shinwhoohoo · 1 year
I'm sorry. Because English is not my native language, maybe my words look rude in English? But I really didn't mean to criticize you. I just think your reasoning is a little over-reliable on A3. I've read a lot of your articles and found it's a very meaningful discussion.I've seen a lot of negative comments of Jinyoung and Baro in the past, but they're very short, just tag attacks. Leave one selfish and the betrayal will be over. I have seen many comments attacking Jinyoung and Baro in the past, but they are all very short, just say "selfish", "betrayal", "they framed A3" and it's over.
But you explained your reasoning in detail. Because of A3's reaction, you think Jinyoung and Baro must have done something wrong to them, especially Jinyoung. In fact, reading your article made me gain a lot, and I think it is good to be able to look at the matter from a different perspective. So it's really interesting to see, I've seen the data for about 2020, and I started my reading from the data of 2023. I'm going to watch it all! Because the content is abundant!! It's rare to see such a serious discussion.
I think there are often things in life where both parties feel that they are the wronged party, and both parties feel that they are the right party. In fact, JY also shed tears on his FM in 2019, and he also mentioned that there are many misunderstandings and criticisms of him. So I think Jinyoung also feels hurt. People on both sides feel hurt, and we cannot judge which side is at fault just based on who cries harder and who reacts more violently.
When it comes to work, A3 seems to be viewed their efforts entirely from the perspective of fan service, but in fact, B1A4's success and failure are objectively related to their earnings. In fact, there are many efforts that are no different from those of us who work for ourselves. But when it comes to JY's hard work, it seems that what he does is ALL about personal gain. That's why I would say in your eyes, A3 seems really is very kind, and JY is a completely selfish person.
I think all five of them have a side that cares about fans, but they also have a selfish side. If you really want to try to guess what happened, you have to put aside your love for them and deliberate like someone who doesn't know them at all, in order to get a more objective answer. This is my opinion.
If my words offend you again, I'd like to apologize first.But because my English is not good enough, I'm afraid I'll make the same mistake. I hope I don't do that this time.
#B1A4 # Jinyoung #CNU #Sandeul #Baro #Gongchan #OT5 #OT3 #WM #BB #RBW #5 of them are ordinary people
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Like I said before, I no longer have any desire to comment on this particular subject as it’s been something I have already addressed over and over and over again these last 5 years. I have moved on, all the boys have moved on, and I think the best thing is for the rest of the fandom to move on.
We will all have our own thoughts about it, based on what we saw happen and what the boys have said on it. And I can respect that you have your opinions, just as I have mine.
Take care, and I hope you can get to a point where you feel at peace with the situation and can support all five of them as they continue in their careers.
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tteokwookki · 6 years
WM better promote shinwoo, sandeul and gongchan well, they will need so much cheer up and support, i really wanted to find words for what is going on but i really can’t... it’s hurting so much, i feel bad for being so egoist wanting them to keep together as ot5, baro and jinyoung decieded to follow other path and i should be happy for them but now is so hard to do that, anyways i wish them the best and all the happiness, i wished they continue as 5 but... this is what I get for trying to be positive for once. I don’t think the time will help me.. it will be just more painful. Don’t confuse my words.. I will still love them each of them, I don’t even blame them ok I'm aware about how the guys are feeling rn too... is only me being egoist, i’m so sorry...  I’m gonna love them forever, they will always be my inspiration and motivation in life and nothing can change that. I will always love b1a4 as shinwoo, jinyoung, sandeul, baro and gongchan. Big hugs and lots of love sent to you bana, you are the most lovely and beautiful fandom i’m in. Let's stay togehter for our boys.
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thesuitelife547 · 4 years
CNU “My songs match B1A4 completely…I can’t imagine anyone else singing them” [ARTICLE TRANS]
Here’s the translation to the recent interview that CNU did. You can definitely tell that they thought long and hard about what direction they want B1A4 to go in as a “new group” and you can also kind of see how he’s very sort of future facing in regard to the group. But, I hope you enjoy reading!
- Marisa
Part 1
Part 2
[t/n: I combined the two parts of the interview since the intros are the same for both parts]
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The third person for this [I-Mind] is CNU (30, real name Shin Dongwoo) of boy group B1A4. CNU is the eldest and is in charge of vocals and dance in the 11-year group, B1A4. Additionally, he directs and makes music within the group as a ‘Composition Idol.’
 CNU started by writing lyrics for the title song of B1A4’s second mini album ‘Beautiful Target’ and then composed the ending track ‘Seoul’ on their second full length album ‘Who Am I.’ Since then, he’s made songs in various genres and has showcased a broad spectrum of music from the emotional ‘Drive,’ ‘Call Me’ that has a trendy beat, and even the intense ‘Nightmare.’
 CNU, who has been recognized for his composing ability, earnestly participated in the production of B1A4’s fourth full studio album ‘Origine’ that was released in October of last year. About the album CNU said, “I think that this album will influence the next 10 or 20 years and we tried to do music that utilized our strengths.” As a result, CNU’s name was listed in the credits of 8 of the 12 songs on the fourth full length album including the title song ‘Like A Movie.’ Thanks to that, the group’s identity was able to be in the song and even their musical maturity could be higher.
 What will the future musical direction of B1A4 be? CNU has said that he wanted B1A4 to not be confined within a mold in regard to music and that even if they receive negative comments, he wants to do various things sincerely saying that he wants to create “music that listeners can look forward to.” He was also determined when he said, “I will work harder with the sense of duty that even with music, it’s not just to let the public know but also so that it can be recorded on one page of K-Pop.”
 News1 met with CNU, a ‘Composition Idol’ that is full of musical greed.
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It’s nice to meet you. Please introduce yourself. I’m also curious about your recent situation
I’m CNU, the eldest in B1A4 and I’m also in charge of the mother role. We made a comeback two months after I was discharged in August and we also had a concert in December. (Smile) I’m glad that we were able to do that as soon as I was discharged because it was my goal to release an album.
 If you were to introduce a representative song of B1A4 as a Composition Idol?
I think it would be ‘Like A Movie,’ which is the title song of our fourth full length album that we released last October. It’s the title track of an album that we released after such a long time and I’m fond of it because it seems to fit with our situation.
 I’m curious about your style of working
I tend to worry a lot when I wrote about songs so it’s a kind of progressive and aggressive style. It’s hard but it’s also fun to make songs.
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How did you first start composing?
I believed that there were a lot of things boiling inside of me and at first, the way to express those things was through song and dance. Then while completely working on the stage, I gradually had the desire to write songs so I tried to write lyrics. The first time I wrote lyrics was for the title song ‘Beautiful Target’ on our second mini album. I wrote the chorus and my part for the song. That then became my momentum and I thought that I wanted to continue writing songs. So by the second or third year, I bought equipment with my own money and started composing.
 What was the first song you worked hard on?
That would be the song ‘Seoul’ that appeared as the last track on our second full length album ‘Who Am I.’ At that time I didn’t think like “I have to write a song!” It was a song that I was able to comfortably write without any expectations. It’s a side track that I wrote while thinking “Should I try to make one?” It’s a song that contains what I felt after coming to Seoul. Because all of the members are from the countryside, the city of Seoul has a different meaning to us. [t/n: in case anyone might not know, the countryside in this context is just referring to anyone that’s not from Seoul] The song details my honest feelings about how I felt when I came to Seoul to become a trainee and anyone that has lived in a foreign country will agree. It’s a place where I met my members when I had no one else to lean on and it’s a place where I was able to meet the fans after I debuted. It holds the message that in this cold city I only have the members and fans to lean on.
 Since you didn’t specialize in it, you must’ve struggled and had difficulties while working
[t/n: specialize as in I’m assuming be formally trained in composing]
In the beginning it was really frustrating but I fortunately have a lot of good people around me. Artist Jooyoung is my good friend from my hometown. When I was making ‘Seoul,’ I asked him a lot of questions about music. At that time he told me about what kind of equipment I should buy and he taught me a lot about how to do the beats. I learned while doing that. Jooyoung and I were in a band club together in high school and the two of us promised to do a collaboration if we both succeeded in Seoul. (Smile) Later, I worked together with Jooyoung and his close friend Gureum to create ‘Drunk on Music’ and ‘Drive’ amongst others.
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You must’ve been really proud when your own self-made compositions were included in B1A4 albums
I really was. It was a time when I was into mannerisms. I had doubts about myself as a member of B1A4 wondering, “Am I doing well?” Although I was working hard since our debut, I wanted to be of more help to the team. I then did some composing and created some results. Thankfully the reactions of the members and the company was good and it was able to be put on an album. I really liked it back then.
 Did you want to formally study composing afterwards?
Personally, I don’t think that the concept of learning art is established. Rather than studying about it, I think that you should share and empathize. It’s about a person who has experienced many things letting the one who hasn’t know the way. I have seen how a lot of composers have written their songs, but eventually I did what it was that I wanted to do. Their way isn’t mine. You can receive some sort of influence, but you have to create the result in your own style. When people listen to the songs that I’ve written so far, they say “This is CNU’s style.” I tried to make my own path very clear.
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When listening to the songs you made such as ‘Seoul,’ ‘Drive,’ ‘Nightmare,’ and ‘Sparkling,’ the genres and colors are all different. I can feel that you have a desire to create a variety of music
I didn’t intentionally attempt multiple genres, but I just made the music that I like and it could have been felt as being varied. Personally, ‘Nightmare,’ that was on our third full length album ‘Good Timing’ was a challenge for me as well. Who would’ve thought that B1A4 would do music that had a reggae beat? It was a style that I definitely wanted to try at least once and thankfully everyone liked it after I made it. I do have a greed and desire to broaden the spectrum with a variety of music.
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What would you say is the biggest feature or differentiated color of music that you’ve made?
That it seems like music that has been specially made for B1A4. That’s also the part that I consider the most important when writing a song. I always worry about how I should incorporate the member’s voices into a song. I can’t imagine other people singing it because it completely matches with our tone. That’s why I don’t even think about giving songs to others.
