catparty41 · 10 months
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@childofthestars111 this is the most eden-coded post I’ve seen
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gulliesforever · 7 months
LA amir appreciation edit <3
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I just read the article you posted a while back about TB (heads up- it said the gift article link has lapsed or some such). Did J&J ‘evergreen’ (be allowed to be evil) or was it allowed to become generic?
Relatedly, how do you manage empathy fatigue? I deal with OCD too and it screams at me that I have to care about and do all the things all at once. How do you choose where to put your time and energy?
(Also, when I get the coffee subscription for my husband’s birthday, which version should I get?)
For me empathy fatigue sets in when I careen my attention from this crisis to that one to the next one to the one after that, always feeling overwhelmed by each emerging problem but never having the time or attention to devote myself to one problem or another.
I'll give you an example. In 2014, a horrific ebola epidemic swept through Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The world paid attention to it. Everyone was talking about it. And then .... it ended. At least in the global imagination. Money dried up. The world moved on to the next crisis.
That's not to say the next crisis wasn't important. It was important. But in Sierra Leone, the ebola crisis wasn't really over even after people stopped contracting ebola. 15% of Sierra Leone's healthcare workers had been killed by ebola, and the already fragile healthcare system plummeted into what one Sierra Leonean physician described to me as "a state of collapse."
And so the crisis remained a crisis even after the world's attention shifted. 1 in 17 women in Sierra Leone were dying in childbirth. Over 10% of kids born died before the age of five. Tuberculosis killed thousands every year despite curative treatment being available.
And this is when Hank and I finally, belatedly realized that responding to crises in the news was not adequate. Instead, we would need to commit the kind of long-term attention and long-term support that long-term crises demand. This means making difficult choices--there is also high maternal and child mortality in countries other than Sierra Leone, but we choose to focus on Sierra Leone because we see an opportunity to make a difference, because the government is serious if limited in its commitment to improving healthcare and educational opportunities, and because we had to make a choice or else we would be overwhelmed by the many causes.
What about the other causes? Well, we trust people to work on those causes. We believe in their importance. And we support their work by doing ours as well as we can, and trusting they are doing theirs as well as they can. I still get overwhelmed. I still get depressed. But I find that the deeper I go into my particular areas of interest--global healthcare delivery, health care accessibility, ending TB, fighting maternal mortality--the better I feel personally, and the more good I feel like I'm able to do.
2. Johnson & Johnson has not abandoned their secondary patents on bedaquiline but they have committed to allow generics to be available in most countries, even those where the secondary patents apply. Unfortunately this deal leaves out many countries that need generic bedaquiline, including Ukraine, which is absolutely unacceptable. So progress has been made, but the progress (as is so often the case) is inadequate. The fight goes on.
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realtalkingpoints · 7 months
From the piece:
An illegal Chinese biolab unearthed in California roused concerns last week when local officials and contractors reported finding pathogens labeled "HIV" and "Ebola" during a CDC-ordered waste eradication at the site. Now federal agencies face criticism that they "dropped the ball" on investigating how pervasive the threat could be nationwide. "It reads like a movie script and a horror movie script, when you detail all of those things that were missed," Rep. Ashley Hinson, a Republican from Iowa, said Sunday on "FOX & Friends Weekend." Jia Bei Zhu, 62, who was behind the lab, was reportedly a Chinese citizen and a wanted fugitive from Canada.
Also from the piece:
"They had over a thousand mice that were designed to transmit COVID. So this administration needs to hold China accountable for its role in spreading COVID around the world, and it's very clear of their intention here, which was to do more damage to our country," she said.
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edaworks · 2 years
I love seeing everyone’s headcanons for where MacCready’s homestead would be located, and since I’m piecing together more parts of One if By Land, here’s my own unhinged way-overthought headcanon on the topic.
The first time I played through Mac’s affinity quests, a location for the homestead IMMEDIATELY clicked for me (complete with vocal “oh. well shiiiit.”) because, well, you’ll see!
 Let’s take a look at the affinity dialogue about Duncan’s illness for a sec:
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With that in mind, let me introduce y’all to still-partially-agricultural Frederick, Maryland, just north of Washington, D.C. - and its largest local employer, Fort Detrick. (For reference, the Bethesda, MD location for Bethesda’s/Zenimax’s studios is literally 30min away from this location...unless it’s rush hour! Then it’s 90min away. That commute sucks.)
1) Um, what do you mean, “there’s a military installation for WWII/Cold-War-era bioweapons research, turned military installation for modern infectious disease research, just outside DC?”
Yup! Welcome to Frederick City.
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Blah, blah. But I didn’t come here to show off population stats, I’ve got Actual Reasons™ I promise, so lemme skip to those: ______________________________________________________________
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Back up, though: “Bioscience/communications research” doesn’t quite grasp the scope of what my homies at Detrick have going on. This is more like it: ______________________________________________________________
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If you hear “unknown disease” or “bioweapon research” or “Ebola zaire” or “the plague” or other scary phrases regarding disease around the DC-MD-VA area, this is kind of the one and only place that comes to mind. It was the center of US bioweapons research for an extraordinarily long time, starting prior to the Fallout universe’s continuity split.
