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#be prepared /silly#it’s not even lore really#its just fucking drama#and trauma but like touché#not vitamin#ooc post#IM VIBRATING AT A SPEED THAT CAN SHATTER GLASS#PLS DONT FLOP#PLS PLS PLS
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Piccolo and Gohan fortnite are going to be real very soon. Vibrating at a speed that can shatter glass i NEED to see people make them do a bunch of silly dances or i will explode
YESSS I HEARD I AM SOOO HYPE. IM GOING TO GO APE SHIT!!!!!!!!!! piccolo doing the renegade will flood my timeline and consequently all who follow me. piccolo fortnite SWEEP BABYYYYYYYYY
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Before it Kills You Too (Ch2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3)
Fandom: Lore Olympus
Chapter Summary: When Hera gets into a car accident after a fight, Zeus has a moment to ruminate on their relationship. Written using the song “Wait” by Maroon 5 as a prompt.
Character Focus: Zeus
Please note!! This is the previous Ch2 snippets I posted + a new snippet (the new snippet starts with “I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”)
I’ve been having trouble with this chapter for a very long time, so I’ve decided to post it snippet-by-snippet, because that seems like the only way I’ll successfully finish this fic.
While this should be as close to the final version as it can be, anything in this snippet is subject to change when the full chapter comes out. (And, hey, to that end, if there’s anything you think needs to be edited here, please kindly let me know!!)
Im really excited about this snippet!! Definitely one of my favorite parts of the chapter!!
Thanks again SO much to those who support this fic and want to read more!! The fact that you want to read more really does mean the world to me!! I appreciate your kind comments so much!!
I’d really appreciate it if you could leave a comment and/or reblog!!! I’m not kidding when I say that makes my week!!
Tagging some folks who’ve shown interest!! @jayyy007 @autumnmoon21 @sunsetsofanemoia, @lynnie51 @what-the-fuckaroni @masquejj
And please do let me know if you’d like me to add you to a taglist for this fic, or message you when new snippets/the next chapter come/s out!!
Chapter 2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3:
Hera was standing in the crowded meadow, surrounded by her friends, laughing that girly little giggle full of sunshine that just about made Zeus’ heart ooze in a puddle out of his chest.
Her blue dress made her eyes look like two shimmering sapphires.
“Have I seen her in a dress that color?” Zeus inquired excitedly from behind the bushes.
“How can we know what you’ve seen?” Aidoneus muttered. “With you creeping around, you might have seen her naked for all we know.”
Zeus punched him in the arm, (lightly).
“I don’t think she’s worn a dress that color!” Posiedon bubbled.
“Thank you, Posiedon. At least someone can answer a question.”
“I think she looks like the sea on summer day.” He put his hands on his face, them sliding slowly.
Zeus eyed him. “Alright, keep it in your toga, Little Green Man.”
“Should we really be here?” Aidoneus muttered. “We weren’t invited.”
“Oh come on,” Zeus stood up, putting his hands on his hips. “Who wouldn’t want to see the King of the gods here?”
Poseidon grinned and stood up behind his brother. “No one!”
“Hestia, Demeter… assorted sane people.” Hades muttered as he stood to follow.
“If that’s sanity I’m glad I’m insane.” Zeus trilled as he strutted up to the entrance.
A cute pink nymph—(rather well endowed in the chestal region—not that he noticed!)—greeted them at the archway.
“Oh! Zeus!” She flushed and bowed. “It’s an honor. Welcome!”
“Why it’s an honor to meet you, my lady.” He kissed her hand, and she giggled. “See?” he turned to his brothers. “They’re delighted to have us.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling.” Hades muttered.
Hera was closer now; she smelled like summer, and she looked like it too. Poseidon was right about the ocean thing; she practically shimmered as she spoke with her friends.
“I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“Wait—!” Hades was soon swallowed by the crowd.
Zeus scooched behind her at lightning speed. One by one her friends began to take notice, their eyes widening.
Hera took a step back and would have tripped in surprise if he hadn’t caught her.
“Careful there, you might fall, Birthday Girl.”
“Oh, Zeus!” She looked up at him, the back of her head hitting his chest, “hi!”
That golden smile.
“I made you something!” As she spun to face him, he produced a little carving of a bird from his pocket. (And, no, he didn’t make it).
“Oh!” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, gently taking it from him, “It’s beautiful!”
All his responsibilities and stresses melted away with the sight of that smile, and he forgot there was anyone else at the party…in the world.
(…He wished he saw that smile anymore.)
Zeus’ chair was spinning empty at his desk before his assistant could say another word—
And Olympus wept, distant peals of thunder rending the sky into pieces.
Lightning crackled and cackled through his hair, creating violet tracks through the air, as Zeus sped through the sky.
It was freezing, and people were staring, but he didn’t care.
All that mattered was getting to his wife.
“My you look stunning.” Zeus sidled up behind his wife, running his fingers gently along her arm. “Is that a new dress?”
“New as that girlfriend of yours.” Hera grunted.
His eyes widened with shock, his voice with an indignant undertone to it. “Is something wrong?”
She paused a moment. He could see words fluttering behind her lips—(like they did so often, too often)—the words Yes you did something wrong, how can you not know?
He knew she wouldn’t believe him when he said he didn’t mean to hurt her.
“You weren’t invited,” she said softly.
“Not invited? Me?” He put his hand to his chest, like the thought of him ever not being welcome to somewhere was absurd. “To what?”
“The party, you nitwit!” She whirled around, her hair nearly whipping him in the face. “You just came barging in like you owned the place!”
“Well…to be fair—”
He stopped short at the look in her eyes, like two blue-hot flames.
He knew it was taking her a great amount of effort not to slap him.
“Do you know how long I’d been preparing for that?! How long it took me to get everything just right? I told you, but you never even listened, did you? And then you just barged right in!”
“Why are you so upset? What’s so important about a party?!”
“They were my friends.” Her gaze softened, and her tone became more serious. “They were—” Until she cut herself off, and her expression hardened as she whirled around, her hair billowing behind her.
“Bunny, wait!” His tone was softer too.
He wished she’d just turn around. That he could say sorry.
Was it really so hard? He should have started there.
Had he ever apologized for that?
He was always doing that; barging in where he wasn’t welcome. The world was his, yes but…he had to concede there were some parts of it he ought not just barge in on.
When he burst into the hospital, however, they wouldn’t dare tell him he wasn’t invited, wouldn’t dare tell him he couldn’t see her.
“Where. is my. wife?” Lightning slammed into a lamppost just outside the front door, shattering its glass box, and making the light spark, the rain pounding at the window like rabid dogs.
The desk clerk looked like she was about to pee out of sheer fear.
“Sh-sh-she’s not out of surgery yet, your majesty...I understand you want to see her, but I can’t let you…until-until they’re finished.” She was practically vibrating. “I assure you the moment she gets out, we’ll notify you.”
Surgery? He wanted to demand. She’s the queen of the gods, how could she be in surgery?
Electricity sparked in his eyes, trailing throughout his hair. He could say I demand you let me see her. He could say I don’t care! She’s my wife, and I’m not waiting! She’s fine! She’s the queen—she’s my queen—she won’t be hurt from a little car accident!
But there were some places he ought not just barge in on… and the surgeons room was probably one of them.
The lightning let out a sighing crackle, before he closed his eyes, his hair falling back upon his shoulders. It was then that he noticed he was dripping wet from head to toe. He sighed himself before muttering something like a garbled “I understand, thank you.” And turning to sit in the lobby. Behind him the desk clerk’s coworker held her to keep her from fainting.
He snapped his fingers, drying off, so as not to get their nice, barf-colored carpet all wet. Once he sat down in a chair—(the cushions didn’t have any cush to them)—a kid in the chair across from him scooched away.
He could have that kid lightly charred if he wanted.
Instead he settled for a nice glare, and reached over to pick up last month’s—(or maybe it was a few months ago)—issue of “Goddess weekly” listening to the rain die down to a drum.
The same old gossip. Usually if he picked one of these up he’d check for any news he ought to be aware of. You know, as the king. Not to mention the ladies weren’t unappealing. Now he flicked through without seeing any of it.
Speaking of ladies, there was a nymph sitting across the room from him, her skin blue, her ears down, and a cute little half smile. She surely wasn’t in here for anything serious. She kept glancing from her own magazine to him—but not in a nervous way. If he wasn’t mistaken, she wouldn’t be opposed to a session of hide-the-German-sausage.
If he wanted he could take her there in a darkened closet in the hallway. It wouldn’t take long—(if it didn’t need to…or it could take all night). That would be a nice way to relieve the stress bubbling in his body.
—Someone was laying next to him, her skin smooth, practically glowing. There was rather a lot of it exposed.
She turned over, her eyes fluttering open, a small smile creasing her features as she rolled onto his chest, tickling his chin with her fingers.
“I had a wonderful time,” she twittered, and he practically purred, staring into those big blue eyes, glittering like river stones.
He pushed her green hair behind her ear.
“Is that all? I’d like to think a night with the King of the gods would be more than merely ‘wonderful.’”
She giggled. “No no, it was much more than wonderful! It was spectacular! Mind-blowing!” She threw her arms in the air.
“That’s more like it.” He grinned—
When was that again? Two years ago, or two days ago?
It could have been either.
Had he apologized for that?
Would it have mattered if he had? Would she have forgiven him? Would he have stopped?—
Bile rose in his throat, and he dove his nose so hard into the magazine he almost smacked himself with it.
His wife was bruised and bleeding, and potentially worse in a nearby room, at the mercy of some quack holding a scalpel and a few comforting words…and here he was thinking of betraying her for the…
How many times had it been now?
He threw the magazine back on the table and sank in the chair till his head was nearly on the bottom cushion, his lip flapping his he blew out a breath, making his hair fly up a little.
The kid and his mom got called, and seemed glad of a reason to leave.
After a healthy dose of moping he pulled out his phone. After checking fatesbook and playing a few games he decided it was time to open his messages.
He didn’t want to be alone. He wanted some sensible and non-conjugal company.
He scrolled through and clicked on a name.
A number of old conversations sprinkled the page, often detailing Zeus asking about getting together and the correspondent saying they were busy.
He thought a moment about what to say—(a rare occurrence for him)—before deciding any vague requests would probably get ignored, so he simply decided the boldfaced truth:
Hera’s been in a car accident. She’s in surgery.
