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soulwhisp Ā· 2 months ago
Guys hear me out
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Auron with this song
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abundantchewtoys Ā· 6 years ago
HS Epi: Meat p16 reaction
Reaction under the cut!
Still in the process of, well, processing the defeat of Lord English and all those deaths.
I wonder if, through some esoteric means, Jade's body would be used by Caliborn to try and escape his fate. She's an ex-First Guardian, so he might have a connection to her body. Plus, if that would happen, that would be the final time the wolf head could be connected to LE - since Jade's half dog.
Blaperile thought also of the server representing LE's DNA, running somewhere in the Furthest Ring. Maybe that fell into the Black Hole too, though?
I wonder what is even going to happen to John now. I mean, he still has the Ring of Life, someone could find him and put it on his finger. Someone like Terezi. It could be Meenah as well, in an ultimate sacrifice - she once said she'd run him through again to steal his ring, but maybe she'll sacrifice her chance at life for him. Some form of ultimate redemption for the Condesce, in a way.
If Terezi finds him, odds are she'll have found out about Vriska somehow. :/ I doubt any ghosts are left in the Furthest Ring on the one hand. On the other hand, we haven't seen any mention of any of the other trolls mentioned in the character list. Nor of GO Vriska & Terezi, though they might have double died through the cracks that encroached on them.
A third option to find John is Aradia - since she was so intent on witnessing the end of Paradox Space and seeing what'd happen if the place came falling apart.
Or maybe John will have some sort of vision, like a special afterlife, with his Dad there, before he wakes up / revives? I can only hope.
I doubt the Ring is multi-use, but if it were, it would sure be something if Meenah could be revived as well as John! And for Aradia and Terezi (and Meenah?) to come back with him to Earth C, now there's nothing left in the Furthest Ring for them. If Meenah came to Earth C, the Crocker run for president would have some serious competition! :P Not that I'd really root for Meenah to win, though, since she's quite clearly unfit to lead a country, only a strike force.
I've also got to wonder how long Andrew has been planning to have Davesprite be the one to kill Lord English? I'm sure much of what Davepeta became grew organically, as well as the other components of Lord English, but it seems to me the Davesprite part was always planned. But he sure is a master of tying in later details into the evolving story.
Like, for instance, LE biting Dave's head off reminds me of Hearts Boxcars doing the same for Eggs. Dave and eggs...
So, it was all doomed and retconned selves that were instrumental in bringing down Lord English, you know. John is pre-retcon, the other B2 kids came from a temporary offshoot. Tavros was also pre-retcon. Meenah came from a scratched session. Davesprite was doomed. All those troll ghosts were doomed. Alternate Calliope was doomed. The only exception is the Nepeta part of Davepeta, and she was so irrelevant to the timeline's major events before her prototyping as to almost not count. These were the glitches in spacetime that could kill Lord English. It's fitting, since Lord English was so focused on the main timeline and being the 'alpha', that he couldn't see where his 'doom' would come from.
Anyway. The page ended with a command to John, so I'm rather convinced the next page will continue from John's perspective.
"ROSE: When I was a child, I wrote a novel." Well, never mind!
Well, okay, I guess that, even though John's perspective has just ended in what could have been the ending of Homestuck, I would very much like to learn more about Complacency of the Learned and its potential ramifications as to the rest of the plot! Guess now's the moment to find out why the story isn't ending just yet.
"She has both hands resting on the chassis of his recent project, Sawtooth 3.1." Soooo... Was Sawhoo supposed to be Sawtooth 2.0? :P I wonder what improvements Dirk could be implementing. Also, whether he ever intends to use the rapbot on his show. I get a feeling most of the robots there never leave novice mode, actually.
"DIRK: Another one of those Lalonde childhood wizard fics, I presume?" Yeah, now I'm reminded of Wizardy Herbert, Roxy's supposed work. I never did get through that draft of it Andrew wrote all those years prior, I got to admit.
I'm guessing Rose has found a way to connect her old fic to the grander context of canon, realizing some of the stuff she put into the story came from her aspect?
"With the sunset behind her sheā€™s a shadow ringed in yellow light that turns white at the tips of her hair." Pfff, circumstantial simultaneity strikes again! That's just like how Reload Rose looked. Alternatively, she has a bit of a halo right now.
"ROSE: Itļæ½ļæ½s more raw. It betrays considerably more sincerity than my young self was surely ever aware of stitching into the prose." Hah, guess Rose was not as good at hiding her own feelings as she tried back then, hiding behind that passive-aggressiveness.
I wonder if this is Andrew talking about how some of his early work, maybe even early Homestuck, was a lot closer to his heart than the epic story it grew into, despite said level of epicness.
"ROSE: It meant something." Maybe adult Rose's work was too polished, too betraying of her literacy and a bit removed from the essence of what she was trying to say. That could be due to its nature as anti-propaganda aimed against Condesce.
"DIRK: Hmm." There Dirk goes again, with the autoresponder-enabling short responses.
"ROSE: For all its plainly evident amateurism as the literary product of a child, Iā€™ve come to believe itā€™s a much stronger work standing alone as a single volume, its meaning and symbolism potently compressed, and its message shining through more nakedly, undisguised by the cleverness of a more seasoned writer." Again, Andrew comparing Team Special Olympics and such things to his later work?
"The plot concerns the machinations of twelve wizard children." Oh, I thought it was focused on twelve adult wizards, including Zazzerpan?
"ROSE: It isnā€™t their intent to commit atrocities, or within their nature to do so originally. They become corrupted by an overabundance of knowledge. The kind never meant for the mortal mind to grasp." They went grimdark. :P Also, I suppose this leads into Rose's misgivings regarding the ultimate self.
"ROSE: It certainly wasnā€™t the most fucked up thing Iā€™ve ever written." ... Oh right, the MEOW code. Yeah, that must take 1st place.
"as if I were pulling inspiration from beyond myselfā€”channeling the story, rather than writing it." Almost as if she got it from the Void more even than her then-latent aspect!
"spiderwebs of gold that dissolve into dust" ... Really, sure, go ahead, keep rubbing salt into that wound. :P
"ROSE: You could almost call the process... [...] Sheā€™s smirking now, just a little." Brace for pun-pact!
"ROSE: ...enlightened." Eyyyyy!
DIRK: It also sounds like itā€™s the opposite of what was going on?" Dirk also thinks it sounds more like a Void thing?
"DIRK: Sounds more like you were trapped in a sort of dire creative fugue state causing you to chart your own mental profile using metaphor revolving around murderous, omniscient children." ... So that's where the locquacious genes came from. Also in-deep-analysis.
