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season 4 episode 20 → kita shinsuke
#kita shinsuke#haikyuu!!#hq!!edit#gifs: haikyuu!!#IM NOT OKAY GFID#mygifs#*mine#anisource#dailyanime#500
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1. Definitely the right thing to do, surely. Someone not notice how right. Surely someone to be less than in your society, please leave me alone. 2. Replies to Amy's comment on your post. View post Amy Teichman-LaMar And you're clearly racist... please, for everyones sake, go take your meds dear. 1 1 hrLikeMore Marla Bobarla BIGOTED BITCH, fitting right in in a society trying to rule someone's life, SICK FUCKING BITCH, YOU AR DUMB AS TOTAL FUCK!!!!!!E OH MY GOD!!!!!!! CRAZY SICK BITCH!!!!! 18 minsLikeMore Amy Teichman-LaMar I've been respectful to you. You should act as such back. You are the one who is looking crazy by flying off the handle and using words you clearly don't know the meaning of... 16 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla Respectful according to something other than myself. Go mind your business. what are you doing, you are weird n crazy sick psycho bitch 14 minsLikeMore Amy Teichman-LaMar Is that the best you have? Calling me a weird sicko psycho bitch? Have you taken a step back and looked at yourself? You attacked Raven for no reason and are now doing the same to me simply because i chose to defend her from your asinine comments 13 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla Your crazy, leave me alone. Leave me Alone. Raven followed me to my page to try to insult me. This is none of your business. Please leave me alone. I am not really supposed to have to deal w the bullying. It's pretended to be okay here, lots of stuff that is not but this really isn't what to do is to seek out people that are to be rightful to insult according to your society, n supposed to be the truth is they are less than . Please leave alone. I do not have the worship of this society as my own. 10 minsLikeMore Amy Teichman-LaMar I have not once bullied nor been rude. I was defending a friend. 7 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla Definitely the right thing to do, surely. Someone may not notice how right. Surely someone to be less than in your society, please leave me alone. Just nowLikeReplyMore Write a reply... Reply 3. https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=407072216383927_407093693048446&ft_ent_identifier=407072216383927&gfid=AQCAWRfqQDTc7IrZ¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=1516319701631603&ref=m_notif 4. Surely to leave me alone is what to do if my comment makes no sense. You don't really seem to make the sense you intend to me. I don't see you at all as who you said. I don't care what you think about me. im really none of your business, definitely should leave me alone. 5. Amy Teichman-LaMar Follow Message More Just another sarcastic ray of sunshine in the dark abyss of life Direct Support Professional at Alvord-Taylor, Inc. Details Stay-at-home parent Details Single Details Pronounces name AY-mee TYK-men LAH MARR Details Followed by 68 people Details 6. https://m.facebook.com/1.Tough.Mommy?fref=nf&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment 7. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204394532618855&id=1696813716&set=a.1011704588341.1739.1696813716&source=48&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment 8. https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/26167795_10204394532618855_7634740358643077492_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=ebed44f9799e8d0373098071dd576904&oe=5ADAA9BA 9. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1671248042938384&id=100001596127257 10. This was what was here, the devil removed it. .... 11. https://m.facebook.com/groups/224148967647327?view=permalink&id=1670591433003066&fs=2&ref=m_notif¬if_t=feed_comment 12. Quite gruesome but there is a hint that there is an alien invasion w such a picture, so what to do. Tis an alien invasion here of something. But it's supposed to be hidden. 13. Elite Hollywood not able to talk to the little people of course because theyre superior, it's a fact not evil just the true true 14. https://m.facebook.com/FrankSTelford/posts/pcb.1671248042938384/?photo_id=1671246772938511&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.1671248042938384%26photo%3D1671246772938511%26profileid%3D100012434566027%26source%3D48%26refid%3D18%26ref%3Dm_notif%26notif_t%3Dfeed_comment%26_ft_%3Dqid.6512718710257977816%253Amf_story_key.536822103346171%253Atop_level_post_id.536822103346171%253Atl_objid.536822103346171%26__tn__%3DEHH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdf=1 15. They said the government of the state CA is at this table. 16. It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc 17. It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc. The pictures are cake, etc but are suggesting things gruesome are okay like perhaps secret rituals hidden from the commoners that are not the ones that "made it big." Some difficulty writing this, its not okay to tell stuff here, the things here are not really normal to tell either. It is #theendoftimes. #endoftimes #illuminati #devilexposed #nomasternoslave #secretsocieties #hiddentruth #afalsereality 18. It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc. The pictures are cake, etc but are suggesting things gruesome are okay like secret rituals hidden from the commoners that are not the ones that "made it big." Some difficulty writing this, its not okay to tell stuff here, the things here are not really normal to tell either. It is #theendoftimes. #endoftimes #illuminati #devilexposed #nomasternoslave #secretsocieties #hiddentruth #afalsereality #happywhenyouarenot #asabovesobelow #makingmerry #ruledbythedevil 19. It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc. The pictures are cake, etc but are suggesting things gruesome are okay like secret rituals hidden from the commoners that are not the ones that "made it big." Some difficulty writing this, its not okay to tell stuff here, the things here are not really normal to tell either. It is #theendoftimes for this stuff here w the pictures, etc to be told. #endoftimes #illuminati #devilexposed #nomasternoslave #secretsocieties #hiddentruth #afalsereality #happywhenyouarenot #asabovesobelow #makingmerry #ruledbythedevil 20. This is weird, social security checks aren't $1,200 a month. "You know but something us happening we can't talk about this," the devil said. It's pressing all this weird stuff, it's going -- "Do you want to tell about something w masturbating not. I must go," the devil said. It's going TOTALLY PSYCHO n it is worse lately, it's going further desperate n psycho. "Careful but not," the devil said. "oh god. Break your neck. I don't know what to do. I have to stop. Poop. Not that. I must go," the devil said.
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Definitely the right thing to do, surely. Someone not notice how right. Surely someone to be less than in your society, please leave me alone. Replies to Amy's comment on your post. View post Amy Teichman-LaMar And you're clearly racist... please, for everyones sake, go take your meds dear. 1 1 hrLikeMore Marla Bobarla BIGOTED BITCH, fitting right in in a society trying to rule someone's life, SICK FUCKING BITCH, YOU AR DUMB AS TOTAL FUCK!!!!!!E OH MY GOD!!!!!!! CRAZY SICK BITCH!!!!! 18 minsLikeMore Amy Teichman-LaMar I've been respectful to you. You should act as such back. You are the one who is looking crazy by flying off the handle and using words you clearly don't know the meaning of... 16 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla Respectful according to something other than myself. Go mind your business. what are you doing, you are weird n crazy sick psycho bitch 14 minsLikeMore Amy Teichman-LaMar Is that the best you have? Calling me a weird sicko psycho bitch? Have you taken a step back and looked at yourself? You attacked Raven for no reason and are now doing the same to me simply because i chose to defend her from your asinine comments 13 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla Your crazy, leave me alone. Leave me Alone. Raven followed me to my page to try to insult me. This is none of your business. Please leave me alone. I am not really supposed to have to deal w the bullying. It's pretended to be okay here, lots of stuff that is not but this really isn't what to do is to seek out people that are to be rightful to insult according to your society, n supposed to be the truth is they are less than . Please leave alone. I do not have the worship of this society as my own. 10 minsLikeMore Amy Teichman-LaMar I have not once bullied nor been rude. I was defending a friend. 7 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla Definitely the right thing to do, surely. Someone may not notice how right. Surely someone to be less than in your society, please leave me alone. Just nowLikeReplyMore Write a reply... Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=407072216383927_407093693048446&ft_ent_identifier=407072216383927&gfid=AQCAWRfqQDTc7IrZ¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=1516319701631603&ref=m_notif Surely to leave me alone is what to do if my comment makes no sense. You don't really seem to make the sense you intend to me. I don't see you at all as who you said. I don't care what you think about me. im really none of your business, definitely should leave me alone. Amy Teichman-LaMar Follow Message More Just another sarcastic ray of sunshine in the dark abyss of life Direct Support Professional at Alvord-Taylor, Inc. Details Stay-at-home parent Details Single Details Pronounces name AY-mee TYK-men LAH MARR Details Followed by 68 people Details https://m.facebook.com/1.Tough.Mommy?fref=nf&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204394532618855&id=1696813716&set=a.1011704588341.1739.1696813716&source=48&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/26167795_10204394532618855_7634740358643077492_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=ebed44f9799e8d0373098071dd576904&oe=5ADAA9BA https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1671248042938384&id=100001596127257 This was what was here, the devil removed it. .... https://m.facebook.com/groups/224148967647327?view=permalink&id=1670591433003066&fs=2&ref=m_notif¬if_t=feed_comment Quite gruesome but there is a hint that there is an alien invasion w such a picture, so what to do. Tis an alien invasion here of something. But it's supposed to be hidden. Elite Hollywood not able to talk to the little people of course because theyre superior, it's a fact not evil just the true true https://m.facebook.com/FrankSTelford/posts/pcb.1671248042938384/?photo_id=1671246772938511&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.1671248042938384%26photo%3D1671246772938511%26profileid%3D100012434566027%26source%3D48%26refid%3D18%26ref%3Dm_notif%26notif_t%3Dfeed_comment%26_ft_%3Dqid.6512718710257977816%253Amf_story_key.536822103346171%253Atop_level_post_id.536822103346171%253Atl_objid.536822103346171%26__tn__%3DEHH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdf=1 They said the government of the state CA is at this table. It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc. The pictures are cake, etc but are suggesting things gruesome are okay like perhaps secret rituals hidden from the commoners that are not the ones that "made it big." Some difficulty writing this, its not okay to tell stuff here, the things here are not really normal to tell either. It is #theendoftimes. #endoftimes #illuminati #devilexposed #nomasternoslave #secretsocieties #hiddentruth #afalsereality It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc. The pictures are cake, etc but are suggesting things gruesome are okay like secret rituals hidden from the commoners that are not the ones that "made it big." Some difficulty writing this, its not okay to tell stuff here, the things here are not really normal to tell either. It is #theendoftimes. #endoftimes #illuminati #devilexposed #nomasternoslave #secretsocieties #hiddentruth #afalsereality #happywhenyouarenot #asabovesobelow #makingmerry #ruledbythedevil It's supposed to be secret as well, the stuff, ie the rituals, etc. The pictures are cake, etc but are suggesting things gruesome are okay like secret rituals hidden from the commoners that are not the ones that "made it big." Some difficulty writing this, its not okay to tell stuff here, the things here are not really normal to tell either. It is #theendoftimes for this stuff here w the pictures, etc to be told. #endoftimes #illuminati #devilexposed #nomasternoslave #secretsocieties #hiddentruth #afalsereality #happywhenyouarenot #asabovesobelow #makingmerry #ruledbythedevil This is weird, social security checks aren't $1,200 a month. "You know but something us happening we can't talk about this," the devil said. It's pressing all this weird stuff, it's going -- "Do you want to tell about something w masturbating not. I must go," the devil said. It's going TOTALLY PSYCHO n it is worse lately, it's going further desperate n psycho. "Careful but not," the devil said. "oh god. Break your neck. I don't know what to do. I have to stop. Poop. Not that. I must go," the devil said.
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1. Someone's talking. Lots o talking on this topic. Whoa. Babbling? 2. My res. Um just check it biche. 3. "I'm not allowed to go on. But I'm not doing okay that she's telling about that there," the devil said about my reporting on these incidents. Secret hidden story beneath it all exposed. 4. "Something is happening those people can see there's not going to be anything here anymore soon," the devil said further telling why it doesn't want me to tell about some posts not posting. It's been a struggle. 5. Can't be too negative -- but not. It's underrated. Life's supposed to be a beach, tho. You'n know. 6. Yup. The Center of The Universe. Im the guy in that movie but not really for the best of reasons or circumstances presently. 7. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=325822461175570&id=100012434566027&set=a.142500819507736.1073741828.100012434566027&source=43 8. On some haterade, bitch? 9. And nigga isn't really for you to say. I said. So don't say it. It's racist, you have a problem w blacks? 10. I don't have a problem w being black. I'm black. I don't know what universe you're from, bitch. 11. https://m.facebook.com/Ben.W.2020?fref=nf&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment 12. Ben Wilkins 1 mutual friend Add Friend Follow Message More Single Details Followed by 51 people Details 13. RACISTS, HATERS, BITCHES, PUSSIES!!! PUSSY BITCH!!!!! 14. PUSSY BITCH, LYNCH YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING RACIST HATING BITCH TRYING TO CONTROL SOMEONES SPEECH???? NOT OKAY, YOURE NOT OKAY. 15. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2178318305821616&id=100009304045316&set=p.2178318305821616&source=47&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment 16. https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/24852494_2178318305821616_8576317180363420695_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=a9641acc15f1ee8b975f62941bac1575&oe=5A90177C 17. https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=920825434760094_920858234756814&ft_ent_identifier=920825434760094&gfid=AQBCZCjNBpPnvf0s¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=1512812068652797&ref=m_notif 18. Replies to Ben's comment on your post. View post Ben Wilkins 10 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla On some haterade, bitch? 5 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla And nigga isn't really for you to say. I said. So don't say it. It's racist, you have a problem w blacks? 4 minsLikeMore Ben Wilkins 3 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla I don't have a problem w being black. I'm black. I don't know what universe you're from, bitch. 2 minsLikeMore Ben Wilkins 1 minLikeMore Marla Bobarla RACISTS, HATERS, BITCHES, PUSSIES!!! PUSSY BITCH!!!!! 1 minLikeMore Marla Bobarla PUSSY BITCH, LYNCH YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING RACIST HATING BITCH TRYING TO CONTROL SOMEONES SPEECH???? NOT OKAY, YOURE NOT OKAY. Just nowLikeMore Ben Wilkins Just nowLikeMore Write a reply... Reply 19. I'm reporting this, meaning spreading awareness of this as much as I can, what you said n about this post. 20. The devil was very attacking of this post when i shared it in a discussion group. It was very upset about it.
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Someone's talking. Lots o talking on this topic. Whoa. Babbling? My res. Um just check it biche. "I'm not allowed to go on. But I'm not doing okay that she's telling about that there," the devil said about my reporting on these incidents. Secret hidden story beneath it all exposed. "Something is happening those people can see there's not going to be anything here anymore soon," the devil said further telling why it doesn't want me to tell about some posts not posting. It's been a struggle. Can't be too negative -- but not. It's underrated. Life's supposed to be a beach, tho. You'n know. Yup. The Center of The Universe. Im the guy in that movie but not really for the best of reasons or circumstances presently. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=325822461175570&id=100012434566027&set=a.142500819507736.1073741828.100012434566027&source=43 On some haterade, bitch? And nigga isn't really for you to say. I said. So don't say it. It's racist, you have a problem w blacks? I don't have a problem w being black. I'm black. I don't know what universe you're from, bitch. https://m.facebook.com/Ben.W.2020?fref=nf&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment Ben Wilkins 1 mutual friend Add Friend Follow Message More Single Details Followed by 51 people Details RACISTS, HATERS, BITCHES, PUSSIES!!! PUSSY BITCH!!!!! PUSSY BITCH, LYNCH YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING RACIST HATING BITCH TRYING TO CONTROL SOMEONES SPEECH???? NOT OKAY, YOURE NOT OKAY. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2178318305821616&id=100009304045316&set=p.2178318305821616&source=47&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_comment https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/24852494_2178318305821616_8576317180363420695_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=a9641acc15f1ee8b975f62941bac1575&oe=5A90177C https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=920825434760094_920858234756814&ft_ent_identifier=920825434760094&gfid=AQBCZCjNBpPnvf0s¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=1512812068652797&ref=m_notif Replies to Ben's comment on your post. View post Ben Wilkins 10 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla On some haterade, bitch? 5 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla And nigga isn't really for you to say. I said. So don't say it. It's racist, you have a problem w blacks? 4 minsLikeMore Ben Wilkins 3 minsLikeMore Marla Bobarla I don't have a problem w being black. I'm black. I don't know what universe you're from, bitch. 2 minsLikeMore Ben Wilkins 1 minLikeMore Marla Bobarla RACISTS, HATERS, BITCHES, PUSSIES!!! PUSSY BITCH!!!!! 1 minLikeMore Marla Bobarla PUSSY BITCH, LYNCH YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING RACIST HATING BITCH TRYING TO CONTROL SOMEONES SPEECH???? NOT OKAY, YOURE NOT OKAY. Just nowLikeMore Ben Wilkins Just nowLikeMore Write a reply... Reply I'm reporting this, meaning spreading awareness of this as much as I can, what you said n about this post. The devil was very attacking of this post when i shared it in a discussion group. It was very upset about it.
