smileysuh · 11 months
creep - TEASER
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🌙 staring. Mingyu x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “If the roles were reversed - if you were a ghost bound to this apartment forever - you’re saying you wouldn’t watch me get naked every day?” He’s definitely got a point. As your eyes skim Mingyu's perfect form again, that tingle returns between your legs. There’s no reason for him to be as sexy as he is- murders aren’t the only shocking thing this man has under his belt and you can see that now. 
tw/cw. dark content warning, serial killer Mingyu, mention of suicide, touch starved mingyu, switch mingyu, pussy eating, pussy worship, blow job, hand job, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, big dick mingyu, pussy stretching, extreme voyeurism, mentions of non-consensual voyeurism, dirty talk, praise, choking, manhandling, etc… I pet names: (hers) princess. (his) good boy.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 9.1k
🍭 aus. Halloween, ghost!mingyu, serial killer!mingyu, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I really can't explain this one other than saying I tried to make Mingyu redeemable by saying he only killed bad men 👀
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“Can I…” he swallows thickly. “Can I kiss you?”
You can’t believe you’re actually considering this.
“Come on, please?” Mingyu asks. “I haven’t touched someone in so long, haven’t been touched-” 
A dead serial killer who sort of respects your autonomy and is begging for you? 
“We don’t know how long this is going to last,” he continues. “I need to feel something, need to feel you-” 
“Fucking a ghost wasn’t on my Halloween bingo sheet,” you joke.
“It will be fun,” Mingyu insists. “I know what you like, I know your kinks, I know you, better than all those other guys you’ve fucked so far. Come on, princess, let me make you feel good.” 
It’s kind of creepy that the ghost even knows your preferred pet name, but it sounds so pretty coming from him. 
You weigh the pros and cons. 
Pros: He’s one of the sexiest men you’ve ever seen. He actually wants to make you cum. He already knows your kinks. He might be a touch obsessed with you, which would do wonders for your ego.
Cons: He’s literally a dead serial killer creep who’s been watching you jack off and get fucked for a few months. He could disappear at any second.
Well, you can’t pass this up, especially since you have no idea how long this will last. And when he’s gone, he’ll stay gone. There are technically no strings, none that you can see at least.
And to top it all off, you’re extremely horny. You’d stayed back from going to the bar with your friends specifically to fuck yourself stupid tonight, and now, you have a ghost willing to get the job done for you.
“Okay, big guy,” you sigh. “Let’s see what you can do.”
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☀️ to read the full fic AND 3.9k bonus NOW, subscribe to my Patreon, then click here
👹 or wait till the fic is posted on tumblr October 27th, 2023
🔮 see what’s already available to read on my m.list
Limited space on tag list, please respond/reblog for a spot :)
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pink-sparkly-witch · 10 months
Just Like This
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Summary: Working a second job in a bar to help pay for Sammy’s education, Dean finds a kindred spirit in bar manager Y/N. When a drunk Douchebag gets too handsy with her, Dean quickly jumps to her defence but faces harsh consequences.
Pairing: Bartender!Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Rating: Teen
Bingo Square: Getting Fired for @j3bingo
Warnings: tw: sexual assault (groping), fluff, angst, fighting, minor violence, Chuck is a complete and utter asshole in this, getting fired, quitting in solidarity, first kiss, friends to lovers
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Okay, it feels like an age since I’ve written anything that’s just pure floof. I hope you enjoy this fluffy, protective, besotted Dean fic. Please be kind. I’ve had my angst hat on for a long time, and though this was really refreshing, it’s also a little daunting!
My Masterlist     AO3    Ko-Fi
Consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite, or leave a comment. It really does fuel a creative’s muse. If you’re too shy or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and you don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM 💖
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It wasn’t the best job in the world, but as part-time work went, Dean knew it could be a hell of a lot worse than this. He worked with his dad in the garage during the day and worked four nights a week and two shifts at the weekend in Shurley’s Sports Bar. His wages and tips went to his dad to help pay for Sammy’s education. Sure, the kid had a full ride to Stanford; however, he still needed to pay for accommodation after freshman year and the thousands of books he needed for his coursework. And at least this way, his dad didn’t put himself in an early grave by working all the hours God gave him. Lord knows he’d done enough of that when they were kids.
Shurley’s was a decent bar. It had a prime location between the University of Kansas campus and downtown, so it always has a steady stream of customers. It quietened during the summer when the students went home or on their travels, but the locals still made trade steady enough. The owner, Chuck, was a bit of a dick, but he barely showed his face around the place, and the other staff were decent, making it a great place to work.
“Hey, Dean,” Y/N said as she came out of the back office. Y/N was the bar manager and a great girl. They had a lot in common; both lost their mothers when they were young and looked after their younger siblings while their fathers worked three jobs to try and make ends meet. Y/N’d had to drop out of college when her father took unexpectedly sick, having to take care of him and her little sister. Now that her father had passed and her sister had a full ride to another prestigious college, Harvard, Y/N lived in the tiny apartment above the bakery where she worked four days a week and in the bar four nights a week and every Saturday night. The rest of the time, she studied part-time to finish her college education and sent every spare cent she had to her sister in Boston.
“Hey, Y/N,” he smiled at her. She was pretty, too, and Dean wasn’t afraid to admit that he had a massive crush on her. Not that anything would ever happen because she was her, and he was… well, he wasn’t good enough for a girl like that. “How are ya, sweetheart?”
“I’m good, Dean. How are you? Oh! Did you manage to get Sam’s apartment sorted?” Y/N asked, and he smiled that she’d remember such a thing.
“Yeah, it’s all good now. We managed to get the rest of the deposit together,” Dean said. “Thanks for the extra shifts, by the way.”
“Don’t mention it,” Y/N smiled. “I still can’t believe landlords can actually do that,” Y/N shook her head as she headed behind the bar and started filling the refrigerators with bottles of beer and wine to prepare for the busy Friday night shift.
“Yeah, us either. But it’s done, and he has somewhere to live,” Dean said as he put the last menus and condiment buckets on the tables. “What needs to be done next, boss?” he asked, smirking when Y/N chuckled. She hated being called that, but he seemed to be the only one she didn’t scold for it.
“I could use a hand changing over the barrels if you’ve got time?” she said, breaking up the cardboard that the bottles had been housed in.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” Dean headed into the storeroom and started shifting the beer barrels behind the bar as Y/N continued putting bottles in the fridges and replacing the almost empty spirit bottles with full ones to accommodate the busiest night of the year: Friday night football and Freshers Week.
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The bar was packed with customers, the warm, sunny weather drawing even more of them in than usual, and of course, Chuck had decided tonight was a good night to show face and ‘help’, putting the staff on edge. Dean had gone with the head down and get on with it attitude, glad it was three deep at the bar so he had an excuse not to have to entertain Chuck for very long.
Y/N had been running around after Chuck all night, finding this paperwork and that invoice and the employee payroll for the past six weeks. Eventually, when he couldn’t possibly ask for anything more, she’d escaped the office, having brazenly told her boss that she was needed front of house to help serve customers.
“I swear,” she’d said as she tied her little black server’s apron around her waist, “It’s like he fucking knew tonight would be the busiest night but still came to check months old paperwork! God, that man is insufferable!”
It wasn’t often that Y/N showed her annoyance, and Dean couldn’t help but think it was cute. Though, admittedly, that could be his crush talking, her furrowed brow and tiny pout were adorable.
“What can I do to help?” he asked as she took her place behind the bar.
“I should be asking you that question!” she giggled. “What do you need me to do?”
“We could do with someone collecting and cleaning the empty glasses, if you wouldn’t mind?” he responded, smiling as she picked up a basket, cleaning spray, and a cloth before he’d finished his sentence.
“You got it,” she winked and headed onto the floor to clear and wipe the tables down. And that, Dean thought, is what makes a good boss. Someone who works with the team to achieve the same goal. Someone who isn’t afraid of stepping in to help by doing the most mundane tasks that are below their pay grade.
Y/N was a breath of fresh air for him in so many ways. She was bubbly and caring, and no matter what was thrown her way, she responded with an air of calmness and dignity that he admired.
“Hey, man. What can I get ya?” Dean asked the next patron, finally taking his eyes off the girl slowly taking over his every thought.
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“Be careful,” Dean said as Y/N headed back onto the floor to clear more glasses and tables. “It’s getting rowdy out there. You know what those college boys can be like.”