"ROSE: Well, consider the playful pun rescinded.
ROSE: Apologies for diminishing your presence with my suboptimal health and the toll it has taken on my wordplay.
DIRK: Thanks. Itā€™s been very difficult for me.
ROSE: Youā€™ve been a real trouper." These two, are the best.
"ROSE: Anyway, my point is that Iā€™ve long suspected my story was a pre-manifestation of my Seer of Light powers. I was seeing beyond my universe into another." Yyyeah, but, the analogy with the trolls doesn't hold up after the first glance, and she (or her adult self) also incorporated things from other timelines and universes. The genderqueer Cal... I forgot what the full name was..., for instance.
Meanwhile, Dave has been well aware his subconcsiousness is influencing him, and he has been looking and found the "least psychologically revealing" SBaHJ comic, as a result.
"ROSE: My original thesis was that the children represented the twelve trolls who created our universe." Ooh, so she noticed it too. Guess she might now be thinking the twelve are representations of the B2 kids, Karkat, Kanaya, Calliope and... someone else?
"DIRK: Twelve. Thatā€™s how many players went through the door at the end of our game." Riiiight, Terezi went through as well!
"When she finds herself leaning against himā€”probably without thinking about it, Dirk imagines, because neither of them really ā€œdoā€ thatā€”he doesnā€™t pull away. If itā€™s her, itā€™s all right." That just shows the difference in how he and Rose behave versus he and Dave, where the distance or proximity is always a tangible thing.
"DIRK: You describe this as a fact of numerological significance.
DIRK: Which makes it seem you suspect these correlations are something less than utterly providential. As if there is a part of you holding on to the belief that certain figures are coincidental. That their significance and repetition smacks of bullshit." Heheh, there are a LOT of repeating numbers in the story though, bullshit or not. Twelve is just one of them: 4 6 10 11 12 13 25 ... Seems like Dirk holds them in higher esteem than Rose, though. If he's sincere.
"Itā€™s unclear exactly which things are smacking, just as itā€™s unclear that when it comes to bullshit, whether or not smacking accurately describes what is being done per se." This metaphor has gone off track again.
"DIRK: Iā€™m just saying itā€™s all evidence of a grand design. An immortal, metatextual apparatus beyond our ken that we can only catch glimpses of when weā€™re proverbially shitting our brains out through our nose." They can almost see Andrew. :P In-canon, the closest to such a reveal were John and Jade, but they let the moment of epiphany pass them by as they started their 3-year-long journey. :P
"ROSE: They were filled with the light of knowledge and one by one they succumbed to it, turning insane or evil or, most often, both." Ah, right, like the guy that filled that tome with knowledge and was crushed by it, that Roxy named Jaspers after.
"ROSE: If this is the effect unchecked powers have on players living in a post-canon victory state, then why isnā€™t it affecting any of our other friends?" Let the theories about evil power-hungry Jane commence! Though, what other effects could we even see right now, not much. Plus, Kanaya, Karkat, Terezi and Calliope won't feel the effects of an ultimate self ascension, at least.
"DIRK: Well." Don't say "now you mention it", Dirk. Please.
"some of us have stopped using our powers completely." Oh, he thinks that it's not so much power that corrupts, but the continued use of it?
"emergency resurrections" But he also doesn't seem to think then that what Jane is planning reeks of her getting slowly corrupted, huh.
"sportsball riot" I wouldn't be surprised if sportsball is an actual thing on this planet, courtesy of Dave's influence in shaping society.
"ROSE: In that case...
Rose sways suddenly." Eesh, she's starting to get woozy.
"ROSE: Maybe I was a fool for imagining I could settle down here." :/ It would be shitty for Paradox Space to do this to the players for no good reason, though. Then again, Sburb.
"occasional banter about adoption with her wife" Ooh, cool. Well, yeah, it would stand to reason Maryams like to become mothers. :)
"ROSE: I assumed it was just that feigned Strider Stoicism, but you seem to be taking this...
DIRK: In stride?" Awww-yeah. Sorry Rose, you have nothing to top Strider Dad jokes.
DIRK: But Iā€™ve got more practice at this than you do. I spent most of my life before the game multitasking my entire fucking subconscious. Iā€™ve had several times my age on paper to contemplate these mysteries.
DIRK: Years of prying open can after can of worms filled with answers I donā€™t like.
DIRK: Cut yourself on the edge more than once and you stop getting surprised by all the blood.
ROSE: I see." So it's as if, due to Dirk already having such an extensive memory from juggling dream and awake selves, he's handling all the input better. Maybe, relatively speaking, it's less that's coming in for him, too. I mean, his dream selves mustn't have gone through many different things. Plus, maybe merging with Lil' Hal does something for you to be able to handle big data. :O
"ROSE: In fact, I donā€™t think itā€™s the expansion of my powers that is causing the headaches, but rather my own resistance to it.
ROSE: Sometimes I get this feeling that I could, if I really wanted to, just let go." I think Rose might prefer to keep to her current self, if she could. Like the narration said, she's basically still a solitary creature. The expansion of experiences is proving too jarring.
"ROSE: Iā€™m forcing myself to stumble through my life as a sleepwalker. All this pain and sorrow could go away if I would just allow myself to wake up." Between this and "letting go", it seems like an ultimate self ascension is perhaps even going to go further than the psychologically, maybe even physically. If that's so, Dirk might be further ahead but not there yet. But once they'd ascend, there wouldn't be coming back from it, I would think, and they'd leave their old lives and Earth C behind, to go to another plane of existence, maybe?
"ROSE: Because Iā€™m not sure that the person opening her eyes will be me." ... Now I'm thinking about how the last command aimed at John was for him to close his eyes. :/ Could that mean he's about to go through a sped-up ascension?
Rose has the unfortunate occasion to compare her ascension to Jasprosesprite^2, so I very much understand she has very grave misgivings about "expanding her mental horizons", so to speak.
"Then, in a deliberate motion, he pulls off his shades." ... Say, would his eyes have changed if he merged with Lil' Hal, even just psychologically? I know the autoresponder was a pair of shades without eyes, but the Hal monitor had that red buzzing light which represented his eyeballs on at least one occasion.
"DIRK: I know I sound pretty nonchalant most of the time, but actually Iā€™m scared shitless of myself.
DIRK: Iā€™ve always had this uncanny ability to chart a course from A to Z and not give a fuck about any of the letters in between.
