thedegu · 1 year
2 & 10 for Ida, 23 & 7 for Rossien, 24 & 30 for Madea
2. would your character carry around a tiny bath and body works hand sanitizer? if yes, would it have a specific scent?
yes, but i don't think the bath and body work ones. tbh I think she'd go for unscented. hand sanitizer is already smelly enough don't need perfume on top of that for her delicate nose lol
10. does your character have tattoos? were they alone the first time they got one?
I think Ida probably has a little sick-and-poke on her ankle. something simple a flower or the like. She probably got it at a party when she was younger so no. she doesn't really remember who gave it to her just that it happened. she likes the idea of getting more but its low-priorty
23. what’s the pettiest thing your character’s ever done?
ohhhh, probably took something precious during his divorce just so that his ex couldn't have it. a painting, Rossein didn't really care for it but he knew his ex loved it. made his ex choose between two things he loved just so Rossein would have it and not him. Rossien probably threw it out or sold it not too long after.
7. what’s the first thing your character’s eyes are drawn to on a map?
Large cities and waterways. mountains too as those are the only major issue for his travels. he notes roads but they're only a suggestion.
24. what made your character the angriest they’ve ever been?
oh that's a hard one, she's baseline like 9/10 anger at all times so having an upper limit blurs most of them together. Probably finding out who her bio father is and what he did to Freddy. though all of those feelings are combined into a rage-filled spicy soup. alongside the loss of the relationship with her sister and just all the fuckery going on in the campaign.
but yeah, finding out your dad isn't only a cop, but he's also the cop who murdered her bf is a lot. but she's going to kill him wich will make everything better :)
30. how has your character’s first impressions of their party members changed since they met them? have they stayed the same?
ohh boy, this is a lot lmao
Glau: "this guy is weird but seems harmless. 3/10 threat, need more information" -> "this guy is weird, has drugs and can fuck shit up. 5/10 threat, stay on his good side."
Dunrich: "he's quiet, but seems competent. 8/10 threat, killed a harken worshiper more or less in cold blood; keep a watchful eye." -> "on the level, chill and a softy inside (gross) can marginally trust. 4/10 threat, do not move against will kill me if pushed."
Llewyn: "Quiet and on the level (crime). Knows how to get shit done and business-like 6/10 threat" -> "all previous statements are still true, will work with me for money and does not ask unnecessary questions. 9/10 threat, will most likely move against me if paid enough. Keep my eye on her...."
Corvus: "lmao what a nerd. 2/10 threat" -> "ah a nerd with a sword, dragon and axe to grind. 4/10 threat."
Bea: "Oh gods she knows who I am??? oh, she knows (og) made, that's both worse and better. follower of the Harken, hm, hard to tell. Goodie-two-shoes gets her nose into things it does not belong but is hesitant to action. 4/10 threat, while she might act against me, she would not have the balls to do anything rash." -> "lmao what a nerd, not with the harken but still not to be trusted. asks way to many questions but does not have anything to back her up if she gets pushy. 2/10 threat (derogatory) like a small dog who thinks she's bigger then she is."
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degusart · 2 years
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Another dnd PC concept for @recoveringrevenant 's game on our Saturday rotation. Tod'otha Srylora of the House Hollybush within the Court of Winter. Chaos-touched Elf (owlin) wizard. He's obsessed with the magic of Luck and the luck of magic
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bluezey · 4 years
Play Date
Ian dresses up and does girly things with his little sister Judy, but wants to keep it secret because he’s afraid of what would happen if someone found out.  So of course the inevitable happens when Judy invites a friend over for a play date.
I wanted to write a story about Ian dealing with Judy bringing a friend over for a play date, but I didn’t know how to end it.  I saw some stuff by @tepiski and I figured something out.  So, thanks!
EDIT:  a nice person informed me that I used the wrong wordings in some places, so I made a few corrections.  My apologies, like Ian, I’m still learning.
Barley skidded his van to a stop outside of New Mushroomton Elementary School, excited more than ever to pick up little Judy.  Judy has been telling Barley all week about her new friend she made at school, a faun named Saria.  After talking to Laurel and Colt, and convincing Saria’s parents, Barley and Judy got a play date set for that afternoon.  Shortly after the bell rang, Judy raced up to the van and hopped inside as soon as Barley opened the side door to the back.
“Where’s your friend?” Barley asked.
“She’s right behind you,” Judy replied.
Barley turned and looked down at a little faun girl.  The faun had the bottom half of a sheep, and short curly black hair to match her curly black wool.  She wore a sherbet orange hoodie and wire frame glasses.  She had a friendly smile, but looked a little shy.  “Judy?” she called out.
Judy waved.  “Right here, Saria!  I told you my brother’s van was cool!”
Saria perked up a bit when she realized she was at the right van.  “Oh, good. “  She then looked up at Barley, and kind of grew sheepish again when noticing the size of him.
Barley just smiled.  “Don’t be scared, milady,” he introduced himself in his boisterous acting tone.  “Tis I, Barley of Lightfoot, and my mighty steed, Guinevere the Second!”
Saria laughed as she climbed into the back of the van, with Barley’s help.  “You’re right, Judy, your brother is funny,” Saria commented, settling into the back of the van with her elftaur friend.
Barley chuckled as he closed the door and hopped into the driver’s seat.  The ride home was short, thanks in part to Barley’s partly reckless driving.  Barley asked a few questions to get to know Saria.  Her favorite color is orange, her favorite school subject is reading, she likes ice cream, flowers and, of course, Pretty Pretty Centaurs.  Barley was also sure to ask if they have homework, but decided they didn’t have to start on it right away since it’s the weekend. Besides, he didn’t like math either.
Guinevere the Second pulled into the driveway, and Judy hopped out the second Barley opened the side door.  Judy saw they parked right next to an old red sedan and immediately squealed with delight. “Ian’s home!” she cheered as she raced up to the front walk.
Saria looked up at Barley as she followed him up to the door.  “Who’s Ian?”
“Judy didn’t tell you?” Barley asked.  “Judy has another brother.”
“Oh,” Saria replied.  “Sorry, I forgot his name.”
