fluffy-lovely-clouds · 7 months
AYY listen I like the jungle book JDMGJ /gen
I WATCHED IT WITH MY MOM that was. Not fun when certain scenes came up 😭
HIIII ASH! Sorry I disappeared again last night rhsjjfdj,, had to go to bed :o)
But YES, THOSE scenes I swear. THREE, there's THREE different scenes FJDJSJFJ,, I've wondered for a long time now why Walt or whatever writer it was decided to put so many in there lol. Like I guess I can get it being a funny run-on gag, BUT STILLLL. Was someone in the writing room touch starved of what-
I'll,, I'll just shut up now before I start rambling lol
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s1e10 asylum (w. richard hatem)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
search up, as my kids would say, what to do when your fixation takes a left turn. spn is definitely still my main thing, but i also just completely lost interest in trying to watch it again. i thought having the project of doing my little writeups for the eps i hadn't done would carry me along, like it did through the episodes/season i struggled with, but alas. not so much
lot of the little xfiles sound effect being used in this teaser bit with the cops searching the building. ps i've learned a lot about the history of abuse against disabled folks including the history of them being placed in institutions like this from imani barbarin (crutches and spice) and current disability advocacy etc; give her a follow.
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dude that's a sweet little car, wonder if that's someone on the cast/crew's. in a different life i would have been down to mod my car too (i have a little 2006 black acura rsx that i love dearly)
the coloring and darkness i can't tell if that drip out of the ghostly possessed cop is blood or the black goo lol
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such a pretty shot i love it and it's got that @dappermouth gothic americana vibe in spades and i kinda wanna paint it somehow. juxtaposed with the most bland boring font in the title screen lol
DEAN Caleb hasn't heard from him? SAM Nope. And neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim. What about the journal? Anything leads in there?
thanks for the links to the characters from the transcript, wiki! trying to pay attention to what all the boys know about other hunters etc. also kind of creepy note in the caleb wiki entry: According to Jo's Journal, Jo was forced by her mother to refer to Caleb as "Uncle Caleb."
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SAM After all that happened back in Kansas, I mean...he should've been there, Dean. You said so yourself. You tried to call him and...nothing. DEAN I know! (He rummages through his duffel) Where the hell is my cellphone? SAM You know, he could be dead for all we know. DEAN Don't say that! He's not dead! He's – he's... SAM He's what? He's hiding? He's busy?
the sass on the "he's busy?" made me laugh out loud
SAM (snorts) This is a job... Dad wants us to work a job. DEAN Well, maybe we'll meet up with him? Maybe he's there? SAM Maybe he's not? I mean, he could be sending us there, by ourselves, to hunt this thing. DEAN Who cares! If he wants us there, it's good enough for me! SAM This doesn't strike you as weird? The texting? The coordinates? DEAN Sam! Dad's tellin' us to go somewhere, we're goin'.
(little crispy R on weird)
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SAM makes a bitchface and sighs.
okay transcriber 😂 dean's so relieved to get some orders
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psst dean i think you're supposed to act at least a little mad or somethin after getting thrown around by fake-mad sam
i was trying to find a gif of dean spider monkey'ing over the chainlink fence but instead ended up in the tags of a gifset of that scene with sam shoving dean and apparently some people read this as dean was hurt (emotionally) by sam being too rough with him because he's mad about other stuff? which is 100% not what i got from his reaction. if that's what he was going for, i did not pick it up
DEAN Shoved me kinda hard in there, buddy boy.
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i'd expect a "look" to be like, wtf bro? not kind of... dazed and almost smiling
well. i can't find a gif of what i was looking for and i am reminded of why i don't search for spn stuff across the site vs just a blog that i know rb's lots of gifsets. i think that's enough for tonight
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i just made the gifs instead 🧍‍♂️🤸‍♂️🧍‍♂️
also realizing why watching these first season episodes is especially exhausting, there's so much backstory and and character establishing going on that i have Thoughts about damned near every scene when they're talking, so it's just a lot of me prattling on and on. it's like a book report for every episode. because if i'm gonna talk about the episode, i'm gonna Talk About the Episode.
DEAN Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel. SAM Dude, enough. DEAN I'm serious. You gotta be careful, all right? Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got going on. SAM I told you, it's not ESP! I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams. DEAN Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell.
a) you see dead people too, dean b) ->
Pride Program offers personal perspective on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ era
By Stefanie Hauck DLA Land and Maritime Public Affairs
When Jason Guthrie was in the Navy, he thrived for the first time in his life, garnering many accolades, challenging assignments and promotions. But one moment brought his upward trajectory to a screeching halt, resulting in his discharge in 1996 after four years of service. Guthrie, who served during the “don’t ask, don’t tell” era, spoke about his experiences as a gay man trying to find his way in an unaccepting world, during the 2024 Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month program June 5 at the DLA Land and Maritime Operations Center Auditorium on Defense Supply Center Columbus. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” stipulated that gay service members were not required to disclose their sexual orientation, but could still be dishonorably discharged if they were discovered to be gay.  Thousands of service members – including Guthrie - were drummed out of the service under the law until its repeal in late 2010.
