ebonyfalsities-blog · 7 years
just a lil psa that ive been wanting to share because of the increase in popularity that POC characters are getting
you might just say, hey its just their skin its no big deal! but I personally find it great to see a character who looks like me. i connect to that character, and frankly, if we all wanted another pasty ass character we would of picked the other trillion that japan makes. i like to see the characters who are tan be kept as tan. they are beautiful that way. if i see a white washed aoi, akane, or angie, someone is catching my hands. 
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aubrey-plaza · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by:
Sarah / @timothyolyphant. Sarah Sarah Sarah, where do I even begin. Started from the bottom now we here but it’s actually started from an ask I sent on anon about getting sunburnt in Bali, and now we here. Life always manages to remind me that through adversity you forge valuable bonds and you are one of those. Your gifs are amazing and your personality is even more stunning. I love talking to you and I love seeing much you love fostering people’s creativity. It has truly made me look at gifmaking in a different light and injected to much fun and positivity into this. So thank you, friend <3
Nums / @cillianmurphy. Nums, my love, fellow Bulb. What could I possibly have done so well in the past to deserve your presence in my life! Always teaching me new slang by osmosis and always a balm to my weathered heart, you lift even the darkest days with your kindness, consideration, and love for Paddington 2 best movie ever made. Plus your gifmaking brain is full chefs kiss. Thank you for teaching me so many things. One day when the world stops being so crazy I WILL visit you and hug you and that is a threat <3
Kumi / @hollywoods. Kumi, my cat icon kin. Simply said, I think your gifmaking skills are out of this world and your graphics live rent free in my mind. Your humour never fails to make me laugh and I need you to know that I STILL think about the time you described yourself as wearing a jester outfit jangling across the court for a laff. You’re a bright spot in my life and I’m grateful I’ve gotten to know you this year. Please never stop being so amazing <3
Cece / @nickyoung. Cece my darling. Thank you SO much for joining my lovecraft sideblog, I literally could not have done it without you. We don’t talk a lot but that doesn’t mean I don’t value you so much. Your creativity is incredible and your sets are SO fucking gorgeous and honestly goals. Seeing you flourish fills me with so much pride and joy and I’m so happy we got to know each other this year <3
Okay emo stuff out of the way, time for my favourite edits! There were a lot and im indecisive so here goes:
max max: fury road set - I like to call this set “kate learns how to make a colour set.” I learned how to make gifs and mmfr is one of my all-time favourite movies so it was only right that I made a set. I always thought this movie was only orange and blues, but making this gifset made me fall in love with the movie even more
birds of prey / dinah lance set - Dinah Lance love of my life. If you’ve followed me this year, you will know that I went into birds of prey a person and left birds of prey a dinah lance stan. I previously made a birds of prey colour set, but I wanted to do one JUST for dinah. I’ve seen one too many people say that it’s hard to do colour sets of poc so I had to see for myself and I’m SO proud of how colourful this set is. plus, yknow, I love her. 
pacific rim / stacker pentecost set - pacrim is one of my FAVOURITE movies and this character has so many iconic lines. This lowkey turned into a colour set which isn’t hard for a movie like pacrim. 
record stores in films set - I woke up one sunday morning and my brain was YELLING at me to make this set. I downloaded 25 movies that all have iconic record store scenes and watched every single one and ended up with ten perfect gifs. I cut so many movies bc they didn’t work as well and I’m so sad abt that but I had SO much fun watching the movies and ended up falling in love and finding a new fave in the compilation so it was really a Project and I had Fun. 
the old guard set - this line makes me SO feral and I just HAD to gif it. It’s one my favourites because it’s my new lesson for life.
BONUS: my Lovecraft Country sets. This show taught me SO much and despite it’s awful ending, I’m still grateful for the first 7 episodes and I did end up making 65 sets for it over 10 weeks so I feel it deserves a special place in my 2020 recap
women in history - learning about history through a show, is there anything better? This set in particular was SO easy to make and took me literally 20 minutes, but that’s because it’s built on a solid foundation of knowledge. I knew the moment I saw a character which person in history she was and I think that’s a kudos to the show and to how well they taught me stuff. Also these other historical sets. 
leti lewis outfits - took me FOR EVER. still fun tho.
episode 2 colours - speaks for itself but this show is so STUPID to colour and you can never use a psd bc every scene is lit differently but making a colour set was so much fun because of the challenge
this name etymology set - this took me four days and SO much time but im so proud of it because I tried new techniques and learned so much
Tagging some friends because I love seeing y’alls creations but I want to know what YOUR favourites are!
@vicspedretti @daisylouisejohnson @dani-clayton @hannahsgrose @jodiewhittakerr @hannahjohn-kamen @robintunney @chris-evans @alex-krycek @clintfbarton @bosemanchadwick @chloebeale @hailesteinfeld @timeslord @melsmonroe @annelisters @owenjoyner 
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ladyeowyn · 4 years
Hi!! You've always been so inspirational in edit-making. I've recently been trying it out myself and I wanted to know if you have any tips on growth when you're just starting out?
