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E ultima dată când te mai scriu!
În decursul unui an am tot scris despre tine, am tot promis că nu te mai scriu, m-am mințit pe mine însămi că nu te mai iubesc, că nu te mai vreau, dar adevărul adevăr este că tot anul te-am vrut, nu am putut renunța la tine și tocmai de asta am profitat de fiecare ocazie. Acum sunt pregătită să te las și mai mult uitării, să rămâi al doilea meu iubit ( și primul pentru care chiar am luptat). Sunt conștientă de faptul că fiecare merită acea persoană care să-i fie ,,jumătate”, în continuare cred ca tu îmi ești asta, dar nu mai pot continua așa. Sunt conștientă că în locul meu va apărea o altă ea, iar în locul tău un alt el (abia după ce în gândurile mele nu ai să mai fii tu).
Ambii vom fi de neînlocuit unul pentru celălalt.
Eu voi continua să mă vindec de liniștea din brațele tale, de vocea și gândirea puternică, de tot ceea ce ești tu. Te voi privi cu iubire și cu întrebarea: ,,cine ești?”. Pentru că vreau să mi te scot de tot din minte, dar nu și din inimă.
Rămâi cu bine, idiotul meu iubit și poate într-o zi ne vom revedea și vom zâmbi și iubi din nou, dar într-o variantă mai bună a noastră.
Te sper, nu am cum să neg asta, dar nu te mai aștept atât de mult pe cât am continuat s-o fac până în acest punct.
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"pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intellegence and a deep heart. The really great man must, I think, have great sadness on earth"
- Fiodor M. Dostoevski
Acum eu citesc Idiotul de la Fiodor Dostoievski și ăsta carte e foarte minunat! Sunt la partea 1 și încep să mă gândesc că ăsta literatura este cel mai frumos din toate ce am citit, cred că ăsta carte este prefarat la mine dar trebu să o mai citesc că să știu cinstit!!

#moldova#romania#russian#romanian#limba română#dostoievski#fiodor dostoievski#the idiot#aesthetic#light acamedia#light acadamia aesthetic#dark academism#dark aesthetic#dark academia#academia aesthetic#classic academia#romantic academia#russian literature#literature#books and reading#reading#long reads
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Arătaţi-mi o idee care să-i lege între ei pe oamenii de astăzi cu o putere măcar pe jumătate faţă de aceea din secolele trecute . - F. Dostoevsky (Idiotul, traducere N. Gane)
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Jurnalul lui Făt-Frumos 8. Anul 710
. . [5 pagini lipsă] . . 12 Gemeni 709 (Data stelară 0106110) Dragă jurnalule, Idiotul de Greuceanu mi-a rupt 5 pagini din tine! Cică l-a tăiat brusc cufureala odată, când venise în vizită, și n-a găsit hârtie igienică, așa că s-a șters cu pagini din jurnalul meu! Care erau cele mai importante, pentru că acolo îmi deschisesem sufletul mai mult decât de obicei și am notat tot ce simțeam în…

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All of his names:
Dronă Guvernamentală Pikachu 5000 (Government Drone Pikachu 5000) (outdated)
Găina (the chicken)
Domnul Papagal (mister parrot)
Domnul Gospodar Papagal (mister householder parrot)
Animalul (the animal)
Bestia (the beast)
Fiara (untranslateable but it also means "the beast")
Prostul (the stupid)
Idiotul / Imbecilul / Tâmpitul etc.
Maleficul (the evil)
Real Goblin Gamer (on Twitch)
Vulturul (the eagle)
Șoimul (the falcon)
Uliul (the hawk)
Dinozaurul (the dinosaur)
Dinojavra (the dinobitch)
Demonul (the demon; mum didn't let me)
Lucifer (mum didn't let me. Again.)
Papagalul Gentil / Джентилный Попугай (gentleparrot)
Will be adding to this list.
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Îmi poți recomanda niște cărți?
„în arșița nopții” - john ball
„idiotul” și „crimă și pedeapsă” - FM Dostoievski
„cel mai iubit dintre pământeni”- marin preda
„legenda” - marie lu
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F23..am scris și pe celalalt blog. Ziceam de iubitul meu actual fost care ma restrictiona foarte tare. Dacă cineva care citește asta trece prin asa ceva FUGITI! Fac terapie de 1 an on and off pt ca bani, s a despărțit de mine și eu am rămas în drum și plin de praf vorba aceea. Am dat tot ce am putut și am înghițit cât am putut. Încă sunt traumatizata și lucrez la mine dar nu pot.
Am avut o încercare de redresare cumva acum câteva luni după care s a făcut liniște. Mi am promis mie ca l las în 2022 și în 1 aprilie ca o gluma proasta m a contactat, ne am văzut și ce s a întâmplat e ...da. nu sunt mandra dar omul m a destabilizat bine, și dacă as cauta răspunsul la de ce face asta ar zice pentru ca pot..și asta e ideea..poate..e primul om din viata mea și o sa ii răspund mereu..ma doare sufletul ca alerg după validarea lui și trăiesc doar sa ii arat ca pot fii de n ori mai buna decât el.
Idiotule m ai traumatizat. Sper ca ești fericit. Eu am fost "iubita care nu te a iubit suficient și ți a picat toate testele" n o sa uit ca după 5 luni ai avut tupeul da mi zici "dacă treceai eram impreuna"...ma descurc singura dar uneori tot ce vreau e sa ma întorc deși omul de acum nu corespunde cu omul din imaginația mea și care m a iubit cică. Voiam sa va descarc..poate aud o vorba buna..fuck it.
Poți fie să continui să trăiești în iluzii și-n trecut și să continui să-i faci jocurile ori de câte ori are chef, sau poți da piept cu realitatea, să accepți că nu e el omul ideal din capul tău, să-i dai un mare block peste tot și să încerci să-ți vezi de viața ta. A 2-a opțiune o să fie mai grea acu, la început, dar în timp o să fie cea mai bună decizie pe care ai putut s-o iei. Doar pentru că a fost primul nu înseamnă că e și omul potrivit pentru tine, let him go. Decizia e doar a ta. Indiferent de ce decizie iei, în final o să rămâi tot singură, asta ți-o garantez. Diferen��a ar fi că dacă mergi cu a 2-a opțiune, ai să te găsești pe tine în singurătatea aia.
