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inyourfacex · 2 years ago
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Amaarae - Fountain Baby
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kneipe · 4 months ago
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schwerin 2024
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inyourfacex · 3 months ago
Doechii - DENIAL IS A RIVER / Alligator Bites Never Heal
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Doechii for Cashapp
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rainbowd4she · 10 months ago
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POV Will (1181 mots)
On ne s’est pas vus depuis plusieurs mois déjà, alors je suppose que cette lettre devrait commencer par ça : comment vas-tu ? Puisque tu ne la liras jamais, n’y répondra jamais non plus, je ne vois pas trop l’intérêt de poser la question. C’est simplement que je ne sais pas comment faire ça. T’écrire. C’est une idée d’Abrams, tu t’en doutes. Elle ne sait pas pour les messages vocaux que je te laisse presque tous les soirs, évidemment. Si elle se doutait un seul instant de la façon dont je te harcèle sans cesse, elle me ferait sûrement interner. Elle ne sait pas que c’est grâce à ça que je tiens bon. Parce que j’entends ta voix, chaque fois que j’appelle, même si ce n’est que pour un instant. Parce que j’appelle sans arrêt et que tu n’as toujours pas fait couper la ligne. J’imagine qu’une part de moi s’accroche inlassablement à cette réalité : tu n’as pas coupé la ligne. Est-ce que ça veut dire que tu attends mes messages, d’une certaine façon ? Tant que tu ne réponds pas, je peux imaginer ce que je veux. 
Bref, Abrams… Elle m’a donné ce conseil stupide. T’écrire une lettre. Plusieurs lettres, peut-être. Pour te dire ce que j’ai sur le cœur. Toutes ces choses que je ne pourrais jamais te dire en face. Je ne sais même pas pourquoi je fais cet exercice stupide alors que je t’ai parlé hier. Enfin, parlé… Tu sais. Peut-être parce qu’il y a quand même des choses que je ne dis pas au téléphone. Des mots qui restent coincés dans ma poitrine, que je ne peux pas t’avouer. Ni à moi, pour ce que ça vaut. 
Je t’aime toujours. Et tu me manques encore. Tout ça, tu le sais. Et je crois que tu le ressens aussi, parfois. Après tout, à quoi ça pourrait bien te servir d’avoir un téléphone américain, sinon ? Je t’aime, tu me manques, et je ne crois pas que je pourrais arrêter un jour. Je te jure que j’essaye. Je sors. Je vois mes parents, mes amis. J’ai des amants, parfois. Je crois bien que je sors avec quelqu’un, en fait. Je ne t’ai jamais dit ça dans mes messages, je sais, je suis désolé. Ce n’est vraiment rien de sérieux et si tu décidais de revenir tout à coup, le choix serait vite fait entre lui et toi… Mais ce n’est pas l’important. Ce qui me ronge, ce que je ne te demande jamais quand je t’appelle, c’est pourquoi ? Non, pas ça. Je sais pourquoi tu m’as quitté. Je sais pourquoi tu es parti vivre à l’autre bout du monde dans l’espoir de m’échapper. Mais… Est-ce que c’était vraiment si terrible, toi et moi ? Moi, surtout, je sais bien. Je sais que je suis difficile à vivre, que je te fais mal sans arrêt sans le vouloir, parfois même sans m’en apercevoir. J’ai toujours cru que tu savais, en retour, que ce n’est pas vraiment méchant, pas vraiment toi le problème. Que certaines habitudes sont difficiles à perdre. Que j’ai du mal à te comprendre, parfois, que j’ai du mal à gérer les choses qui font mal. Et c’est dur, bien sûr. Quand ça ne va plus, quand on se déchire et qu’on se blesse, c’est tellement dur. Mais ça en vaut la peine, pas vrai ? Toi et moi, ça vaut toutes les douleurs du monde. Parce que tu es mon meilleur ami, mon âme sœur. Parce que même quand ça devient vraiment laid, tu me connais, tu sais qui je suis derrière le masque et les mots durs. Alors on s’accroche. On se fait un peu mal, et on se pardonne. 
C’est ce que je croyais, avant que tu ne partes. Un peu après, aussi. Seulement, j’imagine qu’on a tous nos limites. Que personne ne peut endurer à l’infini. Et j’espère que tu te sens mieux, maintenant. Que sans moi, tu peux respirer à nouveau. Je te jure que je le pense. Je n’ai jamais voulu que ton bonheur. Je croyais qu’on était heureux, tous les deux. Je repense sans arrêt aux bons souvenirs, à ce que ça faisait de t’avoir près de moi. Sauf que maintenant, ça n’a plus vraiment la même saveur. Je me demande toujours si tu as vécu chaque souvenir comme moi, finalement. Souvent, j’ai bien peur que non. 