Barley smiled, seeing Saria growing sheepish again.  “You’re gonna like Ian.”
Judy burst into the front door and immediately started looking for Ian.  The college elf Ian was sitting at the dining room table, going over his chemistry notes and textbook while sipping a fresh cup of coffee.  “Ian!” Judy slammed herself into a side hug, almost knocking Ian out of his chair as he made a mess over his notes with his highlighter.
“Oh!  Judy.”  Ian chuckled to himself as he stood up to fix his notes and some toppled pieces of Barley’s role playing game occupying the rest of the table.
“Are you home for the weekend?” Judy asked after letting go of her hug.
“Uh, yeah?” Ian replied, not sure how else to respond to that.  He’s here, and college is about an hour away.  It’s obvious he’s staying over for the weekend.  But Judy’s just a kid.
“Yo, Iandore!” Barley called out as he strolled into the dining room.
“Hey, Barley.”  Ian looked down at the little faun girl hiding a little behind Barley’s leg.  “And who’s this little girl?” he asked with a friendly smile.
“This is Saria,” Judy introduced.  “She’s my friend from school.  She’s here for a play date.”
“Is that so?” Ian saw the shyness of Saria, but noticed her trying to overcome it by stepping out from behind Barley.  Still, her face showed how unsure she was of this new person.  Being nice, Ian simply held out his hand.  “Hi, I’m Ian.”
Saria smiled, then took his hand with a gentle handshake.  “I’m Saria.”
“Good to meet you,” Ian replied.  “I like your name.”
Judy’s excited smile turned to a disappointed frown as she saw Ian sit back down and return to his studies.  “Oh. You don’t have time to play, do you?” she pouted.
“Judy,” Barley tried to warn her.
“No, it’s okay,” Ian replied, reaching for his coffee mug.  “Just give me a few minutes, I can take a break to play.”  Ian took a sip of coffee, now knowing he’s gonna need the caffeine for both a play date and a study session.
Judy leaped with joy. “Great!  Saria can meet Iandelle!”
Ian immediately spat out his coffee all over Barley’s board game.  Barley held out his arm, trying to stop much of the sprayed coffee and spit from getting on the figurines.
Saria looked curious. “Who’s Iandelle?”
“I, uh… uhh…” Ian quickly turned to stuttering and sweating before he finally gave up and quickly exited to his and Barley’s bedroom down the hall.
A short pause passed before Saria innocently pointed out, “Ian forgot his books.”
“Ian?” Barley opened the bedroom door just far enough so he could peer in, before stepping inside. He looked across the room at Ian sitting on his bed, his back facing towards Barley, hunched over and clinging to his sides so tightly it left folds in his Willowdale College hoodie.  Barley closed the door behind him and started making his way across the room.  “Ian?”
Ian looked over his shoulder.  “Oh, hey.” He turned back for a second, before looking back again.  “Where’s Judy and…?”
“Saria?” Barley asked.
“Yeah,” Ian replied.
“They’re playing in Judy’s room,” Barley replied, pointing upstairs.  Barley made his way to Ian’s bed and sat down beside him.  Ian scooted away a bit, he hunched back over, squeezed his sides, his leg shaking with stress and his skin pale and clammy.  Ian obviously knew why Barley was here, and it wasn’t making the situation any better.  Barley waited a minute, before finally breaking the tension with a, “Soo…”
“I can’t dress up like ‘Iandelle,’” Ian replied, defeated but firmly.
“Why not?” Barley asked. “You’ve dressed up plenty of times.”
“Just for Judy,” Ian stressed, standing up from the bed.  He turned to Barley, wide eyed in panic.  “I can’t do it for… I mean… I…”
Barley just sat there, waiting for Ian to get it all out.  It’s not like Ian had a choice.  He was between his bed, with Barley sitting on it, and his closet, where he hides those few dresses that he wears when he plays with Judy so she can have someone to do ‘girly things’ with.  He felt trapped.  It was causing him to breathe shallowly before he finally released it, ranting to Barley.  “How am I going to deal with Saria when she goes home to her parents?  What if she tells of Judy’s big brother who likes to spend time in a dress?  That he likes to spend time with his little sister in lace and stockings, and playing with princess dolls, and having tea parties, and getting their hair and nails done?”
“You guys paint your nails?” Barley asked.
Ian paused, before nervously shoving his hands under his arms.  “N-No?”
Barley raised an eyebrow at Ian.
“I… I take it off before I go back to college, okay?”  Ian leaned back against the closet door and slid down to sitting, his knees bent and feet on the floor, so the legs of his jeans rode up and revealed some of the white stockings he was wearing under his jeans and sneakers.  “What if Saria’s parents start telling others about me?  What if those people tell those people?  What if word gets back to the school?  What if word gets back to college?”
“You haven’t met any transgender people at college?” Barley asked curiously.
“…. One.” Ian admitted. “I think.  I don’t know, but… there’s this one guy cyclops, and… I think he might- I mean he may have been assigned as female at birth… I may be wrong.  And maybe I am wrong, and he really is a guy.  I…”  Ian closed his eyes tight and grit his teeth, growing frustrated with this argument.
“… Okay.” Barley replied.
Ian opened his eyes.  “What?”
“Okay.”  Barley stood up from the bed.  “You made your point.”
Ian watched as Barley stood and walked back to the door.  He looked down, defeated and mad at himself.  “I know Judy loves playing with ‘Iandelle.’”
Barley looked over his shoulder, and gave a comforting smile.  “I know.”  With that, Barley walked out of the door, closing it behind him.
A week passed, and Ian was on his way home from college for the weekend.  He usually visited when he didn’t have much homework to do, and he had a lot of homework to do.  But he couldn’t help it.  He felt bad for how he ended it with Barley, with Judy.  And it was a bad first impression with Saria.  He didn’t know how he was going to handle it if Judy asked for Iandelle again, but he just had to go home.
