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m00nj3w3l · 8 months ago
I had a moment yesterday where my mom introduced me to her colleague's daughter and this girl was like the prettiest woman I've ever laid my eyes on and I wanted to make a good impression but I had just come back from archery practice so I was sweating and wearing grass stained pants and an old T-shirt AND I smeared chocolate ice cream on my cheek at some point and neither me nor my mom noticed till we were home. I talked to this absolute godness for 15 minutes straight while looking like that. Bye
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radiorenjun · 5 years ago
I Don’t Need It
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• Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
• Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
• Na Jaemin despised the idea of soulmates, he wanted to fight against fate for choosing his soulmate for him. Even if it means his stubborn childhood best friend wouldn't stop trying to make him accept about the similar tattoos on their wrists.
• Masterlist here!
• Chapter: iii, iv
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"Hey Jaemin!" you exclaimed, bumping your shoulder against his teasingly as you manage to catch up to the poor boy. Jaemin sighed before turning to you with a soft smile, "hello y/n."
"So how are you today?" you asked, shoving your hands into your hoodie pockets as you walk side by side in the halls during recess. Jaemin felt his blood boil at the sight of you, after the day he had, he just didn't feel like dealing with your nagging.
"Y/n, I’m-" Jaemin sighed heavily before he felt an arm wrapped around the two of them, his good friend, Haechan stepping in between the two. "If it isn't my favourite couple!" the boy chirped, his bright smile lightening Jaemin's mood.
"Hi Haechan!" you giggled, ignoring his arm laying lazily around your shoulder. "How are you two doing in this terrible school day?" he grinned. "Just amazing." Jaemin rolled his eyes. "Looks like Nana here is having a bad day," Haechan used his hand that was swinging against Jaemin's shoulder to pinch the boy's cheeks.
Jaemin clenched his fists, "Hyuck, I-" Jaemin took a deep breath before being interrupted once again by the obnoxious school bell. Jaemin groaned internally, feeling Haechan's arm sliding off of his shoulder quickly before bolting away from them with a short "oh shit."
"Wow, not even a goodbye." you muttered with a chuckle before looking up at Jaemin who's expression looked grim, eyes cold and emotionless and his usual smile nonexistent on his beautiful face. "We should really hurry to class, Nana." You tugged on his sleeve as students ran by the two of you, only to have him jerk his arm away from you harshly.
Your eyes widen slightly at the action, his eyes not meeting yours. "You go on without me, I gotta meet Coach bout the next game." he mumbled. "Um, okay." you bit your lip nervously, "you want me to tell Mrs. Choi for you?"
"No, thanks." Jaemin replied dryly before walking away from you. You felt sadden as Jaemin walked away, starting to walk the other way to class. This was usually what you're looking forward to everyday. That one subject where you both had the same class at the end of each day.
It's not a big deal, he just gotta talk to Coach. He is the captain now that Mark graduated. He's got more things to do now, you shouldn't be so sad at his success.
You apologized to Mrs. Choi on being late to class which she just waved off before telling you to sit down. You sat down on the empty seat next to Huang Renjun, the Chinese student who moved in a few years ago, who was also one of your close friends.
"Hey Renjun," you waved as you drop your bag on the table. "Good to see you, loser. Why aren't you sitting next to Mr. Captain of the Football Team?" Renjun chuckled, not sparing you a glance as he fidgeted with his brand new watercolor set under his desk as to not get caught by your teacher.
Renjun was in the arts club with you, that's basically how you two met. The day you met was a truly iconic moment in your friendship, which ended with you accidentally shoving the end of an acrylic paint brush into his mouth.
"He got some things to discuss with Coach, so he couldn't make it to class." you pouted, crossing your arms on the desk as you began to write down whatever your teacher was explaining on the whiteboard. Renjun looked around class, now noticing that Jaemin was nowhere in sight of the room.
"I'm so glad to be your second option, y/n." he said spitefully, earning a poke on the temple by the end of your pencil. "Hey," he gave you a death glare. "Shut up, Huang. If he didn't reject me so much maybe I wouldn't be this desperate." you muttered, writing down sloppy notes at the speed of light.