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Știri: „Idiotul”, în regia lui Andriy Zholdak, cadoul lunii februarie pentru abonații Scenei Digitale
Știri: „Idiotul”, în regia lui Andriy Zholdak, cadoul lunii februarie pentru abonații Scenei Digitale
Produs de Charity Producers’s Foundation (Ucraina), în parteneriat cu Festivalul Internațional de Teatru de la Sibiu, spectacolul Idiotul, în regia lui Andriy Zholdak, este cadoul lunii februarie pentru abonații Scenei Digitale. Adaptare a romanului semnat de Dostoievski care a intrat deja în patrimoniul cultural al scenei europene, producția ucraineană este oferită tuturor iubitorilor de teatru,…

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I found love when I went to a bar to just get wasted with my best friends
#lost love in times#best friends#him#i love him#iubire#idiotule te iubesc#true love#meant to be#bartender
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Acum sunt în capitolul 5 în Idiotul de Fiodor Dostoievski și îți spun că e o carte foarte minunat și bun de citit,
Este despre un om prinț mișkin care e foarte bun la suflet și este foarte inteligent și el vine înapoi la Rusia și el este îndrăgostit cu două femeile prințesă Nastasia Filipovna și Aglaia care îs amendoi implicat cu bani, și să vede că mișkin nu este de acord cu cele personale el să întâlnește.
Eu te recomandați această carte pentru că e foarte minunat, amuzant și poți să te relaxezi în pat când vrei și să o citești!
Mi-o dat aceștia cărți partea 1 și partea 2 de la cineva în familia mea dar poți să cumpăr Idiotul de pe "bibliotecă adevărul" online.
#aesthetic#moldova#light acamedia#light acadamia aesthetic#dark academia#romanian#romania#limba română#russian literature#literatura#literature#book aesthetic#booknerd#book recommendations#book blog#books and reading#books & libraries#bookblr
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The Boardwalk - AU Bucky Barnes x OC
warnings: harassment, manipulation, blood kinks, biting, smut, Minors DNI
word count: 8k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1261295566-the-boardwalk-zoe
Note: This is a vampire AU Bucky Barnes; please keep that in mind as you proceed
Romanian translations: "Numai că mi-aș dori să gust din acea gustare delicioasă înaintea ta, Barnes." = "Only I wish I could taste that delicious snack before you, Barnes." "Ne vedem în iad, idiotule", = see you in hell, asshole
Zoe stood on the boardwalk, the smell of cotton candy and stale donuts hung thick in the air. The sound of carnival music was all she could hear and the lights from the fair bounced off of the water. It would be a great night if her friend was actually here.
She checked her phone, sighed, and sent Lily another text.
Where are you? It's been half an hour and this boardwalk thing was your stupid idea.
Zoe clutched her phone like a life raft, and pulled her jacket a little tighter around her body. The cool air coming off of the ocean was enough to chill her to the bone. She could hear the screams and laughter of people on the rides behind her and gnawed on her lip. It was so typical of Lily to ditch her like this.
"Fuck this," she muttered, turning on her heel and walking down the boardwalk toward the beer garden.
If Lily wasn't going to show up, Zoe would make her own fun.
It was quiet, still the time of evening where kids haven’t yet run wild with a sugar rush, but Zoe had time.
As she wandered up to the bar, she noticed that the only other people were a group of friends crowded round a table in the corner.
She sat down at the bar checking her phone again to see that Lily had left her on read.
“What will you be having?” asked the bartender as he came up to her.
Zoe felt goosebumps forming on her skin as her eyes shot up from her phone screen. The bartender's eyes were friendly enough but she could feel someone else's boring into her back as soon as she sat down, something just felt off.
"I-" she turned around quickly as she felt something brushing her back, but when she saw that nobody was behind her, she turned back to the bartender, "I'll like a shot of the strongest stuff you have, please."
“Sure, coming right up…you looking for someone?“ the bartender asked as he turned to get the shot glass from behind the bar.
“Huh? Oh, um…no, sorry, did you see someone walk by just now?” Zoe asked the bartender, who she noticed had beautiful facial features and deep, dark eyes. She swallows a “thanks” and downs her shot.
The man watched her for a moment, the curiosity in his eyes sending a slight chill down her spine before he shook his head. "No, sorry."
Zoe nodded, glancing behind her once again to do a quick scan of the garden and then turning back around, "Can I have another?" She asked as her eyes met his.
“Everything all right?” he asked as he poured another shot.
As Zoe opened her mouth to speak she distinctly felt someone tap her shoulder and she spun around, heart racing.
A tall blonde stood directly behind her, close enough that the leather of his jacket brushed against her arm. The predatory look in his eye combined with a smug smirk did nothing to calm her nerves.
"Looks like you need some company," he murmured before taking the next stool over as alarm bells sounded in Zoe's head.
Gulping nervously, Zoe scooted back away from him on her stool the best she could before muttering a "Not interested. Thank you." And turning back to the bartender to signal for another shot.
Not one to take no for an answer, the blonde leaned close in her personal space and whispered, "Come on, it's no fun drinking alone."
Zoe took a calming breath, praying the guy would just leave her alone. Maybe if she ignored him, he would eventually leave ?
"Playing hard to get, hm? I like that.." The man smirked beside her. He turned his body on the stool to face her.
Zoe could feel his eyes racking over her, causing her to pull the hem of her shirt down to cover the small sliver of skin that was visible. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm waiting for someone and that seat is taken." She finally spoke, staring down at her shot glass.
One finger danced around the top of her shot glass before the bartender gave her a new one, shooting the liquid back in her throat as she felt the man’s disgusting and rotten breath getting closer to her ear.
Her fists clenched and the bartender must've noticed her being uncomfortable due to his raised voice, eyes shooting daggers at the man. “Didn’t you hear the lady? She’s expecting someone, back off man.”
The blonde stranger sneered at the bartender and cocked his head to the side.
"How about you mind your goddamn business, you motherfu--"
"And you can mind yours and leave the lady alone, John," a voice from behind Zoe growled.
She turned to see a tall blonde man in a black leather jacket, a white t-shirt, and blue jeans standing behind her. He grabbed John by the back of his jacket, spun him around, and pushed him against the bar, taking his t-shirt collar in his large fist. Zoe watched with wide eyes as he leaned forward.
"Get the fuck out of here. Now."
He practically tossed John across the beer garden and cracked his neck, turning to Zoe.
"Sorry about him. He likes to think he's entitled to any woman who walks in here." The stranger sticks his hand out. "I'm Steve."
Zoe blinked, stunned for a moment at the commotion that just had occurred, only brought out of it when Steve spoke up again.
“You’re welcome to join me and my friends, Bucky likes to keep an eye on any newbies… keep ‘em safe from the likes of John.” He grinned, shifting to the side a little so Zoe could see over his shoulder, her eyes falling on a dark haired man she assumed was ‘Bucky’ who was looking right at her.
She turned to face the bartender and raised her eyebrow in question.
“You don’t have to worry about Steve and Bucky, they are some of the few decent guys left in the city” he replied with a kind smile
Zoe bit the inside of her cheek in thought as she slowly moved her gaze back and found Bucky's eyes. This isn't something she would normally do, but there was something about him that she just couldn't shake, she couldn't rip her eyes off his, she felt the need to be closer to him.
