#IPL 2020: New sponsors may be announced today
kisansatta · 4 years
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IPL 2020: आज हो सकता है नए स्पॉन्सर का एलान
नई दिल्ली : भारत चीन सीमा विवाद के बाद अब देश में चीन ब्यक्त्त की मुहीम के चलते देश में खेले जाने वाले सबसे लोकप्रिय खेल क्रिकेट के IPL से चीन के VIVO ने अपनी मुख्य प्रायोजक खींच ली है जिसके बाद अब IPL के के बीच इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग का 13वां संस्करण यूएई में खेला जाएगा। 19 सितंबर से शुरू होने वाले इस टूर्नामेंट में कई भारी बदलाव देखने को मिलेंगे। अव्वल तो यही कि लंबे समय से आईपीएल की पहचान बन चुकी चीनी कंपनी वीवो अब मुख्य प्रायोजक नहीं रही, इसलिए अब बीसीसीआई IPL के नए प्रायोजक का एलान आज कर सकती है।
पतंजलि प्रयोजक की दौड़ से बाहर
गौरतलब यह है की VIVO के हटने के बाद सबसे आगे योगगुरु बाबा रामदेव की कंपनी पतंजलि को आईपीएल स्पॉन्सर का प्रबल दावेदार माना जा रहा था। हालांकि अब बाबा ने खुद पतंजलि की दावेदारी से इनकार किया, उनका कहना है कि पतंजलि तभी स्पॉन्सरशिप के लिए आगे आएगी, जब कोई दूसरी भारतीय कंपनी इस अधिकार को नहीं चाहती। रामदेव ने उन तमाम मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स का भी खंडन किया, जिसमें पतंजलि के बोली लगाने का दावा किया गया था।
योगी का अहम फैसला,उपद्रिवियों से भरपाई के लिए अधिकरण दावा का गठन
टाटा का दावा सबसे मजबूत
सूत्रों की माने तो टाटा पूरी गंभीरता से इस बार आईपीएल का प्रायोजक बनना चाह रहे हैं। बोर्ड ने पहले ही यह स्पष्ट कर दिया था कि केवल वही कंपनियां आगे आए, जिनका सालाना टर्नओवर 300 करोड़ रुपये से ज्यादा हो। हालांकि बायजूस और अनअकैडमी जैसे स्टार्टअप भी इन शर्तों को पूरा करते हैं, लेकिन टाटा संस पूरी तरह एक भारतीय ब्रांड है इसलिए उसे दौड़ का प्रबल दावेदार माना जा रहा है।
प्रियंका गाँधी: योगी सरकार महिलाओं को बचाने में असफल
कितनी रकम जुटा सकता है बोर्ड
वीवो के हटने के बाद आईपीएल का प्रायोजक बनने के लिए बायजू, अमेजॉन, रिलायंस जियो, फैंटसी स्पोर्टस कंपनी ड्रीम 11 और कोका-कोला इंडिया जैसी दिग्गज कंपनियां रेस में हैं। बोर्ड ने कोरोना वायरस की वजह से जारी लॉकडाउन के चलते बाजार की स्थिति को देखते हुए स्पॉन्सरशिप की रकम 100 करोड़ रुपये कम की है। देखना होगा कि इन विकट हालातों में बीसीसीआई मुख्य प्रयोजन से कितनी रकम हासिल कर लेता है। हालांकि, ऐसा माना जा रहा है कि बाजार के आकलन से ज्यादा रकम जुटाने में बोर्ड कामयाब हो सकता है।
19 सितंबर से 10 नवंबर के बीच होगा UAE में होगा IPL
भारत में कोरोना वायरस महामारी के बढते मामलों के कारण यूएई में टूर्नामेंट कराया जा रहा है। सरकार ने पिछले सप्ताह बीसीसीआई को सैद्धांतिक मंजूरी दे दी थी। अधिकांश टीमें 20 अगस्त के बाद रवाना होंगी, उन्हें रवानगी से पहले 24 घंटे के भीतर दो आरटी पीसीआर टेस्ट कराने होंगे। टूर्नामेंट पूरी तरह से बायो-सिक्योर माहौल में होगा। सारे मैच शारजाह, अबूधाबी और दुबई में ही होंगे।
https://kisansatta.com/ipl-2020-new-sponsors-may-be-announced-today/ #IPL2020NewSponsorsMayBeAnnouncedToday IPL 2020: New sponsors may be announced today Sport, Trending #Sport, #Trending KISAN SATTA - सच का संकल्प
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hsrsports · 4 years
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New Delhi, Ta
The Indian Cricket Board's hyperfile IPL season has also been postponed indefinitely due to the corona epidemic that engulfs the globe. The BCCI had informed the eight IPL franchises and other stakeholders just two days ago. After that, the board has now made it clear that IPL-1 is suspended until further notice due to the corona epidemic.
