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lucent-roase · 8 days ago
I’m having a lot of Thoughts about These Two
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canonically47 · 9 months ago
re re re review!
ahh fuck it i stayed up this late might as well review now!
disventure camp all stars episode 12: hungry like the wolf - review
SPOILERS!!! (but you knew that.)
boring challenge premise but whats new
derek absolutely mistreats trevor (and his remorse is sooo half-assed and ooc jjst between you and me btw) but whats new
this episode will suck but whats- oh shit wait a sec!!
jake and aiden not being petty and not arguing for once just for jake to ruin it by talking about tom is. oof. talk about being the second worst character. this guy just never gets better
absolutely hilarious how alec went up to connor, sweet talked him, then saw the flag and attacked him. then proceeded to win. what a fucking king.
good to see riya go for some long-run strategy by possibly securing her safety with ally. but it's obvious ally has very little left to live on the show so who cares.
good on connor for proving he was worth coming back! i dig him. i think a finale with him, alec and maybe someone like grett or gabby would be so fun to watch, granted that alec wins ofc but still
oo a tie!!! uuugh but i bet it'll be tom that wins anyways because ONC loves the love triangle and the fujoshis that worship tomjake and- wait what the fu
guys do you understand that ONC conciously took the decision of a tie-breaker that MADE TOM LOSE. do you understand how much unfortunate faith i have in them rn. THANK GOD THE LOVE TRIANGLE IS OVER
sorry got a bit intense there i am normal i swea- did derek and krystal just.
trevor why are you crying over a man that doesn't even value you as a person. get up king go kiss emily to retaliate (qpr tremily save me qpr tremily)
not only am i a prophet but i am also super petty!! and the fact that both the love triangle amd trevek got incredibly fucked over this episode it's a ten outta ten for me. complete with riya and alec winning reward, yul getting five seconds of screentime total, connor being useful and jake and aiden almost dying by a wolf... yeah 10/10 for sure.
it's a 10/10 even without my petty jokes. aiden's VA made me crack up this episode, the love triangle got a fitting end, alec deserved immunity, we all knew krystek was coming sooner or later, honestly it's a well-written episode overall what can i say!!
only thing im sad about is my aroace krystal hc is completely out the window but its a small price to pay for trevek death. disventure camp sucks too much to have the honor of aspec characters anyways
two good episodes back to back we are so back dc fans. so back!!!!!!!!
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royrockstone · 2 years ago
i totally agree with your characterization of roman where he assumes all the sibs Are Equally Fucked Up and Actually IM The Normal One. I think he would definitely feel cornered if they approached him about food, like you’ve depicted before. I think incorporating connor would be super interesting bc I think he feels a protective/paternal sense over roman, and it’s been mentioned in canon he has a genuine interest in food. I feel like connor definitely has memories of younger Rome before his food issues really kicked up and is confused as to what happened along the way. sorry if this is a lot or all just hc ramble but roman lives in a jar on my desk and i love to shake it and tap on the glass <33
sorry this ask got temporarily lost in the succ sunday excitement (but happy succ monday if you observe on this day lol)!
i hadnt thought of connor knowing less-damaged roman and not getting what hppened </3 i love that— especially if, as connor had periods of years where he didnt see logan, he missed some pivotal stuff in the kids’ lives. and the kids, who may have grasped on to the little bits of affection they got from him, feeling rlly resentful abt his absence.
i def believe connor excused or even recapitulated the kind of harm logan caused all of them, or subordinated caring for them to chasing whatever pipe dream of approval and acclaim he liked that month, but i also always want to show the fondness he has for roman, bc hes a strong second place after rome for most love-driven/emotional/affectionate roy and a fellow weak dog, in addition to clearly thinking of himself as paternal (or at least avuncular lol) to the whole trio. And i think he rlly resents them for have logan around all the time and for having the Pedigree that comes from being carolines kids and for never having to take care of anyone but themselves (and rlly, not even themselves)
basically i think hes totally valid to say hes the closest thing they had to a caring adult and where the fuck is the love in return, and romans totally valid to say that he only dropped by when he felt like it, did the fun stuff (or the ‘extra’ stuff logan couldnt be fucked with) and locked them back in the dog cage when he was done playing with them and that he rlly has no idea what it was like for them, AND hed be right to say that they have no idea what hes been through and that they treat him like a joke AND theyd be right to say that hes always been more interested in sucking off logan than being near them and and and—
just a lot of delicious resentment and guilt underscored by real, genuine affection and thats the yummy stuff
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fappellmoan · 2 years ago
gonna complain again even tho i already spent time on it yesterday immediately after having to hang out with this person (oh my god i ranted for so long this is going under a keep reading)
so i hung out with my fun cool stoner friend and our one roommate from when we were in la last night and i mostly put up w her for the sake of my other friends but she’s sooooo annoying in that she’s someone that’s impossible to hang out with as a dyke im sory but there are the other issues too. like ok for instance her idea of being bisexual!! and having her gay AND straight media taste!!! (first of all huh) is like heartstopper and the summer i turned pretty. girl in neither of those situations are there women and especially lesbians at the forefront i mean yes ik heartstopper but like thats for two seconds. and im annoying and brought up my lesbian media to resounding silence shockingly whatever. and then. this part burned me and insulted me to my core. bc you know how kit connors kind of like a baby butch to me and im so serious sorry like he contains multitudes. and i kinda made a little comment abt that affectionately and she shows me this prettyboy from like whatever fucking show and tried to be like ‘abby just imagine him as a butch’ and i flat out was like im sorry he is Not giving. like that is just an annoying toxic skater niceguy blonde. whatever. like do not ever ever ever disrespect butches like that in front of me ever again. and then shes also just sooooo hyper consumerist and like. she brought up the low committment long distance etc joke from barbie and didnt even know it was from barbie and was like haha need me one of those i guess. i was like girl why would you want someone that disrespects u and ur time and uses u like purposefully. that was meant to poke at how toxic men get away with being to girls in modern dating. want better for yourself!!!!! and then i was sooo fucking stoned from a bong rip having the time of my life doing a little bit with the other friend and our buddy on facetime and she just kept going on about this person shes going on a date with except the other friend was like oh! they use they/them pronouns. and she was like right sorry i keep screwing that up!!!!! and then continued to use he/him. so im mostly non verbal cause shes like exhausting just going on and on and im high but i keep trying to be like. yeah they seem cool. hope it goes well with them. like. i felt like i was being microaggressed not necessarily in that instance just as a lesbian. shes bi but very much not past her internalized misogyny and homophobia. clearly. it’s exhausting!!!! im sorry i cant talk about men for that long and then i try to be excited about my attraction too and u get all funky............. like. ok. or making weird comments alluding to me just being wildly sexual abt women. like. yeah ok sure. for sure thats normal. like. this is also the girl whos a marketing major and uses ai all the time and pisses me off with her hella hyper consumerism grindset mentality bc it’s like she always wants us to comment on how productive she is and if i try to nicely be like You should give yourself a break sometimes too! she’ll be like Yeah haha guess im being a bit self destructive. girl it’s not sillyquirky like!!!! we all have our struggles but you gotta work on getting better abt it... and she also just gives ‘haha what drugs were they on thats so crazy’ about like everything i say or like or whatever and its like babe its really not even that crazy like. u are just so boring and you speak solely through references to memes. but you wont even just bring it up and joke about it in the present moment with your friends like. she spent a while finding a screenshot of a tumblr post that i was like haha yeah i saw that! it’s totally - u know whatever. and was not satisfied until she could prove she like saw it idk u get what i mean like. i understand i literally reblogged the post. its a silly little joke yes i relate. say something true and beautiful. idk. thanks if u read this ig i couldnt tell if my one friend was prompting me today to see if i was annoyed last night bc i thought she might also be too (bc it got so awkward silent with her going on and on abt the date and that fucking show and we were all like yeah. mhm. no for sure yeah. like how do u not get self aware idk) but we’ve all spoken abt this girl like shes some saint and ive just kinda been like haha sure... but i dont want her near my work and art and etc cause shes so shallow and has social media brain disease. she freaked out about twitter being weird now and how she prefers threads perhaps. like u have threads??? ok... it was so hard for me to be nice guys
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year ago
alright, we got a tag for this im making!
wanna see this lil series? look through the new tag:
#the rats rise again!
for mythborne after the oneshot!
the first one can be found here:
"So...this is not Wylld-Ryatts College anymore huh?" Ryan chuckled as the trio stood infront of the school. It was hard to believe; the school had the same appearance and colors and everything, just no longer belonged to the wild rats.
Aster nudged him. "We noticed that before idiot. Only thing is why." Ryan rubbed his shoulder as Aster put her hand on her hips and pondered. Yesterday, the whole school had been worried for their lives as rats filled up the stadium where the floatball game had happened. Today, nobody remembered a thing.
"Well," Connor spoke up. "There's definitely correlation to how yesterday ended, no doubt. One thing that gets me confused is how everything was changed, as in the thing that changed about them."
"I don't follow," Aster commented.
"Yeah, me neither," Ryan agreed.
"The school is now Wyld Wyverns, right?"
Aster and Ryan nodded.
"So why is the play called 'Bats'? Wouldn't it be something like, I don't know, Wyverns?"
"Or Wats!"
"...Thank you Ryan."
"You make a good point though Connor, it doesn't add up."
"But you have a guess for what it is, right?" Ryan chimed in. "You don't bring things like that up unless you have a plan."
Aster and Ryan turned to their closest friend. None of them could tell if yesterday was a very weird lucid dream or if today was said dream, no matter how real it all felt. However, they had each other, even if one of them didn't always work his brain right. Even if one of them had stayed transformed as a rat for a bit out of stage fright. Even if one of them had something change in him that night, they were together. That's why they were still here after all.
"What if this wasn't really 'meant' to happen? Something, or someone, at this point I'm not doubting any possibility, used some super powerful magic to cover the whole thing up, and the magic just," Connor did rapid hand movements as he spoke, then spent a couple seconds trying to find the right word. "filled in the gaps?"
Ryan was about to say something, but then they heard a honk from a car. As they turned, Professor Aeliana was there in the driver's seat, as dewy as he was before.
"Hey Sunny!" He called out. "Are ya ready to go home kiddo?"
With a fully red face and the snickers of Connor (plus Ryan's bright smile and goofy wave), Aster called back, "Give me a second!" As Aster used her hat to cover her face and muttered for Connor to shut up, Professor Aeliana yelled again.
"...Ryan, Connor, bring her back in one piece!"
"What do you mean Mr. Aeliana?-"
Aster's phone buzzed.
1 new message from #1 Dad: Since it is your last year of college, I want you 3 to make the most of it. Since you don't normally get to, I'm letting you have a sleepover with those 2. I trust you'll make it to your classes tomorrow alright, so have fun, okay honey? I love you. &lt;3
As they read the message, the professor had drove off. Aster smiled softly, there was a reason everyone liked him, even the one he constantly embarrasses.
"...You still have keys Aster?"
"Oh hell yeah, being in such a big club has its perks."
"Ryan, what are you-"
"Look, if we try looking around when school's open, we'll never find anything. But if we go in after school..."
"There's gonna be like nobody there to stop us."
"See, even Aster agrees with me!"
"Come on Connor."
"Wouldn't this be commiting a crime?"
"Isn't using dark magic to murder rats a crime?"
"There is a loophole anyways."
"Oh really?" Connor raised his eyebrow accusingly.
"Damn, and here I thought I'd be at risk of going to jail for real, phew! Or did that technically not happen because yesterday didn't happen..." Ryan wondered at the idea.
"There's always kids who have to stay afterschool, whether for tutoring or clubs, so we won't be totally alone."
"So we have to come later!"
"No, we go now. If the school is hosting students still, it's open, so it can't be breaking in, right?"
"Oh...yeah that makes more sense."
"Fine, but if this is a crime, I'm gonna kill you both."
Ryan laughed while Aster smiled and shook Connor's hand, knowing fully well that the provided threat could come true should Connor open to the right page.
"Right then," Aster pulled out a key ring with about 6 or 7 keys on it. "Let the wild rats rise again."
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credit to @updogs-blog for the tags i jsut think this deserves its own post rather then a derailing reblog lol
should i write (on tumblr, on ao3 i will take forever) a mini series for these guys (asks could have like adventure requests and everything)? i feel like itd be fun (even if id have to make a new tag for it itd be worth it) and we get more mythborne content! ill let tumblr decide its fate...
(keep in mind: i can try to write them canonically but my own bias may slip through! ill try to catch it more if that does happen though, and if requested i can do headcanons in because who doesnt like a lil headcanon every now and then?)
i feel most confident in my ability to write: aster aeliana, ryan selucreh, biwi the rat
i think i could be somewhat accurate in writing: connor connors, professor aeliana, the j-crew, romeo
i dont think id do great, but ill still try to write: jasmine, the frat group, garry gilmore, etc
(i feel like tagging romeo juilet with that full name wont bring in the right fans...)
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dirt-grub · 5 years ago
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My dad just said I’m fat •_•
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years ago
A Cure for Insomnia Ch 19
Your bags were jumping and sliding around in the back of Madeline's rusty pickup truck. She had been kind enough to offer you a ride up to the lodge when she stopped by the shop earlier.
Madeline had seen the sour look Nate kept sending you and how you were intentionally not looking over towards the soon to be graying young man. Not one to beat around the bush she asked what was up, mam bear mode peeking through.
Nate was just being a dick to you and saying you had to stay with the Cowells longer than what had originally been agreed to. Big Jo seemed fine about letting you go back home now, even with your resolve set to continue hanging out with Toby. But Nate was trying to put a tight leash on you since you “wouldn't listen to reason” - so he said.
Even with security at the cottage updated Nate still thought it best to keep you with them if you were planning to still interact with Toby. More than likely he was trying to make that harder for you to do since staying with them would definitely make it easier for him to keep track of you.
The thought alone set shivers down your spine. Like a constrictor slithering up your back to rest around your neck and do what it does best.
It had been really hard to breathe these last few days.
But all Madeline needed to hear was “Nate” and “being a dick” before she said she'd take you herself. Thereby ending the conversation and silent argument in the shop, as she spun on her heel stating when she'd pick you up later.
Nate hadn't been too happy about the exchange but he could suck your dick. He's been annoying you with all this Toby bullshit and doesn't get to tell you what he thinks right now.
The drive up is silent, but that comfortable kind of silence between two old friends who don't ever really have a need to talk to hang out. It's nice because it gives you tons of time to think about just what you're about to do.