He kept staring at her with that imitating look on his face, not even blinking once.
“What'd Ya say, hm? I promise, we don’t bite,” Steve grinned. “Plus, you’ll be in good company.”
"Um…oh fuck it, why not? Not like my alleged friend is gonna show. Lead the way", Zoe said, as Steve extended his hand toward her. She took it and thought, the bartender was right, he is one of the few decent guys left, but no more drinking, unless it's water, be smart Zoe!
Steve led her to the table where she was once again met with the alluring and intriguing dark briny blue eyes of the man that Steve called Bucky. Zoe almost missed Steve pulling her chair out for her to sit. She was so distracted by this man - he truly was physical perfection, even under his jeans and leather jacket.
Zoe slid into the chair, a pit of anxiety suddenly forming in her stomach as Steve slid into the chair next to the blue eyed man. The corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly that if she wasn't staring at him, she would have missed it.
"Always gotta be the hero huh, Stevie?" His voice was husky with just enough gravel that the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, even as he spoke his eyes never left her.
Zoe startled as Steve barked a laugh, shoving his friend. Eye contact broken, she glanced down, trying to ignore both the creeping sensation down her back and the tightening of her core.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," Bucky whispered in a smooth voice. "You're safe with us. Walker's a fuckin' creep, but he knows better."
Zoe looked up, finally meeting his gaze once more.
"And what makes you any different than him? You have the same jacket. Belong to a club or something?" she asked, the liquor quickly making her much braver than she was moments ago at the bar.
Smirking, Bucky's eyes glint with mirth as they make contact with hers, his mouth lifted in one corner as he answered, "Not a club, per say," he said shrugging a shoulder as he reached for his drink and she gets a whiff of his heady cologne.
"But if we were, John's membership is 'bout to expire." He grinned at her and Zoe's heart stuttered as Steve laughed again.
"I'm surprised you put up with his ass." Zoe returned his grin. A comfortable warmth spread through her body. She felt an unexplainable pull towards this charming stranger.
Bucky snorted a laugh as he took a sip of his drink. He turned his gaze to Steve, "I like her, Stevie" He said, before shifting back towards Zoe, and raising an eyebrow, a cocky grin on his lips, "What's your name, love?"
His baby blue eyes buried right into her soul, but she swore she could sense something darker that was lurking behind the softness in his eyes and Zoe felt her cheeks starting to flush.
He did something to her, something that she hadn't felt before, fingers picking anxiously on the skin. “It’s Zoe.” She answered with a soft smile.
He studied her face, eyes landing on her throat as he dragged his tongue across his plump bottom lip.
"Pretty name," he said softly. He stuck out his hand and Zoe shook it, his skin cool to the touch. Bucky ran his thumb across her knuckles and smiled as a deep flush crept into Zoe's cheeks. "I haven't seen you around here before, darlin'. You new in town?"
She felt like she was swallowing cotton, but she let the alcohol take over, smirking as his eyes twinkled.
"Maybe you just weren't looking hard enough."
Zoe watched as Bucky and Steve exchanged a look, their eyes gleaming with something that made her toes curl and heart race, pulse thudding in her neck.
“Is that so?” Bucky chuckled darkly as his fingers crept to her wrist, “I guess I’m lucky that a gorgeous thing like you would show up when I least expect it.”
Zoe could feel her cheeks flush even more as she took a few long deep breaths trying to slow her heart rate. Zoe could almost hear her heart in her ears.
“Well I guess it’s a good thing my friend never showed up today then.” She laughed.
A shiver ran up her spine as Bucky settled his thumb at her pulse point and grazed the skin softly, eyes scanning her face and neck. She had never been looked at with such intent and desire. It was almost as if he was studying her, commiting her to memory.
"Fate works in mysterious ways, huh?" her voice almost a whisper as she found her ground again trying to best his gaze.
Bucky let out a chuckle as Steve threw his head back and palmed his chest.
"Oh, I don't think fate had anything to do with it sweetheart." he tsked.
“What do you mean?” She asked curious, something in her core made her feel that something wasn’t right about the situation she was in. Zoe took a quick look over to the kind bartender who was cleaning a glass and giving her a wink.
“Eyes on us, love.” Bucky’s voice held a seductive tone.
Zoe looked back at Bucky apprehensively, but also extremely intrigued. The feeling in her stomach was quickly taken over by a more nefarious one. The second she looked at Bucky and Steve, she couldn't turn away even if she tried. She was enchanted, and she knew it.
"Sorry, I suddenly forgot what I was saying for a minute…" Zoe said gravelly.
"Well, then," Bucky announced decisively, "I think we have outstayed our welcome, boys. Zoe, care to join us for the evening?" Zoe knew she shouldn't, but her body was on autopilot at this point. All she could do was nod her head yes
She watched as Bucky flashed her a smooth grin while he stood, holding out his hand for her. "Come on, little one." Zoe heard a small chuckle come from Steve as he shook his head standing and tossing a few bills onto the table.
"Where are we going?" Zoe asked, her hand reaching out for his as if they were magnetized together. Bucky’s grin widened as their hands met, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand.
“Don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours, we’re just gonna go play some carnival games,” Bucky said, pulling her close to him. “Maybe if you’re lucky I’ll win you a prize.”
They exited the beer garden, now accompanied by a few others that Zoe didn't notice before. Steve leaned down to Zoe's ear as the lights of the carnival colored their skin a bright red and yellow.
"Your friend Lily really liked that bear I got her," he whispered with a toothy grin as a redhead behind Zoe snickered.
Bucky glared at his friend, pulling Zoe closer to his body before throwing an arm over her shoulder. Any alarm bells that were ringing in Zoe's mind due to Steve's words immediately stopped.
"What is he talking about?" Zoe looked up at Bucky as they approached the boardwalk.
"Nothing you should worry yourself about, sweetheart." Bucky told her darkly as they neared where the boardwalk met the sandy beach, rolling his eyes at Steve who shrugged innocently.
Zoe walked with him, her nails dug nervously into her palms and his hold around her shoulders preventing any other movement but to follow him, the spike in her heartbeat evident to Bucky and his companions due to the mouthwatering smell of her becoming more prominent.
Her boots sunk into the soft sand, making it harder for her to walk. Her intoxicated mind whirred as she questioned what she was even doing here with them.
One look at Bucky, she knew exactly why she left with them.
His mere presence completely compelled her to make stupid decisions.
The group kept walking along the beach, Steve falling back to walk with a redhead, who Zoe soon learned was named Natasha, while she stayed glued to Bucky's side.
"So… you wanted the fresh meat all to yourself, didn't you Barnes?" Walker's words came, slurred from behind them.
Zoe's breath caught in her throat, as her heartbeat thudded in her chest. As if he could sense her unease, Bucky's grip tightened around her, bringing her body slightly behind his, as they spun around to stare at the blonde man from the bar.
