godofstory · 2 months
art of flirting..
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mochisquish · 3 months
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cause stone....cause stone calls him daddy
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naturallyred · 1 month
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Shinji learns to cook German cuisine ("Cook in German, Shinji")
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sunflowerdigs · 7 months
It's a testament to how dynamic Loki and Mobius' relationship is that Eric Martin currently describes Mobius as a sweetie pie and likely to soften the truth for Loki. Because Mobius' purpose as a character at the start of the series was to be that voice of unvarnished truth for Loki. His lack of emotional connection to Loki was what allowed him to carry out his role in the story at that time (and, indeed, he was so frank and unyielding that some fans have called that interrogation scene a torture scene). So, for him now to be unable to carry out that role for Loki, for him to have gone from uncaring interrogator to "sweetie pie", shows exactly how much change that relationship has undergone since ep1, and shows that the transformation is based on Mobius coming to care for Loki more and more over the course of the series (and vice versa).
And I don't think Martin is incorrect. Loki going back to that earliest version of Mobius to get a truth that he knew he couldn't get from the Mobius of 2x06 proves that what Martin is saying is true.
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unimportant-ramblings · 4 months
I've come to a profound revelation
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I see no difference.... Love IS love....
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khathastrophe · 1 year
Was today years old when I found out that playing football (soccer) is Thailand inside joke for being horny.. cannot believe they didn't let me on the joke until now cause it sure explains a lot
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liillyliilly · 3 months
miya atsumu x reader words; 1262 synopsis; he chases her until he gets her.
She wishes she could crawl away from him, but he’s holding on too tight for comfort. This was only supposed to be a one night, maybe two night, occurrence. But as soon as he bites her, it’s game over and she falls back into bed with him again.
One game theory class and it was over for Miya Atsumu. She was there for her Statistics major, he was there because he majorly misunderstood what game theory was related to, and he found out the hard way that it wasn’t volleyball but rather mathematics. He had begged for homework answers from most of his classmates, and she was just the only one who actually responded to his texts.
From- Miya Atsumu: I need the notes from lecture today, preferably in dumb-dumb language
To- Miya Atsumu: I have my annotated notes, which for you would be three steps above dumb-dumb language, but close enough to function the way you need.
He liked the way she dressed. Her sweaters and skirts. Her t-shirts and jeans. He really liked the shoes she chose to wear. He wanted to play with her like the little dress-up dolls that his younger girl cousins loved to bring around to his house. Strip her down and then layer clothing items back on. Mostly strip her down though.
When she raised her hand in class he had to stop himself from drooling just from the way he reacted to her voice. Was it weird to think that a person was yummy? He just knew her mouth and skin tasted delicious. If the way she smelled was any kind of indicator, then he was in for a treat if he ever did get that far.
Whining for her to come to one of his games may not have been the ideal method of getting her to hook up with him, but it definitely had its merits. Apparently, seeing him sweaty and with a raging god-complex had done it for her enough to agree to a short make out session back at his empty dorm.
His dorm was clean enough, but there were posters of volleyball players everywhere, and medals. She liked the glimmering gold and dazzling silver, the bronze she didn’t care much for. Atsumu let her try on his most recent accolades.
She pouted her lips, then pressed the cold metal to her lips, biting the medallion to see how real it was. It stung her teeth and rattled a chill into her gums. Definitely real.
Kissing was without ceremony or red LED lights, Atsumu had given those to his buddy a few weeks ago. At first side by side on his bed, her hands in his hair, and his hands on her waist. When he pushes for more, she lets him press her into the mattress. When he presses his hips into hers, moaning into her mouth, she lets him.
When he asks if he can lick her, she lets him. When he urges her to let him in, she wraps a leg around his waist.
Atsumu didn’t ever consider himself much of a cuddler, but after her, he became one. Rubbing his head into her neck, cupping her chest with his hand, letting her use his bicep as a pillow. Unconsciously, his body captures her, his leg resting over her torso. He’s heavy enough and sleeps too much like a toddler for her to escape without waking him.
She lets him hold her until the morning. That’s the one thing she regrets from the entire experience. Because as soon as he gets used to it, wrapping her up into himself, he never wants to stop.
Maybe after that first time she should’ve told him about her relationship situation. Not quite open, not quite closed. She figures it won’t happen again so it wasn’t notable enough for her to mention it to Ushijima.