Ian pulled into the driveway beside Guinevere the Second.  He took out his bookbag, his suitcase, and his laundry bag full of dirty clothes.  He went inside, but surprisingly, it was quiet in the house.  “Hello?” he called out.  No response.  He was curious, but he thought he’d get started on his homework while he had free time. Ian started a pot of coffee and let it brew as he put his suitcase and bookbag in his bedroom and tossed his load of laundry into the washer.  He returned to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee for his studies.
As Ian made his way to the bedroom, he thought he heard laughter in the backyard.  It made him pause for a moment, then curious when he heard the laughter was two little girls and Barley.  He knew there was nothing unusual about that, but he thought he’d at least check in on them before he closed himself off in his bedroom.
Ian approached the sliding glass window and took a look outside.  Their backyard had an in ground pool, currently tarped over for the fall, a small playset complete with a slide and swing, and a big oak tree in the corner. Saria was climbing the tree, jostling the branches so more leaves could fall, and Judy was racing through the yard, laughing as her hooves kicked up the leaves as she ran through the small piles of them scattered around the yard.  Barley was chasing after Judy, trying to keep up with her newfound speed beginning to grow on her.  Judy was dressed in a Princess Kenna tunic, and Barley was dressed in his usual warrior outfit… and a brown skirt.  A skirt that was far too short for him, so he had to wear his cargo shorts underneath, but that’s clearly a brown miniskirt!
Ian couldn’t help but smile. Judy was having the time of her life, Saria was having fun, and Barley did look a little silly with his big body in such a tiny, wide skirt, but Barley looked like he didn’t care. Barley used all of his energy to catch up to Judy, tackle her and drag her into a pile of leaves with a big flurry of autumn colors flying into the air around them.  Ian gave a laugh before leaving the scene, going back to his room.
Hours passed with Ian secluded in his room, at his desk, between writing an essay and looking up collegiate sources online for said essay.  Just as he was two pages and a cup of coffee in, Ian’s focus was distracted a bit by laughter in the house, then again a half hour later as Barley entered the bedroom.
“See ya later, Saria! Goodbye, Mrs. Morrow!” Barley closed the door behind him as he saw Ian at his desk.  “Hey!  You’re home!”
“Yeah, and I’m kinda busy here,” he said, motioning to his computer, “so…”
“Oh, got it.”  Barley threw himself on his bed, picked a random Quests of Yore book off his nightstand and began reading.
Ian went back to work, but not before looking back at Barley, legs casually crossed while still in that miniskirt.  “You know, you didn’t have to do that.”
“I know,” Barley replied, not looking up from his book.
Ian shook his head with a smile before going back to work.
A few weeks passed, with Saria visiting the Lightfoot house three times for a play date.  Ian wasn’t home, but Barley was, and dressed in his mini skirt at least twice for the occasion.  Laurel came home early the second time, and shared a laugh with Barley when she realized what was happening.  After that, Barley began to dress up in his mini skirt just for Judy once in a while.
One Friday afternoon, Saria was dropped off at the Lightfoot house for a play date, and she and Judy waited at the brothers’ bedroom door for Barley to get dressed.  “Come on, Barley!” Judy pouted.
“Just a minute!” Barley shouted from the other side of the door.  A moment passed before Barley came out, in a bold display, donning his warrior garb and mini skirt.  The girls cheered, but Barley held out his hand to shush them.  “Ah ah ah, we have one more joining us…”  Barley stepped aside.
A hesitant moment passed before Ian stepped shyly out of their bedroom, wearing his white princess dress with pink lace and frills.  His head was lowered a bit, but a smile formed over his blushing blue face when Judy hugged him tight.  “Iandelle!”
Saria looked up at Ian in complete confusion.  “You’re Iandelle?”
“…. uh…. yes?” Ian muttered.
Saria smiled.  “I like your dress.”
“Uh, thanks,” Ian replied, a little more audibly, but still sheepish.
“Let’s play makeover!” Judy chimed.
Barley replied, “Uh, Saria’s mom says no makeup.  How about tea party?”
Saria gasped.  “With real cookies?”
“Mom?” Barley called out.
“Two cookies per tea party guest,” Laurel called back from the kitchen.
The girls jumped up and down and cheered, while the boys tried to calm them down.  “Okay, you girls go upstairs and set the table.  We’ll get the cookies,” Ian said.  The girls ran upstairs, squealing excitedly, as the boys in dresses made their way to the kitchen.
“Nice of you to join us, Princess Iandelle,” Barley told Ian.
Ian smiled to his brother. “Why thank you… Barlia.”
“That’s Lady Barlia,” Barley declared as he grabbed Ian and held him down for a noogie.
Ian struggled as he protested, “Watch the dress!”
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transmogwow · 5 years
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Iandell - Baelgun (us) head: Conqueror's Nightsong Headpiece neck: Heart of Azeroth shoulder: Darkwood Sentinel's Monnions back: Hidden Cloak chest: Demonic Combatant's Dragonhide Tunic tabard: Darnassus Tabard wrist: Sea Dog's Cuffs hands: Darkwood Sentinel's Grips waist: Darkwood Sentinel's Cinch legs: Darkwood Sentinel's Breeches feet: Darkwood Sentinel's Footpads finger1: Footbomb Championship Ring finger2: Band of the Ancient Dredger trinket1: Ancient Knot of Wisdom trinket2: Lady Waycrest's Music Box mainHand: Sentinel's Warhammer offHand: Vile Branch of Festerbloom
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writercookie · 7 years
30 Day writing challenge: Day 17 + 18
30 Day writing challenge: Day 17 + 18
The idea is to write 150-200 words a day for each prompt and to post it on this blog. At the end of the month, I’ll post the list of prompts if anyone is interested. Prompt 17: It was a dream.  Prompt 18: Dare to hope.  Iandel started to fade around me. There was nothing I could do. Link stared at me, frozen. It was already too late. I was going back to my world. How could I have been so stupid?…
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iandel-blog · 12 years
The pressure of a thousand things Depresses my chest and lungs. The gravity of it all - intense. And each moment brings More vacuous, biting stones. Standing, the fomenting immense Encases me in a tomb where I squelch suppressed tones And strain my muscles. Breathe In a lung of dirt or wait for air.
