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filmjunky-99 · 24 days ago
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [violations, s5ep12]
'I hear that humming again.' - keiko
'Keep listening to it, and hold out the brush. See if anyone takes it from you.' - tarmin
'It's Obaachan! My grandmother. She's doing ink brush writing. I can remember it now.
She used that cup for cleaning the brushes, and it was my job to fill it with water and bring it to the table.
I would sit beside her and watch the most beautiful characters come from that brush. And the whole time, she'd be humming to herself.
I remember it like it was yesterday.' - keiko
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vorticimagazine · 1 year ago
INAD: un passo avanti e tre passi indietro
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Noi di Vortici.it lo sapete bene abbiamo un occhio attento al mondo della disabilità. C'è una notizia che ci ha alquanto stupito, destando in noi non pochi interrogativi. L'autore dell'articolo  è Fulvio Oscar Benussi della Fondazione Italian Digital Revolution(AIDR). INAD: un passo avanti, ma per i diversamente abili le ZTL (zone a Traffico Limitato), restano tre passi indietro... di Fulvio Oscar Benussi, pubblicista e socio della Fondazione Italian Digital RevolutionL’INAD (Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali) consentirà un miglioramento importante nella comunicazione della pubblica amministrazione con il cittadino. Ciò avverrà rendendo disponibili alla PA, alle cittadine e ai cittadini i domicili digitali registrati che potranno essere reperiti presso il sito INAD. Il domicilio digitale è l'indirizzo elettronico scelto dal cittadino e gestito da un Provider di Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) che rende le comunicazioni inviate e ricevute da tale indirizzo sicure e con valore legale ai sensi dell’articolo 1, comma 1, lettera n-ter del Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale (CAD). Il valore legale di una PEC è analogo a quello che si ottiene inviando una raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno, con il vantaggio dell'immediatezza che il digitale consente. L'istituzione di INAD è quindi senza dubbio un importante passo avanti per il miglioramento dei rapporti tra i cittadini e l'Amministrazione Pubblica del nostro Paese. Oggi il digitale rende possibile snellire, a favore dei cittadini, anche le procedure relative all'ingresso delle vetture dei diversamente abili nelle Zone a Traffico Limitato (ZTL).
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Contrassegno Europeo Come noto i diversamente abili muniti di contrassegno europeo sono liberi di entrare con la loro vettura nelle ZTL del proprio Comune e in quelle di Comuni diversi dal proprio. Questa opportunità viene spesso segnalata anche nei cartelli posti in prossimità dei varchi delle zone a traffico limitato. La procedura che consente di ottenere dal Comune di residenza il contrassegno per il libero ingresso nelle ZTL prevede che, a seguito della presentazione dei documenti che certificano la situazione di disabilità, avvenga il rilascio al cittadino del contrassegno per portatori d'handicap. Il contrassegno nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi è assegnato al proprietario della vettura che trasporta il disabile. Per questo non si comprende come mai, acquisita tramite controllo con telecamera la targa della vettura del disabile che transita dal varco ZTL, la polizia locale non possa verificare se la vettura appartiene a un disabile possessore di contrassegno. Tale controllo eviterebbe al cittadino disabile l'onere di inviare alla Polizia Locale mail e documentazione richiesta per l'autorizzazione al libero transito nella ZTL. La procedura prevista dalla maggioranza dei Comuni prevede infatti che, pena la prescrizione del diritto al passaggio e nel termine due-tre giorni dall'ingresso in ZTL, il disabile invii all'indirizzo mail della Polizia Locale una comunicazione dove indichi: la data del passaggio, la targa della vettura transitata, oltre a inviare copia del contrassegno di portatore di handicap. Se invece quella da noi indicata diventasse la procedura seguita dalla Polizia Locale l'onere di invio della mail e della documentazione prevista resterebbe a carico esclusivo di quei soggetti, diversamente abili, che transitano in ZTL con una vettura di cui non sono proprietari.
