream, kick, anything but her limbs won’t react. They won’t listen to her. His hand travels higher, up her side caressing her repulsively. The only part of her body that moves is her face, scrunching up disgustedly she closes her eyes.
And then, she hears a grunt and a slam, and the touching stops.
“How about you get your worthless, disgusting fingers off what’s mine before I end your miserable life and throw you away like the garbage you are.” A familiar voice barks out at the man.
That voice, she thinks. I haven't heard him talk like that since... She opens her eyes and there’s Saeran. He has the assailant pinned up against one of the wide support beams of the building just a few feet from where she’s sitting. The man grovels a bit.
“Ha,” The man laughs, “You think you can fight me? A weak little twig like you?”
MC catches the look in her boyfriend’s eye as his mouth twitches up in response. It’s been quite a while since she’s seen that look. She almost feels sorry for the guy before remembering what he was doing to her just moments ago.
“Weak?! Weak?! HA. Ah-hahaha. I’ll show you weak!” Saeran screeches, voice reaching a hysterical pitch as he shoves the man head back into the wall, before reeling back and punching him in the face.
MC cringes as the man groans, a trail of blood quickly descending from his nose. She slowly gets up from the barstool and makes her way over to where her boyfriend - a version of him at least - is now tightening his hands around his windpipe.
“Keep. Your. Hands. Off. Of. My. Girl” Saeran grits through his teeth, tightening his grip little by little with each word.
“Saeran!” She shouts at him over the music.
He swings his head to look at her.
“We’ve gotta go!” She shouts, motioning to the group of bouncers now making their way through the crowd toward them.
“Fuck!” He grunts, releasing the man and letting him fall to the ground sputtering.
She grabs his hand and begins to pull him through the crowd toward the back entrance.
“You’re a fucking psychopath!” The man yells out from behind them and Saeran hesitates a moment, contemplating whether or not it would be worth it to go back.
“Come ON.” MC urges, yanking him to start moving again.
“Right, yeah.” He mutters.
The two of them manage to get out the back door but She doesn’t stop, knowing they’ll give chase. “Run!” She tells him.
The two of them run a few blocks and then duck into an alley, behind a dumpster and catch their breath.
“I’m sorry,” He says first between ragged breaths.
For a second she thinks maybe he’s switched back.
“Sorry?” She questions.
“I ruined your night with him. I promised you I wouldn't come back. Y-you, don’t need me messing up your life like this.” “Ruined? Saeran, no! You saved me!” She tells him.
He doesn’t seem to hear her, “I’m sure the other one - the other Saeran - could have taken care of it alot more… Gracefully. But when he saw you, he kind of just froze and I- I couldn't wait for him to work up the courage.”
She takes his hands “I’m really, really glad you didn’t. Looks like I do need you after all.”
“Y-You need me?” He whispers.
“I need all of you!” She says, looking into his eyes now. “You. Ray. The other Saeran. You’re all important to me.”
“But I’m… an asshole.” He admits.
She giggles, “Maybe a little.”
He chuckles. “Hey, can I ask you something?” “Yeah, of course.”
“When he. Uh, that guy back there… Did he, make you feel like I did? You know, when I was-”
“No. Not that I was the biggest fan of you either, mind you but when it was you… It was like something was telling me it would be ok. With him… Every bit of me was screaming. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I couldn’t think of anything to say. I was paralyzed I-” Her eyes well up with tears and before he can even process what's happening she’s thrown her arms around his shoulders and is sobbing into the crook of his neck. “Thank you,” She chokes out.
A voice in his head tells him to wrap his arms around her and rub her back. So he does, he’s not good at this part. The screaming, the punching, the protecting, that he can do. This tender stuff is all new, but this feels right “I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again.” He whispers into her hair.
Hearing him say that only makes her sob harder, but she hugs him closer as well. “I missed you,” she mutters
His eyes widen, He wants to ask if she’s crazy. He wants to ask why in the world she would miss a monster like him, but she’s never made any sense to him and she probably wasn't about to start now. “I… I’ve missed you too, Princess.”
She giggles tearfully and snuggles into him and breathes out a sigh. “You’ve changed.” She tells him. “You’re… nicer.”
Saeran scoffs, “Tell that to the guy whose face I just beat in”
She giggles again. “Oh and funny too! I knew there was more to you than just unbridled rage”
He rolls his eyes but doesn’t fight her on it.