“WHAT?!” The word was spoken aloud—and very loudly at that.
Hades was standing in front of him. If the king being here wasn’t enough reason for weird looks, this outburst had sent more than a few eyes their way.
Zeus did a finger wave at the nymph, before he grabbed his brother’s arm, whisking him off to a less crowded hallway.
The only thing here was a vending machine, and a few overly picturesque pictures of trees.
“How did this happen?!” Hades shout-whispered.
“I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”
“I could have gathered that myself, thank you very much!” Hades was clearly trying not to shout. “What was she doing?! Where was she going?!”
Zeus rolled folded his arms. “Does it matter?”
“Sure it matters! Well at least it’d be good to know!”
“…I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?! What do you mean you don’t know?! She’s your wife—!”
“I said I don’t know!” he kicked the vending machine.
The air shattered and reformed itself.
Zeus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, his voice softening. “I…I don’t know.”
Two sides of him warred. One wanted to shout at Hades. He expected him to know where she was at all times? Oh yeah, that would go over well with her. What kind of helicopter husband would he be then?
And yet, it felt wrong for him not to know. Like some sort of failure. She was his wife. Shouldn’t he? Shouldn’t he have asked? Shouldn’t he care?
Hades’ gaze softened.
“I upset her.” Zeus murmured. “We got into a fight.”
Hades leaned against the wall. He was probably resisting the urge to say he could have gathered that too.
Zeus leaned his head forward onto the glass of the vending machine, his hair falling to the side, his reflection vaguely eyeing him.
“We got into a fight and she…I hadn’t even realized she went for a drive.” He paused, observing the chocolate and chips sitting in neat rows in the machine. “Do you think she liked Twyx?”
“Do you think she liked Twyx?”
Hades pondered it a moment. “Probably. She tends to like things with caramel in them.”
Zeus smiled wryly. “See? I didn’t even know that.”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to ask her all your burning questions about her favorite candy flavors very soon.”
“That’s not the point.” Zeus whispered.
Zeus was feeling a little off-kilter.
He nearly fell into a three-thousand drachma vase.
Okay, make that a lot.
The sound of heels on the staircase. The white one they’d painted for that one event…what had they been celebrating again?
His hazy gaze made her glitter even more than usual.
“Have I ever told you that you’re like the sea on a summer’s day?” Zeus’ voice came out blurry. He put his hand in his hair, trying to look sexy, you know, like the kind of guy you’d wanna forgive.
This was met by her hair slapping him in the face as she walked by him. She paused a few steps below him, turning.
“Is that alcohol I smell on your breath?”
“I may have had one—“ He hiccuped, “or five, appletinis.”
“And this is what? An intelligent conversation you’re trying to have?” She folded her arms over her chest.
“Actually,” he held up a finger. The action made him feel off-balance so he leaned against the railing, trying to land in a sexy pose. “There is something I wanted to say.”
“You’re barely coherent when you’re sober, at least spare me until then.”
He rolled his eyes—(and made himself feel even dizzier).
She turned to go back up the stairs.
“Wait!” He shouted.
She stopped, looked over her shoulder, eyes narrow as a cat’s. “What?”
“I-hic!” He covered his mouth as if embarrassed. Clearly emotion was dangerous. “I wasn’t trying to get wasted! I just-hic!-needed more than three or four to say this.”
“Oh yeah? Spit it out Grape Sorbet.” She folded her arms over her chest.
“I’m…” he held on to the railing for support. “I’m sorry.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
“You…You were right.” He took a step closer.
“About what?” Her breath bated.
“I just…I didn’t want to admit it. I couldn’t…” He looked away. “I couldn’t tell you sober.”
“About what?” The words had a rough edge to them, her chest heaving with breath.
Ah. She knew. She knew what he was going to say, even before he said it.
“I…I did cheat on you.”
“Wh-What?” Her eyes tinted red…but there was so much hurt in the word.
Fear and shame rose in tandem like ocean waves, threatening to bowl him over, and he realized that the truth wasn’t going to help at all. But all he could do was let it pour out of him.
“You-hic-You asked if I was with-hic—”
“Stop.” She covered her mouth as if to keep the worst words from spilling out, tears welling in her eyes.
“But I—”
“I said stop!” Her voice rang through the room like something shattering.
Maybe something was.
Her heels against the stairs, fast and sharp, and away.
Turn around please, let me apologize, let me explain, I won’t do it again.
He threw up in the vase.
“Daddy? What was that all about?” The small voice made his blood run cold. “What did you cheat at? Were you playing a game?”
Zeus turned, horrified, to see Ares, hiding behind a crack in the door.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at her.” He breathed. “It was stupid, really.”
Hades put a dollar in the vending machine and punched in a number.
“People say all kinds of things when they’re angry. Doesn’t mean you’re bad, just means you’re people. Which…” Hades looked him up and down, adding under his breath, “I wonder about sometimes.”
“...You must think I’m a terrible husband.”
Hades grabbed two chocolate bars and handed one to his brother.
“I think you need something sweet, maybe a little hydration, and some rest.”
Zeus unwrapped the bar and took a bite, not really tasting anything.
After a moment Hades sighed.
“It’s not so simple as that.” Hades said between bites, “I don’t necessarily think there’s such a thing as a ‘terrible husband’ or ‘the best husband.’ I…I don’t even think there’s such a thing as good and bad people. There’s just…people. There’s just husbands. But there are rules that come with being a person, and/or being a husband and…” he paused, trying to choose his words carefully, “you don’t always follow those rules.”
Zeus fell back against the wall, looking at the floor, denials dying in his throat.
It was raining.
No, actually it was pouring. And thundering. The lightning was like cracks in a collapsing sky, and Zeus’s gut was twisting like the snakes on the head of a gorgon.
“What? You-you think you can just undo this?!” Hera’s words were biting. “It’s done!” Her laugh was wry and sardonic, like an ache in her throat, red tainting the blue of her eyes. “You can’t just fix something like that! Once someone cheats at the game no one else just keeps playing!”
“It was a mistake! One stupid night!”
“One stupid night, huh?! Then how do you explain this?!” She held up his phone. The pictures. The…Oh Gaia.
The snakes in his gut bit down, and he bit his lip looking away. He hadn’t known she knew about that.
“You’ve got it all wrong! That was just—!”
“I thought you were different!” She bit off his excuse, the anger cracked, and the pain was bleeding through, and he wasn’t the only one making it rain: A tear fell down her face, then another, her mascara running black along her cheeks. “You made me smile, you made me laugh! You saved your brothers from your father. And I thought we could make a kingdom—a world—together!” She shook her head, grimacing, trying and failing to keep more tears from falling. “I thought we could be something!”
“We are! We have! I just made a mistake! I—!”
“No, Zeus.” There was a finality to her tone.
Tears streamed down her face now. He hated it when she cried. She didn’t do it often, and whenever she did he was ready to smite whoever hurt her but…he’d hurt her worst of all.
“I thought you were different. But you’re—“ the words were like an antique vase, riddled with cracks. “You’re just another bad guy.” She punched him in the arm, and the vase broke, the defiance into pain. She punched him in the arm…but it was weak and far too soft, and that’s how he knew she was really hurt; she could bring the sky down on him if she wanted.
She looked down at her hand, twisting her wedding ring with a finger.
“I’m staying with a friend tonight.”
Her wedding ring tinkled on the floor.
As she turned and walked away the word rang out like he was hoping his voice alone could rewrite his sins and bring her back:
She didn’t stop, didn’t turn, didn’t make any indication she’d even heard him.
“Please…Please just wait.” These were soft.
He fell to his knees on the marble, scooping up her wedding ring and enclosing it in his fingers, holding it to his forehead, and trying not to bring the sky down upon himself.
He’d seen her angry. He’d seen her sad. But this? Seeing her break for him…was so much worse.
It reminded him too much of another time. Of a scar on her stomach. How she broke herself just to be his.
—(And he wondered, for a fleeting moment, if it would have been better if he had been the one to break.)—
“There you are!” Said a voice. “You can come see her now,”—a cleared throat— “your Majesty.”
Notes: Aright, so this chapter had a few things I was unsure about I thought I’d ask about here!
1. Does anyone have any other clever play-on-words for candy brands? I feel like Zeus would know that she likes caramel in general, so it’d make more sense if Hades said “she likes [X similar candy] so she’d probably like Twyx.” But Twyx is all my brain came up with and I don’t even know that it’s all that good XD
2. I’m aware that the gods don’t call each other “people” they call each other “beings.” However, Hades’ lines don’t have as much impact with “beings.” Did the fact that I used “people” stick out too much? Should I change it to “beings”?
3. I know Ancient Greek wedding ceremonies are different from ours, and they might not even have wedding rings. But that image was so impactful for me I decided to use it. Should I remove it? Or did you find it impactful?
Please let me know if there’s anything you felt was inaccurate to their characters!!
Thanks so much for reading!! 💕💕
#lore Olympus#lore olympus zeus#lore olympus hades#Zeus lo#hades lo#hera lo#lore Olympus hera#lo zeus#lo hades#lo hera#lore olympus fanfiction#lore olympus webcomic#lore Olympus webtoon#rachel smythe#usedbandaid#lore Olympus fic#lore olympus fanfic#hera x zeus#Zeus x hera#lo#lo webtoon
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ADHD sides hcs :3c
self projection time? self projection time
feel free to add ur own hcs onto this im jus usin my own experiences here
startin w PATTON
emotional regulation? who’s she? patton only knows feeling emotions with Every Single Atom in his body so powerfully he might one day Explode
if he’s happy hes HAPPY!!!!! it’s like his body fills with light and he’s walking 2 feet off the ground and nothing could go wrong — and then whoops, something goes wrong, and wh o o ps, hes crying, whoops —
has a million stuffed animals sitting aLL around the house so he always has something to Squeeze
Squeezing is a good stim dont @ me
he throws his whole body into stimming
flapping, bouncing, jumping, spinning — his body must be moving at all times or he will die
starting things is. Very very hard for him. executive dysfunction hits DEEP and he’s just,,, paralyzed. he wants to do the thing!!! he really does!!! his brain just Wont Let Him
logan used to get very frustrated with him but then patton like, explained how it felt and a little lightbulb went off in logan’s head
“patton, I think you have adhd.”
