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lugagl · 1 year ago
finally someone let me out of my cage
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constehlla · 16 days ago
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day 3! flat-top the brick selfie professional 🧱
flat-top gif attack below the cut bc he’s the funniest little gif creature ever
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cuppajj · 2 months ago
I made an x reader one shot for a friend and wanted to share it! I’m not confident in my writing to post it haha but I wanted you see anyway! ^^” but I hope you like it despite how ass my grammar is LMAO
You were in the Vanilla kingdom, tucked away in the palace. It was a bright sunny day, the wind calm with a pleasant breeze to break the heat of the morning sun. You awoke to the scent of vanilla, strong as it always was in this growing ‘kingdom’- at least that’s what you call it. Speaking of he, Saint Vanilla wasn’t present in the room. You shifted in the sheets of your bed, the scent of vanilla still lingering so he likely had checked in on you before leaving. Likely for morning sermon. You sighed as you took in the moment of peace you’ve been granted. It’s been rather hard staying in the vanilla kingdom, you missed home.. you missed having alone time. You could tell, that despite being physically alone, you were still being watched. The eyes the of the vanilla orchids always following you, even in your shared living space.
You were seized on a morning such as this one, the Saint taking great interest in you. You had spoken with him as Pure Vanilla, considered him a close friend even… those feelings must have carried over when he became a beast. He didn’t purify you on the spot. Instead, he opted to save you for last. You remembered it clearly.
The benevolent Saint Vanilla had you cornered in your own home, his lambs standing at the front doors, windows blocked with similar forces. His arms outstretched like a best friend member reuniting with you… except he wasn’t your dear friend anymore. He was someone else now- the sweet man you knew for years twisted into some.. beast. He took a step closer. The air tensing as you stared at his hands, his eyes calm despite the ever flowing tears. Until he finally spoke.
“Please forgive me, Bluebird.. for my soul is tainted with greed and selfishness. Your beautiful heart and mind deserve the freedom and safety of purification and as much as I know that, I cannot bring myself to go forward with your salvation.” He cooed softly, like how you would reassure a stray animal into approaching you. In a way, he sort of was. You pressed your back into the corner you sought protection in with no where else to go but to him. “I am afraid I cannot rescue you yet… but do not fret. Instead, you shall have the greatest honor of all, should you stay by my side. You shall witness my ascension, my deliverance as I rescue all of Earthbread!” His smile grew a touch warm as he finally closed the space between you, his arms wrapped around you now. He was warm… his robes of silk dances on your trembling skin. Despite the danger you faced, you were oddly.. calmed by his embrace. Though you couldn’t bring yourself to hug him back you were too terrified out of your mind to move- after all one wrong motion and you were as good as the dust that lingered on your shelving. He spoke up once more, “I hope you can forgive me and my selfish soul. I do promise to rescue you from this world one day.. you’ll be mine in this world and the next… I promise.” You could feel his tears stain your shoulder, but you refused to be fooled by such crocodile tears. He’s ‘purified’ entire civilizations- he was a beast but you were his lamb.
So against better judgment, you stayed in that bed, ever since that faithful day you aimed to change his views one step at a time and mend the broken man he’d become. Perhaps you can save the world from his ever gleaming kindness through peace. Though, as you reminisced and contemplated, the savior himself entered the room after sermon. Ah right… you slept through that. Though he was never upset, even now all he ever wore was a soft, welcoming smile.