Her phone rings - It’s Yougmi
“Hello?” MC answers “MC. HOLY SHIT. Are you guys ok?! People are saying Saeran just beat the shit out of some creeper?’
“Oh uhhh, yea. We’re fine! I just didn’t want to get the police involved and everything.” “Shit. Didn’t think he had it in him honestly.”
MC laughs nervously. “Ah well, we’re fine. You guys ok on your own?” “Yea we’re good but MC? Are you ok? People are saying that guy… he’s been harassing girls every weekend for a while now, he didn’t-”
“No, No It didn't get that far, Thanks to Saeran.” MC looks up into to see Saeran’s eyes drop to the floor with a huff.
“Good. Well, I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Sounds good, night Youngmi.”
MC hangs up and grabs her boyfriend's hand. “Ready to go home?”
“Home?” He questions.
“You want to take me home? Y-you don’t want me to go? Let one of the Marshmallows take over?”
“Not if you don’t want to. I’m curious to learn more about you. Ya know, now that you’re not on drugs and screaming at me.”
“Ha.” He breathes, “Hope you don’t regret that decision.”
“Psh, your barks worse than your bite.” She says, shoving him playfully as they walk.
“But I do bite.” He smirks.
“Don’t I know it.”
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curiousdelights · 6 years
A Little Bit of Fate [1/?]
Pairing: Yoosung Kim x CMC (Areum Lee)
Plot: An odd request for help brings Areum to an apartment where she meets a group of people through a messaging application, plunging herself to help them towards a charitable goal. She forms friendships within the group and soon rekindles a spark with a member who she hasn’t seen in almost a decade.
Background: Inspired by this. When I first played Mystic Messenger, Yoosung was my very first route and guess what? I actually chose the name Areum for my MC lololol. So when we got to this part of the chat (Idk, I think this was around Day 3 in Casual Story), I was surprised lmao but it gave me this idea that MC (Areum) and Yoosung could have been classmates before haha. So anyway, this fic will be multi-chaptered so good luck to me. It’s almost like a rewrite of Yoosung’s route, probably.
I. A little bit of spark
They say first love never dies.
A cliché statement, but a famous one nonetheless.
To some, the idea is a normal component of one’s life, ironically forgotten when more loves come around to replace it in later time. To another set of some, it is simply a silly sentence that’s overused in literary and film, and not something to ponder much about; just a fleeting flick of emotion. But of course, to yet another set of some, it is a nice thought: a pure and innocent thought and proof of one’s own heart beating for another for the first time in their lives.
Most of the time, first love exists during youth when the heart is at its most tender stage, when the idea of love is a mere bud on a stem, with emotions being the nurturing guide towards bloom.
Do you remember your first love?
Thursday afternoons always held art classes under one of the most carefree teachers Yoosung has ever had so far in elementary. He looked forward to it because it gave him a break from all the textbook reading and problem solving. However focused he could be in those subjects, art class was a welcome change in pace. He wasn’t all too good at it (he’d be lucky to draw what could at least look like a horse?) but he liked this time of day and he liked trying to draw the animations he watched on television with his friends.
Yet if his eleven-year-old heart would be much more honest, those were only little parts of the reason.
The biggest reason was because he could approach a certain young girl he fancied. Due to the freedom provided in this certain art class, all of them were quite free to wander around the classroom and mingle with their classmates, provided that you were still discussing the current project, not making any noise, and actually doing the assigned task to be submitted at the end of the period. So Yoosung takes this chance, albeit in careful portions.
He was a shy and sensitive kid, but he had an excuse to walk up to the aforementioned girl. She had a friend that was good with art. He could pretend to need help from that one but talk more with the other.
Today, they were tasked to draw sceneries with the use of pencils. Shading and outline were the focus. Yoosung was thankful they didn’t dabble with watercolors this time around. He hated watercolors. He thought they were messy under his fingers so he wondered how artists didn’t mind and still end up with masterpieces.
He may never really know.
Yoosung, along with his friend, Hyunsik, tabled with the group of girls. They had been doing this for about a week now and the former only hoped it didn’t seem all too weird, although it seems nobody minded anyway.
“Hi!” Yoosung greeted the group. There were three of them: Hana Kim, the artist he could actually learn from, Miyeon Park, the quiet one, and last but not the least…
“Hey, Areum!” Yoosung’s smile towards her was usually brighter compared to the others.
