#Ice Hockey Socks Market size
justlookfrightened · 4 years
How about number 11 from the fluff prompts?
From this prompt list:  “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
I did have to modify slightly to “Were you flirting with me ...”
Background: Bitty went to Samwell and stayed in New England. Jack didn’t go to Samwell but still plays for the Falconers.
Bitty had just set out the pie samples when the man in the yellow shoes ran by.
Every week, just at this time, the man ran through the just-opened market, keeping to the center of the aisle and never stopping to look at anything. Not the sweet, crisp lettuces or heirloom tomatoes from Bruce’s stand across the way, not the strawberries and blueberries that Harry had displayed, not the lavender and honey soaps from the booth next to Bitty’s.
It wasn’t really a bother. The man came early enough that there weren’t many customers to disturb, and the market was in a public park. Anyone could jog through it if they wanted to. It was just annoying that the man never even looked around or acknowledged anyone. And that he looked so good doing it, hideous yellow shoes notwithstanding.
Today he was wearing the shoes and navy blue running shorts -- the kind that barely reached the top of his thighs -- and a dark ball cap with sunglasses. What looked like a blue T-shirt was tucked into the back of his waistband, the better to sweat freely and give anyone who was out and about an eyeful of his shoulders, pecs and abs. Not to mention the massive rear end. All of which was damn near poster-perfect.
Bitty sighed and looked over at Margie, who had paused from setting up her stand to stare as well.
She caught Bitty’s glance and pantomimed fanning herself.
“You should try to sell him some soap,” Bitty said . “He’s gonna need a shower after that run.”
“Forget him,” Margie said. “I’m going to need a shower after watching him.”
The sun rose higher in the sky as Bitty’s stock of pies, cookies, muffins and turnovers got lower. The sample slices disappeared first, of course, but nearly everyone who took one bought something, so they were definitely a success. Maybe next week he should do more samples? Maybe apple and cherry? Or peach?
He was mulling fruit choices over when he noticed a customer -- well, a potential customer at least -- standing off to the side looking at his table. The guy was tall and broad across the shoulders, clean shaven, with the lightest blue eyes Bitty had ever seen on someone with hair so dark. His baggy shorts and ratty T-shirt, combined with socks and athletic slides, reminded Bitty of his old hockey teammates.
Bitty stood up.
“Can I get you something, sir?”
“Euh,” the man stalled, then looked at the table again. “Do you have a sample I could try?”
The man’s accent wasn’t as harsh as the New England voices that Bitty had finally gotten used to after six years in Boston and Providence. It wasn’t a southern drawl, that was for sure, but Bitty couldn’t place it.
“Not anymore,” Bitty said. “You have to wake up earlier to get those. I’ve got a couple of apple pies and peach pies left, and some cherry turnovers. Chocolate-cherry cookies, too, but I’m afraid everything else is sold out.”
“Um, how much for a cookie?”
“$6.50 for a dozen,” Bitty said. “I know it sounds like a lot, but …”
“A lot of cookies?” the man said. “I’m not sure I can have that many.”
“You can’t find anyone to give some to? Everyone likes a little sugar.”
“Haha,” the man said. “I guess.”
He handed over a $10 bill, took the cookies and left before Bitty could make change.
The following week, Bitty and Margie again paused in their set-up when the man in the yellow shoes ran by.
“Of all the markets I go to, this one definitely has the best view,” Margie said, turning back to her soaps. 
“You know it,” Bitty said, arranging morsels cut from apple, cherry and peach mini-pies on a tiered stand to offer as samples.
Once again, Bitty had sold most of his stock by time he was considering getting a start on packing up. Once again, the man with ice-blue eyes appeared, hanging back until Bitty noticed him.
“Did you like the cookies last week?” he asked.
“Um, yeah,” the man said. “And I shared them with my … friend. He liked them, too.”
Bitty looked up, wondering what the awkward hesitation before the word “friend” meant. Did he not really share them? Why lie about that? A dozen cookies wasn’t too many for one person to eat in a week, and Bitty hadn’t even asked who ate them. Was his “friend” not really a friend? Maybe more of an acquaintance, like a neighbor or coworker? Or maybe more than a friend? A wife? But he said “he.” A boyfriend? A husband?
Bitty tried to get a read on the man, but when he looked up, the man was looking down at the table, at the card reader with the pride flag sticker and the  now-empty sample stand.
“Looks like I missed the samples again,” the man said. 
“Looks like you did,” Bitty agreed. “You’ve got to get up pretty early to get those.”
“Do you have more of those cookies?”
“Sorry, not this week. Maybe try something different? Peaches are in season and I make a mean peach pie.”
“Why would I want a mean pie?” the man asked.
Now the cute accent came with dad jokes.
“Haha,” Bitty said. “I’ll have you know I won the blue ribbon at the tri-county fair with my pie when I was still in high school.”
“I think a pie is too much for me,” the man said. “It’s not as easy to share as cookies.”
“I’ve got just the thing,” Bitty said. “You can take my last half-dozen mini-pies, and since I’m packing up, I’ll only charge you for three. There’s four peach and two cherry. That’ll be $13.50.”
The man handed over a $20, and this time Bitty didn’t pass him his food until he accepted the change. The man just dropped it in the tip cup.
“Thank you, sir,” Bitty saud. “Y’all have a good week now.”
“Good-looking and generous,” Margie said from the next booth over.  “Why do I only get little old ladies or girls who want their bathrooms to smell nice?”
“Because you sell soap?”
“Don’t men want their bathrooms to smell nice?”
“Well, I do,” Bitty said. 
The following week’s market started much the same way, with the runner in the yellow sneakers kicking off the day, this time carrying a balled up red T-shirt in one large hand.
Bitty arranged sliced of apple and cherry turnovers as samples and displayed his pies and cookies, then passed the time between customers chatting with Margie and Bruce across the way.
“You think your boyfriend’s coming back?”
“What boyfriend would that be?” Bitty asked, as though he hadn’t spent a good part of the week daydreaming about blue eyes, sharp cheekbones and broad shoulders.
Once again, just when he was getting ready to close up, Blue Eyes showed up, this time with an even larger man. His friend? Or “friend”? 
The bigger man walked right up to the table, not hanging back like Blue Eyes usually did.