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Up until now you’ve only participated in the side tracks, but starting from your fourth full length album ‘Origine,’ you’ve become more proactive in creating songs. You participated in 8 of the songs and even made the title song therefore I’m curious about the process
It’s an album that took 3 years, from before I went to the army until it got released. The original goal was to announce it before my enlistment, but it took a long time because I went earlier than expected. I prepared the album all the way until I went to the army. I thought about it every day. When I was on vacation I wrote songs in the studio with a friend named Wooram and then I’d return and when I was on vacation again, I’d record. That’s the way I worked on it. I even asked the members to write songs and participate in creating the album. Personally, it was important because I thought about the album as something that will influence the next 10, 20 years of B1A4 so I thought about the direction. After thinking about it, we tried various things by using our strength as an ever-changing group. Even while feeling the weight of the year, we made a lot of effort for different music that will be further anticipated in the future. [t/n: I’m pretty sure the year that they’re talking about is the year that they became 3]
 In the process of creating the album, was there no difference in opinion from Sandeul or Gongchan?
It matched well with the members. Although there were times when our opinions were slightly different, our desired directions and flows were the same. And because the company also agreed with our opinions, we were able to work while receiving more strength.
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Out of the many songs, is there a reason why the title should have been ‘Like A Movie?’
Since it had been a while, I thought about songs that had our existing color and ones that had a different color and I felt like ‘Like A Movie’ seemed like the best in terms of B1A4’s new direction. Honestly, ‘Like A Movie’ is a dynamically composed song that has a melody line and no rap. Not having a rap is a big change in regard to idol music. Because we can’t help but think about that year, there is a sense of that weight but since we wanted to express B1A4’s unique charm, we made a new attempt. I don’t have any regrets because we gave forth all of our efforts. (Smile)
 What is the most memorable compliment you have ever received for your songs?
In my final months of the military, I completed ‘Like A Movie’ and played it for the members. After I had come back, I had asked the president, executives, and successors to take a listen to it. When the song was over, all of them said that it was awesome. The successors may not be very objective (Smile) but I still can’t forget that expression. And I asked for a professional evaluation from the military band and was proud when they said that the rhythm and melody line was good. Even the boss praised me saying that it was really good and I gained strength from that.
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What would be the song that became a turning point for Composition Idol CNU?
It would be the fan song ‘A Day of Love’ that I made before I enlisted. It contains the message that I want to convey to the fans without being convoluted. Just like how BANA always think about B1A4, we also expressed our feelings of always thinking about the fans when we’re eating, when the wind blows, and in every moment of our daily lives. It’s a song that was made with honesty.
 Out of all of the songs you’ve worked on, what is the song that you like the most?
The song that I’m most fond of always changes but right now it’s one of Sandeul’s solo songs, ‘Oblique Line.’ It’s a song that contains the feelings that I had during various changes. I had written it before joining the military and I had given it to him because when he listened to it, he said he really liked it and wanted it.
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With the fourth full length album you decided to do music that was different from the usual music B1A4 released thus far. What kind of songs do you want to do in the future?
I hope that B1A4 is a group that doesn’t become confined to a mold. It’s my goal to make music that is unpredictable and causes future anticipation of “What kind of songs will they release?” I want to try an unlimited amount of various things and even if there is a negative reaction and we get scolded [t/n: scolded from the public], I have a big desire to try just that.
 Do you have an artist that you wish to collaborate with?
There is an artist that I really wanted to collaborate with, but we collaborated on our fourth full length album. That would be Bibi who participated in my solo song ‘Zero Gravity.’ When I was in the military, I listened to their music and wanted to work with them so I asked for her to feature in my solo song and thankfully that worked out. When we went to record, I’m very thankful that Tiger JK-sunbae and Biji-sunbae gave all sorts of advice and I fell for both of them. Besides for BiBi, if there’s an opportunity, I’d like to collaborate with my role model, Taeyang-sunbae.
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There’s not many Composition Idols in today’s idols. Is there someone’s songs that you want to compliment?
It would be ONF’s MK. When MK makes a song, he works really hard on it. Before, when ONF received a vacation, MK didn’t go and rest, but he stayed at the company to work. When I saw that, I felt his passion.
 Please express your determination for future activities as a singer and composer
When I first said that I wanted to become a singer it was because I was simply thought that singing and dancing on stage was fascinating and cool therefore I set my mind on only becoming that. However, if you now ask me about what energizes me to make music, the answer would be BANA. Because the fans are there, I’m motivated and receive strength when I’m working or try to make music. I’m very thankful for that. I also try to be careful as I think that the activities that we do can have an affect on many people. I will work harder with the sense of duty that even with music, it’s not just to let the public know but also so that it can be recorded on one page of K-Pop.
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Resolution Through Dialogue (and fists if needed)
Story with Diabetic OC
Chapter II - 2,777 words
Chapter II
Theo was an agent for the FBI’s Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch. She had been with her department for a decade after her recruitment after finishing her PhD in Microbiology at UC Berkeley where she and Chris met. She worked as an agent within the Critical Incident Response Group where she spent most of her days working under Unit Chief Lucas Secman and with a team of five other close agents, Daniel Penzias, Annalise Olivier, Jason Moran and Hugo Stoneward as a member of the Crisis Negotiation Unit. The team was closer than most due to the graphic, intense and often strange nature of their work, coupled with their strange hours and long days.
Today Theo walked into the office to everyone crowded around Jason’s desk, “What’s going on?” She asked as she approached the crowd. “Jason is showing everyone his new kitten” Daniel told her. Her coworkers turned to face her and parted to show her, the usually stone faced Agent Moran cradling a tiny black and white kitten, smiling down at it. “You got a cat?” She asked shocked, Moran had never seen like the pet type
“I found him while I was out running over the weekend, he was starving and stuck down a drain, I couldn’t leave him. Meet Derek”
Theo cooed at the kitten, scratching him behind the ears. Moran having rescued the cat made sense, the man had a paternal streak a mile wide, it was part of the reason he was such a good agent especially in cases involving children.
The scene was interrupted when Secman’s door swung open and the call of “conference room” alerted the agents to a new case. The group filed out of the bullpen and into the team’s designated conference room. Secman took his seat at the head of the table and handed files to each agent. Theo flipped hers open skimmed the details. Her heart began to sink. They were needed for a hostage negotiation at a middle school in Utah. There were at least three armed gunmen and an additional two armed students, as well as two suspected explosive devices. There was no time for discussion on the ground as Secman told Hugo to stay behind and liaise from Washington, and the rest of the team to grab their go-bags from their desks and meet in the Bureau jet in twenty. Theo and Daniel raced to their desks, each pulling a duffel bag from their places under their desks and giving each other a look. After their many years working together they had this routine down pat. He threw Theo his water bottle and she jogged to fill both of them up while he raided the kitchen for snacks. He grabbed a couple of mini bags of chips along with a pack of juice boxes for Theo and some granola bars for himself. They met back at their desks and ran through their mental checklists. Theo swore to herself under her breath and went back to the kitchen, grabbing three insulin vials out of the fridge followed by three infusion sets and a handful of test strips and slipping them in a refrigerated bag in her bag. Checking their watches the two grabbed their bags and joined Annalise in a Suburban as they headed to the airport, the rest of the team not far behind.
On board the jet the situation was tense. Theo had sent Chris a text right before they took off, briefing him on what she could and letting him know that she may not be home for a few days. The couple was relatively used to this situation and Chris had just wished her luck and told her to stay safe and that he hoped she’d be able to call that night. Hugo had gotten some more information out of the South Jordan Police Department. The school had approximately 1,400 students and of those, an estimated 1,200 were on campus. Most were supposedly congregated in the gym but smaller class-sized groups were spread throughout the main building. The local field office and bomb disposal squad were to meet them on the scene once the CNU had arrived. The small police department had been completely overwhelmed by the scale of the crisis and with hundreds of panicked parents, the team’s skills were desperately needed. Secman was in Unit Chief mode, designating roles for each team member so that they could hit the ground running. Hugo was running intel from his office in Washington and currently video chatting with the team on board. Jason was to handle the police department and bomb squad, getting information and forming a strategy. Daniel was going to liaise with the field office, Annalise needed to see what she could get from the parents who’s children were in contact with them as well as anyone else with potential information from inside the school. Finally, Secman and Theo were to set up a negotiation strategy with the offenders inside.
“We’re unlikely to get much sleep for the next 48 hours or so, so try to use the next three hours on here to nap” Secman informed the team signifying that the briefing was over. Theo and Daniel moved away from the table to one of the sofa-like set ups that lined the jet. All of the agents on the teams had become pros at sleeping when and were they could and within 15 minutes the jet was silent as most of the team slept. Theo was dozing when a sudden aggressive beeping jolted her to alert. As she began to move the weakness that signified a hypoglycaemic event made itself apparent along with the slight shake in her hands. From across the aisle Secman, not looking up from the mess of papers in front of him, tossed her a mini packet of skittles. She checked the number on her pump, 60mg/dl and tore open the packet pouring most of the skittles into her mouth. She grabbed her bottle of water out of her bag and began to sip on it. She sat there spaced out, eating skittles for about 15 minutes until Secman let her know that she was above 70 and handed her a granola bar. She shared the data from her CGM with her whole team in case something went dramatically wrong while working a case. It gave everyone more peace of mind that she had support if she needed it. Once her brain and body were finally back online she tried to catch some more sleep for the next few hours so that she was at her best once they landed.
The jet touched down in Salt Lake City at around lunch time and the team climbed straight into the provided cars for the 20 minute drive to South Jordan. Theo found herself headed to the school along with Jason, Annalise and Secman while another car took Daniel to the local field office. As soon as the car was put in park at the scene, agents poured out of the car, pulling their FBI bullet-proof vests over their heads. Annalise was escorted by the local PD to a group of parents sheltering in a taped-off area to begin assessing the situation, Jason was taken over to the current mission control and was soon commanding the attention of the various police officers and the kitted-up bomb squad. Secman strode off in the direction of a singular police car and FBI vehicle and Theo followed behind him.
“Unit Chief Lucas Secman of the CNU” he said shaking the hands of the local Chief of Police and a few local agents. “SSA Penzias” Theo introduced herself, doing the same. “We’re sorry that this has happened but we’re here to help”
“What’s the plan for negotiations?” Secman asked, skipping any further pleasantries and getting straight to the point “According to school records we have twelve hundred students from grades seven through nine. We have been approached by an offender who introduced himself as Allen but we have yet to extend any further contact beyond acknowledging them and getting a welfare guarantee”, the chief gave them the rundown. The agents nodded, “what about the students not in the gym? Do we have anything on them?” Theo asked.
“We have information from class records that suggests that most of the science classes have been locked in the laboratories”
“Ages?” Secman asked shortly, clearly wanting to get on with it.
