rainysflowers · 1 month
Whumpee who never realized just how good it felt to know that Whumper wasn’t coming home.
Its captor has a business trip of some kind, or maybe even a vacation that they cannot risk bringing their Whumpee on, and so they leave it there.
Leave it at home.
And that first day, Whumpee just sits around, kicking dirt around or cleaning the house, whatever amount of freedom it’s allowed, waiting for its Whumper to return.
Then as the days go by, it starts to notice how different the atmosphere feels.
How the weight on its shoulders has completely disappeared. How it doesn’t need to worry about being the perfect person all the time. The eggshells are gone.
That’s when Whumper comes back, and it all goes back to Hell.
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rainysflowers · 3 months
CW/TW: INTERNALIZED VICTIM BLAMING, Wishing for Pain, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP THOUGHTS, Stuff that comes with an Abusive Relationship, Self-Deprecation, OP venting in tags
Obedient whumpees.
Broken, miserable, boot-licking, obedient whumpees.
Whumpees that don't even try to talk back, not for lack of thought, but for the fear of it. Whumpees who come to want to be scolded, who want to be yelled at, and yet are afraid of the scorn. Whumpees who will do anything for their Whumper, their Whumper, and wish for that pain.
And they're disgusting for it.
They're a horrible, enabling, victim-mentality, worthless thing that doesn't deserve anyone's favor.
This, being yelled at for every little thing despite how hard they try, that's what they want, they know it deep inside, and yet they cling to the idea of being saved and for what.
A freak like them doesn't deserve love that's not toxic. But that's the beauty, isn't it?
Toxic, corrosive, burning love is what Whumper gives them, and it's what they work so hard to keep, because thats what they are.
An obedient whumpee.
A broken, miserable, boot-licking, obedient whumpee.
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rainysflowers · 3 months
CW/TW: Asking for Pain, Implied Self-Harm [KIND OF]
"I just don't understand." Whumpee mumbles the sentence, voice nigh inadible from where it springs, but catches Caretaker's attention none-the-less. Whumpee's head raises a bit, blank gaze no longer glued to the floor but instead then unknowable distance. "I wish you would hurt me."
Caretaker's lips flatten into a long line, brows furrowing and forehead flattening, hand twitching at aer side, unsure if ae should offer comfort by touch or not.
This isn't the first time Whumpee had expressed an interest in being abused for a reason that Caretaker couldn't even come close to fathoming, and ae knew that it wouldn't be the last, yet even so the whole thing makes ae sick to aer stomach. To be fair, what else were you supposed to feel when your best friend kept begging you to punish them?
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rainysflowers · 4 months
Do you think a Whumpee who's whole shtick is kissing Whumper's ass as to not get in trouble would eventually break down??
Not in front of Whumper, Heavens no, but when they're all by themselves, left chained in the basement while Whumper goes shopping or abandoned in their cell as Whumper does its job, do you think that they scream and cry and take out all of that pent up hate for the person they have to pretend for. Always pretending and for what, just to end up messing up and getting hurt for it anyways??? playing nice will last for a little, sure, but not always. But still they do it. Still they lick Whumper's boots, still they endure its rage, even if in the end it doesnt matter. theyll just kiss ass, wait to be alone, scream their lungs out, and do it all again and again and again
Just a thought
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rainysflowers · 30 days
“I could… I can… do it on my own. You know that…”
“But you don’t have to. That’s why I exist. You have your enemies, and I have their blood on my hands.”
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rainysflowers · 21 days
Hypocritical whumpers… need I say more??
…okay, fine. What about a Whumper who always gets upset over the littlest things, snapping over a loss in their favorite reality show. When Whumpee does the same… let’s just say the verbal dressing down they get about attitude is not pretty.
Or a Whumper who has a naturally upset/annoyed tone. God forbid that Whumpee does too, because that makes them defiant.
And so on.
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rainysflowers · 1 month
CWs/TWs: VAUGE Mention of Major Character Death
Something I think i'm particularly fond of that I don't see very often as a whump trope is "Character's body gives up on itself." It's a cliche that you could take sooooo many different ways
Character A has been going for as long as they remember, working towards their goals whilst trying to keep those around them happy at the same time. And when that amount of drive is added to a person who's gone through so much torture as A, you're bound to get a crash like no other.
Are they alone in this, are their friends to busy with their own tragedies to even notice what's going on with the one they know only as reliable and strong??
Is it noticed by the others, friends bewildered at the fact that their protector is suddenly so weak and at their mercy, acting like a little kid??
Do they fall apart slowly, organs seemingly randomly shutting down one by one, giving A a nasty illness the likes of which they could never even imagine??
Or does it come all at once, in the middle of the night, crippling A during a rest they thought would be like any other??
A has lived through much worse, so much worse, in their life, so this is nothing. Just a hiccup, a roadblock in the way of their rightfully earned success.
Then again, no one said your body had to be on the same page as your mind to keep you alive. And A's just pushed too hard.