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Immagine 1:  Esempio di cartello posto in prossimità di un varco ZTL L'opportunità per i diversamente abili di transitare e sostare liberamente all'interno delle ZTL viene solitamente segnalata anche nei cartelli posti in prossimità dei varchi di accesso alle zone a traffico limitato (Immagine 1). Ma, anche se viene segnalata la possibilità per i diversamente abili di accedere liberamente alla ZTL, non appare alcuna indicazione che segnali, a chi non si è già registrato, la necessità di documentare via mail il proprio diritto al transito, inviando copia del contrassegno, alla Polizia Locale. Questa mancanza informativa potrebbe generare un malinteso che porti i Vigili a comminare una multa al disabile che in tale caso sarebbe "punito" anche se incolpevole. Per questo suggeriamo che i cartelli vengano aggiornati e venga inserita un'informativa completa a beneficio dei diversamente abili. All'inizio dell'articolo abbiamo citato l'Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali istituito per rendere più sicura e certa la comunicazione tra cittadini e Pubblica Amministrazione. Ebbene: perché l'indicazione che viene fornita dalla Polizia Locale per comunicare il transito del disabile e inviare la documentazione richiesta è di utilizzare un indirizzo mail invece che un indirizzo PEC? Va segnalato che gli invii tramite PEC rendono certa e dimostrabile la ricezione dalla comunicazione da parte del destinatario che non potrà perciò successivamente ripudiarla. Anche per questa motivazione è stato istituito l'indice INAD. Va comunque segnalato che, vista la mancanza di ricevuta che la PEC restituisce automaticamente al mittente, la Polizia Locale spesso sopperisce rispondendo in modo solerte, comunicando al cittadino ricezione, e spesso accoglimento dell'istanza. Conclusione La possibilità di condividere, tra Pubbliche Amministrazioni, i dati presenti negli archivi digitali di ognuna, inclusi quelli relativi al possesso del contrassegno H, è sicuramente una priorità da perseguire per evitare di appesantire il cittadino disabile con oneri burocratici aggiuntivi ai disagi che già vive quotidianamente. Immagine di copertina: Wikimedia.orgAltre immagini: AIDR Read the full article
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quickpa · 2 years ago
Nasce INAD, la PEC diventa obbligatoria per comunicare con la PA Dal 6 Luglio 2023 le comunicazioni con la Pubblica Amministrazione arriveranno solo tramite PEC (Posta Elettronica Certificata), per questo è stato creato il sistema INAD (Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali) che consente di ricevere qualsiasi comunicazione ufficiale in tempo reale, riducendo i tempi d'attesa e i costi da sostenere. INAD sarà utilizzato principalmente per ricevere multe, accertamenti, cartelle esattoriali, rimborsi fiscali, detrazioni fiscali e tutte quelle raccomandazioni della Pubblica Amministrazione di una certa importanza. Uno step fondamentale per dire addio alla vecchia raccomandata (che sarà disattivata il 30 Novembre 2023)
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crimeboys · 11 months ago
love this playlist
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inadlzbth · 10 months ago
I decided from now on to compile all of my mashups into one playlist on my YouTube channel!
Check out my mashups and keep up to date with all of my covers and mashups on my YouTube channel here:
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radiophd · 2 years ago
inade -- signals from 68 dimensions
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teratomat · 1 month ago
Heaven and Hell Behind every wall, every window The world behind the world
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lesdeuxmuses · 1 month ago
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Inade - Audio Mythology Two (Loki Foundation, 2014)
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testure-1988 · 1 year ago
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fvsm4x · 1 year ago
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#ROOMMATE [Geto suguru]
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SUMMARY: You were in your room, hoping for a nap, but it was ruined by loud moans next door.
— C.W: roommate! Geto suguru x insecure female reader , alcohol , drinking , angst , insecurity, comparing , jealousy, 18+ , nsfw , marking , nipple play , begging , creampie , teasing , oral , not proofread!
— WORD COUNT : 6.3k+
— A/N: I got carried away a bit..
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You lay in your room, yearning for a moment of peace and a quick nap, the gentle hum of your ceiling fan offering a soothing backdrop. The world outside your window was bathed in soft sunlight, a rare moment of tranquility in your otherwise busy life. A deep sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes, drifting into the beginnings of a well-deserved nap.
However, just as you began to slip into that hazy realm of rest, an unexpected interruption jarred you from your reverie. It started as faint, barely audible sounds coming from the room next door. You furrowed your brows, initially dismissing it as mere background noise.
But as the moans grew louder and more passionate, it became abundantly clear that the tranquility you so desperately sought was now out of reach. Your peace was shattered, and the source of this disruption was impossible to ignore: your roommate's fervent lovemaking, echoing through the walls and into your ears.
Your eyes snapped open, and you were left to ponder how you could possibly regain the serenity you had hoped for.
You spring out of bed and stormed to the wall that separated your room from your roommates , your palm landing on it with a loud, resounding slam.
"Keep it down!" you barked, hoping they‘ll hear you and be quiet,"Some of us are trying to get some rest!"
But instead of getting quieter, their moans grew louder, accompanied by laughter.
It seemed as if they were intentionally flaunting their intimacy, pushing the boundaries of your patience. The thin walls of the apartment complex did little to shield you from the explicit sounds of their desires.
Geto's loud chuckle resonated through the thin walls, his voice brimming with a mischievous undertone. It felt as though he was intentionally turning up the volume to make sure you heard every word. You clutched your pillow in frustration, your peaceful nap slipping further away.
"And who exactly is trying to get some rest?" he exclaimed with an almost mocking tone, fully aware of the annoyance he was causing.
Your patience ran thin as their passionate activities continued. „Me." Your voice carried through the walls, "Not everyone wants to hear you and your whores... enjoying yourselves."
A brief pause followed, marked by a faint gasp that could only be attributed to one of Geto's companions.
But Geto's next words threw you off guard. "Are you jealous or something?" he shouted back, a teasing quality in his voice.
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and you couldn't help but stammer, "N-no way!" Your voice wavered as you vehemently denied any hint of jealousy.
Geto's response was a simple, "Sure..." that lingered in the air, his amused tone painting a sly smile on his face.
Your frustration with Geto's behavior extended beyond the present situation. In fact, it had been a constant struggle to come to terms with your unrequited feelings for him. It wasn't a secret crush, it was a deep, hidden affection that you'd carefully nurtured. But there was something you were certain of - Geto had no idea about your feelings. The mere thought of confessing to him filled you with dread, knowing all too well that he'd likely reject you.