“Mostly eighth and ninth graders” the chief responded. Secman turned to Theo,
“Get Stoneward on the line and get him to start trying to get some sort of satellite map of classes, if he can get a current thermal image even better” he turned to the chief, “we’re going to need a phone to contact the attackers inside as well as a line to the media, Agent Penzias will handle them”. While her boss continued to issue orders and get set up for negotiations, Theo pulled out her laptop and contacted Hugo. “Theo, what’s needed?” He asked, she could see his fingers racing across his keyboard as the monitors behind him showed current media coverage as well as satellite images and the police scanners for the county. “Lucas wants current satellite imagery, preferably thermal, we still don’t know where all of the students are located”
“On it” he responded, “I’ll set up a live capture and send it to your laptop”
“Thanks” she told him, walking back over to the group, “we’ll have a thermal and satellite livestream within a few minutes” she told Secman. He nodded in her direction, turning back to the local, Special Agent in Charge, “could you please contact the Hostage Rescue Team, I’m hoping we can do this through negotiation but I don’t want to risk the lives of these children if things go south”. The agent gave a sharp nod and walked away to do just that. The rest of the congregated officers and agents took that as their dismissal and most headed in different directions across the school’s parking lot leaving Theo, Secman and a few local agents huddled around Theo’s laptop, viewing Hugo’s livestreams and discussing potential tactics with the rest of the unit once Daniel arrived a few moments later. The unit decided to establish contact inside the school without waiting for Hostage Rescue but have them en route in the case of things going wrong. The team moved into action.
With Hugo’s voice and support filtering through their earpieces the CNU gathered around a squad car. Secman picked up the megaphone “I am Unit Chief Lucas Secman with the FBI’s Crisis Negotiation Unit and would like to talk to you. We will establish contact through the school’s phones”. With that he set down the megaphone and turned to Jason who handed him a phone with the school’s internal number already dialled. The dial tone sounded once, twice, three times before connecting, “Agent Secman I assume, my name is Samuel”, Secman shot a glance to the laptop where Hugo nodded to show that he was receiving the audio from the conversation, “good afternoon Samuel”, Hugo nodded again to show he had both ends of the call recorded. It wouldn’t have been obvious to those who didn’t know him, but the team watched as Hugo’s reassurance caused their supervisor to visibly relax. “How are the students?” Secman asked, a little more confidence in his stance. He was in command of the situation.
“The students are fine, agent. However, my associates and I are not. We feel like we’ve been ignored” the smug voice came down the line. Theo remained stone faced but internally grimaced at the man’s tone.
“How so?” Secman asked
“Well you see my friends and I have some demands that we’ve raised but no one has listened until now. We’ve been forced into drastic measures but it’s nobody’s fault but your own agent”
Theo shot a glance to her fellow agents and Moran gave her a nod. That was her signal. She snatched her laptop off the hood of the cruiser and walked swiftly to one of the Suburbans. This was an established routine and she heard the audio in her earpiece switch from Hugo’s office to Secman’s phone conversation as Hugo realised what was going on. Once in the car she routed Hugo’s voice chat through the laptop as he isolated their call from the other’s earpieces. They didn’t need the distraction. “Alright Stoneward let’s do this” she told Hugo as she opened another window on the laptop. “Let’s go through repeated police reports in the last three years in the South Jordan area”
“Once we’ve got those we can cross-check with the name Samuel to see what we’ve got”. Theo hummed as she texted Penzias the update and what they were doing. She pulled up the local PD’s records only to sigh when she realised what a mess they were. She heard an answering groan from the speakers as Hugo saw the same thing. “Alright, you take 2016, I’ll take 2017” she said, “focus on causes that people focus around, environmental issues, vandalism, gentrification things like that”. However, as the words came out her mouth she realised something. “Actually, you take the police complaints, I’m going to look into complaints made to the city”.
Samuel seemed to have gotten defensive and so Secman had switched tactics to appealing to the safety of the children. Theo pulled up the city’s records over the last five years, she searched for complaints made to council members, letters to the mayor and residential complaints. She cross-checked for repeated complaints and anything that involved the name Samuel. That brought back hundreds of names and motivations. She sighed at the sheer size of the task she seemed to be facing, but sat up and thought through how to reduce the results down to likely pools. She filtered by age of the complainant, setting the range to white men in their thirties to fifties. That dramatically reduced the number, it looked like many of the grievances were the local elderly, not that Theo found that surprising. Her phone beeped, Secman needed her back out in the negotiation so she quickly sent her reduced list to Stoneward with a note of where she was at and jogged back across the lot to the rest of her team.
Annalise grabbed her by the elbow, “so Secman has managed to get welfare checks and a name list of students in the school but he can’t make head or tail of why” she informed Theo, “he wants you to talk to him”. A shiver crawled up Theo’s spine at the thought of communicating with the creep who was placing so many children at risk but this was the job. She nodded at Annalise, “thanks for the rundown” she said and the two agents walked over. Secman raised an eyebrow at her, checking she knew what was going on. Theo just gestured for the phone and he handed it to her. “Samuel yes? This is Supervisory Special Agent Theo Wilson with the CNU, how are you today?”
“Skip the pleasantries agent, what are you after?” the man asked shortly, Theo winced internally but showed nothing. “I would like to know why you’re keeping the students hostage” she told him honestly, running through possible ways this conversation could go in the back of her mind. “I already told Lucas there, we’ve been forced into this”
“Forced? How so? I don’t assume anyone is holding you at gunpoint are they Sammy?” Theo asked. She saw Hugo’s head snap in her direction at the tone she was taking but Daniel held a hand up to the screen quieting him. There was a pause on the other end of the line, brief but enough to show the team that he’d been caught off guard by Theo’s approach. “You’re well aware then that we are the armed ones agent” the retort came.
“Of course you are, you couldn’t pull this off by yourself could you? No. You chose children because they’re easy to overpower. You have fellow conspirators because you could never do this alone” Theo further antagonised. “So now that we’ve established that you’re not the big intimidating man you think you are, how about we discuss this like adults instead of throwing, what appears to be, a large scale temper tantrum? Now. Would you like to discuss this with me? Or with Secman?” The pause on the other end was much longer this time. The silence seemed to last minutes. “You have five minutes to decide” she said and hung up.
@diabets @diabadass-vs-the-world
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banacafe · 6 years
What I think of Jinyoung
[Semi-Long Post] This is my personal opinion, assumptions, and speculations about the current situation with Jinyoung. Remember that these are just my opinions which can be different from yours, so if you have any comments, please feel free to discuss.
Jinyoung deciding to open Link8
I’ve seen a handful of BANAs being angry and hurt at Jinyoung and his actions, thinking that he’s selfish. I, personally, don’t think Jinyoung is selfish (well, partially, which are some points I’ll cover). Jinyoung’s a person who has a strong will of motivation and ambition. We have to think about Jinyoung when he first became a trainee until now. Was it really his dream to be a singer and promote in an idol group? Being in an idol group and having crazy schedules is tiring. I cannot imagine the pain of what an idol has to endure, waking everyday and giving your best to the world and eventually asking yourself if this is the right path? Jinyoung admitted that when he was younger, he knew that he wanted to create and make things, which is why he stuck with composing and making songs for the B1A4. Maybe being in B1A4 wasn’t what he thought it was supposed to be. That was when he started questioning if he wants to continue to be in the group. WM probably didn’t do well to promote Jinyoung like how he wanted, so he wanted to become his own boss. And I saw this happening right after “Who am I” Era and coming to “Sweet Girl” Era.
I have worked hard and long enough to understand that dreams (ambition, dream careers, and hope) can die as you work too long or too hard. Sometimes, we get no results, and it becomes hopeless and worthless, which is why I admire people like Jinyoung or others who still has a sense of hope in their dreams. Jinyoung opening Link8 is a part of new dream he has. And it’s ok to have new dreams and desires and leave your old ones when you realize it doesn’t work out. Unfortunately, B1A4 is probably the old dream he had but gave up on it.
About Jinyoung posting on Social Media
With Jinyoung and Link8 actively posting, Jinyoung releasing his own song, and creating a season greeting, these are just ways to promote himself and the company. I don’t think it has to do with competing with B1A4. This really reminds me when I first got into Kpop with H.O.T, and they disbanded shortly. Many people were saying that Kangta, Heejun, and SM tried to release albums in order to compete with JTL who became a big hit with their song “A Better Day.” Even then, I was young and naïve, and of course, even though I did support Kangta and Heejun, I was really biased and sided with JTL because I was really hurt of why the two members didn’t leave SM. On this note, I am not trying to say that you guys are young and naïve, but it’s easy to say that it’s competition because of the separation. When separation happens, we can’t help but have these ideas of competition and feud between the members (especially when CNU took it really hard). If Jinyoung release songs at the same time as B1A4 in the future, yes, in the world of the industry, they are competing, but I don’t think it is his or Link8’s intentions.
Also, many BANAs were upset of why Jinyoung decided to post a photo of him and Beullie on the day of CNU leaving. I think Jinyoung just wanted to simply update about his day, not to take away the attention from CNU. CNU already has his attention when he was trending the entire day (and I was so happy for him ;;_;;). What Jinyoung posted online will never take away the attention from CNU or any other B1A4 members. He is just living his life day to day and trying to update his fans who are still following him on his activities. Jinyoung is petty, but I don’t think he’s that wicked and capable to do that. It seems easy to believe that Jinyoung will take away that spotlight from CNU and B1A4 because he went on his own. I think Jinyoung still has respect for CNU regardless of the status of what has been going on. About Jinyoung not showing up to see CNU leave, like most BANAs and I assumed, why would Jinyoung bother to show up if there is a disconnection? It’s not easy to come and see him off because Jinyoung probably is sorry to create such pain and sadness among the members and to BANAs. Jinyoung might feels that it’s not his place to come nor he doesn’t have the face to come back after leaving WM. He is probably ashamed and truly feels responsible for everything. There is a lot of weight and pressure on Jinyoung’s shoulder that we all do not know of. What if CNU doesn’t want to see Jinyoung? What if Jinyoung is embarrassed to show up in front of A3? What if they know it’s not going to be the same anymore? These thoughts, assumptions, and questions we all have is between them.
I am not supporting everything Jinyoung does nor I am against him because I am a little disappointed when Jinyoung keeps saying that he doesn’t believe the 7 years jinx and say that B1A4 will continue. That—yes—I’m a little upset because it gives BANAs false hope, but again (I am playing devil’s advocate with myself), what can Jinyoung or the rest of the members say to make everything sound ok when they know it’s not. They don’t want to upset BANAs. Regardless if it’s a “we’ll continue” knowing that B1A4 is coming to an end or release an article by the time of their contract ending that Bayoung’s leaving WM, at the end, someone will get hurt. All of us are hurt. A3, Bayoung, and BANAs. B1A4 separating and going their own ways hit all of us at a different angle.