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1. I also got some broccoli. The total for all the stuff came to $44. I don't know how much change it was. 2. The broccoli was a bag of frozen broccoli, it's store brand. The store is food lion. 3. It's not a big bag n not small, it's like a medium size. I thought i might eat it w the pasta w some butter n salt n maybe garlic powder. If it's not tasty enough I could add some feta cheese n sunflower seeds. I also got some salted sunflower seeds that are shelled. I was going to tell something else, the devil took it from my memory. "I did. I'm nit allowed to do that," the devil said. They have goat cheese Thats crumbled like feta. I considered getting that to get something more interesting but i decided to stick w something familiar. -- "I have to stop doing that. Aren't you a devil worshiper. I was saying that," the devil said. It was pressing that. But I was gonna tell something else, n the devil took my thought. I think I was gonna tell about the eggs. I got a dozen eggs. They have an expiration date of December 18. That seemed not a lot of time. "It isn't. I do it. Bye. Oh my god. They said it's over. Farther. Bye," the devil said. The feta cheese is a small container of feta. But the devil when it said "farther," it was making some bubbling in my butt. It's supposed to be gas, its very weird. It does it a lot to say I'm less than. But I was considering getting some sun dried tomato, sometimes they look gross though. "Maybe someone else. No more. I don't know what to do. I must go," the devil said. 4. I also got an Apple. Just one. It's a Fuji Apple. They are crispy n sweet. I would try another kind of Apple but i don't wish a mushy one. I want a crisp one. The devil keeps pressing some sense I'm supposed to be a devil worshiper, it's just a ugly sense. 5. Thanks. This reality also I wish it to discontinue, it's ruled by the devil. The will of what would be is not free or revealed here. People's free will, stuff is not as it should be or would be. It's not free, it's really true here. 6. 9+ 3 Replies to Kimberly's comment on yourpost. View post Kimberly Reddick Hi Marla! That juice sounds good. Pineapple mango lime? I will look for that. I also want to try goat cheese. I know it is good but I never bought it. So I read your post. Its so long! But interesting. I hope you are feeling better. Try not to let the neighbors bother you. Maybe when they play music you can cook and sing along. Or leave for a walk? I dont know. I would probably be mad too. So have you ever used a sleep mask? They have some that have gel inside and you store the mask in the fridge til you need it. The coolness feels good and helps keep skin firm. Maybe that could help you feel better. Ps. I hate mushy apples too 24 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla You should try the juice. It's Tropicana pineapple mango w lime. They also have strawberry peach which is very good. Thanks for trying to offer some helpful things to try but i am not okay because I am tormented by the devil. It is very bad for me here. I don't agree w the way stuff is. Stuff is done to attack people. 6 minutes ago · Edited · LikeMore Kimberly Reddick Im so sorry you feel that way. Sounds very scary. I will pray for your protection. 4 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Thanks. This reality also I wish it to discontinue, it's ruled by the devil. The will of what would be is not free or revealed here. People's free will, stuff is not as it should be or would be. It's not free, it's really true here. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply 7. https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=385936381830844_385998258491323&count=2&curr&pc=1&isinline&initcomp&ft_ent_identifier=385936381830844&gfid=AQB0-XsjpfmG6O41&refid=52&__tn__=R-R 8. I also got a potato to bake n top w butter cheese n onion maybe. Or I could pan cook it. 9. End of the world arrive please. 10. I am not able to have a okay transfer w others. Similar to in high school. I'm not normal here, Kimmie. It's not very common for others to relate to me. I'm not normal here. It's supposed to be that people who are different are still who should be okay but that's not really so working out. 11. People should be able to be heard or considered for what they are saying, it should not be the people are to be classified as crazy as they are here. People have to be respected for what they have to say n what is their experience. This would protect a person. People should be treated equally, be free to have their choice, their will, what makes sense to them. I appreciate your care n etc. I don't have an easy time w others. It's not as it appears here. People are not free to be themselves, be more open, etc. It's a false reality. 12. Human relationships. 13. So insightful, so an addition to getting a clue n figuring this all out. One attempt to do it alone but here it goes in a discussion group some additional thoughts to try to get a clue n figure it all out. So much to offer it's just quite the secret ingredient. What else is discussion for. Such a seed or such seeds for thought n things of that nature. 14. So insightful, so an addition to getting a clue n figuring this all out. One can attempt to do it alone but here it goes in a discussion group some additional thoughts to try to get a clue n figure it all out. So much to offer it's just quite the secret ingredient. What else is discussion for. Such a seed or such seeds for thought n things of that nature. 15. Yeah right. It's so over for devil world, man. They have a money free society political party. I don't agree w voting, so we don't know what to do. I guess we'll see what Steven Parato will say, he said don't vote n i agreed w that so I guess we'll can pool the query or get some perspective based on what he says. I think we're saying not to vote still. Paris Hilton is supposed to be next for the United States, n we wish this to just be over already, this horrible display of the rule of the devil. Voting, a horrible display of #crowdrule. 16. People don't really match up w me really. I don't see this as real here, my experience is that it's ruled by the devil. I'm not really normal here, even w others who are supposed to be similar. It's very off line up, or I just don't meet up w others by a seemingly big degree. It's helpful or valuable someone seems to have a care, etc. This is valuable, what you're expressing. This is actually unusual for me. 17. Petros Fronc Friends Following Message More Works at Composer Details Lives in Harare, Zimbabwe Details From Pyongyang, Korea Details Followed by 47 people Details About Photos Friends Photos 18. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005685014699 19. Paul Kelleher Add Friend Follow Message More About Photos Friends Photos See All Photos 20. https://m.facebook.com/paul.kelleher.33?fref=nf&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_activity
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I also got some broccoli. The total for all the stuff came to $44. I don't know how much change it was. The broccoli was a bag of frozen broccoli, it's store brand. The store is food lion. It's not a big bag n not small, it's like a medium size. I thought i might eat it w the pasta w some butter n salt n maybe garlic powder. If it's not tasty enough I could add some feta cheese n sunflower seeds. I also got some salted sunflower seeds that are shelled. I was going to tell something else, the devil took it from my memory. "I did. I'm nit allowed to do that," the devil said. They have goat cheese Thats crumbled like feta. I considered getting that to get something more interesting but i decided to stick w something familiar. -- "I have to stop doing that. Aren't you a devil worshiper. I was saying that," the devil said. It was pressing that. But I was gonna tell something else, n the devil took my thought. I think I was gonna tell about the eggs. I got a dozen eggs. They have an expiration date of December 18. That seemed not a lot of time. "It isn't. I do it. Bye. Oh my god. They said it's over. Farther. Bye," the devil said. The feta cheese is a small container of feta. But the devil when it said "farther," it was making some bubbling in my butt. It's supposed to be gas, its very weird. It does it a lot to say I'm less than. But I was considering getting some sun dried tomato, sometimes they look gross though. "Maybe someone else. No more. I don't know what to do. I must go," the devil said. I also got an Apple. Just one. It's a Fuji Apple. They are crispy n sweet. I would try another kind of Apple but i don't wish a mushy one. I want a crisp one. The devil keeps pressing some sense I'm supposed to be a devil worshiper, it's just a ugly sense. Thanks. This reality also I wish it to discontinue, it's ruled by the devil. The will of what would be is not free or revealed here. People's free will, stuff is not as it should be or would be. It's not free, it's really true here. 9+ 3 Replies to Kimberly's comment on yourpost. View post Kimberly Reddick Hi Marla! That juice sounds good. Pineapple mango lime? I will look for that. I also want to try goat cheese. I know it is good but I never bought it. So I read your post. Its so long! But interesting. I hope you are feeling better. Try not to let the neighbors bother you. Maybe when they play music you can cook and sing along. Or leave for a walk? I dont know. I would probably be mad too. So have you ever used a sleep mask? They have some that have gel inside and you store the mask in the fridge til you need it. The coolness feels good and helps keep skin firm. Maybe that could help you feel better. Ps. I hate mushy apples too 24 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla You should try the juice. It's Tropicana pineapple mango w lime. They also have strawberry peach which is very good. Thanks for trying to offer some helpful things to try but i am not okay because I am tormented by the devil. It is very bad for me here. I don't agree w the way stuff is. Stuff is done to attack people. 6 minutes ago · Edited · LikeMore Kimberly Reddick Im so sorry you feel that way. Sounds very scary. I will pray for your protection. 4 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Thanks. This reality also I wish it to discontinue, it's ruled by the devil. The will of what would be is not free or revealed here. People's free will, stuff is not as it should be or would be. It's not free, it's really true here. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=385936381830844_385998258491323&count=2&curr&pc=1&isinline&initcomp&ft_ent_identifier=385936381830844&gfid=AQB0-XsjpfmG6O41&refid=52&__tn__=R-R I also got a potato to bake n top w butter cheese n onion maybe. Or I could pan cook it. End of the world arrive please. I am not able to have a okay transfer w others. Similar to in high school. I'm not normal here, Kimmie. It's not very common for others to relate to me. I'm not normal here. It's supposed to be that people who are different are still who should be okay but that's not really so working out. People should be able to be heard or considered for what they are saying, it should not be the people are to be classified as crazy as they are here. People have to be respected for what they have to say n what is their experience. This would protect a person. People should be treated equally, be free to have their choice, their will, what makes sense to them. I appreciate your care n etc. I don't have an easy time w others. It's not as it appears here. People are not free to be themselves, be more open, etc. It's a false reality. Human relationships. So insightful, so an addition to getting a clue n figuring this all out. One attempt to do it alone but here it goes in a discussion group some additional thoughts to try to get a clue n figure it all out. So much to offer it's just quite the secret ingredient. What else is discussion for. Such a seed or such seeds for thought n things of that nature. So insightful, so an addition to getting a clue n figuring this all out. One can attempt to do it alone but here it goes in a discussion group some additional thoughts to try to get a clue n figure it all out. So much to offer it's just quite the secret ingredient. What else is discussion for. Such a seed or such seeds for thought n things of that nature. Yeah right. It's so over for devil world, man. They have a money free society political party. I don't agree w voting, so we don't know what to do. I guess we'll see what Steven Parato will say, he said don't vote n i agreed w that so I guess we'll can pool the query or get some perspective based on what he says. I think we're saying not to vote still. Paris Hilton is supposed to be next for the United States, n we wish this to just be over already, this horrible display of the rule of the devil. Voting, a horrible display of #crowdrule. People don't really match up w me really. I don't see this as real here, my experience is that it's ruled by the devil. I'm not really normal here, even w others who are supposed to be similar. It's very off line up, or I just don't meet up w others by a seemingly big degree. It's helpful or valuable someone seems to have a care, etc. This is valuable, what you're expressing. This is actually unusual for me. Petros Fronc Friends Following Message More Works at Composer Details Lives in Harare, Zimbabwe Details From Pyongyang, Korea Details Followed by 47 people Details About Photos Friends Photos https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005685014699 Paul Kelleher Add Friend Follow Message More About Photos Friends Photos See All Photos https://m.facebook.com/paul.kelleher.33?fref=nf&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_activity
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emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. It's expected for people to go on n live something else, live something other than themselves. Live that people are less than, live that blacks are dumb, live that people are less to wish to not be forced to work, live that people are less to wish like certain race of a mate or something. The people are supposed to live something other than the truth. Live a lie seems not exactly the term that fits this. The devil just tried to change a word. I fixed it. "I have to go. I know what he's doing is that," someone said about it forcing the stuff on me. I haven't been putting people's identity w stuff as much. This here quote occurred as someone like a person I am aware of from my past at The Gadsden Times named Bob Russell. Another quote in the last post was the girl from Antifa. 2. Yum yum. I'm going to eat your pizza. 3. "Marla, I'm not sure what to do but i can't go on that somebody has that there," the devil said of this photo. 4. http://tinyhousetown.tumblr.com/post/166131988552/the-de-zanding-tiny-house 5. https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/166095091200/archatlas-los-terrenos-by-tatiana-bilbao 6. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=789557901215629&id=100004842792370&set=a.588134548024633.1073741834.100004842792370&source=57 7. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/22089772_789557901215629_6169424540483637843_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=5b736ad196fac810a3e2cb990921d102&oe=5A80CFC9 8. Sandra Branscum (San ) Add Friend Follow More Born again believer of my Lord, n Saviour Jesus Christ💖 Mother of 3💖 & Grandmother of 4💖 🚫MSGES Residential Care Tech at Conway Human Development Center/CHDC/DHS Details Followed by 166 people Details 9. https://m.facebook.com/sandra.branscum 10. Replies to your comment on Sameer Saleem's post. View post Marla Bobarla Yum yum. I'm going to eat your pizza. 2 hours ago · Like2More Sameer Saleem I wish we could do it lol 2 hours ago · Like1More Write a reply... 11. https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=1835812320012279_1958839154376261&ft_ent_identifier=1835812320012279&gfid=AQB5uNIu_ATN3YVd&force_theater=true¬if_t=photo_reply¬if_id=1507384409849174&ref=m_notif 12. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1687646794587001&id=100000250904711&set=p.1687646794587001&source=47&ref=m_notif¬if_t=photo_reply 13. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/22228254_1687646794587001_8136074154514011708_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=b58771d5e0fd2f7d524f56939dd04955&oe=5A756385 14. Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone commented here. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard is really to be something to further support this way of things as true. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. 15. Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone who has commented here. Colin. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this because this is beneficial. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something like, "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things, but this way of things, ie caputalism is supposed to be really great, etc. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard is really to be something to further support this way of things as true. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. 16. https://m.facebook.com/groups/691720790945057?view=permalink&id=1435384479912014&fs=2&ref=m_notif¬if_t=photo_reply 17. Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone who has commented here. Colin. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this because this is beneficial. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something like, "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things, but this way of things, ie caputalism is supposed to be really great, etc. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard im my mind is really to be something to further support this way of things as true, that some are less than to others, some are more capable, etc to navigate things n be okay. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. 18. The devil is attacking very bad still n has been attacking very bad. "Maybe it's you right. You are less. Oh god. I have to stop," the devil said. "Please say that you think you are less than," the devil said. "Something happened that we can't say this isn't what is here," someone said in regards to a comment I just put on a post in the discussion group Freeworlder Forum. I'll paste it here. But the devil is going so crazy forcing that I'm to be less than, feel I am less than, etc. It's going very crazy, it is very bad things it's forcing. "I'm not making sweaty," the devil said. It's very bad still. It does do more sweating other times. It us very bad. "I don't know what to do. I am doing pressure at the head. Please say I'm not doing this. Oh god. I don't know what to do, dumb nigger. Please say I'm not doing this. Oh god. Oh god. I have to stop," the devil said. But it's been attacking very bad. But here's the comment I just wrote on a post in the discussion group Freeworlders Forum regarding the content of the post, I'll link to the post on comments on this. .... Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone who has commented here. Colin. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this because this is beneficial. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something like, "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things, but this way of things, ie caputalism is supposed to be really great, etc. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard im my mind is really to be something to further support this way of things as true, that some are less than to others, some are more capable, etc to navigate things n be okay. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. 19. "I cannot tell you who is writing this right now. That. I cannot be these people," the devil said of this post linked to in the preceding comment here. 20. #starvingartists #madeinAmerica #inequality #inequalityworshipedastrue Michael E V Michael E. V. Knight Frank Booth Booth Michael Tellinger Michael Tellinger