“Hello,” he said, smiling widely, the word flavored with an accent Bitty couldn’t quite place. “Jack says you make the best pies. You have blueberry?”
“Uh, not this week?” Bitty said. “Maybe next week, if I can get enough blueberries. I can make sure to save one for you, Mr. --”
“Alexei,” the man said. “You can call me Alexei.”
“Okay,” Bitty said, writing the name on a sticky note. “I’ll save a blueberry pie for Alexei, Jack’s friend. Can I get you anything today?”
“I see you have lemon bars,” Alexei said. “Six of those?”
“And what about you, Jack? It’s on the house. I noticed the extra $20 in my tip jar last week.”
“You don’t have to,” Jack said. “I like what you make, and it’s your business, so you should be paid. Um, you have a cherry pie left?”
“Just one,” Bitty said.
“It’s amazing,” Alexei said, “that you get this guy to eat dessert. Usually he only eats protein. All the time.”
“Protein is good for you,” Jack defended himself.
“Well, sure it is, hon,” Bitty said. “But you have to have a balanced diet.”
Both men paid, and Alexei said, “Maybe Jack will come get my pie next week from you -- wait, I don’t know your name.”
“Eric,” Bitty said. “But most everyone calls me Bitty.”
“Bitty baker,” Alexei crowed. “Excellent.”
“Bye, Bitty,” Jack said quietly.
After they left, Bitty collapsed dramatically on the table.
“Why are all the good ones taken?” he said.
“Who said he was taken?” Margie said. “Maybe they’re just friends.”
“Friends who pick up pie for each other?”
Bitty was well stocked with blueberry pies the next week, and he dutifully put one aside for Alexei. The berries had been so plentiful at the market that he’d made a couple of dozen blueberry bite-sized blueberry tartlets to set on his sample stand.
Bitty was just placing it on the table when the man with the yellow shoes loped past. 
“Put your tongue back in your mouth.” Margie was laughing at him. “You have your guy who comes every week. This one is mine.”
“Hush, you,” Bitty said. “I have a regular customer. That doesn’t mean I can’t feast my eyes on what’s on display.”
Then he stopped talking and busied himself with his display, because the man had broken his pattern and turned around when he reached the end of the market. He was headed back down the aisle.
Bitty was preparing himself to nod at the man, who for once seemed to be looking his way instead of straight ahead, but it was hard to see from behind the man’s sunglasses.
Wait, the man was heading right toward him, slowing to a trot as he passed the table.
“I see you got the blueberries,” he said. “Save one of those for me?”  
Bitty was glad the man -- Jack -- kept moving, because he knew his jaw nearly hit the table.
Once he managed to close his mouth, he turned back to Margie. “Still not my boyfriend,” he said. “But jiminy crickets. How did I not know it was the same guy?”
“You were blinded by the shoes?” Margie suggested. “Or, you know, the totally ripped half-naked body.”
“At least he’ll be dressed when he comes back,” Bitty said, placing three of the tartlets into a container that he put with Alexei’s pie. 
“The better not to drool over him?” Margie asked.
“Yeah,” Bitty said. “Pretty sure that’s considered bad customer service.”
Bitty spent the rest of the morning on pins and needles. It was fine, he told himself. His (very handsome) customer was the same as the (very hot) guy who ran through the market early every morning. The guy who never showed any sign that he even realized there were other people there, let alone that those people might be looking at him.
To him, Bitty was just the guy who sold cookies and pies. But his friend said Jack didn’t usually eat sweets, Bitty remembered.
Maybe Jack was buying them for Alexei. Maybe they were … it wasn’t right to say “more than friends,” Shitty would have his head for that. 
But they hadn’t seemed, well, couple-y, last week. And Bitty was pretty sure Jack lived alone. And Bitty couldn’t believe he had gotten himself wrapped up in whether there was an ethical difference in spinning daydreams about a customer based on whether the customer had a significant other. They were daydreams, for pity’s sake, and nothing would come of them.
Good thing the tartlets were doing their job and Bitty’s baked goods were more or less selling themselves today.
The stand was so successful that Bitty sold out of everything except the tartlets and pie he was saving for Jack and Alexei a half-hour before he usually packed up. 
He took his time stacking his trays, folding his tablecloths, stowing equipment in now-empty coolers for the trip home.
“Leaving already?” Margie asked. “Want me to hang on to the pie for when he gets here?”
“Nah,” Bitty said. “I’ll wait.”
Once he had everything stacked and ready to go to the truck, he sat in his folding chair and pulled out his phone to answer comments on his latest video.
He had just explained -- for the six-hundredth time -- how shortening and butter behave differently in pie crust when he heard a throat clear a few feet above him.
The Jack he saw when he looked up was different from the ones he had seen so far. No tiny running shorts or baggy basketball shorts, no horrid yellow shows or shower sandals. This Jack had on dark wash jeans that had to be tailored to fit like that, a snug T-shirt and a flannel button-down left open and with the sleeves rolled above the elbow. The moccasin-style shoes were a nice bonus. He looked a little familiar, but Bitty supposed that went with the fantasizing.
“Bitty?” Jack said. “Are you done for the day?”
“I am,” Bitty said, getting up and then immediately bending over to pick up the boxes for Jack. “But I saved you some tartlets and Alexei’s pie is here.”
“How much do I owe you?” Jack said.
“The pie is $20 even,” Bitty said. “But you can catch up to me next week if you don’t have cash.”
“I’m good for it,” Jack said, reaching for his wallet. “More to the point, so is Tater. What about the little blueberry things?”
“No charge,” Bitty said. “Samples, remember?”
“Samples are for people who get here early,” Jack said.
“You were here early,” Bitty said. “You just couldn’t take them with you. No, uh, pockets.”
“You think I’d put them in my pockets?”
Jack handed over two crisp twenties.
“It’s just $20,” Bitty said.
“For your trouble,” Jack said. “I’ll get Tater to pay me back.”
“Why do you call him Tater?”
“Hockey nickname,” Jack said. “He’s my teammate.”
“You play hockey?” Bitty said. “Where?”
“With the Falconers?” Jack said. 
Suddenly it clicked.
“Alexei … Mashkov? And you’re Jack Zimmermann!”
