raplinenthusiasts · 10 months
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BTS @ 62nd GRAMMY Awards
for @cordiallyfuturedwight
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mha-shippers · 3 years
the beginning part 2
y/n = your name f/c= fave color
The light pouring from outside and into his room was what woke Katsuki from his deep sleep. Sitting up he rubbed his head as he looked around the room a bit. He was in his bedroom with clothes thrown around the room, something he never does even when he gets home from an exhausting day at work. “The hell happened last night…” he mumbled as he walked to the bathroom to wash his face and to take a shower.
As he washed up, Katsuki tried to remember what happened after he went to the bar and talked to that girl. But whenever he tried, all he got was a pounding headache but he did remember something. He remembered heading to the girls apartment for more drinks and the sound of her gasps and moans filled his memory.
Covering his face Bakugou snarled at himself. “So I had a one night stand.. Fucking great…” he mumbled as he stopped the once hot water and got out of the shower. “Hope no one saw if they did. I'm screwed.” he snarled as he started to dry off and get dressed, as he walked out still drying his hair he turned the TV on to the news as he started to find something to eat.
It was just white noise to him till something caught his attention on the TV he quickly grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. “In other news a young woman was found dead in her apartment by her mother, her mother said that her daughter went out to celebrate with her friends when one of them was getting into a hero agency. The police talked to the young woman’s friends who told officers that while at the bar they pushed her to talk to a young man that was sitting at the bar when she noticed he was staring at her. With this information the police went to the club to get the security footage but found out that the tapes were erased as well as the back up footage, and footage that was taken outside, sadly the woman’s apartment didn’t have working security cameras at the time.” Hearing that Bakugou’s legs started to shake as he leaned against the counter, his heart rate started to escalate as he replayed the information over and over in his head “N-no way s-she’s dead…” he said as his voice shook as he watched the news.”from the corners office they said she was drained of all her blood was drained from her by two holes in her neck, officers took swaps of the bite to see if any DNA was found but nothing came up, they even took seamen samples but that came up negative as well, not even fingerprints could be found at the crime scene, the young woman’s family set up a reward of over 680490 yen to who ever has information about the woman’s killer…”
After hearing that Bakugou looked down at his hands shaking. The realisation of killing someone finally clicked in his head to the point he ran to the sink and threw everything he had up, coughing he groaned as he went to go and rinse it out but stopped as he staggered back from the sight. The sink was now coated in blood and smelled strongly of iron as it filled the room. Covering his nose Bakugou rinsed the sink out and scrubbed it with whatever strong cleaner he could find and poured down the drain. When he was done he sat down at the sink holding his head. His heart rate now shoots up to the hundreds with a panic attack.
As he tried to calm down he soon jumped when the doorbell suddenly rang. Washing his face in the sink he forced himself to calm down as he walked to the door and checked in the peephole.
Standing outside was a woman with sky blue hair that was put up in a ponytail and she was wearing a turtleneck sweater, and that was just from what he could see. “What do you want?” he snarled past the door, making her look up and smile. “I am here to talk to you Bakugou!” she said with a cheerful tone to her voice but Bakugou could tell something sickening was under that sweet look of hers. “Whatever it is you need to talk to me about, you can shove it where the sun doesn't shine!” he growled, only making her laugh as she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh Bakugou i think you should let me in” she said as she looked up and flashed her smile, her canines were sharp as well as a few of her other teeth.
Seeing her smile made all the blood in Bakugou’s body run cold as he backed away from the door, his mind was racing with the fear he was feeling, he never felt it when he was fighting villains but this one was more on a primal level. “Well I guess I am just gonna let myself in anyway, how rude of you” she said with a sing-song tone as her voice faded.
Thinking she left Bakugou sighed as he looked to the door only to scoot back from it as a mist started to come out from under the door only to form the woman, now that she was fully standing in front of him he could see she was wearing tights and thigh high boots. Shaking her head a bit she took the pink scrunchy from her hair and put it on her wrist as she shook her hair out. “That always makes my hair frizz up..” She complained a bit and looked around the room. “Ooh! I like your place!” she said giddily as she walked… no floated around the room looking at everything and touching whatever she can get her hands onto when she picked up a framed photo of Deku and him. That is when Bakugou snapped out of his stupor and snatched it out of her hand.