Is Jinyoung selfish? Yes and no. It’s an obvious “yes” if you’re thinking of him going on his own, opening a new company, and “giving up” on B1A4, but it is a “no” as well. Why? Eventually, when you are pursing or in the process of pursuing a dream (not just a wish of “wanting to go for your dreams” but to really do it with your entire soul), there will be a time when you really want to strive for your dreams. There will be precious things—like the people we love, our time and commitment—we have to sacrifice, and the most precious thing Jinyoung gave up was B1A4. Making this decision probably wasn’t easy for him. I am sure there were many things going on his mind. Just because Jinyoung doesn’t show his emotions, we think he is happy being his own boss and doing what he wants. But he’s probably dying inside, crying by himself, and constantly beating himself up. Opening a whole new company isn’t easy. Thinking about all your fans, will they still be there to cheer you on even after the decisions you made? Did he made the right decision? All the efforts he is trying to self-promote and work his way to be where he’s at or go even higher is something he has to do in order to succeed. These are probably in Jinyoung’ s mind every day. He has always been a person who is strong, never showed his weakness and emotions, and always stayed positive. Jinyoung being confident and promoting Link8 is just a persona he wants us to see. Jinyoung is really in pain, much like the other members and BANAs. Again, we do not know what’s going on with them in person. To be honest, without Jinyoung writing all these songs for B1A4, they wouldn’t be where they’re at. Same goes for Jinyoung, without the help of the members, Jinyoung wouldn’t grow into the artist he is now.
It’s ok to be angry and hurt by Jinyoung and his actions. If you need to unfollow him or not see him for a while, do it if it makes you feel better. If you need to hate him for just a bit, feel it but don’t act on it. Do what you can to help heal yourself. I am not here to advocate on hating Jinyoung or make you guys feel empathetic for him, but I am here to tell you that feeling what you feel is ok—but under one condition—do not send hate to him and wish him nothing but misery. Do not go to his SNS or official page and starts bashing and blaming him for all the troubles A3 went through. That is unacceptable. If you truly love Jinyoung and B1A4, at least wish him happiness regardless all the pain that had happened. Also, come to us—to other BANAs—and rant and pour your entire soul out. It’s better to share your emotions among us, but do not use your emotions as something to attack Jinyoung. If you choose to support him, stick with it. If you don’t know what to feel, let your emotions marinate in your mind and follow your heart. Again, most of us are hurt and don’t know what we’re feeling, and our emotions will change as time goes on.
To those who actually read this whole thing, thank you for reading my rant. I have so many things going on, and my ideas are all over which doesn’t make any logical sense. If you want to discuss anything, please send me an ask (and if you want it answered in private, please let me know). If you choose to not support Jinyoung, don’t.
At the end, am I wrong to not have ill-feelings towards Jinyoung?
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cybercnu · 6 years
Hey Emma I'mreally sad and know you must be sad as well, and you don't have to if you don't want to, but what do you think about the whole situation and what the future holds? I know this is a lot so please don't feel pressured
I mean it’s probably a good idea to get it all out so
Honestly I’m not surprised that they left, especially Baro but I’m still kinda stuck not knowing what exactly is going on besides them no longer being under the same company. I know that they don’t owe us anything really and they probably don’t know what exactly is going on at this point either but still, it’s driving me crazy like, we waited two months to find out what would happen and tbh we still don’t completely know what is going to happen. I thought it would be a case of if people left b1a4 would disband but that’s not how it’s happened and I didn’t really prepare myself for this situation at all? 
Honestly the one thing I want is for them to promote as 5 in the future, the thing that’s upsetting me most is that it’s possible we won’t get any more music from them together because that’s what this is all about I think. If CNU, Sandeul and Gongchan promote together in the future I really don’t like the idea of them using B1A4 as the name, it doesn’t even make sense without Baro and Jinyoung. I’d much prefer if it was something like a sub-unit you know? And B1A4 is left as it’s own entity but yeah. This news is making me feel really weird about CNU’s birthday vlive and maybe I’m being paranoid but I’m like... idk Jinyoung was writing in the comments yeah but why wasn’t he there then? No one really gave an explanation about where Jinyoung and Baro were and it could just be a coincidence by it makes me feel weird tbh. 
If they don’t continue promoting as 5 I’m gonna be so mad that Rollin’ was their last Korean promotions as ot5 they literally only appeared on music shows 5 times the showcase was thrown together and the only variety I recall them going on is knowing bros and weekly idol and that was it?? Do I love the album? Absolutely but in comparison to Good Timing things were absolutely terrible and WM barely promoted them idk I just wanted more from it and had been looking forward to a better promotion period and like I said, they don’t owe us anything really but still. 
Also I love Baro and Jinyoung the same but Jinyoung leaving has really shaken me just because he was the leader? I can’t really explain it more because I’m working myself up a bit but you get what I mean.
I guess the main thing is I still really love them and I feel they still love us a lot and I don’t think there’s any bad feelings between them all because they’re so close and it would be nice to hear something from them all but what can we do really. I just know that whatever happens I’m still gonna support them as much as possible, I’m still excited for Jinyoung’s movie to come out lmao
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mutiaasblog · 4 years
The History of teaching Multi-grade classes including the multi-grade program in the Philippines
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The Philippines. The highly centralized nature of public services has led to disparities in this a country of 70 million people distributed over more than 7000 islands. The more isolated rural areas are least likely to have public schooling and these are also the areas where poverty is highest. The government of the Philippines is aware that the existence of large concentrations of poverty and low level of education is not only inequitable, but also poses a threat to social stability, investor sentiment, and economic competitiveness. Poverty reduction has been one of the country’s highest priorities for over ten years. Despite government efforts, more than a fourth of the population remains in poverty. Throughout the 1990s, the government has emphasized increasing coverage of primary education and participation in primary school increased from 92.7% in the 1995/1996 school year, to 97% in the 1999/2000 school year. As the government emphasized increasing coverage, the quality of education was not necessarily addressed with the same resources and attention. As coverage increased, completion rates have decreased. At the primary school level, completion rates went from 72.1% in the 1996/1997 school year to 69.3% in the 1999/2000 school year. [World Bank Report Sept 2002]. Although worsening economic conditions and social unrest in parts of the country contributed to lower completion rates, the lack of complete primary schooling in a region also denies children the possibility of completing primary school. Barangays without a public elementary school have been reduced from 4234 in 1996/1997 to 1612 in 2001/2002 (DECS 2002b). However, the number of primary schools that do not offer all grades has increased. As many of the incomplete schools are multigrade schools in isolated rural areas, improvements in multigrade schooling is seen as a strategy to allow children to receive a complete primary education.
The United States was, once again, a forerunner in multigrade teaching. As early as 1918, about 70.8% of public schools in that country were one-room schools. This was no different in the Philippines. It was also the American missionaries who set up the multigrade classrooms around the same time and we have long since been developing the way this class is handled. However, multigrade teaching as a national strategy to improve access to and the quality of primary schooling was formalized with the launching of the Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE) in 1993.
The MPPE has the objective of improving access to primary education by providing complete grade levels in all public elementary schools through the organization of multigrade classes. It also aims to improve quality by increasing teachers’ abilities to work with more than one grade simultaneously through training and instructional materials. The Program works in five areas: curriculum and materials development; staff development; physical facilities; community support; and research, monitoring and evaluation. It has developed a guide minimum learning competencies for multigrade classes, a budget of work and lesson plan for multigrade teachers to follow, a handbook for teachers and example lessons, as well as materials to be used at different grade levels within the same classroom and other instructional materials such as a 100-book library, drill cards and other teacher-made materials. Effort has also gone into preschool training in the form of a handbook for preschool teachers and a workbook for preschool pupils.
Many of the curriculum innovations for multigrade schools were developed as part of the Multigrade Demonstration Schools Project (1995-2000) carried out in partnership with UNICEF. The purpose of this project was to show that multigrade teaching can be a viable alternative to single grade classes in areas where the uneven distribution of the pupil population make the establishment of regular monograde schools with a teacher for each of the six primary grades costly and inefficient. The project established demonstration schools in rural areas that historically received little support in terms of educational delivery. Over the course of the project, 24 demonstration schools were established that provided models of effective teaching-learning strategies, school and classroom management processes and community participation in education. The project provided observation tours to Colombia for teachers and administrators to see the Escuela Nueva multigrade program in that country and trained teachers through a series of workshops. Schools were provided with supplementary instructional materials for pupils and teachers in the form of handbooks, a small library, and self-instructional guides, and minimum facilities such as a water supply and toilet. Schools received furniture such as desks that could be easily moved for different activities in the classroom. The demonstration schools served as resource centers for other schools in their areas and the project generated more than 150 expansion schools by 1998.
UNICEF continues to support multigrade schools under its fifth Country Programme for Children (CPC V). The Child-Friendly School focuses on better learning opportunities for children through the involvement of families and communities in promoting inclusive gender sensitive learning environments and effective methods. Multigrade schools are also included in the UNICEF Infotech project that provides computers to schools. Other projects undertaken by the MPPE include the Pupil Learning Enhancement Program (PLEP), the Little Red Schoolhouse Project, the Multigrade Teacher Achiever and the Best Practices by Teachers in Multigrade Schools project. PLEP, which had assistance from the United Nations Develop Program (UNDP), focused on the development and printing of teaching and learning materials, the training of multigrade teachers and school administrators, and creating partnerships of government, nongovernment and community based organizations to support improved school quality. The Little Red Schoolhouse Project, which has assistance from the Coca-Cola Foundation Philippines, is providing adequately equipped three-room school buildings in 50 priority multigrade schools in the country. In addition to the construction of school buildings and the provision of classroom furniture, the project trains teachers and community members. The Multigrade Teacher Achiever and Best Multigrade Teaching Practices recognize performance and dedication of multigrade teachers working in disadvantaged schools.
A Review of Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools:
Based on the 2019 A Review of Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools in the Philippines, there are 8,379 multigrade schools out of the 38,911 public schools in the Philippines. In Region 7, there are 405 multigrade schools.
In support to the Multigrade Program of Philippine Education (MPPE) Omnibus Policy of the Department of Education (DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education (CHED), CNU in the year 2020 formally added a three-unit multigrade course in the curriculum of students taking Bachelor of Elementary Education during the second semester of their 3rd year in college.