All the women Geto has ever bought seemed to have the same type of body, just different faces. And every time you saw them, you couldn't help but feel that you weren't quite the same as those women.They were all svelte, confident, and undoubtedly attractive. It was impossible not to notice the recurring pattern, and every time you heard their passionate escapades through the wall, you couldn't help but feel inadequate in comparison.
Their distinct, confident moans seeped through the walls, a stark contrast to your own quiet and private moments. The realization that Geto consistently chooses partners so different from you only intensified your insecurities, creating a nagging doubt that perhaps you weren't good enough, attractive enough, or desirable enough to ever gain his attention.
You sighed, as the loud noises from the next room continued. You realized there was no hope for a peaceful nap. You pushed your covers aside and climbed out of your bed. With each step, you trudged over to the closet, your feet feeling heavy against the floor. Inside the closet, you found comfort in the familiarity of your clothing. You selected baggy black pants adorned with white stripes running down the sides from your pocket, and you paired them with a dark gray, zip-up, long-sleeve corset shirt.
In a familiar routine, you packed a few things into your backpack. This wasn't the first time you decided to leave when Geto had someone over. It was just easier to get out and avoid hearing the sounds that made you feel down. You wished you could be in their place, but deep down, you felt inadequate.
You took a deep breath, a momentary pause in your preparations, as you decided on your next move. Your usual refuge from the chaos in your shared apartment was Geto's best friend, Gojo Satoru. But today, when you reached for your phone and dialed his number, your hopes were met with disappointment.
"Hello?" Satoru's cheerful voice answered.
"Hey, Satoru," you began, "I was wondering... Can I stay over at your place tonight, like I usually do when Suguru has company over? It's just... it's one of those nights, you know?"
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, and you could sense his hesitation. Finally, Satoru spoke, regret in his tone. "I'm really sorry, Y/N, but I can't tonight. I've got a date planned, and I can't cancel on her."
Your shoulders slumped, and a sense of disappointment washed over you. You had hoped for an escape, a way to avoid the turmoil of Geto's latest tryst.
With a heavy sigh, you replied to Gojo, "It's fine. I'll think of something."
"I'm very sorry, Y/n."
You offered a small smile and reassured him, "Don't worry, Satoru. Have fun with your date." You hung up, realizing that you would need to find another way to escape the discomfort of your apartment.
Leaving your room, you crossed through the living room towards the exit. The noise from Geto's activities continued, a reminder of the frustration you were trying to leave behind. You walked out of the apartment and onto the street, not sure where your feet would take you. The night air was cool, and as you descended the stairs, you considered your options for the evening.
As you walked down the streets, your steps eventually led you to a nearby bar. The neon sign outside flickered, casting an inviting glow onto the sidewalk. You hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether entering was a good idea. However, the allure of drowning your frustrations in a dimly lit space with some background chatter was too appealing.
Pushing the door open, you entered the cozy bar. The warm atmosphere and mellow music wrapped around you, offering solace from the chaos back home. You found an empty stool at the bar counter, and the bartender acknowledged you with a friendly nod.
"What can I get you?" the bartender asked.
You ordered a drink to help ease your mind. The alcohol provided a comforting numbness, and you began to unwind. The thoughts of Geto's activities and your insecurities faded away, at least for the moment
Sitting at the bar, nursing your drink, you couldn't help but get lost in your thoughts. The alcohol had taken the edge off your frustration, but it couldn't erase the insecurities that still lingered in the back of your mind. Your gaze was fixed on the glass in front of you, and you pondered your unfortunate situation.
Suddenly, a voice interrupted your reverie. "Hey there, mind if I sit here?" You looked up to find a handsome stranger with dark brown hair and piercing green eyes. Despite your emotional turmoil, his charisma caught your attention.
You hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded, welcoming the opportunity to escape your own thoughts. "Sure, go ahead," you replied, offering a faint smile.
As he settled on the stool beside you, the stranger introduced himself as Ryo. He leaned in closer, his eyes filled with genuine interest. "What‘s a pretty lady like you doing here?"
You bite your lips at his question,“Just came here to relax.“
„You look like you've got a lot on your mind. Care to share?“
You took a deep breath, deciding it wouldn't hurt to talk to a stranger about your problems. "It's just that... I've got this annoying roommate who's always bringing girls over. It's impossible to get some peace and quiet in my own apartment," you confided, hesitantly revealing the source of your frustrations, but not mentioning the part where you have a crush on him.
Ryo listened intently, nodding sympathetically. "That does sound tough. Must be hard to relax with all that noise.“
You nodded at his response, taking another sip of your drink.
„How about you get out of here for a while? I know a nearby motel- where we can have some…uh- you know.. And forget about your troubles." His green eyes sparkled with mischief.
Your initial instinct was to deny Ryo's offer, as it seemed too spontaneous and risky. But the alcohol coursing through your veins had other ideas. It whispered in your mind, urging you to embrace a little excitement and adventure for once.
You contemplated the proposal for a few seconds, and although a part of you was hesitant, you couldn't ignore the allure of spontaneity and a temporary escape from your problems. Your thoughts danced with uncertainty, but the alcohol had muffled your inhibitions just enough to say, "Fine I guess. I could use a little distraction right now."
With that, you both left the bar together, leaving behind your worries and insecurities for the night.