Hello nonnie and thank you so much 😭 I can't believe I could ever be an inspiration to someone, that's so sweet of you to say 💖💖
I apologize in advance if this gets too long sdfghjkl
the first and most important thing I'd recommend is to create, create and create. I know it sounds cliché but practice makes such a huge difference. you don't even have to post everything you create (even now, I very often scrap an edit if I don't like it), just create for the sake of familiarizing yourself with your editing medium of choice. you can discover a lot of things just by playing around and creating will gradually come easier to you if you make enough edits.
don't be afraid to look to others for inspiration. save edits you like and then try to recreate some elements of it. or take the style and make your own edit with it. but please don't forget to credit the person if you end up posting it. you can also try to send an ask to the creator if you're interested in a particular thing - most creators are happy explain their creative process or share the font and colouring they used.
take some time exploring various resource blogs - especially their tutorials. if you're using photoshop I'd definitely suggest learning how to work with layer masks, selective colour layer and colouring in general. my favourite tutorial pages can be found here and here. and here is a masterpost of other photoshop resources you may find useful. sometimes even studying a tutorial can give you an inspiration for an edit in which you can put to use what you learned.
coming back to the first point, participating in various events or starting some edit challenges will also help you get some practice, it can bring some exposure to your edits and it can give your inspiration a kick-start if you need it. there are always plenty of those floating around, just pick one close to your interests and give it a try.
even thought it's slightly off topic, one additional advice I'd like to stress out for everyone who is beginning with editing - please, please be mindful with your fancasts. don't use a latinx model for a character that should be indian, don't cast a light-skinned model if the character is canonically dark skinned, etc. do your research!! verify who is it that you're using in your edit and if they are actually of the right ethnicity - use the google function “search by image” to find the name of the model and then look for some background information about them. be also mindful when selecting your colouring, do not whitewash or lightwash at any cost (this includes using colouring that makes the skin look ashy). it is not that difficult to learn how to edit your colouring (or psd), again layer masks and selective colour layers (red, yellows and neutrals) are your best friend. keep in mind that some original pictures of models might already be heavily edited! for that reason it's good to look up other photos of that person and compare your picture with them as well. here is a tutorial for gif colouring (but the tricks can be applied to ordinary pictures as well), here is another tutorial and here is a list of poc-friendly psds - but there are many of other resources on the topic floating around on tumblr.
btw, I've already answered plenty of other photoshop-related questions, so if you're interested you can find them here and/or you can also browse the photoshop resources I've reblogged here.
I hope this helped and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. good luck with your creations, happy photoshopping!! 💖
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venuscommissions · 5 years
STEP NO. 1    ━━    DON’T WHITEWASH !   yes it’s that simple ,  just  don’t !    IT’S 2K19 FOR GOD’S SAKE .            don’t whitewash poc with the way you’re writing them ,  don’t use an psd  that will whitewash poc .
✿     CHOOSING TO WRITE A POC MUSE?    do your research ,   find out as much as you can about their heritage ,  their culture ,  their values .   this is not a suggestion ,   IT’S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY .    JUST TRY GOOGLE ,   it’s free & easy af
✿      CHOOSING A FACE CLAIM AT RANDOM ?    do your  research ,    it takes like two seconds google ‘ faceclaim name ethnicity ‘    &  you’ll know if your faceclaim of choice is a person of color or not .     WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT ?    well ,  FIRSTLY ,   it’ll give you pointers on how to write them .   SECONDLY ,   it’ll tell you if u can use the neon pink & white psd you’re currently nuttin’ over on your face claim’s sweet face.   
don’t be rude ,  don’t be passive aggressive ,  just politely own up to your mistake ,  & work hard to rectify it as soon as possible. 
✿      “OH MY MUSE LOOKS WHITE, I DIDN’T REALISE.”       NO .   like i said ,   do your Research PLEASE.    poc come in all shades ,  a lot of them can be white passing .   but that still doesn’t give you the right to cast them as white nor can their light skin tone be used as an excuse to use a fancy psd that makes them look like casper the ghost. 
✿       “OH I COULDN’T FIND A POC FRIENDLY PSD.”        NO, JUST NO.  YOUR INTENSE DESIRE TO HAVE A FANCY SCHMANCY PSD  doesn’t trump your   RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT  & UPHOLD  FACE CLAIM’S IDENTITY & ETHNICITY .   like if worse comes to worse, you can just use plain icons .      ALSO  IT’S 2K19 , STOP SAYING  “OH ALL THE POC PSDS ARE BEHIND A PAY WALL”    it doesn’t just make you sound entitled ,    it’s incredibly hurtful to people who are generous enough to make & post resources for free?       commissions blogs just started popping up like last year, & i don’t think there are more than 50 of us out there.    there are literally so many free bomb af poc friendlly psds out there these days, even i have a free one out that works on all skintones ?   not to mention thousands of rph’s / tutorial posts / photoshop blogs  that will  help you learn how to make a psd yourself .        
HELPFUL LINKS :  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x     i found these after a quick search ,  but there’s a lot more out there.
✿      “ OH , YOUR SCREEN MUST BE TOO DESATURATED , IT LOOKS FINE ON MY END !”       this ,  frankly can be a valid excuse 0.9 %  of the time but isn’t usually.   IT CAN BE AVOIDED THOUGH,  all u need to do is ask a couple of your friends to look at a few images of your fc with the psd applied on different devices.   YES IT’S JUST AS SIMPLE AS THAT.                     also,  be polite ,   there’s no need to act like a smug bum when this is an issue , the person might be genuinely UPSET if they came to you in the first place & their feelings are valid !               ALSO, 99.1% OF THE TIME YOU’RE JUST LYING & USING THIS EXCUSE AS AN EASY WAY OUT ,    WE CAN TELL LMAO.
that’s it , that’s the guide.  FEEL FREE TO  REBLOG THIS,  YOU CAN REBLOG THIS ON YOUR MAIN BLOG ,  REBLOG THIS ON YOUR SIDEBLOG .    HECK,  REBLOG THIS ON THE BLOG YOU HAVEN’T BEEN ACTIVE ON FOR A YEAR ,  I DON’T MIND .  just please stop whitewashing ,  i’m begging you guys .  as a woc ,  it pains me to see graphics whitewashed to the hell & back every time i log on ,   it pains me when muses are made poc just for the brownie points & their characterization is just mostly cultural stereotypes & misnomers . please guys.
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