A deep growl left Bucky's chest, and Zoe could have sworn she saw his eyes flash to a bright amber color. "Get out of here Walker, before you do something you regret…"
"Yeah?" Walker slurred, throwing his arms out to his side with a cocky, drunken grin on his face. "Like what, Barnes? You're just a pussy--"
Bucky's body clenched like a fist before he lunged at Walker, grabbing him by the throat. The two of them wrestled, falling onto the sand as Zoe watched Bucky get the upper hand. Walker was pinned to the ground by his throat as Bucky leaned in, and Zoe saw his eyes flash yellow-- just for a second. She blinked and shook her head. It must be the alcohol.
Bucky snarled, lip curling as he bared his teeth. Walker growled back as the moonlight poured down from the sky.
"I said back off, Walker. You've been a thorn in my side for too long."
“Careful, Barnes or you’ll scare away your meal.” John hissed between heavy breaths against Bucky’s cheek and Steve steered Zoe away towards Natasha, John’s words dying out as her focus was drawn to the sultry redhead.
Natasha grabbed hold of Zoe with surprising strength and spun her around so her back was to the commotion.
“Let the boys handle Walker, he’s had this coming for a while. Just keep your eyes on me, ok?” Natasha said with a calming voice
She tried to move her eyes away from her and back to Bucky but she couldn't break off from Natasha's gaze. "What did he mean? I do-"
Natasha grabbed her shoulders with a soft but firm hand as she turned her around to face in the other direction. "Don't worry about a thing, Zoe. Everything's going to be fine." she cooed
Natasha made sure to keep Zoe’s face directed at the ocean when Bucky and Steve handled John.
“Anything you wanna say that’ll make it easier to end you Walker?” Bucky hissed into his face. "Numai că mi-aș dori să gust din acea gustare delicioasă înaintea ta, Barnes." Walker snarled and spat at Bucky, hitting him in the face.
"Alright that's enough of you," Bucky said, as he grabbed Walker by the neck. "Ne vedem în iad, idiotule", Bucky whispered in Walker's ear as he twisted his arms around, breaking his neck in one swift motion.
All Zoe heard was the snap of Walker's neck and her eyes went wide as she snapped her eyes up to Nat, who soothingly stroked her arm in an attempt to both comfort and distract the terrified woman.
"What--" Zoe started, her voice so quiet she wasn't even sure if she was speaking out loud, "What did he say?"
Nat smiled softly, shaking her head. "Nothing you need to worry about." Her voice soothed, "How old are you, sweetie?"
Zoe's brow furrowed for only a moment before another gentle swipe of Nat's soft thumb ran over her cheek and almost like a switch, her body felt tense but somehow calm. "27." She managed out as another smile spread across bright painted lips.
“Delicious,” Natasha said, moving her arm to wrap around Zoe’s shoulders.
“Nat,” came Bucky’s voice, Zoe shivering at the dark tone. “Why don’t you go help Steve, I’ll hang out with Zoe now.”
Zoe looked back, catching a glimpse over Bucky's broad frame of Steve smiling with glee as a guy she heard them call Sam tossed him a lighter.
"You never let me have any fun, James," Natasha said in a pouty voice as Bucky smirked.
"Yeah, because your idea of fun is very…messy."
Nat rolled her eyes before trailing her nail across Zoe's cheek and walking away. She felt a trickle of something on her face and moved to wipe it away, fingertips red with blood.
Zoe's eyes widened at the sight, panic began to creep up rapidly inside her as she wiped frantically at her cheek, every swipe of her fingers increasing the pain.
"Hey- Hey Zoe, Zoe look at me," Bucky grabbed her hand and brought it close to his chest, stilling her movements as he bent his knees a little to look her in the eyes.
"Wha- What's happening?" "Nothing. You're okay." He said in a low, calm voice to her and suddenly she could breathe more evenly.
"I - I'm okay" Zoe repeated, unable to take her eyes away from his own. The lights from the carnival above reflected in them and made the blueness look like a soft purple with waves of a deep navy crashing through it.
A calm smile, spread across his lips, as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, trailing his fingertips down her neck and across her throat, "Atta girl.." He whispered.
His voice soothing, but still, Zoe felt the need to close her eyes and take a deep breath to prevent herself from fainting, blood was something she was sensitive to ever since she was a child and everything around started to spin.
A warm breath tickled her face as cold hands embraced her cheeks, making her widen her eyes. His words sounded enchanting in her ears.
“There you are, sweet thing. I thought I'd lost you for a sec there. “ Bucky said with a soft smile as he slightly ducked to be eye level.
As they walked back towards the group Zoe couldn’t help but notice the odd shapes of the logs in the fire and a strange smell…what were they burning?
“This is going to sound crazy…but I swear your eyes just turned a different color,” Zoe said looking up at Bucky. “No, that's not possible… I’ve had too much to drink.”
He let out a low chuckle and looked at her with a wide and toothy grin.
“Maybe it was the lights from the carnival, princess, they get brighter the later it gets.” Bucky whispered in Zoe’s ear as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they approached the fire.
“Yeah, maybe…” Zoe mumbled more to herself than to him. She started getting that pit in her stomach again, but before it fully settled there, Bucky grabbed a beer from Steve and looked questioningly at her.
“You want one?” Bucky asked jovially, erasing all negative feelings from her mind.
Zoe smiled, "Sure." she said as he plucked another one from Steve's fingers, handing it to her.
"Hey! That was mine." Steve said, his brows furrowed but as Bucky's head flicked towards him, Zoe watched Steve's giant frame sink into the sand, grumbling as he found himself another beer. She wasn't sure why Bucky had so much power over him, but it made butterflies fill her stomach.
He turned back to her, "Shall we?" Bucky asked, pointing the neck of his beer bottle to the sand in front of the fire, urging her to sit.
Bucky sat with his legs slightly spread, and after a moment of deliberation, Zoe took a swig of beer and plopped down between them. She could feel him freeze and goosebumps broke out across her skin as he moved slowly, brushing her hair away from her neck. His breath was cool against it and Bucky wrapped his arms around her as she shivered despite the fire.
She felt the tip of his nose touch just behind her ear followed by a slight intake of breath, like he was breathing her in. With any other man it might have creeped her out, but with Bucky it felt almost too natural.
"So…are all these people your…friends?" she asked, feeling silly for even wondering. It was clear they were all close as they laughed and drank around the fire.
"More like my family. I've known them…well, for a long time," Bucky murmured.
His lips brushed against her ear, this time much more obvious. A shiver ran through her again and she felt him smile.
"Sorry, you smell so good…I can't help myself."
A soft moan escaped Zoe's lips, as she felt Bucky's breath against her skin. Her head fell backwards onto his shoulder as he dragged his lips along her neck, as he sighed. She felt his tongue brush against her pulse before he placed a light kiss against it, her eyes fluttering closed once more.