After Detrick’s bioweapons research was, ahem, shut down (as far as we civvies know), biological defense research and biomedical research continued to persist and still persists through present date: ______________________________________________________________
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Remember the US’s Ebola zaire outbreak a few years back? In 2014 (right before Fallout 4 was released)? They brought several Ebola patients to Detrick for observation when they weren’t under observation with the CDC.
Biomedical research has better optics than bioweapons development, though, right? Uhhh…Detrick’s recent history here has not been without its complications. Observe: ______________________________________________________________
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______________________________________________________________ Yeah. Just imagine how much worse the ‘safety violations’ would have been in the Fallout universe, right? And there’s more – decades of controversy regarding materials disposal methods predating the latest issues: ______________________________________________________________
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There’s been argument for years about whether there is a “cancer cell” area for civilians located around Area B (colloquially ‘B-site.’) Funsies.
So - sometime in the 2280s after 200+ years of facility abandonment, a kid getting sick playing in the back 40 of a farm in this area? It’s not only believable, I’d freaking expect it.
2) Okay, but does the area have agricultural potential?
100% yes! Uhh…at least, it does pre-nuclear-apocalypse.
This area was (and in some places still is) HEAVILY agricultural, particularly up until about a decade and a half ago. There is still active farmland RIGHT next to Detrick. It’s good soil.
Basically: farms, the I-70/I-270 interchange, the Barbara Fritchie house, many DC suburbs, the downtown area, various important Civil War historical locations, and Fort Detrick. That’s the whole area in a nutshell.
3) But is it on the Fallout 3 map? I don’t remember seeing a location named “Frederick” anywhere.
Frederick isn’t a named location on the FO3 map, likely because the area where it would have been pre-war is half-on, half-off the northern map edge. However, consider: there’s a military installation nearby the area where Frederick would sit on the map, and it’s a sattcomm base. Fort Detrick, as you might’ve seen above, is also known for communications research.
Here’s a shitty overlay image for reference - I’ve traced some of the major roadways on the FO3 map and have labeled them with their likely IRL equivalents (everything’s very skewed to IRL locations), to give a general idea of where this area falls on the map.
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Compare to IRL:
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TL;DR: I’ll die on my headcanon hill that Mac’s homestead is in what used to be Frederick County near Detrick’s Area B, just at or just above the northern edge of the FO3 map.
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(Fun bonus fact: I took some summer courses with Detrick employees when I was college age! One of those classes was a public speaking course. For his demonstrative speech, one of them walked us through how he gets into his HAZMAT suit in a span of less than 15 seconds! Oof.)
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deliciouskeys · 2 hours
Hot takes, roughly in order of how much I care…
Homelander and Ryan
I liked the what felt like 2 minutes of Ryan and Homelander that we got in this episode. I know where they’re going with this, but I expected so much worse from the slapping scene that was mentioned in spoilers. Is the Boys writers’ room going on record that corporal punishment may not be justified in the face of sexual harassment? Because I think that’s a controversial stance, especially if there’s a clear work power dynamic at play lol. Anyway, I’m glad they chose this gray scenario, because it’s really hard to be sympathetic with a guy like Adam.
When Homelander says “that’s… amazing”, I think that’s being interpreted as incredulous and dismissive in online circles. I think he’s genuinely surprised that’s what first comes to mind to his son, but I don’t think he’s disdainful per se. In Homelander’s mind “saving people” is very much synonymous with “putting wrongdoers in their place”. And since he sees society (‘in America’) as wrong, his grand plan of supes becoming more of a despotic pantheon over the normies isn’t necessarily in contradiction with Ryan’s desire to ‘save people.’ TL;DR I don’t think HL is dismissing Ryan’s aspirations out of hand.
(Hearkening back to “You people should be thanking christ that I am who I am, because you need me. You need me to save you, you do. I am the only one who possibly can.”)
ETA: ok I need to clarify this part since what I wrote here sounds like HL and Ryan are going to get along great and that’s not what I meant to convey. I cannot field all the DMs! This is a hot take! I just meant that I didn’t expect HL to realize he might not know what Ryan wants because he’s been fucked by Vought. My expectations bar is perpetually low, please keep this in mind. I also despise the oversaturation of portrayals of bratty kids in media so please know that’s just my personal aesthetic bias.
Other Vought peeps
I wish Sage got more screen time. I appreciated ATrain’s taking initiative to escape notice. I do wonder what Ashley would have done if Cameron Coleman hadn’t just broken up with her.
I’m glad Stan Edgar gets to say Homelander is a “Freudian cesspool of random impulse and deep insecurity” right on the heels of e4. “Glad” lol.
Virus farm section
I’m getting a little tired of characters saying “we’re at an impasse” when… they’re clearly not at any real impasse. Victoria could have exploded the Boys’ heads and brought in other redshirts to help find Sameer if she really wanted to. And she paid the price for not doing that. Is the implication that she is afraid of Annie and Kimiko?
As for the virus… well. I’m strangely fine with what Billy is doing. If this virus isn’t even that contagious supe-to-supe, then his plan to keep trying to kill HL with it makes a lot of sense. As for Sameer? Well, if they hadn’t wasted the “last dose” (see below for why that’s stupid) of the virus on sheep, and Victoria didn’t just shrug and say ‘guess that’s that’, and also let the Boys live in the first place, Sameer would still have his leg.
