vonlipvig · 3 months
me and the rest of the aai2 veterans awaiting to see the new localized names
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James lee x fem!reader meeting after separation with a new identity
Thank you for your request!
[ DG/ James Lee x Fem! Reader ] - meeting after separation with a new identity.
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DG let out a disgruntled sigh as he looks at the blood that stained his white and slender hands, his eyes squinted due to the bright light coming from the streetlamp that was placed on every block of the side of the road, his black eyes following your figure in the dark, his hand covering the mouth of the intruder that had been following you for a while now.
DG heard you complaining about it to your co-worker, it looks like he needs to hire another bodyguard to watch over you in the shadows, all he's been doing this week is trying to track the stalker and trying to hire skilled bodyguards, skilled enough to pass his test, of course.
The limp body of the man that lay in his arms was uncomfortable as he gently put the intruder on the pavement, he'll call Gun later to clean up the mess, he continues on his watch on your figure who's finally going inside the house, he didn't notice the small smirk that was displayed on your lips that was hidden by the shadows.
DG thought that he had discarded all of his emotions like James Lee when he had carved his status with his own hands, he stop in his tracks when he saw you sitting peacefully at the park bench, on your hand was the usual order of your breakfast at your favorite fast food, even though how many years had past, he always remembered the things you love and hate.
He was quite surprised to see you this early in the morning, (No, he knows that you always spend your mornings in this very park.) He turned around trying to not alert you of his presence, he flinched as he heard you call out to him, "Umm, excuse me? I hope this isn't considered to be impolite, but are you DG?" He stiffened at your presence.
Did you find out? You were perceptive and very observant of your surroundings and you will find out about his new identity with just one glance from your [e/c] orbs, he pulled the white cap closer to his face as he turned around to face you, his breath hitch.
You still look the same as ever, your [h/l] [h/c] hair glistened under the faint sun rays from the sun, your eyes turning into waning crescent shapes of the moon as you smiled blissfully, ignorant of his inner conflict, he hums trying to muster the persona he built up from all these years, "Are you a fan perhaps?"
You nodded, "Hmm, I like your songs!" He felt his heart pound wildly in his chest, calm down, calm down, "Can you please sign this for me?" You handed over to him the sketchpad you've been holding since before, you were probably drawing whatever comes to mind again, as he finished his signature in the middle of your sketchpad he handed it over to you.
You look at the signature with a smile, "May I ask what you like about me? Ms." Now'd he did it, but this was the only chance he can talk to you again without stalling behind the shadows, you let out a contemplative hum, as you tilted your head to the side to think of your answer, he thought you look cute, your lips quirk upwards into a grin.
"What I like about you is that you're very assertive!"
"The way you beat up that guy in Gangbuk who was pretending to be James Lee, you see I've always thought of that guy to be gutsy, but for him to be defeated even though he took that name on his own it was a laughable attempt." You hold your chin as a small laugh leaves your lips, "It was pathetic how he didn't know that James Lee was just there but far from his reach," he flinches as your eyes slant on his form.
You went closer to him, your hot breath fanning his ears, "What do you think of it? Kang Diego, uh no actually, James?"
Oh, he fucked up.
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milaza · 2 years
thoughts on the racism in DGS (specifically van zieks)
i want to preface this by saying that 1) i’m a chinese person from a western country, and 2) i really like van zieks (outside of his racism of course). but basically, i don’t claim to understand how japanese fans in japan view him, and i also understand that van zieks may be an unforgiveable character for japanese fans who live in the west because his attacks are rather personal. i’m not trying to change anyone’s mind with this... as you’ll see later, i don’t even think his redemption is written well (me liking van zieks is solely based on the other aspects of his character). i’m just thinking out loud
this post contains major DGS2 spoilers.
what does van zieks' racism add to DGS?
i think there are two main reasons van zieks was written as racist towards japanese people in the game. the first logic seems to be that since the game takes place in the 1900s, him being racist is part of the period theme and shows how british people used to be very racist towards japanese people and foreigners. i guess due to cultural differences and looking down on them for not being as ‘technologically advanced’.
however, the thing is that van zieks’ racism doesn’t stem from that. he does talk about it awful lot, but his cultural differences/’lack of advancement’ itself isn’t the reason he hates japanese people. his racism just stems from him being affected by a personal incident where his brother happened to be killed by a japanese guy. the story of “van zieks overcoming his racism” doesn’t have anything to do with the theme of the victorian period, it’s just his own problem. he was perfectly accepting and respectful of japanese people before the incident.