It was now 3 a.m, and you lay in the dimly lit room, naked and content, with Ryo sleeping peacefully beside you. You couldn't help but steal a glance at his serene face before gently removing the covers. The room was quiet, except for the soft, rhythmic sound of Ryo's breathing.
Carefully, you got out of the bed and started collecting your scattered clothes from the floor. As you dressed, you couldn't help but recall the unexpected turn of events that had led you to this motel room. It had been a wild ride, and you were left with a mix of emotions, from exhilaration to a tinge of guilt and the lingering worry about what might come next.
With your clothes back on, you took one last look at Ryo, who was still lost in dreams, then quietly made your way to the door,
The city was hushed at this late hour, and the streets were nearly empty as you made your way back to the apartment you shared with Geto.
As you walked along the dimly lit streets, you thought about your noisy roommate and the constant disturbance he brought into your life. At that moment, you felt a strange mixture of frustration and guilt. The secret rendezvous in the motel was something you had never imagined happening, especially not with a stranger you'd met in a bar.
As you arrived, you quietly unlocked the apartment door and stepped inside, hoping to slip in unnoticed, but as soon as the door creaked open, Geto, who was sitting on the couch engrossed in his phone, looked up and spotted you. He jumped to his feet and almost shouted your name.
"Y/n! Where were you at this hour?“ Geto roared as he stood in front of you, his anger barely contained. His eyebrows knitted in a deep frown, he continued, "And why in the world weren't you picking up your damn phone? I've been calling you for what feels like an eternity!"
You couldn't help but respond defiantly, asking, "Why do you even care?"
His frustration was palpable as he retorted, "Why shouldn't I care when you ignored both my calls and Satoru's?! I tried to call you, telling you to come back, but you didn‘t pick up! So I called Satoru, thinking you'd fallen asleep at his place, only to find out you weren't there. Why shouldn't I be livid when it's almost 4 in the morning, and you're out there, Lord knows where?!"
Geto's anger and worry were evident as he spoke, and you could sense that your actions had genuinely affected him. However, you had no intention of revealing the real reason for your absence, fearing his reaction if he were to discover the truth.
"I was with someone," you replied, fabricating a lie in the hopes that he might believe it.
Geto's sharp eyes caught something, and he lowered the collar of your jacket to reveal the collection of hickeys and bruises adorning your neck. His expression shifted to a mixture of confusion and jealousy as he examined the marks, his fingers lightly tracing over the evidence.
"Who gave these to you?" he inquired, his tone laced with an unsettling combination of emotions.
You were quick to deflect,"Why do you even care? It's not like you're my boyfriend," you spoke, while removing his hand.
Geto met your eyes with a piercing gaze, his furrowed brows deepening, before eventually directing his attention to the floor, unsure of how to respond to your rebuff.
Geto let out an exasperated sigh, seemingly at a loss for words. He knew there was no valid reason for him to be jealous, but seeing the marks on your neck left an unexplainable feeling of discomfort within him.
He finally mumbled, "You're right, I'm not your boyfriend," his voice laced with a hint of regret. "But you shouldn't go around letting just anyone mark you like that."
„Says you.“ you reply, walking past him and entering the bathroom.
You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, hesitating for a moment as your reflection stared back at you. The clothes you wore felt tainted on, carrying the lingering sensation of Ryo's touch, a touch that had marked you with a tapestry of hickeys and bruises. Your fingers worked swiftly as you began to remove your shirt, the soft fabric falling to the floor, revealing the hickeys and marks that adorned your skin.
With a sigh, you reached for your pants, your fingers deftly undoing the fastenings and sliding the fabric down your legs. The pants joined the discarded shirt in a pool on the floor. Now only in your undergarments, you hesitated once more, looking at yourself in the mirror with a mixture of frustration and desire.
You craved the hot water to wash away not just the physical evidence of Ryo's touch, but also the memories that clung to your skin. Finally, you reached for the shower handle, turning it on to let the water heat up. As the steam began to fill the bathroom, you stepped under the soothing flow, feeling the heat and moisture envelop your body.
The water splashed over you, washing away the sweat, the scent of your own arousal, and the remnants of Ryo's embrace. As you closed your eyes, you couldn't help but rethink your interaction with Geto. Maybe you were too harsh in your response. After all, he had been genuinely worried about your well-being.
Your thoughts drifted back to his expressions of concern, and his anger over the marks on your skin. He wasn't your boyfriend, that was true, but you couldn't deny there was something deeper than mere friendship between you two. The thought of him feeling hurt or upset over your actions tugged at your heart.
As you lathered yourself with soap, the fragrant foam serving as a gentle buffer against the steamy water, you started to question whether you should have been more understanding. You realized that his concern was genuine, and it had caused his emotional outburst.
Maybe you should have let him explain his side of the story instead of being so harsh. After all, he had been the one worried about you, not knowing where you were, and trying to reach out when you didn't answer his calls. Your stubbornness might have pushed him away.
With your mind made up, you turned off the shower and stepped out onto the bathroom tiles, droplets of water still clinging to your skin. In your renewed determination, you hurriedly dried yourself off with a towel, not wanting to waste any more time.
As you went through the motions of drying your hair and body, a sudden realization struck you. The pajamas you had intended to wear had been left behind in your room, neatly folded on your bed. You must have forgotten to grab them in your haste to leave.
