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Safety Equipment: Fire Extinguishers
Not all fire extinguishers are the same and fire safety training is typically required to learn of the different varieties and fire extinguishing media before even attempting to use one in a laboratory setting. Generally speaking, fires are sorted by the media that is burning, and fire extinguishers are rated based on the classes they can extinguish:
Class A, globally, typically represents ordinary combustibles (paper, wood, etc.)
Class B typically represents flammable liquids. In the United States, it also represents flammable gases.
Class C outside the United States represents flammable gases. Within the United States it represents fires from electrical equipment.
Class D, globally, typically represents flammable metals.
Class E is typically only used in Australia and Asia to also represent electrical equipment fires.
Class F (known as class K in the United States) represents cooking fires, such as cooking oil or grease fires.
Some organizations/countries distinguish the varieties by color, while others are less specific. Symbols are typically used alongside class categories to distinguish which fires an extinguisher is capable of putting out. Extinguishers are typically only used on smaller fires that can be put out quickly.
It is important to note that, though organizational standards vary, seldom is using a fire extinguisher required. If a researcher feels in any way uncertain of their capabilities, or the size of the fire, they should not attempt to fight the fire - so long as other protocols (evacuation, pulling the fire alarm, contacting authorities, etc.) are followed.
Sources/Further Reading: (Image source - IFSEC Insider) (LSM) (Lab Manager) (University of Wisconsin-Madison) (Wikipedia)
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expotime · 22 days
#TradeShow #BusinessExpo #Conference2024 #NetworkingEvent #IndustryEvent  #EventMarketing  #GlobalExhibitions #Expo2024 #BusinessNetworking #TradeFair #CorporateEvents #EventPlanning #ProfessionalDevelopment -#VirtualExhibitions #EventProfs #India,#New Delhi IFSEC INDIA 2024
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dsp-consultants · 1 month
Security Risk Assessment Consultants Driving Safety in KSA
Saudi Arabia is advancing rapidly, presenting significant opportunities for businesses globally, particularly in the security sector. As noted by IFSEC Global, the country's development and new projects create substantial demand for security risk assessment consultants.
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The Role of Security Risk Assessment Consultants
As Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 propels ambitious projects, security risk consultants play a crucial role in addressing emerging security challenges. The vision demands innovative and forward-thinking strategies, offering professionals the chance to significantly impact the future security landscape.
Key Responsibilities of Security Risk Assessment Consultants
1. Risk Assessment: Conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify and evaluate potential threats and vulnerabilities specific to each organization.
2. Customized Solutions: Develop tailored security solutions based on the organization's industry, size, location, and operational nature.
3. Technology Integration: Stay updated with the latest security technologies and recommend integrated solutions, including access control systems, video surveillance, and intrusion detection systems.
4. Compliance and Legal Considerations: Ensure security measures comply with relevant laws and industry standards, adhering to legal and regulatory requirements.
5. Incident Response Planning: Create and implement effective incident response plans to manage and mitigate security breaches efficiently.
At DSP Consultants KSA, our extensive experience in security risk consulting has enabled us to handle diverse security challenges and support our clients effectively. We are committed to delivering tailored security risk assessments and solutions that meet local regulations and industry standards.
For more information, contact us at [email protected].
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trend-report · 3 months
Die fünf wichtigsten Technologietrends in der physischen Zugangskontrolle​
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Neue Studie von HID identifiziert die fünf wichtigsten Technologietrends in der physischen Zugangskontrolle​ HID, weltweit führender Anbieter von vertrauenswürdigen Identitätslösungen, hat den State of Physical Access Control Report 2024 veröffentlicht. Die Studie benennt fünf wichtige Trends, die die physische Zugangskontrolle künftig bestimmen werden. Für den Bericht, den IFSEC Global in Zusammenarbeit mit HID erstellt hat, wurden weltweit mehr als 1.200 Sicherheitsexperten befragt, um ein Bild einer Branche zu zeichnen, die sich im Wandel befindet. Die Umfrage, die zwischen November 2023 und Januar 2024 durchgeführt wurde, zeigt die folgenden fünf Trends auf: 1. Mobiler Zugang und digitale IDs sind allgegenwärtig.  Während physische Ausweise für die Zugangskontrolle nach wie vor weit verbreitet sind, sind mobile Zugangsberechtigungen und digitale IDs eindeutig auf dem Vormarsch. Fast zwei von fünf Unternehmen (39%) nutzen laut dem Bericht aktiv mobile Identitäten, wobei die Befragten kontaktlose Lösungen (48%) und mobilen Zugang (44%) als die beiden wichtigsten Trends nennen. 