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i’m like fr about to email an/iplex with a screenshot of that post as evidence as to why they should remaster the parallel works for a bluray release LMAO
#like the gurren lagann tag was popping off during the theatrical releases more than i personally have seen in tbe last. oh god like 3.5 yrs#and surely an/iplex cares about that getting it into a ‘top anime & manga’ post on a dead social media site!!!!!! surely!!!!!!!#surely they care enough to remaster the niche side content!!!!!! (<-delusional)#t.ttgl
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Bit IPlex AI Avis– arnaque ou légitime?
Bit IPlex AI : Guide complet
Alors que de plus en plus de plateformes émergent dans le monde en constante évolution des crypto-monnaies, les outils de gestion des actifs numériques sont en plein essor. Ils aident également à rationaliser le trading de crypto-monnaies ou à gérer vos actifs comme Bit IPlex AI , garantissant ainsi que la productivité et la commodité sont à égalité. Dans cet article, nous explorerons la description des fonctionnalités et des avantages de Bit IPlex AI , ainsi que les fonctionnalités du didacticiel d'inscription initiale, afin que les utilisateurs puissent mieux utiliser ses services.FonctionnalitéDescriptionType de plateformePlateforme de trading et de gestion de crypto-monnaiesL'objectif principalFournir des outils avancés pour le trading, la gestion et l'optimisation des actifs de crypto-monnaie.Appareils pris en chargeApplications Web et mobiles (iOS et Android).SécuritéIl utilise le cryptage, l'intégration d'un portefeuille sécurisé et l'authentification à deux facteurs pour protéger les données et les actifs des utilisateurs.Comment ça marcheIl s'intègre aux portefeuilles de crypto-monnaie des utilisateurs, fournit des outils et des données de trading en temps réel et utilise des algorithmes avancés pour l'optimisation.
Qu'est-ce que Bit IPlex AI ?
Bit IPlex AI est une plateforme de trading et de gestion de crypto-monnaie modernisée inventée pour améliorer l'échange d'actifs numériques. Avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités, la plateforme est conçue pour simplifier les efforts commerciaux d'Amater. La plateforme a quelque chose à offrir à tout le monde tout en promouvant en toute sécurité les meilleures stratégies d'investissement au sein de l'écosystème.
Algorithmes de trading avancés
La principale caractéristique de Bit IPlex AI est l'utilisation d'algorithmes de trading sophistiqués pour rendre le trading de crypto-monnaie plus efficace pour tous les utilisateurs. Ces algorithmes analysent le marché à la recherche de tendances potentielles et fournissent des suggestions, aidant les utilisateurs à prendre des décisions de trading éclairées tout en permettant un placement d'ordre précis.
Prise en charge de plusieurs devises
La plateforme permet de travailler avec une large gamme de crypto-monnaies et offre la possibilité de négocier et de gérer plusieurs actifs cryptographiques via une interface unique. Grâce à cette couverture complète, les utilisateurs peuvent profiter d'une gamme d'opportunités de trading tout en diversifiant efficacement leurs portefeuilles.
Données et analyses en temps réel
Bit IPlex AI utilise également des données et des analyses en temps réel. Grâce aux dernières informations sur le marché, aux graphiques détaillés et aux indicateurs de performance disponibles sur les appareils mobiles, les utilisateurs peuvent s'assurer qu'ils restent informés de l'évolution des prix. Cela les aidera à prendre de meilleures décisions commerciales, grâce auxquelles ils auront un aperçu de ce qui se passe sur plusieurs marchés.
Mesures de sécurité
Bit IPlex AI s'engage en faveur de la sécurité et, plus que jamais, elle reste notre priorité absolue. Elle utilise des mécanismes de sécurité de pointe qui protègent les données des utilisateurs et les actifs cryptographiques. Certaines fonctionnalités de sécurité clés incluent le cryptage, l'intégration d'un portefeuille sécurisé et l'authentification à deux facteurs pour aider à prévenir les activités frauduleuses sur les comptes des utilisateurs et les transactions.
Intégration des plateformes Defi
L'intégration de Bit IPlex AI élargit les horizons de ses utilisateurs pour utiliser diverses plateformes de finance décentralisée (DeFi). En conséquence, les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec les protocoles DeFi directement dans l'application sans aucun effort d'échange, tout en accédant à davantage de services et d'opportunités financières dans le domaine de la finance décentralisée.