Going over several scripts all at once in your head.
You want to talk to Toby. You still haven't read that file but it just doesn't sit right with you that it was ever even given to you in the first place. Toby being completely unaware of the total breech of privacy makes your stomach flip just like your bags in the back right now. It's not like you ever asked for the detailed life file but at the same time it feels wrong not to let Toby know tht something like that even exists for him. His past being dug back up all without his knowledge or consent. And now here you were about to lay it right down in front of him.
Was this the right move? You're the one bringing it to his attention, if it's something that will mess him up it'll be your fault that he's upset. Jo and Nate may have gotten the information but you still count yourself as being a complacent party to all of this.
Your stomach feels like it's on a drop tower as it sinks further into a pit of guilt.
You feel like the scum of the Earth right now. Hopefully he isn't too upset.
Seeing your downcast eyes, you were a lot more expressive than you ever really realized, Madeline pipes up, “You gon' be ok there sport?”
A small smile bit at your lips. There's a reason Madeline Cobb was known in Kepler as Mama. She took care of those she saw as her own and that was damn near half the town at this point. Hell you'd heard a rumor she raised most this town. The lodge had been her orphanage  before all the kids grew up and turned it into a resort once new arrivals stopped coming. That's probably the reason it's always been so warm and welcoming, it was a home first.
“Yea...just nervous.”
She lets out a small chuckle at you.
“Don' be, 'm sure that Toby boy will say 'yes'. And if he don' well you just come find me. I'll set him right.”
Ok now you were just confused.
“Don' worry about it, he likes you jus' like you like 'im. It'll work out for you two.” she reaches over and ruffles your hair before jumping out of the pickup. You hadn't realized you were already at your destination.
And it was too late to correct Mama, she'd already made it inside the lodge, about why you were so nervous. The warmth in your face makes you even more grateful for your mask. Barclay was getting bit by the end of the night, the man really needed to get a boyfriend and stop trying to manifest one for you.
The door to the lodge opens again, you hardly paid it any mind. So lost in your own musing you didn't even notice the man walking towards you. Your goat plush had fallen beneath your seat and you were attempting to grab it but it was too far out of your reach.
“You good there?” Toby's amused voice calls, startling you.
Popping your head out of the opened car door. Heart racing faster at the sight of your friend standing there with a small smirk on his bandaged face. You weren't ready for this.
His eye looks better, well like a normal black eye and not a swollen lump that threatened to over take his socket. Now his eye looked like it could still function out of the slight opening. Fuck this was hard enough when you'd pictured only one eye looking at you but now you had to calculate for both!?
Is it weird that this is what worries you? Are you derailing from the actual situation? Distracting yourself so the conversation is easier on you. So you don't have to think about the possibility that Toby won't want to be friends after this. That he'll end up hating you for something you hadn't done.
God you really want to cry.
“Hey, space cadet.” Toby's made his way over to your side and puts a gentle hand on you knee, “You ok? Did something happen?”
He's really sweet, you're going to miss him.
No, stop. You need to get a grip and stop thinking like this. Toby will understand and you guys can continue being friends, a bit awkwardly but still friends. You'd get to hang out and maybe wander through the Monongahela together.
“I...I dropped my goat.”
He cocks his head to the side, brows slowly smoothing out and he gives a gentle squeeze to your legs as he reaches under you, hand searching for your lost plush.
The warmth that was once collecting in your cheeks shoots down past the void sitting in your stomach. Just another thing to add to your list you suppose. After a week of nearly no privacy or comfort you are thoroughly pent up. You don't necessarily want Toby, just need someone or something to help relieve the fire between your thighs. He just happens to be in proxcimity of that fire, poking the flame that hasn't been snuffed during your stay with the Cowells, making it dance and writhe reminding you of the need.
But you can't focus on that yet, you'd give yourself a hand when you finally got back home. Right now you needed to focus on Toby. And having that uncomfortable conversation.
“Here he is.” placing the goat in your lap he looks into your eyes, a slight glint in his.
He's in a really good mood tonight. You have to ignor the whispers in your head, telling you you're about to ruin this for him.
Luckily a tic to the right shoos those thoughts away for you.
“YN?” his hand is back on your knee, it's such a small gesture maybe even completely subconscious but it helps ground you.
You haven't read that file but you can't see Toby ever doing something awful enough to warrant Nate's barrage of paranoia and fear. Even if he did....he couldn't still be bad right? You're such a good judge of character and you called Brian on his masking there's no way you'd miss Toby lying to your face.
“I...” he's looking into your eyes searching as you take a steadying breath, “I just really need a slushie right now.” your eyes drop to the goat in your hands.
You fucking coward.
It's silent for a moment as you chastise yourself for not just coming out and telling Toby you wanted to talk. Toby's hand falls easily from your knee and to his side.
“A'right then, you good to drive?” you really missed your chance here, “'cuz Brian's got Connor tonight.”
Wait what?
You look at Toby who simply raises the right side of his mouth in a lopsided grin. A subtle raise of his right brow tells you he understood what you'd asked for. When was the last time anyone was ever able to read you so well?
“Yes!” you push the goat into Toby's chest and practically dive into the back seat for your bags. “I can drive. Franklin?”
“Don't work tomorrow, so sure.”
His good mood seems to pick back up a bit. He's chuckling as you rush to gather everything and head over to your car, barely shutting Mama's door as you do. Toby gives it a good bump with his hip to make sure it shut properly. He unlocks your car for you and slides into the passenger's seat while you arrange your shit in the trunk.
You catch sight of the skull still in your trunk and figure you'll just leave it as is for now. Since it seems that literally every time you close this trunk you forget it exists. Bye weirdly placed deer skull maybe one day you'll have a wall mount worthy of your beauty.
Before closing the trunk you do rab the file. Maybe having it up front with you will help you actually tell Toby about it.
When you open the driver's side Toby's hand is already outstretched and waiting for your phone, this isn't his first rodeo after all. You can't help but smile as you hand it right over to him. He notices, because of course he does, and beams back at you. Sending more warmth throughout your body. After collecting your emotions the guilt comes back around.
You need to stop being horny on main. And in front of Toby no less. It's weird, like you're riled up for him and not because you're attention starved and haven't known solitude for over a week.
By the time you're driving off the lot Toby had picked you 'Let's drive to nowhere' playlist. A perfect choice for tonight, seeing as these are all either songs to dissociate to or have mental break downs with. And with you obnoxious emotions either is up for grabs. Aside from the music the car was silent as you drove out of town.
You were so wrapped up in what to say to Toby, how to say it, when – that you ended up not saying anything at all. Toby on the other hand couldn't wait for you any longer and broke the silence himself.
A habit he seems to have, must not like silences.
“Normally you don't shut up,” the words were harsh but his tone wasn't for once.
He watches as the scenery changes from quaint country road to interstate. “Did something happen?”
An awkward anxious smile makes its way on to your face. You've never been good at schooling your features and smiling was unfortunately your default in the even of confrontation. It was probably just your brain's way of protecting you from emotional trauma.
To his credit Toby waits for three full songs before prying for more information.
“Another attack?” he's on edge.
To be fair you are too.
“No, like hell Jo and Nate wo-would let me leave if that were it.” your head jerks twice to the right. You miss Toby's wince.
Nate barely let you leave the shop today, you had to get outside assistance aka Mama.
“Ok, so what happened then?” as you bit your lip trying to find your words Toby is running through his own list of possibilities. “Dis Ma- Tim do something to you?”
Why would Tim have anything to do with this? Are they still fighting? But Brian has Connor tonight...that doesn't seem likely but you've really only hung out with Toby thus far. You don't know enough about their group dynamic.
You also didn't miss the beginning syllable Toby said. Was he trying to say 'Matt', 'Mark', 'Manny'? There were so many names that Tim's alter could have but at the least you've more or less been told there is an alter to begin with.
But why would Toby be concerned about Tim's alter? Was he the one that punched Toby? Were they actually the two fighting and not Tim and Toby? This is confusing just being on the outside, you have no idea how the trio copes with this situation.
“Oh no, Tim and Not Tim have been nice to me.” if you're coming clean about the file might as well come clean about knowing Tim has an alter. This way Toby could pass along the message to Tim and Not Tim.
“Back up, not liter-mrrow – literally. 'Not Tim'? You've met Mas-Ma-Masky?!”
Masky? That's a strange name, but who were you to judge the name someone gave themself. Maybe he's a He/Him enby.
“Not like formally or anything, but I'm pretty sure he was the one that helped me and Ronnie out the other week.” you switch lanes to drive off of the interstate, hoping to find a secluded road to have this conversation on.
God knows it's going to take all of your concentration.
Toby was seething in his seat and you know the tension is only going to get worse going forward.
You can hear him muttering to himself, 'of course' or 'he didn't remember', over and over. Finding a good place to park the car you take it and turn to Toby, who's still lost in his own head.
“Tobias.” you call trying to jostle him and it works a little too well in a sense. As he blurts out, “Don't! Masky's dangerous stay away from him!”
He immediately freeze like he hadn't meant to say that. And while it wasn't a tic it was probably an impulse brought on by his anxious frame of mind. He's popping his knuckles again too.
You don't know why you said it, looking at Toby's wide blown pupils – riddled with fear and nerves, you should've kept you mouth shut.
“Dangerous like you?”
Or at least phrased that a bit more eloquently.
Toby's eyes grow dark and his good eye cuts low nearly matching it's swollen twin. A shiver runs down your spine even though you know the malice is not for you.
“What.” he hisses out.
It's not a question, it's an order. He wants to know what you know and maybe even who told you. Maybe he thinks Masky told you something, since that was the topic of the previous conversation.
Dark eyes watch you like a hawk as you pull the file from the map holder in your door. His chest is nearly heaving with every breath at this point, can he hyperventilate? That's a dumb question he most certainly can. And he's either on his way to that or a panic attack. You hope you don't send him into a panic attack, Connor's not here to help. Connor know pressure though, Toby's had him preform it on you during your spells. Would it work the same if you laid on top of Toby? You're getting too distracted right now.
Not trusting yourself to not just back down now, you hold the folder out to Toby to take.
He's just staring at it like it'll attack him at any moment, and honestly it might...just not physically. He glances up at you. There's a funny flash of deja vu likening back to the first time you met. Cold indifferent and confused eyes looking at you as though you were some strange alien they'd never seen before. This time however there's a spark of something else in them. Something dark that festers beneath the surface. Was that hatred, betrayal, or was that the wall he was building back up. The wall that would sever this friendship.
Stop projecting. He hasn't even taken the file, he can't possibly know what's going on right now.
“What's that?” see.
“Nate got super protective after the attack, I guess the other day you just like rubbed him the wrong way. So, he had someone look into you. That file is everything they found...pretty sure it's your whole life, I swear I haven't read anything. Not even a peek. But Jo and Nate tried to tell me the-”
He snatched the file from you before you'd even said you hadn't looked. He opened it and a second later it was closed and he took a shaky breath before looking at you.
It was your turn to look like a deer in headlights tonight, you knew that breath was one of barely concealed rage. This was it, this was where everything ended, all because Nate had “a bad feeling” about Toby.
But you trusted Toby, he wouldn't hurt you. He was your friend.
“So” he lets out a harsh sigh, “you didn't...you haven't read anything?”
You hastily shake your head, “What did they tell you.” he looks off to the side and his mouth is all screwed up, and not in it's normal mangled sense.
“That I shouldn't see you anymore, you did something bad, awful, terrifying; Nate's list goes on but I sort of...fo the fingers in the ear 'lalala' thing” you say sheepishly, “anytime he tries to tell me something. Jo stops when I ask him to. He's not too worried about you...I think.”
Or he's working behind the scene to keep you and Toby separated for the long run but that's speculation and not the point of this conversation so you don't mention it.
Toby's flipping through the file skimming it, no doubt looking for his checkered past, he finds what he's looking for and nods once continuing on like he was reading a grocery list. Which he may as well have been, a grocery list of all his transgressions. With the way his fingers gripped the edges of the folder you could tell he was putting on a front about the contents.
They did bother him.
“Why didn't you look, why didn't you listen YN?” was he seriously angry at you for that?
“It was an invasion of your privacy. Whatever's in there I wanted you to have the ability to tell me on your own terms – if you ever even wanted to. Not because you were forced into it because I found out from some third party that doesn't even know you.”
“Then why the fuck did you -wrong- practically jump into a car with me and then hand me a file on my shitty life!?!” He slammed the file down into his lap with a lot of force, more than he should have used for sure. “They think I'm a menace and they're right you shouldn't have...you need to...” he trails off looking like he's trying to disintegrate the file in front of him with latent laser eye abilities.
His arms are shaking.
No – he's trembling. The way he's biting his lip tips you off. He's trying to hold himself together, trying to stop himself from breaking. This can't be the same person Nate's so worried about.
“You're biting your lip, that's not good for you.”
“Fuck off.” it's half hearted at best, no real weight behind the words. And he does let his abused lip go.
“It's a breech of trust if I didn't tell you this...I wanted to give you the file because you should know it's been read by two people, to my knowledge.” you place a hand on his forearm, “Toby, I don't know what you've done in the past but...you know you aren't that person now, right?”
He's out of the car in an instant, slamming the door behind him. You follow, as dumb as you understand it is, getting out of your car in the middle of no where with a very unstable person.
“Get back in the car. I mrrow I can't...I need a minute.” his shaking is so much worse now that he's standing, It's even put a tremble in his voice.
“You're stupid if you think I'm leaving you alone in the middle of no where.” you stand your ground, he may need space but this is not the place to have it. You're only a few miles from town, you can get him back to the lodge where he doesn't have to see or be near you.
Hell you won't say a word on the way back.
“Like you're not stupid for ignoring the warnings that I'm dangerous! I've killed people! Did you know that?! Did you even think that's what was so bad!?” he's giving you the same glare he had on when he talked about the fight with Tim.
“I could literally kill you right now, you've driven us out to who knows where but still remained in walking distance back to town. You live on the outskirts of it and it'd be so easy for me to make you disappear and everyone would believe your stalkers got to you.” his chest heaves at a vicious rate.
Despite the venom and truth of his words, you can't find it in you to be scared of him. If anything his rant proves Toby must not have been mentally well during his crimes, he's acting like a cornered alley cat not a serial killer. There's a vice grip on you heart at the thought.
“Ok...are you?”
It's like a switch has been flipped in him and he calms instantly.
“What?” he knows what you're asking.
“Are you going to kill me?” you asked like you'd been asking what time it was.
