#Idk if anyone actually cares about these but I'm gonna throw them into the void anyways
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scarletphoenix15 · 3 months ago
More on my Straw Hat Kids, mostly on the crew as a whole:
•at first, Cleo has a massive crush on Luffy. It makes him a little uncomfortable, but eventually it settles down and she just views him as her weird uncle. It seems most of that energy goes to turning Ruby into her personal baby doll.
•Shark is the responsible one of the older kids. Cleo and Thomsaine are about as feral as the younger kids. He's particularly close to Jakob because of this.
•Jakob is the only one of them with any survival instant, but because he's the youngest, most of the other kids just tease him as a crybaby. 9/10 he was right.
•Ruby is obsessed with Sea Beasts and Kings of all varieties. She likes to play a game with Luffy and Zoro to see if she can guess where one will pop up and they'll attack it.
•Sanji tried to dress Sora up in cute matching dresses with Kuina but hers always come back stained and ripped.
•Shark and Thomsaine start a book club. The other kids aren't interested, but Robin, Usopp and Jinbei are happy to participate.
•Yaz is the little shipwright's apprentice. She's always trailing after Franky and Usopp as they make their repairs.
•Chopper becomes a freak about stocking contraceptives after dealing with back to back unplanned pregnancies of Luffy/Nami and Zoro/Sanji. He's had enough of the miracle of life, thank you. Please stop making him deliver babies, he's much more comfortable with mortal injuries.
•Ruby and Sora are the first to get bounties, something that lands both Luffy and Zoro in the doghouse for weeks.
•Most of Kuina's frilly dresses come from Reiju. She and Zoro have an understanding that he'll kill Judge on sight if he ever comes near the twins. Sanji knows about this, despite both of them thinking he doesn't.
•Zoro nearly killed Sanji when he revealed he was a quadruplet after Zoro was already pregnant. They were both very relieved to only have two.
•Nami and Luffy refuse to define their relationship beyond navigator and captain, so the rest of the crew just starts referring to them as the other's "co-parent". They accept this with mild grumbling.
•Ruby refuses to sleep in a crib for the first six months of her life. Zoro says it's because Luffy spoiled her, and Luffy doesn't understand how you spoil a baby. Zoro really has egg on his face when the twins are born and he's as bad as Luffy with always carrying his babies around.
•Franky/Robin met and adopted Thomsaine during the months Nami was recovering from having Ruby with the Revs.
•Dragon and Luffy have zero idea how to communicate with each other, so they mostly just discuss Thomsaine and Ruby when they see each other. Iva always gives him a hard time about being a Grandpa whenever Sabo comes back from a visit with Luffy.
•The age order is Shark and Cleo, who I assume to be about 11 or 12 in Canon? Then Thomsaine is about 3 years younger. Ruby, Yaz, and the twins are all a few months apart, all 6-7 years younger than Thomsaine. And then Jakob is the youngest, two years younger than the middle cohort. Ruby and the twins were born and raised on the Sunny, and it's pretty evident they've only known a life of piracy.
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aegisgrey · 4 months ago
God I can't believe I'm making a political post on tumblr in the year of our lord 2024 but I actually haven't seen this take yet and in the interest of striking while the iron is hot, I'm gonna throw this into the void.
There are two things I really, desperately, want anyone who considers themselves anywhere on what we all generally agree is anywhere near 'left' to takeaway from this election and everything that happened over the last year. I don't care what specific label you fall under, if you're communist, anarchist, or just straight up a democrat it's not important, assume I'm making this post about you ok?
The first thing is that many of y'all really, really, really need to get outside. I'm not talking about going physically outside and touching grass you all already know you need to do that more. You need to get outside your comfort zones. You need to listen to opinions you don't agree with more, including batshit insane takes from insane sources. I'm not asking you to agree with them but you need to know what the fuck is out there. The amount of absolutely nothingburger takes no one actually believes that I'm seeing people spit out as 'this is what the right believes' shit is frankly sad. And it's indicative that you have absolutely no idea WHY this election went down the way it did. If you are someone asking how this could have happened, I'm talking to you more than anyone else, because I'm seeing a ton of that. The answers to that question are out there, you're not gonna like them and you're gonna wish they were simpler and made more sense to you but I promise you if you Actually Want To Know, it's out there.
The second thing is for white people. For the record, I'm white, straight, and a cis man, so when I'm saying this I need you all to understand that I need to leave this here when I am done saying it. All of y'all need to fucking listen to POC. And I'm aware that a lot of you probably think you're one of the good ones and that you absolutely listen to people of color and you think racism is bad and good yes I understand good job now I'm gonna say it again but different this time. You all. All of you. Need to go ACTIVELY find POC who understand their shit. Who are academics and understand the complex issues at work here, and you need to actually go digest their work. You will have to read books. You will need to pay attention to hours of dry content that does very little entertainment but a lot of education. I have adhd and a whole bunch of other mental shit going on too folks, I promise you can do it and you need to stop using your attention span as an excuse for ignorance and for the fact that all the liberal influencers you listen to are white people on tic-tok. Bell Hooks has been going around recently and yeah sure that's a good place to start but please let that just be the start. This shit isn't hard to find it's just not always accessible to a 2 minute video. Break up a two hour long video, do it on your commute or wherever you can instead of listening to a murder podcast every once in a while. Because leftist POC circles have been here the whole time and they know more than you. They know a lot more than me. They have the answers you are looking for and they are not surprised this shit happened. Please leave good resources matching this for folks to check out if you have them.
I'm not gonna debate any specific issues in the comments I don't care about your buzzfeed Top Ten Reasons Kamala Lost, if you can't see this isn't about that then Idk what you're even doing reading this, there are a ton of better places to go debate that shit. I'm not trying to answer your questions, I am not the right person to do that, I'm just trying to make sure people even know the answers are out there, please use this time to go look for them.
That's all I got for you hellsite, I'm not an educator and I don't have a platform but still I just. Couldn't take another person asking me and/or the void how could this have happened without saying something that I can now consider my formal response. And I get that this is a grieving thing for a lot of you and if that question is just the only way you can vent ok, I swear I bear you no ill will, but if you actually want answers and you want to have agency over your fear and confusion, here's a couple things you can do. I'm not here because I want to call you out, I'm really not, I'm here to tell you that if you don't know what's going on, that means your world is too small and you need to grow if you wanna feel better in the long term.
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