I did cringe when the sheep was vomiting its guts out and Victoria, Kimiko, and Annie were all within Ebola-body-fluid-droplet range of it. Because this thing does sound more contagious than HIV, at least.
If Billy Butcher really needed some more virus I hope he grabbed the carnivorous sheep carcasses. Presumably there’s a gallon of replicated virus right there. Not only does it kill supes, it’s also a virus that replicates orders of magnitude faster than any living thing on earth lol. There are many things that are funny about how they’re researching this virus. Not a single biohazard tissue culture hood in sight. No cell based assays. AAAAANYWAY, it really doesn’t matter. Big fast compound V targeting(?) virus doesn’t need logic.
Overall just not a fan of big loud sequences with ultimately low stakes, so the flying sheep were a lot less fun to me than the e2 fight scene action.
What I think isn’t working
This is minor but after Gen V, I cringe at Sam’s acting. Just that one line they gave him sounded bad to me, and I know it’s probably just PTSD from how much I disliked the end of Gen V but there it is. I’m sorry to those of you who like him, this is clearly personal opinion. Cate is fine, she can stay.
Hughie’s storyline… I don’t even know what to say. Nothing about his parents’ shitty behavior was resolved. And then Hughie was forced to say his dad is his hero to save his mom’s life. And also be the one to euthanize him. What a weird, weird arc.
I’m saying absolutely nothing about Frenchie’s storyline because it is even more inexplicable. @kosmochlor covered it all.
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fieryjeanne · 11 months
Do you have any fem sengen headcanons 👀
Hullo there!
To be honest, I don’t think I have ever given them much thought 🤔 I usually tend to imagine fem sengen more or less the same as canon sengen (or my hc’d canon sengen if that makes any sense 😂). However, if I give it some thought, there might be some little differences (depending on how different their reality is from ours and their canon).
I wouldn’t be surprised if fem Senku would have been more frequently underestimated than “canon Senku”. However, she would be quick to shut everyone’s mouth as soon as she gets the chance to prove just how smart and capable she is. Since she went to the same school all her life, she probably doesn’t need to constantly prove herself, they all know who Senku Ishigami is, but if she has to go somewhere else (say going to Africa to research Ebola), she’s quick to build a reputation. It’s not that she cares much about that, she simply wants to make science unbothered.
The main critique she would have to face is her lack of manners and how “unlady-like” she acts. Even if she behaves the same as the canon Senku, the expectations are different and that, added to her lack of care about her appearance, would probably lead to her hearing comments such as “what a waste of a cute face”. She doesn’t care about this either, or at least not usually. She might have had a moment of self-doubt at some point of her life. Two if we count her “she likes me, she likes me not?” thoughts once she realizes she might have (potentially, maybe) developed feelings for Gen.
She probably had a harder start in her career as she had to ensure her place as a magician/mentalist instead of getting treated as a magician assistant (this idea is based on something I heard -can’t remember where, maybe Lucifer- and a quick search for “sexism in the magician community” on Google 😂).
She also probably, probably, recurs a lot more to the manipulation tactic of “playing dumb” and “acting all sweet and innocent” (similar to what Amaryllis does). She doesn’t have to like it, but she knows it gets the job done. In the long run, she uses this technique less though, as most people already know who she is and how scary she can actually be.
There is one thing that might have counted as a previous HC I had but I completely forgot about it until now which is fem Gen being like Haruka from Sailor Moon or Kashima from Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun. I like the versatility canon Gen has and I suppose that would be the equivalent for fem Gen.
Again, everything is pretty much the same 😅
Despite the initial doubts Senku might have had, she eventually concludes that she can use her brain to make her way to Gen’s heart (as if she hasn’t already), but still gets embarrassed the first time Gen genuinely calls her “pretty” or “cute” (she might have said it teasingly before, so it was easier to dismiss, not that it makes her words any less truth).
Gen's “charm technique”, Senku originally finds it irritating, not because she buys the act but because she thinks Gen is actually really capable and doesn’t need to play dumb to get what he wants. Eventually, she learns that, much like Gen, she doesn’t have to like it to recognize its effectiveness. At the end of the day that is what really matters, right?
Probably will continue thinking about this as I sleep, but that’s all I got for now.
Thank you for the ask! It was fun 💚💜
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 5 months
👸- I'm breaking my rule of not talking about them for a hot second. I know this is lengthy, but I have a lot to say about how they are trying to drum up media by using fans.
It just occured to me we, the fans whoever is left, were used again. They saw pur comments about not giving them attention and adjusted thier strategy.
We all saw the photos discusses for maybe 180 minutes and then moved on. We all know they gave us what we all said last tine was missing/odd down to her out of place (we assume cause no one could actually see the dress) outfit and ridiculous heels to a "loving" hand hold flashing the ring.
But we all went theres a picture of before a possible kiss and after a possible kiss. But somehow they missed the money shot which many of us saw as in they didnt or whatever. Then we moved on to other topics and Then 24 hours later we get a video with 2 kisses and the video of said walking out.
They did this deliberately to make sure fans talk about them for longer. Otherwise the picture of the kiss would have been released with all the others.
They did this because fans said that they arent going to give them and the poop show attention so it can go away faster. So what do thier teams do? Split up the relases. Usually outlets would have both whoever the pics were sold too usually gers the video but regardless the video is usually released at the same time.