“Uh, yeah,” Jack said, ducking his head to look around to see if anyone heard. He raised his hand to his head like he wanted to pull the brim of his cap down, but with no cap, he ended up brushing away the hair that had curled onto his forehead. “Sorry you had to wait for me. Do you need a hand moving your things?”
“Aw, you don’t have to do that, hon,” Bitty said. “It’s a kind offer, though.”
“I don’t mind,” Jack said. “I was hoping maybe after you were done clearing up, you’d want to get coffee with me? Or a late lunch? Or something?”
Bitty managed to keep his mouth closed, but only just. A quick glance to the side told him Margie hadn’t been so successful.
“You don’t have to,” Jack said. “It’s fine. I mean, I know you shouldn’t ask people out when they’re working, so that’s why I wanted to wait until you were done --”
“No, sugar,” Bitty said. “I’d love to get lunch with you. Just so I know, though, you mean like a date?”
“Yes?” Jack said. “Wasn’t that clear? After all these weeks? Tater said he thought you liked me.”
“Wait,” Bitty said. “Were you flirting with me?”
“You finally noticed?”
“Never mind,” Bitty said. “Got there in the end, didn’t I?”
Jack started pushing the dolly with the folded table and stacked coolers towards the parking lot. As soon as he passed, Bitty flashed Margie a thumbs-up, picked up his chair and trays, and followed.
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bestsocksuk · 3 years
The Benefits Of Men’s Thermal Socks
Thermal socks for men have been around for a few years but recently they have gained a lot of popularity due to the high level of success of the technology. The most common question people usually ask about these socks is whether they will work or not. The answer is a loud and resounding "Yes". These men's thermal socks are just as effective as any other sock out there in the market but the main reason why these are becoming popular now is because they are highly comfortable to wear and also they provide maximum protection against the cold.
 Thermal socks are designed specifically to absorb the heat away from the body when a person is wearing them. The fibers used are very fine and they have special designs that allow them to trap the heat and this helps them to prevent any loss of heat when the wearer is working in a cold environment. This is just like the material that is used on the feet but on the other hand, there is more of a focus on the protection aspect of the men’s thermal socks. There are some men’s thermal socks that work well for sports which means that there are some that are made to be more suitable for sports like ice hockey, soccer and even walking and jogging.
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Now let's get down to the nitty gritty of these men's thermal socks. These socks come in a wide variety of colors and styles. The most common color for these men's thermal socks is navy blue. However, there are also socks available in dark colors such as black and even some brown. You can also find these socks with a pair of jeans as the main piece of clothing but be sure that you choose a pair of jean material that will allow your feet to breathe so that you don't end up feeling too hot. Some of these thermal socks actually do absorb the moisture from your feet so make sure you buy a pair that is waterproof.
 If you want to have the most comfortable pair of men’s thermal socks then go for the ones made of cotton. Most of these thermal socks have insoles made of rubber so if you have thick or big toes then you will definitely have a hard time wearing these socks. If you have small or average sized feet then go for the socks that have thinner and flexible insoles. If you have very sensitive skin then make sure that the socks you wear are dye and heat resistant.
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Another benefit of men's thermal socks is that they are so stylish. There are so many different styles and colors to choose from that you will definitely find a pair that goes with everything. If you're the adventurous type, then check out men’s thermal socks that have hoods or caps. These types of men's thermal socks can either be long sleeved or short sleeved depending on your preference. For those who prefer cap sleeve thermal socks then this would be the perfect option for you. Just make sure that your thermal socks match up with your pants or trouser.
If you want to stay warmer during the cold days of winter then you should definitely check out men's thermal socks. Thermal socks can also be worn during the hot summer days when you want to look cooler. If you want to look stylish then don't go for the boring, plain wool socks. There are so many other options and colors to choose from. Don't forget to buy several pairs because these socks are not something that you can just put on and take off whenever you feel like. It will actually keep your feet very warm if you pair them with a sweater.
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ladydorian · 4 years
tag game ★~(•◡•✿) 50 questions you’ve never been asked before
THIS LOOKS SO MUCH FUN thank you @ithinkwehitametaphor​
what colour is your hair brush?
I had a green and white one for years but it just broke so I’m using my backup mini black one that I keep in my purse until I can get another.
Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I’m usually cold except for in the summer.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Proofreading IFUs while blasting music to drown out the sound of my neighbor blasting music.
what is your favorite candy bar?
Oooh Japanese Kit Kats. I’ve got some matcha ones in the cabinet right now, but the apple pie ones were also really good.
have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Mostly baseball and hockey when I was younger. Nothing recently, I’m not terribly interested in sports.
what is the last thing you said out loud?
“Saigo ni nan to itte ita kke anata wa nan to itte ita kke...” (I was not even paying attention while writing this but “Kekka-ron” by SUPER BEAVER came on and I automatically started singing the opening lines)
what is your favorite ice cream?
So I really can’t eat dairy (even tho I do sometimes), but there’s this brand of coconut milk ice cream called Luna & Larry, and their cherry amaretto is the besssssst.
what was the last thing you had to drink?
Drinking coffee right now.
do you like your wallet?
It’s cute, it’s pink and black and has cats on it, and I bought it from an anime con a couple years ago.
what was the last thing you ate?
Chocolate almond milk pudding for breakfast.
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
No but I bought these awesome Shintaro Kago enamel pins for when I finally get off my ass and redo my itabag (link contains kittens exploding from cute girls’ faces, and there is a bit of blood - also the site is very NSFW).
the last sporting event you watched?
We watched some marble racing after seeing John Oliver talk about it.
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Caramel I guess. Not a huge popcorn eater.
who is the last person you sent a text message to?
I texted my brother Mark about Rakuten Global Market closing. Though I’ve only bought maybe one j-rock CD off of there once. I usually just go to cdjapan.
ever go camping?
A few times. I’m really scared of bugs and spiders, so it’s not something I do often. But I’ve had the fun experience of getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and seeing a snake slither right past the building.
do you go to church every Sunday?
I haven’t been in a church since I was in high school (except for funerals) and I’d like to keep it that way.
do you have a tan?
I don’t tan, I burn. I got my dad’s Italian hair and my mom’s Irish skin.
do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Oooh, Chinese food. Especially crab rangoon if they’re homemade.
do you drink your soda with a straw?
