#Idea for a study room with a large traditional built-in desk
betsyloop · 2 years
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Traditional Home Office - Built-In
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visionify · 2 years
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Traditional Home Office
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erkiengill · 2 years
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Traditional Home Office - Home Office
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albertswitch · 3 months
At fifty-two, Andrew was a serious and hard-working man, his career had been going well, and he had reached an important and prominent position in the company he worked for. Now he had been sent by the headquarters to that remote country village to oversee the renovation of the local manufacturing facility. Being divorced and childless, he had willingly accepted the move to that uncomfortable countryside.
Looking for accommodation and since there were no decent hotels around there, Andrew ended up renting a room with a lady who was looking for a tenant. The house was an old two-story house, well maintained and surrounded by a large garden, Andrew had a spacious room with a bathroom for his exclusive use just beside his room's door, as there was another one that the landlady and her daughter used.
The landlady in question was Ruth, a widow who lived there with her sixteen-year-old daughter Jennifer. She was born in that house and went back to live there once her husband died after a car accident two years prior and her parents left in her early thirties. At forty Ruth was still a pretty woman and Andrew found her attractive from the day he got to know her. She was not tall and usually kept her hair tightly encased in a chignon, the traditional dresses she mostly wore could not hide her generous forms and her still firm flesh, and when she dressed more informally such as for working in the garden, her very womanly bottom filled stretched the fabric of her jeans, and her bosom wobbled attractively under the tee shirt.
Going to live there, Andrew was a bit worried about his privacy, especially because of the presence of a teenager. Coming from the city he imagined loud music from her room, girls and especially boys coming and going around the house, and maybe some animated discussion between her and her mother. None of this, Jennifer who was the young version of her mother, was a nice and animated girl, but at home, she was very quiet and always respectful towards her parent.
It was a few weeks after he had gone to live there that Andrew sensed the reason for Jennifer's good behavior. It was late afternoon and he came back home from his job when he found Jennifer seated at the living room table doing her homework. That alone was unusual as she used to study in her room where she had a desk, but even more strange was that she was sitting on a fluffy pillow and had puffy eyes as if she had been crying.
"The miss here thought it was a good idea to go to school for a whole week with her homework not done," Ruth said noticing Andrew's puzzled expression, "I had a call from her math teacher and I had to put an end to this."
And she underlined her words with an unmistakable hand gesture. Poor Jennifer blushed red and put her head in the book to avoid Andrew's look.
That event confirmed Andrew’s feeling that Ruth was definitely an old-fashioned lady with quite conservative ideas. He had already noticed that all the furniture was old-style, and even Ruth's way of dressing was more like that of a woman of the fifties than that of the new millennium. And now it was clear that her view on domestic discipline matched her way of dressing.
Given that, it didn't surprise Andrew too much to discover one day when he was looking for some laundry soap, a leather strap hanging on the wall of the closet at the back of the kitchen. It was a broad and heavy strip of thick leather attached to a wooden handle. It looked like a fearsome tool, clearly built to inflict a lot of pain without causing too much physical damage. He wondered if that was what Ruth used to correct poor Jenniffer, being this the case it was clear why she had had problems sitting down that afternoon.
But that was not the case, as he discovered sometime later when he stayed after dinner to converse with Ruth on the porch on a quiet summer evening. It was then that he came to learn that the only bottom that had felt the caress of that strap was that of his landlady.
That evening after talking freely about amenities Ruth, helped by a couple of glasses of red wine, started to talk about her life. She was the only daughter of the local pastor and grew up in a very strict, conservative environment. Her parents were caring and loved deeply their only daughter but were very strict, especially her father, and believed firmly in the old bible saying 'spare the rod and spoil the child'. So as a child, any time her behaviors were not at her best, she had become accustomed to bare-bottomed spankings and after she had turned a teenager, to severe whippings with that large, thick leather strap. For regular spankings, she had to lift her long skirt, the only garment she had always to wear, up above her waist and pull her panties down to mid-thigh before going over her father's lap. When she was going to get the strap, she had to lower her panties and hose, again raise her skirt up above her waist, and bend over to obediently present her tender young buttocks to her stern father's punishing leather.
"He really blistered my poor rear end with that," she said while one of her hands went unconsciously to caress her swelling bottom through her skirt. "I was a blubbering mess when he was done. That's why I never used the strap with Jennifer, it hurts far too much, so when I have to correct her I use just a wooden spoon."
"So how come it still keeps hanging on the wall in the closet?" It was the question that came naturally to Andrew.
"OH...did you see it...well, I don't know. I guess that is just something that must be there in a decent home. To keep discipline, you know," she said while a blush colored her pretty cheeks.
Andrew was puzzled by that answer. If she didn't intend to use it on her daughter, who else needed to be disciplined in that house? But noting her blushing he didn't say anything, not wanting to create further embarrassment for his landlady. Nonetheless, Ruth, as if reading his mind, turned her head to avoid eye contact.
That discussion aroused in Andrew's mind fantasies long time forgotten. His parents never spanked him, but as a kid, since an early age, he had been strangely interested in the subject. His interest started with comics and cartoons, and later in old movies, western especially, where the female heroin often found herself on the receiving end of that old-fashioned discipline. Every time a scene depicted that correction he felt a kind of strange and funny feeling running through his body. This interest developed till his late teenage years when it began to fade, but even now just at the word ‘spanking’, he felt kind of embarrassed and excited at the same time. So from that night, he started to look at his pretty landlady under a new light. The awareness that till her early twenties she had been corporally punished ('till the day I got married' she had said) and the assumption that she kept the instrument of her punishment in remembrance of it and, who knows, maybe even because at some level she thought it still could be used on her, elicited in Andrew a turmoil of emotions.
In the next few days, he started to spend more time with Ruth, looking for opportunities to bring the discussion back to the topic of discipline. Sometimes he would make comments, between the serious and the facetious, about how 'women of all ages need a firm hand applied where it does most good' or even more directly 'try to behave yourself or I'll have to take the strap off the wall.'
Ruth had had a twofold attitude toward those approaches. On the one hand, her manner was warm and inviting, it was clear that she liked Andrew, but on the other hand, she never openly answered those allusions that she still required discipline, but she never denied it either. Her usual reaction to those suggestions was to furiously blush and try to change the subject.
All that went on till one day when coming back from work at dinner time, Andrew found Jennifer leaving the house, and Ruth was not there. That was quite unusual as till then he had seen mother and daughter always eat dinner together in the house. "Mother has gone out," the girl told him, noticing his puzzled look. "She will be back late because tonight is the annual reunion of the ex-students of her school. I'm going to Aunt Amanda's to spend the night."
Keep reading Ruth at, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D58HNRT6
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cripthevoteuk · 10 months
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