“Thanks, Dean,” she smiled. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He knew she would be. He’d seen her handling every kind of drunk customer. Still, he’d watch her closely because he was more worried than usual. The crowd tonight seemed even more enthused thanks to the local sports team playing. It still surprised him how often the female staff got touched inappropriately and had the most vulgar things said to them by too drunk and far too confident men. More than once Dean had had to step in and stop something from going too far, and he’d do it as many times as he needed to for Y/N or any of the other female staff.
Y/N managed to get around most of the bar unscathed, but there was a particularly boisterous table of men who only frequented the bar when the Chiefs played. Dean had been watching them all night because they seemed to have forgotten their age and tried to out-drink their much younger counterparts. They’d already run their mouths off to the bar staff, and now one of them in particular had their beady eye on Y/N as she moved from table to table, collecting empty glasses and bottles.
Swapping her tray out for an empty one, Y/N made her way over to their table, and the second she got close enough, the balding guy with the beady eye was quick to rear his hand back and smack her ass. Dean’s hackles rose, and he was on high alert as he watched her give the douchebag a piece of her mind. But he didn’t stop. Douchebag wrapped his arms around her waist and tried pulling her onto his lap. All the while, his douchebag little friends laughed and cheered him on like he’d won a fucking prize.
Dean saw red as he ran around the bar and strode purposely over to the group of middle-aged men amid a mid-life crisis and pulled Y/N from his hold, dragging her behind him to protect her.
“The lady told you to leave her alone. I suggest you do that,” Dean fumed, only getting angrier at Douchebag’s smirk.
“Oh, ladies and gentlemen, we have a jealous boyfriend trying to protect his girl! You know, if she were my girlfriend, I wouldn’t let her out the house wearing something so…” he paused as he leered up and down Y/N’s body, “revealing.”
“Listen, asshole, you don’t want to piss me off right now. Why don’t you and your buddies call it a night and go home? You’ve clearly had too much to drink, and we don’t take kindly to people assaulting our staff here,” Dean’s jaw was clenched, but he’d somehow managed to keep his voice steady.
“Sorry, man,” Douchebag smirked as he stood. “Just can’t help myself when I see a pretty girl showing off half her body like a Goddamn little tease. She’s asking for it, really.”
That was the last straw, and as Douchebag made one final (and unfortunately successful) attempt to get his hands on Y/N, Dean pulled his fist back and punched him square on the nose. The resounding crack as Dean broke the guy’s nose was satisfying, as were the synchronised grimacing ‘oohs’ that the audience this little corner of the bar had attracted.
“You broke my nose, asshole!” Douchebag spluttered. “I’m reporting you for assault!”
“You do that,” Y/N said, “and I’ll have you arrested, too. This whole bar and the CCTV saw you grope me twice and clearly saw me trying to get you off me! What he did,” she pointed at Dean, “was save me from being sexually assaulted!”
“Come on, man,” one of Douchebag’s friends said, patting him on the back. “Let’s get you to the hospital. It’s not worth it.”
“Damn straight it’s not!” Dean yelled. “Any way you spin this, he doesn’t win, so get the hell out and don’t come back!”
Tail between their legs, Douchebag and his friends left the bar. The second the door shut behind them, Dean was next to Y/N, checking her for injuries.
“I’m fine, Dean,” she insisted, but her eyes told a different story. The encounter had shaken her up, and Dean wanted to fix it, needed to fix it.
“No, sweetheart, you’re not. You’re–” Dean began but was interrupted by the shrill voice of Chuck.
“Winchester, my office, now! You too, Y/N.”
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Seeing Y/N sitting beside him on the other side of the desk was strange. This was where she did all the paperwork, payroll, ordering, and invoicing, so to see Chuck on her chair was disconcerting. And not good.
“I don’t know what was going on out there–” Chuck began, and Dean scoffed in disbelief.
“You’re bar manager was sexually assaulted by a customer. That’s what happened!” Dean sat forward on his chair, raising his voice. He only calmed when Y/N placed her hand on his forearm.
Chuck pursed his lips at his outburst and continued speaking as if Dean hadn’t interrupted.
“I don’t know what happened, but whatever it was, sexual assault or not,” Chuck looked pointedly at Y/N before he continued. “It’s no excuse for my staff to behave violently.”
“You have got to be kidding me!” Dean fumed. “That… scumbag… touched her ass and her breasts and tried to force her into his lap! You see those bruises, right?” he asked as he pointed to the dark purple fingerprint marks on her arms.
“Inappropriate comments, slurs, even touching, is to be expected when you work in a bar–” Chuck was interrupted again, this time by Y/N.
“There are no touching policies in every strip club in the country for a reason, Chuck! You cannot expect it to be any different in a fratboy sports bar! No one should go to work expecting that being sexually assaulted is okay!”
“For God’s sake, Y/N! So what a guy touched your ass and tits! You should be flattered!”
“It was sexual assault, Chuck! That guy,” Y/N pointed behind her in the general direction of the bar, “touched me without permission, and I could have him charged! You too with how you’re behaving!”
“Oh, stop being so dramatic! I feel sorry for your boyfriend if this is how prudish you are!”
“Hey, that is–” Dean interjected, but Chuck kept talking.
“Dean, you’re fired. I cannot, and will not, allow a violent brute to work in my bar.”
“You can’t do that!” Y/N protested.
“Watch it, or you’ll be gone, too!” Chuck threatened, but Dean knew it was an empty one with her. He needed her too much. The bar would burn to the ground without her in charge.
“No need. I quit. Effective immediately. I cannot, and will not,” Y/N glared at Chuck as she repeated his words to him, “work in a place where I’m expected to be sexually harassed and assaulted and ignore it. I cannot, and will not, work for a man who fires a good person for helping someone in need.”
Standing, Y/N took off her apron and name tag and threw them on the desk. She unhooked the keys from her belt and pulled the cash box towards her, opening it and pulling out two brown envelopes, handing one to Dean and putting the other in her pocket. Once she’d locked the cash box, she tossed her keys down on the cheap metal desk with a satisfying clang.
“Really? You’re going to quit over him?” Chuck scoffed.
“Yes. Dean is worth a thousand shitty bar jobs like this one, and I’d choose him over any of them in a heartbeat,” Y/N said with her head held high. “I hope you know you’ve just lost your two best workers on the busiest night of the year. Come on, Dean. Let’s get out of this shithole.”
Dean didn’t protest. He stood up, smirked at Chuck because he just couldn’t help himself, and followed Y/N out of the bar and onto the street.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t need to do that. I’m a big boy, and I can look after myself,” Dean said after walking in silence for a few minutes.
“I know you can, and yes, I did. That was unfair and undeserved. Especially because it was my fault,” Y/N responded.
“Hey, don’t ever… it wasn’t your fault. Things like that are never the woman’s fault, you know that, right?” Dean couldn’t believe she’d ever think something like that would be her own doing.
“I know, but if I’d listened to you and let Marcus clear tables instead of me, none of this would’ve happened.”
“No. I won’t hear it. You didn’t ask to be groped by a balding douchebag going through a mid-life crisis, sweetheart. Don’t ever apologise for someone else’s wrongdoing,” he reassured her.
“So, what do we do now? We both kinda needed that job,” Y/N chuckled, but it held no humour.
“Well, I might know a guy who owns a wine bar downtown. A classy establishment, so the tips are better. And we’d be treated right,” Dean said, thinking of the bar Cas had tried to get him to work in for months.
“You have a buddy with a bar, and you chose to stay working in that shithole?” Y/N asked in disbelief. “Why? What would possess you to stay there? Willingly?”
“It wasn’t all bad,” Dean smirked. This wasn’t where he envisioned this conversation going–if it ever happened at all, that is–but the perfect opportunity had presented itself and he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t take it. “I got to see you almost every day.”
“Come on! You did not stay there for me!” Y/N scoffed, and Dean shrugged his shoulders, his lips tugging upwards in a shy smile.
“I did, actually. Can’t think of anyone better to spend so much time with.”
“Dean Winchester,” she grinned. “Are you flirting with me?” The teasing tone in her words was one he’d never heard before, and he liked it.
“Do you want me to be flirting with you?” he’d asked, needing to hear her say it before he did something stupid because he’d misread the signals.
“Yeah… I think I do,” Y/N giggled, stepping closer to him, bumping their arms together as they stepped in sync down the sidewalk.
“Yeah?” he asked, checking again because, quite frankly, she was her and he was him.
Dean stopped walking and gently grabbed her forearm to stop her from walking ahead. Feeling brave, Dean placed his hands on her cheeks and dipped his head, slowly lowering his lips to hers. Every inch closer he got, he switched his gaze between her lips and her eyes, making sure this was what she wanted.
When there was no hesitation and nowhere else to go, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to hers. They were as soft as they always looked, softer even, and tasted as sweet as he’d imagined they would.