“Ah. Good morning, little lamb.” He chuckled, walking over to your side of the bed and petting your hair. You on the other hand sat up finally after bed rotting and looked up at him, a smile on your face to match his. “Heh.. Good morning. Sorry I slept through another one of your… meetings.” You always hated calling them sermons despite what the lambs say. It felt too cultish- you were still denial that’s what this was. “Oh, don’t worry your little head about it, orchid.. you need your sleep to stay as strong as always.” If you didn’t know any better, he was the gentlest and kindest soul ever. You wish that he was… “Thanks.. you’re always so understanding.” You sighed in minor relief, it’s not like you expected him to upset about it after all- he never really experienced anger like that as far as you knew. “How can I not be? Every soul is bound to make mistakes. It’s merely the nature of it. If getting extra sleep is what aids you in your strength and safety then so be it..”, He responded. As you two had your conversation, the Saint had found your cheeks and gently played with them. Holding your face his hands, gently massaging, and over all just being as physically affectionate as he usually was. His hands were usually used for killing so you theorized that he enjoyed having someone to hold without the need for them to turn to dust. Even if he believed it was a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of the soul it must be nice to have something- someone tangible. “Now then,” He spoke up, “Why don’t we get up and out of bed? We have a beautiful day ahead of us and I think a walk would do you some good, my little flower.”
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quick-catton · 1 year ago
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i just want to say that these two have been on my mind literally all of january. the thought of the debauchery they would indulge in. bobby and his pretty boygirlfriend. using him as a decoy in robberies, his cute lil thing an easy distraction while he takes what he needs, allowing them both to easily slip away. getting to show off his pretty baby in clubs, having a sweet little thing as his passenger princess during long drives through the dessert. a doll for him to dress up and have hanging off his arm wherever they go. anyway <3
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wilyserpentofeden · 1 year ago
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Book Crowley Halloween costume photo dump in memoriam of my sick leather jacket that got stolen tonight at the club RIP you beautiful beat-up old thing you served me well for several years 😔
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 2 years ago
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the besties and their awkward boyfriend 💥💥💥
featuring my beautiful baby boy markus (@ttimecode) (pls follow him he's my son)
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xochimillilili · 4 days ago
Also yeah, I’ve been okay just my motivation to exist has been deeeeep down in the dumps this week (dunno if this is tmi but I’m pms-ing so… yay hormones)
I’m okay now tho! Not all better obviously but I made espresso brownies and baking always makes me feel better. So, we’re back on track
Also also, I wanna have your beautiful face buried between my thighs so bad… what I wouldn’t give to have a pretty little princess kitty boy buried between my legs, choking on my totally massive cock, looking up at me with wide watery eyes as all their pretty princess friends watch… sigh, a boy can only dream
ANYGAYS, love you so much Xochi /p
- 🌈
Awwww I'm glad you're feelin a bit better lovey, also silly there's no such thing as tmi here lol even less so when so many of you tell me for lil feel better kissies lol also espresso brownies sound so good !?!! Yummyy I'm glad it helped with you feelin better sweetie <3
Also also alsoooooo,fuck you're so cute<3 such a sweet pretty knight aren't you baby? You wanna have my choking on you all pretty love? Kissing n makin out with your cock while holdin onto your thighs, resting my head on them while you fuck my face? You'd have to wear my crown on your head though honey~ Don't want it gettin all dirty <3 We wanna put on a good show don't we lovey?
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homocidalcrocodile · 1 year ago
oh thank you. i love you.
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ilycosy · 1 year ago
hope you're feeling okay honey and hope writing can make you feel better (ik It does to me) sending u my best wishes hun 💕
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this is so sweet thank u sm !!! i feel a lot better 🤍
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rieson · 2 years ago
guy who slept for 18 hours straight has awakened (me)
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kururu666 · 1 year ago
shit thats weird and murky to talk about: how being a bi trans man meant a lot of my formative gay experiences align very closely with lesbian ones. like it or not i was raised female and forced to participate in events as a girl, so a lot of my experiences of attraction and solidarity are all pretty lesbian-y. im not saying im a lesbian im not but im saying i feel weirdly intrusive when i see a poll or conversation about lesbian experiences and think "oh! i did that too!"
