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i've wanted to write this for a while tbh- anyway! backstory on eden's parents, hannah and abdiel linnaeus.
tagging the eden linnaeus fanclub and other people i think would be interested: @skitzo-kero @anexor @chaieyestea @invaderskoodge @vacantgodling
@void-botanist @drawnecromancy @moonflowerrss @paradoxspir1t @albatris
@corvus-rose @astral-runic
content warnings: discussions of child abuse, child neglect/abandonment, parental death, terminal illness, misogyny, and ableism. (probably not as much on that last one, but i think the vibes are there.)
also i'll be using she/her in reference to eden in this post because this is wayyy before he had any gender realizations. just remember eden is A Man.
i don't have recent art of hannah, so i'll just use screencaps of when i made her and abdiel in bg3 as a reference. hannah on the left, abdiel on the right.
FOR BACKGROUND: abdiel is the only son of a drow scholar named noa of house linnaeus, following an intimate encounter with an incubus in her early 20s. noa never wanted a child, much less a son, but she was far too prideful and stubborn to give him up or abort the unborn fetus. so, she had a son, and she loathed him. from a very young age, noa made it clear to abdiel that she never wanted him, and that it was his responsibility to fix the mistake he'd made by being born.
she pumped that kid FULL of self worth issues right away.
hannah, by contrast, was raised by two loving tiefling parents--her father jeriah, and her mother ansel. their life together wasn't perfect, sure, but it was happy. both of her parents were spellcasters, and they were both renowned on some level for their craft. and so, from a rather young age, there was an unspoken expectation that hannah would follow suit.
HOW THEY MET: hannah and abdiel met at fantasy-wizard-college, when hannah was 20 and abdiel was 35. hannah was in the middle of her undergrad studies as a cleric, and abdiel was in the middle of his doctoral program as a wizard. abdiel didn't actually start college until his late 20s because noa would not allow him to, pressuring him to stay and take care of her as she got older. he hated his mother, but he was also terrified of losing her, as he felt no one else would have him. eventually, though, he left her behind, desperate to escape his abuser and start his life elsewhere. and that included attending college to study magic.
college was... rough for abdiel. he was significantly older than his peers and felt both uncomfortable and deeply alienated around them, especially many of the women on campus who reminded him of his mother. that combined with his total lack of self worth made it hard for him to talk to people, hard to make any *friends.* so, he was alone, and he was fine... until, one day, he hit a breaking point and broke down in a hidden corner of the main meal hall, bawling into his hands.
then, hannah found him. she was genuinely worried and approached him, asking if she could sit next to him. he tensed and asked her what she'd do if he said no, and she said that if he said no she'd leave. but, well, he seemed like he might need a friend, so she wanted to ask. he was quiet for a while after that, still shaking.
eventually, he timidly told her she could sit with him, so she did so, and she kept him company until he fully calmed down. afterwards, she started talking to him, and slowly he began opening up to her, feeling more reassured by the minute by how sweet and genuine she was, without pressuring him to do the same.
soon, he started really engaging with her, too, and by the end he was actually smiling. and hannah took that as a victory above all else--being able to see this sad, anxious man smile. (she told him that he has a nice smile, and he laughed, visibly flustered by the compliment.)
after that day, hannah started seeking him out and talking to him more, and he always seemed to visibly relax around her. basically, hannah appointed herself as abdiel's best friend, and he accepted wholeheartedly. she quickly became one of the only people he felt truly safe around, and he latched onto her as a result. she encouraged him to open up more and talk to other people, too, and as he did, he finally began to truly *flourish.*
with hannah's support, abdiel began slowly making more friends and developing more of a reputation with his classmates as an outgoing, intelligent, charismatic guy. finally, he felt like he belonged at university, like people wanted him around. hannah was his favorite, ofc, but he relished the attention.
and he returned the favor tenfold, supporting hannah in every way he could and bragging about her to anyone who would listen. he was a wife guy well before they even started dating. though she was already very confident, sweet, and intelligent, one thing she really struggled with was taking care of *herself* rather than other people, hence why she approached a terrified abdiel to comfort him in the first place.
abdiel encouraged hannah to consider herself more, praising her for her altruism while also telling her to value herself. he was terrified that the world would take advantage of her brilliant, beautiful, benevolent soul, and he wanted to protect her and protect that selflessness. besides his classwork and research, abdiel spent much of his free time with her, soaking up her attention and, in his mind, protecting her from people who wouldn't appreciate her.
abdiel eventually realized he was attracted to hannah in a way he'd never been with anyone before. and he *panicked*. he believed that he should be grateful for what he had with hannah, should be lucky to count her as his friend, and he shouldn't dare wish for anything else. so he kept his mouth shut for nearly a year after he realized it.
then, when hannah was 22 and abdiel was 37, hannah's father jeriah died. and she just... *broke* down.
abdiel held her throughout the night she got the news, his heart breaking with every heaving sob she let out into his chest. sure, he'd seen plenty of people cry, but none hurt as much as hannah did. he'd never seen her so devastated, and he vowed to himself that he'd do everything in his power to make sure she never cried like that again.
(later, hannah explained to abdiel that her dad had been sick for a long time--her family has a history of illness going back generations, and he'd been dealing with it for some time. however, she'd hoped against hope that the latest treatments he'd been receiving would work... this is what directly inspired abdiel to go into medicine, changing course to work towards, maybe, a cure for the illness in hannah's family. all of abdiel's contributions to medical science trace back to her.)
a few weeks after her dad's death, hannah actually made the first move and kissed abdiel. immediately, she panicked and pulled away, babbling apologies and telling him that it's okay if he doesn't like her that way, and she doesn't want to make things *weird*, but she really really likes him and he's her best friend in the world, and- (abdiel gently cut her off by cupping her cheek and leaning in to press their lips together again, once he remembered how to move again after his brain short-circuited a little.)
they started dating a day later, after sitting down and talking through their feelings. abdiel already knew he loved hannah, and he was so relieved to finally be able to express it. as far as he was concerned, she was the center of his universe, and he damn near worshipped that woman. hannah, meanwhile, was a bit more hesitant to call it love at first, but she definitely adored him.
(fun little side-note, but hannah's mother ansel definitely did not approve of abdiel at all. she thought hannah could do better, and she was wary of hannah dating an older man. at least, until one day when abdiel sat down with her and earnestly told her how much he loves her daughter. he'd never do anything to hurt hannah, *ever*, and he needed her to know that. ansel didn't have to believe him, but he wanted her to know he meant it, and ge'd prove it. finally, she relented.)
they dated for a couple years, and shortly after they both graduated they moved to a small fishing village named encerough, near where hannah grew up. by this point, abdiel was making a lot of headway in his research into healing magic as a wizard, and he was developing quite a reputation in his field... however, as much as he was enjoying his developing renown, he didn't have much interest in living in a bustling city with his colleagues.
he liked the idea of a quiet life with hannah in the country. especially once hannah got pregnant, at which point they decided to get married. (abdiel definitely prepared a whole elaborate proposal and pulled out , but hannah beat him to it and proposed after she told him she was pregnant. he immediately pulled her into his arms and kissed her so fast she nearly fell over <3 these two were so immensely Smitten™️)
then, when hannah was 24 and abdiel was 39, she had their first child: a tiny purple tiefling named eden. abdiel held her hand the whole time as she was giving birth, encouraging her and refusing to leave her side. and, afterwards, while she was recovering, he sat with her and smiled, just... watching her with so much love and adoration. he had a family, all his own, and he loved them more than anything.
but, of course... that's where the troubles started. abdiel loved hannah, and he loved eden by extension, but he struggled to connect with his baby the same way he connected with his wife. he looked at eden and felt nothing, and he had no desire to interact with or care for the baby. more than that, having a *daughter* was terrifying to abdiel. he knew logically that a baby couldn't hurt him, but hannah *was* still the only woman he ever felt safe around.
hannah was understanding and reassured him that his daughter knew he loved her, and he was relieved. as long as hannah didn't think less of him, that was all that mattered to him. and so, abdiel made little to no effort to care for or show eden any attention, noticably shrinking away from her and passing her off to her mother.
making things worse, around this time, hannah started developing symptoms of an illness very similar to her father's. nothing too bad at first, but she began to have less energy, her joints began to ache, and she began to struggle to get out of bed. abdiel noticed right away and was *terrified*, throwing himself further into his research to find a cure for hannah before her illness could progress. not that he really discussed this with her--he didn't want to worry her or make her think she was going to die. because she wasn't. he wouldn't let that happen.
of course, the time came where they had to talk about it regardless, and hannah was... resigned. she'd always figured this might happen, but not this soon. but she told abdiel that it's okay. she's not dead yet, and she has plenty of time left with him and their baby girl. she appreciated him trying to help, but she was just happy to spend her life, however much she had left, with the most amazing man in the world, and the beautiful child he'd given her. (abdiel silently promised that he'd make sure she had a happy life. and she wasn't going to die. *she wasnt.*)
fast forward a bit, and hannah and abdiel had their second child: a son named michael. abdiel once again struggled to connect with their baby, but this time he tried. he earnestly tried to be there for both of their kids, even if he mainly cared about them as extensions of his love for hannah. (it was easier with michael, though--perhaps having a son was easier to process.)
still, hannah was proud of him for trying either way, and she told him as such. in between his research into her disease and finding a cure, he spent as much time with his family as he could, especially hannah (though he at least would acknowledge his kids). but... hannah was still getting worse, and abdiel was *terrified.*
they began having more and more talks about what might happen, which grew more and more tense, more and more serious, as they both realized hannah wasn't getting better, and abdiel wasn't any closer to a cure. he wasn't going to stop trying, though. *goddammit*, he wasn't going to stop.