“... i’m guessin that doesn’t mean im a-delightful-hip-dad?”
then they did some Research together and put together a plan to help patton work around executive dysfunction and, it works, sometimes
when it doesnt, logan makes hot cocoa and sits with him
“Hey, Pat, what’s for dinner?” “huh?” “I said, what’s for —” “meATloaf”
hearing is an uphill struggle so sometimes he just Signs instead but a lot of the time he gets so excited about what he’s trying to say he just dissolves into flapping halfway through the sentence
lots of hyperfixations !!!! so many !!! he cycles through em one after another suuuuper quickly
he never forgets a hyperfixation, and the mention of ANY old hyperfixations will have him cry-flapping
roman: hey did u know they’re making another phineas and ferb movie -
patton, vibrating intensely and sobbing, .5 seconds away from launching into orbit: theYR E MAKING A WHAT
singing is his absolute FAVORITE STIM
that moment where u reach a point in a song where ur chest just, Swells and u can feel ur voice Vibrating ? yeah
sometimes Does Not warm up beforehand bc ??? he has No Choice but to sing along to certain songs and he cant always control when they come on so his voice sometimes gets Very Raspy from belting without warmups
aside from that twirling and doing Ballet Poses are also very good stims. he stick his leggy out Real Far mmhm
roman: *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt fin
his room is a MESS and NO he will NOT clean it LOGAN he has a SYSTEM
he doesnt have a system and the mess stresses him out to no end but he has one (1) braincell and it’s dedicated to Starting Projects And Not Finishing Them so
needs validation to survive
like legit if he doesnt get validation he will DIE
on the flip side, if he gets any sort of rejection, he will also Die
logan: so I read through your latest script, and the idea is solid. We can definitely work with this. I did notice one oddly structured sentence so I fixed that for you —
roman: so you basically hate it and i should die
rejection sensitive dysphoria is the one villain he has yet to figure out how to slay
contrary to what u might think, he keeps his hyperfixations Very close to his heart. he doesnt think he would survive it if one of the others were to criticize them
the one exception to this rule: disney.
you cant look at this boy and tell me hes not hyperfixated on disney i mean did you s E E him in that one ep cmon
he will ramble about disney to anyone who will listen for hours. days, even, if you give him the opportunity. infodumping about disney is like injecting pure sunlight right into his bloodstream; by the end of it he’s glowing
once, after accepting anxiety, virgil and roman ended up in another debate about the Meanings of disney movies, but this time it was friendly, and by the end of it roman had gotten to ramble about each and every one of his favorite movies and he had never been happier
it was the first time virgil ever saw him Flap
they still get together to talk disney sometimes
virgil: *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while liste
like roman, Music is virgil’s main stim, but he prefers to just. Move. bouncin his leg and drumming his hands in the air and shaking his head etc etc
it takes. literally foreVER for him to trust the others enough to stim around them. music is his main comfort but, for a Long Time, he wouldnt let himself listen to it when the others were around, just bc he knew he’d want to stim and he couLDNT bc what if he got juDGED
but then one day roman starts singing and patton jumps up and starts spinning and virgils like “???” and logans like “that’s how they stim” and virgils like “!!!!”
he Tappy Leg Real Fast
he also has a string of beads he carries everywhere to twist around his fingers bc bead,,, Good Texture
he struggles with rsd just as badly as roman, but he shows it in a Different Way
roman hurts, but hes an actor. he’s not about to invite more rejection by letting them know how much their words hurt! no no no, he keeps up the bravado until hes back in his room and then he breaks
but virgil. the rsd hits and its like, a physical blow to his chest and he crumples, wilting in on himself, and the world around him just sorta, ebbs away. for virgil, rsd is static
after AA the others start to learn his Signs for when hes feeling Bad™ so whenever he shrinks away they’ll stop the conversation and talk him through his insecurities until he feels better
went to Halloween Horror Nights one (1) time and now listens to the music on repeat and just. stims for hours
also hes in love with austin gumbam from academy of villains me? self projecting? never
knows Every Obscure Fact from Every Horror Movie Ever and the urge to infodump is Consntantly at the forefront of his mind but he Never Does
unless someone gives him permission
virgil: oh? chucky? thats a. cool movie. did you know that — uh. nvm
logan: no no, go on
virgil, vibrating at a speed that could shatter glass: iF YOU INSIST-
this bitch is just as bad at Emotional Regulation as patton
hes just better at hiding it
that little stunt w the paper in lntao? he is Constantly .5 seconds away from going apeshitt. that was just A Glimpse into the chaos
he’s just,,,, very very bad at Identifying what he’s feeling. patton hid his feelings from the others, but he still knew what he was feeling, and he knows how to identify emotions
logan, on the other hand?
logan: passion and anger are both Hot. they must be The Same Thing
patton: i. i mean. not really
logan: goddamnit
patton: logan? are you crying?
logan, touching his cheek and finding Tears: hm. tragic. and here i thought i was “happy”
he’d much rather just,,, Not feel but thats not an option bc he still feels things intensely, he just doesnt know What he’s feeling most of the time
quiet stims. he runs his hands along the fabric of his tie, feeling the grooves of the stitches, and readjusts his glasses constantly. if he’s feelin extra wild, he’ll even pull out his rubix cube and solve and re-solve it without even looking
LOTS of obscure hyperfixations
he has so many books on so many different subjects,,,, his room is more of a library than a bedroom and thats just the way he likes it
throwback to that one time he hyperfixated on reptiles and thomas’ little “slimy boy” outburst had him chasing deceit around the mindscape trying to feel his scales “FOR SCIENCE”
memory. problems.
he HATES hates hates hates the fact that things slip his mind so easily. hence, the notebook, and the daily planner, and the deluge of postits hanging around his bedroom
it frustrates him to no end especiaLLY when he forgets important information in front of thomas
patton watches out for the signs of Frustration and brings logan a cup of tea later than day and helps him sort through the Mess of notes on his desk to catalogue the Important Info
just let logan and patton be adhd buds @god bls i beggeth
but when he does remember The Information and thomas praises him? effervescent
logan, after thomas called him cool, kicking down pattons door: I FINALLY KNOW WHAT HAPPINESS TRULY FEELS LIKE
patton: hey! cool your jets there, kiddo!
patton: :3c
logan, turning around: neveRMIND
patton: nO WAI T-
the day thomas called him cool was the first time he ever Flapped
#patton sanders#roman sanders#virgil sanders#logan sanders#sanders sides#adhd#sanders sides hcs#celeste's portfolio#woop w o o p#very Basic™ but im jus like. throwing some of My Experiences at the sides and seein what sticks so#out of this im like. mostly patton n roman#espe c I A LLY roman's singing stim my voice is SHOT rn bc ive been singing nonstop without warming up#adhd sides#legit pls add onto this !!!! i wanna see what experiences Others have
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Bite Me.
At this rate,
I might go blind with jealousy.
If this was your plan,
it worked very well.

[song inspiration : MONSTA X - Jealousy + Destroyer + Fallin’ + Special]
info: im changkyun x oc x featuring monsta x genre: vampire!au, supernatural!au, possessiveness, reckless behavior, smut, dirty talk, blood play, rough sex, choking, fingering, oral, anal play, unprotected sex word count: 7.4k a/n: after the release of the Jealousy video, it inspired me to write a cliche vampire fic, and I give zero fucks about it. Enjoy this porn without plot and don’t forget to read the Epilogue!

Inhale. Exhale.
That’s what I have to tell myself as I watch her move with an air of confidence I have never seen in a human before, back straight, head held high. How desperately I wanted to knock that self confidence right out from under her. Destroying her would be a dream, one in which I planned to bring to fulfillment.
I eyed her perfect curves, sculpted seamlessly by that tight black bodycon dress, offset by a leather jacket and Louboutin’s with the red sole. She was tall, her heels only making her even more so, and that much more intimidating to everyone else around her.
Everyone except me.
Her thin fingers with the long black coffin shaped nails wrapped loosely around her glass filled with whiskey, red lips carefully touching the rim as she sipped. Those pale green eyes weren’t missing a thing as she scanned her surroundings, keeping an eye out for her ditzy friend who had thrown herself into the arms of a dickbag who continued feeding her far too many drinks for anything to be consensual at this point.
A heavy hand clasped onto my shoulder, my now amber colored eyes not daring to move from my prey as I stared through the black beaded curtain. The hand remained as my eyes began to narrow possessively, a well dressed, good looking man approaching my intended treat for the night. My instincts were to intervene, humiliate him in front of her with the thoughts rolling through his mind as I read them from across the room, but I knew my brother would pull me back as soon as I tried.
“Let it go, Changkyun.” Hyungwon said softly, his voice hitting my ear as clear as a bell, even with the loud music all around us. I shook off the tall man defiantly, my lip curling in irritation.
“Bite me.”
I spat, folding my arms over my chest as I watched the scene play out in front of me. She eyed him darkly, her expression not hiding her disinterest as she brushed her white hair from her shoulder. I tried focusing on her, trying to hear her undoubtedly unamused thoughts on the matter, but found I could not.
“You can’t read her thoughts, can you?” he questioned, obviously seeing the confusion on my face. I shook my head, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Can you?” I inquired of him, curious if he was having the same issue.
“No, I can’t. She’s far too strong minded, which is why I’m telling you to let it go. She’s unpredictable. You remember what happened the last time you took one like her, don’t you?” his tone a warning, one I was not going to tolerate tonight.
“How could I forget with you constantly reminding me, brother?” I let my eyes fall back to their natural hue and grabbed my drink before shoving the curtain aside, marching directly towards that delicious meal. I could practically smell how sweet the blood was that was pulsing through her veins.
I wanted her and I was going to have her. Period.
As I came into her line of sight, her pale orbs locked onto me, a smirk coming to her lips. Almost like she knew exactly what I was about to do. Her arm outstretched towards me, beckoning me to her as if we were intimate lovers. I let a sinister smile crawl across my lips as I watched the man who had his hand around her waist without her consent, without my consent, go completely pale.
I was feared and revered, and he knew exactly what was about to happen next.
“My darling,” she called sweetly, fingers sliding along the back of my neck as I watched his hand drop from her waist. “there you are. I wondered where you had wandered off too.” I let my hand glide along her hip, encircling her until my fingers gripped her ass.