2. Offene Standards treiben die Entwicklung intelligenter Gebäude voran. Offene Standards sind zu einem wichtigen Treiber für konvergentere Sicherheitslösungen geworden, bei denen die Daten der physischen Zugangskontrolle nicht nur dabei helfen zu entscheiden, wer das Gebäude betreten darf, sondern auch, wie das Gebäude am besten genutzt wird. Dem Bericht zufolge verfügt fast die Hälfte der Unternehmen (48 %) bereits über Zugangskontroll- oder Ausweisscansysteme, mit denen die Gebäudenutzung zumindest teilweise den ganzen Tag überwacht werden kann. Darüber hinaus nennen 43 % der Befragten intelligente Gebäude und flexible Arbeitsbereiche als die wichtigsten Trends, die sich auf den gesamten Bereich der Zutrittskontrolle auswirken. Die Integration mit anderen Geschäftsbereichen wird von einem Drittel der Befragten (32 %) als weiterer wichtiger Trend angeführt. 3. Nachhaltigkeit beeinflusst zunehmend Geschäftsentscheidungen. Nachhaltigkeit spielt bei der Zugangskontrolle eine wichtige Rolle: Fast zwei Drittel (63 %) der Befragten gaben an, dass die für diesen Bereich Verantwortlichen entweder einen gewissen Einfluss haben oder sogar umfassend konsultiert werden, wenn es um die Modernisierung der physischen Zugangskontrollsysteme geht. 4. Künstliche Intelligenz wird zum Standard.   Der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der physischen Zugangskontrolle nimmt mit der Entwicklung von KI-Technologien und -Expertise immer weiter zu. Auf die Frage, ob sie beabsichtigen, KI und Machine Learning in ihre Zutrittskontrolllösungen zu integrieren, antworten 38 % der Befragten, dass dies der Fall sei, obwohl derselbe Prozentsatz angibt, sich über die Vorteile nicht im Klaren zu sein. Nur 23 % sagen, dass sie keine Pläne für die Integration von KI-Technologien haben. 5. Biometrie spielt eine immer wichtigere Rolle – insbesondere bei kontaktlosen Lösungen. Der Biometrie-Markt wächst rasant: Bis 2031 soll der weltweite Markt für Biometrie ein Volumen von 136,18 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen, während allein der weltweite Markt für Gesichtserkennung von 3,83 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2020 auf 16,74 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2030 anwachsen soll. Dies entspricht einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate von 16 % zwischen 2021 und 2030.   „Die Ergebnisse unserer aktuellen Studie zeigen deutlich, dass die physische Zugangskontrolle vor einer weitreichenden Transformation steht. Insbesondere der verstärkte Einsatz von mobilen Zugangsberechtigungen und digitalen IDs, die Entwicklung hin zu intelligenten Gebäuden sowie die zunehmende Bedeutung von Künstlicher Intelligenz sind wegweisende Trends. Alles zusammen eröffnet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, ihre Sicherheit und Effizienz weiter zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig den Anforderungen an Nachhaltigkeit gerecht zu werden“, erklärt Markus Baba, Regional Sales Manager DACH bei HID Global.     ​ Markus Baba, Regional Sales Manager DACH bei HID Global (Quelle: HID Global) Download Den vollständigen Report gibt es hier zum Download: 2024 State of Physical Access Control Report​   Read the full article
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essljpnagar · 10 months
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@esslsecurity WhatsApp: 8884406789 Email:[email protected]
Inviting you to visit IFSEC India 2023 Pragati Maidan New Delhi.
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boothconstructor · 2 years
IFSEC International 2023
Thousands of global security professionals gather at London’s ExCeL every year. IFSEC International brings together the entire security buying chain from manufacturers, distributors, installers and integrators to end users - offering unique opportunities to network with your target audience in the right surroundings. It is one of the largest gatherings in Europe, allowing you to find new technologies and solutions and get ahead in your business.
Leading global technology, solutions, knowledge & innovation IFSEC focuses on leading global technology, innovative solutions and the latest developments in physical security (access control, CCTV, fire alarms and more). It also covers innovations in cyber security, drones, smart buildings, home automation and more.
Expert education seminars provide a forum for visitors to understand the latest industry issues, regulations and trends. A range of dedicated features – including the Future of Security Theatre, Converged Security Centre and Government Pavilion – help visitors build their security strategy, learn about legislation and maintain up-to-date on best practices.
See real products put to the test on the show floor and in accredited, immersive demonstrations at the LPCB Attack Testing Zone. Discover solutions to protect people and assets from the world’s leading brands in specialist areas such as access control, video surveillance and perimeter protection.
Grow your network and enhance your knowledge with IFSEC International’s expert content and PR opportunities. Whether you’re an exhibitor, visitor or partner, IFSEC International is the ideal place to connect with the entire security community and build lasting relationships
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cctvsystem · 2 years
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46 photos by Gaz Pearce
CCTV: expertly installed, adored by homeowners, and feared by criminals! That's the way it ought to be, at least. However, a lot of homeowners choose a do-it-yourself CCTV setup, which is wonderful news for the thieves! They are aware that since security cameras that have been improperly installed are less likely to function correctly, they have a lower chance of being discovered. Professional CCTV installers are aware of the proper camera placement to ensure that the footage meets all requirements. A specialist can guarantee the highest image quality at all times, which is helpful if you need to find or prosecute a criminal!