Explication du GPT commercial
Bit IPlex AI travaille avec les utilisateurs pour leur fournir une solution tout-en-un pour le trading de crypto-monnaie et la gestion de portefeuille. Comment ça marche Voici un aperçu détaillé du fonctionnement de cette plateforme :
Configuration et inscription du compte
Les utilisateurs doivent s'inscrire et connecter leurs portefeuilles de crypto-monnaies pour utiliser la nouvelle fonctionnalité de compte Bit IPlex AI . Comme la plateforme prend en charge plusieurs types de portefeuilles, les utilisateurs peuvent se connecter en utilisant leurs portefeuilles existants ou en créer un nouveau.
Négoce et transactions
Les utilisateurs peuvent ensuite ouvrir des comptes et des portefeuilles et commencer à échanger des crypto-monnaies à l’aide de mécanismes de day trading algorithmiques sophistiqués.
Analyse et révision des données
Grâce aux outils d'analyse de données de cette plateforme, vous obtiendrez un aperçu complet des tendances du marché et des performances des actifs. Les traders peuvent également obtenir des graphiques détaillés, des données historiques et des analyses de prévisions pour améliorer leurs processus commerciaux. Elle permet aux utilisateurs d'obtenir des informations pertinentes et détaillées sur les conditions du marché pour les investissements de portefeuille, permettant ainsi des processus basés sur la décision.
Protocoles de sécurité
Bit IPlex AI est conçu pour une sécurité ultra-élevée, afin que tous les fonds et données soient aussi protégés que possible contre les cybermenaces, vous permettant de trader sereinement sans vous soucier de prendre la mauvaise décision.
Comment s'inscrire ?
Démarrer avec Bit IPlex AI est simple. Étape 1 — Suivez les étapes pour créer un compte et commencer à utiliser la plateforme Pvella.
Inscrivez-vous dans l'application ou en ligne
Tout d'abord, téléchargez l'application Bit IPlex AI ici ou accédez au site officiel du site et téléchargez-la directement à partir de là. Assurez-vous d'accéder au bon site Web sans interférence pour éviter des problèmes de sécurité inutiles.
Créer un compte
Tout d'abord, accédez à l'application ou au site Web et recherchez le bouton « S'inscrire ». Étape 1 : saisissez votre adresse e-mail et créez un mot de passe sécurisé Pour la commodité de l'utilisateur, certaines versions de la plateforme peuvent autoriser l'inscription via des comptes de réseaux sociaux ou des services d'authentification unique (SSO).
Vérifiez votre email
Maintenant, après vous être connecté, ouvrez votre e-mail et vous recevrez un message d'approbation d'inscription de Bit IPlex AI . Recherchez le lien de vérification dans votre e-mail et cliquez dessus pour vérifier votre compte.
Configurez votre portefeuille
Visitez Bit IPlex AI , connectez-vous et n'oubliez pas de vérifier votre compte (KYC). Ensuite, créez un portefeuille pour stocker des crypto-monnaies sur it.atomiccrycart.com. Vous pouvez également intégrer un portefeuille, tel qu'un portefeuille existant, ou créer un nouveau compte sur la plateforme. Il s'agit de l'étape la plus importante dans la gestion et le trading de vos actifs numériques.
Sécurisez votre compte
Pour une protection supplémentaire, vous pouvez activer l'authentification à deux facteurs (2FA) sur la plateforme et d'autres paramètres de sécurité. Cette couche de protection supplémentaire sert à protéger vos fonds et votre compte contre les menaces potentielles.
Découvrir la plateforme
Maintenant que votre compte bancaire et votre portefeuille sont prêts, explorons les fonctionnalités de Swap 6.0 Max Air Crytpto ! Suivez l'interface de la plateforme et obtenez des outils de trading, des données réelles et des analyses. Découvrez ce qu'ils peuvent faire pour utiliser toute leur puissance.
Avantages de Bit IPlex AI
Trading efficace
Bit IPlex AI négocie des crypto-monnaies avec des algorithmes de trading avancés et des données en temps réel à dix millisecondes par transaction. La plateforme fournit aux utilisateurs les outils et les informations nécessaires pour trader avec succès, maximiser les opportunités de marché et tirer parti de leurs stratégies de trading.
Diverses crypto-monnaies
Il prend en charge diverses crypto-monnaies, permettant aux détenteurs d'échanger plusieurs devises numériques sous un même toit. Ce support complet offre aux utilisateurs un large éventail d'opportunités commerciales et de liberté.
Conception conviviale
Quel que soit leur niveau d'expérience, les utilisateurs trouveront que Bit IPlex AI dispose d'une interface intuitive, ce qui signifie que les traders novices devraient pouvoir naviguer sur la plateforme et que les traders plus expérimentés peuvent l'utiliser sans aucun problème ! La conception conviviale offre un moyen simple de négocier et de gérer des actifs, la rendant accessible à un public plus large.