0 notes
emptying clipboard
It's expected for people to go on n live something else, live something other than themselves. Live that people are less than, live that blacks are dumb, live that people are less to wish to not be forced to work, live that people are less to wish like certain race of a mate or something. The people are supposed to live something other than the truth. Live a lie seems not exactly the term that fits this. The devil just tried to change a word. I fixed it. "I have to go. I know what he's doing is that," someone said about it forcing the stuff on me. I haven't been putting people's identity w stuff as much. This here quote occurred as someone like a person I am aware of from my past at The Gadsden Times named Bob Russell. Another quote in the last post was the girl from Antifa. Yum yum. I'm going to eat your pizza. "Marla, I'm not sure what to do but i can't go on that somebody has that there," the devil said of this photo. http://tinyhousetown.tumblr.com/post/166131988552/the-de-zanding-tiny-house https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/166095091200/archatlas-los-terrenos-by-tatiana-bilbao https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=789557901215629&id=100004842792370&set=a.588134548024633.1073741834.100004842792370&source=57 https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/22089772_789557901215629_6169424540483637843_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=5b736ad196fac810a3e2cb990921d102&oe=5A80CFC9 Sandra Branscum (San ) Add Friend Follow More Born again believer of my Lord, n Saviour Jesus Christ💖 Mother of 3💖 & Grandmother of 4💖 🚫MSGES Residential Care Tech at Conway Human Development Center/CHDC/DHS Details Followed by 166 people Details https://m.facebook.com/sandra.branscum Replies to your comment on Sameer Saleem's post. View post Marla Bobarla Yum yum. I'm going to eat your pizza. 2 hours ago · Like2More Sameer Saleem I wish we could do it lol 2 hours ago · Like1More Write a reply... https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=1835812320012279_1958839154376261&ft_ent_identifier=1835812320012279&gfid=AQB5uNIu_ATN3YVd&force_theater=true¬if_t=photo_reply¬if_id=1507384409849174&ref=m_notif https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1687646794587001&id=100000250904711&set=p.1687646794587001&source=47&ref=m_notif¬if_t=photo_reply https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/22228254_1687646794587001_8136074154514011708_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=b58771d5e0fd2f7d524f56939dd04955&oe=5A756385 Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone commented here. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard is really to be something to further support this way of things as true. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone who has commented here. Colin. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this because this is beneficial. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something like, "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things, but this way of things, ie caputalism is supposed to be really great, etc. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard is really to be something to further support this way of things as true. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. https://m.facebook.com/groups/691720790945057?view=permalink&id=1435384479912014&fs=2&ref=m_notif¬if_t=photo_reply Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone who has commented here. Colin. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this because this is beneficial. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something like, "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things, but this way of things, ie caputalism is supposed to be really great, etc. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard im my mind is really to be something to further support this way of things as true, that some are less than to others, some are more capable, etc to navigate things n be okay. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. The devil is attacking very bad still n has been attacking very bad. "Maybe it's you right. You are less. Oh god. I have to stop," the devil said. "Please say that you think you are less than," the devil said. "Something happened that we can't say this isn't what is here," someone said in regards to a comment I just put on a post in the discussion group Freeworlder Forum. I'll paste it here. But the devil is going so crazy forcing that I'm to be less than, feel I am less than, etc. It's going very crazy, it is very bad things it's forcing. "I'm not making sweaty," the devil said. It's very bad still. It does do more sweating other times. It us very bad. "I don't know what to do. I am doing pressure at the head. Please say I'm not doing this. Oh god. I don't know what to do, dumb nigger. Please say I'm not doing this. Oh god. Oh god. I have to stop," the devil said. But it's been attacking very bad. But here's the comment I just wrote on a post in the discussion group Freeworlders Forum regarding the content of the post, I'll link to the post on comments on this. .... Presently this is not the school of thought or mindset that we would need the contribution of ALL as you said here. It's the thought that some people are less than n have not something worthy to contribute or be present as, etc. Really the most valuable thing is not what a person DOES so much but just that the person is a person n happens to be here n so it's not up to anyone or anything to say they shouldn't be okay or be able to live n contribute what they would or think or be what they would, etc. Something is messing w my mind n my thoughts to disrupt me writing here. "I have to go, i know this isn't allowed," the devil said in my mind. "You were gonna say something like I was okay to end the world right. ...," it occurred that a certain person in this group said in my mind. It occurred to be someone who has commented here. Colin. But this thing expressed in this post above, this is not really commonly expressed here at all: That everyone is wished to be free to contribute or something like this because this is beneficial. More specifically I think everyone should be able to be okay. Quite a part of so called capitalism is that -- the devil is attacking me as im writing this, it was trying to make it seem something was going into my head. But a part of capitalism is something like, "survival of the fittest," n not everyone can be successful or have a decent experience of their life n the way of things because it is like that not everyone is able to win w this way of things, but this way of things, ie caputalism is supposed to be really great, etc. It's supposed to be beneficial, something called the "free market," or something like this. It's supposed to be smart, etc n like it is like the belief that people are unequal that is behind it. It is actually very sick n crazy. It is as crazy as some of the previous eras w these structures built n based on inequality. The theory of evolution I heard im my mind is really to be something to further support this way of things as true, that some are less than to others, some are more capable, etc to navigate things n be okay. It's actually made up to explain what's supposed to be happening here. I was told in my mind that the devil had to have that or something to tell what this was here, the order or how things operate, so there is the theory of evolution here. "I cannot tell you who is writing this right now. That. I cannot be these people," the devil said of this post linked to in the preceding comment here. #starvingartists #madeinAmerica #inequality #inequalityworshipedastrue Michael E V Michael E. V. Knight Frank Booth Booth Michael Tellinger Michael Tellinger
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emptying clipboard
http://www.tinyhousetown.net/2016/01/camp-callaway-1091-sq-ft-paradise.html?m=1 The devil apparently is doing some weird measure or sign w the floors in places, the wood floors are about that it's supposed to be able to go on. "I do it. Bye," the devil said. Someone just told me in my mind that something happened n the devil can't go on because the government can't go on because someone alerted it somehow so the floors are changed here n in another home. But the devil tried to mess up the sink here. It got really messed up in the kitchen, it has a weird extension on it. Yeah, I'm not from here either. People should be their own authority. There is some manipulation of this here but apparently you need as gun, you can go to war, this is hidden/not mentioned really, well not enough. So I'm saying it n that I hope will help. It is very odd no one has stopped this or that things go on the way they do, it's very bad conditions here, it doesn't make sense. It's supposed to be consent, people wouldn't consent to bad conditions for themselves!!???!! This is weird here! Replies to your comment on Rae Rossouw's post. View post Marla Bobarla Yeah, I'm not from here either. People should be their own authority. There is some manipulation of this here but apparently you need a gun, you can go to war, this is hidden/not mentioned really, well not enough. So I'm saying it n that I hope it will help. It is very odd no one has stopped this or that things go on the way they do, it's very bad conditions here, it doesn't make sense. It's supposed to be consent, people wouldn't consent to bad conditions for themselves!!???!! This is weird here! 1 hour ago · Edited · Like1More Rae Rossouw I agree and when I exit this shithole it'll be good 54 minutes ago · Like1More Write a reply... Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=10155381511880900_10155382123125900&ft_ent_identifier=10155381511880900&gfid=AQBPnDpE2w5p-Tkg¬if_t=feed_comment_reply¬if_id=1499980173348234&ref=m_notif https://m.facebook.com/debbyrossouw333?fref=nf&ref=m_notif¬if_t=feed_comment_reply Like in Lolita, something like this. Small minds are the real scare. #scaryplace #itsdevilworld But I don't really care about this topic really, it's weirdly out of context n abandoned of further detail, etc, even the stories that looked more incriminating than this I saw before, some racist/prejudiced type depictions (that were supposed to okay n normal) of some people in an Arab country w child brides. It is grotesque here but not really for this reason, this isn't really a big deal. Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin, she was 13. It's about other things other than its to be not okay. The person involved is still a person, it's not a big deal. It's really about the society finding a individual that's to occur as okay to attack. Its a horror movie. I have been n am attacked by the society, im supposed to be seen as crazy, etc here, people are classified as mentally ill for things they experience . It's a very sick n disgusting n nasty place. #itsdevilworld I'm attacked here for saying it's not real. There is something I can do, i can go to war, so i intend to do that. It's not supposed to be real here but something is pretending it is, the devil is pretending, that is. https://m.facebook.com/groups/405041276338515?view=permalink&id=847524118756893&fs=2 The series is noteworthy among other films in the horror genre in that the antagonist is not a stereotypical slasher or other physical being, but Death itself, subtly manipulating circumstances in the environment with a design on claiming anyone who escapes their fated demise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Destination The devil is threatening another attack of the total sick as fuck n disgusting as fuck society. The psycho bigoted psycho's hospital. It was going crazy . It is incredibly disgusting n horrible here. It's so disgusting as fuck, thirsty to make people poor n attack the fuck out of people. It is making me sweaty now. A minute ago it made a bug fly in my eye. Right now there is loud noise from the neighbor in poor housing, it's so DISGUSTING n HORRIBLE here. But I was getting upset because of the bug n it was to make Karla say it had happened to her before after I said it was -- "I am making very sweaty now. I don't know what to do. I have to stop. ....," the devil said. It's going crazy making me sweaty now. And it is making it very hot upstairs in the poor housing of a very sick n disgusting society. I do keep a kitchen knife handy because of the previous attacks, very sick n unexpected. It IS DISGUSTING AS FUCK here. It was threatening something like Karla would try to call the nigger lynching society's authorities to try to arrange for me to be put in the hospital. "I don't know what to do but I'm not allowed to be that. But I am acting imperior," the devil said, using a weird word for superior but it was occurring it was trying to act superior. But it is very bad here for me. I do wish to go to war as soon as possible. I disagree w the society that I should be poor n that there should be poverty or homelessness. It is a dangerous place for things like this. The devil is making me sweat very bad. But I do declare war against the way of life here that arranges for poverty n homelessness n for people to be out of their own possession, for people to be labeled according to another so called person's opinion that they are crazy. Insanely sick n disgusting this society does stuff it does n this thing tormenting someone the society will nigger nab the person, it IS HORRIBLE AS FUCK here. It's devil world, it's hell world, it's horrible as fuck. The devil continues making me sweaty. It was just checking to see if it was able to measure that I was less than to Karla .A very sick society n government that holds that some are to be treated as less than to others. I don't have the same religion. It is sick n disgusting as fuck here. "Oh my god. I don't know what to do. I have to go very bad as that is something it did here," the devil said. "... I am trying to act calm now n like like I am okay, I'm not able to do that," the devil said. Someone is saying it's not allowed to do the attacks on me to make it supposedly okay for itself here, the attacks of the society n the attack w the bug flying in my eye. The devil keeps obsessing w putting forth a thought of people I became friends w on Facebook today. It's very odd. "They do not wish this right. I must stop n the sweating," the devil said. It was forcing a sense of agitation as i wrote. It continues to make me sweaty very very bad. But I do try to keep a butter knife handy because of the previous attacks of the society as something to fight for me not be forced to go along w the attacks of the society as if i consent if they do a surprise attack w the devils arranging or really it is ruling the government n society to act really crazy now n it has ruled this reality before the end of the world as well but it is very further bad now than before the world ended. The devil is suddenly starting w the noise of a very loud television from the neighbors as if there is not noise barrier now. It keeps trying to start to agitate me. Maybe more like none. But the sentiment, you're not supposed to say this, so. You could say yourself but it's such a struggle in such a place, best to be negative n pessimistic until things look up. No need to welcome what is less than as if it is okay. I am attacked here, it's a very dangerous place. This is very sick thing you have said. I don't think this is okay to say this to someone. It is very bad here that someone is saying something like this n it's supposed to be your family, it's very disgusting n very nasty n inhumane. You actually were given a screw driver from my bag when i was released from the hospital where i was kept against my will ladt n I would like that back. The society attacks me, it's very disgusting n bigoted n believes in things i do not n it's forcing its beliefs onto me n so i say i will not go along w it should they try to keep forcing it at points, they try to force I am crazy n to be attacked here as they do arrange to attack people they term mentally ill, they imprisoned the people n force medicine, this is an attack. I do not want to be attacked as they arrange for to attack people n have gone after me previously. Hmmm. This is so other worldly. It's actually secretly related to something I said on my Facebook page. Pretty much everything or almost everything in the world is, it's not real here is why. I said people really aren't okay w wild animals, as a touch of reality kept out of reach here where it's pretended people are okay to act in ways people really would wish not. This appears to be a bobcat in the picture w the sleeping kid. The devil keeps making people make these weird comments asking if I'm writing a story or a book when I'm writing here. "...Oh god. I'm not allowed to do that," the devil said. It's very weird. I'm hearing in my mind the one person may defriend himself, he said in my mind, for the weird question. I said okay. "I'm not sure what to do that's embarassing," the devil said. But it's very weird, I'm sure I haven't asked anyone that in my entire life.
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I'll just repost from the clipboard everything from the last clipboard post. ....