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degusart · 1 year
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In any Universe, I'd Choose You, 2023
acrylic on canvas
Been thinking a lot about platonic soulmates and what it means to have a great group of friends you play dnd with. I've been meaning to get back into physical media, and really decided to jump back in with both feet with a ~40hr painting composed of 24 character portraits lmao. I just really love my friends and all of the versions I get to discover and fall in love with over and over again.
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more information under the cut
in order from top to bottom, left to right. character credits are found at the end.
and this is just the Gambit Prime group, our Saturday rotation of games, it does not include all of the games on deck or the non-Saturday games of the GEU. Echos of Strahd, Nebdisc and Vistra.
The Gambit (dnd 5e), the game that brought us together, though it nearly imploded, we stuck through it and kept on playing.
Ida, Roshan, Muiren, Stars, Tarkwen, Nori
Reath: Chad Beach (MOTW, dm, yours truly),
Rick, Em, Erics, Vera, LC, Piers
Kaimor Kingdom (dnd 5e, run by @werepaladin)
Madea, Bea, Glau, Llewyn, Dunrich, Corvus
Iandel (PF 2e, run by @recoveringrevenant)
Rossein, Kirsi, Lash, Clayton, Verity, Eeriuff
character credits
Ida, Madea and Rossein belong to me :)
Roshan, Em, Bea Kirsi | Rhea
Muiren, Erics, Glau Lash | @seanotturom
Stars, Vera, Llewyn | @recoveringrevenant
Tarkwen, LC, Dunrich, Verity | @dont-fuck-me-gil
Tarkwen, Piers, Eeriuff | @werepaladin
Rick, Corvus, Clayton | @theboombardbox
anyway, time to move on to the next Big Project (TM)
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bluezey · 4 years
Pretty Pretty Dresses - extended cut
Someone wanted to see an extended version of the Pretty Pretty Dresses drabble, and I felt inspired to do such a thing.  There’s a lot more fluff in it, and it ends with Ian being humiliated, cause you know me, I’m a jerk to characters I love.
So, for those who haven’t heard or need a refresher, this is just basically Ian being a big brother to his new little sister Judy, in a way that some readers may not expect, and some might.
It was late Friday afternoon when Ian came home.  Willowdale College is about an hour away, so he likes to visit every other weekend. Especially when he doesn’t have that much homework.  This weekend could be a little bit of an exception, he has a report to write, and an exam on Wednesday.
As he opens the front door, he hears the familiar footsteps racing towards him.  It’s not Blazey this time.
“Ian!” the little three year old girl cheered, arms out as far as she could stretch them.
He happily knelt down and caught her in a big hug.  “Judy!”
Ian and Barley were not surprised when Laurel and Colt got married, but boy were they surprised when they found out their mother was pregnant with Colt’s child.  Funny enough, it wasn’t that the child was going to be half elf, half centaur that Ian and Barley had to prepare for.  It was that the child was going to be a girl. Not long after that shocker, Ian had to share Barley’s bedroom, Ian’s old bedroom was turned into their little sister’s bedroom, and Judith was born.
It took some getting used to, the young adult brothers now having a little sister, now three and a half years old.  Especially for Ian.  Not only giving up his bedroom to become Barley’s new roommate (thank Alora for college dorms), but being a big brother in general.  Over time, as Judy grew from a baby to a preschooler, they got the hang of it. Barley seemed to handle the more tomboy things, like rough housing, making mud pies, catching bugs, even playing Quests of Yore once Barley adjusted the rules to make the game easier for her. While Ian…
“Are you here for the tea party?” Judy asked.
“Oh, uh,” Ian stood back up. “I have homework to do.  I wish I could…”
Judy’s glowing smile immediately fell to a frown, her elf ears flopped downward a little thanks to those extra ear muscles she got from the centaur side.
Ian felt terrible, but gave a little grin as he thought aloud, “But Iandelle may be available.”
“Really?” Judy hugged her big brother’s long spindly legs.
Ian patted the top of her brown haired head.  “Go to your room, she’ll see you in a minute.”
“Kay, brother!” Judy went running upstairs, slowing a bit so she can clop each hoof on the stairs.
Ian picked up his backpack and suitcase, took his staff and headed to his bedroom.  Well, his and Barley’s bedroom.  Ian opened the door and peeked his head inside first, seeing if Barley was there.  Nope, their bedroom was empty.  Barley must be working another job.  Let’s see if he can keep this one.
Ian had to step over some dirty laundry, trash and Quests of Yore toys to make it across the bedroom. Barley’s mess sure has expanded since Ian was gone and Barley had their room to himself.  Thankfully, the part of their room that had Ian’s desk, bed and closet still had some clean floor left.  Wish he could do something about the musky smell though.
Ian placed his suitcase and backpack on his bed and his staff by his desk.  He opened up his closet doors.  Thankfully he got the closet while Barley made do with his clothes in a dresser.  Well, most of the closet, there were a few stacks of gaming and “questing” toys on the top shelf.
Squeezing past a wood dresser shoved into his closet, Ian dug deep behind some of the clothes hung up on hangars and grabbed an outfit he purposely hid as deep as he could.  It wasn’t that he was embarrassed, it’s just that he’d be embarrassed if anyone but Judy caught him in it.  After finally unhooking it from the hangar, Ian pulled out a pristine white costume dress, frilly with pastel bows and puffy cap sleeves. Ian draped the dress on his bed before staring at it, giving a soft “this is ridiculous” shake of his head.  But he still had a grin on his face cause, well, it’s for Judy.
Ian got dressed into the pink frilly dress, fumbling a bit to reach the zipper in the back, but he managed to get it.  He sat down and pulled the dress up to his knees, then put on a pair of lacey white stockings that ran up to his mid thigh with matching pink ribbon and bows sewn on the hem.  Yeah it was silly, but he’ll take to the grave that he thinks he looks in them.
Once dressed and ready, Ian peeked his head out the bedroom door, looking both ways to see if the coast is clear.  No one in sight.  Hitching up the skirt a bit so he can walk better, without tripping on the hem that is, Ian crept his way upstairs, easing into a walk to his old bedroom, now Judy’s room.