Sécurité renforcée
La plateforme utilise les meilleures pratiques de sécurité (cryptage des informations sensibles et authentification à deux facteurs) pour assurer la sécurité de vos actifs numériques. Il en va de même pour la sécurité des comptes et des fonds afin de protéger les comptes et les fonds des utilisateurs contre toute menace potentielle à la sécurité.
Risques et considérations
Volatilité du marché
Contrairement aux actions, qui présentent une volatilité élevée, les marchés des cryptomonnaies connaissent des fluctuations plus importantes de la valeur des actifs. Le trading est toujours complexe et les utilisateurs doivent lire attentivement les risques de leur papier avant d'effectuer une transaction.
Dépendance de la plateforme
Bit IPlex AI est équipé de nombreuses technologies et outils avancés. Cependant, cela ne signifie pas que la décision de faire du trading doit être uniquement entre vos mains. Vous devez utiliser plusieurs sources d'information et faire vos recherches.
Risques de sécurité
En plus de mesures de sécurité strictes, les utilisateurs doivent toujours respecter les règles d'hygiène de sécurité lors de la protection de leurs comptes. Cela signifie utiliser des mots de passe forts, activer les vérifications à deux chiffres et se méfier des tentatives de phishing comme vous le feriez pour toute autre menace.
Questions fréquemment posées (FAQ)
Qu'est-ce que Bit IPlex AI ?
Bit IPlex AI est une plateforme de trading et de gestion de crypto-monnaie qui fournit des algorithmes de trading avancés, prend en charge plusieurs devises avec des données en temps réel, dispose de solides fonctionnalités de sécurité et plus encore.
Comment fonctionne Bit IPlex AI ?
La plateforme se connecte également aux portefeuilles de crypto-monnaie des utilisateurs, comprend des outils et des données de trading en temps réel et utilise des algorithmes sophistiqués pour développer des stratégies de trading ou de gestion d'actifs ultimes.
Pourquoi utiliser Bit IPlex AI ?
Les professionnels négocient efficacement avec des algorithmes avancés, diverses crypto-monnaies et une interface conviviale. De nombreuses plateformes DeFi sécurisées sont intégrées.
Quels risques faut-il prendre en compte ?
Les principaux risques auxquels ils sont confrontés sont les risques liés au marché, la dépendance à la plateforme et les vulnérabilités. Les utilisateurs doivent être conscients de ces risques et suivre les meilleures pratiques de sécurité.
Bit IPlex AI Air est-il disponible sur mobile ?
A : Bit IPlex AI , une application mobile pour les appareils iOS et Android. Elle est accessible via son site officiel ou peut être téléchargée depuis Google Play Store et iOS App Store.
Puis-je faire confiance aux données de Bit IPlex AI ?
La plateforme utilise des fonctionnalités de sécurité avancées pour protéger les informations et les fonds des utilisateurs. De plus, les mêmes procédures de sécurité s'appliquent pour protéger vos comptes.
Bit IPlex AI Swapbook est une plateforme de trading et de gestion de crypto-monnaie très élégante avec une vaste gamme de fonctionnalités qui améliorent considérablement l'expérience de trading de l'utilisateur... La plateforme possède les fonctionnalités principales suivantes : des algorithmes concurrents des plateformes de trading, une prise en charge multidevises, une analyse des données en temps réel et un mélange parfait de mesures de sécurité robustes, qui offrent tous aux utilisateurs des outils avancés qui facilitent la gestion des actifs numériques !
Cette intégration avec les plateformes de finance décentralisée (DeFi) représente une nouvelle étape dans la fonctionnalité de la plateforme, permettant aux utilisateurs d'interagir sans effort avec un certain nombre de services DeFi. De cette façon, les possibilités financières sont élargies.
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ssd 추천 순위 TOP10 구매가이드 | 가격 정보 | 장점 단점 비교 2024년 6월4주차
2024년 6월 4주차에는 SSD 추천 순위 TOP10을 소개하고, 구매를 고려하는 분들을 위해 가격 정보와 장단점을 비교해 드릴 예정입니다. 최신 정보를 토대로 신뢰성 있는 구매 가이드를 제공하여, 여러분의 선택에 도움이 되길 바랍니다.ssd 추천 순위 TOP10 구매가이드 | 가격 정보 | 장점 단점 비교 2024년 6월4주차 IPLEX 타이탄 프로 SSD, TITAN120XP, 256GB 가격 : 27,090원 최저가 보기 SK하이닉스 GOLD P31 NVMe SSD 가격 : 138,870원 최저가 보기 한창코퍼레이션 CLOUD SSD 가격 : 45,930원 최저가 보기 로이플 도브 SSD SATA SSD, 512GB 가격 : 48,000원 최저가 보기 한창코퍼레이션 CLOUD SSD…

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The Best Articulating Borescopes in the Market

In industries where visual inspection of hard-to-reach spaces is critical, articulating borescopes stand out as versatile tools that offer flexibility and precision. These devices, equipped with articulation features, allow professionals to navigate through complex structures, inspecting components with precision. In this article, we will explore the world of articulating borescopes, discussing their features, applications, and highlighting some of the best options available in the market.