“I don’t care if you touch other shit around here but keep your damn hands off of this” he said making the woman smirk as she set the photo back on the shelf. Turning to face her he crossed his arms as she stood between her and the photo. “You now have five seconds to tell me why you’re here and how the hell did you find where I live” he snarled to her as the woman just grinned at him. “Well one i am here to see how you’re doing after your first kill” as she said that a shiver ran up Bakugou’s spine. “And I knew where you lived was because of this” she said as she pulled out an amulet from her pocket. Seeing it Bakugou pulled the one he was still wearing out from the neck of his tank top.
“All of us have these” the woman said as she spun the amulet around her finger, she was treating it like it was part of a key chain. “What do you mean?” Bakugou asked as he stuffed it back in his shirt. “Well what I mean is that, you’re part of the undead, for one.” she said it as if it was a matter of fact. “And two, all of us have these amulets, they all have our names on them on the back and whenever someone new is well ‘born’ it lets us know where they are” she said as she sat on the island counter. “I came here to greet you in your new life!” she said excitedly
Bakugou felt like his world was being ripped from underneath him, everything he worked his ass off to get to this point felt like it was all crashing down on him now. “... what the hell are you talking about, you said i'm a… Nure-Onna…? How?!” he yelled at the woman only to be greeted by her laugh. “No no! A Nure-Onna is a snake body with a woman’s head!” she laughed at the fearful look on Bakugou’s face. “Plus that is a Yokai, you’re more of the western type.” she said as she hopped off the counter and walked towards him. Jumping at her sudden movement Bakugou tried to back away from her only to be trapped by the shelf.
When she got close to him she put her hands on his chest, got on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear. “You’re a vampire~.” her breath was cold on his ear as he tried to shove her away but found out she was stronger than she looked.
Smirking at him she easily pulled him from the shelf and pinned him to the ground all in one swift movement. Straddling him she pinned his arms by the wrist and grinned down at him,her slate grey eyes now looking black. “And there is nothing you can do about it, no amount of struggling, pleading nothing you can go can help you go back to your old life.” she taunted as Bakugou struggled under her.
he tried to activate his quirk only to have her squeeze his wrists to the point they felt like they were going to break, making him snarl in pain. “G-get the hell off of me!!” he yelled the stutter only making the woman laugh. “Not gonna happen little fledgling, because now I need to train you on the ins and out’s of being a vampire.”
she said as she let his wrists go and sat on his pelvis to hum a bit as Bakugou struggled to get her off of him. “Hmm… what should your first lesson be…” she mumbled only to be greeted with a snarl. “Oh!” Snapping her fingers she looked down at him. “How about hypnosis!” she said as she bounced a bit. “Argh! Get the hell off of me!!” he yelled again only to have the woman grip his jaw tightly and snarl at him. “Or better yet some better manners!” she snarled and raised her hand to claw his cheek only to be stopped by the phone ringing.
The room was silent as Bakugou’s phone rang for a bit till the sound of it stopped and the voice mail started to play. “Hey Bakugou! Just wanna let you know that I'm on my way to your apartment right now for the study session! I hope you’re ready because I am not gonna let you beat me this term! I am gonna be number one!” you said playfully before hanging up.
Hearing your voice brought comfort and fear to Bakugou as he glanced at the woman on him.
Hearing your voice she sighed as she let him go and got off of him. “Well that’s a shame, I won't be able to teach you anything if a friend of yours is here.”
she said as she put her hair up again as she walked to the door. As she unlocked it she stopped and looked at him. “Oh and my name is Himari by the way.” she said with a grin. “If you wanna learn how to control your powers, and the hunger that you will be suffering from just head back to the club you met that girl at, i bet that won’t be hard for you.” she said as she left the house the same way she came in by turning into mist. Bakugou laid there on the ground trying to process what just happened, groaning. He covered his face with his hands and rolled onto his side to think about everything that happened. He knew he was royally fucked and he needed to figure out how to turn back to normal. As he laid there his stomach growled and twisted in pain. Wincing Bakugou curled up from the pain, it felt like he hadn't had a decent meal in days. “Come on Katsuki, you’re better than this.” he told himself as he forced himself to get up and make himself presentable so he could greet you when you showed up.