J’avance aussi, tu sais. Je crois qu’une partie de moi sera toujours un peu brisée, mais j’ai changé. Je me sens mieux. Je ne fais plus tellement mal aux gens autour de moi. Je voudrais que tu puisses le voir. Je voudrais que t’en aies envie, et que tu te rendes compte que je m’améliore. Que ça te donne envie de revenir. Je ne le fais même pas pour toi, c’est le pire. Je veux juste que tout rentre dans l’ordre. Et que, peut-être, un jour, je sois suffisamment guéri pour rencontrer quelqu’un d’autre. J’aimerais tellement que tu reviennes, mais après tout ce temps, ces tentatives sans succès… Je commence à accepter l’idée que ça n’arrivera probablement pas. Oh, ça me brise le cœur chaque fois que j’y pense, mais c’est comme ça. Je commence même à y penser sérieusement. Signer les papiers du divorce. Je vais le faire, je te le promets. Bientôt. 
Je veux que tu sois heureux, Elias. Je veux que tu sois la personne la plus heureuse de cette foutue planète. Et je vois bien que tu y arrives parfaitement sans mon aide. J’espère pouvoir en faire autant bientôt. En attendant, s’il y a eu quelque chose de bien entre nous, penses-y parfois, d’accord ? Fais-le pour moi. Je sais que tu ne me dois rien, mais j’espère que tu en auras envie. Pour toi, peut-être. Parce que même si elle t’a fait souffrir au point que t’aies dû partir sans regarder en arrière, je crois que cette histoire a compté pour toi aussi ? Et ce serait vraiment tragique si tu n’en gardais rien de bien. 
À toi pour toujours, 
Will. ”
Quand il repose enfin le stylo, sa main le fait souffrir. La lettre n’est pourtant pas très longue, mais il n’a jamais tenu un stylo aussi fort. Trop peur que ses doigts tremblent, sans doute. Il souffle doucement sur la feuille de papier pour s’assurer que l’encre soit bien sèche avant de la plier soigneusement, puis de la ranger dans une enveloppe assortie. De son écriture élégante, il inscrit “Elias” au centre de l’enveloppe, et la pose bien à plat au milieu du bureau. Le Docteur Abrams ne lui a pas dit ce qu’il était censé en faire après l’avoir écrite. Ne pas l’envoyer, d’accord, mais quoi alors ? Un moment, il la regarde fixement. Comme s’il espérait que quelque chose ait changé, peut-être. Ce n’est pas le cas. Cette affreuse douleur dans sa poitrine lui paraît même un peu plus vraie. Il croit avoir le cœur littéralement brisé. Alors il ouvre le premier tiroir du bureau qui lui passe sous la main et pousse la lettre dedans, le referme très vite. Ça fait toujours mal. Il commence à croire que ça fera toujours mal.
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pacifymebby · 1 year ago
if you're feeling sinister / chapter six
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I awoke on Monday morning wrapped up in Van's arms on the sofa, a blanket had been pulled up over my shoulders and a pillow tucked awkwardly behind Van's head. Probably his mam's doing.
Larry hadn't been found, hadn't come home. The police were looking for him, the woods were being searched. I hadn't had a proper night's sleep in days. I felt like I was the only one who knew the truth, the truth that he wasn't coming home, that something terrible had happened, that our town was too small for people to just disappear.
But still everyone said the same, they told me not to worry, they told me to try and get some rest. They told me that Larry would be back soon, that's he'd probably just gotten lost in the woods. I couldn't stand to listen to it but I couldn't look kind people in the eyes and tell them to shut the fuck up, so I looked them in the eyes and said nothing at all. I barely spoke.
Instead I stuck close to Van's side, smoking the cigarettes he rolled for me. Wearing the sweaters he chucked at me when I sat shivering. It wasn't that I was too cold.
Instead I wandered around in a daze, my mind replaying those haunted seconds when in the dead of night Id been sure I'd seen Larry standing there opposite me in the living room. His image flickering in and out of focus like the static at the end of a video. I was certain of what I'd seen and yet I didn't dare breathe a word of it to anyone.