He stares at you looking you up and down, “No...I wouldn't.” his neck jerks triggering your own tic.
“Then I'm safe.” you slowly approach him, much like you would a feral alley cat. “I trust you Tobias.” you reach out to tough his arm again.
It hadn't worked in the car but Toby does seem to calm down faster when he's being touched. Like the sensation brings him back to reality and locks him there.
“Y-you shouldn'n'n't.”
He doesn't pull away this time as you place your hands gently on his forearms. His eyes raise to meet yours.
“...I've killed.”
He sounds so helpless.
The only thing you find shocking about this is that he actually did it. You know people are capable of all sorts of vile things. But the way Toby's voice breaks, the tremors that run through his body. You can't see any similarity with the horror show you once imagined, a Toby covered head to toe in blood and a vicious grin.
The fact that Toby killed doesn't really phase you much more than the ever present 'how' that rings out. He must have had a reason. Jo wasn't too worried so maybe it was circumstantial. Not to mention Toby's among the general public. Could it have just been an accident? A misunderstanding?
“I don't – no I'm not going to say 'I don't care', because this is something that really effects you but I...I guess what I'm trying to get at is..it doesn't bother me. I know it should but, Tobias I just can't picture you as a murderer.” that blood stained Toby flashes before you singing 'liar', “I got to know you before finding out any of this. So, I know there must've been a reason behind it. And that's...and you don't have to tell me anything.”
Nothing more is said, after all you've said everything you could think of to deescalate the situation. And Toby is frozen as he stares at you. You'd have thought he was dissociating had it not been for the way his eyes still held that tiny reflection of light. He was still present, just unsure how to proceed.
Honestly you were stumped too, you had no idea how to begin this conversation let alone end it.
“My – there was...” you rub his arm in a small circular motion. You don't need to hear anything more, it already feels like too much information that he'd lost the agency for.
But your gentle shushing did nothing because he continued, “Clairse says I had a psychotic break and...just went after the biggest stressor at the time.” he pauses with a deep breath and closes his eyes in the process. “She says it wasn't really my fault, I was under...a lot of – I wasn't there, where I should've been mentally. My dad was abusive...anyone in my situation would've broken at some point.”
His words are hollow and robotic. A mantra he's learned to say although he doesn't believe it.
You'd normally give someone the choice but this time you just slip you arms over his shoulders and pull him into a hug. There's no resistance from him either, if anything he leans into the embrace and grips onto your back. His trembling doesn't stop but it's softened by the pressure.
“You don't have to tell me anything Tobes. I don't want you to...not if it's this painful.”
“I want – want to tell you about Lyra.” his voice cracks in tandem with his neck as he says her name.
And he does tell you, against all your protests to take his time. He tells you everything laid out his whole life right in front of you. From being home schooled early on – isolated within his own home for years, to his older sister and her untimely accident that he's still clearly wracked with guilt about, and then the spiral that ended in patricide and a fire that ate his entire neighborhood.
By the end of his recounting he'd stopped trembling and letting out the occasional sniffle – and now the two of you were leaning on the hood of your car. Looking at the stars that just started coming out for the night, you occasionally whispered affirmations to Toby as he tells more stories from his childhood. The good ones this time.
His spirits aren't as high as they were when you'd started your evening but they're much better than they were two hours ago.
You chuckle as he finishes telling you about the time he and Lyra managed to sneak out of the house for a concert only to realize they had no way of getting back into the house when they returned. Their mom just opened the door letting them inside with a small crease in her brow but the smile that played at her lips told them everything they'd needed to know. They weren't in trouble, she'd sent them off to bed and in the morning asked how the show was. From the way Toby talked about his mom you can tell he really loves her. The feeling must've been mutual, if she sent them off to bed instead of dishing out a punishment all because Toby had smiled for the first time in weeks that night.
“Ah, favorite child Toby strikes again.” you joke.
This time Toby didn't say anything, you had been throwing small jokes in to help keep the mood light, but he just looked at you with his head tilted. A grim expression barely crossed his features before being replaced with a lopsided smile and warm but sad eyes.
“Y'kn – Kyra used to say that all the time.”
“Must be true then.”
He looks at his hands with the softest expression you've ever seen. It's an expression normally given to Connor, just sadder this time.
You nudge him getting his attention back to the present.
“You still want that slushie?”
He takes a moment to look around you and finally rests his gaze on the stars. “Not Franlin, not tonight.” he says focusing back on to you.
“Think we're two exits from Riverton if that helps. They have Wawas.”
“Wawas?” he chuckles.
You nod, “Yea they have smoothies and milkshakes.”
“Ooh la la.”
You both snort and head back into the car. It's surreal to be buckling back in, joking around with Toby when just hours prior you thought you'd be ending your friendship the moment you opened your mouth.
You can't help but ask, “Are we cool?”
“Yea...we're good. 's not like you fucking asked for the information.” he leans his head against the window and crosses his arms into himself.
“I'm still sorry about it though.”
“Know you are. But it's over now.” the finality of that statement takes the weight off of your shoulders. For the first time in days you can breathe again.
“Thanks for telling me everything...you didn't have to. But I appreciate you sharing it with me.”
His nails dig into his arms, or they would have if they weren't chopped down to the bit.
“I mrrow I-I didn't tell you everything...”
Nope this was over and done with, no more sad and scared Toby. You couldn't handle anymore, guilt had found a friend in discomfrot and the two had set out to eat you alive with every tremor that tore through Toby's body.
“What are you like a child murderer or something?” Giving a laugh to soften the joke.
You missed the way Toby tenses and sucks in a breath. His heart is beating wildly in his chest, so hard he's certain you hear it. Is that where you draw the line? Child murder. Of course you had to have some boundaries he couldn't just expect you to be cool with everything he's done. You were sure to figure it out sooner or later no thanks to your boss. But Toby couldn't loose you now. Not when you've been an anchor he hasn't had in such a long time. He feels almost human again when he's with you.
He's been quiet too long, at least he thinks he has. He needs to say something, joke around back and dismiss the notion. You can't know not now – maybe not ever.
“I'm trans!” he hadn't meant to blurt that out.
He stared at you with wide eyes. Why had he said that, that hadn't even crossed his mind. Just as he was about to laugh it off you reached over and lightly punched him in the arm. That small gesture sent a tickle down Toby's spine. It was such an innocent touch, but he was touched starved and knew it.
“I am too goof. Thanks for telling me but why the wait?”
Fuck now he had to think of something. Talking to you always made him so brain dead.
“Mrrow...mrr-you saw me as a man first...I wanted to keep it that way.” maybe he didn't have to make something up, just tell you the half truth.
Brian had questioned him when they got ready for the picnic why he hadn't worn his trans tie dye shirt and he's said he misplaced it. A bold lie to tell someone like Brian, especially since it'd been a gift from his mom. She had sent it in a care package last June. He'd never loose something his mom gave him, at least not so quickly. If he'd been being honest with himself at the time, he was worried about your reaction. Of course he knew you were trans too so not like you'd be one to be a transphobe, but he didn't want you to stop seeing him as a man and only see him as trans.
“Toby, you are a man. Nothing short of you telling me otherwise will change that for me.”
Toby isn't sure when you grabbed his hand but he's aware of your hold when you start to rub along his knuckles. He watches your thumb circle jis joints and pressing a bit into the divots as he takes another deep breath.
He gives his best smile, a lopsided uncomfortable looking thing, “I don't think I like when you call me Toby.”
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dear-galileo · 3 years ago
come feel this magic (ive been feelin since i met you)
buddie week 2021
day four: so have you flirted with everyone in this bar yet? | crush
also posted on ao3
my buddie week 2021 masterpost
eddie knew that the day when chris had his first crush would come, but he never would have expected to find out that buck had a crush as well. a crush that buck refused to talk to eddie about.
eddie suffers. chris is excited. buck has some explaining to do.
(3.2k words)
(i will not be posting on day 5/tomorrow because its my finals week and im frankly exhausted but i plan to be back on day six/saturday!)
Logically, Eddie knew that this day would always come. He was in the first grade when he had his first crush- Allison Smith, a fellow first-grader with dark braids falling down her back. He was smitten, until he saw her kissing Connor Lopez on the playground. His first love and first heartbreak happened that quickly.
So when Buck brings Christopher home from school one afternoon, Chris a red faced blushing mess, and Buck with a poorly concealed smile, Eddie felt a sinking sense of dread in his stomach.
Whenever Buck volunteers to pick Chris up from school, Eddie agrees because every time without fail, Chris comes home swinging off of Buck’s arms or once on his shoulders, laughing and shouting about how ‘his Bucky’ had picked him up from school, and how that meant that Buck had to stay and watch a movie with them that night. So clearly, something was up, but nothing too bad, judging by Buck’s smile.
Still, something was up.
Chris was swiftly sat in the kitchen to start his homework with a snack, but he refused to look at Eddie other than giving him a quick hug and mumbling a hello.
Eddie raised an eyebrow over Chris’s head at Buck, who jerked his chin, motioning into the other room.
“Call us if you need any help,” Eddie reminded as he followed Buck into the living room. Chris only muttered something in response.
“What’s up with Chris?” Eddie asked.
“I saw him talking to a girl after school today. I asked if they were friends, and Chris got-“ Buck’s voice lowered significantly, though there was no way Chris could hear them from this distance. “Flustered, to say the least. Any more questioning on the way home was met with pleas to stop, hence why your son has turned into a tomato.”
“A crush?”
“Seems like it,” Buck affirmed as Eddie sat down on the couch heavily. “It’s cute. I remember my first crush.”
“He’s so young though,” Eddie managed to get out underneath the dawning realization of his baby not being a baby anymore. More like, his baby was nearly a twelve year old.
“How old were you when you had your first crush? Maddie can back me up, I was trying to flirt with girls the moment I was dropped off in kindergarten.” Eddie snorted, elbowing Buck in the side when he sits down beside him.
“Somehow that’s not surprising. The Buckley charm just didn’t come to be overnight. My first crush was in the first grade. Allison Smith. But still- Chris? Having a crush?”
“It’s totally normal!” Eddie just groaned and dropped his head into his hands. He felt older just from having this conversation. “We should just be happy that he is willing to talk to us about it. If I remember correctly, I would have rather died than admitted to my parents about any inkling of romantic feelings I had all through school, and-“ Buck thought for a moment. “Pretty much still now.”
Eddie couldn’t help but smiling at him, wondering if Buck noticed how now when they spoke of Chris, it was always we, never you. It took some time, but Buck was starting to realize how important he was to both Chris and Eddie, in so many ways.
“Well, I’m glad we are doing better than your parents. I need a drink.”
“It’s two in the afternoon.”
“My baby has a crush on someone, I would say that I’ve earned it.” Still chuckling, Buck leaned on his shoulder.
“Yeah, you aren’t the apple of Chris’s eye anymore. It’s some girl named Gemma Wilkson. That’s gotta hurt.”
“This means you’ve been demoted too,” Eddie pointed out dryly. “Should I talk to him about it?”
“He’ll probably bring it up with you later. He wanted to hear about how I dealt with having crushes, but I told him to ask you that. You would probably have a better answer.” Eddie snorted, but mentally resigned himself to that conversation tonight, though only God knows what he would say.
“Why wouldn’t you answer it? You’ve had more relationships than I’ve had. More experience. Actually,” Eddie thought out loud. “I take that back. I don’t want you teaching my kid how to wine and dine someone.” Buck snickered.
“He wanted to know if I had a crush on anyone, which I also wouldn’t answer- you’re welcome, by the way, for me deflecting the entire conversation onto you.”
That gave Eddie reason to pause. Why wouldn’t Buck tell Chris if he had a crush- did Buck have a crush?
“Stop giving me that look.”
“Do you have a crush?” Eddie asked. Buck laughed nervously, his eyes immediately jumping from Eddie to the ceiling, clearly avoiding his gaze. The warm spot on Eddie’s side where Buck was leaning into was suddenly cold.
“Come on Eddie, aren’t we adults?”
“We are, so you can answer,” Eddie argued back. Buck rolled his eyes, but didn’t look at Eddie again. Eddie let his mouth fall open in shock- Buck did have a crush! And he didn’t want to tell Eddie!
“Bucky?” Chris called from the kitchen. Buck shot up from the couch so fast you would have thought it was on fire.
“Yeah, bud?” Eddie watched Buck disappear into the kitchen, where him and Christopher started to talk about math.
He was left there on the couch, pondering the short interaction. Why would Buck not want to tell him, his best friend about a crush? And why would Buck have a crush in the first place? He was such an outgoing guy, it didn’t take much for him to go out and tell someone if he liked them.
Eddie tried racking his brain for any mention of anyone by Buck in the past weeks, but nothing came up. If anything, he’d been spending more time at the Diaz house, not that Eddie was complaining. But if he had a crush on someone, he would be spending time with them, wouldn’t he?
Why was there such a big pit in Eddie’s stomach, just thinking about it?
His brain was saved from melting when Buck poked his head back through the doorway. “Chris and I want Chinese. Can I order?”
“Y-yeah.” Eddie cleared his voice awkwardly, trying to shake the thoughts from his head.
“Your usual?” Buck checked, already pulling out his phone. Eddie hummed an assenting noise. “Got it.” Buck disappeared back into the kitchen.
“Daaad! Bucky and I can’t figure out this math question.” Chris called a few minutes later. The two looked up at him from the kitchen table when Eddie walked in, and Christopher shoved the math worksheet at him. “It’s number six.”
“Alright.” Eddie settled down, firmly pushing all thoughts of Buck, and his crush out of his head. “So, to find x, you will need to subtract five from the other side.”
As hard as he tried, Eddie couldn’t stop thinking about Buck. About Buck’s crush.
Chris had eventually come to him that night, after they had dinner and Buck had gone home, and told him about Gemma. Though Eddie felt totally out of his depth, as he often did, Chris seemed content with Eddie’s advice of being nice to her, and being her friend first and foremost. He did have to stave off a panic attack, just thinking of Chris dating- he might have to set a rule of no dating until Christopher is 30, just for Eddie’s heart’s sake.
With Chris satisfied and off to sleep, Eddie found himself raking through his past conversations with Buck, trying to find anything that would hint at a crush. They hadn’t talked about women in weeks though, maybe even months, since Eddie broke things off with Ana and Buck and Taylor fizzled out (Buck’s words, but Eddie found himself secretly pleased). The usual flirtations that Buck came across at work too were always met with a gentle let-down, and he would refuse any numbers that were given to him. Was he refusing them because of the crush? But that didn’t lead Eddie any closer to figuring out their identity.
