#IDKKK IDK. WHAT ELSE to tag it as
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meshimellow · 5 months ago
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message to the world: keep sucking his flat face plate
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mochiiknees · 1 year ago
i haven’t been as active as i wanted to be waugh,,, maybe because im thinking about pokemon a lot lolol
but worry not!!! i will associate this to a3!!
i am not thinking very hard so if this turns out being not great or ooc, then uhhh,,, my b (this will be a very long post)
i am super unsure how a fully fledged pokemon au would work,,, so,,, im just gonna spitball
The A3!ders (Sakuya = Fairy, Tenma = Fire, Banri = Dark, Tsumugi = Psychic mayhaps,,,,)
Team,,, uh,,, God-za??? Team… Celestial?? idk its godza
THE GYMS (I picked these types randomly and also not in order lol)
Grass = Yuki (fabric is from plants and i i think grass types are very pretty)
Electric = Itaru (because gamers)
Water = Kazunari (because,,, water colors)
Normal = Tsuzuru (because,,, yeah)
Steel = Guy (because android)
Ghost = Hisoka (because mysterious ig)
Flying = Homare (because he a bird guy)
Poison = Masumi (i was thinking abt his acid sweater lol)
Sakuya has a Cherrim or a Spring Sawsbuck
Masumi has a Toxtricity
Tsuzuru has an Eldegoss,,, or a Jumpluff
Citron has a Psyduck i feel like he’d like him
Itaru has a Rotom,,, mayhaps a Morpeko (because dual nature whatever yknow)
Chikage has a Malamar
Tenma has a Pyroar (specifically a male one because i think theyre cooler)
Yuki has a Lurantis
Muku has a Sylveon (the trans pokemon,,,) or a Gallade (princey vibe so)
Kazunari has a Smeargle or a Milotic (painter mon and milotic is p photogenic. maybe he rides it for good photo angles lol)
Misumi has a Snorunt (it will never evolve)
Kumon has a Ceruledge (ourple and cool)
Banri has a Liepard (yeah)
Juza has an Alcremie or a Slurpuff (sweets mon)
Taichi has an Alolan Raichu (skater friends! oh wait raichu is a surfer,,, uh theyre similar??? mayhaps???)
Omi has an Appletun or a Dachsbun (food mon,,,)
Sakyo has a Persian (money mon,,, lol they have similar colors)
Azami has an Absol (i think he’d like it)
Tsumugi has a Florges (flower mon!!!) or an Indeedee (similar colors)
Tasuku has a Cinderace (soccer rabbit)
Hisoka has a Snorlax or a Komala (sleeping mon) orrrr a Mimikyu (because its,,, a plush??? i think?? itd be the penpen)
Homare has a Decidueye or an Oricorio (Sensu)
Azuma has a Cubone (awh, empathy) and an Amaurus (prettiest ice type imo)
Guy has a Corviknight (pretty iron bird)
Izumi is either the champion or the protagonist lol
Idk abt anything else!! wahoo!! very long rant i take nap now
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hakkiest · 1 month ago
@bourgeoix tagged me literally rn to shuffle my on repeat playlist on Spotify and post the 10 first songs! But I'm only doing 9 cause I have a thing with numbers divided by 3. Thank u literally sooomuch friend I'm bored as fuck waiting for my bus
1-Can't Love You Anymore by IU with Ohhyuk (I think this one's been in my on repeat for like months. I think it's one of maybe 3 songs with men singing that I have in my everyday main playlist it's so good... I can make exceptions) it's so SAAAAD it's so sad. I wish I could get married and then get a divorce just to cry listening to this
2-That XX by Audrey Nuna (it's a cover) her voice is SOOO enthralling!!! Literally I think every song by men should have covers by women available like it should be law. And the arrangement!!! Oh my god so good.