Areum Lee, the pretty one. When she smiled back at Yoosung, hiding the thin streak of blush on his cheeks would have been almost impossible. Her whole being, he thought, truly lived up to her name. He remembered she had longer hair in the first half of the year. She cut it short this time and always pulled it back with a red headband. It suited with her hair which was the color of sweet milk chocolate. How come she could still be pretty in any style? Yoosung saw others when they changed their appearance and sometimes he didn’t think it suited them.
That’s not the case with Areum.
“Heya, Yoosung! Time to draw again.” She laughed. God, how it hit Yoosung’s heart like a shooting star. “Got a scenery in mind now?”
Yoosung and Hyunsik took their respective seats beside the girls as they maneuvered their tables around to group together. The former made sure he could sit beside Areum and Hyunsik couldn’t manage to even hide the snicker that erupted from his throat. He knew about his friend’s crush but paid no mind. He knew he’d probably break down in embarrassment if Areum somehow found out.
Yoosung thought for a while, but drew a blank. “I… have no idea. I’m never really super prepared for art class.”
“I know, right? Hana probably doesn’t need to think so much about it compared to us!” She said, elbowing said best friend.
Hana stuck her tongue out at all of them. “It’s not my fault I like drawing.”
Areum winked. “We know! We’re just teasing.”
“Might as well start now. We only have about an hour left.” Hyunsik reminded them. He was already starting to outline his shapes. Yoosung thought it looked too round for a mountain but kept his mouth shut.
“Any thought now, Yoosung?” Areum asked, turning her attention towards the brunette and his blank sheet of paper.
He thought sitting beside her was already the nearest he could get, but she almost leaned towards him and he grew flustered.
“A-Ah, no—not yet!”
Areum huffed then turned back to her own desk. Then, as if the bulb in her head lit up, so did the expression on her face and she offered an idea to Yoosung. “Why don’t you draw a night sky with a lot of stars? It pretty much fits you and we can use colored pencils anyway!”
“Ooh, not bad!” It really wasn’t, but how come he didn’t even think of something that should have been obvious to himself? “How about you? What are you gonna draw, Areum?”
Her mouth formed a pout. He thought it was cute.
“I’m still at a loss but…” She tapped her pencil on her paper, then looked back again at Yoosung. “I think I’ll draw a beach. I went there last summer with my family. I thought it was pretty! What do you think?”
“That sounds good. I’m sure you can draw it well.”
“Yeah! It’d be nice to use a lot of yellows and oranges for it. I watched the sunset then.”
“I should do that next summer. It probably looks nicer at a beach, huh?”
Their discussion kept on going between the two of them until Miyeon had to speak up. “You guys do know that you could run out of time by talking about it so much, right?”
Yoosung and Areum looked at each other and then scrambled on to their work. Even if neither of them was good at art, their teacher put in a lot of grades for effort and that wasn’t to be overlooked.
“Ah, Areum, I forgot my eraser.” Yoosung said, not looking up. “Can I borrow yours?”
She nodded, busy with her own work. “Sure. It’s by the pencils.”
“Okay, let me just…” He reached over to the bunch of pencils blindly, patting his hands over the table while his focus was all on filling up the hillside drawing with a deep shade of green.
Areum was on her way to doing so as well, unsure if whether Yoosung knew where it was so she might as well get it herself for him. Her reflection of the orange sun on the sea seemed to be lacking, so she colored it more to bring out the vibrancy, digging her pencil a little harder than she did earlier.
With one similar action towards one small item, two hands met in the middle and startled the owners. Both Areum and Yoosung looked up, first to the source of the surprise, and then to each other. It was easy to see that Yoosung was the most flustered and Areum giggled more at his reaction.
She was the one who got the eraser first, so she put it in Yoosung’s palm. “Here you go!”
“T-Thanks!” To save himself from any more embarrassment, he took it gratefully and turned back to his work. All he wanted was to talk to her today, but it seemed fate was being more generous than usual.
He wasn’t complaining, though. No, not at all.
But he did grow slightly nervous.
After some time, most of them were done with their artworks. Hana and Miyeon had submitted theirs already, waiting for grading from their teacher. Hyunsik was finishing with the details. Yoosung still thought his mountain seemed too round, but who was he to judge? His hillside might as well be almost flat.
He was staring at his work now, wondering what was still lacking, when Areum popped up to speak again beside him.