Corona pandemic has infected more than 3,000 people in India. While more than 3 lives have been consumed by this epidemic.
Earlier, Indian Cricket Board President Sourav Ganguly had also hinted that the IPL should be suspended indefinitely, saying, what could be the future of sports when life was suspended? Later, BCCI Secretary Jay Shah today issued a statement announcing the suspension of IPL indefinitely. He said in the statement that Covid-1 has caused public health concerns on a global scale. The Indian government has implemented a lockdown to prevent the spread of the disease. Given the current situation, the IPL Governing Council of the Indian Cricket Board has decided to postpone the IPL 1 until further notice.
As per the previous plan, the starting date of the IPL was to be from March 7 and its final date was to be held on May 7. However, before that the outbreak of the Corona epidemic was declared a lockdown in the country. Due to this, the IPL was postponed till April 7th. Corona infection, however, began to increase. Due to this the lockdown has now been extended to 3rd May. There was speculation that the IPL would be suspended as well.
Given the current situation, there is no possibility of immediate IPL planning after May 3rd. In a nutshell, BCCI will have to look for a new scope at the end of the year for this year's IPL, or it may even have to make a compelling decision to cancel this season's tournament.
The BCCI said in its list that the health and safety of the country as well as the health and safety of all those associated with our great sport is paramount. Along with BCCI, franchise owners, broadcasters, sponsors and all stakeholders agree that the season of IPL-2 can only take place when the environment is safe and appropriate.
In the press release of the board secretary Jay Shah, no announcement was made regarding future IPL planning. He said that the BCCI is currently monitoring and reviewing the situation. Along with all this we are getting guidance from the Central and State Governments as well as other agencies.
Significantly, it is now clear that the IPL is not likely to be held in the April-May window. Now, if the Asia Cup in September and then the T-1 World Cup in October be canceled or postponed, the possibility of IPL planning may increase. Apart from this it seems almost impossible to get a window into international cricket.
The eyes of cricketers around the world have been dominated by the IPL. Most foreign players emphasized playing IPL even without an audience. While some of the Indian players have shouted responsibly, IPL should not be held until the situation is resolved.
- https://ift.tt/34vXvMA
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hsrsports · 4 years
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New Delhi, Ta
The Indian Cricket Board's hyperfile IPL season has also been postponed indefinitely due to the corona epidemic that engulfs the globe. The BCCI had informed the eight IPL franchises and other stakeholders just two days ago. After that, the board has now made it clear that IPL-1 is suspended until further notice due to the corona epidemic.
Corona pandemic has infected more than 3,000 people in India. While more than 3 lives have been consumed by this epidemic.
Earlier, Indian Cricket Board President Sourav Ganguly had also hinted that the IPL should be suspended indefinitely, saying, what could be the future of sports when life was suspended? Later, BCCI Secretary Jay Shah today issued a statement announcing the suspension of IPL indefinitely. He said in the statement that Covid-1 has caused public health concerns on a global scale. The Indian government has implemented a lockdown to prevent the spread of the disease. Given the current situation, the IPL Governing Council of the Indian Cricket Board has decided to postpone the IPL 1 until further notice.