DIRK: Iā€™m not sure anyone should be allowed to have that much foresight. Especially a guy like me." Well, that's a healthy self-assessment and fear. Though, foresight? It would be more akin to intuition, right, knowing how people responded in different situations? ... Which sounds like Mind powers, actually, come to think of it.
"ROSE: The farther above the board you fly, the harder it gets to care about the pieces." Is that part of the reason Terezi left, if she forced an ultimate self ascension on her with her Remem8er act?
"DIRK: And yes, I may be a shitty human being, but,
DIRK: As a mechanic, Iā€™m off the fucking charts." Well, that certainly are points to Dirk being at least marginally better as an adult than Bro, if only out of self-awareness. Speaking of, does he have access to Bro's memories now, too? Also, the mechanic part is leading into the Soulbot I theorized about? Wait, mechanic... Dirk and Darkleer should have a build-off.
"Roseā€™s eyes have grown distant, almost mirrorlike. Dirk can see himself reflected in her vacant stare.
ROSE: All the pieces in their place.
ROSE: The mechanisms all running smoothly." Has Dirk... hypnotized her?
"She says this in a hollow tone. Itā€™s the disarming voice a puppeteer ventriloquizes for a marionette. Her head falls toward her shoulder slowly. Dirk catches her cheek as she slides into sleep. Itā€™s difficult for the untrained ear to spot the exact moment in their conversation when the words she was saying stopped being hers and started being his." ... What did I just watch. ... How. Why? ... Did Dirk use any Heart powers here? I can't...
"Does it really matter? In many respects, theyā€™re basically the same person, arenā€™t they?" Kind of creepy to say that about your hypnotized daughter, though.
"Kindred spirits in blood and perspective, the puppet masters of the respective games they like to believe theyā€™re playing." ... Puppets. Puppets and games. ... This is building up into a Saw reference and I don't like it one bit. "I want to play a game." ... I do hope Dirk's ascension hasn't seen him get influenced by Lord English.
... You know, though, maybe Dirk was able to influence Rose because of their strong connection, since she's so close to his self she's almost like another shard of him, more so than other people that contain shards of his essence, like Brain Ghost Dirk for Jake.
"But you already knew that, right?" Aaaaaaah, he took over the narration! ... He took over Andrew??? Is that a power for ultimate selves, to get access to the narrative prompt?? If so, then Caliborn was not an exception, just the primary example.
... He's pulled a Doc Scratch on us.
Dear god.
What to make of this. I think Dirk might be the hidden antagonist of Earth C. His Heart powers might be able to influence and even control people.
I just hope he isn't going to absorb them all.
... Man, this started baring on innocuous and look at how chilling the ending of the page is.
I think through his influence, people might start behaving exactly as he predicted, enforcing him being right and securing influence at the same time. I mean, if he merged with memories from Lil Hal, Doc Scratch and perhaps even LE... He's become a master manipulator.
... This is basically "shh, only dreams now" D:
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thedeadflag Ā· 8 years ago
@dreamsheartstoryā€‹ said:Ā  if you find any good sci fi, let me knowā€¦ itā€™s so rareā€¦
It really is. For a genre that has so much potential, it rarely makes the small screen without being corralled into a few very specific tropes (sci-fi cop procedural is so, so overdone, but Iā€™m desperate haha)
Still, this is what Iā€™ve watched over the past...3 years? 3 years, yeah. At least, the notable ones, not including the obvious big name Netflix marvel shows, Sense 8, orphan black, etc..
The Expanse:
Harder sci-fi. Essentially, itā€™s the future, where humanity expanded across the system, and Mars split off to do their own thing after a civil war. The people working onĀ ā€œthe beltā€... as in the asteroid belt and other such unsavory places and stations...are the clear have-nots and are generally abused at will by both Earth and Mars, and the show starts where tensions are at an all-time high, with the belt a hairā€™s trigger away from revolt, and the Earth/Mars tensions coming to a head
Great casting, the crew of the Roci is fantastic. Though Thomas Jane is...a Thomas Jane character. Heā€™s such a perfect fit for Miller, because Miller checks all the boxes for his strengths, and hides his weaknesses well enough in the flaws of the character. So i canā€™t blame the show for that, but I hate looking at his face. Still, the casting is just top notch. And they have Shohreh Aghdashloo, who is always fantastic, and Frankie Adams pops onto the scene in S2 and does quite well. Essentially, casting = A+
Only real complaint is that i read the book, and thereā€™s a pansexual lady character that is exceptional and amazing and I love her and her mouth of a sailor. The show cut that and made her more passive and scared in S2, which is bullshit, and led me to stop watching because I was furious at that decision, but in the end, itā€™s still absolutely 100% worth watching. If just for the Roci crew alone and the endless shenanigans they get into (and sometimes out of)
Binge-worthy. Pacing of the first two episodes is a bit inconsistent, but theyā€™re covering an absurd amount of ground, so thatā€™s expected.
Lighthearted space-faring sci-fi, set in a totally built from the ground up universe. It slowly leaks out the lore as to not jeopardize the general tone of the show. However, it does turn serious for stretches.
Easily binge-worthy. Takes 3 episodes to get momentum, but after that, itā€™s pretty smooth sailing.
My only real quibble is with the origins of Dutch. We get a hint of her growing up essentially as property, abused into being a living weapon/assassin, before we get a good read of the world, and that...really comes off as a bit exploitative, given sheā€™s a woc.Ā 
The ship is an A+ lovable sassy ladybug
Dark Matter:
A bit ā€œharderā€ sci-fi than Killjoys, but it has its lighthearted moments
Super super slow burn. I finished the first season and only then did I really start to dig my claws into the show. Itā€™s slow.Ā 
That said, interesting lore, and the overarching series of narratives are solid and worthwhile, they just take an egregiously long time to lift-off.
Thereā€™s apparently wlw content in season 3. I havenā€™t finished S2 yet, but Iā€™m hoping itā€™s solid.
Western meets Wizard of Oz featuring Anthony Hopkins with an old west fetish. Set far off in the future. There are, like, androids and stuff
I didnā€™t get through it since western shows give me the creeps, but most of my friends who watched it says it was pretty great. I only watched the first episode, but the acting and cinematography and music were all very well done.
A sci fi mystery, set in a space-ship, if that space-ship was sort of like one of the Bunkers in the fallout games, full of people from the 50s.
The show is not without its warts, but itā€™s a miniseries (so itā€™s not long), and itā€™s surprisingly well done. Ā Doesnā€™t cover all the themes it brings up with the greatest nuance or skill, but Iā€™d wager itā€™s probably worth a watch?Ā 
The OA:
Another mystery! Sci-fi in the vein of alien abduction and strange abilities.