3- 님 생각 by 정미조 I've been really into 70s to 80s ballads rn idk what to say there are other like 3 70s ballads on my on repeat but I think this is my fave rn
4- Moriin Khuur Konzert by Egschiglen PLEASEE listen to this song plsss I know it is almost 12 minutes long but just put it on and sit down and listen and imagine I promise it is like enrapturing. 12 minutes go by and I am immediately sad like this has been ON. REPEAT for me. Oh my gooood I love this piece
5- the tide is high by Blondie. Heard it on the radio and got obsessed. I think it's like basic white ppl music in the US but idk it's a bop good to listen to when you're just walking somewhere
6- adult contemporary by sasami and solo. I love songs that kind of scare me. Like idkkk it's a bit of a little thriller song and very haunting, it feels like you're listening to something you shouldn't. Like the scenes in thrillers where two characters are having a very intense conversation and it feels like you're intruding. Very good
7- pluhmm by ha:tfelt. Don't remember much Abt it off the top of my head but it did play I did write it down. If it's the one I think it is then it is just cool and a bop. Good!
8 - bailão escocês by abacaxepa. This is kind of a song that makes me wish I could sing just to sing it. But I also don't remember a lot of it off the top of my head so I can't comment more.
9- I by Nakamura eni. idk japanese so I can't know what she's saying but it feels like she's really going off about something which I really appreciate. She sounds angry and infuriated and frustrated. It's good song to listen to when I'm mad myself. Idk the lyrics tho
Tagging: @survivalinstinct @turn200 @buffalosauce5 + anyone else plss plsss mutuals my friends pls rec songs 2 me. (+ @jabaleya if u want to because the song u once reccs 2 me deux vieilles is SOO good and it was on my on repeat playlist for a while too)
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togeqii · 2 years ago
thank you yuren for tagging me in the self-rec game 🥹 i haven't looked back on my old hq blog in ages but i'll be listing stuff from star-puff and my kpop blog :")
idk who's been tagged yet and who hasn't but ...? tagging @allright @saintshigaraki @milkcutea @prettyboykatsuki @puffycloud @violetsoju @megumidulcee @ankaaz @snailsoss @clubatsumu @dkfile and anyone else who wants to join!
after the world has fallen (where do we lie?) & before the world fell (you were there.)
this was my favorite fic for a While and i think a big reason for that was it was one of the bigger projects i had gotten the ambition to complete. to be honest i'm still trying to think of ways to come back to this apocalypse universe even in my kpop phase but nothing seems to hit quite the same as the old hq boys did 😔 it was my first real experience making a cohesive story thread and my first time really immersing myself in the world i'd created. i learned so much from writing these two fics. i think if i could go back i would definitely write it differently (i've grown a lot as a writer after all :") ) but there are just so many scenes/prose in the fic that i still look back fondly on.
an elegy of clouds
my first and last completed series :") it's funny because this is one of my first fics i'd ever thought up of in my drafts in 2020 and yet it was the final fic i would go on to publish at the end of the star-puff lifespan... time really is a circle! i could go on and on about the origins of this fic but i think it was just. a fic series that was really important to me. funnily enough i don't find myself going back to reread this fic as often as i do my next fic on the list, but i think i'd rather keep the memory of creating this fic precious in the sepia rather than unearthing it to newfound criticism. don't get me wrong there are still things i wished i could have fleshed out more of/improved on but a lot of blood sweat and tears went into completing this series and she is just . very special to me ...
my favorite fic ever even till this day :") i was talking to my old mutual about this the other day but i think all of my writing on star-puff led up to this fic (my final form). i'm not quite sure what possessed me in a june summer to write this but i literally spilled it all out in less than two weeks which is frankly still recordbreaking for me to this day. it was my first time really delving into purple(?) prose and metaphors and i STILL to this day keep the essence of what i learned from writing scintilla into my new fics. she really is my magnum opus. or at least one of them. and also i think the fact that it was received so well especially during a time when i wanted to deactivate so bad is also. a big bonus jsdflsf.
svt, after it all ends (vocal | hhu | performance)
ok this isn't a fic it's like a headcanon set buuutttt. idk i found myself really liking these short bursts of instances that i could encapsulate and expand on using a single metaphor (it's the scintilla influence). personally the hhu version is my favorite like maybe it's cause i know them the best or because the metaphors i chose were my favorite or just the prose in general but idk! something about it just. hurts me the best.