CNU has started to incorporate multigrade in its Integrated Laboratory School (ILS) since 2002 where student interns are handpicked to teach a multigrade class of grades 1 to 3.Now, it has been reduced to two grade levels (grades 1 and 2) after practicing the combination method of DepEd.
In the past, student interns assigned for multigrade were given orientation and field study before the actual training but in the new curriculum, all students will be taught multigrade regardless if they will be handling monograde or multigrade during their internship period.
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sapphylicious · 8 years
Time for the B1A4 con report! First off, let me just say it was TOTALLY WORTH IT, but as soon as @cactuarneedles and I arrived back in KC at midnight we were like, “Let’s never go to California again.” It was that kind of trip.
First off, our connecting flight in Denver was delayed. Not by a lot, but in retrospect that set the tone for the rest of the weekend. We still managed to arrive in SF on Saturday around noon, checked in at the hotel, and then got ramen for lunch in Japantown. It’s been, oh, 11 years since I was last in SF for Hyde’s Faith tour, and wandering around Japantown was a bit nostalgic. I wanted to buy All The Things but couldn’t have fit anything else into my carry-on except a Pusheen shirt I ended up getting just because. Also, makeup remover, since I forgot to bring any and didn’t realize until I was putting on my eyeliner (very, very carefully). The salesperson in Kpop Beauty liked my Big Bang hoodie lol.
We were running out of energy fast since we’d been up since 4am Central, so we went back to the hotel and ordered in for dinner. I slept as I usually do in new places, which is to say, not well, but I managed not to be too tired on Sunday.
As for Sunday. 
It was raining all morning, and we’d bought umbrellas the day before at CVS, so we were like. The bare minimum of prepared. We also bought some trash bags to sit on. It was in the 50s but felt like it was in the 40s, and there was some wind, so overall it was a cold, wet, miserable experience. I’ve queued in line when it was colder (Akanishi Jin’s Yellow Gold tour in NYC in November was hella cold) but a) I was younger then, and b) I wasn’t being rained on. So Janel and I discovered our Too Old For This Shit threshold. If we hadn’t been close to the front of the line we probably would have said fuck it and stayed in the hotel room all day.
We took a break for lunch at a Vietnamese place where I was able to stop shivering for a while, and stayed there as long as we felt was reasonable. We’re not fans of the “claim a spot in line and then fuck off for the rest of the day until an hour before the doors open” tactic some people (read: assholes) like to use. Getting to be right in front of the stage is privilege you suffer for.
On the way back we decided to stop in a Target to buy some of those mini folding seats to help make the rest of the wait bearable (the trash-bags-on-ground was not working out for us). And this is where the trip really went to shit.
Janel left her purse in the restroom by accident. She realized it the moment we stepped outside and went back to the restroom in three minutes tops, and by then everything inside her purse had been stolen. Cash, cards, ID, keys -- the only thing she still had was her phone since it had been in her pocket (which luckily also had the tickets).
Soooo she pretty much spent the rest of the afternoon making phone calls and filing a police report -- not that the police could actually do anything about it, but it was good to have for getting through airport security for our flight back. So note: you can fly domestically without an ID, but it’s a huge pain for everyone.
At least by then it had basically stopped raining. There was a little bit of a situation when the lines were separated and we had to leave our spot to wait in another line for our VIP wristbands. I asked a girl I recognized being a couple people ahead of us to save our spot (couldn’t find the people who’d been directly in front or behind), but when we eventually got our wristbands I couldn’t find her again, or anyone else who had been near us in the original line. So we kind of just cut in at roughly the same area and miraculously no one gave us shit about it.
Let me just say, out of the several cons I’ve been to, B1A4 fans are the most chill. I remember standing in line for Big Bang and recalling how VIPs used to claim to be the most chill fans and lol nah man just nah. We chatted a little with the people around us, told the "everything got stolen” story a few times -- and also the “we’re from the Midwest” story. YOU PEOPLE IN LA AND SF DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE LIVING IN THE ENTIRE REST OF THE UNITED STATES. Travel for Kpop is a given. I’ve made weekend trips from the East Coast all the way to the West Coast for Kpop. This is also why we only go to cons for our absolute favorite groups, and will pull out all the stops for them. I figure I’ll only do this for B1A4, Big Bang, Epik High, TVXQ/JYJ, and maaaybe I might do it for VIXX. Maybe.
Getting into the venue wasn’t an issue and we wound up about four people back from the stage. We were hella sore by then, although I think it was worse for Janel since she was running back and forth a lot and under a ton more stress. Luckily the con didn’t start too late, and I forgot how much my feet hurt most of the time (I’m really glad I have a pair of comfortable boots).
So. B1A4 in person.
This is the first concert where I bothered to take pictures and record video, but I don’t know how some fans can dedicate their attention to recording the whole time because I was a flailing mess lol. THEY WERE SO CLOSE. They’re all really attractive in person??? I mean Gongchan is of course a given and he is EVEN MORE HANDSOME THAN ADVERTISED no wonder Sandeul and Jinyoung don’t shut up about how he looks. The suits they wore for most of the show were very nice and ESPECIALLY when they took off the jackets because men in waistcoats are my weakness. Jinyoung rolling up his shirtsleeves jesus christ and he does it all neatly too (whereas Baro’s sleeves kept falling and flopping around lol). Jinyoung is so fucking charming it’s unfair. When the water bottles came out he liked to hold them up and tease the crowd lmao how... typical...
CNU was amazing with the fanservice and the body rolls lol and he has such pretty hair. There was a moment duringggg I think Baby Goodnight when he and Gongchan were really cute together. I was filming Sandeul and had to quickly cut over to them with their arms around each other.
Baro did a lot of talking in English, I was surprised and impressed and I think this con has cemented him as third in my lineup of faves (Sandeul-Jinyoung-Baro-Gongchan-CNU). I feel like he interacted with the crowd best and I saw him paying attention to the balcony people often too, but someone needs to take the word “lit” away from him hahaha.
The venue was small so it was really easy for them to reach every part of the stage, we got to see all of them up close in roughly equal amounts but ngl my memory is like 70% Sandeul because I tracked him all across the stage.
BOY CAN HE SING. Not only does he sound amazing but you can tell just by looking at him how passionate he is, the way he moves and puts more of himself into it than the others do. The only way the con could have been more perfect is if he’d been able to perform a solo. Or just. If he could release a full-length solo album and then go on tour that was be okay too. He teased us by singing 그렇게 있어줘~ and augh so good. SO GOOD. AND SO CUTE. He’s so adorable I can hardly stand it. Near the end he was crouched down in front of us and stuck out his tongue bUT I DIDN’T MANAGE TO RECORD IT. OPPORTUNITY LOST.
I did however record the cheek squishing. It was so classic. Jinyoung goes for the cheeks, Sandeul tries to retaliate but misses, Jinyoung waits for a few seconds and then goes in again to get a good grip and Sandeul looks SO RESIGNED before he jerks his face away. They did this while Baro was talking and he was like “Hey, it’s my turn now!” lol poor Baro.
I also have some pics of CNU lowkey harassing Sandeul and Sandeul giving him this Look afterwards. And Gongchan fussing with Sandeul’s clothes. And Sandeul limp in Baro’s arms. I ship my bias with everyone, can you tell.
They were all so cute though, ugh, I love B1A4. I’m so glad I gave Kpop another chance after I thought the TVXQ breakup was the End Of All Things.
We fought with another girl over one of the towels thrown into the crowd. I only made a claim so it would be 2 vs 1 but we both lost the rock-paper-scissors battle and had to give it up. In retrospect we maybe should have played the “she was robbed today” pity card because you’d think after losing all the contents of your purse you could at least get a towel in compensation. We’re unfortunately not that combative though. At least this time the opponent didn’t cheat and throw down her choice late. Like I said, in terms of the fans B1A4 has much fewer assholes than I’m used to encountering.
I felt like a drowned rat by the end of the show and feared for my eyeliner but luckily it wasn’t running or even smudged (thanks, Stila stay all day waterproof liquid eyeliner). My hair was rather bedraggled though and after the rain and the water bottles it was like, why did I even bother curling it that morning, but what can you do.
I wanted to say something to everyone during the high touch -- I knew it was going to be quick but the staff really hurried everyone through which was annoying, and I had a holyshitholyshitholyshit internal monologue going when actually face to face with the boys. So I only managed a weak “thank you” to Gongchan who said it back (he’s so sweet ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥) and I blurted out a rather embarrassing “I love you!!” to Sandeul ahahaha god so much for being a cool, mature noona.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The walk back to the hotel was short, although we did wind up briefly walking in the wrong direction somehow because I can’t be trusted with directions even if the distance is only a few blocks. Our flight home was around 11am so we planned to get up extra early to have plenty of time for Janel to get through additional screening.
Aaaand then in the morning the flight was delayed to the afternoon, which would cause us to miss our connecting flight. So we had to book a whole new trip which didn’t leave until 3:20 pm.
Getting through security wasn’t too bad for either of us, and we waited around watching B1A4 fancams and reading fan accounts. As it got close to departure there were some confusing announcements about delays and we found out our gate had changed with no warning. Also the flight was slightly delayed. Luckily (?), our connecting flight in Vegas was also delayed. Still, by the time we got there we only had 15 min before we began boarding. 
(Also, even the airport in Vegas has slots lol.)
It was a veeery turbulent ride back. All of our flights for this trip have been turbulent, but that last one was the worst. I’m not afraid of flying but I can now understand how some people could be. At one point I looked over at Janel and said, “I hope we don’t die.” If the plane went down I decided I would just pray for a quick death and also to be reborn as a cat so I can spend my life eating, sleeping, and being petted.
Finally, around midnight, we were back in KC.
Me: Let’s never go to California again. Next time there’s a concert, NY or Chicago or even Jersey is fine. Janel: SF is a flaming trash heap. It is the Tumblr of cities.
Sorry, SF, I liked you for years but now I am okay with never setting foot in you again.
But still: WORTH IT.
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edivupage · 4 years
Carson-Newman University Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know
Overview of Carson-Newman University
Carson-Newman College is a private liberal arts institution situated in Jefferson City, Tennessee. The institution’s mission and curriculum focus on the whole student; intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth all get emphasis. Students can choose from over 60-degree options, and Academics are backed by a 13 to 1 student/faculty ratio and a mean class size of 16. Upper-level classes mean 6 to 8 students. With more than 50 clubs and 18 honor societies, student life is robust. The Carson-Newman Eagles play in the NCAA Division II South Atlantic Conference.