Itā€™s kind of surrealistic? It makes you pay attention, and if you slip up, youā€™ll probably miss out on something. Thereā€™s a decent chunk of content mashed into those surprisingly few episodes.
Didnā€™t like that it robbed a character of a disability. I think it would have worked just as well with the character still being blind. They could have made it work.Ā 
Trans guy rep in this show, which was a plus
American Gods:
Iā€™m not sure if this counts? It kinda counts. Iā€™m saying it counts. It mixes sci-fi and fantasy.Ā 
I havenā€™t finished this yet, mostly just because itā€™s hard to find torrents that arenā€™t tracked by the network. My ISP is okay with me getting one or two notices a month, but past that, itā€™s tricky, and I canā€™t afford a good VPN, so Iā€™m playing the waiting game for a bit.
Ricky Whittle and Ian McShane were fantastic in the episodes I did see. The show is, if nothing else, visceral and beautifully shot.
Sci-fi in the vein of Hunger Games, but a better premise, and better executed
I only managed to get it with the dubbed audio, so that was flat out atrocious and made me weep over the injustice
Still, despite the absolutely grating audio, I pushed through that and enjoyed much of the rest of the show. itā€™s solid. Not, like, the best show out there, but it does what it does well, it covers its themes well, and the visual elements of the acting seemed strong.
Find the sub-titled version with the original language (portugese iirc?) audio. I think thatā€™s available on Netflix now, or at least Netflix USA, from what I understand.
12 Monkeys:
Itā€™s a police procedural time jumping sci-fi with a dystopian, post-apoc future.
Itā€™s okay. Nothing special. The two leads really do try to put the show on their back, btu the writingā€™s not real strong. Watchable, but lots of plot holes, plot armor, and writers shoehorning in sudden/coincidental events out of nowhere to increase tension. if you want something to watch for background noise, or maybe if you want a procedural show and have checked out the others already, maybe this will be for you.
Agents of Shield:
Superhero-based sci-fi
First season is slow and full of filler because they were waiting for that Captain America Winter Soldier movie to come out before tying their show in with the events. There are guides to watching the first season. I thought it was all decently fine, and good writing alla round, thereā€™s just too many episodes that season to justify the few meaningful narrative events.
Season 2 has Dichen Lachman. The final half of that season character-assassinates her (and the other inhumans) to provide the show a late-hour villain to root against. I hated that. Itā€™s the weakest season, thankfully, and Iā€™m sure there are watch-guides to skipping through that because...
Shit gets real in season 3, and itā€™s worth watching even outside of S1-2, Iā€™d even rec skipping those if there wansā€™t so much character-building in those 2 seasons. The writing is better, the acting is better from S3 onward. Thereā€™s still some fumbling of themes, but not to the degree of the previous seasons. Same with Season 4, where it arguably has itā€™s greatest few episodes. Ends with a brief Hydra-AU arc that IMO is skippable, but some adored it. I didnā€™t, but eh.
Harder sci-fi. Aliens invaded and swiftly won. Now theyā€™re ruling us from a distance, using human figureheads to do so. Really neat lore, and worldbuilding.
Unfortunately, itā€™s the most frustrating sci-fi show iā€™ve seen in years, because the male cop lead always has a gut feeling that always aligns with what the revolutionaries are planning, so he always intercepts them. And they get unbelievable plot armor to escape the writersā€™ ham-handed tension-building, ensuring the writers donā€™t pay any consequences for the shitty bullshit they keep pulling over and over.
If you can take that sort of crap, and care enough about worldbuilding/lore/etc., then go for it. Thereā€™s definite value, and things improve greatly in season 2. But my lord, season 1 is so frustrating.
Person of Interest:
Youā€™ve probably watched this one
Hard sci-fi in the vein of "Hey, maybe writing a secret intelligent AI is just a really bad ideaā€ *five minutes later* ā€œOh no what have we doneā€
Itā€™s a really bad idea.
But we get fun police procedural moments out of it, because John is solid, and Carter & Root & Shaw & Bear are excellent.Ā 
Bear is best.
The show has watch guides for getting through the first season, and parts of S2.Ā 
Avoid the final 3 episodes of the series. Maybe the final season altogether. Otherwise fantastic and heartwrenching stuff.
The Last Ship:
Naval Adventure to Rebuild the World After a Rampant MegaVirus sci-fi
Surprisingly decent for a show thatā€™s basically funded entirely by the American Navy.
Just keep in mind that there will be shitty patriotism bits of bullshit tossed in here and there, and there wonā€™t be so much shock when those bits show up.
First two seasons play out like a mix of The Hunt for Red October and Jesus Camp. Itā€™s bizarre, but sometimes it works? Rhona Mitra and Christina Elmore are probably the reasons for that. And Dichen Lachman is in S3 and she doesnā€™t die, so thatā€™s a plus.
It definitely has its dips into shit-tier quality, and self-righteous bullshittery, especially in S3.
But it also handles a national political arc halfway decently for a sci-fi show in S3.Ā 
Anywho, this is good for, like, background watching? Or low-intensity, low-effort watching. In that context, itā€™s a good enough show.
The Leftovers:
Three seasons of super depressing and heart-wrenching drama with sci-fi at its core (huge amounts of people vanish one day...the show is about the world finding out how to move on, what ti all means)
Excellent acting. Top notch. Like, some of the best on TV. Some stunning stuff.
The show only gets better. I didnā€™t like the first half of S1, itā€™s very slow and arduous, but itā€™s worth it.Ā 
Not very sci-fi, at least not until S3, but still. It works with sci-fi elements and itā€™s a very thoughtful, smart show.
Wayward Pines:
Itā€™s sci-fi in the vein of Under the Dome, but it manages to be even worse somehow donā€™t ask me how
Oh my god donā€™t watch this, the cast does not make up for it, they flounder in atrocious writing. iā€™m only mentioning this here because itā€™s just so bad, donā€™t waste your time like I did.
Thatā€™s...well, the stuff thatā€™s not far below mediocre.
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yoon-kooks Ā· 8 years ago
First Time with Bangtan?- Yoongi
Summary:Ā You woke up in the middle of the night feeling a bit needy. Luckily, Yoongi knew just how to take care of you and your first time.