then, around eden's sixth birthday, hannah collapsed and had a violent coughing fit, struggling to breathe as she seized on the floor and eden watched helplessly, terrified for her mother. (abdiel paid the child no mind--he just ran to hannah's side to help her.)
she was ultimately okay, having just strained herself a bit too much while cooking, but abdiel fucking *panicked.* he realized that he wouldn't be able to find a cure to save her in time if he stayed in encerough--he'd have to travel to one of the cities, where he'd have many more resources at his disposal.
it took a week or so for him to get preparations in order, during which time he didn't tell hannah anything, up until the night before he left. when he did, it was presented in a way that boded no arguments: abdiel would be leaving to find a cure, and she would stay *here* and take care of herself (and the kids). he'd be back soon, and she would be okay. abdiel was taking control of a situation where he felt helpless, making decisions for both of them without thinking about what she wanted.
hannah didn't react well. she was upset that he hadn't told her his plans, and she ended up just. telling him point blank that he wasn't going to be able to *cure her.* this was it! she always knew she would die young, and she'd rather her husband *stay* with her and enjoy the time she has left rather than leaving her alone with the vague promise of returning someday to fix her when she *didn't want to be fixed.*
abdiel didn't react well either, and this just... spiraled into a huge argument, which ended with them both in tears (but moreso hannah--abdiel always did have a tendency to shut down emotionally when they disagreed with each other, refusing to listen to what she was saying).
(baby eden also witnessed this argument, not that she ever told either of them about it.)
the next morning, they talked again, calmer this time. and hannah asked abdiel to stay. please. and he told her that he couldn't. if there was even a *tiny* hope that he could save her, he had to take it. because he loved her.
she was clearly devastated to hear that, but she nodded and said okay. but she told him to come back soon, and he told her he would--*after* he'd found a way to save her. and later that day, he was gone.
he never did come home, of course. he sent hannah letters when he could, but not all of them were delivered in a timely manner. without hannah there to balance him out, he lost himself in an obsessive spiral of trying to find a cure, trying to *fix* her, and he easily lost track of the time.
hannah telling him that he hadn't cured her and wasn't going to be able to... well, it hit a nerve, and he was determined to prove her wrong as much as he was determined to save her. he was angry with hannah, not that he'd ever call it that. (and, as a sidenote, it's during this time that abdiel developed most of his fame and renown as a wizard--even though he was no closer to curing hannah's disease, he was behind a lot of major advancements in medical technology in this era.)
when asked, abdiel would tell people he was married, but he rarely went into detail. and he certainly never mentioned his children. no one needed to know about his personal life, not until he'd fixed the problem and saved the love of his life.
and then, nearly six years later, abdiel received word that hannah was dead. and he was *devastated*. he locked himself in his study and completely broke down, drinking himself into a stupor and smashing a bunch of his equipment, and then the numbness fully settled in. he'd failed. and she was gone.
he didn't go to her funeral. he didn't want to face their neighbors, their *children*, knowing he'd failed his hannah and she was gone. and, fuck, their children surely hated him by now, didn't they? after all, he hadn't saved their mother. he'd hate him, too.
so, he stayed away, and he stopped sending letters. he withdrew from his family entirely, and once he was able, he threw himself back into his research, the only thing he had left. if he wasn't going to be able to have the life and family he'd wanted, then he'd at least have his work.
he did try to move on from hannah, but it never really went past the occasional one-night stand. as far as he's concerned, hannah's the only person he ever really cared for, and that's not going to change. there's no one else like her, and there never will be again. and like i *joke* bout him comparing his one-night stands to hannah, but he definitely did that. because no one compares to her.
(and on hannah's end--she never stopped loving or missing abdiel, and she had no interest in moving on from him. she held out hope he would come back, because he told her he would. he'd never broken a promise to her before that, and though she still believed his quest to cure her was fruitless... she knew, if anyone could find a way, it'd be him.)
#multi makes text posts#IT'S HERE.... BLAGH#eden linnaeus#my phone is so low on battery rn fick#*fuck
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so jusg cause my fidget toy is a 2 and a half inch foldable pocket knife that i bring to restricted locations you think you can ableist discriminate against me... ok -_-
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what if everyone was just nicer and more considerate when bringing up things that might upset me or make me uncomfortable or i have historically not wanted to talk about. and like what if you stopped and thought about how i would feel by focusing on everyone but me
#nia chats#rant#BLAGH!!!#'Have u said i love u to our parents yet / I have. ive said it on occasion now' Like Ok. thanks. what is your problem with me genuinely#'can u eat food. mom and dad keep asking me if you are okay' Im crazy depressed. but ok. thanks to all of u involved#dont get me going on my birthday. stupid idiot losers twenty first stupid loser birthday. im moving on.#“U saying u want to isolate sounds like U want to isolate from Me” '/joking around'#I know this is how u joke/keep things light and maybe i wouldve been chill about it any other time but like why would u say that right now#when a major point of the vent u saw was that I wish people would think abt what they said/did and how it might affect me#and how i was really upset about people making my feelings/situations about them.#and “so whats going on with you like whats happening here” ??? Why would you ask me that Like That. what am i supposed to fucking say 😭😭#like that was ur opener. im supposed to talk when ur gonna open like that and then jokingly make my depression isolation about u ???? ☹️☹️#its not as if i talk about it otherwise. or as if i think ive ever been sincerely asked. but how was this the move. why was this the move#i keep getting upset abt this bc if thats how one of my closest friends approaches me With context then who do i. where. like. whatever#andevery time my parents bring up my braces and i very obviously get uncomfortable and want the topic changed and they just keep#going like Im going to give u 3 word answers Again like i do Every time i KNOW its almost been 2 years WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT.#u know it was u who made me insecure about my teeth and u still never think about that and my reactions to braces convos. I feel crazy#can anybody be nice to me. please can you guys just be nice and considerate to me. can someone think about me at all.#. obviously Not directed at any of u who only know me on tumblr U are all nice and lovely and i do not expect/wish anything more from u 🫶🫶#its fine. ill get over all of it. my periods probably coming. i hate saying that bc im hyperaware of my periods effect on my depression#and i wish someone did not say he noted it bc the point Wasnt him blaming it on my period but head took it similarly and now im just#. WHATEVER. i hate my stupid baka life
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Gods, why do people suck >.>
#need to just stop vaguing on tumblr but it feels safe here to at least get upset. get. blagh#my text#lonlieness be upon me once more aaaaah
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tbh getting into drawing again has been. weirdly satisfying, i think. like i've got a good few sketchbooks lying around that've just been unused for years, so i've got a lot of paper to use obviously.
all the used pages poke out a bit, and the unused ones stay even, just waiting. you can tell someone used this sketchbook without even needing to open it. the cover's a bit worn from where i've drawn lines into it. the rings aren't really aligned properly anymore from how i've poked at them.
fuck idk it's just very "positive feeling i don't really know how to explain" to me. warm and fuzzy??? nostalgic but not at all????
#it's like walking into a house and finding the chairs aren't pushed in#some of the cupboards aren't quite closed all the way#there's a very obvious spot on the couch where someone used to sit all the time#the bed isn't made so the blankets are kinda haphazardly laying on the mattress#maybe some dirty laundry on the floor#it's not clean but it's not messy#just evidence someone lived there#someone loved here and ate there and lounged about over there#maybe this sounds bittersweet to some people but it's very much not to me#it's kinda beautiful in its own way ya know?#a life that you weren't there for but can see physical evidence of#blagh idk#lol#mlabs myaps
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Curious on how the Pleiades interact with Flower of Nazarick Mc.
I've already done Entoma and Solution but here are the others! 🖤🖤🖤
Flower of Nazarick Reader with Pleiades | Yandere Overlord
Sebas Tian
“Master (Y/n)!”
“Oh hi Sebas…I seem to be in a predicament.”
“Master…how did you get yourself trapped in the wall?”
I figured out I could phase through things but then I somehow just stopped…But I’ll get out eventually! I'll just be here for a while.”
“I see. Would you like anything while you wait?”
“Hmm, can I get a–”
He finds you oh-so-precious
He just so happens to witness some of your weirdest and vulnerable moments
Internally he’s the happiest dragon butler there can be
He absolutely lives for the times you first discover different parts of Nazarick
When you aren’t training or being babysat by Albedo you’ll be doing your own thing
Sometimes monitored by him and the Pleiades
And the way he’s bared witness to your general silliness is a blessing to him
As much as he’ll preach to Yuri about their job to ‘raise’ you right he too will sway with a bat of your eyes
Yuri Alpha
“Come Master (Y/n). Lord Ainz summons you.”
“So early? Can’t he just wait a few more hours….”
“He’s already been waiting Master (Y/n). Please wake up”
“...Master. Master? I apologize in advance.”
Because the floor guardians tend to spoil you to bits no one’s all too keen on actually making you do anything
But with Ainz’s permission, she takes it upon herself to be some kind of disciplinarian
…a disciplinarian whose authority sways with her admiration
She’s well aware that you are a Supreme being in training
So she regales you with tales of the supreme beings who ran Nazarick in hopes of inspiring your greatness
Any kind of decision or even a break in your casual tone with the Pleiades she’s swooning with a blush
She can’t believe her Nazarick’s flower is growing well and will one day be fit to rule alongside Ainz
She will personally take over anyone she deems too forward with you
Whether in disguise or not you happen to be way too flippant about your importance to Nazarick
So until you take the proper discretion to threaten those who disrespect you she’ll do it in the meantime
With extreme prejudice
Lupisregina Beta
“Ah! Master I’ve never tasted something so wonderful!”