"Oh please, even if Jaemin accepted your love, you wouldn't even spare a glance at anyone but him in this whole room til Mrs. Choi actually makes you sit next to me." Renjun rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh, putting his watercolour set in his bag before turning his head to copy the ones he hasn't written.
You sighed, playfully poking his sides in retaliation, causing the taller boy to flinch at the contact. "Speaking of that, it's been-what? Three years? And you're still going strong?" Renjun asked in disbelief. "Three- It's only been two years Renjun." you chuckled.
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes, "but like, how are you still going strong with the countless amount of times where he would reject you all the time?" he asked again. You felt a slight pain in your chest at his words, your mind flashing back to Jaemin's cold demeanor a while ago.
"Jaemin's just really stubborn. Why are you even questioning this now?" you tried to play it off with a smile, forcing out a small laugh as you gripped your pencil tightly, trying to make your mind focus on what's being written on the board than focusing on your stubborn soulmate who kept rejecting you.
"Yeah I know, but it's been two years, Y/n. Two damn years. I admire your determination and all but are you ever gonna just give up?" he questioned. You felt your heart sank at the thought, you wouldn't know what to do without your soulmate.
Everyone told you that being with your soulmate always made you feel whole, with butterflies fluttering around your stomach and your heart would feel like it was raised up to the clouds in heaven like a bird sparing through the sky.
The euphoria when your skins touch, the same exact feeling when you and Jaemin were casually hanging out. Deep down, the dark part of you knew that he was gonna get sick of you sooner or later. Yet you still had some hope left lingering, hoping that things would turn out otherwise.
You closed your eyes for a brief moment, trying to calm your thoughts as you slowly unclenched your death grip on your pencil. "Shut up Renjun," you flashed the boy a forced smile, nudging him with a teasing look before going back on your notes.
But to be honest, you don't know if you could continue paying attention without your mind wandering around.
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"You okay?" you asked when you got in the passenger seat of Jaemin's car, shutting the door to be meet with a very dark and grim Na Jaemin with his eyes not gazing away from his phone. You knew something was up.
You and Jaemin lived literally next door to each other. Ever since Jaemin got a brand new car for his birthday, he couldn’t help but offer you a ride. “Fine.” he spoke in a monotone voice. He started the engine with a twist of his key, not sparing you a glance as he started driving. 
“You sure?” you asked after a pregnant pause, “you don’t sound or look fine.Did something happen at practice?” you added. You could see Jaemin’s fingers tightening their grip on the steering wheel. “I’m fine.” he muttered once again, but nonetheless your stubborn self didn’t want to leave him alone. His happiness was your happiness, after all.
“You know we could just talk it o-” you said before flinching at Jaemin’s bold yet sharp tone. “I said, I’m fine, y/n.” he huffed with a roll of his eyes. “I’m just having those days, just drop it.” he added without meeting your eyes. You stared at him for a brief moment, raising your brow at his tone.
You clicked your tongue before taking off your seatbelt causing Jaemin to turn his head to you for a small moment before looking back at the road. “What are you-” he spoke before he watch you move to the back seat and press both of your hands on his shoulder above the seats, pressing your fingers down on his clothed skin. Jaemin let out a soft groan at the contact, feeling his body relax.
“You’re clearly not fine. So let’s just talk it out and relax.” you smiled, trying to keep your balance on the moving car. “Y/N, sit down. What if you-” Jaemin interrupted himself with a relaxed groan as you dug your fingers on a sore spot. “Shut up and tell me bout your day, you dumbass.” you chuckled. Jaemin sighed in defeat, focusing on the road and the calming sensation of your palms digging into his shoulders.
“It’s nothing, really. Coach just gave me a big talk bout the responsibilities of being team leader, and the risks I have to take since it’s our senior year. And we’re gonna have tryouts for new members next week and I’ll have to be there, too. Everything’s just piling up into one, not to mention the exams, assignments and practice every two days.” Jaemin sighed.
You hummed, nodding as Jaemin continued to vent out his emotions to you as if you weren’t the same girl who was constantly bugging him everyday with your undying love confessions. It felt as if you two were sixteen again, before the whole soulmate problem came up. “I get it, with Seulgi graduating, someone has to be the president of the art club. Everyone wants me to be the leader but I don’t think I’m ready.” you nodded in understanding.