“Just had a little business to attend to, my love. I see you’ve made a friend in my absence.” I peeled my eyes from her reluctantly, landing on the terrified man next to us, hearing, ‘oh shit, oh shit, oh shit’ going off like a record stuck on repeat.
“Ah, I’m afraid that I’m terrible at making friends then, because I don’t even recall his name. What was it again?” I sneered, she was absolutely ruthless. He sputtered, his thoughts blanking out in fear as he began to step back.
I let my hand slide around her front, resting along her taut stomach as I placed my face only inches from his. My eyes visibly sizing him up, from his leather Gucci shoes, all the way to his Armani suit. It was men like him I always enjoyed making feel like an inferior little bitch.
And I had succeeded, once again.
“It’s okay, love, I already know his name.” his adams apple bobbed as he swallowed heavily, his drink dropping to the marble floor, shattering. “If I see your face again, mine will be the last you ever see.” he nodded frantically, frozen in place. I jerked my head in the direction of the door and he immediately spun and quite literally ran for his life.
Slowly, I moved back into my previous position, but rested my hand on her lower back instead. I scanned the room, finding Hyungwon who was smiling and shaking his head at me. I raised my glass to him, nodding slightly, then returning my attention to the gorgeous three-course meal next to me.
“I’ve been looking for a reason to scare him off for weeks.” I confessed, my eyes unable to move from her tempting lips, which smirked at me in amusement.
“Have you now?” I nodded in response, letting go of her to set my glass down onto the bar, the bartender instantly topping it off as I leaned against the counter. She turned that glorious figure in my direction, leaning her hip against the surface, placing her glass down as well for the man to give her the same treatment, which he gladly did.
“I have a proposition for you.” I told her, getting straight to the point. She seemed amused by my bluntness, cocking her head to the side slightly, making herself appear innocent, though she clearly was not. “No introductions first?” my teeth capture my bottom lip, thoroughly intrigued by the woman before me.
“I.M, but you can call me Changkyun.” I held my hand out to her palm up, waiting for her reply.
“I’m Petra. Lovely to meet you, Changkyun.” she placed her hand in mine, it soft and warm against my cold skin, but she didn’t seem to notice the temperature difference. Pulling upward, I planted a slow kiss to the back of her hand, our eyes locked.
“Well, Petra, are you satisfied with that introduction and ready to hear my proposition?” I asked, stepping closer, her body heat radiating into me. “Shoot, big boy.” my head flew back in a laugh at the pet name, never having been called that before.
She would regret it later, I would make sure of it.
“Come home with me. I’ll have one of my brothers make sure your friend gets home safely, without that sleazeball that’s been feeding her too many drinks to try and get an easy lay. She’ll be in good hands, and so will you.” I whispered into her ear, lips brushing the shell gently. To my surprise, her heartbeat didn’t speed up very much, but remained fairly calm.
“How about this, I make sure she gets home safely with your help, and then you come home with me.” she countered, fingers pressing against the chains on my chest, revealed by my half unbuttoned black shirt.
“Tsk, tsk. That wasn’t the deal, love.”
“I’m not some helpless sheep you can just lure into your trap, like a wolf ready to feast on his prey, Changkyun. No, I’m a wolf in sheep’s clothing, getting you right where I need you, so I can get my claws into you. This is the deal now, take it or leave it. I can just as easily go home alone.” my eyebrow raised as I stared at her, eyes wandering her beautiful face, imagining what it would look like twisted in pleasure.
“I suppose you could, but is that actually what you want?” I pressed, placing a whisper of a kiss behind her right ear. A shudder she couldn’t control rolled through her body, giving me a satisfied feeling as I felt the vibration. She was breakable, no matter how hard of a front she put forward.
“Of course it isn’t. I want you to fuck me so hard that my makeup is running down my face, because all I can do is sob in response. But, I’m not a fucking idiot, Changkyun. It has to be on my turf or not at all.”
We were at a stalemate at this point, neither of us wanting to give in to the other. Mine for selfish reasons, and hers for safety precautions, which was admirable. Most women didn’t even think twice before leaving with me, assuming I was a decent man because of my polite and seemingly refined demeanor.
How very wrong they were.
“Fine. We’ll do it your way, but we leave as soon as your friend is safely in her vehicle, and we take my car.” she pushed on my chest, making me take a step back. “Fine. I didn’t drive here anyway. I’ll go get my friend away from that creep finally, and then we can leave.” spinning, she turned to walk off, but I caught her upper arm and pulled her back.
“Already done, love.”
I informed her, nodding my head in the direction of my other brother Wonho, who had her friend supported at the waist by his large arms, her purse in his other hand as he guided her to the door. For the first time that night, I saw an expression other than confidence, clearly shocked by the fact that this was all being taken care of without me leaving her side to make it come about.
“My car is out front, you can bid your friend farewell and then we can go have our fun.” her composure quickly returned as I held my arm out for her to take, her fingers wrapping around my bicep as I began walking us towards the exit.
People instinctively moved out of our way, clearing a path as their eyes watched us pass. I could feel her pulse increasing with each step closer to the door, the stares undoubtedly getting to her, but her face and posture didn’t show a trace of it. I was impressed, and that was not an easy thing to do.
Once we got outside, the cool night air hit us full force, making me take in a deep breath. There was nothing more satisfying than breathing in fresh air after hours of being inside a stuffy underground club. It was almost as good as feeding off a new prey.
My head turned to the right, looking past Petra to see Wonho helping her idiot friend into one of our many cars, smiling up at him with much interest. Him being the gentleman he was, chose to ignore her advances caused by her diminished self preservation, due to all of the alcohol consumption. Petra dropped my arm and strolled over to her friend, swiftly taking over the situation as I watched from the sidelines.
“Do you ever learn, brother?” Jooheon questioned as he appeared to my left, those deep dimples in his cheeks as he grinned devilishly at the scene before us. Petra finally got her to stay in the car, telling her it was okay and to call her in the morning when she woke up.
Wonho tapped the top of the all black Audi, signally for the driver to go. I watched her eye my elder brother, sizing him up as he smiled down a her with that charming expression. She returned his smile, linking her arm with his and guiding him with her back to me. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my black perfectly tailor dress pants, a smug look on my face that I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Maybe I should go home with your brother, Changkyun. That adorable smile is nearly impossible to resist.” she remarked, tilting her head slightly as she laughed, Jooheon and Wonho laughing with her.
“I mean, if that’s what you really want, be my guest. Just know that he’s a much more submissive man than myself, or even my brother Jooheon here. But, that’s your choice. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” her tongue darted out to run over one of her canines, eyebrow raised.
“Maybe some other time, pretty boy.”
Her hand patted his large chest, declining my offer as she walked backwards away from him. Jooheon seamlessly stepped in front of me, arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her back against his chest. He breathed her in, my eyes rolling at his dramatics.
“I can assure you, I am far from submissive, kitten.” he growled into her ear. Turning her head towards him, she smirked. “Not today, Princess.”
He removed himself from her, stepping back and gesturing for me to go ahead. I let my hand slide around her waist, eyes quickly meeting hers, which were already dilated and filled with lust. My own car came to a stop in front of us, Shownu stepping out of the driver’s seat, a look of disapproval on his striking features.
Opening the door, I gave her my hand to steady her as she descended into the vehicle. I shot her a wink before shutting the door behind her carefully, spinning to find Shownu, Jooheon, Wonho, Kihyun, Hyungwon and Minhyuk all standing there. A loud sigh escaped my chest as I came up to them, looking Shownu dead in the eyes.
“I remember what happened last time, brother. It’ll be fine.”
I assured him, ready to leave and be out of their line of sight and far away from their influences as I could be. We were a powerful coven, even more powerful when we were all together. Our persuasiveness and ability to manipulate was immensely strong, even on each other, and I could feel them trying to influence my decision now.
“Changkyun-” Kihyun started, but I cut him off.
“I said it’ll be fine and that’s what I meant. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Farewell, brothers.” I straightened my back, making my way to the driver’s seat and climbing in without a second look.
Shifting into gear, I sped off, the tires squealing on the damp pavement. Petra sat with her legs crossed, her tight dress molding around her thick thighs, making my mouth water. I glanced over at my GPS, her address already inputted into the system, making me smirk in satisfaction.
“You said they were your brothers…are they all?” she questioned, her tone unsure of whether or not she should ask. Reaching over, I rested my hand at the top of her thigh, squeezing slightly.
“Yes.” the words fell off my tongue smoothly, the sound of her pulse quickening in my ears. She shifted in her seat a little, causing my hand to fall further up her leg, cock already beginning to stiffen within my slacks. I could feel my eyes shifting from their usual dark brown, to the amber color they turned when I felt the urge to feed. I needed to get it back under control.
“Do you wish to know more?” I offered to her, sensing her hesitation and using the opportunity to calm myself by thinking of them and their disapproval instead. “No. I can think of much better things to talk about.” she responded simply, her hand moving to cover mine, head turning to look at me instead of out the windshield.
“Is that so, hm? Do tell.” unbuckling her seatbelt, she turned in her seat, brought her lips to my ear and whispered.
“You can tell me everything you want to do to me, for starters.” a growl erupted within my chest, fingers digging into her thigh as she slowly moved back to sit properly. She was proud of herself, that smug smile on those pretty lips that I wanted wrapped around my cock right now.
I leaned forward slightly, hand moving down her leg until I found the hem of her dress, pulling the stretchy material up her smooth legs slowly. She let a hiss out through clenched teeth as the pads of my fingers skimmed the inside of her knee, her legs separating almost entirely of their own accord.
“How about I show you what I’m going to do right now, instead.”
My hand slid under the dress, fingers inching upward at a snail’s pace, her heart now pounding against it’s cage in her chest. I finally reached her heat, realizing she had no underwear on underneath that damn dress, making me groan out loud. She was so wet already, my nose just now picking up on it, the scent intoxicating to my heightened senses.
“First off, naughty.” I slapped her mound lightly, a whimper coming out of her in response. “Secondly, for how collected you appear on the outside, you certainly are wet for me, aren’t you?” she nodded slowly in response, that hardened exterior rapidly crumbling before my very eyes.
“That makes slipping my fingers inside that tight pussy of yours even easier, doesn’t it?”