This was what led Eddie to cornering Hen at their next shift. He caught her in the locker room, while Buck was upstairs with Bobby in the kitchen.
“Does Buck have a crush?” Hen jumped at the sound of his voice, whirling around to face him.
“Jesus!” Hen placed a hand on her chest and breathed heavily. “How did you get so sneaky?”
“Sorry,” Eddie said, a bit sheepish. “But does he?”
“Does who what?”
“Buck. Does he have a crush on someone? On who?”
Eddie wasn’t sure what kind of reaction he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t for Hen to pause, then burst out into laughter.
Eddie stood there awkwardly and watched her wheeze, bent over with her hands on her knees under the weight of her laughter. She didn’t stop even when Chimney walked in, eyebrow already raised in confusion.
“What’s going on in here?” Eddie opened his mouth to explain, but Hen waved him off.
“Listen- to this,” Hen said between bouts of laughter. “Eddie wants-“ another wheeze. “-to know if Buck has a crush.”
Chimney didn’t pause before laughing. Not as hard as Hen was, but enough to make Eddie feel like he was severely missing out on a joke.
“Ah, good one.” Chim said, slapping a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “I needed that. Does Buck have a crush- Eddie, you might have a career in comedy if firefighting doesn’t work out for you.”
“What?” Eddie ground out, exasperated. Hen paused in her laughter, looking at him.
“Oh my god. You are serious.” Hen said. Chim froze, his hand still on Eddie’s shoulder.
“What? Really? Eddie.”
“Does this mean he does have one? Why is that so funny?”
“Oh hon.” Hen said, humor replaced with what felt like pity. “He hasn’t said anything about it to you?”
“Wait, so you guys knew? Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
“That’s uh,” Chim started, his voice unsure. “Something that Buck himself should tell you.”
“He won’t tell me!” Eddie complained in frustration. “He kept avoiding the subject and being weird about it.”
Chim just clapped his hand on his shoulder again, giving him a solemn nod, and left the locker room.
“He’ll tell you.” Hen assured Eddie. “He will.”
“Why is he acting like it’s such a big deal?” Eddie huffed in frustration. Why was he apparently the only one who didn’t know? It didn’t have to be such a huge secret, but apparently it was, and it was a secret being kept from only Eddie.
And that had nothing to do with the other ugly feeling that was lurking underneath his skin.
“It is. To him. And maybe to you?” Hen looked pointedly at Eddie’s clenched fists. He sighed, releasing them. “Buck… He’s scared of losing the people he loves more than anything else. It’s hard for him.”
I know that, but what does it have to do with me?! Eddie thought angrily, but let Hen give him a quick hug and leave him alone in the locker room.
The alarm blared moments later, thankfully forcing Eddie out of his thoughts. Buck shot him a weird look when they climbed in the truck together, but said nothing.
The rest of the day passed by in a similar fashion, enough calls to make time go by quickly but nothing heavy enough to pull Eddie away from his talk with Hen.
Buck also could sense something was off, but didn’t pry, just sent occasional wounded-puppy worried looks Eddie’s way when he thought Eddie wasn’t looking.
Eddie caught Hen and Buck talking in the gym at one point, but they went silent when Eddie entered.
Finally, the shift was over. The frustration was still simmering under Eddie’s skin, but had waned enough that he was able to smile and wave at Buck as he pulled out of the firehouse’s parking lot. Buck, blessed Buck, beamed back at him and waved vigorously. Buck still had a few hours left of his shift, but Eddie was ready to see Chris, and also collapse onto the couch for a few hours.
Christopher was even more of a chatterbox being picked up from school as usual. Apparently he had been holding back on telling him about his crush, but now that the secret had been spilled, the floodgates were wide open.
“That sounds pretty cool that she brought a ukulele for her personal presentation, bud. What did she think of your skateboard?”
“She said it was awesome! And she wanted to know about my Bucky, so I told her that he saved my life and was my best friend. Is he coming over tonight?”
“I’m not sure bud, he’s still at work. He might just want to go home to sleep tonight.” Eddie said, resisting the urge to check his phone, where he knew a text from Buck was waiting. You okay? Buck had sent him shortly after Eddie had gotten home.
Eddie didn’t want to ignore him, but he also didn’t know what to say. What was such a big deal that he- Eddie mentally cut off that train of thought for the millionth time today. It was of no use to him to keep wondering that.
Chris pouted in the backseat for a few minutes, but was distracted when Eddie asked about his homework for the night.
Then that track of conversation got derailed when Eddie pulled the truck into the driveway, and Chris squealed. He jumped, whipping around to look at him, but Chris was staring out the window with a massive smile on his face. “Bucky’s here!”
Eddie whipped his head the other way, (seriously, he was going to pull something in his neck), and sure enough, Buck was sitting on the porch steps, staring at the truck with a sheepish smile.
Chris was already scrambling to get out of his seat, so Eddie was quick to hop out and help him out.
“Buck! Buck!” Chris shouted, moving as fast as he could. Buck met him halfway up the drive, picking him up and spinning him in a hug. Eddie couldn’t help but smile, especially since it had been less than twenty four hours since Chris had seen Buck last, yet he got a reaction like this every time.
“Hey bud! Hey, I gotta talk to your dad for a second, do you mind heading into the house?”
“But you are coming in too?” Chris asked, once he had been set down. Buck hesitated, and glanced uncertainly at Eddie before smiling at Chris.
“Probably.” Content with that answer, Chris moved into the house with one last grin at the two of them.
“I thought you were still on shift.” Eddie said once the door had closed behind Chris. Buck shoved his hands in his pockets, and shrugged.
They were a truck’s length apart from each other, but something made the distance feel even wider.
“Cap let me go early. I wanted to see if you were alright.” Eddie opened his mouth to say something, but Buck charged on. “Look, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable yesterday. I won’t- I won’t say anything, not to anyone, and we can just forget that anything happened.”
“What?” Not for the first time that day, Eddie felt like he had missed a huge part of the conversation. “No, I just. I want to-“ He huffed, and pushed a hand through his hair. “Who do you have a crush on? Because apparently everyone except for me knows, which I don’t understand why, I didn’t even know that you had a crush on someone, and it’s like we are in fucking high school or something, because I don’t want you to have a crush on anyone else, I want you to have a crush on me, because I have one on you.”
Eddie didn’t even have time to process the words that had came out of his own mouth before Buck was crossing the distance between them, and crashing his lips to Eddie’s.
They both stumbled upon impact but neither let go, Eddie’s hands fisting in the back of Buck’s t-shirt, Buck’s hands coming up around Eddie’s neck and the back of his head.
Their kisses started out desperate, but slowly became something more tender, more soft, the world becoming meaningless when Buck’s lips were on Eddie’s. When Buck pulled away, Eddie tried to follow, softly whining. Thankfully, Buck didn’t go far, staying in Eddie’s arms, and pressed his forehead to Eddie’s.
“We are such idiots.”
“Agreed.” Eddie said.
“I thought you knew that I liked you, and you were just trying to let me down!”
That got Eddie to pull away slightly, an incredulous look on his face. “What? I had no idea! I was going out of my mind, thinking that you liked someone else!” Buck laughed, and pressed another kiss to Eddie’s lips.
“I didn’t want to lose you, or Chris, so I never wanted to risk anything-“
“You could never lose me. Or Chris.” Eddie affirmed. “Never. You have the both of us, always.” It may have been a dopily romantic thing to say, but it seemed to work, because Buck was kissing him again, until he pulled away suddenly with a strange look on his face.
“Oh God. I hope this doesn’t mean that Chris thinks he can start making out with that Gemma girl.”
Eddie shuddered, trying to immediately erase that mental image. “Nope. No way. No kissing until he’s 45. I’ve just decided that now.” Buck laughed again, and somehow, his laugh sounded even more beautiful up close. Eddie couldn’t resist kissing him again, and again, and again.
“Let’s try to keep our communication above a middle-schooler level next time. Even if we need to pass each other notes asking if you like me, check yes or no.” Buck suggested. Eddie snorted, burying his head in the crook of Buck’s neck and shoulder. “In case you couldn’t tell, I am checking yes.”
“Thank God.” Eddie replied dryly. A movement from the front of the house caught his attention. “We have an audience.”
Buck twists in Eddie’s grasp, just in time to see the front door swing wide open and Chris come through.
“Does this mean Bucky’s staying all of the time?!” Chris shouted at the top of his voice. Buck started to shake with laughter, and even Eddie couldn’t stop the smile from spreading. He looked at Buck, pressing one last kiss to his cheek.
“If I have anything to say about it, yes!” he called back. Chris cheered. “Come on,” Eddie said to Buck. “We have some catching up to do.”
Hours later, dinner eaten, kisses shared, and Chris finally put to bed, Eddie felt his phone buzz. It was a text from Hen.
Have you figured out who Buck’s crush is yet?
Eddie snorted, looking from his phone to Buck, who was currently splayed across Eddie’s chest, fast asleep. He sent a text (Yeah. Still mad at you for laughing at me in the locker room though) back before shutting off his phone and wrapping his arms around Buck once again.
Hen (and Chim too) would probably have words for them both in the morning, but Eddie savored Buck in his arms in the moment. He pressed a kiss to Buck’s head before letting himself drift off to sleep himself.
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brashierc · 6 years ago
Baby Brash
July 13th, his 20th birthday. That night was the reason why you were here today. If that night wouldn’t have happened you wouldn’t have peed on a stick this morning, it wouldn’t have been positive and you wouldn’t be sitting on the bed at your OBGYN’s clinic awaiting for her results. 
You’ve been best friends with Connor since you both were 7. That was 13 years of friendship. 13 years of listening to him go on about photography, 13 years of supporting him and his dreams no one else really supported when he first got started in high school. 
It was also 13 years of being asked how long you two had been in a relationship. 
Girls and boys can be best friends without falling in love. Or well, that’s what you always said to everyone when they asked. You’d been in love with Connor since you were 17, but you knew he’d never feel the same, so you kept that feeling pushed way back into your brain.
Connor was there for you through every boyfriend, just like you were for his girlfriends. The heartbreak and the first time discussions after the fact. 
“Alright,” The Doctor walks in after tapping on the wooden door with her knuckle twice. “So your positive was correct, you are pregnant.” 
You sighed, shoulders sinking. “Really?” 
“Yep, really really pregnant.” She smiles, handing you a few brochures. “Let’s go over your options.” 
You look up with wide eyes, horror running through your veins and emotions. 
“Let’s not, thanks Doc, but I’m already attached to this kid, and if you knew the Dad you would be too.” 
She smiles, nodding but telling you to take the brochures just in case. 
She refers you to one of her colleagues who’s an Obstetrician with her practice and can take you through your pregnancy and birth. 
You take the information she gave you and leave with a small smile and a polite wave goodbye to her front office receptionist. Once you’re back in your car you let the new totally settle in. 
You were having a baby, with Connor, at age 19 and 20. Super cool. 
On Connor’s birthday everything went a little crazy. Shawn threw a rager, wanting to celebrate his newest addition to his team, and his friend who was turning the big 2 0. He flew you out to where they were so you could be there to celebrate and surprise Connor.
Everyone went a little crazy, everyone. 
Brian was so blacked out that he took Alessia back to his room with him, forgot that he invited her in, and called Shawn from the bathroom freaking out that she’d followed him home. (Even though we were all in the same hotel) 
Shawn was the only one that didn’t go hard. Knowing he had shows and other obligations like filming music videos and meeting up with Chance the Rapper. He supervised, and not well, but had a blast watching everyone be stupid and make fools of themselves. 
Connor was a clingy needy drunk, so throughout the night he just became more and more glued to your side. He hadn’t seen you in months, and missed you so much. It all started when he wanted to dance to the slow songs with you, hands on your hips, holding you close. You fell into his embrace, missing being held in such a way, and feeling so safe with Connor. He planted a few kisses to your neck, and one just behind your ear learning very quickly that that was your weak spot. 
After you let out a shaky moan of his name, tucking your fingers into his hair, you were a goner. You both quickly found your way back to his room, falling on the bed nakedly exploring the other between the sheets. 
By morning? You both swore to never speak of it again, pretend like nothing happened, and move on. Everything was normal, it literally was like nothing happened. He still picked on you, you still gave him shit in front of the guys, but you both were still there for the other in ways no one else could be. 
You clicked on his contact; ‘Bri’s lil bitch C David Brash” 
Brian really changed Connor’s name in your phone to the best thing you’d ever seen, you wouldn’t dare change it. 
“Whattup?” He answered on the third ring, and suddenly, you’re emotional. 
“Hey,” You choke out, looking around trying to distract your brain.
“What’s wrong?” His side of the phone shuffles, and becomes marginally quieter.
“Nothing,” You whisper, “What are you doing?”
“I’m talking to you, tell me what’s wrong?” 
“It’s nothing Con.” 
“You’re upset though, I can hear it.” 
“When do you come home again?” 
“I come home next week, I have to meet my counselor and then register for classes. I get into town on Monday, and I leave Friday.” 
You nod, knowing full well he can’t see you. “Can we meet on Monday?”
You need to tell him, and you won’t keep this a secret from him longer than you have too.
“Um yeah, I fly in at like 8, wanna meet for coffee and breakfast or something?” 
“Yeah perfect.” 
“Okay…..? Ready to tell me what’s wrong yet?” He asks.
You sigh, “I should let you go, you’re probably busy.” 
“No, hey,” He protests. “I wanna talk, I miss you.” 
You smile, insides running warm when you hear his voice say those words. “I miss you too Baby Brash.” 
You can hear him sigh and you can practically see him rolling his eyes. “So you watched the newest video?” 
“Of course I did, got your post notifications on.” 
“No you don’t.”
“No you’re right, I don’t, I have Shawn’s on.” 
At this he laughs, like a snort and everything and it makes you feel good, to be able to get him to laugh like that again, to hear that laugh. 
“Brashier, we gotta go!” Brian yells at him in the background.
“You’re literally standing behind me, why you gotta yell?” 
“Because I felt like pissing you off.” Brian snickers. “Who you on the phone with? Gots a girlyfriend?” Something must happen on Connor’s side of the phone because suddenly all you can hear is boys yelling. 
“Connor that’s the fourth girl you’ve been on the phone with today!” 
“There is no hot sex going on over here!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Connor’s voice is back, “Jesus it’s just Y/n, could you…?” 
“But we wanna say hi!” Shawn and Brian whine. 
You giggle and blush a little at the attention. 