As per the previous plan, the starting date of the IPL was to be from March 7 and its final date was to be held on May 7. However, before that the outbreak of the Corona epidemic was declared a lockdown in the country. Due to this, the IPL was postponed till April 7th. Corona infection, however, began to increase. Due to this the lockdown has now been extended to 3rd May. There was speculation that the IPL would be suspended as well.
Given the current situation, there is no possibility of immediate IPL planning after May 3rd. In a nutshell, BCCI will have to look for a new scope at the end of the year for this year's IPL, or it may even have to make a compelling decision to cancel this season's tournament.
The BCCI said in its list that the health and safety of the country as well as the health and safety of all those associated with our great sport is paramount. Along with BCCI, franchise owners, broadcasters, sponsors and all stakeholders agree that the season of IPL-2 can only take place when the environment is safe and appropriate.
In the press release of the board secretary Jay Shah, no announcement was made regarding future IPL planning. He said that the BCCI is currently monitoring and reviewing the situation. Along with all this we are getting guidance from the Central and State Governments as well as other agencies.
Significantly, it is now clear that the IPL is not likely to be held in the April-May window. Now, if the Asia Cup in September and then the T-1 World Cup in October be canceled or postponed, the possibility of IPL planning may increase. Apart from this it seems almost impossible to get a window into international cricket.
The eyes of cricketers around the world have been dominated by the IPL. Most foreign players emphasized playing IPL even without an audience. While some of the Indian players have shouted responsibly, IPL should not be held until the situation is resolved.
- https://ift.tt/34vXvMA
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hsrsports · 4 years
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New Delhi, Ta
The Indian Cricket Board's hyperfile IPL season has also been postponed indefinitely due to the corona epidemic that engulfs the globe. The BCCI had informed the eight IPL franchises and other stakeholders just two days ago. After that, the board has now made it clear that IPL-1 is suspended until further notice due to the corona epidemic.
Corona pandemic has infected more than 3,000 people in India. While more than 3 lives have been consumed by this epidemic.
Earlier, Indian Cricket Board President Sourav Ganguly had also hinted that the IPL should be suspended indefinitely, saying, what could be the future of sports when life was suspended? Later, BCCI Secretary Jay Shah today issued a statement announcing the suspension of IPL indefinitely. He said in the statement that Covid-1 has caused public health concerns on a global scale. The Indian government has implemented a lockdown to prevent the spread of the disease. Given the current situation, the IPL Governing Council of the Indian Cricket Board has decided to postpone the IPL 1 until further notice.
As per the previous plan, the starting date of the IPL was to be from March 7 and its final date was to be held on May 7. However, before that the outbreak of the Corona epidemic was declared a lockdown in the country. Due to this, the IPL was postponed till April 7th. Corona infection, however, began to increase. Due to this the lockdown has now been extended to 3rd May. There was speculation that the IPL would be suspended as well.
Given the current situation, there is no possibility of immediate IPL planning after May 3rd. In a nutshell, BCCI will have to look for a new scope at the end of the year for this year's IPL, or it may even have to make a compelling decision to cancel this season's tournament.
The BCCI said in its list that the health and safety of the country as well as the health and safety of all those associated with our great sport is paramount. Along with BCCI, franchise owners, broadcasters, sponsors and all stakeholders agree that the season of IPL-2 can only take place when the environment is safe and appropriate.
In the press release of the board secretary Jay Shah, no announcement was made regarding future IPL planning. He said that the BCCI is currently monitoring and reviewing the situation. Along with all this we are getting guidance from the Central and State Governments as well as other agencies.
Significantly, it is now clear that the IPL is not likely to be held in the April-May window. Now, if the Asia Cup in September and then the T-1 World Cup in October be canceled or postponed, the possibility of IPL planning may increase. Apart from this it seems almost impossible to get a window into international cricket.
The eyes of cricketers around the world have been dominated by the IPL. Most foreign players emphasized playing IPL even without an audience. While some of the Indian players have shouted responsibly, IPL should not be held until the situation is resolved.
- https://ift.tt/34vXvMA
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