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Word Count:Ā 2k
Related but not necessarily a prequel: Pillowtalk with Yoongi
You woke up in the middle of the night after having a cute dream of you and your boyfriend baking a cake together. Yoongi slept peacefully beside you, his arm holding you close at the waist. You took a moment to just take in his handsomeness that shone even in the pitch black of night. As opposed to his tough idol rapper image, he appeared much gentler at night. You loved the little sounds he made in his sleep, how his lips were parted just barely, and how he cuddled up to you to find a more comfortable position.
Just before you were about to close your eyes and drift back off to your baking dream, you wrapped your arms and legs around Yoongi, hoping heā€™d wake up out of your own selfishness. Although he did open an eye and blink at you, he fell back asleep almost immediately after. You then gave him a good squeeze as a second attempt, but all he did in return was squeeze you back and kiss your forehead before dozing off once more. As much as you loved cuddling with him and all his affection, tonight you woke up wanting something a little more.
So you rolled on top of him and began tracing your fingers along his chest as he breathed at a slow and lazy pace. Your cold fingers carefully slid underneath the fabric of his shirt and you paid special attention to the way that made his brows furrow just a bit. He made a groaning sound and stared up at you with heavy eyelids. You gave him an innocent smile as you continued to move your hands along his skin.
After a minute of silent stares and waiting for your childish self to grow bored of your antics, Yoongi rolled his eyes and gently wrapped his hand around your wrist. You blinked back at him, feeling the warmth from his hand spread to the rest of your body. Suddenly, he lifted himself from the mattress and pulled you in for a nice kiss. ā€œYouā€™re a little brat, you know that?ā€ He moved his hand from your wrist to entwine his fingers with yours.
ā€œAm not!ā€ You let him roll over you as you kissed him back. ā€œI just wanted to play with my boyfriend,ā€ you pouted, fumbling to unbutton his shirt.
ā€œPlay? Play what? Itā€™s 4 in the morning.ā€ He broke the kiss to tease you with a little smirk and an eyebrow raise.
ā€œYou know what I mean, Yoongi!ā€ You leaned upward to get another kiss, but he pulled back, denying you of your desires. You knew he was waiting for the words to come out of your mouth. ā€œDonā€™t make me say itā€¦ Iā€™m shy~ā€ You stirred around the bed as if you were having a fit. Yoongi chuckled at how adorable you were. He clearly had a soft spot for you.
ā€œFineā€¦ But if you were anyone else, Iā€™d just go back to sleep, you know.ā€ He brushed his thumb over your cheek and looked deep into your eyes. You smiled back. He loved to tease you, but he also knew how innocent you were and felt the need to protect and take care of you. And the way he looked so fondly at you really did make you feel safe and loved.
Yoongi pressed his lips against yours and narrowed the gap between you and him. Each kiss grew longer and more intimate than the last, and there was an intense rhythm in the movement of your lips. The sensation of him against you filled your body with excitement.
You ran your hands up his chest and pulled him in close. He massaged your neck with his thumb to locate your most sensitive spot. You naturally tilted your head to give him more access as he gently tugged at the collar of your shirt and brought his lips to your skin. His hot breath teased you as he left a trail of kisses along your neck. The tingling of him making his mark on you triggered a small moan from your mouth. You took a peek and caught him smirking and admiring the tiny pink spot he left on your skin.
You sat up, quickly unbuttoning the rest of his shirt until he was free of it. The sight of his bare chest made you blush. Of course you had seen it many times before, but it was the first time in this context. Then you felt him grasp the hem of your shirt, looking at you for confirmation. Still blushing, you nodded as he lifted the shirt over your head and tossed it to the edge of the bed. You saw him shift his eyes to your exposed chest, biting his lip to hold in his lust for you. He looked back into your shy eyes before leaning in for a comforting kiss.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to be shy, okay?ā€ He spoke in his low and soothing, yet very sensual voice. He tucked your hair behind your ear and entwined his fingers with yours once more.
ā€œOkay.ā€ You smiled back to assure Yoongi that while you were a little nervous about your first time, you were even more excited to have it with him.
He laid you back down on the bed as he slowly moved his hand down your waist to your inner thigh. Each time he squeezed your thigh, you felt a heated sensation growing between your legs. You squirmed around to kick your shorts off, and along with them, any and all lingerie, until you were completely vulnerable to Yoongiā€™s eyes.
He continued sliding his hands up your thigh and closer to the sensation where you felt hot and wet. Just before he reached the spot, he paused to give you another warm, delicate kiss. As his lips kept you calm, he snuck a light pair of fingers between your legs. His fingers glided up and down with such ease. You curled your back when he brushed against the center of your pleasure. You hadnā€™t even realized how needy you were for his touch until a loud moan escaped your mouth.
You were pretty embarrassed at the naughty sounds you made, but you noticed how worked up Yoongi got from them. He put in a bit more pressure and speed as his fingers circled your center over and over again. You felt the pleasure building up quickly.
ā€œY-yoongiā€¦ā€ At the sound of your desperate cry, he slid two fingers inside you and began curling them in and out at a frustratingly slow pace. Immense waves of pleasure consumed your body as he continued to touch your most sensitive areas. ā€œFaster please...ā€
But rather than satisfy your needs, he slowed his fingers even more, just resting them on that throbbing pleasure between your legs. He gave you a smirk and you pouted back. You hated how much of a tease he was, but at the same time, you loved it so so much.
Seeing as Yoongi wasnā€™t going to help you out, you impatiently jerked your hips upward to pleasure yourself against his fingers. You felt his stare as you continued to move helplessly, trying to find the same rhythm your boyfriend had used to make you feel so good.
ā€œYoongiā€¦ pleaseā€¦ā€ You looked up and him and tugged at his arm, practically out of breath. He definitely couldnā€™t say no after seeing your rosy cheeks and lustful eyes. His fingers resumed their roles, only much quicker his time. Your moans grew louder and more consistent until the intensity reached its peak.
He let you ride out the waves of pleasure and waited for them to subside before pulling you up to plant a kiss on your forehead. ā€œAre you okay to keep going?ā€ He looked at you, trying not to show too much of his own needs. Your heart melted.
ā€œOf course, Honey Boy.ā€ You smiled at how considerate of a boy he was. And you just wanted to give him as much pleasure as he had given you.
You pulled on his boxers and he kicked them off to finally liberate himself. Your face turned red again at seeing him for the first time, but this time you also hid your eyes in his chest and hugged him shyly.
ā€œYouā€™re too cute, you know,ā€ he whispered into your ear. You giggled, giving him another affectionate squeeze before you were really ready.