“Gee, thanks it’s a favorite of mine back where I’m from!”
“Hmmm~Learning about my Supreme Flower is the best!”
“Ah haha, LP make sure to chew your food before you speak.”
“Ack-! A nickname I’m dying!”
One of the most fun Pleiades to hang out with
Unless given specific instructions she’s all about fun
And she adores how you just want to have fun with her too
That often doesn’t mean being in Nazarick which means you’ll be going a little outside their perimeter
That’s where you’ll probably get to see just how little Lupusregina cares for anyone who is not you
You’ll have to stop her from turning invisible to silently slash away anyone who could take your time from her
She’s not good at filling in the blanks so you’ll have to be very specific
Otherwise, you might just find any place you visit to be a graveyard
Narberal Gamma
“Psst Nabarel…you’re scaring everyone away. I’m supposed to blend in.”
“My apologies Master. It’s just these dirty humans dare look at you so casually I feel inclined to–”
“Right sorry.”
This whole pretending to hide among the humans thing has gotten on her nerves
To see Ainz be treated so flippantly by worthless beings no less
It doesn’t help when the prized Flower of Nazarick occasionally does the same thing
And while she might have the restraint to behave around Ainz
She slips a lot more around you
Glaring more openly at anyone who even looks at you
She won’t even let anyone put a friendly hand on your back
She’s breaking bones if they get too close
But if you bat your eyes and smile sweetly she’ll snap it back
She won’t apologize though
Not for hurting them or endangering their life
Disguise or not she refuses to accept lower-life forms even getting within your vicinity
But she can’t deny the pride and excitement when you allow her to wait on you
Taking a break from her stupid disguise to return to serving you makes it a little bit better
Though she much prefers you stay within Nazarick
CZ2128 Delta
“Master (Y/n).”
“Yes, Delta?”
“May I hold you?”
“Uh, sure?”
“Thank you, Master!”
She thinks you’re so so so so so so cute
She thinks she might short-circuit from cuteness
In her mind, you rival Eclair Eklair Eklare (The penguin Janitor)
If you give her permission to hold you she may never want to let go
But if it bothers you
She’ll settle by resting her head on your lap
Or holding onto any part of your person
She’s not as violent as the other Pleiades when it comes to protecting you but that doesn’t mean she won’t hurt anyone for you
If any creature divides her attention from you she’ll smite them quickly
And then try to get praise from you
#yandere x reader#yandere x you#lovelyyandereaddictionpoint#yanderexrea#yandere#yanderes#yandere harem#yandere overlord x reader#yandere overlord anime#yandere overlord#yandere overlord x flower of nazarick reader#flower of nazarick reader#yandere pleiades#yandere nabarel gamma#yandere sebas tian#yandere yuri alpha
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I’m sorry I haven’t posted art in a hot second, here’s a goofy looking Victor as an apology (Ft. my “Courier” oc)

I’ve been wanting to make an actual chart for Mojavian Synths but my ass has been too lazy for it, as well as things with school and work and blagh I’ll get to it soon promiseeee
#art#fallout#fallout new vegas#fallout victor#victor nv#victor fnv#victor fallout new vegas#mojavian synth#synth victor
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LEECH - Sejanus Plinth (2/2)
Leeches are segmented parasitic or predatory worms that comprise the subclass Hirudinea.
Summary: Hirudinea Snow is going to baby-trap Sejanus Plinth to get her hands on the Plinth fortune. Warnings: Sex, manipulation, sexual assault (baby-trapping), toxicity, OC is a bitch, Sejanus is too good for her, OC is a bad person through and through, OC is a Capitol supremacist, Coriolanus is a weirdo Dead Dove Do Not Eat. Minors DNI Slight Hilarius Heavensbee x MC MC is fem and named but her appearance is never explicitly described.
Borders by @saradika on tumblr
"Don't worry about what I'm doing. Snow lands on top."
Coriolanus wondered what his cousin meant by that. He guessed at what petty schemes she could have been up to, but he didn’t expect it to lead him here:
Standing against the living room wall, fuming as Hirudinea presented the family with the gifts showered upon her by her official boyfriend of a month now, Sejanus Plinth.
"And this is for you, Grandma'am, isn't it stunning?" Hirudinea said as she wrapped the mink scarf around her grandmother's neck.
"Oh, my sweet girl, it's beautiful," Grandma'am beamed in front of the tall mirror. The air of pride she had been without for so long felt like it had returned.
"I just knew you would love it."
Grandma'am turned to Hirudinea, planting a kiss on her cheek.
"So thoughtful of you, my darling. You must thank the Heavensbees. Their son is such a good, generous boy."
Hirudinea hadn't told Grandma'am about the breakup or Sejanus yet. She knew the woman would be upset that her granddaughter wasn't with her own kind and she would force Hirudinea to cut off the Plinth heir before her goal was reached.
"I'll pass the message along..." she lied.
Tigris smiled at her grandmother's merriment.
She was glad Hirudinea had found a boy who was so taken with her, even though her sister couldn't tell Grandma'am who the boy really was.
Sejanus treated her sister well and made sure to be just as giving to the rest of the Snow family.
Tigris herself held a length of luxurious fabric on her lap, a gift from Sejanus.
Hirudinea was over the moon; she couldn't have picked a better mark.
Even without a baby, dating Sejanus came with perks. He was nothing if not giving, and my, how Hirudinea would take.
All she had to do was mention something she wanted in passing, and it didn't take long before it showed up to her apartment with love notes attached, singing her highest praise.
Of course, she hardly ever read them.
"You know you don't have to get me all this stuff; I'm not with you for your money," she would say to him, lying to his face.
"I know, but I want to do this for you. You're my girl, and I want to make sure you know how special you are to me. Besides, it's not like I use my allowance to do much anyways."
It sickened her that his allowance could afford such luxury while she had to scrounge together pennies for her life's savings.
Most of the gifts she received from him ended up pawned off to pay for upkeep and taxes.
Hirudinea had Sejanus completely whipped, and it was obvious. The curly-haired boy was never a big spender but would buy her the world if he could.
'Sejanus can't afford the world on his allowance yet, but maybe Strabo Plinth can; that's where my baby will come in handy.'
"Corio," Hirudinea called across the room from where she and Grandma'am inspected their new clothes, "A basket came with the rest of my things. Be a dear and check what's inside?"
He huffed but checked the basket anyways. It was full to the brim with homemade cookies.
"Baked goods from Mrs. Plinth," he informed gloomily.
Hirudinea turned from the mirror with a large fur coat adorning her shoulders and walked over.
The girl picked up one cookie, biting into it without a second thought.
"Blagh," she grimaced, spitting out the treat, "Raisins! Disgusting. Leave it to the Plinths to ruin a perfectly good cookie with nasty, cheap raisins."
She spoke as if her family could even afford that.
"It was a kind gesture, Dinea. I'm sure Mrs. Plinth meant no harm by it," Tigris reasoned.
"Whatever," Hirudinea scoffed, moving on to try on more clothes.
This was the Hirudinea that Coriolanus knew; condescending and cruel.
If Sejanus didn't see it, then he was either more stupid than Coriolanus thought or Hirudinea was more cunning than she had let on all these years.
Or maybe it was a mixture of both.
Hilarius Heavensbee was understandably upset by the news of the latest relationship in the Academy. He had tried in vain to win Hirudinea back, but nothing worked.
Her friends had been in shock at the news too. After all, Hirudinea had always been just as unsettled by Sejanus' presence among them as Arachne and Livia had been.
The two, along with Hilarius, assumed the couple wouldn't last long, and eventually, Hirudinea would remember where she belongs.
But by the third month of their apparent relationship, Hirudinea and Sejanus were still a constant fixture at each other's sides.
He followed her around like a lost puppy, and she happily fell into his open arms.
School was usually Coriolanus's safe haven from his cousin, but being Sejanus's only friend, he was forced to be around her much more than he liked. He had to watch them kiss and hold hands throughout the day.
Watching Hirudinea act like a changed woman in front of Sejanus made Coriolanus's head hurt.
He even began to fondly recall the days she had been with Hilarius, when the pair would argue incessantly about anything and everything.
At least then, she allowed her venom to flow freely.
Hirudinea pushed Sejanus against the wall of the janitors closet. They were in his father's office building and things were heating up.
It was the weekend, and he was supposed to be observing how his father runs the business, but when his beautiful girlfriend had showed up and whispered dirty things in his ear, he couldn't help but wander away after her.
He ended up moving from the wall to a nearby chair, trousers and boxers around his ankles as she knelt before him.
"Fuck" he cursed under his breath when she wrapped her fingers around his base of his veiny cock.
Hirudinea flattened her tongue against his tip, massaging his slit as he let out a soft grunt.
She raised her head, gathering saliva in her mouth, before leaning over him and letting it all fall onto his member.
With the hand on his base, she stroked his slowly but firmly, coating his entire cock with the liquid. Eventually adding another hand.
She twisted her wrists, wringing his cock hard.
Occasionally, she would wrap her lips around the tip and suck.
He bit into his hand in an attempt to muffle his sounds, but it didn't do much to conceal the throaty groans escaping him.
"Please, baby" he whimpered pathetically.
She chuckled darkly.
With her lips around him, she sank down, opening her throat to take him as deep as possible, making sure he hit the back of her throat.
Sejanus moaned deeply. His hips thrusting up against his will due to the sensations of her fingers and mouth.
He clenched his fists to prevent them from coming to the back of her head and keeping her there.
He was losing it, and it was making her wetness grow.