I let one digit slide between her folds, her hands gripping the edge of the seat harshly as I entered her. Her head fell back against the leather, eyes closed as her lips parted to let out a sigh. I felt her tight walls constrict around my finger, causing me to add another in response. She reached over with her left hand, grabbing my thigh and digging her nails into it.
We came upon a red light moments later, I hit the brakes and removed my fingers from her, slamming the car into park before ripping my seatbelt off. I turned my body to her, grabbing the back of her neck and bringing her mouth to mine. My index and middle finger dove back into her heat as our tongues tangled together, her hands in my hair as she moaned.
Curling my fingers in a come hither motion, her back lifted off the seat, pushing her breast against my chest as she tugged at my hair. There was a loud honk behind us, swiftly snapping me from the moment. I withdrew my fingers once again, making her whine in complaint as I continued our journey.
My hands clutched the wheel like a vice, knuckles turning white in the process. She turned to me once she realized I wouldn’t be touching her anymore, hands finding my belt buckle and undoing it quickly. She reached into my boxers after freeing me from my slacks, grabbing my stiff cock and pulling it from it’s confines.
Sitting on her knees, she bent over my groin, then tapped the seat to signal me to move it back. After I did, her warm wet mouth enveloped me and dragged a low growl out from deep within my chest. I took my right hand from the steering wheel, tangling it into her hair at the back of her head.
My foot hit the gas harder as she sucked on the head, tongue toying with the vein on the underside inbetween sucks. I weaved in and out of traffic, finally able to drive at my normal speed since she was no longer looking. We would be there in minutes at this rate.
“Fuck, your mouth feels so damn good wrapped around my dick.” I praised, running my nails along her scalp in the process, her humming in response. I glanced down at the GPS as she continued, seeing we were merely a few hundred feet away from her apartment.
I pulled up in front of her building at a speed way too fast for a human to park without hitting another parked car, but I did it with ease. I gripped her hair harshly, pulling her mouth off of me and bringing it to mine, kissing her roughly. She pulled away moments later, a string of saliva still connecting us.
“Get inside.” I demanded as I tucked myself back into my pants before exiting the vehicle with her. She fixed her dress as she stood, smoothing it down carefully as she waited for me. Her eyes found mine, holding her long fingers out to me, which I laced with my own while she tugged me with her up the steps.
She punched in the code to get into her building, it being on the higher end of apartments in this city, which I found impressive. I should have expected she was well off, considering the caliber of clothing and physical maintenance she obviously partook in. We made our way down the hall to the elevator, it opening immediately. She pressed the 20th floor, my eyebrows raising in surprise, knowing the higher the floor, the better the living space.
I leaned back against the wall on the opposite end of the elevator, eyeing her with lust and thirst all at the same time. She returned my gaze, her face composed, but her heartbeat rapid and inconsistent.
I could not wait to sink my fucking teeth into her.
A loud ding sounded off, letting us know we had reached our floor, the doors opening slowly. She marched over to me, grabbing me by the chain under my shirt and dragging me with her as she walked backwards out the door. Taking her by the shoulders, I pushed her up against the nearest wall, pushing my knee between her legs as I connected our lips.
“Come on, Changkyun. I can’t wait anymore and I really don’t want the bougey old lady next door to see us fondling each other in the hall.” she said between kisses, her hand coming down to cup my erection over my slacks. “Oh, come on, the old bitch would probably enjoy the show.”
She let out a chuckle and pushed me off of her, striding off down to the very end of the hall to her apartment door. I let my hands settle on her hips as she searched her purse for her keys, my lips kissing along her exposed neck. Once the door was opened, I shoved her inside and slammed it shut behind us. I grabbed her waist to pull her flush against me, my cock hitting her backside.
“Do you want to take me to the bedroom, or would you rather I fuck you right here in the foyay, because I can do either.” I whispered into her ear, feeling my fangs threatening to protrude at the thought of getting to be inside of her finally.
“First things first,” her hands removed mine from her waist, then she spun to face me, eyes clouded with desire. Reaching out, she hooked her fingers into the chain again, pushing me until my back hit the door with a thud, causing my cock to twitch at the roughness.
“I know what you are.”
My eyes narrowed, the color changing automatically as I stared at her. Her eyebrow raised, a smirk coming to her lips, the red lipstick that had been there earlier, was now long gone. I opened my mouth, barring my teeth as my fangs slid out of their sheaths. She wasn’t alarmed at all. If anything, it appeared to make her even more aroused than she already was.
“Did you plan on killing me?” she questioned, not an ounce of fear in her tone. I clicked my tongue at her, then began toying with one of my fangs with the tip of it.
“Hadn’t decided yet.”
“And now?” she probed as she stepped closer to me, her warm breath fanning over my face.
“I guess that depends.” I responded, my hand coming up to wrap around her wrist as she continued clutching the chain at my chest.
“On what?” she pressed.
“Well, then I have a proposition for you.” she had my attention now. “Go on then, love.” I encouraged, my index finger tracing a pattern along the inside of her wrist, feeling the pulse beneath it increase.
“I’ll give you what you need, whenever you need it, if you don’t kill me tonight. Day or night, you can have it and me at all times. No argument, it’s yours. I’m yours.” I inhaled deeply, gently unwinding her digits from the metal along my chest, then intertwining them with mine as I stepped towards her.
“And what exactly are you getting out of this, darling?” I reached out, removing the purse from her hand and dropping it to the floor, interlocking our other hands as I pushed her further into the apartment.
“What I want.”
“And what, pray tell, would that be?” I asked, leaning in to kiss along her neck, tongue lapping at her flesh as I did, making her let out a groan.
“I get to be fed off of and I get you.”
My lips traveled up to her ear, taking it between my teeth before speaking. It all made sense to me now, everything about her. My inability to read her thoughts, the way she could control her demeanor around me, her heartbeat for the most part and the way she carried herself. All of it, made perfect sense.
“You were a blood whore.” she nodded, her pulse quickening. “That’s why you are the way you are. Why you can block your thoughts from me, control your heart rate and how much I can influence you. You’ve been taught by another of my kind.”
“Yes.” her voice came out breathy as my hands let go of hers, moving to her waist as I pushed her back towards the hall. She carefully slipped out of her shoes one by one, myself making sure she didn’t lose her footing.
“Which door?” I demanded as we came into the hallway.
“Last one.” pushing her quicker, we finally reached her bedroom door and I slammed her back against it, pressing the length of my body to hers. I hovered over her lips, eyes taking in all of her that I could in that moment.
“So, you want to be my blood whore, huh?” my right hand wrapped around her neck loosely, her breath catching in the back of her throat as I did. “Is that a yes, or a no? Because, if you’re going to be mine, all of you is going to be mine. I do not share. Ever. I’ve made that mistake before and I won’t do it again.” I snarled, squeezing lightly, her eyes rolling back into her head as they closed.
“Yes, that’s what I want. You and only you.”
“Good. Now, get in the bedroom, we have business to attend to.” wrapping an arm around her waist, I opened the bedroom door and moved us inside, not bothering to shut it.
I let go of her, walking around and sitting myself down on her large white silken sheet covered bed. I ran my hand over the fabric, enjoying the feel of it on the palm of my hand. It was a shame it would be in shambles by the time I was done with her.
“Come here.” waving her over, I spread my legs wide so she could stand between them. She dropped the leather jacket from her shoulders, revealing her tight off the shoulder dress, her entire neck on display to me now. How I couldn’t wait to litter her body with my marks. It was almost unbearable.
Once she stood between my thighs, her fingers reached out and grabbed my shirt and then forcefully ripped it open, buttons flying off in the process. I let her remove it from me, watching her facial expressions carefully. She was thoroughly enjoying this, but so was I.
I was left in nothing but my slacks and the chain across my torso, those green eyes taking in every inch of uncovered flesh. Moving my hands up, I went to unfasten the metal, but she quickly stopped me by taking hold of my wrist.
“No, leave it on, please.” she begged, leaning down to press those addicting lips to mine softly. Deciding to oblige her, I placed my hands on the backs of her thighs, fisting her dress and pulling upward.
“Alright, but I want this off right now.” she stepped back, yanking it over her head in one swift motion and tossing it to the floor, flipping her long hair back as she stood before me entirely naked. I immediately sat forward and grabbed her hips, bringing her back to me, kissing along her smooth stomach.
Her fingers carded through my hair, nails scratching along my scalp as she did and I found myself enjoying it. I let my fangs come down from their sheaths, letting the sharp edges drag across her hip bone. A delicious sound hit my ears, making me smirk into her soft flesh.
I wrapped my arms under her ass, lifting her up and tossing her down onto the bed before standing up. I slipped out of my shoes and socks, then moved to my pants, unbuckling the belt for a second time tonight before sliding out of them and my underwear. Crawling onto the bed, I placed myself between those thick thighs, the insides slick with her arousal from earlier in the car.
“As much as I enjoy playing with my food, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do that. All I want to do is be buried deep in that pussy, hearing you cry in pleasure for me. Literally.” my tongue came out to lick along her inner thighs, collecting the essence there, her legs beginning to tremble.
“Please, Changkyun, just touch me.” I snickered, loving how needy she was being already.
“But, I am touching you, love.” she let out a groan of complaint, fingers extending out to my hair as I continued running my tongue along her legs. I placed my palms near her knees, pushing them open further, admiring her beautiful pale skin, her veins showing through the almost translucent flesh.
“Just not how you want me to apparently. You’re lucky I want nothing more than to devour that cunt, or else I wouldn’t tolerate your whining right now.” I revealed, putting my fangs back in their place before I laid on my stomach, index finger running along her dripping slit.
I pushed it in with ease, her heat practically swallowing it in eagerness as she moaned loudly. Her sounds could easily inflate my ego, and I needed to be careful about that. That could lead to me losing control and draining her entirely if I wasn’t mindful enough.
Adding a second digit, I brought my mouth down to her swollen bud, flicking at it slowly, teasingly. I continued this, but let my fingers remain motionless, wanting her to beg for it, like I knew she eventually would. Pulling that pearl between my lips, I sucked lightly, feeling her beginning to squirm beneath my touch.
It wouldn’t be long now.
“Please, Changkyun. Please, move.” she panted, her hands coming up to grasp her breast, fingers toying with her nipples to get more stimulation than what she was receiving from me. She was so easy to break, it was almost unbelievable.
“You didn’t specify how, darling.” I began slowly retreating from her, bringing my digits with me and she hastily tried to stop me by taking my face into her palms. She already had tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes, her expression showing her desperation.