gravity (is the distance between you and me.)
my real and true magnum opus ...... she's up there in the leagues with scintilla definitely! i'd even say that she is scintilla's child. scintilla walked so gravity could run (heaving and spitting out blood). there's not much i can really say about this one other than like. idk she is just really really special and personal to me. she went through 3 different idols for her muse and eventually settled on her final form with sunwoo from tbz but idkkk more than that it's like. the yn in this fic is so personal to me she's self-sabotaging and guilt-ridden and selfless in all the wrong ways to the point of selfishness and despite all that she is still just. loves so strongly and deeply it ends up pulling them together again ... Gravity . it has one of my favorite sections ever written (even if it was like drying a wet dog for a good few weeks) and it's just so. personal!!
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confettibitch · 2 months ago
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another crit blog? yeeas bc this is clearly the best use of my time and i’m a genius
this is mostly intended to be a sparklecrit / commentary ?? blog but most of my thoughts are not original
not a hateblog & i dont condone harassing anyone etc etc
you can call me boxa or funfi or funfetti :D fictkin moment . call me dice if you’re allergic to fun and whimsy
mean lesbian + nonbinary + grayace . any pronouns + i’m an adult <20 ty
asks are open w anon on.. do not be evil pls.. say whatever you want whether you agree w me or not & you will get the respect or lack of that you give in return/deserve
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more down here this is too long
if i use an emoji for my own anon asks it’ll be 🍰 ig because im really creative /s
um.what else .. i yap//ramble a lot, too much, i like the preboot, v1 & v3 are my favorites of the reboot, i don’t read cometcare or darkermatters very much but ik what’s going on & i self ship w pinata c:
i have mental illness and a life, so activity is inconsistent but i will answer all asks eventually unless you’re harassing me or something xd
i’ve never had a tumblr blog that i actually talk on or even use tags so cut me some slack if i embarrass myself not knowing what i’m doing pls thx
bad @ socializing
Some tags i don’t fully understand tags tbh but every1 does it so i will try
#sparklecriticism - criticism of the comic wow
#meowing at a brick wall - random ssstuff idk
#pweboot - talking about, mentioning, or referencing the preboot
#pinnyposting (also pinata mention, i’m inconsistent) - nurse pinata
anddd idkkk, asks, nsfw … idk what all i need i Suck at tagging lolol i dont have any anons w sign offs but i will put them here if i evr do
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dissociatedabyss · 5 years ago
this has been floating around my mind for days. i need to get it out. 
TW for cancer, death & other related themes, grandmas, idk
When I was seven my grandma was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. it was already really bad, and not too long after that she began staying with us full time. we lived in a three bedroom house. my parents had one room, my three brothers shared the other, and i had my own. looking back now, i really can’t understand why my parents made this decision, but they must’ve thought it’d be harmless? not sure. but my grandma moved into my room, slept in my bed. my room was rearranged to fit one of those little blue cots for me to sleep on. i don’t remember how i felt about it. i don’t remember much of any of that time. the only memory i have of being in the cot during the night with her was the night/morning before we were going to a theme park. my grandma was struggling to get up and get to the bathroom. my parents came in but it was too late. i remember the smell. it makes me gag thinking about it. it felt like it took them forever to clean it all up. i don’t think i fell back asleep. after that, they put one of those portable toilets in the room next to her bed. i imagine i didn’t like that. but i just can’t remember feeling anything. i just remember the smell. of her slowly dying. towards the end she became delirious. she thought my mom was her old teenage best friend. which meant she didn’t recognize her. i remember having to witness that. over. and over. 
i remember the day she died. i was at target with my mom and we were walking out when her friend who was at our house called her. she started walking faster. i knew right away. when we got home i had to take my brother’s to a neighbor’s house. i never cried. i sat on our couch confused, when our pastor came to talk to us about it. i don’t remember listening. i remember wondering why i didn’t feel sad. i remember thinking i must have been broken. or bad. 