The walls and floor remained untouched, but everything that reminded Ian of his old room was gone. Where his bed once was instead had a little girl’s bed, well still pretty big since it had to fit her horse half, covered with sheets branded with the many princesses and queens from the Pretty Pretty Centaurs series.  Where his blue rug used to be was a heart shaped rug so pink he could be blinded by it. His old closet was now overflowing with a mixture of toys, butterfly nets, foam play swords and other assorted play things.  The room also included a white wooden dresser, a plastic toy table with a little play tea set, and a small plastic play vanity.
Judy was already dressed as one of her favorite play dresses, complete with a matching plastic tiara.  She backed out of her closet, pulling one of her Pretty Pretty Centaur dolls out of a pile, letting the pile fall as she freed the dollie.  She turned to see Ian standing in the doorway, and her face glowed that cooling pink elf faces are known for when she smiled. “Princess Iandelle!”
Ian chuckled.  It’s just him in a dress, a boy elf in a dress. But since Barley made up that nickname, it just stuck whenever Ian was in a dress.  “Hey Judy.  I heard I was invited to a tea party?”
“Do you want to play makeups first?” Judy asked.
Ian sighed, keeping up that smile, though the rest of his face fell.  He thought it was just going to be a quick play date, but makeovers?  But, how could he say no to that little face? That little face that could throw a pretty big tantrum if she wanted to.
Ian tried to sit in the little plastic kid’s chair by the vanity, making sure to keep his legs together and his skirt covering so only his feet showed.  He may be a boy, but he still has to sit properly in a dress. Judy opened up the small drawer in the plastic vanity, pushing away the fake plastic molded prop makeup for the real makeup Judy and Ian hide in the back.  Just blush and lipstick, nothing too fancy.  And if Ian helped apply them, nothing too messy.  Ian applied a thin layer of pink lipstick, subtle but complimented Judy’s blue elf skin perfectly.  He then added a thin layer of pink blush that gave her freckly cheeks a nice sparkle.  It was Judy’s turn, painting Ian’s cheeks in the same blush, and coating his lips in a soft blue that made his lips just a touch more darker.  He smiled, approving of Judy’s makeover.  Then, when Judy’s back was turned, quickly grabbed a paper towel and mirror to remove a whole lot of it so his makeup looked more like a subtle touch up than clown paint.
Judy returned from the toppled pile with an armful of accessories.  Ian sighed, preparing himself.  Judy picked out some clip on earrings and a pink bow hair clip for Ian, and a toy necklace for herself.  Ian clipped the earrings onto his long blue elf ears and helped Judy with clipping the bow to the side of his head.  At least the hair clip was small and nice.  The costume jewelry earrings, however, were gawdy, and didn’t match the outfit at all.
“And now we’re ready for the tea party,” Judy declared happily.
Ian exhaled.  “Oh.  Good.”
Judy sat down at the plastic kiddie table, the back legs of her horse half perched in a little plastic chair.  Ian chose to sit on the floor, his legs folded so he was sitting on his calves. The skirt puffed up around the lower half of his body, making him look like a cupcake decorated with white and pink icing.  Judy placed her Pretty Pretty Centaur doll at the table, their third member to their tea party.
“Would you like some tea, Princess Iandelle?” Judy asked politely as she picked up the ceramic toy teapot.
Ian offered his little ceramic teacup.  “Why thank you, Princess Judy.”  He smiled politely.
Minutes passed as Ian and Judy shared their little tea date together.  Ian “sipped” on some calming tea and “nibbled” on some imaginary crumpets as they had some polite conversation.  Ian shared what he was learning in college and studying magic, mostly Judy nodded but didn’t understand the college stuff.  Judy told of her art projects and friends she made in daycare, or what antics she and Barley have been up to.  Ian would smile and politely ask a question or two when Judy had her Princess Idina doll speak.
As Ian was in the middle of a sip of tea, he heard a loud snap and a caught a quick flash out of the corner of his eye.  He quickly turned and caught sight of Barley’s janky smart phone ducking behind Judy’s bedroom door.
“BARLEY!!” Ian shot up to standing, but one step later, Ian planted face first onto the floor.
Barley was halfway down the hall, smart phone in hand, laughing loudly, as Ian burst through the door and came running down the hall.  Barley noticed Ian holding up the skirt a bit so he could run better, revealing those lacey white stockings underneath.  Quickly, Barley took another picture.
When Ian heard that loud snap, he nearly died a little inside.  “NO!!” he shouted as he tackled Barley to the ground.
The two brothers wrestled on the hardwood floor of the hallway.  Barley was trying to pin Ian down, while Ian was grabbing desperately for Barley’s phone.  In their struggle, Ian lost one of those costume earrings.
“Come on, Princess Iandelle,” Barley asked, putting Ian in a head lock and giving his head a noogie.  “Where’s your sense of humor?”
Ian struggled to grab the phone off the floor, just inches from his fingertips.  “Delete those pictures this instant!”
“Yay!  Barley’s home!” Judy came bolting out of her bedroom and leaped into the pile, thinking it was time to wrestle.  Barley was happy to play, letting Ian go and grabbing Judy by the waist, picking her up.  Man, Barley can be strong!
This was Ian’s chance. He scrambled to grab the phone, but found it missing.  He did a double take back to Barley’s direction.  Shantar’s Talon, he must still have the phone!
“Kids!” Laurel called from downstairs.  “Dinner’s almost ready!”
Soon as Ian heard his mom’s voice, he caught the smell of dinner baking in the oven.  How long have Barley and mom been home?  How long have he and Judy been playing?
“Okay, kiddo,” Barley told Judy, leading her to  the bathroom. “Time to wash up for dinner.”
“Aww,” Judy moaned.
Ian wiped the lipstick off his face with the back of his hand.  “And delete those photos, Barley!”
“Oh no!” Barley’s voice echoed through the hall.  “They are too good!”
Ian groaned as he stood up, adjusting his feet so he doesn’t step on the hem and rip his dress.  He made his way downstairs and headed to his and Barley’s bedroom to get changed back into his usual clothes.
