lilspacewolfie · 3 months
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Antichrist will walk the earth
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Vettonso complaining about each other not respecting schrondinger's track limits on the radio compilation + Seb's commentary that made me a bit feral
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Must include these sexy ass pics okay, it makes me feral how hard they race each other.
Also SO upset that we got this vid and there's also pictures(and presumably a vid out there somewhere) of Fernando, back then, ALSO debriefing this race. And yet we never got them together?????? Evil. Fucked up.
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Imagine seeing them complaining about each other but also having to (begrudgingly if you're Fernando) compliment each other IN FRONT of each other. Maybe its a good thing it doesn't exist, bcs then I'd have a heart attack.
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t1oui · 6 months
barty crouch jr. is eleven the first time evan rosier takes his breath away.
he's a second year in barty's house, with warm brown skin and blonde hair and amber eyes that flash gold in the sunlight. he knows regulus. one of barty's dormmates, somehow, and he smiles at barty like he wants to know him, too.
barty is thirteen when he finally figures out what the butterflies in his stomach mean.
they're sitting down at the lake, barty on the grass, soaking up the sun. pandora sits on a blanket next to him, her half of it in the sun, the other half underneath regulus in the shade of a tree. dora's busied herself with making flower crowns, and evan and dorcas are swinging at each other and laughing, both ankle deep in the water of the black lake. evan reaches up to kick water at her, and the silver of his anklet - a thin chain with a silver daisy charm hanging off of it - catches the light.
dorcas ducks away and shoves evan square in the chest, sending him stumbling back a few steps before he finally lands hard on the grass next to barty. it must've hurt, even in the soft green, but instead of wincing, he just turns to barty and grins.
oh, barty thinks. it's so obvious, he thinks.
barty is a fourth year the first time he kisses evan rosier.
it's the first christmas he doesn't go home for. he spends long hours knocking about the castle, staying out past both the regular curfew and the one made later for the break.
"can't sleep, crouch?" evan had asked him, making him jump, polished prefect badge - no doubt pandora's handiwork - sparkling from his collar. and suddenly there was mistletoe and the chance to finally make his fantasies a reality. there was the taste of evan's lips (vanilla) and the smell of his shampoo (cucumber) and the feeling of his arms around barty's waist (intoxicating).
even on that dreary, cold evening, there was hope.
barty is a sixth year when regulus begins going out with james potter.
they're on the train, barty halfway out the window, evan's arms tight around his middle in the fear of him falling, and barty hoots with laughter when regulus jumps into potter's arms. potter's a seventh year like evan. head boy, a gryffindor, and one of pandora's best friends, for some reason.
"leave them be, barty," evan snorts, pulling him back through the window. barty watches him, opening his mouth to speak, only to be swiftly cut off by his boyfriend adding, "we can be as dramatic as we like, but i'm not risking missing this train just so we can kiss in front of it."
barty groans in protest, but by that point regulus has arrived at the door to their compartment with a sheepish-looking james potter in tow, so he decides to annoy them instead.
barty is seventeen the first time he comes to hogwarts without evan, and it makes him feel empty.
he's still got regulus and dorcas, of course, but there's a gaping hole in the group now that the twins have graduated. regulus is quiet without james to bring him out of his shell. dorcas doesn't cheer as hard during quidditch games - ones without regulus in them, of course - without marlene mckinnon there to cheer on. and barty? barty isn't himself without ev there to easy his anxieties.
night after night, barty and regulus curl up in the same bed for nights of bad rest. it gets easier, over time. letters pile up. floo calls happen weekly. and while regulus and dorcas struggle, barty thinks about the future. the one decided by him, and not anyone else.
two days after his eighteenth birthday, barty steps off the hogwarts express for the last time.
regulus and dorcas don't hesitate to sprint past him towards james and marlene, who wait with evan futher down the platform. barty, though, hesitates. gives himself a moment to take a deep breath, smile at evan, and start running.
evan envelopes him in a hug, his arms a reassuring weight around barty.
"you must be tired," he whispers, the hint of a smile in his voice. "eight newts, barty. you're insane."
barty grins into evan's chest. "i missed you too, rosie," he mumbles. he lets out a content sigh he didn't realize he was holding in, and evan hums.
"welcome home, love," he says. "our home."
