#Idea for a foyer with an eclectic vinyl floor
daisy-source · 2 years
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Austin Foyer Mudroom
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quatschmachen · 8 years
Ed and Et
Avoiding was the best course.
It was a cities meeting and there was no way that Ed could attend without seeing Étienne. So the best tactic was to avoid. It had been over a year since they had last spoken and while some wounds were healing over, Ed was not expecting the sudden lurch in his stomach when he saw Étienne.
It had been two days and he had managed to successfully avoid the man outside of meetings during the Annual Cities Meet, one more day to go. It had been absolutely exhausting to quickly take different corridors, linger in different rooms talking to people he wasn’t exactly fond of, or even once attempting to hide behind a potted plant when a run in with Étienne had taken him unawares.
Entering the elevator, he sighed happily as it was empty, and he calmly adjusted his jacket around him. He had heard some rumours in between meetings that the wind was getting pretty wicked outside. The doors began to close before a hand suddenly jammed the doors, forcing them open again and Étienne, rather out of breath, appeared. Their eyes locked for a moment, the silence heavy between them. Étienne moved as if he was not going to get onto the elevator before a large crowd of people appeared, propelling Étienne forward into the elevator. The space suddenly closed between them as more people shuffled in, apparently coming in from a different meeting, forcing bodies to squish together and causing Étienne to uncomfortably press up against Ed. Not a word was exchanged as Étienne resolutely looked forward clutching his satchel to his chest. Reaching the ground floor, Étienne impatiently tried to push through some of the people, knowing that Ed was following behind, tripping slightly as he exited the elevator, his arms loosened causing his satchel to fall onto the floor. The latch, not firmly pressed, popped open, causing his files to fly around the foyer.
“Merde,” he muttered as he bent to quickly pick up the various papers.
“I’ll help,” Ed’s voice was soft, almost inaudible as together they quickly and awkwardly worked together to pick up the papers, their eyes not meeting in a strange dance of avoidance.
Moving forward to grasp the last paper, Étienne’s hand fell upon Ed’s who had also went to grasp the last paper. Both of them froze, unsure of what to do, the moment in time seeming to slow down into a moment too long, until slowly Étienne withdrew his touch, straightening up.
Barely looking at Étienne, Ed handed him the rest of the papers, his warm fingers lightly brushing up against Étienne’s, a touch so familiar and strange at the same time.
It was now or never, Étienne thought as their eyes met. Heart thumping in his throat, he managed to croak out in the most uncool fashion, “Hey… did you want to catch up… over coffee?”
Wide eyes stared at him, as if Ed had no idea what language was being spoken to him. They were still both awkwardly in the crouched position from picking up the files and Étienne could feel his leg starting to cramp.
The silence hanging between them and suddenly feeling embarrassed for even opening his mouth, Étienne began to say “Well I mean you don’t ha-”
“Alright.” Ed cut across him.
“A-alright?!” came the startled croak.
“I mean… coffee isn’t so bad,” came the offhand comment as Ed finally straightened up, consciously rubbing his hands on his pants as if unconsciously trying to rub away Étienne’s touch.
Clutching the firmly closed satchel to his chest Étienne also stood up, shocked that Ed had actually agreed. Attempting to keep his cool and hating his heart for pounding like some idiotic drum – he was! OVER IT! They were Just friends! He had managed to leave the house and have many adventures in the past six months, many sexual adventures with many different people. He enjoyed every single one. Ed dropping him was probably the best thing that happened to him!
He smiled. The smile probably was not the best of smiles, it was one of those awkward forced ones that showed a little too much teeth, and probably was reminiscent of him swallowing a fly.
Exiting the building the wind hit their faces like a freight train, the snow swirling around them and Ed pulled his jacket higher. Their walking pace was awkward, until after about a block or so, Ed managed to ask, “So we passed like five Starbucks. Where exactly is this coffee happening?”
Blanching, for Étienne had no idea where they were going, he quickly looked around trying to figure out the best place nearby that was not a Starbucks. He could not just drag Ed into one after passing five, right?
“We are going to a nice mom and pop place,” he responded, quickly deciding to go Left. Left felt Good to him.
“You sure?”
“Yup!” Ignoring the doubtful tone in Ed’s voice, Étienne strode forward acting as if he totally knew the city of Halifax like the back of his hand.