With nothing else within reach, you wrapped a towel around your body, tucking it in to ensure it stayed in place. You left the bathroom, going to your room to get dressed.
As you stepped back into your room, you quickly located your pajamas and began to get dressed. You pulled on your panties and then, just as you were about to put on your t-shirt, the door suddenly creaked open.
Startled, you looked over to see Geto standing in the doorway, holding a tray with two cups of tea.
He seemed to be lost for words for a moment, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of you, wearing only your panties, with the towel that had been wrapped around you discarded on the bed. The room was filled with an awkward tension.
"Suguru, you... you could have knocked." you stammered, quickly moving to cover yourself with the t-shirt you were about to put on.
Geto, still red-faced and with one hand covering his eyes, mumbled, "Sorry, I didn't mean to barge in. I just wanted to apologize for shouting at you."
Geto carefully placed the tray of tea down on a nearby table, Geto took a step closer, his expression now more serious and less embarrassed.
Geto's arms enveloped you, and he leaned in, resting his chin gently atop your head. The warmth of his embrace sent a shiver down your spine.
"I truly was worried about you, Y/n. I didn't mean to upset you," he whispered softly, his breath tickling your ear.
Your eyes widened at his embrace, your heart racing, and a deep blush painted your cheeks. "It's fine," you mumbled, your voice barely more than a breath, "I was also harsh."
Geto held you even tighter for a moment before finally releasing you slightly. "Can you please tell me where you were?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes and voice.
You took a step back and put your t-shirt on, your mind whirring as you wondered why Geto seemed so insistent on knowing your whereabouts. His desire to understand your actions left you puzzled, and you couldn't help but think about the way he stared at the hickeys on your neck earlier.
"Why do you want to know it so badly?",
Geto shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting away from your inquisitive gaze. He wasn't used to being put on the spot, and your question seemed to have made him nervous.
"It's not like you to stay out so late," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact,"I was worried something might have happened to you."
But there was something in his tone that hinted at a deeper concern. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but you sensed that Geto was keeping something from you.
"I was at a bar," you replied, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. Geto joined you, sitting down beside you. "Satoru had a date today, so I couldn't go to his place, and honestly, I just wanted to get away from this place and not hear you and your guests having fun."
Geto's next question caught you by surprise. "Okay, so did you meet that guy there?" He inquired, his eyes focused on you. You raised an eyebrow, puzzled by his question. "What guy?"
"The one who gave you the hickeys," Geto clarified.
You couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions when Geto brought up the hickeys,"Oh, you mean Ryo? Yeah, I met him at the bar. We... got along, I guess."
Geto's expression was unreadable as he absorbed this information. You couldn't tell if he was upset, jealous, or just curious. After a brief silence, he finally spoke, "Well, I hope you had a good time with him, Y/n."
Geto's voice dropped to a near-whisper, and you barely caught his words as he muttered under his breath, "I bet I could've made you feel better."
Your attention shifted back to him, but you pretended not to hear what he said. The atmosphere in the room seemed charged, and you both knew that something had shifted between you.
"Y/n," Geto began, breaking the silence. "Can I ask you something personal? How did it feel when Ryo gave you those hickeys?"
You shifted uncomfortably on the bed, considering his question. "Well, it felt... intense," you admitted cautiously. "I mean, it's not like I get that kind of attention often."
Geto's gaze remained fixed on you, and you could sense a growing tension in the room as he asked, "Would you say you enjoyed it?"
The air grew heavy as you responded, "what's up with all those questions?“
Geto hesitated for a moment before answering, "Well, it's just that... I can't help but wonder. Do you think I could be better in bed than that Ryo? Have you ever thought about it?"
You blinked in surprise. The thought had crossed your mind on occasion, especially with Geto's charm and the chemistry you'd shared. But it had remained a fantasy. "I mean, we've never... you know, been together like that," you admitted, a touch of embarrassment coloring your cheeks.
Geto nodded slowly. "True, we haven't. But maybe we should consider it."
"Wait! W-what did you just say?" you stammered, your heart pounding in your chest. His words had caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and apprehension.
Geto met your gaze with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. "I said, maybe we should consider it," he repeated, his voice laced with a newfound desire.
Geto's fingers gently caressed your chin as he leaned in closer, his warm breath brushing against your lips. His eyes bore into yours, searching for a sign, a glimmer of consent, or resistance. You could feel the tension between you two, and your mind raced, struggling to process the sudden turn of events.
Your heart raced as you gazed into Geto's eyes, Your brain and your heart were locked in a fierce battle, each one pushing you in a different direction. Logic screamed at you to push him away, to maintain your boundaries, and to keep your feelings in check. But your heart, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment and your long-standing desire for Geto, yearned to close the gap between you
As Geto's thumb traced a gentle pattern along your chin, your heart won the battle. Your lips slowly parted, and you leaned in, closing the distance between you. With a soft sigh, your mouths met in a heated, passionate kiss,
As your lips met Geto's in the passionate kiss, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions rushed through your mind, creating a maelstrom of uncertainty and longing. Did you hear him correctly? Did he really want to do it with you? A barrage of insecurity clawed at your self-esteem, leaving you feeling like you didn't measure up to the other women he had been with.