... His early interactions with other closeted gay military members around him, eventually led to his acceptance that he was gay at a time when “don’t ask, don’t tell” was the new law of the land. Guthrie said at the time it all seemed so straight forward. “You don’t ask me, I don’t tell you,” he said about the law. “It seemed to make perfect sense to me but many of my fellow closeted service members did not agree with that compromise. So, we all did the best we could to live our lives and pursue our military careers.” He focused on his work and was determined to be the best sailor that he could be. And by keeping social distractions to a minimum, he thrived in his early Navy career being promoted often and receiving many awards while working in strategy and policy for the chief of Naval Operations at the the Pentagon. ... After a tour in Bahrain, where he worked as an awards writer for the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, he arrived at his last duty station in 1996 at a low point after ending his first serious relationship prior to rotating back to the United States. “I was in the U.S. military and in the closet,” he said, “I knew I would need to transfer again, and he would not be able to join me.” What would be his last assignment was challenging for him in many ways. He had a roommate again after living independently for a while, and the people he worked with resented his rapid rise in rank and his previous ‘cushy’ assignments. “I was in a low mental state and had a hard time connecting with people,” he said.  This is where he said he made the biggest mistake of his military life by inviting someone into his room while his roommate was away at work. He thought it would be OK to do so because his roommate who was a flight mechanic was on a different shift. However, his roommate did show up while he had that individual in his room. “That’s when I heard a sound I’ll never forget. A key entering the door lock,” Guthrie said. His roommate did not say a word, went about his business and left while Guthrie and the individual were hiding under the bed covers. “I went to work the next day thanking God I dodged that bullet,” he said, “But my relief was soon replaced with fear when I was called into the command master chief’s office a few days later.” That conversation revolved around working out the issue with his roommate, but the impasse was so great it was reported to the unit’s legal office, resulting in several rounds of questioning until Guthrie admitted that there was another man in his room and that he was gay.   The next four months were torturous for Guthrie, while he went through the process of getting discharged from the Navy.
i was gonna include some history of DADT but i think this story is more important. the policy only ended in 2011. i know don't ask don't tell was a common punchline for many years, i'm the same age as them, i get it. i also think it's gross. it's that casual homophobia of the time period where people are sort of more openly chill about queer people theoretically, but they're still a joke. and the joke here i guess is sam's psychic stuff is freaking dean out and he doesn't want to hear it? but he's the one that brought it up. whatever, man.
(wikipedia) After the policy was introduced in 1993, the military discharged over 13,000 troops from the military under DADT.[111][231][232] ... In September 2021, on the 10th anniversary of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal, President Joe Biden announced that the Veterans Administration would start providing benefits for service members who received other-than-honorable discharges (before DADT was enacted and while it was in effect) because of their sexual orientation.[215]
anyway. sigh.
DEAN Hey Sam, who do you think is the hotter psychic: Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you? SAM pushes DEAN, who laughs.
so we gotta round it out with a little bit of calling sam a girl, of course. people call this flirting, i call it teasing with sort of a rotten core of a joke. i have a tag for it, as i go through the rewatch - the more overt (to me) things about masculinity/gender policing in the show. i think i miss some of that stuff. hey fellas, is it girly to have psychic powers
DEAN Man. Electro-shock. Lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people. Kinda like my man Jack in Cuckoo's Nest. (makes crazy eyes and grins at SAM)
at least his impression bombed :p (my mental check: jack nicholson is the actor, jack nicklaus is the golfer; showing my age, natch)
i don't mean to pick on dean. just unfortunately the writers saddled him with most of the ~problematic~ lines. this is another case where i tend to zoom out and blame the writing and mentally keep it a little separated from the character. which isn't fair but it allows me to continue liking him :p and i'll even give that okay, so he was more homophobic as a character at this age in this time period and he grew past it. which he did, mostly. but then they'll have something like the 8x23 thing and then i squarely blame the writers (and honestly probably jackles too) and keep it separate from dean entirely because it's inconsistent to him at that point and nonsensical.
woof. shut up, bro.