Understanding Articulating Borescopes:
Articulating borescopes are optical inspection devices designed to access and visualize spaces that are difficult to reach. The key feature that sets them apart is their articulation capability, allowing the user to remotely control the direction of the camera tip. This articulation provides a 360-degree view of the inspection area, enabling thorough examinations in tight, curved, or obstructed spaces.
Key Features of Articulating Borescopes:
Articulation Mechanism: The primary feature is the articulation mechanism, often controlled by a joystick or other interface. This allows users to steer the camera tip in multiple directions, providing a comprehensive view of the inspected area.
High-resolution Imaging: Articulating borescopes are equipped with advanced imaging sensors and optics to deliver high-resolution images and videos. This ensures clear and detailed visuals, crucial for identifying defects or anomalies.
Flexible or Rigid Design: Articulating borescopes come in both flexible and rigid designs. Flexible borescopes are more maneuverable and suitable for navigating through curved paths, while rigid borescopes provide stability for precise inspections in straight passages.
Lighting System: Integrated LED lighting illuminates the inspection area, ensuring visibility in poorly lit environments. Adjustable lighting levels contribute to optimal image quality.
Durable Construction: Articulating borescopes are built to withstand harsh conditions. They are often constructed from durable materials, and the camera tip may be protected with coatings to resist damage from contact with surfaces.
Applications Across Industries:
Articulating borescopes find applications across various industries where visual inspection is crucial. Some notable applications include:
Aviation Maintenance: In aviation, articulating borescopes are used for inspecting aircraft engines, turbines, and other critical components. The ability to navigate through complex structures ensures comprehensive inspections without the need for disassembly.
Automotive Inspection: Automotive professionals utilize articulating borescopes for examining engine components, cylinders, and other confined spaces. These tools aid in identifying issues such as corrosion, leaks, or blockages without dismantling the engine.
Industrial Manufacturing: Articulating borescopes play a key role in industrial manufacturing, where precise inspection of machinery, welds, and components is essential for quality control. These devices help identify defects and ensure product integrity.
Pipeline and Infrastructure Inspection: The flexibility of articulating borescopes is valuable for inspecting pipelines, sewer systems, and infrastructure components. These tools contribute to the detection of blockages, corrosion, or structural issues.
Medical Procedures: In the medical field, articulating borescopes are employed in minimally invasive procedures. Surgeons use these devices for visual guidance during surgeries, enabling precise navigation within the human body.
Security and Law Enforcement: Law enforcement and security professionals utilize articulating borescopes for inspections in tight spaces, vehicles, and structures. These tools aid in surveillance, contraband detection, and search and rescue operations.
Best Articulating Borescopes in the Market:
Olympus IPLEX GX/GT Series: The Olympus IPLEX GX/GT series is renowned for its advanced articulation capabilities and high-quality imaging. These borescopes offer exceptional durability and are suitable for a wide range of industrial inspections.
FLIR VS70 Videoscope: The FLIR VS70 videoscope combines articulation with a compact design, making it suitable for various applications. It features a touchscreen interface for intuitive control and high-resolution imaging.
GE Mentor Visual iQ: The GE Mentor Visual iQ is a versatile articulating videoscope with advanced imaging technology. Its ergonomic design, durable construction, and customizable features make it a preferred choice for professionals.
TESLONG NTS500 Industrial Endoscope: The TESLONG NTS500 is a cost-effective option with a 5-inch LCD screen and impressive articulation capabilities. It is suitable for automotive, industrial, and home inspections.
Vividia Ablescope VA-400: The Vividia Ablescope VA-400 is a flexible, waterproof articulating borescope with a compact design. It offers reliable performance for inspections in challenging environments.
Considerations When Choosing an Articulating Borescope:
Articulation Range: Consider the articulation range of the borescope, including the degrees of freedom and the ability to navigate in multiple directions.
Image Quality: Assess the imaging capabilities, resolution, and clarity of the borescope's camera system. High-quality imaging is crucial for accurate inspections.
Durability: Ensure that the borescope is designed to withstand the environmental conditions of the intended applications. Look for durable materials and protective features.
Flexibility vs. Rigidity: Choose between a flexible or rigid borescope based on the inspection requirements. Flexible borescopes are more versatile, while rigid ones offer stability for precision.