Bucky grinned into her neck, and moved suddenly to look at the rest of the group. "Hey let's continue this party at home" He spoke loudly, startling Zoe back into the moment. The other 3 all looked at each other, grinning and nodding quickly.
"Walker didn't deserve this much celebration anyway" Sam quipped, crashing a beer bottle into the fire, before all of them started walking off the beach towards a row of black motorbikes.
Bucky guided her with a hand against her lower back the entire walk, only retrieving back when they stopped in front of what she assumed was his motorbike.
He climbed up onto his Harley-Davidson WLA "Liberator". Turning his head to the side to face her, a smudge smile was plastered on his face as his eyes glimmered in the dim moonlight.
“You still wanna come, right?” Zoe nodded. “Then hop on, and hold on tight princess.” Bucky said as she climbed up behind him, arms clutching onto the sides of his jacket before he took her arms to pull her closer, chest against back and her arms embracing his body.
A little while later, the bikes rumbled to a halt in front of a decrepit and decaying looking house on the edge of a cliff. The lights were off, and the building was spray painted on the outside - mostly anarchy symbols and random graffiti. Bucky climbed off of his bike, taking Zoe's hand and slinging his arm around her shoulder as they walked toward the entrance. Natasha was in front, followed by Sam and Steve, who turned around and grinned at Zoe.
"You're gonna like it here, Zoe," he said with a smirk as the others laughed. Natasha kicked the door open with her boot.
Zoe felt a knot of anxiety in the pit of her stomach and gulped. She felt Bucky's arms wrap around her waist as she stopped at the entrance and stared into the blackness. To her left, she swore she saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes beaming at her before someone turned on a light.
And then something razor sharp on began to glide along her neck. Zoe felt something warm on her skin, realizing it was Bucky's tongue. She whimpered, eyes rolling back, and heard Bucky's low voice as it rumbled in her ear.
"Nothin' to be scared of, princess. I've got ya."
She swallowed thickly as Bucky placed a kiss just behind her earlobe as his hands gripped her hips. She could feel the arousal pooling between her legs and the heat creeping up her neck.
“I- I’m ok I just. I could have sworn I saw something.” she said as she moved her head slightly to face him.
“Don’t you worry, I’m not gonna hurt you.” he breathed.
Their eyes locked and suddenly a whirlpool of butterflies filled her stomach as his breath fanned her face, their lips barely touching.
"Stevie, find some music." He commanded, once again his eyes never leaving hers despite him speaking to someone else. "I'm gonna give Zoe the tour."
Steve snickered from behind them, causing Zoe to catch his gaze as Nat smacks him on the arm. Bucky hooked his cool index finger under her chin, turning her head back to him. "Come on, sweet thing, let me show you around."
Zoe bit her lip, watching as Bucky zeroed in on it, using his thumb to pry it from her teeth. “Sweetheart, don’t tempt me,” he said lowly, and her heart thudded, tongue swiping out to taste his skin. She nodded, not remembering his original question, but following him wherever he was leading her.
Her fingers tangled in his as he pulled her further inside, past thrift store couches and a table littered with cards and beer bottles. Heavy drums began pounding on unseen speakers, mimicking the hammering of Zoe's heart.
Bucky let her hand go briefly as they climbed a set of creaky stairs and she took the chance to pull out her phone. She was supposed to meet Lily after all and wanted to check in before the night went…well, wherever it was about to go.
Zoe quickly typed out a message and pressed send. As she slid the phone back into her pocket, they stepped onto the landing. A bright light on the ground caught her attention and for a moment Zoe thought she was truly losing her mind.
There, on the dusty hardwood floor, was Lily's phone, lit up from the message she just sent. A smear of blood covered the screen as it showed missed calls and texts, all from Zoe.
"Wait," she tugged on Bucky's hand, drawing his attention to her as she bent to grab the phone. Panic set in at the brightness of the blood against the lit screen before it went dark.
"Wha- What is this?" Zoe turned to him, trying to piece everything together. His face was dark and lips set in a thin line as he eyed her, seemingly impatient.
Bucky grabbed the phone out of her hand, crushing it in his fist as he replied nonchalantly; "Nothing to worry yourself with, sweetheart. Not anymore at least." Before pulling her into a dark room and pushing her against the door, shutting it and blinding her with the darkness that surrounded them.
Zoe sucked in a deep breath, and pushed her palms against the door, as she tried to orient herself in the darkness. "B-Bucky?" She spoke, her heartbeat starting to race.
A deep chuckle came from somewhere around her, and Zoe felt something sharp brush against her throat. "It's okay love.. Don't you trust me?" He rasped, caging in Zoe's body against the door with his .
She knew she should be more worried than she was, but something about him just fascinated her. The truth was that she did trust him, he'd saved her more than once tonight and even though she didn't know why, it was more than enough for her. "Tell me why Lily's phone was here" She commanded.
"Oh darling.. See I think you've figured that out all by yourself" Another deep chuckle, "She took quite the shine to Stevie out there.."
Zoe still couldn’t see anything in the darkness of the room. She thought there were flashes of movement all around but then again, she didn’t know what to think.
Her heart was beating faster and faster as Bucky inched closer to her face, his nose delicately touching her ear as he chuckled. She could feel his hands on either side of her body, and the chill of his breath against her.
Despite all her best instincts, warmth pooled in her belly as he slowly pinned his knee between her legs, pushing them open.
“I think you’re taking quite the shine to me, right? Because I can't have you leaving here unsatisfied,” he whispered against her.
His chuckle was low and malicious in her ear as he took it between his teeth. Zoe felt something sharp again, and then pain shooting down the left side of her body, followed by the warmth of his mouth as he sucked on her earlobe.
"Don't tell me you haven't figured it out yet, sweets. Been watching you for most of the night. I thought you were the clever one. Thought you'd put the pieces together, but I guess I'll just have to show you, hmm, princess?"
His hand slid up her thigh and she moaned as he dragged a fingertip along the seam of her jeans. Zoe almost collapsed at unbearable friction and pressure against her clit.
Bucky pulled away from her, his eyes yellow. A pair of pearly white fangs descended from his mouth. The warmth in her belly began to turn into a full-blown forest fire. He was even more beautiful like this.
Slowly, she raised her hand and gently moved it to touch his fang. It was so sharp that she felt it pierce the tip of her finger. Bucky wrapped his lips around it, sucking softly as he moaned, eyes closing. She felt his knee grind against her clit and wetness began to pool as she moved her hips. A smile spread across her face as his eyes opened, locking with hers.
"I didn't like Lily that much anyway," she whispered.
Bucky grinned. His kiss felt like a car crash, and Zoe couldn't get enough of it.