I slam that shit straight outta the can.
what color socks do you usually wear?
If I had a choice, I would never wear socks. But when I do wear them, they’re usually novelty socks with, like, tacos and poptarts all over them.
do you ever drive above the speed limit?
When my stepdad taught me how to drive, he said “always go 10 miles over the speed limit, because that’s what everyone else is doing and they’ll run you off the road otherwise.” I’ve only gotten caught about 3 or 4 times.
what terrifies you?
Talking to people. Being judged. Failure. All my friends abandoning me. Being alone.
look to your left, what do you see?
My ONE OK ROCK tote bag with an Arches cold press watercolor pad sticking out of it. I need to paint larger pictures more. That’s good quality just sitting around going to waste.
what chore do you hate?
Emptying the dishwasher when it’s cleaned.
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
That episode of the Simpsons when they went to Australia because Bart got in trouble, and Marge went to the bar asking for a tea and the guy just kept saying “Beer?” -- “No, TEA.” “BEER?”
what’s your favorite soda?
La Croix, though it’s technically sparkling water.
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?
I usually just get takeout, I haven’t been in a typical fast food place or a drive-thru in years (unless you count the Korean chicken wing place, I guess that’s kind of like fast food. But I don’t go to McD’s or anything.).
who’s the last person you talked to?
I told Greg I was going to throw some laundry in but he already did it.
favorite cut of beef?
Not really a steak person but I’ll eat a burger all day long.
last song you listened to?
[Alexandros] - “Philosophy” (it’s gotten me thru some tough shit a couple months ago)
last book you read?
I read @ithinkwehitametaphor​‘s Narcos fanfiction and @mouthface​‘s Brommet wip. I’m a straight-up fanfic person these days.
favorite day of the week?
Probably Saturday, but Friday is a close second.
can you say the alphabet backwards?
Oh god no.
how do you like your coffee?
1/2 - 1 teaspoon of sugar. No cream.
favorite pair of shoes?
I got an old pair of Chinese Laundry black boots with studs in the heels that I wish I had bought 2 pairs of before they were discontinued.
the time you normally go to sleep?
During the week, about 10:30PM - 11:30 (it’s a little later now that I’m working from home). Weekends are usually between 1AM-2 (look, I’m old OK).
the time you normally get up?
8:30AM or so (working from home), and between 9AM-10 on weekends.
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
I have maybe been awake for 2-3 sunrises in my life, so sunsets it is.
how many blankets on your bed?
Just one.
Describe your kitchen plates.
I have a couple plain blue ones and then some white with black trim. I think they were all housewarming gifts from my grandma from about 10 years ago.
do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Vodka and beer.
do you play cards?
I used to on occasion, but I don’t have friends who live around me, so I don’t really have anyone to play with.
what color is your car?
Red with the coolest bumper stickers ever.
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can you change a tire?
If I need to, I guess.
favorite job you’ve ever had?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a job I liked.
how did you get your biggest scar?
I fell off a bike at Soulcycle a couple years ago and punched a quarter-sized hole in my right thigh. Rode thru the entire 45-minute class, drove home, made dinner, and about 2 hours later finally asked Greg to take a look at it. I thought it was just a scrape, but he told me we were going to the hospital immediately as fat tissue was leaking out of it. I ended up getting 10 stitches and was called “one badass bitch” for my ridiculous pain tolerance.
what did you do today that made someone else happy?
Idk, I like to think I’m a good listener if anyone wants/needs to talk.
I’m always terrified of bothering people, so if you want to do this, please do!
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"Global and Japan  Ice Hockey Socks Market Report 2022: Market Segments, Size, Trend and Market projections for upcoming years"
Marketresearchdata.net has added a new industry research report on Global and Japan Ice Hockey Socks Market. The report predicts the market size of Ice Hockey Socks Marketis expected to reach XX billion by 2022.
Click below to request sample of the report: https://www.marketresearchdata.net/Reports/make_sample_request/35699
This report, with focus on top players in the global and Japan, studies the Ice Hockey Socks market's development status and future trend in the global and Japan. It splits Ice Hockey Socks market by type and by applications to fully and deeply research and reveal market profile and prospect.
 The major players include
Vital Nation(CA)
Under Armour(US)
 Geographically, this report splits the Global market into the following regions:
Asia Pacific
United Kingdom
North America
United States
Latin America
Southeast Asia
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
 On the basis of product, the Ice Hockey Socks market is primarily split into
By User
By Size
By Price
Under $10
$17 & Up
 Key Applications
 Make an enquiry about this report: https://www.marketresearchdata.net/Speak_to_analyst/35699    
Key Topics Covered:
1 Ice Hockey Socks Overview
2 Global and Japan Ice Hockey Socks Market Competition by Players/Manufacturers
3 Global and Japan Ice Hockey Socks Sales and Revenue by Regions (2012-2017)
4 Global and Japan Ice Hockey Socks Players/Manufacturers Profiles and Sales Data
5 Ice Hockey Socks Manufacturing Cost Analysis
6 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
7 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
8 Market Effect Factors Analysis
9 Global and Japan Ice Hockey Socks Market Size (Sales and Revenue) Forecast (2017-2022)
10 Research Findings and Conclusion
11 Methodology and Data Source
To browse full report visit:
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priyakadam137-blog · 5 years
Ice Hockey Skate Socks Market Size and Growth Factors Research and Projection 2024):  Bauer, Reebok, Easton, etc.
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Ice Hockey Skate Socks Market Scenario: . The Global  Ice Hockey Skate Socks market covers explicit information regarding the development rate, market estimates, drivers, limitations, future based demand, and revenue during the forecast period. The Global Ice Hockey Skate Socks Market consists data accumulated from numerous primary and secondary sources. This information has been verified and validated by the industry analysts, thus providing significant insights to the researchers, analysts, managers, and other industry professionals. This document further helps in understanding the market trends, applications, specifications and market challenges. Ice Hockey Skate Socks Market by Companies: Bauer, Reebok, Easton, Warrior, Elite Hockey, CoolMax, Pro-Line, Stance, Nike, Under Armour, CCM, Swiftwick, PowerTek, Chalk Talk, A&R Sports and Many More. Request for sample report @:   https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/151168/ Product type Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Major Company of Product type etc.):  Junior, Senior. Application Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Different Demand Market by Region, Main Consumer Profile etc.): Sports, Practice, Commercial.