SAM Dean. When are we going to talk about it? DEAN Talk about what? SAM About the fact Dad's not here. DEAN Oh. I see. How ’bout...never. SAM I'm being serious, man. He sent us here... DEAN So am I, Sam. Look, he sent us here, he obviously wants us here. We'll pick up the search later. SAM It doesn't matter what he wants. DEAN See. That attitude? Right there? That is why I always get the extra cookie. SAM Dad could be in trouble, we should be looking for him. We deserve some answers, Dean. I mean, this is our family we're talking about. DEAN I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order. SAM So what, we gotta always follow Dad's orders? DEAN Of course we do.
i know you'll come around, dean, but let that simmer for a second. that's fucked up.
laughing at the idea that you could get a same day/next day appointment with a psychiatrist even in 2005
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not in his usual little sneakers. kinda look like hush puppies or the like. but then his boots were slip ons too, once he moved to those. and jared still wears some of his old spn boots lol, mentioned at a con recently
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huh! another actual brand. men's health magazine and that looks like.. damon from tvd? on the cover? oh, funny, it's seann william scott (the only way i dredged that one up after finding a picture was thinking he might have been with kutcher in dude, where's my car? [he was])
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our generation (myself included) loves a long sleeve under short sleeve shirt
ELLICOTT You. Now I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you all about the Roosevelt riot, if you tell me something honest about yourself. Like, uh, this brother you're road tripping with. How do you feel about him? DEAN Dude! You were in there forever. What the hell were you talking about?
to be a fly on that wall. that said, i have faith in sam's abilities to bullshit well enough that doctor man buys his story. or maybe he took the opportunity to rant consequence-free, who knows!
hey sammy's got the camcorder out at the hospital, like they used in bloody mary? i thought that was a one and done (they may have used it since and i didn't notice/think about it too)
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SAM This place is orbing like crazy.
IT'S ORBIN' TIME! haha also apparently only mentioned in this episode. but it did get a wiki entry because it was in the official website definition thing
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KAT And Dean? He's your boss? SAM No.
partners, baby
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brooke nevin / sydney sweeney
she reminds me of sydney sweeney a bit. pretty, blonde hair, with big eyes and similarly shaped mouth. apparently brooke nevin was one of the kids in the animorphs tv show? i didn't read those books, they were after my time. i got one or two for my kids but my oldest was very meh so i haven't gotten any others
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nicholas d'agosto / tom welling in smallville
and the boy (nicholas d'agosto) who i, for whatever reason, think he looks like smallville version clark kent in this episode (having literally never watched smallville and only seen commercials) was harvey dent in the gotham tv show. which i also didn't watch! i don't watch many things. LOL which i conflated with the show misha was on. gotham... knights? haha. oh, and misha was harvey dent. that's even funnier
KAT My dad took me skeet shooting a couple times.
girl, me too! and my brother worked at the trap and skeet range in high school in az. iirc he was working in the little house that launches the clay targets
DEAN Yeah. They were rioting against Dr. Ellicott. Dr. Feelgood was working on some sort of, like, extreme rage therapy. He thought that if he could get his patients to vent their anger then they would be cured of it. Instead it only made them worse and worse and angrier and angrier. So I'm thinking, what if his spirit is doing the same thing? To the cop? To the kids in the seventies, making them so angry they become homicidal.... Come on, we gotta find his bones and torch ’em.
okay, i had forgotten this was the explanation to why sam says what he says in a minute. 📝
so i guess it was just drippy nose blood from the cop at the start, since it's not possession it's.... whatever brain zappy mind meld the evil doctor ghost man did. gotta have some indicator that sammy's under the influence too
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DEAN We gotta burn Ellicott's bones and all this will be over, and you'll be back to normal. SAM I am normal. I'm just telling the truth for the first time. I mean, why are we even here? ’Cause you're following Dad's orders like a good little solider? Because you always do what he says without question? Are you that desperate for his approval? DEAN This isn't you talking, Sam. SAM That's the difference between you and me. I have a mind of my own. I'm not pathetic, like you. DEAN So what are you gonna do, huh? Are you gonna kill me? SAM You know what, I am sick of doing what you tell me to do. We're no closer to finding Dad today than we were six months ago. DEAN Well, then here. Let me make it easier for you. Come on. Take it. Real bullets are gonna work a hell of a lot better than rock salt. Take it!! DEAN You hate me that much? You think you could kill your own brother? Then go ahead. Pull the trigger. Do it! DEAN Man, I'm not going to give you a loaded pistol!
just thinking about how the premise is basically taking existing anger and ramping it up to the nth degree, and what the implications are of that in this. we know sam is independent and doesn't like being told what to do (relatable), and is very frustrated with dean's willingness to follow dad's orders instead of defying them in a more concentrated effort to track him down. playing dad's game of him sending them on hunts through the most ridiculous methods possible. i'd be pretty damned frustrated too. and i also understand, but have a harder time relating to, where dean's coming from. he was raised in a way that he understood from a way too young age that following orders was a matter of life or death, and that he had to keep sam safe, he had the burden and responsibility laid on his little kid shoulders. i can only imagine how hard it would be to break away from that lifetime of conditioning.
so that said, just thinking about how dean would reconcile this. trying to think about it without considering what we know about how dean feels and what he's worried about later, and just what we know at this point. but it's hard to think about it without considering the conversation in 1x16 where he lets his guard down and pretty much begs sam to stay with him and dad instead of going back to school when it's all over. in the pilot, he says he can't do it alone - which sam says yes he can - but dean says he doesn't want to. so we know he missed sam and wants them to be a family and partners. but at this point sam still is scrabbling for normalcy and independence and for this to be a short term situation.
so i guess my question to myself is, do i think this planted more seeds of doubt for dean that sam doesn't care about him the same way dean does. but we've got 1x12 faith coming up soon, which should tell dean something about sam's commitment to him. not enough to soothe his concerns, obviously, and even if sam's ready to trade someone else's life for dean's without a moment of concern, he still doesn't want to stay hunting long term with dean at that point. tough situation. when staying with your person means also having to do this horrible life-risking job with virtually no option for settling down, having a family, stability, safety and comfort.