"So good, baby" he moaned with half lidded eyes.
He was close and she could tell.
But she didn't want his spend in her mouth. She needed it inside her.
Hirudinea let him go, making him whine at the loss of stimulation.
She sat on his lap, grinding her cunt against his manhood.
"I wish I could feel you without anything between us" she whispered.
It would be good for her pregnancy timeline to fuck him raw a few times, but she would be okay with it if he still wanted to use a condom.
She'd prepared so many and still had three left.
Glancing at the front pocket of her bag, she could see one, two, thre-
Wait, there were only two, that couldn't be right.
"I want to feel you too, baby. Can I? I'll pull out, I swear. I just need you so bad" he promised, holding her face in his hands.
She could work with this.
"Do you care about me?" She asked with intensity behind her voice
"Of course, Dinea. I lo-I care about you so much"
"Then don't pull out"
His eyes glistened. It felt like he was dreaming.
All he'd wanted to do since she gave him permission to touch her was cum deep inside her.
Arms wrapped around his neck, she raised her hips and to circle her entrance with his tip before slipping onto his cock.
She struggled a little, but her spit and wetness provided extra lubrication. Although they had slept together many times, she still wasn't fully used to taking his large cock.
She sank all the way down, pressing her ass against his heavy balls.
The groan that erupted from Sejanus's throat was so deep it became a growl.
Finally losing all semblance of control, he gripped her hips and began bouncing her on his cock, thrusting his hips upwards to meet hers.
The friction from his hair and happy trail against her clit was incredible. She threw her head back and moaned.
Sejanus drew her head forward and kissed her deeply. Grunting and groaning against her mouth and swallowing her moans.
He reached a hand down, swiping at her clit and forcing her towards an orgasm.
He was already close before, so when she felt his cock twitch, she knew to push him over the edge.
"You wanna cum in me, baby -oh!" she jumped when he gave her a particularly harsh thrust.
"Ugh, fuck yes, sweetheart. I want to fill your pussy up with my cum" his voice slurred, he was drunk on the feeling of her pussy squeezing him hard.
"Gonna put my fucking load in this tight, wet pussy"
His fingers moved faster against her pleasure button.
"I need your cum, Sej" There was an ominous reality to her words he didn't realize, "Are you going to give it to me?"
"I'm going to give it to you, baby. You take my cock so well, makes me want to fill you up so bad - oh shit-"
Fuck, he was coming.
His pace became erratic, and he chanted her name over and over.
His fingers swiped at her clit one last time, and she clenched hard as she came, head thrown back in ecstasy.
He held her tight as he pumped his cum into her for the first time. Cock pulsing as he released everything he had into her womb.
They sat there for a few minutes, breathing heavily as they regained their bearings.
Once they caught their breaths, he gently raised her off his softening cock, holding her firmly as he stood and giving her a passionate kiss.
They quietly got dressed.
A calm had settled in the air, and he enjoyed the time they had until they had to leave the sanctuary of the closet.
Unfortunately, it didn't last as long as he wanted.
An Avox walked into the janitors closet, clearly searching for something.
The mute man stared with wide eyes at the scene before him.
Sejanus felt like he had been caught doing something wrong.
Hirudinea scoffed at the intruder,
"And what are you looking at? Huh? It's not like you're going to tell someone. Leave! Before I decide to have you punished."
The Avox rushed out, bowing in apology.
Sejanus held her elbow gently, guiding her to look at him. "Sweetheart, there was no need for that."
After playing the repentant bully for so long, her mask had slipped.
"I'm sorry. You know how I get sometimes," she looked down in mock shame.
"I'm trying to be better, but it's hard to unlearn the things that have been drilled into me for so long. This isn't who I am. Please don't be upset, Sej," Hirudinea began to cry.
It was her usual "get out of revealing your true self" card with him.
Sejanus' eyes softened; he couldn't stand to see his girlfriend cry, and he hated the fact that she thought he was angry with her.
"It's okay; you're trying to be better, that's more than most people ever do. I know that's not you anymore, Dinea."
She quickly kissed him, feeling any leftover worry melt away from him.
In reality, Hirudinea didn't care about some tongueless traitor to Panem, and it disgusted her that he did. Even now, with a purebred Capitol girlfriend, he still found camaraderie with rebels.
'You can take the boy out of the Districts, but you really can't take the Districts out of the boy.'
'It's not a big deal,' she told herself later that day after failing to find the missing condom anywhere.
But it was a big deal; it could mean a huge wrench had been thrown in her plans.
Hirudinea had allowed herself to be weak a few months ago,
The day after sleeping with Sejanus for the first time, the heaviness of what she had just initiated fully hit her.
In need of familiarity, she had found herself bent over a desk in an empty classroom while Hilarius thrust into her from behind.
But had he used one of her sabotaged condoms? He knew the front pocket of her bag was where she kept the contraceptives; she had done it when they were dating, and they would have been easy for him to reach.
How did she get herself into this mess?
The sun rose over the Plinth house as Sejanus was awoken from his slumber by his alarm clock.
He stretched an arm over Hirudinea's sleeping form to turn off the device.
She hadn’t heard it.
She was a deep sleeper and with the combination of Sejanus's plush mattress with 1000 thread count sheets and the rigorous 'physical activity' they were up to the night before, she was absolutely knocked out.
Sejanus leaned over Hirudinea, pressing a kiss to her forehead before gently shaking her awake.
"Time to get up, sweetheart" he whispered.
He was reluctant to leave the little domestic sphere they had created in his bedroom, but he knew they needed to prepare for school.
She sluggishly rose, standing and stretching her arms over her head.
"I'll start the shower" she told him "Before you join me, darling, could you please make sure the servants prepare my breakfast exactly the way I like it? Yesterday's service was absolutely sub-par"
"I-" Sejanus didn’t even finish his sentence before Hirudinea shut the bathroom door behind her.
Her morning showers at the Plinth house were usually her was bliss.
Hirudinea had made a habit of staying the night with Sejanus. She adored getting to wake up on a luxurious bed, bathe with high-end products and sit down to an elegant breakfast.
It as a preview of what was to come, the life she would soon be living.
But this morning, she found herself under the steam of hot water, pre-occupied by thoughts of impending doom.
Her doctor’s appointment was scheduled for the evening.
Today was the day she would find out if she was pregnant and if she was, she had no idea who the father could be.
Mrs Plinth smiled lightly as she watched her son walk hand-in-hand with his girlfriend to the car.
The two weren’t aware she knew the girl had been spending the night, but it brought the woman much delight to stand by her window, overlooking the front yard, and know in her heart she raised a good and sweet boy as she saw Sejanus open the door for Hirudinea and guide her inside.
Sejanus had never been so happy for so long since they came to the Capitol, and it was all due to the Snow girl that stole his heart.
When Hirudinea was at their house, she didn’t do much (or any) kitchen work with her boyfriends mother, like a district girl would.
She would stand uncomfortably in a corner of the kitchen, occasionally commenting on the progress being made with the baking until Sejanus would come in and drag Hirudinea away, informing his mother that Hirudinea isn’t used to doing housework.
Mrs Plinth liked the girl regardless, after all, she filled Sejanus with such joy that the boy would constantly gush to his mother about love and soul mates and weddings.
Hirudinea was good for her son.
"What is it?" Strabo asked behind her, getting ready to leave for the office.
"Nothing" Mrs Plinth said softly, closing the curtain as the car pulled away.
It was official.
Hirudinea Snow was pregnant at eighteen.
She paid for the test with one of the watches Sejanus bought her.
When she thought of this moment months ago, she imagined there would be a feeling of fear at the knowledge that she was with child.
But no, all her dread came from the fact that she couldn't be sure who the father of her baby was.
She was supposed to have Sejanus Plinth's baby— the child that would be her family's ticket to a better life.
But if it was Hilarius's baby, then had she ruined her reputation for nothing? Had she just created another mouth for the Snows to feed?
She decided it didn't matter.
Regardless of who the father of this child was, she would claim it was Sejanus.
Sejanus Plinth would be saddled with the responsibility, and his family would be her cash cows.
His name would be on the birth certificate.
Sejanus had been confused when his girlfriend cancelled their date only to tell him to meet her at a park near the Corso.
He knew enough that when a girl says she needs to talk, it's not a good sign.
"Hi," he said softly as he approached, a nervous smile on his face.
He took a seat right next to her on the bench, handing her the flowers he had gotten—red roses, her favorites.
"Hi," she replied, barely looking at him.
"What's wrong, Dinea?" He was too anxious to beat around the bush.
"Nothing, it's just..." she paused, letting a single tear fall. She had practiced that trick all night. "...It's just that if I tell you this...you may not want to be with me anymore."
This filled him with sadness. How could she think there was anything that would make him leave her?
Was she sick? Was she in trouble? Had she taken a liking to someone else? He would work through anything to be with her.
"Whatever it is, we can get through it."
"Do you promise, Sej?"
"I promise," he took her hands in his own, a comforting gesture.
She took a deep breath for believability, giving it a beat of silence before spilling,
"I'm pregnant."
Sejanus blanched.
He didn't say anything; he didn't know what to say.
He was going to be a dad. HE WAS GOING TO BE A DAD.
He didn't feel ready; he hadn't done anything to make his kid proud yet. He hadn't helped to make the world a better place.
But then he thought of the fact that she was going to make him a dad, and suddenly everything was alright.
Hirudinea was the light of his life, the reason he felt anything was possible.
He had every intention to marry and have children with her one day. So what if the order of things got mixed up?
"I-I'm going to be a dad," he thought out loud, a smile cracking onto his face. "We're having a kid."