“Fuck me! With your fingers, your mouth, your cock. I don’t care, Changkyun. I just need you to fuck me, please!” she cried out, her hips trying to move closer to my barely in appendages, making me chuckle in response.
“Now, that’s what I was looking for, love.” I dove back in knuckle deep, immediately wagging my fingers back and forth until I found the spot I was looking for, her whimper of pleasure alerting me that I had.
It wouldn’t take long for her to cum, I could feel her tightening around me already as I practically abused her g-spot. Bringing my hand under her ass, I inched my thumb towards her rim, pressing lightly as I continued fucking her with my fingers. She let out a gasp, but didn’t protest. So, pushed harder, making her back arch off the bed in response.
I let my thumb circle slowly as I kept going, bringing my mouth back down to her core, sucking her clit into my mouth again. She was dangerously close to her release, and I couldn’t wait to taste it. I pressed my thumb into her tight hole ever so slightly and she moaned in response, her cunt constricting.
“Oh, fuck!” she exclaimed, her climax hitting her like a tidal wave, a gush of fluids releasing onto my tongue and I lapped up every last bit happily as she rode it out. I could do this every day until the day I died, if possible.
Once she finished, I removed all of my digits from her, a breath of relief escaping her as I did. My pointer finger ran along her sensitive slit as I crawled up her body, lips running over her as the cold chains around my neck skimmed along her flesh, raising goosebumps in their wake. I felt the pads of her fingers run over my arms until she reached the sides of my face, pulling me up to look at her.
Her mascara had begun to run down the sides of her cheeks slightly, her eyes hazy and bright all at the same time. She was already a mess, and I fucking loved it. I leaned down, brushing my lips against her, darting my tongue out to run it along her bottom lip.
“I need you, Changkyun.”
She whispered into my mouth, her breathing heavy as my hands moved to cup her breast. I moved back down her body, kissing along the tops of them, my thumbs running back and forth over her hardened nipples. I traced my tongue across her flesh until I reached one, engulfing it in my mouth, circling it. Her fingers glided up to my slightly damp hair, tugging on it roughly.
I left her breast, my cock aching to be inside of her finally after all this time. I leaned over top of her again, connecting our lips, my tongue finding hers as I pushed my length into her, quickly bottoming out inside her cunt, a groan leaving me in response.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” I told her as she kissed along my collar bones, her teeth suddenly clamping down and tugging at my skin. I thrust into her harshly, her head falling onto the mattress, back arching upward. Taking the opportunity to my advantage, I placed my arm underneath her, lifting her off the bed slightly.
I let my fangs come out of their sheaths again, bringing my mouth to the underside of her breast as I continued pumping into her. My sharp canines penetrated the flesh slowly, her blood quickly filling my mouth. I couldn’t help but moan at the sweet taste, my eyes closing as I enjoyed her in more ways than one.
She let out a whine of her own as she held onto my hair again, tugging on it with even more force. I let her blood fill me, sending a euphoric high through my body as I fucked her senseless at the same time. I had to stop myself soon, or I would get lost in the drug that was her life force. I couldn’t remember the last time I had anything so sweet, so addicting in a very long time.
Finally, I retracted my fangs, suctioning on the wounds until I got the blood flow to slow immensely. A sigh left her throat, eyes searching for mine until they found them, a smile gracing her lips. I stopped moving inside her, watching as the crimson liquid dripped down her ribs until it hit the white silk sheets.
Oh, what a satisfying sight it was.
I darted for her lips, kissing her hungrily as I began to move again, her legs wrapping around my waist as she met my thrust. I couldn’t stay that way for long, my chest heaving as I pounded into her. But I kept my lips close, breathing in her air as she began to cry out underneath of me. I suddenly pulled out of her, pushing her legs off of me as I sat on my knees before her.
“Turn over. Now.”
She did so without hesitation, looking over her shoulder at me, her skin glistening with perspiration. She was a Goddamn masterpiece and I had already nearly destroyed it. I grabbed her hips, forcefully yanking her ass up and then giving it a good smack. Taking my length at the base, I guided myself back to her folds, rubbing the swollen tip back and forth, collecting her sweet nectar.
In one quick snap of my hips, I buried myself to the hilt, a loud wail coming from her. Her forehead was pressed against the sheets between her forearms, which was about to change. Pressing my chest against her back, I reached my hand around to wrap it around her throat. She leaned her head back against me in response, mouth falling open as her eyes closed.
“Whose are you, little whore?” I demanded from her, each thrust growing in power, making her struggle to respond. I gave her ass another hard smack, a moan leaving those luscious lips of hers. “Answer me!”
“Yours! I’m yours, Changkyun!” she choked out, one of her hands coming up to hold my wrist as I squeezed a little harder. She was close again, her pussy increasing it’s hold around my cock with each hard thrust.
I finally released her throat, a gasp coming from her as she sucked in a deep breath. It didn’t last long though, I immediately sat up on my knees, holding onto her hips so tightly, I would leave my mark behind. My hand came down hard on her ass for the third time, her cries now becoming desperate, drawing out actual tears that had begun to stain her face.
“Are you going to cum again for me, little whore, or do I need to drain you just a little bit more?” I inquired, not caring what her answer would be. I was sinking my teeth into her again, one way or another. This time, my mark would be visible.
She was mine and I wanted everyone to know it.
I leaned back into her, not waiting for a response, my fangs descending as I drew closer to her neck. She tilted her head to the side all on her own, pushing her hair out of the way and everything. I sunk my teeth into the soft flesh, popping into a main artery, blood flooding my mouth. The hot liquid ran down my throat, that euphoric feeling coming back all over again.
She reached back and interlocked her fingers into my hair, pulling at it as I increased my tempo. I could feel her trembling underneath me, her legs threatening to give out with the orgasm that was about to hit her like a freight train, plus the bloodloss.
Finally, I let go of her, head tilting back as her blood dripped down either sides of my face, landing on my chest and her back. A loud cry left her lips, her climax hitting her just how I said it would, like a fucking freight train, slamming into her at full speed. She began to collapse, but I swiftly caught her and pulled her up on her knees, holding her by the throat once again.
“I’m not fucking done with you yet.” I growled, chest rumbling as I continued, skin smacking skin as I fucked her harder than I had ever fucked anyone else. A smirk crawled across her lips, her eyes closed as she let me use her up completely.
She was loving every damn second of it.
My balls tightened, my cock swelling and before I knew it, I was releasing into her. I filled her to the brim, my cum and hers, spilling down her inner thighs as I rode it out. My breath was heavy in her ear when I finally came to a stop, resting my forehead against her shoulder. It had been years since I had actually felt tired after playing with my food.
Her hand carefully patted my hip, signaling me to pull out, which I did. I had wrecked her enough for one night, no need to continue the torture. She turned herself around, winding her arms around my neck and kissing me with much more gentleness than I had ever experienced after an endeavor like that.
“I’m going to go wash up. I’m a fucking mess and I don’t even need to see myself to know it.” she said with a laugh, leaving light kisses along my jaw, all the way to my ear.
“You look even better in my opinion.” I complimented her, resting my hands on the curve of her ass and kneading the flesh there. “You only think that because it’s your handiwork that did it.” I hummed in response, kissing her again before she unwound herself from me and left me on the bed alone.
“I’m going to shower. You’re welcome to join me if you’d like. You’re quite the mess yourself.” I glanced down, there was blood all along my chest and I could feel it beginning to dry on my face. When I looked back up to respond, she was already gone and I could hear the water hitting the tile already.
By the time I reached the bathroom, she was in the shower and steam had begun to cloud the mirrors. I removed the now slightly bloody chain she had made me keep on, it clinking against the marble countertop softly. I could see her through the glass doors, her back to me and I took a moment to appreciate her gorgeous figure. I was glad I hadn’t killed her in the end.
Because she was all mine now.
I stepped into the shower behind her, encircling her waist, hands splaying out across her stomach. She covered my hands with hers, leaning back against my shoulder as I let the water wash her blood from my skin.
“You said earlier that you don’t share, and that you had made that mistake before. What did you mean, Changkyun?” she asked me, her voice soft, almost soothing in a sense. She definitely knew how to talk to and comfort my kind. It was refreshing.
“A long time ago, I met a woman much like you. But, what I didn’t know was she was another man’s…mate or lover, as you would probably call it. She would be with me one night and then her mate another, and he would only ever bite her in the same places I had.” I explained, unsure why I was even telling her this, but I continued anyway.
“It turned out, she was gathering information on my coven to take back to her mate’s. We didn’t find out until it was almost too late. If we hadn’t, that coven would have slaughtered me and my brothers in one go. Thankfully, Hyungwon’s mate is rather stealthy, and had figured out where her allegiance truly lay before disaster struck.
I was young and a fool. I refuse to make that mistake twice, so there will be eyes on you at all times. I hope you are prepared for that, Petra. I will not be made a fool of again by a pathetic human.” her heartbeat quickened in her chest, making a devilish grin crawl cross my lips.
“I would never do that, Changkyun.” she promised, turning her head to look over her shoulder at me. I kissed her forehead, then whispered into her skin, lips brushing it lightly.
“I know you won’t, because I’ll kill you if you do.”
#i.m smut#monsta x smut#i.m scenarios#monsta x scenarios#kpoptrashtag#changkyun#changkyun smut#monsta x#monsta x i.m#im changkyun#monsta x fanfics
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SUMMARY: In a future of political, economic and moral collapse, a genetically enhanced superhuman prototype named Y/N escapes from military confines and dwells amidst the decadent underground street life of *Seoul* to avoid government agents who want to bring her back into the fold.
WORDS: 2233
Jeon Jungkook x Reader
M.List | CH. 05

After Y/N's last run of deliveries, she surveys the place, and in a nearby window her pupils dilated to zoom in to the other building just right across. She sees several admirable statues and displays that she can probably fence for a large wad of cash. Y/n goes to an alley way, climbs up the side of the building, reaching the top. She takes off her black glasses. A distant car headlight sweeps her and Y/n's pupil glow for a split second with a green retinal reflection, much like of a cat. As y/n looks up into the night shadows of an alley between high rises. Wearing a skin tight black pants, rubber soled high-tops, a black leather jacket, and black gloves. She is a silhouette in the darkness. She hefts a black nylon bag over her shoulder. Once on top she disables the roof security camera with a piece of black tape over its lenses, she crosses to the edge overlooking the alley. The street is twenty two stories down. Her target is a narrow roof formed by a setback in the facade of the next building, one hundred feet below her and eight feet away horizontally.