Total Enrollment: 2,560 (1,774 undergraduates)
Gender Breakdown: 41% Male/59% Female
94% Full-time
Cost of Attendance Information
Tuition and Fees: $28,900
Books: $1,600
Room and Board: $8,724
Other Expenses: $3,010
Total Cost: $42,234
Financial Aid Information
Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 100%
Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of Aid
Grants: 100%
Loans: 69%
Mean Amount of Aid
Grants: $19,944
Loans: $6,555
Academic Programs Offered
Most Popular Degree options: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Health Professions and Related Programs; Education; Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies; and Psychology
Retention and Graduation
First-Year Student Retention (full-time students): 63%
Transfer Out Rate: 35%
4-Year Graduation Rate: 40%
6-Year Graduation Rate: 51%
NCAA Athletic Programs
Men’s Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Track and Field
Women’s Sports: Basketball, Cheerleading-Dance Team, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Beach Volleyball
Overview of Carson-Newman University Admissions
CNU is not a selective institution, admitting 66% of students who submitted applications in 2016. Applicants must complete an online application, and send test scores from either the SAT or ACT and high school transcripts. Glowing recommendation letters can bolster your application, along with being involved with student organizations and attempting a challenging course load. Interested students should check out the university’s website, which has helpful tips and contact information for the admissions offices.
Admissions Data
Carson-Newman College Acceptance Rate: 66%
Test Scores — 25th/75th Percentile
SAT Critical Reading: 480/598
SAT Math: 480/570
SAT Writing: -/-
ACT Cumulative: 20/26
ACT English: 19/26
ACT Math: 18/24
Safety Net Schools: Easy to Gain Admission
If past admission data predicts that you would be a competitive candidate for Carson-Newman College, then it should be easy for you to gain admissions to the schools below. If Carson-Newman College is currently out of your reach, then you are sure to be a competitive candidate for the schools below.
California State University Northridge, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, California State University Fresno, California State University Bakersfield, California State University East Bay, Kean University, California State University Los Angeles
Same Tier: Just As Hard to Gain Admission
If you’re a competitive candidate for Carson-Newman College, then you should have an equal chance of gaining admissions at these schools.
Old Dominion University, Georgia State University, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, State University of New York at Fredonia, Montclair State University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, La Salle University
Reach Institutions: Gaining Admissions Will Be More of a Challenge
These schools are more challenging to gain admission into than Carson-Newman College. If you improve your GPA and SAT/ACT scores, then you’ll be a competitive candidate for these schools.
Quinnipiac University, Ohio University, University of Alabama, Pace University, University of North Texas, California State University Long Beach, Florida Gulf Coast University
Applying to Carson-Newman College
Application Deadline: Rolling
Undergraduate Admissions Website:
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Graduate Admissions Website: https://www.cn.edu/adult-graduate-studies
Graduate Application Link(s): https://www.cn.edu/adult-graduate-studies/apply-now
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Carson-Newman University Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know published first on https://sapsnkra.tumblr.com
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Joe’s Weather Blog: An island of cold in a sea of warmth (it’s a big island though) (THU-11/2)
Good afternoon…not exactly a bright and sunny “Chamber of Commerce” day out there…and the clouds that are around may be somewhat tough to get rid of…they’re certainly impacting the temperatures and I’m reminded today that over the weekend…today looked like a pretty mild day…before we got chillier tonight…it shows that during this time of the year…things will change from day to day…and timing out various cold fronts from 3-7 days away isn’t going to work out many times. I’ve written about this in the past…any 6-12 hour speed up or slow down…can  make a drastic difference in the weather we experience.
Tonight: Cloudy skies and chilly but not overly cold…lows in the upper 30s
Friday: Lots of clouds around but hopefully there may be a few breaks every so often. Cool too with highs around 50°…perhaps a few degrees warmer with enough sunshine. There may be some spotty showers Friday night or early Saturday
Saturday: Variable clouds and somewhat warmer with highs in the 60s with enough sunshine.
Sunday: We’ll start warm…just not sure how long that warm air will linger because of the progress of the cold front. Our high may occur in the AM before temperatures fall in the afternoon at some point. Let’s go with highs 65-70° before dropping about 5+°
Well sometimes once piece of information…one source of data can tell the weather story…and today it’s the visible satellite picture. Here is a shot from early this afternoon.
Notice all the “white” areas…that is cloud cover and in the case for today…low clouds around the KC area. The clouds are only a couple of hundred feet off the ground…and it just looks rather dreary out there today.
There has been a bit of mist or drizzle too adding to the “yuck” factor of the day.
There is actually some nice sunshine farther south of the KC Metro…and where the sun is out…it’s really a rather pleasant day in southern and even into central MO…the noon surface map confirms that too…note that the temperatures are in RED.
The front is between Chanute-CNU (60°) and Joplin (75°) …notice the temperatures (red numbers). Also notice the change between Chillicothe (CDJ) (52°) and Columbia (COU) (70°)
Then look at the chilly weather up to the north…
When I look at the bigger picture I wanted to point out a few things about now…and where we may be farther down the road.
1PM surface temperature anomalies (compared to average)
When we look at the hemisphere as a whole…notice the location of most of the blue-green-purple colors…mostly in the upper Midwest, most of central and western Canada and parts of the Northern Territories…just by the “look” of things you can see the darker red shades (warmth) overwhelming the colder colors (mostly).
So I thought we’d look back at the same temperature perspective from one year ago today…just to see how things looks. This is only a snapshot in time but there are vast differences…
Interesting to me that there was definitely more cold air in the hemisphere last year at this time…BUT what cold air is out there THIS year is on our side of the world at least…and it’s been in Canada and the northern US. Also of some interest to me is that continued mostly “warm” weather in the Arctic region. That cold air present up in Canada especially will allow some nice snow cover to develop up there…and odds are that will tend to refrigerate the air even more…that will ooze southwards into the US.
This snow creation can be a big factor over the winter season…these colder air masses might have an easier time dropping into our region at times…here is the current snow cover situation across the US. Check out the difference using the slider below
What this means in the even bigger picture, for example how this relates to the upcoming winter season, remains to be seen BUT I’m “somewhat” encouraged this year compared to last year.
November snowcover though is certainly a “fickle” thing…one significant warm-up can melt a lot of this in no time…but at least it’s something to pay attention too…and of note as well is the latest 6-10 forecast…indicating pretty chilly weather as being “most likely” up there too…
It just “looks” different this year…at least so far…it “feels” different too. November 2016 was almost 8° above average for the month as a whole…
That’ll do it for today…our feature shot is from Elain Bohannon up in Jameson, MO from Tuesday with the snow lightly covering things up there…on Halloween.
      from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/11/02/joes-weather-blog-an-island-of-cold-in-a-sea-of-warmth-its-a-big-island-though-thu-112/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/11/02/joes-weather-blog-an-island-of-cold-in-a-sea-of-warmth-its-a-big-island-though-thu-112/
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
i am a little worried that there won't be a wm (or a wm as they know it) for sandeul and onf to come back to. that would be such a shame after the huge leaps of faith they took in re-signing/ enlisting together. i really hope it pays off for them, they all deserve it so much. what is your dream scenario for wm activities in the next year?
honestly, I'm just trying not to think too much about it but I kinda share the same concerns. WM is obviously not in the best situation, and RBW doesn't appear to have any laid out plans to improve it.
God, I don't even know what my dream scenario would be. I just want the company to stay successful enough to keep the groups they already have afloat... but I guess in a perfect world, given the current situation:
Do something with Chaeyeon... I know all the other girl trainees are basically gone, but I hope they can at least keep some public and fan interest by giving her show appearances, brand deals, etc.
Keep Oh My Girl together... do what they need to to keep Jiho and Mimi with the company. Oh My Girl at this point will be the breadwinners, and they need to make sure they're supported and happy.
Give Yuto a single (or EP) to promote. Use his strengths as an all-rounder and dancer. Put him on a dance competition show if needed (and if he's interested)
A Shinchan promoted single would be nice. Or, if Gongchan isn't interested, a CNU EP/mixtape would be awesome. Especially since that would be something fairly inexpensive for the company to produce (especially if it's just a mixtape) that would still sell good enough with Bipo's fanbase.
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
omg about the cnu bday vlive i remember people saying that maybe it was not actually live and was prerecorded sothey wouldn't have seen jinyoung's comments but that seems weird like why prerecord a live lol? and it was definitely telling that it was just the three of them. And after the whole 2 month contract extension instead of renewing in April it was kinda clear that something was up but i personally thought more like the whole group would do a company switch (minus baro lol) 1/2
But yeah I think about that vlive all the time and it really makes me wonder if jinyoung's intent was to stay in the group but A3 wouldn't let him under the circumstances. But then that comes back to if there had been open communication they wouldn't have been so surprised by the departure idk theres just so much about the whole situation that seems funny and doesn't quite fit 2/2
ok but it's funny you bring up it being pre-recorded. If you go back and look at the comments Jinyoung was writing, he even makes that point-- to me he basically comes across as saying 'wow you guys are ignoring my comments to the point I thought it was pre-recorded' -- but it wasn't. It was live, for CNU's birthday.
I felt the same as you leading up to it, thinking it'd be all of them leaving WM. It's actually kinda funny (not really but y'know lol) going back and looking at my posts and asks from around that time-- my thought was Jinyoung and CNU were both the most likely to leave, with the rest of the members just following them, but Baro overall being the hardest to pin down given the shit that happened to him leading up to their contract renewals.
I guess looking back now (hindsight's always 20/20) it seems very obvious that CNU, Sandeul, and Gongchan were doing things together as three in the months leading up to the renewal. Possibly starting from the original announcement of the extension in April 2018. Which maybe signifies that there was some communication going on regarding contracts? But I think the full extent of it was definitely not discussed, and as I mentioned before in my contract posts, in Jinyoung's case, I bet the fact he had a whole company and team for himself lined up definitely came as a surprise. Or if not a complete surprise, definitely caused some tension.
It is kinda a funny situation. Maybe at some point I'll try and make a bit of a timeline (if I happen to have that much free time on my hands lmaoo) just to fully see looking back how much strangeness was really there. I know that Drunk Dingo Rollin' performance always struck me as strange back in 2017 to the point I even made a post about it. But it's hard to pinpoint where the actual turning point was, if any.