thus to me it’s so weird how his redemption is done by seeing how ryunosuke believes in him/defend him. cool, so he now recognizes that japanese people can be smart and full of heart... even though that’s what he originally believed 10 years ago??? so again, because his racism doesn’t stem from innate/learned bigotry but just that one incident, i don’t think his redemption arc really means anything, if that makes sense! it’s not commentary on victorian england or english/japanese relationships. it’s not a man learning to undo racism he grew up with. like i said before, it’s literally just his own problem, and it’s a problem i think is unnecessary to this game. it would be exactly the same if they made him a regular asshole instead of a racist asshole.
the other reason i believe racism was included in DGS was to serve as a mystery for the player/ryunosuke to wonder why van zieks despises japanese people so much. however, it doesn’t work as a mystery. because the player is just like “? he hates japanese people because he’s a british man from the 1800s” it really doesn’t feel that deep. we figure it’s solved already, it doesn’t matter! so it should’ve been excluded to begin with.
how was his in-game redemption handled?
like i said before, i really think that his ‘redemption’ was not written well and it did make me feel unsatisfied, speaking as an asian in the west. i felt frustrated that it seemed like there was no proper scene where he’s truly sorry for the shit he spouted for so long, and there was no scene where either ryunosuke or asogi address it fully either. (i might be missing something since i can’t look up a transcript ATM, but i feel like i would remember it if there was a scene like that)
the part i dislike the most is when his backstory comes out. ryunosuke, who has spent all this time being verbally abused by van zieks, is just like “oh, well if your brother was killed by a japanese person then i understand why you’d hate us”. like what!?! that’s no excuse to hate japanese people for a decade??? i couldn’t believe i saw that coming from the main character, because i believe that the main character (at least in a game like this) should reflect the values of the author, and this logic of “it’s understandable to hate a race based on one person” is extremely bad IRL.
(also i hate how he was like “just as japanese people are the bane of my existence... i am the bane of asogi’s” dude it really is not comparable to say you hate a whole ethnicity to asogi just hating you. and he only knew you existed a month ago)
one thing i noticed about DGS2-5 was that characters were open about not forgiving each other. i was really surprised by that, because it felt unusual to see characters like vigil and asogi be so direct about refusing to forgive those who wronged them. i know asogi had that big scene at the end of the trial, but i also wish either he or ryunosuke had taken the time to address van ziek’s past racism too. i felt like a direct confrontation saying that what van zieks did was wrong was what was missing. something along the lines of “i won’t forgive you for what you said and did in the past, but i respect that you’re trying to get better and we can work together from now on”. like just acknowledge that it IS bad to be racist even if you have a ‘reason’ for it! or better yet, don’t make him racist to begin with!!!
how would i rewrite him?
obviously, i don’t want barok van zieks to be racist because everything else about him is perfect to me and it’s just this one aspect of his character that pisses me off like crazy.
the first way i’d go about it is to make him hate all people who work in law/law enforcement (since genshin was aiming to be a detective). then the mystery would actually work; the player would wonder why such a revered prosecutor despised other lawyers and police so much. it’s just a way better mystery than wondering why a white man in the victorian period hates foreigners. plus, it would be humorous to see van zieks constantly hating on lawyers despite being one.
the second way is to make him hate the asogi family specifically and not other japanese people too. this option would add to the game in multiple ways. for example, isn’t it such a crazy coincidence that he reaper of the bailey just happened to start his prosecuting career again as soon as ryunosuke arrived in london? it would make sense with this one simple fix!
have the reaper find out that the exchange student asogi was due to come to london that day, and have that be the reason he starts prosecuting again. when he arrives at court and finds that ryunosuke is in his place, ryunosuke should be explicit about knowing asogi personally. and there we go, a reason for van zieks to hate ryunsouke/sustato without it being race-based! (of course, replace his awful remarks about japan with remarks about how obviously friends of asogi are all stupid/cruel/whatnot)
the direct jeers against ryunosuke for being asogi’s associate would then serve as a good mystery for the player to wonder why he hates this ‘dead’ defense attorney so much. isn’t asogi just our friend from university? is there something more to his past, that he shares with a prosecutor on the other side of the world...?