Trying not to act as if he was desperately looking around for a place, he adjusted his satchel, and attempted to start up a conversation. “Soo… how do you like the meeting so far?”
“Mind numbingly boring. If I have to hear one more interruption from your fricking mayor about why a pipeline is the sign of the devil, I am going to personally crawl across the meeting table horror movie style and strangle him with my own bare hands.”
Giving a disapproving cluck, Étienne turned his head, not looking where he was going, and began to say “You wouldn’t dare-” and managed to fall off the sidewalk onto the road, neatly twisting his ankle on a sewer grate. He did an awkward wobble, clutching the file to his chest attempting not to fall, which nearly sent him into traffic, where no doubt he would have been squished by a bus whizzing by if Ed had not quickly pulled him back onto the sidewalk.
The force of the pull was perhaps too great as Ed slid on some hidden ice, causing them both to fall violently onto the sidewalk with a not nice sounding thud, Étienne’s head awkwardly butting against Ed’s chin.
Swearing, Étienne attempted to recover, twisting and rubbing his head looking at Ed with concern. “Sorry, are you ok?” Without much thought, he reached out to rub Ed’s chin to make sure the injury wasn’t so bad, his freezing cold fingers almost getting electric at the touch as he quickly withdrew.
“I’m fine… just sore. Seems like even if you may not be so smart, you are still hard headed, like some bull.”
“Anyways, I would really like to get in before I freeze to death, to hell with your mom and pop place,” Ed responded as he tenderly stood up, “Look, that place looks good, let’s go there.”
“But—” Étienne vaguely protested.
“Shut up, I’m freezing and I don’t give a damn about this mom and pop place, I want you off the sidewalk before you manage to actually kill yourself; today has been long and I don’t have the time or patience to scrape you off the pavement. We are going there.”
Secretly relieved that he didn’t have to find some random place, Étienne nodded meekly. “Alright… I can’t guarantee anything though.”
Holding out his hand, Ed pulled Étienne up, “At least it will get us out of this fricking wind.”
Putting pressure on his ankle, Étienne stumbled, feeling embarrassed that he had somehow twisted it.
“Hold on to me, and we will hobble you over to this place, ok?” Without waiting Ed wrapped his arm around Étienne’s waist, pulling him close.
Relaxing into a hold he had missed for far too long, Étienne acquiesced as they hobbled towards the restaurant, the bell chiming as they entered. Due to the time of day it was not so busy and they managed to get a booth rather quickly. It was one of those well lived restaurants that served the loosely termed “Canadian fare”. What this really meant was it was one of those places that had an eclectic menu of items filched from all around the world and vaguely modified to the region.
The booth seats were an old dull red vinyl, some of them sadly patched up obviously having seen better days.  Cleanliness was to be desired, but it was not revolting. It was a homey atmosphere, with non-offensive lighting, not too bright not too dim.
Having slid into the booth, Étienne was startled when Ed squatted and rolled up his pant leg in order to inspect his ankle. Cold fingers pressed up against his skin in an intimate caress. It took a moment for him to realize exactly what was going on, to comprehend the situation.  Why was Ed acting so concerned over him? So caring? After all he had literally dumped him like a pile of rubbish and suddenly he was squatting touching his ankle like it was some prize gem? Unexpected anger washed over him as he violently jerked his ankle away from Ed.
“What are you doing? I’m making sure you haven’t fucked it up too badly–”
“I’m fine, ok?”  Étienne hadn’t meant to sound so snappish but quite honestly he was ready to chop this leg off due to the amount of injuries it had managed to incur during the past six months.
Looking as if he just got slapped in the face, Ed withdrew, “Fine,” and opened up the menu, staring at it in a stony silence.
Shit, this was not how this was supposed to go, Étienne thought and when the waitress appeared he panicked and actually ordered a large food dish attempting to look as if they meant to be here all along.
Ed ordered an appetizer and a coffee.
Waiting for their food, Étienne found it hard to look at Ed, not sure how to bring up a topic of conversation, racking his mind for something Safe to talk about.
“Did I ever tell you about my worst day ever?” he finally managed to say smoothly, knowing full well he hadn’t but trying to frame it as if they were still on speaking terms so that he possibly could have.
“You have a new one?”
“Uhh huhh… this one really takes the mouldy gateau too.”
“Alright, you have me intrigued… I’ll bite. What happened?”