(at which point i think about how they do eventually get most of that, but then dean dies and sam has to go on without him for so long and i get incredibly sad again. when the happy ending makes you cry every time you think about it for more than 5 seconds... i've gotten a lot out of fixating on this show but occasionally i wish i hadn't)
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gives him a pat and apologizes for knocking him out
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dean boot update: still not the logger boots
and for inexplicable reasons, evil doctor ghost man turns into a statue and breaks apart on the floor when his bones are burned lol as opposed to the standard ghost burning up sitch
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crawled over to take refuge/(literally) protect sam's ass from crumbling ghost statue haha
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SAM I'm sorry, man. I said some awful things back there. DEAN You remember all that? SAM Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it. DEAN You didn't, huh? SAM No, of course not. Do we need to talk about this? DEAN No. I'm not really in the sharing and caring kinda mood. I just wanna get some sleep.
i mean, yes, you need to talk about it. and it kind of breaks my heart. dean is a mess. he only has had two points of stability in life, and sam left for 4 years and then john ghosted him. so he's twisting in the wind, trying to hold on to sam who is looking to leave as soon as possible, and the uncertainty of what's going to happen with john... it's just all so miserable.
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so for the second time we get sam on the brink of freaking out over the nonsense of the no contact/cryptic contact from john and then john comes through with something. a message before, a phone call now. iirc jdm too was frustrated over what an ass he was being dodging the kids constantly
Throughout the season, Morgan became frustrated at times due to his character's avoidance of his sons, stating, "It pissed off everybody, it pissed off us as actors, it pissed off the audience watching, because none of us really knew where we were gonna go." However, he reasoned that John's motivation for his actions was due to having knowledge that nobody else had.[25]
you'd think i was getting paid by the letter to write these damned things. good grief.
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msfcatlover · 2 years
I am insane for your tma x dc headcanons! I have to ask, do you think any of the other dc characters are entity aligned? Heres a few hcs i had:
The Scarecrow: honestly might be an avatar touched by all the fears like Jonathan Sims. Probably like Sims, he started researching the fears and Scarecrow became obsessed w them. If i had to go with a single entity, i would say he is Dark/Corruption/Eye alligned
The Riddler: Eye or Spiral alligned
The Joker: slaughter or corruption (the angst if Jason shared an entity w his murderer!)
Poison Ivy: Extinction?
Harley Quinn: hunt or stranger aligned? She was hunting down the cure for Jokers issues, but he wasnt who she thought he was and she became the prey
Killer Croc: Flesh babey!
Two face: maybe another slaughter?
The penguin: Web
I dont know enough about non-batman characters to do others tbh
Okay, so in my opinion plenty of characters have been touched by various Entities or even marked by them in ways that can motivate them without fully being Avatars or aligning themselves with those Entities. Like, Scarecrow just screams to me of someone who was touched by the Spiral (and is probably in real danger of becoming an Avatar,) but he’s holding on to his own sense of rationality as hard as he can and trying to make Fear make scientific sense. Someone who would walk out of an impossible corridor, and spend weeks measuring the outside of the building trying to find where the hell that corridor was supposed to fit, before sending someone else in to see if they experienced the same thing, only to become fixated on the differences… Not saying that’s what happened, but Jonathan Crane had some kind of experience with the embodiment of Unreality itself, and he definitely feeds it regularly.
(Harley, likewise, seems more like a victim of the Spiral, Corruption, or Stranger than anything else. Oh, she’s still a supervillain/anti-hero depending on the day, but her origin story is of her mind being broken by the Joker’s abuse. That is either depressingly mundane, or being chewed up & spat out by one of those three Entities.)
I hadn’t thought much about most of the villains, but I am 100% with you on Ivy being an Avatar of the Extinction, and I can definitely see Croc as an Avatar of the Flesh. I’d throw in Hugo Strange as probably being at least aligned with the Spiral, and Pyg has definitely at the very least been marked by either the Spiral or Flesh (though I don’t know him well enough to say if he’s a full-blown Avatar or not.) If you only saw my first post, I also decided Talia & Ra’s are both aligned with the Web, though Talia values her own freedom enough I don’t think she’s a full Avatar. They’re the ones who helped Bruce find the Mother’s embrace. Damian was supposed to be a Web Avatar as well, but he’s just a little too desperate for love when nobody’s looking; his swarm is silk worms & moths, and he does manage to fake it for a while. If Joker’s an Avatar, it would either be the Stranger, Spiral or Slaughter, in my opinion, but I always like when experts of every kind take time to study Joker and are like, “Yeah, IDK WTF is going on with that guy, but I hate it.”