After letting go, you looked up at him and waited, not exactly sure how you were supposed to pleasure him. There were only so many options, right? Your hands or your mouth or bothā€¦ But you wished Yoongi would just tell you instead of making you say those things out loud. ā€œUm, Yoon-ā€
He dropped a small, circular ring of latex into your palm. You stared at him, puzzled for a moment. ā€œBut donā€™t you want me to-ā€
ā€œNext time, okay?ā€ He patted your head and ran his fingers through your hair.
ā€œOkayā€¦ā€ you pouted, although you were also a bit relieved. But at least you had another new thing to look forward to next time.
After fitting the latex over his length, you threw your arms around him and pulled him back down over you. He gently spread your legs and brought himself to your entrance. His tip barely pressed against you, and yet your body responded with another huge jolt of arousal. It was surprising how sensitive you still were to him even after your first peak. He took note of it and calmly played with your opening some more.
ā€œStop teasing me, meanie!ā€ you cried, trying to get him to hurry up. You knew he was just trying to make sure you wouldnā€™t get hurt, but you were more than ready for him.
ā€œTry to be patient, Y/N.ā€ He lifted your chin to kiss your lips and carefully pushed himself inside you. You loved the feeling of being filled with him, the boy you loved. Once he was in all the way, he began to move in and out, slowly building the intensity between your hips. He watched your expressions closely to make sure it felt okay. You looked up at him, breathless and sweaty, as a way of reassurance. So he picked up the pace.
Each time he hit the right spot, you cried out his name in a cute moan and clenched around him. A sexy groan escaped his mouth as he threw his head back, which only made your feelings more intense. The way he panted with such seductive eyes was almost enough to bring you over the edge.
Your kisses grew a bit sloppier and your moans louder, but you could care less about that when the heat between your legs was so overpowering. You started moving your own hips, thrusting back in rhythm with Yoongi, the pleasure growing stronger and stronger.
ā€œYoongiā€¦ Iā€™m.. closeā€¦ā€ You could barely get the words out of your mouth, but somehow he understood. Not only did he go even faster, but he also slipped his fingers back down to your swollen pink center. You didnā€™t think it was possible, but the new intensity felt even better than the one from earlier.
As both of you reached your highs, Yoongi gave you a few more strong pushes that really drove the pleasure beyond bliss. And after your last moan, he dropped himself next to you, still panting from all the intimacy.
When you finally caught your breath, you brought yourself closer to your boyfriend and gave him a well-deserved kiss. He took your tongue and massaged it with his own so gently. His lips never wanted to part from yours. Those were the kisses you loved the most.
You ran your fingers through his messy hair and stared into his deep brown eyes. He just blinked back at you, shamelessly admiring your glowing beauty after your first time. You knew heā€™d never admit it, but he turned super soft after sex. All he wanted to do was cuddle with you in his arms, and of course you werenā€™t going to say no. You gave him one last hug with as much love as you could offer before falling asleep as the sun rose.
A/N: Omfg this is the first smut Iā€™ve ever writtenšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ Itā€™s pretty short for smut, but I tried not to be too explicit bc Iā€™m soft. Psst I love feedback *hint hint*šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
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azuresquirrel Ā· 8 years ago
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Isnā€™t It Rich? Are We a Pair? - All-Broadway All-Musical Narumitsu Fanmix
Hey everyone, Iā€™ve started the process of reuploading my old fanmixes to Playmoss so that people can actually LISTEN to them ever since 8tracks started sucking. So the obvious choice for the first one is my pride and joy, my sappy romantic All-Broadway fanmix for Phoenix/Miles from Ace Attorney.
Fanmix cover art byĀ mustachossom.
Tracklist and notes under the cut here.
1. ā€œBest Worst Mistakeā€ from If/Then
Itā€™s not that I donā€™t love you,ā€˜cause I donā€™t not love you
And Iā€™d lie to say Iā€™m never sometimes always thinking of you
But when somethingā€™s deeply felt, it seems shallow just to sayĀ 
The thing thatā€™s expected, the same dull cliche
I wanted to start with an upbeat song before plunging into Feelings Hell. And as befitting the concept of the show ā€œIf/Thenā€ I consider this to be the ā€œwhat ifā€ for these two. As in, what if they actually talked about their feelings from the start, these silly boys. With Phoenix as David and Miles as Lucas as if that wasnā€™t obvious.
2. ā€œI Know Him So Wellā€ from Chess
Looking back I could have played it differently
Ā Won a few more moments who can tellĀ 
But it took time to understand the manĀ 
Now at least I know I know him well
WILL I EVER NOT ASSOCIATE CHESS TOO CLOSELY WITH ACE ATTORNEY (I still blame you, space). So in ā€œChessā€ this is two women singing about the same man (Florence, Anatolyā€™s mistress, and Svetlana, Anatolyā€™s wife, because WAY TO BE ANATOLY). In my twisted OTP version this is actually Phoenix and Miles singing separately about each other and how theyā€™ve come to know each other but donā€™t think they can be together because they are silly and super bad at communication.
3. ā€œI Guess Iā€™ll Miss the Manā€ from Pippin
And I wonā€™t miss his moods, his gloomy solitudes
Ā His blunt abrasive styleĀ 
But please donā€™t get me wrong, he was the best to come along
Ā In a long, long while
Yes I will shove Pippin into everything. Here we have Phoenixā€™s point of view since it takes Miles a rather long while to learn a better way of coping with things than ā€œFUCK OFF TO EUROPE WHENEVER I FEEL A THING.ā€
4. ā€œThereā€™s a Fine, Fine Lineā€ from Avenue Q
And I donā€™t have the time to waste on you anymore
Ā I donā€™t think that you even know what youā€™re looking forĀ 
For my own sanity, Iā€™ve got to close the door and walk away
ANGST TIME AHOY. This is clearly Phoenix during the whole year of ā€œProsecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses deathā€ and trying very unsuccessfully to convince himself that heā€™s okay with this.
5. ā€œAnthemā€ from Chess
And you wonder will I leave her - but how?Ā 
I cross over borders but Iā€™m still there now
MILES EDGEWORTH IS CONSTANT IN HIS OWN WAY. AND IS ALSO A BIT OF AN ASS. Ā He may be constantly fucking off to Europe, but he canā€™t escape the unnecessary feelings in his heart. So in ā€œChessā€ this is Anatoly singing about his love for his land (hence the ā€œsheā€ pronouns because MOTHER RUSSIA). So I guess Iā€™ve made the ā€œsheā€ his feelings for Phoenix? I think I lost track of the metaphor in a big way with this one, but we all know that what really matters is HIS LANDā€™S ONLY BORDERS LIE AROUND HIS HEAAAAAAAAAART.