That night I'd jumped, flinched at the sight of my friend quivering in front of me, his shadow strange and out of reach. The gasp which had escaped me had stirred Van and he'd found my hand with his and tried to squeeze my fingers to reassure me. Hadn't succeeded in offering me anything but his presence there beside me. And I hadn't told him what I'd seen. I couldn't bring myself to describe the uncanny shadow which had seemed so much like Larry and yet not at all. Like a ghost or a fragment of memory. Humans couldn't flicker in and out of focus like that. They couldnt dissolve into static right before your eyes.
That morning when I woke up I could hear the rest of the house already come to life, Vans mam in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Guests in the kitchen chatting away to her about her trouble making son and his friends. She was trying not to mention Larry and I could sense the tension bristling all around her when I slipped from Van's lap and into the kitchen to offer my help.
Her eyes went wide at the sight of me, shocked and sympathetic all at once.
"Pepper love, what're you doing up so early go on get yourself back to bed..."
"Thought you might like some help?" I said hoping she'd hear the raise in my pitch at the tail of my sentence, hoping she'd realise that bed was the last place I wanted to go, but if she did she ignored it and said again.
"Go on go back to sleep pet you look shattered."
When she shooed me out the kitchen with her tea towel she was smiling, making her guests laugh, but they didn't know how literally she'd meant that word. Shattered. I did look shattered. I looked like I'd fallen apart and been put back together by the most half hearted architect and when Van saw me as I fell back down beside him on the sofa he let out a sigh.
"What're we gonna do with you eh lass?" He asked as he put his arm lazily around my shoulder, "you wanna ditch today?" He asked but I shook my head.
"No point," I said softly thinking that if Larry were to turn up it wouldn't be at school. Thinking that if I had to spend another day troubled and haunted by the memory of his flickering ghost I didn't want to spend it in the very room I'd found myself haunted in.
"Could be good for you I guess," said Van, pretending like he was only talking about me, pretending like he'd been feeling just fine all weekend, "take your mind off everything..."
"Maybe I can have a nice wee gossip with my new therapist," I sneered making him laugh. Grinning when he made a joke about taking a packet of sweets to share with her whilst we talked about boys. But I'd already decided I wasn't going to be talking to my therapist, and I'd already decided that the only reason I was going in at all was to get myself out of the house and away from the woods and away from the memory of Larry watching us sleep.
"How're you gettin in kids I'll drive yous?" Called Van's dad just as we were kicking out trainers on by the door. I was crouched fiddling with the laces of my converse when I looked up at Van and shook my head, eyes begging him to come up with an excuse for us to walk.
I didn't want to go in straight away, I wanted to skip assembly and the fuss that would follow the announcement of Larry as a missing person. I didn't want to feel all the eyes that would turn to stare at us, his left behind friends.
"Nah you're alrate dad," called Van grabbing his keys and shoving them in his pocket, grabbing a box of cigs from the pocket of a jacket he wasn't going to wear. "Meetin the gang on the walk anyway!"
"Well be careful, make sure you..."
"Aye we will dunner worry!" He shouted back as the door swung shut behind us.
The second we were down the bottom of the drive he took out two cigs, lighting one before he handed it to me, lighting his and inhaling dramatically, exhaling with a sigh of relief.
"Don't sound so relieved," I said quietly as we wandered down the road at a more than leisurely pace, "that's gonna be everyone else for the rest of the day."
But it wasn't.
We met Bob first, he was just leaving his house as we passed along the garden fence and we didn't have to stop for him to catch us. He fell into step beside us and nodded good morning but didn't actually say a word. He wasn't a morning person at the best of times but he didn't look like he'd had much sleep. Safe to say we all looked the same in that sense.
Benji and Mia were already waiting for us under the tree at the end of their garden, hiding from the view of their kitchen window whilst they smoked. Mia was dressed almost identically to me, a pleated skirt, a pair of knee socks, converse with cream leg warmers scrunched lazily around her ankles. Her cardigan was too big, my sweater which was actually Vans sweater was also too big. She wore her hair the way she always did, half scraped back from either side in a little pony tail, the rest down, a beige scrunchie with a little tuft of hair sticking out. She only really looked like her brother because they had the same eyes and brows. The same frown.
It was the frown they were wearing when he stopped at the bottom of their garden.
"Bond phoned just before we left the house," said Benji, his eyes dark, "said him and Suki would meet us later," he said, Mia's eyes darting to mine and tearing away almost immediately as if she were worried to be caught showing concern for me.