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rainysflowers · 1 month
CWs/TWs: Self-Deprecation, Low Mental Health, Self-Blame, Similar Concepts
‘It is your fault, though. You know that.’ The statement blares through Whumpee’s mind each time it feels the tears well up and the overwhelming sense of loneliness start to devour its soul.
It’s the reason it’s so alone.
After all, it was the one who chose to self-isolate.
It’s better without it around, Whumpee knows that. It’s a bother to it’s so called friends (people who probably barely tolerated it and it’s stupid rambling brain), so it had to leave them.
It’s better like this.
Even though it hurts.
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rainysflowers · 3 months
‘They’re gonna yell at me for that.’
Its a thought that Whumpee finds running through its mind constantly. Popping up at any slight action.
Right now, it was because of the half full bucket of strawberries that sit on the shelf smack-dab in front of it. The little red fruits are at least a few days old, just a bit wrinkly, and to Whumpee, they look gross. Not the kind of thing that it wanted to eat.
And that made it a waste. A waste that was all Whumpee's fault.
'They're gonna yell at me for that.' For not eating the things that they had specifically asked Caretaker to get for it, and making them go bad. But that was okay, because it deserved the discipline, even if it hurt.
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'They're gonna yell at me for that.'
Whumpee stared at the tiny clock in the bottom right corner of it's laptop, back arched over in a way that was most definitely not good for it's posture and it's hands now still on the keyboard. The tips of it's fingers lightly brush the keys as it sits nearly still, mind racing with dread.
It really, truly hadn't realized that it was so late. It had told itself the moment it heard Caretaker come into the house that it would just watch the rest of that video then it would go and greet it's friend.
But it didn't.
Like the idiot it was, Whumpee got distracted, and now look at the time.
'They're gonna yell at me for that.' Whumpee cringes at the notion before mentally kicking itself. That was for the better. It needed to learn to be better anyways, and obviously all the previous verbal punishments hadn't done their job.
Then again, why did the thought of going to Caretaker and facing it's due retribution make it's insides rake.
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'They're gonna yell at me for that.'
The entirety of Whumpee's body is shivering like a leaf in a storm, head hunched deep into its shoulders and it's eyes blinking away tears.
It cannot bring itself to look at Caretaker, only keep it's gaze down and wait for the screaming to begin.
When and why on Earth did it get so defiant? That's the other thought that races alongside the former, both doing their best to make the interior of Whumpee's mind a living nightmare. The only thing that a worthless animal like it offered was whatever it's person asked of it, and yet it really couldn't do anything right.
It had failed with Whumper, and it had failed with Caretaker.
What was left but to take the punishment.
To wait for ae to yell at it.
Not but two or so steps in front of Whumpee, stood the aforementioned Caretaker, gaze slowly scanning the hunched over person that stood ahead of aer.
All they can see is someone who's been treated like shit for far too long.
"Oh, Whumpee." Caretaker's voice is just as soft as aer movements, slowly stepping forwards and wrapping its arms around aer friend. "There's nothing to be sorry about, don't worry."
In the corners of Whumpee's eyes it can feel the tears start to roll, but it manages to choke back its sobs.
"You being yelled at won't help with anything, and I know it just makes you sad. You're okay. You've done nothing wrong."
It goes to make a a rebuttal, but all that makes it out of it's throat is a loud croak. It's arms find their way weakly around Caretaker's waist.
"I'm not going to yell at you."
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rainysflowers · 3 months
Do you think that a Whumpee post-torture ever has to remind themselves to smile?
Like they'll just be by themselves, in their room, typing stuff on the computer as the overwhelming dread creeps over the bed where they sit. They should be asleep a while ago, but they can't bring themselves to bother, not when the next thing they'd be doing is waking up to another day. It weighs down their shoulders and their spine, posture like a vampiric gamer who's never left his room, and their face is as neutral as neutral could be.
But, their mind strikes up quickly, you've gotta smile. They draw their back upwards as their fingers trace their lips into a grin that lasts for but a few seconds. You've gotta smile, because you've gotta keep going.
You don't have a choice.
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rainysflowers · 24 days
Something I've been kinda obsessed with lately is the concept of pseudo-time loops. Like...
Whumpee and Caretaker have been kidnapped and thrown in a dungeon by Whumper in your classic "hurt them to hurt you" scenario. This means that everyday follows the same format. Whumpee is taken away. Whumpee is tortured. Whumpee is returned. Caretaker has to comfort them. Repeat. There is no diversion from this, every step the same, and there is no end in sight.
For all intensive purposes, this is what I mean when I say 'pseudo-time loop' in the most general form. A lot of the ways that I plan to use this are fandom specific, and a little complicated, so I wanted to simplify to a prompt that could work for anything.
How could you use this idea?? What whump concepts have you been obsessed with??
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rainysflowers · 3 months
Whumpee who's been in captivity for so long that they have lost track of time and recently escaped to the one place they remember by heart & caretaker(?) who just bought a house and has no idea who this person at their door is [though the last name does sound familiar, maybe from those sale documents...]