“Looks good! I knew you could draw that.” Her eyes seemed to be beaming with delight, appreciating the better drawing from her classmate. “Are you gonna draw a person in it, too?”
Yoosung offered a confused face. “I don’t know. I thought we were only supposed to draw the scenery?”
She shrugged. “People can be a part of it. I think it’d look nice if you drew yourself there.”
“I think it’s lame if it’s me. I should… draw someone else to make it better.” Yoosung laughed it off lightly as he started to take a brown shade of pencil to start.
“Oh? Who’re you gonna draw?” Areum watched as Yoosung continued to sketch, then realized there was no need to ask. The red headband and brown hair was a big giveaway already, and even she felt a warmness rise up to her cheeks.
To be fair, she went back to her own drawing and smiled at the idea. It was playful and fun and harmless. She took up the same shade of pencils Yoosung had used and drew a person on her own beach. Once done, Areum stood up and admired her work. It seemed Yoosung was also done with his and ready to have it graded.
“Yoosung, look.” Areum brought up her paper, a yellow-orange dominant version of a sunset on a beachside. A small, brown-haired boy sat on the sand. “Fair enough, right?”
He was surprised. His face clearly showed it to her. “You drew me.”
“Yeah.” Her grin towards him was laced with appreciation. “Thanks for drawing me in yours, Yoosung. I really like it. Come on. Let’s get these graded. We’re the last ones to finish.”
He ended up following her to where their teacher was, but he couldn’t help but feel flustered at what just happened. It was a silly sort of exchange, but Yoosung found it to be more than enough. As far as he was concerned, his day was more than complete.
They were fortunate to be able to pass it on time and still get a good grade once the artworks were handed back. As soon as art class ended, everyone started preparing for the next one. Was it Korean history already? The day was going to end soon. Yoosung had to part ways with the girls to go back to his seat in the classroom. He sat quite some distance away from Areum so talking to her during class was never really an option available to him. His extracurricular activities also prohibited him most of the time to hang out during the afternoons.
But tomorrow was Friday and he was free then. Maybe he could ask her to hang out then. He could wait until tomorrow to ask, just so he can gather up some extra courage to do so. Besides, it wasn’t as if he wouldn’t see her at school again, right?
… Right?
“Didn’t you hear?” Hyunsik asked, his tone expressing surprise peppered with a tinge of concern. “Areum moved.”
Yoosung frowned. He had barely even arrived at school that next morning and that was the first thing he’d hear. “What?”
“Miyeon told me.”
“But we just had class with her yesterday.” He said, glancing over at what was once Areum’s seat. He thought she was just oddly late today or that she wasn’t feeling well. But moving away?
It made him sad.
Yoosung walked over towards where Hana and Miyeon sat, hoping to hear something about it all. Hyunsik followed him.
“Areum left?” Yoosung asked.
Hana looked up at her classmate and nodded slowly. “Her dad’s work thing made them move. We already knew about it a couple of weeks ago.”
Miyeon shook her head. “We’re not really sure. Areum didn’t say much about it.”
“I see. Too bad we couldn’t hang out much.”
Hana agreed. “I know. Yesterday, you two seemed to get along pretty well.”
“She’s always been nice.” Yoosung shook his head once and bid the girls goodbye. “Thanks for telling me. Hope she’s well.”
It would be a clear lie to say he wasn’t upset about Areum’s leaving, but he never got close to her much to expect her to say something about it to him. At least he had yesterday to remember by.
Yoosung sighed.
He really did like her.
He went back to his seat and started fiddling with the contents of his bag, ready to pull out a pen and pad to distract his mind. That was when he saw a small object chucked inside the corner of his pencil case.
A rubber eraser.
He chuckled.
That was Areum’s. Did he forget to return it?
Maybe he did, and he decided to keep it as a small token of knowing her.
With little contact they shared prior to this, it seemed impossible to see her again.
Do you remember your first love?
[ Areum has entered the chatroom. ]
Aaaand there we go! I really wanted to post this now since it was eating at me and I felt like I should try to move onto the next part soon or else I’ll lose my ideas. 💕
So this was like a background for everything else. I forgot how 11-year-old kids work?? But I remember we can have really big crushes on others by then lol sorry. I knew someone who ended up with his first love since elementary haha.
Anyway, I hope you guys liked it. Please tell me what you think! 💕
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