Laurel was in the kitchen when she caught sight of Ian at the door.  “Will Princess Iandelle be joining us for dinner tonight?” she asked with a smile.
“Mom,” Ian groaned as he shut the bedroom door behind him.
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bluezey · 4 years
More ideas for little Judy fanfics
Barley and Ian trying to babysit baby Judy. Mostly I can't stop thinking of how gross it would be for Ian, babies are just a mess of spittle, smeared baby food and dirty diapers. Speaking of, she's part horse, so I can see her already walking within her first week, but needing help keeping her elfin top half of her body upright. And don't get me started on changing her diapers. Not only more messy and smelly, but at least once she got spooked and bucked her back hooves into one of the boys shins.
More of a Barley and Ian focused idea, but Barley and Ian escort Judy to her first Renaissance fair, and while they treat Judy to another princess play dress, Barley talks Ian into buying another dress for Iandelle. Like this idea cause it shows Barley is supportive of his little brother even if he teases him.
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bluezey · 4 years
I read your pretty pretty dresses Drabble and I had a few ideas where Ian and barley try to babysit Judy as a baby involving sugar rushes and playing hide and seek. Another idea involving her being terrified of kindergarten and they comfort her and lastly getting back at a girl who bullies the little elftaur. I
I thought of one where it's more Barley centric and it's the boys taking Judy to the park
I like the kindergarten idea. I like to imagine Ian holds Barley back from teaching the bully a lesson, but then when the bully makes Judy cry, Ian aloft elevars the kid 🤣
I'd also like to think of another story that involves Iandelle. Ian doing girly things with his little sister would be fun. Maybe Judy makes a friend in kindergarten, they have a playdate, Ian is home that weekend, Judy's like "that's great! Princess Iandelle can play with us!" and Ian is internally screaming because someone outside of the house is going to meet his alter ego
Ian: as of today, my life is officially over
Barley: calm down, you act like you're the only guy in history who's ever worn a dress
Ian: I'm not worried about that, I'm worried if my school finds out!
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bluezey · 4 years
Renaissance Faire
Ian and Barley take their little sister Judy to the Renaissance Faire.  In the midsts of having a good time, Barley helps Ian figure things out at a clothing bazaar.
Tried to get a good balance with Ian, as he’s just discovering some things about himself, but is afraid he’ll get teased for it.  It was a little trickier this time around, but I think I kept it in character and away from being offensive.  If I do offend, I apologize.
It was a mild Saturday afternoon in autumn.  Colt had to work and Laurel wanted to rest, so the Lightfoot brothers were responsible with babysitting their five year old elftaur sister Judith.  Since it’s the season, and it just opened this weekend, Ian and Barley decided to bring Judy along to the Renaissance Faire.  The brothers have been going together since their quest, but now Judy can tag along and enjoy it with them.  Barley was dressed in his adventurer outfit, Ian was wearing his normal everyday clothes and carrying his wizard staff, and Judy was dressed in her green Princess Kenna dress from Pretty Pretty Centaurs.
Even with watching a five year old and having to enjoy more of the kiddie things, the day started out great.  They went to the stables to see the dragons and griffins, Judy even got to pet one. They saw blacksmiths, glassblowers, leather workers, and weavers.  They got to see an actual joust, but had to leave early when one of the jousters fell off his dragon steed and Judy got scared.  After a quick lunch at the food court, the trio ran into a few wandering performers, one claiming he was doing “magic” when it was really simple tricks.  It was when Judy proclaimed that his big brother Ian was a wizard too that Ian sheepishly showed off a few spells of his own, really wowing the crowd with actual magic.  Ian felt just as embarrassed as the pouting performer.  He didn’t mean to upstage the guy, but Barley and Judy did so much encouraging that it was drawing a crowd, and it got pretty awkward.
The brothers were on their way to the arts and crafts section when Judy caught sight of something and ran into the bazaar, with Ian and Barley chasing after her.  They checked a shop or two when Barley found Judy in a tent selling clothing and jewelry and called Ian over.  Ian caught up to catch the little elftaur happily fawning over an adult sized princess dress so extravagant and expensive that it was displayed under glass.
“It’s so pretty!  I want it!” Judy exclaimed.
“I’m afraid that’s a little out of our price range,” Barley admitted.
Judy pouted, stomping her hoof into the ground.  “I want it!”
“It’s too big for you,” Ian said, hoping that truth will end her tantrum.
Judy finally realized this and her face fell.  Her elf ears perked up, she looked at the dress and then back at Ian.  “I bet Iandelle would look pretty in it.”
Ian’s eyes grew wide, he gripped his staff with both hands as he quickly darted around the tent, seeing if anyone he knew was in there.  Just a cyclops dressed in medieval commoner clothes at the register, and he wasn’t paying much attention.  It’s not like the cyclops knew Ian’s little identity anyhow, but he didn’t want anyone outside of the family to put the pieces together and realize that he spends his play time with Judy in an actual dress.
Barley could catch Ian’s fears and told Judy.  “I’m sure she would, Judy.  Why don’t you go to the children’s clothes over there?  We’ll be over here.”
Judy trotted off to the racks of children’s costumes as Ian and Barley made their way to the men’s costume section.  As they ducked between two racks, Ian gave a shaking sigh of relief.
“You know,” Barley commented in a quiet voice, “you really gotta calm down.  It’s cute how you do girly stuff with Judy.”
“I don’t want people to know about that,” Ian replied back in a hushed tone.
“Who cares?” Barley shrugged.
“I do!” Ian looked over the racks, the cashier was still bored and Judy was fiddling with some play dresses.  Ian pretended to leaf through some of the male costumes, and Barley followed suit.  “Do you have any idea what would happen if someone found out?  My social life would be over.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, Ian, it’s not the dark ages,” Barley said.  “It’s modern day.  Times have changed.  Guys can wear dresses.”
“I have a bad enough time with some people treating my crap as it is,” Ian debated.  “If word got out that I spend some time at home in dresses and stockings-“
“Ian,” Barley commented sternly.  “You’re acting a little transphobic.”