Replies to your comment on your post. View post Marla Bobarla My photos on my page don't have those messages. #niggerlynchthirst is what this society is. I am not this, thirsty to lynch niggers n make em poor n show them they're less than. Yesterday at 9:34am · Like1More Jay Munster You ain't got no sense huh? Yesterday at 12:06pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Oh ha, the society has im someone to be poor, so. Nothing but bootlickers got sense to these here. But this is so interesting to you to keep attacking. Fake people do well here, humans not. Too thirsty here n#sickasfuckhere. Yesterday at 2:39pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla They teach sense in your schools right, you gotta listen or you'll be poor as fuck. Your schools, not mine. Your sense not mine here. Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=364038690678111_364575103957803&ft_ent_identifier=364038690678111&gfid=AQDEbcM_4EYOZ_pK¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1498603512044286&ref=m_notif The devil is going crazy forcing agitation n lifting some sense if norlmacy or figuring n is just going crazy trying to agitate the crap out of me. It's really obsessed w using that guy it's attacking w, it could be a fake person or figure that is to be worshipped here n not be made poor n supposed to be okay, but it keeps bringing the thought of that guy that was attacking n is still writing attack comments in the group Anarcho Debatism. It keeps bringing forth the thought of that person that is worshipped by the sick society thirsty to make people poor as fuck n get the goons on them. But it keeps bringing forth the thought of this person that is attacking in that group. It is making me sweaty n it is making my pubic area smell like armpit. The devil keeps bringing forth thoughts of others too that are supposed to think I'm less than because they are to be attacking in that group, others seem too it's trying to make come to mind. It keeps trying to force it is this that is agitating me, the person redoing the photos w the sayings on it like "nasty bitch," etc. It keeps trying to force -- got distracted here but it is just going crazy forcing i am to think I am less than. I was going to try to further out that guy doing the attacking comments which the figure is supposed to be continuing to do them. But I was trying to put some things on this page since the person is to be hidden doing the very gross n attacking comments. It's making me sweat like insanely crazy right now. It's making my butt crack wet right now. It's forcing i should feel less than for still being here, it's forcing that thought. It was also threatening the very very sick n disgusting society's hospital that's very disgusting n meant to say something is wrong other than a society is very sick n makes people homeless n poor. But it was attacking very bad n it was -- got distracted but it kept on trying to like lift a sense of things n try to arrange that I was to be very very upset, like it was trying to make it so i was just doing very bad. It was trying to lift a sense of just that I was doing something else or a sense of things i have n make it seem things are very elevated n it was starting to agitate moments ago as i noted in the post w that poster I found in the discussion group but then it was trying to make it seem i was only upset over the guy attacking in the Anarcho Debatism group that put the text on my photos. The guy keeps reposting them. I did say a couple of things back to the guy. "Something would happen that I couldn't have been what I was here if the person will say what she ....," the devil said about me writing these things here. "... People could've never been who these people are here if someone will know who was Bern behind it," the devil said. But I was looking at the guys Facebook page that is redoing the photos again n again. I said I was gonna call the person's work. It's not good the guy is hidden n supposed to be something else on his page, -- "Can I please not be doing the vagina smell. It's worse for her right. Shes very less. I can't do that. I keep trying to lower. I just killed somebody on Facebook that said this will never happen. I keep trying to say hair feels light, hair coming out. I don't do that right," the devil said. It's just going crazy, doing a crazy mass attack. I was just expressing irritation to the animals n the devil was saying the animals are not my friend. "I don't really know what to do. You don't know them. You are less. Know you are less. But not. Kneel down. Your pussy. I am saying spells right. I don't want to say this right. ... I must go. I am saying more. I need more. This. ... You suck dick right. But not. I don't know what to do I must go," the devil said. "Do want to put what Hes saying, he's saying it's okay here. You, only you. No way. That does do something. No way. No way. He sees something," the devil said. This is so horrible for a person, it is so disgusting here. "I don't wish this, i don't wish what I had. I don't know how to go," something is saying. The devil was just forcing thoughts my face was going to age for being upset. Its forcing all of these horrible horrible feelings, its very bad. It was bringing up the hospital. People are very sick n horrible here, they have horrible things for people here. It's very sick n disgusting. People are very sick n disgusting here. It's a very sick n disgusting place. The devil keeps attacking very bad w a very bad feeling forcing. "Um. Someone thinks. No not. I don't know what to do. We think crazy here, right. Poor. No. I wish this not okay. You go to hospital right. We can't do that. She would have to open the door. No way. I have to go," the devil said. It's going very extreme. "I don't know what to do but i have to go very bad if this is the people you're at the mercy of," the devil said. "I don't really wish that person to say there is homelessness here. She has been homeless. No way. No way," the devil said. "I'm not allowed to do this but i am saying into the pussy. It means something is over right. You think you are less," the devil said. "Do you think he is okay but something happens where were not okay to have some have, some not," the devil said the first thing n someone else said the next thing. It keeps making a lightened scalp feeling w my hair. "Can you not say you were attacked by the society but I don't know what to do I have to go," the devil said. "That thing is saying Marla is the devil n she feels as less as it does, it's very bad," the devil said. The devil just brought a thought of that Rick Rusk guy forward. "I did. Did you wanna tag him," the devil said. The devil just made Karla shush me. It's such a he'll HOLE here. #sickasfuckhere Then some moments ago it was bringing forth in my awareness some thought of some supposed people from that group. There's a person who is from Canada, a guy. "I can't do the things w the sister or the people from the group. No way. Something," the devil said. #homelessness #averysickplace Coveting of a home. #covetingofahome "I am trying to make pressure at the back of the bitch head," the devil said, it was doing that. "No way. I did something today I cannot. You are crazy, you are so less counting friends. So many, let em all go right," the devil said. It was pressing some of these thoughts. "Marla did you get treated w dignity here cuz I'm not able to go on," the devil said. It must be getting some thoughts or hearing someone say something about the home situation here. #dignity #homelessness #asicksociety "I don't wish someone to put this there. Are you homeless. I have to very much go," the devil said. "I am trying to make pressure at the back of the bitch head," the devil said, it was doing that. "No way. I did something today I cannot. You are crazy, you are so less counting friends. So many, let em all go right," the devil said. It was pressing some of these thoughts. "Marla did you get treated w dignity here cuz I'm not able to go on," the devil said. It must be getting some thoughts or hearing someone say something about the home situation here. #dignity #homelessness #asicksociety "I don't wish someone to put this there. Are you homeless. I have to very much go," the devil said. I am not having security, but it is here as a threat for really almost anyone. I have been attacked w it here n am being attacked by the devil now n have been w many of punishments of the society. Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=364038690678111_364538280628152&ft_ent_identifier=364038690678111&gfid=AQA9nSOBAufnNwxa¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1498601728209950&ref=m_notif http://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2FPLURkid%3Ffref%3Dpb%26ref%3Dm_notif%26notif_t%3Dfeed_comment%26refid%3D52%26__tn__%3DR&t=N2VmZmI1MTZkYWYzMzEwMGY3NTJhYmNlNzc1ZmYzN2U3MzRjMTZlOSxtOUVaQ3ZxYg%3D%3D&b=t%3AcyiO6LqPjpcnZ49R9o0PNA&p=https%3A%2F%2Fmarlaluster.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F162329951470%2Flinks-associated-w-the-attacks-the-devil-made-it&m=1 "Something is starting to happen where this is able to post further than I can say this person can do it," the devil said something like this, it was trying to mess up the words. "This person can't be open. The devil, Rick," the devil said. "No way, this is embarassing Marla. Something happened where that person is ... to have his name here after what happened. I said less. I tried to take it back. Bye," the devil said. "This is Mateo. I did say he was really less as someone in the group n then he has to lose now. He can't go on," it seemed Mateo said who i know from a place I used to work, he was a student I was an assistant with. It seemed this isn't exactly what he said maybe like the devil maybe like cut out something or tried to make it less revealing of what really happened. -- "That person is too honest n open, Marla. I gotta go," the devil said. It seemed there was some taking in that i was telling the details of who Mateo was in relation to myself. It seemed the devil was not okay for that, ie disappointed, something, some response like dismay. But anyway I got some text copied from that figure but supposed person the devil is using to do the attacking comments n titles added w photos the supposed person took from my page. The guy had a tagged photo saying "#family" on his page. Something like supposed to be stereotypically okay in devil world. Jesus said you're not supposed to be okay w family, i heard that once before, i read it posted as a comment on something, a video I saw on YouTube. It said Jesus said you should hate your life, the world n i think your family. "It does say that. Someone predicted that right," the devil said. But anyway I was going to post some stuff to out n reveal what that psycho character is to be saying in the discussion group n reposting the pictures the supposed guy has added the titles to. People should not be hidden n supposed people acting like monsters n those made up by the devil or remade by the devil pretending to be them. But here are -- the devil is messing w my thoughts, trying to make it seem hard to write this n putting a sense I'm dumb. "I didn't do that. I can't survive this. Bye," the devil said. It may be saying that to be doing a trick or something, i of course would wish it to not survive. I was going to post some text I copied of the comment thread that was there as of the point I copied it earlier today. There also some text from still another day I got off of Tumblr that I posted previously. I'll post that next here. .... This next I last copied yesterday, I'll put a link in comments to this text but the group is closed, but you could try to add yourself to the group, that's all I did. I tried to add some people today but it didn't work yet. But next here is the text of one comment thread w comments of Rick Rusk (I took off my wow response to his first comment here just a moment ago because that isn't what those responses are really for exactly is to not be nice exactly , the devil kerps making that Rick Rusk guy do haha reaction to all my comments I have on the post even my comments to others -- "Someone saw that. Thats really weird. I'll have to, but not," the devil said.). ... Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply ---- end text of one comment thread ----- 9+ Replies to Rick's comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:11am · LikeMore Marla Bobarla My photos are not really meant BY ME for this. I suppose as part of a nigger lynching society you have your own purposes here for people, it's not good you can make em poor n homeless n get the goons, ie the police n others on them. #niggerlynchingsociety Yesterday at 9:36am · Like1More Marla Bobarla This is weird the obsession is using my words against me even though they don't fit. "Your pictures," the devil said. Horrible as fuck, at the mercy of a very, very sick population of people. #sickasfuckhere#lynchmobsociety. Wanting people poor as fuck n rotting in jail. #devilworshipping Yesterday at 9:38am · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 6:44pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! Yesterday at 6:56pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! Yesterday at 6:57pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! Yesterday at 6:58pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla You ain't gonna come up w some new slogans for the nasty picture, a body so nasty, so nasty to take a picture showing a body, really it's a belly. You know what to do, huh, dumb as fuck bitch. Dumb as shit. Fit right in here, it's dumb as shit here. Small minded as fuck! Disgusting as fuck, you fit right in bitch! Yesterday at 7:12pm · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:13pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk PRO TIP: Disciples of Christ do not pray for the death of anyone they dislike in His name 😉 Yesterday at 8:14pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:15pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla You ain't for Christ, bitch. Attacking the fuck outta somebody. DEVIL WORSHIPING FO SHO BITCH!!!! Put this on your page, sick bitch!!!!!! Sick FUCKING BITCH!!!! DIE HARD, HANG YOUR BITCH ASS SELF!!! PUT IT ON YOUR PAGE, SICK FUCK!!!!!! ATTACKING SOMEONE LIKE THIS!!!! BULLY, PIECE A SHIT, GARBAGE!!!!!!! They need to know at the Christ Consciousness Project this is what you're spending your time on, finding some what, wicked sinners you have to insult the fuck out of!!!????? What are you doing DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!!!!! 8 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla Die bitch IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!! I don't know what "pro" telling about Jesus putting this out, being disgusting as fuck. I'm saying what you're doing isn't okay attacking people. I don't know what Christ you're talking about where your place is to find stuff on people's page n attack them. Something maybe w a hate group. It's not okay to attack people, so it's really weird you're talking about Christ n being a pro. Wow. You are sick as fuck. Is your god the government too making people righteously poor?!!??? 8 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk ^ what a dumb ass bitch 😂 29 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Jonas Salk Jonas Salk I did try to get some people added so they can see something acting like this, so crazy as fuck. "I'm not sure what to do, i have to go that he will see," the devil said. Joseph Lyons I'm calling that Christ Consciousness Project place, crazy bitch. Psycho bitch. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply --- end text of second pasted comment thread --- "I'm not doing okay for those other people to see it," the devil said something like this about the names of people here I added trying to tag them but it didn't work, so i did leave names to just show I tried n just to idk. The devil is messing w my thoughts again. "Iwas. I know why she put it. Can I tell n not lose," the devil said. I'll put links to the comment threads in the comments on this post. I'll also put Rick Rusk's Facebook page address. Very weird to act like this n it's supposed to be hidden. You can't really do that, that's not realistic. "Something is starting to happen where this is able to post further than I can say this person can do it," the devil said something like this, it was trying to mess up the words, it was talking about the person it's pretending says this stuff not being able to openly be who is doing this like outside of the Anarcho Debatism discussion group. "This person can't be open. The devil, Rick," the devil said. "No way, this is embarassing Marla. Something happened where that person is ... to have his name here after what happened. I said less. I tried to take it back. Bye," the devil said. "This is Mateo. I did say he was really less as someone in the group n then he has to lose now. He can't go on," it seemed Mateo said who i know from a place I used to work, he was a student I was an assistant with. It seemed this isn't exactly what he said maybe like the devil maybe like cut out something or tried to make it less revealing of what really happened, ie less revealing of a thing happening the person was really trying to tell about. -- "That person is too honest n open, Marla. I gotta go," the devil said. It seemed there was some taking in that i was telling the details of who Mateo was in relation to myself. It seemed the devil was not okay for that, ie disappointed, something, some response like dismay. But anyway I got some text copied from that figure but supposed person the devil is using to do the attacking comments n titles added w photos the supposed person took from my page. (I say supposed because the self wouldn't really be doing this, also people aren't really who they are here w the restriction o[f] the devil, idk, its hard to talk without the qualifiers on what the person is or others also involved are to be insulting someone like this.f) But the guy had a tagged ["I added 'tagged' here right. I did. please stop," the devil said. I don't think I put "tagged" because the photo wasn't tagged as I saw it, it had it as a title on the picture like the devil made it seem the guy put on the pictures he took from my page. "I can't stop but I changed that. Bye," the devil said of adding the word "tagged," here. I didn't put it when i wrote this n i wouldn't put it now, i didn't see it was tagged like a real tag on Facebook, it was on the photo.) photo saying "#family" on his page. Something like supposed to be stereotypically okay in devil world. Jesus said you're not supposed to be okay w family, i heard that once before, i read it posted as a comment on something, a video I saw on YouTube. It said Jesus said you should hate your life, the world n i think your family. "It does say that. Someone predicted that right," the devil said. Maybe it took someone's words to say this quote here, it sounded it was the devil talking. But anyway I was going to post some stuff to out n reveal what that psycho character is to be saying in the discussion group n reposting the pictures the supposed guy has added the titles to. People should not be hidden n supposed people acting like monsters n those made up by the devil or remade by the devil pretending to be them. It's best to put things n sort things out, not leave things up in the air. "I say that," Skip, someone my mom used to babysit for said. I don't know his last name, he is here as friends w Alan Brown n Truc Brown, who my mom used to work for. But here are -- the devil is messing w my thoughts, trying to make it seem hard to write this n putting a sense I'm dumb. "I didn't [***"Um i did change did to didnt here. Not auto change but after it posted," the devil said.