Key Highlights of the Ice Hockey Skate Socks Market: 1.Key strategies and approaches of the major players 2.Evaluation of the niche business developments 3.Emerging segments and regional markets 4.In-depth analysis of the parent market 5.Significant development in market dynamics 6.Segmentation details of the market 7.Market share analysis Former, on-going, and projected marketing research in terms of volume and revenue Testimonials to companies, therefore on strengthening their foothold in the marketBy Regions, Ice Hockey Skate Socks Market report covers:  North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. To get this report at a profitable rate: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/151168/ The report also displays the regional properties of the market history of every product type, application and volume during the forecast period. Apart from the mentioned information, the growth rate of the Global Ice Hockey Skate Socks market in 2024 is also explained. Moreover, the report explains the market size and year-to-year development rate of the specific product or application. Thanks for reading this article, you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.
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Ice Hockey Skate Socks Market Forecast With Supply, Demand and Cost
This report presents a comprehensive overview of the Ice Hockey Skate Socks market in Europe, which shares the history data information from 2012 to 2016, and forecast from 2017 to 2022.
This report provides a detailed analysis of the market, including its dynamics, structure, characteristics, main players, growth and demand drivers, etc. As a Detailed Analysis report, it covers all details inside analysis and opinion in Ice Hockey Skate Socks industry.
Browse Detail Market Report With TOC @ http://www.hexareports.com/report/global-and-europe-ice-hockey-skate-socks-market-analysis-and-outlook-to-2022
This report focuses Global and Europe market, including details as following:
Key Players
Elite Hockey(CA)
Key Regions
North America
United States
Latin America
Request A Sample copy of This Report @ http://www.hexareports.com/report/global-and-europe-ice-hockey-skate-socks-market-analysis-and-outlook-to-2022/request-sample
Key Product Type
By User: Junior, Senior.
By Size: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large.
By Price: Under $10, $10-$15, $15-$20, $20-$25, $25 & Up.
Key Applications
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The foundations of hipster culture and style are debatable, but whatever originating hairs are split, it is clear that they are based on both irony and sincerity working in tandem, at different times, to differing degrees. There is ironic performance in these things: trucker hats (they are not truckers), nerd glasses (they are not nerds), grandpa sweaters (they are not grandpas), keffiyeh scarves (unless showing genuine political solidarity with Palestinians, ironic), bobo sneakers from 1986, wife beaters T shirts, mustaches, tight jeans, cotton knit sweaters, hoodies, church bake sale T shirts, braces, tube socks, sweatbands, all of that. 
This is the ongoing thrift shop aesthetic that lends its wearers a late 1970s, '80s or '90s feel as well as a sense of imagined economic class devolution that makes them feel more real (object lesson: The working class and social outcasts are more authentic than the bourgeoisie and popular).wholesale jerseys from china If you looking for a taste of fiber art, wholesale nfl jerseys from china this is the place. The gallery, owned by Misenko, is located in an old 1940s creamery. It basically three art spaces in one, exhibiting 170 artists, many of them living within 50 miles of Hudson. 
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lightsize95-blog · 5 years
Adidas reinvents Original Six jerseys in EA Sports' 'NHL 19'
In some ways, the latest New York Rangers jersey fits their decades-old template. It's red, white and blue, with the team's diagonal lettering across the front. But that's where the similarities end and the reinvention begins, with the solid red area at the shoulder and the solid white area near the waist broken up by a slanted "NEW YORK" that resembles a pageant sash. Not to mention those pristine, white gloves.
The official Adidas-designed jersey is one of the most distinct Rangers sweaters in existence, though the context of that existence is debatable, when in fact it exists only in a video game.
In EA Sports' "NHL 19," the Original Six have gotten a radical makeover.
It's been 30 years since the releases of Blades of Steel and Nintendo Ice Hockey. But which game had the upper hand?
One month into the 2018-19 season, Ducks goalie John Gibson is giving the Edmonton Oilers star a run for his money for MVP. Here's an early look at players in the mix for all the major awards.
Carey Price remains a popular pick as the most reliable goalie in a must-win game. Plus, new award suggestions, career stitch tallies and much more.
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Say hello to the Digital Six, a first-of-its-kind collaboration among Adidas, EA Sports and the Original Six teams, who had a say in how these jerseys ended up looking in the game.
"We got together and started thinking about the opportunity to go beyond the guardrails of what exists in the real NHL and start exploring what we could create that doesn't exist in the real world," EA Sports' Evan Dexter, Sr. Global Campaign Lead for "NHL 19," told ESPN. "That was a super exciting thought, and by doing it in 'NHL 19' exclusively, it meant that we got to push the boundaries and try things that might be more bold than teams would be willing to try if it were a real-world, physical design. It was a chance to take six teams with a ton of heritage and tradition, which fans can, understandably, feel conservative around, and do something progressive and exciting with their brands."
The Digital Six jerseys will be first available in Hockey Ultimate Team mode on Nov. 5 and additional game modes on Nov. 19.
Matty Merrill, Design Director for Adidas Hockey, said there was no intimidation in remixing iconic hockey looks.
"These are the oldest, most storied franchises on earth, and they are based in the most hockey-crazed markets in the world. The crests and sweaters they wear on ice are sacred. They don't change them lightly," Merrill said. "But this was digital ice, so it was different. In the same way you can do dekes in 'chel' that you might never be skilled enough to do on real ice, we could do things with these digital jerseys that we would never consider for actual league play. Once those constraints were off, there were tons of ideas for all of the teams. We were able to create on a whole new level."
Here's a look at the new looks of the Original Six in "NHL 19."
The unbalanced colors and the circle of stars around the B are like nothing the Bruins have ever worn. There are 13 stars, representing the 13 original colonies, as the Bruins were the NHL's first American franchise.
But there's something curious about the logo, as it seems to evoke another popular Boston sports entity: Barstool Sports. One assumes that there is significant crossover between the young, predominately male audiences for the game and the site. Was this intentional? Merrill says no.