(Jason is an Avatar of the Desolation in my version, because the Slaughter is about the violence on as large a scale as possible while the Desolation is about the very personal aftermath. The Slaughter is War, where the Desolation is something taking out your entire life in one single night and leaving you behind to deal with it. Jason absolutely wants his targets to be scared of what will happen, what he’ll do to them, but in a “destroy everything you’ve ever worked for & drive away everyone you ever cared about” sort of way; not a “blow up an entire city block for no reason” sort of way. And given how much Jason cares about protecting innocents, he’s actually partially starving himself by not following through on complete Desolation the way people like Jude Perry do. Imagine if The Archivist (around s3) tore out the last page of a statement & threw it away without glancing at it before he started reading. That’s basically what Jason’s doing to himself.)
Some people in the DC universe, though, are just Like That(TM). Sure, it can be hard to tell supernatural trauma apart from genuine mental illness, but it’s still a superhero setting and some people are just little freaks (affectionate.)
Like, Oliver Queen? Just a little freak with a bow. Just a weirdo. Black Canary? Superpowers, but not of the Fear Entity induced kind. She’s just Like That(TM).
Speedsters? Oh honey, you better believe they’re all just Like That(TM). Anti-Avatars, if anything; those bastards basically became one with a potential aspect of the Vast and went “But what if I was just. Like. Nice about it? Or only mean in extremely specific, petty, personal ways? What if that?”
My main “outside of Gotham” thought is that Amazons are aware of the Entities. Primarily, they have to be very careful & monitor eachother for signs of potential influence of the Hunt, but they’re aware of others beyond it (though they might define the Entities along different lines thanks to cultural differences & all that; I don’t have any specifics, I just really like that headcanon that while certain fears are nearly universal, the way different cultures group & view them are going to be different. Like, if spiders are viewed as purely benevolent & good luck by the culture you were raised in, it’s very unlikely any capital-f Fear is going to have a spider motif. Smirke separated the Buried from the Vast, but aren’t they both primarily about being overwhelmed, about Too Much? At the bottom of the ocean, is there any difference? Why should other cultures draw that same line?) This created some tension with Batman at the start of the Justice League, as Diana knew even if he wasn’t lying when he swore to have the best intentions, Batman was still walking a razor’s edge; he could become a monster so very easily. On the other hand, it was a huge relief for Dick (who, again if you’ve only seen my first post, I’ve changed my mind on and decided he’s a Hunt Avatar) when he first met the other Titans and they all went over their powers, to have Donna realize what he was talking about and promise to stop him if he ever lost control. A promise she has actually had to follow through on a few times, when a villain got into their heads and pushed Dick too far; he sleeps better at night knowing Donna is both willing & able to wrestle him to the ground and keep him from hurting anyone, even when Dick’s gone full-feral.
(The tag for this AU on my blog is "tma crossover," if you wanna check out the... everything I have for it.)
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miyacreampie · 3 years
Lenny sensei's night class has begun!~♡
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“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
synopsis 💭;; You tell me- idk wtf I was thinking when I wrote this, but it was a request.
Requested by @jream-23 ♡
Male pronouns used.
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Both men never expected this to happen.
Yamaguchi and (Y/n) had made a bet (you can decide on what it was lmao) during practice, and (Y/n) lost– much to their surprise. Kei wasn't exactly paying much attention, but seeing (Y/n) lose to Tadashi of all people caught him off guard somehow.
It was only a stupid game, but–
‘How the hell did I end up in this situation?!’ Tadashi internally screeched as he held onto the shelf behind him to keep his balance. His legs were too shaky at the moment.
Well, he was being sucked off. Aggressively. (In a good way tho lol)
The way (Y/n) used his tongue while sucking Tadashi's dick had the said man ascending. It was already hard enough to stand, but he really had to worry about trying not to pass out. His vision faded in and out as he tried to keep his eyes open, fearing that if he closed them, he'd black out.
“(L/n)-kun!~” His voice sounded a bit forced, but it was because he was holding back his voice. “What if Tsukki finds out- Hah!~” Yamaguchi bit his lip.
Yeah, Tsukishima was waiting for them in the gym. Tadashi and (Y/n) were supposed to be putting the equipment back into the closet but got sidetracked.
“What if he notices that we're- ngh~..”
“Mmh..mm~...” (this was (y/n) telling him to shut up).
Yamaguchi put his hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders to stay balanced. As he did, his hard nipples could be seen poking out of his shirt. It was hard to resist touching them, especially since (Y/n) knew Tadashi had a sensitive body.
(Y/n) snaked his hand up into Tadashi's shirt, quickly finding his nipple and giving it a little flick. He felt Yamaguchi's grip on his shoulders tighten, and his body shaking a bit.