Connor shuffles the phone, and then you can barely hear him, he’s really muffled but you make it out. “She’s upset about something, so could you fucking leave for a minute. I was getting her to talk and then you fuckers walked in.” A few seconds later and he’s back crystal clear. “Okay they left, you still there Honey?” 
“You didn’t need to kick them out.” 
“But I wanna talk to you.” 
“They just wanted to say hi.” 
“But you’re my best friend.” He whines, “They’d steal all your attention.” 
“You need to go, I’ll see you next week okay?” 
“Okay, love you kid.” He says softly.
“Love you too Brash.” 
He walks in, looking all nerdy cute, face down into his phone. 
iMessage from Bri’s lil bitch C David Brash: Im here where u is
“If you ever looked up from your phone you’d know I’m here too Bitch.” You say from your table, laughing when he jumps and looks over at you. 
“You scared the shit out of me.” He laughs, smiling really wide when you stand and give him a big hug. “Fuck I missed you Kid.” He sighs into your neck, letting your scent relax his stressed out mind.
“Missed you too.” 
 He takes the seat across from you, thanking you for the coffee you already had ordered and sat in front of his seat on the table. He takes a sip as you take a deep breath and shut your eyes to give yourself that last push of encouragement. 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurt. 
It’s then that you realize your eyes are still closed, opening them one at a time to see his reaction. It’s comical almost, the sight of him, jaw dropped, eyes bugging, body frozen. 
You give it a moment, a second to really settle into his brain, you needed to do the same when you found out. Hell, you’re still doing that. 
He clears his throat, shakes his head a bit, but his eyes continue to flare out at you. 
“Excuse me?” He croaks. 
“I’m pregnant,” You nod, watching him nod with you. “And it’s yours.” 
He hums, and continues to stare at you. You take a sip of your decaf coffee, wincing at the weird taste. 
“Fuck man, I don’t know if I can handle 9 months of decaf, that shit is gross as hell.” 
This seems to snap Connor out of whatever daze he was in. 
“You’re being real right now?” He looks around, “Is Brian here filming me? Is this a prank or something? You got me, you got my reaction, turn it off now.” 
You sigh, worried he would think something like that. You just sit there, staring at him.
“You’re being real?!?” He says with persistence in his voice, leaning closer to you. 
“That night we swore to never speak of again? Well, we’ll be talking for at least the next 18 years.” You shrug.
He’s still in shock, just staring at you with a glazed over glance. You just nod and smile a little at him, trying to coax him through his shock.
“I-” He gapes, “Um, we...I...condom!” 
You giggle, shaking your head at him while rolling your eyes. “Really? That’s what you’re gonna do? Blurt ‘condom’ out like it’ll fix everything?” 
“But I used one!” He’s becoming defensive. Snapping at you in ways he’s done in the past when he’s stressed to the brim and can’t control his emotions. You can count the amount of times snapped at you on one hand. 
“They’re only 98% effective, if that, Connor. Or maybe it broke or something. It happened, and I’m pregnant.” 
“No! We can’t, a baby?” 
You take a deep breath, trying to tell yourself that he’s just in shock and that he’s gonna be happy about this, someday. He doesn’t mean the way he’s reacting right now. 
“How are you calm right now?” He asks in shrill. 
“I don’t know Connor, life happens. It’s not perfect but we’ll figure it out.” You shrug, raising your voice a little to match his level.
“Fucking shit,” He tugs at his hair, face grimancing as he groans. 
You sigh, grabbing your purse, collecting your phone and coffee and stand to leave. His head whips up when you stand, and he watches as you straighten out your shorts before starting to walk away.
“No, don’t go.” He pleads.
“Talk to me when this settles Connor. I can’t be here to watch you freak out. My hormones are all sorts of fucked up right now and I’m trying to stay positive about this whole thing but your reaction isn’t helping.” 
He gets up and follows you out of the coffee shop, racing to meet you at your car before you can leave. 
“Wait, talk to me, please.” He blocks your door so you can’t close it. 
You look up, tears in your eyes that tear his heart apart. “We really did turn into Ross and Rachel huh? Just like everyone said throughout high school. Except we won’t end up together, we’ll always be the Ross and Rachel before they got together.” 
He shakes his head, “I’m your lobster.”
Connor sits on your couch three days later. This was the first chance he’d been able to actually come over, any other conversations have been over the phone or text message since your meeting at the coffee shop. 
It’s kind of awkward, the both of you sitting in silence as you try to not bring up the elephant in the room. 
“I’m sorry,” You clear your throat, wincing as you lean forward and start this conversation. “I’m sorry that I up and left you on Monday. That wasn’t cool. I dropped a big ass bomb on you, something we would have never expected in a million years, and then just got up and left you alone. My hormones are whacked out right now but that’s not an excuse. So I’m sorry for being a shitty friend and making you go through that shock alone.” 
“Hey,” He shakes his head, turning towards you on the couch, scooting closer. “Don’t be sorry. I was kind of being a jackass. I shouldn’t have flipped out like that.” 
You sigh, smiling up at him. “I missed you, a lot.” 
His hand falls on top of yours, fingers intertwining. “I missed you so much, you have no idea.” He sighs, letting his eyes rake over you for a moment, imagining what you’ll look like with a baby bump. “How the hell am I supposed to leave for tour?” 
“Just go, I’m not due until May. You’ll be back in December, that’s plenty of time.” 
“You’re pregnant, I want to be here for appointments, picking out and setting up the crib, cravings, all of it!” 
You smile, reaching over and caressing his cheek. “Then talk to Shawn, sit down with Cez, explain it to Brian because he’ll lose his shit if you leave him without a solid reason behind it. We’ll figure it out, and make do.” You shrug.
He nods, leaning into your hand a little. “You always make everything better.” 
“That’s because I know you Connor David,” You tap his cheek twice, “I know how to handle you.” 
He grins, rolling his eyes before flopping back into the corner of your couch he’s claimed as his. “Have you told your mom yet?” He asks, throwing your fluffy white and black throw blanket over his lap. 
“No,” You sigh, kicking your feet up and relax across from him on your sectional. He smirks as you take a breath, reaching over and grabbing your feet to give you a foot massage. “What are you doing?” 
“Gotta get used to pampering you, might as well get a head start.” He murmurs. “Are you scared to tell your mom?”  
“I mean not really. It’s not the ideal situation I was hoping for when I thought about having kids. But like, I can’t complain. I’m honored to have your kid Con, I think I got lucky when it comes to the baby daddy part of this.” 
He tilts his head, looking over at you with a blush on his cheeks. 
“I guess you could say I got pretty lucky with the baby mama part.” He mutters, watching you from under his lashes, grinning when you roll your eyes and throw your head back to hide the apparent blush forming across your cheeks.
Your guest bedroom that once used to be your small library and office area has now been bombarded with camera gear, a full sized bed covered in basic grey sheets and a black comforter.
Connor spoke with Shawn and Cez the first chance he had when he got back to tour. He explained the situation, as awkward and unexpected it is, and expressed his need to be home more for you and his unborn child.
Both were very understanding to him and his needs, granting him a week off a month ensuring that he’d still be able to get enough footage but also time at home. It also gave Shawn and the crew a moment of peace and not having to worry about cameras so much, not that Connor is like the crazy paps. 
But now that Connor will be home once a month it made sense that he move into your spare room instead of having to stay with his parents or pay for a place he really wouldn’t see all that often. It was the perfect set up, to be there and help you when you need it. 
You two were still adjusting to living together, or with another human (of the different sex). 
You walked into the apartment from class, stopping short when the first thing you saw in your kitchen was Connor, in only his black Calvins.
“Bro,” You shield your eyes setting your backpack on your bar stool, “Can you wear pants?” 
Connor looks over at the sound of your voice, a slice of cheese between his fingers, munching on a bite. He looks down, and then back up to you holding a hand over your eyes. 
“I’m in boxers, I’m not naked.” 
“No one wants to see your dick though,” You shake your head, grinning as you say, “Been there, done that.” 
He chuckles, leaning closer to you and peeling your hands away from your eyes so you can see his smug smile. “You weren’t complaining then.” 
Your jaw drops and you blush as he raises an eyebrow at you. “Well,” You stutter, “I mean,” He smiles, getting the best reaction out of you. “Shut up, go put clothes on!” You smack his arm shooing him to his room. 
You both were getting really good and creative with ways to hiding your pregnancy. The only people who knew were the team, and family. Not even friends from your high school knew.
The issue with hiding this was the fact that Connor was gaining a lot of attention from Shawn’s fans. You didn’t blame them, no matter what brought them to become a fan of his, it at least brought more attention to his work and was getting him that much more popular. This just meant that you had to take hiding your pregnancy to a whole new level.
For a while you were able to just wear some big sweatshirts to cover the smallest bump you had. When sweatshirts weren’t able to work so much you then resorted to really flowy shirts and a big purse you could always swing in front of your belly. 
There was even one time that Connor and the whole crew were in town. They had invited you to lunch since no one had seen you since Connor told everyone. But at the end of lunch the manager came to tell the group that the paparazzi had followed Shawn and his own lunch date. 
You were panicked while everyone just rolled their eyes and grumbled about how someone had probably called them so pictures of Shawn and his date could be taken. You looked to Connor and gulped as he laughed with Brian about a meme he was showing him. 
“Y/n, you okay?” Shawn asked from across the table.
He was always so kind, and it boggled your mind how he could always see everyone, even when there were thousands in front of him, he could see everyone and notice every mood change.
Connor looked over after Shawn’s question and noticed your worried expression.
“Um, I’m,” You looked down at your shirt that very clearly showed off your small baby bump. “We haven’t told-”
“Oh shit,” Connor mumbled now noticing what you were referring too. “Fuck they’re gonna get pictures of us.” He looked to Shawn.
“I totally forgot,” Shawn rubs his forehead. “I’m so sorry you guys.” 
“Do you have anything to like hide behind?” Brian asked.
“No, I didn’t bring a jacket because it’s so nice out.” You shake your head. 
“Actually,” Connor cringes, looking at Josiah. “Do you still have your pocket reflector?” 
Josiah nods, handing it to Connor. 
“We’ll head out first, and then you guys go with Brian and maybe they’ll won’t pay you much attention. We’ll take a walk down the block or something.” Shawn stands, giving you an apologetic smile before walking out with his date.
You look to Connor and Brian as Connor is unfolding the reflector that creates a decent sized circle. You just laugh out loud when he offers it to you. 
“What?” He asks.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” You laugh taking it from him. “It definitely doesn’t look like I’m hiding anything.” You’re sarcastic tone makes the boys chuckle. 
“Here,” Brian hands Connor an old disposable camera. “Pretend like you’re taking my picture as we walk to the car so it looks like she’s actually using it.” 
You just laugh harder and so do the boys at this elaborate plan to cover your pregnant belly. 
At 5 months your little one is now starting to move. You’re really uncomfortable at the moment, in the stages of dealing with pregnancy and the symptoms. 
Tonight is no different, if anything, it’s worse. Baby Brash (literally) has the hiccups and it’s causing your belly to move every 30 seconds or so. So sleeping at the moment isn’t a reality. Finding a comfortable spot to fall asleep isn’t a reality either.
iMessage from Papa 👶: Stop moving, I can hear your bed springs, lord help our child when you get laid.
You rolled your eyes at Connor’s message. He changed his name in your phone when he finally saw what you had him under. He even changed your name in his phone to ‘Mama 👶’ with the baby emoji. 
iMessage to Papa👶 : Tell your child to stop moving so much then
You watched as he read the message, but frowned a little when he didn’t start responding. You jumped when your bedroom door creaked open, revealing Connor in a worn white t shirt and plaid pajama pants. 
“Hey you,” He crawls into your bed, shuffling under your covers with you. “Hey Kid,” He smiles, leaning down to plant a small kiss to your belly. “Stop moving in there so Mama can go to sleep. She’s keeping me up because you’re keeping her up.”
You roll your eyes again, glaring at him. “Really?”
“You told me to tell the kid.” He shrugs. 
His hands have found their way to your belly, rubbing soothing circles in hopes of calming his baby down and lulling you to sleep. 
You sigh and let your eyes flutter close.
“What hurts tonight?” He whispers.
“My hips and back.” 
“Roll to your side for me.” 
You do as told, and moan a little when he starts massaging at your tender hips. Your lower back is so tired and your hips are sore. 
He keeps rubbing and tracing designs on your skin until your breathing evens out. He rolls away a little to go back to his room before your rolling towards him, and resting your head on his chest.
“Don’t go.” You whine.
His whole life flashed before his eyes when he got the call. His whole life. 
That’s the only words running through his mind. 
His whole life.
“What did she say?” Brian as he drove to the airport. 
“She said that she was being transported to the hospital and because she’s pregnant they wanted to take her in for more testing just to double check that everything was okay.” 
“And what happened again?” 
“She was driving home from work, her light went green and she proceeded through the intersection when some dipshit in a fucking truck ran the red and hit the back of her car, sounds like it’s totaled but luckily he just hit her trunk, so she wasn’t hurt to much.” 
“She’s okay though right?” Brian asked again.
“As far as I know, but I’ll keep you updated. Just tell everyone else for me okay?” 
“Of course man. Just go take care of her and that Baby.” 
Connor takes a shaky breath as he looks out the window. 
“Connor,” Brian said, surprising him by using his full name. “You need to breathe.” 
“My whole life was in that car Brian, my whole life was sitting in the driver's seat of that car, and-” 
“You need to breathe Connor.” 
“I’m trying!” He snaps at Brian, “But I’m freaking out! My girl and our baby were in an accident today and I’m not there with them! So please forgive me if I’m a little scared and panicked.” 
“I know you are, you just gotta stay calm. Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.” 
“You really need to stop doing that weird fucking yoga thing with Shawn. It’s changing you man.” Connor jokes, trying to lighten his own mood. 
By the time Connor’s landed you’re already home and resting. He bursts into the apartment like a bat out of hell, slamming the door and flipping the lock before throwing his bag to the ground and racing to your room.
“Jesus, be a little louder why don’t you.” You comment when he falls into your room.
“Are you okay? What did the doctor say? Is our Bean okay?” He throws himself onto your bed, hands instantly searching for your ever growing bump.
“We’re okay.” You whisper, threading your fingers through his hair to calm him down. “I told you we were fine and that you didn’t need to come home.”
“Right,” He scoffs. “Like I was just gonna stay miles away from you after you’ve been in an accident.” 
“But we’re okay! You’re parents, my parents, our siblings, everyone was there with me. Really we’re okay.” 