(i’d personally go with the lawyer hater one though since it’s funnier + strays further from specifically targeting the japanese characters in the game)
on another note:
the racism in general in DGS is very odd... i suppose it might add to the victorian theme to have these british people talk about cultural differences all the time. but it’s especially odd to me because like, every white character is casually racist out of ignorance while van zieks is racist for plot-induced reasons??? and his racism ‘gets resolved’ while the others are never commented upon. idk it’s tonally weird though i do still like the rest of the cast a lot.
and in conclusion:
i love van zieks and i think he’s intended to be a good and likeable character/person by the end of the story. however to me, the writing never redeems him well and i wish he was written so that he wasn’t racist to begin with. but i’m not the game’s target audience, so i don’t believe i’ll ever have the cultural context to view him in the way a japanese person in japan would see him. he’s still the 2nd most popular DGS character in japan though. i don’t know if that means they accepted his redemption or if they simply think he’s very sexy (he is)
anyway i’ve been thinking about van zieks so much lately and rewrote him enough in my brain to the point where i now self insert ship myself with him so nothing i say is valid
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captainsspnanon · 3 years
C2E12 - Midnight Espionage
I’m halfway through ExU, and I just need to take a pause.  Like, I’m thrilled that the players are having the time of their life, but it just ain’t for me.  SO COMFORT FOOD IT IS.
I’m actually kind of sad that I watch the animated recaps a bunch, because I feel like it reminds me of things that I’d forgotten and would have been surprised upon the rewatch.  Like them finding the drow in the sewers and the whole bit with the beacon.  100% would not have remembered if I hadn’t seen the recaps.
LOL at Travis trying to catch a fly.  Not as bad as when they move into the new studio, but still.
IS THIS THE START OF THE METAGAMING PIGEON OH MY GOD also I always spell pigeon with a ‘dg’ why do I do this
Man, one thing you really forget by the end of a campaign is just how much DETAIL Matt really puts into his locations.  By the end, you’ve got your locations that you go and the certain locations in town that you deal with.  But the Apple Tree school?  The Gilded Willows in the Tri-Spire?  The Song and Supper Inn?  Locations that Matt has set and created (S&S might have been an improv but I’m not sure) and that come into play in the beginning, and then by the end it’s like NOPE.  Zadash consists of Pumat’s shop, the Leaky Tap, the Evening Nip, The Pillow Trove, and sometimes the Leaky Nip
You know, I didn’t ship Widofjord when I first watched, but I can see it now.  I’m still a fan of the canon pairings, but this is an au pairing that I’d be cool with.  I think the only pairing that I don’t like is Widomauk, and that’s just because of my personal feelings of Molly.
...wait, are all Caleb pairings Widosomething except for the one that became canon? Widofjord, Widomauk, Widojest, Shadowghast.  To be fair, I don’t think I know the ship names for Caleb/Nott, Caleb/Beau, or Caleb/Cad, though they’re not super popular pairings anyway, I believe.
These damn actors. I am now so used to Fjord’s Texan accent that it’s going to throw me off hearing the English accent again, I just know it.
JESTER VOICE SO GOOD.  No C3 spoilers – but new voice will take time as well, I wonder if then it’ll be weird coming back to hear the Jester voice. For people who saw C1 first, when you first knew her as Vex, then got used to her as Jester, was it weird going back and hearing Vex again?  Or was it comfy cozy?  For me, going from C2 to watching C1 and then back to C2, hearing the C2 voices again felt like a warm blanket.  But I also loved C2 way more than C1, so that probably had influence as well.
*quietly continues to hold the theory that the first campaign you watch ends up being your favorite, which I’m fully expecting to hold true for people who start with C3*
WHAT THE FUCK “you won’t bring back Clarota or nothing” I 100% missed that joke the first time around!
Wait Fjord and Molly have ball bearings too??  That literally never comes up again, ball bearings are 100% Beau’s thing.
I forgot just how smoothly the girls did with their casing.  The guys fail like WHOA (oh man, imma see egg dick again)
*coo* Hunters Mark! Oh man, there really were a bunch of C1 jokes that I missed! Honestly though, the only time I feel like it ever impacted things is when M9 met Allura, that I feel would have been more powerful for me had I watched C1 first.  All these other jokes?  I’m completely fine catching them on the rewatch.  No regrets about having watched C2 first!  ..Especially because if I’d forced myself to stick with C1 first (I did try it first, but stopped after an hour) I never would have watched CR at all, because even after having watched C2 and knowing that I’d love it, it still took almost 9 or 10 episodes before I felt invested in C1.