Holding on tight on her gear bag as it is unzipped. Y/n's gloved hand yank out a large bundle of black nylon rope. She hinged the lock as a carbine is snapped around a steel pipe. She stepped on to the parapet, jumps at a down angle, as she plummets down the face of the building. She adds arm pressure to the belay around her waist, then inverts with a snap, dropping feet first now, the rope making shush sounds across her leather jacket. Y/n now builds later speed across the face of the glass high-rise. She reaches the bottom of the arc, the rope stretching, taking the shock, and her lateral speed wipes the world into a blur.
Y/n arcs upward, starting to slow. As she flashes above the parapet of the target rooftop, she then releases the belay, and lets the rope slide through her arm, dropping onto the rooftop with a soft thump, feet-first, crouching like a tiger or a panther light on its feet. She then turns onto the skylight , as y/n jimmies the latch and lifts the cover, she ties a rope on a steel pole, dropping herself ever so gracefully into the spacious apartment.
Nodding in approval looking at the luxurious space of the apartment and its architectural design, she goes to work, padding gently to the apartment. She opens drawers, looks inside cabinets, picking up object examining them. Y/n enters another room silently, hefts a small porcelain figurine, 17th century Venetian. She slips it into her bag, a pair of small gold dolphins follow. Y/n then hears something, she investigates further, peeps in a room with a man talking. Stokes on a computer keyboard. The walls are bathed in a blur CRT glow as Y/n slips the door open a few inches and looks in to the room.
A man still sitting at a bank of computer monitors, half a dozen screens, racks of computer gear and peripherals of all descriptions. The room is dark except for the glow of the screens and power lights winking from the equipment. Haphazard heaps of papers, photos, files and printouts are piled everywhere on very expensive antique tables and couches. The man Jeon Jungkook, is speaking directly into the video camera.
"Do not attempt to adjust your set. This is a video of Free Korea Bulletin. The cable hack will last exactly sixty seconds. It cannot be traced. It cannot be stopped, and it is the only free voice left in this city..." Y/n slowly walks out of the room and continues rummaging the belongings of the cyber hacker.
Y/n can't see Jungkook's face directly because his back is turned, but she can see him in one of the monitors. Early 20's with intense, almost haggard, yet strikingly handsome features. His brown doe eyes blaze with intelligence and he projects a fierce energy as he speaks. Y/s registers surprise as she realizes who the guy is. The pirate cyber journalist known as Informant Net in the flesh.
Jungkook scrolls back through the video he has just digitalized and hits a key command which processes the image through a masking filter. Pixilation blurs the contours of his face, leaving only the intense eyes clear. He watches it to check that the effect is complete.
Y/n knew she was right, he was just on the same deal as everyone else. Power hungry, living and hiding under his expensive apartment. He seemingly is a part of the richer parts of the City. Y/n slowly backs out the door and stops as she sees something. On a table just inside the room, is a statue, an Egypt-deco affair of gold and onyx depicting a creature half-female, half cat. It's illuminated from above a single pin point of light. Y/n looks at it utterly transfixed, she snags it and backs out of the room. As she stuffs the statue on her bag and heads back out.
Then a security guard, Ruben, has found the rope. He flicks his Maglite up to the open skylight and his eyes go wide. He un-holsters his 9mm, scanning and listening around him. He crosses to the alarm panel near the door and punches in the silent alarm code. As Y/n approaches, the guard is scanning the shadows his gun sweeping the room as he moves forward and y/n is moving down the hall toward him on a collision course from the other side. She senses something on a level that no ordinary man or woman could feel, a sound, a vibration, the guard's body heat perhaps. As he approaches the corner and pops around the wall corridor, it was empty.
Y/n slips through the door quietly but suddenly stops, lit only by a night light, a woman lying on bed with a young girl about 7 years of age, having just tucked her into bed. The woman Janna Reid and her younger sister Juliette. Janna looks up locking eyes with Y/n as she screams in fear "In here! Help, in here!"
Jungkook hears the cries and shoves aside a pile of papers and grabs a pump shotgun as he chambers around. Ruben breaks into a run heading for Janna and Juliette's room, as Janna grabs a lamp and hurls it with all her strength at Y/n.
Y/n's body reacts, the lamp tumbles end over end, in slow motion Y/n moves with amazing speed seemingly blurring the world. The guard flings the door open, sweeping his gun towards Y/n. Y/n sees everything in slow motion, except for Y/n who is moving in a rather much faster pace. Y/n easily ducks the lamp, which is just shattered against the wall as the guard takes aim with a two handed grip. The room goes dark as the lightbulb explodes. Y/n moves sideways before the guard can pull the trigger.
The room strobes with the shot but the bullet goes where Y/n was, not where she is now which is halfway to the guard moving like a freight train. A second shot was heard, the bullet carves the air next to her. She reaches the guy and gets a hand on the gun, yanking it down and around in a sweeping roundhouse which twists it out of his hand. The guard Ruben was 6'3" and 250 pounds, mostly muscle. Y/n follows through with a foot sweep takedown and drops onto the guy hard with his arm twisted behind his back. Y/n unloads the pistol sliding out the magazine and jacking out the chambered round. She throws the gun away and mag the other. The guard struggles to move but Y/n drops onto him knee first again, knocking the wind out for a while. Y/n looks up at the terrified woman and the crying little girl.
"Sorry" she whispers to the ladies as she bolts out the door, she sprints down the hall. Suddenly, Jungkook appears in front of her with a shotgun leveled at her. It has a built in mini-xenon light and it is blinding her night vision, making it hard to see exactly where he is aiming at. She is at a momentary disadvantage. Though Y/n knows with a sweep of her finger she can probably cause the poor man to be thrown by the wall since her abilities have improved vastly for over a thousand years. She however was amused by the man's predicament and decides to play along.
"Put it down" says Jungkook. Y/n does this and drops the bag on the floor. Jungkook calls to Janna, eyes riveted on Y/n. "Janna, are you okay?" he asks. Janna not going out of the room, creaks the door open and answers "We're alright Jungkook." Jungkook scans the room to look for the beaten security guard. "Ruben" he shouts.
Y/n smirks at Jungkook, knowing that he may be looking for the poor man lying on the floor. "If he's the side of beef with the walkie-talkie, he's okay, but give the man a few minutes. He's a little bit knocked out for a while." Jungkook sees the statue peeking out of the open bag amazed and relieved. "You're a thief?"
"Girl's gotta make a living." As y/n responds with a Cheshire grin on her face. The frazzled and confused Jungkook responds "Thank God. I was expecting someone else."
"First time I heard that. Guess you weren't expecting the pizza delivery guy." Y/n responds sarcastically. She turns around as she heard a creak on a door as she's Janna hanging back in the bedroom attempting to pacify the crying child. "Im sorry if I caught you at a bad time." She responds to both Jungkook and Janna.
"It's alright were just a little tense right now." Jungkook withdraws a bit but keeping a wary eye on the beautiful thief. He notices the status hanging on Y/n's bag. "You have good taste. French, 1920's attributed to Chitarus." He says.
"Yeah. Whoever that is." As y/n responds nonchalantly. Jungkook tilts his head and quirks an eyebrow at the woman standing in front of him "So what? You liked it because it was shiny?" Y/n taking a note on the sarcasm floating out of the man's mouth. Y/n seemingly wiser beyond years stares at the man blankly and responds in the most monotonous voice to contrast the man's sarcasm. "No, because it's the Egyptian Goddess Bast. The Goddess who comprehends all Goddesses, Eye of Ra, protector, avenger and destroyer. Giver of life, who lives forever. I can keep going you know..."
Jungkook just looks at her, fascinated. Then, Ruben emerges from the bedroom, holding his ribs as he fumbles out his handcuffs and heads for Y/n. Jungkook panics "Stay back Ruben. The guards are on their way."
Too late. Y/n moves like lightning, grabbing Ruben's wrist as he reaches for her. Yanking him off balance and getting him in a sharply painful come-along hold with one hand bent up behind his back. Y/n has maneuvered him between her and the shotgun, trumping Jungkook's hold over her. She gave him a smile "Look, I'd love to discuss art but I gotta jet." She marches Ruben backwards into the living room controlling the big bodyguard with the thumb-hold and keeping him between her and Jungkook.
"Easy, easy. My wrist is gonna snap" Ruben pleads in pain as he attempts to calm the girl. Y/n responds to him "Yep. That could happen" then she turns to Jungkook and grins "By the way. I love you show"
At that moment there is a thundering crash at the front door. Y/n's head snaps around as a squad of private security cops wearing ballistic armor haul back and pound the door again with a steel battering ram. The doors were blasted open and a group of heavily armed rent-a-cops spill inside, their flashlights sweeping the apartment. As they raise their weapons towards Y/n she salutes the men. Moving like grease lightning as she bolts away from Ruben, who finds himself suddenly handcuffed to a heavy wrought-iron table. As the security squad moved, they submerged to try and stop her. She runs like a black blur. Jungkook yells for them to stop with his words distended "Noooo! Waaaiiiittt!!!"
Y/n crosses her arms over her face and hits the window at a full run. The glass explodes outwards in a diamond shower. Y/n disappears into the night, like she was never there. The cops didn't even get a shot off. As Jungkook runs to the window to check on the poor woman to see if she is still alive, he looks down. He catches a glimpse of Y/n leaping from balcony to balcony, down the face of the building ninety feet below. She vanishes into the shadows at a street level. Jungkook watching in fascinated awe as the curtains blow around him in the night wind.
#jeon jungkook#kim taehyung#park jimin#jung hoseok#kim seokjin#kim namjoon#min yoongi#bangtan sonyeandan#bts#jungkook x reader#action#fan fic#romance
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Chapter 4: Meeting the Informant Net
Jaebeom sees the statue peeking out of the open bag amazed and relieved. "You're a thief?"
"Girl's gotta make a living." As she responds with a Cheshire grin on her face. The frazzled and confused Jaebeom responds "Thank God. I was expecting someone else."