"This is about Boston. Bostonians are so proud of their history as the front line of the American Revolution that they have their own special holiday called Patriots Day. The 13 stars and stripes represent the 13 colonies that declared independence against the British. This uniform is literally dipped in stars and stripes, so that Stoolies, and every other proud Bostonian, can play 'chel' in a jersey that celebrates the city and its history in the revolution," Merrill said.
The Blackhawks' reinvention was one of the most distinct, as the seven colors of their logo were used in multiple stripes on the lower part of the jersey, the sleeves and the socks, giving the uniform almost a pan-African color scheme.
"That was one I've been wanting to do for a long time," Merrill said. "That Blackhawks logo is so unique. There are no other sport logos in the world that have seven colors. Creating a stripe that uses all the colors was an exciting challenge. We even tried to use them in a ratio similar to the crest. The result was surprisingly successful. It's a completely new-looking stripe that still feels very 'hockey' and captures the energy of the city of Chicago."
If there's one Digital Six jersey that feels like it was played fairly safe, it's the Red Wings'. Except for the candy cane socks, this jersey would have been at home in a Detroit outdoor game. In fact, it was inspired by a look the Red Wings had in 1926. According to Adidas, it was also inspired by "Detroit's automotive history, adorned with the kind of racing stripes that decorated many local muscle cars."
Although this might seem like a simple approach, Dexter said there's a lot going on with it. "I'm a native Montrealer, so if I had to choose, I would, of course, go with my favorite team's design," he said. "It's a completely new take on the classic Habs jersey design, and I love how it feels youthful in its integration of 'MTL' while still incorporating French heritage in its striping, as well as design elements from the traditional crest by moving the 'C' to the captaincy space on the chest. It just hits home."
The influence for the Rangers' redesign was the team's primary logo, which is created here on a jersey in its full glory. Why "NEW YORK" and not "RANGERS" across the front? The designers felt that using the city's name would make it "larger than life."
It isn't hard to draw comparisons between this Leafs jersey and the Canadian national team jerseys that seemingly inspired them. But Merrill wasn't worried about fans of other Canadian teams taking issue with the "Centre of the Hockey Universe" claiming a Team Canada look.
"I don't think so. This sweater is all about the two things that Torontonians love the most: the Maple Leafs and Canada. When the Leafs unfurl that rink-sized, blue-and-white Canadian flag with their logo as the leaf, even I get goosebumps," he said.
For now, these jerseys exist as Easter Eggs in "NHL 19," though they've been designed by the league's official gear-maker in consultation with Original Six teams.
Is there a chance that these sweaters could escape the game and enter the real world, should they prove popular enough?
"This is just the beginning. Fans want to rep their team in new and more exciting ways all the time. Looks that generate excitement in the digital world will inevitably have an influence on the physical world," Merrill said.
Source: http://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/25177678/nhl-adidas-reinvents-original-six-jerseys-ea-sports-nhl-19
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Shin Guards Market : Top players are Nike Inc., Adidas AG., Under Armour, Inc., Ultimate Sports Group Plc, Franklin Sports Inc
Shin Guards Market - Overview
The importance of sports has increased in modern life. It keeps people/sports persons mentally and physically fit. Sports was initially played in military training, where there used to be competitions to determine physical fitness. After many developments, protective sports equipment was introduced in the field of sports. Shin guards is a type of protective sports equipment that helps in protecting a player from injury. Cricket was the first sport in which shin guards were used as a strategic device by batsmen. Batsmen who wore shin guards were able to block the ball from hitting the stumps. Shin guards were introduced to the game of football in 1874 by Sam Weller Widdowson. After the application of shin guards in football, they quickly spread to other sports such as baseball, ice hockey, field hockey, lacrosse, and mountain bike trials. They are now considered necessary for most sports.
Shin Guards Market - Drivers and Restraints
Rise in awareness about protection in sports, availability of advanced products, and high disposable income are factors driving the global shin guards market. People are now becoming aware about sports and its importance in our lives. Various sports associations have made the use of shin guards compulsory in order to protect players from any injury. Increase in the number of sports tournaments and leagues has boosted the demand for shin guards. Governments of several countries have invested to improve sports infrastructure in order to increase participation in sports. Governments have also made it mandatory to include sports in the school curriculum.
Manufacturers are introducing innovations in shin guards in order to make them more attractive and light weight. Light weight shin guards not only provide support, but also help in performance. Manufacturers have designed two types of shin guards: slip-in shin guards and ankle shin guards. Ankle shin guards helps to protect the legs along with ankles. These shin guards are equipped with straps that can be wrapped around the leg and are preferred by young and intermediate players. Slip-in shin guards are just placed by the sleeve or held by the socks. These shin guards provide more mobility to and are preferred by advanced players. Shin guards are made using various raw materials such as carbon fiber, fiberglass, polyurethane, foam rubber, etc.. These are low-density materials that are comfortable and do not put any pressure on the leg. Low-density shin guards do not hinder players’ performance.
However, shin guards also have some disadvantages, which are likely to restrain the growth of the shin guards market. Dermatitis and inflammation of the skin can be caused by the use of shin guards. Players can develop irritant contact dermatitis, which is caused by sweating and friction. Shin guards require proper cleaning, without which they can cause rashes or skin infections.
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Shin Guards Market - Segmentation
The global shin guards market can be segmented based on raw material, product, gender, and distribution channel. Based on raw material, the shin guards market can be classified into carbon fiber, fiberglass, polyurethane, foam rubber, and others. In terms of product, the shin guards market can be bifurcated into ankle shin guards and slip- in shin guards. Based on gender, the shin guards market can be divided into male and female. In terms of distribution channel, the shin guards market can be classified into online channel and offline channel. The offline channel segment can be sub-divided into hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty stores, mono-brand stores, and convenience stores. The online channels segment is expected to expand at a rapid pace due to the availability of a wide variety of shin guards online.
Shin Guards Market - Key Players
Top manufacturers operating in the shin guards market are Nike Inc., Adidas AG., Under Armour, Inc., Ultimate Sports Group Plc, Franklin Sports Inc., New Balance Athletics Inc, BAUER Hockey LLC, Vizari Sport LLC, RDC Inc., and Combat Sports International.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
Download Report TOC for in-depth analysis @   https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=51591
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staciehayley-blog · 6 years
Best Field Hockey Shoes 2019
There are several factors that determine the effectiveness of a sports shoe. Factors like agility, grip, breathability, curvature, surface endurance and resistibility, flexibility, contour structure, and guards, tensile strength, etc. are some of the important asks by a player shopping for a hockey shoe. Both a beginner and a professional level player must wear a good sports shoe to showcase their best performance on the field.