‘Surely he can't be that sensitive– can he?’ (Y/n) repeated his earlier motion, but followed the action by twisting, pinching, and rubbing the smaller male's nipple with a bit more force. The (h/c) haired man wasn't prepared for the noise Yamaguchi made as he played with the man's swollen nipple.
It was damn near a scream.
“(L/N)KUN~ GYAHH~..”
Neither Tadashi nor (Y/n) had the time to react before the gym storage room door was flung open by Tsukishima. Upon seeing his friends in the position they we're in, everything he was about to say vanished from his mind. He stood there, not knowing what to say or do as (Y/n) abused Tadashi's cock with his mouth. (in a good way ufify9dufig)
‘And he was doing so well keeping quiet–’
“Eek! Tsukki! What are you doing here?! Hah!~”
Kei slowly slid the door, but he wasn't closing it– he was just hiding his boner. “You guys were taking a long time to clean up, and I heard a noise–” His gaze fixated on Yamaguchi. “–so I decided to check on you. Must've felt good if you moaned that loud, hm?”
(Y/n) held up two fingers. (Like this ✌️)
“I– I'm gonna–”
(Y/n)'s mouth was soon flooded with Tadashi's seed, catching the (h/c) haired man by surprise because he didn't think there'd be so much. He choked a bit as he attempted to swallow, and when he finally managed to do so, he looked up at Tadashi.
Yamaguchi's face was beet red as he stared down at his friend, and upon noticing (Y/n) licking his lips trying to wipe away a little bit of cum made his heart rate pick up speed. “(L/n)-kun..I–”
“Kei-chan, please don't stare.”
Surprised, Yamaguchi turned his head to see Tsukishima just standing there. The blank stare he shot at (Y/n) made him seem like–
“I mean, I'm up for round two. If Kei-chan wants me to, of course.” (Y/n) said, giving Tsukki a desirable look. “It's cool if you don't w–”
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Y'all this is shit I am sorry 😩 but like- ye sensitive Tadashi 😩💖💖
The class session is now over!~♡
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quietlysatan · 6 years
Hale Sandwich ~ DiscontentedWinter, AO3
Link: Here!!
Rating: Explicit for lot’s of lemon, and maybe grapefruit??
Favorite Quote(s): Oh Jesus. He wants to provide for Stiles. He can actually imagine himself beaming proudly as he hands over a brace of dead rabbits and, because this is his fantasy, Stiles doesn’t even look faintly disgusted. Instead, he smiles, delighted, and thanks Derek with the sort of quiet sincerity that, honestly, Derek has never seen Stiles display in all the time he’s known him. Sincere? Sure. Quiet? Fuck no. Derek needs to work on the quality of his fantasies, or at least learn to better suspend his disbelief.
Yep. Derek would rip his still-beating heart right out of his own chest. 
Of course, he’s always had terrible judgment when it comes to getting laid.
And (I’m posting too much but I can’t help it)
Peter smiles as Derek folds like a cheap suit. And, under the weight of Stiles’s wide-eyed hopefulness, who could blame him? Peter’s certainly not enough of an asshole to refuse the kid, is he? It would be a downright cruelty to deny him. No, Peter’s being the picture of selfless generosity and charity, offering Stiles his dick. He’s Mother Fucking Teresa right now.
And, because we all know Peter Hale is a lying liar who lies, but we love him (In fanon where he’s usually, if not always, better written because honestly it’s hard to fuck up all that potential even worse though to be fair I have seen it, sadly.) anyways
Peter’s smile grows.
Mother Fucking Teresa.
And another one that I can’t put because it’s explicit, but it’s got something to do with Stiles oral fixation and it’s in chapter one, right after the start of everything
And this, both because OUCH MY HEART!! and also because, Awwwe, That’s why he’s so childish with his threats, how adorable!!!
The list of things that make Derek want to punch Peter is the head is ever-expanding, actually. Derek’s been updating it since he was about five. It could fill the Library of Congress by now.
One more!! LAST ONE!! LAST ONE I SWEAR TO MYSELF SINCE, TECHNICALLY I, as Satan, can’t swear to god, so like, I don’t know??? I swear to Satan, but like me as Satan Satan???
Oh, Peter likes Stiles. The boy never backs down from a challenge, even when he should. Humans are so fragile and squishy. Stiles has all the attitude of a much hardier creature. It’s either ambitious or deluded. Whatever it is, Peter approves.
Words & Chapter(s): 10,947 two chapters; though I suppose you could just ignore the second chapter if you don’t want to read the knotting, I will add that it doesn’t last long, and it’s really not that bad all things considered. A very accurate portrayal of a virgin, and someone’s first time having Certain Interactions with a weird Certain Male Body-part.
Summary: It's exactly what it says on the box.