Y/N pressed herself closer to him with a low hum and slid her arms up his chest, resting one hand on his pec and the other curling around his neck. Dean licked her bottom lip, encouraging her to open her mouth and let him deepen their kiss.
He failed to hold back a groan when his tongue met hers, the feeling so much better than anything his mind could’ve conjured up. Dean couldn’t remember how long he’d wanted this, and now that it was happening, he knew he’d do whatever he could to keep her in his arms, just like this.
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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ilikebookssomuch · 1 month
So I had this AU idea a while ago and today I finally got around to writing it in class :D
So um. Read. Cry. Enjoy.
*TW implied suicide* read with caution
By Cricket
Keefe wished Havenfield had normal windows. He figured having floor-to-ceiling windows was nice, but it was making it really hard to break in, especially while levitating. Keefe cursed under his breath, painstakingly removing the panes of glass. When they finally gave way, he rolled inside, the flower petals in Sophie’s rug crushed beneath him. Iggy rattled his cage, reaching tiny hands through the bars. 
“Hey, little guy,” he whispered, tickling Iggy’s chin. “I’ve got something for you.” Keefe pulled a vial of dye out of his pocket. After popping the quark, he opened the cage and poured the elixir into Iggy’s water bowl. The imp gulped down the elixir and released a loud burp. A moment later, his fur turned shades of green-pink-blue-purple with stripes. He looked like a mermaid with wings, and Keefe released a chuckle.
Iggy seemed very pleased and started licking his new fur. Keefe walked over to Sophie’s desk, digging through the drawers until he found a scrap of paper and a pen. He wrote his note quickly, not wanting to leave time to reconsider what he was about to do. When he was finished, he scanned over his work.
To the Mysterious Miss F,
Ugh, I’m already regretting saying this. But this is serious.
 I know that a lot has been happening lately, with your abilities, and my crazy mother. And I’m sorry. But I figured out a way to control myself. I hope you won’t hate me for it. 
This is for the best. 
Love, Keefe.
P.S. I love you, Sophie. Always have. Always will.
Keefe tucked the note next to Iggy’s cage and then headed to her bathroom. He knew that the Ruewens had a large supply of medicine, and knowing Foster, he could find what he was looking for in her cabinets. 
Bingo. He tucked the vial into his cape pocket and pulled out his Pathfinder, spinning it to a random facet and raising it to the light streaming through the windows. Before he stepped into the shimmering beam, Iggy fluttered to the top of his cage and grabbed his hand, gazing up at Keefe. Iggy’s small hands wrapped around his finger. 
Tears filled Keefe’s eyes, but he blinked them back and said, “Take care of Foster for me, okay?”
Iggy seemed to nod and reluctantly let go of his finger. The last thing Keefe saw as he stepped into the light was Grady opening the door to Sophie's bedroom, eyes widening in surprise. “Keefe? What are you doing here?”
But Keefe was gone. 
He glittered back into existence in a small wheat field in the Forbidden Cities. Keefe glanced around, but he saw no other humans. Good. This would work. 
He pulled out the medicine, reading the small label that said to take a sip every three hours. Ha. Keefe ripped off the label, shoving it in his pocket before opening the bottle. 
He downed the whole vial, collapsing onto the tall yellow grass. 
“Sleep,” was all he was able to croak out as his vision rapidly darkened.
Then everything faded to black.
And he was silent.
Ok I know I know I know please don't yell at me. There might be an alternate ending to this, so don't hate me yet :/ (It hurt me to kill off my boy too, jsyk)
Tag list because...why not. @myfairkatiecat because we were going to write this together and I think you'll want to read it. @ham-cheese-toastie because COGNATEEE <33333 @alaydabug2 @permanently-stressed because other fic writers. And my brain is blanking on me, so that's all.
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cheeseplants · 8 months
Writer’s Cock Fight: The Human Manual (fic)
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The Human Manual for @goodomensafterdark
CW/TW: Explicit
Includes: Angel!Crowley, Angel!Aziraphale (pre Earth), wings, and lots of first times
Before the Beginning… there was smut.
Angelic Aziraphale and Crowley (i.e. the Star Maker) discover The Human Manual, and work out how to Make an Effort for the first time in Heaven.
This is some pure silly fluffy smut in Heaven.
Read here on AO3.
The Star Maker stopped, bouncing in the air, “So I worked it out. How to do it.”
“Simple really, you've got to try really hard. Really make an Effort. Then bingo,” he cupped his hands around it, and waggled his hips about.
Aziraphale became very aware of the gap between his own thighs. It had never occurred to him before that anything could be missing.
“And you know what I think,” the Star Maker said, flying down so he was closer to Aziraphale. He lowered his voice, and whispered, “I think God didn’t even want us to know we could do it.”
Aziraphale felt the flutter of panic at that last sentence, and attempted to ignore it. “So you tried hard? And that was it?”
“Yes! But that's not the best part.”
“Which is?”
The Star Maker locked eyes with Aziraphale. 
He noticed other things now, the curve of the angel’s collarbone next to where a strand of red hair fell against it. The outlines of his pectorals on his chest. The long arms that lay by his side. The way his wings jutted out of the hard muscle on his back. Aziraphale bit the insides of his cheeks. 
“The best part is what it does,” The Star Maker said.
Thanks to my marvellous betas: Nosferanti, fishey_me, adverbian, Azeuterecia, MissUnderstoodLyrics, Adept_Dragonfruit and MisterScruffyPoo. @sohoscribblers
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This Sterek fic I've been poking at for the last 4 months is nearly done, so I might as well share what I have while I edit the last part (which should be posted up next week!!). What a labor of love this story was. I guess I'm aiming to annually write at least one thing for myself, so this story is it for me. Yep, there's whump, angst, hurt/comfort and feelings, but I also decided to play with different segways and pacing from my usual. Was it difficult? Yep. Was it worth it? Also yes! Things get worse before they get better, so that's what Sterek deals with before they discover some Very Important things about themselves and each other. Written for @augustofwhump's Day 5 prompt "stranded" and alternative prompt "drowning" and @tw-anchor-down's 2024 Waxing Crescent Round and Full Moon Round prompts "daylight" and "converge." Also crosses off the "stalking" and "secret revealed" squares for my @sweetspicybingo Hurt/Comfort Bingo card (and gets me bingo!), the "kiss goodbye" square for my @hurtcomfort-bingo card and the "kidnapping" square for @twbingo's Situations card 016. Hope you like what I've come up with! And please, mind the tags.
Title: Everything I Ever Wanted (<- read on AO3) Rating: Teen Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Post-Season/Series 04, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Monster of the Week, Hunters & Hunting, Kidnapping, Car Accidents, Drowning, it's temporary, Nightmares, Unconsciousness, Dreams vs. Reality, Misunderstandings, Arguing, Mutual Pining, Reunions, Panic Attacks, Anchors, Confessions, Derek Hale Returns to Beacon Hills, Derek Hale Needs a Hug, Stiles Stilinski Needs a Hug, Canon-Typical Violence, Fire, Healing, Crying, Injury, Scent Marking, Elemental Magic, Feelings Realization, Hopeful Ending, Stiles Stilinski-centric, POV Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Stiles swallowed thickly, his throat feeling tight and sore. What was he supposed to say, now that he knew the truth? Derek staying meant a continued cycle of him enduring more pain and guilt. But Derek leaving had somehow created a new void in Stiles’ heart. They never stood a chance. And this was why life was so unfair. * [Or: Stiles and Derek go through emotional whiplash when they get kidnapped, encounter a Big Bad and almost drown. Old wounds reopen and some big secrets slip out.]
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queer-it-up-bingo · 6 months
Queer it up bingo is a bingo challenge where every month, a 4x4 card will come out with different prompts. You can use these prompts to create any lgbtq+ content, such as writing, art, mood boards, gifs, edits, and more! They can be for fandoms or original.
When you see the monthly bingo card, go ahead and start creating! If you fill out a prompt feel free to tag #queeritupbingo, #QiuB or @queer-it-up-bingo! Also tag with the prompt you used and which card it came from (e.g. for a January 2024, coming out prompt: #Jan24comingout).
Asks are under the #ask tag!
There is no word minimum or maximum
Prompt fills can be for any genre, like fluff, angst, ect.
Make sure you state what fandom it's for! (Or original work)
PLEASE DO NOT re-use another work, or take from another creator!!
You can use prompts joined with other prompts if the other blog allows it
Only one prompt per post, although if it is continuing on from a previous prompt that is ok!
Feel free to send an ask if you have any questions, and have fun!
Can we suggest prompts?