****] do that. I can't survive this. Bye," the devil said. It may be saying that to be doing a trick or something, i of course would wish it to not survive. I was going to post some text I copied of the comment thread that was there as of the point I copied it earlier today, one comment thread w the supposed guy. There also some text from still another day (yesterday or maybe earlier today) I got off of Tumblr that I posted previously. I'll post that next here. .... This next tread I last copied yesterday, I'll put a link in comments to this text but the group is closed, but you could try to add yourself to the group, that's all I did. I tried to add some people today but it didn't work yet. But next here is the text of one comment thread w comments of Rick Rusk (I took off my wow response to his first comment here just a moment ago because that isn't what those responses are really for exactly is to not be nice exactly , the devil keeps making that Rick Rusk guy do haha reaction to all my comments I have on the post even my comments to others -- "Someone saw that. Thats really weird. I'll have to, but not," the devil said.). ... Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply ---- end text of one comment thread ----- 9+ Replies to Rick's comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:11am · LikeMore Marla Bobarla My photos are not really meant BY ME for this. I suppose as part of a nigger lynching society you have your own purposes here for people, it's not good you can make em poor n homeless n get the goons, ie the police n others on them. #niggerlynchingsociety Yesterday at 9:36am · Like1More Marla Bobarla This is weird the obsession is using my words against me even though they don't fit. "Your pictures," the devil said. Horrible as fuck, at the mercy of a very, very sick population of people. #sickasfuckhere#lynchmobsociety. Wanting people poor as fuck n rotting in jail. #devilworshipping Yesterday at 9:38am · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 6:44pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! Yesterday at 6:56pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! Yesterday at 6:57pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! Yesterday at 6:58pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla You ain't gonna come up w some new slogans for the nasty picture, a body so nasty, so nasty to take a picture showing a body, really it's a belly. You know what to do, huh, dumb as fuck bitch. Dumb as shit. Fit right in here, it's dumb as shit here. Small minded as fuck! Disgusting as fuck, you fit right in bitch! Yesterday at 7:12pm · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:13pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk PRO TIP: Disciples of Christ do not pray for the death of anyone they dislike in His name 😉 Yesterday at 8:14pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:15pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla You ain't for Christ, bitch. Attacking the fuck outta somebody. DEVIL WORSHIPING FO SHO BITCH!!!! Put this on your page, sick bitch!!!!!! Sick FUCKING BITCH!!!! DIE HARD, HANG YOUR BITCH ASS SELF!!! PUT IT ON YOUR PAGE, SICK FUCK!!!!!! ATTACKING SOMEONE LIKE THIS!!!! BULLY, PIECE A SHIT, GARBAGE!!!!!!! They need to know at the Christ Consciousness Project this is what you're spending your time on, finding some what, wicked sinners you have to insult the fuck out of!!!????? What are you doing DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!!!!! 8 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla Die bitch IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!! I don't know what "pro" telling about Jesus putting this out, being disgusting as fuck. I'm saying what you're doing isn't okay attacking people. I don't know what Christ you're talking about where your place is to find stuff on people's page n attack them. Something maybe w a hate group. It's not okay to attack people, so it's really weird you're talking about Christ n being a pro. Wow. You are sick as fuck. Is your god the government too making people righteously poor?!!??? 8 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk ^ what a dumb ass bitch 😂 29 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Jonas Salk Jonas Salk I did try to get some people added so they can see something acting like this, so crazy as fuck. "I'm not sure what to do, i have to go that he will see," the devil said. Joseph Lyons I'm calling that Christ Consciousness Project place, crazy bitch. Psycho bitch. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply --- end text of second pasted comment thread --- "I'm not doing okay for those other people to see it," the devil said something like this about the names of people here I added trying to tag them but it didn't work, so i did leave names to just show I tried n just to idk. The devil is messing w my thoughts again. "Iwas. I know why she put it. Can I tell n not lose," the devil said. I'll put links to the comment threads in the comments on this post. I'll also put Rick Rusk's Facebook page address. Very weird to act like this n it's supposed to be hidden. You can't really do that, that's not realistic. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=199167450498570&tsid=0.3291536346077919&source=typeahead https://m.facebook.com/PLURkid?tsid=0.17844193940982223&source=typeahead Karla Luster Karla Luster Jasmine Mershon Mershon Jasmine Young Simonee Carriee Simonee Carriee "Something is starting to happen where this is able to post further than I can say this person can do it," the devil said something like this, it was trying to mess up the words, it was talking about that the person it's pretending says this stuff, ie posts my pictures w those titles, etc is not being able to openly be who is doing this like outside of the Anarcho Debatism discussion group, which is a closed group n not really prominently revealing the person is to be doing this. "This person can't be open. The devil, Rick," the devil said of the Rick Rusk guy that way, this is embarassing Marla. Something happened where that person is ... to have his name here after what happened. I said less. I tried to take it back. Bye," the devil said. "This is Mateo. I did say he was really less as someone in the group n then he has to lose now. He can't go on," it seemed Mateo said who i know from a place I used to work, he was a student I was an assistant with. It seemed this isn't exactly what he said maybe like the devil maybe like cut out something or tried to make it less revealing of what really happened, ie less revealing of a thing happening the person was really trying to tell about. -- "That person is too honest n open, Marla. I gotta go," the devil said. It seemed there was some taking in that i was telling the details of who Mateo was in relation to myself. It seemed the devil was not okay for that, ie disappointed, something, some response like dismay. But anyway I got some text copied from that figure but supposed person the devil is using to do the attacking comments n titles added w photos the supposed person took from my page. (I say supposed because the self wouldn't really be doing this, also people aren't really who they are here w the restriction o[f] the devil, idk, its hard to talk without the qualifiers on what the person is or others also involved are to be insulting someone like this.f) But the guy had a tagged ["I added 'tagged' here right. I did. please stop," the devil said. I don't think I put "tagged" because the photo wasn't tagged as I saw it, it had it as a title on the picture like the devil made it seem the guy put on the pictures he took from my page. "I can't stop but I changed that. Bye," the devil said of adding the word "tagged," here. I didn't put it when i wrote this n i wouldn't put it now, i didn't see it was tagged like a real tag on Facebook, it was on the photo.) photo saying "#family" on his page. Something like supposed to be stereotypically okay in devil world. Jesus said you're not supposed to be okay w family, i heard that once before, i read it posted as a comment on something, a video I saw on YouTube. It said Jesus said you should hate your life, the world n i think your family. "It does say that. Someone predicted that right," the devil said. Maybe it took someone's words to say this quote here, it sounded it was the devil talking. But anyway I was going to post some stuff to out n reveal what that psycho character is to be saying in the discussion group n reposting the pictures the supposed guy has added the titles to. People should not be hidden n supposed people acting like monsters n those made up by the devil or remade by the devil pretending to be them. It's best to put things n sort things out, not leave things up in the air. "I say that," Skip, someone my mom used to babysit for said. I don't know his last name, he is here as friends w Alan Brown n Truc Brown, who my mom used to work for. But here are -- the devil is messing w my thoughts, trying to make it seem hard to write this n putting a sense I'm dumb. "I didn't [***"Um i did change did to didnt here. Not auto change but after it posted," the devil said.****] do that. I can't survive this. Bye," the devil said. It may be saying that to be doing a trick or something, i of course would wish it to not survive. I was going to post some text I copied of the comment thread that was there as of the point I copied it earlier today, one comment thread w the supposed guy. There also some text from still another day (yesterday or maybe earlier today) I got off of Tumblr that I posted previously. I'll post that next here. .... This next tread I last copied yesterday, I'll put a link in comments to this text but the group is closed, but you could try to add yourself to the group, that's all I did. I tried to add some people today but it didn't work yet. But next here is the text of one comment thread w comments of Rick Rusk (I took off my wow response to his first comment here just a moment ago because that isn't what those responses are really for exactly is to not be nice exactly , the devil keeps making that Rick Rusk guy do haha reaction to all my comments I have on the post even my comments to others -- "Someone saw that. Thats really weird. I'll have to, but not," the devil said.). ... Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply ---- end text of one comment thread ----- 9+ Replies to Rick's comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:11am · LikeMore Marla Bobarla My photos are not really meant BY ME for this. I suppose as part of a nigger lynching society you have your own purposes here for people, it's not good you can make em poor n homeless n get the goons, ie the police n others on them. #niggerlynchingsociety Yesterday at 9:36am · Like1More Marla Bobarla This is weird the obsession is using my words against me even though they don't fit. "Your pictures," the devil said. Horrible as fuck, at the mercy of a very, very sick population of people. #sickasfuckhere#lynchmobsociety. Wanting people poor as fuck n rotting in jail. #devilworshipping Yesterday at 9:38am · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 6:44pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! Yesterday at 6:56pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! Yesterday at 6:57pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! Yesterday at 6:58pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla You ain't gonna come up w some new slogans for the nasty picture, a body so nasty, so nasty to take a picture showing a body, really it's a belly. You know what to do, huh, dumb as fuck bitch. Dumb as shit. Fit right in here, it's dumb as shit here. Small minded as fuck! Disgusting as fuck, you fit right in bitch! Yesterday at 7:12pm · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:13pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk PRO TIP: Disciples of Christ do not pray for the death of anyone they dislike in His name 😉 Yesterday at 8:14pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:15pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla You ain't for Christ, bitch. Attacking the fuck outta somebody. DEVIL WORSHIPING FO SHO BITCH!!!! Put this on your page, sick bitch!!!!!! Sick FUCKING BITCH!!!! DIE HARD, HANG YOUR BITCH ASS SELF!!! PUT IT ON YOUR PAGE, SICK FUCK!!!!!! ATTACKING SOMEONE LIKE THIS!!!! BULLY, PIECE A SHIT, GARBAGE!!!!!!! They need to know at the Christ Consciousness Project this is what you're spending your time on, finding some what, wicked sinners you have to insult the fuck out of!!!????? What are you doing DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!!!!! 8 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla Die bitch IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!! I don't know what "pro" telling about Jesus putting this out, being disgusting as fuck. I'm saying what you're doing isn't okay attacking people. I don't know what Christ you're talking about where your place is to find stuff on people's page n attack them. Something maybe w a hate group. It's not okay to attack people, so it's really weird you're talking about Christ n being a pro. Wow. You are sick as fuck. Is your god the government too making people righteously poor?!!??? 8 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk ^ what a dumb ass bitch 😂 29 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Jonas Salk Jonas Salk I did try to get some people added so they can see something acting like this, so crazy as fuck. "I'm not sure what to do, i have to go that he will see," the devil said. Joseph Lyons I'm calling that Christ Consciousness Project place, crazy bitch. Psycho bitch. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply --- end text of second pasted comment thread --- "I'm not doing okay for those other people to see it," the devil said something like this about the names of people here I added trying to tag them but it didn't work, so i did leave names to just show I tried n just to idk. The devil is messing w my thoughts again. "Iwas. I know why she put it. Can I tell n not lose," the devil said. I'll put links to the comment threads in the comments on this post. I'll also put Rick Rusk's Facebook page address. Very weird to act like this n it's supposed to be hidden. You can't really do that, that's not realistic. The devil was threatening or suggesting someone could be pretended to occur to report my post on that Rick Rusk guy -- "Or something, she has lots of things, right but I must go," the devil said. But it was threatening to make it so I'd be attacked w something from that. There used to be blocking from writing for a month was what happened. "I can't really do that, so i must go," the devil said. Very bad issues w freedom of speech here. It hasn't happened w this account Marla Bobarla since I started it. My other account I had lots of incidents, it was very bad. Here's one comment thread where the Jay Muenster character is saying something seeming like he's trying to insult himself, which I noticed later n not really when i saw it. I'll put a link to the thread in the comments. Text of referred to thread follows. ..... Replies to your comment on your post. View post Marla Bobarla My photos on my page don't have those messages. #niggerlynchthirst is what this society is. I am not this, thirsty to lynch niggers n make em poor n show them they're less than. Yesterday at 9:34am · Like1More Jay Munster You ain't got no sense huh? Yesterday at 12:06pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Oh ha, the society has im someone to be poor, so. Nothing but bootlickers got sense to these here. But this is so interesting to you to keep attacking. Fake people do well here, humans not. Too thirsty here n#sickasfuckhere. Yesterday at 2:39pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla They teach sense in your schools right, you gotta listen or you'll be poor as fuck. Your schools, not mine. Your sense not mine here. Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply The group is closed but you can add yourself n it's supposed to get approval or whatever. Link to group page. ..... https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=199167450498570&tsid=0.3291536346077919&source=typeahead ------ end attempt to paste everything from clipboard ------ There is an item the devil is still not letting paste here this tome. It is pasted in the previous post here. The devil is making the message come up again saying maximum number of characters reached as i try to paste it here. I'll try to paste it again next ..... It wouldn't paste, the devil is still making the message come up "Maximum number of characters reached."