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Recognizing Early Signs of Mental Illness
#fe3h#dimitri alexandre blaiddyd#thats all it gets tagged as. if you see it then you were meant to see it.#txt post#side note while im in the tags no one looks at#im not too big a fan of the way people call his untreated psychosis as him being feral#its not a ground breaking take with the last 5 years of the game existing but ive only beem into fe3h for a year and its my blog#so I get to talk about it#like yes I understand its because he's likened to a Feral Boar charging ahead with destruction in its path and no brains etc etc#whatever felix said#but the way fans take that and really focus on calling an unhoused man with unresolved childhood ptsd haunting him for life feral?#the way fans take that and call a guy whos psychotic breakdown went untreated for 5 years feral?#REALLY doesnt sit well with me#idk im not the sort to be like “he didnt mean to murder this isnt him 🥺” because he did do that. a lot of that.#But people do things they dont want to do all the time when given the right mental state for it#Do you see people on the streets talking to themselves and shouting at the air and call them feral?#the ones you can smell from 6 feet away? the ones who have a crust on their hands and hair stiff from not having access to a proper shower?#the ones that havent had access to help or medication? Do you call them feral? Do you extend a hand or even look in their direction?#I'm rambling by this point. tldr mental health awareness and be kind to one another#and also to be careful and use your best judgement when helping because I stopped for an older woman asking for help#and she almost stabbed me in an empty parking lot#not my brightest moment
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enden-k · 1 year
not only is blade haunting dan heng, its dan heng haunting blade as well. they are following each other, they are deeply intertwined, they are unable to escape the other. gay (yes theyre my otp. renheng supremacy etcetc)
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bengallemon · 6 months
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top 10 images that make me go insane
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widevibratobitch · 1 year
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when i say i am obsessed with him
#'indescribable insolence' <3333#dumas writing aramis in '20 years after':#i am going to create a character that is so egdy sarcastic provocative and irritating to everyone around him#and im gonna make stirring shit being an asshole and gruesome murder his favourite hobbies#and he did just as he said. bless him.#most character ever#and what makes him even better is the contrast between 20YA!aramis and t3M!aramis. its hilarious.#my man really went feral. midlife crisis some call it. i call it character development of all time. i call it serving cunt.#aramis as a musketeer a soldier a man in a profession where you're literally paid for killing people:#sweetness and mildness personified writes poetry and theology essays in his free time never gambles dreams about dedicating his life to god#aramis as a priest: whooo boy i hope i get to fUCKING KILL A PERSON TODAY >:D#anyway. i love him a normal amount or something.#the three musketeers#alexandre dumas#anyway. i reread this scene and the charenton battle today because it's definitely in my top 3 aramis moments#also the english translation on the gutenberg page omits two lines of dialogue that i remembered from my polish translation#and it goes something like#de Chatillon says 'i think you're looking for a fight sir' to which Aramis basically responds with 'oh nooo you *think*? Imao'. iconic.#(and its even funnier cause that makes athos immediately go 'aramis stfu plz' and aramis just goes 'no <3' im obsessed with them)#vingt ans apres#do i have a#twenty years after#tag?? not sure tbh i think i dont but tagging just in case ig
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tennessoui · 8 months
re: timing of mentor reaping
ooh both options are delicious. the tragedy of obi-wan operating per usual and volunteering only for anakin to be called soon after is appealing, but i feel like mentor reaping after the tributes could be really interesting.
like on obi-wan’s end, the horror of anakin being called could freeze him in his place, also make him think about the year he put his name in multiple times and wondering if he lied and did it again, thinking about having to mentor someone he wants to die so that anakin makes it out, etc. and then on anakin’s end, i feel like even if he is nonchalant-ish about being reaped, the moment that would create insecurity/break him momentarily would be obi-wan pausing to volunteer as mentor bc he would follow obi-wan anywhere and and kill to come back to him and why is obi-wan not doing the same? when rlly obi-wan is just too shocked/still processing to react in a timely manner
j my thoughts, thanks for listening!
(re: this hunger games au post)
so this absolutely mirrors my thoughts and why i'm torn!
if obi-wan's 'reaping' is first and he volunteers to be the mentor regardless of his name not being drawn because the one chosen is pregnant or just won five years ago and is too traumatized or something, and THEN anakin's name is drawn, it's devastating for obi-wan who now has to be his mentor and maybe watch him die while trying to do everything he can to prevent it. it's also devastating to anakin who will never know if obi-wan would have volunteered for him.
if obi-wan's reaping is after anakin's and he volunteers, a part of anakin can just be smug and satisfied -- and there can be a moment where he's watching the victor section from the stage, eyes locked on obi-wan's devastated face, and he gets to see him volunteer, gets to see him torn to shreds by the possibility of losing anakin and then maybe gets to see a hint of 'killer disassociation' flash over obi-wan's eyes as he stands to volunteer to be the mentor. anakin's obsessed with obi-wan's games and would absolutely adore obi-wan getting so angry and feral over him.