Soon he found an orange jacket he wore at the beginning of the season in his closet. He examined it a bit before tossing it over his arm so he could look for a shirt that would work with the jacket, soon settling for a simple off white v-neck shirt. “This should be good.” he told himself as he put them on the bed and started to look in his dresser for some jeans that would work.
After getting everything ready Bakugou got dressed and went into the bathroom to comb out his hair to it’s spiky style but stopped as he looked himself in the mirror, his red eyes now look more vibrant than they did just the other day, he had the start of bags under his eyes that made him grit his teeth a bit. But wincing as he felt something sharp nick his bottom lip. Dreading what he was gonna see he opened his mouth.
That is when he saw it, his canine’s were still short but they came to a point from what he could see. Reaching up he lightly pressed his finger to one only to feel it pierce the skin effortlessly instantly drawing blood from the wound. Pulling his finger away he watched as the blood bead a bit before it started to flow down from the cut. Swallowing Bakugou licked the blood away a bit and looked at the wound seeing it was completely healed after the lick. ‘So healing properties…
I guess that's why the parasites are able to stay hidden all this time..’ he thought as he took a mental note about it before shaking his head. ‘Need to push that back for now, Y/n’s coming over and I need to act like nothing's wrong.’ he thought as he turned away from the mirror. ‘I can’t let y/n know anything is wrong..’ he thought as he left the bathroom and went to his room. As he walked to leave his room he grabbed a wristband and slid it on to his wrist and made sure it fit right. Looking down at it it was y/n’s f/c and it didn’t match his outfit at all but he felt a strange calm whenever he wore it.
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niceferatu · 3 years
@localpyro my beloved tagged me to answer twenty questions and tag 20 mutuals (too many)
Name: Jasper/Lurk sometimes
Pronouns: vae/vaem or they/them if you’re lazy like most
Zodiac sign: Capricorn sun, Taurus moon, Libra rising. idk what this means
Height: 5ft 3 i think?? somehwere between 155 and 160cm
Current time: 7.32pm
Birthday: January 6th but i accept presents all year round
Nationality: Australian
Favorite bands: i don’t listen to music
Favorite solo artists: all i do is listen to music
I checked Spotify and this month’s top artists is embarrassing so uh here’s my 2020 Wrapped I stand by much of it link
When you made your blog: Sun, 02 Oct 2011 (OOF) (I used a website to find this I don’t commemorate this awful date or anything)
Why did you choose your url: i am a nice nosferatu. there’s not much else to it
Last show I binged: Ash VS Evil Dead i think? It’s been a while since I’ve had the time to do anything that qualifies as a ‘Binge’
Following count: okay this one is for sure embarrassing and i haven’t even checked it yet. keep in mind I’ve had this specific account for 5 years and I didn’t care about pruning my following list until like. late last year. it;s hard (1610)
Follower count: 1945
Average sleep time: 8 hours! I’m meticulous/anxious about sleep. I only got about 7 hours last night and I 1. had a nightmare about oversleeping through work and 2. woke up feeling like dogshit!
Other blogs: too many okay uh. spn blog is @sammyruby podcast blog is @oliverbankx world of darkness/mainly vtm blog is @jasperatu help me think of a better name for it. I have a kin blog but no way am i posting that on a public post dm me or something idk. same goes for my nsfw blog. (this is about half of my blogs)
Last thing I googled: lemme check uhhhh
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Lucky number: 9! 2372
Currently wearing: grey track pants, black turtleneck
Instrument: i sing and play very little of some other instruments. except i cant sing anymore because of T so :’|
Dream trip: new orleans. i wanna drink that fucked up alcoholic coffee with chicory in it and i wanna go to mardis gras and i wanna go to that dumb vampire store my facebook friend owns and i wanna get a tour from Ellie *pleading eyes emoji*
Fave food: char siu bao
Fave song: this changes hourly but you should go listen to Goblins by Nekrogoblikon if you enjoy sounds or Feel The Ocean Hold Me Under by Snakadaktal if you like different sounds!
Top three fictional universes: Old Kingdom (Garth Nix), star wars but only ironically it seems fucked, world of darkness
20 mutuals is too many imma just tag until i get bored okay i love you all @dilfsisko @miskatonian @amorphoussystem @errorsystemfailure @mcginnis@autumnsidhe @sepulchr @ndiecity @toastpotent @itsjules-here @tairneanaich @villanelles-hairpin @duzcare @deans-67-impala @angels-of-hades
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