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you are not gonna die a virgin. not on my watch. real and actual thing to say to your buddy and normal way to italicize subtitles netflix. thanks
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not a day goes by that i don’t think about destiel
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i, too, wouldve had a psychotic break like jensen ackles and trauma bond with dean winchester after having been buried alive, having to jump through real glass, be locked in an attic with 60k live bees, accidentally stab my co-star with a real knife prop, get lube thrown on me every other episode and be in a house that's actually on fire just to film a silly little tv show
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Taking a break from hyperfixating on shows to hyperfixating on a man
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I have just obtained a copy of supernatural cards against humanity
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I always forget that the Ghostfacers episode is the absolute peak of television
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Re-watching supernatural with hate in my eyes
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Ok something you need to understand is I KNOW Supernatural is an awful show, but I need to get my supernatural content from somewhere, and sadly, watching the TV show is one of the only ways
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expanding on this post (+ my own longass tags on said post) by @sodomitecastiel ………………….
cas doesnt take the ring and he doesnt speak to dean for two weeks after because hes PISSED OFF that dean would even JOKE about something like that. and by the time dean manages to puppy-dog eye him into an apology lunch at cas’ favourite diner, dean stops doing the whole marriage bit entirely. he doesnt teasingly refer to cas as his husband anymore, he doesnt make any crude ball-and-chain jokes, he doesn’t even bring up the whole ring incident other than a small apology. but he still wears HIS ring. he still fiddles with it when cas is sitting right next to him and that LIGHTS a fire under cas’ ass because you know what! fuck this! if dean got too uncomfortable with the marriage jokes but not uncomfortable enough to stop wearing that fucking ring, cas can play dirty too! so he starts RAMPING UP the fake-marriage talk. he starts hamming it UP. he does it more intensely than dean ever did- and to his annoyance and shock, dean doesn’t tell him to cut it out. dean doesnt stop wearing the ring. instead- he looks PLEASED. surprised, but pleased. and he shyly joins back in on the whole marriage bit again. he starts ramping it up as well- feeding cas his food, taking cas’ hand when theyre in public, generally acting like what cas wishes their actual relationship could be like- and now cas is DOUBLY annoyed because dean doesnt seem to show signs of stopping any time soon AND he doesnt even have the stupid ring that dean tried to give him weeks ago. and hes like fuck it if im going to be doing this i AT LEAST want my Fake Marriage Ring. so one day during movie night when theyre both on the couch cas casually brings up the ring again- half expecting dean to laugh it off, half expecting dean to have forgotten about it entirely- maybe make an excuse about how he’ll go find it in his room later. but instead, dean just goes completely still and he- he takes the ring out of his pocket. the same ring from all those weeks ago. and cas is- confused, surprised that dean still has it on him- but shrugs it off and takes the ring from dean’s hand. and dean gulps, nods, and slowly turns back to the tv without another word- like hes afraid hes going to scare cas off, or something. and cas looks at him and his ears are BRIGHT red and his eyes are VERY vehemently Not meeting cas’, which is like, GOOD. he SHOULD be embarrassed. FINALLY. and he looks back down at the ring, and its an old ring of dean’s, scuffed and dinged up and theres chips in the metal but its also surprisingly shiny- like its recently been polished. he flips it over once, twice, before putting it on. he admires it for a while- the light from the tv glinting off the ring, making its silver look like its glowing in the dark room theyre in, and for a moment he lets himself have this. and he lets himself get caught up in the fantasy. just for a moment. and he doesnt look back at dean when he goes back to watching the movie, but, if he did, he wouldve seen the stupid, wide, PLEASED grin on dean’s face. (1/3)
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in some post-show world where dean and cas are settled and living quietly, there is definitely a version of the story that plays out where dean:
does not address cas’s confession because he thinks saving him from the empty is him Reciprocating The Grand Romantic Gesture
assumes cas is not interested in sex (it’s not like he’s seemed super into it in the past, after all. and there’s no reason for that at all that has to do with him wanting dean. obviously) and therefore is like. i’m just happy to be with him however he’s comfortable :) and does not ever bring it up
decides that he’s tired of random people hitting on him when he’s got his guy at home, so he just… starts wearing a wedding band. he and cas are already forever-partners, so. nbd. it’s nice! good that people know he’s taken now!
makes loving-but-rude jokes about his “ball and chain”, elbowing cas good-naturedly, while they’re out getting food with sam. he cannot understand why this great joke about his commonlaw marriage to cas does not ever land
meanwhile, cas:
thinks that dean has not mentioned his pre-empty confession out of respect for him and their friendship, and he has made his peace with this. he’s solemnly and miserably grateful and will absolutely never bring it up and risk dean yelling at him
genuinely gets hurt feelings over dean wearing a RING. because what does that mean! dean wouldn’t get married without telling him, and cas knows all his friends anyway, so what is the point of this?? just to tease him???? just to make him go mad with unfettered jealousy???????
seethes quietly in his passive-aggressive cas-way and plays along with dean’s JOKES about their FAKE MARRIAGE because sooner or later dean will get tired of it and cas doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing it’s getting to him
they carry on like this for months. sam is so glad he is not living in the same house with them
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What i need is very simple. The Hillywood show should make a third and final Supernatural parody video. At the end, it cuts to Jensen and Misha in the Supernatural heaven, actively making out
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Mr oral fixation winchester eats a popsicle and sucks on the stick for two hours after he finishes it. Cas watches dean do this and does in fact get jealous of a popsicle stick.
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early seasons dean that’s not even jensen ackles to me that’s dean. that is Dean. later seasons dean is still dean but it’s dean played by jensen ackles which is different
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One of the worst feelings is when you feel a hyperfixiation slipping.. Like no.. Youre so sexy pls keep giving me happy chemical
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