"You're happy?"
She expected him to take responsibility and be naively glad, but she didn't expect him to be over the moon about it.
"Of course I am," he holds her face in both hands. "There's nobody I would rather be doing this with than you."
He looked to her for permission before pressing his hand to her stomach.
"I love you, Dinea," he admitted.
She definitely wasn't expecting that.
Hirudinea kissed him hard, hoping it would suffice as a reply.
When Hirudinea told her family they were invited to dinner at the Plinth residence, none of them knew what to think.
Coriolanus and Tigris weren't anticipating 'dinner at the in-laws house' so soon, and Grandma'am couldn't imagine for the life of her what business Hirudinea had with the Plinths.
As far as Grandma'am knew, the girl had always been smart enough to keep her distance from them and their unruly son.
The meal went smoothly, and the conversation was agreeable.
It was obvious to everyone that Hirudinea and Sejanus were excited about something. The pair giggled like children every time one looked at the other.
The whole table was curious.
It wasn't until the end of the meal, when the dishes had been cleared, that, holding hands, the couple stood to make an announcement.
Grandma'am gasped at the display.
Hirudinea began, "I'm sure you're all wondering the reason we called you here tonight, and it's because we have some very important news."
Sejanus gave her hand a gentle squeeze and continued, "We wanted our families to be the first to know that... we're having a baby."
Sejanus and Hirudinea waited eagerly for a reaction, but the silence at the table was palpable.
Scandalized, Grandma'am's hand rested on her chest.
It was Strabo who broke the silence first when he pushed his chair back loudly and walked out of the room.
Sejanus sent his girlfriend a look of apology, guiding her to sit down before following his father out.
Mrs. Plinth stood next, apologizing profusely before leaving.
"Of all the irresponsible things you have done!" Strabo shouted at a rattling volume.
He was standing behind the desk in his study, glaring daggers at his son on the other side of the room.
"What's irresponsible about having a baby with the girl I love?! But you, how could you just leave like that when she's so vulnerable. Go out there and apologize now!" Sejanus wasn't having any of it.
He wouldn’t allow his father make Hirudinea feel small.
"Apologize? You just barely turned 18, Sejanus. You haven't even graduated yet. What do you two know about anything? About raising a child? About being a father?"
Sejanus took a step towards his father. "Don't talk to me about raising a child! You know, there's more to being a father than throwing money around."
Mrs. Plinth gasped. "Sejanus!"
"No, Ma. Dinea and I are going to raise our baby a different way. If he doesn't want to be involved in the baby's life, he doesn't have to be. We'll go somewhere else."
Strabo scoffed. "And where is that?"
"Back to 2. I'll work as a medic in the quarries. We'll have each other, and that's the only thing that matters. We'll go somewhere we can be together like a family." Sejanus said naively but with the best of intentions.
If Hirudinea was in the room, she would have wrung Sejanus's neck out by now.
Mrs. Plinth grabbed onto her son's shoulders. "Sejanus please, don't say that. You have school and-"
"None of it matters if we're not in a home where Dinea and the baby are loved."
"But you’re loved here"
"Not by him!"
Sejanus smiled softly. "It's okay, Ma, I love her and she loves me. It's all we need. We'll be fine."
Mrs. Plinth turned to her husband. "Strabo, I'm begging you. It doesn't have to be like this."
Though he tried to look tough, Strabo didn't want his son to leave. He loved Sejanus, even if he didn't always show it the right way.
He realized reluctantly that he would have to find a way to deal with this.
It wasn't so bad after all; his grandchild was to be mothered by a Snow, one of the oldest, most respectable families in Panem.
It wasn't like Hirudinea was some random girl.
He thought long and hard and decided this wasn't bad at all.
It was amazing!
It was the start of a new era for the Plinth family, where they would receive more respect from the people of the Capitol.
This could work.
Back in the dining room, the extremely muffled voices of father and son could be heard engaged in an intense argument. The only other sound in the room was Grandma'am's wails of despair. Tigris held the old woman, who dramatically sought to sink to the floor.
Hirudinea rolled her eyes at the display.
"How long have you known?!" Coriolanus asked; the anger was evident in his voice.
"A few days," Hirudinea shrugged.
She knew her family would make a big deal out of it.
"You've known for days, and you didn't tell anyone? You didn't tell me?" Tigris gasped sadly.
Tigris had been there for Hirudinea since she was a baby; she held her sister's hand when the younger girl took her first steps, taught her sister how to read, ushered her through the scare of her first period.
Hirudinea shrugged, swirling the drink in her glass with a bored expression, "We're telling you now."
Coriolanus rose and slammed his hands down on the table. He had been annoyed with Hirudinea before, and he had disliked her actions before, but he never thought he'd come to be disgusted by her.
"How dare you, Dinea! How could you do this with him?" Coriolanus whispered the last part through gritted teeth. Hirudinea Snow, the most arrogant and stuck-up bitch he knew, knocked up by a boy from District 2 and proud?
"Do you even know how this reflects on all of us, you stupid fucking slut?!" Coriolanus yelled.
Tigris, on the other hand, wasn't angry, just disappointed. Raising kids wasn't easy; she would know, she raised two. The disappointment only grew when she remembered—
"We're finished!" Grandma'am cried. "Oh, you've ruined us, Hirudinea."
"Grandma'am, please," Tigris tried to console her grandmother to no avail.
"We'll never be able to show our faces again. The whole Capitol will know that my Hirudinea spread her legs for some filthy District boy!"
Tigris tried to shush the old woman, not wanting to offend their hosts.
"How could you do this to poor Hilarius? After all he's done for us," Grandma'am wept.
Hirudinea laughed. "Hilarius? I might as well tell you now, Hilarius and I haven't been together for ages. I've been lying for months."
Grandma'am nearly keeled over at the news.
Hirudinea continued, "All those pretty gifts were courtesy of Sejanus Plinth and how much he loves fucking me—"
Grandma'am rose and pointed a harsh finger. "Bite your tongue, you dirty little whore."
Hirudinea shook her head in exasperation, "Oh, please," she brushed off the insult.
Coriolanus wished he had the presence of mind to be happy his cousin was finally being reprimanded by the matriarch, but he was just sooo mad.
What was Dinea thinking?
As much as he tried not to, he could imagine it, Hirudinea under Sejanus, begging for his cum.
He wanted to throw up.
"This is too far, even for you," he seethed "I always knew you were a cheap skank but if-"
The door opened, and the dining room fell back to silence as the Plinths returned.
The Snows composed themselves as to not show weakness in front of their lessers.
As everyone took their seats, Sejanus brought Hirudinea's hand to his lips and placed a reassuring kiss there.
"My apologies for the way I left the room," Strabo said. "My shock outweighed my judgment. I should have been more thoughtful at this trying time."
"It's quite alright, sir." Hirudinea said.
The rest of her family maintained tight faces, adding to the tense environment in the room.
It was obvious they were displeased with the situation they had found themselves.
"Have you two discussed things yet?" Mrs. Plinth asked trying to lighten the mood. "What doctor you'll be seeing? Your prenatal vitamins?"
Hirudinea gave an innocent smile. "Oh, I already take vitamins. Vitamin C in the morning and vitamin D at night."
All the adults and Coriolanus stared in disbelief.
This was not someone ready to have a baby.
Tigris buried her head in her hands and let out a quiet sob.
Hirudinea knew how stupid she sounded but needed to look incompetent for her plan to work.
Mrs. Plinth and Strabo shared a look.
He nodded to his wife before speaking, "We understand that pregnancy isn't easy and things don't get easier when the baby comes, so to alleviate the burden on your family, why don't you come live here with us, Hirudinea?" Strabo offered.
Sejanus smiled hopefully, "We'll take care of you, sweetheart. I'll be here the whole time, and we'll go to doctor's visits together and make the nursery." He was already dreaming of what came next.
Hirudinea knew she wouldn't be caught dead covered in paint, building a nursery. That's what Avoxes are for. But she kissed him softly, playing up the love-dumb-girl act for his family.
Mrs. Plinth clasped her hands at the loving display.
Hirudinea wouldn’t mind living with the Plinths, although they irritated her with their strange mannerisms, their home had become a welcome getaway from her problems.
And by now, the servants along with Mrs Plinth and Sejanus were used to serving her hand and foot.
It would also help with keeping her hidden away before she announced the pregnancy to her classmates. She didn’t doubt that when she stopped showing up to school, her next floor neighbour, Arachne, would be at the penthouse door searching for answers.
Hirudinea looked at her lap like she was thinking before releasing a sigh and responding, "Thank you for your offer, Mr. Plinth. I would love to stay with your family and be close to Sejanus, but there's so much I'm needed for at home. Business has been going well, but there are still so many expenses and taxes. We're keeping up, but we all need to pull our weight."
The other Snows exchanged looks. Business wasn't going well, in fact, there was no business at all, and they definitely weren't keeping up with expenses.
"We would be happy to provide a stipend to make this period easier on you," Strabo said. "And also to sincerely apologize to the Snow family for this entire situation"
He was ecstatic to get his moment to show the Snows that his family would be more than adequate in caring for Hirudinea's needs. And since she was a girl of such good breeding, he would go all out.
He pulled out a small notepad and began jotting down some numbers. When he finished, he slid the page across to the pregnant girl.
"Will this amount suffice for each month?" He asked.
She took it and positioned the paper between herself and Coriolanus.
The blonde boy had to stop himself from choking when he saw the number of zeros on the page. Hirudinea was taken aback too; this was way more than she was expecting. Not only would they be able to pay off the penthouse in a couple of months, but they could also afford new furniture and still have enough to send Coriolanus to university.