Hmmm… interesting that Caleb didn’t want him and Nott to go to the infirmary with Fjord and Molly.  I wonder if that was a Caleb choice, or if Liam had something that he wanted to to.
When Matt introduces the boy as Simon I feel like my face was the exact same as Liam’s. Another C1 reference that went over my head and now gives me FEEELS.
Odd thought, I just realized one of the things that may have made it hard for me to connect with Molly is the fact that I’ve been able to see the PCs mirrored in the players a bit, even with C3.  But with Molly?  It’s very hard for me to look at Taliesin and ‘see’ Molly.  And it’s not an appearance thing or anything, as I had no trouble seeing Ashley as Pike or Sam as  hmm…..well maybe not, I did have difficulty seeing Sam as Nott for the longest.  That might be a thing that leads to a disconnect.  And honestly?  I can’t even give any sort of a reason why!  I don’t know if it’s because of Molly’s design that I found it harder to picture, or was is RP, or was it just a random thing that I don’t even know!  Especially because with this rewatch, I’m seeing that Taliesin is really good about staying in character even when not saying things.  He really does constantly have Molly’s facial expressions and body language.
Sam - *makes good baby crying noises*  Deception check!  Negative one!  *immediately changes the crying to be just Nott screeching softly* goddamn sam you are so good
Enemy of My Enemy???  I WANT TO KNOW ALL THEIR SCAMS.  We learned what, three?  Modern Literature, the Money Pot, and Mother’s Love.
Oh noooooooo poor Marisha the fly flew in her drink!  THE WORST
That entire section was so chaotic ans suuuuch a mess I loved it
With all the planning and plotting that they did, the High Richter just getting killed by Ulog was honestly probably the best outcome for them. XD
I’m also loving how watching these it’s so fun to see what I remember (what that necklace does, Ulog!) verus what I don’t (the whole shebang of getting him past the gates in the first place)
Nott beating Beau to the top of the tree.  All the feels for the later contests
Marisha quoting ‘we’re basically gods’ EXCEPT IT’S PARAPHRASE!! what’s the name for when something becomes popular when it’s not the actual phrase?  Like “beam me up, scotty” and “Luke, I am your father”?  Because that’s what this is!!   Keyleth said “it’s fine, we’re gods!” and over the course of like a WEEK OR TWO it magically morphed into “we’re basically gods”
Oh man, I wonder if they still have the 23 roof shingles in the haversack by the end of the campaign
Just had a thought. Aside from ‘they had to be there because it’s D&D’, why did Lord Sutan’s house have three crownsguard guarding it?  Like, it’s not like they were hired private guards.  And he’s not really a ‘political’ figure in the sense of the Lawmaster and the High Richter.
Liam says ‘oh I wish I was still a rogue it’s the best class!’.  After all the one shots, full C2, and ExU with all his different classes, I wonder if he still feels that rogue is the best class.
One – I love how they think the magical rug is a flying carpet (ENJOY YOUR WRONGNESS) and two, I’m trying to remember…. I feel like maybe I’d already seen the flying carpet home game clip by this point in my first watch?
“Mage hand, very useful for setting grappling hooks on roofs” “SHUT UP ULOG” iloveit
Liam and Marisha high fiving when she disables the magical trap!!!!!!!  how tf do people think that they hate each other is SOOOOO fucking beyond me
Fighting a carpet! And Liam says that his kids have fought a broom in their game. Iloveit
Extract Aspects costing a ki point??  I forgot that he re-jiggered it!  Glad he got rid of that feature and just made it has to hit or hit twice, I think?
I wish we could see a line up of the minis that they used in a campaign.  I’m pretty sure Caleb’s second mini doesn’t have flame hands.  COULD BE WRONG I can’t remember shit
Travis and Liam hyping Marisha and then looking away disappointed when she has a bad roll WHY ARE THESE FRIENDS THE BEST
They also take the bits of rug!  Oh, I hope they are still in the haversack by the end.