“Okay, okay.” He nods, laying down with his head beside your big belly, rubbing and tapping at it, smiling when he feels a few kicks. “My Bean is kicking?” He looks up at you.
“Yeah, has been for a week or so.” 
“Why didn’t you say so?” 
“Well,” You frown, looking away. “To be honest I planned on pretending that the first time Bean kicked when you were home next was the first time so you didn’t feel like you were missing out on anything.” 
Connor smiles at you, shaking his head and leaning up to plant a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you for planning to lie to me.” 
You giggle, before shifting to sit up more. You reach for the papers on your bedside table and hand them to Connor.
“What’s this?” He asks, looking down. His face falls, frown dropping his lips eyes looking up at you. “What is this? Why are you handing me this?”
“I think we need to talk about it.” You shrug.
“Not right now.” 
“Connor this is serious, it’s not just us anymore. We’re having a kid, we need to have a Will drawn up.” 
“I understand that, but I don’t wanna talk about it right now.” 
“Connor, in the event that something happens to one of us, we need to know what the other wants.” 
“Stop, stop, stop talkin’ like that!” 
“Please,” He tugs at his hair, “Please not right now. I understand we need to know, I get that and we’ll have it drawn up but I don’t want to talk about it right now. All my nightmares came true today.” He looks at you with sad eyes. “I haven’t told you this, but lately I’ve been having a few nightmares that something happens to you and our Bean, and I’m not there to help you or protect you.” He shakes his head, eyes squeezed shut. “And that happened to me today. You both were in an accident, and I wasn’t here.” 
“Connor,” You say again.
“I get it!” He snaps. “But I don’t like the thought of losing you okay? I’m fucking in love with you, and I don’t really have you, but I thought I lost you when I got that call. So can we stop talking like this for the day? Please? Please can you give my heart a moment?” 
You stare up at him with wide eyes, your heart rate picking up at his words. 
“You’re what?” You whisper, caressing his cheek.
“You’re in love with me?” 
His eyes go wide in panic now that he’s realized what he’s said.
“Are you being serious?”
“Yeah?” He nods.
“Why haven’t you said anything!” You slap his arm.
“I don’t know, you never-”
“I’ve been in love with you since Junior year!” You keep slapping his arm.
“Stop hitting me!” He grabs your hands, interlocking your fingers.
“You never said anything!” “Neither did you!” He responds.
Things were different now, you still hadn’t really said officially what you two were now, but it was this weird in between stage of best friend and boyfriend.
He would kiss you sometimes, and always hold your hand, he’d even let a few pet names slip, but when asked by others he still referred to you as his best friend. 
It confused you to no end, because now that something changed he’s moved into your room, claiming that he would just sneak in every night anyway, and now you had room for a nursery. 
“Babe?” He called from the nursery, seated criss cross on the ground, staring up at the ceiling while waiting for your response. “BABE?” 
“What?” You call back, walking down the hall to the laundry room.
“Can you bring me a water?” 
“Really? You can’t get it yourself?” 
“I’m building the crib!” 
“I’m doing your laundry!” You yell back, leaning against the dryer, rolling your eyes at his request.
“Please?” He asks softly. When you don’t respond he resorts to baby talk he knows you can’t resist. “Pweety Pwease? I’ll give you kisses.” 
You groan, waddling down the hall to the kitchen, grabbing him a cucumber mint flow from the fridge, and grabbing yourself a watermelon lime one. You make your way to the nursery, throwing him the water before taking a seat in the new rocking chair Shawn bought you guys.
“How you doing there Pretty Mama?” He smiles looking over at you. 
“I’m tired, and big.” You whine, looking down at your very pregnant belly.
“I think you look really pretty.” He blushes, looking back at the crib.
“You owe me kisses.” You pout.
“Do I?” He looks at you, “What if I was crossing my fingers?” 
You gasp, furrowing your brows and crossing your arms across your chest. “That’s so mean. You’re pregnant best friend just waddled her way to the kitchen and back to bring you your precious water and you won’t give her kisses like you promised?” 
He’s up on his knees crawling towards you. “Girlfriend.” He hums setting his hands on your thighs so he can lean closer.
“You mean my pregnant girlfriend.” He corrects you.
“Do I?” You asked softly, biting your lip as you stare into those blue eyes.
“I sure hope so.” He whispers.
“Is that what I am? Your girlfriend?” 
He pulls back a little, brows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean? I thought-”
“Yeah me too but then you told the guy at the baby shop that I was your best friend.” 
He sighs, hanging his head. “It’s so natural, or I don’t know, programmed in my head to introduce you that way. But I thought we turned into something more when we confessed.” 
“Me too, but when you did that it through me off.” 
“Babe,” He smiles, rubbing his hands up your legs, “We live together, we sleep in the same bed, we kiss, we love, we laugh, we fight, we’re pregnant.” He let’s his right hand wander to your belly. “I consider you my girlfriend. I hope you consider me your boyfriend.” 
“I do.” 
“So then why are you pouting?”
“Because I really want kisses.” 
“Oh my goodness.” He laughs, leaning forward to cover your lips with his own. He kisses you deeply, pecking your lips three more times before pulling away. “Better?”
“For now.” 
“Okay.” He laughs, shaking his head before going back to building the crib.
“Boyfriend?” You yell from the bedroom when you hear the door open.
“It’s Boyfriend and his friends!” Connor yells back. “Girlfriend?” 
“Where are you?” 
You quickly finish tying the bow to his gift before making your way to the living room where Shawn and Brian are seated on the couch.
“Hey!” Shawn jumps up, giving you a hug before looking down to your belly. “Can I touch your belly?” 
You laugh a little, “Yeah go ahead, thank you for asking.” 
“Of course, it would be a little rude to just go ahead.” He says touching your belly. 
“Can you tell that to the rest of the world?” 
“Hey Bean!” Shawn says to your belly. “Uncle Shawn got you the coolest thing ever!” He says before running to the couch to show you a small guitar case. 
“Shawn you didn’t.”
“I couldn’t help myself, I was looking for a new one and saw this little thing.” He pops the case open. “I’ll teach Bean how to play and everything!” 
“There you are!” Connor smiles when he enters holding three beers and your favorite flow flavor. He walks up to you, planting a wet smooch to your lips before handing the boys their drinks. 
“I have something for you.” You grin, holding up the little gift wrapped box.
“Oh yeah?” He takes it from you. 
He unties the bow, rips the paper, and opens the box to reveal a small blue Polaroid camera.
“This is so cute,” He says holding it in his hand.
Shawn gasps and Brian stands up in excitement.
“Where’d you get this honey?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” You wave him off, bouncing on your toes in excitement. “What color is it?” 
“Blue?” He asks, looking up at you, and then over to the excited boys next to him that are punching the other in the arm.
“And blue is for what?” You pull it out of him.
“Blue is for….” He stares at you, “Blue is for boy.” His eyes light up. “Blue is for boy?” 
“Blue is for boy!” You squeal.
“Oh my god! Blue is for boy!” He wraps you up in his arms, kissing your neck. “It’s a boy, we’re having a boy!” 
“ITS A BOY!” Shawn and Brian cheer.
You groan in pain as you feel another contraction hit. You’ve been in labor for three hours now and your little boy does not want to come see the world.
Connor tries not to wince or complain about his hand he’s sure you’ve severely bruised. He breathes with you through the pain, running a soothing hand over your head and taking your matted hair back away from your forehead.
“There you go Baby.” He whispers, “You’re doing so good.”
“I love you Connor David,” You smile at him, “But I want to fucking kick you in the balls right now.” 
He winces at the thought and shakes his head. “I’m sorry Baby,” He looks away. “I wish I could take your pain away, I wish it were me.” 
“Me too.” You relax when the contraction stops.
“Still holding your hand?” The nurse smiles when she walks in to check on you. “You’re better than most Dad’s, they usually wimp out by now from the pain.” 
“He never lets go, no matter what.” You smile up at Connor.
“You’re my lobster Baby,” He leans down to kiss your lips.
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written by: @shawnm521 
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peaky-shelby · 5 years ago
Back to you [5]
Sunday mornings
Pairing: halsted brothers x oc
Previously: prologue, episode two, three, four
Summary: an old friend comes back, carrying with her many secrets that will shake the life of the halstead brothers.
Words: 1100
Author's note: this is where it' all gonna go wrong. Secrets are being revieled and reletionships are about to get shaken up!! Im excited for you to read this part which is dedicated to @justafrenchgirl18 , thank you sm for the support❤
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— everything was so familiar to her. His touch, his smell, the sound of his breath in her hair, the safety in his arms. With her eyes closed she imagined she was in their old bedroom, sleeping in his arms on a Sunday morning. She imagined they were sleeping in late and that everything was normal just like it used to be. His arms were wrapped around her body, holding her gently and His head laid on top of Hers. Everything felt the same even if the circumstances were totally different.
He moved slightly in the sound of the door and opened his eyes. Maggie was standing on the entrance calling his name in whispers. She motioned for him to follow her and he slowly tried to move away from Loralai but as he was about to slip away she held on his arm. Will looked at her direction, smiling “I have to go to work.” He whispered and she let out a soft groan, begging him to stay in her own way.
Will laughed but insisted he had to go. He stroked her cheek with his finger and leaned in to kiss her nose, the way he used to do on Sunday mornings. That same moment Loralai moved her head upwards and his lips landed on hers. The kiss was quick but it was a kiss nonetheless. She opened her eyes in surprise and as soon as Will tried to apologize and explain himself she reached for the back of his neck and pulled him towards her again. This time the kiss was longer and it hid so many words that neither of them had got to say yesterday. Same taste, same feelings. He pulled back a little to look at her and she caressed his chin, smiling back at him. “I’ll be back as soon as I can” he reassured her before leaving the room.
Dr. Rhodes entered the room with his tablet after he left. There was a pretty smirk on his face that proved he had seen what happened. Loralai couldn’t help but laugh at the way he was looking at her.
“You got something to say doc?” She asked jokingly and he negatively shook his head and shrugged. He returned his gaze to his tablet, looking at her exams and then left it on the table. He listened to her heart with his stethoscope and then checked on her wound. She watched him move around, wondering if he had good news until he sat down on the edge of the bed.
“It seems you’ll be out of here soon.”
“How soon?”
Connor bit his lip, staring at her like he was making up his mind at that moment. “Let’s see how the rest of the day will go and if everything proves to be as perfect as it is now you can go. Does that sound good?”
“It sounds perfect!” Said Jay coming in the room. Connor and Loralai looked at him suprised when they heard his voice. He was in way too early which couldn’t be good. Dr. Rhodes nodded in understanding and walked out the room, leaving the two of them alone. Jay closed the door behind him and walked closer to Loralai.
“You don’t look happy.” She noted, trying to lighten the mood.
“We didn’t find the flashdrive. Atwater looked everywhere, someone must have taken it.” Jay sighed, sitting down. “Please tell me you have another copy!”
“Of course I had copies jay but I doubt you’ll find them. He must have sent his men to look for the evidence in my house and destroy them.”
“Where have you hidden them?”
“There’s one more flashdrive on the dollhouse book!”
“The one you had when you were a kid?”
“Yes that one. It’s hidden in the envelope on chapter 12.” Jay nodded and stood up. Before he was out the door Loralai called for him and he turned on his heel “since you’re going to my house can you bring me something comfy to wear?” She paused “And my sketchbook?”
“Sure.” He said and exited the room. Before he exited the hospital he heard Will calling his name and he stopped on his tracks, turning around and looking at him.
“Is everything ok?”
“Honestly?” He sighed “I don’t know but I’m doing my best Will.”
“Where are you going now?”
“Her apartment. We have to find some files and she wants me to bring her some stuff.” He paused “do you wanna come with me? Bring her what she needs so I can go directly back to the station?”
“Yes of course. I’ll let Maggie know and I’ll meet you outside.”
When they got to the house, Jay and Atwater looked for anything that could help them in the investigation. Will headed directly to her bedroom to pick up her stuff. He looked at her desk for her sketchbook and her pencils, slipping them in one of her bags. Then he looked at her closet and searched for her old favorite pair of sweatpants, her grey hollister pants, he knew she loved and then moving around the rest of the clothes he looked for one of her old warm sweaters. He finally found a purple one her recognized from when they were dating. it in the bottom under everything so He pulled it out and as he did a Polaroid dropped out of it on the ground. It fell backwards and leaving the sweatpants on the bed He quickly ducked to pick it up and turned it around.
He looked at it, smiling but then his smile faded away. At first he thought that his mind was playing games with him. There was Loralai kissing a man, who at first seemed very unfamiliar to him but looking at it better he had many similarities with his brother.
it cant be. He thiught to himself, stepping backwards and sitting on the bed, his breath was caught in his throat, his heart fallen out of his chest. He didn't want to believe it but the truth was right there in front of his eyes.
“Will!” Jay knocked on the door getting his attention. Will hid the Polaroid on his pocket swiftly before jay could see it and looked up, clearing his throat “we’re done. Are you coming?”
Will didn’t open his mouth, he simply motioned his head and stayed silent. There were so many questions he wanted to ask but he had no courage to ask them. Jay left leaving him alone again and a tear creeped out of his eyes that will was quick to wipe away. All these sunday mornings he hoped of getting again with loralai burned in an instamt flame.