In the midst of your mental turmoil, Geto deepened the kiss, and you felt the warmth of his hands gently cradling your face, grounding you in the present moment. His kiss was a fusion of desire, tenderness, and something more profound. You couldn't help but let yourself drown in the intensity of the moment, losing yourself in the magnetic pull of his lips and the reassuring pressure of his touch.
Still, those nagging doubts whispered in the background of your thoughts. Were you truly good enough for Geto? Were you worthy of this affection? Yet, his soft words of reassurance cut through your internal chaos. "Don't overthink it," he whispered,"Forget the others; focus on us."
In that moment, his words were a lifeline, pulling you back from the precipice of self-doubt.
He gently guided you backward, urging you to recline onto the bed. The soft mattress met your back, its warmth seeping through your clothes, heightening the intimate atmosphere in the room. You felt a rush of anticipation as he hovered over you, his eyes filled with both desire and tenderness.
His lips left yours, trailing a path of feathery kisses along your jawline and down your neck where he kissed on top of your hickeys from ryo. Each delicate press of his lips sent a shiver down your spine, igniting your senses with heightened sensitivity. Your fingers entangled themselves in his dark hair as you tilted your head, allowing him more access to your skin.
Geto's hands wandered with purpose, exploring the curves of your body beneath your clothes. He seemed intent on making you feel cherished, wanted, and adored. Your racing heart was matched by your rapid breaths as he slid your shirt off, baring your upper body to his intense gaze. His lips returned to yours, capturing you in another deep kiss.
The gentle exploration evolved into a more intense passion, with Geto's hands becoming more assertive, caressing your exposed skin and igniting a fire within you. Your kisses grew fervent, exchanging a silent promise of shared desires and newfound intimacy.
As Geto's tender kisses traversed your collarbone, they gradually descended further south, leaving a trail of fiery desire in their wake. His lips caressed your chest, making your heart race. Every gentle touch was a whisper of longing, leaving you breathless and craving more.
With a purposeful intent, Geto's mouth closed around your breast. His lips created a sensual seal around your nipple as his tongue swirled, eliciting a breathless moan from you.
His mouth moved with a slow, torturous pace, teasing and taunting you as he alternated between sucking and nibbling your delicate flesh. The soft, wet sounds of his devotion were a sweet symphony of passion that echoed through the room, mingling with your pleasured sighs and moans.
The sensation sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body, causing your fingers to clutch at the bedsheets in sheer delight. The merging of emotions, from anticipation to desire, mingled in the most intimate way. Your feelings were laid bare before Geto, who continued to lavish his affection upon you, marking you as his own.
As his lips left a path of sensual warmth across your chest and down your abdomen, your thoughts were awash with questions. Could this be more than a fleeting moment of desire? Did Geto see you as someone different from the others he had been with? Were you something his eyes, or just another conquest?
But as Geto's lips met your skin with unrestrained fervor, he sensed your inner turmoil. He raised his head slightly, locking eyes with you, his gaze filled with a depth of emotion that left you breathless. His voice was a gentle murmur, brushing away your doubts.
"Don't overthink, Y/n," he whispered, his breath caressing your skin. "Just focus on this moment, on us."
He lowered himself to take in the sight of your already wet panties. A mischievous smirk crept onto his lips as he stared at the source of your arousal, and without hesitation, he leaned down and bit gently at the soft flesh of your folds through the fabric.
A whimper escaped your lips as your eyes locked onto his, a mixture of anticipation and desire in their depths. Geto's teasing continued as he traced the contours of your folds with his lips, still separated from your most sensitive area by the barrier of your panties. His tongue danced along the fabric, from bottom to top, skillfully coaxing out your most intense sensations.
The sensations Geto's teasing evoked were electrifying, and you could feel the warmth pooling between your legs. Your fingers reached down to grasp the edge of your panties, wanting to feel his touch more directly.
Geto, sensing your eagerness, brushed your hands away and whispered, "Not so fast, my dear," his voice filled with a sultry confidence. His lips continued to work through the fabric, and with each passing moment, your arousal intensified.
As he persisted in his seductive exploration, your moans grew louder, echoing through the room.
"Suguru..," you panted, overwhelmed by the sensations and the growing desire burning inside you. "Please, take ‘em off..."
He looked up, his eyes locked onto yours with a wicked grin."You'll have to beg for it."
Your frustration and longing reached a breaking point as you pleaded, "Suguru.., please- I need y-you to take ‘em off. I want you so badly… please- I-I can‘t wait any..longer.."
His teasing grin widened, and he finally gave in, slowly sliding your panties down your legs.
Your aching core pulsed with longing, each beat reverberating through your entire body as if it had a heartbeat of its own. It throbbed with a desperate desire, craving the touch and attention it had been yearning for.
Geto gazed at your throbbing, eager hole, clenching around nothing,"Look at you, Y/n," he murmured, "all wet and ready for me. You wanted this, didn't you?"
You moaned in response, your hips instinctively shifting as you craved his touch. "Yes..," you gasped. "I've wanted this for so l-long."
He leaned down, his hot breath brushing against your most sensitive spot, sending shivers down your spine. "Good," he whispered. "I'll make sure it's worth the wait."