Absolutely! Send them to the ask box so they can be added to future cards!
Do we have to sign up for a card?
Nope! Unlike other bingo's you may have seen, the card will get posted to everyone! If you see a prompt you like, go right on ahead and start creating!
What happens when we complete a bingo card?
Scream "bingo!" from the rooftops, and tag us in a masterpost or a link to your completed creations so everyone can see!
Do we have to use this months card, or can we use old cards?
Using prompts from old cards is ok, if you tag it!
A bit about your bingo hosts!
All right, let’s do this one last time. My name is R. I use any pronouns, I’m bisexual, and a fic writer!
Hey there! You can call me E! He/him, and I’m aroace. I write fics just like R, and am a mod for Queer It Up Bingo.
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kaufmann-6 · 3 months
Oh, hiiii! It was about time I made an official introduction to my blog!
ᓚᘏᗢ I'm Kaufman, but you can call me Kauf! I'm a writer on ao3, an avid fic reader and a pianist!
ᓚᘏᗢ I like to reblog some of my favorite fandoms content, like PJO, Batfam and TUA on this blog and share my fics. (feel free to send me writing prompts and headcanons from the fandoms I'll list below, I'd love a challenge!)
ᓚᘏᗢ I'm also open to fic colabs and friendly chat. You have my permission to remix, translate, make podfics and/or fanarts out of my works but please tag me when posting here on tumblr. You can also post on ao3 using the "inspired by" or gift feature. (do not post content based on my works out of ao3 and tumblr)
ᓚᘏᗢ Did you know I'm the owner of a Jasico Discord server? I host creative challenges on @jasico-challenges and decided to create a Discord so people can talk about the events, Jasico, and random PJO! You're welcome to join by clicking this invite link.
ᓚᘏᗢ --------------------- >
ᓚᘏᗢ I go by Kaufmann on AO3. Here are some things that I've written:
The Umbrella Academy
ᓚᘏᗢ Absence → A remix fic I wrote for @tua-masked-author based out of @littlerit's amazing work, The Time Traveler's Life. It's Klaus pov of his 14th birthday and Five's multiple appearances. Angsty.
ᓚᘏᗢ If Only → An AU in which Patch didn't notice Five's van across the street and Cha-Cha got tired of waiting so she kills Klaus on S1E4.
ᓚᘏᗢ Bubble Thoughts → Another @tua-masked-author entry, an older one this time. It's a post-S3 fic in which Klaus reflects on his father's betrayal and his actions in that season. Luther helps him cope.
ᓚᘏᗢ I can die when I'm done. → Written for @tua-masked-author first edition! It's a missing scene fic from when Klaus was locked in that tiny motel closet in S1 when Hazel and Cha-Cha left to blow up Meritech. Character study, internal monologue. Lots of Angst & Hurt/No Comfort.
ᓚᘏᗢ The Bargain → An old wip that I really should pick up again. It's an AU in which the Handler decided to use Five's love for his siblings against him and uses Klaus as a hostage to get Five to work for her on S1E5. TW: SA.
DC Batman
ᓚᘏᗢ 'Cause you all try to keep me down → This fic was written for @febuwhump 2024. In this one, Black Mask kidnaps Red Hood and Red Robin and Jason is forced to watch Tim get tortured by the man who hates him the most. TW: Whump & eletric shock torture.
ᓚᘏᗢ I'm absolutely obsessed with Jason Todd at the moment and have so many fic ideas, including a Time Traveller's Wife AU coming up soon. Stay tunned!
Riordanverse (PJO, HOO, TOA)
ᓚᘏᗢ Oh, ho, the mistletoe (is hung where you can see) → Jasico Imprint Soulmate AU written for @jasico-challenges's Bingo Challenges 2024. Between flashbacks from the past, nightmares and christmas presents, Jason and Nico figure out how to tell their friends the truth about their relationship.
ᓚᘏᗢ If you had one more chance → Jasico fic for the Percy Jackson Gift Exchange Autum Equinox 2023. Nico struggles after Jason's death and decides to risk everything to bring him back. Orpheus & Euridyce style.
ᓚᘏᗢ Every Breath You Take → Jercy fic written for the Percy Jackson Gift Exchange Winter Solstice 2022. Percy and Jason are secretly pining for each other. In a road trip across the country, they finally face their feelings, but not withought some angst and jelously in the middle.
ᓚᘏᗢ It Doesn't Matter Anymore → A Jason Grace character study from when he was stuck in the wind prison in TOA. What was he thinking on his very last moments? Angst and Hurt/No Comfort. TW: Major character death & implied/referenced suicide.
ᓚᘏᗢ --------------------- >
I've written fics of some other fandoms like Maze Runner and I Am Not Okay With This but the fadoms above are the ones I'm still active in.
If you'd like to send a writing prompt or to make a request, here's my Bad Things Happen Bingo card, I'm accepting Jason Todd & Batfamily requests.
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cellythefloshie · 1 year
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;; Just Me & You Dedicated to @wyattjohnston for her birthday bingo!
Summary: A sequel series to Last Christmas, Adam and Charlotte are reunited after 7 years at the wedding of AHL Captain, and Adam's ex-teammate, Dillon Heatherington and Daphne, their childhood friend. Charlotte is forced to face the feelings she had spent years trying to deny and the memories she had tried to forget. It is proven to be a difficult task, even with her boyfriend of 5 years in her company as her wedding date. Demi's Bingo Card Tropes: Exes to lovers/friends to lovers, “I need you to tell me what we are,” body positivity, summer romance, pining, nobody can know (what happened in the past), “please just be honest with me” Tropes & TW: toxic relationship (original character / original character), past relationships, bridesmaid and the best man, there is body shaming before there is body positivity, alcohol consumption, infidelity ABOUT THE OC's: Charlotte: Face Claim: Crystal Reed. You can read her biography here. Daphne: Face Claim: Sophie Turner. Daphne is Charlotte's childhood friend. She grew up with Charlotte and Adam, and the three of them often spent the summer together at the cabin. Wesley: Face Claim: Ben Barnes. Ben is a career-focused man and has been Charlotte's boyfriend for the last few years. He can be controlling, and cold and doesn't let the wedding distract him from the work that needs to be done. Word Count: 20k+ Word Count Including Directors Cut: 22.5k+ A/N: I had originally planned for this fic to be in one post, but as normal I have gotten completely out of hand with it all. So this post will be more of a table of contents to direct you on your journey rather than the story itself and for that, I apologize because I know you probably would have liked it all in one place. BUT it also gave me the opportunity to make more graphics for the fic and for that, I am not entirely mad. Additionally, the director's cut is practically self-indulgence. At the end of the day, I am a smut writer, and if I have an excuse to wedge smut into a work I will but it is in no way necessary to read to be able to enjoy the story itself. I have made it a separate piece since you are not the biggest fan of smut and wanted to make sure the main story was catered to you for your special day! With that said: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEMI! I hope you enjoy another story that I have created just for you for your birthday and I hope you don't mind that I went ahead and made it a sequel to Last Christmas! It was time to revisit Adam and Charlotte again and I couldn't have enjoyed it more aka this is the only thing I've worked on since my surgery and it's been such a passion project for me. I will be releasing a chapter a week leading up to your birthday! Enjoy! 🎉
Listen to their playlist while you read. ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴏʟᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ with ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛᴏʀ'ꜱ ᴄᴜᴛ 18+ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙʟᴜᴇ
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tgmsunmontue · 24 days
WIP Title Game
tagged by: @caystar13star
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag!
I am giving you all my TGM WIPS, and then three other WIPs (last on the list) because this might make people feel better about their lists... (no one usually sees what I name my files, and hence they're a bit obscure). Also under a read more because I just... couldn't do that to people's dashboards.
TGM snippets
TGM Elves and Orcs
TGM and TF Crossover
TGM matching IceMav by BB and JS
TGM Timeslip Contemplating if it's worth the fight
TGM CycMav
TGM Academia AU
TGM Soulmates first words
TGM Barista Jake
TGM Glamping and actual rooster Rooster
TGM USN is evil and has bebbies
TGM tattoo AU
TGM sing a long
TGM Roosters Beer
TGM PracMag AU
TGM Coffeeshop AU
TGM Meet Ugly Take2
TGM Bingo Florist Modern Day AU
TW LitObliv idea
The Laws of Thermodynamics
Fine fine sunshiny day
Some of the TGM fics correspond to WIPs in my pinned post, however some of them do not (because I haven't even put down thoughts).
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to judge. There are about another 40 WIPs which I haven't touched in over 2-3 years which will never see the light of day.