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
Hey Britt
I haven't really seen it mentioned anywhere, but I personally found it very interesting when CNU encouraged Bana especially to support ONF by watching their concert online.
And even more so when CNU and Gongchan made it obvious that they were at the concert on the Saturday night. With CNU following that up with a photo of A3 with ONF backstage.
AKA, the same night as JY's fan meeting.
I really think that says enough about relationships between him and A3, don't you?
(I love the quiet way that CNU goes on being salty about the situation).
Have a great day!
Truthfully, they always tended to post messages of support to their label mates during new releases, comebacks, or concerts, so I don't feel that it's CNU (or Gongchan or Sandeul) purposefully telling BANAs to support ONF as much as them just... being supportive label mates lol. Jinyoung and Baro posted messages of support as well when they were still under WM, so I think it's just something they do.
And I think them going to the concert was also them just being supportive company seniors? They all also supported Oh My Girl for their concert as well. I really don't think there's any ulterior motive in this case lol.
For the fanmeet being the same night, Jinyoung's fanmeet was on the 11th, right? And I had originally thought Shindeulchan went to ONF's concert on the final day, the 12th? But even if it was the same day, what is true is ONF had announced their concert dates being Dec. 9th-12th back in October whereas Jinyoung announced his fanmeet date of Dec 11th in November. Whether or not Jinyoung at this point follows ONF and had any idea his fanmeet would overlap with their concert is up for discussion; But even while the timing may be a bit coincidental, I'd honestly give him the benefit of the doubt too-- I don't think he'd be going out of his way to have it at the same time.
So I guess all this to say is while there's a lot of discussion to be had about their current relationships, I at least don't think this has anything to do with it. (Hopefully 😅).
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shinwhoohoo · 4 years
Boy do I have so much to say about the whole jinyoung thing. generally speaking, I never read too much into Jinyoung( and baro) leaving WM. I have been a kpop fan for well over 10 years and while I haven't really loved a group as much as i love B1A4, I have seen a number of groups and their members leave. So when I read things of people seeming so salty and mad about the whole split, I can't really relate./1
Ultimately, both Jinyoung and Baro did what the believed was the best for themselves and what they wanted in their career. I believe when it came down to contract renewal, Jinyoung being the generally ambitious person that he is, was basically sweettalked into Link8 with slightly empty promises( and maybe even asked to contribute some funds to the creation of the company). 2/
Link8 just generally didn’t seem like they knew how to manage an artist like jinyoung who wanted to work as an actor as well as still work on music. Like they had a general idea but I don’t believe they knew to what extent how much it would take. They essentially just fumbled, like a lot. Like sure he did a few things here and there but honestly when you hear that an artist or even actor has an exclusive contract with a company, you kinda just expect more. 3/
Like hey they’re going invest so much money into promoting their talents, get them as many great roles as possible, etc. And that kind of just didn’t happen. To add onto that, jinyoung had to enlist. And they definitely weren’t as prepared as they could of been. (there’s the excuse that they were a small newly established company but ultimately that’s just an excuse). In addition to their only talent and source of income not being able to work, the pandemic started in 2020.
So that’s an even bigger strain on the company. So, hearing that Jinyoung left Link8, does not surprise me. They generally let him down as well as his fans. I think it was silly in the first place for him to not sign with an acting agency( though I’m assuming he wanted something that was more tailored to who he was and what he wanted to do as a celebrity) 5/
While I don’t think he will be returning to the group anytime soon, I do believe perhaps there is a chance that eventually they will come back together. being apart of B1A4 is not something he can easily erase and it is where a good bit of his fans came from. He did make a lot of promises about B1A4 always being one and the like, which I’m sure is why there are fans who are still bothered or upset. But alternatively think about if he had been more realistic about everything? 6/
fans would of been bothered by that too. Maybe he shouldn’t of talked about it as much as he did and that would of made this entire situation better. All in all, I’m a BANA that is more bothered by Link8 and how they approached and handled a lot of things concerning Jinyoung more than I am at Jinyoung himself. 7/
He could of done better with how he decided to go but I don’t believe he ever wanted to flat out drop B1A4, but if anything he wanted to put some distance between that part of his career and what he wanted next. ultimately. A3 is great and all of them together is great too. I hope whoever he signs with after his enlistment is just generally better and more experienced. Not simply recycling ideas for promoting their talent. 8/
Wow, now I think this is the longest ask I’ve ever gotten! haha thanks for sharing all your thoughts~
That’s good you can distance yourself from it. Admittedly that’s probably the most ideal way to handle it, but I guess it’s easier said than done for some of us. 
I agree, Baro and Jinyoung did what they thought was best for themselves. And I’ve never faulted them for that. My only critique has always been in how they left, and the pain we can see from CNU, Sandeul and Gongchan over it. But I’ve written enough posts and answered enough asks about that 😅
LINK8 has just always seemed a bit of a mess. I mean, it seemingly popped out of nowhere, and the timing of its creation and Jinyoung joining just all seemed a bit suspect. Again, I’ve talked enough about that but I’ll just say I essentially agree with your points made in your 3rd through 5th paragraphs regarding how LINK8 just was not good lol. And personal opinion, but I think a lot of how they ‘dropped the ball’ goes hand in hand with him having a more prominent role in the company, and then just not being there during public service to run it. And by ‘it’ I mean his own promotions, not necessarily the company as a whole. But who knows, he could have been helping run the company as a whole too. There’s just so much we don’t know about LINK8, and with it seemingly ceasing to exist, we’ll probably never know.
The point you make about Jinyoung talking about Bipo always being one vs. him being more realistic is something I haven’t talked about as frequently as the other things, but I did mention at least once here. Basically, I agree he was kinda in a ‘damned if he did, damned if he didn’t’ situation. I understand why he felt the need to continue on the ‘7 year curse? I don’t know her’ train despite the fact he probably already knew he was gonna be leaving. Like I get it, I really do. the Kpop world isn’t exactly the kinda place where he would have had the freedom to actually be transparent, for the sake of the fans. The only thing I can say about that is looking back, I wish he wasn’t just so intense about ‘B1A4 being one forever’... like he was mentioning it even up until their 7th anniversary VLive, a mere two months before he actually left. But I understand his reasons.
Regarding you last paragraph, “...but I don’t believe he ever wanted to flat out drop B1A4, but if anything he wanted to put some distance between that part of his career and what he wanted next” idk. I guess this is where I may have to disagree. Of course, at the end of the day all we’re doing is sharing individual opinions, we’ll never know for sure, so no one is right or wrong. But I don’t think I can truly agree with this 100%. While I don’t think someone ‘wanting distance’ is the same as ‘flat out dropping’, I do think it’s a very fine line to walk. If Jinyoung (or Baro) didn’t want to actually drop the group, then why did they leave in a way that made A3 so upset? Them leaving WM and signing to other agencies was more than enough to distance themselves, if that’s all they really wanted. However, it always seemed there was more to it than that-- Sandeul tweeting about how shocked and confused he was mere hours after the news dropped, not leaving his house for a month, Gongchan completely breaking down over it, how apologetic CNU was that he couldn’t keep them together as five, idk. This just seems more than just them leaving the company to create some distance. This to me signals it went down maybe in not the best way, that while they ‘didn’t technically leave the group’ it certainly might as well be that way for A3. This seems like a complete break to me, not just a distance.
But again, just personal opinion based on what we have seen and heard. I’m never going to say there’s no chance they won’t all get together again, just that it’ll definitely be some time. I don’t think any of them want to all get back together right now, including Baro and Jinyoung. (Obviously, if B1A4 was their top priority, then they wouldn’t have left in the first place, so this makes sense and I respect that). The best for Jinyoung though, hopefully if he is actually signing with BB Entertainment, they can give him what he’s truly searching for. And hopefully we’ll see Baro in some acting roles soon, too! I always loved his acting, so I’ll be looking forward to that~
Thanks for sharing all your thoughts again, I appreciate you taking the time to do so.
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thesuitelife547 · 4 years
“I’m sorry to the fans of B1A4” CNU’s Last Interview Before Enlisting [ARTICLE TRANS]
This is a re-post from something I previously had on my tumblr. This is just the translation of the questions and answers. I don’t have the link to the original article yet with the pictures. I have obtained the original articles! Thanks to Shimybana04 on Twitter!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Marisa
[t/n: I just combined the 3 parts of the questions. The introduction parts were all basically the same]
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Last year, idol group B1A4 went through a big change. Members Jinyoung (28, Jung Jinyoung) and Baro (27, Cha Sunwoo) left WM Entertainment after their contracts expired leaving CNU (28, Shin Dongwoo), Sandeul (27, Lee Junghwan), and Gongchan (26, Gong Chanshik) to be arranged into a 3-membered group.
 Although it was a path chosen in order for them to develop themselves, but when seen from the viewpoint of the fans that have been cheering for them, there are many regrets. The members cannot ignore these types of feelings the fans have. And at their first fanmeeting as a 3-membered B1A4, held last month on the 5th, CNU stated, while crying, “I can’t repay what is owed to the heart even if I try to repay it for the rest of my life.” With a sorrowful heart, he was apologetic for being unable to keep B1A4 as 5 members as the oldest.
 After the fanmeeting, CNU is enlisted in the military last month on the 22nd. He is the first B1A4 member fulfilling his duty and was preparing for the second stage of his life. Before his enlistment, Star News met with CNU for a ‘Let’s Have A Meal’ interview. It would be his last for the fans before the enlistment. We met CNU at in Seoul at a Korean-style full course meal restaurant as he felt grateful and apologetic towards fans as he thought about having to leave for a little.
 How are you feeling right before you enlist in the army?
It feels surreal, a little complicated. There are times when I feel empty, uneasy, and even liberated. Of course I have to go, but as it gets closer, there are various types of overlapping emotions.
 Is it a bit burdensome since you’re going later? [t/n: as in age wise]
Haha. Going late isn’t something to be proud of. As an artist, I have activities and unavoidable situations therefore rather than being burdened, I’m worried about the members. My biggest worry is about leaving the younger ones behind.
 What kinds of things did you talk with the members about?
It’s more like we don’t really talk about the big thing. Haha. Still, they decided that they’d go with me the day that I do enlist.
 When you look at the other celebrities that went to the army, there’s always talk about how they really miss girl groups. CNU-ssi, what girl group do you think you’ll miss the most?