0 notes
emptying clipboard
Replies to your comment on your post. View post Marla Bobarla My photos on my page don't have those messages. #niggerlynchthirst is what this society is. I am not this, thirsty to lynch niggers n make em poor n show them they're less than. Yesterday at 9:34am · Like1More Jay Munster You ain't got no sense huh? Yesterday at 12:06pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Oh ha, the society has im someone to be poor, so. Nothing but bootlickers got sense to these here. But this is so interesting to you to keep attacking. Fake people do well here, humans not. Too thirsty here n#sickasfuckhere. Yesterday at 2:39pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla They teach sense in your schools right, you gotta listen or you'll be poor as fuck. Your schools, not mine. Your sense not mine here. Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=364038690678111_364575103957803&ft_ent_identifier=364038690678111&gfid=AQDEbcM_4EYOZ_pK¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1498603512044286&ref=m_notif The devil is going crazy forcing agitation n lifting some sense if norlmacy or figuring n is just going crazy trying to agitate the crap out of me. It's really obsessed w using that guy it's attacking w, it could be a fake person or figure that is to be worshipped here n not be made poor n supposed to be okay, but it keeps bringing the thought of that guy that was attacking n is still writing attack comments in the group Anarcho Debatism. It keeps bringing forth the thought of that person that is worshipped by the sick society thirsty to make people poor as fuck n get the goons on them. But it keeps bringing forth the thought of this person that is attacking in that group. It is making me sweaty n it is making my pubic area smell like armpit. The devil keeps bringing forth thoughts of others too that are supposed to think I'm less than because they are to be attacking in that group, others seem too it's trying to make come to mind. It keeps trying to force it is this that is agitating me, the person redoing the photos w the sayings on it like "nasty bitch," etc. It keeps trying to force -- got distracted here but it is just going crazy forcing i am to think I am less than. I was going to try to further out that guy doing the attacking comments which the figure is supposed to be continuing to do them. But I was trying to put some things on this page since the person is to be hidden doing the very gross n attacking comments. It's making me sweat like insanely crazy right now. It's making my butt crack wet right now. It's forcing i should feel less than for still being here, it's forcing that thought. It was also threatening the very very sick n disgusting society's hospital that's very disgusting n meant to say something is wrong other than a society is very sick n makes people homeless n poor. But it was attacking very bad n it was -- got distracted but it kept on trying to like lift a sense of things n try to arrange that I was to be very very upset, like it was trying to make it so i was just doing very bad. It was trying to lift a sense of just that I was doing something else or a sense of things i have n make it seem things are very elevated n it was starting to agitate moments ago as i noted in the post w that poster I found in the discussion group but then it was trying to make it seem i was only upset over the guy attacking in the Anarcho Debatism group that put the text on my photos. The guy keeps reposting them. I did say a couple of things back to the guy. "Something would happen that I couldn't have been what I was here if the person will say what she ....," the devil said about me writing these things here. "... People could've never been who these people are here if someone will know who was Bern behind it," the devil said. But I was looking at the guys Facebook page that is redoing the photos again n again. I said I was gonna call the person's work. It's not good the guy is hidden n supposed to be something else on his page, -- "Can I please not be doing the vagina smell. It's worse for her right. Shes very less. I can't do that. I keep trying to lower. I just killed somebody on Facebook that said this will never happen. I keep trying to say hair feels light, hair coming out. I don't do that right," the devil said. It's just going crazy, doing a crazy mass attack. I was just expressing irritation to the animals n the devil was saying the animals are not my friend. "I don't really know what to do. You don't know them. You are less. Know you are less. But not. Kneel down. Your pussy. I am saying spells right. I don't want to say this right. ... I must go. I am saying more. I need more. This. ... You suck dick right. But not. I don't know what to do I must go," the devil said. "Do want to put what Hes saying, he's saying it's okay here. You, only you. No way. That does do something. No way. No way. He sees something," the devil said. This is so horrible for a person, it is so disgusting here. "I don't wish this, i don't wish what I had. I don't know how to go," something is saying. The devil was just forcing thoughts my face was going to age for being upset. Its forcing all of these horrible horrible feelings, its very bad. It was bringing up the hospital. People are very sick n horrible here, they have horrible things for people here. It's very sick n disgusting. People are very sick n disgusting here. It's a very sick n disgusting place. The devil keeps attacking very bad w a very bad feeling forcing. "Um. Someone thinks. No not. I don't know what to do. We think crazy here, right. Poor. No. I wish this not okay. You go to hospital right. We can't do that. She would have to open the door. No way. I have to go," the devil said. It's going very extreme. "I don't know what to do but i have to go very bad if this is the people you're at the mercy of," the devil said. "I don't really wish that person to say there is homelessness here. She has been homeless. No way. No way," the devil said. "I'm not allowed to do this but i am saying into the pussy. It means something is over right. You think you are less," the devil said. "Do you think he is okay but something happens where were not okay to have some have, some not," the devil said the first thing n someone else said the next thing. It keeps making a lightened scalp feeling w my hair. "Can you not say you were attacked by the society but I don't know what to do I have to go," the devil said. "That thing is saying Marla is the devil n she feels as less as it does, it's very bad," the devil said. The devil just brought a thought of that Rick Rusk guy forward. "I did. Did you wanna tag him," the devil said. The devil just made Karla shush me. It's such a he'll HOLE here. #sickasfuckhere Then some moments ago it was bringing forth in my awareness some thought of some supposed people from that group. There's a person who is from Canada, a guy. "I can't do the things w the sister or the people from the group. No way. Something," the devil said. #homelessness #averysickplace Coveting of a home. #covetingofahome "I am trying to make pressure at the back of the bitch head," the devil said, it was doing that. "No way. I did something today I cannot. You are crazy, you are so less counting friends. So many, let em all go right," the devil said. It was pressing some of these thoughts. "Marla did you get treated w dignity here cuz I'm not able to go on," the devil said. It must be getting some thoughts or hearing someone say something about the home situation here. #dignity #homelessness #asicksociety "I don't wish someone to put this there. Are you homeless. I have to very much go," the devil said. "I am trying to make pressure at the back of the bitch head," the devil said, it was doing that. "No way. I did something today I cannot. You are crazy, you are so less counting friends. So many, let em all go right," the devil said. It was pressing some of these thoughts. "Marla did you get treated w dignity here cuz I'm not able to go on," the devil said. It must be getting some thoughts or hearing someone say something about the home situation here. #dignity #homelessness #asicksociety "I don't wish someone to put this there. Are you homeless. I have to very much go," the devil said. I am not having security, but it is here as a threat for really almost anyone. I have been attacked w it here n am being attacked by the devil now n have been w many of punishments of the society. Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=364038690678111_364538280628152&ft_ent_identifier=364038690678111&gfid=AQA9nSOBAufnNwxa¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1498601728209950&ref=m_notif http://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2FPLURkid%3Ffref%3Dpb%26ref%3Dm_notif%26notif_t%3Dfeed_comment%26refid%3D52%26__tn__%3DR&t=N2VmZmI1MTZkYWYzMzEwMGY3NTJhYmNlNzc1ZmYzN2U3MzRjMTZlOSxtOUVaQ3ZxYg%3D%3D&b=t%3AcyiO6LqPjpcnZ49R9o0PNA&p=https%3A%2F%2Fmarlaluster.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F162329951470%2Flinks-associated-w-the-attacks-the-devil-made-it&m=1 "Something is starting to happen where this is able to post further than I can say this person can do it," the devil said something like this, it was trying to mess up the words. "This person can't be open. The devil, Rick," the devil said. "No way, this is embarassing Marla. Something happened where that person is ... to have his name here after what happened. I said less. I tried to take it back. Bye," the devil said. "This is Mateo. I did say he was really less as someone in the group n then he has to lose now. He can't go on," it seemed Mateo said who i know from a place I used to work, he was a student I was an assistant with. It seemed this isn't exactly what he said maybe like the devil maybe like cut out something or tried to make it less revealing of what really happened. -- "That person is too honest n open, Marla. I gotta go," the devil said. It seemed there was some taking in that i was telling the details of who Mateo was in relation to myself. It seemed the devil was not okay for that, ie disappointed, something, some response like dismay. But anyway I got some text copied from that figure but supposed person the devil is using to do the attacking comments n titles added w photos the supposed person took from my page. The guy had a tagged photo saying "#family" on his page. Something like supposed to be stereotypically okay in devil world. Jesus said you're not supposed to be okay w family, i heard that once before, i read it posted as a comment on something, a video I saw on YouTube. It said Jesus said you should hate your life, the world n i think your family. "It does say that. Someone predicted that right," the devil said. But anyway I was going to post some stuff to out n reveal what that psycho character is to be saying in the discussion group n reposting the pictures the supposed guy has added the titles to. People should not be hidden n supposed people acting like monsters n those made up by the devil or remade by the devil pretending to be them. But here are -- the devil is messing w my thoughts, trying to make it seem hard to write this n putting a sense I'm dumb. "I didn't do that. I can't survive this. Bye," the devil said. It may be saying that to be doing a trick or something, i of course would wish it to not survive. I was going to post some text I copied of the comment thread that was there as of the point I copied it earlier today. There also some text from still another day I got off of Tumblr that I posted previously. I'll post that next here. .... This next I last copied yesterday, I'll put a link in comments to this text but the group is closed, but you could try to add yourself to the group, that's all I did. I tried to add some people today but it didn't work yet. But next here is the text of one comment thread w comments of Rick Rusk (I took off my wow response to his first comment here just a moment ago because that isn't what those responses are really for exactly is to not be nice exactly , the devil kerps making that Rick Rusk guy do haha reaction to all my comments I have on the post even my comments to others -- "Someone saw that. Thats really weird. I'll have to, but not," the devil said.). ... Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply ---- end text of one comment thread ----- 9+ Replies to Rick's comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:11am · LikeMore Marla Bobarla My photos are not really meant BY ME for this. I suppose as part of a nigger lynching society you have your own purposes here for people, it's not good you can make em poor n homeless n get the goons, ie the police n others on them. #niggerlynchingsociety Yesterday at 9:36am · Like1More Marla Bobarla This is weird the obsession is using my words against me even though they don't fit. "Your pictures," the devil said. Horrible as fuck, at the mercy of a very, very sick population of people. #sickasfuckhere#lynchmobsociety. Wanting people poor as fuck n rotting in jail. #devilworshipping Yesterday at 9:38am · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 6:44pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! Yesterday at 6:56pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! Yesterday at 6:57pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! Yesterday at 6:58pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla You ain't gonna come up w some new slogans for the nasty picture, a body so nasty, so nasty to take a picture showing a body, really it's a belly. You know what to do, huh, dumb as fuck bitch. Dumb as shit. Fit right in here, it's dumb as shit here. Small minded as fuck! Disgusting as fuck, you fit right in bitch! Yesterday at 7:12pm · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:13pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk PRO TIP: Disciples of Christ do not pray for the death of anyone they dislike in His name 😉 Yesterday at 8:14pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:15pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla You ain't for Christ, bitch. Attacking the fuck outta somebody. DEVIL WORSHIPING FO SHO BITCH!!!! Put this on your page, sick bitch!!!!!! Sick FUCKING BITCH!!!! DIE HARD, HANG YOUR BITCH ASS SELF!!! PUT IT ON YOUR PAGE, SICK FUCK!!!!!! ATTACKING SOMEONE LIKE THIS!!!! BULLY, PIECE A SHIT, GARBAGE!!!!!!! They need to know at the Christ Consciousness Project this is what you're spending your time on, finding some what, wicked sinners you have to insult the fuck out of!!!????? What are you doing DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!!!!! 8 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla Die bitch IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!! I don't know what "pro" telling about Jesus putting this out, being disgusting as fuck. I'm saying what you're doing isn't okay attacking people. I don't know what Christ you're talking about where your place is to find stuff on people's page n attack them. Something maybe w a hate group. It's not okay to attack people, so it's really weird you're talking about Christ n being a pro. Wow. You are sick as fuck. Is your god the government too making people righteously poor?!!??? 8 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk ^ what a dumb ass bitch 😂 29 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Jonas Salk Jonas Salk I did try to get some people added so they can see something acting like this, so crazy as fuck. "I'm not sure what to do, i have to go that he will see," the devil said. Joseph Lyons I'm calling that Christ Consciousness Project place, crazy bitch. Psycho bitch. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply --- end text of second pasted comment thread --- "I'm not doing okay for those other people to see it," the devil said something like this about the names of people here I added trying to tag them but it didn't work, so i did leave names to just show I tried n just to idk. The devil is messing w my thoughts again. "Iwas. I know why she put it. Can I tell n not lose," the devil said. I'll put links to the comment threads in the comments on this post. I'll also put Rick Rusk's Facebook page address. Very weird to act like this n it's supposed to be hidden. You can't really do that, that's not realistic. "Something is starting to happen where this is able to post further than I can say this person can do it," the devil said something like this, it was trying to mess up the words, it was talking about the person it's pretending says this stuff not being able to openly be who is doing this like outside of the Anarcho Debatism discussion group. "This person can't be open. The devil, Rick," the devil said. "No way, this is embarassing Marla. Something happened where that person is ... to have his name here after what happened. I said less. I tried to take it back. Bye," the devil said. "This is Mateo. I did say he was really less as someone in the group n then he has to lose now. He can't go on," it seemed Mateo said who i know from a place I used to work, he was a student I was an assistant with. It seemed this isn't exactly what he said maybe like the devil maybe like cut out something or tried to make it less revealing of what really happened, ie less revealing of a thing happening the person was really trying to tell about. -- "That person is too honest n open, Marla. I gotta go," the devil said. It seemed there was some taking in that i was telling the details of who Mateo was in relation to myself. It seemed the devil was not okay for that, ie disappointed, something, some response like dismay. But anyway I got some text copied from that figure but supposed person the devil is using to do the attacking comments n titles added w photos the supposed person took from my page. (I say supposed because the self wouldn't really be doing this, also people aren't really who they are here w the restriction o[f] the devil, idk, its hard to talk without the qualifiers on what the person is or others also involved are to be insulting someone like this.f) But the guy had a tagged ["I added 'tagged' here right. I did. please stop," the devil said. I don't think I put "tagged" because the photo wasn't tagged as I saw it, it had it as a title on the picture like the devil made it seem the guy put on the pictures he took from my page. "I can't stop but I changed that. Bye," the devil said of adding the word "tagged," here. I didn't put it when i wrote this n i wouldn't put it now, i didn't see it was tagged like a real tag on Facebook, it was on the photo.) photo saying "#family" on his page. Something like supposed to be stereotypically okay in devil world. Jesus said you're not supposed to be okay w family, i heard that once before, i read it posted as a comment on something, a video I saw on YouTube. It said Jesus said you should hate your life, the world n i think your family. "It does say that. Someone predicted that right," the devil said. Maybe it took someone's words to say this quote here, it sounded it was the devil talking. But anyway I was going to post some stuff to out n reveal what that psycho character is to be saying in the discussion group n reposting the pictures the supposed guy has added the titles to. People should not be hidden n supposed people acting like monsters n those made up by the devil or remade by the devil pretending to be them. It's best to put things n sort things out, not leave things up in the air. "I say that," Skip, someone my mom used to babysit for said. I don't know his last name, he is here as friends w Alan Brown n Truc Brown, who my mom used to work for. But here are -- the devil is messing w my thoughts, trying to make it seem hard to write this n putting a sense I'm dumb. "I didn't [***"Um i did change did to didnt here. Not auto change but after it posted," the devil said.****] do that. I can't survive this. Bye," the devil said. It may be saying that to be doing a trick or something, i of course would wish it to not survive. I was going to post some text I copied of the comment thread that was there as of the point I copied it earlier today, one comment thread w the supposed guy. There also some text from still another day (yesterday or maybe earlier today) I got off of Tumblr that I posted previously. I'll post that next here. .... This next tread I last copied yesterday, I'll put a link in comments to this text but the group is closed, but you could try to add yourself to the group, that's all I did. I tried to add some people today but it didn't work yet. But next here is the text of one comment thread w comments of Rick Rusk (I took off my wow response to his first comment here just a moment ago because that isn't what those responses are really for exactly is to not be nice exactly , the devil keeps making that Rick Rusk guy do haha reaction to all my comments I have on the post even my comments to others -- "Someone saw that. Thats really weird. I'll have to, but not," the devil said.). ... Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply ---- end text of one comment thread ----- 9+ Replies to Rick's comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:11am · LikeMore Marla Bobarla My photos are not really meant BY ME for this. I suppose as part of a nigger lynching society you have your own purposes here for people, it's not good you can make em poor n homeless n get the goons, ie the police n others on them. #niggerlynchingsociety Yesterday at 9:36am · Like1More Marla Bobarla This is weird the obsession is using my words against me even though they don't fit. "Your pictures," the devil said. Horrible as fuck, at the mercy of a very, very sick population of people. #sickasfuckhere#lynchmobsociety. Wanting people poor as fuck n rotting in jail. #devilworshipping Yesterday at 9:38am · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 6:44pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! Yesterday at 6:56pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! Yesterday at 6:57pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! Yesterday at 6:58pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla You ain't gonna come up w some new slogans for the nasty picture, a body so nasty, so nasty to take a picture showing a body, really it's a belly. You know what to do, huh, dumb as fuck bitch. Dumb as shit. Fit right in here, it's dumb as shit here. Small minded as fuck! Disgusting as fuck, you fit right in bitch! Yesterday at 7:12pm · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:13pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk PRO TIP: Disciples of Christ do not pray for the death of anyone they dislike in His name 😉 Yesterday at 8:14pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:15pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla You ain't for Christ, bitch. Attacking the fuck outta somebody. DEVIL WORSHIPING FO SHO BITCH!!!! Put this on your page, sick bitch!!!!!! Sick FUCKING BITCH!!!! DIE HARD, HANG YOUR BITCH ASS SELF!!! PUT IT ON YOUR PAGE, SICK FUCK!!!!!! ATTACKING SOMEONE LIKE THIS!!!! BULLY, PIECE A SHIT, GARBAGE!!!!!!! They need to know at the Christ Consciousness Project this is what you're spending your time on, finding some what, wicked sinners you have to insult the fuck out of!!!????? What are you doing DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!!!!! 8 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla Die bitch IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!! I don't know what "pro" telling about Jesus putting this out, being disgusting as fuck. I'm saying what you're doing isn't okay attacking people. I don't know what Christ you're talking about where your place is to find stuff on people's page n attack them. Something maybe w a hate group. It's not okay to attack people, so it's really weird you're talking about Christ n being a pro. Wow. You are sick as fuck. Is your god the government too making people righteously poor?!!??? 8 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk ^ what a dumb ass bitch 😂 29 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Jonas Salk Jonas Salk I did try to get some people added so they can see something acting like this, so crazy as fuck. "I'm not sure what to do, i have to go that he will see," the devil said. Joseph Lyons I'm calling that Christ Consciousness Project place, crazy bitch. Psycho bitch. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply --- end text of second pasted comment thread --- "I'm not doing okay for those other people to see it," the devil said something like this about the names of people here I added trying to tag them but it didn't work, so i did leave names to just show I tried n just to idk. The devil is messing w my thoughts again. "Iwas. I know why she put it. Can I tell n not lose," the devil said. I'll put links to the comment threads in the comments on this post. I'll also put Rick Rusk's Facebook page address. Very weird to act like this n it's supposed to be hidden. You can't really do that, that's not realistic. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=199167450498570&tsid=0.3291536346077919&source=typeahead https://m.facebook.com/PLURkid?tsid=0.17844193940982223&source=typeahead Karla Luster Karla Luster Jasmine Mershon Mershon Jasmine Young Simonee Carriee Simonee Carriee "Something is starting to happen where this is able to post further than I can say this person can do it," the devil said something like this, it was trying to mess up the words, it was talking about that the person it's pretending says this stuff, ie posts my pictures w those titles, etc is not being able to openly be who is doing this like outside of the Anarcho Debatism discussion group, which is a closed group n not really prominently revealing the person is to be doing this. "This person can't be open. The devil, Rick," the devil said of the Rick Rusk guy that way, this is embarassing Marla. Something happened where that person is ... to have his name here after what happened. I said less. I tried to take it back. Bye," the devil said. "This is Mateo. I did say he was really less as someone in the group n then he has to lose now. He can't go on," it seemed Mateo said who i know from a place I used to work, he was a student I was an assistant with. It seemed this isn't exactly what he said maybe like the devil maybe like cut out something or tried to make it less revealing of what really happened, ie less revealing of a thing happening the person was really trying to tell about. -- "That person is too honest n open, Marla. I gotta go," the devil said. It seemed there was some taking in that i was telling the details of who Mateo was in relation to myself. It seemed the devil was not okay for that, ie disappointed, something, some response like dismay. But anyway I got some text copied from that figure but supposed person the devil is using to do the attacking comments n titles added w photos the supposed person took from my page. (I say supposed because the self wouldn't really be doing this, also people aren't really who they are here w the restriction o[f] the devil, idk, its hard to talk without the qualifiers on what the person is or others also involved are to be insulting someone like this.f) But the guy had a tagged ["I added 'tagged' here right. I did. please stop," the devil said. I don't think I put "tagged" because the photo wasn't tagged as I saw it, it had it as a title on the picture like the devil made it seem the guy put on the pictures he took from my page. "I can't stop but I changed that. Bye," the devil said of adding the word "tagged," here. I didn't put it when i wrote this n i wouldn't put it now, i didn't see it was tagged like a real tag on Facebook, it was on the photo.) photo saying "#family" on his page. Something like supposed to be stereotypically okay in devil world. Jesus said you're not supposed to be okay w family, i heard that once before, i read it posted as a comment on something, a video I saw on YouTube. It said Jesus said you should hate your life, the world n i think your family. "It does say that. Someone predicted that right," the devil said. Maybe it took someone's words to say this quote here, it sounded it was the devil talking. But anyway I was going to post some stuff to out n reveal what that psycho character is to be saying in the discussion group n reposting the pictures the supposed guy has added the titles to. People should not be hidden n supposed people acting like monsters n those made up by the devil or remade by the devil pretending to be them. It's best to put things n sort things out, not leave things up in the air. "I say that," Skip, someone my mom used to babysit for said. I don't know his last name, he is here as friends w Alan Brown n Truc Brown, who my mom used to work for. But here are -- the devil is messing w my thoughts, trying to make it seem hard to write this n putting a sense I'm dumb. "I didn't [***"Um i did change did to didnt here. Not auto change but after it posted," the devil said.****] do that. I can't survive this. Bye," the devil said. It may be saying that to be doing a trick or something, i of course would wish it to not survive. I was going to post some text I copied of the comment thread that was there as of the point I copied it earlier today, one comment thread w the supposed guy. There also some text from still another day (yesterday or maybe earlier today) I got off of Tumblr that I posted previously. I'll post that next here. .... This next tread I last copied yesterday, I'll put a link in comments to this text but the group is closed, but you could try to add yourself to the group, that's all I did. I tried to add some people today but it didn't work yet. But next here is the text of one comment thread w comments of Rick Rusk (I took off my wow response to his first comment here just a moment ago because that isn't what those responses are really for exactly is to not be nice exactly , the devil keeps making that Rick Rusk guy do haha reaction to all my comments I have on the post even my comments to others -- "Someone saw that. Thats really weird. I'll have to, but not," the devil said.). ... Replies to Rick’s comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk ^ figured out what her problem is 😂 11 hours ago · Wow1More Marla Bobarla You did, bitch? You gotta look in the mirror, nigger. Need to go lynch yourself, you can get it solved, not my problem but that this is supposed to be humanity you’re a part of. Punk bitch n not needing to be considered human species. 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla So wrong to post photos of yourself that are not what the so genius society say that make people poor, so brilliant, so dick as fuck. Preach it! Eternal damnation, seeing the wrong of your ways, you teaching it as the society does making people poor as fuck n homeless n getting the goons on em n putting them in jail. Theydont know, or I don’t know, you gotta teach. I didn’t hear the oh brilliant society as the truth that I was less than n to not do not as them or I’ll be this, right, not okay. 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk *autistic screeching* 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla What bitch? Retard bitch part of a sick as fuck operation, got it figured out, attack, attack, attack will get ya something, pretended win here. #sickasfuckhere. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply… Reply ---- end text of one comment thread ----- 9+ Replies to Rick's comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:11am · LikeMore Marla Bobarla My photos are not really meant BY ME for this. I suppose as part of a nigger lynching society you have your own purposes here for people, it's not good you can make em poor n homeless n get the goons, ie the police n others on them. #niggerlynchingsociety Yesterday at 9:36am · Like1More Marla Bobarla This is weird the obsession is using my words against me even though they don't fit. "Your pictures," the devil said. Horrible as fuck, at the mercy of a very, very sick population of people. #sickasfuckhere#lynchmobsociety. Wanting people poor as fuck n rotting in jail. #devilworshipping Yesterday at 9:38am · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 6:44pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! Yesterday at 6:56pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! Yesterday at 6:57pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! Yesterday at 6:58pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla You ain't gonna come up w some new slogans for the nasty picture, a body so nasty, so nasty to take a picture showing a body, really it's a belly. You know what to do, huh, dumb as fuck bitch. Dumb as shit. Fit right in here, it's dumb as shit here. Small minded as fuck! Disgusting as fuck, you fit right in bitch! Yesterday at 7:12pm · Like1More Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:13pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk PRO TIP: Disciples of Christ do not pray for the death of anyone they dislike in His name 😉 Yesterday at 8:14pm · LikeMore Rick Rusk Yesterday at 8:15pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla You ain't for Christ, bitch. Attacking the fuck outta somebody. DEVIL WORSHIPING FO SHO BITCH!!!! Put this on your page, sick bitch!!!!!! Sick FUCKING BITCH!!!! DIE HARD, HANG YOUR BITCH ASS SELF!!! PUT IT ON YOUR PAGE, SICK FUCK!!!!!! ATTACKING SOMEONE LIKE THIS!!!! BULLY, PIECE A SHIT, GARBAGE!!!!!!! They need to know at the Christ Consciousness Project this is what you're spending your time on, finding some what, wicked sinners you have to insult the fuck out of!!!????? What are you doing DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!!!!! 8 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla Die bitch IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!! I don't know what "pro" telling about Jesus putting this out, being disgusting as fuck. I'm saying what you're doing isn't okay attacking people. I don't know what Christ you're talking about where your place is to find stuff on people's page n attack them. Something maybe w a hate group. It's not okay to attack people, so it's really weird you're talking about Christ n being a pro. Wow. You are sick as fuck. Is your god the government too making people righteously poor?!!??? 8 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk ^ what a dumb ass bitch 😂 29 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Jonas Salk Jonas Salk I did try to get some people added so they can see something acting like this, so crazy as fuck. "I'm not sure what to do, i have to go that he will see," the devil said. Joseph Lyons I'm calling that Christ Consciousness Project place, crazy bitch. Psycho bitch. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply --- end text of second pasted comment thread --- "I'm not doing okay for those other people to see it," the devil said something like this about the names of people here I added trying to tag them but it didn't work, so i did leave names to just show I tried n just to idk. The devil is messing w my thoughts again. "Iwas. I know why she put it. Can I tell n not lose," the devil said. I'll put links to the comment threads in the comments on this post. I'll also put Rick Rusk's Facebook page address. Very weird to act like this n it's supposed to be hidden. You can't really do that, that's not realistic. The devil was threatening or suggesting someone could be pretended to occur to report my post on that Rick Rusk guy -- "Or something, she has lots of things, right but I must go," the devil said. But it was threatening to make it so I'd be attacked w something from that. There used to be blocking from writing for a month was what happened. "I can't really do that, so i must go," the devil said. Very bad issues w freedom of speech here. It hasn't happened w this account Marla Bobarla since I started it. My other account I had lots of incidents, it was very bad. Here's one comment thread where the Jay Muenster character is saying something seeming like he's trying to insult himself, which I noticed later n not really when i saw it. I'll put a link to the thread in the comments. Text of referred to thread follows. ..... Replies to your comment on your post. View post Marla Bobarla My photos on my page don't have those messages. #niggerlynchthirst is what this society is. I am not this, thirsty to lynch niggers n make em poor n show them they're less than. Yesterday at 9:34am · Like1More Jay Munster You ain't got no sense huh? Yesterday at 12:06pm · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Oh ha, the society has im someone to be poor, so. Nothing but bootlickers got sense to these here. But this is so interesting to you to keep attacking. Fake people do well here, humans not. Too thirsty here n#sickasfuckhere. Yesterday at 2:39pm · Like1More Marla Bobarla They teach sense in your schools right, you gotta listen or you'll be poor as fuck. Your schools, not mine. Your sense not mine here. Yesterday at 2:41pm · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply The group is closed but you can add yourself n it's supposed to get approval or whatever. Link to group page. ..... https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=199167450498570&tsid=0.3291536346077919&source=typeahead The devil was threatening or suggesting someone could be pretended to occur to report my post on that Rick Rusk guy -- "Or something, she has lots of things, right but I must go," the devil said. But it was threatening to make it so I'd be attacked w something from that. There used to be blocking from writing for a month was what happened. "I can't really do that, so i must go," the devil said. Very bad issues w freedom of speech here. It hasn't happened w this account Marla Bobarla since I started it. My other account I had lots of incidents, it was very bad.
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Replies to your comment on your post. View post Marla Bobarla My photos on my page don't have those messages. #niggerlynchthirst is what this society is. I am not this, thirsty to lynch niggers n make em poor n show them they're less than. 7 hours ago · LikeMore Jay Munster You ain't got no sense huh? 5 hours ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Oh ha, the society has im someone to be poor, so. Nothing but bootlickers got sense to these here. But this is so interesting to you to keep attacking. Fake people do well here, humans not. Too thirsty here n#sickasfuckhere. 2 hours ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla They teach sense in your schools right, you gotta listen or you'll be poor as fuck. Your schools, not mine. Your sense not mine here. 2 hours ago · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=364038690678111_364575103957803&ft_ent_identifier=364038690678111&gfid=AQBoEJjHCu95x2qc¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=1498565289627136&ref=m_notif https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1953903271301790&id=100000464087920&set=p.1953903271301790&source=47 https://scontent.fztf1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/19420345_1953903271301790_5841608237080189628_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=b919b29d17c5dd89a98ec4170d956fec&oe=59D95183 You go on now, get on. Replies to Jay's comment on your post. View post Jay Banks If you stop trying to make excuses by blaming the 'devil' for everything that is wrong.. & instead go do what you need to do to improve & maintain your physique, health & fitness, situation... then it won't be a problem anymore... Just like god/some guy in a cloud with a white beard ain't going to make things happen for people... People have to go out and make it happen themselves...if they don't then they is gonna start havin problems! 3 hours ago · Edited · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Please stop commenting. I just unfriended you. 2 hours ago · LikeMore Jay Banks Good bye! 2 hours ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Okay. I send lots of requests. It's a weird place though, it doesn't really work out to be a good idea. 2 hours ago · LikeMore Jay Banks No worries! Take care of yourself Marla! Just now · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla You go on now, get on. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply Your peace or peace sign here, it's not really this for me here. It's quite disgusting n sick. Go on. Replies to Jay's comment on your post. View post Jay Banks If you stop trying to make excuses by blaming the 'devil' for everything that is wrong.. & instead go do what you need to do to improve & maintain your physique, health & fitness, situation... then it won't be a problem anymore... Just like god/some guy in a cloud with a white beard ain't going to make things happen for people... People have to go out and make it happen themselves...if they don't then they is gonna start havin problems! 3 hours ago · Edited · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Please stop commenting. I just unfriended you. 3 hours ago · LikeMore Jay Banks Good bye! 3 hours ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Okay. I send lots of requests. It's a weird place though, it doesn't really work out to be a good idea. 2 hours ago · LikeMore Jay Banks No worries! Take care of yourself Marla! 4 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla You go on now, get on. 3 minutes ago · LikeMore Jay Banks ✌ 2 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Your peace or peace sign here, it's not really this for me here. It's quite disgusting n sick. Go on. Just now · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=324291201328696_324356974655452&ft_ent_identifier=324291201328696&gfid=AQDhIRmKkZvjigQQ¬if_t=feed_comment¬if_id=1498599308541255&ref=m_notif Someone was to have attributed to them in a comment on my page today that they said [*** I fixed this text here, the devil had messed it up. "I messed up the sentence. Bye. No way," the devil said.] that I should make my page private. It wasn't a mean tone to it. But it is bad that this person, me, that I cannot be here as I am without exciting a riot, inciting attack [this sounded weird, I changed it, this past sentence. "I am changing stuff in the post," the devil said.] This is a sign of a verysick n disgusting place, #asicksociety. A lot is hidden here. If I am having things like my photos n posts unhidden it will help revealwhat is here. The things i reveal show what is present n then the attack, very sick, very disgusting is here that occurs shows when it occurs because I do not hide it n tell about it. It is hostile, it is very sick n disgusting here n it is often hidden. You should be able to live out loud as best you can, be here as you are but there is something fighting it. Is there something here that does not wish people to be what they are n how they are? How do you know? So much is hidden here n left unsaid directly n clearly n conclusively. It means very much, a person's view n opinion n sentiment. It is the window or sense or meaning of a thing. What is this thing, forced labor? What is this thing, poverty? Here things are called lots of things, other than what they really are for people, which is bad. Some asides. But so much is left here unsaid, unclear what it really is. I said one day that we can't or I can't really tell, ie make out or discern some things unless people tell their experience. What is really going, what is really a process like or the real issue or problem w a thing. Forced labor, the experience of so called mental illness or whatever people would call it if they decided it was something else. We don't really know unless people tell what their experience is/what happened to them n what they think. It's very rare here for people to do that. You can see what happens when one person does that. This is what's happening as i tell about my experiences here. A person is attacked, i am attacked here very bad. Why? I did tell this was not real here in April 2014 n i began being attacked by things in the society that are very bad. Homelessness. I was already poor. I was harassed n attacked by the police, jailed for one week time frames three times for what were made up things. "I have to go, Titty. This is very bad a person is telling this . We can't have a actual experience here," someone said, it seems it was Jeff Crelling. The devil is making my eyes hurt. I was crying earlier, n it has been very upsetting, these attacks n the devils as well. It tries to force a sense I am less than to try to say it wins in attacking me w something stuff it's doing w the harassing comments on Facebook . "I took the other thing you were going to say. I don't wish you to tell. This is very bad," the devil said. It was trying to make me forget what I was going to say next. But people are to be occurring here to be saying very sick things or be very upset often times because i am talking about the devil. On that post i put in the Anarcho Debatism group there were to be people occurring to be saying you cannot be putting false information after i said there was a fake person in the group. This is not really the thing to say, ie meaning this is not really the issue n it was weird they were to occur as so upset. There should be freedom of speech, there should ample information from people regarding what they think, what their reaction is, what their experience is, what their observation is. Mine was that the person was fake. Something was definitely felt on the picture by myself/my senses, i felt it was some expression saying it was a fake picture n then the person was to be saying something [some, auto changed by the devil to something] stuff to be really cocky n confident saying capitalism was okay n stuff that is not exactly the case. It's not easy to get a job. The person was to be saying that n being cocky. Thats not true that that's easy here because it is in the hands of someone else n this is bad but the person is not saying that, he's skipping over that part. (Just to note, I don't want a job or to be forced to work or this arrangement here of capitalism, ie the money system). There other reasons that statement is weird the person made about jobs. It's selling whats here in a weird way. The devil is trying to jumble my thoughts. But who are people to occur as to say this but who is like offensive. The person is to be belittling someone, others in general like the society/party line does to make people poor, etc. I'm not trying to say he shouldn't be able to say it but something that happens here is that people don't say much. They don't talk much about stuff I would think for example, like that work is not okay, people being forced to work isn't okay. This means i am not supported n able to be here as I am. I can't be here, exist here, etc. I made lots of asides saying some things on this. I didn't put them all here. But I don't think that supposed person shouldn't talk. It's best to get lots of information, information on what is here. I am attacked here for talking about the devil n saying what I think n telling about my experience. It's revealing of a problem that I'm attacked. It's apparently information is bare here on what's really happening w people, etc. Something tries to make it so people are not having expression here. People are to be attacking what I'm saying. It's not examining it. It's just people telling me not to say what I'm saying. It's something fighting for a void, a lack of expression of human experience, a lack of diversity. It is very bad here. Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! The devil is going w the loud music from the neighbors. It's the other neighbor today, it's loud as shit!!!! It's so sick as fuck n dumb as fuck here, got some disgusting shit for people n running to go offer this for people. #sickasfuckhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Replies to Rick's comment on your post. View post Rick Rusk 10 hours ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla My photos are not really meant BY ME for this. I suppose as part of a nigger lynching society you have your own purposes here for people, it's not good you can make em poor n homeless n get the goons, ie the police n others on them. #niggerlynchingsociety 9 hours ago · Like1More Marla Bobarla This is weird the obsession is using my words against me even though they don't fit. "Your pictures," the devil said. Horrible as fuck, at the mercy of a very, very sick population of people. #sickasfuckhere#lynchmobsociety. Wanting people poor as fuck n rotting in jail. #devilworshipping 9 hours ago · Like1More Rick Rusk 21 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Working at Christ Consciousness Project ,huh? Photos are nasty, huh, dumb bitch. Pussy bitch. Go hang yourself,in Jesus name Amen!!! Christ for nigger lynching? Is in the Bible??? Sick bitch. I hope people can see who you really are, sick bitch!!!!! Die bitch!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! 9 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Diieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I hope you get shot, something!!!!! 8 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla But die, I hope you die, in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! 7 minutes ago · LikeMore Write a reply... https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=364038690678111_364533430628637&ft_ent_identifier=364038690678111&gfid=AQB7pXu8UUer7XyQ¬if_t=group_comment_reply¬if_id=1498495700862445&ref=m_notif You ain't gonna come up w some new slogans for the nasty picture, a body so nasty, so nasty to take a picture showing a body, really it's a belly. You know what to do, huh, dumb as fuck bitch. Dumb as shit. Fit right in here, it's dumb as shit here. Small minded as fuck! Disgusting as fuck, you fit right in bitch!