And robert patterson who isnt media shy with his significant other went out the back to try and leave privately while the couple that says they are private didn't find a private way to leave.
chris and ebola waited infront of the glass in a weird position then give us those two very loving kisses. (I hope you all can detect my tone here)
We all saw her smirk and Chris' other language fans know so well. And if his body language starts changing again we will know it's because we all discussed it and the lurkers saw. If his body language doesnt change, that's a point in the win collum of it bejng true. Go ship. So congratulations, we all believe it is now true love!
The truth is no amount of papwalks can convince us anything other than someone seriously is holding something over Chris because I dont see any other reason why he's being forced to change to sell it. Its one thing to show up places, but having them try and act more like a couple from him is also another sign that its a sham. We have what 2 years' worth of videos to watch how they interact to compare to, so stop trying to give notes it makes everyone looks worse.
Real couples don't change what they wear and how they hold hands and act based on what fans say. Why because its idotic to do so no one wants to pretend to be aomeone they're nkt and destroys relationships as you can be who you are. And while im assuming that was gunna be the break uo angle- blame it on the fans you can't this time. Why?
This time you can blame his fans because its not just his fans the gen public online isn't buying thany of this bull 💩. That is based on Instagram comments and website comments all which have been limited/turned off the ability to comment.
After Britney Spears being forced to say she's fine for media ( a totally diffrent aituation minus that she was forced to lie that she is ok) and after Will smith and Jada revealed theyve seen seperated for 6 years but pretend theyre together for media reasons, people don't believe a lot of what's 'saud' ??and they especially dont believe/m and questjjn Hollywood couples like they used to
I have been so proud of the fandom or rather what is left to getting rid of the lablels and limiting our discussions.
Regardless if its her pr team CAA's team who is not only Chris' (as they are invested and actually have a distribution type role (i forget the exact name) in her new movie i teams really just proved how fake everything is and that they are lurking otherwise why would everything we all said across milti platforms tumblr, instagram and lipstick queen was suddenly included in this walk.
Do you want us to be convinced it's really a real relationship and they are just in the media to drum up press for thier releases?
(She had a movie that opened 2 days ago over seas)
Do you want to prove they are a real couple?
Then don't release ANYTHING for the next 2 months. No pap walks no reels no photos no stories, no magazine or website blurbs or sources, and no photos carousel of even Dodger. Her movies is released in 2 more places one in the end of January. The other was supposed to be in February but when I just checked the date was removed. Othwewise I expect to see another dog and pony show on or around January 27th.
If we get nothing for two months including Valentine’s day and this included blurbs in mags/online or "sources". Putting nothing out there it will go a long way to convince people that they are a private couple and they are together.
If not and we get one as planned on or around the 27th....
The truth is that her career is a non starter in the usa/north america. Not everyone makes it here- we all have seen way too much of her and since that didnt get any media coverage of that scandle nothing will really get her talken about minus 1 thing:
a REAL break up article
His career is close to being the same. We all see how Chris looks and the diffrent man he is now. Some are still holding out hope that well once again see the man who tweeted if you hang out with racists you are a racist even a charity wants nothing to do with him and he did do a lot for them, we all see that and that. That's why chris' career will dissapear or be on the c or d list as the man who used to be thst superhwro guy. My Point is:
IF YOU CONTINUE TO USE FANS LIKE THIS he won't have a career to go back to and all you press agents will be dropped because he wont have mkney to spend on people.. people who helped his career go down in flames. The only way he'll really be talked about for more thsn 300 minutes is if there is a break up article with truths
Otherwise we'll see you both again at the end of January and Chris will be told to adjust/change what he did wrong.... at least hollywoof knows he can take direction... we'll see the photos first sent to obscure blogs/accounts, then an outlet and then apprently video follows the photos now because you are all THAT desperate
P.S. it's a great choice to have him get makeup done makeup job on He looks a lot healthier (no one is buying that he actually changed that much in such a small amount of time is he wearing the new Prada or Dior foundation?)
No need for me to add anything else... 👸 said her peace, and damn is it everything and beautiful!
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
The mental imagine of the fridge set up is killer though that's SENDING me.
As for the blood born diseases thing- most ones you can't really look at a person and say Ah Yes. That blood is bad.
Unless like uh. They're actively having complications from the disease/it's like. Ebola. You can tell if someone has Ebola they do not look like they're vibin. Don't get ebola kids it's bad for you.
Most bloodborne diseases aren't actually that bad/are much more easily treated now a days. Hepatitis is the best example for that tbh. If you have hep c or b exposure they can just slap you on some meds and you'll be fine. Same with HIV! So it's not like a big big threat, it would just legit be a nightmare for some poor epidemiologist. At least if everyone had bite marks you'd know the source rather than the hell that is the Trying to find out what food gave everyone food poisoning at the picnic (Hint: mayonnaise is the epidemiologist worst nightmare! Keep egg products properly chilled or get one million salmonella)
Additional!!! Most creatures that can spread diseases like a vampire theoretically could are actually immune to the effects of the disease they carry!! It's awesome and it's why bats can be epidemiology's worst enemy. They're so good at resisting diseases and also being so full of them,,, but they're so CUTE. < wants nothing more than to gently pet a bat but cannot because God would strike me down.