Grandma'am spoke first, "No amount-"
Tigris reacted quickly, taking the old woman's hands and gently but forcefully leading her out of the room.
"Yes" Coriolanus spoke up, "It will be sufficient"
Hirudinea almost laughed. It was funny how quick Coriolanus was to sell her body out for the right price.
"You're really willing to do this for Sej and I, Mr. and Mrs. Plinth?" The girl asked, excited.
"We're all going to be family soon, Dinea. It's what we do," Mrs. Plinth gave a warm smile.
"Thank you so much! Sej and I will be eternally grateful for this." She hugged Sejanus, who gladly received her.
Mrs. Plinth continued, "And call me Ma; your little one will be calling you that soon, too."
Hirudinea's smile falters for a millisecond, and only Coriolanus seems to take notice of it.
It was then that the reality of what had just happened hit him.
He would go to university, Grandma'am would be taken care of, the apartment and taxes wouldn't be a drain, and Tigris would get to focus on herself for once.
By becoming pregnant with Sejanus's child, Hirudinea had saved her family from further ruin.
Coriolanus's anger faded and was replaced by something else,
Respect, maybe?
"Everything will be okay, baby. We're going to be a family," Sejanus whispered to Hirudinea, placing a hand on her stomach.
Strabo lifts his glass,
"A toast, to the expecting parents and to future collaborations between the Snow and Plinth families,…and maybe even to a wedding someday soon?"
Coriolanus hadn't said much before leaving.
He congratulated Hirudinea and Sejanus and gave his cousin one last knowing nod, which she returned.
He stalked off to the car that was called for them; escorting Grandma'am away before she could disown her youngest granddaughter, who, unknown to her, was the family's saving grace.
Tigris lingered, conflicted with her emotions.
"Dinea," she called to her little sister who stood at her side near the car, "You know... I saw you a few months ago with the needle and the you-know-whats"
'Shit, how didn't I notice her? That fucking door!"
Hirudinea looked around, making sure the Plinths were far away.
"I don't know what you're talking about, sis," Hirudinea denied.
"I just don't understand why you did this."
The mother-to-be didn't like that one bit; how could her sister be confused about her motives?
"Isn't it obvious, Tigris? I wanted to do what you and Corio do. I wanted to help the family for once instead of always just taking."
"By attaching yourself to these nice people and using them? This isn't the way to do it—"
"So it's okay when you open your legs for a loaf of bread, but it's wrong when I do it to ensure our future?"
Hirudinea never liked hurting Tigris, but she was cornered.
She was always a bad sport.
"That's not— I just—Is it at least his baby?"
Tigris felt the need to ask. If her little sister could force a baby onto Sejanus, then what else could she do?
"Whatever baby I have will be Sejanus's child," Hirudinea stated.
That told Tigris everything she needed to know.
Her sister was fully content to use the poor boy to any end.
"Dinea," Sejanus said, walking up to them.
Hirudinea gave Tigris a look that said 'keep what you know to yourself,' before turning to smile at her boyfriend lovingly.
"It's been a long night; you should get some rest," Sejanus said with a big smile.
He'd been overjoyed since his father brought up marriage and she had to hold herself back from rolling her eyes.
She had no intention of tying herself to the Plinth's any further than with the baby.
"Yes, you're right, darling. I do feel a bit worn out. It must be the baby."
Sejanus placed a kiss on her lips. It was gentle and reminded Hirudinea of the one they shared when he'd walked her home that night, not so long ago.
Tigris sadly said her goodbyes and rushed to the vehicle.
As the car drove away, Tigris looked back one more time as Sejanus and Hirudinea walked past the doorway of the house.
The scene before her was of a boy head-over-heels in love with his pregnant girlfriend and the leech that would drain him without a second thought.
"I love you" Sejanus told his girlfriend tenderly as they headed for his bedroom, she was familiar with the route at this point.
A room had been prepared for her, but it was just out of courtesy, as Mr and Mrs Plinth knew the couple would be sleeping in the same bed. It didn’t matter anyhow, their son had already gotten her pregnant.
Hirudinea looked around at the gaudy splendour of the Plinth home and all the things she would enjoy from now on; all the things her child may one day inherit if she plays her cards right.
She would have to redecorate eventually, but for now she was content.
Feeling euphoric, as she had accomplished her goals, for the first time Hirudinea said words she never in her life thought she would:
"I love you too, Sejanus"
Please send asks about your thoughts on this relationship. I would love to know what you guys think about this whole dynamic, including their families.
Please like and reblog, if you feel like. Your feedback and interactions keeps me motivated XO
Taglist: @snowsgames @euphemiaamillais @darktrashsoulbear @buckleyverse
#sejanus x reader#sejanus plinth#sejanus plinth x reader#sejanus plinth x you#sejanus plinth smut#tbosas#tbosas x reader#tbosas x you#coriolanus snow#tigris snow#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#sejanus plinth x oc#sejanus x oc#sejanus plinth imagine#sejanus smut#sejanus plinth x original characters#sejanus x original character#sejanus x you#hilarius heavensbee#hilarius heavensbee x reader#tigris x reader#tigris x oc#tigris snow x reader#Tigris snow x oc#Tigris x you#Tigris snow x you#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus x you#coriolanus snow x oc#coriolanus snow x reader
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Still trying to figure out digital. Friends i colored this one three times 😭 😭 😭
Anyways this is Peter and Doodle (in the star jammies). They're a queer platonic nightmare duo. Doodle belongs to @bigangrybutch

Here's a colored version blagh. Digital coloring is a blight upon my existence
#artists on tumblr#character design#digital art#lesbian art#queer artist#dykeposting#original character#queer artwork#queerplatonic#queer platonic relationship#queer platonic ship#aroace#aromantic#arospec#oc#cuddles
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im too lazy for the caption so here are my original tweets BLAGH
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DS9 5x07 Let He Who Is Without Sin thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [14 Sept ‘23]
Odo and Sisko ribbing Jadzia about her sex life XD
It's so cute that Worf still calls her "Commander" around others.
Hmmm, I was firmly against Worf last time - and I still don't like his whole thing against Boday - but also Jadzia is pretty disrespectful to what he wants, immediately telling people after Worf says it's a private matter.
"Have you ever noticed all the stars look the same?" I love Leeta so much, I can't wait to see more of her when she and Rom pick up.
"What's jamaharon?" "I'll show you later." XD that look!
Their "casual" outfits! Oh, 90s fashion crimes... I miss you
"Aren't you uncomfortable in your uniform?" I mean uniforms and not having to decide what to wear are The Best. (And also I am very much on the autistic Worf headcanon and can imagine uniform gives him a sense of comfort in a very uncomfortable environment.)
Worf! That was Very Romantic! I did not expect you to compare Jadzia to a nebula, ngl.
As much as I think Jadzia should be allowed to reconnect with a friend without Worf's jealousy, she's also not very considerate of his feelings. Blagh.
I actually kind of like this episode more now that I'm not just anti-Worf? I do wish Jadzia was allowed to just be the single, flirtatious woman - or polyamorous, flirtatious woman - she was meant to be, though.
Worf's scowl upon finding his "bathing suit" is Very Justified.
Worf's dumbfoundment at Leeta not being with Dr Bashir is hilarious. I do still like messing with his sense of what is "right" and "wrong".
Ugh, this man wants to paint himself as a "victim", doesn't he... "I can only imagine what you must think of me." Yeah, no, it's not that people hate you because you know some secret "truth" they don't want to hear, but because you're an awful, paternalistic, condescending killjoy.
"I may be wrong, but didn't he just insult us?" I love Julian.
Boy, do I want Jadzia or Julian to stand up and speak about their experiences with the Klingons or Dominion that he couldn't begin to understand.
"You two dishonour each other with your actions!" "You mean... We didn't tell you why we came here." Actually hilarious, Julian, how?
"I hope we proved our point." You wouldn't have if Worf hadn't stopped Jadzia attacking back, you'd be on the ground.
"I did not say you were doing anything wrong. It's just that some of your behaviour-" Aghhhh, I actually hate understanding Worf because this speech is awful but also it's coming out wrong. What he *wants* to say is he's feeling hurt by her disregard for his feelings but he can't put it like that.
And what he actually says IS awful - "At times, your are too impulsive. You act without thinking. You have no self-control." - because HE'S just as impulsive as her, and in ways that have actually hurt him and Starfleet - look back to his trial!! His fight with the Jem-Hadar when working together on the Defiant! He cannot stay himself when it is his Klingon pride at stake.
And Jadzia is rightfully hurt by these words, and how Worf has generally been acting, because if he meant it the way it sounds it would really not be great of him! I hated him the last timei watched this, and I really wasn't expecting that to change!
"Jadzia you are my par'machai... and everything you do reflects on me." That was not how that sentence was supposed to end 😅
I hate it but I'm actually liking this episode quite a bit - it's the classic miscommunication trope, but genuinely not from lack of trying on Worf's part, simply from lack of ability.
Leeta's so vicious in smashing the dish!
Quark is so hopeful with Leeta's revelation that he might see some of those "fireworks" he was taking about... xD
Hmm, not so sure even the Bajoran ceremony quite makes one ready for that sort of honesty, quite so soon, Leeta...
Worf calling her "Dax" as he spots her with Arandis. Seeing her as the symbiont and Curzon, not Jadzia.
Ugh, "you're too much work". Why did you have to say that? Though I guess if the situation was reversed and it was Jadzia saying it, I'd just take it as good natured teasing...