my parents bought me this new canopy bed set as a gift to say thank you for “handling everything so well���. you’re welcome. i was eight. i still slept on the mattress she died on. even after we moved. a couple years later, i laid on that mattress the night before i started sixth grade. i couldn’t sleep. all i felt was panic. and dread. and fear. because i was getting older. and i would never stop getting older. and eventually i would die. i laid awake crying. stressing out about not getting sleep for school but the thought of death.. was this unbearable pain. i can’t even explain it. from the few months that my grandma laid in my room dying next to me, i only have one memory. but i imagine most nights were spent feeling what i did the night before sixth grade. 
even now i can’t stand the thought of it. of what happens after. 
and the smell. the smell is engrained in parts of my brain. when i would get sick growing up, i’d have these sensations/visualizations that resembled rotting flesh. i never knew how to describe what was happening to anyone, so i didn’t try. 
 i’m not sure how my relationship was with my grandma. but she was around a lot even before she got sick. i don’t know if i’ve ever missed her. i don’t think i’ve ever felt sad about her dying. i’ve still never cried. 
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kursed-pixels · 7 years ago
omg. please. tell us more about delft and nightmare i have a Need
Dhldgdgdg AND YOUR NEED SHALL BE FULFILLED YOU LOVELY PERSON 💖And you just hit the Question Jackpot because I actually got more than one request to hear the story behind this so I hope you don’t mind that I’m giving a bit of background to this xD
Alright so for those who didn’t read the tags, Delft refers to the very specific Blue in that pic I just posted with him and Nightmare, who I shall shorten to NM for this impromptu explanation.
•So this starts out as a basic Bad Bro Underswap; Gaster dies unexpectedly and leaves Papyrus in charge of his much younger brother. (Idk if the discord ever discussed ages but I guess there’s about 15 years difference?) So you have Papyrus whos hella bitter because he’s a Young Adult, who wants to be a parent at his age? •He takes it out on Delft because I have the habit of making Papyrus act like a total tool. :/ I would apologize if he didn’t make it so easy. Anyways, years pass like this with Papyrus getting progressively worse until Sans enters his late teens - an undisclosed incident occurs at this time, the result of which is Mandatory Therapy. So Paps gets better, he gets the help he needs and he and Sans actually become brothers! Isn’t that great?•Lmao n o. •By this point Sans? Actually?? Hates Papyrus??? A LOT???? But then that happens when you continuously treat someone like shit for a good solid decade. •ENTER NM, attracted by this one pool of Negativity in an otherwise positive oasis. •… :)))•The joke here is that I’m not going to get super detailed but in essence, NM and Delft meet, come to an accord of sorts and fuck off into the Multiverse.
… As for their ACTUAL relationship, it’s a series of constant challenges and attempts to outwit each other that neither will admit they thoroughly enjoy. I’m not joking when I say this is probably one of the Slowest Burns imaginable because, really, they both have their hang ups and are so far in denial before they approach Relationship Status that they practically reach Marriage Level Interaction before either asks the other out.
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theyoftenwhisper · 4 years ago
Tag 9 people you want to know better/ catch up with
Tagged by: @providentialeyes Ayyy, I haven’t done one of these things in ages, so why not!
Last song: Kylie Minogue - White December. It’s what very loosely inspired my Morston Christmas fic. 😂
Last film: Ummm... I think it might’ve been Passport to Paris? The Mary-Kate and Ashley movie. I went on a binge watching a bunch of their movies that I loved as a kid. They were honestly not as bad as I feared they’d be. Silly, sure. But uh, yeah? No shit!
Currently watching: Nothing, lately. I’m gonna watch Home Alone/2 tonight and then my sister and I will start our annual LotR rewatch tomorrow!!!
Currently reading: LMAO. Books were thrown by the wayside this year for RDR fan fiction. Even then, I’m so far behind because of writing. I’ve got some @gaslightwestern reading to do, I wanna start poetica (TheFire_in_the_NightSky)’s WIPs, and then there are a ton of others I need to catch up on or start too!