Jaemin smiled as you spoke,”but like, sometimes you gotta take up responsibilities when they’re given to you, you know? We just gotta do our best and start taking slow steps at a time.” you continued, trying to focus on massaging Jaemin’s shoulders. “Thanks, y/n.” Jaemin chuckled softly, his heart warming up, knowing you got his back no matter what. “I’m glad you always got my back.”
“Of course I do,” you smiled. “I am your soulmate after all,” you bit your lip nervously, you almost hesitated saying those words. You prepared yourself for the dark glare that was now peering at you through the rear view mirror, “Y/N...” Jaemin spoke in an exasperated sigh. “I know, I know. ‘Y/N, you know this more than anyone in the whole world, I don’t want to have a chosen soulmate, or any at all. I want to fight against what fate has in store for me.’ I heard you say this a gazillion times, Nana.” you giggled, mocking his deep voice dramatically.
Jaemin let out a small giggle, shaking his head profusely as he felt your fingers disappear as you crawled to the front passenger seat beside Jaemin once again. He watched you hop on to the passenger’s seat, clipping your seat belt on. He bit his lip as he recalled his tone early, feeling guilty slightly at his previous actions.
Soon he let out a small smile, doing a u-turn to head to your favorite diner. “Whatever,loser. You want to get some smoothies?” he offered with his charming bright smile, pupils shining bright once again that you could feel yourself fall deeper for this boy. “Do you even have to ask, Mr. Captain Of The Football Team?” you giggled.
Jaemin laughed, shaking his head at you. “One hour,Y/n. One whole hour. That’s how long I left you at Mrs.Choi’s class to sit beside Renjun and now you’re becoming him.” Jaemin jokes, poking your sides teasingly. “Imagine what would’ve happen if I left you with him for a whole day, alone.” he hummed curiously.
“Shut up, Nana. You know very much I rather be left alone with you,” you winked, causing Jaemin to roll his eyes at you. “Do I really need to reject you again? I’m sure you have my whole speech perfectly memorized in that brain of yours.” he chuckled. You felt your heart sank once again at his words,but nonetheless you maintained a bright smile on your face. “Who knows? Maybe you finally fell for me,” you grinned.
“Stop dreaming, Y/N. That’s definitely not gonna happen.” 
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12timetraveler · 4 years ago
Hi! I understand you have a bunch of WIP but I'm going to add to the pile 😅 I was wondering if you could write Hosea/Chubby!F!Reader? SFW or NSFW I don't really mind. I was thinking it could be like Insecure reader goes to Hosea for advice but then BAM feelings~ Thank you for considering this! Love your work!!
Here you go! And Just in time for another Hosea Fucks Friday! 
Chapter 41 of Campfire Stories
In The Cards
After an incident at the Blackwater Saloon, Hosea and Reader have a heart-to-heart.
Below is a quick teaser. Read the full story on ao3
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“Alright, Ladies,” Hosea said, “Blackwater’s just up ahead here. Work your magic.” you peered around Karen from where you were, sat on the back of her horse. The town of Blackwater appeared in the distance, glowing yellow in the late afternoon sun. Arthur and Hosea were taking you and some of the other ladies into town for an evening in the saloon, where you would all find leads, play some unsuspecting men, do what you all did best. Tilly rode with Arthur on his horse, and Mary Beth had borrowed one of the other camp horses.
You were relatively new to the gang, having been found by Hosea just outside of Tall Trees a little over a month ago, beaten within an inch of your life for trying to steal pelts from a group of poachers. The gang had nursed you back to health, and given you two options: Arthur could drop you off at the nearest town, and you never speak of the gang again. Or you could stay, run with the gang. You’d chosen the latter, not exactly having anywhere else to go. 
This was your first time out with the other girls. You knew the other girls would be using their charm to distract the patrons while weaseling information or cash from them. You weren’t sure your charms would quite have the right affect. You weren’t very good at flirting, and while you could pick a pocket easily enough, you couldn’t get people to drop their guard very well. But you knew exactly how you were going to earn your keep. 
You were a poker goddess. This week alone you’d won $5 from Lenny, $15 from Strauss, and $25 from Arthur, who was too stubborn to admit defeat. That was playing against people who knew you were good. You couldn’t wait to relieve some unsuspecting saloon patrons of their hard-earned cash. 