Her lips parted as he dragged his tongue across her bottom lip. Zoe moaned into the kiss as she felt a hand digging into her skin as the other trailed up her back and found its way into her hair. Bucky weaved his fingers into her hair and pulled her head back as he bit her bottom lip and pulled back to admire the trickle of blood running down her chin.
He tilted his head slightly down and licked her chin. “You might just be the sweetest little thing I’ve ever tasted.” he murmured against her lips.
Zoe didn’t even recognize the moan that left her throat. Her lip stung from his bite but as his tongue glided across her skin it soothed the pain. For whatever reason, that seemed to blank her mind at the moment as his fingers expertly worked the button of her jeans, she wanted more pain if it meant his mouth on her.
“You make such pretty noises.” He hummed into her neck as he inhaled the sweet scents from her being worked up. “I want to hear them all.”
Zoe whimpered, one hand on his shoulder, the other twisted in the short hairs on top of his head, pulling lightly as she felt his fang scrape along her neck. This time when Bucky pulled back and his eyes flashed yellow she knew wasn’t imagining it, a grin on her face matching his.
“You gonna let me taste you everywhere doll?” Bucky asked, slipping to his knees as he pulled down Zoe’s pants, breathing in her scent.
She kicked off her jeans and Bucky lifted her up, wrapping her legs around him as he laid her on the nearby mattress. He laid between her thighs with a ravenous look in his glassy glowing eyes.
"Fuck," she breathed, Bucky placing soft kisses to the bare skin of her thighs.
"Just tell me and I'll give you what you need," he murmured against her skin.
Zoe whimpered before nodding, feeling the scrape of Bucky's teeth on her skin as he smiled. Another sharp pain, deeper this time, had her crying out, blood trickling down her inner thigh. She gripped the side of his cheek as he sucked at the broken skin before pushing his face between her legs. Tender kisses covered her clothed cunt, such a contrast to the viciousness of his bite.
"God, I'm going to fucking ruin you," he growled as her panties grew sticky with spit, arousal, and the blood from his lips
Bucky's eyes were fixed on her as he slid her panties down her legs, making her hiss in pain when they brushed over the fresh bite mark.
"Please…" Zoe whimpered, legs shaking as he ran his tongue first over the blood leaking from the bite then slid it between her wet folds as he parted them with his fingers.
Bucky closed his lips around her clit, moaning at her taste as the vibrations turned her legs to jelly. He pulled back to look her in the eyes as he said; "Please what, baby? Tell me," kissing up and down her thigh but never getting close to where her pussy throbbed.
"You're mouthwatering." He breathed right before he dove in for another bite, sinking his teeth right into her soul it felt like, his fingers slipping inside her and curling just as he took a pull of her blood and stars exploded behind her eyes.
Zoe's breath hitched and raced in her throat as she felt tears prick in the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over. The stimulation from the bite marks and his fingers caused her stomach to tighten.
A whine that escaped her lips, caused Bucky to pull back. He slipped his fingers out of her and pressed a light, tender kiss to her hip bone, trailing his fingers up and down the outside of her bare thigh.
"Hey.. hey.. I've got you, sweet girl" He whispered into her skin. "I want to take care of you Zoe, but I need you to know that if you say stop at any point, we do. Understand?" His yellow eyes fading back to their natural blue for just a moment as he peered up at her, his touch softening.
She nodded her head in response as a tear fell down her cheek.
"Use your words, sweetheart. I need you to tell me you understand.."
"I understand.. Please Bucky.. I want this" She assured him.
His fingers left her thigh and teased her folds as he let out a deep sigh, feeling her slick father on his fingertips.
“Mmm, I am so glad to hear that, baby.”
Bucky leaned forward to once again envelope her clit with his lips, pushing his fingers back into her throbbing cunt.
Zoe's eyes rolled back and she let out a groan, feeling his tongue massage her clit. She could feel his fingers pressing against that spot that made her brain fuzzy, and her hips began to grind slowly against his mouth. The bed sheets crumpled in her fist and she writhed and groaned beneath him. Bucky lifted his head.
"You're fucking exquisite, Zoe."
He turned his head and sunk his fangs into the same wound on her thigh, causing her to cry out. She watched with fascination and lust growing in the pit of her stomach as his fingers continued to thrust in and out of her. The pain combined with the pleasure pushed her right over the edge. Bucky drank deeply. Zoe took some pleasure in watching his hips rut against the mattress. They moaned together as her vision whited out.
He lifted his head, blood dripping down his throat and bathing his porcelain skin in crimson. The yellow eyes returned as he climbed off of the bed and stripped off his t-shirt to reveal a chest full of tattoos and a pair of dog tags around his neck. Zoe trembled and Bucky leaned over to lick the rest of the blood that clung to her thigh, his eyes snapping up to meet hers.
"I want you, sweetness. Forever."
Zoe's breath hitched in her throat as his blood tinged lips placed kisses up her tighs as he moved onto the bed to hover over her body. He nudged the hem of her shirt with his nose and scraped at the skin around her navel with his fangs.
"Can we take this off? I want to worship all of you, Zoe"
Her brain felt like tv static watching him, overwhelmed by her own senses and the metallic smell filling the air, his words bringing her back. "y--yes." She choked out as goosebumps trickled across her skin.
The corners of Bucky's mouth upturned, his teeth stark white against his dark red stained lips. Even covered in her blood, which should freak her out, he's still the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. Zoe untwisted her fingers from the sheets as his cold fingertips slid under the hem of her shirt, pushing the fabric torturously slow up her body.
She lifted her arms above her head, resting them against the flat pillows as he helped her from her shirt. Bucky tossed her shirt to the side, discarding it onto the floor as he linked his fingers with hers, still above her head as he hovered over her, his lips barely touching hers causing her eyes to flutter close.
"I knew it'd be you." He whispered before crashing his lips into hers.
Zoe moaned into the kiss, arching against Bucky as he moved one hand, sliding it to the curve in her back. He pressed her closer to him, their skin sticking as his pants scraped along her wounds, making her pull away, hissing.
“Shh, I gotcha sweetheart,” Bucky murmured, rolling over to his back and sliding his pants and briefs off. He pulled Zoe into him, his chest to her back, throwing her thigh over his, spreading her wide.
As his cock pressed against her entrance, he nuzzled at her neck. “Please, Bucky,” Zoe whimpered and he moved, sliding into her as he bit her neck.
She let out a gasp which turned into a ragged moan as he thrust into her, blood running down her neck and across her breasts. The low growl that came from deep within him made the hair on her arms stand up as he gripped her tighter. Bucky tightened his forearm around her waist until she was nearly immobile. She felt like prey, pinned down and captured by a ruthless predator. The thought caused her cunt to clench around his cock as Bucky moved faster, thrusting up deep within her as he continued to drink from her throat.