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01010010-posts · 6 years ago
— fast until we crashed into each other's hearts.
requests: I keep forgetting to send this in, but imagine a werewolf s/o with the Rk's! I imagine it would be cute cause they still act a little bit wolfish, even in human form. Or, alternatively, imagine in your cats and dogs Au (which I love btw) a werewolf reader with the dog detectives! Imagine how shocked the others are that a little detective that they thought was just another dog is actually much stronger than any of them! QwQ I just thought it would be cute to tell you these. (This is the same anon from before) I'm glad you liked that werewolf ask! And I actually just thought of another thing! Imagine a bunny/rabbit s/o with the werewolf Rk's! I bet the Rk's would be so protective over them and just imagine a giant werewolf cuddling up to a little bunny that's just calling them cute names and petting them! Or, a jealous werewolf boi that's just glaring at the person and just holding onto their s/o, while their s/o is just happily smiling. It would be so cute! (>w<)
hii! I'm in spoopy season mode so can I get headcanons on how markus and connor would react to their s/o being a werewolf? Not the full moon kind, but like voluntary. They feel kinda like they don't fit in with humans or androids and are a bit insecure about it but eventually show them? Maybe they even help in jericho/with investigations later because of their abilities :D
werewolf anon where are you now. do you know that i love you. can you send me a message? just want to hang out, talk about AUs n howl at the moon with u. also, connor has werewolf s/o, wolf!RK900 has bunny s/o, 60 is in cats&dogs AU with werewolf s/o (since he won’t appear in the AU. i think)
• there’s not even an attempt at hiding it • he just spouts it out a few days after knowing you  • and you’re there kinda in disbelief but realize after a second that well he’s a detective model after all • gosh how his eyes light up when you confirm being a werewolf • a bit weird you must admit but no judging • okay actually a bit of judging when he asks you if he can see your ‘other form’ • like DEF weird  • and you briefly explain to him that it’s p uncomfortable to have someone inquire about it out of the blue • not to mention you’re very self-conscious about the whole ordeal so?? • he immediately understands and softly goes ‘oh’ • profusely requests for forgiveness follow because the last thing he wanted was to have you feel uneasy bc of him  • you reassure him with a couple of ‘everyone makes mistakes you know’ • actually from there on you become good friends • he’s an android but not quite • he was a deviant hunter and for this reason he’s a bit of an outcast • you almost feel connected to him, in some sort of intricate way • both ‘not quite enough’ or ‘quite too much’ to either fit in your little box • of course your relationship quickly blossoms into love • yes, he spoils you with tons of praises because you don’t deserve to be embarrassed about being yourself • pwease do the same with him! • yes, he also adores how soft your fur is but shh 
• it was weird. it still is. • come on a massive wolf getting tenderly captivated (& whipped) by.... a tiny little bunny. • he’s the first having troubles believing that • BUT I MEAN there’s no denying how he’s always thinking about your cute little fluffy pompom tail • im not exaggerating his whole head is just tons of pictures of you with little hearts in every corner • and we don’t want to talk about his death glares when someone’s making you smile too much  • or his claws often wrapped around your hips in such possessive way • not because he’s actually that jealous anyway he’s just dumb and likes others to know you’re his baby • or him offering to lift you up and keep you hugged against his chest because you both don’t have work and things to do right ?? • YOU WISH he’d be joking but no he’s dead serious when he asks you that • idk it’s just p normal in his mind for you to be super touchy with him, esp cuddling in his lap or better taking a nap on top of him while he relaxes and caresses your face • ok ok but he’s not the only one entitled to cute gestures™   • in fact you’re the one assigned to the precious pet names department • and he loves-hates every single minute of that • won’t even bother listing the silly pet names you give him y’all know they’re wolf themed • the amount of lovebites he gives you for all the times you call him something sweet i swear to god • ugh yeah tail wagging is included the cute gap between his stoic face and his fuzzy tail going to-and-fro?  • just,,,, just cuddle him in privacy and he’ll be a mess making all sorts of happy whimpering noises. he’s puppy • tbh a bit disappointed when you don’t do the kiss stomping foot bambi style 
• he doesn’t mind you too much at first • you’re just another detective, the same as him, nothing special • it’s just.... work • but the morning you inadvertently growl at him in a dominant way   • not because you actually intend to • rather quite the contrary • it’s– it’s this case, okay? been giving you headaches for weeks now and he happened to find you in a bad moment • boy does he get turned on  • i swear he stutters a ‘sorry’ and quietly returns to his desk • and you’re there covering your face with your palms, embarrassed, wondering WHY you have to act like this when you’re nervous and already thinking how to apologise • while he’s fixating his gaze at the center of his table because if he doesn’t focus his face is going to burn like a bright blue neon and that’s not an acceptable response at all • it takes a bit of pining on his part but trust me it’s totally worth it • only him being a big moron crushing hard  • hard as in quite literally • can’t ask for your help on the job bc he’d waste the time thinking about how cute you look with those little soft wolf ears and fangs and claws and tail and and and– you’ve lost him • can’t even ask you to spend lunch break with him because he’d kiss you the whole hour and you wouldnt be able to eat  • but sure can ask you to lift heavy things for him as to savour seeing how strong you are • he’s just a big sub for you being a wolf  • you don’t have to do anything in particular he’s sold at the sole thought of you calling him a good boy while scratching his ears and under his chin • and at the thought of you pegging him yeah
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even-in-winter · 5 years ago
10 for 10 for 10
Rules: Answer ten questions, come up with ten questions of your own, and tag ten people.
Thanks for the tag @kissedbydragonfire , but wow, this was not easy
Question time
1.   If your OTP couldn’t be together, what other canon characters would you want them to be with?
Ow, help. This is hard. Uhm.... okay i will try
My OTP now is Garcia Flynn and Lucy Preston. So, if they can't be together I would let Flynn have Lorena back in a second. He deserves a happy life with his family and baby girl.
Lucy however, i doubt a lot. Im tempted to say Wyatt, but I didn't like every version of him in the show. Sometimes he did things that made me doubt. So i dont know. I guess I would bring them together, but more the fanfic version of them if that makes sense.
My alternative would be Jess, both strong women, but @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels made me ship Jess with Amy, so that doesnt feel right either. (Read the roommate fic, they are amazing together! "Even when we're hopeless, at least we're not alone" is the name if i remember correctly)
I'm not even trying to ship her with Denise or Connor. Not for me. Nope.
So that kinda leaves Rufus and Jiya as alternative. I would never break up these cuties, so I'm going to put Lucy with them. Why? Because I can. Lucy would be in good hands with them.
2.   If you could change one thing about your favorite fictional character, who is it and what would you change?
Lucy. I would make her a bit more confident in herself. Make her see just how much worth she has. She can be such a strong woman, she just needs to see it for herself sometimes.
3.   Is there anything that you consider to be a lucky charm for you and/or brings you luck?
I have. My grandparents gave me a little silver necklace with a clover shaped pendant. They gave it to me when I was in high school to bring me luck on my exams. I do not believe in this bringing me luck, yet i wear it every time i have an exam or when something important comes up ( job interview etc.). My grandfather passed away last year and this makes me feel connected still. So, I do not believe it brings me luck, but I do feel like it calms me down and makes me more "mentally ready" for situations I could use a bit of luck in.
4.   If you could live in any historical era (excluding the modern one), what would it be?
I would say modern times. All my favorite people are here, plus i would probably die after 2 days in any other time in history. I know how to handle swords, but thats a about it. I'm good in starting fires, but not when you need them. So i would burn down any camp i make within a day. I'm also very clumsy and daring a a but of 'je m'en fous', which is a horrible combination which leads to injuries more often than not. So no, better let me stay
5.   Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads?
Hmmmm... I think I'm going to go with brunettes, but followed very close by the blondes.
6.   If you could save one beloved character from an in canon death by “moving” them to another show, what character would it be and what show would you “move” them to?
GARCIA FLYNN. I would move him to any show that can gives him the life he deserves. Ideally i would let Lucy or Lorena and Iris join him in this show, but I doubt thats what the question was about. I can not pinpoint a show right now, so I will gently place him in a show of his likings 😉
7.   If you could go back and change one historical event, what would it be?
Honestly, i would probably be like timeless and change a lot. So its hard to just pick one...
8.   If you were casting actors for a movie and you could select anyone, who is in your dream cast?
Abigail Spencer, Goran Visnjic, Henry Cavill, Maura Tierney, Rebecca Ferguson, Tom Hiddleston, and soooo much more.
9.   Do you believe in ghosts? 👻
I do not. I never experienced anything that convinced me they could be real. I'm very sceptical about them. I like the idea that people I lost are still arround, but I dont really believe in it.
Also, i would totally make fun of people for eternity as a ghost. So maybe better if they don't exist haha🤷‍♀️
10. What’s the one thing you can’t live without while you’re stuck in quarantine?
WiFi. I have online classes, papers to write and for entertainment. I miss my friends and family so keeping contact and organizing groupwatches for movienight and chatting keep me sane.
Normally I would have said books, but it's been 2 weeks of complete lockdown now and I read 7 books already. I will run out of reading material soon and we have still several weeks to go😅
My Questions for you:
Yes they are weird. Yes I'm aware. Still, I'm bored and now very curious to see what your answers will be🤣🤣.
So, here we go 😎
1) There have been lots of crazy weapons made, such as the "Lantern shield" or " Spring loaded triple dagger" or "Gun shield" What is your favorite 'crazy' or weird weapon? (Doesn't need to be useful, the weirder the better)
2) You are an inventor. Yup. This is your life now. You invent things. Big things, small things, weird things, ... . What are your top 3 inventions?
3) What is the weirdest compliment you ever got?
4) IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY! Your favorite genie Winter fulfills your wish! You can now yell/swear/be angry for 20 minutes at the person of your choice, without consequences because they will forget it all after you are done or when the 20 minutes are over. Who do you choose and why? If you feel comfortable to share it with your favorite genie, what would you say?
5) If you could "kidnap" one historical person to stay 1 week in 2020 before sending him/her back to their time. Who would you choose and why? (To motivate, make them see what they did for our modern times or to hang out with. The choice is yours. Everything is possible)
6) SURPRISE! Loki, the Norse god of Misschief, has taken a liking to you. You can now pull one prank on a person/organization/country/whatever you like of your choice and nobody will ever know it was you, or if you want they will know it was you but you will NEVER be punished for it. What would you do? 😎
7) Post a picture of the most "ugly"or "useless" animal below. Like the MOST UGLY HIDEOUS OR USELESS animal you can find. Give the animal a name of your liking (Fred, Jeff whatever you want. Be creative) and explain, while using that name, why this is the WORST animal. (Post the real name of the animal in the tags so people can google this lovely thing afterwards if they want)
8) My condolances, your great-great-twice removed aunt has just died. She left you something, something very special. It's a box. You slowly lift the lid to see "...". (fill in blank, explain if you like)
9) ITS YOUR FAVORITE GENIE WINTER AGAIN! This time, i have a little dillema for you. In order to get a wish of your choice, you need to push on this bell. This cool little bell 🛎. If you do, 20 people die. You don't know for sure if they are strangers or not. Could be anyone. You even dont know if their deaths are peaceful or horrible. You don't know. All you know is that your heartwish will be granted and 20 people die. Would you do it?
10) WOOPS! YOU DIED! or better, people believe you are dead, but you aren't. What will you do now? Will you enjoy your newfound freedom or will you return to your normal life?
I tag: @ununpredictableme @kissedbydragonfire @mathgirl24 @celtrose-ish @garciaflynnanimal @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @magnificentcowboypeanutpaper @princessamerigocreations @....
Anyone who wants to play, consider yourself tagged. No pressure, and if you don't want to answer all you don't have too. I'm just very curious to see some answers haha.
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leondraisaitlsglove · 3 years ago
im being totally normal about leon hanging around connor after he got high sticked 
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eat-your-god · 7 years ago
How bodies (skin, tears, organs) work in androids?
Warning, major spoilers about EVERYTHING !! Different endings and all that traumatic stuff
It intrigues me so far. We have North, in very first time we saw her, she has brown hair and pony tail like ... medium long. But later she changes color to light brown-orange-whatever and suuuuuper long. I guess androids can manipulate the lengh of the hair and in general, the characteristics of the skin. Also the hair looks caught betwen her clothes, so it is not like a super futuristic holographic thing, it is actually a physic hair you can touch and even we see later, she made a braid. But we have Connor too, gently grabbing dead Traci’s head by the hair and tricking blue haired Traci, so in this point we can confirm that hair and EVERYTHING that skins generate is corporeal, tangible, despite can disappear at android’s wish.
With Kara, we can see how she changes the color of the hair and when she removes the LED, we can see skin COVERS the LED's brand. After that, we see Markus with a big hole in his chest, but it have recovered from that and we see the normal skin of the chest also his nipples. So in this point, we can assume, skin is a futuristic thing that can replicate and fill WHATEVER. And is important to note, that humans added nipples to androids, what is not necesary for the purpose of take care a old man or clean house (i understand in the sexual androids, but if you are not gonna show Markus without his clothes, why do you bother in adding this? My guess is because all androids are designed to look totally human. We didnt see Connor's nipples, but Im pretty sure if the deviant android of kitchen had break his shirt more, we had seen nipples too, in order to look human)
More ahead, Rose touches Alice's forehead and sees she has fever. Alice is super cold, what is not sense (I know she FEELS cold, and you can deactivate this, but Im talking about the point of her body is physically cold, and if Rose touch a cold forehead will not conclude is fever, just cold, So you must to be hot ... I guess ...), so, maybe Alice have options to configure skins temperature in order to look alive. I guess other androids can too. Yet I guess this option is not like humans, I mean, maybe androids looks colder than humans, but is a fact that Rose feels Alice's forehead is warm, so the only logic i see here is that android has temperature lower, but still has something.
But not only that, in the Tracis confrontation in Eden’s Club, if Traci get alive and manages to scape, she explains she was totally disgusting about the smell and sweat of humans, so we can assume, android are endowed with sense of smell, or at least with a  software that allows them to identify smell.
Later, in the camps, when Kara and Alice deactivate their skin, we see they have no holes, no nipples, nothing, just like a mannequin. But since we know skins can generate volume (skin does not just cover the led brand, but also fill and the brand disapear) we can think that maybe, skins can generate nipples. I guess the intern genitalia could be just a hole like in Westworld hosts (I suposse) have, but without skin, looks covered because is closed.
In the camps there is a lot of androids, I guess there is sexual androids too, but with skin deactivate would it look similar to Kara? I ask this, because in the first teaser of Kara in the fabric being assembled, she said she can cook, take care of children, clean the house, also she can be YOUR SEXUAL PARTNER. So Model AX400 is able to be sexual, although it is not designed as a sexual android like Tracis.
Lets gonna back to the camps. Kara's body looks like no nipples, nothing, but if she said she can be sexual partner, that means, when the skin is activated, she can generate a external genitalia look. I guess then, androids have the option to this or not. Kara covers her body because she feels naked and embarassed, so maybe she has a human resemble in the skin what makes feel naked without clothes.
In other moment, in Eden’s club, if  Connor fights with the Tracis, the short haired tries to kick her foot against Connor’s crotch and okey in this, but Connor tries hard in anycase to not being hitted in there, by putting his hand while he emits a whimper just in the moment the Traci kicked him in there. It was necesary such realism for this? I think is another show of when skin is activated they active almost everything. They say androids doesnt feel pain, but my God, I can swear that Connor shouts when the deviant android in the kitchen stabs him in the hand, also, in other scenes in game Markus show pain when is hurted, like when he falls and hit against floor.
Also, they are prepared to cry and to let the eyes red because of the tears. At least Kara, Alice, North models can, so I dont see why the rest are not gonna be able.