Ease of Use: Consider the user interface and controls. Intuitive controls contribute to ease of use, especially during complex inspections.
Future Trends in Articulating Borescope Technology:
Wireless Connectivity: The integration of wireless connectivity options allows for increased portability and real-time viewing on smartphones or tablets.
Enhanced Imaging Sensors: Ongoing advancements in imaging sensor technology will likely lead to even higher-resolution images and improved clarity.
Extended Articulation Range: Innovations in articulation mechanisms may result in borescopes with extended ranges, providing users with greater flexibility in inspections.
Articulating borescopes have transformed the landscape of visual inspections, offering professionals the ability to navigate and inspect with unprecedented precision. From aviation and automotive maintenance to medical procedures, the applications are vast and varied. As technology continues to advance, the best articulating borescopes in the market will play an increasingly vital role in ensuring the integrity, safety, and efficiency of inspections across diverse industries best articulating borescope.
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So far . . . . .
The adventure began when Tim Proctor, the owner of Territory Dive Services, shared his daring idea to drive across Darwin Harbour. Inspired by the vision, Dave and Tim formed a team to bring the idea to life. Dave focused on the vehicle, securing sponsors, and handling media, while Tim handled the diving and boat aspects.
Months of hard work and dedication followed as the team meticulously built the vehicle, addressing mechanical challenges and incorporating innovative solutions. They collaborated with sponsors like Toyota and Hardie Iplex, who provided support and materials for the project.
After the vehicle's completion, it was christened at Vestys Beach Boat Ramp, showcasing its striking yellow submarine appearance. Media coverage and interviews captured the excitement surrounding the project.
The team then conducted a successful test drive, ensuring that the vehicle and its modifications functioned flawlessly underwater. Tim's meticulous planning and coordination ensured the smooth operation of the dive, with 60+ divers and boats in sync.
As the expedition drew nearer, Tim and the harbour master issued warnings to harbor users, ensuring safety and awareness during the crossing. The evening before the big day, the team assembled in Mandorah, anxiously awaiting the momentous journey. Nervous anticipation filled the air, and rest was elusive as the team prepared for the next day's adventure.
Finally, the day arrived, and the vehicle, adorned with sponsor logos, was driven down to the beach. The poly-pipes were attached with precision, and the NT flag proudly waved from the exhaust pipe. The vehicle stood ready, symbolizing the team's unwavering determination and meticulous preparation.
With the successful completion of the test drive and the vehicle's readiness, the team was poised for the grand event. Their audacious dream, from its humble inception to the culmination of building, christening, and testing, was now a reality. The stage was set for the extraordinary Underwater Darwin Harbour crossing, as the team prepared to embark on an epic journey into the depths of the harbour.

Tim Proctor - Mastermind Tim Proctor, the owner of Territory Dive Services, played a pivotal role in the realization of the ambitious Darwin Harbour crossing project. As the mastermind behind the idea, Tim's vision and expertise were instrumental in shaping the expedition. A highly skilled and experienced diver, Tim, along with Graham Wright, a PADI Dive Master & Instructor, took on the responsibility of training Dave and Greg in their PADI Basic, Advanced, night dive, and deep dive qualifications. This comprehensive training equipped the team with the necessary skills and knowledge to undertake the challenging underwater journey.
Tim's contributions extended far beyond training. He took charge of organizing and coordinating various essential aspects of the project. He arranged for the surveying of the route, deploying divers on boats to examine the seabed, and strategically placing star pickets with buoys attached to mark the path. Alongside Dave, Greg , Greg H, and Ross, Tim was instrumental in this survey work. Additionally, Tim was responsible for coordinating the fleet of boats on the day of the expedition. With meticulous planning, he managed over 60 divers, scheduling their dives, ensuring tanks were filled and replaced as needed, and orchestrating the seamless transfer of divers and equipment between boats and the shore.
His expertise and meticulous attention to detail ensured smooth operations and a safe diving environment.Tim's dive shop served as a central hub, providing vital support to the project. It became the base for tank filling and the supply of fuel for the boats, demonstrating Tim's commitment to facilitating the expedition's success.In a generous gesture, Tim opened his driveway and allowed the vehicle to be built at his own house. This display of support and cooperation exemplified his dedication to the project and his unwavering belief in its potential.Without Tim's vision, expertise, and unwavering dedication, the Darwin Harbour crossing project would not have been possible.
His role as the ultimate Dive Master and organizer of all diving activities on the day was vital in ensuring a successful and memorable expedition. The project owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to Tim Proctor, whose contributions were indispensable in turning the audacious dream into a triumphant reality.