Currently craving: Hmm... nothing at the moment, tbh. I tried to think of something, and nah. hahaha
Last/current podcast: I don’t listen to any! I can’t concentrate on them when I’m doing other things. I always just prefer putting on music.
Tagging: lmao idk about 9 people but how about @simping-for-sadie, @daintykeith, @yeehawbitch, ummm @madeleinepryor (😂 HI CREE! lmao) aaaand idkkk who else. 😬
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hearrtrender · 5 years ago
Thank youuu for the tag @jesseblackthorns ilyyy
what is the color of your hairbrush? black, pink and like a lime green
a food you never eat? sushi...not into fish other than fish and chips 
are you typically too warm or too cold? warm...my hands are always too warm/hot....at one point I thought I had that super power when you touch smthn and it gets hot (think of Chris Evans in fantastic four...dk his name anymore)
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? mentally screaming and hating myself cos I couldn't get this chord transition on the guitar right
what is your favorite candy bar? galaxy with caramel in it, dairy milk..the Oreo one....and not a candy bar but my fave candy ever...peanut butter cups
have you ever been to a professional sports event? yeppp
what is the last thing you said out loud? bYE
what is your favorite ice cream? peanut butter and chocolate swirl situation...idk it was a limited edition cant remember its name...or cookie dough....or caramel chocolate fudge...basically salty and chocolate works for me
what was the last thing you had to drink?  coffeeeeee (it’s like..midnight.....fuck)
do you like your wallet? it’s cute like it has a cat on it but I wanna change it
what was the last thing you ate? chocolate...I think?
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nOPE....not in a while anyways
the last sporting event you watched? really cant remember?
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? idm anything ngl....salted with butter the basic is the besttt...cheese one I cant have more than five....caramel I cant have more than 3...HOWEVER mixing the three of those.....thats a good mix...salty and sweet...none too overpowering (maybe kick the cheese one out if you want)
who is the last person you sent a text message to?  a friend...we were talking about what we would be doing if the world wasn't like it is rn
ever go camping?  Yepppp and I LOVEEE IT
do you take vitamins? nopppeee
do you go to church every sunday?  noppeee im not christian (however I did go to a catholic school at one point...thats a different fun story for another time....too long for this)
do you have a tan? nopee...however I was sun burnt not too long back
do you prefer chinese food or pizza? BOTH...BOTH IS GOOD
do you drink your soda with a straw?  NOPE...theyre unnecessary..they float out of the can/glass and they make the soda too fizzy until its just bubbles
what color socks do you usually wear? listen...funky socks are fun...I have a shit load of those...but nothing beats black socks...
do you ever drive above the speed limit? I dont drive..
what terrifies you? thunder
look to your left, what do you see? my water bottle
what chore do you hate? laundry
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? I think of how once I had to put on one for a drama thing and then it ended up sounding cockney....I also think of 5sos, Margot robbie and Tim tams 
what’s your favorite soda? diet coke
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? I mostly get take out anyways...unless im with my friends then we sit and eat..so idk
who’s the last person you talked to? parents
favorite cut of beef? idkkk?...idk cuts of beef?...I dont even like beef ngl
last song you listened to? im currently listening to ‘na na na by MCR’ 
last book you read? currently reading a darker shade of magic
favorite day of the week? saturdaaaayyy
can you say the alphabet backwards?  used to be able to I think *tries again* yea no not anymore
how do you like your coffee? cold.
favorite pair of shoes? idkk ngl...any of them...but my go to are these pair of black boots with a slight heel....I put them on anything and BOOM they always work out
at what time do you normally go to bed? what is sleep again?...idek nglllll....quarantine fucked my sleep schedule badddd
at what time do you normally get up? 7:45 cos online school...6 when the world was ‘normal’
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrises if I wake up for them...I love listening to music and watching the sun rise while looking out of my bus window.....ugh I miss it
how many blankets are on your bed? just oneee
describe your kitchen plates. ...too many to describe....