Score: Everything this author writes is ten and up. Even the angst that I’ve gotten around to reading. I can’t decide so I’m ranking it 10.5, which is still really good, and I might read it again someday
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale, BUT Peter and Derek aren’t together, Peter is more like an occasional third that’s slightly necessary for Stiles and Derek to move on to the next stage because Stiles is just as bad at emotions as Derek is, for all that he rarely shuts up. Funnily enough, most people like Stiles are like that though.
Warning(s): Hypothermia, but it’s quickly cured, I’m not sure that it’d take this long normally but Stiles might be a little magical or something so let’s roll with it, who knows, maybe werewolves have magically healing dicks I think I read something somewhat similar one time, but that’s literally all I can remember; I can’t even remember the fandom.
Stiles is a few weeks shy of eighteen, months is one thing, I don’t actually care about weeks because very little will change in two or three weeks my guys, BUT if you’re worried about that it’s completely okay, remember, you can always click the back button, there is no shame in self-care.
Knotting. First things first, I think the knotting happens after Stiles is 18, but I’m not sure, regardless 14-21 days from eighteen doesn’t make any difference to me, but still.
Pros: Derek would never admit it, not even to himself, but there’s something strangely empowering about watching another man undress Stiles. Maybe it’s the way that Stiles pinks up with a blush, and keeps glancing over at Derek looking for silent assurance that this is okay. He’s suddenly shy, his scent sharp with anxiety, and it’s Derek his gaze is seeking. Peter might be the one touching him, but Derek knows that Stiles is totally focussed on him.
This fic is really good at drawing lines, but keeping it comfortable, the characters, as per usual to this author, are very in character in the actions and personality, while also having a certain flair that the Teen Wolf show, lacked, for reasons We’ll Never Know. Derek has issues, and even though this is just a lemon fic basically, they’re still present, BUT not in an uncomfortable way ya’know? Stiles is still a little shit, Peter is still manipulative, but they have a reason for why they’re doing what it is that they’re doing. Derek’s not panicking for the sake of panic, Peter’s not Just Like That, Stiles has Something he wants, like, the characters are very, in character; I don’t think I can put it any better, not unless I were just linking the authors profile and telling you that even if it is an AU it’s still honest, and realistic, and true to the characters....
Author’s account, where the characters always act like they probably actually would if Teen Wolf had better writers and direction. Even if it’s an Alternate Universe sometimes.
Also, the porn is readable, understandable, and I am never once left wondering what’s happening to who, by who which is always really fucking great.
Okay, I REALLY don’t like knotting, it’s right up there with Mpreg and ABSOLUTELY ANY FANFICTION AT ALL THAT INCLUDES THE WORD BOYPUSSY WTF PLEASE STOP MAKING THAT A KINK THIS IS EXACTLY WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS. But, and hear me out on this, But, the way it is done here? Is amazing, it’s talked about, it’s explained, there’s a process and there’s consent, and honestly, as much as I’d fucking love to go more into detail, I can’t without spoiling it. I will say, however, that it only lasts for a little bit regardless of the fact that the whole second chapter is technically about that.
Gif Aesthetic: okay this isn’t it but I couldn’t help myself wtf this is hysterical!!!
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And technically yes, but also technically no :/ but it’s as close as I could find to what I meant
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steamishot · 6 years
Post Valentines Day
it’s been raining all week... and although it was nice for the first day or two, i’m missing the california sunshine. i feel so spoiled that i can barely go a few days without sunshine whereas months of this weather is the reality for a lot of places on our planet. 
i’m officially done with my class. i did the most work i ever did for my class the last week and a half or so. i worked intentionally, and not as a perfectionist. i acted more than i thought and i was on the grind. i was okay with my coding not being perfect, as long as i had some output. i was pretty behind, because of my breakup/dating someone new, family coming over for my brother’s wedding, and the wedding, being promoted at work etc... and at one point had like 4 overdue assignments. however, i hustled and pulled things out of my ass and made it work. average grade in the class is an A- (not that grades really matter in this class) but i did alright. 
i took this monday off of work to work on my project for class. the morning of, i dreaded texting my supervisor asking for a day off, because of the bad memories i had with my old boss. however, she was super cool about it. i had asked to take a day off for “personal reasons” and she responded with “of course!”. i was also gone on wednesday for i-9 training. so i missed 2 days this week and i’m not super behind, but i’m not on top of things either. but whatever, it’s da freakin weekend.
matt has been stressed out about getting into residency, and it seems like it’s pretty crippling to him. last weekend when we hung out, the plan was to meet at a restaurant in pasadena. it was raining that day. i had arrived there first and he was to arrive in 5 minutes. however, when he got to the parking lot, he received a phone call from his dad saying he got into a car accident and needs him to pick up his grandma who was sitting in the backseat. luckily no one got hurt. so he had to go back to take care of things, his grandma wanted to go to the ER because she was vomiting (i think out of psychological reasons). i waited for him for about a little over an hour, working on my project in my car in the rain. their car (although old) got totaled. but yeah in the 5 months or so i’ve known him, his grandma has been to the ER twice, and his mom once. he was really grateful that i was patiently waiting for him.