He released her neck with a moan as Zoe panted, dizzy with lust and loss of blood. A ragged sigh came from behind her head and suddenly Bucky's arm appeared in front of her, deep punctures on his pale wrist.
"Go ahead, I want to feel you when it happens," he rasped.
Zoe whimpered and pressed her lips to the cool skin, the coppery taste flooding her lips with an undertone of something….sweet.
Bucky's pace increased as she swallowed more of him, hissing at the sensation of her dull teeth against the sensitive skin.
"Good girl, that's it," he groaned as he felt her grow even wetter around him.
The sensation hit her like a brick, while Bucky’s cock slammed inside her. Her head felt like it was about to explode as a fire grew inside her. Zoe threw head back with a moan, slamming her eyes shut. “Holy fuck Bucky…” she breathed, licking her lips to get the remainder of his blood into her.
Bucky bit into her shoulder and sucked, dragging his tongue over the two puncture marks. He brought his wrist back to her lips as they both drank together. He released her and moved his hand to her cheek, turning her head and mashing their lips together, shoving his tongue against hers, their blood mixing in their mouths.
It was a feeling Zoe couldn't explain. She wasn't sure if it was the sex or the blood that was causing it, but she suddenly felt as if she was drunk. As if she had been downing tequila shots all night. Everything was spinning, but she didn't want it to stop.
She felt herself fluttering and clenching around him as more moans and growls filled the air around them.
Zoe could feel her pulse slowing. Everything was slowing down as he fucked her harder, pushing her toward her peak. It should be the opposite. Shouldn't it? Zoe became very aware of her breath as it rushed in and out of her chest. She could go longer between gasps. Her eyelids fluttered closed. Blood was smeared everywhere and all she could smell was copper.
He was controlling the pace of the thrusts and she could feel herself teetering right on the edge of bliss.
"Everything's blurry," she slurred.
His tongue laved against the bite mark on her neck and he pressed his bloodied arm against her mouth. Zoe drank and her heart beat slowed to a crawl, vision blacking out.
"Do you feel that?" He purred against the shell of her ear. "That's death. Take it, Zoe. You'll be brand new again, babydoll. I promise."
She came hard, closing her eyes tightly as she drank. Suddenly, everything stopped and her body went limp, but she continued to drink as instinct kicked in. Her eyes fluttered open and suddenly everything was brighter and more intense. The air rushing into her lungs felt cleaner somehow. The smell of blood was intoxicating instead of nauseating and her body trembled on top of his. She tore her mouth away from his arm and let out an animalistic, ragged howl. Her cunt clenched around him and she heard him laugh.
"There you are, sweet thing."
Zoe’s head was spinning with pleasure. She had never felt so alive as she did in this moment, with Bucky’s blood dripping down her chin as his hips rutted against her. He felt even more incredible inside of her hitting just the right spot as her nerves jolted with the build up of her second orgasm. She turned her head and captured his lips in hers in a passionate kiss, all tongue and teeth. Zoe pulled back hard with his bottom lip between her teeth.
“Tell me what you’re feeling, Zoe. It’s amazing isn’t it?” Bucky breathed against her neck.
She felt his fingers wrap around the cusp of her chin, thumb and index finger grasping her jaw. Where his skin was cool to the touch before, now it felt normal with tiny sparks lighting up her skin with the littlest amount of contact.
"I've never felt this way before." She sobbed, his cock hitting that spot over and over again. Zoe could feel her body begin to tremble again as the rubber band in her stomach wound itself up. "You feel incredible." She moaned.
Bucky groaned, his hips beginning to stutter in relentless snaps, "You're mine now, little one." He rasped and she could feel his tongue slide along the shell of her ear before he began nipping softly at her jawline, "As I am yours."
His cock slid along her walls, every ridge and vein feeling more prominent than before, lighting up places she didn’t even know had sparks. She felt that coil inside her snap as Bucky reached forwards, fingers ghosting over her clit.
Zoe’s back arched, her head thrown back on Bucky’s shoulder, a strangled scream leaving her bloodstained throat.
“Oh fuck, that’s it my sweet girl, feel it all,” Bucky groaned, thrusts getting sloppy.
A tingling started in her throat and worked its way to her mouth, turning into a dull pain as she felt the tips of her now elongated teeth scrape against her lips. Bucky's smile broadened to a truly heartstopping grin at the sight, pride and lust painted on his face.
"So fucking gorgeous," he breathed, pushing deeper into as he neared his finish.
Zoe whined, turning her head from Bucky's shoulder to rub at his neck as he pressed kisses to her skin wherever he could reach. A wave of heat rushed through her and without a second thought she sunk her teeth deep into the taut skin of his throat.
"Fuck!" he exclaimed as Zoe pulled hard, filling herself with more of his sweetness. It did nothing to stop the tingle in her throat, like an itch she can't scratch.
"I know baby, it's not enough for you," he groaned, seemingly reading her mind. "Fuck, keep goin' though."
She bit deeper as he let out a shockingly loud moan. With a messy thrust of his hips, his cock throbbed and warmth filled her as he came.
His hips slowed to a halt, as he tightened his arms around Zoe, pulling her into his body. Electricity shooting off on her skin at every slight movement. She kept her mouth attached to his neck, taking in as much of him as she could, swiping her tongue over her two fresh puncture wounds.
"Okay my love, we need to get you something real.." He whispered into her skin, running his fingers gently over the bite marks on her skin smearing the blood into their sweat, as all but one mark began to heal.
Zoe reluctantly removed her lips from Bucky's neck, only to turn her body and press her lips onto his, sharing the taste of him. "Bucky.." She whined against his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck and combing her fingers into her hair.
"I know sweet thing. I'm right here" He assured her, kissing her once more.
Zoe felt reborn. She could hear the music beneath the floorboards, and bits of conversation. She smelled Lily's blood as visions of her being dragged through the hallway filled her mind. Zoe stared at Bucky and he smiled. They were bonded. His memories hers, and vice versa. Suddenly, she felt like she knew his entire history that was mapped out on his skin and in his veins. He didn't have to say a word.
"What do you mean by finding something real?" She asked.
Bucky nuzzled against her, lips ghosting along her jawline.
"You'll learn to give life, and you'll learn to take it… and enjoy it."
Zoe felt her fangs drop as Bucky stared at her, cupping her face in his large hands. They both grinned as she reached up and brushed her fingertips against his plush lips.
"I'm ready."
Bucky's eyes flashed yellow and he beamed.
"That's my girl."
#bucky barnes#marvel imagine#marvel oneshot#marvel one shot#marvelous#smut#one shot#steve rogers#captain america#bucky barnes one shot#bucky barnes au#bucky barnes oneshot#bucky barnes fanfiction
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Warning: dysphoria, transphobia, homophobia
Summary: basically a version of the "tom-boy female becomes hot to stakeout a guy" but with a wholesome twist
Logan couldn't believe what he was hearing. Each word made sent hundreds of crawling ants sensations across his skin.