For those interested and don't want to both figuring out which one might be for which one, here you go:
TGM StS = Season to Taste
TGM WIP B SoS NB BB with HD = Saga of Solitude
TGM snippets = collection of thoughts = (B) + (F) + (L) + (N) + (O)
TGM Elves and Orcs = Upon which our souls touch (A)
TGM and TF Crossover = Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide (K)
TGM matching IceMav by BB and JS = From the Top (H)
TGM Timeslip Contemplating if it's worth the fight = To Wake, Perchance to dream (C)
TGM CycMav = (E)
TGM Academia AU = (I)
TGM Soulmates first words = (Q)
TGM Barista Jake = (J)
TGM Glamping and actual rooster Rooster = (P)
TGM USN is evil and has bebbies = (D)
TGM tattoo AU
TGM sing a long
TGM Roosters Beer
TGM Po5 AU = (G)
TGM PracMag AU = (M)
TGM Coffeeshop AU
TGM Meet Ugly Take2
TGM Bingo Florist Modern Day AU = (R)
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Bingo card
Thank you for your bingo card, I've anonymized it. #Jen
KLAINE BINGO: (Sorry for leaving 'til the last day 😅)
Debut fic - Trick or Treat by bitbybit Thank you - already in our debut fic category!
2. Page turner fic - Never Saying Goodbye to You by @lilyvandersteen
Inspired by a beautiful drawing by @thisdoesnotsuck, this is a story where Kurt travels through time to the 1920s and falls in love with his great-grandfather’s secret beau. Featuring a family curse, doppelgängers, angst and confusion. I promise the ending will be happy, though :-)
 3. Fic that made you need tissues: Maybe It Should Have Been Different by Verseau_87 (lots of tw)
Kurt and his family and friends deal with the aftermath of a horrific attack. Can someone recover from something this violent and come out unchanged? They don't think so...but is it possible?
Sometimes strength and love can do anything...
4. Fic where one has an unusual reputation: The Ghost Kitchen by @hkvoyage
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Kurt lived in Lima with his father. Two years later, he returned to New York City. As he needed money to pay for rent and food, he got a job in a booming industry: food delivery. His first delivery order was a pick-up from Warbler Food Enterprises. Little did he know he would meet a cute chef there that would turn his world upside down.
5. Wild card, your choice: The Dalton Circle by darcangell23, @grlnxtdr30,
On Halloween night in 1901, two boys mysteriously disappeared from Dalton Academy, and a third boy was murdered. Over a hundred years later, can the witches of The Dalton Circle solve the mystery? An evil being wants Blaine's body, and he will stop at nothing to get it! Kurt won't let that happen.
6. Summer story: New Adventures Summer Camp by izwordsoup
Already chosen in this category!!
7. Fic written for a challenge: My Dream Come True by little_escapist 
Kurt Hummel thought that being a famous model was his dream until he met Blaine Anderson and his son.
8. Fic that made you laugh out loud: Witch Wanted by @rockitmans
Witch Wanted For CURSE BREAKING and REVENGE Can pay in lasagna or favors (nothing weird)
Blaine is cursed to not touch anyone, Kurt is the grumpy neighborhood witch. They each have something the other other needs (the thing is love)
9. -- (no choice)
Find the full list at A03. Rules at Library
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evilwriter37 · 2 months
Last Line Tag
Tagged by @howtowhumpyourhiccup @lifblogs
Tw for abuse. This is from my new fic I’m working on for AFG Dark Bingo:
Which was why he needed the makeup. Dagur had started hitting him lately, and Hiccup wouldn’t be surprised if his face became a target for his fist. It already had for the palm of his hand.
Too tired to tag anyone. Sorry!
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squishmallow36 · 1 year
Aro Dex Fic I don't feel like Titling
Word count: 2333
Tw: swearing, murder/near death experience mentions (i promise it's fluffy tho)
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-preposterously @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @the-blender-of-the-genders @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @immersion-blender @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @arson-anarchy-death
And of course a HUGE thank you to @synonymroll648 for giving me the motivation to write this thing. It'd still be rotting in my google drive if it weren't for you and I hope it lives up to your expectations from that one snippet. Sorry it took an extra day; I got distracted playing factorio in true Dex fashion
On Ao3 or below the cut!
    A knock at Dex’s bedroom door cuts through xor blaring music. Xe’s fully prepared to wage all-out guerilla warfare against whichever one of xor siblings dared to interrupt one of the few times xor brain isn’t being a little bitch. 
    One of the very few times xe isn’t worrying about seventeen thousand different productive things xe has to do and is instead simply able to ignore them. 
    And that’s exactly why xe’s spent the last two and a half hours coding a game of bingo. Sometimes that just kind of happens. It’s not like there’s anything xe can do to change it. 
    Dex pulls out his earbuds, calling, “Come in!” 
    Sophie’s head pokes through a small gap in the doorway as she greets, “Hello!” 
    Awfully cheery for someone who has a near-death experience once a week. I wonder what Keefe’s done this time. 
    “Oh, hey.” Dex smiles. “I didn’t know I still existed in your mind.” 
    Sophie closes the door behind him as he points to his temple, giggling, “Photographic memory.”
    “Ah. That explains it. What sort of project do you have for me this time?” Despite what she may claim and what Dex wants to admit to xemself, Sophie has a…tendency to only come see xem when she has a project for xem. That’s just the way it works these days.  
    “Hide me from Sandy. I don’t want to deal with him today,” Sophie answers, smooshing into the bean bag in the corner. 
    Dex sighs. “If you get murdered under my watch, I better not get blamed.” 
    Xe may mean it in a joking way, but history has shown it’s a possibility that shouldn’t be immediately discounted, and then it would be all xor fault if something happened to him. 
    Sophie makes a disgruntled noise. “You sound just like Sandy.” 
    A smile pulls at the corners of Dex’s mouth. “...Maybe I’m part Goblin. That would explain a lot.” 
    What exactly it would explain, xe doesn’t know. But there’s probably something somewhere. 
    “Like the fact you’re seventeen feet tall?” 
    Note to self: learn the US customary system of measurement. 
    At least, the way she says this implies that this is a large number even if the Elves don’t measure things in feet. Feet--as in, the attached appendages--vary in size too much for their pretentiousness because everything has to be standardized. 
    But not the same way humans do. The human metric system isn’t good enough either. Why that is, nobody knows. 
    “I’m a normal height. You’re just short.” 
    Actually, xe’s half a maik taller than the average elf, but that’s close enough for the sake of argument. 
    “You know what? Fuck you.” Sophie replies, getting up from the bean bag and burrowing into Dex’s bed. 
    Or at least that’s what it sounds like he says. The blanket muffle factor is very high. 
    He pauses for a second before mumbling, “I live here now.” 
    I really hope you can breathe in there. 
    “Mood.” Dex turns to go back to xor Bingo project, but xe has a thought--wasting xor only one for this week on a Tuesday--
    Why do Elves use the same Gregorian calendar as humans do anyway? Eh, whatever. That’s an issue for another day. 
    --and asks Sophie, “Why didn’t you choose to go brother Keefe?” 
    “More time before Sandy finds me. He’d check there first. Or maybe Everglen. Either way, it’s high up on the list.” 
    Dex shakes xor head. “So you’re trading my life for what? Ten minutes of being buried in a blanket cocoon? Can’t you do that at home?”
    “Well, yeah, but I don’t have Gwendle at home,” she replies, crushing the fluffy pink pig’s head in with her elbow. 
    “If something happens to Gwendle, I swear to fucking Exile the Neverseen are going to look like a bunch of Level Twos.” 
    “Level Twos are vicious, my dude. I hope you can bring it.” 
    “I know. I live with three of them. Send help.” 
    Sophie does not seem to take this as an actual plea for help. Or actively chooses to let Dex suffer. 
    “Wait, the triplets are Level Twos? They’re still supposed to be like,” Sophie pauses, “seven.” 
    “They were nine the first time you met them!” 
    “That’s both wrong and incorrect.” 
     No, unfortunately, it is neither of the above. And Dex has learned from the most obnoxious of Level Twos, so any sort of punishment xe creates is certain to be horribly painful. 
    Sophie recovers quickly from this revelation, asking, “So what’s new in your life?”
    “Not much. I have a random bruise on my arm and I’m not sure how it got there.” Xe tries to show her, but his head is buried in the blanket cocoon and has no chance of appreciating the yellow blob.
    Is it weird my bruises don’t really go through the bruise-looking purplish stage and instead go directly to yellow-green? I should Google that at some point.
    “How about you,” xe tacks on after a moment because that is the correct next step of the social contract. 