So far, we know this about skin:
-Is a physic think that you can touch
-It has configuration of color, also lenght
-It can cover wounds and regenerate so fast
-It must to be similar to humans since Rose did not know Alice was an android by touching her skin
-It has the ability to make nipples in male, i guess in female too.
we know too about android’s bodies:
- They seems having sense of smell
- They seems can recognice when they are being hurting and feel pain
- They have blue blood and a not identified transparent liquid which emules tears and are hard connected with emotions
All this made me question, do the rest of the models have this too? Connor? Markus? Because North, we know she is sexual android, so she, for sure, you have this, but Markus no. It would be sad if they were living with emotions, desires, dreams ... and not able to do. I mean, North and Markus kissed and show love, they are a couple. They feel fear, angry, hope, love, so i guess is not strange that eventually they feel sexual desire. So with all this we know about the skin and how works by generating volumes and customs things like hair, color, etc .. do you actually think this is possible? or are they asexual physically? Kara said clearly she can be sexual partner, so in 2038 I guess a sexual partner can be male too. In the camp I see no android with sexual organs (I understand why, but still looks like all androids without skin looks same, so maybe the genitalia is made it in this way)
I know is strange question, but I would like to be realistic here.
I personally think, if in this future skin can do that, maybe it is possible to replicate all this. If not, it would makes me feel a bit sad that they be finally consciousness and have human emotions but without the ability to have sexual life with their couples, like North and Markus
PD: I will try in these days update this post with the scenes
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alicedoessurveys · 6 years ago
VERY long survey
Where have you lived throughout your life? 
Birmingham UK
Do you find your job rewarding? 
What kind of cake did you have for your last birthday? 
To you, which is better: English muffins or bagels? 
I enjoy both, but bagels.
Do you paint your nails? 
yes. although they're not painted at the moment because ive been cleaning the house so much the past couple days and its stripped my varnish off
What’s the last website you signed up for? 
a dating thing
Do you check your email everyday? 
yes, I cant stand having the little red number above the mail app 
Have you created any pages on Facebook?
yes but I dont have them anymore
Is there a subject that you absolutely suck at? 
every subject, but especially maths and science 
What’s your favourite song by Dave Matthews Band? 
I dont know any 
Are there people you have absolutely nothing in common with, but still enjoy talking to? 
I dot particularly enjoy talking to anyone :’)
Have you ever wandered around drunk with your friend? 
yes, we wondered around through the middle of Birmingham at 4am 
Are you good at holding back your laughter if needed? 
haha nope
Have you ever been so unfortunate to suffer from a hangover?
Have you ever had a panic attack? 
many, I had to drop out of college because of them 
Are you deathly allergic to anything? 
Have you ever had a mouse in your house? 
Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have an ex? 
Is anyone you know really religious? 
my family
Are your eyebrows naturally thick? 
Has speaking in front of people ever made you sick? 
not physically sick, but definitely felt it. the worst experience Ive had with speaking was in college when I had to give a speech then teach a 10 minute class. my throat totally dried up and I literally couldnt speak. everyone just stared at me and I was trying so hard not to cry. longest 10 minutes of my life and as soon as it finished I legged it out the room and burst into tears. 
What was the last movie that made you teary-eyed? 
Mary Poppins Returns almost got me but the last film to actually make me cry was Coco. That shit had me SOBBING!
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? 
Has a laptop ever burned your legs? 
not really, I put a cushion on my lap normally
Do you know anyone who has a scar through their eyebrow?
Who was the last person to flip you off? 
probably rhys, as a joke
Anyone’s birthday coming up soon? 
my dad turns 50 next week
Would you ever wear fake eyelashes? 
I have done a few times but they annoy me
Are you good at following directions? 
no no no I get confused very easily
Do you have someone that you can just act a fool with and not care? 
yes rhys 
From where you’re sitting, can you touch a wall? 
if I reach behind me 
When at a restaurant, do you put your napkin on your lap? 
occasionally, it depends where I am and what im eating 
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? 
Are your biceps at all noticeable? 
they used to be before they went into hiding under a layer of fat 
Have you ever seen a walrus? 
When it comes to dropping food, do you believe in the 10 second rule? 
no, I believe in the ‘what food is it’ and ‘how dirty is the floor’ rules
If given the opportunity, would you ride on a camel? 
yes. I was supposed to have gone on a camel ride in Tunisia ages ago but I was ill so we didn't get to go 
Do you believe that cellphones actually do cause cancer?
they could be. the number of people getting cancer has gone up a lot since everyone has mobile phones 
When people you know cry, does it make you feel like crying too? 
depends who it is 
Do you tend to jump to conclusions? 
yes. Im an anxious person so im constantly overthinking and I also find people really hard to read and can get
Are you good at remembering your friends’ birthdays? 
yes my brain cant remember important things but when it comes to dates its like a sponge 
Is there something you need to do, that you’re trying to avoid doing? 
getting a job
Ever pop someone else’s pimple? 
ew no
How long does it take you to fall asleep? 
about 15 minutes depending on how tired I am 
Do you crack your neck often?
no that freaks me out 
Did you have a weird dream last night? 
not that I can remember, I have been having a lot of weird dreams this week because im ill
Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? 
everyone. especially when im at the theatre, im constantly watching other people and wishing I could act like they can or look like them or have their style 
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? 
In what way are you your own worst enemy? 
every way, I dont look after myself at all 
What activities make you lose track of time? 
When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?” 
not really 
Who do you tell your secrets to? 
these surveys 
Who do you live with? 
my parents and our foster kids 
When did/will you graduate? 
I didn't 
When are you moving next? 
I have no idea. probably never 
When is the last time you took a vitamin? 
this morning, im fighting a cold 
Why are you stressed? 
im not too bad right now tbh
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? 
Where do you keep your birth certificate? 
no clue, my mom has it somewhere 
How many books are in your room?
a lot. I have quite a few on display and a whole bunch hidden away in my closet because theres no space for them anywhere else. I'll include some photos of the books in my room;
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(the book on my bedside table in the second picture is actually a lamp that lights up when you open it)
Have you ever been IN a wedding? 
What was the last thing you laughed out loud at?
probably my mom 
Do you have a nickname? Why? 
my family call my bongy or Ali bong, I dont know why.. (my name is Alice)
Have you ever had a bad concert experience? 
When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful/good-looking? Do people often tell you this? 
my mom tells me almost every day but Im like youre my mom of course you would say that 
Are you missing someone of the opposite sex atm? 
Want someone back in your life? 
Are you currently sad about anything? 
actually nope
Are you wearing anything shiny? 
my pj top has glittery silver letters on
How important is a sense of humor in a significant other? 
very, I fall very easily for people who make me laugh
How many followers do you have on Twitter? 
198 (@alicethenerd if ya wanna follow 😉)
Do you sleep with the door open or closed? 
closed. I aint about letting those murderers and monsters just waltz straight in easy peasy 
Have you ever been to the beach? 
yes every summer since I was a kid 
Can you handle blood? 
Do you pay your bills or do your parents?
I pay my own bills. no way my dad would be up for paying my bills, he already digs at me constantly about the fact that I live rent free even though I look after the foster kids and tidy the house more than he does
What’s your best friend’s middle name? 
Has any place hired you underage for a job? 
not officially
Have you ever barely passed a grade/year in school? 
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? 
Have you ever tried to sell something overpriced to someone? 
Do you plan to become very wealthy some day? 
I hope to become wealthy enough to not worry about having enough money to put fuel in my car anymore and to be able to pay back my parents and grandad for everything they've done for me 
Do you remember your first time going to the movies? 
no, but my earliest cinema memory was going to watch Monsters Inc with my dad when it was first released 
Does eating breakfast make you sick? 
if I try to eat before a certain time yes
Are you dying to say something to someone right this minute?
not dying to nope
Book series you enjoyed reading recently? 
im reading eve of man atm which apparently is going to be a series
Do you enjoy lying in the grass during the summer, and just existing? 
I prefer lying on a blanket, I dont like the feel of grass and I dont like the bugs crawling around 
Do you have a passport? If so, how many stamps do you have in it? 
yes, it doesn't have many stamps in because I lost the one that did have lots in and I havent been away much since getting the new one 
Are there any keys on your keyboard that have letters fading away? 
Do any of your close friends have children? 
What do you plan on having for dinner?
we already had dinner, we had chippy
Do you like Chinese food, or do you find it disgusting? 
I only really like one meal 
Have the police ever come knocking on your door looking for someone? 
actually yes, literally a few weeks ago
Know anybody who works in a tattoo parlor? 
yes, my second cousin 
Have you ever played flashlight tag?
ive never heard of it
Could you call yourself a movie buff?
not really, im a huge movie fan but theres still a lot I need to see 
Have you ever had a piercing get infected?
never had a piercing 
Do you check your fire alarms when you’re supposed to? 
dad does it
Are you a shorts wearing kind of person? 
nope nope nope, my legs are not suitable for public viewing :’)
Is your grandparents’ house obsessively tidy?
not really no. my nan and grandpa’s house is always neat but not obsessively neat. my grandads house is full of clutter because my nan was a hoarder 
About how much can you bench press? 
I dont know, I havent lifted in years 
Have you ever had your phone die on you in the middle of a conversation? 
Is anybody in your family a carpenter? 
Are you avoiding someone? 
Do you call your boyfriend “Monkey”? 
I dont have a boyfriend but if I did I doubt id call him monkey
What’s your favorite primary color? 
yellow #hufflepuffpride
What were you for Halloween? 
nothing, I didn't dress up 
Do you have any clothes from Walmart? 
nope, we dont have Walmart here
When did you get a Facebook? 
about 10 years ago 
What color are your eyes? 
What motivates you? 
Can you walk in heels? 
When was the last time someone asked you your age? 
the other day, my own mother forgot how old I was
Do you keep a journal? 
not really
Have you ever tried a weird flavor of vodka? 
never had vodka
Do you wear a ring on your finger? 
What are you doing? 
watching ‘the greatest dancer’ and wondering if this survey is ever going to end 
What’s the last kind of soup you ate?
Do you currently have a sunburn?
no. its winter
Who did you last text? 
my sister
Who’d you last call? About what? 
my mom, to ask her to come downstairs and let the dogs out because the baby was asleep on me and there was no way I was going to risk waking her up
Are you currently frustrated with someone? 
Do you drink water or soda more often? 
Do you straighten your hair?
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? 
What is your least favorite vegetable? 
all of them
Outside of family, name 3 people that make you smile/laugh often. 
Rhys, Addison, Jacob
In school, what subjects did you achieve your highest grades in? 
Was there a subject that you enjoyed, but weren’t too good at? 
I didn't really enjoy any subjects at school
When was the last time something didn’t go to plan? What happened? 
today. I had planned to deep clean the bathroom but I went super dizzy and had to give up half way through cleaning 
Do you have any children? If not, at what age do you think you’ll feel ready to be a parent? 
I dont but I am seriously considering adopting one of our foster babies atm. I want to adopt anyway, theres no way I could be pregnant 
When was the last time you bought a new item of clothing?Describe it. 
I honestly cant remember, im due a shopping trip
Was your last Facebook friend request from a male or female?
Do you have an item of clothing that makes you feel especially beautiful? Describe it. 
not really no
Think of the last person that betrayed you. If they said they were sorry, would you forgive them? 
I would cautiously forgive him but I would also make sure he knew that how he treated me was not okay and that he really upset me and this would be his last chance. but tbh I think hes done with me so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Nastiest thing you’ve ever done? 
I dont know, I dont like being nasty
Have you ever been in a lighthouse? 
What colour is your shower? 
I think its silver, ive ever actually noticed
Where do you order your pizza from?
When is the last time you had a serious talk with someone?
few days ago 
Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? 
yes, im a creature of habit
What colour is your bike?
silver & purple
What word can you not stand to hear people say? 
the c word, I cant even type it
What room of your house are you in? 
living room 
What is the temperature in your city right now? 
When did you last use a post-it-note?
last week in the script for the show im currently working on 
Would you ever want to own your own restaurant? 
Do you have a fan in your bedroom? 
no I dont like them, they make too much noise 
Who is the last person that you took a picture with? 
one of our foster kids 
When is the last time you were stuck in a fairly long traffic jam?
the weekend before christmas 
Do you have certain friends that you hug every time you see them? 
not many
When was your most recent trip to an aquarium? 
almost two years ago 
What do you like in your salads and what dressing do you prefer? 
I dont like salads
If it has one, do you ever use the notepad function in your phone? 
all the time, Im constantly writing lists or reminders to myself 
How good would you say your memory is?
long term good, short term bad
About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? 
a few times
Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? 
multiple, we have plugs in and sprays and those automatic ones that go off every 15 minutes 
What’s one thing you’re glad you’ve done recently?
done my laundry :’) im on my last pair of pants!
Have you ever done something sexual that you regret? 
Do you like to sit in the sun and tan when it’s hot out? 
not really, I dont like being too hot
Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you? 
Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it? 
yes, I love driving most of the time 
Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret? 
Do you like french fries?
Have you ever eaten so much you puked?
not since I was a kid 
Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance? 
annoyingly yes
Would you rather go to Greece or France?
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staravya · 2 years ago
ep 29 framed
the academy DISAPPROVES of fucking with each other?? since WHEN. EVERYONE we’ve seen from the academy so far has been totally down with it
wait. does this mean the academy has a split over wait holy shit this is the dark age of the law all over again LMAO whatever blah blah revamp security too thats a longstanding thing that needs fixing
wait he can coerce mag energy from a dragon?? i imagine its forced bc decepshun should be actually quite loyal to moordryd. or maybe she has some recognition with him too since i imagine he helped raise/train her. also he should probably tell something’s different with her, since, you know. pure black draconium now.
love the implication that kit’s gonna break cain’s leg
i do like this shift of security getting more and more antagonistic. and also shoot “the academy looks down on cheating” saving artha is a good shake
THAT’S POSSIBLE??? SINCE WHEN!! okay this has to be something that shoot teaches artha and beau. hanging upside down off things with mag energy alone and no gear has to be a new development.
gold dragons have this ability question mark. i’ve seen this hc but this looks like decent evidence for it + clearly shoot knows it’s possible. and since she knows connor it’s possible it’s a gold dragon trait. unless it’s paint.
well beau’s normal now so im gonna assume gold has the colorchange ability. maybe have a scene showing that. shoot talking about connor in the old days would be p nice too. + twister discussion? showing care for her dragons.
they rly love the shadow guy talking animation lmao
thought he said “bright lights big shitty” for a sec
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