"What I want is Worf." "Why?!" "Because he has the courage of a beserker cat and he has the heart of a poet." "And the brain of a pigheaded idiot." "Yeah, sometimes." She says that last sometimes so fondly though... maybe if she loves him that bad she does jut need to put more effort in... (Also loving 'beserker cat' rather than simply 'beserker' or 'beserker warrior' XD)
"Maybe we have forgotten how to deal with adversity." Maybe the point of having a civilization where adversity is rare is making the most of happiness? And maybe those who do face adversity - like the Starfleet staff - deserve a fucking vacation? Most people on Risa are on holiday - they have jobs and other life stresses, even in automated space communism utopia. I think Fullerton is probably the one who needs a little experience of *true* adversity. -_-
Last time Worf's story made me go "booo, a little not of tragedy doesn't mean you're allowed to be a massive misogynist." But actually, Jadzia is right, it does explain a lot. And I do give most of the other characters some slack in the misogyny area given they were written in the 90s...
"Or at least get out of this room." "... Very well." Fullerton actually sounds disappointed to be asked to leave the room that's about to collapse. Oh god, he wants to be a martyr, doesn't he? 🙃
"I will do as I please." *throws him across the room* FRICKING IMPULSE RESTRAINT WHAT, WORF?
"I am on holiday." I'm glad that amused you, Jadzia, but what?!
"I better go find Bashir. He brought a horga'hn down to breakfast and that's the last I saw of him." Quark looking out for Julian is not something I realised was a thing? But that definitely sounded a little like concern. (Unless it's a hope he can join in, I guess... 😅) (Was not expecting to get on the Quark/Julian train either but if there was a time when it was going to happen...)
Huh, the worst thing this time was actually not Worf, but Julian and Quark objectifying Jadzia... and at least on Julian's part, I think it was in jest, given I don't think she was being her best self at that time?
Alright, well - for all that people hate that episode, which had included me… I enjoyed that, genuinely! Surprises never cease...
#DS9 5x7#DS9 Let He Who Is Without Sin#I am actually shocked by how positive a review I wrote here#I was groaning going into this#andi watches ds9#wsb
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Also what happened with joku? I see a bunch of stuff saying there been controversy around them & og dreamtale but I can never find what it's about
apologies but i don't really want to get into it!
stuff with shipping, ableism, the way they control people's work for the au...blagh. lotta stuff. lot of tiring stuff.
if you look hard enough, you might find stuff here and there. i know i have some in my blog, in other people's blogs, and i still keep record of links.
i've dabbled in it before. just not worth my energy or my time.
also i don't really know how joku acts now and i don't particularly care, i'd rather not be immature about it. i have other problems to deal with :p
#also A Lot Of People went after me when i was younger for not particularly enjoying how joku used to act#i wasnt exactly the best either but joku's fans were a little too comfortable sending death threats.lol#anyway this was around 2018-2019 so idrc! their stuff now is their stuff now#i left that stuff in 2019 where it belongs#jokublog#joku#< for blacklist#Anonymous
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Any Day Now: Chapter 5

Word Count: 2,509
Writers Note: I lost steam on the Tupelo fic, but this one is coming out better!
Warning: Language, death
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Las Vegas 1970
"Don't see why you're sorry, sugar. You didn't lose the greatest Blues singer as a daddy," She giggled a little as she began to cry,
"Want me to leave the bottle?"
"Please..." Cecelia said. The more she drank the whiskey, the better she felt. She was giggling and flirty and forgetting her troubles, but deep down in her drunken state, she was still sad, angry even at herself. She started with half of the bottle, slurring her words, and her accent was thick, "Y-You, You know whaddya thank of Elvis?" Cecelia asked, "I Thanl he's a swell fella, and-and I-I-I says to him I love you Mr. Presly!" Her hand swaggering on as she talked, the patrons at the bar nodded along, lucky enough to be in her presence. After a minute, Cecelia was down to the bottom of the bottle. She was falling out of chairs and stumbling falling out of fe m "Ya knowww my daddy dieeeed, that's right he did, a-a-an I wasn't there 'hen 'e died," She laughed, "Some 'aughter I am 'ight?" she could feel her heart beating
fast and the room spinning. Her breathing was getting faster, and she felt lethargic. "A.. An... Anor... Bott.." Cecelia dropped to the floor, bottle in her hand. That was all she could remember. Elvis was pacing in the hotel room. No one had seen her since she walked out, and she could have been anywhere, but he didn't want to think the worst. He then remembered that Cecelia told him back in the 60s. She was battling depression and thoughts, and now he was terrified.
"I couldn't find her son." Vernon groaned,
"Shit..." Elvis began to shake. His anxiety was kicking in, and it had been an hour now.
"Where the hell is she!" Denise sighed,
Vernon opened the door as Jerry stood there. He was silent til Elvis pushed past his dad. Jerry held Cecelia as he looked at Elvis, "Keep an eye on her. She's had a lot." Placing her on the bathroom floor for when she woke up, "Jerry, where was she."
"At the bar where she."
"Drank an entire bottle of whiskey," Jerry said. Elvis ran to the bathroom as he heard her throwing up her guts. Cecelia was clinging to the toilet as Elvis was holding her hair back, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." she kept saying in between her throwing up, "Shush, it's okay, I'm here,"
"I don't ever want to ACK! Drink again," Cecelia shuttered. She felt sick to her stomach, and the room was spinning. She couldn't get up much, and she felt ashamed and weak.
"Need me to get Doctor Nick?" Vernon asked,
"No, she just needs a cold rag and rest," Jerry said as Denise stood there with gritted teeth. Elvis had undressed her and put on her pajamas.
"Elvis..." Her eyes were closed,
"Let's get you to bed,"
The morning after, Cecelia felt her head pounding as she was in the bathroom again. She almost felt pregnant, but worse,
"Honey, are you okay?" Elvis asked,
"I feel like shit... What happened?"
"Well, you got drunk last night." Elvis mentioned as Cecelia looked horrified, "I don't... I didn't..." Elvis kissed her hand, "I didn't sleep much. You were talkin in your sleep about your daddy," When he mentioned him, Elvis could see the tears in her eyes.
"Come here, come here." He wrapped his arms around her as she took his morning scent, "Is he really gone..." Cecelia asked,
"I'm afraid so," Elvis said as she curled into him. He remembered how he was when Gladys passed. Elvis wouldn't eat. Talk, he'd cry, and Cecelia was there for him the entire time, holding his hand and letting him cry in her chest. Now it was his turn, "I don't think I can go to his funeral. I-"
"How dare you be so irresponsible," Denise said, walking into the hotel room. Cecelia looked at Denise. It was as if she were a little girl again, "Mommy..." she reached out as Denise turned her back to her,
"Look at you drunk like your..."
"Denise, don't you dare..." Elvis glanced at her,
"Father, you'll kill yourself just like him!" Denise said. Elvis wasn't happy when she said that. He knew Denise was grieving her husband, but this wasn't the right way to go about it.
"Already sing blues just like him!"
"HEY! Cecelia is havin a hard time too. Give her a little slack instead of being on her ass so much!" Elvis said,
"She's gotta be strong, Elvis. Her mistakes can cost our label..."
"She's human, she'll make mistakes," Elvis sighed,
"STOP TALKIN ABOUT ME LIKE I'M NOT HERE!" Cecelia sobbed as he hugged her tightly,
"NO, Mama, you can sit on your high horse, or you can feel for at least one damn minute, but you will not tell me how to feel!" Cecelia cried,
"Don't you talk to me like that!" Denise grabbed her face. She looked into her daughter's eyes as she saw Alfonso in them. Denise laughed, "If you'll excuse me a bit..."
Denise walked out as she cried. Midge saw her,
"Finally grieving Mrs. D,"
"I lost my husband, my best friend, my manager, my business partner." Denise cried, "Almost lost my daughter."
"What did Cece do..."
"Nearly drink herself to death..."
Valmos Manor Nashville 1970
"Come here, babies," Ruby said as she held onto the twins. They were still traumatized a little from the hospital, but with Eleanor and Ruby, they'd be okay, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost my mama or papa." Elaine sniffled. Eleanor had Elaine on her lap as she smiled, "Well, don't think about it too much. Think about..." Ruby looked at Jessie as he was playing with,
"Oh my God, Denise still kept that Elvis doll." Ruby laughed as Eleanor laughed,
"A what?" Jessie looked up as Elaine went to hold it,
"So, back before you two were born and your mama and daddy were sneakin around dating, I bought your mama this doll in 1957."
"It was the ugliest thing I've ever seen." Eleanor smiled as Jessie and Elaine laughed, "But Ruby thought it would bring comfort."
"Did it?" Elaine asked,
"Your mama loved that ugly ole thang." Eleanor chuckled,
"I think it's handsome." Elaine hugged it tight. "I wish they were back. I miss them." Jessie said as Elaine nodded in agreement. Jessie then walked to the fireplace as he saw a picture. It was in black and white, and it was Cecelia and Elvis at the Lousiana Hayride in 1955.
"Papa looks funny!"
"I think he looked handsome," Ruby smiled,
"Let me see!" Elaine smiled, looking, "They look like they had a crush on each other,"
"They might have, but I tell you, I liked that look better than the sideburns," Eleanor mumbled,
"What about my sideburns?" Elaine and Jessie froze, running to the door and hugging their daddy as he kissed their foreheads, "See, you found that ugly behind doll." He joked,
"Elaine loves it," Ruby laughed,
"Just like her mama,"
Cecelia walked in as the kids ran and hugged her. There was an odd shift of wind in the house. Cecelia couldn't look at the pictures or awards.