Greg & His Team Greg Melvin, the head mechanic and technician, emerged as a crucial figure in the Darwin Harbour crossing project. His tireless dedication and innovative mindset proved invaluable in overcoming the challenges encountered along the way.Greg committed significant personal time to the project, willingly taking time off and working long hours after his regular work schedule. From the project's inception until the event, he applied his technical expertise and problem-solving skills to ensure the vehicle's success.
Collaborating closely with Dave, Greg played an instrumental role in developing solutions to various issues that arose during discussions, leveraging his innovative thinking to devise effective remedies. To bring their vision to life, Greg enlisted the assistance of Greg Hertel, another skilled mechanic who shared his passion and work ethic. Together, they toiled tirelessly, investing countless hours after work and even on weekends to meet the project's demanding timeline. Greg H's contributions were instrumental in not only building and completing the vehicle but also aiding in its transportation when necessary.
Working alongside Greg and Greg H was Ross Brown, another essential member of the team. Following the same rigorous schedule as the other two, Ross focused on removing unnecessary electrical components and simplifying the battery starter connection. This modification proved to be a crucial backup plan, offering a potential solution in case of emergencies during underwater scenarios.
Greg's leadership and technical prowess, combined with the dedicated efforts of Greg H and Ross, resulted in a well-crafted vehicle that surpassed expectations. Their unwavering commitment and collaboration enabled the team to overcome obstacles and deliver innovative solutions, ensuring the successful completion of the project.
The Darwin Harbour crossing project owes a great debt of gratitude to Greg , Greg H, and Ross. Their relentless work ethic, technical expertise, and inventive problem-solving skills played a vital role in bringing the vision to fruition.
Dave Dave, the guy was something else, let me tell you. In a world without smartphones and internet, he had to do everything the old-fashioned way, like some kind of pioneer, with the energy of a thousand caffeine-addicted squirrels, he was a relentless force of organization and planning, worked tirelessly every day alongside Tim, trusted partner in this grand adventure. Everyday Dave and Tim would convene, their minds ablaze with ideas and their pens scribbling notes on maps and schedules. Together, they tackled the intricacies of logistics, sponsorship arrangements, and media coordination, leaving no detail unchecked in their pursuit of excellence. If there was no Dave, there would be no event.
Harbour Warnings As the date of the Darwin Harbour crossing event approached, Tim took proactive measures to ensure the safety of all harbor users. Recognizing the potential impact of the expedition on regular harbor activities, Tim initiated a campaign to raise awareness among the public. He worked closely with local newspapers, placing warnings and advisories in prominent sections to alert harbor users about the upcoming event. These newspaper notices served as a public service announcement, urging caution and vigilance during the designated time period.

In addition to Tim's efforts, the harbor master, responsible for overseeing the operations and safety within the harbor, issued an official warning. This warning, communicated through various channels such as maritime bulletins and local announcements, emphasized the need for all harbor users to be mindful of the Darwin Harbour crossing event. It highlighted the temporary alterations in the harbor's dynamics and advised users to exercise caution and adhere to any instructions or guidelines provided by the authorities.

The joint efforts of Tim and the harbor master ensured that the wider community and harbor users were informed about the forthcoming event. By raising awareness and promoting safety precautions, they aimed to minimize any potential disruptions and foster a harmonious coexistence between the expedition and other harbor activities.
D-Day Minus One The day before the grand event, the vehicle and the poly-pipes arrived at the location. The team eagerly prepared for the final assembly, knowing that the success of their expedition hinged on the meticulous execution of each step.With the vehicle at the forefront, it was driven down to the beach, signaling its readiness for the upcoming challenge. Hardie Iplex technicians, experts in their field, skillfully welded the 52-meter poly-pipe into two separate lengths. These poly-pipes would serve as vital conduits, connecting the vehicle to the dinghy frame at the other end.Carefully and methodically, the team attached each length of poly-pipe to the vehicle, ensuring a secure and watertight connection. The exhaust pipe, positioned higher than the intake, received a special addition—the proudly displayed NT flag. This symbolic touch represented the team's connection to their beloved Northern Territory and served as a beacon of regional pride.With the assembly complete, the vehicle now lay prepared for the epic expedition that awaited them.
As the evening before the momentous Darwin Harbour crossing unfolded, the entire team gathered in Mandorah, located on the opposite side of the harbor. In separate rooms, each group found themselves immersed in their own thoughts and preparations for the upcoming adventure.
