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weirdsht · 3 years ago
April fools already passed in my country BUT IM STILL ACTING LIKE A MASSIVE CLOWN FCK
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timextoxhajima · 4 years ago
NOO i swear you're not taking any of my time huhu i love talking to you😭😭 tbh i usually have time at nights but i'd rather use them to sleep or watch some tbz content bc my a test every 3 weeks schedule is still going but i have a lot more to do now so i'd usually spent the first 1 weeks with taking as much rests as i can 🥲
and no worries ur not making me feel pressured to reveal myself!!!! im just saying this bc i really wanna be friends w u,, but if i ever leave tumblr then i WILL OFC I WILL TELL U
hehehe yea i love trying new hobbies no matter how bad i may be at them just to find the feeling of joy when i feel like im truly enjoying them, and with writing even when what i write has nothing to do with my thoughts it really help in keeping my minds busy instead of drifting away into bad thoughts🥲🥲 i do video editing too sometimes, photography, but its kinda hard thanks to the pandemic so yeah,,, editing sunwoo video it is for me😭😂 i hope you found ur getaway too!!! or did u already?
I C THE NEW ENHYPEN POST OMG IVE BEEN SEEING THEM A LOT LIKE A WHOLE LOT EVERYWHERE not to mention im also a shawol so i know that ni-ki was one of the shinee kid?? in shinee's japanese concert😭😂 but i havent found the time to know abt the other members yet so--
ANW I RLLY LOVE THAT FOR UU its good that you're getting a lot more comfortable❤️ so does that mean you are currently on a holiday? yea coming back to uni really sucks sometimes i hated it a lot too but these days i've gotten a lot closer to my friends and i miss them so much now that we havent seen each other for months🥲
i'm pretty good! all the preparation has been kinda a lot and my research supervisor has been kinda laterep lately which is making me super anxious most of the time bc i really need to get everything done by august😭😭 but yeah writing has helped me A LOT in shifting my thoughts and making me feel better, i hope i am taking care of myself enough
how about you dana? are you taking care of yourself ? - 🍋🍋
omg just sleep LMAO just fkin sleep it's fine tumblr isn't worth your physical health HAHAHAHHAHA yeah your 3-week test schedule sounds disgustang fam idk how you do it so props to you
omg... tbh photography is a great way to ?? learn about life?? does that make sense lol i started photography in 2013 and now i've shifted more into filming, writing and editing so it was a very nice shift and transition for me. i guess my getaway definitely includes writing fics, i'm on a video production intern right now too so i get to shoot in studios and edit the footage later on. i was supposed to go on a chill photoshoot with a friend but covid said fuck you LMAO but i might get paid to help my freshies do their committee photoshoot at the end of the year so that'll be a blast. i love brainstorming themes for photoshoots and like templating designs - i think i'm an all-rounded creative person, as in into creatives [not boasting about... my creativity] but i definitely love the freedom in expression and i'm starting to realise that i'm picking up every single medium i could possibly utilise to exploit this freedom of expression thing: writing, dancing, filming, photography, creative designs, you name it LOL
yes niki was a shawol!! he went for a tokyo dome concert of shinee's and key hugged him while he cried LMAO he said it was like 2014 or smth which meant that niki was fucken... 9... stanning enha has been a JOURNEY for me because all this while i've been stanning groups that are generally older than me. even with skz jeongin i began to feel a tad awkward because he's younger, and with txt i basically couldn't whole-heartedly stan them because 3/5 of them are younger than me... then you have enha whose maknae is younger than my sister?! like... fam... how... why... am i that old now... omg
yeah i am on holiday! my sem ended in late april and since then i've been pretty much rotting at home, handling my intern projects, writing, learning some choreos for more covers and sobbing over kdramas owo the tissues wasted LMAO i love this break for myself honestly cause the sem was such a shitshow and i lost a friend or two over some nonsense and i had conflict with a couple of others too so while i do miss their nonsense, i really need the time away from these idiots who act like 5 year olds sometimes
omg i hope your supervisor knows not to pressure you too much, like work-life balance is a thing there right... >.>
i'm so happy you're writing that shit out. back before i began to write i felt so suffocated and i can't imagine my life if i didn't go into writing so i'm glad you found this portal to escape, even if it is for a moment!