"My babies," She hugged them both. "Laine, J, are you two okay?" She asked as they nodded,
"Grandpa's not coming back, is he..." Jessie asked,
"I don't think so..." Cecelia tried to hold it together,
"Okay, Ruby, Eleanor, we need to view the body..." Denise said, "And then I need to figure out who's taking over his half of Paradise and his funeral plot in North Carolina." Denise smiled, Midge, Elvis, and Cecelia looked at each other,
"Well, don't stand there! Let's go!
"Cecelia..." Ruby said,
"I'll stay with the kids," Cecelia smiled, "Maybe stop by the studio."
"I'll stay with you." Elvis smiled, taking her hand and kissing it. As everyone left, Cecelia stood on the steps thinking of memories, but one stood out the most.
Cecelia put on her red heels and went downstairs. "Mornin Daddy," she kissed his cheek, "Morning, Mother," she hugged her as Denise looked at her,
"That dress and the red lipstick..."
"I can take it off if you'd like ..."
"No, keep it. If you want to look like a woman of the night."
"I was going based on my album for the interview," she mumbled, putting the plate of food on the table,
"Where did Mr. and Mrs. Presley go?"
"They went to the store. They'll be back." Alfonso said as he looked at Denise, smiling at her,
"Speaking of Presley's your uh friend Elvis, how's he doing?"
"He's still asleep. He doesn't get much of it with Tom Parker around." she smiled.
"I see, but damn can he eat!" Alfonso responded, laughing a bit.
Soon after, all the camera crew had set up shop in their living room. Cecelia was sitting next to the tree as her parents were on the couch, snuggled nice and cozy, and talking about their cover of Baby It's Cold Outside.
"We've been married for so long. That the chemistry is still there." Denise smiled. Cecelia couldn't tell if it was genuine or not.
"Is it true you two are separated?"
"Separated from this ol girl, never!" Alfonso smiled as he kissed Denise's hand, and she slowly glared at him. Cecelia sighed, hoping maybe someone would acknowledge her existence.
"Cecelia, tell us about your Christmas album! Not only do you have Little Richard. And a duet with BB King, but Elvis Presley! On Jingle Bell Rock, how did you manage that?
"Well, you know Aaron Pres and I. We go way back to the Hayride days. We got noticed at the same time. We're great friends really and...." The stairs creaked as the attention turned to Elvis, who was rubbing his eyes still from sleep as he was halfway dressed,
"Hey Nel, is breakfast ready..." he paused as he slowly went back upstairs, Cecelia chuckling as her parents were fuming in anger,
"Like I said, we go way back."
"Is Mama okay?" Jessie asked as Elvis nodded, "She's thinking about something." He smiled, ruffling up his hair, "Like what?"
"Memories." He smiled, " A lot of memories happened in this house," Cecelia grinned as she stepped on the creaking step. Elvis shuddered as he remembered the many times he'd stepped on it. "EL! MY ROOM IS STILL THE SAME!" She giggled. He ushered the kids upstairs. As they went inside her bedroom, "It's so pink..." Jessie laughed as Elaine flopped on the bed, "Who's that?" Elaine pointed to a poster, "Uncle Dean and Uncle Frank." Cecelia had smiled as Elvis playfully rolled his eyes at how she swooned out their names,
"And who's that with all the lipstick on him," Jessie asked as Cecelia turned red,
"That's uh..."
"That's Daddy!" Elaine smiled, "But why kiss that when you had the real thing?"
"Well... You'll understand when you're older." Cecelia smiled,
"You too, Jessie," Elvis said. The two then laughed and scrambled off as Elvis closed the door. He leaned against it as Cecelia smiled, "I feel like I'm twenty again." sitting on her bed, "Why twenty?" Elvis asked out of curiosity, and then it hit him, "Oh, twenty..." he smirked as she blushed harder, "Finally understood what you meant about good rockin'." She smirked,
"Now we can't stop rocking," He walked to her, kissed her, and pulled her close,
"CECELIA, ELVIS, KIDS, WE'RE BACK!" Midge shouted as they ran downstairs. Denise glanced at Cecelia and Elvis as she sniffed her daughter,
"You smell like Elvis..."
"Thank you," Cecelia blushed,
"Wasn't a compliment."
North Carolina 1970
"El, thank you for being here," Cecelia sighed. They were at the repass of Alfonso. Her family was there, his friends, and of course Elvis, "Baby, this is just as much my family too." he kissed her hand as she smiled. Walking by was Irene, the cousin Cecelia loathed, "Sorry for your loss," her nose in the air as Cecelia wanted to chop her in half,
"See, you bought Elvis." she laughed,
"That's what you do when you're married to the man who's the father of your kids, Irene." Elvis glanced at her as she walked away. Cecelia chuckled. The twins were playing with their cousins and walking up toward Elvis,
"BB," Both Cecelia and Elvis said, smiling a little,
"If it and Mr. and Mrs. EP," He hugged them both, "Sorry 'bout ya pops." He hugged her,
"Thank you. I know he would've loved to have seen you again." She smiled, "He will. Someday honey, say you make this sweet potato pie."
"I made 99% of that plate. My mama was too distraught to cook." Cecelia laughed as Elvis was eating, too,
"EP, you better cherish this woman. They ain't makin 'em like her."
"Believe me, I know," He kissed her forehead. Denise watched in the corner as she smiled. This was family to her, supportive even on the bad times like this,
"AYE Cousin Crudup made it!"Cecelia gasped, running to him. Arthur Crudup and Alfonso were best friends. He was like a big brother to her daddy. And to Elvis, a big inspiration,
"Cece, you didn't tell me you were related to Big Boy Crudup..."
"He's like an Uncle to me." She smiled,
"Mr. Presley,"
"Sir." He shook his hand, "I'm a huge fan..."
"I know, little bit here told me, all them years ago." He smiled. As he sat down, "You know I ain't never seen my song get dat big til you did it." He laughed, "Course me an Alfonso wrote it half drunk," he then hugged Cecelia as she hugged him back,
"Be strong,"
A few hours later, everyone was singing. Denise, Eleanor, and Ruby were by the piano singing gospel songs. And then Elvis joined in. Cecelia had come with her daddy's guitar, and she strummed it as she shed a small tear.
"In honor of my daddy." Cecelia smiled as she began to sing That's Alright. Elvis looked over at her as Denise laughed, a few through tears. Cecelia was so much of her and her father, so in a way, his legacy never died.
"This song here is one that I cherish. I remember being eleven and hearing it, knowing my daddy had something to do with it, que 1954, and I'm listenin to some guy sing it," Cecelia laughed, looking at Elvis, "Y'all know him as Elvis. I know him as my best friend and my husband and the guy who eats my fries." She laughed. Elvis kissed her cheeks.
As everyone left, Cecelia, Elvis, and the kids were packed into the car as they drove to where they'd be staying for the night. It was a white house with a porch swing on a big piece of land, a bit bigger than Elvis's house in Tupelo, "What's this place, mama?" Jessie asked as Cecelia got out of the car and cried,
#oc#fanfiction#new stuff#new#romance#elvis presley#elvis fanfiction#elvis x oc#new series#60s elvis#70s elvis#possible smut#elvis presley fanfiction#elvis presley x oc#cecelia valmos
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*the painter lets out a paper that crumbles up into a ball before it’s tossed at the small figure before it could be stopped* wait a second….what in the world are you doing here?
The defensive noise of the printer startled the newcomer, followed by the harmless attack. "Blagh...! Paper!" It didn't hurt, of course, but it was enough to stop him in his tracks. Naturally, once he looked at the offending ball, curiosity took hold and he picked it up to unwrap and read. "What's this supposed to b—"
"Who's there?!" Eclipse rushed back into the room, alarmed by the printer's frantic sounds and the new voice.
#sun and moon show#tsams au#tsams#nice eclipse#tsams solar#ask blog#answered#good eclipse#sams au#sun and moon au#sams solar#the-mid-realm-creator
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Art Diary time!
Includes spoilery imagery for Nimona ↓

GAWD, did Nimona wreck me sideways! The first half of the movie had me feeling so seen, it was actually a bit painful haha! Also, some despair sketches about my emotional armor crumbling and some victim-blaming douche who tried to lecture me about how "abuse is bad, but what do you expect when the victim refused to change their proship ways?" Blagh. Big buncha FEELS, this one.
On a side note, I also wrote an article a few days later to try and put into words why Nimona made me feel like that. It's about how a LOT of the things the movie says about queer existence in the face of persecution also apply to people with taboo kinks.
I know I've already posted about it here, but here's the link if ya want.
#starr.art#nimona#nimona movie#media analysis#proship#pro ship#comship#profic#profiction#pro fiction#anti harassment#anti vs. pro stuff#victim blaming
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Things I say/do as a sick little:
"Blagh. Me sicky."
"Dis it Tuwnip. Me ded. Me gon die." (Literally just has an upset tummy)
*makes grabby hands an asks for soup*
"Uhh daaa? Me wan eggies." (Only to be told I can't have eggies because I'll get even more sick because of my tummy issues)
The microwave is always in use because I have no one to help me make my ramen so I gotta make it in da microwave.
My stuffies probably get sick too, or at the very least sick of me.
Literally wanting my cg all the time.
Makes up more scenarios in my head than normal.
So, freaking, bored.
Lots of water and juice.
Too many blankies to count.
Paci in all the time.
Water bottles with the sports tops (because it's like a sippy but I don't have to refill it as often)
Always talking to ada, whether he answers or not. Sometimes, out loud when he's not here.
#agere#agere little#agere blog#age regressor#agere aesthetic#agere positivity#sfw little community#age dreaming#agere activities#agere art#i hate being sick#sick little#prettypupagere
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