and then there's the option where the victor mentoring reaping is after the tribute drawing but obi-wan's name is pulled and he doesn't volunteer at all - either anakin's latent but powerful control of the Force makes the person drawing choose the slip of flimsi with obi-wan's name on it, or the odds are just in anakin's favor and the galaxy itself knows that where anakin goes, obi-wan should follow and vice versa, aka what anakin's been trying to tell everyone (even obi-wan) for years
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not to out myself on main but Katsuki Bakugo continues to make me fucking insane
#there is a REASON he's in my list of top five fav characters#that boy makes me RABID-#literally hes the only reason ive kept up with the manga. that and ive stuck with it for so long i wanna see how it ends#anyway just finished pacing and ranting and Decimating an apple bc. be cause.#i saw someone go 'wait bakugo is save to win?'#YES! YES! HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAVE TO WIN HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER IS SAVE TO WIN#HIS ACTUAL BATTLES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FOCUSED ON SAVING#I HAVE BEEN SCREECHING THIS AT MY CEILING FOR YEARS HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAVE TO WIN!!!!#marking him as Win To Save is a fundamental misunderstanding of his character IM SORRY IT IS. IT IS#he has ALWAYS focused more on saving while izuku goes straight for the enemies' jugular#god. hes just. FINALLY BAKUGO GETS TO SHINE and Everyone gets to see who he really is im feral#the moment i saw him i was fascinated and over the years his character has aged like a FINE fuckin wine#its so rare to find a character with such stellar development. like damn. fuck. hes catnip to me#he started my love of analyzing the fuck out of characters and striving to understand them the best i can#punching a wall and wailing YOU DONT KNOW HIM LIKE I DO#honestly if i ever did a video essay it would be on him. and why he's such a good fucking character#say what you will about bnha but god damn he's phenomenal. horikoshi really went tf off with him#BAKUGO BBY IM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK ITS BEEN SO LONG <3#absolutely unprompted#i literally. i literally got a bkdk charm keychain#both bc yeah theyre iconic but also i could not resist the bakugo on it. hes too cute#i finally feel excited for the manga and the story again bc MY BOY IS BACK IN THE GAME LETS GOOOOOO#cant wait to see him absolutely slay serve Steal The Spotlight#stg hes gonna save all might AND take down afo while broccoli boy handles McCrusty#lets go bakugoooo LETS FUCKING GOOOOO#WE ARE SO FUCKIGN BACK BABEYYYYYYY#bakugo? no. bakuback!!!#BC HES NO LONGER DEAD ON THE GROUND YEEHAW HAWYEE
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jils-things · 14 days
i am vulnerable and mushy again sniiff
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p4nishers · 2 years
something something eddie saying "now i can't even talk to you because of it" about the lawsuit something something buck saying "i just want you to talk to me" when he goes back to work after the lawsuit something something eddie screaming "can you hear me" and "talk to me, talk to me" to bucks lifeless body
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lunar-years · 1 year
I know I tend to take things dark places but one thing I will NOT be doing is pretending that Rebecca and her house boat man was a bad or heaven forbid "dangerous" plot I LOVED it. We got to see a whole new side to Rebecca, a side that throws caution to the wind and decides she deserves a chance at not even love necessarily, but just a good freaking time.
There is also something there about how different this was from her story of how she meet Rupert. Rupert won her over by wearing her down. Persistence and repetition. Boat man won her over by just being good and kind. Chucking his phone into the water alongside her, throwing caution to the wind but not expecting anything of her. He took a chance and it made her feel comfortable taking chances, too.
In a nutshell: the first day Rupert showed up at the bar, Rebecca's gut instinct was to say no; and she should have stayed with that gut instinct. I think she's spent a hell of a long time regretting that, and second-guessing all of her choices. But on that houseboat, her gut instinct was to stay. So she stayed.
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caterpillarinacave · 6 months
“Oh, you’ll fall” Thelma replied nonchalantly, as if that was somehow comforting “Quite embarrassingly, probably. And quite painfully at least a few times.”
“Ah. Well. ” Matthew cleared his throat uncomfortably, the mild sense of impending doom steadily building. “I suppose we best be going then?” 
Thelma smiled up at him, a darling sort of smile, the type that lit up half the room, so genuinely happy that Matthew decided whatever happened in the next hour - no matter how disastrous and or embarrassing - it would be worth it for that smile on his sister’s face.
-Post TLH WIP Snippet
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citrine-elephant · 8 months
jill valentine would absolutely bite someone, wouldn't she? did i get a good read at her character, at least post re5?
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polarisjisung · 10 months
the way chenle devoured that whole mma performance
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mengyan · 2 years
thinking of post-canon xiao lanhua going batshit crazy feral full xishan shennü rage at some people that made the poor mistake to hurt her husband…
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