Her and Ushijima weren’t exclusive, but they did disclose. She didn’t disclose Atsumu so she hopes that it doesn’t get around to the man she actually would like to cuddle with until the early sunrise when she knew that Ushijima would go for a run. Atsumu sleeps in, no morning run to let her escape.
The second time it happens is when Ushijima breaks it off. She crashes and burns right into Atsumu’s ready and loving arms. The next morning her entire body is covered in marks, he just rests his arms behind his head and admires his own handiwork. She feels a little like a finger painting that a child does and then when they rush to show their mother, the dearest mommy can only say, “Oh!” in response to the creation done by the child.
She says it can never happen again. He says that they would have to see about that. Maybe he was some sort of poison, praying for her to come and take all of him at once instead of small intermittent doses.
When game theory class ends, they no longer see each other in classes. Except Atsumu makes regular appearances in her day-to-day life. Infiltrating her friend groups and making himself known to some degree as: the one who sleeps with her occasionally.
Eventually, she’s the one who he makes wear his jerseys on game days. She’s the one who Atsumu bites into during parties, telling her it's time to go and do other things. She’s the one he practices everything on, treating her like a science project. Exerting this much force causes how much of a fluttering in her stomach? Putting the left hand on the small of her back and pushing her up and down onto me accelerates the process by how much? How many rounds cause jello legs in the morning?
The third time around he makes her his. Tracing his name where his mouth should definitely not be for the seventh time in two weeks. He’s decently sweet when he wraps the necklace around her neck, his initials bold and shiny against her collarbones. He freezes the sweet moment by wrapping his hands around her neck and saying he thinks he likes that necklace a little more. At least her being light-headed gives him more data to add to his science fair project on how her body responds to his.
He lets his hair grow out entirely black, cutting off the bleach blonde. He quizzes her then, bringing his twin from his Food and Health Science department, having her kiss them both to see who is who in the dim light of one am chaos. Osamu likes the way she tastes too, but Atsumu says he already called dibs. Atsumu blames the shared liking of her taste on them sharing a womb at one time in eternity.
2,049. The numbers don’t mean much to her, but to him, it’s his favorite tally by the time he’s well into his career, and she’s living with him like a little toy.
That very well might be all that she is. But living the toy life wasn’t so bad. Complete adoration from Atsumu. An infinite money hack that rendered her degree useless. Huge beds and expensive vacations. The only thing that irked her was how much he liked to play with his toy. Some days she thought she would break, but she never ended up breaking, despite his boundless energy.
Dedication to the preservation of his toy was a top priority. His only real priority. He only shared with his brother, because that’s what siblings do. But at the end of the day, she was his toy. Only his.
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blackberrylight1 · 10 months
Ok, I wasn't very interested in their story at first, but after new chapter... Horikoshi, I want more.
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spicyvampire · 4 months
Okay so Yak def losing that fight next week and Dee's gonna kiss him anyways
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i--see--everything · 2 months
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space-bowl · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month! Mickey's got big plans for the club.
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cult-of-the-eye · 4 months
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greenerteacups · 16 days
On a note that the previous message brought up—I remember feeling very particularly moved by your characterization of Arthur “they’re my children” Weasley and his steely insistence that yes, those children are actually all his, and what he owes to them is putting their protection above any other objective. And the argument whipped back that they have fathers is so—! Because actually, they don’t. This story is so heavily populated with a cast of children who don’t have fathers, or have impotent fathers (as in Hermione’s case, her parents in canon being rendered inconsequential to the point of functional plot uselessness. I’m very interested to see what you might do with them). Sirius, Remus, Snape, all playing a sort of father-esque role (or related masculine presence?) but their motivations are so distinct from Arthur’s, from what we see in such a small bit of dialogue! I think I could sit and think about what you’re doing just with the concept of fatherhood for ages (and don’t think I forgot that that’s exactly the way this whole journey started. With the death of that father and what spirals from that). Amazing amazing
Going to print this out and put it on my door so that I can look at it every time I like, go to the kitchen for tea or something. This is wonderful.
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enobariasteeth · 7 months
Helaena is actually Alicent and Rhaenyra's love child... Rhaenyra literally told me herself
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lelianasbong · 2 months
trying to decide if it would be funnier to romance cassandra as a reaver or a necromancer. i want her in the chantry saying 'please god send me an angel. the nicest one you have' and this mf walks in covered in blood
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callmebrutus · 9 months
so we have
spiderbit gothic mansion husbands
and *will* have modern life partners fitpac
manifesting cottagecore girlfriends teaduo
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