    “I’ve been experiencing gay thoughts for Keefie. You know how it is.” 
    Dex laughs nervously. No, I don’t, Sophie. 
    It’s not that Keefe isn’t objectively attractive, all Elves are, but that’s part of the problem. If all Elves are gorgeous, then none of them are.  
    Don’t blame me for getting my philosophy from The Incredibles. There’s only so much I can do. 
    “Oh, and, uh, by the way. I’m not exactly straight,” Sophie mentions casually. 
    Dex sees flashbacks of one of the last times xe was trying to procrastinate, trying to find Amy on human Social Media because that seemed like a good use of his time. 
    Incidentally, he found both Amy and Sophie, who stated in his description that he’s bi. Also the gender thing. That should also count for something although that hasn’t been updated in a while and still included they/them which has since been blacklisted for reasons.
    “I--I know. I stalked your Instagram page.”
    Sophie sits up, blankets puddling around her, hair standing on end from static. “You found that?”
    “I’m a Technopath with too much free time so…yeah.” Dex shrugs. “Spent some time trying to look through every single Sophie Foster but then I figured Amy would probably be following you and somehow she managed to find me a while ago.”
    “Why the fuck do you even have an Instagram?” 
    “I’ve got to keep up with the chocolate man’s bullshittery,” Dex replies like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. 
    Sophie clearly has no clue who Dex is talking about, but doesn’t bother asking. There are some days when going to a lecture is almost tolerable, but she’s not going to waste her free time away from Sandor to learn. “Fair.” He pauses, falling back into the bed with a huff. “You’re smart. Can you explain something to me?” 
    “I can try?” Dex replies, attempting to mentally prepare for whatever he tries to throw at xem. 
    “Elves are fucking stunning, yes?”
    Xe was not prepared for that. 
    “Yes?” Objectively, of course, but yes. 
    “So can you explain to me why my gay awakening was caused by Grace O’Malley? Like, what the fuck, brain? She’s been dead for centuries. I don't understand this. And this postdates moving to the Lost Cities by the way. This was two months ago.” 
     I could’ve told you two years ago, but I was oblivious to myself so I’m not going to be like that. Not today. 
    Dex nods like xe understands what she’s saying, but despite xor human studies, xe has no clue who this is, but there’s reasoning behind it. Just like the entire conversation they had ranking all the US presidents by how attractive they were. 
    That Franklin Pierce won by a large margin.
     Why that was a conversation, xe couldn’t tell you. Why Grace O’Malley is causing Sophie so many gay thoughts, xe couldn’t tell you either. 
    “You have no clue who I’m talking about, do you?” Sophie asks. 
    “No but that doesn’t mean I don’t have Wikipedia…but, please be my Wikipedia for this. It’s sure to be more entertaining than normal Wikipedia.” 
    “I see you’re enjoying my suffering,” Sophie mutters, but before Dex can reply, he’s off on a rambled explanation. “Grace O’Malley, also known as Granuaile, was the baddest bitch that ever lived. I mean yes she was documented to have a husband at one point and a boyfriend at another point but then he was killed and she absolutely fucked his killers over so, yoou know, that comes out even. She’s known today as the pirate queen of Ireland and, gods, I wish she’d step on me.” 
    Are the Allos okay? 
    “None of my little gay thoughts make any sense. By any rational means my gay awakening should’ve been Biana or Marella or Linh. Oh gods, Linh is so pretty. Isn’t Linh so pretty?”
    “I…haven’t really thought about it I guess.” 
    “What the fuck do you mean, my dude?” Sophie asks, sitting up once again to stare into Dex’s soul.
    Dex shrugs. “I mean it just hasn’t really crossed my mind.”     
    Sophie buries his head in his hands. “What do you mean it hasn’t crossed your mind‽ I can’t seem to have any other thoughts even when I’m literally in the middle of getting murdered.”
    Dex takes a breath. “Would you like a possible explanation to this whole dilemma?”
    Cranking sarcasm up to eleven, Sophie replies, “No. I enjoy suffering this anguish. Teach me your ways.” 
    “Yeah, so, um. A couple of weeks ago I might’ve come to the realization that I’m aro…”
    Smiling, Sophie asks in pretend anger, “Why the fuck did I kiss you then?” 
    “You see, what I believed was romantic attraction was really just a wonderful combination of a squish and comphet. So yeah. That happened. I’m sorry.” 
    “Oh, don’t be sorry. Elves being painfully blind to the obvious is just simply a genetic trait we all seem to share.” 
    “...I thought I was part goblin.”
    “You inherited the worst of both worlds. Obliviousness and being tall,” Sophie laughs.”So how’d you overcome your predisposition to obliviousness?” 
    Dex begins, “I was laying in bed one night at about, let’s say three a.m. because that’s better than the actual time, refusing to sleep because sleep is for losers--”
    “Mood,” Sophie interrupts.
    “--and out of nowhere the realization hit me like a sack of wet mice. Looking back, the lack of heart palpitations should have been a very telling sign. And there was some sorting out and reclassifying what I previously believed was romantic attraction but everything can be explained away pretty easily,” Dex finishes. 
    “Palpitations? Is that related to Emperor Palpatine? Dex, are you gay for a crusty old Star Wars dude?” Sophie jokes.
    Dex laughs. “That would be so on brand for me but, sadly, no. You know when your heart gets fluttery during a panic attack? It’s the fancy medical word for that.”
    “Why do you know this? You aren’t a healer; you don’t like people enough for that.” 
    “Partially because Merriam-Webster offers a word of the day calendar and partially because my brain just sometimes decides to store the most useless shit. Like the periodic table. Can you tell me the molar mass of copper off the top of your head?”
    “63.55, of course. But you don’t have a photographic memory. This makes no sense to me.”
    “You see, to make room for all that extra storage, I forget an equal number of things. Often the victims are remembering to eat and sleep and which way is left and right.” 
    “Mood. Do you know the left hand right hand trick?”
    “...no?” Dex answers. 
    “If you hold out your left hand, it looks like an ‘L’ which is the same letter that starts the word left. And the right hand is backwards,” Sophie explains. 
    “I hate to break this to you, Soph, but that might be the case in the Latin Alphabet--I should really get back to Duolingo--but that’s not how it works in Elvin runes. And I have a feeling it would take more brain power to remember the rule than to remember left and right so I think I’m just not going to know directions ever. I’ve resigned myself to my fate.” 
    Before he can craft an elaborate mnemonic device to help both of them with a skill they probably should have learned in elf-kindergarten, Dex’s mom yells up the stairs for xem. 
    Half a second later, she’s followed up by a chorus of slightly-off-timed “DEX!”s from the triplets. 
    Xe cracks the door open, replying, “Yeah?” 
    “You wouldn’t happen to know where Sophie might be, eh?” 
    The triplets attempt to also repeat this, to vastly more disastrous results as Dex and Sophie have the shortest staring contest in recorded history. 
    ‘I’ll send her right down!” Dex says, trying to keep any sort of emotion from xor face to no avail. 
    Sophie’s gaze hardens into a glare with the fury of an incredibly cliche but still somehow accurate thousand suns. 
    “You can go and fuck yourself,” he says quietly. 
    Dex pretends to consider. “Nah, I’m too ace for that. Now. Begone before Sandor comes and destroys my room. Everything has its assigned place and I’m not in the mood to reorganize. Not today.” 
    “Bye! If I never get to leave the house again I’ll hail you when I get bored.” 
    Please don’t. I’d rather not have a panic attack and avoiding calls is a very good way to do that. 
    Dex waves as Sophie escapes xor room and down the stairs. If she gets kidnapped by the triplets on the way down, it isn’t xor fault. 
    Xe collapses back into xor chair, leaning too far back and scaring xemself before sighing. 
    That was…less painful than anticipated. Still not telling my mother any time in the next thousand years though. Even with a society constructed around the arospecs we call the council. That’s not happening. Not under my watch. 
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glygriffe · 2 years
December Fanfic Reading & Rec
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To start the New Year positively, let's celebrate the creativity of some fellow writers I had the pleasure to read in the last month.
I want to share the good stuff in my life and, so far, Tumblr has been a good place for that for me. Let's continue sharing the joy of fanfiction!
As a "warning", know that I read mostly Supernatural themed short stories in December. I vaguely sorted them into categories to help others find what they like.