Geto's fingers worked their way to your hips, gently holding you in place as he closed the distance between his mouth and your throbbing core. The sensation of his soft, teasing kisses along your inner thighs was maddening, as he continued to build the anticipation. You clenched the sheets, your body aching for his touch, and your moans filled the room.
Geto, unable to resist the desire any longer, finally surrendered to your unspoken plea. He gently parted your quivering thighs and settled himself between them. His tongue traced slow and tantalizing circles around your clit, each stroke sending delightful shivers throughout your body. He moaned at your taste, the vibrations adding a new layer of intensity to your pleasure. Your fingers found their way into his hair, holding him close as you gasped
Swept up in the whirlwind of pleasure, you couldn't contain your moans. They filled the room, echoing your unbridled ecstasy. The intensity grew with every delicate touch of Geto's lips and the rhythmic flicks of his tongue.
„Suguru.. I can't... it's t-too much." Your voice was a desperate plea, but it only seemed to spur him on.
You arched your back, your body trembling, as he delved deeper, seeking out the most sensitive spots. His fingers slipped inside you, matching the rhythm of his tantalizing oral ministrations. Waves of pleasure surged through you as your muscles tightened and your breath quickened.
„You can take it," he murmured, his voice laced with desire. "I want to make you feel so good, Y/n."
Finally, your body couldn't hold back any longer. You cried out his name as your release washed over you, your fingers clutching his hair and your back arching off the bed. Geto continued to pleasure you through the waves of your climax, prolonging the sensation.
Geto seemed to take pleasure in watching you squirm beneath his touch. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he pulled away, his lips glistening from your essence. He sat back on his heels, looking at your flushed and trembling form with a self-satisfied grin.
He ran his fingers along your inner thighs, stopping just short of where you needed him most. "You're so responsive, Y/n," he murmured, his voice husky. "But we're just getting started. I want to make sure you'll never forget this."
You whimpered, your body still thrumming with need, as Geto began his tantalizing descent again, kissing and licking his way back up your trembling form.
As Geto continued his relentless exploration of your body, you found it increasingly difficult to contain your longing. Your fingers clutched at the sheets, your back arched involuntarily, and your breath hitched with every lingering touch of his lips and tongue.
His gaze met yours as he hovered once again over your core. He leaned in, his warm breath caressing your inner thighs. The sensation sent delicious shivers coursing through your body, making you quiver with anticipation.
Geto's tongue flicked against your most sensitive spot, and you couldn't hold back a throaty moan. His tongue moved in slow, teasing circles, driving you back to the brink of ecstasy. Your fingers tangled in the sheets as you writhed beneath him, aching for release.
He looked up at you with a wicked grin and asked, "Do you want more, Y/n?"
Your voice quivered as you responded, "Yes, please, Suguru."
Geto's grin deepened as he stood up to remove his pants, revealing his hardened member, throbbing with desire. He climbed back onto the bed, his eyes never leaving yours as he moved closer, his warm skin brushing against your trembling body.
The anticipation was overwhelming, and you couldn't tear your gaze away from him. He positioned himself at your entrance, the tip of his length brushing against your heated core, and the electrifying sensation sent a shiver down your spine.
"Ready?" Geto whispered,
You nodded eagerly, your heart racing, and your breath quickening.
As soon as he entered you, you couldn't help but let out a loud, lustful moan, your body reacting instinctively to his presence within you. A jolt of pleasure shot through your core as you felt yourself clenching tightly around him, making Geto hiss in response.
„So tight-„he muttered, a smirk on his lips.
His member was undeniably impressive, not only in length but also in girth, and it felt like he was stretching and filling you to your limits. The sensations were intense, and you could feel every inch of him as he slowly thrust deeper, making you gasp with each movement.
Geto's relentless thrusts continued, driving deeper into you with each powerful motion. The intensity of the pleasure was overwhelming, and you couldn't contain your moans. "You feel so good," Geto whispered in a husky voice, his breath hot against your ear. "I've wanted this for so long, Y/n..“
Your body quivered as he filled you completely, and your cries grew louder. "O-oh..S’guru..!" you moaned, your voice trembling, as Geto's thrusts became even more powerful. Your cries of pleasure filled the room, a mix of desire, longing, and ecstasy. "Don't- stop."
Geto's grip on your hips tightened, and his thrusts became more urgent. "I won't," he murmured, his voice filled with desire. "I'm going to make you feel so good, princess."
You clung to him, your nails digging into his back as you met his powerful thrusts with equal fervor. Your moans became more desperate and unrestrained, and Geto's own desire only grew more intense.
In the midst of your passion, you whispered his name over and over, your voices intertwining in a symphony of desire. The room was filled with the sounds of your love, and the world outside seemed to fade away as you both approached the pinnacle of pleasure.
Geto's movements became more erratic as he pushed you to the brink of ecstasy. With one final, powerful thrust, you both reached the peak together, crying out each other's names as the pleasure consumed you.
As the waves of ecstasy washed over you, you clung to Geto, breathless and sated.
Geto gently pushed the covers of the bed aside and guided both of you under them. With a tenderness that contrasted the passion you had just shared, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a loving embrace.
You settled into the cozy cocoon of the blankets, feeling his warmth against your back as Geto became the big spoon. His breath on the nape of your neck sent shivers down your spine, and his arms held you securely, as if he never wanted to let you go.