(But also it WOULD be hella cool if they could just like- tell if someone is sick through vampire powers. A blood vibe check, if you will)
I do think the idea of them being a problem for blood banks is a really good motivator for y/n tho!!! Makes a lot more sense than vampire disease hours tbh. There's already usually a shortage of blood so they would be a substantial threat for that alone! Way more than for hepatitis curse!
Oh no I didn't mean it like you can tell if someone is sick or not but more like vampire magic stuff lol. Idk how. They just can XD I know that if you have some problems with health your sweat changes its smell so maybe it can work like this?? They just find some people stinky sjsjjsenizkskdm?😭😭
I also was thinking about them having something in saliva to help heal the bite very quickly so people just don't have any evidence of them lmao. Will think about it properly too
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antaxzantax · 4 months
Umbrella Pharmaceuticals - Chapter 35
A grotesque figure crashed against the glass, bile dripping from its mouth. Its spittle clung to the bulletproof mirror like putrid leeches. William did not turn away from the disgust. He'd gotten used to it. It was his job. The influx of human guinea pigs had soared. Neither William nor Albert knew where they came from, but they were from Raccoon City. Albert found out when he happened upon the wallet of one of the test subjects. A driver’s licence and some food stamps. Inside was a five-dollar buck and a tiny transparent bag with traces of heroin. Albert burned the wallet. They said nothing. There was a complicit vow of silence between them about what they had seen and done.
William sometimes had nightmares. He had gone from dreams of space travel to dreams of being trapped in the creature’s foul-smelling cell. The creature screamed “mother” “mother” as it mutilated his body and tore off his face...
He asked the guard to install a television with a VHS player in his modest room. He used it to burn up his meagre spare hours watching Star Trek on loop. Nostalgia had become his first source of entertainment and happiness. The second was wandering around the gardens of the mansion. He was not yet allowed to enter the house, but he had glimpsed its inhabitants through the windows. He didn’t know who they were, although his intuition told him not to bother finding out.
For he didn’t want to be the creature. He didn’t want to be a guinea pig. He hadn’t been born to end up ‘like that’.
Cynically, he had joked with Albert about the resemblance of the infected to zombies. Also about what a viral Armageddon would be like. William joked to avoid any sense of responsibility and to dehumanise the anonymous victims. Albert would laugh at him, which reinforced the satisfaction. By turning the television up to maximum volume and mocking, he also forgot his parents. The parents who had taken care of him, who had accepted his bizarre choices, who had defended him against his aggressors…
The convulsive cries of the guinea pigs choked the saturated atmosphere of the laboratory. Three in all. Albert had revealed to him that it was Marcus who was responsible for selecting the subjects for Arklay. That amused him. The generous professor; and that he was contributing with his gifts to his best pupil being outdone.
The Alpha strain of the T-virus they were developing at Arklay had a 90% mortality rate. If you were infected, you died. Nothing else. He liked that, he told himself, because it made him look important. One problem: his low infection rate. Anyway, Spencer sent him a note congratulating him and urging him to start developing the beta strain, which would be created by merging the Alpha strain with Ebola. Spencer gave him the go-ahead to present his Ebola research as a doctoral dissertation; in fact, Spencer had awarded Albert and him a financial endowment with which they enrolled in the same distance-learning PhD programme at Yale. William planned to submit his thesis in 1980.
And so it was. At sixteen, he no longer felt like a teenager. He was an adult with an intermittent acne problem. He had to behave the way he thought an adult should behave, or the way the adults around him behaved.
And because he was the chief.
He was smoking a cigarette, leaning against a tombstone frozen by the icy wind. There was no body beneath his feet. He stared at the heavy wooden door that led from the garden-cemetery to the main building. He knew it was open because he had checked it himself.
In early autumn, he turned the knob and entered. From a staircase he entered a huge two-storey lobby. He randomly chose the double door on his right. Through the leaf, however, he heard two low voices and a very high voice, like a girl’s. Fearful of being discovered, Albert retraced his steps at a brisk pace and stepped back out into the garden-cemetery.
No one noticed.
He took a puff.
He wanted to know what was really going on there. A mansion in the woods... A secret laboratory... Biological weapons... Experimental viruses... The creature...
His interest in research had begun to pale in comparison to the shadowy network that underpinned the structure of the company itself.
It was not like the military, where the nature of classified information could be predicted. In this mansion, however, where there was no higher government than that of private interests, secrecy changed masks as easily as they disposed of guinea pigs.
A puff.
The director had left the premises. Spencer and the administrator were in charge.
William did not share his interest. He was alone.
On his days off he would go to Raccoon City.
To look around.
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sporkberries · 1 year
Do you have any Huntress/Helena Bertinelli issue or comic run recs? 👉👈 you have infected me with helena brainrot (positive)
So There are a two ways I can answer this question, the way i did previously with just the comics I'd recommend to get started or a full timeline for her- This time ill go with the full timeline. If you just wanna dip your metaphorical toes in the water check out this post, if you want to read her story from start to finish this is the post for you.