Gen fic
Untitled Reader POV where the reader is living in the bunker with the boys, by @ellen-reincarnated1967. Whatever happened, the Winchesters are here for her. (No pairing)
Out of the closet: a bit of Destiel fluff by @bobwess on AO3. Dean is pretty sure Cas is stealing his clothes, but he isn't sure what to do about it. (Dean x Castiel)
Phone: A cute little AU drabble for Destiel Month by @blessyourhondahurley (Dean x Castiel)
Untitled: Castiel choosing to let his vessel age for… reasons by @aheavenlycreature (Dean x Castiel)
The Steadfast Soul: A wonderful piece about Sam by @posingasme, full of all kinds of love. (Creature!Sam, Very Sastiel-lite, brotherly bound)
We Are Hope: a Castiel ficlet on life and hope and Dean Winchester in early season 15. By @rauko-creates (lite Destiel)
Brotherly Figures: A series with Sam and Dean, both as big brothers to an OC! By @spnexploration (No pairing)
Untitled post-15x18 ficlet: Dean and Cas’ using their words by @queerstudiesnatural (Castiel x Dean)
Snow Globe: a moment of truth and fluff between Dean and the reader by @waywardnerd67 for a Christmas bingo challenge. (Dean x Reader)
Teen and Up
Total Eclipse: A story about longing by @posingasme on AO3 (Sam x Castiel)
Carry on my wayward sons: So much brotherly love in this combo art/fic by @peach-coke created for Supernatural Hiatus Creation (No pairing)
Ghost of Christmas present(s): Christmas fluff after the finale (link toward the AO3 post) by @mittensmorgul (Dean x Castiel)
Like you did: a growing old together story by @posingasme on AO3 for the Gabriel reverse bang 2022 of @gabrielbigbang (Destiel, Sabriel)
Prompted: wonderful short stories by @bobwess (on AO3), some sweet, some tragic, from Bob's own Twitter prompts. I read chapter 9 and chapter 10 in December and I loved them! (mind the TW for each chapter: Ch. 9 has MCD and possibly homicide; Ch. 10 is pure domestic/Christmas fluff.)
And for stuff unrelated to Supernatural:
Change, a beautiful (and sad) poem by @rauko-is-a-free-elf (original work)
How do you write poetry for someone who is your every moment?, a poem by @rauko-creates (original work)
Don't Drool on Me: By @lemonlillybee (on A03) a kind of slice-of-life sickfic of Tony Stark acting as Peter Parker's parent figure - I didn't even know Iron!Dad was a thing before September, but I found it awesome!
Happy reading, happy sharing, and...
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goat-shoe · 7 months
ok, i Rant time
ive been reading this fic Knowing itd be a mess and im just... ive had it with this characterization! aimless rant below ^^;;;
tw for bullying, harassment, abuse, homophobia
so a lot of highschool AUs are just..... Bad? like LOL sorry :x but. youre taking away everything interesting about the miraculous holders, And youre trying to make Fully Grown Adults into children. ??????
n e ways, i found this highschool dropout au,,, im Sure you can guess how i feel abt dugout and tiderdrop together, but personal biases aside (its Icky to me and someday ill figure out why)..... lets read this fic.
(to prove i am Not taking things out of context, heres the whole fic)
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FIRST of all, youre ognna notice that the prose is Boring, written in long and uninspired runon sentences. i dont wanna just bash on an inexperienced writer, but if youre gonna be this lazy about it.. who is it for :x
second, headcanoning mariquitas name as the Only spanish name you can think of that starts with "mari"? is just uninspired. mariquita wouldnt Choose a hero name so obviously close to her Real Name.. again im not an unmasker, but this headcanon is ridiculous....
finally, and most importantly.... "he sighs wearily". umm, No actually. he Doesnt. you dont even get an insight into dugouts thoughts other than "im nervous about school >m<"
Needless to say, this and his whiny, whimpering demeanor is incredibly infantilizing,. Furthermore in this context, all it does is plays into the ""yaoi"" trope of a big buff bad big boy x boy who says uwaaah! (i hope it goes without saying, this is Not a condemnation of boys who say uwahh, yall are doing gods work and ily)
cramming tigerdrop and dugout into this trope comes off as (and actually is) incredibly homophobic and harmful. need i remind you, these are real people. i wouldnt be surprised if this author was a fujoshi or something too :x
im a dugout fan Because hes reserved, but in this fic, thats being watered down to him just being sad and whiny.
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its just so insulting to be written shrugging every 3 sentences. dugout im so sorry theyre doing this to you ;;;
guhh. ill give them points for this cute relationship with mariquita...
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but again, the prose is just.. clumsy. and again, all dugout does is whine about change. its not even a realistic portrayal of adjustment disorder :x
speaking of disorders Lol,
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we Know how i feel abt tigerdrop, but i tend to actually like fanfic portrayals of him.
but this one is just... Confusing...
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(also we have mandatory "describe their entire outfit in vapid detail" LOL i should have made this a bingo)
i havent really been talking about the plot, but heres what it took the author two chapters to get through:
dugout it new in town, hes nervous about the changes. (we dont even know why he misses home??? just, make it up i guess, god forbid a fanfiction Make That part up!!!!!!)
tigerdrop has lived in new york all his life, and he appears to be pretty bored with life (ex: pushes pipsqueak over just because he thought itd be funny, no doubt an allusion to the canal street incident last july)
his characterization is actually really confusing and i think its supposed to be like, Alluring??? but its just disconcerting :x
thats It. Two established characters and empty conversations with others (the mariquita mischaracterization especially drives me up the wall ever since i confirmed my kin with her)
they meet in math class when dugout unknowingly sits in tigerdrops seat..... girl, Literally no one in high school acts like this.
at this point, this fic is no better than glee and the millions of other incorrect and careless portrayals of highschoolers. tigerdrop has some weird banter with the faceless teacher (yet Another reason i hate most highschool fics)
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:/ i Kinda saw it coming, but....
tigerdrop apologizing and not meaning it? In character. But, hes just acting like a greaser, and its Weird
dugout wouldnt care! he would not look like "a deer in the Headphones."
i Realize the author doesnt have a beta reader but :x that doesnt excuse pawning off lazy work btw, in case anyone was wondering....
last but probably Most important: this is setting up such a toxic dynamic. tigerdrop is actively pushing the message that dugout is taking up too much space and he doesnt belong. its alienating and shitty. and this is a fic Shipping Them :x
but i Clicked on a dropout fic, so.... should i be surprised :/
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like i said. dugout is Already afraid of him.. his body is reacting just to the sound of his voice, not unlike trauma in PTSD victims!
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like. guh. this is literally so toxic. also..
take a shot every time you see the word "smirks"
lips ghosting his nose And ear? Lol.....
likely The Worst way to incorporate their miraculous personas :x reading this literally made me nauseous.
anyways.... thats all of the fic thats been posted so far. so to summarize: this is just Icky. its even worse, setting this kind of relationship in their high school years :x imagine if someone treated you this way! youre Not gonna grow up and marry them.
i Cant even.
~ ty for reading <3 ~
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stuckybingo · 2 years
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Stucky Bingo Round-Up #20 (February 19th - 26th)
Don’t forget to fill out the submission form to be a part of the round-ups and to get your bingo badges!