Sending Stone! Could have been a Jagentoth’s plot, which could have been interesting.  I dunno, I’m actually really happy with the plot of how C2 went (I’m actually looking forwards to rewatching Aeor, because while I felt like it dragged a bit at the beginning, I think I’ll just like the exploration part more knowing how it all ends) so there’s not really many plots where I wish they could have done it differently.  Like, go law versus crime?  No thanks, I love how the crime side went.  Go Empire versus Dynasty?  No thanks, I love how the Dynasty bit went.  Really the only thing that I wonder is how it would have been had Molly not died and Lucien was a reoccurring side villain until the end, but even then, I’m super happy with how it turned out because I literally cannot imagine the M9 without Caduceus.  He was SO needed.  (though I do want a Darktow one shot! And I ALWAYS could have used more Trent angst because he is still by far my favorite villain)
So there are several players who have held poses for minutes in the campaigns, but props to Sam for doing it with his mouth open in what looks like a really uncomfortable position
Are they trying to throw the paper balls in his mouth???  and oh good, he closes his mouth to swallow at least once!  COMFORT BEFORE HUMOR, SAM
Awww, they put the shingles back.  Oh well.
I love Sam talking about how they think Matt is managing three story lines but it’s actually four, one they don’t even know about and it’s like, YUP
OH MAN.  The STANDOFF.  I love seeing Matt’s face when it’s Fjord and Caleb and Nott and I love that the cast are having their hands in full on positions rather than just describing and even though THEY’RE ALL ENJOYING IT it’s such a super tense scene and ohgodit’ssogreat
There are so many moments where I wish I could hear the background talking.  Caleb is instantly knocked unconscious from Ulog’s fireball necklace, and Travis and Liam have a back and forth AND I CAN’T HEAR WHAT THEY SAY.  SO SAD
I feel like after seeing both campaigns and the start of C3, I have so much more appreciation for Matt’s descriptions where you literally feel caught in the moment and seeing it.  The Zauber Spire collapse was so fantastic in description, very much felt like the energy from the initial Chroma Conclave attack.  UGH SO GOOD
And I also love just how much everyone is INTO IT.  There’s no one just half paying attention, there’s no one listening with a blank look on their face.  They are all SO INTO IT and I love it so much
Wait, no, Liam knows!!!!  He got it!!   He asked ‘age’, and then when the figure starts searching the streets he ducks his head!!!!  I never saw this or put it together AAAAAAA
I may be 100% making this up, but I feel like whenever Fjord gets a bit worked up or scared, his natural accent bleeds just slightly through the Texan. I’m probably making it up, but whatever HEADCANON
lol at Liam telling Travis that the bromance is over, but that got me thinking.  Was this actually the point where Caleb stopped ‘trusting’ Fjord so much and started his closer friendship with Beau?   Granted, the friendship comes back with Fjord, but it makes me wonder.
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desperationandgin · 5 years
Outlander 5x01: Top Five
If you’ve been following me since before my Outlander days, then you maybe know that I used to host this podcast called Once Upon a Podcast, and our format was to discuss 5 things we loved and 5 things we didn’t. The goal was this: Not everyone likes or dislikes the same things, so let's make a list and compare, then discuss. And we did! I found myself missing that so I went for it on twitter for this episode.
Here’s the link to the original thread of tweets (feel free to follow me there!) and I’ll put them under a read more, here. I can also elaborate a little bit better, so everything is going under a Read More. So, the tl;dr version is on twitter, here’s the longer version. OBVIOUSLY, spoilers for the first episode of season 5!
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5. Fergus and Marsali, which obviously encompasses both of them individually as well. I love that they got drunk at their sister’s wedding. I love that Marsali is pregnant. I love that they chose to ignore Fergus being unable to join the militia due to disability. Jamie specifically calling out to him, son of my heart made me absolutely lose my mind. I love Fergus and Marsali Fraser. I’m excited to see more of both of them, especially Marsali and Claire if things go the way I suspect they will.
4. Bree. I know for some reason not a lot of people like Sophie as Brianna, but I thought her choice to play Bree happy yet muted was correct. Amplifying it after being trigged of course, made it more obvious. I've always loved Bree, so I know this is a hot take. I have more to elaborate on though, that’s not my favorite regarding Bree, so I’ll do that part there. Here, I just wanted to celebrate that I enjoy Sophie Skelton and where there are shortcomings, I see opportunities for her to keep growing as an actress.
3. The music. Oh my God, Bear McCreary, just. First of all, I love the new intro. A good a capella choir will give me goosebumps every time. The 'Fraser's Ridge' remix was DELIGHTFUL and of course, so was 'Je Suis Prest.' I teared up, I'm in love.