i'm taking of myself... by keeping myself at home LMAO i haven't seen friends for like... weeks now, which is pretty surprising given the circumstances, because we're not on lockdown and you can still go out in pairs and i've had friends trying to get me out of the house to hang but i'm... so lazy... and frankly just uninterested in a social life now. idk how i shd feel about that, it's like the introvert rlly hopped the fuck out after i spent majority of the past sem acting like an extrovert.
if you consider sleeping at 4am every night taking care of myself then HEY i guess im fit as a pickle HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
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chaos-with-wings · 6 years ago
I think I...have a new job? Like a proper one and not subbing and shit because man being a substitute teacher was slowly killing me. But this new job seems way more interesting but there was something wrong with HR so I didn’t get their email until yesterday when they were supposed to have sent it last week but it’s all good now! 
My grad school application is almost finished! All my rec letters are in but I still need to polish up my personal statement huhu but I’m still aiming for late March/early April submission (due date is June 1). 
I will be starting #100daysofcode tomorrow because learning Python is going slow because I’m such a distracted procrastinator and it’s always easier for me if I’m trying for a goal. Intrinsic motivation for me is super conditional. Like I can make myself do a thing if it’s a goal that I’ve established in my brain. Also will probably do the same for reading. It’s going so much better this year so far than the last couple of years so I really want to continue the progression. I’ve read like 5 “books” (because I’m including short stories and manga volumes lmao) so far and I’m like 1/3 done with the left hand of darkness. So maybe have a goal of 50 pages a day? 
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cheskalagran · 6 years ago
BYE 2018
This year has got to be the year jampacked with EVERYTHING. I might have the same motivation to write now but i gotta try for my future self. (bcos yaknow everything that I dont write eventually gets forgotten and i have no way of remembering, it just turns into a blank patch in my mind lyk 2017 lol) whatever happend to 2017??? i was scrolling through this blog and i didnt find any 2017 posts lol what??? was i in a trans or??? idk i have no memory of new year 2017. well i dont want that to happen to 2018 because theres just so much that happened so here it goes.
JANUARY- I started the year in qc.
Jan 2- I saw Mamsh for the first time in uptc. We bought my very first film roll. n Agfa Vista 200 in Satchmi.
Jan 7- i put my first film roll in. took a few shots. oh and im back in marinduque
Jan14 to the end of the month- im just in duque doing normal stuff i guess idk. More MSC days. I was really stressed about being irreg. lol
feb 2 i went to Manila for the opening of Arts Month. IT WAS SO GREAT I NEVER FELT SO ALIVE IT WAS WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED, to live each waking day to be exposed to art. agh fun tyms. i spent 5 days in Bayview and everyday i went to luneta park for workshops and other shennanigans. While this was all happening i was also shooting for our Trends and Network (?) (subject) video. Reg was my partner in this video we were supposed to put a vissual on a poem our prof gave us.
feb 3
first time to eat yellow watermelon.
went to a baybayin writing workshop and learned how to write baybayin yay
saw autotelic, better days, sud and ben and ben that night
FEB 4- still there
feb 5- attended poetry night and saw mike coroza. saw mamsh again today and we went to national museum. It was the last day of arts month.
feb 6- i went home to duque
Feb 7- i edited my footage
~idk what date but hahaha the video i edited got 75 loooool but our prof gave us another chance to edit the shit.
feb 14- mundo- iv of spades was released. idk how this is relevant to me lol but yeah it was released on this day.
feb 17- UP fair that i wasnt able to go to. Finals week is near im so stressedt
feb 20- im editing the video again. we made a storyline instead of just putting vissuals on the poem.
feb 21- the stress was getting to me. i havent been sleeping bcos of finals and editing so i cut my hair short. the shortest it has been, they said i looked like hannah baker
~idk what date but i finally passed the video and we got 85 thank god for that curve lol~
feb 24- Im back in Manila. first time to ever play with the orchestra in a place which is not marinduque. Played in Makati along with Sta Isabel peeps.
feb 26-
Went to bgc--- to the overrated Venice grand canal place to be exact.