do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? I don’t drink alcohol...dont ever plan to
do you play cards? I'm an only child.
what color is your car? my car....I dont have one...my dads is white
can you change a tire? lol no 
what is your favorite province? a what?....people have fav provinces.....describe province again?
favorite job you’ve ever had? never had a proper job...however I am (well ‘was’ before everything went haywire) interning/learning/scholar-shiping (I have no idea what it really is) at this cancer research thing...so ig that
how did you get your biggest scar? first week of sixth form (for those who dont understand...its like the final two years before you leave school for uni.....).......cut my thigh against the side of a white board...gash through the pants...yelled FUCK in front of a new teacher...fun times
what did you do today that made someone else happy? nothing
I tag @kazz @thomaslightwoodx @fair-y-child @youve-cath-to-be-kitten-me @snackariah @tenthprinceofhell @highladyofstoriesandmusic and anyone else who wants to do this
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taelestials · 6 years ago
weird questions tag
tagged by @littlefallenrebel thank you for tagging me! <3 
❥ What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?
I'm not sure tbh.. But really old Norwegian names can be quite funny. 
❥ What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?
I can't remember a recent incident (wow my answers are so entertaining)
❥ What kind of cult would you like to start?
An eating noodles cult, because they are tasty. 
❥ What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
My creativity sucks, idkkk
❥ If you were a flavor, what would you be?
Probably a dumpling because they're sooo goood
❥ What is something your parents or friends would warn me about you?
I can be extremely annoying.
Again thank you for tagging me eventho I take like a 100 years to do tags. 
I'm tagging: @pikachulein @marculees and everyone else who wants to do this tag ^^ (I think a some of my mutual changed their usernames and since I have been dead the last 50 years idk who is who, so if i forgot someone I usually tag which I did Im sorrryy T-T)
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psychoxtrash · 6 years ago
TAG GAME ↴ get to know me tag
@dojooned thanks dear for tagging me:”>
nickname: don’t have one, people just call me by my name
pronouns: she/her but wtf call me whatever u want
zodiac: Sagittarius
height: 152 cm but will fight you
age: 16 soon 17
time: 9:11 PM
favourite artists: g o t7, d a y6, the rose, pentagon but ot10 sns, i luv me some nct, also seventeen and shout out to dean pls release new music boy
song stuck in my head: i am me by got7 love that song
last movie i saw: infinity war i think bc i’m trash and saw it for the 2nd time
last thing i googled: probably something related to the public library 
other blogs: i have one but don’t use it anymore so
do i get asks: do i look nice enough to get asks bc i don’t
why i chose my url: well- i’m psycho at times and trash asf 
following: 664 i’m almost the devil
what am i wearing: pj bottoms, a random tshirt and socks with pugs
dream job: book translator but idkkk
dream trip: someone take me to poland ‘cause i really wanna visit auschwitz
favorite food: spaghetti and no regretti
play any instruments: sadly no but i always wanted to play the violin ;-;
favourite song: can’t choose but atm i’ll go with “no one else” from got7
play(ed) any sports: qwan ki do since i was like 6
hair colour: dark brown with some red highlights 
language/s you speak: romanian, english and german
random fact: chew loud near me and i will stab u
describe yourself with an aesthetic: uhh long drives?? pancakes with honey, autumn sunsets, neon lights, cold breeze in late spring  late night walks (thank u @norenmin-enthusiast luv u) also cuddles while it’s raining outside and y not the smell of smoke ‘cause i’m bad like that : )
idk y’all are tagged so if you wanna do this just say i tagged you!!
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mechecolomar-archive · 7 years ago
i was tagged by: @smiletattoo, thankss
rules: tag ten followers you want to get know better
Name: amanda Gender: female Star Sign: Sagittarius  Height: 5′6 Sexuality: eeeeuhghgjgkfdglkjd Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: …nope Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: hopefully doing something with animals or with nature If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: with my best friend… or jus teleported to panama city, idk What was your coolest Halloween costume?: i was dressed as hangover once i drank beer from a take away coffee cup it was horrible What’s your favorite 90s TV show?: twin peaks Last kiss?: idkkk Have you ever been stood up?: yeah but not on like a serious date or whatever Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: no :(( Favorite pair of shoes: my converse Favorite fruit: strawberries Favorite book: the sight by david clement davies Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: everything, idk
Tagging: @sarardyer, @pricefiels, @nurnhilde, @hnzo, @poisonivyys, @zevranaranais, @qeralts, @lk1a1-4510, @denerims, @halfwayriight & anyone else who wants to be tagged!