“Well this was after the stupid minor cities camp,” Étienne began, “And because I had won the prize to Banff my flight got changed, and of course Emma was the one who did it.”
“Oh you won too? Usually it’s only one team that wins the prize,” Ed commented offhandedly.
Taken off guard for a moment, Étienne cautiously replied, “Too?”
“Well Calvin won it so he was late a day… I was waiting for him to get back.”
“Ed… Calvin and I were on the same team. Didn’t he mention it to you?”
“What?” Surprise and then a sudden schooling of features, “Well hmm, guess it must have slipped my mind. Continue with your bad day.”
“Ok so I am stuck in this long ass layover, because of course no direct flight to my city so I get the milk run to Toronto and I’m eating the worst sandwich of my life…”
He continued on, the atmosphere between them relaxing once more, only getting interrupted when he mentioned the elevator was broken.
“Your place does not have an elevator?”
“Oh! I forgot to mention my place was under renovations, so I was temporarily inhabiting a different apartment,” he responded.
“Ohhh, ok that makes sense. So wheel of luggage broken? And then what?”
The food arrived halfway through the story, disrupting the cozy atmosphere temporarily, as Étienne spent so much time he nearly forgot about the food, subconsciously pushing it more towards Ed as he elaborated on the broom closet, making a large gesture to get the point across.
Ed had begun picking at Étienne’s food, nearly choking on the pasta in laughter as he was told about Elyse shouting at him. In telling the story somehow the worst day ever was transforming into the funniest day ever, and Étienne had to work hard to keep a straight face as he talked about being absolutely humiliated in front of His Royal Asshole and wanting to die.
“Ohhh nooo, how embarrassing!” came the correct response, after another forkful of pasta.
“Ugh it was the WORST. And to make things even worse as a punishment she made me go to the pothole meetings for her… so there I was with two black eyes attempting to be all professional—”
“Wait, when did you get black eyes? Did you actually get those from Lucas?”
“Oh no, of course not, it was when me and Calvin had a fight during camp,” came the laugh, Étienne seeming to wave away this tidbit as if it was insignificant, “We got on each other’s nerves and emotions were expressed, you know how it is with Calvin… but anyways…” Étienne wrapped up his story, glad at how enthralled his audience was throughout. However Ed was not so enthralled, his brow was drawn down as if in thought.
“Extinct penny for your thoughts?”
“I have finished my story and you are busy chewing on a chicken wing with no major response for le grande finale…”
“Oh sorry, the chicken is real good, want one?”
“Sure,” suspicious that Ed was lying but not wanting to call him out on it, Étienne took one of the chicken wings to try. “Mmm! It is good!”
“You say that as if you doubted me,” came the wry response.
“Of course not, I know you have good taste… when it comes to food.”
Eyebrows raised Ed said, “What are you implying!?”
“Oh… nothing, of course,” came the cheeky reply as Étienne flashed him a wicked smile, one that usually had a very physical effect upon Edward.
“Sure…” hearing his phone buzz, Ed wiped his hands on the napkin before pulling it out; glad for the timely distraction, he read the message and blanched, “Shit…”
“Ugh I have to go, this turned longer than I meant it to,” he hurriedly put his phone away after sending a quick text and then put his jacket on, “Sorry about this it was good catching up, here,” he slammed a twenty-dollar bill onto the table, “This should cover, right?”
“That’s far too much,” Étienne protested, “We could walk back together?”
“No I have to go now,” something about his manner was off-putting.  It was almost as if he was trying to run away from some illicit affair.
“Ed, wait.”
He was already turning away.
Panic entering him, Étienne lunged out and grabbed him by the wrist, “Ed! Wait!”
“Étienne, I have to go–”
“Wait a moment, I,” Talking to Ed had reminded him what a good friend he was and how much he missed him, as a friend. Feeling nervous even asking this as if he had no right to even say these words he said, “Are you still good for my birthday party? Like I mean after… everything… Are– are you coming?”
“I uh…haurh?” Ed’s voice seemed to go an octave higher as his face got red.
“…I would really like it if you came. It’s going to be very chill with some other people,” came the hopeful response. “But obviously no pressure, I mean… I don’t want to intrude on the honeymoon period.”
“Haa honeymoon period? What are you even talking about? But… other people will be there? That… sounds alright… uhm well…”
The eye avoidance failed miserably as Ed finally looked him directly in the eye, seeming to pause and stutter, the words seeming to be fighting amongst themselves over what he would respond until, “Okey well, expect me there! Just uh email me the instructions…”
Letting him go Étienne smiled warmly, “Great! See you.”