While in a soccer cleat the inclusion of spikes is quite prominent, the hockey cleat uses a rubber grip for the right amount of friction required on a wet as well as a dry turf.
Features and Benefits of the Hockey Footwear
As mentioned earlier, a good hockey cleat must demonstrate characteristics like durability, agility, strength, flexibility, breathability, and much more. Jazba footwear brand incorporates the latest technology during the manufacturing of its products that includes-
· The Upper- it is an integral part of the sole configuration in both turf and hockey cleat design. Jazba footwear brand stands out for offering a 3D LayerCraft technology that integrates a flexible mesh in the upper sole of the footwear for extra-breathability of the fabric. This attribute is quite significant for sports turf or cleat, for it includes long hours of practice resulting to sweaty feet. Alongside the breathability, the micro-fiber unified in the fabric allows a PROGUARD feature offers an extra-protection to the player’s toe from friction related injuries during the extensive play duration. This layer is also made with waterproof lining for it maintains a steady ground even on a wet floor or turf.
· The Midsole- This creates the interiors of the shoe that the feet are in direct contact with. Thus, it is one of the most crucial surfaces of any sports footwear. Jazba footwear understands the importance of the midsole for it needs to have that extra-grip and room for the feet to be positioned comfortably as well as must have a strong shock absorbing capability to protect not only the feet but the intricate muscles in the leg.  The integration of an EVA midsole meets the above requirements with ease, for EVA is considered the best shock absorbing material till date. Not only does the footwear offer shock resistance but this is a lot better in the flexibility, feet adhesion, as well as comfortable cushioning and curvature quotient.
· The Outsole- Even the footwear bottom needs protection and proper built. This part of the footwear is known as the outsole. In the game of hockey, players are seen playing on the grass or mud (in case of rains). In such cases, a highly configured friction resistant outsole is the key for a great performance expected from the player. With the help of the DURATURF Rubber outsole used by Jazba footwear brand, the player gets a 360-degree swift flow tread pattern and 3X tensile strength for a better playability in both wet and dry grounds.
In terms of a great grip against surface tension, colour patterns, latest technology, and several other attributes searched for by a beginner as well as a professional hockey player, Jazba footwear brand is an ideal option. The Jazba Rattler 2.0 is available in various colour patterns like blue, black, orange, yellow, and many others in both men and women categories. The Rattler 2.0 series is quite cost-effective, for it is priced at only $69.99 in both men and women categories.
Another brand which also has an economical hockey cleat is featured by the brand Under Armour. The Women’s Lax Finisher Turf Lacrosse Shoe (by Under Armour) is priced between $41.99 and $69.99 and is available in Amazon.
The footwear is certainly an integral part of a hockey player’s uniform. But it is not the only component that a hockey player needs. In the game of hockey, the player must be properly guarded and geared up with Shin guards, mouth guards, etc. Being a goalie is also quite a risky affair, hence he or she must be protected thoroughly with the help of helmets, goalie pants, pelvic protectors, leg guards, foam guards for cleats, arm guards, elbow protectors, right- and left- hand protectors and proper padding is vital.  
How to Choose Hockey Shoes?
Before venturing out on a shopping spree, especially when it is related to sports, the buyer must be aware of the best features of the product in general. This knowledge is instrumental in helping the buyer to analyse the products and make the final call. There are a range of hockey footwear brands available in the marketplace which interrupts with the buyer’s decision-making quality. Brands like ASICS, ADIDAS, Gryphon, etc. also have good quality hockey cleats and turfs to choose from, but it may turn out to be an expensive buy for you.
Let us begin with the equipment terminology in the game of hockey, particularly if you are a beginner. Hockey can be bifurcated in two categories- field hockey and ice hockey. Of course, this article provides you with the field hockey paraphernalia. Usually, a beginner in the game is familiar with hockey turf, for they tend to play indoor practice games more often than not.
These turfs acquire their grip to the surface with the help of rubber soles.
Cleat, on the other hand, is usually used by a professional hockey player during a match to enhance their performance and agility this type of footwear promises to carry. Since an outdoor game is usually set up on grass or soil, the footwear are designed and integrated with plastic or metal spikes that acts like claws during the play.
1. Types of Hockey Shoes
According to a recent estimate, the footwear market in the US alone is valued at US$34,550 million as of the year 2018. With this statistics, one can easily comprehend the kind of competition prevailing the footwear industry on a global scale. Hence, identify the right footwear and making a purchase needs a lot of analysis and knowledge, particularly when it related to playing sports.
In the hockey footwear market, there are several options offering trainer-like exterior that includes ankle support feature. The footwear can also be classified into categories that give prominence to the study of
- How and with what force will the foot hit the ground?
- How to control the gait of an individual player?  
- What are the different kinds of technological inputs to make the footwear highly effective for the player?
2. Size of the Hockey shoes
Shoe size is very important, not only for the manufacturer but also for the player. It is no brainer that a person may have to toggle between different sizes while trying to choose between an UK, US or EU shoe. If the buyer is buying the shoe directly from the store, comparing the shoe size and buying the right one is quite easy. But the major fall out happens when the product is purchased online (the most frequent activity of today’s millennial generation).  Hence, knowledge of the brands and the shoe size measurement parameter each brand uses is very important while the buyer makes the purchase decision online.
3. Terminologies used in Hockey Shoe Industry.
Every industry has their own terminologies to refer to different features and parameters their products showcase. In the hockey footwear market, the usage of RB (Rubber Sole), PU (Polyurethane Bottoms), EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) outsoles, TRP (Thermoplastic Rubber) bottoms, PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), BPU (improved form of Polyurethane materials) outsoles, ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) outsoles, etc. are quite common. A basic understanding of what each material carries and how it will benefit their performance matrix is recommended before a purchase is made.
Our Recommended Hockey Shoes for 2019 are:
Top Pick  
In $100 range.