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ledomasgrace · 7 years ago
@lesbaliens tagged me a while ago oop, sorry I didn’t get to this sooner!
Nickname: Nattie, Nats, Talia
gender: Female
star sign: Leo
height: 5′6.5″ (the half is very important okay)
time: 23:53
birthday: August 10th 2000
favorite bands: Duran Duran, Imagine Dragons, Florence and the Machine, Coldplay
favorite solo artists: Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Halsey, Ed Sheeren
song stuck in my head: Winter Winds by Mumford & Sons
last movie i watched: Dracula 1991
last show i watched: American Horror Story: Hotel
when did i create my blog: Three years ago I think?
what do i post: Whatever suits my fancy tbh
last thing i googled: Atlantic salmon
do i have any other blogs: I have a fanfiction blog
do i asks: Please ask me things because I crave attention
why did i choose my URL: I like Shakespeare, and I felt in the mood for a Shakespeare quote
following: 1044
followers: 249 and I’m pretty sure most of them are porn bots.
favourite colours: Blue, purple and green
average hours of sleep: Sleep is a social construct
lucky number(s): Idk or care
instruments: I can kind of play the glockenspiel and ukulele, I’m decent but not great at singing so.
what am i wearing right now: Starry pajama pants and a dark grey pajama t-shirt, oh and my Positivi-tea socks that have tea cups on them. I’m all for colourful socks yo
how many blankets do i sleep with: I sleep with one quilt.
dream job: Costume designer (wouldn’t mind doing youtube stuff but idkkk)
dream trip: Either Florida for Disneyland and Universal World or Hungary because my granddad on my mum’s side is Hungarian, so it’d be cool to meet some relatives.
favorite food: Margarita pizza.
favorite song now: Castle of Glass by Linkin Park
Sexuality: Straight I think, stay tuned lads
Background on desktop/phone: Laptop: cool artsy thing of an old AT-AT, Home screen on phone: Poe Dameron looking like the snacc he is, lock screen on phone: a house Stark direwolf and their house words.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Ew gross no. I have a friend crush on my history teacher though: she loves Harry Potter and she’s a dork, everyone in my school fuckin loves her.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: With a hopefully well paying job, in a healthy and functional relationship and maybe a kid?? Idk I’d be 27-28 so a kid is a maybe. I’d also like to be less fussy with food and be in a good place mentally. 
Coolest Halloween costume: I just went as generic store bought costumes so I don’t really have one?? I went as GT!Rose Lalonde once but I had some Bad experiences so eh
Favourite 90′s show: Friends or Twin Peaks
Who was your last kiss?: Surprise bitch, I’m 17 and no one’s wanted to kiss me yet! Hahaha... ha...
Have you ever been stood up?: No because I’ve always been a single pringle
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: I live in Scotland so no.
Favourite pair of shoes: I don’t give a shit about shoes but I guess my brown ankle boots are neato
Favourite fruit: I’m very unhealthy and I don’t eat fruit. But I do happen to drink fruit juice so I’m gonna go with orange.
Favourite books: Me, and Earl, and the Dying Girl (this was such a funny and emotional book, please read it. The movie’s great too), Rogue One novelization (holy shit as if the movie wasn’t emotional enough), the Harry Potter series and I’m currently enjoying the first Game of Thrones book.
Stupidest thing I’ve ever done: Fuck if I know, I do stupid things daily. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, y’know?
Who I’m tagging: @stressmango @universal-gay @shesthebees-knees 
@eightiescore @noodletrain even though Gail tagged you both already lmao
Idk who else to tag, everyone else who wants to do this??