"First time I heard that. Guess you weren't expecting the pizza delivery guy." -Seven

After Seven's last run of deliveries, she surveys the place, and in a nearby window her pupils dilated to zoom in to the other building just right across.
She sees several admirable statues and displays that she can probably fence for a large amount of money. Seven goes to an alley way, climbs up the side of the building, reaching the top. She takes off her black glasses. A distant car's headlight sweeps her and Seven's pupil glow for a split second with a green retinal reflection, much like of a cat. As Seven looks up into the night shadows of an alley between high rises. Wearing a skin tight black pants, rubber soled high-tops, black leather jacket, and black gloves. She is a silhouette in the darkness.
She hefts a black nylon bag over her shoulder. Once on top she disables the roof security camera with a piece of black tape over its lenses, she crosses to the edge overlooking the alley. The street is twenty two stories down. Her target is a narrow roof formed by a setback in the facade of the next building, one hundred feet below her and eight feet away horizontally.
Holding on tight on her gear bag as it is unzipped. Seven's gloved hand yank out a large bundle of black nylon rope. She hinged the lock as a carabiner is snapped around a steel pipe. She stepped on to the parapet, jumps at a down angle, as she plummets down the face of the building. She adds arm pressure to the belay around her waist, then inverts with a snap, dropping feet first, the rope making shush sounds across her leather jacket. Seven now builds later speed across the face of the glass high-rise. She reaches the bottom of the arc, the rope stretching, taking the shock, and her lateral speed wipes the world into a blur.
Seven arcs upward, starting to slow. As she flashes above the parapet of the target rooftop, she then releases the belay, and lets the rope slide through her arm, dropping onto the rooftop with a soft thump, feet-first, crouching like a tiger or a panther light on its feet. She then turns onto the skylight , as she jimmies the latch and lifts the cover, she ties a rope on a steel pole, dropping herself ever so gracefully into the spacious apartment.
Nodding in approval looking at the luxurious space of the apartment and its architectural design, she goes to work, padding gently to the apartment. She opens drawers, looks inside cabinets, picking up object examining them. Seven enters another room silently, hefts a small porcelain figurine, 17th century Venetian. She slips it into her bag, a pair of small gold dolphins follow. She then hears something, and investigates further, peeps in a room with a man talking. Stokes on a computer keyboard. The walls are bathed in a blur CRT glow as Seven slips the door open a few inches and looks in to the room.
A man still sitting at a bank of computer monitors, half a dozen screens, racks of computer gear and peripherals of all descriptions. The room is dark except for the glow of the screens and power lights winking from the equipment. Haphazard heaps of papers, photos, files and printouts are piled everywhere on very expensive antique tables and couches. The man, Im Jaebeom, is speaking directly into the video camera.
"Do not attempt to adjust your set. This is a video of Free Korea Bulletin. The cable hack will last exactly sixty seconds. It cannot be traced. It cannot be stopped, and it is the only free voice left in this city..."
Seven slowly walks out of the room and continues rummaging the belongings of the cyber hacker. She couldn't see Jaebeom's face directly because his back is turned, but she can see him in one of the monitors. Early 20's with intense, almost haggard, yet strikingly handsome features. His brown piercing eyes blaze with intelligence and he projects a fierce energy as he speaks. Seven registers surprise as she realizes who the guy is. The pirate cyber journalist known as Informant Net in the flesh.
Jaebeom scrolls back through the video he has just digitalized and hits a key command which processes the image through a masking filter. Pixilation blurs the contours of his face, leaving only the intense eyes clear. He watches it to check that the effect is complete.
Seven smirked as she knew she was right, he was just on the same deal as everyone else. Power hungry, living and hiding under his expensive apartment. He seemingly is a part of the richer parts of the City. Seven slowly backs out the door and stops as she sees something. On a table just inside the room, is a statue, an Egypt-deco affair of gold and onyx depicting a creature half-female, half cat. It's illuminated from above a single pin point of light. Seven stares at it utterly transfixed, she snags it and backs out of the room. As she stuffs the statue on her bag and heads back out.
Then a security guard, Ruben, found the rope. He flicks his Maglite up to the open skylight and his eyes go wide. He un-holsters his 9mm, scanning and listening around him. He crosses to the alarm panel near the door and punches in the silent alarm code. As Seven approaches, the guard is scanning the shadows his gun sweeping the room as he moves forward and Seven is moving down the hall toward him on a collision course from the other side. She senses something on a level that no ordinary man or woman could feel, a sound, a vibration, the guard's body heat perhaps. As he approaches the corner and pops around the wall corridor, it was empty.
Seven slips through the door quietly but suddenly stops, lit only by a night light, a woman lying on bed with a young girl about 7 years of age, having just tucked her into bed. The woman Janna Reid and her younger sister Juliette. Janna looks up locking eyes with Seven as she screams in fear "In here! Help, in here!"
Jaebeom hears the cries and shoves aside a pile of papers and grabs a pump shotgun as he chambers around. Ruben breaks into a run heading for Janna and Juliette's room, as Janna grabs a lamp and hurls it with all her strength at Seven.
Seven's body reacts, the lamp tumbles end over end, in slow motion, she moves with amazing speed seemingly blurring the world. The guard flings the door open, sweeping his gun towards Seven.
As she sees everything in slow motion, except for Seven who is moving in a rather much faster pace; she easily ducks the lamp, which is just shattered against the wall as the guard takes aim with a two handed grip. The room goes dark as the light bulb explodes. Seven moves sideways before the guard can pull the trigger.
The room strobes with the shot but the bullet goes where Seven was, not where she is now which is halfway to the guard moving like a freight train. A second shot was heard, the bullet carves the air next to her. She reaches the guy and gets a hand on the gun, yanking it down and around in a sweeping roundhouse which twists it out of his hand. The guard Ruben was 6'3" and 250 pounds, mostly muscle. Seven follows through with a foot sweep take down and drops onto the guy hard with his arm twisted behind his back. She unloads the pistol sliding out the magazine and jacking out the chambered round. She throws the gun away and mag the other. The guard struggles to move but Seven drops onto him knee first again, knocking the wind out for a while. She looks up at the terrified woman and the crying little girl.
"Sorry" she whispers to the ladies as she bolts out the door, she sprints down the hall. Suddenly, Jaebeom appears in front of her with a shotgun leveled at her. It has a built in mini-xenon light and it is blinding her night vision, making it hard to see exactly where he is aiming at. She is at a momentary disadvantage. Though Seven knows with a sweep of her finger she can probably cause the poor man to be thrown by the wall since her abilities have improved vastly for over the years. She however was amused by the man's predicament and decides to play along.
"Put it down" says Jaebeom.
Seven does as what she's told and drops the bag on the floor. Jaebeom calls to Janna, eyes riveted on on the perpetrator.
"Janna, are you okay?" he asks.
Janna not going out of the room, creaks the door open and answers "We're alright Jaebeom."
Jaebeom scans the room to look for the beaten security guard. "Ruben" he shouts.
Seven smirks at Jaebeom, knowing that he may be looking for the poor man lying on the floor. "If he's the side of beef with the walkie-talkie, he's okay, but give the man a few minutes. He's a little bit knocked out for a while."
Jaebeom sees the statue peeking out of the open bag amazed and relieved. "You're a thief?"
"Girl's gotta make a living." As she responds with a Cheshire grin on her face. The frazzled and confused Jaebeom responds "Thank God. I was expecting someone else."
"First time I heard that. Guess you weren't expecting the pizza delivery guy." Seven responds sarcastically. She turns around as she heard a creak on a door as she's Janna hanging back in the bedroom attempting to pacify the crying child. "I'm sorry if I caught you at a bad time." She responds to both Jaebeom and Janna.
"It's alright were just a little tense right now." Jaebeom withdraws a bit but keeping a wary eye on the beautiful thief. He notices the status hanging on Seven's bag. "You have good taste. French, 1920's attributed to Chitarus." He says.
"Yeah. Whoever that is." As Seven responds nonchalantly.
Jaebeom tilts his head and quirks an eyebrow at the woman standing in front of him "So what? You liked it because it was shiny?"
Seven taking a note on the sarcasm floating out of the man's mouth. She seemingly wiser beyond years stares at the man blankly and responds in the most monotonous voice to contrast the man's sarcasm. "No, because it's the Egyptian Goddess Bast. The Goddess who comprehends all Goddesses, Eye of Ra, protector, avenger and destroyer. Giver of life, who lives forever. I can keep going you know..."
Jaebeom just looks at her, fascinated. Then, Ruben emerges from the bedroom, holding his ribs as he fumbles out his handcuffs and heads for Seven. Jaebeom panics "Stay back Ruben. The guards are on their way."
"Too late." Seven moves like lightning, grabbing Ruben's wrist as he reaches for her. Yanking him off balance and getting him in a sharply painful come-along hold with one hand bent up behind his back. Seven has maneuvered him between her and the shotgun, trumping Jaebeom's hold over her. She gave him a smile "Look, I'd love to discuss art but I gotta jet." She marches Ruben backwards into the living room controlling the big bodyguard with the thumb-hold and keeping him between her and Jaebeom.
"Easy, easy. My wrist is gonna snap" Ruben pleads in pain as he attempts to calm the girl. Seven responds to him "Yep. That could happen" then she turns to Jaebeom and grins "By the way....I love your show."
At that moment there is a thundering crash at the front door. Seven's head snaps around as a squad of private security cops wearing ballistic armor haul back and pound the door again with a steel battering ram. The doors were blasted open and a group of heavily armed rent-a-cops spill inside, their flashlights sweeping the apartment. As they raise their weapons towards Seven, she salutes the men. Moving like grease lightning as she bolts away from Ruben, who finds himself suddenly handcuffed to a heavy wrought-iron table. As the security squad moved, they submerged to try and stop her. She runs like a black blur. Jaebeom yells for them to stop with his words distended "Noooo! Don't!!! Waaaiiiittt!!!"
Seven crosses her arms over her face and hits the window at a full run. The glass explodes outwards in a diamond shower. She disappears into the night, like she was never there. The cops didn't even get a shot off. As Im Jaebeom runs to the window to check on the poor woman to see if she is still alive, he looks down. He catches a glimpse of her leaping from balcony to balcony, down the face of the building ninety feet below. She vanishes into the shadows at a street level. Jaebeom watching in fascinated awe as the curtains blow around him in the night wind.
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