Saw Alex Aiono live.
Bought a new Murakami book (Wind Up Bird Chronicle) that i havent still finished until now
feb 27 to march- marinduque ++ more MSC things
March 29
practiced a viola piece for auditions sa ust but hey its 2019 and i didnt end up auditioning
Moriones festival (holy week)
Watched Baconaua a film by Joseph Laban shot in Mdq. the plot was also mdq related!!! and also socially relevant at present. its kinda about drugs--- well it is about drugs.
april 7- went to ust for enrolment
apr 8- went home na ata i dont even know
went to manila for yfc’s 25th anniv!!!!! AAAA ICON 2018~ FULL BLAST
yfc reunion yey
APR 15- DAY 3
MAY 3-
MAY 8- 18TH
MAY 10- SURPRISE BDAY CELEB BY THE BEACH T^T gots a new laptop yey. got another murakami book from fiel. got a cool shirt from dem. got my fav necklace (which means so much to me since it has so much connection to who i am--- its a Sta. Claire/ St. Francis pendant from Rome.) Lola passed down a family heirloom to me--- her watch. <3
MAY 11- woke up after last night’s celeb for Graduatioooon.
May 11 to 19- stayed at home and watched movies and shi
May 20-
watched Musika sa Isla’s concert. first time that i sat out since i was so busy huhu.
Went out with Reg and went kayaking
May 21 and onwards more of doing nothing and watching movies and shii
May 29- went out with sum frends i havent seen for so loooong: isa, franz, angge, ira
Jun 2- went out with the fam and tita pina to the beaaachhh
Jun 15- My first provincial Shout!!! YBB LAGUNA!!!
Jun 18- went to shannon falls!!!! hiked and swam with the fam ++ dream favor fam
Jun 19- end of Prov Shout huhu went to amoingon with the YBB laguna team. swam some more in the beach.cried A LOT. said goodbye to fwends huhu
Jun 20- left duque for good
Jun 22- went to ust to settle thingz, dorm hopping
Jun 23- went to ust again
Jun -Jul scrabble, movies, wine, milktea, mc do and a couple of city thingz. Prepared for YCOM acad. long distance organizing with yasu huhu.
Jul 25- went home to duque for YCOM Acad!!! My first and last event as a the provincial YCOM head. cant believe we actually got to put this together huhu sml
Jul 26-28- finally had face to face organizing with the pcg. practiced songs and hosting.
Jul 29- YCOM ACAD NAAA. a lot of hard work paid off in this event. a lot if crying again. said goodbye to friends again.
Jul 30- left for Manila first thing in the morning
Aug 1- First day dorm life
Aug 2- Start of freshmen week. Freshmen pol sci orientation
Aug 3- ROARientation
Aug 4- got very drunk with batch mates uuuhhh which was wrong cos its just the first day and i probably made out with someone???uhhh
Aug 6- Tomasino na ako event. Saw Ben and ben and fourplay mnl
Aug 10-
went to cinemalaya with reg,kly and paul. was supposed to watch liway but ended up watching school service. bumabagyo rn hahahaha.
first time to ride the lrt loool
Aug 11-13- spent 3 days alone in qc aHAHAHA they were in cebu
~Lol kinda  dated a blockmate or whateva at this time uuhh~
Aug 17- parents visited manila, we went to intramuros
Aug 20- kuyas bday
Aug 21-saw reg and we watched another cinemalaya entry: Madilim Ang Gabi. sobrang slow paceeeedddd but ya it was about ejk. #SupportLocal
Aug 22 and onwards- A LOT OF READINGS
Aug 28- bar hopping with 7wonders
Sep 5- saw Sud again in ust. org week ata??