In the soft afterglow of your intimacy, you both laid there, your bodies entwined. The world outside seemed to disappear as you savored the tranquility of the moment, the only sounds being the steady rhythm of your breath and the beating of your hearts.
Geto whispered sweet words in your ear, professing his desire and affection for you. With a contented sigh, you leaned back into his embrace, finding comfort and solace in his presence.
As the minutes passed, and the weight of your shared passion settled into a gentle lull, your eyelids grew heavy. Geto's soothing words and comforting embrace provided the perfect environment for you to drift into a peaceful slumber.
The warmth of his body, pressed against your back, felt like a protective shield. It was as if, in this moment, the world outside didn't matter. It was just the two of you, wrapped in each other's arms, finding solace and contentment in each other's company.
As your breathing slowed and the room fell into a gentle silence, you found yourself surrendering to the embrace of sleep. Yet, even in this peaceful moment, your mind couldn't help but be consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts and questions:
"What have I just done?"
"Is this the beginning of something more between us?"
"Will this change our relationship?"
"Can I trust him not to betray this secret?"
"Was this a mistake, or something I secretly wanted all along?"
"What happens next?"
As your consciousness drifted away, these questions remained unanswered, leaving you to ponder the uncertain future that lay ahead.
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© fvsm4x ; DO NOT REPOST
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rainysflowers · 9 months ago
CW/TW: Asking for Pain, Implied Self-Harm [KIND OF]
"I just don't understand." Whumpee mumbles the sentence, voice nigh inadible from where it springs, but catches Caretaker's attention none-the-less. Whumpee's head raises a bit, blank gaze no longer glued to the floor but instead then unknowable distance. "I wish you would hurt me."
Caretaker's lips flatten into a long line, brows furrowing and forehead flattening, hand twitching at aer side, unsure if ae should offer comfort by touch or not.
This isn't the first time Whumpee had expressed an interest in being abused for a reason that Caretaker couldn't even come close to fathoming, and ae knew that it wouldn't be the last, yet even so the whole thing makes ae sick to aer stomach. To be fair, what else were you supposed to feel when your best friend kept begging you to punish them?
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dadaszdkh · 5 months ago
bu nə kin imiş, nə inad imiş elə bil əvvəldən düşmən olmuşuq.
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inadlzbth · 6 months ago
I just did my first ever interview!!!
It would mean so so much if you took a few minutes to check out the conversation that I had with Jimmy for Melody of Music Introduces 🖤
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emilia-rzayeva19 · 1 year ago
Tumblr istifadəçilərin çox diqqətimi çəkən bir özəllikləri var.Məsələn biz burda bir birimizi yaxından tanımasaqda,sahib olduğumuz blogların profil resmindən,səhifəmizin arxa plan üçün seçdiyimiz rənglərdən,paylaşımlardan necə insan olduğumuzu anlamaq olur))
Əfsuslar olsun ki,əksəriyyətiniz ruhunuzla,qəlblərinizlə çox sıradan rəngsiz insanlarsız.
Diqqət cəlb etmək üçün olmadığınız biri kimi görünməyin.İddialı olduğunuz insan kimi,fərd kimi fərqliliyiniz göy qurşağı kimi rəngarəng düşüncələrinizi ruhunuzda daşıyın.
Rəngarəng olduğunuzu iddia etməyin,rəngarəng olun💛
Təəssüflər olsun ki,əksər insanların bir birinə bənzəmək istədiyi bir zamanda yaşayırıq.Bir də təkrar gəlməyəcəyimiz bu dünyaya inad,zamana inad fərqiniz olsun🎡
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mellsy · 10 months ago
Dünən qrup yoldaşımın xınasına gedirdim atam aparacaqdı, evdən çıxanda səni yanıma yaraşdırmıram səninlə adam çölə çıxmaz deyib məni aparmadı. Mən də özüm getdim. Yəni hər şeyi özüm edə bilərəm, lazım gələr unini dondurub özüm işləyib özümü idarə də edərəm. Bir qıza atası belə deyirsə, camaatın oğlu Allah bilir nələr edər. Eyni şeyi mən desəydim, uje evdən atmışdılar hər dəfə üzümə vurardılar sözümü. Amma onun dediyi şeyi heç kim umursamadı. Bir yerdə uje vazgeçmişdim getməyəcəkdim ama yaxınım idi deyə + atama inad olsun deyə getdim. Nolsun ki, yol boyu ağlayıb özümü pox gününə salmışdım əsas odu ki, o görmədi bunu. Ümumiyyətlə eyni evdə qalsaq da bir qram haqqımda heçnə bilmirlər, nəyə pis olmuşam, nələrə görə ağlamışam. Sonra da bizim qızımızın heçnəyi yoxdu, o çox yaxşıdı. "Onsuz bütün gün telefondasan da nə problemin olacaq sənin, telefondan vaxt var ki nəsə də edəsən" oysa telefon sayəsində çox şeydən qaçıram, başımı qatmağa düşünməməyə çalışıram, bəlkə elə unudaram, xatırlamaram. Buranı da gündəlik kimi istifadə edirəm 😔
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lesdeuxmuses · 1 month ago
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Inade - The Crackling Of The Anonymous (Loki Foundation, 2001)
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