Tim and Graham, deep in conversation, contemplated the challenges and potential triumphs that lay ahead. Their discussions carried a mix of excitement, nervousness, and unwavering determination. Meanwhile, in a separate room, Dave, Greg, Greg H, and Ross occupied single beds, their minds consumed by the impending endeavor. The atmosphere was tense, and sleep evaded them all. Despite the restlessness, the Dry Season of the Northern Territory provided a comfortingly warm evening. The clear skies promised a rainless night, but the drop in temperature, with lows reaching 12 degrees Celsius, felt considerably colder in contrast to the tropical climate they were accustomed to. The biting wind, which unexpectedly stirred in the morning, intensified the chill, making it seem closer to 5 degrees Celsius. Amidst the anticipation and unease, the room grew dark, and whether sleep truly found its way into their weary bodies remained uncertain. For most, the night was spent in a state of restless anticipation, lying awake, contemplating the journey that awaited them as the hours ticked away. Yet, despite the uneasiness and the unknown challenges that lay ahead, a sense of collective determination pervaded the room. The team's spirits remained high, bolstered by their shared commitment to push the boundaries and accomplish the extraordinary. In the silence of the night, the anticipation hung thick, fueling the resolve that would carry them through the forthcoming day's adventure.
D-Day The Event - July 9th 1983 On the day of the highly anticipated event, the team arose at 4 am, donning their wet suits in their room before making their way to the beach alongside the vehicle and their dive gear. Dave's dive gear was transferred to the main boat via a dinghy, while Greg prepared to occupy the back of the vehicle, ready to fold down the sponsors board once the vehicle submerged, allowing their names to remain visible until it disappeared underwater.
Two other team members geared up, with one designated as the driver and the other positioned on the bonnet/hood, observing a rope attached to the front center of the vehicle. This rope served as a navigational aid, ensuring they stayed on course by keeping it centered. The rope was connected to the main boat, establishing a vital link between the two.
However, just before the expedition was set to begin, a message arrived via Greg's father, delivered through the hotel office, questioning whether the ballast of the two 52-meter poly-plastic pipes had been factored into the calculations. The team found themselves momentarily in a state of uncertainty, pondering the best course of action.
Fortunately, the hotel property held unused Caterpillar track links that were deemed suitable as ballast. A human chain was swiftly formed, with each person passing a track link to the next until it reached the vehicle, where the links were placed in the back. This improvisation served as a solution to the unexpected ballast issue, providing the necessary weight to stabilize the vehicle.
By 10 am, all divers were aboard the vehicle, and Greg positioned himself in the back. The engine roared to life as the vehicle was driven into the water, met with cheers from the onlooking crowd on the beach. Submerged underwater, Greg, fulfilling his role, carefully laid down the sponsors board and locked it in place.

Emerging from the water, Greg swam back to the shore, while Dave and Greg boarded a dinghy that ferried them to the main boat. The anticipation built as the team set sail, ready to witness the unfolding of this unprecedented and thrilling expedition.
Underwater Harbour Crossing Attempt The underwater journey began with the vehicle driving approximately 100 meters before encountering an unexpected obstacle. Due to the vehicle's excessive weight, it sank into the mud, with the sills submerged. Determined to overcome this setback, the boat made attempts to pull the vehicle free, but the rope snapped under the strain.In a swift response, Dave courageously descended into the water and removed numerous Caterpillar track links, reducing the vehicle's weight in a bid to facilitate its release. Despite the team's efforts, the initial attempts to extricate the vehicle proved unsuccessful. Complicating matters further, the challenging weather conditions persisted, with strong winds and waves reaching heights of half to one meter. Undeterred, a new rope was secured, and around 11 am, the boat successfully pulled the vehicle out of the mud, freeing it to continue its underwater journey.As the vehicle drove along the bottom of the harbor, the divers adjusted their depths based on the water's varying depths. New driver-divers entered the pipes to take control of the vehicle, while the existing driver-divers floated off and ascended to the surface, where they were picked up by a waiting boat.Remarkably, despite the rough weather conditions affecting the boats, the vehicle's driving remained unaffected, a testament to its well-designed construction and the team's meticulous preparations.However, the adverse weather conditions did cause some complications. The wind and waves pushed the main boat off its intended course, necessitating adjustments to navigate through the challenging conditions. The team remained focused and adaptable, ready to tackle any obstacles that arose during their extraordinary underwater odyssey.
In the face of the challenging circumstances and unpredictable weather, Tim's exceptional organizational skills and Graham's steadfast support as his second-in-command shone through. Their leadership and coordination were nothing short of awe-inspiring.Tim's meticulous planning and attention to detail ensured that the driver-divers, boats, and logistical aspects of the expedition operated smoothly. With Graham by his side, they orchestrated the seamless filling of tanks, managed the rotation of driver-divers, and oversaw the coordination of multiple boats involved in the endeavor.