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hunrising · 7 years ago
thank u nina @thechainmp3 for tagging me :D
1. Nicknames? tah, T
2. Gender? Female
3. Star Sign? aquarius aka the best
4. Height? 5′3
5. Time? 17:02
6. Birthday? 23rd Jan
7. Favourite bands? 1d rip, recently got into fleetwood mac, coldplay 
8. Favourite solo artists? harold my man, niall, I’m liking sam smith a lot and lorde too :D
9. Song stuck in my head? touch by little mix 
10. Last movie you watched? dunkirk lmao
11. Last show you watched? idkkk, I haven’t had time to even think for the past few weeks rip
12. When did you create your blog? 2012 
13. What do I post? harry/1d, random things
14. Last thing I googled? my doctor’s name to find her name rip
15. Do you have any other blogs? lmaooo no
16. Do you get asks? rip no
17. Why did you choose your url? bc the universe needs to give me a styles ep. 
18. Following? 700+ kjgnfjkgf
19. Followers? “it’s just you n me buddy” - ancient tumblr proverb
20. Favourite colours? I like blue
21. Average hours of sleep? 6-7?
22. Lucky number? idk lucky
23. Instruments? no
24. What am I wearing? blue sweater and leggings
25. How many blankets do I sleep with? just 1, but really thick 
26. Dream job? I’d just like to sleep my life away
27. Dream vacation? NY? maybe
28. Favourite food? Pizzaaaa
29. Nationality? italian :D
30. Favourite song? SHE WORKED HER WAY THROUGH A CH-
aight I’m tagging my friends here @edwardstyles @honeyharrie @jack-i-swear @crossnecklace @rainbowstyles idk and anybody else who wants to do it i guess :/ ily all
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apollon-hyakinthios · 7 years ago
oooo i got tagged by @gnostic-heretic @but-he-is-furansu-mother and @spiritusgetspersonal !!! here goes!!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to know better.
1. Nicknames: none!! my name is pretty un-nicknameable rip
2. Gender: male
3. Zodiac Sign: capricorn :3c
4. Height: 5′ 6″ - 5′ 7″
5. Current Time: 12:17 am!!
6. Birthday: january 16
7. Favourite Bands: UHHH i generally don’t have favorite bands so much as i have individual songs i rly love but i do have a soft spot for pink floyd
8. Favourite Solo Artists: lana, adele, sufjan stevens :3
9. Song Stuck in My Head: “when we were young” by adele
11. Last Show I Watched: king of the hill right now
12. When Did I Create My Blog? a couple months ago but i’ve had other tumblrs since 2012!
13. What Do I Post? MOSTLY HETALIA with some aesthetic sprinkled on top and personal posts where i act a Fool
14. Last Thing I Googled: uhhh hawaiian poi
15. Other Blogs? i have a “main” personal blog and a “main” art blog but uhhh rip
16. Do You Get Asks? sometimes!
17. Why Did You Choose Your Url? mythology indulgence
18. Last Thing I Ate: amy’s french vegetable soup with crackers :3
19. How Many Pillows? preferably Many although i prefer to lay completely flat on the bed and just be Surrounded by them
20. Favourite Colors: all kinds of hues on the blue-purple-pink side of the color wheel
21. Favourite Tag To Use? I DONT HAVE ONE RIP
22. Lucky Number: iDEK
23. Instruments? i used to play piano!
24. What Am I Wearing? t-shirt and jacket and pant
25. Last Thing I Wrote? uhhhhhh other than this im attempting pottertalia
26. Dream Job: animator!
27. Dream Trip: ROME WITH MY BF
28. Favourite Food:  I LOVE avocadoes and all kinds of guacamole
29. Nationality: american!!
30. Favourite Song Right Now: IDKKK
HMMM i guess ill tag uhhhh @hankgreenvevo @kyuhu @fan-arter @chrristophe @ramenproductions aaaand idk who else! sorry if u guys have already done this and i just didnt see it or am having a brain fart and did see it but dont remember
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