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The devil making another devil worshiper attack that I'm talking about the devil, the person asserting the devil is not real in the discussion group Zapatismo on a comment I put yesterday. ....
Link to thread of comments. .... https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=835836209925684_836440929865212&ft_ent_identifier=835836209925684&gfid=AQCAS6adiP3_ripd¬if_t=group_comment_mention¬if_id=1498349281507837&ref=m_notif Text of comments at the link as of to this present point in time. .... 9+ Replies to Jesper's comment on yourpost. View post Jesper Bryde Yes people who belive in fictisious boogeymen are to be taken serious🤣 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Forgot the warning on this post. Remember my posts arent for haters to preach against my #freedomofspeech. #hatersbethursty 1 hour ago · Edited · Like1More Jesper Bryde Marla Bobarla i do not dispute your right to say so. Just as i have A right to not forgoe education and critical faculties. 1 hour ago · Edited · LikeMore Marla Bobarla No. my posts aren't for your preachin. You don't have a right to attack people's speech. It's a popular thing, you're not alone as punk bitch n a piece a shit. #Thursty loser.#hatersbelurking 1 hour ago · Edited · Like1More Jesper Bryde Marla Bobarla lol 1 hour ago · LikeMore Jesper Bryde Marla Bobarla so What Am i hateing by doubting the validity of Lucifer? 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Im not writing here to debate that. im posting information, it's not for debate, attack. 1 hour ago · Like1More Jesper Bryde Marla Bobarla ok. Well Thats on you. Im not convinced tho Since your argument springs from solipsisme. 1 hour ago · LikeMore Jesper Bryde Marla Bobarla on What grounds do you ercertain your absolut knowledge ? 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla It's my view. Everyone has a right to their view, their account of their own experience. Here the religion, very sick n disgusting as fuck oppresses that others have a view other than the popular view n so the sick masses arrange to attack the fuck out of people who don't believe this is okay here. It's sick as fuck here. 2 minutes ago · Edited · LikeMore Marla Bobarla I've been very attacked here for saying it's not okay n ruled by the devil. It's a very sick place, very disgusting. Just now · Edited · LikeMore Write a reply... Reply
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I don't agree w this society, they should just execute if they cannot do a may the best man win. #sickasfuck #uncletomworship #punkbitchworship #sicksociety The devil was threatening my speech w jail by one comment just now I saw n the -- got distracted here. But another thing threatening speech again here in brainless as fuck society was another post i saw was talking about having been suspended for "hate speech," supposedly. So obsessed w speech here, seeking to make a punk bitch, needing a Uncle Tom nigger, this society, don't want anybody too head strong n to forget who their daddy is. I'll link to the post I'm referring to w a suspension on Facebook in the comments, it's not doubt staged. But sick as fuck w the obsession w restricting speech. Sensitive, really? They manhandle folks, put people homeless on the street. Hardly sensitive. #sickasfuckhere Replies to Michael's comment on Jonas Salk's post. View post Michael Parker The world doesn't revolve around you and everyone isn't devil worshiping racists. You need to come to terms with this shit 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Leave. Me. Alone. 58 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla #religious #thursty 57 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Thursty bitch. 57 minutes ago · LikeMore Michael Parker I'm quite the opposite of religious cheers I know god and the devil are not real. And Im Only thirsty for beer 55 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla As a note people cannot coexist as who has just incompatible views. If you have a problem w my views you have to remove yourself from my environment or you could I guess kill yourself. You have a major problem w what I am saying n cannot stop obsessing over it. This is insane. You cannot coexist so you have to somehow detach from my expression, don't read my comments, something. 46 minutes ago · LikeMore Michael Parker People go to prison for telling people to kill them self's you know. Keep that in mind 45 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla I don't agree w this society, they should just execute if they cannot do a may the best man win. #sickasfuck #uncletomworship#punkbitchworship #sicksociety 9 minutes ago · LikeMore Write a reply... https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=835044276671544_835406083302030&ft_ent_identifier=835044276671544&gfid=AQCnp_9KvNsWfRBe¬if_t=group_comment_reply¬if_id=1498198922611492&ref=m_notif #punkbitchworship I swear, not doubt. It is sick here, pretended to be okay. Replies to Retep's comment on yourpost. View post Retep Moorg Have you spoken to your physician about this Marlz ? Music all the time would drive me nuts xx 1 hour ago · LikeDelete View previous replies… Marla Bobarla Well I don't believe in that. I don't want it to be preached to me. You have to go elsewhere w that. 1 hour ago · LikeMore Retep Moorg Ok, Marlz. Belief is not fact. Wish you well xx:) 1 hour ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Go elsewhere w your religion, tho. 1 hour ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla Thats idol worshiping, stop preaching. 1 hour ago · LikeMore Bobby Reid How can you acknowlege life, yet no creator.... 1 hour ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla ? 1 hour ago · LikeMore Retep Moorg I can prove (through science) a whole heap of shizzle. Nothing at all can be proved by belief. 1 hour ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg But that's just my belief. ha ah 1 hour ago · LikeDelete Bobby Reid Science proves God.. 1 hour ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg Not in my reality. 1 hour ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Okay. 59 minutes ago · LikeMore Retep Moorg xx 59 minutes ago · LikeDelete Bobby Reid You must live in a 2 dimensional world... I shall call you Mr Flat, or, Mr Flat Lazy.. Too lazy to find the truth through science of belief. 57 minutes ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg Thanks Bob. 55 minutes ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg You really have no idea what that means to me , brother :) 55 minutes ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg Of course I'm lazy. I ain't worked for the last 7 years. 54 minutes ago · LikeDelete Bobby Reid No prob. 53 minutes ago · Like1Delete Marla Bobarla Stop obsessing over my views. You need to restrain yourself, you're going crazy. You gotta stop yourself. People are supposed to have freedom of speech here. You gotta find another place where you won't encounter other people's speech because you can't restrain yourself from seeking out opposing views n attacking the person. You are crazy. 53 minutes ago · LikeMore Retep Moorg Are you hardworking Bobby ? 53 minutes ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg I know Marla dislikes work. 52 minutes ago · LikeDelete Bobby Reid Of course. Do you find fault in the motivated? 51 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla I did unfriend both of these people because I don't wish to invite the attack n following. I don't agree w that. This isn't what to do is disrespect n obsessed over a person's views. 51 minutes ago · LikeMore Marla Bobarla "I'm not sure what to do, they had to stop if they're not okay," the devil said of the comments but they're still coming. 50 minutes ago · LikeMore Retep Moorg I'm done with highly motivated people. That's why I retired aged 37. I don't need to work to earn a living...life's sweet. How about yo Bob ? 49 minutes ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg All work..no play.. 48 minutes ago · LikeDelete Bobby Reid I choose to work, because I like to. Is there a point you are trying to make? 46 minutes ago · LikeDelete Marla Bobarla Maybe personal message each other on this topic. Just a suggestion. 46 minutes ago · Like1More Bobby Reid I play plenty. More than most that don't work. 46 minutes ago · LikeDelete Retep Moorg Good ideas Marlz xx Laters Bobster ;) 45 minutes ago · Edited · Like1Delete Bobby Reid Ttfn 45 minutes ago · Like1Delete Write a reply... https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=322143871543429_322146928209790&ft_ent_identifier=322143871543429&gfid=AQBTD34zkzg9gt-B¬if_t=feed_comment¬if_id=1498199382555325&ref=m_notif I just sent you a message, this isn't acceptable. It's really the devil making fake comments for people. "Don't you have to unfriend. They keep coming back. He --. Oh god," the devil said. "I can't keep doing it for this person. I --. I don't know what to do," the devil said. The devil just arranged for you to be messaging me. So I'll respond to that i guess. "Hes not going to be able to do this so he may not be able to continue on," the devil said of Jay Banks. "Can I please tell I'm not doing this but I'm not okay," the devil said. 9+ History Jay Banks Its not the devil saying those things, there's no such thing as the devil, the character devil/Satan is just part of religious doctrine nonsense to control the masses of people with fear! Its your own inner voice/negative thoughts suggesting those things...its your own doubt, insecurity, paranoia, anxiety, fear, etc about yourself and your daily activities that's incorrectly using your belief about the devil existing etc to continue itself via that theme! If you want to fix your problem then you need to let go of your belief about the devil because that belief in false doctrine sounds as if its the main cause of your difficulties! ✌ 2 hours ago · Original Show all edits... Jay Banks Im going to try be helpful and give you some friendly advice Marla, Its not the devil saying those things, there's no such thing as the devil, the character devil/Satan is just part of religious doctrine nonsense written by men centuries ago to control the masses of people with fear! Its your own inner voice/negative thoughts suggesting those things...its your own doubt, insecurity, paranoia, anxiety, fear, etc about yourself, your daily activities, etc that's incorrectly using your belief about the devil existing etc to continue itself via that theme! If you want to fix your problem then you need to let go of your belief about the devil because that belief in false doctrine sounds as if its the main cause of your difficulties! ✌ 2 hours ago · Current version https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=322124991545317&id=100012434566027&comment_id=322293151528501¬if_t=feed_comment¬if_id=1498220834090588&ref=m_notif Oh no you didn't have to put it down like that! (Hehehe.) #ohnoyoudidnt! #youdontgottaletlooseonemlikethat! (Hehehe.) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1295409013891032&id=100002658370627 I wanted to comment on a post i already shared yesterday. It was very good. The devil took my thoughts. "Aren't you just dumb. No no. Haha. I don't know what to do," the devil said. "Oh god. I'm not allowed to laugh. I don't know what to do. I was saying into the pussy. Bye," the devil said. I'll share the post again in the comments, i wish I could copy the text but that's not working out. It's there now, the preview. But terrorist based government, who is that??!!!???? Oh my gahd!!!! Sounds pretty serious. I don't know why theyre hanging out, this person said in my mind n it's being said as what I also would say. But comes am issue if you're gonna fight terrorism. But homeless people on the street are terrorism of the government. It's horrifying n a horrible horrible sight. The devil was tormenting me w planted homeless people a lot when I was homeless out of the car n staying in hotels n when i was on the street, too. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155360419079454&id=732199453&fs=4 Attention haters, this is to not for you to attack my speech. But I wished to share a post yesterday n it didn't show, a minute ago it still wasn't showing. I'll post it as a comment on this. "Oh my god. I don't know what to do. I'm still doing it. I cannot go on n i don't know what to do. Bye," the devil said. It was threatening it would -- it just dropped the type pad but it was threatening someone would say something because I'm talking about the devil blocking my post from showing, which it did. It's been going crazy w people obsessing over me mentioning the devil n saying that I'm crazy, n just people are to be obsessing over my speech. But the thing I want to post, i did refer to it the other day. It was a very just out of the ordinary v .... video. It talks about a girl n also refers to similar instances to others like her as well, but a girl who keeps changing her story about North Korea being this place w extreme human torture or freedoms violations against people, etc. The devil is messing w my thought, just trying to blurry my thoughts. "You aren't smart, right. No no. I must go," the devil said. "...I was doing something. I don't know what to do if I'm losing," the devil said. This above section here starting w the word video I had to write in text messages because the devil dropped the type again as i was writing the main post. "Why do North Korean defectors keep changing their story" is the name of the video at this link in the previous comment. There is another similar story I saw posted, or shared rather on this same person's page who i found on Facebook after seeing a post of his, this person sharing originally to my purview the video above, i first found his page after he had a post shared on the page of Trevor Rose who the devil blocked me from on Facebook a couple of days ago. It apparently blocked me because the person can't not end the world n so the devil is pretending the person doesn't exist or doesn't know the world ended, ie that I definitively said it was really here. I still have proof of Trevor Rose on Facebook, i have some messages exchanged w him on Facebook Messenger, a few short messages. He said pleased to meet you. I told him I added him to this discussion group additionally in one message. The devil pretends that stuff outside of the experience of who will affirm it n go forth w it as having occurred, it pretends stuff that can't be proven as having occurred has never occurred, stuff people won't talk of or affirm, etc. So even if someone else sees Trevor Roses page, it could still trying to pretend the person doesn't exist or has no occurrence of meeting others who end the world. "I do something like this. I pretend stuff never occurred. I'm not doing okay now you're telling this," the devil said. There is a big isdue w there being a big hush here, a lot of things are no t to be said, talking of things like firms a idea or concept n then people go forth n discover or establish further ideas or thought. Here it is very starved for people to talk about things people would talk about, b they don't talk about personal experience, it's as if stuff, many things relevant to people never occurred. It tries to maintain there is a void here, the devil does, nothingness. In my mind it just occurred to me that Manny Singh said he had to end the world for this video because it is the end of the world.
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