Your homemade cameras can potentially be against the law! Are you aware that there are rigorous guidelines regarding what you CAN and CAN NOT record video of? The GDPR laws and the Data Protection Act may both be violated if your CCTV system happens to be recording your neighbor's property. Additional justifications for hiring a skilled installer Professional CCTV installation provides complete piece of mind. A security provider will evaluate your unique demands to make sure the system is compatible with your needs—or those of your business—and has features that will matter to you.
You may find DIY kits with comparable functionality elsewhere. You might not get the most out of them, though, if they are not correctly configured. Even worse, they might pose a security threat! Hackers The ability to view your footage on the move with a smart phone, tablet, or laptop is one of the main benefits of contemporary CCTV systems. This enables you to watch over your house even as you're lounging in the Algarve sun. Your computer's internet connection is the issue. Home DIY kits are susceptible to hacker assaults since they are frequently assembled incorrectly. Professionally installed CCTV is less likely to be exposed due to default passwords and other security settings.
This, together with other changed settings, makes it less likely that you will be tracked by unidentified internet users or utilised in a DDoS attack on a large scale. image calibre What about the video's overall quality? Will you be able to adjust your camera so that your view is genuinely clear enough to detect an intruder? Day or night? CCTV security systems for businesses CCTV security systems for businesses A few settings can be expertly adjusted to make a camera's photographs incredibly clear. Motion blur from the original factory settings can make it difficult to use film and, in extreme situations, result in failed prosecution! That is the benefit of working with a reputable CCTV firm.
CCTV Installation Is Simple—What Could Go Wrong? Do not believe it is simple if you do. Just look at this CCTV guide from IFSEC Global (WARNING: not for technophobes!). There are so many factors to consider when picking the right cameras. If you don't comprehend them, your video may be all but useless. Imagine if a burglar enters your house. They take your jewellery, a laptop, and a tablet, three things that are frequently left lying around and are easy to get. So it's a huge comfort that you had CCTV installed a year ago! But when you rewind the footage, you can't see the burglar's face since the camera is too high. It simply records a hooded stranger entering your house and stumbling out again ten minutes later.
You start to worry and slow down the video in the hopes of gathering some fundamental information. You chose Night Vision, so perhaps you can make out the intruder's entry vehicle's licence plate. However, it is impossible to read the registration number through the reflecting glare in the absence of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition). You put a lot of effort and money into installing your cameras, but you are still unable to identify the invader or their vehicle. And now that the police have requested a copy of your video, maybe they might decipher some of the details. You go to the DVR and, oh, you ran out of memory a few days ago, so the DVR recorded over the pertinent material.
You're aware in your heart that you won't ever see your valuables again. It's a terrible tale that occurs far too frequently. Professionally placed CCTV may provide you with a lifeline, enabling you to recover those priceless objects and potentially contribute to a prosecution. How Can I Be Sure My CCTV Installation Is Professional? In reality, separating the experts from the cowboys is fairly simple. A fantastic technique to determine who has the necessary experience to effectively install your CCTV system is to look for industry accreditations from the NSI and SSAIB. You can quickly look up your installer on their websites.
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udaykumarroy · 3 years
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#IFSEC IFSEC INDIA #Expo #IFSEC_2021 #ifsec_india #securityexpo #expo2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXTfxfHv2tf4LbkTI7QaFUcfECszkc9scbf7FQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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➡️Exhibition= IFSEC-2019 Client name= CP PLUS Venue= Expomart, Greater Noida Date= 19th-21th December 📧[email protected] 🌐www.novatrixdesigns.com
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jessiryan · 5 years
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IFSEC 2019 | IFSEC 2019 India | Smart Home Security Expo | Hogar Controls
Visit us IFSEC 2019 
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Know all the Insights and New Updates on Video Telematics at our Live Video Session at IFSEC India 2019. Book your appointment at: https://lnkd.in/fynJrMw
To know more visit: https://www.uffizio.com/
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expotime · 27 days
#TradeShow #BusinessExpo #Conference2024 #NetworkingEvent #IndustryEvent  #EventMarketing  #GlobalExhibitions #Expo2024 #BusinessNetworking #TradeFair #CorporateEvents #EventPlanning #ProfessionalDevelopment -#VirtualExhibitions #EventProfs #India,#New_Delhi IFSEC INDIA 2024
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prakashchristiansen · 5 years
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Thank you @ifsecphilippines .. #cyber #cybersecurity #ransomware #soc #socialengineering #ifsec #cyberattack #vulsanx #vulsanxcybersecurity #socinbox https://www.instagram.com/p/ByrrLCkgh0C/?igshid=1njxbkvr7asec
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zosicctv · 5 years
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essljpnagar · 2 years
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@esslsecurity WhatsApp: 8884406789 Email:[email protected]
Inviting you to visit at IFSEC India 2022 in Delhi
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boothconstructor · 2 years
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