Um…I’ll go with being a fan of Oh My Girl. I should take care of our kids. Haha. They’re popular in military units. Nowadays they’re becoming more popular and they’re also my company juniors. It’d be nice if they could visit, if possible…haha. But since I think that could possibly put pressure on them, I want to tell them that I understand if they can’t come.
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How do you spend your time?
I’ve been busy recently and I think I’ll continue to be up until the day before I enlist. It was eventful for us last year, too. I was in a drama and more recently we were preparing for our fanmeeting. There is a fanmeeting in Japan scheduled for February, but I can’t attend because I’ll be in the army. We were preparing for various things. Since there was a little bit of a change to B1A4, we were preparing a lot of things in order to show fans a good image of us. We were seriously planning a lot of things.
 Can you tell us about what you had planned?
There was the fanmeeting. I also thought that it’d be good if B1A4 were able to quickly put out an album. It’s been such a long time since we released an album. I’m really sorry to the fans for undergoing this change. I thought that quickly releasing an album would be a way to ask for a little forgiveness from the fans. I wanted to have an album, fanmeet, and even a concert.
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A little while ago you held a fanmeeting as a 3-membered group. I figure that it would feel differently. You even shed a lot of tears…
Rather than it being anyone’s fault that B1A4 is in a situation where we have to continue as a 3-membered group, I think everyone shares responsibility. I think we should live while being apologetic to the fans. The 5 members are the ones directly in B1A4, but B1A4 isn’t just ours. There is the company that made us and also the fans. For someone out there, B1A4 being in their life could be everything to them and there could also be people who feel like we’re the ones who give them energy…I feel like we committed a great sin to those people. It’s not like I want to find out who did what, I’m just very sorry about this situation and I think I cried a lot.
 I think those feelings would be bigger since you’re the eldest.
That’s right. There’s a sense of regret to it, like ‘If I had done a better job, wouldn’t it have been a better situation?’ I feel sorry towards the fans and the members. The fans who had come to the fanmeeting told me a lot of things like, “It’s not your fault, don’t feel sorry,” but I think I’ll have this apologetic heart for the rest of my life. I think I should have it for the rest of my life. Because we made a crack in their memories of us, I think I should pay it back in the future.
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Your first activity after your contract renewal with WM Entertainment was a drama. You challenged your first project, SBS drama Miss Ma: Goddess of Revenge. How was it? [t/n: they wrote more like how Miss Ma is his first like drama role. He was in a previous drama, but that was a daily drama and is considered to be in a different category]
Just acting on TV is such a great opportunity for me. It’s a project that I’m very thankful for. The fans have also seemed to have wanted me to be in a drama. I’m really happy that I was able to have an opportunity to try it out. I was able to work with mostly everyone besides the children actors, so I was able to really learn a lot. I think that this project was able to lay the foundation for future growth.
 In the past you’ve done a lot of musical activities before, is there a difference between that and acting?
There’s a difference either way. Some of the continuing habits that I have from musicals sometimes appeared when I was acting for TV. There were times when my seniors gave me advice on some of the technical stuff, like telling me to calm down my tone. And because Sung Jiru-sunbae and I were together a lot, he taught me a lot about the type of attitude that an actor should have and the type of skills while at the filming site. It’s a project where I really learned a lot.
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How was your chemistry with your senior actors?
Kim Yoonjin-sunbae really looked upon me favorably. I’m really thankful. Because she hadn’t seen me as actor CNU before, I think she worried about how I would act. After the script reading, we went out for a company dinner and while we were there, she spoke to me first saying, “Your speaking and breathing are good, it’s clear that you’ve prepared a lot for this. I’m very grateful.”
 I was even more touched because such a big senior had said that to me. She also taught me a lot about acting while we were on site. She acknowledged and liked me as a singer and has also monitored and listened to the songs that I have written. It was such a big opportunity for me to be able to share those things with my senior. There could be a prejudice by other actors for being an idol turned actor, but I’ve been acknowledged as an actor and singer. I’m very thankful.
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You had a love line with Go Sunghee.
There’s only a one-year age difference between Sunghee-noona and I, but I think dropping the age difference between us made the love line more comfortable. She treated me very well. I’m thankful. It is a love line but it’s a bit of a disappointment that we hadn’t held hands or hugged. Haha. We said that we should do another project together. It was fun acting together because she has such an easy-going personality.
 You and Bae Dohwan, who was also in drama, played a cop. Did you guys have any preparation beforehand?
One of my friends from high school is a real cop. As soon as I was casted I had called that friend and asked him detailed things like, “How do you salute?” or “Can you take off your hat when you’re in the station?” I think I was able to get information rather easily because of my real-life cop friend.
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Together with Sandeul and Gongchan, after the contract renewal, I think that you guys would have become stronger together.
I think that it has. I have certainly become more concerned about things that I wasn’t concerned about before and as the eldest, I feel like there are more things I have to take responsibility for. We also see each other and contact each other more.
 I’m curious about your reasons for renewing your contract.
From the very beginning I had no desire to leave. Of course there’d be complaints and misunderstandings since we were in this company for so long; however, no matter how I saw it, they grew us and it was because of this company that I was able to debut, so my feelings about renewing my contract grew. Even though I can’t promise to stay with them for the rest of my life, at least for this time I had wanted to renew my contract and stay together.
 I don’t think the 5 of us thought the same thing. Although it’s something that the company knows now, at the time of our contract renewal, it wasn’t like I didn’t meet with other companies. There were good offers from many good companies, but in the end, I believe that it is with this company that I’m able to securely do the things that make my heart comfortable to my fullest extent. Sandeul and Gongchan also had that kind of mindset.
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When you go to the army, who will you think about the most?
The fans is first place. I believe I’ll think about the fans the most. While I should also think about my family, friends, and members, of course, I think I’ll miss the fans the most. Even at our recent fanmeeting, seeing all of the fans gathered together and holding signs to cheer for us I thought, “There’s no greater blessing than this for me.” I don’t think I should ever forget about my gratitude for the fans.
 What are your plans after you get discharged?
I feel like my time spent in the military is the second part of my life, it feels like I’m starting the turning point. Thus far in order for B1A4’s activities to go further, I feel like we have gotten onto the footholds and once I’m discharged from the army, I think we’d be able to fly and run stronger. I’ll also run step by step towards the planned things that I wasn’t able to do before enlisting in the army. I have a lot of debt for the fans’ hearts, so I have to pay it back, even if it’s just a little.
 I want to release an album as soon as I’m discharged. So far there are about 8-9 songs that I have written. Sandeul also has written about 3-4. We have been worried about what direction our music should go in as we continue as a 3-membered B1A4. The songs that I have written while worrying about that is enough to fill a regular album. I think quickly finishing and releasing a B1A4 album after I’m discharged is my goal. I think with the first step being music, I’ll be able to let go of this apologetic feeling that I have towards the fans.
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shinwhoohoo · 4 years
This is gonna be long sorry omgOn the differences in opinion- I think it has to do a lot with the level of involvement in B1A4 as a group. Seems like there were a lot of fans that were only fans for jy after litm but probably couldn't have named the other members so ofc they're gonna want jy back and take things like him leaving "b1a4 jinyoung" as his bio or whatev as a sign that he's "just left the company not the group!" (1/?)
(lmao can't believe that's still being said after A3 has put in so much work to continue as 3 like dont disrespect them like that please. They named their album origine for a reason bc it's like a rebirth lol jy is never coming back sorry everyone) And people that were like "who's gonna write their songs if jy is gone" w/o realizing they actually had 2 amazing songwriters in the group but CNU's songs were always crowded out by jy and jy always got the "jinthoven" credit or whatever. (2/?)
ANYWAY yeah i think it might come down to like singles fans vs full album fans if you know what i mean? i never had twitter so idk why it seems like more casual fans are over there though. On a side note I think A3 has made it clear that b1a4 is a three member group now and i don't see any future where jy would be allowed back in (not sure about baro, his situation was a lot different i remember talking to someone in like jan 2018 about how i though baro wouldn't resign his contract) (3/?)
Like i miss the 5 of them and i love them all but the level of trauma it was to A3 seems like it would be impossible to overlook. Like sometimes i wish i could be back w my ex but like it couldn't ever be the same as when it was good bc i've been hurt and we are different ppl bc of it and i feel like that's the same for b1a4 lol sorry to get personal. ot5 wouldn't be the same and what we have now with cnu, sd, and gc is better than anything a "current" ot5 would be. (4/?)
(but also my secret fever dream hope is that cnu and baro make some music together not as b1a4 just as a lil side project when sd and gc have to enlist lol obv not gonna happen but a girl can dream) okay that's it thank you for reading i don;t get to talk to anyone about b1a4 ever bc i deleted my tumblr and just come check in when something happens so i might have gone overboard but i loveee b1a4 so much and im sure everyone says this ab their fave group but b1a4 is special and the best (5/5)
Oh my gosh don’t apologize, there’s nothing I love more than getting a long ask like this!!
Totally. Jinyoung gained so much recognition After ‘Moonlight’ and being part of Produce 101 that a lot of fans probably just came on board at that time for him. And just being a fan of B1A4 because you’re a fan of his means you probably don’t follow what actually goes on with the rest of the members.
lol and I know-- you’d think naming the album ‘Origine’ and basically them talking about how it’s a fresh start as three etc. would be enough of a clue but again, who knows how closely these ‘fans’ are even following A3 now and what they say during promotions. It’s a shame though because they’re missing out on some really good CNU compositions. The whole ‘Jinthoven’ thing is funny-- at the time it started years ago I never thought much of it. But maybe it kinda got to his head after a while. And it definitely did overshadow the fact that CNU (and now Sandeul) also composes for the group.
The situation for sure seems different. I think Baro would probably be welcomed back sooner if it was of any interest to him. But Shindeulchan have for sure made it clear that the group is 3 for now. There’s been no mention whatsoever of ‘but we’ll welcome Jinyoung and Baro back’. There’s hardly been any mention of them, in general. And if there is, A3 doesn’t even refer to them by name so... yeah.
That’s a good point. When Baro and Jinyoung left, they started a new path for themselves. Prior to that, all five were on the same path, the same basic trajectory as a group who did so much together for 7+ years. Those paths no longer run together. So the last 2 and a half years has allowed them to grow differently, where even if they were all to get back together, it just might not be the same anyways. 
god a 2woo single of mix tape would have been fire. Yeah, probably not gonna happen but I’ll share that dream with you 🥲
Thanks for dropping by and talking with me about it!! Even if you don’t have Tumblr anymore, anytime you wanna drop and ask to talk, feel free to~!
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