FIRST SOME CONTEXT ON HELENA BERTINELLI'S CHARACTER CREATION. Pre Crisis on Infinite Earth's there was a character known as Helena Wayne, she was the daughter of Earth Two's Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle and was The Huntress. She was fairly popular but the whole uhh massive crisis event erased her from continuity. The problem was people still wanted Huntress she was a recognizable name and also just people liked her so Helena Bertinelli was created. Despite sharing a first name and a superhero name Helena B and Helena W are INCREDIBLY different characters in personality and just.. in like every conceivable way. Alrighty now lets get started, Helena Bertinelli makes her first ever appearance in The Huntress(1989) I really like this comic run. It's pretty intense dealing with both CSA as well as SA but i think it does it pretty respectfully and well. Overall I really like this comic, that being said the art is a bit... rough, so i understand not wanting to read it. The Huntress(1989) 'era' of Helena ends with Justice League International Special 2, which btw if anyone has an actual good scan of this please let me know because my scan is ASS Then we got Detective comics #652-653 which has Helena's new costume and a team up with B-Man himself. Now its time for Robin III: Cry Of the Huntress- This is the first Helena and Tim team up!! I love them so much they r so silly so I consider this book required reading, also Helena has an awful mullet it's amazing Helena also has another story with Tim around this time in Benedictions which is a three part story in Dc Showcase 1994 # 5, Robin(1993) #6 , Showcase #6. Azrael is also running around as Batman during this so thats fun and quirky(i like azbat okay)
Next is Dixon's Helena with Huntress(1994) ERMM this is a comic that exists. It has some panels I like but i don't think its required reading it's uhh... Dixon!! and WOagh no wayyy another tim team up its almost like they are siblings bffs 5ever this is crazy Detective Comics #685-686 and Robin #17 also sidenote i like Lynx's 90's design a lot sighh Next is a string of complicated and long story lines. With Batman Contagion, Batman Legacy, Batman Catacylsm, and Batman No Man's Land. Also she gets her best outfit here yayyy :). Now parsing through all this stuff I don't really care that much about Batman: Legacy and I'm not gonna lie to you and say I've read Contagion in it's entirety because I haven't. Just know that Gotham gets hit by a mutated ebola virus and it sucks and is bad for everybody sjdkfbasdkg. Also again cool new Helena outfit top ten epic moments. Before all the No Man's Land stuff there is Birds Of Prey: ManHunt and Nightwing/Huntress. I do not like the latter and have no strong opinion on the former other than it's the start of a long line of Babs treating Helena like shit. ManHunt does have Dinah and Helena interactions though so :) yippeee Almost forgot this but Read Detective Comics #703 its a really cute Helena and Tim story read it right now thank you XOXOOXO I consider Cataclysm and No Man's Land, No Man's Land especially, CRITICAL HELENA READING. HELENA IS SO GOOD IN NML OH MY GOD. Cataclysm is kinda the set up to No Man's Land and also has a cool Helena/Steph teamup in Blunt Trauma. But No Man's Land is where the really juicy stuff is. I'm not really gonna say what specific issues Helena shows up in because you should really read all of or most of No Man's Land as its not only an important Helena story but THE MOST IMPORTANT Gotham story(in modern times anyway). I read the 5 trades but I've heard good things about the Omnibus as well. If you need further help with No Mans Land and how to read it just shoot me an ask or smth. READ NO MAN'S LAND Okay now after NML Huntres Joins the Justice Leauge of America in JLA #16. I have not read all of Helena's JLA stuff so i cant really comment on it I'm a failure sorry... NOW FOR THE RUCKA STUFF GREG RUCKA LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!! So First check out Batman Chronicles #15, it's not all Helena but it does have a Helena story which is her first meeting with The Question so erm go read that !!! Now time for one of my fave huntress stories, Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood. THIS STORY IS SO FUCKING GOOD. It does retcon Helena's previous backstory which i have mixed opinions on but the new backstory is far from bad and also its just soosososo good i love greg rucka so much go read it right fucking now. Now I have bad news for you gamers. We have the Hush storyline wherein Jim Lee introduced the dreaded Helena Ab Window. Hush is generally pretty good but that outfit is uhhh an outfit!! she starts showing up in Batman #609 Generally speaking I do like this storyline so I would recommend the whole thing. Helena regularly starts appearing as a main character in Birds Of Prey at issue 56. Birds Of Prey IS a mixed bag but most of Helena's appearances from here on are in there so... Be prepared for a healthy dose of sexism though. Outside of BOP check out The Question: Pipelines which is a story in Detective Comics 854-864 written by love of my life Rucka of course. Helena is not in the whole thing but its a good story and her and Renee are a great Duo so I recommend it. While your out it also check out both issues of The Question: Convergence. Also written by Rucka and featuring Helena, its good :). Now I did leave some shit out like Battle for the Cowl but thats because I dont like battle for the cowl and also I don't think Helena is very central in those stories so TA DAA here is my list enjoy anon sorry for any spelling errors Tutorial on how i read comics safely
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daisydoctor13 · 4 months
Oooh it's been a while since I've done one of these but casualty has PISSED ME OFF
"You're lucky you haven't scratched your retina" no paige no she isn't lucky that hasn't happened because your retina is INSIDE your eyeball. The contact lens would have to bury its way through the several layers of the eye. You couldn't get that out with your finger. It's just impossible (also she used the wrong light on the slit lamp and you should use that in a dark room because you can see nothing when it's bright around you but let's skip that)
It's little things that are easily correctable/researchable. Like I don't mind the bending of things like the fact that paige started as an f1 and has been there 2 years despite the fact she should only be there 4 months because I get you can't create completely new characters to have them rotate round sooner, but a very small Google of eye anatomy or complications of retained contact lens is easy
I do think the Ebola/DNP diet pill patient was done mostly well, because I have seen a patient who'd taken DNP and they died and the makeup department have done a great job of making that man look sick, feverish so they can have a point for that
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dr-narcissa-igma · 4 months
Hi! Hey what's your favorite virus and why?