Giving a curt nod, Ed fled.
Entering the hotel room Ed looked at Calvin, feeling guilty. Somehow even having a meal with Étienne made him feel as if he had just had a full-on affair. Plus, he had stupidly agreed to go to the birthday party, shit, how could he back out now?
Taking his jacket off, he wondered how he would approach this topic to Calvin.
Calvin who he was a half hour late for; apparently seeing Étienne had caused his plans to fly right out of his head.
Thankfully Calvin was on the bed looking sleepy and tousled, “Hey, you finally came.”
“Yeah sorry, I got sidetracked.”
“Oh, me too… While waiting I ended up falling asleep. I’m just so sleepy with this time change.”
“Mmm…” sitting on the bed beside Calvin, Ed leant over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “I must admit the sidetrack was me being bad…”
Swallowing but knowing it was better to be upfront Ed said, “I grabbed a bite to eat with Étienne and we caught up…”
“Oh?? Tell me more.” Calvin shifted so that Ed could fully climb onto the bed and snuggle up to him.
“Mmm, well we literally bumped into each other and I guess… well I was curious. It was nice, he told me about some news, we caught up, but there was nothing more than that… mmm, I guess he was also a friend and I wonder if I may have been too extreme just cutting him out like that, you know?”
“I suppose… but sometimes you also need time and space to heal certain wounds, when you are ready though I suppose you could pick up the friendship again.”
“Yeah? Aren’t you worried?”
“Naw, I mean… what really could happen?”
“Mmm.” Laying there feeling comfortable, Ed wondered if he should confront Calvin about the fact he had left rather key points out concerning the camp experience… Opening his mouth to speak, the words seemed to clog up inside of him and he covered it up with a cough.
Perhaps it was better not to. Étienne didn’t seem to think it was a big idea and he was probably overreacting at the thought of the two men whom he loved… no wait, fuck. His boyfriend and ex interacting. Yeah it was just an awkward situation, probably best to be avoided.
“I fucked up too…”
“I ended up confirming to his face that I am going to his party,” Ed sighed out, “I meant to say no but he was looking at me like some sort of kicked puppy… I can back out if you want.”
“Eh, it’s just a party,” Calvin responded pragmatically, “I mean I need to start trusting you more at some point, right? Really what could go wrong?”
“Well a lot of things.”
“Well what if somehow… oh… I screw up?”
“Well what happens at the party stays at the party? Does that sound good?”
“Are you giving me a pass?”
“I suppose… so long as you come home to me at the end, I don’t see what harm could really happen.”
There was silence for a moment, before Ed gave Calvin a soft kiss on the cheek, “I love you, Calvin McCall.”
“I love you too, Edward Murphy… now then… are we going to order room service because I am hungry but don’t want to leave this room.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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Beautiful Homes of Instagram Happiness has arrived! I honestly feel extra happy when I share a new “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” post with you. I find these posts are so helpful if you’re looking for inspiration because these talented homeowners are always full of incredible ideas and many DIY projects. Today, I am honored to feature Selena from @middlesisterdesign. She and her husband are a DIYers and I am sure your jaw will drop as much as mine did when you see all of the projects done in this house. I hope you guys have a great time and get some inspiration here to apply to your home! I am definitely sharing this post with my husband! “I am so honored to have our home featured on Home Bunch! When Luciane contacted to ask if she could feature it, I was quite shocked and beyond excited! To have our humble little home that we’ve poured our hearts and souls into displayed next to some of the most beautiful homes on Instagram is just such an incredibly exciting gesture. Thank you Luciane. And thank you all for visiting! Welcome to our home! A little intro to myself. I’ve had a passion for Interior Design and Décor for as long as I can remember. It was merely a “hobby” of mine for many years. Until 2 years ago I worked part time as a bank teller. One day my husband suggested that I pursue my dreams of having my own Interior Styling business. After a lot of deliberation, I decided to go for it and Middle Sister Design was born. I specialize, and take pride in being a more budget friendly, less complicated, savvy stylist for the homeowner who desires a well-dressed home without the large price tag. Simple, Smart and Savvy; that’s my motto! I began a Blog, have had much success with local clients and have loved every minute of it. (And have not once missed wearing heels to work, counting dirty money or trying to upsell. There’s still so much for me to learn and I have big plans for the future of my Blog and Business. When my husband and I decided to build our home nearly 10 years ago we had just been married less than a year. We had viewed many homes in the area’s “cookie-cutter” neighborhoods and while we were uncertain of exactly what we wanted, we knew these were not it. We decided to scour the internet for land as well as for house plans. My husband found a 2 ½ acre piece of land that was only 5 minutes from my childhood home and I found the house plans (we disagreed on LOTS of them before finding the “perfect” one.). We both liked the bones of the house plan I’d found, however there were many things we didn’t love and so we sought help from a local Architect and custom home building company. With their assistance, we made changes to much of the main floor plan. I would describe my design style as somewhat eclectic. Growing up in the South and in a more traditional style home, you will find a bit of it throughout my own. However, being a lover of trends, I do enjoy bringing pieces of trendy items into the mix. Neutral, natural, earth inspired elements are my favorite. My Grandparents lived on a farm and from my memories of spending the summers there stem an adoration for that lovely, cozy farmhouse feel. My take on modern farmhouse industrial and boho chic also play a part in this eclectic style of mine. I truly do have an appreciation for all the styles.” Beautiful Homes of Instagram We kept to the original plans for the exterior of the home aside from choosing much larger windows shown above as well as the Stacked Stone veneers from Eldorado Stone in the color Alderwood. We loved that stone so munch in fact that we decided to carry it over to the entire foundation all around the entire house. The siding is Vinyl in the color ivory and all gutter work and trim are vinyl as well in white. We have designed and installed all of the landscaping ourselves and while that is a job in itself, the toughest part is keeping the multitude of deer from eating all of our hard work. Porch Front Porch stain is James T Davis solid stain in the color Tree Bark. The swing is from Hayneedle and the wicker conversation chairs are from Pier 1. Rugs are from Target. Front Door Front door color is basic black exterior paint. Welcome Home! The front door opens to the Great Room which was actually 3 rooms on the original floor plan; Living Room, Kitchen and Dining Room. This, even on blue prints, looked incredibly cramped and we all agreed that an open concept would be a more unique and inviting look for this space. Another favorite unique feature of mine is the little “shelf” above the foyer’s close/master bedroom door. I chose to display the driftwood pieces my sister has collected from a nearby river for me over the years, knowing my love for it. Living room Sectional Sofa and chair in this space are the Ikea Ektorp Slipcover Series, both in Bleking White. DIY DIY Inspo: Bookshelves, side tables and coffee table were all built by my husband. Rug is Bleached Jute from Overstock. Fireplace We decided to take the fireplace all the way to the top of the high ceilings using the same stone used on the exterior – Stacked Stone veneers from Eldorado Stone in the color Alderwood. Paint Color Paint color for the entire main floor is Benjamin Moore HC-173 Edgecomb Gray. DIY Shiplap Kitchen The shiplap wall was added by us last year. We used 4×8 wood floor underlayment from Home Depot, cut into 6” strips and installed using liquid nails and a small brad nail gun, using nickels as spacers. It was such an easy project that creates such dramatic results. And best of all, incredibly inexpensive. Paint color is White. This open concept would require reconfiguring the entire kitchen layout which was tricky but in the end, we chose a unique island style and designed using Kraftmaid cabinets all the way to the ceiling to utilize every inch of this small space for storage as possible. Cabinets are solid maple in the color Biscotti. Dining room The table is a found item made from 100 year old barnwood. It was in bad shape when I found it but I put a little love into it and she’s as good as new. The bench at table, sideboard and industrial shelves were built by my husband. The two captain’s chairs are from Ikea. Rug is the bleached jute from World Market. Grasscloth shades are from JC-Penney. Doors The French Doors in the Dining Room were not a part of the original plan. In fact, there was only one small window here as well as in the kitchen area. The French Doors open to a large deck, also not part of the original plans. Landing Upstairs are two bedrooms and a full bath. The landing at the top of the stairs houses a chair that is a family heirloom. Another favorite space of mine. All flooring throughout the home is oak with the exception of two upstairs bedrooms. Neutral Bedroom Paint Color Our daughter is grown and no longer lives with us. When converting her bedroom into an office for myself, I wanted to keep a bit of “youth” to this room but also wanted it to be a place for guests of all ages to feel comfortable. I chose fun, on trend patterns and lots of textures for this space. The chair rail was installed when the home was built. Last year I installed the faux board and batten using 1 ½ inch lattice strips. Paint color on walls is Khaki by Valspar. Board and batten and all trim and doors are basic