It was a fair enough worry though she was right to be concerned. Benji's words had sent a bitter stab to my chest and when Van started grumbling about how we were all supposed to be sticking together I felt my irritation sharpen. When I snatched his hand and dragged him ahead he seemed shocked but he shouldn't have been.
"Ah c'mon love it ain't that bad I'm sure they're just..."
"Wankers." I replied quickly, stubborn and sullen, my sulk making Van laugh as I practically dragged him up the hill towards school.
"Slow down Titch you're gonna make us early!" Shouted Benji as we rounded the corner onto Larry's street.
I stopped when I saw the police car outside his house, when I saw the curtains drawn across the living room window. His mam didn't want anyone looking in on her, didn't want anyone to see her tears, her fear. She probably felt like everyone was watching her, probably felt sick with all the eyes turned to her front door. I knew how that felt and when I felt Van tug on my sleeve to shift me along up the road I pulled away from him and wrapped my arms around myself, holding myself, trying to keep myself steady and straight.
I watched the quiet street from behind my fringe, kept my eyes hidden from anyone who might have been watching me. People who were nosy, who lived for the drama, the excitement of watching someone else live through hell. In this town I was the girl at the center of the horror stories, I was the one they whispered about even when the story had moved on without me. Larry was missing not me, Larry's mum was grieving, not me. And yet it was me the mothers watched, me who made them shake their heads, me the other kids spoke of in hushed judgemental tones.
By the time we got to the edge of the playing fields the rest of the school had been shut inside the sports hall for assembly. That left us to throw out bags down right on the edge of the field behind the football goal, hidden in plain sight.
Bondy and Suki hadn't shown up and as Van lit a joint and passed it around the circle I hardly even noticed him waiting for me to take my turn.
"Titch," he half sang to me waving the smouldering roll up in front of my face until the smoke stung my eyes and drew me back to reality.
"Oh," I breathed, eyes scanning the field again for any sign of my best mates.
Van tried to distract me by playing me a strokes tune on his shit little brick phone, offering to Bluetooth it to me if I liked it, but I was hardly listening. My mind was on other things, other people. Not just Suki and Johnny but on Larry too. The strange flickering ghost of Larry who'd been watching me in Van's living room.
The shadow I'd seen fleeing the window in the dead of night.
"Do you have to go see her again?" Asked Mia with a sympathetic frown, head cocked to one side. She was following on from something Van had said in my defense. Something about how I was probably just worrying about Larry, about therapy about how people would treat me now that my friend was missing...
"Yeah," I sighed, "I honestly think it's a legal requirement I can't remember... all I knows I got into a lot of shit last time I started bunkin em..."
"A legal requirement? Seriously thats insane!"
"No love," I said, "that's me..." I smirked taking a drag on the joint and passing it to her, "that's the point."
As we smoked I began to feel at least some of my worries dissipate. I wasn't so worried about Suki and Johnny anymore. Those kinds of worries began to feel trivial. I wasn't so nervous to go to class, though if I'd known what the day had in for me I'd probably have turned around and headed home again.
The weed didn't however ease my worried mind when it came to thoughts of Larry. When it came to thoughts of the ghost in the living room. The shadow in the window.
Those thoughts I couldn't shake to save my life and when it finally came time to wander into school, into our first class of the day, it was those thoughts which left me scowling. Too preoccupied to notice that the usually vacant seat beside me at the back of English had been taken.
"Ahh Pepper lass," sighed Mr Oakes, he'd grown up in this small seaside town, only ten years older than my parents, both of whom he'd taught English to when they'd been in school. He was looking at me now with the expression of someone who was trying to hide their sympathy. "Wasn't sure you'd be in today lass but eh, glad to see you cause we've a new lad joined us an I reckon you're the only one I trust to look after him..."
"Uh... oh," I said looking up at Me Oakes and then down at my desk where I saw that he was in fact right. There were two hands resting on the desk beside me, one hand holding a pen, the other tapping it's fingers on the blue surface.
I followed the hands up the arms to the shoulders and neck to see a scruffy mop of brownish blonde hair, and then when I looked back between my teacher and the lad sitting in the seat beside mine I saw an awkward smile.
"Sorry," he winced, "am Sam..."
"Hi Sam..." I said quietly, trailing off, so taken by surprise that for a moment I forgot I needed to sit down. I hovered for a moment looking back at Mr Oakes in confusion, a small frown knitted on my brow. Why was he giving me someone to look after today of all days? He would have been told about Larry... he would know what I was going through...