Adidas Lux Men’s Hockey Shoes,
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With a great brand to back it up, Adidas’s SRS.4 has the best ventilation and foot support system for the player. Armouring the person with a strong grip, it has a very comfortable foot-resting midsole section. Not only does this cleat helps protect the sole and ankle area, its special features like Bootee construction, and Neoprene collar helps keep away the water to seep into the shoes and is mud and moisture resistant.
Kookaburra Field Hockey Shoes Turf Cleats Enigma II Unisex Men & Women,
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One of the stand-out features of this pair of field hockey shoes is that it works on cage technology. With this the player is benefitted with a comfortable midsole, a well-gripped outsole, and latex covered upper sole which is water-proof in nature.
Kookaburra Xenon Hockey Shoes- SS19,
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Given its trademark cage technology concept, this pair of shoes is another great choice for field hockey enthusiasts. It emphasizes on toes protection of the player by offering him with a Toe guard thicker coverage.
Gryphon Aero G5 Turf Women’s Field Hockey Shoes
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It has a distinguishing feature amongst other shoe brands in this category, for it has a unique forefoot flex-engineered mechanism. It also has a multi-stud grip configuration to hold the feet in place in difficult turfs.
Jazba Women Rattler Hockey Shoes,
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This hockey shoe is the right built for field hockey enthusiasts and players. It offers the player with the right amount of cushioning, a perfect shock-absorbing feature with the help EVA midsole, a strong grip in wet and dry turf due to its PROGUARD 360-degree tread pattern technology. It has a flexible mesh with waterproof functionality, breathability and protection to the player’s feet with the help of 3D LayerCraft technology. With the help of these features, the player can easily ward-off serious leg injuries during the play.
Good Pick
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Another prominent brand in the sports shoe category, Under Armour features this imported, lightweight, EVA sock liner incorporated, rubber outsole, cleat that does not just look good bust also offers a high-performance on the field. It is known for its incredible grip which it maintains with the help of a patterned rubber outsole built with mini-lugs. Manufactured in synthetic and textile material, this cleat can be easily worn in an artificial as well as natural dry or wet terrain.
Each footwear (cleat or turf) purchased must meet the durability, flexibility, foot and ankle support, and most importantly comfort parameters a buyer is looking out for. A proper and flexible GEL-based cushioning system makes the run comfortable for the hockey player. During the play, the player is not just moving at one particular pace but has to perform quick reflex movements which are strenuous for the feet and muscles. A good hockey cleat can help manage the stress of the feet to a great extent.
The Jazba Sports Rattler 2.0 series meets the above-mentioned parameters and offers the player with great comfort, agility, and durability with the inclusion of latest technologies in its footwear manufacturing process. Hence, a great buy for real-time hockey players.
All in all, the above categorization of hockey shoes is based on both pricing and feature classification. When on one hand, you can opt for the Adidas Lux Hockey Shoes for $100 (close to) per pair, you can still protect your feet while playing the game. The brands like Avia, Joomra, Gryphon etc. have options in the range of $50 or below. However, the best brand that falls within the bracket of $50-$100 is the Jazbasports’ rattler 2.0.  
More details refer to https://www.jazbasports.com/blog/ 
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gunboatbaylodge · 7 years
5 Things You Need To Check Out At Yaletown’s CandyTown
Photo: Britney Gill
CandyTown at Yaletown is right around the corner! To prepare you for this year’s event, check out our round-up of things to do.
Photo: Britney Gill
1. Maples Sugar Shack
This is arguably the most classic Canadian sweet treat! Maples Sugar Shack is a Squamish-based company producing small batch artisan maple syrup products, including maple sugar, maple butter, and much more. Kids can watch as hot maple syrup is poured onto fresh clean snow and rolled up into a delicious flavourful snack on a stick.
Photo: Britney Gill
2. Live Ice Sculpture Carving
Live ice sculpture carving will take place during the day at CandyTown, this year with two stations! Follow the rumble of chainsaws and the tinkle of chipped ice to Helmcken Street and to Yaletown Park to check out three frozen life-sized hockey players, and to witness other mystery characters and objects emerge from solid blocksof ice!
Photo: Jade Stone Photography
3. All I Want For Christmas Market
Of course, Christmas isn’t complete without an artisan street market – after all, handcrafted goods make the best gifts. Visitors can stock up on clothing, décor, pet accessories, jewelry and flora at the “All I Want for Christmas” market, featuring local vendors like 3H Craftworks (handmade sock puppets, stockings and tea cozies), Standout Boutique (exquisite jewelry), Divine Vines (gorgeous flowers arrangements), Woo To See You boutique and others.
Photo: Jade Stone Photography
4. Horse Drawn Carriage Rides Through Yaletown
After the excitement of meeting their favourite Christmas characters, tired tots (and parents) can take a rest during a picturesque horse-drawn carriage ride. The carriage departs from Pacific Boulevard and trundle along Pacific, Hamilton and Davie streets for a relaxed cruise, with a suggested $ 2 donation to B.C. Children’s Hospital to help spur on the horses. 
Photo: Jade Stone Photography
5. Food, Glorious Food!
CandyTown’s tasty theme will pervade throughout the festival with interactive candy-making demonstrations and sweet treats available for purchase. Visit the Candy Hut for DIY candy kabobs, and take the adults only self-guided cocktail tour to sip special holiday cocktails from OPUS Bar, the New Oxford, WildTale, The Distillery and many more. Have a sweet tooth? You won’t want to miss the tantalizing array of goodies offered by such purveyors as Bluebird Cakery, The Good Chocolatier and Boulangerie La Parisienne. Heartier appetites can flock to food trucks REEL Mac and Cheese, Old Country Pierogi and Tacofino, as well as restaurant favourites offered by Earls Kitchen + Bar, Zend Conscious Lounge and more.
Tips for adults: while CandyTown is the perfect holiday festival for kids, parents and adults can enjoy some “naughty-list” activities and treats, such as warming up at the OPUS Bar with holiday themed martinis, hanging out with local firemen and donating to the B.C. Professional Firefighters Association Burn Fund (you’ll get a hot calendar to combat the winter chills), and popping into Yaletown’s unique boutiques for some indulgent holiday shopping.
Event Info:
When: Saturday, November 25, 2017 Where: Mainland Street (heart of Yaletown) Time: 12:00pm until 7:00pm
Social: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Inside Vancouver Blog
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