6. ā€œSend in the Clownsā€ from A Little Night Music
Isnā€™t it rich? Are we a pair? Ā 
Me here at last on the ground, you in midair
FORGIVE ME FOR THIS ONE, SONDHEIM. Okay, so in the context of ā€œA Little Night Musicā€ this is a rather bitter reflection on a truly dysfunctional relationship, and not much of a love song. But listening to it on its own, I had the image of Phoenix reflecting on his and Milesā€™ relationship and how they can never seem to get it together or get the timing right (also with a dash of ā€œwell I messed up yet againā€ probably shortly post-disbarment, there should be clowns indeed). (also I may have had the image of Phoenix singing this at the wedding and Miles says ā€œyouā€™ve completely missed the point of the song as usual, Wrightā€ and Phoenix is kind enough to not remark on the tear in the corner of his eye)
7. ā€œBeing Aliveā€ from Company
Someone to crowd you with love, someone to force you to careĀ 
Someone to make you come throughĀ 
Whoā€™ll always be there, as frightened as you
Ā Of being alive, being alive
Behold my maximum Miles Edgeworth feelings with this one. In the musical ā€œCompanyā€ Bobby is not singing about a specific person, but rather finally accepting the idea of a true connection in his life. Now, however, it is Miles working through his love for Phoenix and how it does not match with what he wanted out of life, but is finally accepting that he does want to share his life with him.
8. ā€œFor Goodā€ from Wicked
Like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes a sunĀ 
Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the woodĀ 
Who can say if Iā€™ve been changed for the better? Ā 
But because I knew you, I have been changed for good
Yes I have used this on a fanmix before. No, I do not care. I also do not care that it is a cliche, these two OTPs will collide, darnit. Finally they duet again as they speak truly of how much theyā€™ve helped and hurt each other, and happily realize theyā€™ve both changed each other for good.
9. ā€œBareā€ from bare: a pop opera
Iā€™ve never been this bare / Iā€™ve never been so scaredĀ 
Iā€™ve never felt such honesty / Donā€™t stop weā€™ll never leaveĀ 
A moment of such peace / Each of us standing bareĀ 
Still you are here with me / Knowing who we have to be
I just needed a super feelsy male love duet for this, and lo here it is. While the story of Peter and Jasonā€™s relationship in ā€œbareā€ does not have a happy ending (IT VERY VERY MUCH DOES NOT), this romantic song still fits a happier ending for Phoenix and Miles, as they accept that no matter what happens in the future, even if they must part again, their love shall remain forever in their hearts.
10. ā€œUnusual Wayā€ from Nine
In a very unusual way, I owe what I am to youĀ 
Though at times it appears I wonā€™t stay I never go Ā 
Special to me in my life since the first day that I met you Ā 
How could I ever forget you, once you had touched my soul?Ā 
Ā In a very unusual way, youā€™ve made me whole
THANK YOU SPACE FOR THE FINAL PIECE. It seems a bit unfair to end with such a clearly Miles song, but this is my fanmix so what did you expect? It just seemed like the perfect ending, with Miles laying out the unusual and wonderful effect that Phoenix has had on his life.
Wow, still here? Then ENJOY!
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abundantchewtoys Ā· 8 years ago
HS Map update
Holy shit, the Homestuck map was updated!! It's been 48 years! Finally!
Blaperile and I agree that the Masterpiece is probably going to be called just that. Maybe in Caliborn's all caps quirk, too.
And I think A6A6A2 might be called "LAND OF SOMEONE'S HANDIWORK I TOOK", heheh.
The rest remains to be seen. Will the Credits be shown separately? I think so. Would Act 7 just be called "ACT 7", or like Blaperile thinks have the sub title "Thanks for playing"? Maybe it will be "The Ultimate Reward"!
Also, I highly doubt it, but it would be neat if the Snapchat updates got their own section.
I also wonder what colour Act 6 Act 6 and Act 7 will be given, since they're on a separate "cartridge" than the previous parts of Homestuck. (Maybe the Credits will be on their own, seeing as their "container" is not a game or CD anymore, but rather a smartphone.)
Lastly, I wonder if each of the "sections" under Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 4 will be from a separate point in the timeline that John jumps too.
For that matter, I wonder if the big Retcon is perhaps designated in a special manner, too? Unlike the Critical Moment or the claiming of the Ultimate Reward, it isn't a separate flash, but it is however the final part of a sub component of the story.
Ah come on, Andrew added a designation/sub division for the Pre- and Post-Scratch timelines! Heh, two sides of a fourth wall. Why not an unscratched disc and a scratched one, though? Okay, granted, that's already in use for the "Discs" of Homestuck. So that seems to support my theory that the Pre- and Post-Retcon timelines might be designated differently too? Maybe "Side 3", heh. (Also, I don't think the sides are about the children being inside and then later escaping the story, since it's the fourth wall that John and Jade broke through being used as the logo, not the white endgame house.)
Ah, yup, Act 6 marks Side 2. Heh, it seems like such a small hole they made in the pane, come to think of it. I'd forgotten about the "split Act_6" command above Act 6 Act 1. What's it going to be for Act 6 Act 6, then? "Shatter", perhaps? The kids were once again scattered, isolated on their separate planets, by both the glitches and the Condesce's mindcontrolled drones Jane and Jade.
It marked Caliborn's attempt at turning the whole story in a game of pool, in that manner, you know. I... made that observation before on Tumblr in the past.
Part 3 of Homestuck starts together with Act 6. I suppose this means Act 6 Act 6 will be contained within Part 4 together with the conclusion of the story.
Pfff, looking back at the icons of the sequences, I forgot the start and end of the Jailbreak section were marked by quasi-identical images like that.
Blaperile poses a good question, what would the pseudo-symbols for the Act 6 Act 6 subacts be? Maybe just Caliborn's head each time, like what was shown in the manual for the A6A6A6 cartridge, heheh.
I knew it! Part 3 and Disc 2 both end with A6I5. (And Side 2 continues.)
Don't you just love that even grouping the fractal act structure is made into something confusing by Andrew, using Parts and Discs and Sides? Heheheheh. Oh, right. "Sides". Like sides A and B of a record. Or a disc, you could say. But in this case, there are more discs than sides, pfffff.