white paint. Simple. Bedding is from Pottery Barn and all furniture is the Ikea Hemnes series. Guest Bedroom The second bedroom has always been a guest bedroom but it too got the board and batten treatment last year. Wall paint color is also Khaki by Valspar. Bed & Bedding The bed is an antique, Amish made, chalk painted with Valspar chalk paint in the color Kid Gloves. French Provincial nightstand and dresser were mine as a child, painted the same as bed. Bedding is from various stores. I like to pay extra attention to detail as well as cost into the bedding of the guest beds. Linen, high quality cotton and extra down comforters are a great way to give that 4 & 5 star hotel feel. Master Bedroom The Master Bedroom layout is original to the plans. Of course, as mentioned before, with the exception of making those windows much larger. This is one of my personal favorite changes that we made. Paint Color Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Gray HC-173. Shiplap Bed The shiplap bed, nightstands, bench and large mirror were built by my husband. The jute rug is from World Market. Bedroom Chair This slipcovered chair brings a relaxed feel to this farmhouse bedroom. Lamps are from Target. Antique Door Hung with barn door hardware, this salvage door adds so much character to the master bedroom. Master Bathroom When built our home we’d installed a jetted garden tub. Four years ago though, we decided to rip it out and replace with this Clawfoot Slipper Tub from Vintagetub.com. This is the Randolph Morris 67 Inch Cast Iron Slipper Tub. I cannot express how much I adore this tub. Also in this space, we designed a much larger window here than the original floor plans. One of my favorite pastimes during the snowy season is soaking here while watching the snow fall. Laundry room We reconfigured what was intended to be a mud room/powder room off of the kitchen area into a small powder room and laundry room. There were two reasons for this. One, taking square feet from this space allowed us to add them to the Master Bedroom’s Closet opposite the wall of this space. Two, making this space smaller meant there would be no place for an exterior entry door to enter the mudroom which worked well by adding a larger deck and doors in a different area, which I will describe below. We had decided earlier in the planning that a mud room was not necessary for us. The home has a full basement with garage. This is perfect for bringing in messes from long days of gardening or yard work. The industrial shelving were built by my husband. Powder room Here is the powder room. I decided to separate the powder room and laundry room with a pocket door which easily hides any laundry messes from potential unexpected guests- or when I simply want to “hide” it from myself! :). Towel ladder was built by my husband. Backyard Our backyard is currently getting a small makeover but I thought I’d share a photo of our firepit from last summer. I hope you enjoyed the home tour. If I can answer any questions, please feel free to contact me over on my blog. Interiors & Photos: “Selena Campbell“. Make sure to follow Selena from on Instagram @middlesisterdesign to see more photos of her beautiful home! See more “Beautiful Homes of Instagram“: @sweetthreadsco: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @becky.cunningham.home: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @Cynthia_Weber_Design: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @theclevergoose: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @cambridgehomecompany: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @thegracehouse: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @blessedmommatobabygirls: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Click here to see all “Beautiful Homes of Instagram”. Posts of the Week Tuesday: Modern French Chateau Style Custom Home Design. Wednesday: Modern Cape Cod Home Design. Thursday: Coastal Farmhouse Interior Design. Latest Interior Design Ideas: Latest: New & Fresh Interior Design Ideas for your Home. More Interior Design Ideas: More Interior Design Ideas on Home Bunch. Trending on Home Bunch: Interior Design Ideas – a weekly series on Home Bunch. Popular on Pinterest: Interior Design Ideas. Popular on Home Bunch: Beautiful post featuring a collection of Farmhouse Interior Design Ideas. Follow Home Bunch on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas What a pleasure it was to share this inspiring home and story with all of you today. Selena truly has inspired me in so many levels and I hope you feel the same. Did you guys have a good weekend? We’re busy trying to decide what to do with two rooms we don’t use much in our basement. I have so many ideas and I wish I could do all at once but we will have to take it slow, especially after our busy (read $$$) summer. Either way, it should be fun! Sometimes you learn to appreciate even more the things that take extra time and planning to be done. Have a Blessed week, my friends and thank you for being here. This means so much to me. with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane Save Save Save
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