There was a hitching post around the back of the Saloon. Arthur and Hosea were already hitching up their horses, with Mary Beth and Karen following right behind. As Karen pulled Old Belle up to the hitching post, Hosea was at your side, holding out his hands to help you down. You smiled and accepted his assistance, his hands resting on your hips as he helped you safely to the ground.
Despite the age gap, you’d found yourself growing sweet on the old gunslinger. He was always so kind, so long as you earned his respect. You’d seen him scream at the Callendar boys more than once, and he even tossed Bill out of camp the other day when he stepped too far out of line. But he’d always been incredibly kind to you, from the moment he found you, discarded on the bank of the Lower Montana River. 
You didn’t remember much of what happened. You’d snuck into a camp of poachers to steal some of their pelts, and had been caught. You’d fought against your captors, fought so hard that your clothes tore where the men held onto you. But you were outnumbered 10 to 1, and with one hard blow to the head, you lost consciousness. 
The next thing you’d known, you woke up on the bank of the river in little more than your undergarments, clothes torn to rags. A kindly looking man stared down at you, gently tapping your cheek to try to bring you around. 
“That’s it, dear girl. You’re still with us.” He’d said pleasantly. “Can you move?” You’d carefully wiggled your fingers, wiggled your toes. You were bruised to hell, and everything hurt, but nothing seemed to be broken. “Come on.” He said, carefully scooping you up, surprisingly strong for a man his age. “I’ve got a camp near here. You can recoup there until you’re strong enough to go home.” you’d blacked out again before he even had you settled on his horse. 
“You ready?” Karen asked, drawing you out of your reminiscing. You grinned and nodded. 
“Of course. A night in the big city. Drinking, gambling, what more could a girl want?” You grinned. She laughed, and your little group began walking around the corner to the saloon entrance. 
“Now don’t you girls get into any trouble now,” Hosea said. “We’re here for a respectable evening.” He was being vague in his warning. Don’t take any risks that could get you hurt, or cause trouble for the gang. 
“Of course not, uncle,” Mary Beth said cheerfully, calling him Uncle as part of your cover. 
“What trouble could us sweet ladies get into?” Tilly joked, her face the picture of innocence. 
“Yeah, what indeed?” Arthur scoffed. Karen flashed him a grin as Arthur opened the door, holding it for the rest of you to pile in. The place was lively, the crowd having just gathered for a drink after work. It’s not so full that it’s uncomfortable, but busy enough that you and your friends won't stand out. Arthur and Hosea wandered up to the bar while the girls dispersed. They wouldn’t need to buy their own drinks; those would be bought for them. 
You followed Hosea and Arthur to the bar and ordered a beer, sliding the bartender a handful of coins. He passed you a beer, then turned down the bar to serve the other patrons. You looked over at the poker table. It was full, a game already in session. 
“How do you plan to spend your evening?” Hosea asked, giving you a smile. 
“I’m going to try my hand at a game of poker.” You said, nodding toward the table. Arthur scoffed. 
“Won’t know what hit ‘em,” He chuckled bitterly. 
“Oh don’t be such a sore loser, Mr. Morgan,” You teased. Arthur shook his head, unable to hide his amused smile. 
“You aren’t going to flirt your way into men’s pockets?’ Hosea asked, sounding surprised. You looked down at the bottle between your hands. 
“That ain’t really my area of expertise,” you said vaguely. Truth was, you’d never tried to charm anything off of a man. You didn’t think it would work. The other girls were so skinny, and pretty. Even Karen, who was bigger than the others, was still thinner than you were. You were certain no one would be tempted by you like they were the others. It was a bit of a sore spot for you.
You’d always been built bigger than others. No matter how tight your mother laced your corsets, how little you’d eaten, every miracle tonic that would magically bring your weight down, you never fit into what was considered pretty. Your mother and the other ladies of high society made sure you knew it too. Made sure you knew no man would ever want you with your body so round. You shook yourself from your self-deprecating thoughts. 
“I wouldn’t know where to start, doing what Karen and the others are doing.” you laughed. “The poker table is where I shine. Just gotta wait for a seat to open up.” you said, glancing over at the poker table once more. It looked like the current hand was just about to finish up. The players began setting down their hands, some looking frustrated, some looking pleased.
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