Ian stammered, trying to explain what he meant by that.  “I- I’m no- I mean-“  Losing focus of where he was, Ian accidentally walked into a mannequin, knocking it over, along with himself, to the ground.
That got the cyclops’s attention.  “Hey!” The cyclops started storming over there. Ian panicked, grabbed a random piece of clothing off a nearby rack and covered his feet up to his calves with it. “You better not be stealing anything in here!” the cyclops snapped as he approached the two.
“I’m okay,” Ian replied sourly, realizing the cyclops was worried if they were thieves rather than if Ian was hurt.
“And watch your damn kid! I’m not a babysitter!”  The cyclops turned and stormed back to his post.
“Language!  She’s five!” Barley shouted back.
Ian sighed, then tensed up as he felt Barley tug the piece of clothing off his legs.  “No no, I got it,” he stammered, reaching for the tunic.
Barley completely pulled it away, revealing Ian’s lower legs.  Ian was wearing his usual denim jeans and blue sneakers, but in his sitting position his pant legs pulled up a bit, revealing the white stockings underneath. They were white and plain, so they looked like socks when they completely covered Ian’s legs, but when his ankles were exposed, it was pretty obvious.
“Dude.”  Barley looked up at Ian.
“I- I was out of socks,” Ian lied.  Barley gave a look, he clearly knew Ian was lying.  Ian sighed, crossing his arms, resting them on his knees.  “I use my regular voice when I’m ‘Iandelle,’” he quietly admitted, so quiet only Barley could hear.  “I don’t even like wearing the dress.  But… I like the feel of the stockings… and lately I’ve been enjoying how good the lipstick looks on me, and…”  Ian sighed. “… I don’t know what I am.”
Barley paused after Ian confessed to him.  He placed a comforting hand on Ian’s shoulder.  “Hey.  You’re Ian.”
“But I don’t know who I am,” Ian repeated.
“You just told me,” Barley replied.  “You’re a guy who likes some girly stuff.”
“But what if someone finds out?”
“Who cares?”
“I do!” Ian quietly shouted, frustrated with the whole situation as he rubbed his head with the heels of his palms.
Barley sat up on his heels, thinking for a moment.  He then got an idea, jumped up onto his feet and walked away.  Ian was left alone for a moment, wiping a frustrating tear from his eye before climbing up on his feet.  He placed the mannequin back upright and brushed the dirt and grass off of its outfit, as the floor is just the ground of the field that the faire sets their tents up every year.  He turned around and jumped back to see Barley inches from his face.  Barley was grinning from pointy ear to ear, like he had something he couldn’t wait to show Ian.  “… what?”
Barley revealed what he had behind his back.  On a simple hanger was a green plaid fabric.
Ian was confused.  “A skirt?”
“A kilt,” Barley explained.
“A kilt?” Ian was more confused.
“You never heard of a kilt before?” Barley asked, surprised.  “Guys wear them.”
“So even though I don’t like princess dresses,” Ian replied, still confused, “you gave me a skirt.”
Barley rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to show you that guys wear ‘girly’ stuff too.  In the olden days, guys would wear these.  In some kingdoms, it was traditional.  Soldiers would wear them.  Hell, I think in one kingdom, only guys could wear them.”
Ian was eyeing the kilt again, only less oddly.  “Huh.”
Barley shoved the clothing into Ian’s arm.  “Just try it on.”
“How?” Ian asked.
Barley pointed behind Ian. In the corner was an area blocked off by a few sheets, with a simple marker written sign that read ‘dressing room.’
“Oh,” Ian replied.
“I’ll go check on Judy. I’ll check on you in a minute.” Barley ran off before Ian could respond.
Hesitating at first for how he was just left there so quickly, Ian stepped into the dressing room. It was a simple corner of the tent, the floor was grass, the walls were tarp or fabric.  There was a scratched up wooden stool in one corner, and a full length mirror in the other.  Ian closed the curtain and hung the kilt over the mirror, followed by leaning his staff against it.  He kicked off his shoes, took off his jeans and placed them on the stool.  He then put on the kilt.  While it was made to look like it was wrapped around his waist and held up by a black leather belt, it slipped on like a skirt and had a zipper on the side.  He looked in the mirror, then just stared into it as he realized his red flannel shirt clashed furiously with the green plaid kilt.  Thankfully he was wearing a plain white tshirt underneath, so he took off his red shirt.
“You done in there?” Barley called out from the other side of the curtain.
Ian was checking the kilt out in the mirror.  It hung down to just under his knees, and it didn’t look half bad.  “Yeah.”
“Then let’s see it!” Barley said.
“Yeah!” Judy added.
Ian hesitantly slouched over.  After a moment, he peeked his head out from behind the curtain.  Still no one, and the cyclops wasn’t paying attention.  Ian pulled the curtain away, but didn’t dare to step out of the dressing room.
“You look great!” Judy exclaimed with a big smile.
Ian grinned nervously. “R-really?”
Barley looked sideways at the white stockings.  “Hold on.” Barley ran off, but was quickly back with a pair of knee high socks.  Ian took them and closed the curtain.  A minute later, he opened the curtain and glared at Barley.  “Really?”  Ian looked down at the thick white cotton socks.  Each sock had a small black tassel just below Ian’s knees, sewn to the hem.
Barley rolled his eyes. “They’re men’s socks, Ian.  And it’s either this or the stockings.”
“Shh!”  Ian quickly looked at the cyclops, but he didn’t move, hopefully that means he didn’t hear that.
“So are we getting it?” Judy asked.  “I got one too!” she added, happily holding up a pink princess play dress with ruffled rose colored sleeves.
Barley added, “I checked the price on both of them.  We can afford it.”
Ian exhaled as he thought about it.  “Okay.”
“Great!”  Barley pulled the price tag off the kilt.  “Put your shoes on.  You can wear that out of the store.”
“Outside??” Ian took a double take in a panic.
“Guys wear kilts, Ian,” Barley repeated himself.  “For Feldar’s sake, we walked by at least two guys wearing them today.”