"Kask! We need you to girl up for this!"
"But-" He's cut off by a bag being tossed at his chest.
"No, "but"s. Suit Up." The annoying bastard sneers before leaving the room. Logan stares after him with a sense of numb helplessness before slowly setting the bag on the desk near him. He absently notes that the wing on top seems to be a pretty black to blue that would flatter his complexation and match the black fabric beneath.
It takes him a few minutes to shove aside his discomfort to move towards the locker rooms, which are thankfully empty. He struggles to swallow the burning fury and shame as he discovers the fabric is a short long sleeve dress and leggings and under that, at the bottom of the bag were heels and make up. He hates every moment as he changes, dutifully turning himself into a beautiful porcelain doll. He feels like crying when he finishes his makeup and flinches when he hears the door open.
"Um..?" Logan feels like dying when he recognizes who exactly walked in, "OH. Logan?"
Logan sniffles as he turns to look at his train wreck of a partner "Idiotule told me to be the bait"
"For Baisu?" The usually grinning man's face scrunches up in a way Logan can't decipher.
"Yes, he-"
"Take that off" Logan stares at him wide eyes.
"I said Take. That. Shit. Off. You are obviously super uncomfortable in that garbage." Logan opens his mouth to protest, but is cut off again "AND Baisu is Bi anyways!! I'll wear the heels tonight! It's more my kind of scene anyways so hand your outfit over. I'll take full blame if Idiotule tries to raise a stink."
"I-" Logan sucks in a breath before smiling "Thanks, Remus."
"Kask! Why aren't you dressed?" Idiotule demands when he see Logan walking to the stakeout van dressed in slacks and a turtle neck.
"Um? Oh. Remus wanted to wear the heels." Logan runs a hand through his freshly showered hair.
"Of course that fag-"
"Hope This Dress Wasn't A Rental!!" Remus's voice sings out as he comes sprinting towards them in knee high heeled boots. Logan's feeling of being impressed by his speed in heels fades to indecency as he takes in the man. Remus had squeezed himself into the leggings that are a size or two too small, making them nearly see through and leaving little to the imagination. He also chopped up the dress into a sash around his hips and a ripped up crop top. If it was anyone else it would probably look terrible, but it somehow looked great on the beefy trash man.
"Just get in the car, goddamn queers" Idiotule grumbles as he climbs into the van and slams the door.
"Charming as ever, isn't he?" Remus mumbles before grinning at Logan, "Shall we?"
Logan huffs a laugh, "Yeah, lets get this over with"
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Odds and Evens
Summary: First Meetings are always awkward, even when being thrown in head first.
Warnings: Language. I think that's it haha
Notes///////// hi, this is my first official start to this story. It's original story, I'll be posting reader-inserted fics later down the line. Comments, reblogs, and any notes you guys have are always appreciated!!

“Evlen Rachel Marlin; 5’4”; 182.3 pounds; Orphan; one brother; three half sisters. She was born in Romania, she speaks four languages; Romanian, English, Russian, and sign language. Low hearing in both ears, and she is trained in sniping and hand to hand combat.” He rattled off like I was an object he could study. He knew things I didn’t even know, or tell anyone. I felt vulnerable, open to the public eye as I stood on his left.
“Bine ai revenit în România Evlen. Ne-ai lipsit.” The man sitting across the table spoke fluent Romanian. He wore a dark, crooked smirk and a scar down his forehead ending under his right eye.
“Mănâncă rahat idiotule.” I spit, my eyes raging with anger.
The man in front of me holding me off from jumping down the table. His hand gripped my bicep tightly. I took a deep breath before grasping his hand, feeling the cold release from hand as the ice took over his skin. Leaving his flesh frozen and blue. He knelt down, howling out in pain, looking up at his presumed master at what to make of me.
“She’s feisty, put her with the others. And take care of the freezer burn.” The dark man didn’t even flinch at the use of my powers. How could he not be in the slightest bit curious? His man didn’t rattle off the mutated DNA I was gifted from my father’s side, or how my parent's death was because I had no control over the gene yet. He didn’t ask questions, he just sat there and gazed at the frosted hand of his man.
I was yanked from my thoughts and the room. Dragging my feet to keep up with him. He pulled until we were met with a giant cell like dungeon, three men and two women littered it. All taking, ignoring us entirely. The room warped around them, the ceiling coming in on the left. Cots, blankets, books, and ragged pillows scattered throughout the floor. The couch and table in the middle seem to be a meeting area, somewhere they all felt the comfort of one another. Surveying the room more as I was pushed inside, the door slamming in behind me.
I made eye contact with everyone. They all had distinct markings, scars, irises, and hair colors. The boys stood as a protective wall in front of the girls, a head on each shoulder.
“Stop staring and introduce yourself.” The girl on the far right speaks first. Dark black hair reaching her shoulders. She had yellow eyes, dark blue and purple lightning veins decorated the outer edge of her face and arms.
“Even Marlin.” I let out a shaky breath, waiting to be eaten alive.
They glanced at each other, I assume trying to figure out how to approach the fresh meat before them. A queasy feeling bubbles in my stomach with all their eyes on me. The silence had become uncomfortable before the same girl broke it again.
“Well Even, I’m Salvia, this buff boy in front of me is Sirius. My twin, and the others can introduce themselves.” She gripped the boy's shoulders in front of her, he had medium black hair, same yellow irises, but no veins. His abilities are naked unknown eyes.
I nod before the others continue. The middle girl was Bree, she had sleek auburn hair, bright green eyes. Bree can manipulate objects and walls, she used it to escape before. Now they have a beacon that stops our powers from being used in this very room. The other boy before her was Marvin, tan skin and chestnut curls, he was a siphon. Last but not least was Kate, she was trained by the very own men at the end of the hall, having the skills to assassinate a crowd in under thirty minutes.
We broke off, going in every direction. I followed Bree, she showed off the cot I would “sleep” on. Marvin and Sirius sat on the couch playing a trivia game about different elements. Sirius and I met eyes every so often, sending a welcoming smile my way. Kate and Salvia cuddle on the opposite side of the couch, reading the various descriptions of each element before the boys blurted out.
“How well do you know your elements, Even?”
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Nu mai contează. Lasă paharul pe masă. Da, știu, ai dreptate și te cred întru totul că nu mai suporți calvarul, dar trebuie să ai încredere. Cum adică în ce? În tine, idiotule! Trebuie să înțelegi că lucrurile sunt exact așa cum trebuie să fie. Știu că încă te chinui s-o dai uitării, știam toți, se vede în ochii tăi, se vede în fiecare pahar pe care-l golești cu ură și repeziciune ca să te amețești. Las-o să plece, mai chinuie-te și.. Și doar las-o să-ți părăsească inima..
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