How to (Try to) Lose a Guy in 10 Days by rohruh Square filled: G4 - Rom-com Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: rom-com, lovers to enemies to lovers, modern au, Summary: “I like it,” Carol snaps her fingers and points in Bucky’s direction. “Let’s give it a deadline. How long do you think you’ll need to get someone to break up with you, Barnes? 10 days?” This actually sounds kind of fun. It’s been a while since Bucky has felt this kind of excitement towards any of his work assignments. “How to lose a guy in 10 days,” he says with a bit of wonder. “How to lose a guy in 10 days,” Carol agrees, sharing a wicked smile with him. “I won’t need all 10, though,” he tells her with certainty. “I’m sure I can scare him off way sooner than that.” Format: Part of a multichapter fic
the fae behind the mirror by SomeSortofItalianRoast Square filled: I4 - Mirrors Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fae & Fairies, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Literal Sleeping Together, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, pre-steve/bucky Summary: A cracked mirror leads to a close encounter of the third (Fae)kind. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
My Heart Is Open (I'm Letting You In) by Metalbvcky Square filled: I5 - AU: Shrunkyclunks Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Drunken Shenanigans Major tags: Post-Avengers (2012), Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Crack Treated Seriously, Drunk Steve Summary: Bucky come home from work only to struggle to with a jammed lock, and his very drunk neighbor, Captain America, breaks his door down to help him inside. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
the history books forgot about us by maplefiasco Square filled: N4 - Art format: Limited Colour Palette Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, implied blood Major tags: angst, book quotes Summary: A series of gifs illustrating quotes from This is How You Lose the Time War set over book pages. Format: Gifs
Lit From Within by Winnie Square filled: G4 - Found Family Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply, very brief mention of past TWS trauma Major tags: domestif fluff, established relationship, canon divergence Summary: It's snowing in Brooklyn, and Steve and Bucky go out to the beach. They are ridiculously in love. That's it, that's all. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Jailhouse Rock by Smutconnoisseur Square filled: I5 - Kink: Exhibitionism Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Explicit content, Prison, Exhibitionism, Confessional Sex, No Overall Religious Themes, Major tags: Prison, Exhibitionism, Confessional Sex, Undercover, Mentioned Accidental Voyeur Summary: ""I love you too."" Bucky swallows down the knot forming in his throat, meaning they must say goodbye soon. He reaches down, smoothing out the numbers on the back of Steve's jumpsuit. ""Inmate 25147."" Steve's mouth drops open, and Bucky is quick to the drawl. ""You're keeping the outfit, right?"" Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Hey, I Just Met You by hanitrash Square filled: G4 - wrong number/butt dial Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply, COVID-19, daddy kink Major tags: shrunkyclunks, wrong number, meet awkward, bratty bucky, daddy steve phone sex Summary: During the height of the Covid-19 lockdowns, Steve and the Avengers are helping to raise funds for first responders and other groups. Unfortunately for Steve, he mis-dials the phone just as he's put on a live stream. The young man who answers leaves Steve tongue-tied and thoroughly flustered, and he's thankful for the call to end. The last thing he expects is to meet that same man by chance eight months later - this time with far different results. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
The Serum by singthebeginningofmoana Square filled: B4 - Project Rebirth Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply, watermelon Major tags: Angst, Fear, Canon Compliant, Parallels Summary: On opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean and unbeknownst to each other, Steve and Bucky are both being given an experimental super soldier serum. Both are afraid and draw their strength from thinking of each other. Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
Are there still beautiful things? by rya_204 Square filled: N1 - kink cock warming Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Tentacle sex, Cock warming, No Verbal Bucky Barnes Major tags: Post WS, H/C, Anal Sex, Angst Summary: «You shouldn't sleep in the walk-in closet, Buck.» He snorted. Steve was always ready to change the subject. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Parallel, Space and Time by Cherriontop Square filled: N2 - Dysfunctional Relationship Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply, not steve friendly Major tags: canon compliant, emotionally hurt bucky, angry bucky, oblivious steve, post endgame Summary: Two years after Steve left Bucky for Peggy, Bucky has reached his breaking point with him. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
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fandomsareforlife · 1 year
Can't Go Home
Summary: Gravis wanted to tell him mom something big. But it might not go too well.
TW: Child abuse, homophobia, suicide attempt
Notes: This is my version of an April Fool's fic. Did not proof read this whatsover. This is for @badthingshappenbingo. Here is the bingo card. Please ask for warnings if they are needed. Might edit this later.
There were some things that everyone knew about Gravis. Everyone knew that he was the master of gravity, that he was calm, that he liked to play video games and that his favorite food was hummus. 
However, this was an non-exhaustive list of things about him. There were some things that few people knew about him. 
These things included his favorite color was yellow, or that he had a soft spot for techno, or that he was dating Jacob. Of those things, the last one was relevant to his plans for today. 
Today, Gravis was going to come out to his mother. He knew that there was a chance of it failing, but he hoped that it went well. 
Gravis made sure that he cleaned himself nicely that morning, and he put on a nice shirt and pants. Even if he wanted to throw up from nerves, he would not let himself be sloppy when he did this. 
Gravis then took a bus to his mother’s home, a nice little house outside of Ninjago city. He would summon his elemental dragon, but he was too scared. 
(He should have listened to his fear. Then everything might not have gone so wrong.)
Eventually, Gravis arrived at his mother’s door. This was it. He was really going to do it. 
Gravis raised his fist and knocked two times, then after a moment three more. He grinned softly at the fact that even though he hadn’t seen his mother in a while, he still remembered their secret knock.
Gravis’s mother opened the door, a soft smile on her face. 
“Hello, Gavin!” she cheered. “Please, come in.”
Gravis grinned at her and stepped through the door. He took off his shoes and followed his mother into the house. “Sit, bihta. Let me get us tea,” Gravis’s mother commanded. Gravis frowned, but he knew that he should listen to his mother. She was the one in charge here, after all. 
Gravis took a seat on the sofa in the living room, a soft thing of red and brown. It was a product of his mother’s hard work for months when he was child. 
Gravis’s mother came back to the living room fairly quickly, with two cups of steaming tea and biscuits on a tray. She set the tray down on the table, and then she handed Gravis a cup of tea. 
Gravis took a sip of his tea, and tried to keep a scowl off his face. He forgot his mother always made tea fairly weakly. 
“How are you, Gavin?” his mother asked when she sat down with her cup. 
“I am doing well, mother. How are you?” 
Gravis’s mother gave a tired laugh. “Oh, you know, the usual. Been busy. But I am doing fine, otherwise.” Taking a sip of tea, she gave Gravis a pointed look. “What did you come here today? Not that I don’t enjoy this, but you mentioned that you needed to tell me something.”
Gravis felt himself tense a bit. This was his last chance to back out. He could make up something (even though he wasn’t good at lying). 
But he had to do this. Otherwise, he knew he would never do it. 
“Mother, I have something to tell you. And I hope that you realize that I am the same person still, and that you just know a bit more about me,” Gravis started. Gravis’s mother put down her cup and was looking at him with wide eyes. Gravis took a deep breath, and looked at his feet. “I am gay. I have known this since I was sixteen. I know that I should have told you sooner, but I-”
Gravis’s chin was suddenly forced upwards. Gravis’s mother looked down at him, her expression furious and tears flowed down from her eyes. 
“How could you?” she whispered. “How could you do this to me? Surely you know how I feel about those sorts of deviants.” She sniffled softly. “How many children have you corrupted?” 
Gravis wanted to say that he could not believe the words coming out of her mouth, but that would be lying to himself, and Gravis made it a habit to not lie to himself. He knew that his mother always judge those who didn’t fit in her perfect mold a bit harsher, but he had hoped that her love for him would override anything like that in regards to him. 
He was an idiot. He was truly an idiot.
Gravis gulped, before answering his mother. “I never corrupted anyone. I am so sorry, mama.”
Gravis closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He needed to be able to leave, but he didn’t want to escalate the situation. 
Suddenly, he felt something crash into his face. Gravis crumpled slightly, feeling his face. There was something wet dripping down on his face. 
“That’s what you deserve. You are not my son. Leave. Maybe you should put yourself into the oven. That will give you a taste of what you deserve.” She pushed him into the sofa, and her footsteps moved away from him. She left Gravis to his own devices. 
Gravis did not know how long it had been, but eventually he was able to shakily get on his legs. He walked back towards the door to get his shoes. He needs to leave. 
Walking out of his mother’s house, Gravis forced himself to walk back to his apartment. While he could technically get on a bus, he did not think that he could be able to handle being in such a crowded space for any period of time. 
As Gravis walked to his apartment, he managed to get his legs to stop shaking and his breath to even out. His mind was not as foggy as it was before with emotions. Everything felt less now. 
(He ignored how there was still blood on him. He ignored how a part of him was shattered. He ignored the fact that everything was inexplicably changed. He would feel like he would never feel safe again.)
Gravis was grateful that the elevator up to his apartment was empty. He didn’t have to worry about anyone asking him any questions. He could be alone. 
Opening the door to his apartment, Gravis forced himself to walk towards his bathroom. He needed to clean the blood off of him. It was drying up, and Gravis didn’t want to clean it off when it was fully dry.
Gravis didn’t bother turning the lights on when he cleaned the blood off him. He could barely tell what he was doing. One minute he was scrubbing at the blood with a washcloth, and the next he was sobbing into his hands. 
He couldn’t go home. He had his apartment, but he couldn’t go to his mother again. He could never have her tea or her cooking. She would never pull her fingers through his hair again. 
Why did he do that? Gravis Gavin should have known better. He should have known that doing this would have made his mother mad. He should have been smarter. He should have been better.
His mother was right. He should die. If he was going to hell, he should just take himself to the expressway. 
(Gravis ignored how his mind kept bringing up images of Jacob’s face at the funeral of everyone who died. He ignored the guilt he felt. He didn’t want to let himself think logically. This was better for everyone. At least, it would be.)  
Gravis eventually was able to stop himself from crying. As his view  of the world became less blurry, he saw a bottle of pills. 
Gravis picked them up, and then walked towards the kitchen. He poured a glass of water. He sat at the table. 
Then, slowly, Gravis lifted a handful of pills up to his mouth.
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