2. Sam Heughan. UHHHHHHH why doesn't he have awards? I'm specifically talking about the end, of course. Sam's so great at getting that tone inflection just right, at casting his eyes down, clenching his jaw - all at the exact perfect moment. THEN THE CRYING was the gut punch. And earlier, when he was staring at the chest with those things inside that meant so much, I could very much imagine every single thought going through Jamie’s man. Sam played that out using only his face and I’m just. I’M OVERWHELMED.
1. The montage. Look, I know it was over Roger singing, and I know at the end we were punished with having to watch our children have sex, but using 'L-O-V-E' was SO CUTE and I'm so glad 'try to have sex with a sleeping infant in the house' is something J/C didn't miss out on, lol. To elaborate on my limited tweet it works because there are fans of all 3 ships and it was a way to get all 3 in without having to do extended scenes for all of them. THAT SAID, there were parts of it that didn’t work and I’ll get to that here in a little bit. But over-all, I didn’t mind it. I think if I were making this list from scratch today I would probably swap my 1 and 2, but IT IS WHAT IT IS.
5. Roger. I didn’t elaborate well on this on twitter so here we go:
He has done NOTHING to earn the respect the writers are trying to get me to give him. Jamie’s thoughts are my thoughts but dial mine up to an aggressive 100. That STUPID line about ‘some of us like to think before we act’ or whatever, was RIDICULOUS. You had to think so long and so hard about whether or not you wanted to love Bree regardless of her situation that you were DAYS behind Jamie and Claire? Okay, sure Jan.
And already talking about ‘when we go back.’ WHY DIDN’T YOU TALK ABOUT THIS BEFORE GETTING MARRIED? She didn’t ask you to come to begin with, Roger. In fact, she EXPRESSLY ASKED YOU TO STAY AWAY. But the real icing on the cake is issue #1 with the montage even though fundamentally I enjoyed the montage: When your wife is VISIBLY shaken, when she consistently looks like she’s holding back tears, MAYBE read the room? It’s just aggressively frustrating because Jamie Fraser would never, and it makes me feel like Roger doesn’t KNOW Bree at all.
4. Jocasta and Murtagh. The second part of the montage that didn’t work. I'll actually reserve a lot of my judgment for a few episodes from now, but I don't care enough? I feel for them individually, but their relationship hasn't been built up enough for me to be emotional. We'll see what happens. Them being included in the montage felt unearned; who are the people so deeply invested already that they needed to be included? Here’s the last thing I’ll say about what that montage could have been: Jamie and Claire having a full love scene juxtaposed with Roger realizing his wife is having a hard time and simply comforting her. Jocasta and Murtagh not needed. When they go their separate ways, when she realizes Murtagh can’t marry her, I felt bad for HER but...the relationship didn’t do anything for me. Don’t need it.
3. That fake baby standing in for Jem looked DEAD you know what shot I'm talking about. Took me right the hell out of it for a second lmao. BUT WHILE WE’RE HERE, let’s talk about how convenient it was for Jem to look SUPER BLONDE LIKE BONNET directly before and after Brianna being triggered, and then going back to a darker hair color the rest of the episode. LMAO.
2. Could have used more J/C kisses. This is more something that didn’t happen that I do WISH happened. I loved the Jamie in a kilt scene but if we could have gotten a Prestonpans-esque scorching kiss, it would have been the CHERRY ON TOP. Missed opportunities. On twitter people only saw ‘Jamie in a kilt’ and didn’t read the rest so LET’S AVOID THAT HERE. I LOVED the kilt scene, just so we’re all clear and on the same page. I just wanted some tongue action. I’m greedy.
1. The pacing. I know there was a lot to get in and GOD BLESS THEM for being able to condense what DG could not, but it still felt patched together. It felt rushed at times and the cuts were sometimes odd choices. The dialogue felt sloppy, especially the pre-wedding bits. The whole episode semi-felt like a montage of ‘conversations that must happen along with things we HAVE to allude to for future plot.’ It was pretty jarring, and I can’t remember a premiere that felt this....jam-packed with content. It felt the way Once Upon a Time forced info down our throats rather than showing ANY of it, and it super sucked, so. Let’s not make that a trend, Outlander.
There! All my thoughts that no one asked for :)
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