Halfway Plus As the expedition progressed, multiple teams of diver-drivers took turns operating the vehicle, seamlessly transitioning as they explored the depths of the harbor. The old teams were picked up behind, ensuring a smooth rotation of personnel.Venturing into the deepest part of the harbor, they reached a remarkable depth of 33 meters. Despite the challenging conditions, the vehicle continued to run flawlessly, a testament to the meticulous preparation and engineering that had gone into its construction.Having surpassed the 2.5-kilometer mark, the team pressed on, driving underwater across the vast expanse of the harbor. However, as they approached the 3-kilometer mark, adverse weather conditions took their toll. High waves and strong winds pushed them off course, leading the vehicle to collide with a reef that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The impact was jarring, abruptly stalling the vehicle and bringing their progress to an abrupt halt.With the stern of the main boat dipping down, the captain promptly reversed course, pulling back several meters to extricate the vehicle from the reef. However, unbeknownst to Dave and Tim, one of the driver-divers took it upon themselves to wiggle the battery terminals without seeking permission to see if that fixed it. This unauthorized action resulted in seawater seeping onto the terminals, causing a short circuit and rendering the vehicle unable to restart.Now motionless at the bottom of the harbor, at a depth of 15 meters and approximately 3 kilometers from the starting point, the team faced a significant setback. Swiftly responding to the situation, Dave and Greg geared up in their dive equipment and descended to the vehicle. They detached the air lines from the tanks and used a specially prepared lifting bag, filling it with air to gradually raise the vehicle to the surface.With the vehicle successfully floated to the surface, Dave, Tim, Greg & Graham and the rest of the team reassembled in the boat. Determined to salvage the expedition, they redirected their course toward their original destination: Mindil Beach, near the casino. .
The Beach The main boat dropped anchor just off the picturesque Mindil Beach, positioning itself in waist-deep water. The moment had arrived to bring the vehicle ashore and celebrate the team's extraordinary endeavor.
The rope connecting the vehicle to the boat was detached, and Dave and Greg took charge, utilizing their strength and determination to pull the vehicle towards the awaiting shore. The crowd gathered on the beach, caught up in the excitement and energy of the moment, eagerly entered the water to lend a helping hand.
Together, the team of divers, supporters, and the enthusiastic beach crowd united their efforts, pulling the vehicle out of the water and onto the sandy beach. Cheers and applause erupted, reverberating through the air as a sense of triumph and accomplishment filled the atmosphere. This collaborative effort, with everyone working together to bring the vehicle safely to shore, symbolized the shared passion and commitment of the entire community involved in the Darwin Harbour crossing. The support and camaraderie displayed by the crowd further cemented the significance of this momentous achievement. With the vehicle now resting on the beach, the team and the crowd reveled in their accomplishment, basking in the realization that they had overcome numerous challenges and successfully completed an unprecedented underwater journey across Darwin Harbour. The scene on Mindil Beach was one of jubilation and unity, as the team and the community celebrated the culmination of their collective efforts.
The End After the triumphant return of the vehicle, a thorough cleaning process ensued to remove any traces of saltwater. High-pressure water was employed to ensure that the vehicle was restored to its pristine condition.
To celebrate the achievement and express gratitude to the sponsors, team members, and politicians involved, the Darwin Casino hosted a special evening. The atmosphere was filled with joy and satisfaction as sponsors expressed their delight and enthusiasm for another attempt. Riding the wave of success and the euphoria of setting a world record, the team wholeheartedly agreed to embark on another ambitious endeavor.
A few days later, those involved received a letter from the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, extending heartfelt congratulations to the team for their remarkable achievement in setting a world record. The recognition from the Chief Minister further validated the significance of their accomplishment and served as a testament to their extraordinary feat.
The media coverage continued even after the successful completion of the crossing. Newspapers published articles and features highlighting the achievement, showcasing the vehicle, team members, and sponsors. The TV stations aired segments and news reports that recapped the remarkable journey, emphasizing the significance of setting a world record.

With the echoes of their triumph still reverberating in the air, the team gazes back at the path they blazed, their hearts swelling with gratitude for the remarkable journey they undertook.And so, as the curtains fall on this extraordinary tale, we bid adieu to the intrepid team who dared to dream and defied the odds and just have some fun.
Video - https://youtu.be/j4mZqMJolsM
40 Years Later Fast forward to the present day, on July 7, 2023, ABC News in Darwin reported that a new team is preparing to make a similar daring attempt to drive across the harbour at the end of the month. This news resonated deeply with the team from 1983, as they wished the new team the best of luck in their pursuit of breaking the record and surpassing the distance they had achieved four decades earlier.
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