on wednesday, we facetimed til like 12:30am... and he semi jokingly asked me if i’m coming with him to new york or florida (if he gets into the residency program there). i said i don’t know. but inside, i was happy that he asked/considered it. ideally, he would get into arrowhead, or if not, another socal school. i really hope he can get in somewhere though and get on with his career in medicine. he also said “i just noticed again that you have double eyelids. that’s pretty good”. which cracks me up whenever i think about it. 
yesterday for valentines day, we went to sawtelle and ate at butcher’s dog. i used to go there with david and i haven’t gone since for fear of bumping into him (because he works in that area). we ate happy hour food and it was pretty good. he said “you want to go buy flowers? i feel like i should buy you flowers.” and i was like lol wtf, what am i gonna with flowers. i told him i got him something and not to worry about getting me anything- he can just pay for my food :). anyway, i got him an uni jetstream multicolored pen, which comes in a box. i attached a card that said “you stole my heart” with an anatomical drawing of a rib (without the heart). he was so so touched by my gift and didn’t know how to act and said he needs to process what just happened because no one usually gets him gifts. he was really grateful for what i thought was a small but cute gesture. he made the prayer/thank you gesture with his hands. and he lit up for the rest of the night. prior to that, i could tell he was stressed out/ kinda thinking about residency. he said “you’re something” and “you’re the best”. haha
then we got a hojicha latte next door and walked around looking for maybe dessert. we almost walked into blockheads but decided not to, and we ended up eating a second dinner at hide sushi. it was great- we had yellowtail, albacore, scallop, and toro. throughout the night, he kept thinking about the gift i gave him, saying weird things like “if i stole your heart, how are you alive” and then “i will protect your heart and keep it safe” etc. 
ended the night getting some hot chocolate at starbucks. and he got two drinks (he falls for deals, and at the time there was a buy one get one espresso drink, so he got two). we were showing affection/kissing/making out outside of his car at the lower level in the parking lot, which didn’t have many cars. at one point, it got pretty heated as he stuck his hand down my pants and fingered me for a bit. it was so hot haha. then we said bye and drove off. 
this weekend, we had planned to go on a small trip somewhere. at first, he thought horseback riding in temecula, then said he’s not 100% ecstatic about that. then he went on to say that he doesn’t find most things that fun anymore or something. and i’m like oh dear, this is like david. and i realized that he’s saying things like this because he’s so fixated on getting into residency and fear of uncertainty. he mentioned that he feels he can’t have fun or go on any big trips right now until he finds out what happens. so it made me see that there’s a human side to everyone. and to learn how to be more empathetic and understanding. that although they are two different guys, some things that guys do are the same. he is going on a volunteering trip to TJ tomorrow, which requires him to wake up at 3:30am and drive to UCLA, where a student org drives the volunteers down to TJ for a full day volunteer event, and they don’t get back until 9pm. we were struggling a little deciding on a place to go for sunday and monday and going back and forth between even going anywhere or not because of the rain and the fact that he’ll be tired from saturday. at first, i was a little annoyed because i thought he was just coming up with reasons as to why we can’t go somewhere, but after more consideration, i realize that he’s just stressed out, and understandably so. he handled the situation about the car accident pretty well and 90% of the time he’s pretty calm in what could be stressful situations. so i think now that he’s showing signs of stress, i should accept it and be there for him (instead of making it all about me me me) because it must be very important to him. 
anyway, we decided on san diego. i’ve been doing most of the planning and he just pays for everything haha. most of the times he doesn’t have a preference and just goes along with what i want to do or eat. i feel i am maybe just destined to be the planner in the relationship, but i dont mind it much because he spends a lot of money on us. it was different with david when i used to plan AND pay for stuff. if he can take care of the bigger expenses, and i’ll get him a gift every once in a while and do the planning/make the decisions, i’ll be happy.
after our hangout, he texted me thanks again and he wanted to give me his heart as well. he also said i’m the cutest thing in the world to him, which is like the mushiest he’s been in a while. i told him that i’m honored.  
edit: one conversation i want to remember from this night was how we were talking about his weight gain. he said interview season got him stressed out and the abundance of food he gets when he travels to the interviews was the reason why he gained weight. he said prior to that when he was just studying and working out all the time, he weighed 180 and had abs lol. in my head i was like wtf where was i then? anyway, he was wearing a dress shirt from work that day and his neck is bigger from his weight gain. i tried buttoning up the top button but he said he’s too fat now. he started talking about how when fat people lay down it’s hard to breathe because of all the weight that’s on their lungs/chest. i jokingly said yea i know how that feels (when he lies on top of me). and he said well it’s not for the whole night! and then he went on to talk about baby bonding and how mothers are supposed to put their babies back in their crib after bonding with them on her bed. this is so that the mother doesn’t accidentally crush the baby while she’s asleep. he said that he thinks about that when he sleeps with me, like i’m the baby and he’s the mother LOL 
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