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rainysflowers · 3 months
"Don't worry, sweetheart." They leaned deeply over the divide in the pair's seating, hand gently cupping itself around Whumpee's kneecap. Their voice is kind, words coiling through the air, eyelashes heavy over their cheeks and lips split into a wide smile. It's one that most would find to be particularly comforting, especially after a panicked outburst like the one Whumpee had put on display not but a moment ago. "Everything is going to be okay."
Whumpee doesn't offer any such warmth in return, doesn't force their hand from its skin. It just jerks ever so slightly the moment their touch draws heavy against its own, gaze flicking quickly from it's companion to the windows and back, frame as rigid as ice, save for their quick breathing.
The feeling of Whumper's caress against it's body is a thing that it wouldn't wish on another in a million years, but it's better to lay down and take the discomfort than to be yelled at. At least, that's how it thinks.
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rainysflowers · 22 days
✨🌈 Whumpee Thoughts!! 🌈✨
CWs/TWs: Suicidal Thoughts (mostly passive), AGGRESSIVE Self Depreciation, Derealization, Self-Harm (Hitting)
“They’re going to yell at me about that later/tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to go to bed. I wish I’d never wake up again.”
“I’m such a stupid, worthless piece of shit that doesn’t even matter.”
“It’s not like I’m real anyways.”
“I don’t have the energy to do this.”
“What’s the point.”
“Nothings fun anymore, I don’t feel happy.”
“It would be better if I’m not around anymore.”
“No one needs me here.”
“I’m nothing but an annoyance to the people around me.”
“My friends—! Oh wait, I don’t have friends, I left them all.”
“Punch yourself. Slam your head into that wall. Break your head open. Bleed.”
“Everything I think is such bullshit, I’m such an attention whore.”
*Aggressively violent thoughts as response to minor triggers*
“I deserve it.”
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rainysflowers · 3 months
Whumpee flinches at the scream, even though it knows it shouldn't. There's nothing to be scared of, in the deepest threads of it's mind, it realizes that, and yet still, it cannot will itself to stop recoiling at loud sounds.
At Whumper's loud sounds, especially.
It's just lucky that Whumper didn't notice. No, their eyes are glued to the TV screen instead of the stressing Whumpee at their side. The pair had been sitting on the same couch only a few moments ago, watching Whumper's favorite reality show, but that peace had been shattered just as quickly as it was created when a contestant fumbled in their task, allowing the other team of players to pick up some game-winning ground. It was to this mistake that had sent Whumper to stand as they yelled, mouth wide and eyebrows furrowed so deeply you'd think their boss had told them they'd been fired. Or something else upsetting like that.
"You stupid idiot!!" They raved, forehead flat and arms waving wildly in front of them. Trying to dictate the inside of that screen that had offended them so. "This is so easy, even THEY could do it!! You dumbass!!"
Whumpee can't stare at their expression for too long without getting a pit in it's stomach or for it's breathing to pickup, body cringing at the idea of Whumper being mad at it instead of the television.
A swallow that sounds far too loud in Whumpee's mind, it's eyes flicking down from it's Whumper to the fabric of the couch, all whilst the sounds of anger continue to spray in the background.
"Hmph, typical of these fuckwits. Can't ever do anything right, huh Whumpee?" Whumper's arms come to rest at their sides, shoulders falling from the massive energy release they'd just gone through, gaze faltering from where it was once locked to the show.
It's when they get no immediate answer, they find a new place to direct their attention.
Their glare whips to it's left quick enough to see the tail end of a zoning out Whumpee, it's own frame stiffening and rising to look at Whumper.
That hatred gushes through their veins again.
"Oh, of course, you weren't even watching, were you, Whumpee?" The sentence cuts off whatever response it'd come up with in the time it took it to work the first question through that worthless brain of it's. "Not like you ever bother. You're so selfish. That and dense."
Whumpee shuts it's jaw slowly, breathing quick and fingers shaking as it watches Whumper turn the TV to some other channel before they start to walk away, throwing insults over it's shoulder as it goes. They toss the remote to the ground so hard that it bounces off the rug once before breaking open. Crystals of corroded battery acid sprinkle against the red, shaggy carpet, dusting it with white.
The formation of an apology stings the back of Whumpee's throat, but it cannot bring itself to say it through the tears it holds in the corners of its eyes.
"At least those goddamned losers on television aren't you, right Whumpee?" It's the last words that Whumpee can make out before Whumper is gone up the stairs, mumbling under their breath about what a disappointment the day, and the people, had been.
At least they aren't you.
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rainysflowers · 3 months
A whumpee with a safe space/comfort spot that's no longer accesable to them.
For example, maybe Whumpee felt most comfortable sitting in the darkness of their school's computer lab or the bean bag circle of their local library, but now that they don't live in the same place or graduated from school, they cannot go back.
Will they make a new spot for them to call home, or is their attachment to their old slot be too much to even think of overwriting??
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