~kinda stopped dating that blockmate na~ ahahah
Sep 21- saw shelly, aira, and fiel at Happy T. met someone but never talked again after that nyt. slept at fiel’s
Sep 28- YFC GA
ang bandang shirley
lions and acrobats
mellow fellow
rusty machine
oh flamingo
i forgot the others huhu
OCT 4-5- PRELIMS ((no sleeping starts))
Oct 10-pre lims. got rly unexpected close friendships. slept at dean’s.
Oct 20- Island with shelly, ira, dean and sum binilde friends. met sum ppl. slept at mark’s
~kinda started talking to someone i actually like~
OCT 29- went to the beach with reg trisha cavite peeps and kuya francis. saw kent kuya jm and jayson at kuya karl’s
OCT 31- inuman with friends i havent seen for so loooooong, drew, ira, pam, josh, angge
UNDAS- made my term paper about islam huhuhuhuhuhu d y i n g
NOV 3- went to the beach with yfc people huhuhu yasu mat ninyah and others. quest ang gracenote were there at villa aplaya also ahahaha
NOV 4- haaayyy left duque again :<
NOV 14- first meeting of that ~someone~ im talking to. went to rou bourbon. agh i actually like this guy can u believe it
NOV 16- saw ~that guy~ again. went over to his place and met his dog
Nov 23- saw ~ that guy~ again// study date
Nov 29- adventures with dean and mia at 3am. smoked a lot this month brOo i was ded more studying
Dec 2- mom visited me huhu lord tnx
Dec 3- Agape
Dec 8 onwards- FINALS WEEK a lot of smoking//very very very ded at this point
Dec 15- i was high with kuya and claud
Dec 17- drank with kuya and claud
Dec 19- i was high
Dec 20- mom and micha and pau arrived
Dec 21- PASKUHAN with micha <3 ~the guy~ i was talking to ditched me lol. the dating thing was “paused” looooooool things started going downhill again but paskuhan was so fun!!!!! huhhuhuh definitely made me feel things. saaw ransom collective and spongecola <3 mia and chad r now together. micha slept in my dorm
Dec 23 and 24 and 25- christmas shenanigans in ateneo.
Dec 24- cinco ako sa nstp. i died seeing this
Dec 28- BANDERSNATCH!!!!!!!
Dec 29- went to bulacan for Kuya Oyo’s wedding cute couple
Dec 30-31- STAYCATION with the fam
DEC 31- went home and welcomed the new year. smy prof hasnt still replied for the cinco he gave me.
yaaaaalllllll 2018 was rough. a lot has happend. and im difinitely not the same person anymore. whats worse is that im kinda disappointed of what i turned out to be. :/ things are just sad. i havent been able to pick myself up until now. idk if im just in the right place or in the right time or with the right people but all u i know is that things could be in a much better place. i just hope that 2019 would put things in a better place. i cried a ton shit of tears this year. cut a few scars.left a lot of people. so much new things. it was my wildest year so far. Living independently alone, surviving college and the city life--- it was very different from what Im used to. but hey i survived and im proud of myself for that.2018 u were painful---so painful.  U made me try so hard and fail so hard at every aspect. I tried to maintain ties with friends even though it wasnt rly my thing. It was so hard for me to maintain connection agh but at least i still tried. Acads wise, I tried so hard to study for that one major prelim exam and i failed--- for the very first time, i failed a major exam. I tried to love--- yup--- thats totally not me--- i tried to date people. but lol things rly just dont work out sometimes. it be lyk that sometimes. ako pa yung dinitch HAHAHAHAH lol
the first half of the year was so fulfilling a lot of fun times. Never have i ever felt lyk i knew myself so much. everything i did was everything i wanted to do. For the first time i felt lyk i was turning out to be who i wanted to be but surprise everything turned around at the second half of the year.
it  made me feel lost it made me feel alone. its 2019 and that feeling hasnt changed. still a ton shit of anxiety. god Every holiday season i try my best to get in the holiday spirit but hah this year no matter how hard i try i wasnt just feeling it.  everything feels so static i dont wanna be like this anymore. The second half of 2018 made me feel like im the wrong place am i in the wrong place i dont know.
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