A fan
Oh my, that's a very good question. I could go simple and say something like the variola virus for causing smallpox (don't believe the world governments. I have samples and no you can't have them), or the simplicity yet artistry of yellow fever, or maybe I could even bring ebola into the question for its high mortality rate! And we can't forget semi-less commonly known viruses, like human papillomavirus types 1 through 200!
...My apologies. I almost went on a bit of a tangent there... I can't really give you any answer that's set in stone, I'm afraid. All of them are just so interesting to research and play around with in all their own ways!
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mishwanders · 1 year
Chapter Six [Wesker]: Mummy Dust
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Pairing: RE5 Albert Wesker x GN!Cannibal Reader
Summary: Wesker gets confronted about his decision by you.
Warnings: N/A
The Devil’s Teeth
Read on AO3 [ X ]
“Wait, you can’t be serious!”
Well, that wasn’t the reaction Wesker was expecting from you. He didn’t anticipate you to be questioning his motives. He stared at you, blankly through his sunglasses, unsure of how to respond.
“Wesker, you seriously can’t be thinking of going after that shit Spencer was rambling on about.” You stated, now turning in his lap to look at him.
He continued to stare at you.
“Don’t tell me you’re about to set us up on a mission for a dead man's insane dream.”
Wesker continued to keep quiet.
“I cannot believe this.” You responded
“You told me you didn’t want me to say anything.” He replied
“I - I know, I just wasn't expecting this.” You said, “What he said really got to you, didn’t it?”
Wesker averted his gaze from you, but you were right. Every last word the old man said had dug its way deep into his mind, burrowing itself there, rooting in, and eating away at him ever since the encounter. His curiosity, his thirst for more knowledge, his past, his purpose - it was gnawing at him, it consumed his every waking moment.
All of these years of searching, all of these years of questions that he could never answer - all coming down to this. He now knew he was manufactured for a purpose, he had destroyed his creator, and now he wanted to see the place he felt destined for, a place where gods went to be created.
And those damned caves were the place where it all began, where he would finish the task that he was destined for.
If he didn’t take this opportunity while it was before him, what would he have left? Oswell started all of this and Wesker was intending on crossing the finish line of this endeavor one way or another. He had played his part for so long, he wondered if he had melded into it somewhere along the way, becoming the perfect monster.
Were gods just monsters in their own right?
“I have to know.” Wesker responded
“You have the mind of a genius, but the curiosity of a cat. You know what happens to cats who get too curious?”
He smirked at your analogy.
“Well if I’m a cat then it’s a good thing I have nine lives.”
“Eight.” You stated, unimpressed.
“But who’s counting?”
He eye’d you, annoyed that you would bring that up now, that you would use that against him. He huffed a sigh.
“Regardless, I need to know. If Spencer was right, if I was chosen for this, if this virus is more than just what it is on a surface level, I need to see it through, I need to see what a god is destined to be.”
“Do you realize how crazy that sounds? Even if you did, what then? Do you go back to a normal life, pretending to play the part you once had before? Have you ever wanted normal, or has becoming a god by means of infection always been your plan?” You asked
He went quiet for a moment, thinking about it. He did know how insane it sounded, the fact that it was a dead man's pursuit. But he’d faced death before, and now he could look it straight in the eyes and defeat it again if needed.
“I did want a normal life, once.” He said, “There is a reason I went into virology after all.”
He noticed your puzzled look, seeing as this had been something he’d never told you before.
“I wanted to find the cure to Ebola.” He continued, thinking back to the memory fondly. “It seems I’ve always had high aspirations from the beginning.”
“And if you do become a god, and you find that it’s not it’s cracked up to be, what then? Would you be able to release yourself from it, create a cure?”
That was something he hadn’t yet considered, an alternate avenue if it all came crumbling down. He was so absorbed in just figuring out what that he never considered the out. He supposed the look on his face troubled you or rather his silence, because he felt you gently place a kiss on his cheek, caressing his face with your hand. He looked at you and could see the worry on your face.
“The only reason I say all of this is because I care, and I don’t want to lose you again, especially not to something as dangerous as this.”
He pulled you in closer bringing his forehead to yours.
“Don’t worry dearheart.” He said
“I don’t intend on going anywhere you can’t follow.”