And yet there we were. Him offering me a small smile, nodding to my seat to remind me to sit down. This lad next to me... Sam, offering me another tight awkward little smile as I sat down beside him. Me, trying not to glare at him, trying not to be too hostile in my state of confusion.
I had that stoner anxiety as I sat down and took my pen out only to realise that I didn't really need it. Reaching for my book instead, I was rereading Carrie but when I placed it down on the desk in front of me and saw Leah Smith smirking, not bothering to hide her mouth as she whispered the word "psycho" to her friend, I thought twice. Hesitated before opening it, pretending to read because I was too shy to speak to this "Sam."
"What're you reading?" He asked after a moment reading over my shoulder with a small smirk.
"I'm not really reading it..." I started feeling awkward when he smirked and leant forward on his elbows, tilting his head in towards mine conspiratorially.
"So you're just pretending to read are ya?"
"Not because I don't wanna talk to you..." I started with a guilty blush, knowing that one look at me would tell him that that was exactly why I was pretending to read.
"No?" He asked with raised brows, at first he looked amused but when he leant back in his chair and shrugged his shoulders, the way he tried to laugh me off made me feel terrible and awkward. "S'alreet lass I wouldn't wanna be lumped with the weird new kid either.." he said with a smirk, "a was gonna tell ya yas don't need to pretend to be me friend like..." he chuckled, "just let me know who all the cunts are and then I'll piss off..."
I bit back a guilty smile, looking at my hands on the desk.
"well I'm bein a bit of a cunt right now for a start..." I said quieter, a stricken mumble which made him crack a laugh, turned a couple of heads back in our direction. Stirred another barely concealed whisper from Leah Smith. I looked up, glaring at her sullenly, only half hearing when Sam spoke again so that he had to nudge me with his elbow and repeat himself.
"She one an all?"
"Would you believe me if I told you she used to be my best mate?"
"Nah," he said shaking his head subtly, following my gaze where I remained holding her icy glare.
"When we were little, like preschool, apparently we were bezzie mates," I said chewing on the tip of my pen, opening my book again, barely skimming the pages this time as me and Sam carried on talking awkward and quiet through to the end of class.
By the time the lesson was through my anxiety had begun to settle and as I scraped my chair along the floor pushing it back to stand and sling my backpack over my shoulder, I caught Sam's relieved smile with one of my own.
"Who have you got for maths?" I asked him as he shoved his things in his bag and stood up, only milling around for him. Usually id have been considering skipping maths to hang out at the back of the bike sheds with Johnny and Van but I didn't mind staying for maths if I had class with Sam because so far he'd proven to be alright.
"Mr Dunwoody or somet I think.." he said only wincing when he saw me wince.
"Ouch," I said chewing my cheek, "I can't walk with you cause my class is only across the corridor and I'll end up getting dragged in won't I..."
For a second I thought I saw disappointment in his eyes, his smirk faltering only for a second before he was shrugging me off.
"Nah," he said shaking his head, "you're alright lass, don't need mindin everywhere like," he grinned, "just glad a know there's someone sound in English like," he grinned, the two of us stopping in the classroom doorway. I was looking for Suki and Mia who were usually just coming out of the class next door. Sam was looking at me.
When I looked back at him I felt stunned for a moment, I hadn't expected him to still be there, hadn't expected to find his eyes studying me.
"Reet well, wish us luck.." he smirked holding his hand up in a still wave before turning to walk away. Leaving me behind to wait for my friends.
I stood alone for a minute or two, slipping my earphones out of my pocket, putting one in, listening to mazzy star as I watched other kids bundled past me in a flow of relentless traffic. When Mia materialised beside me she was smirking, her eyes following someone down the corridor.
"Who was that?" She asked nodding in the general direction of students dawdling to class.
"Who was that lad you were talkin to just now?" She asked her smile impish and naive.
"Oh," I breathed nodding my head, "new kid," I shrugged, "Oakes sat him next to me..."
"And does this new kid have a name?" She asked verging on a giggle as she knocked her elbow into me.
"Sam," I said, "can we go?"
"You can... I actually intend to get my GCSEs..." she smirked pushing away from the walls we'd been leaning against, "you're really not coming?" She asked but I shook my head, I didn't exactly feel good letting her down but I had my reasons.
"Got to meet my new bestie in half an hour anyway," I said with a dry smirk and dark malicious eyes.