Another good question by Blaperile, which symbols will be placed underneath Part 4? Mayb the god tier symbols of the kids + symbols of the surviving trolls? But then, Vriska wouldn't be featured. Hmm... Tough matter. Also, what the name for the next "disc" might be is also up for speculation. (Before we scroll further down on the page and read it.) Disc 3 is inaccurate but least confusing. Cartridge 1 would be most accurate but lame. Let's settle for Cartridge 3. :P
Ooooh, split Act_6_Act6 it is! Hah, okay, and it uses Caliborn's theme colour! Oh yeah... That's right, it's because that was also the colour of the shitty curtains he used, that never stopped being a thing.
Oooooh, part 4 is designated by Caliborn's and Alt Calliope's filled cheek swirls. That's actually really fitting, given the theme of predomination at play. I hadn't thought of that. Heh, okay, as I should've seen coming, A6A6A1's title is "Homosuck". And for some reason, not one but TWO cheek swirls are used as the pseudosymbol.
So, the cartridge art is not the art for the sub act, but for the last sequence, and it's Caliborn's gloating pose instead. Fitting too.
Oooh, what's that? A6A6A1 wasn't part of a disc, but after the cartridge gets inserted, we get a new designator...
What would the name for A6A6I1 be, last guess?
... "Stardust". That's a less direct reference to the glitches than I would've thought. ... Instead of just Cartridge it says "Supercartridge", pffffff. That's probably the name used in the manual. Putting Grimbark Jade on the cover really sells the events in the sub intermission, by the way.
So, will the line for the Supercartridge perhaps not end with Act 7, but instead A6A6I4? When John blows it out of the slot? :) ... Wait, no, Blaperile reminds me Lil Seb put the thing back. (Where it came from.)
Perfectly chosen symbols for A6A6I1 sequences, by the way.
... Oh god yes. The acronym's not even spelled out, but A6A6A2 is named after LOSHIT. Called it!
That pseudosymbol though. Perfection. And indeed, once more a unique symbol.
Ahahahah, it's fitting this sub act has so many Johnfaces to go with it. (Matching icons for you and your squad.)
A6A6I2 = "theres problems" Ooooooh, yeah! Those are actually indeed the arc words to go with this sub act, with all the events leading up to the next intermission (which starts with [S] Game Over), like everyone meeting up on LOFAF.
Looking further ahead, I think Lord English's face (specifically in his "sprite form") will be the icon for A6A6A6, by the way.
And perhaps A6A6A3 is called "GAME OVER, KID", to go with "GAME OVER"? Or like Blaperile speculated, a manga reference.
... Oh. Well, yeah actually, that title does make "more" "sense" (in context). Oooooh, perfect art and pseudosymbol, too! I was just thinking of Caliborn's watermark, but in the context of whether they could serve as the act title. "Original act title, do not steal".
If my eyes don't fool me, it seems the icon for Game Over might be partially green to show it transfer from act to intermission in the same flash! Awesome. (Though the art doesn't give much away about the events in the flash, perhaps for the better.)
Hmm... Blaperile's right, it's kind of strange the events post-game over warrant so many of their own images.
Act 6 Act 6 Act 4 is called "Dark night of the feelings", pfff. I was wondering how Caliborn "moping" and feeling especially "emotional" as an artist could be translated to a good title. Oooh, and there's the CalCoin logo as the pseudosymbol - well, for a second, I'd wondered whether CalCoin would've been used as the title for this intermission...
I'm glad Caliborn's "Pure Art Skill" (and the art style of that sequence) is immortalized in icon form, by the way.
Ooooh, Blaperile was right, A6A6I4 is called F1X TH1S, hahahah. We're almost at the end! Just 5 more acts / intermissions to go, including the credits!
I like how both Rose's and Aranea's death judgment is featured on the map. Them being so close behind each other makes for a nice contrast.
Plus I like that Shelby's art is also featured.
Ooh, and like I speculated, each jump of John's warrants its own icon. R3UN1ON, Lemonsnout interrogation, MOM3NT...
Pfff, the line of icons going "John judging the scarf list - Gamzee is caught O_O - Making out underneath a cracked sky - Vriska: Turn - Plop" is hilarious.
Maybe Vriskagram logo will be the first icon for A6A6I5. I doubt "she's 8ack" will be the title, it's more likely what Blaperile thinks, "Why is everything always so wonderful". Though I wouldn't mind a "Web 3.0" reference. ;)
Heeheh, and there's the Masterpiece. Pffff, tiny clay Caliborn could actually serve as an icon on the forums.
Actually, now that I see the first icon for A6A6I5, it hits me how Caliborn's toothed grin looks like Gamzee's in A6A6I3... Or maybe also Lord English's mouthlaser pose, though since that's also Caliborn...
... PFFFFF A6A6I5's title is actually "She's 8ack", oh my freaking god. Well, that sure goes with the art.
All them lilypad scenes.
Ah come on, now that I see them side by side, I notice the parallel between Meenah and (Vriska) sitting on an edge talking and Dirk and Dave doing the same. In fact, the sky of LOTAK is also filled with explosions, just like how the "sky" in the dreambubbles was filled with other bubbles exploding.
Wow, again, so many nice icons and juxtapositions of them. Roxy creating the Matriorb, (Vriska) in tears while one row earlier she was still happy, GCATavrosprite and (Tavros) side by side...
Awww, (Vriska) and (Terezi)'s meetup as symbol for Terezi: Remem8er.
Ooooh, Collide marks the end of Part 4, is designated by PM's Victory (yussssss) and... it's pseudosymbol is the curtain thingamabob we see for the last time at the end of the flash. Tssssh.
Ahhhh, right, and so the post-Collide images are counted together with it, just like how the post-Act 4 pages were basically still part of that act.
Wow, I had not thought the Rapture to be Act 7. Wow. So, in hindsight, what he meant about this blowing our minds is that it's Homestuck The Anime!!
Ooooooh, and so Collide and Act 7 have title cards in opposite colours, black and white. So retroactively, Collide is meant to be the thing symbolized by the black circle on the "disc specibus" we saw way back first in Act 5, heheh.
OOOOohh, The Credits are not only featured, but designated "Post Canon"!!!
So, you know, you could kind of count the Snapchat updates into them as well! Maybe if Andrew ever makes an archive for them, they'll get added here?
So that was it. A great update, I wouldn't have counted on such good names anymore, it's been so long. But I like them all a lot, they're really fitting.
Like Blaperile suggests, Andrew probably took the time rereading the latter part of Homestuck to determine the icons and find good titles for all of the sub acts.
Too bad there's no icon for the Ultimate Bro Hug of 2015. Oh well.
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