Ian blinked, not remembering that he saw that.  “We did?”
“Yeah.”  Barley took Judy by the hand and they both went to the register to make their purchases.
While still unsure, that thought put his mind at ease.  He closed the curtain, took off the socks, picked up his shirt after hiding his stockings inside them, and put on his shoes.  He then met up with Barley and Judy just as they finished making their purchases.
Judy hugged Ian, clinging to his waist because of her short five year old height.  “Now Princess Kenna has a guard!”
“Huh?” Ian asked, confused.
Judy explained, “Princess Kenna comes from a kingdom where her guards wear those skirts.”
“They’re called kilts, Judy,” Barley quickly explained.
“Oh, right.  Kilts,” Judy corrected herself.
“And Princess Kenna likes boy stuff like dirt and archery.”  Barley turned and told both Judy, as well as Ian, “If girls can like boy stuff, boys can like girl stuff.”
“I like dirt.”  Judy smiled.
Barley patted Judy’s head, ruffling her brown hair.  “That’s my girl.”
Ian smiled at Barley as he tucked his shirt, and the hiding stockings, into the paper bag with Judy’s newly bought play dress.  Barley and Judy left the clothing tent, with Ian close behind them, as if trying to hide behind them.  With each step through the bazaar, Ian was growing more nervous.  But, with each step away from the bazaar, on their way to arts and crafts, Ian grew a little more collected.  It was a strange feeling, walking through the fairgrounds, feeling the air on his powder blue legs, but the thick fabric of the kilt constantly reminding him he’s basically in a skirt.  And yet barely anyone seemed to notice or care.  One or two people would look up at Ian, but then quickly look back down.  A voice in his head was claiming they were judging Ian, they may be even making fun of him when he’s not looking.  But, he knew better that they paid no mind to Ian.  To them, Ian was just another person who dressed up for the faire.
The arts and crafts section was pretty fun, though messy cause of all the kids playing with glue, glitter, construction paper and other messy items.  Judy didn’t mind getting dirty, which led to Barley having to clean her off with a wet wipe before they left the area.  Before they did, Judy made a few drawings, and even had a surprise for Ian and Barley.
“Kneel, good sirs,” Judy proclaimed, instantly playing make believe as Princess Kenna.
“I can only kneel so far in this thing,” Ian chuckled as he bent forward with his hands holding down his kilt, Barley kneeling like a noble knight.
Judy then placed a daisy crown on each of her big brother’s heads.  The crowns were made of paper and pipe cleaners, but they were flowers all right.
“Thank you, fair Kenna,” Barley played along as he rose to his feet, Ian chuckling as he rose to his. Ian adjusted his crown nervously, but not so awkward about it when Barley was wearing one, and Judy placing her own daisy crown on her head.
After listening to a few tales of yore from some story telling entertainers, the three decided to call it a night.  The brothers made it to the van before Judy got too tired to walk, thankfully, as her horse half was making the elftaur too big for even Barley to carry these days. Judy climbed into the back of Guinevere the Second and immediately fell asleep.  Ian and Barley climbed into the front, with Ian keeping his legs together in his new kilt.
Ian took off his daisy crown and ran his fingers through his fluffy hair.  “That was a fun day,” he commented as he tucked the crown into the paper bag in front of his feet.
“Same time next year?” Barley half joked as he backed the van out and drove out of the dirt parking lot.
“Oh yeah,” Ian replied, as the van made it onto the modern paved road, starting their journey back home. “I’ll even wear the kilt.”
“Cool,” Barley smiled. “Think you can wear the kilt outside of the Renn Faire?”
Ian shook his head.  “Oh, no,” he chuckled with a smile.
Barley gave Ian a smirk and a sideways glance before merging onto the expressway.  Today was a great day.
Author’s note: raise your hand if you figured out that Princess Kenna is their realm’s Princess Merida?
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bluezey · 4 years
Pretty Pretty Dresses
Because I wanted to do a drabble based on a headcanon
Headcanon: Colt and Laurel manage to have a kid, and now Ian and Barley are big brothers to a half elf/half centaur little sister named Judith "Judy" (@onward-magic-princess-barista for the name). While Barley handles the more tomboy things like wrestling and questing, Ian is comfortable enough to do girly things like dress up and tea parties. Unless Ian gets caught...
Judy was sitting daintily on the floor, wearing her favorite costumed dress of one of her favorite Pretty Pretty Centaurs characters and matching tiara displaying the character. She pretends to pour tea from a teapot into a tiny teacup. "More tea, Ian?"
"Oh, uh, thanks." Ian was sitting on his calves, making the costume dress he's in puff up so he looks like a cupcake made of white fabric and pink bows. He looked like he was blushing more, which was probably true, but that was just the blush they "borrowed" from mom's curio. He took the teacup and pretend to politely take a little sip.
Ian's eyes shot open as he heard a snap, followed by catching a flash out of the corner of his eye. His eyes darted over and, in grim shock, caught Barley's janky smart phone ducking behind the bedroom door.
"BARLEY!!" Ian jumped up, then tripped on his skirt, making him face plant onto the floor.
Barley was halfway down the hall, laughing like a cheeky trickster, when Ian came busting through the door. Ian came charging down the hall at him furiously, pulling up his skirt a bit so he can run better, revealing that he was wearing lacey white stockings underneath. Barley risked it and stopped to take another picture.
Ian nearly died a little inside when he heard that snap. "NO!!" Ian lunged at Barley, tackling him to the ground.
Barley countered, putting Ian in a head lock followed by a playful noogie. "Come on, Princess Iandelle, where's your sense of humor?"
Judy came racing out the bedroom door, laughing happily, joining her big brothers thinking that it's time to rough house again.
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iandel-blog · 12 years
Think deeply about This cup of ramen noodles… Meanwhile I ate it.
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iandel-blog · 12 years
He’s a hungry fuck. Watch him run in slow motion. The honey badger.
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iandel-blog · 12 years
Alone in a room, From a small crack in the wall A cockroach walks out.
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iandel-blog · 12 years
If you use too much Soap your clothes will come out wet, And they’ll be dirty.
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