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alternia-confessions · 1 year ago
lmao? okay ii guezz ii can zpiill. the guy gettiing all the zhiiz done iiz a lowblood whiich iiz rlly funny to me. doiin hiighly iillegal treazon ztuff whiile beiing liike one angry viiolet from beiing culled at all tiimez. iitz liike a power thiing. pumpiin iillegal hiighbloodz iinto iimzelf to feel ztronger. zaiid he wanted to iignore the cazte zyztem and rule hiimzelf. ziigh. iif only ii could report thiiz guy wiithout gettiing otherz iin trouble. the zciientiizt behiind thiiz iiz a geniiuz who dezervez to further theiir ztudiiez. worzt part iiz that ii would be culled liike eiight tiimez over becauze ii helped them iin such a way that the world blazphemy can’t even cover. even wiith all the blood criimez iid be the mozt fucked. not even wiilliing to detaiil iit wiith all my cyber zecuriity becauze iitz that fuckiin bad. unlezz ii got liike a phone not made by a Troll and chiilled iin zpace to zubmiit iit maybe.
lmao iit all feelz zo comiical of courze iim The dramatiic hiighblood makiing thiiz about me. anywayz lowblood iillegal blood miixiing criimez okay? thaz juzt an affront agaiinzt nature. ii
ok briiefly iithought iiwaz piitch for them becauze of that but iitwaz baziic moraliity they triied to pazz off az me beiing a cazteiizt azzhole. ii get iit man The cazte diiferencez and all but YOUR BLOOD MAN YOU DONT RUIIN IIT LIIKE THAT OH MY GOG II DONT CARE THAT YOURE A LOWBLOOD THATZ YOUR NATURAL HATCHED BLOOD BROTHER THE MEZZIAHZ DONT WANT NO FAKE ZHIIT PLEAZE JUZT LET IIT BE II KNOW THIIZ ZYZTEM IIZ FUCKED BUT PLAYIIN IIN IITZ FAVOR WONT FIIX IIT. YOURE JUZT A WIIGGLER PLEAZE
zorry lol anywayz uhhh niice weather huh
Question: lmao? okay i guess i can spill. the guy getting all the shit done is a lowblood which is rlly funny to me. doing highly illegal treason stuff while being like one angry violet from being culled at all times. its like a power thing. pumping illegal highbloods into himself to feel stronger. said he wanted to ignore the caste system and rule himself. sigh. if only i could report this guy without getting others in trouble. the scientist behind this is a genius who deserves to further their studies. worst part is that i would be culled like eight times over because i helped them in such a way that the world blasphemy can’t even cover. even with all the blood crimes id be the most fucked. not even willing to detail it with all my cyber security because its that fucking bad. unless i got like a phone not made by a Troll and chilled in space to submit it maybe.
lmao it all feels so comical of course im The dramatic highblood making thiz about me. anyways lowblood illegal blood mixing crimes okay? thats just an affront against nature. i
ok briefly i thought i was pitch for them becaue of that but it was basic morality they tried to pass off as me being a casteist asshole. i get it man The caste differences and all but YOUR BLOOD MAN YOU DONT RUIN IT LIKE THAT OH MY GOG I DONT CARE THAT YOURE A LOWBLOOD THATS YOUR NATURAL HATCHED BLOOD BROTHER THE MESSIAHS DONT WANT NO FAKE SHIT PLEASE JUST LET IT BE I KNOW THIS SYSTEM IS FUCKED BUT PLAYING IN ITS FAVOR WONT FIX IT. YOURE JUST A WIGGLER PLEASE
sorry lol anyways uhhh nice weather huh
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dannysboi · 2 years ago
Final verdict they removed 5 pounds of tiddy total and this Friday is gonna be flat as FUCK BOI 🤠
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 month ago
ahhh the ‘my johnny’ scenario made me laugh out loud too!!!! your writings are always THE best!!!! 🫶🏻
I love the fratboys and Sweets just being stupid together😭 thank you for your sweet message!🫶🏼🤍✨✨
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trannykong · 2 years ago
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allofuswantgwinam · 2 years ago
yalllllllllllll the 43yo customer guy got arrested for a warrant out for him or something and i have investigated but found NOTHING 😭 and it was on his bday rip to him
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