"Oh," she said swallowing a little lump in her throat, "right... yeah... listen Titch... you gonna talk to her bout Larry?" She asked, I could see her trying not to wince. Could tell she was getting nervous not just because she'd mentioned his name, but because she was now late for maths.
"Not gonna talk to her about anything Mia,"
"I dunno Titch, it could be a good idea..."
"Won't bring him back," I shrugged feeling like I was stating the obvious, not realising until I saw her awkward smile falter that I'd said the wrong thing. "Shit sorry Mia," I sighed, "look I'll see you later yeah, don't worry about any of it yeah, sure it'll all be sound," I said, hating myself when I heard my voice, the lack of conviction.
Hating myself when ten minutes later I found myself behind the bike sheds with Van and Benji, playing with matches as if we were victorian street urchins, suddenly taken faint and silent at the sight of our friend grinning at us from the edge of the path.
Our friend who I should have been happy to see. Our friend who I couldn't bring myself to be relieved was walking towards us now, bright eyed, one hand raised to call out to Van.
"Canna believe yous are back here without me!" Called Larry, his voice startling Van and Benji who hadn't noticed him until he'd spoken.
"Shit... Lau!" Grinned Van, his voice shaking despite the smile on his face. That was just relief though. If I'd felt relieved perhaps I'd have done the same.
But I didn't, and I didn't feel like smiling. I felt hollow. Couldn't stop thinking about how he'd looked that morning standing in the dark of Van's living room. Dead.
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inyourfacex · 2 months ago
Tyler, The Creator - IGOR’S THEME / IGOR
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curryvillain · 9 months ago
We Have Highlights Of The Mandeville Staging Of @IYFJamaica's "K-Fest 2024"
Over the past weekend (June 1), the International Youth Fellowship (IYF Jamaica) held the Mandeville staging of their annual “K-Fest” event. The event started little over 3 years ago, and was held to promote a stronger relationship with Korea and Jamaica, bring people together to share cultures, food, languages, and entertainment, expanding tastes and minds in the process. Held at the Fellowship…
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internationaldayoffamilies · 9 months ago
The Family and the Future of Humanity.
In celebration of the International Day of Families (A/RES/47/237), the Group of Friends of the Family, together with civil society, is hosting an event on the theme of the family and the future of humanity in preparation for the Summit of the Future. The objective of the event is to provide a platform to hear the views of experts in demography, economics, and family policy and their findings on family-oriented policies in view of the Summit of the Future, and to provide an opportunity for Member States and civil society organizations to exchange views on this matter.
Watch the The Family and the Future of Humanity!
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inyourfacex · 5 days ago
Solange - F.U.B.U / A Seat at the table
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inyourfacex · 3 months ago
My list of top Nas songs may differ significantly from others, but I must say that "Life’s a Bitch" is definitely among my favorites, even though it's not included in my top choices. I also have a soft spot for Amy Winehouse; she will always hold a special place in my heart.
The next track features a verse and production by Ye, along with a sweet sample from Diana Ross. Chrisette Michelle adds her lovely vocals to the mix as well!
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kneipe · 6 days ago
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schwerin 2024
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rockintapper · 11 months ago
im stupid for updated tumbr on my tablet
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iskconraichur · 1 year ago
College Preaching - BACE (Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education)
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okjnz · 8 months ago
Magic iPad magician connect with you
BarbieHow do I know when I can be on a diet uhhhbb t t yybnuuhb.
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mukulmahor7060 · 1 year ago
Describe IYF TV.
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You can watch practically any Chinese movie on IYF TV, a website that streams Chinese TV shows and movies. You can view the content on the website without spending a single penny. This style focuses on Chinese ingredients, as was already mentioned; other films may not be included. However, it includes every type of Chinese cinema. If you are looking for new and popular action movies or classical romance, then this website is the right place for you. The website homepage shows how important convenience and an easy-to-use interface are to this website.
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tr1ck5 · 10 months ago
10 songs 10 people
I got tagged by @chainsawmascara like a hundred years ago and just now found some time to do it! Woops 😅
Oops! All EDM haha though you guys are used to it from me by now I hope!
I tag @angelosearch @gardengalwrites @suleikashideaway @sevlinop @thewillroar @irishais @foxtrottcantfindshit @aleheartilly @wandererstorytellers @ohshitthisbloghasothercolors
No pressure of course!! Discovering new tunes is fun! :B
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