Chapter Five: Mary On A Cross
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
oh ive got another question
how were your literature classes (or english classes where you did literature) in like middle/high school (basically in classes that were mandatory and not chosen)
bc here like half the books we learn about are czech and the other half are important books from all around the world
but my friend from france told me that they only learned french literature in middle and high school so they never did like shakespeare or tolstoy or the iliad
I known usa is kinda known for almost only teaching about usa even in history, geography and so in literature it wouldnt be surprising, but maybe its different
oh this is an interesting question
very interesting to see the difference in literature education around the globe! I will say I don't remember anything I read in middle school, and my high school wasn't 'normal' in terms of the books we read bc I went to a kind of weird STEM focused school?? idk how to explain it but I did go to a normal high school for my first year so I have that under my belt
anyway, we didn't necessarily read american exclusive books, we did read books by english people as well, but that was the extent of it for the most part? like in my first year of high school we read 1984, of mice and men, to kill a mockingbird, books like that. then I transferred to the weird school so my second year I read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and some others, and then we had a choice of books we could read to write an essay on and we were given a list to pick from. I chose fahrenheit 451. the year after that I was in an english glass that had a focus on medical history?? so I read the hot zone by richard preston which was actually super fascinating, it was a book written about the ebola reston virus outbreak in the 80s and went into the science of epidemiology and the strains of the virus and all that. we also read death be not proud by john gunther (a memoir from a man whose son died of a brain tumor in the 1940s so it discussed the cancer treatment that existed in the 40s), the things they carried by tim o'brien, the jungle by upton sinclair, it was a very interesting selection
anyway, yeah, didn't have a very normal high school literature experience. either way yeah it was still mostly american/british centric
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 5 months
👸- Ok lets get things straught
Unless someone held a newspaperup like a kidnapping to show proof of date the photo could be as o as old as 2017 he got dodger in 2015(possible 2016 idk when gifted stoped filming but they started in oct 2015 and he has more black kn his nose when he was younger) this shows minus someone, not necessarily a man, with a white kneee, thowrtically the person could be Latinx or Asian etc. 
THEY ARE DOING THIS TO GET FANS ATTENTION. They know we love dodger we've said leave dodger alone so another dodger oic and people are up in arms... they're troll dont go for it. At least he isn't speared in half again by a leg.
B) dodger going to doggy day care... wow. Sound the alarm. Now i dont know much about the video ive seen the photo and honestly it may not be dodger. His coloring isn't THAT unique. The quality is also bad too. I mean i could sqear that was my friends dog in the corner too. But i imagine Chris went out of his way to make sure dodger was well socialized because hed be around kids and in thr video with aly rushmans dog it showed dodger can be unknowingly a little rambunctious with small dodgs but who wouldnt get excited with a cute new puppy  playmate even though dodger givrs off the:  im not an animal im a human vibe. 
Who says that also isnt where a lot of cast and crew put thier dogs? Yes Im assuming its for a film and based on the placement of the tiles and the way they are a diffrent color it seems like it is purposely a diffrent type of tile... why? I dont know but its awfully evenly spaced and copied a couple feet down.
Ive seen people even claim that chris uses dodger for people to like him.  Hes now Will and Jada acting like theyre still a thing 6 years after they seperate. Its a man and his dog do you see the way Chris looks at him? If chris was that good of an actor we'd all be thinking he was really in love  with little miss nazi and no mstter what they do now i wont believe  it just cause he hasnt looked happy in 2 years UNLESS Dodger was the subject... 
You also see too many people talking too many nce things about dodger and chris with dodger
When this whatever shit started we saw a lot of orgs and fellow celebs pull away from chris a lot less birthday wishises publically  one of chris reoccuring costars (not scarjo or A.D.A.) had a very heartwarming and touching birrhday with with a few examples of how nice he is. There are also reports thst he lets people use his houses etc. when hes not in town. Now people ahve pulled away from him publically. We all know chris isnt a golden boy but when companies and charities stop working with someone suddenly (many stopped after the first pap walk) despite other issues it to me sayshe was nice enough to want to be associated with before.  I think its a fine line of what people will and wont tolerate and yes theres trolls and clout chasers but when ebolas associations and beliefs came out many broke away when a cetain company recived complaints things were dropped we all know a campaign was fropped and they mostly use OBJ and one of the founders dog whose has very VERY similar collerings to dodger. They also seemed to not get the enagwment they wanted on the cintest as it was like they were shoving it down people's throat. I do believe once things are over (whatever the truth is-theres do dobut its toxic otherwise chris wouldnt be looking like he does) there will magically be another campaign. 
Now people turn in seb for what a movie that is supposed to be really good? Because hes friend with someone who doesnt look like a typical movie star. 
Leave fans and their looks out of it. Be nice. Little miss nazi on the otherhand we finally saw what her soul looks like and I can actually look at these photos without wanting to puke - have no sympathy for nazis and those who hate others like that
Lastly another reminde rb/c ppl r still talking about it- 
STOP TALKING ABOUT the INTERVIEW  how many times do people have to tell you they want you to talk. Your playing into thier hands and being a pawn Nothing new was said and frankly it makes her look foolish. I relize I'm talking about it but its just to tell you all to stop talking about it because they've had to change strategies. They held back the "kiss" we all know that would've been released day off a year ago. So now they release something that like others said would not have been seen outside her country normally its been over a week. And Yes shes stupid forgetting where she is but The only thing ur doing is making their ship stay relevent.  And in peoples mouths. 
Also just an fyi to Ebola check which account you post things on... normally im.not a conspiracy theorist like that but this is getting way too stupid that fan sites are publishing things that the actors page would normally post. 
P.s. bookie lets see some of the wonderful exs chris has had gimmie some mink and jessica and Jenny to attach to Chris' tag. 
I seriously don't know how you do it, girl...
But seriously, I'm thankful for your PSAs. And look forward to reading and posting every single one 😁
Oh, and I most certainly will! It's all in good fun 🙃
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